0 Pactital. A.LTIMORE LOCK TIOSPITAL JOHNSON, the founder of this Celebrated niattntionoffers the mad certain. speedy, and only TectiL4 reigiediin the world for UteetS, Structures. .... i t' ll , Wei.kness.P tin in the WTI; Constitutional De ""liYiTtnpoteace, Weakness of the. hack Ault. 'UMW. Affections of the Kidney.. Palpitation of- thelleart., nYsPePsia, Nervous Irritability, Diseases of the Wad, Throat, Nose ur ; and all those serious and melan choly disorders arising from the dertrattive habits 0. routit, which destroy both body and mina. These secret ;a11,4 solitary practice. are more fatal to their victims than the,i qig of the Syrelis to the mariner Uly'tus, blighting their most brilliant, hopes, or acticiinitious rendering marriage. Ac . impossible. YOUNG GLEN. faring Men especially, whoo bave become the victims fiditary Vice.tliat dreadful and Aestructive habit - which anuu•tily sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted tl.ent andbrtUtau tiiteilect,:who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the tit 'rulers of elohuence, or waked to wnsincy the living lyre; may call with full confnleace. MARAIAGF ! ' *armed perlions. or young men contempinting mar •ing Morale of:physical weal:nem, o rgunic de bi niY• deformities, - &c., should immediately consult Dr. Johns east Re who places hinnselfruuler the - Care of Dr:Johns& . mar religiously conhdc in his honor *4 geniletnan,aud qua fichntly rely upon his skill as a physjcian. ORGANIC WEAKNESS! , _ DIXEDIATLLT - CURED AND LULL VIGOR RESTORED. This: diseaie le the penalty most frequently paid by thane who have hoettine the victims of improper indul ftertoe . S. Young persons are too ?sift to commit esc:esses from not-being :tware af the dread till consequences that may emme. Now. who that underatanda the subject will 'pretend to deny that the power of 'Procreation is Last sooner by.thwm falling into improper habit than by the prudent, [fealties being deprived of tile pleasure of 'healthy offspring, the most serious and . de.structivt sympathy to mind and body arise. The system become deranged. the physical mkt: mental powers' weakeled nervous debility, dyspipsia. palpitation of the heart - Indio:Lit ion, a: wasting of the &dyne, cough, sympsom of consumption Office No. 7 South Frederick ' Street, seven doors from Baltitn , .re street, East side, up tht thesteps. fte particular in observing the name and number.or T° - mill mistake the place. - A CURE WARRANTED IN- TWO DAT5....4% •_. - No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs. . DR. J9IINSTON, lisaiber of the rey,ircollege of Surgeons, London. gra duate from ehe of t to most emintint Colleges of the United States. and the' gveater part of whose life has rs'a spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadel phia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston Lilting cures that were ever known. Many troubld - with ringing in the •hend and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being al.trnted at sudden sounds, and hash- Ihineas, with fr'quent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. , di CERTAIN DISEASE! When the misguidtel and imprudent votary of plea wire finds he has imbibed tl e seeds of this painful dis ease, it ton (Mon happ-me that' au ill-tinted. sense of attain°, or dread of 'discovery, deters him from applying' to those who frooi education and respectabibty can slime heft iehd him, delaying till the constitutional lump. tains of this horrid disease make their appearance, such tie ulcerated bunt - threat, diseased nose. nocturnal paid. In the head and limbs. dimness of eight, deafness, nobs an the ebin, bones and arms, blotches on the head, ieee and extremities, progressing with frightful Irapidtt v. till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the noes tall in and the 'Victim of this awful disease becomes it horritlobject of commleseratien. till d, ath, puts a pe riod to his dreadful sufferings, by son , ing hint to "that bourne ftont whence no traveller returns." To bah, therefore. Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the - most intiolable secrecy ; and front his extensive practice - in the first Iluspirals of Europe and America, he can e nfldently recritutuend a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of [Lb' , " horrid disease. It is a melancholy fltA that thousands fall vieliMs ti - this horrid disease owing to the unskilfullness of igno rant pretenwho by use of that deadfnl poison, Viler wiry. ruin the constitution,and either send the un'ortu• nate to en untimely4race, or make the residue of life . etiaerable. ' TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE . - Dr adelress - es those who have injured themselves by private ma impropei Indulgences. These are some of the sad and melanelMly effects pro ineed by early habits of youth. vizi—Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Dead. Dimness of Sight' Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the Heart, Dye., pepsia, 'Nervous Irritability. Derangement of the Diges-• Als'e Functions ,G enen.:l Debility. - Symptoms of Constimp , pion, dc. .ilcirkt.t.r. the fearful effects on the mind are ranch to 1 e breaded : loss of NI e i.wy. Confusion of Ideas, Depres sion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings. Aversion to Society.. telf-Distrip.f: Love of Suitt Rile. timidity. ac., are some of the evil ;fleets. - Thousands of persons of al ages ran now. judge what Isthe mule of their declinin4 health, losing - the r rigor. becomirg, weak, pale, hcive singular, appearance about the - eyes, cough. anitsymptoms of-Consumption, • • Johnsto it: s Inv i yr' rTting Remedy for •ganic iVealiness Biihisr great and important remedy. Weakness of the Orgeth• is speedily mired. and full vigor restored._ Thousands of the most nervous and ilebititated.who ' had lost all holfe, have been ilium !lately relieved. All Impediments to V•trriage. PhYsicat or Mental Disquali