0 Metrical.. TOT ALCOHOLIC. A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEGETA BLE EXTRACT. A PURE . TONIC. DR-1100ELAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Prepired by - Dit.C.X. Jackson, Philadelphia. Pa. Will effectually cure • LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE; CHRONIC OK NERVOUS DEBILITY. Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. :Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the 'Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nau sea. floartburn, Disgust. for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, SoUr ' Eructations , Sinking or PhD tering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the head, HUrried and Difficult Breathing, Flut tering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensa tions when in a Ling posture. Ditnnes. of Vision, Dots or. Webs before the Sight, Feverand Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin'and Eyes. Pain in the Side. Back. Chest, Limbs, Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great De pression of Spirits. And will. positively prevent Yellow Feuer, Bilious Fersr. &e. They contain no. , ALCOHOL 013. BAD WHISKEY - I They will cure the above diseases in ninety-nine.cases out of a hundred. - • - Llduced by the extensive sale and universal Pop ulari,y of Hoofiand's German Bitters (Purely vege table), hosts of ignorant Quacks and unscrupalotis ad,v'euturers have opened upon suffering humanity thp dood-gates of Nostriuns, in the shape •of poor Vilely compounded ith injurious drugs, and hristencd Tonics. Stoinachies and Bitters. Beware of the innumerable array of Alcoholic Preparations, in plethoric bottles and big-bellied keir4, under the modest appellation of Bitters:which ins mid of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave the disappointed sufferer in despair. SOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Are not a new and untried article, bat havestood the test of fifteen years' trial by the American pub lic and their reputation and sale are not rivalled by any similar preparation. Tip i proprietors have thonsands=of Letters from the most eminent CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS AN-D CITIZENS. testifying of ..heir own personal knowledge to the beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. Po you want something to strengthen you ? .Ito you want n good oppetite ho you want to build up your Co nstitution ./),. you want to feel well ? Ito you wont to get rid of Nervousness! .0,, you want Eatery?)? Ito you want to sleep well? IM you want a brisk and vigorous feeling? If yon do, use HOOFIAND'S GERMAN BITTERS ! PPM 11ev J. Newton Brinol., D. D.. Editor of the Ent , elopeclift of Religtou. Knowledge. - Although not disposed to favoror recommend Pa tent Aecheincs in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a. man May not testify to the benefits he belie% es himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contrib ute to-the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hoofland's German,Bittem.prenared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this eity: because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. ' I am indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this pt ejudiec by proper tests, and for encourage ment to try them. when suffering from great and long eootinued debility. The use of three bottles of these !titters, at the beginning of the present year. was lid Olwed by evident relief. and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had no felt fur 41x. m,.uthc before, and had almost despairei otregaining. I thor , !fore thank God-and my frien, for directing me to the u of them. .1 • N - EWTON BROWN. Puiin lelphia, June 23, MM. PARTICULAR NOTICE. 'There ore moult preparntions sold under' the nan. of Bit,. put up in quiot bottles, compounded oft) cheat.,nr whiskey or conanon runt, costing from 20 t 40 cents per gallon, tie taste disnuised by Anise or Co riandt. Seed, Thi. -own of liitteor has canned and will cordint, - to can , . 4 , 1 10119 us their ran be sold, hundreds to d. the de of druni,ard. By their use the' elide. is kcin /intim/fill!, under the" influence of Alcohol, ds of the tc ,,, the desire for Liquor i create./.. oat/ kept qv. 'lnd the result is allthehorroi att en d., ~ rleptal. a clree nod death. - For it we 3Ch , l argire rtarilLL HAVE. a Liquo Bitter , , , e , publish the fidlenci . )l9 "receipt. Get ON. POTT,'„,!: 1100FLA_V LIS GERMAN BITTER and M... wlth TH It E 17, 1,) LiA O.PGOOD BRAN- D Y Ott N'HISKEI. and the reetelt will be a prepa ration rieeil wall .(or ace( in medicinal trirtues any true e.l //care (snif of the Mini eroll.B Liquor Bitters in the mee and wit/ coat much less; You will hay , all thf r rtues r t f ' lrOti FLI A SD'S l'iTTELes in imn• 'section with pool rticte of Liquor, at a, much tech , price than these inferior preparations will coat you, ATTENTION: SOLDIERS! - AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS: ' We call the attention of all having relations or friends in the army to the fact that "Iloolland': , German Bitters" will cure nine-tenths of the disea• see induced by exposures and privations incident to camp life. In the lists published almostdaily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be found - 'that a very large proportion are suffering from debility. livery case of that kind can be rea dilyeared by Hooflinid's German Bitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestive organs are speedily reinoVed. We have no hesitation in sta ting that, if these Bitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives bight be saved that hill otherwise be lost. ' Wo call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's hero's, whose life : to use his own language, ",has been saved by the Bitters:" PfiILADgLPHIA, August 23, 1862. Messrs. Jones & Evane.