The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, November 11, 1863, Image 8
8 t frantlin çpMi. LOCAL Mk& OCR QUOTA" or Toodes:—in last week's issue we made an 'estimate of the probable number of men the vot4ouiszreqUisitions made for troops would demand from each district in the county. -The quote of the county'was not ascertained Officially; hitt taking the ag grmste number coifed : for, and the popula tion of the county: it required about - ma) in thirty of our population. Since then we have ascertained officialo the number of men who have for duty in peison or by substititle, pr',w4o have paid ,t ommuilitiOrt money in V.e several districts of the county, and we subjoin, a table bhowing the gross quota—lts ,we estimate it—of each district; the number put in under the draft, and the deficit to he raised by volunt4s, or. by the draft en the'lst of Junnory neKt: ' Quotes. HT bract : Deficit. Full Antrim .4 , , *:- t ••• 160 48 , - _ll2 tilmenotortie.. ), • 15S 20 ' Cliambersburg., ' 17 5 , - 5 Guilford-- -104 • Hamilton, 51 - 6.- 4 6 lit. Thomas 60 • ' 1,7. . : ', Pelt:in-.-- ...'' ... , 80,16 * .61 ti t - Aloutgo - morY 1 " , • 160 -39 - ILL ...w /ilercoroburg •I 1 t . . AV arren.., ‘ . , 24 S -19 Washinf tort 1 115 30 - '• • 16 NY15arn050ar0........... . 116 , , . 1., 16 100 , 4iimin...-..- Southampton.- .....a... . 64 15 . • . • 49 , •-• • • •1 Letterkennl'.. 75 --4. , • 61 32., katintu 43 -11 lannett . •75 ~ 1 4 •-' • • 61 M , etal ' .VJ - 7 ' 32 Quinn-' 95 ; : 69,, - Total. 1428 • 313 11W will - be.seen that the late draft has yield ed-but 313 men' sit told—including melt who went into gervjaa:in person or by ,substitute and also thOge whO paid commutation money. In other words, of 1131 men drafted, all but 318 ha se been discharged on various grounds A few may - yet be added, as there are some - deferred cases, and,some few deserters; hat the increase Will not be material. The ratio .of men actuOly. held to -service is nortaider. ably iess than thirty per cent., and at, first Sight it seems" exeeedingly small. • But it must be considered' that of th:: 600 men late ly diSchitried':?froin the' 126th iegitnent a Verj"litrgepropohion'of them were in the -first centingentind many of them drafted. They were discharged under the clause of the oanseription law that eiempted all who were in Bert/ice:on the 3d of 31arch last. Another explanation of the small number held to ser vice is itt : the fact that the ratio of able-bodied men is reduced by the number of mien now in serv,ce* : -they all being. of course, sound men; while all tit , n:ound remained at home. As all were_enrui,eo---sonnd and unsound— sick well- : -citizen and alien—the - mini-' her of exempts h necessarily very large. It Will be seen-that about 1100 men remain to be raised _bkltranklin• county. .01 this number probabl2,-•sever b nd red. of our, ve teran troops now in the field will ie-enlist, Ilhai'.reducing our quota to• about 100 and Ito raise-that nmaber by draft 'will require &bout 2000 men, to be conscripted. • The next draft will doubtk,s be made under an amend ed law, by which every man deemed fit for service will be compelled to go in person.or by substitute, CiPt. Eyster, -our .Provost Marshal, has. issued hand-billh- nritlbr, the late call inviting men to volunteei and setting forth the boun ties given in all cases Men who•solunteer 'Will-go into the old regiments, but can select fez , themselvei. • Einacn ACCOUNT Or. A BEIIIeZ, RAID.— A young gentleman well acquaintedintham befit:Ear& who has 'spent thalast two years' in• Europe, and who Was in Paris when Stu art, made his raid here in 1862, gives the fol lowing, graphic', ac'conn t of the French' report Of the-raid to one of our correspondents,: • I werit'to my .. accustomed: eating 'house about 6 P: M., for my, dinner * ,: found-the usual' crowd of Americans, English and French. There 1;•as evidently a greavk citOdent ; and the detached remark 4, la& as "General Stuart—invasion of POL#sylVania --surrender of Chainbersburg,".etc4 excited my anxiety to' theltigheit pitch V'f'or Chad bersburg and Pennsylvania, the latter my own State; -and the farmer once my home, are as dear to me as one's home 'anil coliary. should belc:oevery man., The party hatto - round a bustling little Frenchman who had possessed hiyifieltof the only news paper-the .establishinerit afforded; . (French,it .thit) and who in his broken English under took fout:of compliment to the It:MeriCanSj, to make a liberal translation, of LIT same.— By , of a copy of the paper' and' by memory I will give you an account nf .the c!ttivling news. .Frenehmanireac4- 7 ‘,aacause of Free-dom ces vonce more. Und'aie a bt!iiia., confed- Akap - has penetrate to ze voly heart 7e - 2tostaB;iia is even- now on to -bordares off se 0g., ; 11.45-a-atun State or ze Pennsylvatiie, striking' terror to ze en-traila off zat tee arid - vealsee rayPeoblique. From ze gap ' eertat off ze laud, New. Yorek, we bear zat. us isaught-ee •eit-eeof SELAM-RARES-BeißGft isaa.akeia-ge.bow her bead in anb-miarsion to z e aOtraztut arms. •Ze paysans (qountrsi peopky off sur-roan4ing dis•tricks, off ze vaileedtas .. ; sent zare cat-tell and zare *Ms and, zareabil-*-dren rand all zare o.zare pro per tiestoze moan-tain caves and ze!. fast-. nes-oei; vilst mens, ze, yoong and ze 41,1 ze Faiire and _the Sons has shOuldare his Erni tee 'eat& berm to de-fend his hofi r se: and' his htamtsitora ze sToNi WALL (Jack • Artn4V. :4'suine-a-Soit \ pieptire tOrnalie zare grey hail and ze striplinijoeks drink ze bled,, 0 Oieki -(lleavert) can, .no-sing save eat: :Ze ease. oft" -dare has sne-eomh tAkitua-ortp, Oariap-bills.toa has ear •reit, dare attare ze heavy loss off two men shot a t, cea,ro texTifick com-bat un . dare ' 'off ze,ci!ee; and ze re-main-ing ride into*„49oped 'citee of pi_ 'plain, at - seven hour trig se ;tight and . an -nonce to ze Sham; baresOionrgh.iat ze en-a-mis av-vanes tree mile on ze hill, rare ze bat-tai-ries ees plan -tad-OR ze_pikos. --Zen a,momentze her-aids, reach, to ze. -vall t s„ . , end viz fanfare, ,off tteKirr;-fiets'detnalid att-eti`frtizit nal Mae-a:lure, ze