The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, December 02, 1863, Image 1

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'grailain, itipoollort.
The Eisut Chromes of War—lts Fearful
Lesions—Kett. Scott and the Safety or
1.: the Capital—Gen. ICPClellan—Greneral
r -Burnside on the propose Advance in
Otorial Correspondence of The rtePoltori•
WASILINGTON, Nov. 16, 1868.
What changes sad war has wrought!, Not
Udi in the bereaved and sorrbwino hearts ;
tn., the broken circles of .housebeld gods; in
tie - with- ring, de.solation of States; in the vast
inU t hor t umen cemeteries where onee
were golden crop bloomingflowers; but
every hand—in the business channels of
iit4: ;in tile whirl of speculation; in,the marts
of commerce; here, thek, everywhere, has
eriri ! . visaged war stamped his cruel impress
ppoa the Nation. Mutability liasmadc the
wildest chimeras pale before its swilt-wine:cd,
feaistless progress; and the ideas of but yes
tkday are old and turned ,to the• chequered
*MRS of the past to-day. The Capitol Dome .
'fries up in triumph toward Heaven, to pre'-,
Claim the "more renowned " victories of
Ifeace' in the midst of remorseless War ; and
toOn the GodclesS of Liberly will decorate its
toplatiollt pinnacle, in tuft view of tented fields
*here evnesti brave men are periling life,
411013 d fortune to' preserve the. Vreed6m 'she so
• 141 y emblems.
This eollossal war l.—pray who, could have
reek_ oned it as our future destiny but two and
khalf brief years ago.? I reinembsr well
emit Sumter.lowered her : flag to Treason.
11,ow the great National heart beat responsive
to, on • imperiled country's need ; :hut the
. /puts of - that day were but pigmies in their
.161nprehension of the work before them.
"' that new history should be created, defying
the precedents of the World in all ages ;
tore thrilling than Rennin story; bringing
pillions into the deadly clash of arms, and
Wowing - our green land with hetacombs of
,!4153ad—:-for this there was no prophetic eye ;
--. iron no dream that compassed it.
• I. haire often recalled to mind the early
OXiceptions of this war, by those is whose
-' sand& were entrusted the sacred and fear
fttlly responsible ddty of- preserving the life
it,;th,e,Bepublic, when armed traitors arrayed
- - iltennelv,es against.the overumput., When'
theliation was first su s moved to, itd own
tlitiensi by the redttetion\ef Sumter, - .I was
:- tined liet'e,. as one of ii cornrNtt l ee of the leg.
isiatnre,to consult aas to the proper - legisla
',„ lion necessary to our State. and National _pro
tion:' The Old Hero of the Pr\ntier and
exico, confessedly the Great Captain of
- 7 ' ge,- was the Commander-in-chief of the
• • -Although his eye- ViTai , 4112111 rd;
a3' NspititntiPby the • frosts of nearly
Nix- ore winters, and rude furrows were
• plowed in his face by the relentless-hand of
Time, still his love for his honored ;Nation
silty knew no abatement, notwithstanding
his home was in, the land of his Country's
Pica, and his sword must be drawn against
tila own kindred. 'But he timed most, re
gretfully to Virginia, as a floating, stricken
ilitthet*ould turn to a wayward child. She
Waa_#l* . jtt the Union—the suicidal fraud of
•occatiV*;„liad not yet •been consummated;
-and I 44 weak, vain hopes . toy with that
great chieftain as with tr7mbling finger and
:itsrful' eye he pointed across the Potomac
and said—"l fear Virginia--1 fear she, toe,
will .go 1" Like tilt unsettled needle -he
Seemed for a mornerrt to quiver in his sor
' -ro - iiing heart; but like a flitting shadow it
Teamed, and he pointed_ the path ef rs qluty as
unerringly as the nqdle settle. 4 16 the pole.-
In addition to the enthral infirmities of old
age, disease was deeppated in his majestic
framc,,and when - be iwtt4 - announced at the
White ,House, all gave way in .affectionate,
formica to the great Hero, In. whom all
hopes centered in that dark hour:of bur' coun
wy's history. ; .
The - conference was had in the President's,
room, and all waited foti the Old Warrior to'
peirit the way of deliverance froM the appal.'
; ling madness of treason'. _His" first 'Sentence
' sank-into phe heart of every one preient.
