ADDRESS OF 1T.0N.. E. W. GANPT TO TUE PEOPLE OF ARKANSAS. - ,Betow'we furnish extracts from the Ail 8, P.0.430x N 0.6 1525- Employneent!—Agents Wanted!—We lNqll pay froms2s tos7sper montla.and allexpenses,toactice Agents.or give" a commission. Particultuisent free.— Sthlr*. at ERIE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. E. JAME:: General Agent, Milan, Ohio. april29,6C-ly REPORT OF THE MARKETS Philadelphia Markets. Prcrt.ADEtrau, Nov. 17,11803. FLOUR—About 500 bbls western extra family sold at $7 2,5(a)7 87/, and 1000 bbls fancy Ohio at $B. The sates to the trade are moderate, within the range of $5 37/(-0 75 for- superfine, $6®,7 for extras. $7 25(67 75 for extra family, andsB@2,lo bbl for family brands, according to quality. RYE FLOI'll ie scarce, and selling ,at .50 (I . ' bbl. Coax- IItIEAL is inquired for, but there is little or no stock here, and prices are nominal. ' WA EAT,--Sales comprise about 10;000-bush. at $1 55( . 0 GO for good and choice western red, a:twit,: the latter for amber, tnost at $1 57, and $1 75 to $2 04 for Ohio And Ken tucky white. RYE is scarce and selling in a small way at $1.2®1 25. Con.N—The mar ket continues excited and on the advance, with very little here to operate in : a few small sales of yellow are reported at $1 15® 1 17, but the demand is limited at these rates. OATS are in request, and further sales 0f . 2500 bushels are reported at 83e. PRODUCR CORRECTED WEEKLY am ZifBERSBURG, Nov - . 10,1363. ' livrr.,‘ . 18 WASHED WOOL ....... .... Efi EOUS lb UNWASHED WOOL 4.1 LARD 9 CLOVER-.SEED 0 On TALLOW 8 TJHOTHT SEED. 2 50 SOAP 4205 FLAX. SEEDS 3 55 11,4c0x 11,045...•••• ••.... • 12 PARED PEACHES 3 00 BACON' SIDES..: - S UNPAILED PEACHES' 'I 50 SOUP BEANS Is 50,DRIED APPLES 1 00 CHAMBERSB UR . FLOUR AND GRAIN \ MA "ET. CON.RECTED Al cIIASIBE sIitTRQ STILLS. Flour—W'zite - $7 On Flour—lien.. 6 50 Wheat—White ' ...,... 13u Whe3t—lted ' .... 12° V, Corn Ont.K es ,- • - POTATO MARKET. fercer, New Pink -Eyes flelv abbettioemento. WA N TIETiDou.—Ak h lna siilt:acil family. p d genrra , ly at the TtspogrranY oar?, THOS. L. OILLESPTi. I JACOB ZELLER. GILLESPIE; ZELLER & CO., ObUCE AND PROVDION MERCHANTS, 'AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, North Vleet corbel' of sixth and Nfarkot4Sta.. 'Pim. 18.'e3 tf.l ÜBLIC, SALE.—I will offer at P ,public Sale, on :tett urdey tie 28th of N 4 reonbrr beat. at 2 o'clock M., the two STORY Itltl7K 110 USE and lot near the Saw and Planing 1111111 of Shepley, - Clark h the property of %lies Mary WKeehan, The home to new and in gtksi repair. Possession given the Soft of April next, JOStiPII CLARK. Nov 18, 24. Ageist for Miss Mary Nl' Keeltats. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. The nadersignail, agent for the heirs, will offer the large BUICK 11011 SE end lot sitna. test on 'Main Street, midway between the storce of 0, H. flute. and Huber & Tolbert, at Public 'dale, on Tuesday. Darnsber_lst. at 1 o'clock. where-andwben the 'terms nrill be made known. - Persons desirous of Purchasing. can examine the property, or enquire of ' noviB.'634s J. L. SUBSSEROTT. MILL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE RALE —The subscriber will offer at Private Sale ACRES of LAND, situated at Clay Lick, 4 miles south of 3fercersburg, on the Williamsport road, on which is erected A GOOD BRICK MILL, calculated for a person of moderate means. I There is also erected on the preen isei al% story LOG 110IISE, Stable