mil-i-tair cosh-mandant . - off ze poste. ze • may-, . ehooge , , 0 'F, acemnp-mied •by ze - dig ni-ta-ries of ze place, closed in zares robes off of-fice, meets an her-aids in ze . court-yard of ze palais de joo3 7 feeee . near to ze'hOtel-ilel; Zey say,' "vere is is ze ant of ze poste -.Ze ansaro is, do.not fight—re hale rio com-mand'4fit-'—. ye," iatikes ze com-mairce, ze ze man7u fac tare, , and - ze law----ve sill „gift phi ze keel tff-ze zey pry,:as zey takes ze. kies. Vat- - roold zey :dot se . bat-tair-ees nyare zare ,heads, ze,tirtae,e pit(-, dare zero vans"; ze yee,mcns een zare midst and enn.dis-or-dare, rpn about Viz zare , hair, taro, - ind say "no :464 1 ' and zey,o not tight in con-seittenen,' is fallen, ze citees New-Yorck, "Philadel phia and` ze near lloalinn. Gill ,next' go., gtik-a-rah Itltoo-artr' apart ze life and zo' pry yate prop-er-tee.ven be find more sings of ze 'Uri-kelSam-u-ol Can be can take away. Ile rob ze. old un-kel bakviz':_zp aid ofzejee-.til boys of ze cites: He burn ze road off i-ron, and' 'all - ze ozare peubligne build 7 ings, to-, gezare viz _tcfar-se-nall: filled , viz , tan oo-nis-aion,_ v . iah blow ze brick like; "ze fin: • •In ze • mid-del off z,e 'flames; zees lee-til say-age ''dey-els of A-iner4-baine, boys rush into -ze bur-ning mass- and , each one: denies `'nitt buti-del i off car-tridg-es; or asword•or a'grtn, in his arms.Ze rebLels are as-ton-ish-ed,...and say 4,Mon dieu, yen zest, boys, grow,. pp no Nill a-ban, don our cause, zeyees sal7a,man-dares." eight hours of ze ,next day ze en-e-mis, bad left, viz Zafe' own' and Cite stolen .hoi-::ses load-ed sir, boo-tee: Ees zis ze be ginqiing - , off ze end'," • - This will give you:!iorae little idea - or hM MOVEMENTS ON THE BOHDICEL—We learn ireli we are.,uncierstOod 42.uroye. ! that our Caralry, r -under, command. (4' Col. BoYd, is quite 'active 'tin the border loOking INDICATIONS. OF/A SEVZICS WINTZIL—The 1. after the — gueqia,j,' ,On the 26th ult. Col. weather . prophets, says a eotemporary, pre= s Boyd - started out from Charlestown with 200 diet a severe winter, resting .I . lpon 1, men to look aft - erltnlioden'splunderers. He certain supposed infallible sighs. Thepriri T t went to-Berryvilk, White Post,,Froat Boy-, cipal signs manifest,.thisyear .are the mov- E 11 and back by 31Iadletown, Newton, -Win ments.of fishes arid migratory bird's early in ;' ,bester and Berrslvile again to Charlestown; the season, and the unusual sere of the am- ic to :the trip he captured one four mule leant phibous animals to provide against cold. Ind wagon loaded with' eotton; an 'anibu is found that in Minnesota and the north- s' .ance and two horses - : 'One . rebel yrtjor, one western States the brook trout are b3aVing .:aptain, three Lientena.ntsAndeighteen pri the shallow streams and breaking to the deep : vates, and did not lose a"man. We learn pools much earlier than usual, and themusk- hat the boys of the 21st behaved gallantly. rats are'fortifying their hybernating hatoia- :poi. Boyd, is we ~ believ, d ,c ' liovr in command tions against the intense cold weather ct Charlestown, Ye., and has con:•iderabie other thick layer of mud. In the east it is orce under him. sends out scouting par clis6overed that the wild foQiare streaming{ • ins almost- daily after- the guerilla parties aouthward,unnsually early this.season.— The - ` .v ho infest-that neighborhood. He is one of husks on the corn are-also . thicker than usual. ;', hr 'officers who will never suffer a surpri , e, These are rept:ldea as almost infallible indi, tnd is just -the 'man for a border command. rations of a severe winter. , • There hue been weather Rropn - ' - 'e -- !!'ain"9r,•,:_, I)r.A•rit has. gathered - a fruitful harvest - theirsiS•ireit.Thnita, eitili6f whom had a par- torn us the past F;eason.. Never,before have byfilkcir ninny of our leading and Most'useful Citi- Most of them been liturnbuss, i only,lfit--i' i ,eus fallen beneath the - stroke,pfthe 'ties. the ;trtark'Once in a Aozen at:text:44- - 11 tte destroyer in a single summer, Ouring These popular signs might have worked well 1, be last week two of our most respected and in former time%,but all signs fail now-a- ; ipright residents oft bstinbersburg have hi-en 'days"—except lager - beer-signs. Yet it is !i added to the list:of'those Whiionet were, but undoubtedly true that an all-Wise Providence "i new are not. .IVm.,Heyse'r, ,E;'q., President hastiftkd his 'irrational eitHatures Alan ifthe Bank of Cbamberaburg, died on Fri.. instixietwhichenablesthemtoprovidesuitablY.' :. lay, last, and on! lkfonday Hon. J. Ken against seasons' of Unusual intensity, and is aedy,lortnerly — one of the Associate Judges this 'instinct may...eft:end even to vegetable .Ithe county, breathed his init. They mere kingdom. And, although phenornenes .oth eminent us useful citizens and chris cative of cold Weather have frequently been ian 4, and they will he widely lamented of of some one species of animal plants, yetnot followed by cola weather, it has hardly ever, been known that so, many concurrent signs-of long and bittet. cold : weather failed or proved deceptive. - We are therefore inclined to aceept i ths vatieinatiOns ,4 the 'Weather prophets. thii• time: If they shouqprove true, the ignor ant, confounding effect with- cause, will be lieve the cold weather teas caused by the wild ducks' and the._ muskrats and the corn' husks, whereas. theli'instineth;e preparations were but the effect .of the eciming - cold. " If proud man Was .but gifted 'With like unertig instincts, how nicely. Could he compute the exact amount of coal to lay in for the eording season' ' .. 1 1 • / i 4 " .. " -"- :" . . : -. 