, • I__ Iraii - 14iu f gepOion: "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1863 Atgynts-- 7 ,9,2 per 'annum, in advance; or $2.50 if not pajd within, the year. AU subscription ilisaitunte nruiVte settled annually. No paper willbe feat out of the State unless paid for in advance. ,ADVERTISE3I.MiTS are inserted at TEN cents per line for first insertion, and rota cents per lino ' far each subsequent insertion. Adv'ertisernents of ' aye lines or less aro charged 50 cents for first inser *on and 25 cents for eachsubsequen t insertion ; end Advertisements exceeding five lines and not ex *ogling ten lines, arc charged $1 for first insertion -and 4.0 cents for.each insertion thereafter. .111 Obituary and Marriage notices exceeding five blies;•and all communications, resolutions and other notices of limited or individual interest, are charged . lett cents per line, Advertisements or subscriptions may be sent di *etly to the Publishes, or through any responsible frit? Agency. At'CLURE • ct, STONER, PS' JORN K. _SninrocK. is authorized to yY „nape Subscriptions and contract for Advertisements (111trthe REPOSITORY in the Eastern cities. - I . ,JINGLE copies of the REPOSITORY canle had at the counter, with or without wrap -pers. Price five cents.. . Persons ordering *tile copies to be mailed must enclose a . 0 cent postage:• stamp. - REBEL ATROCITIES. The leaders of the rebellion, defeated at. orrery point, have resolved in their desper =ation to exhauSt inhumanity in their. death• atruggle. Never before in the history of ' - tiltiVilized:warfare, has such a record of brtt lalitytbeen made as has recently marked the 1:1 aver of the insurgents; and now they ~, t ipenly acknowledge it before the world, and plead in extenuation of it their purpose to _CLlonpei the government to accept their the ".`-ely, of the war; their views or the status of oeldiers, and.theit systemj'or the exchange ~ • _ prisoners, .They now hold some 13,000 AJnion prisoners—many of them private • ft tizens, arrested and imprisoned without even the pretence that they were spies, or :la any other ground subject to eapttire and ipmfinement by the rules of war. Yet they 0, *re crowded into loathsome prisons; sub- I :jected to the most barbarous treatment at 4 ,, the hands of low officials; -fed, as a rule, on :zest unwholesome food and often insuffi- OA in quantity; and denied almost every - , smote essential to theircomfort. Our mil ;,ltary prisoners often fare worse, if possible, 'tad the testimony - from all sources is eon torrent, that they are dying by hundreds from actual starvation,_ and from disease klpigendered by the habit - nal atrocities fate . ficed-in every conceivable shape upon them ' Ay the subordinate rebel officers. Our government has exhausted its efforts to effect ajust and equitable exchange of prisoners, but without success. It has gen-, 'rusty offered to postpone the questi. s tn dispute as to negro troops; °trig. - of negro troops, and the alleged rein to ser vice, without authority, of the ebels cap • *tied at Vicksburg; and exclfange man for man and officer for officer nail one side or • t "the other should be w' out prisoners; but ':this proposition h en declined by the .rebel authorities The last offer made by cur' governm . t was to exchange 10,000 . • ' men, whit would leave but few in rebel bands: t they rejected it, and they 'stand befor the world to:day as holding' thous , a of prisoners of war—recognized by all viliqed Nations as entitled to humane , v treatment—for ' no other , reason,-than te,co '' Erce our government into a partial recogni ,tion of the Southern Confederacy in order to rescue our brew soldiers from the hor tors of rebel brutality. When the govern „,,zrient proposed to send rations to our suf .