—Well, gentlemen, your Rootland's German Bitters has saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my comrades, seine of whose names are append ed, and who were fully cognizant of all the circum stances oftny case, I am, and have been for the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated Bat tery and- under the immediate command of Capt. R. B. Ayres. Through the exposure attendant up en my arduous duties, I was attacked in November last with inflammation of the lungs, and was for 72 'days in the hospital. This was followed by great debility, heightened by an attackbrdysentery: I arse then removed from the White House, and sent to this city on board the steamer "State of Maine," from which - I landed on the 28th of June. Since that time I have been about as low &saw: one could be and still retain aspark of vitality. l?or a week ,ar more I was scarcely able to swallow anything, and' if I did force a morsel down, it was immediate- A l r thrown up again. I could not even keep a glass of water on my Sto mach. Life could not last under theseeircumat an- oes, and, accordingly, the physicians. whb had - been Working faithfully, though unsuccessfullk, to rescue Lie from the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly told •Me they could do no more for me, and advised me to see a clergyman, and to make such disposition of niy, !united, funds as best suited me. An acquaint ance who ..-isited me at the hospital, Mr. Frederick ,Steinbron, of Sixth below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a-bottle. From the time I commenced ta lc/M:o2cm the gloomy shadowpf death receded, and lam now, thank God for it, getting better. Though I have taken but two bottles, 1 have gained ten Pounds. and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom I have heard nothing for eighteen months: for, gentlemen lam a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front Royal, To your invaluable Bitters I owe the cer tairity of life which has taken the place of vague fOtirs—to your Bitters will I owe the privilege of again clasping to my bosom those who are dearest to Mein life. • -Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE. :Vet - fully Concur in the truth of the above state ment, as we had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mi. Malone. restored to health. JOHN CUDDLEBACK. Ist Now York Battery. GEO. A. ACKLEY, Co. C, 11th Maine. - LEWIS CHEVALIER, 92d New York, L. E. SPENCER. let Art.,Batt. F. J. B. FASEWELL. Co. B. 3d Vermont. • HENRY B. JEROME, Co. B, HENRY T. McDONALD. Co. C. 6th Maine. JOHN F. 'WARD. Co. E.sth Maine. /LERMAN KOCH. Co. H. 7241 N. Y. NAT. B. THOMAS. Co. F. 95th Pa. A: J. - KIMBALL. Co. A, 3d Vermont, JOHN JENKINS, Co. 8.106 th Pa. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! 'See that the signature of "C. M. JACKSON," is on the WRAPPER of each bottle, - PRICE PER BOTTLE. 75 CTS, OR HALF DOZ. FOR $4.00. . Should your nearest druggist not have the nrtfele, do nut be put off by any ofthe intoxicating prepara tions That may be offered in its place, but send to us, {ll4 we will forward, securely packed, by' express. TRINCIPAL OFFICE AND `MANUFACTOES. No. 631 Aamt Pe.^. BRET. • d ONES & EVANS', ' (Successors to C. M. Jackson & Co.), PROPRIETOR'S. FOR. SALE by Druggists and Dealers in crazy town ip the United States. (Junel7 ly; Zirugo,_ !t; cbirinto, T"E OLDEST HOUSE in= TOWN, AS A HOUSE OR DRUG MBA' IS MILLER & HENSHEY'S, On the Northwest Corner of the Dialnond WHERE CAN BE HAD, CHEAP FOR pASH, Everything, and more than Is usually kept in Drug CM!! FOR INSTANCE, All Regular Drage, Cough Syrups, Murray's Camphorated Cordial, t will cure Diarrhea, Cordiale t eerteits Remedios, Rhoomatic Liniments; Anodyne Cordial, The Infant's Protector Worth aYroPil, - And Lozenges, Cod Liver Oils, _ Fluid Extract Bnchni , Lindsay's Blood Searcher, Sarsaparilla Syrups And, all other Standard Preparations of the Day. None Others Kept at' this House. SOAPS, about forty kinds; - PERFUMERY, the best of altkir4s; Hour and Carstr P . OWDERS. that can be relied on; ICsaoszn Om and Ludra, and TWAT WILL NOT BREAK, MILER dc - HENSIEEETS, Jllne 17,'63. Chamberaburg. Pa. WU. HEYS'S% JS. CHAS. H. cnEsstsit HEYSEP, & CRESSLE,R. GRADUATES IN PHARMACY, DEITOS,CHE - liII A MIEDICINES, &c CHANBERSBpiw, PA. PURED rG S Knowing the importahce to the Patient, as well as to the Physician. to have pure reliable Medicines. we mako our purchases from flrst•class Hou eea. . All our Tinctures Syrups, Fluid Extracts, Pills and other preparations aro made by ourselves, and every article examined before it is sold. CHEMICALS We buy our Chemicals trim the best manufacturers in the country. and are satisfied they are pure and of full strength. We have a conitant supply of PHOTO. GRAPHIC CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINES We have constantly on hand all the standard' rat6nl Medicines, and warrant them genuine. FAMILY 'DYE COLORS Black, Bine, Green, Scatlet, Magentor, Drub, Brown Slate and many other colors, with