1 :' i : : r i. T t : . RP:13E1.9 DESslttlNG%—Rebel deserters and SALA/UNA or MiN/b,TXRa.:--the PreSbre,-,C . , _, '.rii.oners are brought here. ;almost daily on _ Tian S y no d 'At its,,Pittstairg. - he llaketstown train and sent Fist., ,There itdopted -a - resolution recotruriending .". the `‘. _. I, we, e P.,Amt 'twenty arrived on Saturday MOP churches under'its charge to f take immTediatei ling last, and nineteen on Sunday, and alto. action to increase thesalitri4 ortheir, minis i'cether about sixty have come in , during the ters.:.,Thillt: a jttst 'movement and` should '.wit week. Most of them are voluntary pris be promptly! rAscaintlect s 'to , by all, dencanina- :' .nersi who dcherted from their pickets and . ions. Ever . i , article of food and raiment has ' - sacred our lines: They evidently have no advanced in lirice , not less than thirfy-threei',as . u. for the rigors'of the coming. winter in Per cent at an average. yet we do hot know ,Lef.;,lat,3d rebeldom. One 'Squad . th:id, came Of a single instance,in Chambersburg,, or in -,- n curly last weeks s - hid that Over 10(1 'hail de the county, Where the salary. of a ihinist4r f . ' tPrt,gl with them.' 'Tbef ware' from - hobo has been increased. They weialdtt enough - 1 .len's. cavalry. - ... ;it must be confessed when the coat of,livine t - -t, . --, , , _ 1 •:•was;one-thirdleSs than now; and .they can- , /loess. Tut.ayss CAPITA/W.—. On Baur., ~ , not support themselves and their families de- f qay night a week, says thelaTo,t Erpagfic7an, Deady witho f„iperisse in RD/Ike aegref 1 wo valuable horses were htolen, in 'BpricleY. 'cointeenstirate)with the ins,reascd cos t of the ,I •otinty, Va. The thieves tore . tracked to artidestheY i tteCe.sskiiily'consurnet ' : ' • >is county-, and on Monday evening asst, a .: • IndividualexceptiOns •exist," but as a rut; I `t tarty on the lookoak.-diseevered two, men fOur ministe'r's ere paid ni4tbeggarg,i. - , : , men., •iding animals of the description- acbilertiseti I ;will Tender money ina ‘ thousand ways, and ; 1)1Y the owners. The•y • lierirediately made _when cal'hil,liporetkiiiitike Suit a ti4 i ft l 44i ll ii,l l ; .tursuit, and f liftera Short'hitt exciting-chase for the minister's family, will shrug their I 'laptuit;'si therunaways, who were broughtttr nskoulders and' Abordisi the subject Vith 'ilnt i i itis place about 10 o'clock 'ori Ittomioir &Ott siemark that preachlng iS not arnoney : tmakiug 1,44 committed to prism) ; - - ; v trade, and that itattotiki. ',not .engage the at- ~,, ittri - 1;i14$; --14t.1711-164 •.• by • .ientiOn of the , elerical profession. Lit ifilruci ' ' —"At 'CI •, ' I ean an tavertisemopt in to-day's / paper that Messrs that speculation or ,the lionTaini or weaftlfl• should not be Thii aith a roinis6is oi`the d O2- .; r- - all, li g .ATP:l e i:3 l ;r apPein? . .. 4 ...... ja ! e h a y7th 4:j eCou ' ri P o r i pel,; but lt is, equally true- that • they and .; Dauphin county,. to l examine - claims l for mili their hole:km;(ls • ihduld be liberally supported -' ' so that they ean'devot th " -undivided „ ,i!ary damages, , w)1 mee'tilt) this plaWe l i'fhe • ~ , . 0 mr . 643 ".11 17th inst.--Tuesday next: •We presihn that' ergies to their holy calling. ' `' ' As the wants Of our ,titiitiSters -have ,in- stay ' , else Board will remain , iti'se" , 'Ssiefi c `iii i ii e i t y to their ditties•aAffally'aW b"'' 'a day until ,_ 4 ~. ' creased' ~ y the large advance of - th'irdost ; be, the, necessaries . , the, necesinries of life,. the people oleic be-• r Dzvinv,Kus..4.-The BanVot.Chambersburg come prop§rtlottably' able to pay:" as;Vitsitieed 'declaied,a-,dil'Aend of ,fi - ve.per cent, on ti 9 salaries: " I There is ; not •a congtegatiOti`;,in ""rd inst., and , the Chamtiersburg Turnpike Fraulilin ;county that enunot 'ipliteas easily ilas declared tvdivi4end 'of eine: per cent.... i l lsy l I,4lripthe Foe,r.,, re - ~ cent Adva,nco....oxi the Loth "payable on &Miami. ' • Sranktin nepositon), , Nouentiur 11, 1863. - minfithra 'salary this' yealj they aia;,.th€ T old salary three years ago:- Every branch of idustry. has, been, .prosperous. labor has hr iteitay :a . enana' y„,, , j:• 1 1 . 01ic - r - eased - rites; our farms have. yielded most "bounti "fully for l years past and the highestpricez haVe been received for -their s pro.lucts, and our mechanits%have_ both increased demand' and prices for their articles. Indeed 'pros-. peritv has been stamped upon every class saVelhose who haVe still to live•tipen .fixed galaries which have not increased with the inerea.sed cost of artielei (If consumptioa. Mre earneitlyinrite attention' to this sub ject. - There hinslit a sirtgle elnirch in Chem , bersburg„.that pays . anything like an ttdo quote salary, and.rnost pl i oA- t congregationi }11...4)111/ 4antlY ' al?1e ; tc,,pity ,liberally, The gqlden rule demands it,. and Christians of 44 4 , thers.should aiit,disregard its:teachings.' ..TESTINIONIAL.—The Ladies of Carlisle. by a subscription, pu'rchased, , and :presented to' ' - Gen. \V. F. Smithsr-bgauti ful 'Silver Pitcher, as n testimonial to his horoic.defence,of tisk!' wheal:tor:herded tht , rOels- in June ite.t. He is ncw,ptilier Gvti.iTliCretts in Ten nessee and,bas already , tlist4nguislissa -himself there in opening our interpipte4f&mniunica tions., M.M. - Woodijar,d, Of Carlisle, sent .hira the,Pitehar, ,and - the following is his reply': CHATTANOOGA. TENN. Oct. 14, 1863: • Dear Afationer Y minveryitindleiter ofSept.2:ith has at lain reached Me and 1 Jeturu ntY, heArtfon thanks to.the' Ladies of Carlisle tor" the beatniful testimonial of their high appreciation ofmysenices on tne night of the let of.) it1y.0113.; God. who gives not 'tartan' the' victory to the many. gave me brave men around me, and to Rim and them belong the thanks for the, successfd do lenSo of your town tliatnight. Willliouexpressmy gratitude to the Ladies of Carlisle 1.,r the sentiments conveyed in your letter, 'and riccopt .mY 'thanks for the pleasant lartgiutge in which Ithey were coached, I trust the storms of War may never gain _visit Your beautiful country, or disturb its hrave'WOmen, but should such be the case no onez ivonld be-tnore tealous or devoted in your service than I, 1 13 re it my good fortune to be near your homes. Very sincerely, your ob't. servant: 17 , . S. Army. :alas. R. C. WOOLWARD, Carlisle; Pa.' 