8 - glaumi4 prizitoTg. LOCAL ITEMS, MILITARY DAMAGE.3.—The several acts of ' Assemblty of our State; the various abortive efforts by both. State and National officers, and the action of our ,courts. relative to the military claims in the border c'otirities,have confused many of otir people so,rn uch that they statrcely..know when or bow to proceed. A , the adjustment of these claims seems now about to take a definite- shape, we will give a history of the different legislation and other movements relating to their settlement for the satisfaction of our readers. The first losses sustained by our citizens in , Alto war were by the occupation of lands and appropriation of properjy by Gen. Patterson in Arty and June, 1861. lie took possession of qtylt,lunds and tenernmts as he needed for th • purposes of his army and movements, and settled none whatever—Tot even giving so much as a certificate therefor. A large pr.4portion of the lands on the line between Litis, and the • Maryland . boider, -- laking in Gre,:neirstle, and covering one of the richest portions of our - county. was occupied, and coy:, fences and much other. property en- •ly deatro,yed, Some farmtrs had their farms utterly desolatea. Gen. Patterson: r and his army were regularly in the United-,, States service, and the elairns for losses aris-3 f-om his o"cupation and march, shout< bo paid by the United States. As yet, how-: eves, no provision has boon made for settle- An net of the Legislature passed in, 18. , provided. that these claims' might be: dicated by the Courts of Common Pleas appomting appraisers, on petition of claim ant,. and confirming their reports of dama ge- when returned to the court. Most of Aln•-e,claims were thus adjusted and return ed zo the Governor , of the State, who trans nacted them to the last Logislature, but no ap;,ropiiation was made and they cannot by paid until flume is fartherl..gislation. It is probable that, as the ..Nttiunal authorities hay t not,settled these , elahns, the State will pro% .de fur them at the next session,, and in strtwt the Goyernor to make claim for th4m in a•tiuctiniz nes.ounts between the State and gall :al government. n"xt of claim: arise from the nw-•nry impt•Pssment h o rses, s a ddles, wag n- in September. 1562, When Long- atm-. .welt pi. d Hagerstown and threatened • onr, order. horses were crip w •re stolen in the inevi:. .i. 1 • 110 : ettn.'u,ha result - An; from afotinidable enem . ; at our doors aid our people helpless ,to d .end th••nist•ivcs, and others were re tub in Oh, service of the United States., Most of this property was taken by the order of th Go' "r rn• • aithlaigh the United Stet& wain whi•n ile , y took' command, confirm ed • acts ,of the Exeeutive and his subor dine, •and continued the impressment of prop, So the whole net became the'work . of th • geueralyernment, under Maj. Gen. Reyii wis,.one or t inDA pru4nt and faith -fieors then in the service. Before thi, ntec-Itg of the last legislature Gov. Curtin instructed Mears Daniel O. Gehr and Sam uel lteisher to hear all the claiiaants and re- I port to him the amount due to each. They did so, and the report was submitted to th,. legislature, but no appropriation was made, and they therefore remain unsettled. A liki. commis:4on consisting of W. IL McDowell and G: It. Burnett was appointed by the Gov ernor to adjust damages to lands and crops, and-a similar report was made thereon. The nest losses - to which our people were subjeetc.d resulted from the famous- Stuart raid in October, 1862. He entered the bowl , ty south, of Mercersburg, passed through that place, Itridgeport, St. Thomas, Chain ' bersburg; Fayetteville, Greeewood, this county, and Cushtown, Fairfield, Emmitts burg and other points in Adams county, and Odic with 'him 750 horses, and probably $2.0,000 worth of itores of various , kinds.— These claims will amount to probahly $BO,OOO or*S . lo - 0;b00, and it - is no 6 w well ascertained that the general government cannot pay , : then. • The State therefore doubtless will pay them by direction of the next legisla ture The last legislature by the act of 22d April 1868, directed the Court of Dauphin county to appoint appraisers to ascertain . tbese damages,• and report the same to that court for confirmation. The court appointed, Messrs A. O. Heister, Jacob Weidle and James Worrell, aid tfleyere now in session la, this place hearing this class of claims, and all cltdmants should give; proMpt attention tothe matter. - • The next demand upon t 1 people of -the border resulted from th'emilitia called out by the Governor todefend agaihSt rebel in vasion. When the call was made the peoplo responded promptly, and were thrown upon the border almost without organization, en tirely without discipline, often without am, pia rations - anti shelter; and it was but na tural that the citizens should„aUffer. Cavel ry.companies had to forage for themselves, and their green quarter-masters gave imper fect certificates, .while a brood of thieves availed-themselves of the conilision incident to a rnw and imperfectly equipped and ap p)inted army, to plunder largely in the name or pretended -authority of- army officials. T:teAe - elisims are embraced in the act c;f-.22d - Apr 4 - last, and will be adjusted by the ap praisers now in session after the older claims have been passed upon. The act in question directsi the appraisers "to exarhineand 'aseer; fain the losses and damages sustained by cit izens of the Commonwealth,by reason of occupancy of and - trespass upon -their lan& by my part - of the militia force r Whieh was c d sl led into active service in the month' of &ptembef , , A. D. 3862." Due notice will beliven by the appraisers ..when they are prepared t! consider this class of elaims. The next class of claims arise from the purchase t f horses: forage.