and other necessary out -buildings. Terms will be `made moderate novlS-Ito OTN PURSUANCE OF . AN ORDER of the Orphans' boort, the 'undersigned, 'Egecuters the last will and Testament of Jacob Bemisderfer, late of Antrim township, deed, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday the 28thof NatewiTur.lBo3. at 1 o'clock, P.. H.. the following described Real Estate. viz 7. - A TRACT ofLAND, the Mansion Farm of said dec'd. I situate in Antrim towiphip, Prabklin co., Pa., bounded by lands of Geo. Rholel, Samuel Schindle, John Powell, Samuell3emesderfer, Wm. Gearhart mad others, contain -1 ing 125 Ai:RES more or less, and having thereon erected a LOG HOUSE, Frame Barn, and other buildings. There Is a ;well of Water, and a good ORCHARD on Bald' trie‘ and'abont 25 Acres of good TIMBER: The-terms will be made known on the day of pale, by JOHN BEMESDERFER,} norlB-24 SAMUEL SCILINDLE, 1,-, Klecutore. gJrOTHFOie'LA.DIEB dL9 • is g—A . splendl4l3lklCCloth,2l.s=—.l7eary t - A. J. WRITE'S, T IST 'OF LETTERS remaining in LA the 'Post Omee at Chtinbersburg. N0v.17, 18th Algire Andrew GI )11anlentA0reilleD iSmitilt Miss El istll,, Arnold Nancy Bell eneiey Qame el 'St.ClairThompson Brown MrsiAlolloy Heiman Lawrence Sucks Lauda C Juy E W Sheller Daniel 7 d Barrows .7 M. Keller F J.2' Stewart Ilenry Benet Martha A Berlin Miss Hare Somers Jefferson Badney Mary nah•li ' Smith Mitt; JaneE' Bender Samuel Miller Maria E Striker It R Beaver W M Miller Magee Taylor Mai y A - Balmer Frederick 'Gin Sophia Tny'or Mrs Llll4l CriderMissAnnie2;McLeincire John Talk& Miss Reis" Dile Samuel Moon Hallo Talton Mins Lucy Doter) John Moore 13 0 Tonras Mins Elizili Fillett Edward Oogner Daniel „ Woodburna s 1111 }lckes 1)D 2 , Pike Peter W 2 WillisonliirsSanth Feltwell WilliamF Robison Mis4lar'y Ford Mary E Ramer Jowl) Wolf MiPq Ellen Gilbert James A Eltionras Mahlon B Wenrick 'Richard Grimes John* Persons calling - 1 that they have bee IMPORTERS • • (BETW6Eff carsiNur A.ND muctrr,) /gilt ADAK'S", • OEO. M. LAIIHAN. A. M. SALLADE, 4 - J. D. DITI'ING. ;A RIVESE, GAMOW & CO'S • SUPERIOR COGNAC. BRANDY, VIAFTAGE OF 183's, EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH GREEN WAX, WITH TUE•INITIALS OF THE FIRM. - , DEPOTITED BY 'LAVMAN, BALLADE & CO. , 11 WALL Sr. j )t_oren [jul)22,'n2 02221 STOVE EMPORIUM MAIN STREET-4 Doors South of'the Diamond, Would rospectfullyinvite the attoution of the pub- STOVES. He has post the. largest and best assortment of PARLOR. ever offCred in Prnx4din county oonetantlion hand of all sizes, and the beet ma- The largest assortment, the heaviest iron and the mtde of the best materials and in a workmanlike JOEPII WENGER jyttm. 2.llt,imisoncnts, .r. or the above Lettt • n advertteed. -t J. WINES AND LIQU'ORS L A L' . l4 IN, BALLADE & CO., No. 128 SOUTH 'NINTH STREET. SUPERIOR OLD MADEJRA WINK. FINE SHERRY, CLARET, AND . AIMS WINES, ARD AN .11.660P.TMESP OP rise lIRAM:O3 C H Ay.'P AGN E.- _ OSBORNE & CO.'S OPOETO. VERY FIFE ATP DFICATE OLD • P'ORI:N%WINE. "-/ EACH BOTTLE SEALED 'WITH YELLOW WAX, - WITH THE MITI:AS OF- THE FLEW. lISPOHYYD BY LAUSI4SI,II.ALLADEA CO., BOUTR NINTH STREET, PIILLARELPIIIA OLD RYE WIIISKEY, OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, WARRANTED. 