directions that an: one can celor by, for 15 and 25 cents. KEROSENE LAMPS AND OIL, Shades and Chirardes, a:I of beautiful styles, of the beg quality and very cheap. : ,A,RTIFICIAL' -TEETH. riots' Oil Colors, Canvas and Brusbes,line Extracts ar Cdlogne. tine aud cheap 'Soaps, Hair, Cloth and Toot Brushes, Horn and Rubber Combs. POCKET BOOKS`-AND WALLETS A large assortment ar all prices. O'NIEL'S HORSE -POWDER Has been sold in this eitablishment • for fifteen gear We believe it the best in use. We have all the be ROME MEDICINEA OF THE DAY. PRESCRIPTIONS. The Prescription Counter is under our own especi care, and we humbly believe that we can give satisfy Lion to all who will give their prescriptiolif to our care VXIII,. Medicines can be had at' night or on Sunday i calling at the Store or at WAleyser's residence, a f doors South of the Stop. - We buy all goods at the lowest market rates, and e at fair prices Oct 7,85 Outta4ierrbct Vtoofing. ROOFING. ROOFING Ready to nail down. Aut)FING more durable than Tin. ROOFING -at half the cost of - ROOFING for St.lepor Flat Ro , READY ROOFING FOR HOUSES, FOR cifußcnES, FOR FACTORIES, FOR. BARN FOR ALL BUILDINGS! This Roofing is made of the heaviest woven fabric tn used for the purpose. Manufactured solely by ourselt and secured by Patent.' Put up - in rolls and shipped to all parts of the &mutt and usually for sale by hardware merchants and builder It can be applied by ore) , common workman. We also manufacture. LIQUID GUTTA PERCITA CEMENT, wive REPAIRING LEAKX TIN ROOFS! CHEAPER THAN OIL PAINT, HEAVIER' BORT THAN OIL PAINT. • MORE DURABLE THAN OIL PAIN It forms apermanetly adhesive, elastic coatipir OT the whole surface of the tin. filling up all the smaller RUST. HOLES, And often saving the expense of a new roof. OUR COMPOUND GIITTA PERCHA CEMENT is especially adapted to repairing LEAKY SHINGLE, * ROOFS, GHINNIES, SKYLIGHTS. .fc., 44.. de.. d • . This is a thick, tetotedons compound, applied with trowel or similar instrument, and does not dry up ui crack, as do all other articles used for thi P purpose. ' • (CIRCULARS AND SAMPLES Cff the Ready Roofing sent by mail when desired 'Abdul arrangements made with Agents. •., ° I READY ROOFING CO.. ang ably j 73 Maiden Lane, New York. • ,Serbs. r L ANDRETH'S , AGRICULTURAL IMPLY:MEN, AND SEED WAREHOUSE, 21 and 23 South Sixth street, Philadelphia DAVID LANDRRTR & Son, Proprietor i s of Bloomerla which contains near four b undred acres, its high tilt levotecl to the production of GARDEN SEEDS. are n. treparedtostipplyCountry Merchana; Druggists sr ill other* who deal in Seede, with large or small qui , titles, by the pound or bushel, and also in papers lIDI ready for retailing. , •Tho Establishment represented by David Landreth • ',„i•ctii. has been founded nearly 74 of a century. The widespread popularity, and the demanii,lncreli • tigfrom yea?to year. for LANDIIETU'S WADRENTED GA . :ADEN SEEDS evidence of the high value entertained fcr thtin b • lie public. L'u.dreth's Garden Seethe are not only favorably ri eivrdthrofighout Deion. but are shipped to man errelgn ports. Indeed,it maybe staled with nations • .erido that they comb in to active competition wHU En hi, Seed on British; Soil. David Landreth a Son invite all wt.. are not ahead • uirchasers of their Garden Seethe. t makept . trial t Item—essnred that they will be found far - equal t bei r high reputation. Landreth's Ruralßegleter and Almanac containing - 3 4 ,0 gue of Garden Seeds' with instructions, furniebe.l ratis. Also—Catalogue of Agricultural Implements, DAVID LANDRETH & SON, Nae.2l !lad =South 6thSt.,Philadelphla. anz.l2.'a3-ly J• N. - SCOTT, . GENTLEMEN'S VT . FURNISHING STORE. and SHIRT MANUFAC TORN', No. 'SU - Chestnut Street. Four doors below th • "Confine:dol." Philadelphia. Particularattentiou to ordered Shirts. 'A perfect St gnaranteed. Persons :lc a distance can order by tho following Shirt Measures , Size around the Neck : "- " Chest under the Arms : " " " Waist : " " Whet: Length of AnnsfbentYlkonfeetitre / hack to middle of ham I..en'lth of Bosom nt Side ' 6 Shirt DIM lyl READ THIS! Vhult.ed,utthe And Mother's Friend, Knoszra. LAMP CHIM.NEYS the franklin ilepositaq, Nouember 25, 1863. e'recerits; CHEAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE WILLIAM G'ELWIt)E.S, ON THE DIAMOND. CHAM#EPSB UR G, PA., FOR RIUCH THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE WILL BE PAID, 2,000 bushels Apples. 200 " Chesnuts. 200 " Shellbarks, 300 • " White Mercer Potatoes. 100 " 100 "- White Soup Beans. 100 " - Dried Peaches, .400 " " Apples, - 100 ! • Turnips, 2,ooo'ouarts Dried Corn, '5,000 pounds Country Soap, Fresh Dotter and Eggs. • Also, FOR SALE, Wholesale and Retail, 'TitE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED ASSORTMENT ME - RCHANDISE in Chambeisburg, consisting in part of Brown Sugars. - • White Sugars, Syrups of all grades, from 50 els. t 0.% per gallon Molasses of all grades and prices, Prime fresh Teas, of all grades and kinds. Pickles by the doen;ready for the Table. Pickles in Jars, Chocolate, - Coffee, • Excelsior Coffee, 20 cents per pound, Essence of Coffee, Prime English Cheese, • , - - Pepper Sauce.. , Tomato Catsup, .Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, =Fine Mustards. PEPPER CAREFULLY • • CLEANED AND GROUND 01 111 OWN SPICE MILL To lfis large assortment of GROUND and UN GROUND SPICES and. BAKING ARTICLES he would also invite special attention, as be sells none but what he knows TO BE STRICTLY PURE and FRESH. Also, QUEENSWARE, TUMBLERS, STONEWARE, artieles in the HARDWARE line, a full assortment of Brushes of all kinds,' Brooms. Wash - boaids. Buckets, . Combs, Fancy & Common Soap, Pocket Knives, Store Polish, Starch, Indigo, and 5.000 articles not named, all of which will be of fered at very lei prices. It is my determination to make my business pay me by selling a large quan tity of goods and not by large profits. Call and examine for yourself and get a bagain. W. GELW,ICKS. P. S.—Persons wishing to buy at Wholesale will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. Nov. 4, '4:34:13m Sorbiarbing pousro. W & - U .o, ND ard E in ß g C and Cbmrn(uinn 4 .. N. A . D , :Nor Second Street, opposite the Cumterland Valley Railroad Depot.CIIAMBERSLTRO. Pn. Care ton regularly to and front Ph lads. & Baltimore, AOENTS.—PEAcocs. ZELL A llrycliatax, No. SOS 31ar ket street. Philadelphia. - P. s.—Lykens Valley. Broken Egg and Nut COAL (di rect loan the wines). Willttstatrre and Pine Grove FOUNDRY COAT.,LUMBER and SIJINGLES. SALT, PLASTER and IANCOCK CEMENT kept ronetantk on hand. FLOUR. GRAIN and PRODUCE, of all kiwi]. purchased at the highest cash sep 9, 63 AVUNDERLICII A NEAD. • CUMBERL'D VALLEY - WARE ROUSE. The Forwarding business will hereafter be conducted by C. W. EYSTeR k CO.. at the Ware house of the C. V. Railroad. where they hope to receive a Illiepil patronage. DEPOTS--Buzby & CO.. 365. Market St .Philadelphia, atulTofin Binghatu,lsl iloward St .13altirto tr. June 17.'63. W. EYSTErt At CO,. THOS. L. GILL . E.SPIB. I JACOB Z): LLER. GILLESPIE, ZELLER & CO.. PEODUCE AND PROVHION 31ERCSIANTS, AND irnoLEsADE GROCERS. North, West corner of Sixth and Market Ste.. Philedel pLia~~. [anti 18, '63-tf.] Iniotettantouo. REMOVAL.—From 433 3.l.Arket St. to the large Iron Building 513 Market and 510 ,Con coerce Streets. • Sore Goods than any Tintme in the llnit,d Stales. A. H. FRANCISCUS, 513 MARKET & 510 COMMERCE STS:, Keeps the Larj;est Stock in the United States of Bucket s. Brooms. Tubs. Churns, Baskets. Brushes, Mats. Measures, (locks. Looking-Glasses. Oil Cloths and Carpets Window Shades and Paper. _Biro tn. /arlll, :.0 t.e..6 ircidpe. Also. Waadiritt. • Twin, s. Wicking, Stoles in Coils nut Dozens. Cotton Yarns, - Cotton and Linen Carpet-rhain. .01ir Prices will average Ism rr than any other House in t nig eity. Cnll andeee foryou reeltes. For further particulars apply to S. S. SHEYOCK. Chitin nersburg- - tsept--.23 HALL, • 11 AmrsEnsnuna. PA. W. W. PAXTON would respectfully Worm his numb. runs etodoniers, und the iiuhlie generally. that be has Just returned from the F: stetu Cities with a large and selected stock of Fall RIM Wilkie'. Go• de. consiethig or the. Latest etyles of HATS AND CM'S. for den and pep' gear, such as the Oen. Want, Gillmnre, OPttys burg. Monitor, Lc., which he fs prepetted to soil very low for cash. We have also a very large assortment of BOOTS AND SIIOES. comprising Mena. coarse, heavy Boots. Mena. calfti m Boots, Men and Boys, Balmoral Boots, Men and Boys, Brogans. and Boys Boots of every•.,yuality. Also— WO Ai EN AND CIIILDRENS' SHOES. of every variety, all of which will be sold at prices to gait the times. All are Invited to call and examine his stock, before_ purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident that be can sell as cheap as the cheapest. Dont forget the place. W. W. PAXTON, Corner Room, Franklin Hall. nov 4 4t NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP.-- I Notice is herebygiven that the undersigned hest this day entered into partnership,ln the Coach -Slaking business. its various bragcbes. under the name of Peiffer d: Foltz. The said firm will do business at the stand lately occupied by P. Henry Peiffer & Co., and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the public patronage. P. HENRY PHIPPS% N r0r.6,1861, • C.O. FOLTZ. jP(PORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. —The Grover, & Baker, S;M. C 0,,, manufacture , In addition to their celebrated Grover k Baker STITCH 3LACIHNES, the most perfect SHUTTLE or "'LOCK STITCH" MACHINES in the market, and afford pur- Chasers theopportanity of selecting. after trial and'ex aminntion of both, the ono beet suited to their wants. • 1E..110K8, N. E. corner of the Diamond, Chain bersim rg. Agent. Call and examtnethe 'machines. oct,7-tf , • . JOB PRINTING, in every style . , done stt*eolSc.ottbeYEANKLlN RICPCMITORY ittelfiraL 4 IFFELMBOLD'S GENUINE PRE PARATIONS.—COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT kW • GIJ. a Pasitive and Specific Remedy for diseases of the Baader, Kidneys, Gravel. and Dropsical This - Medic WC re‘es the power of Di o destion and ex cite the Absorbents into healthy action. by which the Watery Cities:eons despoqitions and fad Unnatural Enlargenionis are reduced, /1.5 wed as ..Paih and Infirm - mation. - 11ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT , [ BLICHU. For SFeaknessess arising front Excesses, (titbits of Dis sipation, Early niliscretion of Abuse, attended with the following symptuns - ludispo-ition to Exertion. .ILoss of Power, LOS 6 of Memory Diffictilt , of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horse! Of Disease, 1 Wakefulness. Dimness of Vision. Ptin In the Bock, Unwerial Lassitude of the Muscular SYStent, Hot Hands. -- Flushin.. of the Body, „ Dryness (if the Skin, Erupt Sins on the Fnce. Pnliid Cottntenanue. i These symptons, it allowed