MST LATEST NEWS FROM EAST TENNESSEE Iturnside Still folds Knoltville. he Force Opposed to Ilico Reported At 36'.0.00 HEAVY LOSSES AMOSIG THE REBELS. They Abandoh the South Side of .the, Miter. ` Death of Brigadier General Sanders. ( GEN. THOMAS MOVING TO BURNSIDE'S HEW CINCINNATI, Nov. 23. *ST General Foster has arrived and will leave fos Knoxville today. Official advices from East Tennessee, no to 11 o'clock yesterday morning, are encoul raging. At that time the firing at Knox ville was heard by our extreme outposts from Cumberland, Gar. Adjutant yStanley, of the 12th- Kentucky Cavalry, armed at Cumberland Gap yestel .day and brings hopeful news of the situation of Gen. Burnside. He is still holding out, and has notified. the citizens that he would certainly hold Knoxville. - - - The rebel force opposing him is estimated at 36,000 strong. - KnO . .xville is- not cloSely invested. The enemy have withdrawn from the south side of the river, and our troops now forage there. The artillery fighting-. on the 19th and 20th' was' very keVere and the enemy sustained . heavy losses. Brig.-Gen. Sanders, who was wounded at Campbell's Station a few days ago, has since died. The Conime,reial says: "The withdrawal a the' enemy from the south 4ide;of Knox tine is. significant of a decisiVe repulse. Gen. Burnhide is bolding Knoxville under instructions from Gen. Grant, and it is not to be suppcted therefore that the forces un- . der Gens. Thomas: thinker and Sherman arc wasting-their time during the momen tous days of the struggle at Knoxville. 'We are in hourly expectation of receiving intel ligence of the most important character. Tar Washington Chronicle of Monday last has the following important announce. meet : - "Gen. IFfeade's army is under marching orders at daylight tl is morning. The offi cers and men are in the best of spirits. and the ,animals are in good: condition. The army leaves with ,ten day's' cooked rations in haversaCks and wagons. All the sick and disabled have been sent to the rear—a large number of them having arrived in the city last evening., It is presumed that the army will cross the . river at Germania Ford. his rumored that the main force of Lee's army is at Hanover Junction, which is about midway between Fredericksburg and Rich mond." Gen. Butler has gone to North Carolina,to inaugurate the policy which he has commen/ ced,:to administer ut - "Ortress Monroe. ly,;Be fore leeri he began work on a plan / for ealisting and organizing blacks in the Vir-. gilds portion of his Department. On theigth inst. .. Moller, in Charap bershtirg, by the It _ _ . JACOB Jo iritolt to Mies CAtHARINS DoNELY, both of Letterkenny. I On-the 17th inbt., at the residence of MY, J. Ely. In thit, place,by the ltev.J. DicEson„ 31r Lanni W. LOUDON of Perry county. to Miss LoeIBaCLARSE of thisplace. On the 19th Inst., at the Franklin llon.e, by -the Rev. 8. Mettenry, Mr. lisrla M.Cises-mkx, pf the vicinity of klaront. to Miss ANN/L.SatFrze- of I , tew Franklin. On the same cliy,,by the sante. at the residence of the bride's parents, flair New• Franklin. Mr DAVID A. I3tss -I.alt, of Guilford ((nigh:hip:to Miss CHABtoiTE C. SNYDER. On the 17th inst., by the Rev. Wesley Ifow•e, 3lr. Wm. R. Poet.. of Greencastle, tu 3iiss IsAutu.t. J. llt tri. neat Ga. 'cartilage. . DIED. 9fi the 19th inet.:in ShipperisPurg, Mr. Axturoetr F. - Wine. in the 54th year of hid age. . • - / On the 14th inst., in Snippensburg, Mr. Jew( Fiti, aged about 40 years. On tbe 16th inst., in Gaillard township. F. M. CALVIN Otencfsa, eon of Hiram and Mary S. Overcesit, aged 7 years and 1 day. ' On the 15th inst.. at Greenwood. Franklin co., Pa.. Sire. E A. Burs, wile of Robert" Black. FoNik., aged 48 veare and 15 daye. `be was born near Gettysburg. Par. whet e ehe lived twentron),- x years. - For twenty-seven years she was a member o he Preebyterian church, e• r 4 entplery, devoted, turn'. Desolate indeed mutt the .... heart be, where such ii,attrnal and conjugal virtues gladdened the Emily citl lite; but 11.eavelPe gains are made by such tran-lations as these. - "`' On the 14th inst., - in scotlancl, this ccnnty. after a ecteere illnesi. Mr. - Tons ELLI.CHTEE, a:., aged 71 years, and 9 months.' On the 2.dth init.: in the vicinity of Fayetteville, Mien lititnactirr Iferm... Ned Fl yetrs, 9 months and 20 8 days. On the 20th inst., in Greene:little, D,:tvin l i.retcrsi. sod of Mr. David Lenharr, Jr., aged 4 years, 8 itiouths and 9 a4,s. ,1 - Cn the 10th inst., near London, of cancer. :Miss ELIZA. REEMI im,e,l 44 ye um ht months and 7 days. On the 19thinsr.; St. thomas, ELIZA:SETII actlAs.- irrre, infant daughti,Yr of Jar trid Mary IL Moutgain eiry, aged 1 year, fl ttlyntlrs and 23 days. - ' POPULAR. CLOTTII 4 I:9 HOUSE, Sixth and dfarkd Slreds, Phitade /Popular Clothing Houre, Sixth and Market Streets. Popular Clothing House; Sixth and Market Streeity: — i'opular Clothing Sixth and Market Stites. Waniniaker & Brown. • Wanatnaker & Brown. Wanamaker k Brown. Popular Clothing House, Sixth and Market Streets. Popular Cliithing (louse, Sixth and Still:et Streets. Popular Clothing House, Sixth and Market Streets. . Oink Hall; Oa& Hall, Oak Hall, Oak Hall, Oak flail. Oak Hall, ~ Oak Hall. Oak Hall. Oak Hall.. Pripnlar Clothing' House, Sixth and 'Market Streets, Popular Clothing Mouse, Sixth and Idirket Streets. Popultr Clothing House, rixth.and Market Streets. WanamaKer k Brown. _ Wantimaker & Brown. ... Wanamaker & Brown, Popular Clothing House, Sixth and Market Streets. Popula'r Clothing house, Sixth and Market Streets. Popular Clothing Masa, Sixth and Market Straits: Oak Hall,. , Oak Hall, Oak Halt, _- Oak Hall, Oak Hall, ' Oak Hall, . Oak Hall, elk gnu, Oak Hall. N, B.