fication: Nervous Itrilitlnlity.Treno‘ling, Weakness or Exhanstion of the most fearful kind opeedily cured by De. Johnston. • YOUNG MEN. have injured themselves by a certain practice. in dulged in when alone--'-a habit frequently learned fr ui evil companions. or at school, the effects are nightly felt;even when asleep. and if not cured. render ma - Hap imposdltle, and il;stroys both relied and body. ithonld apply immediately. What a pity that I yls..ing loan, the hope of his coun . ArY, the d.trling of his p 'rents. should be snatched front -all prospects and enjeyinentsoflife, by the consequenc; df deviating& path of nature. and indulging a certain secret habit. Su •tt persons. before contemplat tOg MARhIAGE etrould reflect that a F4Jund nund and body are the most at u•eary• regnilitea to promote connubial happi, nese. Indeed without these, th,, , hurney through lite becomes a weary pilgrimu.6. tho pro-it - wet iiohrly dark- QM to the vie% ;th mind be,mme4 shadowed with de eper, am/ tilled with t tic. melancin,ly real Lion, that the happiness of another becomes bliklitetV with our *wt. OFFICE No. 7, SOUTII FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE. • TO STRANGERS. The many thousands cured at this Instal:akin in the .biat fifteen year.; smiths numerous important surgical Operatiuns•pefLatnod by Dr. .3., witnessed by the re porters of the papers. nu d many of her persons. notices of which have appeared again irmiagain before the pub Is a IttlffiClOnt gllntillit“' to the afflicted. N. 8, There ore so ninny ignorant an worthless quacks advertiiing ttio4l , elVet, 11l Physicians, ruining tliehealtit of the aiready afflicted. Di ..1011m.ten decors it neceistrs to say to those unacquainted with his i4O - that his Diplomas hangiu his office. Sir TABS Nonce--Ail let lel S Must be pint paid ,and cousin a plrstll-tt d Amp [or the reply, or no answer will be et. Feb 25.'63-Iyr: - 13oots anh ,Stoco. 1 EW SIIOE` iSTOIZE —The Sub -1 scriber takan this meth - tsr of informing the cat zaps of (ThaMbershurg :not vieioity; that he lots just returned 'I um-Philadelphia it Rh an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of Boots and Stmes, of every variety, style and pattern..and of the loan man Whet u res. lie has no old Shyheepers on bled. His whole stock. is new Give hint a call—SOO can easily suit yourself. Lie invit's the Ladies. especially, tocall • as n e will tike pleasure in showing his goods. Store in the room for merly occupied by Frederick `mith. Esq..as a Law Office, and"more recently used for the: purpose by George Eys ter, DI.. two ,loors North of Fikier's Hotel, Main St eet. Chambersburg Pa., -- His large and well selected stock. he being a practical Shoemaker: consists of Ladies[ Gaiters, Boots, slippers and Buskins; Misses' and Children's Boots and rhoes; Gentlemen's Gaiters. Slippers. Boots and Brogans. Do not f wget the place. Ne trouble to show Goods at the NEW STORE, two doors North of Fisher's Hotels Main qtrecet, Chatnbersburg, Pa,, by, J vine 17 1852. RIMER FELDMAN. ALL AND SEE !-TH - F, UNDER SIGNED announemo . 14 tininerous frrenas and •customers, that, continues to manufacture to order, and keeps on hand a ful and complete assortment of qmilitics and styles of SHOES and GAITERS, for :Ladies. hisses and 'Thlbiren His assortment of DOOM &OHS. &c.. for %len and Boys' wear 18 com plete. to which he respectfallyinvit es attention. *CYR!: of MI kinds made to order. in a neat and durable man - tier, and at short notice. Call and ace bofors purchasing - elsewhere- atul tic will 811 iArY Purchasers that he sells at verrsussli profit. fir 01,411. Don't _forget the place hoar.. -mite Huts & Keefer'e Store. Chambersburg, Era GEORGE. LtilNEB.. June 17_,18113. :at r. rorstrics. ' 1 :aux m'zivritir TOTIN 0. HOPKINS & CO. it, _ IMPORTF:REI & DEALERS TB CHINA, GLASS AND QtrEENSWARE, N 0.1512 11 3 / 4 RICET STREET. PIitIADSLPMA. • For furthrr particulars apply to S. S..BIIIIYOCF. .. Chamberaburg, Pa firep.23-Iy. Rats, erapo aub Surf7i.- jEIANOY FtTRS ! FANCY FURS!! JOHN F. : kilt:lßA, 418 Arch. St, below, Bth south side, Philer Importer. rtlanufacturer of and Dealer in aU Blinds of FANCY FURS ! for Ladies' and Citildrien's Wear. I WWI to return my thanks tit oty friends of Franklin i s and the surrounding Conntleff, for their very liberal pit ronage AX.t.ell4.d to me defying the last few se4s, and would say to - them that Imovrbsit'e- in store, of my own Importatbm and Maniffarture a very vestOnsivel assort ment of all the different kinds and qualititte of FAN' FURS. for Ladies and Ch i'dreti, that will be worn during the Fall and Winter seasons. . . Being the direct Importer of all my Furs front:Europe, and having them all Manufactueed under myou-ri super -vision—enables rue, to offer my customers and the public a much handsomer Set of .Furs fut- the &miej money. f.a.dies plen.e give men call before purchasing Pleasu remember the name, number and t4tl eet• JOIIN FARERIA, sept 9-9 m No. lI'S Arch St., Philadelphia. DECITERT has an entirely' new slack of HITS and A FW, and he is determined t.. keep . np the reputation of thvld stand, to 011 cheap, er than the cheapen. Call and examine. 4 doors South of Eyster & Bra's. T4ADIES' FURS ! raDIES' F i t RS . ! would-invite the attention of the Lahieq to m large and -entirely new stock of FURS. which I: will sell 'very cheap. J 1: • • ECHERT. DO. NOT FORGET T •• T IjECLI i ER'S is the place to buy chomp HATS, CAPS, and LAW ES' FURS— nECIIERT HAS. REMOVED his a .7- HAT, eAP and FUR STORE, FOER DOORS &MTH of RYSTER k Biters, 3ustires of tbe brace.; JUSTICE Or THE PEA:OE: 2 -H. B. DAVISON, JusticP of ttie Peace---4 Mee pmediate, ly opposite the" Indian Queen Hotel." All business en trusted to his care shall receive. prompt attention.- In struments of Writing, or allirinds, drawn up, in a, satis- Tar tory manner. . June 17,'63. 