'FAVOR:WE SUMMER • RESORT tuft RALE OR : TO RENT. .. TILE - DROPAD TOP MOWNTAIN 1101ISE, 'Woad Top City, linirthigilon County, Ponno. This erlebrated Ho tel. situated up the top„ of Broad Ton_ Mountain, one of 1 the fii t ssf locations in the:Atte. for nose air, grand 1 mountain scenery itnd line water, is ore r i,l for sale at a great bargain, or to- rent to nn enterprising tenant. i Thslionas is erusrtied every season and presents an ; opportunity of making money in the hands of a busi ____ - r 4 i ileps mat: sordorn to be met with.' It is furnished through- Tn E GERMAN' BEFORNITD SYntin closed it; 1 out with ELEGANT FERNITURE from Philadelphia: it 7 b it e v . .!i n . t s . u l iv,p4tizt . f6...irßotneiritgli,ifitticl.ienthgebylvierseetanti ,ession at Vnrlisle a few days ago. Preriot s !,, ,,, 11, , not ti t. ol . r e rttle rd t r i Th ou , s n e ,i tthibles and other out build . the adjournment Key. -Dr: B. C. Wolf - re- igned his Ilofe.ssorsitip-, in4he..Theologiettl t - :;:t u t l ittens P . There g arr:B.l.. - 517= and l" 4,:tat!vntrgti tn eltj t m e . The forge etstlirmie of the. neighborhood And the very ierninary at Mereershurg. Synod filled the I stauttrions.tenhodphere or pivot Top thy will ever ol thl,, , ifotie with visitors ituringthe Summer Months. vacancy by the appointment of i ftev:llenry 1 ~- for terms, &e.,appie to HENRY ,D itiOORE. Harbaugh, D.-D., of Lebanon, ,as Proft, , s } u<l Prntoknt ttr the Rnvid Top hiiproretssot ft , .. 11, Walnut St , ;Philadelphia, . ioct2S.63:6t A:committee was appointed tw , purehnie the 1 interezt of M. -Kieffer Co.,ct- in tife printing ~..., •stablishrpent- at ,Charaberstfi.g, •su that it tiny becime thd property of:the Synod. • Dr. ;chaff wns, at his request, permitted:to with. [raw from his Profsorship in the. Thf.olog , eat Seminary for a period of tvro years. He Wilgus visiting Europe.. • t.Sarnuel M'Dowell, son of Mr. John M. IrDoivell, of this place, has been commissioned Captain of the Penn sylvaniti 'Battery forinerli commanded by the lainented Capt. Stevens. Capt, ell ha.; gallantly earned•his promotion by his heroiim on the field. His guns lost at, Chiek • aiaatiga, after all the horses had been killed, ' and capt. Stevens and others killed a hand to-hand struggle, have been replaced;. and he wili_v(in fresh tfilirpla for himself - and,ltis_ ;brave command. 'DR Srlss, the_ Surgeon for thii 'distrier. lhas heett sit home ill ,for several weeks,, and PA Se i usserottn, has actectin his place, and tdiseharg4 the `tiuties ably and satisfactorilY'. .Tsr nds : ettisetilent of 'the Penn , Mutual Life Insumnce Company, Tbiladeitibin, S. Si.:Shryt+ k :Agent, eunnendetteelt' to the attention of erbry Thi4cempany is safe beyond any contingency, - The atct ithat they 11114t1 already paid losses in this town and that piUmpily. praxes their good, ihith. The riinriietei at theoffliers and directors, and the management ot' , the upf:lny ter att ample guars ,tee for the fitur‘, I Wx call Attention to the advertiseintintl.of Piesaia. Weston & Bro.. 900 Aroh street, Phtladephii and necal S Only ray tint 'several years of hiPhials quaint ItlCe•wlth them enabiss us to say - that no one will 100 lately to deal witktbeini atni be 9 Thrt are Nr wee, understand their business; so I are hill* posted in sill that relates to their buslnesf. , - • WILERLE to CUM y.bu wontd tap pure, fresh t 3 round roiper:Vintlionoo,Cio:p4, co •fitn , ter., andhfrkiuds of Spices, sounveieiffierh, go ku 'Age t & liessarr , . •Brrrysq!ififis - g ,t'preparatuin ilrepa' red fronairunami ?elovian Earl a.. An o,•xcell.ent prepirutiQn tqr thin season of the • jAit.. Prepared and,. tfotd:by llRtmiA & ' - . , WE,inTito attention to the , adveitisetnent 61",,iranaulakir a Brown's Oak 4Iti11 ; Sixth ind Market attests, Philada. This is a Scat-claisylething pause. —. „ ' riiiEs you harie becut every' I:duce ' , Mid, emit Bud taloa you 'ino t,gu-to snl~ sad Retail Store.- lie keeps everything. "...” . . ;. keeps the ,largest ,largest aasortment of qa . ; l certi..clintt 4ruusekeepingartlilesintov . n. He i3ells cheap at Wholesale awi Retail., 1 ..-- .l. -' - ,13UX...:sismr,..Sepasexe, Oil from--G? , iek* , - he 1, Agent for one of the beet !illiCompapiew in the State ('end niways sells the bent teiiolialateitud retail: . REAi .ord-wicks' ..Inivert . isernent , In this weeks, paper. - - eolau *aim. PUBLIC, SALE.—By virtue of ,un Order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, trio undersigned. A.lministrittrix with the - will annexed (I,C/trim:vat Almutixor, late of Cimmbereburg; decd, will eipmw to Pub! io Sale, on the premises, on Saturday,' the 281 A day of 11'orenthiir nezl, the following REAL, ESTATE, viz : • ... ~ A TRACT OF LAND. situate ire Hamilton township An the Chantbersbnrg and Retitled turnpike. adjoining lands of Jae. 4,1,14 and othemeotitainingn .out ELM EN ACRES. The Iniprovenaents are a 1.00 ROUSE •ond other necesoney au:buildings. .• , ~ !Alan-=A OF ORIMIN.. I'll the Di - Waugh of Cham. b 'reburg, fronting on rie.t. Mark , t street, on *shut is kown'tdt "New England Hill;" on which, Is erected a N ryn 'M onvetilent and contfortabie lUUCK USE. This i property will mike a desirable hmne.: ~ . I Also—A LOT OF °BOUND. fronting on German ht., I on tho North,Catharine street on the South, and bound. oil by an: Alley on tlio Weat:tiring about 54 feet in wiiltli v 1 atm IN feet iu dept. h. This Lot will be divided 'tan two 1 or font WILDING LOTS. with an Alley btween, for i the accommodation Of, pnrylvmeris desirous of, obrni u ln i eligible listildhlg Lam. 5 . Persons wlfilkllg to pun-bur, can obtain more minute inf wmation by culling upon 0. O. Salta4y.ttttAttorney at Law. Cham bersbu rg. . 1,3%. - Anie at 1 o'clock, P. 31.. Of said day. commencing with tho Town Property:Sthew the terms wit , be - made known. (nos;} PIAFIDARitr IIINAKLI4Oi. Adm'rx. s` - 10111‘; - -A N 1) - 1)W 1411. 1, IN G itouAg FOR SiLLR OR RRN T.—The undersign otfera et Priyinte Sale,-hix STOUR 1101161: and ; D WEL LlNti HOUSE. situate in Shade Gap. Huntingdon 'County. Roth aro 'Frame Building - a, nearly new, and it; good order. The Ftare-ltatete ham a INX4II ' far $l, dtare. I and Enielling it ousts its the one Condit g, and there is a tat of tlronnd snitched. 