—We have an immense stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING that cannot be surpassed for style, work. tnauship ortlowness in price. Also, Special Depirtreent tor Boar Clothing and Gents' FURNISHING GOODS. nor 11-Ira Card to the Sieffering.—The Rev. William 'posigrover, while laboring as a missionary inJapan, was cured of Consumption when all other means bad failed ,b ya recipe obtained from cklearnedphysicianintbegreat idtyofieddo. This recipe has cured great numtiers who • were suffering from Coneumption, Bronchitis, Sore Th rota, Coughs and ...lob's, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others, will send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it, tree of charge. Address Rev..W.1.1. COSGROVE, dec 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.N. LADIEs' AND GENTLEISEN'S FURS. TILE LIiKOEST AND BEST STOCK IN TRE - CITY, AT ! CHARLES CAKFORD & SONS, CONTINENTAL DOT KL, 1 aor.44m SHAKE AND BURN Shade and Burn!! ShakCand Burn I I I—This is the life of agony endured by the sufferer from Fever and Ague. He wanders like an uncertain shadow, never knowing what moment he may be Prostrated, and thet;efaredisinclined to give any serious rittention to business. This is the condition of thousands in town and country. It is no exageratiun say that Fever andAgne kills more people than any twenty other diseases In America For aaure and speedy cure of this terrible of ,we tithe great pleasure in recommending HOSTTF.TTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, which have already achieved a wide reputation for rapid and powerful effects in renovating the system urostrated by this disease. Fur sale by Di uggista anirdoalers gen erally everywhere- nov 11-1 m s The Confessions and X.rperienee of fin In-_ ea/W.—Published for the benefit, and as a warning and• A CAUTION TO YOUNG ALEN WhosulTer from Nervous Debility,Premature Decay os Ilarthood, etc., supplying at thesime lima - THE MEANS OF SELF CURE, By-one who has cured himseirafter being put to a great exi)eneel and injury through medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing R. postpaid addressed envelope, single copies may lie had of the author. NATIIANIEL IdAYFAIIt,Esq., Bedford,Kings county, N. Y. may%. ,63 13 Pulmonary Consimptiortz Curable Disease. —k CARD.-TO f,t)IfiStiMPTIViS.L-The undersigned lutvitig been restored to health Ina tew weeks. t y a very siMpleremotly, after having enffe•ed several years wit,. a severe lung direction. and that dread disease, Coal, stimptlea—is anzions to matte knovn to his fellow•suf• ferers the means of cure. To all whodesiro it, he wilLsen a copy of the pres cription used (free of charge), wth the directions for preparing and using the same, witch they will find a sisre cure for Consumption, Asthma, •Bronchitis,Coughs Colds, &c. The only object of theadvertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the glinted, and spread in formationwhich he conceives to ~Is. invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his !isnedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may proven biwsing. Parties wishing the prescript* will please address_ Rev. R.DW2RD A. yiLsolcr - . - ,\N, sept 30-3 m Williattrbttri, rings Co:, New Yor'N,.; • Prevention of Inerustatim in Steam Boit ert.—WINANS'ANTI-INcRUSTLTION POWDERaE MOVES AND PREVENTS THE DEPOSIT OF SCALE, AND WITHOUT INJUXIE TOUR:IRON SEVEN YELES IN USE. " References in all pals of the country. viz: Albany Gas Co.; Eaton, (tither. & Co., aid others, Troy ; Syra. cum Rochester, Aubtrn,• &c, 4c.; John Gibson & Ph'elps,Gharles Ensign John R. Evans & Ho.,Jewett Root and ahers,Buffab: Cleveland. Columbus. Ranes ville.&c., &c.; Goa. Shill. Miles Greenwood, Mitchell & Rammelshurg, and 40 4, hera in Cincinnati; and through out the Weat ; Indianonlis, Dayton,. Terre Haute, Lo gansport, Chicago. Spingdeld, St. Louis, St. Paul, &c. &c., &c. Cost about 41to 60cents per week. For circu_ far, address li. N, WINANS, - II WALL ST., N EW Your . P.O, Box. No: 6 OrtiptegtafronWorks.--Woom & PEROT, 1136,ffitige Avenue, Ptiacaphia, Ph., offer for sale upon thetuost fa -- orablTerpas, NEW and BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS in great:vriety a IRON RAILING for CEMETERIES, RESIENCES, &e., of Wrought and oast Iron, and GALV.AIIZED IRON end BRASS WR ING ; IRON VENANiiiiS, BALCONIES, STARS, COUNTERS POUNTAPS, GATES, COLUMNS,IIITCH ING POSTS, LAMP SLUMS. VASES, TABLES, FLOW ER STANDS, SOFAS, C RIRS,.STAT UA RV, A NIM ALS - and all other Iron Wets of a Decorative character Designs forwarded for section. Persons applying fur `same, will please state tt kind of work noed6d. Wept 9,'2,34m _ Madame Porter' s-tt i•atzve Batsant has tong tested the truth that therare first principles in Itfedf• - cine as there is in Scienceand this lledicine - is com pounded on principles mitt to the manifold natute of Man! Thecure of Colds isn keeping open the pores, and creating a gentle intersl,warmth, and this is cans. ed by the use of this Medice. Its remedial qualities are based on Its power to mat the healthy and vigor ous pirculatlorrof blood thltgh'ilte hangs, ft enlivens the muscles.and assists the tin to perform its duties o regulating theheat of thesyeni, and in gently thron ing off the waste substance amt he surface of-the body It is not a violent remedy hilt emollient, warming searching and effectivs. So by all druggist at 13. and 25 ce'utsper bottle. Duly 2C. George Steck t t Cc Pianos.—CnEssos , SPams, Aug. 1863.—Mr J. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut streets, Philivielphi—DEAs Stn.