13 H AMMAN ,Jastice of thC Peace, • Chambersburg, Pi. °lnce on List :thirket street opposite the Court tionee. in tini s oltke formerly occupied by A. K. McClure. Prompt attention given to every thing i n the line of a Magistrate and Scrivener, sept 9, '63-tf itlebicat. SCREINCK!S PULMOINIC"ir RUT • WILL CUES CONSUMPTION. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP WILL CLRE CONSUMPTION. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP MEE= CONSUMPTION_ SCHENCK'S PUL.llO:sl6' SYRKP CS= CONSUAIPTIQN. SCHENCK'S . .?".EA WEED TONIC GEM DYSPEPSIA. ACIIENCK'S SEA, WEED TONIC I=l DYSPEPSIA. I SCRENCIVS SEA WEED TONIC EMI= DYSPIPSIA 'SCHENCK'S SEA. WEED TONIC DIEM DYSPEPSI4. I ECIIENCICS MANDILMr: NILS • WILL CCRE_ • ~i;i. LIVER tOMII,LAIIONS-: SCHENCK'S 'MANDRAKE PILLS RILL CURE LIVER CO3IPLAINTS. - ECHF:ticKS' gASDRAKE, PiLLS. RILL CURE LIVER compLMNis. SCIIENCK'S MANI:RAKE PILLS KILL CUM LIVER COMPLAINTS DR. J. 11. SCIIENTE. ham a large Suit. of Rooms at No 32. BOND:3'4'I=T, NLW YOKE, where 'lie can be tumid every Tuesday, Irnm 9 A. M.. to ,3 I'. M , and t N 411.111 SIXTH STIVELT, PH ILADEIkEIIA, PA.. every Saturday. He keeps alarge supply of medicines at his rooms. which can be lout at all times. Those wishing advice ur exatnination tie Lungs a ill do NN to call on Lim as above. lie makes no chaige fir adviCe.lint Mr a thor ough examination with the Respirumeter, his price is ; "31:My persons are afraid to have their lungs ciamined iv Dr. Schimck for fear that they a ill tie found incura ble. and by that menus it is nut off until it is too late. How much better it would lie to know [their condition at Ones. us by—amid:ince of e• idence, Dr. S. has show n sufficient - certificates in this city that lie LIDS cured ad vanced stages of DU. t. 4 CIiENGE.'s Principal Office is N0.:39 North Sixth Sti eet, Philadelphia, P.c.. whet e hitters for ads ice shonlii always be di' cried. Price of the rtiLMUNIC . SIRUP AND SEA. WEED TUNIC each $1 per bottle, or 35 . t 1 e half Mizell. MANDRAKE 25 cents per box. For Sale by all DRUGGISTS and STORMEEN RS. oct. 14-3 m WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DISCOV Eft Y.—At the present time thoughtful ever. where are looking fur the revelation of new and important discoieries in science, and when a theory is presented claiming to have discovered new light and to hot e removed the veil of obscnrity 'from a subject of the highest importance, upon which much has been vrittrn. it is ,proper that the claims' of this theory be presented and carefully examined and t oti ted, w hi c h i s destined to transcend ilk importance to suffering human ity. all other discoveries, the lightning rod and telegraph not excepted.' We hold 'hat the human system is but it galvanic arrangement. with its acids and alkalies , con stituting the positive and negative forces . and that every c 11 - 4itid and physical manifestation, either voluntary or involuntary ,is the result of this antagonism; that ilige-- t hin. circulation. secretion,and - acretion are wholly at tributable to the law of electrical iniluences: that the nerves are the conductors oft LECTRWITY. and that there is it polar action established through the nervou ti system which connects with every part of the body. establishing and preserving a proper balance of the electric element, which constitutes health, and a ilinturbance of which canoes kilSensik; that there are st rict 1)1 brit two - conti ahem of disease—the one positive. the other negative; and as ELEcvalcrry possesses these two inherent principles. it will. if applied according to the electric polarities and requirements of the system, arrest. or. in. other words, peutrolize the disease by the restoration - of proper polar action. We also assert that all drugn taken into the eye, tem act strictly - upon electrical principles; that from decomposition the intent electricity Janet free. and that though the electrical polarities of the nervous system 'llll chsngettare produced either f. ir good or for evil ; that n the incipient stage of disease it May tend to equalize the forces. and restore harmony; but atter the ease has become refractory, paralyzing the nervous cm Vim:mica- Bona. and changing the - constituents of the fluids, and arresting the digestive action of the stomach and its power of approbation. nu internal proemial medication ever has. or ever can, succeed In removing the cause of the disease. its only tendency being to multiply and cons plicate the symptunis. On the Contrary, ELECTRIC/TT behig the vital element upon which life depends.ean be directed to any part of the' budy,and even after the vital fhnctions seem para. lyzed; possesses the power of arousing the dormant en ergies. equalizing the circulation. and the System to e stelanstaining system. One very Ithportaiit feature of this treatment Is, that no time is lost in experimenting with disease. By means of electridal test anacourate .diagnosis is given at once: determining the locality and character of the disease. and indicating the treattnent to be pursued. The cnrientii are perfectly_under the con ti ol of the operator. and raft be regulated to suit the delicate nerves of a child without any unpleasant Senna tion. All those who have long nuffered from painful and obstinate 'disease—Acute. Chronic. Inflammatory or Paralytic—arei nvlted to call and consult. CONSULTATION PRBIL DR. W. B. BROWN, °TYPE n Franklin Build ing. Wetit Market Street, 4th &ler from the corner of tho Dianion6,Ohambersburg, Pa. Nov. 4, '634 f • ` - - ,„ - the fiiitiktitiiteiiaiit6iii, Xouttiibef 25,40. attarnegs at 3Lab3. KENNEDY & zo Part nership—The undersigned have associated tnem seives in the practice of the Law in the several courts of Frankein County. On eon Market street, in tLe room heretofore occuPied by T.B. Kennedy A TTORNBY AT LAW.