-tering heroes, the rebel offieeriquibble first ::.upon one point ,and then upon another, and 'finally reject the necad provisions entirely; Mod when the benevolence;of private indi viduals and christian . and sanitary. associa ' lions demands access to their deadly pris - qns, they dare not openly reject the prof •-v,tbred humanity, but they deny all, agents '`:admission to our prisoners, and manage by - ;-',4;rhitrary official regulations to defeat naea- L imatably if not wholly the relief intended. Finding, however, that our government' mannot be driven from its just purpose, we "hive hope now ,that_the exchange of pris oners will soon be resumed by the rebels, tad that citizen prisoners will shortly be at liberty. The brilliant victory of Gen. Grant - 4 - I".mt: Chattanooga is an argument in favor of - ‘ll,lte erly exchange, and of the humane ..'rltstment of prisoners, that cart scarcely be I , 'iianheeded at Richmond. It opens to our theyery heart of Georgia and a most _ vital point -of the remnant of the bogus confederacy; and unless non-combatants are speedily discharged by -the rebels, Gen. , firan has Abundance of material in Geor• Paz in the Persons of chivalric planter 3, to make the rebel authorities glad to recognize `slag propriety of adhering to the dictates of - humanity -in the treatment of prisoners. We do not doubt that,, unless the exchange of prisoners shall be speedily resumed” by .:Mh‘rebels, Gen. Grant will commence such retaliatory measures as must operate - like ."-magic upon the rebel leaders. lie will not '',isaitatc, their barbarous - vengeance by stare . - ,,bhiprisoners, or confining them in. loath _ t some prisons to die an hundred dea - ths by !iristing,disease • buthe doubtless will take - 341/Minenerebecitizens and hold Them as linkages for our non-combatants now imt - risoned without any charges against them ..:Ishaterer ; , and if necessary to car'ry retail ; still farther, he can, by the accepted •'krulee•of war, inflict any punishment upon wid . reds,cif his prisoners lately captured; ..as they iste iii the rebel service in insolent violation of their le paro at, V• urg, and fish their lives are thus'forfeited. - —There is onOchapteirof.rebel atrocity . in-Able...war that-remainS to be written, and we Iraz4rd littloin-saying thativhen it shall be truthfully pertrayecl, {all other atrocities of the war will pale befdre it, We refer to their treatment of our Uegro troops. The rebel leaders have stead.ily refused to recog nize negro troops or their officers as enti tled to-the treatment of prisoners of war. VariotiS acts of assembly of the insurgent, States; an act of the rebel Congress, and several proclamations of Jeff Davis, alike., condemn them to the ignominious death of: the felon; and it is feared, that in many in-; stances they have fulfilled their threatened vengeance. Nothwithstanding, their vari-' ous laws and proclamations, they have not dared to fulfill them so far as to execute offs cers of negro troops ;'1 for they well know • that such inhuman bOtchery could not es cape our notice, and when once known, they are well convinced that retaliation would ceine in the name of Justice and take eye for eye and tooth- fot tooth with terrible certainty. But our government has no in formation, and can get none, of the • negro 1 soldiers captired by the rebels. Every ef ; fort has been made, officially and otherwise, to ascertain the fate of our negro troops captured, 'but as Yet no evidence of .theie existence can be found. There have . been 1 some hundreds captored: iAt Milliken's Bend; where two negro regiuients, by matchless heroism, saVed Gen. Grant's lines of communication, a 'few were captured= principally, wounded men ; at Banks un successful assault on (Port Hudson, where they won immortal% nor by their bravery, many of their wounde and some not wound ed fell into, the ene y's hands ; in Gem , 'Strong's fatal assault Upon Battery Gregg, near Charleston, many of his wounded ne gro troops were taken, and in various skir mishes and battles inlLonisiana and on the .Gulf, negro soldiers have been made pris oners by the rebels; and since their capture our government has never- heard of them 1 'Earnest and persiste.n't inquiries have been made by our officers at every point-, but all' efforts have failed to elicit any information' respecting them. The government is / Well' convinced that - they have been eitlier bru tally murdered, or what is equally4evolting„ sold into slave}y. The fearful/feekoning to come upon the rebel from/ this cause has doubtless made them' Tort to every possi bli • `to - 1 .the exchange of pris touching negro troops is a general exchange (dread to fac'e the gov id-on their own record 4 theyeannot Long de lutioh. Our govern ' ly every consideration of duty; by its plighted faith to its soldiers, regardless of color, to vindicate their rights and aienge their wrongs; and there is no alternative but to deMand and take life for life untirexact justice is measured out to the remorseless, muderers, and humanity is taught them through