—having had frequent opportunities of exaining the Pianos made by Messrs. George Steek & Co.. N . / York, during the past few years, in the practice of r profession as Tuner, I pronounce them the most pfrot IMitruments I have ever seen. In point of touch, equality, 11 singing tone they may defy comparison with any and! other makes, while in the upper two octave(trehle nee) they are incompara bly the finest I have any knowlp of. . . . C. El EARGIi, Tuner of Pianos, sept 23-3 n Dirhannut St.. Philada 'DR. RADW4ICE, PILLS'RE PILLS THAT Ccart,There are thousands olersons who have for yoarp. been dosing with some farite pills. and imagine that they cannot live VTithont tem. When we hear theta man has been taking tm and inch "pills for years," it is Wet() presume bee taking a worthless remedy. • Yet there are many to have been afflicted with Costiveness, Indigestion, Ostipation, Liver Cont i hint. Jaundice. Dyspepsia, &•4 fc r years, and -from habit have used some f,vorite it that affords - mere tempoary relief,,without thinkil that the pills they ire taking increases the . origitiacomplaint: Kirov we guarantee that if these misguldoteople will takkllad way's Pills th!rt from one to six bee will cure them. SAPONIFER, OR CONCENTBSED LYE Fami ly .coap WAIL makeshich prlctis; Saponer helps to reduce them. It makes Soap for Pour cen a pound by using your kitchen grease. „ - - CAUTION! As spuriom Lyes arefered also; be care ful and only buy the Patented artii pat tip in Iron cans, all others being Counterfeits. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANU,CTURII!G Co., Philadelphia—No.l27 Wait Street. uoy23 am] Pittsburg—Pitt Stroet4 DuplePne Way CAUTION.—We. hove thikl a y obtftintid: a Patent for our Ilannfacnires, kn , o tut" FAIIILY PYR COLOKS." The Dyes manufactured ty other leans, under the home of "Domestic Dyes," he., are Ins in violation of our Patent. , We caution all persons making °rifling the same hereafter, that we shall prciecute for 1 laringements of our rights. Boston, 0et.13, [nov2i;3t) . 110Vits STEVENS. $25. , $75.. .4'pzilaprient I—Abye2tB WantV—We will paSitrom $25 tor Is per mon ti,aud all earnies,toaetilro Agente.orgiva a eon:minim. Purlieu , ' sent free.— Address ERIE Brwrica: MACIINE COMPA, R. JAMES deneral Agent, Milan, Ohio. til 29, 69-ly REPORT ,OF-ItIE MAKETS PHILAIIELPBTA 31ARK113, FHILADELPLIA, NOV, , • 1863, noun---Sales of 204 bbls. conion super fine are reported at $550; 300 bblCrhio ex tra at $7 25; 2600 ,bbls.Broad streettills, do., part for future delivery, on termtcPt pri vate, and 300 bbls., W3stern-extratmily at $7 50(7 75 bbl. and $8 to $lO 'bbl. for high grade family aryl fancy bran, RYE FLOUR is scarce, with small sales $o so bbl. CORN MEAL s wanted, bulere is no stock here and pries are nomina - Witzer —Sales of 5@ ) 6,000 bushelnostly at $1 65 for western, aid Pennsylvar, reds, and $1 85 ®s2 05 for white. RYE firm PatuDiussui ehe ,franktin t tlepository, Norembtr. 25, 1863. and selling at $1 2.3@51 25 for Delaware and Pennsylvania. CORN—About 1,000 bus. southern yellow sold at $1 17 afloat, and 400 bushel, di:y new white at $l. OATS—Sales 83 . 61;85c, closing at the latter rate, which is an advance. 'PROD VCR MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY CLIAMIIE 2 it \ s;II. Az U R R ED G. IB N, Birrrca O o o v i. 24,186 . APPEALS :—Tax Payers take No tice —The Commissioners of Franklin County; and. the Assessors of each township and Borough+, ,will Meet at the following times, in the Commissioners 001 , 0 ill the Borough of hemhersbarg, for the pnrpose cf Wear. Mg the Appeals from County, State and Military Taxes for the year, A. D. 1504. to wit: • Tuesday. December 6th, for Chamberebtirg, Guilford. Warren, Sennett. and Metal. • . We inesday. Denenther 9th, for 'Peters, Antrim, Mont gomery. Mercersburz, and Greencastle. Thursday, December 10. for Letterkenny, Lurgan, Southa^.pton and Hamilton. 1 Friday. December 11th, for Washington, Waynesboro, Green. Quincy and St. Thomas. Flout —VOIR° " S 7 00 .101.1 N NITIHRHOUSE,} Flour—Wen- 8 50 JOHN DOA HEY Commissioners. Wheat—White " 1801 " MENDS GOOD, . Wheat—Red 130 - On. Fonautar, Clerk. recir2s] . ' r'..7.7 RS . Corn ..... ... ..; ' Oats. Eons UNWARIED. W00L... UM 1:1 CurrEß REED tiTIMOTHY SEED 2 60 Tea Low SOI P toB Fr.Ax SEED BADON BACON SIDES lip D : PEACHE5.........3 00 UNPARED PEACHES 1 50 DRIED AIFLS9 SOOT BEANS -011AMBERSBURG FLOUR AND GRAIN MARKET. CORRECTED AT CHAMBERSBUWO MILLS POTATO MARKET. Mercer, New rein aTibertiormento. CLOTH FOR LADIES CLOAKS. —A splendid Black C10th,2.76--Very law. at A. J. WILITE'S.• WANTED.—A White Girl, to do general Ifoumwork In a small family. Apply at the RtZpSITORT office. CILDREN'S FURS.—I. have a large assortment of Chiltlrens Fars. which I will roll at very lbw prices. at DECELERT'S. riAPB OVER COATS FOR BOYS! ij Cape Over Coate for Boy-0 ! Cape Over Coats tar Buys ! !I Teryilow ! Very low, at A. J. MUTE'S. VOCAL MUSIC.—R. A, McClure, trill tench classes and private pupils. the nrt of Singing. Musical Notation, Harmony, awl Musical Coin posit ion. [ T OST.-A HICKORY CANE with Iron Top and new Furle of fmr or fire inches,' on road from 'hatuberstutrg to Meet Attn. If returned to this Office a liberal reward will be paid. 'Cnov2.s] T OST OR STOLEN.—A GentL t,4 mans Dark Barred Shaw/ was Lost or Stolen. on last Thursday night. between 01 affetibmg Springs or d Greentmixi. on the Baltimore turn' pike. Any person leaving it at this office. or iving: information thnt will ;end to its recovery wi 11 be liberally rewarde.l. [nov2.slt V OR SALE.—I will sell or ex chanle fir property, in atunbersburg or vicirity, the INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL. in the South Ward of the Borough of Chambersburg. This Is one of the best stands in - Franklin county, with a good run of custom. Possession can be given at any time. nov`2s JOHN - W. TAYLOR. L'EDERAL HILL FOR RENT.