- NIL .SON HEILLY, Atinrwy at. Law —Oft co 311 Mar ket at.. fornierly occupied by Reilly; & Eh ri , directly opp site the toxin Cbanihersburg. Pa. All legal. business entrusted to him will recelee prompt attention. He will practice in adjoining COM. June 170143.. =I QTUAIBAUGH & STEWART,. At torn•ys'at iaw.Chambernhurg. give their undi vlded attention t ) the Pritet fee of their Profeatiln. John Stewart agent hr procuring Bounty Money, Pensions. and arrearages of Pay. - ~ B ir-Office in the Town Hall. , Juno 17,'83. M. & W. S. STENtiER, Attor negx at Lam, Chamhersburg, Pa. Collections promptly. atteaded to. W. S. Stenger, District Attor ney and agent for procnring Pensizms, Bounty Money and Arrears of Pity. Office in Franklin Building. ad door from the corner. • June 17.'&4. WS. EVERETT, Attorney at Law. • Office in Mis Bard's dwelling. 'directly oppo site the C urt I louse. C hambersburg, Pa. Will practice in theseveral t:ourts of Rranklin and Fulton Countieit. All legal business entrusted to hie care will receive prompt attention. June 17, 1863. M'DOWELL SHARPE. Attorney CI- at Lino Chanitierslinrg, Pa. Office in Mrs. Bard's .fluilg lugs, directly opposite the Court House. '—jiine 17, 1863. . i J . , 01 Fla a o‘. SEIVIIIMFR, V? . • j at \fi . Lam, Chamberkurg, Pa. .Office—)fain Street, above Queen, hi the room formerly occupied be S Iteish er. Eici. : Junali. 1563. G EORGE EYSTER & E. J. BON BRAKE, Attorneys at Law. have removed to the rootn on Wu Street . one door South of Eyster'd Store. June 17, '63. T S. CLARK. Attorney at Law, lilts J• removed his Office a few doers East of his former' 'ovation. nn Market street. (AatitleSide.) June 17.'83. M, DUNCAN, Attorne . cat I k _J Low. Office on Nlnrket Street. in Lnwyer's ow, ' opposite the Court (louse. • June 17. . L.:FLETC - HER, A 'ttorttey at Law arChtunhembnrg, I'a. Office du East :111trket street nearlyapposite the 0 urt flout June 17.'63. K.. MX . LT_T RA Attorney , at L Laic. Cluunbersburg, Pa. •Office in the Franklin Reposttnry Buildings. • Juno 17. '63. D - WATSON ROWE, Attorney at .Law. reencamtle, Pa . [sep 30. '63 Bentistrv. ........._,...:„„,_____,,,,,‘„,...,„............_____, TEETH INSERTED ON AMBER BASE.—DR. N . -CHLOSSER. Odle still at his real sues ~n, EAST MARKET STREET. near the Franklin RailromE Dentistry rn on its lidielies :Mended to with all the modern fmprovements. Having published to this community for more than two years. that teeth on Amber is in evei y way CHEAPER AND BETTER than teeth on .sly other material.l. ..ould say that I still see no reason to change my opinion, for there are many per sons in Chambersburg and vicinity for whom I have inserted teeth un AMBEb. who can testify to their supe rior merit. N.B. All work warranted to give sathifaction, or no charge.' Teeth extracted without pain with perfect safety without taking Chloroform. For further infer- oration call aS the Office. [June 17.;863. I . D R. W . W. S' CHI 0 SSE R , Surgeon Dentist.—Tht undersigned has removed his O ffi ce from the Mansion House to the r - esidtmee of Mr John Noel. Ncirthw'e.t corner of the Diamond, mid immedi ately opposite the Franklin Hotel. Office on the •se coral floor—entrance through the passage, to the right as you atconil the stairs. Jane 17. 163. ' W. W.SVIILOSSEII. - R E),HioVAL.—Dr..J. K. REID', Den retanve.rhiS office .rom the cort.r o , the Politic Square, where he practised co many years. to the corner of Main and Queen Streetg. ahove Wm. lievser'e Drug Store.Chainherghttrg. Pa where lie wit Lbe pleaged to recehe the ralle bin f t iends pnne17.1863. iiimsitiato. DR. A. R. SHAW retttrns his tharikB to the citisens of Franklin county. fir the lib eneom 6ceitient bevtow,Nl hoe the last thy, years. and inrites,those who have not made teed Of lIONDEOPATIIY to do so. tonsultotions free. All (i -mble en4...C.1n rely on amore speedy cure [loin under any othcrsyistymt. Dr. S. has rein. reil to Nerth .fat street. a! short distance below the point. where he coil he found I:caily to attend to calls. either in town or country. when not ikhsnton prufesmninal busi nees. June 17,15(3. ! DR. JOHN •MONTGOMERY will nttend promptly to all calls in his liue. Office vt, Muhl At eel. next door to the Kagle Hotel. and nearly opposite tilt. resoience of the 11.11-George Chambers. rhamhprqhnrg, June 17. Mitt, AAT B. BROWN, .Eleetriral Office in Franklin Building. Ming/J . S r)tzET, Clininbersbn - i g. Pa. The ab re treats all Chronic - Dis'ensrq by means o. GALVA NISM and Oa. ditTeren t onalilicathoo, or ELEC.. TRICITY.as discortred and taught by Prof. Bollas, Novi 4., b3-tt 31R. - J. C. RICHARDS will attend .11_,liviy to nil enlin in him hoe. Miley on Main Streit: next to Spangleem Drug Store, *4 - oktucE novas—From 7 to 9, A.M.: 12 to 2 and 6 P. Nl.' Jan e 17,1863, )300k5 aniCetationerp. EW , • STORE!-WIA.TSON& SON ;have opened at their Store'lloom, on the . North st Corner 01 the Diamond, 0 1.1 1 '4sio' Foulislin hall Chambers!mix . , Pa.. an entirel) new stock of giM,l.4. consisting otllOoliS of alm,,st every description. Stn thief ry „ r all kinds, Envelopes. Steel-Pens. iuk, &c. Also a large assortment of 'WALL PA PP It, WINDOW tiLl NDS.various prices. and a great vitrietV of NOTIONS AND FAAN ARTICLES. Picturee. Fans: Vases. ',MEM ano Slisiio Baskets. Ac. Fancv Soap and Perinniery Also a paid Assortment of Worsted. Shetland Wool. Ac. and a great variety of goods too numerous to Insert to which the'l site the attention of the Pu . blie. and res speethillY solicit a share of the politic patronage Plea d , caltand examine our stock. Jane _ • ' WATRON'& SON. EA.S* B.- SMITH & CO., P ; BOOR - SELLERS AN ItPUBIASIFERS. nufnetu revs of Blank and Memorandum Books. Photo. gtapli Allayrro. Manifold Wrlteni Marble Paper, dc., No. 27 Sou tllinventli Street, stigma Che.tilut. Blank work of every deseriprion. far County Officers, Counting "louses. and Pulthe 0111,es _clone to .or. der. Orders le rt with S. S..SIIRYOCS, CliatnberOiiiig. Pa. promptlyattooded to. Sept 30 '634 y 13 ;tinting, etatipg, &c. BARNARD T. FELLOWS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER _ _ . . DRAINER, GLAZIER, AND PAPER HANGER; SHOP ~ In the Old Armory, Buildinq, (up - stairs,) next door to `Old Jail," Pei(rer .i• Foltz's - j Carriage Manufactory, opposite • Brclrn's Hotel, and 4' } CORNER OP SECOND AND MARKET STS., , Chumberskutt Pa.' . I respectfully take this me toad of than k ing 'the citi zens of Chamhershurg and vicinity for-the very I i heral patrbnage I-have received at their brinds for the past, year'. (iny first piar in this place,) and flattering myself that I have • done. and and am still prepa , Za to do, the very best work in my line. I solicit acontinuante of past favor._ , B. T.