-With &degree of sorrow bordering on de.
Irpair he said--‘ , I: am the • Commander-in
;Chief of a Nation of overthirty Minions, and
I have not as many soldiers on thu Continent,
'Bast 'of ' the Rocky Mountains', ta has Beau.
:regardit_Charleston!" " Arlingteti Heights,
' the home of the rebel Gen, Lee, was num
onpied-by our troops, and it commanded the
. Capitol. Between that point and- Charleston
'Were were ample means,fer prompt trans
,port,ntion of troops, and Gov. Curtin ventur-
4-to empress grave apprehensions as to the
west,' of Wasfiton. At this the Old Hero
lied Up asif fr h youth had possessed - him;
d his grey eye sparkled with unnatural
- ~ k eetiness as he 'answered with gni , emphasis
--Isiculiar to himself—" No sir-=-No sir The
,:tsipltol is safe-Lit cannot -be -taken; sir!"
deference r could command, /
- salted' what leis defensive force amounted to,
:and he quickly answered--`•Z' hdt)e fifteen
fewitill'ed men, sir,- and taco batteriit-=-Ac ecti
'lo.4l.Bafe , safe!" Bat con
ovalediwas the conviction of all present that
-Timehad left but a eollossal wreck of what,
was once the most brilliant military genius
iiit.ihe,Veiterri World. The Rresiclent sat
Whirling his spectacles, uneasily and thus
-birokkk the silene in his quaint but impressive ,
lisargner- 1 -- 4 :Well, General; it seems to me
11164'y1 Were 73eauregard,, I would ttike
, I .4r,impi,ingtfrii With netiouS*ipAhogen-
AllAlitkeWereds—" I aspuryoutAti.:Ftepident,
—I assure yo,q, sir, that the caliitol is safe—
it cannot "he tnken,.sir !" Yet Beauregard,
with a single -brigade on Arlington Ileightt
and i guns of even moderate range, could hate
had the capital at his mercy any ;day he
chose ; and that he did not capture iris nosy
explained bitbe.settled policy of the Davis
usurpation not--to exasperate the North by
aggressive movements.
This was•irilApril, 1861. How stiangely,
how sadly itlreads -with the startling events
since crowded(' into less than threw short
years! The geillus that had inipiredithe Na
tion for half a century was lost in the bewil
-dering magnitude of the task assigned him;
and our, Natithial Capitol was saved only
because the foes,of the Republie, were - alike
dwarfed in thakeenceptions of* the !gigantic
Crime with whiel3 they were abouttO blot the
World's lustory;• They hoped for divided
North—they*theeix well assured by the
tre.acherous ankthe cowardly ,in - our midst,
that o. resort to-,arms• would • paralyze the
power of the Free States and give !them - an
easy victory ; anid in deference to the swad
dling treason, oil. Northern Woods, i Vallan
dighani's, Reeds ,and Woodwards, (they did
not grasp our Capitol. Could ' , they have
foreseen in the crimsoned rfUture t the gory
fields of South Mountain, of 'Antietam, of
Getitysburg, Reattregard would have been
thundering with , his artillery from‘Arling
ton„Heights when Gen. Scottivas pronounc
inwthe.Capitol safe. But-the swill, ,afpal
lingle*Sons of treason were yetAurnidasirred,
and it*lin and virtue were able strangers to
its herculean power. • ;
Gen. Scott, enfeebled by age, stricken by
disease, and chafed by rising stars around
him, yielded his Sceptre to one Iyhom a Na:
tion's too willing confidence and love had
borne to the chief command.: He l hesitated,
faltered. and still the People. 'trusted. He
-moved when the assumption of supreme au
thority commanded it; stamped his iveak
ness in the'bloody blunders - of the Peninsula,
and at last {ell infoithe cruel etuhFace of the
foes of the gallant Army Ile had icd, and of
the country that hid vainly sought to make
him great. Alas Chow stars halve bright
ened and paled—holy untried greatness and
unearned honors have faded into forgetful,
nest—h9w the:path, of this war marked at
every step by the monuments of the once
honore\ but nowlkirgottenf I ,
111 glancing at the criinsoned bi.tory of the
last two years, Who does not turrilregretfully
to November, 1861. Gen. — M'elellan had
then the largest, the best equipped, and best
appointed army%ever commanded on this
Continent. Before' him was and enemy not
half his equal in ntimbers, itnPerfectly pro
vided with the mt4ittlis of war, and with
but feeble t fortide4tions. 'The Great Ruler,
as if to point the way - to the de l struction of
treason, made the season to invite the slim
gard to his easy triumph ; but in vain. A
fall and winter lost to us, was a 'rich harvest
gained to our foes, amt when thei l actual con
flict came on the Peninsula, Ft was only
when and where the enemy chose to accept
it. I remember well, when the !country was
impatient for the advance of the Army of th .