- The undersigned will rent the FEDERAL HILL SE. and ground immediately pertaining thereto. for one or more years from A pril ,:ext. It is the most DESIRABLE PRIVATE RESIDENCr"for rent in the Borough of Chamberbhurg. The House is very com modious and in excellent order, and there is very flue Vruit on the lut. [nov2s tf) A. K. MeCLUBE. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The un dersigned. Autli#or appointed be Court of Com moc Pleas of Franklin County to distribute the Funds in the hands of the Sheriff arising from the sale "of the property of Samuel Wolff to and among creditors, will attend at his office on .IbJliday. the 91st do of December, ISO. at 10 o'clock, A. M. for the purposes of his ap• pointment m hen and where all persons interested may attend if proper. jn0v25,3t1 W. fti,ILI,Y. CLOTITING I CLOTHING Seal Skin Coate! Seal Skin Coats! Seal Skin Coats! Businessenats! Bmiiness Coats! -Business Coats! Sack' Coats! 'Sack‘Coats ! Sack Coats! Sack Coats! Boys' Snits! Boys Suits! Bo3s - Suits! Boys Suits! Pan's! Pants! Pants! Pants! Pants! Pants Pants! .Vest..! Vests ! Vests! Vests! Vests! Vests! Vests! - Call and Examine! - and Examine! at A-.3.WIIITE'S!!nt A.J. WIIITE'S!at A. J.VI MITE'S! ADJOURNED ASSIGNEE'S SALE-As the Assignee of Dr. Thome Wa'ker. I will Mit r at Public Sale. on the premises. immediately adjoining', the lioroneh of Waynesboro, Franklin county, Pa.. of Tbesq. ,, e, flu 9t4 t friv of 9 o'clock A. M.. eeuoral LOTS OF OtIOUND. w ell adapted for town lote , Which which acre left-unsold at the last sale r f Rea' Estate. These lots adjoin lute sold to Lewis . Forney, Julie Philips, and others, WILLIAM WLELLAN, nnr2s A SPienee. A DMINVSTRATOR ; SNOTICE— Notice is herebylzireo th•ot Letters of Adminis ti ath* L, the Estlto of George Lehman. tare of (lreeti towtl ship. deed, have been granted to the under signed. residine in said township. All per , nos knownitm theraselves indebted to said Es - title will please make - immediate pavmeni; 'and those haven claims will present them properly authenticated for ' , el tleMent, to MICHAEL R. WINGER. " n0v2.5 . DMLNISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notire is hereby given that Letters of Administra tion to ths Eatate or Amanda Lowry, late of Quincy township, deed. have been granted to the onbeerrber, reeding in said toivnalifp. Al; knowing themselves Indebted to said E.- tate will make immediate payment: and thogo havinz (+LIM. will present thorn properly ftl/thenticate for settlement. [rov2sl RACHAEL LOWRY. Adm'rx. ARMINIST AA T() IZS' NOTIC E.- Notice ichereby elven that Lettere of Adminis tration with the Will annexed on the Estate of Dant Mull, late 01 ilreen township, dee'd, have been granted to the'subseriber, reiblinst in gala township. -AllitiiiNdrick.knowfmx themselves indebted to the said Ret , te will please m cite immellatr payment : and those having claim; wilrprengnt, them operly authenticated for eettlentent. - WILLIAM. A ..".XANDDIt. pit LIC ALTCTI( 14'' STOCK ATT LE.—Ofet f'ontm Lola ry ofSuictit fanCA. Charn berslatrg. Pa.—By authority giiett me ,and under orders reel, ved at r;ommisc cry Office, Chambershurg, Pa. I Medi offer at Public Auction, nt DEITZ k McDOWF.LL'S Warehouse, on .vaturtfay. the 2nAttay of Norentber, 1863. at 2 o'clock. P. M.. about (2t.) twenty bend - STOCH CATTLE. To be cold then and there to the highest bid der, fur cash In Government Fund., ALFRED NORTON, Capt. k 0. 9.V . S. A I)MIN ISTRA TOR'S NOTICE.- Notice le hereby. given that Letters of Atiminis. tration to the Estate of William Ileyser. late • f the. Borough of Chanibersburg, deed. have been granted to the undersigned, re4ling In mid Borchigh. AB pe*ons kirming thetoseli es indebted to said Be tide will please make Immediate payment; and those ha ing claims will present ti em properly authenticated for settlement, JACOB 11 - BVSBR. ‘... 0 WILLIAM ILEYSER. a. noy2s J . A Lid- 01 ErsTER. EUICI - TTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice m 5 hereby given that Letters Testamentary to she Eetate of , Mary Raker, late of Greencootle, deed, have been granted to,the unde'roigned, residing in Bata Bor ough. At puma indebted to the said Rotate are requested to make immediate payment and thoee having claims or demands against the Rotate of the said decedent will make kneinthe same without delay, to DOV 25 JACOB S. FLEMING, Ex.'r. EXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Notice in hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the, Estate of James J. Kennedy, late of Guilford township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in.. Chambersburg. - All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Ea tate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will preSent them properly authenticated for settlement, to . V. B. KENNEDY, Executors. nov2s . t j. L. KENNEDY, lIBLIC SALE.—The undersign-- ed, Executors of the last Will and Testament of aniel Shively, late of Chambersburg, dec'd, will ex pose to Public Sale, on the'prainfses, on Friday, the 11 a day qf December. 1863, all the following described Reel Estate, to wit : That 110 ESE and LOT'OF GROUND, the late residence of the said deceased, situate on Main St. of the said Borough and bounddd by the lot. of F A. Zarman on the north, and Philip Byers on the South, being 36 feet in front and 256 feet deep. The lionise is built of Brick, two stories high awl in excellent condi tion. Petsons wishing to purchase can view the property by calling upon Lewis Wampler, one of the If.xecutore, re. tiding in Chamberebnrg. Bale to commence at 10 o'cloot on said day when the terms will be made known by PETER SHIVELY, ) n0v2442 LEWIS WARMER, 221'111 -Acta pbertiOrntento.