-FELLOM 8 , P. B.' I respect fully refer to any of my patrons—James Eyster; Wm. Maimahan, 'Col. A. K. McClure. Itiv. Mr. Niccollo. Preihyterian Church, Dr.Richards.Dr. Risher. of; M. Kieffer & Co., (German -Red Messeliger.J. A Meow Eyster. Wm. C, Eystv, and any others for whom I have done work—for character of v,ork done, and expedition, June IT, '63,tf.8. T. F. - _ , M , IPLEAMNTS.—DeaIers an - d istioturore of Arent:Mural and other Implemental can read] a Forge elm of minable enetomed by ALDTHi 'vines In the FRANKLIN RRPORTOta. T w o B i lyl one l e a for I, t o $l.OO the Service. entitloEsP.o9l dieS • 1 STOVE EMPORIUM: I, JOHN . M. POMEROY, ~ . - . AR it Y AND NAVY AGENC Y ' :204 SOUTH, FOURTH STREET PIiII.AIiELPHIA:. . . Tile undersigned; having resigned his position as Pair- • master in the U. SlArins, has opened at No '44 SOUTH . , FOURTH STltilkg, an AGENCY FOR PROcURINti ' MA IN STIWET - 4 Doors - South of the Diomond, FENSlONS,and*r.thecollection of Osswans'; Stunnits% - . . , and all other Ctattiliagainst the Government.. .... • My long experience as Paymaster, has given mo nnol - coal facilities for becoming thoroughly acquainted with - - this business In all its details. On the receipt. by mail. of a'statemeut of case of claimants, I will forward the necessary pipers for their signature, Personal at- Would respectfully invite the attention of the pub- tention will be given to the cases at Washinkt. n. No charge unless successful, when SS will be charged fur collectit g all sums under $BO, and $lO on ail sums over that amount and under $2OO. Larger claims taken on 1 special arrangement, Fees in Pension Cases as fixed by law. . ' INFORMATION FOR AND INSTRUCTIONS TO • . icte.naANTs. • . , . ' Ali Soldiers of the'present war, who belie served two . years, and Soldiers discharged for wounds received in battle, without reference to time of service, are entitled .. • ', ; besides their regular pay, to $lOO Bounty. SHEET-IRON WARE. I 0 ,t . n case Soldiers or Seamen are discliargedfor disabitity Ncounds received white in the service, they are entitled , i to a Pension according to the disability. Re has now the largest and best assortment of ! In case of the death of the - Soldier before discharge, ' through disease contracted, or wounds received while in • , service, his widow is entitled to receive the $lOO Bounty, • ' besides arrearages of pay and pension duringher lifetime, ;Or widowhood. . - 1 I Itithe Soldier die after discharge,from disease coal I . ' traded or wounds received while in service, his widow is I entitled to a pension of $9O per annum-. If no widow or minor children; the mother of the Sol dier or Seaman will receive the Pension, if dependant on COOKING STOVES hint wholly or in part fur support. t [ if deceased Soldier or Seaman• leaves no widow, his 1 children are entitled to the same benefits as the widow, except when the children they be overfilling° of 11) years. ' - If no widow or minor children, the bounty and pay will descend to the heirs as follows: -.- First to the Father, second to the Mother, third to the i - Brothers and Sinters, And then to the' next of kin. - . . eonstantiy on hand of all sit , .;.. ' - - es, and the best ma- - settled Discharged Soldiers. whose clothing account was un at the Lime of discharge, can recover anybulance due them. If the Company books are not destroyed. To - draw this balance, write to your Captain for a descrip tive list, showing Clothing account, and forward it to me with your preliminary statement, giving also the date of your discharge I , Soldiers, who served with the nine months' volunteers, ran recover $27 bounty and premium, without regard to , lime of service, if they have not already received it. Soldiers who were prisoners in the South, and Soldiers ' alto were absent on sick furlough, are 'entitled to coin mutation of rations. 'Li communicating with this office, state the nature of your claim fully, and give the Company and Reg men t to ',... a hick you or the Soldier fur whom you claim belonged, i is - weilas your present Post Office adores% • _ REFERENCES. T. 8. - KENNEDY T. J. PILL. = STOVES, PARLOR. ever offered in Franiliu county The largest assortment, the heaviest iron arid the a mide of the best, material and in a workraaidike - • manner. As he is a PRACTICAL WORK- ROOFING, SPO-D";-'1ING., made and put up at the shortest notice. Partieu- Call and look through our stock and get the prices. '""Small, Profits, Quick Sales and Good Value." Four Doors South of the Diamond -Nor.ll, I_l . o USEK E El> ERS, READ 1.-=-Gal togivr'a Su nrise Air-Tiglatl—A New £l4t Tol k ounl..)ai STOVE. The plate. 3 are very heavy, and th. , IN•hole ttoveie finished in a Super. for manner. 1 w.trran• this toe tot , mpetior 14 any Flat-Top Stove now it the market. and reepe, Scully invite m) friends and th. nubile to :all and examine thia Stove, of which-then. are •mveral if ie.,. • I }lave a 1.., a great variety of other COOKING StoV ES of every st)le; PARLOR STOVES. new ant beantiful pat terns..togetho r with a heavy stock at sTOV ES for Churchis. Stores. Offices, Hotels. &c. JOIIN S. LUDWIG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in- STOI - ES. TL\ ,71 - 2) ("UPPER WARE. N.8.,-1 hat e been appointed Sole Agent for Galls apes Celebrated Sunrise A ir-Tiglit Cool: Stove in chant iter.tburg. Pa. - June 17.18133„. AR. T ETTER. HAMILTON & Co' .. Oren{ Stove and lin Ware Store. corner or th. Diamond. calt.i be 6 , .. 