tom, on, which this medi cine invariably rttuuses, soon Eiliews J.lltp)tetteg, Fatuity, ,Ep3reptie: Fits, Wenn of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently f Mowed by those "Direful Diseases." "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." -- 1114 are awaAt of the educe of their anfferiag, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS, THE RECORDS ' OP Tl/3 INSAIM ff ASTLIIMS And Melancholy Deaths by Con.turreption bear ample ultimate to the Truth of the maertion. The Constitution once epctut with ()Ovate Weaknees requires the aid ot 3letlicine to Stren4tbeti anti Invig orate the Spawn. Which Haumarm's EXTRACT HUME invariaby does, A Trial will convince the most hkeptfcal. FEMALES-FEMALES-EMALES may Affections peculiar to_ Fen&les the Erraser Brolly is unequaled riy any other reniedY. as In Ciao rosis or Retenteon, Ir paihfulness, or Sup pression of 4'nstomaty Evacuthms, Utceratee or.Seirr, holm state of the Uterus. Leticherimce or Whites, bterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion .ilitt#ts of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR ONANGE OF LIFE. - - - Take no more Balsam, Mercury, orriing/easant Medi cines for unpleasant and dangerous *mous: • HELMBOLD,'S EXTRACT REMO 4NO iMMOVED ROSE WASH CURES f t SECRET DISEASES in-alttheir Stages. A 1 , 71 little Expense Little or EL., change in. Diet. • INo iucouvoience 'Lc( no Exposure. It.causes a frequent desire and "gives strength to Uri nate, thereby Removing Obstructiong, Preventing -and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, alloying'l offs Pain and In 'lunation. so frequent in the class o disease,. and ex- pelling all Poisonoui, Diseased and taornout matter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS WHO /I tiVE-BEEN THE '4/m -ann OF QUACK. and who have paid 1 - heary fees to be cured in a'short time. have found they were deceived, and that the' POISON" has, by the [use of "POWERFUL ASTRINGENTS." been dried up in the system, to break out iu an aggravated firm, and perhaps after Marriage. Use HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT . ItT:CUU 141' 8.11 tifteitions and diseases of the URINARY OlttiANS' t whether existing in MALE or FEMALE from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW — LONG STANDING. Diseasea of these Organs requires the aid of a DIURET IC. lIELSIBULD'S EXTRACT BUC,IIU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, and is eel taro to h - ye thb desired effect in all Diseases for which the Recom men Evidence of the most reliable and;responsible charac ter will accompany the medicine. PRICE $l,OO PER BOTTLE, OR; SIX FOR $5,00 Delivered to any Address, securely picked from observa tion. Destribi - Symptons in all Coltmunications, CURES. GUARANTEED! "ADVICE GRATIS! Address lettem fur information to i 3 IL B. lIELM OLD, Chemist, 104 South Tenth st., bul. Chestnut, Phila. • BELMBOLD'S Medical pelwt.t lIELIIBOLDI Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Brqadway, New York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCI PLED D.c.ALERS who endeavor to di9poqe "of their own'' gaud "other" articks on the reputation attained by llelmbuld's Genuine „PrU i Parations. •` • " Exiract " 1•• Sarsaparilla. " lininuved Rose Wash. SOLD Dr ALL DR4.7GGL§TS .4r.EO'IVEfERE ASK FOR HELMBOLErK - ,.f TAKII NO OTHER Cut out the Advertisement and send for it. AM) AVOID IMPvSITI NAND EXPOSURE . - oS TET TE S OELEBRATO STOMACH BITTERS A Pure and powerful Tonic, corrective and alterative of wonderful efficacy in &comes of the FrOMACII,• LIVER AND DOWELS Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Ileadnehe, General 'Debility. Nervousness, Depression oi* Spirits, Constipation, Colic, luterniittent Fe- veil', Cramps and Spasms, and ' all Complaints of either - Sec, arising from Bodily, Weakness nbether inherent in TIIE SYSTEM OR PRODUCED BY SPECIAL CAUSES Norma that 18 not wholesome, genial and restora tive in its nature enters into the composition of ILO& .TETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. This popitlar pre paration contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly bo tanical element: no fiery excitant; but it is a combi nation of the. extracts of rare balsamic: IterbsPand plants with the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimulants. It is well to beifoi•earmed against disease, and, so far as the human system can be p-otected by hnrrian moans against maladies engendered by an nnwholesonte atmos phere. impure w_atei end other external causes, HOS TETT Elt's BITTER'S may be relied on as a safeguard. In distficts infested with *EVER AND AGUE, it has been found infallible as a preventive and irresistible 11.6 h remedy. and thousands who resort to it under appreben Mon of an attack, escape the 'scourge; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its protective quali ties in advance, are cured by a very brief course' of this marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with quinine for months in Yilitl4witil fairly saturated with that dangerous alkaloid, are not nacre quently-restored to health within a few days by the use of LIOSTETTER'S BITTERS. The-weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and * the , ap. petite restored by this agreeable Tonic, and hence it works wonders In cases of DISPEPSIA and in less confirmed forms of INDIGESTION. Acting as a gentle and yminless apperient, ns well as upon the liver, it olio invariably clime the CONSTIPATION superinduced. by irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs - . Pergons of feeble habit,lit;ble to NERVOUS ATTACKS LOWNESS OF • s 3 PERITS and FITS OF LANGUOR, find prompt and permanent toilet from the Bitters.— The testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both sexes The agony of BILOUS COLIC is immediately assua zed by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occa ' sioniiily resorting to it, the return of the complaint may he prevented. As a General Tonic HOSTETTER'S BITTERS pro duce effects which must be experienced or viitnessed before they can belully appreciated. In cases of CON STITUTIONAL WEAKNESS, PREMATURE DECAY and DEBILITY and DECREPITUDE arising from OLD AGE, it exercises the .electric influence. In the conva lescent stages or all diseases it operates as a delightfnl invigorant. When the powers of °share are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and rcrestabllsh them. Last, but not least, It is TI4 ONLY SAFE STUIIU LART, being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely free from the acid elements pre sent more or less In all the ordinary tonics and stomach- Ice of the day. Bo family medicine has been so universally, and, it may- be tftly added, deservedly popular with the intel ligent portion of the community, as 110STETTER'S BITTERS, • - Preisred by ' HOST - ETTER & SMITH, . , Pittsburg, Pa. Sold by all Draggisti,oroceru mud Stor4eepars every whom nov Liquors. IMPORTERS WINES AN.EiILIQATOR.S. - . LAIINAN, BALLADE &CO., No. 128 8017111 NINTH MEET. . (BETWEEN CBUTNCT AND WATi..NCT,) • PHILADELPHIA GEO. M. LAIIHAN, } A. M. SALLADE, J. D. HITTING. ' RITESE, GARDRAT Sr CO'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, ratztoß OF 183 , 4 EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITB. GREEN WAX, WITH -TILE INnutt.s OF TUE :MAL IMPIATED t - : • LADMAN,BA.LLAD?K& CO. SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE FINE SHERRY, CLARET., AND toms WINES, AND AN ASSOPCMiNi OF FINN DRANDS-07 _ CHAMPAGNE OSIOWNF, & CO.'S' CI - PORTO TERY,FIISE AND DELICATE OLD EACII BOTTLE SIALEB - WITH YELLOW WAX, WITH THE :NITIALS OF THE FIRM. IMPORTED Br L AIISAF, BALLADE & CO., 140.128 SOUTH NINTH StREET; _ ..PILILADELPII7I4 _ OLDRYE WHISKEY, ' OLD WEEAT WHISKEY, li= OLD dIMAICA SPIRITS, OBERIOLTZ .VOIST WHISKEY, WERTY.'S WHISKEY, TAFIEY'S iVIIISK RY, AND RELtillsal TINES, A - UMAN, SALIAI3E A CO., 173 SOU:211 NINTI STREET, nov. 18-1 y *ablartp, Mitnesoi. SADDLERY SAIDIERY dl es: Di Idles, harness. Cobra, Trunks, Valises, dce. sign of the )1011SE CuLLAR. JEREMIAII OYSTER vespet fully returnable thanks to his patrons for the liberniencuuragement received front them heretofore,and he 'nub . ' invite them and the community generally, who UN( need any thing in his. line, to give him a call nt his 'LD STAND, on the East aide of Main Street. Chamberourg, five doors South of fluber A Tolbert's hardware tore; where be keeps con stantly on baud every varlet...if SADDI,gItY AND IfAItNES2' of his own Manniiture, and be is prepared to sell the sante at - terms Milady 'competition. livery artic:e offered far sale' is wmanted to be made-of the beet materiel and by competat workmen, which will tie fully Arnonstrated on nn exrubiation thereof. TRUNKS AND VALISEa—IIe. would also call the attention of persons wrtn!in a good, neat. cheap and Suhstanial 'trunk or Valise,) his 'assortment. Juno 'a, 'C3. QADDLE AND lARNESS MAN UFACTOBT —The noscsigro-d would respectfully announce to his friends at the public generally, that he has taken the SADDLIAND HARNESS SIIOP fur l wee) , carried on Icy Matte w °Ulan, dec'd. on WEST MARKET STREET. nut the Chnocochtagtze . Creel:. in the Borough of Chamberstrg, where ho manufacures - Saddles. Bridles d 'faros. and has constantly on' hand an excellent assortment (Collars, Whips, &c. Ile employs none but t best of Workmen, and con structs Ali work from thMest material. TRUNKS and VALISES constantly on tnd. all of which will be sold es cheap as the chramt. kontinuanc eof the formei pa tronage of the shop is DLit respectfullysulicited. Julie 17. 63 - JAMES B. GILLAS WHIPS ! I WHIPS !, Winurar Strut& k Sox, corner of Main and Washington Streets. Chnbersburg. Pa.. manufacturers of all kinds at WIIIPS.nch as .Wagon. Carriage and Riding Whips of voriotSizeg and of superior quality, which they offrr to thpubdc, either by Wlioleinle or Retail, at very moderalurices. LASHES of all lengths kept constantly on haulm! forsale by the dozen very cheap. They also mardtetstre Stpertor HORSE COL LARS, to which they'fifis. attention. Orders from a distal, soticit Maud promptly attend ed• to annuli, '63. -in ROAD GEBS;COLLARS.IIAL i TERS.and anytng In the Leather line belonging to the Saddler's busincalways on hand and made to or der, and on reasonabiterms at GORDON'S, oppcwite the Indian Queen Rot. Mnin et. 0 H.: G- : 0 N---sue6eBsor to 0 1, j e Dram& Gorm—gives notice to his customers and others, that he Dint at the OLD STAID, opp 'site the Indian Queen Doi, Main street,Chambersburg, Pa. ORDON lAS A SUPERIOR lat of SADDIS. HARNESS, BRIDLES, STIR MIPS. SPURS, 14 hi he cheap for cash or good trade. DEPAIRP3:"DONE AT SHORT t, notice, on reatoOle terms, by C. GORDON! lie invites kti. Mende come to tee ' eurationat. f - lIIAMBESBUREY SEMINARY ‘_) FOR YOUN(LADIKS..—The fall session has cnnt nienced, but bean's can enter at any time. and will be charged according. There Is room for two more boar ders only. Papsolars, enterng the Ana or second week in October, 11 be chargeifor •four-fifths of a see• Rion. Those whontmence ehertlymay not be too late for the new studio( the session. A large attendance, both in the prim, and academical departments, gives evidence of an Direst in the school' hot surpassed in any former perk Miss S. it_Curtis. assistant in the higher departnies bears testimonials of her'erninent fitness to instruen thohigherbranches, from egemi nary in the Nest. wit' she taught for - Buyers' - years.' The primary dopartint Is .chiefly - under tho'care of Miss C. B. Itoxey, thdrects of whose energy- and efficiency appear in the firishing,coseion of the department. Miss Z. C. De Fest is well known as an able and expe rienced teaehof magic. TUITION.—bin $8 to $l5 per session of five months, Boarding. $6O. TEACEIERSURNISHED.--Sehools and families In need of teach° can hear cf youfigiadies well qualified, chiefly gradual of the Ins:Button. by addressing sep 30.1f.] Rev fIE3RY REEVES Principal: cIIAMERSBURG ACADEMY." • REFITTED AND REORGANIZED. vill open i fall term in Monday, September 7th. Large additle have been nada to Its:already extensive apparatus, a :1 and efilciett corps of teachers has been employed awe pains or ecpense spared to render oars - one of the fi 'institutions''' . learning hit the country. particulartention paldto Teachers and young men preparing College. • A primartepartment br little Boys and Girls will be opened irae.Academy mileecharge of Miss Schlvely, in which thslcinents of Spelling, Reading, Writing, ArithmeticeOgraPhY ark aramuar will be tborolighly taught. T•iou in this dentitment,.l.3 per quarter. For furtbParticulartismd for circular or- apply to the Princii. • FACULTY. J.A.Fan, Principal. A .ovitint,n, A. 8., Lam- and H. English. A. M. Tonta,Commerdal Department. - min LB,LIYELY, MOB, Drawing and Principal of Primary imrtment. Cbarabihnrg, ang.l.2, 63; D..,EIDELMAN, VIIOLESALE: GROCER AND MOE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No, 702A8ICET & No:2 lORTH 7th ST.,. PHILADA. Invitees attention of 'orchards to his large and well assorteteek of Sugars, S•rnpS, Teas, and Coffees allof whichil be sold at latest market rates. Country buyerttd sellers willfludit to their advantage to give him all. pridarrents eontafninl all the varieties of the mar , ket t4lled oT El'. B. SMOCK, CharyberSbarg. se I I" ' FRANKLIN . . - , CLOTHING NISPONIIWO, .. NE W EST STX.,ES. r*- ' LARGEST STOCK—CIINk.PIAT mica.' The - untlerslgned can amm re.the Pottle. and dell s see-, emmful. contradiction, Old, his recent purchases .. in . , flin tasteru el t tesenables bleu to offer one of the IsigentatlN ..- . most attractive stock of • CLOTHING - ibr the Pali and Miter &eon of 18634 - Who tonna to any similar establishment in this section.' Seery 'va riety of • , COATS, . , ...._ PANI'S, - _ --- - - ' ' AND *EMS, Made in the very best styleand at the lowest perm GEMEMILY'S YURRISIIING GOODS, Such as Shirts, Drawers. Collars, Cravats, :kick Tie, Ilandkerchiefe.&c., gc r Special attention Is called kr this Department. CUSTOMERS' ORDER'S. I woald invite an examination of my Stock of Me Cloths, Kesserniers Yrstings, dm, which 1 munufamtset, upon special orders. - spxciAL Nonem. I would beg to any that my Goods are mannfacturyi under my own supervision and by the very best wor men. My Prima stuck is the most extensive I have-ypst had in store &left reapecttully ask my trim ds and RI Public to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the old Stand.. J. T. 110SKINSGN, - Franklin Hotel 13uilding, Corner Of the Diamond and West 31arket Street, - oct.7. Chembertibttrg, Ps. ELLIOTT, CLOTHIER; South west Corner of 04. DIAMOND. nett door to the tok, CHAMBERSBURG, has just retntned from the City with a large stock of superior and `censorable Goods, such as CLOTItrz. CASSIMERES. 6ATIN.ETTB, JEANS, CORDS, &c.. for Coats _and VELTETS.SATINB, M IRSEILLES.and other Testings. Also—n very lino selection bf READY-MADE CLOTHING. which hei prepared to sell st the very lowest inark..t prices. • CUSTOMER WORK.—As be employs a Brat-rate tut, ter, he is prepared to make up all kinds of. Gitrlneutg, for 3len and Boys, to order; in the best styles. -Satin faction will be guarantepii. large assortment of GENTLEXCes PCRNIRTIING Oixriag,„ each as Shirts, Drawers. Collars, Kandkerchiefs, , Sus penders, Carpet Bags. Umbrellas. &c., &c.. ,always _on hand, Giye hiM ;mail and save looney. [Jnnel7, C. WALBORN & CO'S WHOLF.SALE ANTI RETAIL • READY MADE LINEN AID DRS STOCK MANUFACTORY, -- No. 5 ce T .North Sixth Street, PleitadetEdig.' • 811 k, Merino and ("piton Under St irts and Drawers. CSit- TlitS. &arts. Gloves, Handkerchiefs. llac. Shirts; Wrappers nod Dress Stocks-made to, order by - measurement, and warranted to give satisfaction. Orders may be left with S. S. Sartroc,x, Obitabersburs. !Rep. • • IVESTON & BROTHER, MERCHANT TAWAS, • No. 800 Arch Slrcet. Pala* As. Having received liberal share of patronage from'Chnm homburg and Vicinity. we are encourved to ask foi more. The excellence of our % goods and on, work. and thecare we take to give entire satisfaction lea sufficient guarantee that we value our repntati on. noT 11, 634 y IVRSTON et BROTHER. PHILADELPHIA GREAT DI SC OYERYI EVIVKEL'S BITTER IVINE OP IBON, Pm the cute of WEAIL STOMACHS, GENELAL DEBILITY, IS DIGESTION, DISEASE'S OP THE NERVOUS SYSTEM,' CON STIPATION., ACIDITY OF THE•STOMACII,, and fur all eases, requiring a Tonic This Wine includes the moat agreeable and effielent Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide Coln with the Inuit energetic of =Vegetable Tonics. Yellow Peruvian Bark. The effect in many cases of de bility, loss of appetite and general prostration, of an efficient Salt o Iron, combines! with Sur valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy. It augments the appetite, raises , the pulse, takes off muscular flabbiness, removes the. paler of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the 091114110. nance. Do you want something to strengthen you? Do you want a good appetite? - , Do you want to build up your constitution? Do you want to feel - well? Do you want to get rid of - nervousness? Do you want energy? Do yon want to sleep well? Do you want a brisk. and vigorous feeling? If you do. try KUNKEL'S RITTER WINE OF IRON. This truly Talnable Tonic has been so thoroughly tat ed by all classes of the community. that it is now deem ed indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It costs Mit little, purifies the Maid, gives tone to the otOnuicki. ' , notate,' the system, and prolongs life. I now only ask 'a telt! of this valuable Tonic. . - $ T.EFT. MON lAL ! Tlarrisbnrg, Feb 20, lE4. Mr. B. A KUNKLE, Druggist :—.Dear .stir: I hare great pleasure in testifying to the complete success of your Bitter - Wine of Iron in my case. I have been afflicted fora number of years with weakness. general debility and giddiness. so much so that I have been confined to my bed fur the greater part of toy time and have had the attendance of our best physicians. but received but little benefit. I had despaired of ever regaining my health. until hearing of your insatimable emedy. /BI TER Irrat or lims. I determineit to try its virtue, and an. happy to state it has resnited in a complete ewe. I tun more robust and,vigorous than I have been for Many .years.. which feeling I attribute solely to your Bitter 74 Wine of Iron. I no hesitation in reconinieluilng it to others., similarly affected, and shall be luippy to bear Penitent testimony To try, truly. MARDIAN FRIAII, tvY YOYIIE Ptil 1.1 —Dr. S. A. KtlilEl,:—Pear Bft: When on my way.laist summer. to join my regiment at Yorktown. Vir,iniaryou were kind enough fmglvell oevoial bottles of your Biller 11 int of bran." I found it most valuable in the climate of the.Peninstila and the diseases incident to it. No preparat km of earka etereil it in value. I believe that its use would prevent much EILLIOVEI FETlift,_ and ertninly *ore a great • value in its crifo. Yours. r&spectfnity. R I': nurr-r. Chaplain 17Ptb Regiment. P. P.M. , Prepared and sold Wbolesale and Retell; by Xvtiva. Bno Anal hecary's,lllB.3lark et Street. Iforrisbnrg. Pa J. S. NIXON. Agent, Olentbersbnrg, Pa. octiB!63-ent ECONOMY IS WEALTH! - CURE YOUR COUGU FOR TfIhRTF.F.N CRIVSS The Best and Cheapest lioiisehold Remedy in MADAME ZADOC PORTER' GREAT COUGH REMEDY.:: Madame Zadoc Porter's Curative Balsam Is 'warranted (fused according to the directions: to car. in all cases, Coughs. Folds. Whooping Congh, deli ma, ond al I affect ions oftheThroat and Lunge -Madame Zadoe Porter's Balsam is prepared with all the requisite core and skill, from a ombinationfff the best remedies the vegetable kingdom affords. Its remedinl finalities are hosed on its pnwei to assist the healthy and vigorous °igen !alien' Of thee . blood, through the langs. It is not a Tstolent rem.dy. bat emollient. WArMill reliing anfts , rlTeethei can C taken by the oldest person ter youngest Oitild Madame Zadoc Porter's Balsam has been need by the public for over 18 years and hits acquired its present 441ePqiniply by Beim Treomnrehtled by those rill* have used it; to their afflicted friends and others, Mcvinme Zrnloc Porter's Vitratire Balsam i 9 said at a, price which brings it iri the rrit b of eery one to k. rp it convenient to nee. The timely nee °fa single bottle will prove to ,be worth 100 [lntel Its cost. Save your money. Do not be persuaded to pitchers articles at 3s, to $l, which do nut contain the virtues o a 13 ct Bottle of Madame Por tees -Curative Balsam, the cost of manufacturing which is as great as that of al most any other medicine; and the very low price at which it. is sold,rankes the profit tothe aelletapparent ly smallond unprincipled dealers will abmetimes re commend other medicines on which their profits are larger, unless the customers insist upon bar irlgkladense Porter's and noneother. Ask for Madame Porter's Cu rative Balsam, price 13 cts.. and in large bottles at 25 eta, and take no other. 11 - otti can not get it at one store yon can at another. AFS-Sold by all Drnggists and Store-keepers at 13 ets. and in larger bottles at 25 eta. HALL & MICKEL, Proprietors. lan 28;53-Iy. blew 'York. SL.For Sale by 3,1111er lienshey and Jacob S. Nixes, Ohambersburg. ~j[tOOK BINDERY.-ALKEEFti CO. have removed their BOOK PINT/EBY to Ore rd story of the lit ANrAON HOUSE, on the Diamond, above filiryock's Book Store, Entrance between the Book Store and Dr. Snively's office. 014 Books, Periodi cals, Husk, Newspapers, &c„ bound in any stile-. Elam nooks made to order. Paper ruled to any pattern. Noir.l, '6O. . VOTICE TO SPORTSMEN.-All person. are 'hereby torbidderi to MINT oe' tbe property of the undersigned. lie does not kill kdrds himielt,, cad does not wish it done by others. • no, 4.43 t A. K. IdtLIISS. QUOtbing. ieliwal. the 4Vorld MOST IMPORTANT NOTICE