9LD JAMAICA SPIRITS, OBER HOLT; WHISKEY, FOUST WHISKEY, WERTZ'S WHISKEY, • - - TAPPETS. WHISKEY-, READING WINES, LAWMAN, SALLADE & CO., '123 SOUTH METH STREET, • nor. • PHILADELPHIA JACOB B. MILLER, e CHAMBkEiSBURG, PA.. lic to his large and well selected stoop of CQPPER, TIN and SHEET-IRON WARE HALL, GAS BURNERS and WASH . -BbkILERS MEM - COAL BUCKETS best - curiae in-the county Also—A,larsc dock of T A,R E, manner. As he is a. itIIMITICAL woatit- MAN, and has had many years ex imrienee in,the business, be feels ioefidentibat be can give 'irenerg MI ilatisfaction. ROOFING, SPOUTING, made and put, up st the shortest notice. Particu- lar attention paid to all kinds of MENDING AND JOBBING. Call audio* ihrowiii ouritoek and jet the p-rieeih of our motto is "Small Profits, Quick Sales and -Good Value," r" , -• recpß B. MILLER. Four Doom South of the Distmeted. Nor.ll ly. rtAPB OVER, COATS FOR BOYS! ki cape fivrr Carts f Soya 11 - - Npe Orrr.o ,atg for Bop I t Very Jew I Very tow: at A. J..WHITIs'S. CDOTI" - INGI CLOTHING ! W1100:0.4 Seal •.-Itjtt &eta! Beal akin Coate! gaithegsCp‘ta! Iladue.e; Coats! Banes Coals 1 • Back Qxtte7 Sick Canty! bite* Coats sack -Coati t Boys rzuitst Bays suits 7 Pools Stl7tBl Bo v a SUIV 1.21.1881 PKIIIB Pant; ,t PROM! Pants! Pilate! Vests! Tests! 'Vests! Vc;ts7 Yaks! Vests! Vaster Cleo and E.7..aatine I Call and Examine! at Te SI at A.. 1. WIIITIVBI nt A...1.11111,TE1 4 t TrIE RURAL AMERICAN.—The Best l'uper for,fctrotra cmd Frei! Gromers—Eifia s Premiunt for only fte•nty Sutiseribers,- - 1 snots 10,000 club' agents to cirlilate the .Rural "AineriCun, I.lticili.N.Y. Volume VIII cwannencasJanitary Ist V 64, paper free to club subscribers in December 1 -.This Is de cidedly the best and cbeape4 f stoic is anti fruit grevrvi paperin existence. at malty jia year, - and every subst. ber receives two of the bat GRAPE rug ES known exist, sent free of all expense. or on tottot'S wottlt'‘or RUSSELL'S GREAT PROLIFIC STD. A. WI3EIt It PLANTS,—the largest and nux3t productive in the wot many of - which are actually as large as kiss's Env, ,per- Every person who remits St will receive the pat.,‘r rags iv January nest. and through 1884 far his mon/ v Sample copies sent free to all applicants, with full dot a‘is. Politively I offer the best terms th Postmasters and vilt er club agents of any oilier publisher in this eannh y. NIOUT DOLLARS hi premiums for every club of vws,N , rr subscribers! I have an immense supply of the choicest grape vines, all of which are to be rote to my sub•crh. -hers! Send far speohnon copies • immediately, und ad. dress (nor IF4tl T, I ER,Cllnton.Oneds Co.-14. Y. rs will please say W.DEAL. P. M. . . • T" ' 3l C' ZINE 'FOR T H TIMES.—PETEItSON':4 MAGAZINE, ,The Rut Cheapest hi the World"for Ladies! This popular mulch ly Matt izine will be irredly im proved far IE6I. I will contain One Thousand Pages of - "Fourteen Spipiplid :4t eel Plates I Twelve Cehireil Fashion Plates Twelve Devlin Work Patterns Nine Nandi cd Wood Cut.t - TWenty-four Pages of Music I ;„ All this will be given tor only TWO DOLLARS a yesr Or a dolitir less than Nianazines of the class of •Pete• lion" . . .Ita.TBRIELINO TALES AND NOVELETTES are the best published any whet e. ..tiLthe most popular writo e are employed to write or-01)101Y for the -Petersirii." 1384. in addition to its wood onantity' of short Ertfleif f., FOUR ORIGINAL COPY It'IGIIT NOVEI.ETS will he, gbren:by Ann S. Stophone. Ella Rodman, Frank - L.. 0 Etencdict,and the Ant hor of'"Fhe Second Life." ' It publishes FASHIONS. AURAE OF-ALErYTEERS. Each number, in iiilili thin to the cot Med plate, Oren Bonnets, Cloaks a n d Brennen, engraved on wood. Al.e, a p attern, from which a Brun, Mantilla, or I hild's tolls ein be cut out, with.ut the aid of a mantria-ranker. Alto, several pages of ounehold end other Beceit•te. It Is the bent Lady's I'll agazine in the World. Try it fur one year, _ _ - _ — TDR3I.9.