1 . 11 the largest .best. and choapes , stock of ilo,.ds in Chambershurg. They have COOK. TNG 'STOVHS for Wool and Coal, of latest patterns an , all .nizes. at fir • prices. [Jnne 17.1813. SPOUT___G, IN DONE AT SIIORT L NO LICE .or first rat ematerial and cheap, All work warranted. and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere in the County Call and -see or yourselves, at . i ETTER. ii AmiliTON &CO S. ' o nearly oppositethe Bank. UTTER ITAMILTON "kk-,, CO. are 114 prepared t. Put np the beat LIG lITNIN G' RODS nt cheap rates ALWAY S ; ON HAND, A LARGE, ai.ortmeht pf the very best Tin.lapanned and eolperWitre. &C., Kg,ld 1A)Iv at ETTER. rf AIIILT01!: Az CO'S. A LTA-WORK WARRANTED. and ri cb,nper thnn urn he hontht elsewhere in the county. Come and see—then buy. at Err r R.II.kIIII,TON k COt. (f riALL FOR PARLort AND DI SING ROOM CO iK STOVES_ They dire protty, good and che:ip. I.:Try:R. IT A ItILTONA OTS.. A few doora - frown Shryock's Rook kz.toro. , r[ l o THE PT.TBLIC GENERALLY. L CUAAIIIERStiLTRO FOUNDRY. •Fht-unilersigird take:, this method to inform the pnb& that he 11:th taken the FitUNDItY so long cart led on by Wm. SV;hel t. pith all the PATTERNS ronneeted then ith. where be pin-poems continuing the busine,s.vd le now prepared to I.ll,abe ALL KI'INDS OF CASTINGS" ointnitcy bu mooted by themmunity. Particular at• coition will be paid to leaking and, keeping, on hand er. cry description of PLOWS, CASTING s, Mioli BOX ES, kc. - MI kinds of Castings made to order. blew Plows, ofciliff-runt patterns, always 'on hand or made to order. OLD METAL taken in - trade, for which the highest price will be given, By devoting itimsneattentively to bnainese bebopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage.. June 17,'63. . ' ABRAHAM METZ. NEW MARBLE YARD.-- , —The undersigned respectfully announces to the,,fitizona of Franklin county that ke has opened a Neer Marble yard in the room formerly occupied by Dr. 'Hamilton. directly opposite J. S. Nixon's Drug Store, Main Street. in the Borough Of Chamberstnarg, where he will keep on hand or make Moeller all in hlsline of busineee. such as MONUMENTS. TOMBS and READ STONES. MANI LES. TABLE & STAND TOPS, &c., manufactured from the very Lost foreign and Domestic ititrble. - - lie respectfully soltriqa call from those who mny i4l want of any article in above4ine. lie is confident hi his ability tosatisfy all who may be pleased to patronize him. either as regards hie prices, or-the quality, beauty, a nd chesteness of his work. July ' 63 i. - JOHN A. GROVE. UPROOM MANUFACTORY.—The undersigned still carry on their BROW MARC TORY• nt their old stand, on Rant Market Street. Charilher.burg. They would inform thczpublic that the have provider' themeelvee with a. Machine to take's,. • Broom Seed. which they will do for such as do not war to do it themselves. find make their Brame cheap ,fr. • ma, or on the shares. They will &ropey CAQH FOR BROOM CORN if wel . put up. Leapt 1.6.3m1 D. ak B. J. LITTLE. *tains Anti Einivaxe JACOB B. WILLER, CHAMBERSBURG. PA., tic to his large'and well selected stock of COPPER, tIN and HALL, OAS BURNERS and WASH-BOILERS ME COAL ,BITCKETS, hest made in the county.' / Also--A large stock of TIN-WARE, MAN, and luis had many years ex perience in the business, he feels confident that he can give general satisfvtion lar attention Raid to all kinds of MENDING ASZTD JOBBINd. as our motto is JACOB 'B. MILLISR„ ftlattufactures. pension &13ountp agencies. lllls Excellency ANDREW G. Comm, Governor of Penn - Sylvania. Ifos. Stator i'Lt .....lizsex, Harrisburg, Pa. . LION. JOgy.Pli CASEY, Chief Justice of the Court of Claims; ~ Washington. & Holy. E. H. BROOKE, Chief Cl a rke of Pay Department, , Washington. 1 I LOX. EDWARn McPnansoN, 3f . C.. Washington. 110 N. 3A.s. P. NTEES.CL, President Judge, District Court, Pittsburgh. lion. A. lK.MeCLuar.,Chautibersburg, Pa. - lION.THOMAS A. SCOTT, Vice President Penn'a Rail Road. ' lion. Wmutat D.Tuom&s, collector of the Port, Philad'a. • [lox. C. A.Wnerms,,Post Master, Philadelphia. • DREXEL & CO., Dankcrs. Philadelphia. JASIESpONLAP-. President of 'Union Bank, Philadelphia BIILLITT & \ rAIRTHORNE. AttOrDieS,.. ' Rtitatm, Wmy A Eavv; Merchants, ,-- - " LUDWIG, KNEEDLER A CO. Meta/ants, " 41 Patron TT, BAUGH & CO:, 44 DAvin FAUST & CO, Merchants, .1 BENJAMIN B. JANNEY. JR. & CO.. Merchants, ~ CHARLES E. Monosx & Co.;Merchants, " z, ATWOOD,-WHEIT & CO., Merchants, ' JOAN H. PIDISOY, No. 204 South fourth Street '63-t. June 17, PENSION-,, BOUNTY AND WAR CLAIM AGENCY.—Pensions procured for soldiers of the present war who are disabled by reason of.wounds received. or disease contracted, while in the service of the United States; and Pensions, $lOO Bounty, and Arrears of Pay Obtadoed for widows or heirs of those who have ;died or been killed whild in service. A:QIN R. OBR. Claim Agent. • Chambersburg, Pa. Feb. 26,'8&1y 311oteto.. I'WESTBRN HOTEL, West Market St., Near the Biidge,Chambersbnrg, Pa. The subscriber would respectfully inform the Travel . in g Community that he has purchased and takempossee slot' of this Hotel. (le hopes to make it one of the most desirable places for strangers and others to stop at that can be found in any country town. ' HIS TABLE will at all time(' be spread with the tax i uries and substantial sof the season. 111 S-C II AMBERS are large, well ventilated, and fitted up in modern style. 4 HIS BAlt'will be well Impplied with a large and choice selection of the very best liquors. ills STABLE, will always be provided with good wholesome provender for stock, and attended by careful ' ostlers. No pains will be spared to render entire satisfaction tc all his guests; and pleding himself to endeavor to please all, he solicits a liberal shareof thepnblic patronage. Juno 17,'63. JOHN MiLuit. UHOTEL.