-; GREA'i BARGAINS IN LADIES' FURS hare a large and welt ee'eCtiol static of Ladies' Furs. consiAing of %fink, Sable. Stone Mart n, German Fitch. American Fitch, Liberian Squirrel, - Mench Squirrel, French Sable. French Mink, Water kink. and Silver Martin. which am Selling at lower prices than thee can he purchased fbr in Philadelphia. Call and ex amine before purchasing eisnwhere,at the old liat. Cop, and Fur More ot J. L. DECEIT:RT. 6 th) EMI OM N o ApRE POISONS ! • PROCESS ZS TOR TUC PREPARATION impr.ovnrstiT. AND IMITATION Dr LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS, ' INCLUDING BRANDIES, WISES, WFIISKIES, GINS, RUMS, PORTER. ALE. Lipp?, CORDIALS, BITTERS, ETC. Every dealer in liquors has long known and felt it to be of the highest importance to the profitable conduc tion of his 1 usiness that he should be in pos‘ession of certain infumati. a which has hitherto been strtcrty confined ro whniciale houses.. This information is ler* for the first ti me, placed within the reach, and adapted to' the successful and moot profitable use, of ALI. &ale rs. Particulars will be mailed, free of charee, to those send hg address to LEE k COOKE, P. 0. Bot 357, Washing. ton. D. C. N. B "No others but dealers need apply, se no infor mation will he sent to any one who does not l ttecompany his adds ess with the,pledge that he is a dealer in liqm,r. nov2Z-It TLST OF LETTERS remaining in I he Pu=t once alChambersburg. Nov. 2i. 1863: Adams Robert Kane Miss Martha,Snorttn Cathar'ne Baskin Mrs E. !Rockier Gottlob ;Spayd Edward II - Itieittchid John II Lenbo/er Peter ISherk Revd:WU 2 But k .1 W ! Merrill° Thomas Scott Misalanny Bea rmerMrsSc rah Morgan Allen. ,Smith William 13 ! Brown Sirs Ann !Malain C C jStltitlt Mi s Hellen Chignon Jelf !Paton Mrs Mary ISholman Miss E Casimii Joins E Pities sfary A i Sellerti Hen] y Daventiort"Wm If , PI es; George 2 ;Spittle Chariot R Elliott MI s Susan! Piper Lucy A ITaritton Lucy Evans Louis ;Randall Alfred T:Tutwijertleit W Eberly Lewis II ißem Miss C T :Wedsh George W Findle Miss Anna'Radar Adam „White Janus Fletellei Joseph Si Item] David i Walt Susan Getman Joh TY • Stildvr Miss Anna' Walter Luther Uelminper Isaac 2 . Mary !Walls Migs Margt Haves linsi It ;Snyder Miss'Elia-. YOROGN Hemphill Jolm C j abeth A Font John Peter Holland Mai YAnnlSmithltlrs Hollidyj Persons cdiling for the above Lettters will please say that they have bean advertised. J. W. DEAL. P. M. TAIPORTA.NT NOTICE IN BELA- T LON TO THE JANLIMItY DRAFT.--Ikadqu'ir/ei s Provost Marshal, Sixteenth Dixtrid, Pennsylvania, Chant beret, rg. Niivember ;5, 1563.—Printed alphabetical lists of the names anCresidences of all per Sons, of both classes. enrolled as liable to military duty in this Dis trict. ate being prepared as rapidly as possible._ Copies will at once be forwarded to the several En rolling Officers. at N4ltose houses as well as at Post Offi ces iind other public planes they may be inspected. Any pet son'enrolled may appear before the Board of Enrollment and claim to have his name strichen,off the List, if he call show to the satisfaction of the Boai d that he is and will not he ;it the tune, (January sth, fixed for the next ,haft, liable omifitary duty on account of -Ist Alienate. .2d Non-residence. Uosuipiblettess of Age. 4th Manifest Permanent Physical Disability.. The time for soaPPearing before the Board and inn to lutvenames4trickeu off will expire with the 20t1 of December, next, after which day no cliemi will 1• heard. Persons who may be cognizant of other - persons Ilabb to military duty. whose names do not appear - on go List, are requested to notify the Board of Enroilment. 411Dersons enrolled on information thus recmvial arm entitled themsei'vestrf the privi.ege of appear• ing within the time limited and claiming to hay" their names stricken rdf, the saute as if they had been origin ally molted. Toe Board of Enroffment will be In sesgien daily, until 20ti, prox.. to act entmeh eases as may be presem ed. . CEO. EYSTEIt, no - v24-3t Capt. & Pro. Mar.l6th Ms. Pa. ATAIZIOTA.—A new article for'des set t and 'avail Is, at FLutthy ES.—Every Color and Su Wu, at 2+.IIXON'S Drug Store. PURE PEPOER.—Ground hi the Fotablishinent. aud sold in lots to suit. at NIXON'S Drug Store. fIONCENTRATED POTASH.—A 4uperior article for making Swap, at NIXON'S Dreg Store. FrOOTII BRUSILES:-A superior ligiu3t .pened,ut , NIXON'S Drug otore, FINE ' REDDING, NECK, LalNti and other Cumhx. at NIXON'S Dru g Store. AFULL LINE OF SUPERIOR MONEY WALLETS, at NIXON'S Drug :Ain't,. T I EWORICE.-A large lot of bosh rynallty, at ' Nl.X.UN'tiltrupt.Storu. FOR COL DS.—Nixon prepires remedy whielrhaa-tna approval of all vac l'hy t.,aas. IL La safe, Oval:nit anti otlicactaus. Try IL AFULL STOCK OF STANDAR, Patent 11. , licinee, at kiLXON'S Drug Store. HAIR BRUSIITS---ELEGAN STYLES, at NIXON'S Drag Store DRUGS - AND CHEMICALS.- Stock full ewd friudi , at N 1 XON SUPERIOR GROUND SPICES.- Warranted Pure, at NIXON'S. -VINE FRAGRANT SOAPS, Pine Perfumery,' Fine Hair Oile, Pine Pomadoe, nov2b-tf XON'S A.DJOURNED SALE OF. VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned, Ad mitustrators of 'John Beaver, late of Peters township, county of Franklin, dec'd, will offer at Public Sale. In London, on Thursday, the , 10th day of December, DB3 the following described Real Estate, to wit: A voluble STONE GRIST MILL, and Flame Saw Mill, situate on the ConococheagtaCreek, in Pet erstownship, and dajoining the town of London. These Mills are In good condition, are well located for custom, and have a superior water power. Thera attached said prop erty 68 ACRES and 24 PERCHES of land two Dwelling Houses, and other improvements. Also.