-&e., by officer., atailed.frorn Gen. lirelellan's array, in the • di of 1862, after the battle of Antietam. 'he army was in great -need ,efl horses and nvg,eland men seem tolaveheen sent out vithout being competent . for the business ; or many of them gave imperfect vouchers and thus rendered it impossible for quarter masters to .settle thm.. Gen.lCoucli's late : order, referred. to in our last issue, was in tended to cover these claims. They cannot be paid until Congress legislates on the sub feet ; but it is confidently expected that it will be done during the' next session. As' these are legitimate claims ag inst the gen eral government, .the State has taken .no, steps for their adjudication, and will not un less it should become clearlyapparent that the National authorities refuiseto do so. The foregoing claims are alll that were created before the meeting of the last Legis lature. Since then'several classes havebeen added, for which no provision has yet been ' made In any quarter. In JUne last Gen. Jenkins raided the county rnOst effectually, particularly that portion South of the turn dike, and took away with hin a large quan tity of horses, cattle, .wagonS, forage, &c. He was followed by Lee's entire army,- who occupied the Cumberland Valley nearly to the Susquehanna, and afterwards entered Adams - county and remained until Gen. Meade gave him rather an in perativenotice to quit at Gettysburg. The Claims for pro -1 perty 'taken or destroyed by rebels are not within the scope of settlemen by the genera' government, and provision should be mad • by the State for their paymerit, and we dont , - not that the next Legislature will do so. • The next and last demandlupon our peo ple was by the militia in July last.. They had been called out hastily, organized -ha , perfectly at Harrisburg for the defence ( the Capitol, and after the battle of Getty- burg, they were thrown , forard by Genert4 Couch with all possible despatch to Fends , aid to Meade at Williatnsport. The road were almost impassible, andiwith his limit( , transportation, 'Gen. Couch !was utterly un able. to ' supply his ml He wise!, pushed them forward, and is (1( servedly complimented Meade i 1 his official report f+ Ain' _aid h rBndered the Army bf mac. Th citizens liberally shared sty provii ions with the troops; in. to a consid erable amount exist for forage and occupa - - tiop of property. As th&se troops Wei sworn into the State servic4 and' not undo! the orders of the general gOvernment, then claims will be provided for by the legislatm • . of this State. —We have made this statement in det:. so that the people of the county may under stand the different charac4r of the variot classes of claims. We bslieve that they wi be. settled eventually as indicated, in this at • ticle. The board of appra4ers now .in sess ion—who give notice in o+• advertising c o l, umns of their plans--are confined strictly t ; the claims arising from the Stuart raid ; iMpressment of horses andjother property i t September, 1862; and t 4 damages done t, lands, 4kc., by the militia the same fall. A claims created during thc‘ last summer rt • main to be provided for by- the nest legis, TOWN COW9.—The follJwing_communica tion from one of our suffering citizens but rt fleets the experience and santiments of seer. of people in Chambersburgaud vicinity, an % owners of vagabond, cows would do well t profit by the notice given and save cosy hereafter. There is no excuse whatever ft citizens turning their cows ,loose to brea. fences and destroy property of neighbor:, and we bid "A . Sufferee jolly speed in en , forcing the ordinances on the siibject : The circumstances of th'e past summer hat ; Called attention to the falt that the Boroug laws, prohibiting animal from running -a large, have been systematically violated ft a long time by the'ownens of cows. Durin the occupation by the rebel army of the par adjacent to, and in the Borough limits, ,* large quantity of fence Was destroyed, an 1 hundreds of acres of corn, wheat and cloy' were thrown open, which at the it wt. inipossible to enclose. T l et scarcely had ti rebel army-taken its departure until doze] and scores of town COWS; were turned . by their owners, and allimed to roam an I plunder unrestrained. ( [ We hardly knot , hew to characterize such conduct otherv,-i • than as malicious and diabolical- in the ex treme. • It could not be attributed to thought le=sness, for :he fact of the deStruction (.; fences was known to the whole community And yet amongst these cows were those r...spectable citizens, andl members of church es. Truly "a man's foes shall be those f. his own household." 