—A LIVA Y.% IN ADVANCE One Copy, One - Veal Three .3opieti. fur Ono Yror "Fire Copies, for one Year Eight Ccipics, for uud Yvi:r Three, Nice or nroLt ropier, make a club. To every. person getting up n t hiU. nt the shove rates, a copy of the Magazine for 1:-..81 wit I he given gratis Address, poat-pitid, MARIA:B- 4. PETERSON, nor 18 zne, Chestnut 'Be., Philadelphia. Was Specimtna sent mirk when written for • A CHANCE 1 , 1)P. SPECULATION A - -VA Z, itLE PROPERTY AT rterr.A.Tg •S'elLE.—The undetsigned. on actsount of advancing years and conioqtlpot in tt,iUty COgilpelititend sad man age the bnaihes, SN ill 1 , 01 Ot, Private S ale her property, formerly knows as •• HANOVER IRON WORKS' and now known as -ELYAIAN MI LLS," situated nine miPe.s South of .licConnellsburg. Olio county seat of Fulton county, Pa..) on 11 e rind leading to Hancock, Mel.. timi distant twelve miles front the bettor place, on the Chesa peake and Ohio Cite mid tit,. llaltcornia mot Ohio lira Road. The piopet ty .• .1, I it lea• dacl of which is mount:* 1, -II ••tf•rcibt: rollout. range and 0.1.. • Of the remainiu.. tee,. hip,',ln.o „errs, al,uut (MO hun dred is cleared and u 3 f :two a.t , l in a good state of cultivotion, comprkiti., 1.1:ot:4:IONE, SLATE and BOT TOM LAND. The urn ~v -1,1, , nis consist of a Ones story Stone noel Franz.. t-';. ) . :11. , NG KILL, complete he all its arrangements fo. either Custom or 51orchatta• wotk, with four lull of stones and two Water Wheels, and an UN FAILIND cusipity OF. WATER, sitliatod. on Cove Creek in is fine gl4:n mowing region. A SAW ,MILL nearly new ; a to ; story Stone Dwelling with all the necessary tail ssmonlent attachments tint out-buildings, with a rim co variety of fruits and shrub bery surrounding, the nit le, and with a norm-failing Well of water, at -the distr and under roof. A Stone building containing a :TORE ROOM and- BUSINESS OFFICE. Two Rains. ac e orpenter Shop, anal a Weeks smith Shop. Two old fa a-betting-Apple Orchards anti one young vrcbaerdjaist t e...ziotung to bear. - There is an inexhaustablo E OF 111O.N. ORE on the premises„ offering inducements to copitellsts viLdting to embark in the Iron business. . To any person wishing to engage in the Distilling lin. shims this is a most inviting location. If the property is not Witi by the Ist of rehriniry,lßßl it wit be fur rent. . . Forfurther information 'Call on me on the Premises. or apply in person or by letter, to James Pott McC,onnella burg, Fulton county, Pa. Elysian stine,rANlS•tf] iIIAODALENA POTT VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE.—There will be exposed at Pub- lie Sale, on the premises, in Warren township, Franklin county, on Friday, the 18th day of December,lBB3, the fallowing very desirable tracts or parcels *land, fat* he .Estate of Jacob Zimmerman, dec'd, viz: THIS MANSION FARM of said d - ceased, containing Illft Acres . .ttud 49 Perches, neat measure, adjoining lands of P. W. :Cook, Jacob Zimmerman, Isaiah Brewer, and Peter Zim ',mermen. The improVentents consist of a two storied ,BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, large Brick Bank Barn, 'Amid other outbuildings. The land is well watered -1 "Down Cove Creek" passing through