'the utb . ue irg town tota'conneetimt with it. Alto , —Two off lota of ground. adjoining the lota which the bielldings are. It not gold in et reneonobio Debe they aril - be rented. Apply to the underekned, ' residing at Dry Run, Franklin County. The Store Room and House ran be rented for $36 per annum. Ater -2 aharrernelAnt liflnwood Aradany.'_ oct 28 '63 3t. ANDREW WILSON. • - DUBLICI SALE OF 'REAL ES ", TATS.—The undersigned, AdratnistrahT of IsAAc STILTS'S: late of Oultfiard township, deed, will doll set Public Salm ou ,the premises. on Tuesday, thel7th day of Xeriii.brr, 1883. at tQ •'clock. A. 31., the following Beal Psiate.'*lz•;: Thirty-two Acres end Thirty-two perch'es of etoelleitt Limestone' Land, hounded by lends id*Ohrie• that /Wrier and Jacob Etter, situated in Guilford. town ship, with a two-storied WEATII,EIIIIOARDED 131311L LINO 110 USE. hog Darn, Wagon Shod. 'Corn Crib, Sold other out-buildings thereon erected. Thorp is en Or chard of chaise Fruit and it Well of good water ll , Lar the House. - There Is - about tiro Acres of Timbered Intl, and the balance cleared and in excellent order. Terms will he made known on the day,of lode. fly't.t.iler , of the Court'Oß F. IMF?. Wm. IL Mitchell, CFR. fncr2S'e,,q•;tl SHERIFF'S SALES. : ÷By virtue of sundry writs of rettddioni erkmas, boned .etbf the court of:common Plena of Franklin leounty, P81:„-and It; me directed there will be expomtd to Public Sale. at the Court Millie in the 'Boron& or -Chitmloridotrg, ntt nos! day. the VIA of No ember 1883 at 1 o'clock, P. .14, tbe r tblinwinit denerijod Revd &date, Alt defondeint'n interent in the follaning described TRACT OF LAID, • Situate in Washingtion township, containin 38 ACRES more or less. with one :Wks half story LOCI 110IISP, and ...Log .Bar} tlioreon erected; ad.. joining 'Janda , W. , Pennoll,Jno. Downey', J. W. Eloover t J. Itodgere grid others. Seized and 'taken in execution as theproperty of Jacob Wertz. and tejil .be sold by me. ' Ertn.:4 - 3t% - • : SAMUEL, ItItA.NDT, Sheriff. SyT,OXPITBES FOR undersigned offers at Private Sale, TWO, Lon in etteillle t oneo the , tots ,having thereon nrentwk a new two stozie , denble -FIUME HOUSE, and the other one and a-hai fatoried house. The property isdesirably located for bnetness, or atin pri,vat e dwelling.beleg in th e neighborhoixi/of deademy - and opposite BriArn's 110481 Persons wishing to view the property can do eo caliing upon Dr.Sahrney. the present occupant,or the 'sobscriber. - Terra; pantie. t 9. tuft paralegal!. • ' ; islipt,94f ', , 3N0.0. BIOHAM.` AS . SIGNEES SALE.-:--Ae• the AR slgneepf Dr, THOUS W ain., I will otter at Pah f c on the premises humedlitely adJelnlnt Ole -BM! ' .oleg/t of Waynesboro, PranklinConnty,Penneytra nta,on `Friday, the 20th days. of Novenskr, nest, Sesetal LOTS. OP DROURD, well adapted' for taint lots which' were _left imsold at the last sale of Real Estate. "These lei 'adjoln lots sold to Lewis S. Verney, Man - Phillips and I others. (oet2l'B3) WILAJAPS WLELLAP4-2ssitowe. .A , VALITA:LE TOWN .4gsi-, DENO'S: eituated Borah of the Orman Reformed mil* Is °fferedst Prtritteßele.—The house is a two• Married Brick I:Welling era has eli criuressiericra 7 cr Pariiciars itcluir,c9tBTuldseuois*EasWaler. : -,oc 125 Ism: Attorneys at Lew , CblindAg• . , 'laud Ostatc.,Salos. IJBLIV ,9.2(..LE - :91" .-REAL, „ES. p istE.—Tte.,outierei g ned, Administrators of John ts.sseer, late o: Peters township, deed, will offereit rub. lic'Sale, tti Loudon. on Thursday;ihe IDLh day bi Norm, ber nest, the tolluWin! described Real Ratite, to wit: A TRACT OF LAND, the .. . Mansion farm of said deed,. situate In Peters township, bounded ktiands of Remy Roetuer,• Peter Burkholder, Peter Stenger (of 'C) and other lands'of e+lll deceased, c ntaining 152 ACRES and 44 POICIIES neat me: afire. and Easing thereoh a "ARM (1008 R, with fine spring watee` brought to the door in pipest:two Tenant Rouses rind other and a nue -Orchard. ' ' • , . ... . . „ -.Also.—Another TRACT OF' LAI4 D. the .3111.1 tr am . , 1-sit.nitte in Peters township. bounded ,by lands Of lames, 1 Mtillitt. London town lute. Candcocinsague creek and oth er lands of said deed,, containing 143 AMES - and 116 PERCHES, with a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and a 'log weather-heard barn. and two good Orchards thereon. ' ',',Also. -4-Another TR,ACT OP LAND. sitziate la Peters: township ; binfridod by other lands of iPild deceased, COn-' Ocochengtrire&elt and 'tind of Wright's helm containing b 5 ACRES atal 94 PERCHES, - aral 11,ring thereon a ',STO.4(4RIST IlLt, 'lnstood, order, with a `and PoWeet a 8 .4. - W MILL, ' two dwelling brasses other buildings: Also.—Another TRACT , Or LAND; situate in' ye*, townatthi, Whittled by, land.* of Daniel Thistle and other lands of saids . dbreased, =training 215 ACRES ntid 22 PEW:IIEB,ImI having thermal a , STONE and ROUGH CAST DW CLUNG flolielt, a Stone Barn sad taro Orch:: ards of IpsAfruit. .Alat.i.—AWther TRACT; ;OF LAND, situate iti 'Peteri ti;vrnsh:p. bounded by lands of Daniel 'Frawley, Samnet Hidlingtr. Jacob Barger and 0 ther I ands of.taid dee'll, rktn.' raining 214 ACRE , and 111 PERCHES, with a PRAII4 DWELLING HOUSE' and Tenant House, a Log ctrl and small Orchard thereon. i , .; . . . ' - ',..,...i Mew—Another i ItAcT DY LAND, situate in Page: township; - bounded by !indict Teter Stang's:- (or (:.) and' other lands of said deceased, containing 27 AtltEa and 52 PERCHES. aniLhaving thereon a 11RICIfi T SYE3tN , STAND. Wagon Sinker Shop, Black Sinith 8116 p, ataTati: . , . , , Orchard of choice fruit. ! Also.—Another TRACT OP tAND. - situttfei 'a • Peters townshipt•bountled by lands of. Peter Burkholder's-00V ! Bab Trogier, Wm. DivilLiss, Cbristian Hoover antlorbor lands of rciArttleceissed no Peer 4totiglq.,Coatatnsir 67 ACRES and !If PERCIIES: This' trddt ir!unirairrored. Also.—A TRACT of TIMBER LAND in Peters town ship, bounded by lands ni Christi/1% Hoover, peter.Stenc ger (of C) -twin( Jii-lob 'Mulct:olden.; heirs of•Jas Lowe;; Win. McGrath. Euhn nnd other lands' of raid deceased and peter Stenger- (ot CO'containlng 175 ACRES and 37 PERCHES, - neat measnre. 