4 effort was made t enforce the law, whieh *as partially success ful until the crOpswere secured, but not the nuisance is unabated. If. the owners u these cows do ripe, knoW it we will inform them that their cows have free range over more than half of Mr. liankin's farm, part of Mr. John. Frey's, thb growing wheat o' T. B. Kennedy and C.lStouffer, and lots o: Joseph Clark, Henry Shepler and others. But apart from the destruetton of growinr crops at this particular titne . , the running Cr! COWS at large in the borough is a nuisance which ought not to be tolerated at any time. It inflicts an annoyance and loss upon the persons who live in the suburbs of The town which is insupportable. If a gate is acciden tally-left open these plundering beasts are ready to pounce upon garden; or destroy young fruit trees. And several of these half starved and vagabond bows haie become so expert at- opening gates that they can' enter nod help thernse,lves.Whenever they get an opportunity. The owners °Mese cows 'Must know that they are kept alive only by plun: dering upon - the property of their neighbors. Is it to be expected that we are to bear this for an indefinite time to - come? -sow we tA. inform all parties con cernthat there is an' 'ordinance of the Borough directing the High Constable to take jip these cows and sell them at public auction, and a further ordinance subjecting said,officer to a tine of $lO,OO .for ne 41ecting or refusing to enforce any ordinanch of the Borough. And we wish to inform all parties further, that in due time the law muste.nd will be enforced, regardless of whom .t 'mar strike.. This annoyance cannot be .oli-rated, and if owners will take warningin time they marsave themselves some trou ble. A SUFFERER. IYEATHOF ANOTHER HERO SOLDIER.—On Friday night last; died at his home in this Orderly Sergeant William E. Shuman, CoMpany 11,- 107th Reg. Retina. Vols., Or-, der& Shuman :ens in the three - months ser vice, and performed his duty as a thorough soiclier. Soon after the expiration of his terni he, in October, 1861, enlisted in the company raised'in this place by Capt. A. J.. Brand. His record subsequently any soldier might be proud of.. Slaughter Mountain, 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fred eriecsburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, attest his unsWerving,, devotion to the cause and his fid&ity as'a soldier. At Gettysburg —Where so - many home; fell and died—Sergi: Shilman received a ghastly and fatal wound. llr lingered until Friday last, when he sur ' rendered - his life—another .martyr—to the perpetuation of the Republic. = On Sunday, his remains were interred in the Cemetery. The burial was attended by a vast concourse of people, and the ceremo nies were of a solemn and impressive .char acter. Capt. Schelling's -.Company of the Invalid Corps, now stationed here, were pre sent in a body, and rendered the military . honors according to the army regulations. Our band preceding, performed a solemn , dirge- Then came the Hope and Friefidshic Fire Companies. Capt. Brand and Lieut. Cook, heading the discharged soldiers of the, Company to which the deceased. was attach ed, were followed by the friends and citi zens. The scene was such as few, present will forget, and testified the respect in which the community holds a true and noble sol dier. 'Titn Co Nun) 124?,..mer.—The late cell_, for 3'o 0,000 additional troops dire . cts that a draft shall be made on the sth day of 'January next for the deficit in every district,. and the Provost Marshal General is already perfect ing his arrangements for the draft. _By a late 'order the Board of Enrollment of each district is required to put up printed lists of the entire enrollment in at least five places ins each sub-district—the „names to be in al phabetieul order. Public notice will then be given that apy person enrolled may ap pear I)efore the Board at'any time before the draft and have his name stricken off the list on account of alienage; non-residenee, un suitableness of age or manifest physical dis ability. Persons who are cognisant of any names not on the list.who are subject to mil itary duty, are required to r tpcirt such munes to the Board so that they may be added. Claims for, exemption will be, heard by the Board until the 40th of DeceMber, after which they will hear no More untii-the,draft is made. •5! • The Provost Marshal of this district is now 'printing and distributing these lists, and will Soon be ready to hear the clairnkfor exemp tion before. named. This is a sen=ible im provement, and Will make the next draft much more prolific of able-bodW men. BORDER lOVEMNTS.—GeneraI, Sullivan States in an official .lispatch of the lBth - inst. , that his cavalry, under Col. Boyd, of the List Pa. cavalry, haye returned to Harpers Ferry, liming been up the Valley to near New 'lNParket, fighting Gilltnore and White's ' commands at Mount Jackson, bringing in prisoneis, 2 commissioned officers, 90 - head of cattle, three four-horse teams. besides 30 tents and all Ow, horses and equipnients of ;the prisoners. He destroyed a number of :tents and a quantity of salt. The men also .helped themselves to" a wagon load of tobac co, about 500 pounds. His loss was 2 killed, ,3 wounded and 3 missing. lye have not learned their names. Col, Thiyil is giving ;the rebel guerillaswa liveb- time of it. THE Somerset Herald has not read our ar ticle carefully on the ()iterations of the Som erset bar•beforc the Draft Board. We did 'no`t say that ‘i all the Democratic portion of the bar save one, were present at (hambers burg engaged in.the disreptable ymsines of filching fees from drafted men." ' We said :that all but one attended, but did not charge them ' indiscriminately with fraud. The Herald says that J. Baer, Esq.. did nothing " derogatory to his high and well deserved professional -reputation," and we record it with plasure., Our only regret is that the Herald did not feel-warranted in excepting .more than one out of so many. ELANCLIOLY DEATH .