—A FARM or TRACT OFLAND. situate In Peters township, bounded by lands of Daniel Trestle and other , lands of said deceased, containing '216 ACRES had 22 PERCHES, and having thereon a STONE and ROUGH CAST DWI LLING HOUSE, a Stone Barn and two Orch ards of good fruit. Also.— Another TRACT OF situate in Peteis township, bounded by lands of ,DaniclTrostie, Samuel, Hollinger, Jacob Barger and other lands of said dec'd, con.: taining 218 ACREc and 111 PERCHES, with a FRAME: DWELLING HOUSE and Tenant House, a Log stable and small Orchard thereon: ' - - The above Farms, will be divided, pripr to the sale, in to smaller tracts, There will Mackin offered on same day: about +SO ACRES; of valuable CREST: UT TIMBER LAND, in tracts 0110 to 15 Acres. Sir Sate to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M., °maid day, when the terms will be make known by PErER EUNKLEMAN, Adm'r, MARY JANE BEAVER, Adm'rx, n0v25,.'63-ts. of John `Mayer, deed. 'By order of Court—Wm. G. 'Minna. Clerk. }FAMILY DYE COLORS. - PATENTED OCTOBEit,I3, 1803. Mock, Dark Green • Black. for Silk, Light Green, , .. - Dark Blue, Magenta, Light. Blue; .Maize, -- French Blue, ' Maroon, Claret Brown, - Orange, Dark Brown, ,_ Pink, , „. ~ Light Brown, ' Purple, . • - Snuff Brown, Royal Purple, , - Cherry, ' Salmon, Cr/MOD, . Scarlet, , Dark Drab, Slate, ' Light Drab, . soicerino, . Fawn Drab,.. " , , ytelot, Light rawnDrab, — Yellow, For Dyeing Silk, Woolen - and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons. Gloves, Bonnets, flats, r eathers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. /a- A SAVLNG OF SO PER CENT. "lilt For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades c..n No produced from the sane dye. The process is simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Di rections in English, French and German, inside of each package. • _ i nte • For further information in Dy • , and - giving a per fect -knowledge what colors are st adapted to dye over others, (with many valtiuble i 'pead . purchase llowe a Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail qr receipt of price -1U cents. Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS, n0t25.1y1 , . . 260 Broadway, Boston. For Sale by druggists and dealers generally. MILITARY CLAlMS.—Common wealth of Pennsylvania : .Acla of 11th and , .22d Apra, 18t3,—T HE BOARD OF APPRAISER'S having In charge the Chains for Damages sustained by citizens on the southern Border of the State, by reason of the „Rebel Iblid, under Stuart, in 1862. and to ascertain the LOSSES AND DAMAbblis 'sustained by Citizens of the Common wealth, occasioned by the oocupancy c 4 and trespass upon their lauds by any part of the Militia Force called into service in 1862, or the Impressment of their Horses and other Property into the service of the United Srates, for the use of the Anderson Cavalry, in 102, GIVE NOTICE, that they are now in session, at the Court louse, in tihambersburg, for the llorougla of Chambers burg, and the adjoining neighborhood. ME STUART BALD CLAIMS, havingliriority in ago will be the tiretin the order of consideration, and maut be firstpresented; the other claims deferring to them, unless occurring in one and the mho party or indlirW nal, who may, in such case, desire consideration of the sham In full. The Citizens of Peters .7 armship will be beard at Chambersburg, on Friday and Saturday, the 2;th and 2Sth instant. The Citizens of St. Thomas Township will be beardat Chambersbnrg, on the - 30th inst. , and Ist of Deceuabiii.. Those of liamiltan Tinonship, and the portlinis ;of, Green and Guilford Townships ' adjacent to Chambers-- burg, at Chambersborg, on the 24, 3d and 4th ~f Derein her • and the portions of Guilford and Green Townships an die neighborhood of Fayetteville, on the Tsh and Bth days of December, at Chambersburg. Any other portions of Franklin and Fulton Cbunftes. not named, dacept Montgomery Township, will be beard at ChamliersLurg, on the 9thof December. Montripmery Township will be beard at Mercersbnig, on the 15th - and 16th of December. THE CLAIMS UN DER THE ANDERSON CAVALRY and Militia Clauses of the Acts not connected with Stuart Raid Claims, will be heard at es future 'day, anci- a places as convenient as .practicable to the parties interest. al, of which times and places due notice wat begiren. A. 11 IXIESTER, JACOD WEIDLE, Appraisers. n0v2441 JAME'S WOP:BALL, - • NIXON'S,D rug Sturu "VALUABLE STEAM TANNERY FOR SALE.--Theunderefgned will ee R at Prl rat, his TANNERY, known as the Corner Tannery;Witir steam and water-power. Saw Mill, Chopping 31 ill.Stdcks for breaking hides, &c. The Tannery has 8 leeched, 32 Vali, 2 lifttesand'water-pool. and is capable of tanning SOO heavy hides a year. There, ate taco Log Dwelling Manses, Barn. Stable and other necessary out buildingt, connected with the Tannery. and about 60 Acres (denied,. with good fruit'. Ile will sell nay quantity of land With the Tannery, from 100 to 7001e.res. 600 Acregarc Timber,and an ample supply of Chesnut- Oak Bark to run the Tannery for fifty years. It is situated about 7 miles South-west of Nierceniburg, on Licking Creek Terms made easy. Possession will be given this fall necessary. For further particulars address the under Mercershurg, Franklin county, Pa. '- . au g 12, 63 1f C. MRTC ALF. VALUABLE MILL- PROPERTY FOR SALE.- 1 -The subscriber desiring to retire frombuniness,olfers at private sale his VA LUEDLEMILL Property, situate on the Conacocheagne Creek. at Scotland, miles North of Cliambersburg. The Miii has three rutt of Burrs and in In good order for home and merchant work. It in situated in one of the best grain growing regions of Southern Pennsylvania, and conve nient to churches and schools. There are about ',even teen Acres of land connected with the Mill. nearly' all cleared and good Meadow Land, and under good fence. A large two-story Weatherboarded DWELLING HOUSE and other our buildings, end considerable fruits, eonthe property. Tits price asked Is $5,000. while the nett earnings ofthin rani during the last year was above MO. For particulars apply to the subscriber ealding on the [ongl94.t] JOHN SLEICUTKR. PUBLIC SALE —The miderg wilt o!rer nt Pnb ' on the promisor: eltrtat o in Antrim township. about 3 miles South-west of-Green castle, near the Williamsport turnpike, en Thursday, the 10th day of :Arc,renther. 