4150,--Anather TRACT of TrainEn LAND. bounded by Linde of 31cGrath. Emanuel Kuhn and !Multi of Beaver and Stenger, containing 3 'AMES and 151,- PERCHES. . A'so.—knottier TRACT of UNIMPROVED LAND, nate in Peters township, ,bounded by lands - of Fetes' Stenger; OA Jacob'Stenger.and John dicLaughtin,min tairring 38 ACRES and 72 ,PERCHES. Also.—Anotner TRACT of FARM LAND,tint lot sit uate in Peters township,bounded h.,. lards of dlas. - !ildul-_ Vanes. 7. Thtitsler and London tom, i o ta, containing 12 ACRES and 132 PERCHES. Alstr—A TRACT or ;MOUNTAIN LAND. situett in Peters township, adj Going lauds of J. J. Kennedy and other lande of said deceased and _Peter. Steger ; cv4aiiiimcf* ACRES andel PERCHES. % Also.—Another TRACT of TIMBER and MOUNTAIN LAND, situate lu Peters township, in Spruce. Gap, ad joining lands - efJonies heirs; -Ater:lls°n Ritchey and lands - late of IL Easton, containing 019 ACRES and 94 PERCHES' , , Also—An undPridedthreo-fundha interest in A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN" LAND in Petra township. adjoining Sande or ucUrath,Kahn, Peter Burkholder, other lands of Driver and Stenger and other lands of deed, con tliuning-376 ACRES and 49 PERCHES. Alus--An undivided seven-eights-interest In 6 TRACT OF LAND, in Peters township adjoining other lands of said dee'd. and lands of Christian Hoover, containing 65 ACRES and 87 PEI:ORES, with an old Dwelling Rouse and other imprOvements thereon. Also—An undivided soven•efghths interest in a TRACT OF TIMBER WED, situate in Peters township. adjoin ing lands of Christian Plum's heirs, and other hinds of said dec'd, containing 89 ACRES and 145 PERCHES. Also—A LOT OP GROUND, vitt:ate in the town of lieudon. in Peters township-containing about 1 ACRE, with a two story DWI LLING .110 USE, part Briok and p'art' Frame. a Stable. An.: thereon -erected. Also—A LOT OF GROUND, situate in the centre of the town of Loudon, at the interiection of a public alley, with the Chamberabtirg and Bedford turnpike, with a DA - ELLIN(' HOUSE. Store House Blacksmith Shop, kr., thereon erected'. - , • ' SQ , e- Sale to comniettra at 10 o'clock, A. 11., ou said day, When the terms will be make known by. PETER KVfiIIfAIKAN, Adm'r, MARY JANE BEAVER, Atinfrx, ' oct. V), '6.340.. _ - of John Mutter, doc'd. By order of Court.-I—le,ft.: (I lltrefffu, - . Clerk. • vrR E NBVIt . GS AND *OUNTAIN ' LAND AT PUBLIC SALE T co undersigned, Awignses of DAVID tiooPrmta and wife, will sell at Puldidsalte,cos Thursday. the IWA slay of/Vo rembrr. 1.563, ots the premise*, the. fsllowing Re t I Estate, Aurae on the Turnpike, about Ralf wajr.intwten ,:ham bersborg sod Gettysburg. in Adanis Perkin'', a tract of 750 Acres of land. divided irto Lens, as tollows : No. I—The MANSION TRACT contains 150 Acres. about 50 of which Is improved Land, well limed and in a good ettte of cultivation, and the Wants of the tract is.well set.with Chesnut. Pine ittal other thither. The OitABFFENBURG ROTEL and SPRINGS, ono of the accost healthy and pleasant Saiiiliret Resorts in this pet of the State, is upon Chit triad. The Rotel is a et bv tantial brick building. 62 ft. by 20, with a two story jo ek building, 45 ft. by 20, laid oil into ,rooms 91 the use of boarders. visitors, ,ke. Oon'nected With it is Si Stot e 80 , m and Post Ottice, Also a large _and convenient BATiI ROUSE. with 20 Bed rooms attached. extensive etabling,• Black etnitit Shop, Ice House, Ten Pin Ailey. "Revolving . String. and all other. neceseary buildings . Also, a Tenant House Buda Young Orchard of Clnce:Frait. No. 2—Adjoining the above, contains 92 Am es and is ell covered with young Timber. - No. 3—Contain 944 Acres. near %I of which is,cleared and in god osier, the balance is wall set with Chestnut, Pitts and other timber. The improvements are a -two atoried Weatherboarded I)IYULLING LIONSEark;d Stable. ALoo, a new Saw Mill. . No, B—Contains 61 Acres antllo6 perches, and is ,wall eel with Gbestant.Oak, and other ' • . No:AO—contains ,keree net witUyeting qbeenut mud Rock Oak. There ere severul Water Powell* On Chi, ftiregialng iota. Alna—The nudivided one-half of 011 Acres. Adjoining T. Stovenn mud Stith:re brim well net with young timber. Yertiona wlnhinteto view Vielatuninen will call en ei ther of the outreribertr. Salo to commoner et the Graf l'enharg lintel:et 10 o'clock, A.J1.,0n nnid day; whet' the conclitiorui will bantede known by , JOHN DuWNEY• Assignee:v. oct '63 3OIIN BAWD:SA. PIJBLIG,SALE.-Bir vfrtue - of an Order leaning mat of the Orptiaus• • Court of :Frank- Mil County, and to the undersigned, Administrators of .7 patitarine Cramer, late td,Letterkenuy Township. deed, :there will be esposed to —nbiio Sale, on the premises. an Saturday, the 21st day of iti,,c,Taber, UM at I o'clock P. M., the following described Real -Estate, sit One Acre and 63 perches of Slate land.- With - a twroetori Itlti I K HOUSE, one-story Log Mouse, Frame Stable," Egg Pen, and other necessary- impresements thereon erected There are an excellent Well of it Mei., and nn,' Apple OrFtiarl,containing 40 fruit Matins, trees - on the •premises. The property is situateLl in Pleasant Will, Franklin County. Pa. Terms of Sale 10 per cent °Spur. chase money to be paid on 'day. of, sale, • One half sd: - whole amtunt of perihelia- money (inchiding— the 10 'per cent paid on the day - of Sale): babe paid , otrthe lit - day of Aptil, 1864,'0r at any time before that when.pur. chaser may ,desire Rossession,‘ when a derd fa property • *ill begisen. The balance ton-the Ist. - Of April, 1865. with Interest (rem date of deed. aecuird hr judgment. • JOHN CRAMER, • JOit ea CRAMER, octl:8 -' 44l4 '"qt . attA rine Crenter. &ed. •• ATALITABLE- MILL. PIZOP - ERTY v Plitt S. ALIL—The snbscriber` desiring to retire from business,ottereat priratesalehis VA GU SIMI:STILL Property. sithate on the Conocochottgue Creek. at Scotland.foronailee Nerth of Charebersburg. The Mill bee three run of Burrs and is in good order for home and merchant work. It besitnated hr one of the best grain growing regions of Southern Pennsylvania, and' conve nient to chnrchest-and schools.' There are about seven. leen Xeres of land connected with the Hill, nearly all l' cleared and gOod Meadow Land, and under good fence. A large sweater, WeatherboardedVlVELlSNGHOlin land other out Imildlngs,and considemble fruitare onthe ' property. ' . l`lit - price asked is $540010. While the' nett .earnings <lithe Mill during the last was shore $700: [ Foe teerticulWappty to the subetriber t 'siding _on the, pi-eh:Uses. .. fang 196tfj " JOHN 81,EICUTEllt:'., 1 i --...... ~- VA 1 V ALVABLWITA„ VARN STAND Volt SALE.- 4 .The 'undersigned .offer at -Private , Sale, the:well known Tarern > aituated on tbeceorner of Market and Second _Streets, now 10. the oven urY of Sheriff Bran. The Hotel is a large cram us trio story brick building. The yard attached is trebly arranged ' for travellers, stopping with buggies and wagons, Timetable Is large and airy, and hapable of accommodating from b 0 to 60 bead of horses. The ,out. buildings/mob as Wash Ileueo.Spting Houlio.Tce House, 'n.. makes it the most desirable Hotel in -the county. Its near roeationto the Rail Road„.eourt House, Bank, andbustneseplices t rendevs it the ,most pleasant and convenient stopping place in town. Persons desiring to purchase, can sea thspramises and learn the tame of sae by calling !:t the undersigned,,. RD. AVOIHNDAI7OII,- - Chimb'it;eopt.T-tt i'; ' , 8, H. WOILIgif.. ANTI RY FOR SA. VE:—' 'the sub. scriber Offeas.forliale . his,- - TANN,ERT,. situate to • ctonnellsburg: Fulton County. ' -The yashilviiintaluir 40 VA111,9 LEACHES, (all utoterrion, with 10 1 k1 max stroP.. BARK SHEDS, and Lliverythint coirrettlent lbr carrying on the business. ' , Au abandance of Hark eau be tad for sl.ooto $3.50 per cord, Large and goetIDITILLt 111 G HOUSE and Tenant House; together with tesary buildings, and-abundance-of FRUIT, on - the lots tribe choicest kind. In connection with the abovelvill• be sold;If deeirod, 21 ••ACElgit lvtprinte LI3IEBTOCIII - in a high stateof cultivation., , oct , ..„ wm:110101.' eai (emu - - A CIIANC.Ff TO . atAX.lil MONEY nal_ The nsid4inigned offer at PriV•ato Side, .. intone nuaLatirdi Serum, all that valuable? it ALTO./ LA !kV „ If ated in M. Themes 'township. ..Franklin Cat ,• mileablerth westof the village - of bt. 21.013 42 . t o o t 'by lands - of D. WilSoli'B Witt:. eatter, bet. 14 , other* containing- i ' • - ,Absut too Acres afthis Truer-are cleared and NC • Ilbe stateufcultiratton. the Whole , ef Which bad been m, ottgblylitned withinthe Lott few - yenta; the: beim:met* heavily eat with thriving rimber: There is 8 SIM Litt,. stone (awn on the premises: front which a taakethii quality of Lime is made. The ltnitrevetneute conettit a good, tweeteried Lou and letrinte DWELL] NO /101!8*- A FiNii, hkNX lIARN, erected leer summer: g 111Cdters. Power SAW S]lLL,eltda STA V . *. and - 811.1h (ILE `MILL" driven by a small tent Xsigine, and other niereeeht, and convenient buildings. The above Pr:Terty dfiers grestintitiet4anti to put.. clingers ef Real &nue. It is locatitd in a titieirTingirbid region. and ae the demand for Lumber, Stare*. Oltiligige .t44o.and_wil/ centlitue on the increme, act mbyrgrifir Leanne** man could nut fail to mare Stoney eat of tibir ninny adritairget-it Poevousen. persona desiring Id-in. • vest,itra valuable Ptvisti ty are luvited tocLerr:tbis• Salisbury Shear= n, residing theteon. i4rmathin that may be desired. Yossessivo can be hint at any time. June ,GArvvrat d stir.NAMMCIr ..)1T131.1,C .SALE—By Order Of the Orphans' Court of Frank% countr, , euna., the nudersigned,"Adruirdstreiturn of tit Biturs , Of• Frederick Divilbiss, tote of -Warren township ; -. 4 16 county, deed, will offer- at Public ease. o» thDpiapilifek, ori Friday tht 27th day of .iVcrssia6sr,) , Bll;o3lfollowicg described Beal Estate, viz n kurpart No, 1, being the 31 A';'.i'SlON EANDiosi4elaings lands of :Michael C001t.,. Charles Oeltslz. Jacob 114. i. Diald Martin and others, captaining 139 ACE.IO Arid 2t. PERCIIES.,.itent measure. baring therein ereettilik tip J etory STONE DIVELLANO 110E0'1; • Stnlii Earn.,. eitst Stone Spring tiou.e, 'With other neudfolptiildlnitgnpd improvements, 1.180, a good Apple Os thiird qnd iither; . fruit tries; with an abundant supply of ne4e l4 l .l linit *after tie mate. 1* is wtql Thabered, ntsd his . ly been well' lirries anorriltogtither Is la gtaitl:fartuis4 - condition. - - • : - . , . . Burpatt tNo"2 containing 153 ACRFS . PBBCO7 ES nunt measure. adjoining the Mothitahi sunlj.lalribt . et Charles 0 elsri Jsmea Tents'shelis, John Thurottisibill %Vers. With a stury anti a halt LOG DB' ELLINO uotn. , Log Stable: and Lug Spring House thereon. - Ahout thirty :Acres of thts tract is cleared, Awl the rest :Well covered with Black and Nillit6 Oak, and Chestnut Thither and is well watered. Bhth tracts wilt he• - solirtogellytc; or separate as Wilt best snit purchasers. - • - Sale to curnmence'cl lho'cloch t am Said day, AIM ittt terms willkby wade ktiewn,by r—, SOLOMON DIVILJIISS Attnt • SIMON BR BWEIV. " 111211 - DITBLIC -SALE • VALI:III34k , ESTATE —The undersigne , l, ilaecnt,* 4r,- • - noin and Jo:yen:Lea 'Can, into 0/ Intblrta tinfl?o,94 : ;: 110ntingdort County, Pre, deceased, *till Offer . Sale. on the premises. on TAU:7day, thel2th day 'o,2* - 1.: g• *ni•ber. 1863: the MANSION FAIN of said .60484 one folk ands half D Dust of Burnt euwna; htninlted liy , lAddYof Jacok,Spanogle.' John Gilliland, John kindlayi and Others; 'containing ITO ACRE'S' and_alloentuce or. Land. About 100 Acies, are cleated and in' cultleatbtk..... impiarentents are is TWO.SIOIII }WED DI ELLUTO. Boum Log. Berri, Wawa od e Corn Cribs. and other oret-buildinge ehereonerf „There lea nerer-failing Spriug lathe Sprl»g-hatuteouds,., A running Stream of Water throigkeatd k'arm. cies of Land; about seven ors c melt nod Under fence. - , Also-19-Acree of Land; on which is erected* lng flousedilackanifth Shop auctStoble. There losonleo, n tine Orchard ins the pfetuisee, Aten—:ll Abres of Land ; about 10 Acres art; clear . ed. TElt/dS: ;One-third of the pnrcttaac inonef on tat of April nett (ht which time possession wilt largiren)4,thip balance Lot two o I cull annual paYmenta with fts#of44,lte- • enrol bk... Band and Mortgage. JAMES OttER. I ;act SS, .534. a. - . DATID ITXLCiIf ATHALVABLE3 FARM. FQR:SALPI - °fere at Private r ale,his EARN situated about utile froth QUI neY, 151 ACRE • 14o0thich t nTISI BEA and thriving- Cbeettuit:'3 of the rartalsolthe -bestquality of LIMESTONE LAMP Lint allot a high state :of cultivation. Therisaprove. salsas. a large , BRICK, HOUSE, s ith patties -And Percheais new BRICK „BANE: 8A8.11.80 fest longovEks Wagon Shed and- Corn Attached, -dtrablit.itrenter oorriage Rouse ,Brick Wash House, Smoke 1101 Ineib 004 ` Oven, and att necessary . outbuildings, .In -pad repair There Is a large Cistern close to the Barn. need forlttlak. and one, near the kitchen. There 10111 , 41 i of excellent \rater in She - There 'is' 'variety 'di Adios Fruit, each as Pears, Plums, Pettchgrinktiranet ln - '• yard. There iPalBO a good-ORMAROufyonngthrtufwg , Fruit on the premises • , Pereona wishing to clew the :land e-'n do so - „by eating on theaubscribet.or any inforination - Cupeeting-Ilt case he obtained by. awing on Geo..), lialaleyi oinntyViiew n [min ' aorriv 111D-DOWEE., • . PRIVATE SALE OF TAANNE47. NEAR PAYETTEVILLE.—Th aril at Private Sale, the followil g drecr/bed TATE, to - wit: 30 ACRES OF LAND. o _, ' Alitraier good fence and tillable, with a good log; Onever Letting well of geed water near the door. fit- 1 40,,d Bata and Tbraabing Thor, a find Orrbard 1:111014; ,t the test fruit, .Also A TAN:NI:RA' • 1- of32lergelfate, S large Leaeltra with limes sod pooh Bark %t 111, Molter. Pump and Yuiliog Stocks. all in excel. lent order, tha.iirliele,overating by WATER .POWER± Also a'gie t rit BarksLited, all nueurpesped troatrealeterev• and labor taring. • 4 • Thi above p - iopertYwill be ehowit to any, pinion on iv-, PResition to 4aßvt.' B. Cook. of Fayetteville, n John • Cook ofCbainbFrsborg. 'Terme will be cane mstble. June 1.1.'!13-tf . PETER:COON. )TAL LTABLE -8 TN TEAM ANERY ' • 7011 SALE.—The undersigned will sell et P,FVfekte- i^ - En is,likis TANNERY, known am the tome r lannery,Neltb steam and water-tamer. haw 51111, CitaPptugWitt,S , tnek, , - tor bimikitighides, Ac. The Tannery Las A lettine, alt, ' vats, 2 Harlot and water-fool. and Is capahl 62 of to:LLIL" . , i 800 hedity hides a year. There are too LOg 'Da ellit.g Houses, Barn, Stable and other bectseary ant lath! 140.'; ' connected h the Tannery. mid about G 2 Acreetlesnett:, ~ with 'good ' . 'Be trill sill a ,y.qiutitttt of 'alai Wills. ii t the Tanne in lbOtolGOA:re:. 0.01 6001terCe ant '.. Tinther,toaltin - inuple on,p}dy at t liesnnt Oak - Ihtikilt , . run the Tannery for Wt.!' yearn. It in niitlittd /04,14 7 Miles South-west of Merceisburg'On Litkl , -g Cr" l,- Ttsrms made easy. Possession will be , giern thi. ran rosemary - . Ytir further particulars address thei'lihdiot• eigned,at Thircersburg. Franklin county ;Ps.' '•" • ' " ' am; 12,.62:tf . , - O. IIisiCALV. '', . TN PURSUANCE OF- AN' Oligrilt of •the Orphan's (bout. the undersigned. id the last Will 'and lestnineat Jacob Remblierfe4, ' late of Antrize to insh Ip, deed. will offer at Piddle SsN. on the pretaises, on Saturday. the 14Th el :Velem betake 4 at-I o'clock, P. M.. the following described Real Entate„ els : A TRACT of LA:sm. the Mansion Farm °timid dee'B'' situate In Antrim townehlti. Franklin Co , Pa., to.utidest ,by lands of Geo. Rh - cal es, Samuel Schindle:Joh Samnel Remesderfer, Wm. G earbart and othera k cogrialte. it g I_s ACRES inure or less. and having thereon erected ' - a LOG HOUSE Frame Barn and other building,. Them • Ts ii good well of -Water,- and mood opo.flAktpon sok., Iran, and about twenty Bea Act - es of good TIMM% The . terms will be made known on Gle day 14 Milt, JOUN 10.31ESDERFER, t It o -ton eel 14 sAmtEt. y . • , • 117 order of Caiwt..-W. (1. 51' 1.1.110rk.. - °-. 1)1 ALL FARM. Ft. A Ilt.4.—The subscriber will 'sell at Sato the SMALL , AR:11 on -which he now resides. in Antrito loin- • 31111',Frurdilln a oni,ty, - abont -s from Greentaa. tie, unothe 4.sllhtown road, adjoining lands- of Oettolitti- - Myers and °there. containing abuiffTl3lßY AC II V' —4117 cleared laud, in gust order andidallitt good lance. Thwies is a YOUNG OltelP,Vil Of Girlfly tirees ' ; iillit'Phlt4; a Wen of excellent. water. The improeements ‘ elaroast two-story` LOO 11PIEL141190 1101,9r0# IA AO If BANE BARB. torty.mio teat_ long. and well nlithed: nut( bliothei necessary out buildings. - Possession Witt he srieen on the let ut April,lll , 4. T , hstris by made known on application - to he subscriber residing mmtbe; irremiess. -, [oci2l '63-tfj'SA M L LC ., KItJDILR. dtAX. S. Weaves: I. way e. 8702041,:. M 9 O LT * RE . 1 1- 1) Nit it, ;•• EDITORS AND PUJILISBERS • # II L iEBAAI4SI,IIi REPOSITQRY is publiebte.v every. Wednesday meniing. on a large quartnelkiet.,' containingFOßlY-EIGHT COLUNINSinted e ' fintlowper and new, clear type. Terms:. TWO DOll- 7 ' LAM per .anunm, IN ADVANCE, or TWO' DOL. , LARS AND FIFTY- CENTS, - t 1 norpoid within sa t pear. AS-Ministers of the Gospel. in Fitanti are furnisbed-trithtlicErroarsetcr at all gke*thotara, izti advance;' 437-subscribers; reeidinii out of flit"' Rite; suns =v a r ier& Sl9 adrossep, and the paperwilllinalleareei be discontinued at the expiration of-the tithe for' which it is.l • „ ADVERTISEMENTS inserted 'at 50 e'en& pas, square of eight lines far first sertion;sadVA beats per square for each subsequent iniertton. All-614 ,. , tions of a s4eare are corseted as ti • Advertisements inserted by the qiarter:balf*oaft4.: or year, at *reasonable reduction. Those fatiiktteid but once are charged ten cents per line. 4e4ded,.* Advert : laments a price and a-half.' • ' " - "Special Anotiods, inserted- before .Marrinies ape Ihnitho v areellargettleubleresnlar rates. • 13.. CIITS.or bold. display letter. sissoOltazus; - adsortigettlekto. Noticei rif Mania:me and Destbs F riet Ogled fiTe line% aro inseiten - silznuto Cratit gt =All eoremtudestipms, of li - tined or4iitaivillia4 4ferert, are lhantet ten (lents .tierline: • JOB PRINT .4(,:61 e eer - r)iiart 4dlie 4 1 • 4 11 1 - , and tatty *Mott; at the shortesfokoilit, 0140, solvable tett', • • • - - .