—We learn from the Shippensburg -News that Mr. John Fry, of that place, died suddenly on Sunday nior ning of last week from the effects or takig an over dose of Laudanum. Mr. F. had for some ; days previously been suffering from Neuralgia, and as he thought, had frequent ly found temporary relief from taking the above medicine. On Saturday evening he took a large dose and immediately,fell•asleep from which he never awoke. This should be a warning to persons who are in the habit of taking, or administering medicine ignor antly and without,medical advice. Fnisoxim.—Last week thirteen Rebel prisoners recently sent to this place and confined in our jail were taken to Fort Delaware. A guard under command of Lieut. Hatch; of the Invalid Corp, had the party in charge. , • - Yesterday Lieut. Hatch, with his guard! took charge of another lot of Rebel prison era for conveyance to the Fort. In the first lot-were ajMajor and Lieutenant. the franitlin itquisitotn, Nouttnber 25,1863: _ EDUCATIONAL ABSOCIATION.—We have the proceedingsiof the Franklin County Ed ucational Association, -but: want or space ex cludes them . . The sessions were held in the Washington street School building, and Con tinue 4 from Wbdnesday moaning, the. 17th inst., until Friday evening. Ouite a num ber of essays were read and a series of reso latilps adopted, one of which declares in strong terms for, the suppression o(the re 'hellion. Renttgal".—We learn from the . Waynes boro Record that the Tailoring establishment of Mr: T. J. Filbert, of that place, was en tered on Sunday night a week, and robbed of muslin and about twckyards of blue cloth, the whole amounting in value to between thirty and forty dollars. the thief effected an entrance thrmigh one of the front win dows by forcing out a nail by which it had been fastened down. ACCIDENT.-Mr. Thomas Donnelly, of Bhippensburg, was horribly mangled at the Lebanon - Valley Railroad Depot, at Harris burg., last week. He was lying on the track, in a state of intoxication, and l was run over by a train, and one of his lei was,eut off about the knee, an arm nearly, off below the shoulder. and both hands'ldmost severed from the wrists. - He died tiae4next %ay. CA VG fiT Aoarx.—Joe Hooker,* the noto rious horse thief, was re-captured by a com pany of Antrim boys last week, in his own home near Frederick, He was there-com mitted tzprison to await a requisition for his removal re for trial. A horse stolen from Mr. Deltrich, of Antrim, was identified in a stable near Frederick. LETTERS have been received here from several of our citizen prisoners who were re- Moved from Richmond to Salisbury, N. C. They all agreein representing that Salisbury is an imprevement4m,Libby Prison. None of them have tinge any reference to the cause of the separation. They are all in good health and doing as well as could be expected. 4 invite 'attention to the communication of Dr. J. K. Reid in to-day's paper. He luts labored untiringly, to mitigate the suffer• ings of our prisoners in Richmond, and he speaks advisedly on the subject of Ills letter. Surely such an appeal will not be made in vain. CAPT. Joii H. RSED, late of 'Company D of the 126th - regiment, has been commis sioned a Captain in the Invalid Corps: He *as 'disabled at Fredericksburg ; has had considerable military experience- and well merited this promotion in the corps of honor. FATAL ACCIDENT. r. .Joh n Shell to, residing near Marion, was. fatally injured by a horse kicking him in the abdothen on Tuesday of last week, and on Thursday mor ning hd died. He leaves a wife and several children. - Plitt Oer.—Major Wiley, Paymaster S. A., paid Capt. Schell eng's Company of the Invalid Ccirps, now stationed here, - to Octo ber 30th, on Saturday last: The presence of this class of officials is always greeted with especial favor by the soldier boyd. SUNDAY SCHOOL Aliti r IVI:RSERY.-the-Mth Anniversary of the (er. Be?. Sunday School will he-celebrated on Thanksgiving evening at flo'cioek. Ail friends of the Sunday School cause are invited to - attend. A collection will he taken up for the benefit of the school. StiDDEN :DE Jacob .McCune. an old and highly respected eitizmi Of Mercers burg. died suddenly from. paralysis on Mon day of Last week. He was attacked While weighing a laud of hay and' survived but a few hours. . . . TILE - ladies of Mercersburg have gotten up Fistival' for the benefit of our sick and wounded-soldiers for tm-morrow, Thanksgiv ing day. BANK OvncEns,---. George Jaeobslas been - elected:President of the First - National Bank of Waynesboro, and4ohn Phillips Cashier. Imunoxis.—'7l; - AOT"R. Eschbach, of Baltiinore, will preach in the German 8,(4. Church next Sundlry morning- and ;welling. LOOK OUT FOR 601:NTERFEITS 1 , not only of hank tints, but of every . thing valuable. We under stand-that e Tlll the Indispensable 'nrticles known as Duo Colors". are nv exception to this The inunitations, like lillcounterfeits. are utterly Iworthless. Remember that Rowe & Sfavens' Family Dyetolors are the on. fuel, the only valuable and useful ,thing of the kind. FAMILY DYE Cot.otts.—Just what every family want" Put Kt in •mall packages With full ar reutions how to lice. bet them at ilen,hey's. BTmumia's karimosia.