Potomac in the NI of 1861, hearing Gens.
Burnside and Porter defend •their lasgard
chief. When asked whether they could not
advance with reasonable certainty of success,
Gen. Burnside's large keen ey_e quickened with
mingled pride and sadness as he answered =
" Yes, we can take %misses, and go to
Richmond; but we shoVd leareiten thousand
gallant soldiers on the field !"t He deemed
the answer conclusive, and no at that day
eduld gainsay it. Yet since then ten times
ten thousand have fallen. liirilliamsburg,
Fair Oaks, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill,
Malvern Hill, Cedar Mountain, the second
Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, An
tietam, Freilericksburg.ChancellorsVille and
Gettysburg have Cecil, each Made acres of
untimelygraves, and Richmond is still the
rebel capitol. Yet the ions of Iten thousand
men in. 1861 would have appall the Nation
mote than does the vast cemetery of Virgin
ia now ! Thus - mercilessly hes t war schooled
our common'" country. Heaven grant that
the lesson may be well nigh learned!
Gen. Foster has gone on Ai visit "to New
ArteniusNard's first lecturO in San Fran
eiseo yielded $2,500.
• The FrOlaident iw solieitons for the health
of his youngest son.
144. Gen: Butler arrived at Newbg", N.
C., on the•2oth hest. ,
The Prelide? declined to accept
Burniide's resignation from the army.'
Col. B. P. , Spfar, of the 11th Pa. Cavalry,
has been appointed p prigadie Generid.
• ..„ • •
It is rumored that , Gen.; Sigel is to
take Gew.' Sckenck',B place in Baltimore.
Gen. Buibrd,it is reported, is to go West,
to take charge of the cavalry ?Chattanooga.
Admiral Lissovsky has' selected Hampton
Roadsjaithe winter quarters of the Russian
Johnßrouglt, Governor 'Elect of Ohio,
was formerly Editor"of the Cincinnati" E
It ia said that Gons.
field will soon be assigned to
mands.- ..r . ' • • '
brigade; of troop, .aqer 312e 1
Map Showing the Position,s Carried by Assault and Occupied by Gens.
Granger, Hooker and Sherman, on Saturday, Monday and
Tuesday, the 21st; 23d and 24th of Noveinber.
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Seventy Id the Mauch Chunk rioters luive
been arreAed, among them the murderer of
Mr: Smith.
'Lie.u.t. Gen. *Weld Scott' voted the
straight tnion ticket in New Yealt at the
late election. • I
Col. J. B. Howell, of the Eliith Pennsylva
nia regiment, has been appointed a Briga
dier General. - - - - •
Major Brun Cameron, Paymaster U. S.
Army, and son of ex-Secretary Cameron, has
been retired:
'The Richmond Enquirer mildly suggests
that Vallandigham's true - place is in the
Southern army.
Ex-Congressman Casey, of lionrucky, is
about to be tendered the military governor
ship of Mississippi.
Capt. B. Scanlan, of the 7th Pennsylvania
cavalry, 'has been dismissed the service for
"gross misconduct and immorality."
Brig. Gen. S. Meredith, who was injured
at Gettysburg, has been placed in command
of the 14 Division, Ist Army Corps. ,
Artemus Ward says there_ is no daily pa
per published its town, but there is a ladies'
sewing circle, which answers the same par
Maj. Whiting, of the 2d . Regular cavalry,
hits been:dis - missed the service for "disloyal
ty and speaking contemptaoubly of the Pres
Surgeon pa.n. Hammond has been ordered
to 'Nashville, Tennessee, on a tour ofinspee
tion =Ong the hospitals" of our western
George I. Ayre, agent for the sale of Con -
federate' bonds, has been sent hither from the
Army of the Potornne and committed to the
Old Capitol.
1 A. E. 31
' Thomas Francis Meagher has been rein
stated to the rank of Brig. Gen., with per
mission, to recruit to its compliment his old
Irish Brigade. •
The'; President has appointed Richard
Busteed, Esq., of New York, United States
Judge ':for the Northern and Southern dis
tricts of Alabama.-
Col. Alexander Cumfnings, of Pennsylva-:
nip.; has been - ordered by the Secretary of
War to Arkansas, to assist in raising 'colored
troops in State.;
Mr, James M, Murdoch, the comedian,
has accepted an appointment on•Geti. ; Ros
seau's ' stiff, and will• soon take the field in
that General's new department.
The President has shut himself up from
visitors, and- from this time till tho assem
bling-of Congress will devote himself to the
composition of his annual message;
Gen. Robert Anderson, has ; been relieved
from the command of Fort Adams, 'lle.wport,
R. 1.,: his increasing ill health not allowing
him to continue longer in the service.
Brig. Charles K. - Graham has been reltev
ed by; order of the Secretary of 'War, - from
ills command in the Array of the Potomac,
and ordered to report to Gss._Butler. ;
ell and butter
iuportant cora-
is to raise a
last call of the
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At Cincinnati C. W. Hull, a horse-Con
tractor, has been convicted 2f defrauding
the tf:”..lootrient. in 124. -bums,` add, fined
$10,60, with six months' imprisonment.
We see by the court reports in the Balti
more Clipper,. that the suits brought against
Gen. Cameron, for damages for alleged
false imprisonrrient, have all been withdrawn.
Maj. Gen. L. H. Rousseau has been assign
ed to the command of fthe District of the
Cumberland, vice Gen. Gordon Granger, ap
pointed to the 'command 6f the Fourth Corps.
The Hon. G. W. Lane, U. 8: Judge from
Alabama, and a refugee from that State
on account of
Union principles, died at
Louisville on Thursday, of conjestion of the
Robert G. Harper, Esq., lies published the
Getty burg Sentinel for 47 years, and justly
claims to be the oldest Editor ill Pennsyl
vania service." The Sentinel entered its 64th
year last•week. Long may it wave.
. -
William T Smithson, a banker of Wash
ington, and John K. Staler, a merchant of
Philadelphia. have been tried for serious
frauds against the Government, and sentenc
ed to five years' imprisonment in the-Albany
Maj. Gen. Schenck several days since per
emptorily tendered hit resignation as a Maj.
Gen. of Volunteers in the United Stites ser
vice, to take effect on the 20th of 'December,.
18(13. His resignation has been accepted by
the President., 4
The Hon., Lucien Anderson,' one_ of the
Representatives elect from - Kentucky, who
was recently captured by the Rebels has
been 'released and in Washington in
season to vote for the Administration candi
date for Speaker.
The first instance in the Union army of a
commissioned , officer being reduced to the
ranks is the case . of First Lieut. Joseph .1.
Ennis, 71st Ohio regiment, found guilty of
forging , an order, detailing him to go from
Louisiana to Cincinnati to arrest deserters.
Col. W. W. Sellers, formerly of the Fulton
Republican, has turned up as Editor and
proprietOr of the Pekin (Ills.) Republican,—
a beautiful and spirited Republican' Journal.
The Colonel has the ability to:Teake a first
c lass paper, and we eon - gpend him to the
confidence audsupport.of his new people.
The woman wbOfwaSsdivorced froin Aaron
Burr in, 1882, on account of 'his infidelity,
some tiine'since pit in a claim to the Rey°.
Intiona r ry pension, to which, ift his wife, she
ebnceived herself to be entitled. The'Attor.
,ney Chen., recently decided adveragly to her
"Hon. P. C. Shannon, of Allegheny county,
N., during. the ,late animated' election
this State, made some fifty speeches to the
people. Judge Shannon' has always been a
Democrat, and occupies a high Social mitien
in Pittsburg; where he resides: lie - *as
pointed t,o ajudgeihip by (Gov.Bigle%and
twice ,served his s county in the Legislature;
4avifig4eclined-a re-nomination. • '
1311.AWAli "Ni244\
1 ~~
`~ ~r
1 Our Government, now holds 81,000 411bel
_ There are 40,000 negroes arnied and'in the
service of the Government.
. . , ,•.
The I3th Illinois Cavalry have se-enlisted
in a body as veteran volunteers.
The second regiment District of Columbia
Volunteers (c)lored) is full and will soon
take fly field.
• Two thousand boxes and packages for Union
prisoners at Richniond arrived per Adams
Express at Fortress Monroe On Saturday.
The news from )hattanooga has been tele
giiiphed to the soldiers on the Rappahan
nock, and has created intense enthusiasm in
our linos. -
Gen. Meredith, commissioner for the ex. , .
change of prisoners, writes that the rebel au
thorities will permit no agent whatever from
the North to visit Richmond.
Gen. &honele's order to recruit from slaves
justlhgslune as from white men is out, and
'his old conservative supporters in Missouri art
conspiring attack and reittovehini.
An order from the War Pepartment de
clares that. veteran voiunteerti re-enlisting
will 'be allowed
l a furlough of thirty days,
AndtranSportation to eitdfrom , their homes -
All the sick and; wounded soldiers now in
the hospitals at ,baild's Island, New York,
are to be transferred to Philadelphia. This
move is made by. the War Department at the
suggestion of Gov, Curtin, • •
A despatch reports .that Gen. Butler,,on
being told that the•rebel Gen. Fitzhugh Lee
enjoyed the liberty of Old Point, sharply e 4
pressed his disapproval of such reprehensible
courtesy. The pest day Lee znadc,a voyage
to Fort Lafayette.
Judge UnAerwood has just deliyered au
ppinion the United States. District Court
for the fiaatern District of, Virginia, in the
case of the 'United States vs. Hugh - Latham,
under the Confiscation - net, in which ho con
fiscates the real eatate of the defendant in fee
The Alexandria Gazette of 'Monday says:
The Arlington estate, in this county, lately
occupied by Gen. lloheit E. tee, and the
Custis• Mill property adjoining,' ere 'ltaVei
tisedito be sold far unpaid taxes,, are.; under
recent acts of the Congress of the United
States. •
' An dace. on Gen, Banlts' staft,iVriting]to
a friendin Washington, says a large quanti
ty of cotton Nina reaptured near Brownsville, -
and niiieditione had beta sentnp the - river to
get, all they, C:6 . 41d find. The Union mentit,
,who ; hailed with dplighx• the
capttirn.of the Olsen by ourforces.•
, Latelijaen:, o' l2 '9Fe'a lziov,Y, , g l P ls lave
been again turned on : the city or Oholesion.
Nineteenihells Werelodged within the town.
What effect projeetileti have proilneed
remains to ir The bursting, of the
shells within the l town was easily Seen; and
their reports Plitt)ly.heardi.
'4 44
- otrwmAri
VOL. 70.....WH0LE NO. 3,633•
kdispatiih from Baltimore says: "Its
ligence from. our prisoners at Richmoilt
most gloomy., .1%!To ?neat has' been furniaheit
to theln for twelye days- , -The prisoneit
Belle Island had actually killed and eaten
digs to sustain . their lives: The supplies
furnished by the Baltimore ilmeripan 841
Fund are going forward daily. These ,q
-plitN, however, arelaot sufficient to feed A
-060 men. -
The ninety-five surgeons recently relent%
from the . Libby prison have reached es
ington. They were ordered below decks
While the steamer•was passing k'ort Darling.
Commissioner Oultt was recently asked 't r;:i.
prisoner if we would release, say five tbcifir
and rebel prisoners, now held by us, wheanie
the confederate authorities
. would releastfui
equal number of . prisoners held by the
Mr. 0u ld illy° an ern phatic negative responsia.
Corpus Christi was captured on the 15*
ult., by Gens. Banks arid Dana, who mqicb4di
upon that place overland 'from Broarnstillis.
Aransas city was attacked, and taken tame
vary brief resistance. One hundred prisitio
-era and three guns were taken. The Brit:Bib
brig Dashing Wave was captured by - t*
gunboat New tendon off the Rig Gratiotay.
with a cargo consisting of seventy thousand
dollars in gold, and a large quantity of el4s
ing and medicities intended for
. the rebek
By this move Gon. Banks secures possessl, .
of nearly one-third of the coast of the Stipa
of Texas..
Gen. Banks has deelnied in favor of thera
notnination of President , Lincoln.
lion. F. W. Lincoln - has been re-nominal.
ed for Mayor of Boston' by the Republitist
JuAicial Election in California*
month seems to have gone by default, Tie
Union nominees were chosen, of course.,
A Washington correspondent says that**
leading Democrats now cohcede the otistil. ,
zation of the House to the.. Republicans, aid
there will consequently•be squabble be
Damocratic caucus riOininutions: • ,
Gen. Charles Clark, recently elected, vas
inaugurated Governor of Mississippi on tits'
lf.th_ inst. J. Wi C. Watson' of Mamba
Ciunty was chosen Senator in the
Congress in place of James Phelan. ,
Now HaVen has elected Union Charier
Officers by 115 .v majority. Last. Fall
Seymour Democracy carried their ticketr
over 500 majority ; at the election for Gos•-
ernor, Seymour (Copperhead,} had 251 that ,
jority. ,a
. . „
'• Thelateit'eleetion;retirns from llisstStri
indicate that the soldiers' vote s as far as heard
from, not only wiped out the ConserVidtsi
majority on the bottle vote, but elected . 4la
Radical State ticket ,by - a majority-42ms
where between 1,600 and 2,000. -1 •
• A
't the recent election for Governor: of
Georgia the contest was very spirited, u dis
-termined attempt being made to defeat Gbv.
:Brown. The vote 'shows that Brown_ /01 ,
36,588; Hill, 18,122; 'Furlow, 10; 024-4111
:vote, 64,734. For President the._ total 1,441tv
was 106,366; So there has been falling offout
nearly 42,000, or nearly 40 per cent. • -
•The Raleigh Standard claims - - that tree
Oom3ervatives have • elected • eight •membin
outof ten to the Retie] Congress. Those's(
them who announced .then4elves in faiorOir
peace on any terms, and who were inset
severe in their condemnation of the RAW
_Administration, received - the largest majdH.
The Conservative candidates alsiipp
ceived a majority of the soldiers' votes',
Gov. Bradford of Maryland, after hearlig •
,estirnony from ,_the ohjectors, has officio*
proclaimed John A. J, ,Creswell, Edwin 8.
Webster, -' Henry enry .Winter `Davis; Fran
Thomas, and - 13enjamin G. Harris duly - orate •,
ed ll.epresentatives of that State in the its
Congress.' So vanishes,: the . _ last hope, of' a
Coppethead , tangle in thelnanization of tbs •
House. • '
The State Canvassers of lowa have ,
counted up the soldiers', vote for Governollr.
Stene, - the Republican Union nomineeofigi
1.031 Tuttle, the Copperhead, gets -- ,3;
Onion majority,. 15462. _ Stone's inajciritr
.on the home vote is probably over 16,00645,
that the Union majority in all will be 414
32,000: Last year it was 15,116; 'inlB6l ll
*4 16,608; and for - Lincoln, 16,268. Alik
increipe of over 15,0p0 in a year is doing gar:
ceedingly well, even for lowa. •
• ,•
Nathmaiel.B. Binitherg, Secretaryt'ut"
State-of the Slate of Delaware, has resigfged -
big:position to takq the seat in CongresSir
irtiii h' ho hObeen'chosen, aild •Hon.-Sattied
.M.Jtarringtort, Jr, i iit Wilmington has tined
commissioned in. his place, Mr. Harrington.
is present Adjatfint.General of Delawura ,
and uieminently able lawyer. He is artill 7
otaile,iit Orator, - and Aitl l good service- dtiring
elite political Illy ! political tampaigns in reonsylvula.
New Jersey, and Delaware. He is an .earn.•
'est supporter of the,inett radiCalnaeasures• of
the 'resent Adrainiiitration.. ,
Hon. Reverdy Johnson is the father pftha
Senate,having,first taken his seat there aa s
Senator from Maryland in 184; but .he Os
not ;occupied, in- continuously, whilq Hoe.
John P. Hale has been a Senator. from Are
Harniishire since 1847. So in the House,
Rom 3fn Washburn; the radical candidate
for Speaker, has represented his district long
er, continuously than any other Refiresenta
tivei butlion, Thaddeus Stolen's, of Dean
yam,: was kuientbaCsOnte years bet.**
terralgiounenceth. .