their fears, since it cannot reach them through their concep tions of justice. Td this fearful necessity our government is driven by the persistent atrocities of the leaders of this causeless. this wicked • war; and when the day of avenging justice comes; we may hope for some measure of humanity thenceforth on the part of the foes i:,f the Republic. Proprietort The Army of the Potomac. has again crossed the Rapidan ) and now confronts Lee at Orange Court ouse. Unless - Lee de dines the proffered . ,battle by retreating to- . b ward Richmond. another sanguinary strug gle must take place very shortly between the two armies so Often arrayed in deadly conflict. The rebel General has the advati l tale of interior lines ; of a defensive Dosi tion, and of a friendly population around him, while Meade has his only positive ad- vantage in superior numbers. A very few days—it may be but a few hours—will de termine. Geo.;Grant has ileliVered his expected blow upon Bragg with complete success; and the rebel army is now routed, &moral'. Tied and fleeing southward. Unlike most decisive battles, it has cost - but little com paratively in men to the Union army,while it has shattered Bt 4g terribly, with the loss of his wounded, many prisoners, half his guns, - and left him practically without an army. But for the y necessity of affording prompt succor to Burnside, Grant would be in the heart of Georgia in a veryshorrtime, and he may push or! with even part of his army with safety, while he rescues Burnside with the remainder.] Gen. Grant will,' however, be extremely cautious about dividing his forces. ' Bragg hasjust paichtie se erect penalty by send ing off Longstreet to assail Burnside. This weakened Grant, has well nigh destroyed him, and the victor will not imitate the follies of the vanquished. Longstreet and Bragg are now hopelessly isolated ; and Bragg must defend ( Georgia alone, if it -be defended at all. Longstreet is fully 140 miles from Bragg, 'with their cemmunica lions interrupted, and Bragg still powerless to make a stand against the advance Of Grant. We take it for granted, therefore, that Longstreet will -strike for • Virginia again to join Lee. I He is on the Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, some 400 milesfr4n Lee; and with but limited means of trans- portation on, a road exhausted, in' material and motive power ;'bnt he has no other line of escape. What the issue has been of.lbis investment Qf Knoxville we are not as yet. El ARMY ItIOVENENTS. ,:12j . (i . 741 . i. rk. , P , , ,,, ,..: , . f.ac - ' _VPllKl,llljtiODSlter advised. -We have no direct intelligence frem -Gen. Burnside since the 23d ult.; When he expressed himself as perfectly se cure against successful attack. -It is barely posSible.that Longstreet could drive him out of knoxville . ; but it is mere, probable that,Longstreet would look to his own safe ty as sect' as adviSed of Bragg's route and retreat into Georgia. _ . Urgent as rgent as is Grant's march into the heart of Georgia, we look for him to exhaust himself first of all to open communications` with Burnside and render his position per fectly secure. This may involve a pitched battle with Longstreet, or it may be effect ted by compWling him to retereat into Vir ginin. Perilous as is the position of Gen. Burnside, we . do not apprehend that he Will be Overcome. We hope to hear ,defi nitely. before going to press. —The-capture , of Atlanta, Georgia, is. doubtless the great aim of Gem Grant; and but for the threatened danger to 'Burnside and East Tennessee he could now reach that point without serious resistance: He may be thus delayed for a little time; but he will move southward speedily and strike 'a most important point of the rebellion. Atlanta is the great manufacturing city of :the South. machinery Early in the war the rebels brought and mechanics Over , from Europe and, established there-immense Manufactories of all kinds of munition's of war. Their main supplies of powder, caps,, guns, ttc„ have been created there for two years past; and they could not be stricken in a more vital point than at Atlanta.' In addition to this, the possession of that- city cuts another great line of communicatkin .from Richmond to the Gulf, and threatens both Mobile and Charleston. ' --Thus hopefully does thevinter .thcam paign open in the sou west. A most sub stantial victory and thebighest promise of future success, is:tbe'first chapter in Grant's grand movement IT is follyto believe,•as we are continual]) told, that the rebellion •is almost crushed. It is,revelling in the pride of its strength to. dm< and pressing our armies back from - all (sborders.