—A HOPl:laid article to promote the growth (loin(' beautify the hair, at Aliller d lien. . - silty - HEYSFEt & CKESSLEIt sell the best Kero sene in the market. Also the best quality or Coal Oil Letups at the lowest prices. ileyet,r if. Crossler are conitantly adding fresh Drop to their stock, and con always supply the best quality of goods in their line. - WHEN you have been every place and can't find what you want, go to GamicEe"Oheap sale and Retail Store. Ito keeps everything. UNLTurIcKs keeps the largest assortment of °coderlea atid Rousakeeplug articles in town. lie sane cheap at Wholesale mid Retail. • PUY your Kerosene Oil from Gelwieks, he a agent for one of the best Qil Companies is the State and alwayisells the best oil wholesale and retail. Tim attention of Liquor Dealers is re quested to the advertisement of Lae & Cooke In to•day'e BEAD Gel wicks' advertisement in this weeks paper. PARTNERgIIIP,Notiee is here , by given that the undersigned lame entered into partnership in the Hardware and Cutlery business at the old stand of Myers .ft Bow, where we are prepared - to furnish everything in o'Bf line as cheap as Fly other house in the county. Special Inducements are offered for cash as our motto Will be quick sales and short profits. • JACOB S. BRAND. oct.l,l3.l—oct 14 0.101108 FLACK. neat estate *ales. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE.—There will be exposed at Pub- Be Sale, onthe premises-, in Warren townshlp,Franklin county, on Friday, the 180; day of December, 1863, the following very desirable tracts or parcels oeland, late the Estate, of Jacob Zimmerman, dec'd, viz: THIS MANSION FARM of said &ceased. containing-198 Acres and 49 Perches, neat measure, adjoining lands of P. W. Cook, Jacob Zinimerman, Isaiah Brewer, and Peter Zim merman. The improvements consist of a two storied BRICK DWELLING 110138 F,. large Brick Bank' Barn, and other out-buildings. The land is well watered— " Down Cove Creek" passing through the same. About 166 Acres are cleared, enclosed mostly with good post and-rail fen,,e, and under cultivation. There is, also a goixt Apple Orchard on the premises. This tract is known in the Bhorifre Inquisition as Purpart No. 1. Also, ATBACT OF LAND,. cents nitr- 210 Acres 116 perches, neat measure, adjoining Jacob Zimmerman, Peter Cook henry Brewer and Peter Zirtnrnermen. About 150 Acres cleared, well fenced, and under cultiva tion. Thermprovernmits area two-storied DWELLING HOUSE, Log Barn, Saw Mill, Tenant Gouge, and other buildings. There is, also,on this tract a thriving young Apple Orchard. This Fenn Is well watered--" Mountain Run" passing through it. Known as purport No. 2. Also, A TRACT OF LAND, containing 10 Acres. and 61 Perches, neat measure. adjoining lands of A. Ward John Zimmerman, Peter Zimmerman and others, being the Mill Trnct. On this tract there is erected A FOUR STORIED GRIST MILL. capable of turning out 30 bbls of Flour per day ; o three storied Brick Dwelling House, withal' excellent Spring of Water In the cellar: 2 Log Dwelling Unnees; Saw Mill ; 2 Stables, and otherhulid ings. known as purport No. 4. TERMS:—One-third of the purchase money to remain for the use of the widow, the interest thereof to be paid her semi-annually, at Ler death, principal to heirs lin% ance—ene.third in hand and two equal annual payments wilt interest from 1 April.lB64. Possession to be Zivele 1 'April, 1864. l'ayments to be secured in the land. :.ale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 11. JOIIN S. zimmERMAN. Adm . cc nay 18 JACOB S • ZIMMERMAN. A tiIIANGT FOR SPECULATIQN —VAZUABLR,PROPERTY AT PRITAFE arlt.E.—Tho undemigned, nn acoount of advancing years and conseqn ont inability to superintend and man age the busines, will sell at Prirate S ale her property, formerly knowr as " HANOVER IRON WORKS" and now known as ',ELYSIAN MILLS," situated nine miles South of hlcConnellsbnrg; (the county seat of Fulton county, Pa s ) on the road leading to Hancock, Mth, and distant twelve miles from the latter place, on the Chesa peake and °hid Canal and the Baltimore and Ohio hail Road. 'rho property contains too ACRES,four hundred of which is mountain Land well timbered. affording ex cellent range and pasture tor cattle and cheep. Of th 6 remaining two hundred acres, about one 'hun dred la cleared and under fence and in a good Mato of cultivation, comprisinglDlESTONE, SLATE and BOT TOM LAND. .The improvements consist of a three story Stone and Frame FLOURING MILL, complete In all its arrangeinents4or either Custom or Mei chants wook, with four run of stones and two Water Wheels, and an UNFAILING SUPPLY OF WATER, situated on Cove Creek in a fine grain growing region. A SAW 311 LL nearly new : a two story Stone Dwelling House. with ail the necessary and convenient attachments and out-btfildings. with a choice variety of fruits and shrub- bery surroundirig the whole, and with a never-failing Weil of water at the duos and under roof. A Stone building containing a STORE ROO3l. and BUSINESS OFFICE. Two Barns, a Carpenter Shop, an.) a !Slack smith Shop. Two old fruit-bearing APPIe Orchards and one young orchard just beginning to bear. There lean inexhaustableMlN F. OF IRON ORE on the prernhols, offering inducements to capitalists wishing to embark in the Iron business. To any person wishing to engage in the Distilling bu siness this Is a most inviting location- If the property is not sold by 'theist of February, 1564 it will befor rent. • Fee further information call on me on the premises, or apply in person or by letter, to James Putt, AlcConiells burg, Fulton cPlinty, Pa. Elysian Mills. nov 18-tf J MAGDALENA POTT. 11111TIBLIC SALE OF REAL - ES TATK—The subscriher, Administrator of Samuel liardon, dee'd, will under ail order of the Orplotwe Court, otter et Public. Sale, in trout of Bowden's Hotel, in the borMigh of Wavueshorte. op Saturday. 2ilth day of No reinber, 1863, at 1 o'clocki all the following valuable Steel Estate, late the propetty of said dec'd to wit : Purport /, consisting of a LOT Oil 011.015 ND„ with a two stetted BRICK 110U31.1 and other building thereon erected. situate on the south side of Haat Main Street. in said Borough, bounded on the South by en alley, by lot of Job Stover on the. West: and on East by purport No. 2. This purport is 26 feet along Main Street, Mod 26 on the rear alley, and wits the mansion o• deed. Purport 2. situate immediately East and adJol ning pur port 1. bounded on the East by lot of Samnel Rider. south by an alley. and having a small BRICK HOUSE thereon, is 25 feet 2 inches, more or less. along - Main Street and abovit 22 feet along the rear alley. _Purport 3 consists of house and Lot on south side,. of Main tl;trect. hoeing an 'alley on the East, an alley on the South, and property of 'lint. Cochran on the West. with a twO storied ItOIIOIICAST HOUSEand other build ings thereon erected. Porpart 4, Being a LOT OF GROUND delimited on Plot of town as Lot No. 54, hounded by 'Mechanic Street on the East..ii lot of 31riCAndere on the N' rib, by tin alley on the Weet, and on South by lot of Peter Dock: same being about 6 perches - wideand .20 perches deep, and heretofore used as a :Nursery. An excellent chance to Mil cheap and good property is here offered. The pnrparts are well located and in yr amenable. condition. Terms made known on day of sale. n0v.51.143 JAMES FL MORMON; Ailm'r. ritcromtreßT Cliimbersburg, please copy.— Waynes boro Rredvd.3 ptTBLIC SALE,—By virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, tue undershined,Adminietrntrix with the will annexed ut CATHARINE MERELEIN, late of Chanibereiburg, dec'd, will expose to Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday. the 25th day' of Ati rembar but, the following REAL ESTATE. viz : • A TRACT OF LAND. situate in Eamiltio - township, on.the Chanibersburg and ,Bedford turnpike, aajuaain,, ,, lands of.iucnb Eby And others.containing a'. out ELEVEN ACRES. The Improvements are a LOU HOUSE and other necesSary out-buildings. Also—A LOT OP OROUN., in the Borough of Chart bersburg, fronting on Wed Market - steeet,on ahat is known us ••New England Bill," on which is erected it very convenient and comfortable BRICK ROCSE. This property will make a desirable home. Also—A LOT OP GROUND. fronting on German et., on tho North, Catharinestreet on the South. and bound ed by an Alley on the West,heing about 54. feet in width, and 2.s6feet in depth. This Ltt will be divided into IMO or four BUILDING LOTS. with an Alley between. for the accommodntion of purchasers desirous of obtaining eligible Building Lots. Persons wishing to pnrchnse. can obtain more minute lot wmation by rifling upon G. 0. StaiWiEn, Attorney at taw. Ohembersburg. Bale,at I o'clock. F. M.. of said day. commending with the Town Property. when the terms will be made known, [nort] MARGARKT SIERKLEIN, Adm'rx. FAVO RITE SUMMER RESORT H FOR SALE OR TO RENT. • THE BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE,. Braid Top City, Huntingdon County. Penult. This celebrated Ho tel. situated on the top of Broad Top Mountain, one of the finest locations iu the State for pure air, grand mountain scenery and fine water, Is offered for sate at a great bargain, or to rent to an enterprising tenant. The Rouse is crowded every season and presents an oppot tnnity of making money in the hands of a busi ness manseitlom to be met with. It is furnished through out with - ELEGANT ICILNITIJRE from PhibidelphiaVit is a very substantial Stone Building, three stories and. !element, 14 by 6.1 feet. with kitchen 1.7 by 27 feet.— lee House, Carriage House, Stables and other out build ings, a pleasure garden and ample ground for vegetable, gardens. There are also Meadows and cultivated fields. The large coal trade of the neighboitood and the very salubrions atmosphere of Broad Tbp City will ever fill the House - with visitors during the Summer Months. For terms, &c., apply to HENRY 1/. MOORS, President of the Broad Top finprollemmt 228, Walnut St., Philadelphia. to*t2B'63-6t • DEAL ESTATE SALE.—The uu derstenod, Trustee to sell the Real Estate of Trim -1111,111 Agrore, will expose at Public sale, on Frida9,- December dth, 1603. at 10 o'clock, A. 31., on the premises, a certain Lot or piece of Land, altuate in the Borough of Chrunberaburg, bounded and deseribed:as follows: on the North by King Street, on the East by lands of M'Cmck eia's heirs, on the South ny lands of Daniel Trestle, and on the Weat by grounds of Ifelfrlck's heirs, with a two 10t1 DWRILINUIIOI3SK thereon erected. - GEO. W. BREWER, Trustee to sell the Real Estate of Truman Cosgrove. By the Court.--Wx. O. AIreORELL, Clerk. (nor 11-ts) YIVO HOUSES. FOR SALE.---The undersigned offers at Privitte Bale, TWO LOTS in ayettevilie, ono of the lota having thereon erected, si new two @aerie double FRAME HOUSE, and the other stone and a-hatfatoried home. The property isdeeirably located for business, ores a private dwelling,being intim neighborhood of the Academy and opposite Brown's Hotel; Persons wishing to view the property can do so by callingupon Dr,Vabruey, the present occnpant,orthe subscriber. Terms made to suit purchasers. Sept 9.tfJNO. 