—This Hotel is situated on the corner of Slain and Queen Streets, ne.irthe Dianiond.in theßorough of Chambersburg,Pa, Thenuderslgned respectfully announces to th e travel. ng public that this Hotel hs.a been remodled. It has ,een raised to 211 REE STORIES in height. A fine three story Back Building has been added to it. giving immence amount of room for the accommodation of she public generally. The rooms are large and comfort numbering in all, ,thirty-five. They are all well "urnished with GOOD, NEW FURNITURE. Persons stopping at this Hotel can have either double or eintle rooms, with or wlthouttire in them. The Table is al. wase sUpplied with the:BEST IN THE AJAR& T, and will seat over lOU persons. The Bar is filled with4he CHOICEST LIQUORS. The Stable is two.atories, of the most modern style, and the best in the Borough ofChamberabtarg. June JOHN FISHER „Proprietor. FRANKLIN;' HOTEL,— West side of Public Square!, Chamberaburg, Pa. The subscriber would respectfully inform the Travel ing Community that he has lamed and taken porisession or this Comm.iiiiims hotel. He hopes' o make it one if the most desirable places for strangers and others to stop that can he f tu4d-inlany country town. BIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the lux u r les rind substantials of the season. illS CHAMBERS are large.,well ventilated,and fitted up in modern style.,: Ills BAP will be supplied with alarge and Cooke selection of the very best Liquors. HIS STABLE will always be provided with good. wholesome provender for stock, and attended by careful -ostlei s. • Nene in s will he spared to render entire satisfaction to all his guest; and pledging him-elf to endeavor to please all. he solicit- a liberal share of the public patronage. June 17.'63. DANIEL TROSTLE. WHITE SWAN HOTEL, Chant , berskisrg, Pa.— Mx G aord, Proprietor. I hiving purchased this well-known hotel, (ion g known es Nliller's.and recently ris Weist k Grove's.) the Prepri ietor pledges himself that mi pains shall be spared to . minister to the wants of his guests._ The character herefothresustained bythe House an a comfortable Home for the Sitlournerohall nut suffer in my hands if a constant effort to plefine and accommodate will sustain, it. Toe proprietor, therefore, solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage beret fore extend; ed to the" White ',wan." In addition to large Stabling. he has TWO LOTS and a pair of RAT and STOCK Scat vs for the accommodation, of Drovers and Butchers.. June V. 1803 liffellet LGROVB.- WELLLB OVERLY.. LAVID LI. HAf CRISON. COV - ERLY & HUTCHISON Rave become the Proprietors of the UNITED ST %TES ROTEL,, near the Railroad Depot at HARRIS BURG, Pa. This popular and commodious Hotel has beer; newly refitted and furnished throngnont its par lors end chambers, and is now ready fig fhe reception of guests. The travelling public will find the United States Hotel the most convenient, in all particitlars, of any Hotel in the- State Capital, on account of its access to-the rail road. being immediatelY between the two great depute in this city ' [lliaantanloa, June 17.'034f. /Er Waynesboro' Record, NI ercereburg Journal, and Greencastle Pff;ecopy 3m—and charge Repository; • SPECIAL NOTICE. TUE PROPRItTORB OP TUE GIRARD HOUSE, , .PITILAPELPHIA, Respectfully call the attention of Business Men and the t. nveling community, to the enpecior accommodation and comfort oil ered hi theft estahliehment. aug. 264 m.; • KANAGA, FOWLER 4 CO. jp - DlAt' -- N QUEEN TIOTEIi, Main Street, Charnbersburg, JOHN NV. - TAYIO I I2. roptietbr. 9ihe accomroodationn and tow charges . xi-Stock Yards and Scales - are connected with the premises fir the convenience of Drovers: Also—Exten sive s tabling and yards fur !Jones and Oirtiages_. June 17.'69. - - - - - TOB PRINTING; . in every style dortestAhe office of the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY *nEatrantr. A AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE -: 4l fP TRUST COMPANY. Soutlpsast corner of Walnut and FaurfA Strolls, Ir...rvrparated 1350. Charter Perpetual. AITPHORIZEL CAPITAL, $500,000 00. PAID tr? c A ppr s tb. $250.01.10 00.. ASSETS, $1.897,146 60. Inumres lives during the natural life, or fur short terms; grants enormities and .endowments, andimiakei contracts of all kinds depending on the iasues of Acting Man as Executors. Trustees and Guardians.— lkdicies of Lite InsUrance insured at the usua l mutua l rates of-other good Companies—with profits to the sured—last Bonus, January, 1861. being 43 per cent. of all premiums received on mutual- policies at joust stock rites, 20 per cent. less than the above NON-FOItPLITURE PLAN. - By which a person pays for 5,7, esti) years onlyosioli the Policy is paid up for life, and nothing more to - pay, and should he be unable, or wish to discontinue scs.usr, the Company itiltisrme a paid-up policy in propoition to the amount et premiums paid, ss follows: lAt 5 year, I - At ryear lAt lo )oar Rata. Rates. nat.*. After payment of the annual premi ums (on policy o 1 $1000) for 1400 00 - $285 00 1200 $0 On pay't of 4 an. pre. 800 00 571 40 400 00 " 16 ' 857 10-. - 8 • Annual premium for $lOOO. NON-ForeFEITURE TEN PEAR -RATE. Age 0:1, • •• $3O 60 " 23, 34 00 •s 30, s 3a 40 36, 43 00 . ,t 40 , • 47 Oa • 46, - • 53 60 " 60, 60 30 Insurance may be effected. giving to any party; on the death in life Insured, a certain yearly ill,Col,lll3by endow ment for life, thus avoiding all Contingencies of invest ing thesante; and nuty be double or treble the yearly -- interest. ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORN, Lice-President. JOIIN 8. WILB.ON, Secretary and Veasurer. BOARD OP IRUBTRES. Alexander WWlildin, J. Edgar Thompson, Ron. James Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Roberts, ' Jonas Bowman, Barone/T. Bodine, R. H. Rldridge, • George Nugent, John Alkman, Wm. 3 Howard, . - Chas.P.lLaszlltt. Samuel Work, MEDICAL .EXAMINERB. :; • - J. F. Bum, !VI. D., j J.