—Spirit. JUST SO ! For particulars inquire of one Braxton Bragg, now playing hide and seek —particularly hide—somewhere in the Ten nessee mountains, minus some sixty odd guns and the major portion of his warriors of crime. If Bragg fails to respond;' me information on the subject might be had of one Uncle Sam Grant, who' has been culti vating the "olive branch " on the sterile slopes of Look-out Mountainand Missionary Ridge. Will the Spirit be truthful s iitst once, and deatjustly with our gallant ar• mies, by informing its readers that more than half the territory, population and re- Sources of the rebels have been wrested from them by our brave volunteers, and restored to the Union ? We shall see. CONGRESS will meet on Monday next, and as the friends of the Administration have a clear majority over all phases of middling, mixed and positive opposition, the organi zation cannot be delayed. Hon. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, will probably be chosen Speaker, and Hon. Edward M'Pherson, of this district, is prominentr for Clerk. The President's message will be delivered as soon as the House is organized. It is looked for with great anxiety and will be read with un usual care. The conceded candor and in-. tegrity of the Ptesident-'—appreciated alike by political friend and foe—invest his offi cial papers with the highest degree of in terest; and if, as is intimated, he will fore shadow the probable policy to be adopted toward the States just rescued from Trea son, his message will be the most important State paper ever' isSued. in the history of the; Republic. WE give in to - day's paper the oration de livered by Hon. Edward Eiiereti at the dedication of the National Cemetery at , Gettysburg. When we say that it has greatly disappointed the Nation . ; that it is not worthy the great fame of its author, we but reflect the generally accepted judg ment of the country. Scores of newspaper correspondents, unknown to fame, would give a more brilliant narrative of the san guinary struggle of GettysbUrg, and his oc casional flashes of exquisite polish do not redeem the effort. Still, it is a most valu able production, alike for its classical elo quence and its historical record of the most decisive battle of the war; and as such will be widely read and take its justly high rank in the thrilling history of this causeless re bellion. ONE of the most hopeful signs of the times may be observed in the uniformly patriotic and loyal tone of the American Pulpit on last Thanksgiving day. We have noticed report's of the sermons preached on that' day in all our, leiding cities, and there was not one that did not breathe the purest, the loftiest christian fidelity to the government; and none that did not, with more or less positiveness, point.to tbe co lossal evil of Slavery as the came of our National humiliation and - Sorrow. Thus has Christian Progress, tuned by the "les sons of remorseless war, pointed at last io the National crime that basso long, in gory insolence, confronted Humanity and Hem. ven. Uneasily must disloyal hearts .have worshiliped on Thursday last. - Ooir. Cuwrm has appointed Hon. Law .retkce L. Igcaufftni . of LaWrence county, RresidentJudke of the Lawrence, Butkr and'Beater district, in place of Hon. Dan iel Agnew, elected to the Siaprethe Court. . : WHILE Gen. Meredith and Commissioner Could are diplomatising and writing sharp letters to:each other about,the exchange of prisoners, Gen. Grant cuts the Gordian knOt by routing Bragg and capturing thou sands of his army. He is the most efficient Commissioner of exchange the government can empfoy. Jeff. will agree to trade short ly, and it will not be long until he estimates a white prisoner as equal in valueto a ne gro. A progressive fellow that Grant I GEN. GRANT captured Pemberton's army at Vicksburg and paroled the men. The rebels manifested their appreciation of the solemnity of a parole by putting the soldiers again 'info service without =exchange, and they contributed largely to the defeat of Rosecrans at Chilkamauga, Gen. "Grant has rectified the matter by re capturing the most a - them again, and now he will most likely parole them again—when "this cruel war is over ! " ME HoN. W. N. FRANCIS, of Lawrence county, :has been sent -to Chattanooga by Governor Curtin to look after the sick and wounded Pennsylvanians in Grant's army, and Surgeon General King is now on'his way to ' the same point. Agents of the State Will also be sent to Morris Island, Key West, and North Carolina, to look af ter the welfare of Pennsylvania troops on the Southerwtoast. MAJ;;WEIRTE:Senatar from the Indiana uistriet,' was.brought to City Point on the ,2th ult.. for exchange; but a despatch from Richmond was there received remanding him back to Libby Prlson. If he were a Copperhead Senator,• his exit from the re bel prison to take his seat in the Senate would not be long delayed. 'GEN. !JOHN - MORGAN, the rebel guerilla chief, with six of his subordinate officers, escaped from, tbe Cincinnati Penitentiary on Saturday last. .The most; culpable neg ligence or downright treason only can• ex plain his escape; and the tisponsible party, or parties should be punished with an un sparing hand. GEN, JOHN MORGAN has landed' safely in Canada with Vallandigham. Par noble fratruni ! ;NATIONAL SECURITIES. We have frequently in these columns urged Upon the people of Franklin, the propriety of investing their surplus funds in the securities of the National Government; and we are glad to know' that nearly if not quite a t quarter of &million of these bonds are now held by the citizens of this county. The, safety of this Republic is in the hands of the people. They make up its armies ; Sustain its credit; direct its rulers, and bring peace, security and prosperity to their own homes by their unfaltering determina tion that treason shall not destroy the fair fabric Of our Free Institutions. Nobly have the people responded to the financial wants of the government,. even in the darkest hours of gloom ; and 'now that the ultimate restoration of the Union and the maintenance .of our credit, is no longer a doubtful question, they will from their unexampled wealth, invest largely in our National securities. _On this subject the North American, justly says . " Though money has been temporarily scarce, capital continues abundant; and the recent tumble inthe stock market has brought capitalists to a realizing sense of the unreli able character of Many or the securities flealt in. It is greatly to the credit of the govern ment that its loans, of all the securities daily dealt in on the market, have Maintained their integrity of price better than aln:toSt any thing else. its Five-Twenty year six' per cent. loan, the interest on which is promptly paid- in gold, has been subscribed to, all through the preisure in the money market, at an average of more than two millions per day. :And what is not the -least gratifying fact in conneetkm with the daily large sub - - •scriptions to th 4 popular loan, scarcely any of it is returned to the market - for sale. I.t is tliken for investment, and is held with un falOaring confidence in its reliability. And why should it not be? It is seen that the government now, after two years of the - most gigantic war that the world has over known, experiences no difficulty in commanding the necessary means to prosecute it, or in paving regularly the interest in gold at it falls due. If this can bo done when the war is waged, who can anticipate any difficulty in" readily accomplishing it when the war shall be end ed? What better investment then, for cap ital, than the, "Five-Twenty" government loan? • But if any doubt, let him refer to the statistics furnished by the census tables of the various nations of the world. The facts which they present will prove the niost sat isfactory-mode of dispelling the numberless gloomy apprehensions which are being con tinually conjured up by those who are dis posed to exaggerate the exte6t bf the calam ity occasioned. - by our rebellion.i, A reference to the state of the most prosperous nations of the Old world clearly dispxoves sueh a po sition, and shows that the highest conditions of national advancement have not •been ma terially affected by the -extended wars in which those nations have been immemorially engaged, and that a heavy national indebt edness has not proved an unmitigated evil. . For instance, Great kritain, Frank and the Netherlands will undoubtedly In conce ded to •represent the highest prosperity that has been attained by any , of the European nations. - Andet no nationshave been call ed upon. to end - ure fiercer or more prolonged -wars, domestic and foreign, than they. The effect has been, unquestionably, to incur an enormous national indebtedness; but neither - their wars nor their indebtedness have had . the effect to destroy their elasticity, nor to check the progress of their general prosperity The result would have been different; proba bly, if these nations had been failing into de cay, instead of being.- as they really were, in a'state'of developeinent ; and in this respect their ease resembles our own, with enormous adVantiges in our favor. These nations, while undergoing the trials of war, were op.: posed by: the evils of an immense exodus of their,people, cadged by the density of their ovulation, the impossibility' it, provide oecu-' pation for thim, the low price of labor, and the scarcity, of, territory. Compared- With our own' country, tliey possessed slight I'D= for future - development ; they were.settledin every part, and no iast territory lay invitingT .ly open to encourage enterprise and settle ment. Their great prOlem his ever been what to do with theft surplus population, which, in its turn, has sought new fields for adventure and self-support in -countries like our own, :where an illimitable territory waits to be developed, and where incalculible re sources invite industry and energy. The encouragement to be derived from these facts and comparisons -of circumstances is very great, and to the mind of any-dispassionate reasoner is conclusive that the course of this great country is onward and upward, and that its'credit will live unimpaired to the end." TIE EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS Mr. Whiting, the Solicitor- of the War. Department, - in a recent letter explains the difficulties in the way of the exchange of prisoners. says: “There are several serious difficulties in the way of continuing an exchange of -pris oners:, , . "One is the bad „faith of the enemy in pit ting into active service many thous - ands of paroled prisoners, captured at. Vii'skibtirg and elsewhere, without - releasing any of our ,sol diers- held by them. But another difficulty - of-still graver -importance is the-peremptory refusal by Me enemy to exchange - colored sol diers and their white e_ticers upon any terms whatever. It - is well known that they have threatened to sell colored -captured - soldiers into slavery, and-to hang their white officers. "The Government demands that all offi cers and men should be fairly exchanged, otherwise no mere prisoners of war will be given lip. The faith of the Government is -pledged to these officers and troops that they shall be protected, and it cannot, and will not, abandon lo,thesavage cruelties of slave masters a singW- officer or soldier who has been called on to defend:the flag of his coun try and thus exposed to the hazards of war. "It has heen suggested that exchanges might goon-until all except the colored troops and their white Officers have been given But, if this were- allowed, the rebels would not only be reliOed of the burden of main taining our troops, but they would get. back their own meh, retaining their, power over the very persotts whom we are solemnly bound to rescue, and upon whom-they could that withouj teak of retaliation, carry -into execution the inhuman cruelties they have so basely threatened. "The President has ordered that the stern laW of retaliation shall without hesitation be enforced, to avenge the death of the first Union soldier, of whatever color, whom the enemy shall - in cold blood destroy, or sell -into slavery. All other questions between us may he postponed for future settlement, but the fair exchange of colored soldiers and of their white officers will be insisted on by the Government before another-rebel soldier or officer will, be exchanged. "The sufferings of our men in Richmond are the subject of deep regret and symnathy here, and there has been ntiwant of effort to afford. all 'possible -relief." Washington correspondent of the 7ribune says: " There are good grounds for believing that the President will ,embody in his message to Congress the main features df his plan for the restoration of the loyal people of the Rebel States to the blessings and priVileges of the Union, and that the policy thus announced will, as we telegraphed you fast week, be in accordance with and furtherance of the Pro clamation of Freedoms We are assured that the suggestions embraced in this portion of the Message will be generally considered by loyal men to be eminently just, wise and ef fective.". CLORIOUS NEWS!!! General Grant's Great Victory ! BRAGG'S ARMY TOTALLY ROUTED! CAPTURE OF 10,000 PRISONERS! Rebel Losses Very- Heavy ! UNION LOSS COMPARATIVELY SMALL! SERIES OF IMPETUOUS ASSAULTS! THE ENEMY'S POSITION CARRIED BY STORM! Am Eventful Weeks History! 00 GUNS CAPTURED SHERMAN'S DESPERATE STRUGGLE! TtIE VICTORY COMPLETE! CitATTANOOGA, Nov. 25.—We are COM. pletely victorious. The 'enemy is totally rou ted and driven from every position. Our loss is small, while that of the enemy is keavy in prisoners. Finding Hooker so successful in his move ment against Lookout Mountain, the enemy evacuated that— point during the night. Hooker took possession early this morning. The enemy' moved south, and got on Mission ary Ridge. Gen. Hooker is said to have captured not less than two thousand prisoners in his mag nificent assault of Lookout Mountain. Gen. Sherman, being all prepared. began an assault at eight A. M. to-day, upon the strong position of the enemy at the north end of Missionary Ridge. He had the daybefore taken a hill near the position of the enemy, but commanded by their artillery,' he had to descend into a valley, and therimade another ascent to the position held, by the enemy. Two • unsuccessful assaults - were made_ by Sherman; 'but with tho co-operation of the centre, he ultimately gaiiied the position, and completed the "Victory. The brigade of (ten. Cary, with a portion of Gen. LightheW's biigade, composed the storming party in the first assault. They were repulsed with quite a heavy loss, - after an attack persisted in for an hour, but being reinforced, were enabled to hold apart of the hill. , _ A. second assault was made at half-past one, in which Matthias', Loomis' and Paul's brigades were engaged. .-' The force reached within 20 yards of the summit of the hill and the works Of , the eneinr, 'when they were flanked and broken, - retiring to the reserves. In this assaulitin. 'Mathias' was wounded, and Col. Putnanc'Of TWenty-tbird Ohio; killed.' =". • • • ' prepistent 'efroitz- ectinpelled tht enemy to mass, heitvilY on Isis Tjght:. ordet - to bold the position of .": 1 na4ch ln3porinn4 _ to-him. • About three o'clock Gen. Grantitartea two Columns, against : the weakened 'eentrti and, in an, holies desperate fighting. sue ceeded in breaking th,' eentre, and gel n i4„, possessioy . of the ridge in which. the enepii, was - posted. h The main force was driven northward ti. ward Sherman, who opened - an them; and they were forced to break and seelesafety is a disordered-flight doWn _the western slope Of the ridge and ,across the western slope Ot th Chickamauga. - The following have been reeeived.at r heal, quarters : "CRATTANOOGIA, Nov. 25.-7:15p. in. "T o . Maj., Oca, Haiteck- 7 Althougi Olt battle lasted from early dawn till dark _eh* evening, I believe I alp not premature in nounaing a complete victory over Bragg. , Lookout,Mountain Top,:all the' rifle-plio L in .Chattanooga Valley, and Miisienat , Ridge entire, have b ;en carried, and areno, told by us. U' S. GRANT, Maj. ‘4 CHATTANOOGA, Nov. - 25—Midnight. To Maj.*Gen. Halleek, —The 'operations of to-day have been more successful than yesterday. having carried Mio sionary Ridge, from near Rossville to thb Railroad, Tunnel; with a comparatively snail loss on our side, capturingabontforty pie d of artillery, a large quantity of sznalti.arm:S. camp and garrison equipage, beside the arm. in the hands of prisoners. We captUred two thousand prisoners, of - whom two - hundred were officers of allgrado.. from colonels down.. „ " • - • " We will pursue the enemy in' he Morning, • • "The conduct of the otliders and ti oopo was everything that could be expected. Missionary Ridge was carried•siniulti neously at six different points. _ _ c=Go. 11. TnomAs, Gen." • WASIIINGTON,, Nov. 26.—The,reports from Chattanooga received at the War DepartmePt represent that three thousand prisoners were captured from the rebels yesterday, 'with two cannon,. five thousand stand of small arms, and ten flags. The rebel forces are utterly routed and in full retreat towards, Dalton, Georg:, and firing the bridges after them to retard pursuit, and burning their depots and 84iitit. and abandonin. , or destroying everything that would eirearass their flight. Our forces were pursuing them this morning. CIIATTANOOGA, 26.—LGe. *egg* retreat from his position of last night is rep resented as a perfect rout. Gen. Sheridan reached Chekamings.ste tion at 4 o'clobk this morning; he eipturea _live hundred prisoners, four guns, limit nun - bar of pontoons. The enemy attempted to burn thelbridge behind him, - and partially succeeded. The eneifir also burned the depot and Storet:tx• Chickamauga. Gen. ,Sherman crossed the Cbielianniugt this morning. Gen. HOoker was - reported,et ltingold at 5 o'clock this evening. The desertions and captures from there army are rapidly thinning it.- The number of cannon captured thus far.* reported at-fifty-two, including the colebrit,_ ed Loomis battery Which was lost' by twat Chickinauga. Gen. Sherman's less is nfitu:h less than was estimated, and will probably not exceed-live hundred. , Nearly six thousand prisdners have Veen reported as eapttired. . The son Of Gen.. Breckinridge, and 33ttjct Wilson. his chief of staff, were brotight among the prisoners.. Gell. Breckinridgi himself narrowly escaped. A strong column is in pursuit of theenet4, and it is not impossible that another, disaa trous defeat will beforced on him. LA.TER IffssniNGTozkr, Nov. 27:—The tolhiwing dispatch has been received at the headquar ters - of the army. CHATTANOOGA, Nov. 27,..—Te Halleck, General-obi-Chief: I unjust in from the.front. The route of the enemy . 14 miss complete. Abandoned 'wago'ns, caissons, and, occasional pieces of artillery. are everywhere to be found. think Bragg's loss will fully reach 60 pietas ofartillery. A•large number of prisoners have fallen into our hands. Thai pursuit will continue to Red Cla in the , morning, for which place I shall start in a few hours. - ' U. S. Grant, 314. Gen. - CHATTANOOGA, Nov. 26. - ---This ,gloriOtri army is already again on the,march, in pur suit of the flying and panic ; trieken enemy : , ‘, tho Ugh wp are hardly yet au but the faint gray of dawn. Yesterday's'work was Oen more complete than thal of the day beforo. Everywhereour admirable troops want 'ahead, often at the double laick. They , captured bodies of the enemy in hundreds, if not lb . theusands; The aggregate - number of prisorairs we thus took yesterday, it is believed, it much =great et that' our captures of men on the day before. The enemy's army is certainly destroyed. Whenever we reach portions of It in arms, they instantly throw dOwn the arms And scatter like frightened sheep, leaving all strag glers, beside their large number of djicon tented who desire to be taken and 'their wounded, in our hands. They also, in the saran manner; abandon artillery, ammunition and traneportntikt wagons, caissons,. knapsacks and, everything{ that can possibly impede their flight. In this way suffleientanore of Their artillery fell into our hands to swell the number rof pieces taken. Up to 6 o'clock, before. our troops stopped to rest for the night, -thert;l a progress wait everywhere lighted by the,fires tqf their store*: of all descriptions, to which they applied the torch to prevent them from falling, into' out hands. They also burned all the bridget they had time to fire before we were, upon. 'them, in the hope of thus delaying the im petuosity of the pursuit. . . What is left of Bragg's l boasted army it , now but a panic-stricken mob, rushing likek herd . of frightened ; buffalos and appirentl4 incapable of making any further' ratustanos. BRAGG • ATTEMPTED TO MAKE- A STAND AT • CHICKAMAUGA. . Nr.w..Yonw,-Noy. 27.—A special &Web from Washington to the Tribune says Gen. Bragg attempted to Make a stand atrehicka tnauga Station,. but- was again forced- bark. The number of priscinera taken is at learn 7,000. No later -information has been. receid from Burnside. - The letter of the John Minx B6iib, published in , a Richmond paper, has at lengtlk, made its appearance North. It is astarelrg protest against - the iniquity fuldranny of the rebellion. Mr. Botts defends his mans of itentrality; 'declares his earnest'feelings for the old Government, and is proud to avow that he invited Gen. Meade to dine with him. just as he also invited officers of , the -rebel army; He compares his imprisonment for eight' weekii in a loathsome negro •jail , with the'better treatment :received by Vallandif ham,Wlc. had put hirasellin violent °pro tion to the North, instead of reraainiag quit end neutral: - 1111 ;t1