0. BIORAM. 11.38L1C SALE.--I. will offer at Public Sale, on Saturday the 28theffireeinher next, o'clock P. !d., the tiro STORY BRICK BOUBB and lot near the Saw and Planing Mill! of Shepler,Clark A. Co., the property of Slice Mary M'Keehan. Th house is new and in good repair. Possession given the first bf April next. JOSKPIi CLARK, N0v,18,: 24 Agent for Miss Mary M'Keehan. - y -ALUARLE RNA f. ESTATE AT SALE. SAL The undersigned, agent for the he rs, will offer the large BRICK HOUSE and lot sitna. tedon Main Street, midway between the stores of 11. K. Buts, and Huber & Tolbert, at Public Sale, on Tuetelay, December let, at I o'clock, where and when the terms will be made known. Persons desirous of purchasing can examine the property, or enquire& novlB,'B3-te J. 1.. BURSSIBOTT. • ;oat notate "55ales. A,CHANCE TO MARE MONEY The undersigned offer at Private Side, en - ace( ra ine...ting terms, all that valuable TRACT OF LAND situ aced in St. Thomas township, Franklin Gaunt}. 5t..3 miles North. weat &the-village of 91. Thomas. bound* by lands on Wilson's licks, Nt'na. rteaner, Barr. as others, cunt:tilting 229 ACRES. stiteof cult' ration, the w it &I which lg. been About lea Acres °fib's Tract are cluared and in a Ot t tier °uglily limed within the hist faare: the hlhnlet it heavily set with thriving Timber. There 16 a Ant Lim e atone Quarry ou tire,premises. Iron which a Rupert, ' quality of Lime is made / The Improvement* eilusivt 6 a good. twoetoried Lo and Frame LIVELLIKO MA'S 6 A Fritl BANK BAR erected last summer: a Witter • Power SAW MILL, Ueda STAVE and 611 b (ILE MILL. d r iven by a email Steam. Engine, and oilier nteeeetiaT and convenient buildings. The above Prnperty niters great inducements to ptir ehasersaf Rea/ Estate. It is located in a tlnely Tinitivred region .and as the demand tor loanatior.Stav ca. Shlngith itc.. is and will continue on tholncrespe, an en-rpetit business man could not fail to make Money out of the many/it/vantages it possiessesr Persona &wiring to in rest in a valuable Property are invited to flew Ibis Salisbury Shearman, residing thereon. will give any in , farmation that may be_deslred. Posseislou can be ball at any time. June 17, '63. GARVER a SUEARMAL BOUBLIC SALE.—By rhrtne, of gn Order of the Orphans' Cdhrt Yranklha county, Penna., the undersigned, Administrators of the Estate of Frederick Divilbiss, late of Weirren township, In said county. deed, will offer at Public' Sate. on the I:rend:on. on Friday the 27th day of Niecemb cr, 18t3,tlitt following described Rent Estate, vas : Purport No. 1. boing the MANSION FARM, adjoining lauds of Michael Cook, Charles Gelvix, Jacsb David Martin and others, containing 139 ACRES and 21 - PERCHES, neat measure. haring thereon erected a two story STONE DWELLING DOUSE. Stone Barn, and Stone Spring House, with other needfni buildings and improvements. Also, a good Apple Orchard end other fruit trees; wills an abundant supply of neverfoiling water on the some. It tew ell Timbered, and hoe recent ly been well lime t, andaltog,ether IB 4.1,..p0d fart:A.* condition. i - Purport No- 2 containing 163 ACRES and,69 PERCH ES mot measure. adjoining the Mountain survey, lands ` of ChoriesGelvrix. James Tenly's heirs, John Thomas and others, with a story and a half LOG DAV ELIA N G BOUM Log Stable, and Log Spring House theredo: A hake, thirty Acres of this tract is cleared, and the rest well covered with Black and White Oak. nnd Chestnut Timber and is well watered. Both tracts will be sold together, or veporate. nit will best snit purchasers. dale to commence at TO o'clock, on said day, when the erms will be wade ktiewn by . SOLOMON DIVILBISS,I- Adm , re. , SIMON BREWER.. nor. 4 PUBLIC SALE - OF REAL ES ,TATE.—WiIII be-exposed at Public Sale, at the reit menee at 0. A. Anderson, dec'd, in ;Quincy, on Friday.. the 270 day of _November ttirt, the following Rest Itt tate, to wit: No. I. A three. storied BRICK ROTEL, with Warb Mouse, Spring Halite; Smoke House, Bake Rouse and Wood House ettache - l. Also, a Frame Building calcu lated for Shoe or Tailor Shop t win, stabling - sueletclent to accommodate quit e,a number of Horses. No. 2. A two storied BRICK STORE ROUSE. : wltb Smoke House aadother ont buildings. Also s alarg Prone Stable thereon erected. No. 3. A one and half storied LOG HOUSE, Vint, House, Ac 4 vittached, With a neverfailing Well of Water on each of the above properties. No. 4. A LOT containing one and threetfoutth At - ILB!! •f Land, with anexcellent Frame Barb thereon. No. 5. A LOT OF MEADOW GROVl4D,coptainlng oro - Acre.. , Any person wishing to view tho premises can do so bi coiling on the vindersiped, living in Quincy. Salt to rommence at 10 o'clock, on Mid day. when that terms will be made known by L. C. KEnta, nov.ll Adra'r. V.A.LL'ABLE'FARM FOR SALE -v —The subscriber offers at Private :ale, his FAEX , situated about 1 4 mile from Quincy, contain gni ACI 14 of which is hi TIIIIBER and 'thriving Chestnut. 