-NEWTON WALKER; M,To. In attendance at the Company's &lice dailyi'at 114 o'clock, M. • WAL G. REED, Chambersbutg, Pa., is the - ausßorize4 Agent of the American Lilt, Insurance and Trust Com pany, andis always prepared to furnish pamphlets or nay information wanted, and to take Insurances. • - DR. J. C: RIC! 1 A RDS, Aledicitt Ea-amines. FERNNCES—IIon, A. K. McClure, Rer.S. J. Nie culla, J. 8. N Ixen, Cluunbersburg, and Win. M. Mersh.4, Cobbler Ilagen,rown Benk. oct V 34 VitANKLIN INSURANCE COM PANY OP PUILADELPHIA, No.' 43S and 437 Cnestnut Street. Capital - Perpetual Premiums Unexpired Temporary Premiums. Surplus. T0ta1......., $2,392,111; 39 Statement ut the Aesete of the Company, on January L. 18t). Firet Mortgagee, amply secured 31,993.931 46 Real F.:gate, (present faille $138.322.47.) cost 128.970 n Temporary Loans. on ample Collateraj,:lecu- rities •• • .• • Stocks, (present yal o e 5!.)h.:165 is.) (ot .Notes and Bills -reee.‘ al.le i . Cash . - 4330.3531 04 Advance in ialne of Rc:l Fiitate er cost, %am TO AdTanee in value of 'u.. over cost 73.473 84 Total ' ';' , 2,,t3b2 7 11n trit Irgir The only frotlta front Premiums which this Cum pany can divide by law, are from Ithirs which have hope determined. Extract /rpm the Charter ctf the Cmpany. "But the moneys received as pteminins upon risks which remain undo et mined. endure outitnnding at tire time of declaring such Dividend, shall no l 1)e c•at eider ed as part of the profits of said Corpora' 'jolt or divided as TITIC1)." PERPETUAL or L MITET) INSURANCES made ‘in every description of proper ty, in Town and Couittry, for Owners, Mortgages. Oroutol. Landlords, &c., &o. Rates as low as arc niteiNtent with security. Since their Incorporation, a period -of thirty years, they have paid over FOUR 31iLLIDS8 OF DOLLAItid LOSSES BY FIRE. thereby affording' evidence of the advantages of Insurance. as well as the ability and dia. posftfon to meet with promptness all liabilities LOSSES DY "YIRE Goesespaidiluring the year 1862. DIRECTORS.- - - • Charles N. Rancher, David S. Brown, Tobias Wagner, Isaac Lea-. _ Samuel Grant. Edward e Dale, ' Jacob R. Smith, George Fales, - ... George W. Richards, Alfred Fitter. .CEIARLES N. BANCKEB.Vresident. , A.... EDWARD C: DALE, TicePresident. JAIL W. WAILISTER, Sec'y pro tern. -... • fQ - • (knpliention made to DAVID 01188. of ChambeZe l berg, who le an authorized Agent for the Company either perponally er,by letter, will meet with attention March 18 3. E/ - NSITRANCE COMPANY Or NORTR AMERICA. INCORPORATED rilf: ---4 RPETUAL CHARTER. CAPITAL $6OO 000. -" OFFICE-NO. 232 Mrtustrr Brusir. PHILADELPHIA. .1' his Company are now prosecuting the business of's nirance from Lou or Damage by FIRE on Buildings, ffereltandase, Furniture, kc.. throughout the State of Penntlyivania. on LIBERAL TERMS, for long or short perdala; or permanently on Buildings, by a, deposit of Premium. The Peourr,PAYMENi CLAIM fqr Losses during, the period of nearly firsENTY 'Traits:Oat the company has been in existence, entities them to the confidence of the public. Arthur G. Coffin; --- Samuel W.Jones, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor,- ' Ambrose White, John ft. , Noff, Richard D. Wood, Willia - n Welsh, William E Bowen, CB ARLES PLAIT, Seey. ARTHUR G. COFYIN,Ress. Wlt. BUEHLER, Central Agent at Harrisburg, It. WU D. REED, Cbambershurg„ Pa., to the author ized Agent of the insrarsnee Company of North Ameri ca, and is always prepared to give any information, gira..and to take Tugs ranres. . . _ . REP/. RlilirliS—Cha ilea U. Taylor and Johti D. iirier, Chambersburg. oct 21.63-tt IFE INSURANCE.L PENN ,VUTUA7.. LITE INSURANCE COM'Y OF OFFTILADELPHIA. ACCUMULATED CAPITAL $1,200,010, after paying Losses amounting to tit 150,6410. All - the profits divided nmAgst members every year. Dividends hare averaged • ver 40 rer cent. Parties insured \his year. will participateln fife - dividend to be decler. d 'ln January next Let no one who has wife, children and friends fail to secure an early membership. SAMUEL S. SURYOCK, Agent, Chambersbarg, Pa. J. I'..SIIIMEROTT. 'Medical Examiner. tl.Ol/11-3t OUBAGENT.--INR. JOHN GROVE, of Chambeieburg, is the General Agent of the Franklin County Mutual Insurance .Cumpany. June IL '63. WM. 11cLELLAN. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRIN GER. No. 1. LAME FAMILY WHI'SGZIL. No. MEDIUM . do ... No. 2 .1 4. do filo do No. 8. .MALL do do No. 8. Lac HOTS. . do No. 18. Munux Lausettv de I to TM) steam) . 18 ,X) N 22,Latas do' do or.hand. 130 (Kr Nos. 2% and 3 have tin Cogs? All others are warranted. - N 0.2 is the size generally Ivied in private families. Oagsoz June, of the .42neriean dorielatturitt . eays of the UNIVERSAL_ CLOTHES WRINGER : "A. child can readily wring out a tuition. of clothes la clew minutes: It is in reality a eLOTiI RS A TIME SAVERI end a STRENGTH SAYER! The ea* ing of garments will alone pay a large per centage on its cost. We think the 'machine much more than PAYS F FNMA'? EVERY YEAR itt the savin g of garments! Th ere ere eerer ai kinib., nearly alike in . general construc tion. tint we consider it important that the Wringer be titled with Cogs, otherwise a mama garments may clog the roller.. and the rollers tipon the crank-shaft slip and tear the clotheit;or the rubber break tr,ose from the shaft. Our own is one, of the first make. and it is as GOOD AS NEW aftir nearly SOUR YEARS' CON STANT 'USK,. Every trringkr tofth Cog Wheels Ss Warranted inevery particular. No Wringer can be durable tiiithottt Wheels. s -A grxxl naxv S. ER wanted in every town. NB- On the receipt of the price from places where n• on is set - ins: e will send the Wringer rage or ZlNLlttit. For particulars and circular,' atldretet - R. C. BROWNING, • 341 Broadway, New Tait at .1 26-3 m lad 800 00 $400,0015 EO ~.. 895,824 et 171,625 66 814,7136 11 84 f 32.5 N 9 Nu 1 :4 1 :49 aN 7: Sops 1 James N. Dickson, R. Morris Wain, 6 Jolla Mason. ! eorge L. ilirnison, Francis R. Cope. Edward IlTrUt ter, I.l(bentli larke WilHain Cillllllkili ge, .$lO 00 T 00 6 00 660 14 00