the same. About 166 Acres are cleared. enc,lpsed mostly with gintid post. ' aml-toil fence, and under cultivation.' There in, also s f t good Apple Orchard on the premises. This trhet Is I.knovrn In the Sheriff's Inquisition as Purpart' No. li tiAlso, A TRACT OF LAND, cents. ping 210 Acres and 116 Perches, neat measure, adjoining Jacob ,Ziinmerman,- Peter Cook Henry _ Brewer and Peter ?Ammerman. t About 180 Acres cleaed, well fenced , and under caltiva rSon; The Improvements area two-storied DWELLING - ( HOUSE, Log Barn, Saw Mill, Tenant Howe, and other . ' h buildings.- There is, o Ise, on this tract a thriving young ' :Apple Orchard. This Farm is well watered—"Monntnin • Run" passing through it. Known as pnrpart N ‘ o. 2. • Atop, A TRACT OF LAND, containing 10 Acres. and 61 Petches, neat measure. adjoining lands of A. Ward lottnlimmerman, Peter Zimmerman and ?Ahem, - being ither Mill Tract. Ori this tract there IS erected A FOUR, '3TOBIED GRIST MILL. capable of turning out 80 bole Einar per day ; a three storied Brick Dwelling EICItLIWE , !. withnn excellent Spring of Water in the cellar; 2 tog Dwelling Houses; Saw Mill ; 2 Stables. and otherbuiLd- , lags. Known as purpart No. 4. . TERMS:—One-third of' the purchase money to remain .• fur the AM of the widow, the interest thereof to be *A her seraLennnally, at her death, principal to heirs Bak. once—onsthird in hand `find two equal annual payment* , , with interest from 1 April, 1884. Palmerston to beeves t .i C April, 1804. l'ayments to be secured In the land. ' lii COOKING STOV to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. JOlng B. ZI‘IMERMAIq . A TACOS 8- ZIMMERMAN. r nay 18 W. SbOTT, GENTLEMEN'S . PUBNISFUNG,STON KU B, and RT lI.ANCPAO ORY, No. 814 Chestnut. Street, Four doors below_ the , . "Continental." Philadelphia. Particularattention gilts to arderedfShirts. A perfect fit guaranteed. Persons at, atlistance can order by the following Shirtifeasnreal MOraronrid the Neck : " " 44 • Mot under the An‘ : u, .4 ~ . Waist : • 4 , 1 4 44 • Wrist: - ' • .Length of Arms (bent) from centre of hack tomiddle of hand :' Length of Bosom at Side ~ " Shirt.: BEIDELMAN, WHOLESALE GROCER AND ODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 7d3 MARKET & No. 2 NORTH h ST., PHILADA. Invites the attention of merchants td his large and well assorted stock of Sugars, Syrups, Tees, and Coffees all of which will be - Sold at lowest market rates. Country buyers and sellers will find it to their advantage to give him a call. Price currents containing all the varieties of, the mur ket to be had of S. S. SIIRYOCK, Quint' beraburg. Sept. 23 -7- • BINDERY.- 2 -M KEEFER & CO. have removed their BOOK BINDERY to the rd story of the MAN:fION MUSE, hirthe, Diamond s above, Shryock's Book Store. Entrance between tits Book Store and Dr.Snlvely's office. ' Old Books, Parka.' cab, Musk; Newspapers, kc„bonnd In any style. Blank Books made to order. Paper ruled to any pattern. Nov.t, '6O. - , NOTICE TO: SPORTSMEN.---411: persons ai•b,liereby forbidden to HUNT *midis t /of the undersigned. Be does nut kill birdr , and doea nov*lsh it, tyruttung. nom 4 -dt , 31.CLORII. QTORE,ROOM - AND CELTJArt ky.tox .RENT,L 7 Th e larg!. ate(' Roo* wad Ceitarom ner 11013, 8414 Wsehhigtin itOgetsiin , affered I'pr Rep", Poseivdilon gilen f mmedi ely Apply - sop 18 R. P. HAZEL= Act atibertiemibitts. - I'RE3IUMS FORGETTING UP CLUBS faisallancotio. El 5 - I .$ 2 00 . 60u .50 . 10 00 [nor. it'