4 of the Farm is of the best quality of LIMESTONE LAND and slim a high state of cultivation. The Improvis mentsare a large BRICK TIME, pith portico , and porches, a new BRICK BANK IiAILN.9O - fent long. with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached, daulde Frame Carnagellouso ;Brick Wash flume, Smoke - Mouse. Woe Oven, and ail necessary outbuildings, in ,good rep* There is a large Cistern clone to the ham teed for Stm It and one near the kitchen. There is a Welbef excellent water in the yard. There is also a variety of choice Fruit, such as Pears, Plume, Peach's and ()rapes in tins yard. There halite a amid ORCHARD of young thriving „Fruit on the premises Versons wishing to view the land can do so by calling on the subsci ibe T. or any information respecting it can be obtained by calling on (leo. J. Ilaisley. County 'tree* , nrer. [sept f.)- J Oil N - ASIDDOWER. PPRIVATE SALE' OF. ,TANNERY NEAR PA YETTEWILLE.—The wfil sell at. Prirate Sale, the g described IthAL TATE,to ' - 30 ACRES OF LARD. ' All tinder good fenceandtitinble.withagoo4BrickDweti ing. a latler failing well of good water uear the dirop•a geed Barthand Thrashing 'Floor, a fine Orehaid i tlasai tes the beet fruit. Alit, A' TANNERY 321argelints, 6 large Lancins with limas and ppoidt Park )1 ill, Roller. Pump and Fuliivg Stork/I all in vxcetl lent order. the whole operating by WATER POWEll; Also a good Barkelted, all upeutpabeed i i eunYeraiela • and labor easing. The above, property will be shown , tostny person on ap plication to, Jacob B. Cook of Pay,Yitemille„ or Jelin Cook of Chainbernbarg. Terms Jane 170534 f PETER COOK. ATALUABLE TAY - 14111,N STAND FOR SAAB.-The undersigned offer at Private Sale. the well known Tavern, situated on the corner of Market rind Second Streets, now in, the occupancy of Sheriff Brown. The HOW is a large commodious two etory brick building. The yard attached is admi r ably arranged foy travellers stopping with boggles nod wagons. The stable is large hnd airy; and capable of accommodating front 50 to t•ti head of horses. The I/10. build pigs such AS Wash Honse. Spring Mime :fee Hanoi. &c. makes it the most desiral•le Motel in the county. 'Veneer locatkon tit the Rail Rend, Court finnan, Bank, and businessplaces,rende -8 It the most pleasant and convenient stopping place in town. Persona desiring to parch ass. can see the premien and team the terms of bale by calling on the undersigned. ED. APOIIINBAUGHi S. M. WORLEY.. ' Chanileg. sept. 2-4 f IT PURSIJ KN OE OF AN . O.RDTIR of the Orphans' Conrt, the undersighed. Et - Penton' the lust will and Testament of Jacob Demisderfer, late of Antrim township, decd, will after at Public gale, on the premises, on Saturday, the 2Sth of November, DBl, at 1 o'clock, I'. 51., the talon Dig described Real Estate, viz:.ATRM.TofF.AND.the :devtion Fann of said .dec'd 'diorite In Antrim township, Franklin co., Pa.; lionnded by lands of Deo. Rho e< Samuel Schindle. John - Powell. Sabine/ Bemeaderfer, Wm. Gee:hart arid others, contain. ing 125 Al TES more or leas, and having thereon erected a LO(} DOUSE, Frame Barn,and other bnildiuge. Thee"; is a well of Water, and a good ORCHARD on said tract, and abont 25 Acres of good 701.131.8. The terms wilt he mode known on the' day of eale, - by JOHN BRSIESDERY 1301 , 18-2 t SA Attila SCIIINDL j", e'eu.'47• MALL FARM FOR SALE t .-71). enbecriber will sell et Pi irate bale the BMALL le 1114 on which ho now Teßillelt. lii mute l Antrim towb. ship;Yranklin i 'omit y. about six tulles .front Oi igloo tle, on the Cashtown road, adjoining luthie of Facfillel Myers and others. contahlirlg shout YOBTY ACltEF—s.ll cleared land. In good order nod adder good fence...lllo).e le a 1t017,N (1 Oltoll ABU of thtiftll trees on the plSie, sad n Well of excellent water. The improvements c ttst4 of a two-story LOG DWELLING 1101:4111. a MEW BANK BAllN.lorty-two fret long, and well finishers', and all other necessary cot hoildinge. Possession a DI be given on the let of April. 18"4. Terom will he nreMe known on application to the enhscriber residing ion the premises. reet 21 '62-tfl .SAMVEL O. KitlDEß__ TANNERY FOR SALE.-.—The sub. scriber offers for Sale' its TANNERY, situate in 3 o,onnellsburg. Fulton Ceunty. The yard contains 40 VATS, 9 LEACHES. (all_nrler roof). with good BEAM SHOP, BARK SHEDS, and everything convenient for carryingOn the business. ~An abundance of Dark cats be had for $3.00 to $3.50 per cord. ,Large and goodIAVELL. IN° HOUSEaadTertant House; together with all' nee essary buildings, and abundance of FRUIT. on the lots of the choicest kind. In connection with the above will be sold, if-desired, 21 - ACttES of prime LIKE/QOM! LAND in ahigh state of cultivation. 0ct.7.3m - , __ W . 31. HOES. DEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE.—The subscriber will eell at Private Sale, a part of the lower end of the OLD MANSION FARM, situated abort' 3 miles froth Greencastle. containing about 30 ACRES'S of w hich is TIMBER, adjoining Jos. Dade on the South and the Franklin Railroad on lbw East. The improvements are a 1% story LOG - 110041, and small Stable. A Stream of Water passes throat/a the centre of the land: Persons wishing to view the premises - can do 90 )9.1 nailing at the old Mansion Farm. • nov '63 tf ADRATIAM KAUFFMAN. XILL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE - SALE :—Tbe snbscriber will offer at Private Sale si ACRES of LAND, situated at Clny Lick, 4 miles south of idercersburg, on the Will ismsportiroad, on which is erected A GOOD BRICK MILL, calculated for a Pas"' of moderate ninon& There is also erected on the prem ises a Ilii story LOG HOUSE, Stabil, and otbtt necessary out-buildings. Terms will be made moderate. -, novlB-4t. ' JOSEPH WEN. GIB. II
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