1.563. the following Real Es. tate, to wit 113 ACEII , and 136 PERcvms, neat men sure of SLATE and GRAVEL LAND, abpnt 46 Aores of which are in ,Timbor. The Improvements are a two. storied BRICK HOUSE, Bank Barn and other necossa: ry out-butld ings, and a Well of good Water. Air Sale to commencriat 10 o'clock, on said day ' *hen terms will bemade known by JAMES RELE. novll.3t PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned X Adminiattators to the F.state of John Herman, ate of Guilford township, dec'd, will offer 'at Public &de, at the late residence of said dec'd, on the Old Farm of Jeremiah Herman, one mile West of New Guilford, nod one mile East of New Franklin, on Thursday; the 3rd day of December, 1863, the following fern mat Pro perty, viz :-4 W ORK nousEe., two of which are Brood Mares; 1 Colt; 20 head of Horned Cattle, 6 Milch Cows, 3 large Steers, 3 small Steers,l Bull and 7 Heifers; 3 Sows, 8 Hogs, and 13 Shoat% 6 bead of Sheep. Aims -2 PLANTATION WAGONS, one of which is ne irly new. with Bed; 1 ono-horse Wagon; 1 Sleigh and Sleigh Bells; 1 Wheelbarrow; 2 pair of Hay Ladders. nearly new; I Hay-Bearer, 2 sets of Dung Boards, Ere., Ac. Also McCORMICK REAPER AND MOWER, 1 Separator, Grain Drill, Feed Cutter, Grain Cradle, 2 Muni . ' Scythes . 1 three-horse Plow; 2 two-horse Plows; Sing andDou ' lLe Shovel Plows; 2 Harrows; 1 Corn Coverers • Cultivator, 3 new Springs; a lot of Forks and Rakes; i Log Chain; Fifth Chain and Spreaders; Double and Si , gl e Trees; Butt Traces;-Breast Chains, Cow Chilies; 2 se ; Hind Goitre; 3 sots Front Gears; Fly Nets; 4 llousliw Blind Bridles; Collars; Riding and Wagon S , ddles, Also, a lot of Bags. Also, a general assortment of Hens hold and Kitehen - FURNI'rURE, consisting; In part, Bedsteads. Beds and Bedding; 1 Safe; a lot of Choi, Queens, CrockerY, and Tinware, and a great many F. tides not necessary to enumerate. Also, 1 bbl. Vhaegr I Rifle; 1 Flour Chest tr., .Ac. Also,Grain in the groan Corn by the Barrel, Potatoes by the Bushel. Sale to eommence at 9 o'clock, A. 31., when attendant and a credit of one year will be given on all sums ON 1 $5, the purchaser giving Note, with approved security. - . SOPHIA HERMAN, Administratrix. nov. 11 DANIEL HERMAN, Administrator. CEIRISTIVI Sider, Auctioneer. STORE R 0 011 AND- CELL FOR RENT.—Thelarge afore Roomand Oello4 c tier Main and Washington streets, is offered for 'Etc Poisseiosion given i iutuediately Apply to oeplB R. P. lIAZELET. Itein abbetitisfiteoto. Ural Ostate *aim. Personal iiropertp 55rtieo. Legal Retires: , AD - MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is berobf Oren that Letters or AdMinis trauma to the Estate of Nancy H. Carsun i late et the flOrough of Diem.' shurg, deed. hare then granted to the undersigned, residing in Philadelphia. L `All jmysons knowing thentselvesindebted to said Ea tate will please make immediate p , yment; and those haring claims will present them, properly authenticated ~ parti o n t en, [novil I THOMAS CARSON. Adin':. A D N 3 ae i i ISTRAT_ORS' NOTICE.- I•erebr, "iven that-Letters of Adminie ji'cll trattun to the E4tote or Abraham Zebra, late of Letter kenny tdwnsitip. deed, lose been granted to the under signed, residing in said . townehlp. All personsknowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please !flake immediate paj•tnent; tidal the, having claims willpresent them properly authenticated for settlement. - SUSAN ZAR'd.Atim'rx. ,not , ll , ISAAC-S. aItIIHAKER, Adrift% - 4 D.MLNIS.TR.A.TORS' lA_ Notice is hereby grien that Letters of Adminstra lion to the Estote of Mary Slitter. late of - Stentgothery township. dee'd. have been granted to the nnaersigneo, 'reidding in said township, All persons knowing themselves' indebted to said Er late will please make immediate pa3ment; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. AIIitATEAM MILLER ,1 A dm'r. nov NEGL ADMINISTRA. TOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that I.etters of Adminis tration to the Estate of Martha Venlear. late of tlresn township, decd. have been granted to the subscriber' residing in said towt,6bip. - A Irpersons ktoor fog themselves indebted to dilfa . statewiil please m.i%e immediate payment; and Ito , e having claims will present them properly authentic 'ood for settlement. [Morn] WM. M. RUPERT . , A4m r. ANA - I,N IST RA T OR'S Noll - og. Notieeiß hereby given that Letters of A.tiniinis.. [ration to the Estate of Catharine Shaffer, late of Ante hn townstilp,dee'il, have neon granted to the undersigned, reelding in Guilford township. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to - said En lateyvill please make immediate payment; and tlinse having °Taints will present them properly anthentivated ibreettlement. [novl Pi JACOB SPANGLEII,•Adner. ARMIN 1 srrltA TOR'S e s !tetchy given that Letters a Adininigr.. two to the Estate of -Pam Suns, late of Southanip; on township. deed.'have been granted to the undetsigned, residing in said townsitig t All persons inachte.l to theaaid Estate, are hereby re quested to snake i•nne”litite payment and, those having :hints --)r oentanoe acitinst the Estate -of Said decedent, will matte w ow ties ti.uie without delay. to MAIM `C. SMITH, Atim'rx. AMND lISTRATOES'N' Notice is hereby given that Letters of Atiminis trntion on the ERta.e.W.torr linutsi, late of - Guilford township, dee'd., have been granted to the tindersignell s residing in said township. . AllpersonsKamvingthewueclyeelndebted to Nal(' EA mole immetllato payment and tho: haring clainisrfill prerent thorn properly Authenticated or rettloment, B•'PHIA HERMAN, Advir.c. oct 28'63-8t DANIEL. HERM AN, Adner. ADMINIST RA TOIL'S NOTICE.:---- Notice is hereby given that'Letters of Adtoinis ration on the Eroate of IlicttAxt. COBLE. late of 'Handl en township, deebi, have been granted to the under signed, residing in 'aid township. All persons knewi g tifemselves indebted to said Ze arerminested to mnl.o immediate payment: an those hating claims or demands a-alnst the Estate oi decedent. wilimeke known the same without delay. to oct GEORGE GROVE, ..4(rtn? ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that Lettots of Adminis tration on fhe Estate of - AIANBRN .1. tiTt itt NS. at of ''teen Tatinship. eno'd. lottt: befit, groptco I. f; o olodd signed, residing in ',.n. aster City. All persons i rid , 'd •., t,. ti ..,. II 7:"—. . •,.ne , •. , .1 to make iuitnodiat.. ~ti' .-i,t, HO:, I. .•. I, ...: ._ ending .r dentuditagain•t th" Pst,tte • of Gl:Ad...l i t. will wink° known' the same: with , n' :Islay. to Ott ZS '63- Tll4 rIPEUS TEVI:NS..Tr.. ,4eitrer - : • . ALDMINISTILAJORS' N ()TICE.- - -- . Notice is hereby Oren that Letters 91 Admluia tration on the F.stat..Ti. SAW:EL 1lAR811)1AN. bite of Qtti4- cy township, deed. bare h en granted to the undersigd ed, residing in Bald tot. Fish ip All perstins knowiror thataselven indebted to gold A late t urehereby roottoo, d to make immediate paymetit and Ilnatalaiting elaima or demands agalio• t th• &tate of said decedent, will make known rhea/line a ialOat de lay.. • ANN lIAItR MI AN. d idat'r.x. oct 28'03-6t .lAllitS A. COOK. Ad% r. ADMINIS TR A TOR' SNOTICt-,:— . Notkek hereby given that Letters of Administra tion with the will annexed. on the Estate of Catharine lierklein; late of the Borough of Chambereburg, deed hate beeen granted to the undersigned residing in nut _ Borough. AU parsousksiewing th emselves indebted toeaid Estate willplease make immediate payment, and those haying :lahns present them properly authenticated for settle- Meat. „ 3LARGARET BLEBELELN. • oct2l V3-6t A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— La. Notice le hereby' given that Lettere of Adminis tratlon on the Estate of George H. Blerklein. late of the Borough of Chambersburg, dec'd have been granted to r the undersigned, ieelding in said Borough. All persons knoFing themselves indebted to said Be -1 tate gill please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. MARGARET MERKLEIN, • oct 21- Administratris. • A DMINISTRATORSNOTICE.-. Whereas, Letters of Administratioa, de bona non ou tae—Estate of JACOB Kr.e.atucts, late of MetaT town ship, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, re siding in said township All persons indebted to the said Estate, are hereby re- Attested to make tremediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the Estate of said- decedent, will make knownille same without delay, to " JACOB FLICKINGER, „Myer de bonis nen. oet 21, '63 FXRCUTORS' NOT.I - 0141. 1 --z,ritice hi:hereby given that Letters Testamktary to the Estate or JACOB VANDIBBAIIL. late of Southampton tw'p, defd,.have been granted to the undersigned.. residing In said township. - Ali piteous knowing themselves indebted f o Ind d ,310 tat e ate requested- to make immediate payment, aqd those having elaims,present, them properly autheati sated forsettlement. MARIA. VANDER I+ AIR:, Zerti: t DAVID SPILWER, nov4 FXECUTOR,'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentar,y to thp Estate of Etaseerrn float, late of Quincy townshlP, de betsed, have been granted to the undersigned, reeding in &Lid tonmship. All persons Indebted to the said Estate, -are requestfni to make litimediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the Estate of said decedent, will makeknown the same without delay, to • nov 4* JAMES McKINLEY, lier; EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to die ' tate of Elizabeth Study, late of Warren townsidt ; died, have been granteddigthe undersigned, residing said township. -, Allpersons knoWing themselves indebted to said Eat itata will please mike immediate payment; and thus.) having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. [novlll- JOAN ZIMMERMAN, Her. FXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given thak Letters Testamentary „to for' tate of- nude Shively t late of the Borough of Oham bersburg, dec'd, have been granted to the undersignalk residing In said borough. All persons knowing thpnielves indebted to said ,Es tate will please make immediate payment; and- thee , . having claimswill present theta properly authenticated for settlement., PETER SHIVELY, 1 1{ „..q.„ novll • LEWIS WAMPLEE, .ants. ANTED-- din Apprentice to learn The TiNNIEG business. Enquire at the Ea- POSITORT Office. ' = - letlik4f . . WANTED.. ---A bod Journeyugtn CABINET MAIcEIt. Steady employment glyea. Maguire at this Office. ' - .3421 '6341" ARTI-lUMIL BAPTDOLS, itANUFACtLIRELL OF ROSEWOOD. AND GILT 31013-,LDIN4B, - LOOKING GLASS AND ricruns ITEAMNS; • - - of every description, . • ' • N.W.C . onlersoiTrmin Mtn Csmowitars., PHI LADZI.PHIA OrderEr tet droll:ries& bitent promptly exeOnted. Orders Shied by 8. & BILRYOOK Chscabersburg, 500t.2.11 t • lIIROTITERS of. Soldiers in the 'Sex.' vice, or in Hospitals . can tarnish them with th te,POSITORY three months for 25 cents; sixmonths tor 50 cents, or one year f , r SI.OC. \ 5 An mintstrarix.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers