V. : IT il,'.. Metical. Ali -1310ELE LOCK HOSPITAL . --Dt.JOIINSOX, the founder of this - Celebrated tritttritleisoffers , the most certain, speedy, and 'only wrectadl 'remedy in the world for Uleet9,43fruPttiflts. Seminal Weakness.P sin in the Loins,Coitstitutiona) De lhllity,,iinpnteace, Weakness of the Back Limbs. ,Alfeethoes of-the Kidnoya. Palpitation Of -the Heart, rlispepaia, Nervous irritability, Diseseett o f t h e need, Tt.roat, Nose or :kin: And all those serious and metait. Andy disorders arisieg from the destructive habfts o. I'oo4 which destroy both body and nand. These secret Wei solitary practices are more fatal to their victims time- the s of the Byrens to the .ntariner Wpm!: blighting their most brilliant hepos, or neticipationi readering marriage, E:c , impossible, . YOUNG MEN. Ewing ]fen especially, who have becomeqiie victims , or Bditary Vlce,that- dreadful And enstractive habit Which annually sweeps to an untimely graVe thousands at yntatig merkof the most exalted talent and brillfan intellect,who might otherwise have entranced listening Atwater with the amulet% of eloiuence or waked to vientat7 the living lyre: may call with lull ' confidence. MARRIAOE! llfarii;ed persona, or young men contemilating- mit" Huge, b eing aware of phys a - eaknes%, o rgftn ie debility r ghould immediately cons it 'Dr. Johns He who plAtee himeelf under the care of Dr.Jblicietan Lev religiously coon& in his honorjui a gentleman, and esAtaidently rely upon hiskill as a physician. . . ORGEANIQ WEA_KNESS nitsznii.ve CCs;AND BOLL YI4OP. RESTORED . . dbsease is the penalty moat frequently paid by tl4Osty idlao 'bare become the victims of improper indul srkiices,' Yunn; persons are too apt to commit excesses froui nut being aware of thedrettilful consequences that. may wosae. Now, who that understands the subject wilt pretend to deny that the. power of Procreation sooncrby those falfittg Into improper habit thin by the prudent; Resides being deprived of the pleasure of 'healthy offspring, the. Most merlons and destructivt sympathy, to.mind and body arise. The system becolae - .lernageti:ihe physical and mental powers weakened glorious 'debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, & wasting of the franc, cough, sympsom of tonOunption - Office No. 7 South Frederick Street, ° eelripa • aeon' from 'Baltimore street, East side, up the tlieistePs. Be particular in absenting the name and nwiaber,or you will mistake the place. A CORE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. -EC . - No.rcurypr Nauseous Drugs.' DI t. 011 :LC'S T 0 , ißfemher otthe Royal 'ollege of Surgeons, London, gra Auate from ono of the most eminent Colleges of the MOW States. and the greater part or whoae. life 'has bee spent in the hisspitals or London. £.iris,.l"hiladef phiattnd elsewhere, has effected some of the mostmatrin. fishing cures tlttt were ever knovin. Many troubled with ringing lu the' head and ears when asleep % igreat itervonsrtelis, being alarmed et sadden sounds. anti bash. fauegs, with Ireenetit toluiiiug. attended sometimes with derangement of minds were cured immediately. A CERTAIN ! When the misguided and intermient votary of pleal sure tads .he has imbibed tie seeds of this painful die =lee, it ton kitten happens that an iii-timed sense of sltame,or dread of discovery, deters him front applying to those who from education and respectability can atone befriend him, delaying make their constitutional symp tome thii horrid disease make their appearance, such as recerated sort throat, diseased nose nocturnal paint in the head anti limbs, dimness of Sight, deafness, nobs on the" shin, bones and arms, blotches on the head, ieee, aria extremities. progressing_ with frightful rapidity. till at last.the palate of the month or the bones of-the nose.tall in and the victim of thisawful disease becomes av horrid object of conitaisseratien, till di. ath puts a pe riod ,to MR dreadful sufferings, by senoing him to ",that bourne fiom whence no Imre:her returns," To such, therofdre, Dr. Johnston pledges himseit to-preserve the most. inviolable sec recy arid from his extensive practict in the first Hospitals of Europe and America, he can c ofidently recommend a sato and tiPeedy cure to the Unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It Is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease owing to the tinsicilfullness of ignce rant pretenders who - by use of thatdeadful poison, Mer cnry. ruin tbeconstitntfon,and either send the un forte• nate to an untimely grace, or make the residue of life tablerabie. TAKE', PARTICULAR NOTICE I - ..J.e.ddre4sees thou. who have injured themselves by private mad impropec indulgences: ' These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of yonth.•via:L-Weakness of the Bank and Limbs, Pains in 'the Head, Dimness (if Sight, Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the Heart, Dye papilla, Nervous grritabiiity, Derang.ment of the Diges tive Panctions,Generni - Debility, Symptoms 01 - Consumkp itcni. kc. *grams, the fearful effects on the mind are much to I e dreaded: lose of Nleuiory, Conftisidit of Ideas, Depres _- Cod of Splrits, Evil Forebodings, 'aversion to Society., elf-Dhstrust, Loco of Solitude.l. fluidity, &c., are soca, of the evil effects. Thontaids of persons of an agei ran now Judge what lathe Eattbe of their declining health, laying there becoming 'soak, pale, have singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and syraptoinse Consumption. Dr. Johnston's invigorarng Remedy for Or; • ganic r ireaknells. . By ti(le great anOnfpLtant remedy. Weakness 41 thii Organs Is speedily, hired, and full vigor restored. Thousands etthe niMit nervous and debilitated, n 1,7, had - lost alitrope ; have been iraiisdintely relieved. Ail impediments to Marriage. Physical or den tal Disquali fication? NerSuus Irritability:Tremt‘ling, Weakness or Exhaustion of the most fearful kind,speedily cured. by De.ilohnston. ' ' z c YOUNG MEN„ . Who . hate injured themselves by a certain practice.in dulge 1 in 'khan alone—a habit frequently learned fr m aril corapaniutis, or at school, the effects are nightly felt, even !sten asleep, and if not cured. render ma riage Imposilble, and" destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his coun try,t the darling o f his parents, should be so 4 from all prospecte and enjOymente oflife, by the uence of deeiatingfe. 40 tlMprob °filature, and indu , ging in a certain secret habit i Such persons, before contemplat , lug ' ' - . - _MARRIAGE ' . abtrald refloat Uteri's sound mind and body ; are the most net e's:try requisites to promote connubial happl. neas. ;Indeed. without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, tint prospect hourly dark. ' eosypthe'view; the tuinfl-becontes shadowed -with de spair, and filled with the melancholy ' reflection.. that the'happinest of another beconies blighted with our 'Orinett NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK. ST., • - BALTIMORE. TO .STRA.NG-ERS - - Thi-aueny thousands cured at this Institution in, the lest Mean years: and the numerates important surgical Operations peribrmed by Dr. J.; witnessed hy the re portiersofthefiapers.Mad many other personecitotices of whichlinke appeared again and again before ttee Ott • tic, Is a sufficient guarantee to the affircted . N. B, There, are so Many ignorant art - worthless quaeksmivertheing themselves as Physicians, raining the health of the al remitaXlicted . Dt. Johnston deems It necessary to say to theliee Unacquainted with-his rep utation, that his Diplopia-hang in his office. 45r TAKE Noncx---/Mett erg , must be 'post paid .end contain a ponts, A e aistitre the reply, or no answer will be sent. , Feb 25, '63-IYr. invtigrcq)bir• ANTHONY, 124. Manufactulirs f t ; Photo g raphic Material* 501 Broadway-, New York D PHOTO GI(A Pll S.. Oar Catalogue now embraces consider-614y °Ver . ' houro ,• Thoussatdilfsrant subjects (to which additions are con- I tlnnalrylaeliag mode) of Portraits of EminentAmericaq ' etc. ' vitt"- - ' .. . 72 31./irkieneriasStaesm 190 13rImdier.Genoinis,, 127 Divitnes , en, -, i 34 2F9 Wands- , 116 Authors,,, , /iitintesuint-Coionels 30 Artists,. - 207 Other Gainers, • - 112 Stage, . - • . ,60 Beat Mast's, • 48 Prominent -;Women, ..' . - :147 Prominent Foreign Portraits. ..1 . -.., ~• , .2,p00 *Tu.' aof Works of Art, - • ' . facial* reptiductions of the most celebratedLEngray. , ingli, Paintings:Statues, &c. Catalogues sent on receipt of s tamp., .An order for One Dozen Pictured from out . Cat bins will,be ailed on receipt of $l.BO, and-sent by mall - fru.- . . . TTDGRAPHIC ALBUM'S. ' • , • oAthese we manufacture a great vriety, ranging in price frinsibo Cents to $.50 each. • , . Oar /Mums have the reputation of being superior in Coeunty,a , rat ditability to any others. The smaller Itimi carkbuserit'safely by - mail at a postage of six cents per Thep:tore expensive can be sent by express.. - ' I%!e also Peep a large assortment of . .: -...•- EitnitES6OPES AND STEUESCOPIC NIEWS.. - Ourealislogireot these *lll be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. 1, , ; ' E. & li. T., ANTOrt,, . • - - ... , snstufactwers:of Photographic Materials' '- . . 6o Broddeidy; New York. - Ittiettdo I'm relatives et prominent military : viten- w UI . conftia fi'verby sending as their - 'Mellen to &pr. rimy will be kept carefully and returned uniujitied. Fine. Azbums made to order for CongrOgbtiona to pre lent to their Pastor, or for other purputios. with aultabte lasetiptiongott• j fang Mem. • : - . ~ , , or f.f-,1)81. ,i 1 - Minamo , rititgiot4)ll itriththi, 1(11 .- ..,,,,, i fK . P ~_ , a ~ ......,.,,,,, _.....,.., 44-1 , ,,, , c , ........ , ........ ... , , , ,,..^. - .D.- tf,.....,1,.........-,...... ir , ,..,..,,,,,,,,, . r ...,..,, , ,,,...,...,,,,,:: 1 e, stn_ ileigtottaxp,, oventber. 11, 186) TUB )14EUE4 Capo anti FAINCY FURS ! FANCY FURS! ! JOHN PARRIRA, • rib Arch M., Wow Bth south side, - Philea, , 'lractorter. Manufacturer ot arid Dealer in. all kinds of FANCY FURS 1 for Ladies' and CS:Wren': Wear. • T wish to return my thanks to my friends of , Franklin and thesurrounding Counties, for, t4eir very liberal pat range extended tome during the last few years, and wcald easy to theta that I now hare in store, of my own Latrirtstion and Manufacture a very extensive assmt went BE4I the different kinds and qualities of FAZit -Y 'MRS, for Ladies and 010Iren, that will be worn during the Pall and Winter - seasons. Being thedireet Importer of all my Furs from Europe, and haring them all Manufactured-under true ern super vision—enables me to offer my customers and the public, a much handsomer Flot of rurs for the esune money. Ladies pteri•V triremes call before purchasing, I Pleaao remember the name, number and street• JODI( FAREItIA, wept 8-5 m ~ •rNo. 718 Arch Bt.. Philadelphia. DyCIIER,Tj has an • entirely -new etqck of RAYS and CAPS, and he is - determined to keep np the replitationofsthe old atand, to soil cheap er that, the cheapest. Call and examine. &doors Sonth of Eyster & Brea. TADIES" FURS! LADIES' g(TRS! 4 B would invite the attention of tbe Ladies to my large and entirely new stock of PONS, which I will sell very cheap. - • J- I.EcuErta. iy l - 10 NOT FORGET THAT TiEOll- ERT'S 14 the place to buy cheap BATS, CAPS, and LADIES' FlJitS, PECHERT HAS ,REST.OVED .11i8 ITAT, CAP and FUR STORE, FOUR DOORS JUTIT of RYSTER & BRO'S. ' 2uotireo of i'Oe Veace, TI T S - TICE - OF THE PEACE.-H. B. DAVISON, Justice of the Pozce—t_ifllce immediate ly opposite the" Indian Queen Hotel." All business en trusted to his care shall receive prompt attention. 'ln• strumentsiof Writing, of all kinds,' dtilvvn up in a satis factory manner. • • Juno 17.'63. pILSALMAN, Justice of the Peace; . etrantbersbarg, Pa. Office on Past Market efreet opposite the Court Honse, in the offii.eferrnerlyoccnpied by A. K. McClure. - Prompt attention given to every thing in the line of a Magistrate and Scrivener. sept 9,'68-tf. - SCHENCK'S PIILMONIC SlitiP WILL CURE SCIIENCE'S - PLTLfricoNic SYRUP - - - , . SCHENCK'S 81A WEED TONIC WILL 'CCM DYSPEPSIA.. SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC gelliiiCKl3 MANDRAKE PILLS RILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS SCIIENCE'S.SIANDRAIIE PILLS vim ' ' LIVER COMPLAINTS. SeriENCKS'libltAilt PILLS SCHSICER'S AtANPRAKE PILLS DR. J. H. SCHENCK has a large Snit ofROOMS at No 32 BOND S'IfILKET.,,NEW :YORK, where he can be todnd every Tuesday. from 9 A. M., to 3P. IS , and t No. 39 NORTH SIXTH. • STREET,• PHILADELPHIA, PA., every Saturday. • He keeps a large supply of mediclnes'at his rooms, 81,14 mn be had at all times. if hohe wishing advice or -examination of the Lungs will do well to call on him as above. He makes no cbargeibr advice, but for a thor ough examination with the Respirotneter; his price Is . Many persons are afraid to have their lunge examined 'Dr. Scheock, for fehr that theywill be foundlncurg 7 tie, and by that means itii; out off . untli it is tegi late. flow much better it would be to know their condition at once, as by abaft& nee of eldence, Dr. S. has shoWn • sufficient cerfificites this city that he has cored ail vanced stages of tonsumption: - • DR: SCHENCK'S Principal Office. is No. 39 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., where letters for advice should always be directed, Price of. the POLIIOSTC Safi CY Am!. SEA Wpm Tome each $1 per bottle,• - or $.5 31. e half dozen. 3LINDRAICE PILLS, 25 cents per box. • For Sale by all DRUGGISTS and STORERREP I RS. oct. 14.3 m • YnYONDERPUL - SC IE X TIF I C DISCOVERY.—At the 'present time thought ftil sevorywhere are looking for the revelation of new and important discoverteein science, and when a theory is presented claiming to have discovered new light and to have removed the veil of obscurity from a subject of the highest importance, neon which much has been written, It is proper that the claims of tide theory tio presented and carefully exarhined and tested, which is destined to transcend in importance to suffering human ity, all other discoveries, the lightning rod and telegraph not excepted. We hold that the human system is but a galvanic arrangement, with its acids and alkalies, con stituting thepositive and negative forces, and thatevery mental and physical manifestation, either voluntary or involuntary, is the result of this antagonlem; that diges tion, circulation, secretion, and excretion are wholly, at tributable to theiawef electrical -influencea; that the t nerve/ are the conductors of ELECTRICIT K and that there is a polar action otabLished through the nervous system which connects with every part of the body. establishing and preseriing-a proper balance of the electric element, which a noititntes health, and a disturbance of which causes disensc;„that there are strictly but two conditions of ditcase-.the one positive, the other negative; and as ELECTRICITY possesses these two inherent principles, it will, if applieclaceordingto the electric polarities and requirements of the iystem, arrest, or, in other words, neutrollze thrrdlseaseby the restokutlon of proper polar' .action. We also wisert that aildrugstithen into thasys tem act strictly noon electrical principle/3 - that - from decomposition the latent elentriCity is set free, and that though the electrical polciritle!i of the nervous oaten' all changes are produced eitherTor'good or for evil ; that in the incipient stage of disease it' may tend to vitalizes the forcer, and restore harmony t but after the case has become feffMtorn paralyzing the nervous communica-_ time, add &ringing the tonstittienre of the fluida; atid, minting 'the digestlre 'action of the Sto'niach audits' power bf approbation, no, internal Process ot medication' ever han, or ever•ean; succeed In removing the cause of the dittea.s'e;itionly teiidenCy being to maltiplyand com- 1 . plicate the symptoms. On the dcmtrii.ti; Et tcraterry being the vital element upon wWch life dopende, eau be directed to any part of • the bodY,Andeven afteYthe 'Vital functions seem para. : lyzed, possesseithepoWer of" arous in g, the _dOttnatitalil ergies,ellitiiiiing the Mrculation, and .the system to A self Sustaining system.. One- VerY itaporttint feature of this treatment is, that 110 tittle is hist in hspetimenting with disease, ~ BY means` Of electrical test an accurate .diagnewials exeunt once, determining' the loCality and •Oharager of the. disease, turd Indicating the trea.tribint to 'be punned. Nile curienta are Perfectly nndeethe con, ,trol _of: thouperatoriand. can be regulated tOmit .4be delicate neryes,of a child Without any unpleasant - salad; :m o n; , All those who have long sufferedfromPainfalend obstinate disease—Acute, Chronic, Intlaihmatory or -Paralytio—areinvited to call and consult, - --,:.. .. . - - CONSULTATION YEEE. DR. W: B. BROWN, Orrwa in Franklin littildln4 . . West Markel Street, 4th doorfrom the cornerofthe Diamond, Chaat#ersburo, At. Nor. 4, '63-tf Mil MISINTI j I ¢bust CONSUMPTION. SCRENCK'S PULAIONIC SYRUP MEE= CONSUMPTION SCHENCK'S PULMONIC MOP CONStAPTION EIBEE32I CONSIT3IPTION: IMIEMI DYgIIEP*A: SCIIENWS BEA WEED TONIC wzti ctrae DYSPEPSTA SCHENCK'S. SEA WEED TONIC 7141. coat DYSPEPSIA. RILL (117 RE LIVER COMPLAINTS kzta cCI2B LIVER COMPLAINTS attortitgo at Eal 33. HILL.--:-Law Fart nershii--the nidereigned have associated them selves in the practice of the law in the several courts of Frank&in Cbunty, Office on Market Street, in the room heretofore bcalpied by T. B. Kennedy. T. B. KENNEDY. , T.. 1. WILL. Ttine.l7, At NEY •AT LAW.- 14.11,- SON RElLLl",.Atinrney at "Lam —Office on Mar ket St—formerly occupied by Reilly ffi tlharp, directly opp site the Court Rouse, Cleambersbarg, Pa. All legal business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. lie will practice in adjoining Counties. June 17,"63r_ svintexuatt. JOIP.; STEWART. QTI7II I BAITGIE STEWART. At-' LI tonna at Law, Chambereburg. Pa.. give their undi vided attention ti the Practice of their Professien. . John Stewart agent for procuring Bounty Money, pensions: and nrioarages of, Pay, Office in the Town Hall & W. S. STENCA It* Attor- G • nos, at Law, Chambersbarg.'Pft. Collections promptly, :located to. W. 3. Stenger, District Afton.; ney and agent for procnring Pensions, Bounty Money and Arrears of Pay., Office in -Franklin Building. 311 door from the corner. , Juttu'l7, '63. S. EVERETT, Attorney at Law. • Coifice in Mrs Bard's • dwelling. directly oppo site the'C"urt Howie. Cliamberaburg, Pa. Will practice in the several t:aurts or Franklin and Fulton Counties. All legal buli'ness animated to his care, receive prompt attention. June 17,1863..• JAPDOWELL SHARPE, Attorney at LlVO.Ctrunbenrbtirg% Pa. 'Office In Hrs. Bard's Buildings, directly elipssitetheCourt House. • t 'Junel7. 1863. Li O.: SEILIIAMER, Attorney 'at lut • 4to, Chambersburg, Pa. Mee—Slain Street, above Queen, in be room formerly occupied by S. Belab or, Fag. - - Jamul3.lBM. GEORG E FASTER & E. J. BONE -138 i' aE taw, hgre rehioved to ,the room on lifitintr4t , one door South of Eyster's Store. June '6B. iiis. , CLARK, Attorney at Law, has * reinoced his Office a few doors East of his former °cation. On Market street. (South-side.) June 17.'63. C4ININ M. DUNCAI Attorney at. Law. Office on liarkWBtreet, in Lawyer's Row, opposite the Court Rouse. June 17.'63. ,I 1 FLETCHER. Attorney at Late, Chamberehurg, Pa. 011ie° on East Market dtreet, nearly noponitn the Court House. June 17. '63. ALEX. K. 14.'CLURE, Attorney at Lchn, ChambetsbUtg. Pa. .Office in the Franklin Repositohy Buildings. - Juno 17. '63. DWATSON ROW 11, Attorney at • Ltiw, Greendastie,Pa.. iser, 30, '63 713mtiottp. PR. WM. B. HURD'S DBNTAL REMEDIES ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD.' insur'ng Fine !Teeth and Sweet Breath, and curing Toothache and Neuralgia.. Do you wish Vibe iaessed with andobhulre4lfirPearly White .and Sound Teeth? Use Dr. WM. B. HURD'S UNRIVALLED TOOTH POWDER,,warrantoi free from acid, alkali, or any Injurious substance. Pt ce, 26" cents per bet. 4151 - Deware of the ordinary .cheap Tooth Powders, which whiten but deetrov. . . Do' yon wish to be CO laid that your Breath is pure, sweet and agreeable to husband or wife, lover,and friend? .Use Dr. lIIJRD'S CELEBRATED MOUTH WASII Price, 37 cents per bottle. The astringent wash is also the best remedy in the world for Canker. End Breath, Bleeding,..Gurus, Sore Mouth, etc. It has cured hundreds. _ Do you wish your children suffer from Toothache 1. Get Dr.RURD'S MAGIC TOOTIIAQIIE DROPS. Price, 12 cents per bottle. Are you afflicted with Neuralgial Get -Dr. Wlt utrurs NEURALGIA PLASTERS. The molt effective and delightful remedy known for Pains in the Face, 'Chest, Shoulders, Neck, or shy part of the body. They do not adhere nor blister, bur soothe and charm pain away. Try them. Price, id and 37 cents. Mailed on receipt of price. A Treatise on ,the best method of Preserving the Teeth mailed on receipt of the price-10 cents.. It is a wiluabre little work, and should be in the posses** of every person. V . Or sale at all the best stores throughout the country. CAMON As there are dealers who take advantage of our advertisements to impose upon their customers in feriorpreparatiohs, it is necessary to insist upon having what you call for, and you will GET fIIE BEST. thoroughly tested, and prepared by an experienced .. and scientific Pietist. Treasurer of the New York State Dentists' As- , iation. and Vice President of the New York :By Den; taf Society. Address WM. IL UDR P. & C 0.,. Nine 17, '63-tf. Tribune ffnildings. New Yotk. encEETH INSERTED ON AMi3ER ! BASE.—DR. N. SCHLOSSER, Mlle still nt his resi t .; on EAST MARKET STREET, near the Franklin Railroad. Dentistry in all its blanches attended towith all the, modern improvements. Having published to' this community for more than. two years, that teeth on Amber is in every way CHEAPER AND .ut. - rrtsß than teeth on any ether material, I *until say that I stilt see no reason to change my opinion s for there are many per -80611 in Chambereburg end vicinity for whom l have inserted teeth on AMILEa who can testify to their supe rior merit. X. B. All work warranted to give satisfactinn,or no charge. Teeth extracted without pain with perfect eafetS , without taking Chloroform. For furthet infor mation call at tho Office. [June IT, 1863. R. W. W. SCIILOSSER, Surgeon 'Dentist.,—Ttioxatersigned line removed his Office frdin the Mansion illouse, to the residence of Mr John ; Noel, Nortliwe+t corner of 'the Dimond, and iinnied,. aikly opposite the Franklin Hotel . Office op the se nond floor—anti - epee thrinigh the passage, to the right .as yothascend the etnirs. Jone 17.1863, EMOYALL--Dr. J. K.' REo,l)en -21,18 removed his office ,rom the mutterer the k Square, where he practised so monyleare, to the corner of Main and Queen ' Streets, abase Wm. Dopier's Drug store,Chambersbnr g .-Pa. where he pril!he pleased to receive the calls of his friends, Punel7,lBB3. inpoirians. R. A. It; SHAW returns hitl thanks to the citizens of Franklin countk, for the lib eral encouragement bestowed on' him ,the last three yeara. and invites those who have not made WO of ROMCEOPATIIT to do so. tdmvaltitiop2 fiei, All cu rable cnies can rely on a More speedy cure than under any othersystem. Dr. S. hos romove4 to itiorth Main stred.n short distance below -the point, where he ban be found read) to attend to calls, either in town or country, when not absent on professional business. June 17, 1R63. R. JOHN MONTGOMERY will t attend promptly to all calls in his line. Office 4.11 lain street, next door to the Eagle Hotel, and nearly 'opposite the residenre of the_ WO. qeorge OhamPers.. , . ' Chumberslairg. Julia 17,18153. ' W-33. - BROWN, Electrical Phy:si, . Wan. o.llce fa Franklin Duildiag, Wror 'MARKET STREET, Chambersburg, Pa. . The above treats -all Chroolc Diseases by means o. GALVANISM and thadifferont modifications of ELEC. , TRICITY, as discovered and Vaught by Prof, Dollar!. Not 4, 63-tt , • • PPR.J. ,C. RICIIARDS • wilt : iateriti *promptly to all chits in ifs lino. Oflleion Illlin • V, nsit door to•Spangler's Drug Btore. - - tar- Orittergotrifs-4rom 7 to 8, A. M,; 12 to 2 itnd 6 P. li: • , z - .;( : .; •- - i ,4 u TP li'fir;l7f toots ant Sbuttitsturv, 'STEW Wt00. 1 ,-- - WAVBOI4: & SON 1.1 base openedat thetiStoroltoota, On - the Atirth/ west-Cornet of:the Diantottd,• opposite Frank - lie Ball, .Chambersburg, Pa.; an - autirely :tteifr stook 'of goods; conslstitig of BOOKS offiltowst every deecription. St& tiotiery - of all ,kindS,Etitelopes., Stool ,to 40, Mee a-large 'aseertment - ol WALL' PAPER', ISM WiP BLINDS, varioua•prtces, ifildfkgreatfltrietyof NOTIONS AND EA Ni,)l( AR.VPIAOr Fans, Vases, Lodi* arid' Misses DOtets 124 . , •; 41 Ctair soap: and. Perfumery. Also gsqd Assortment of WS:fated,' Bbetlaad..Woot; ituda 'great vaiiety ofSroade:toP.:attmerbus to boast. t 6 • which /ley javite the.atlerttiOri the Public; anti' res SPecttully solicit s slosto of **DOUG Dattimagfo. • • , Plea .e call and extmine our:stock s : • Jsnit 77,',63. - - Wof,t'PlON # SOll. • . „ -;- .-BOOKSELLEROANDTTBLI MER I N ' ' ” anufncturersof BlanivundSfertiottinditirilkate,'Phnto• graph AlburrunManifolii Writirti. ; btarbltiPfineti . 27 Bbutb Seventh Streit abeffiChettnnt. Blank work of every d egript ion, for County Officers, Hotel& Counting Howes, and Public Offices dime to or• der. Orden! left with 8.8. Sttroctl, Cbambersburg, Pa. promptly attended to, Sept 90'63.1y • 130gits e Statiotkert,•..tc. S., SHRYOCK, , BO.ORSELLER 'Ic:ST.ATIONER, Now occepieshis N &Mar fto - nsr, and is prepared to transact business. with: grdater fieilities than ever. ' -i; - . . -BOOKS. School BOoks, Miscelian : eoUsßooks, •TOyJ3ooks.. . . Law Books, Medical Baok, Sunday School Military Book.< • BIBLE' S.„ . A large u--s` ortmeat of FoCket, anSI Family BLANK 'BOOKS Of a ll s i z es, qualities ienkfttyles of binding, A g rea t variety of all kinds of Writhig and Print ing,Papers, of French, English and - Ainerican ttfaiture, Also, Ertielopes of alleireaand qualities, Ink, Pens, Pencils. India -Rubber, Tapes. Seals, Q u ill s , C o py Books. Blottlnglia • ard, Erasers, Writing Sand.. - • ' : , • : Junil7,'!33 The very' best (Int.ti- Twits in the twirl( et.fullY warsanuid, trade by , ,Lecoy of.X. Y. • • BLIND' PAPER. • kfull vtixiety otputteins and qualities. PAPER. - Nearly . Two Urn - at) di burnt patterns:togt tfie . r with gnitable Berdt,ifirigi; Plain; Velvet And Velvet PlC t rtiriE FliA. Mtg. . , Oval anciSgitare Fraines PhotograPh4,.rtiute made to order. • • : , • Fit.ggCli GLASS, . • For Picture Erameit. of any isbse". • NOVELS • . MuCh lower than imidishM43' prices, among which are the following: The White Cruisei,' The Banger ! : ; • , The Midnight Queen, - • . English Teta, - • ' ' 'Tosep`tinei Maid of the Saranac, Capt.l-lawkes; ' , • DonDernardo 4 s Daughter, Helene, • • • David Dutricks, • ; . - • Sketches in France. Verner's • Scott's Novels; Dickens' Novels, M„ra.Southw'th'sliOvels, Mrs. Gray's Novels, • • Bnlwer's Novels,. • Arthur's Nov'els, " ' '• Lucy Sanfo,liti; • . Rifle Shobs, • • Trial and Triumph. " Prinie and Pedlar. • Annette, , East Lynne, Miriam Atroy, ' Legends and Stories, ; 4 Red Jack, Red Scout, Belle of the BoWerY. Sybil Campbell, • Grace Weldon, • Rival Beauties. • •• The tirtimbler, .Tiarren Honor, The SaYary, '• Falkland, Milrose, , Chips from Unele slaelt.-knife, The Everlasting Fortune Teller, The Manceuvering Mothers , Marguerite de Valois, Egirgg;Night at Orford. gniet Hisbind, TwOPrirrra Donnas;"' • . }(organ's Freemarenrs, The Debtor's Daughter, _ The Banker's Wife, Righwayrcian's Bide, Nobleman's Daighter, The Scarlet Flower,• The Wife's Trials, Cecilia Rovrtird, • Lena Cameron': . The Expectant, • Ler Miserableg, 5tX) Puzzles. .EIiGRAYINGS. . - . English, rtench, German and American &gra. vinks. RASRETS. Fancy. Traveling, Book. Picnic, Fruit. Knife rind Clothes Baskets. • • ZEFRYR WORSTEDS. ' • Single' and Double Zephyt, Tapestry and Split Zephyr, Shetland Wool, &a: /re, NEWSPAVERS. ' • The Philadelphia and Neiv York Dailies received daily. h Clubs or individualstroPPlifd. • - . • IWEEKLY. , PAPERS.. ' W. IV. AC IILO-913ER , liarper‘oll9ekty; . , , , , Frank • Leslie - • ~ N. Y. Me rcur, N. Y. Weekly; Itiw.York Ledger, eteth . . meciied *ccMy • '1 '. PF,IIIO DICA LS. . . -Harper's Monthly, • At!orate Monthly; ' .. .Continental, - : : .. = • . Godey , . , . Peterson, •• • - - - • Balton, ----t nkkerbOsliii. 1 ' - ... : All the Year Roniul, _Cornhill, etc., ete., .: , received as soon as published.- ,be-EA:1) Atl the Dina Publications, Weekly Nouvelbottes, Sons Soaks. etc., received daily. ORDERS. We take orders for all kinds of lrbodr: ' ' EXPRE,S. w e , r eepive goods by Exprege RVilif DAT from the East.- • ' - Blank Deeds - . ' :Wstiting and PriOting Csidr. ' • i; Rulers, • • ' ' ' PaPer,Weifiittfvf •'• „Fitulci Boxes, • ‘`i ". &ruts andßruSilpi. ' • - I n d fi n etemderd- thtds iu - outs Rae - emustiMtly -on land. . MUSIO:" * .phe,ti Epic. f9r We "PiAlllB6 13i111118,§1Coill'dfii 3;46 Save • QarenatonaersfrontGift td OneinundrettandPfttr I • , • .• ; ; (We OA g4P.4 I Y 4 1 .0 1 -Atrid 0.11110441. Ingtrnments , at . p yl e i s fax lowor.tbannanai, • ". ; . . . , ' PROTOORApg ALEtti,MS. = can jell Photograph' Albums at lower prices than they boa impreehred_for itt : • • ' - t, Sim hesitation iAbayingtb bnrotisteMers that, flea; aar:lOnrexPerienem .'ottr 'mariner of do= ink bolil;te.Piprid nrir r arelo,far. dities, we daunt fear -competition. and have no doubt.of our being able :to give entire satisfaction. "- '''• ' - - Come and see our New Store, our new and en larged stock, and form your own opinion.. Chamb endoirg. June 17,1863.,, stA.TIoNtRY. GOLt pke*4. , 1 4*****4.,QE:i4iii, OxN` " ARMY AND NAVY AGENCY:, 204 SOUTH-VOURTH STREET,- ;. . 7 _,PFAIDADELItiId., - The Undersigned, having resigned pasitio as Pay ;Sakai/ghillie S.Amy, has opened at No 24 u SOUTH ; 0 1 , 01311111 STEMET„ , ea, AGFAQI" FOR PR TILING -.PENSIONS, and fbi the collection of OFFICERS', unnur, - ittnTallotber Puglia against the Government. My long experience as Paymaster, has given me man . Una. facilities forzbehoniing; thoroughly acquainted with thiabusiness inallita On the receipts by mail, of'a statement of the case of claimants, I will forward this necessary papers tor 'their signature. , Personal at tention will he given torfie cake at gashingt6n. • . binchirge melees inceeSsfui, when $5 - will be charged for collectix g ail aurae Udder 580i_and *Von ali sndl's over that 'aisionnt and under $2OO. Larger claims taken on special Arrangement. Fees in PetuldoiCasee as fixed by law. • IRFCRIIATIOI: 'FOR AND INSTRUCTIONS TO ' Clam/NTS: • -Ali Soldiers of the present :Wars who-have served two years, and ,Soldiers discharged for wounds received in battle4Wlthunt reference to time of service, are entitled besides their regular-pay, to $lOO Alounty. . • t. `ln cage Soldierisee Seamen are dtheharged for disability ostabundireceived white in the service, they are entitled to a Pension according to the disability. 'ln calk' of the 'death of the - Soldier before discharge, throftghdisciase contracted, or woundiseceived while In serome, hie Widow is entitled td receive the $lOO Bounty, besides arrearages of pity and pension daring her lifetime or wj.dowhood. Ifltho Soldier' die tate dischirge l ,frein disease con tracted er. *rinds received. while In service, his widow 4,- entitled to a pension of $O6 neFanntn. rto Widow.orAtirter children; the mother of the Sol dier or Seaman, will receive the Pension, if dependant on him whollyitinirtter.kupPort. -• ' . - ltdeceased Soldier or. Seaman /ewe ,no widow,. his children are entitled' tollai 'Mine benefits aetlie widow, excePttihtin the children iney tie over jtie age of 16 years, If no widow or minor child en s , the bounty and pay will descend' to theliiirs aml follnws: - First to the Father, second thaldother, third to the Brothers and Sinters, and then to the nett of kin. Disebefged Sohbers,*bnsw.cldthing account was tin settled at the time of discharge, can recover any balance dtbs than; it the Company books are not destroyed. To draw, this balance .write,yptg Captain for a deserip-, tivellet;Shoiring Clothing account, and forward it to me - . with your preliminarystatement, &ring also the date of your discharge. • Soldiers,whoseried nine monthe'veltintders; call . x,eaTar $27 bounty and premium, without , regard to time 'of service, if they have not already received it. . . Boklietratho were priSonersiti the South, and SOldierii who were absent on sick farlongh,,exe entltledto cora tnntationnf rations: ' • " • likcoratutuaicating with this,affice;state the nature, of yottr claim fally, and give the Company and Reg meat to, which you or the Soldier for whom you claim belonged; as wpil as yourpresent Post OE4O athaess. ' REFE.A.I3.NCE,S t , Ills Rieellencyr`distinsw 4: Orsini, Governor of P4n sylvania. - Has. &mos Caussos, Harrisburg, Pa. gari:ZossenCasav,OhlefJnatiea of thaourt of Claims; Washington. . „ H.: aaoosii,' thief Cl6rk of' Pay. Department, - ,Washington. . , • , • Hos. ilbwasu 'Mc Parnios; 31.-C..Washirigton. Hos: 3..t5. , P;Evsassr, .Presiident ;fudge, Distrielt 'Court; Pittsburgh. 11.1deCtinut,Chrulabershurg,•Pa. • HosiTstmiw A. Setirv, .Y.lqaProsideS ,Penz'allail Road. Wnitsm B2TsostAs,VOliettor of the Port, Phihaa. Home; A.W . wierar, Post/faster, Philadelphia. • Dr vrrt, &Co, BankPre, Philadelphia. • • Jai= DmilsO, President Or Onion 'Rant, Philadelphia Bumarr &FAMIEO/L,NE..af.tietS,. , Gnu* Weave& BENIN, Merchants, Cturiemi Kuzma& iteo.lierciranta, ' ' PRITCEIRTT,..I3AIVOH & CO., ,; - , • " • MVO FAUST & Co., Metchttnts, lir.spatgs JR.:* Co.. Merano:its, " • Cuanza E.,Mosuals & Co„ Merchants, &TIM* WurtE & Inerehautu,' - - JOHN fit. June 17,'834f; NO.2ntriorhet PENSION,, ROUNTY..AND WAR AdENot:—Pensions procured for soldiers o the present wanartin are disabled try reason of wounds 'wafted. or disease,cnidgactedoshile in the sefticeof the Uniteit'State4; and Pensions, $lOO 11Ounty, and Arrears or PO, pbtained for.vidows or hard of those who hay died or been killed while in serrice. „ JOHN E. EXAftti Agent. Feb.2s, - • • Chadibersburg,-Pa: ,i'biobto and, nitwit E "DUO SETTIJE.If i ErNT" StitrW3l O*N - 1--=Ell' elyine: .71W, *yriy• iznat taisititent! respect nil ' ht• forma his Wanda and the public generally_ that he has removed hle detablfehment from the "Dutch Settlement" up town,-to,the epaciona : BuOm- forznerly occupied by AlinniCh 4 - Brand, and nearly O:Ppopite Wbite'e , . He has just received large -assortment of COOK, PAxLoyt. add HINE,' PLATE STOVES of the 1 moo nppreved and latean patterns; which hen= and Is det,rmmed to sell as cheap, if note little cheaper, than • can:be had.elsewhard in-the Mitnitfy; He las also, and intends :keeping constantly-on hand, a lir& issorffnent Of Tid, Copp'e'r and Sheet-lion Ware made of the.best material and b.f. good workmen.- ' 4Q- 4 Personi in want of anything in the • aboye line • are requestid to cite him 41 calf before finrchaing else where, as lie feelaconvinced thathg consult theMeit4er " cur reeatilt the article or the - Pride. SeiHMING =de and put up atthn'aflorteat poticei All kinds Of repairing done neatly and expeditiously: Old 'Pester, Brats And OopPer tlakeard exchange for , Ware„or.the highest pricegicen in cash 4 , 1 - • 1: June 17,1863. JACOB B.IIdIpLER. voirousEKEPkats, I laghei'zSunrise- 4 ir-Tischtf—A New Flat Top • kith/KING' STOVE,. The pliiteit ate Very-heavy, andthe whole Stove is finished in astiperiormiumer. • I vairrant this Stove to beauperior ti any Viiit.Tdp ;Stove now in tithe marketiand respectfully invite my friends anti the I public to call and examine this Stove, of which them • • • aro several sizes. I have also a great variety of • other.' CPONlyiri STOVES of every style; PARLbIt STOYh'S t new and beautiful patterns," togetherr;Witli , :ii I h'eavy , vitiriek STOTES,for,Ohurcliety, Store iiOffices,liqtels. &c, ; • , • " JOAN S. 'LUDWIG, Wholesale and Retail If ettlor in • • - • • TIN 4NA COPPRR WARE. have been apPointhd•_Soli Agent fir Galls • gher's clelebritpd4uprist4ix , T . igly.-Cook Myatt), f ;ham. • bersbafg;l4. ' = • - June'll; 18t33. AT ETTER A HAMILTON & CO'S. igii Griatve Land Thu Wei* Sieire, Cotner' of the"' iamond,can, be eeen ,rye .I,argctre l best. and reheapess t . +dock at. Goode 'in ebatribereljnre taVe COOK r, Il+l3 STOVESOr-Woptand Coalinilabeetp4terne and at Ear prices. jJnne 17, 7863, ' .I Y OUT.MG DON. U AT SHORT Neltlbß;Of first rite naterl4 'sail ebeaP- • • 11 Work. warranted, and theaper then tan be bought elsewhere la the County x Paltasul eee for yourselves, at - ' ' "' ' ' • - "ETTgIt MtbrltTObt &-CO'll. ' , • ..:' .• ; • Ilel'itly ely ash eth e Bank. .. - LITTER; HAMILTON & CO. ard . I - ilzpxppred Ina , tip the bete LIGHTNING RODS et Cheap rates. . , • A WAYS OINT HAND, A LARGE a—vr:ftvlY....,Jaraned and ~ e ,iaa • r . • liTrart HAMILTON &CO 8. LL WORK WARRIANTED; 'and A aireapii , than 'lcazi bir.bongliti`elsealtbre iti the ".county. Came ayi.!l eeer—then,bvy,,at .„ ‘", Fat F,11.; ItraltTON & CO'S, fIALt AXI) Di t,) KING ROW- tOtfieStfilitif. l. "l"Sey ssstty, ,Bod atte/ ol)FISIt• . I:;."E,TSSLB, fleatitTactri , &ars; A ffits doors frpto, Shryook's Book Store. 1040164,, leitAit_TA.AD; RbVSE AND 131,6 N PAINV,R. - 'GLAZIER, , AND' PAPER IiANGEB,EgEMP 1 -, apif,Armory •ißtz*lingi• (up.ksttars,} ' Mit gOoy .i9`fr),(4. l o4 " , , f i fferoi:-Cates tanlase" Milnitfactorg, , ,omsits Rionni's and ' CORIUM 0 s>t CbNlYsivti-lttietk , . CliainberstriXtg, Fa: I iespectftdry Olt natant 9f F44 , ing t%ti- Zeus of Cheiberrtibbrefindf vicinityl r ome - very Jbetal psittpnage I have received ot -their. halide for dia. - Oast yeskt, (my first year in this OlAeo,)athrflattering myself iha howdonis, and •sod am still prepared to do, the .111.0 TOL itTY9 l tl 3 ;ifixlipA ll mM/tip:wi IOW e/a fp S. ittit T. IrEt rrispeofftiliOlifeT to atiy,olsay tiottorde—Jamei Ityster, wm.hfctenafian,, Col. A. lf,,,alcoure, Be Idr. I , demnimiesbliferitlit Libtrdb;l o r.RibliiitainDr.Fistier; of M. RieitAr kOIAkicTRIVI 4eV4-htessenitera: Anima flyster,Wm.C:Kliter, and any others for ;irhom I bate doniVardikh 4 for tharairor•of work &Sae; eastaYped It ICI 4Wki.47 , ' 6B , liPLYIKENTS.—DeaIers and Man 'vateturers of Auicultand and other Implement', can reach a large clam , A' valuable customer by Anna 111121111 in the /HANEL'S REPOSITORY. _ • f =1 ME= = IM EIS inourante, AiERICAN J.NSUR'ANgB 4A 4 . AND TRUST' COMPANY. '-'f r • autlread Corwr of Fraisaut Auer?, • Streets, delphia. Incorporated 1850. . CAarter ../trpetUa7.7'- AttiIIORIZIrD CAPITAL, $500,000'00. PAID DP CAPITAL,' E 150.000 CC ASSETS, $1.897,746 . . Insures jives during the natural life, , or for short feria grants annnulties and endowments - and Malted con - Mots of ail kinds depending on ;the issues of , Ufa. Acting also as Executors. Trustees and Guardians.— Micies of Life Insurance insured at the nand nthruat rates of other good Companies—with proats to the -In suied—last Bonus. Jewelry, 1861, being 43 per -Cent, allpreatiums received on mutual -policies at joint. stock-rates, 20 per rent. lees than the above. NON-FOIAPEITINIE PLAN. By which a person pays for 5,T, orbit yearsonly,whca. 'the Policy is patd up for life, and nothing more to pa). and should be be unable, or *fah to discontinue sooner, the Company will issue a paid-up policy ,la proporthm to the amount of premiums paid, as follows: ," :- rAt year 1 At - 7year lAt 10 year . . . , I Rates. Rites. I Rates. . Attar .payment or - . . • ~.' the animal premi- • - l• urns Ann policy of ", $1000) for , $ too:o6 $285'00 szxl eo - OP PaYl of 4an.pre. 8%1, .00 671 40 400 00 . - 6 ~ • 857 10 . .. .1 ,0 , , :A 8 ri . ' 800 - 00 i *ntinalpreminta for $1000.: •-•; ~. - , • NON-FORFEITURE I i EN: YEAR RAM ' Age 2IJ, ' - b = 450 50 2534 I* - - . . 30, .. v , • . P 40, . : •• AI 45 ' ' 53 50 - -J. 50, --- - . - '`43o 30 - •-- ireinrance may be eirected„giving toanyvarty, on the death of life insnredett certain yearly Income by efittOr- '. 'silent for life, tbni 640iding all contingencies of freest- ' lug the same, and- play be double or treble the' yearly • interest. > ALHXANDER:VHILLDIN, President. - . , - . , SAMUEL WORE; Viee•Prtlident.— JOHN R. WILSON. SecTelaryand Treafrurer. ; - r BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Alexinder Whilldln, Edgar Thompson,: . lIOn. James Pollock, lion. Joseph Allison. AIWA , C; Roberts, .Bowman, _ - Samuel. T. Bodine, R. 'Eldridge, George Nugent, IJohn Aikmatt„ tiowar,di Chos.P. Beatllelt .3amuerrork;.4 - ~ , • MEDICAL EXAMINERS. J. - J. NEWTON wAutn, la: D.: in attendance nt the Compody's office daily, - at It o'clock, , • K. 0: REPO; Chambersbnig; Ps., the'authorisd Agent, of the Amer:can Lite Insurance And Trost Giro pony, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets oc anyinformation.*anted,, and to take IrusurtinCes. - MOO Alt Dd, Medical Examiner. , - EXPERENCES—IIon. A. K. McClure; Retr.B..l. Nis colls, J. , 8. Niron; Chatnbanburg, and Ww . M. Marshal Otititi6r, Hagerstown Benin oci 6p-tf VRANKLIN IIsTSITRANQ24. :COM— PANY OF - PHILADELPLUA, No. 435 . and 437 4.,neldiAt,Strat. - ' Capital-' ' $400,000,00 - Perpettal Prenitunui, 89b02415 - UneApired Temporary: ms 171.1i24 , 66 Scarp W- - " 924;194; _ . Total,t ; 2 , 302 4 26 $9 StaUnkeilt of the Assets of the Company on Januattl, - 1803. First .I.lortgag. es. amply secured $1,993,931 49. ~ Ilea Tatate, (Preenent vol no $138,3 5'2 .47,) cost 128,970 71 - ° Temporary , I,oans..on ample Collateral Been- - ~, Titles - 84,625 1 , 0 Stabka, (present ialiie $408,3n5 16,) cost 84,901 , 511 • Notes and Bills receivable 6.... 1,549 5 4 3 , Cash - - 75,313 93 =I Advance In 'mine of 1 I. 1 f..t ,, te (met rtmt Advance in !glue of Stocks tvv/ Total - .$2,392,118 air The only Profits front Premiums which this Com patrytairdlirlde by law.at e from MIAs whirls have been Ot t determined..., • - • -'“)it Ili:grad from the Charter of the Chisixiny. - thetrioneye received air premiums upon siakstill which reniaimtmdetermined. nod are ontstandingat the tink-er declaring each Dividend, shall- not bi considered " 0 AD parte! the profits of said Corporation, or dividedtres. such."' .EICILPEZAA L. or LIMITED INSITRANCESAiIiratfit . op every description of property, in Town and Country,'.l for" Owners, Mortgages. Ground, Landlords, 4,4 astetrus low an areeousistent with security; 'Knee their Incorporation, a period of thirty years,. they beer NOV It MILLIONS OF DOLLASiic' LOSSES BY FIRE, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of Insurance. us well as the ability and dia.. position to meet 'trial promptness all liabilities. ' _.• _ LOSSES BY FIRE. Cowes paid daring the year 1862, 369,1 98 I" ' - DIRECTORS. . - r Charkellittaticker;' •• Darld 8. Brawn, Tobias Wagner , . ~ ..I saac Lea, Samuel Grant . ' ' - Edward C. Dale, Jacob B. Smith, George Mee,' • •,' 1 '," , George W. Richa Alfred - Pitler. ‘ .. f CHARL ES S X. BANClKER,..Preehient i *, - •EIIIWAID C. DALE, Tice President. - , Jte.W.NflausrirtcBqef pro-tern. ' • `-',", 1.• 451- Application made to DAvro, OAKS. of Cha mbers r., „burg,lirholii•en antlibrizea 'Agent for the COnfininy eithernerapnally or-b7fettorofill z roeet filth ottentkin. , . - Ilqrtli 4,1843. , . -.= . 11•1 - ,I.P.A.litE.. - -VONPANY A'SIERICA: 'INCORPORATED 17114." ARRPEZTET.42I.:CHARTZR:: • • CAPITAL 'ssoo • • 0men—N0.22.2 Won Snarr, PECILADRIXIIIA. , This Oonspan*nre nbwiproseentingthelmisineia twelve from loas or Damage by, FIRE on Buildings, -, iferthatidlit Piniftnie Ac.;threughont the State' tot - Pennsylvanilt, - on L.TB.E.R4L TERlif, for long or Wirt , • 1 'Perk& ; or permanently on Bundinge, by a - deposit of „ Preminm, -•- • = , The PECI - MPT Pirmiivi of Cr:tote for Losoze dMillit the , ,period of nearly Stirtßtir Tuna that . the Company has been in exista _ rkce,4mtitics them t4the confidence of.tho • public. t ' , _ Coffin, - Samuel Ty. Jones, John A. Bran, Charles. Taylpr, „: Ambrose White, ;, Tobn,R, Neff,. - Richard D. Wood, , Wllliaat Welsh, • • ( j . W9lliare E. Bowen, .; • • - CHARLES PLAIT, Nec'y. ARTHITRALCOPPIN, Prat. , W..atittrat HarrUbritty, wsu e. 1BD; thamteriblirg, Pa., to the; ii 6l 4g 4 LlCAr; o2 llnattontecowpapY - Of. Nor* kaasm!,..l ca, arid rs'alivays n'terrniifflo give any information 46: eiref4and to takelnentances. c t RP.P.l.llllNCErieeTaylor and John Grier, Wi.,-theinbereknirgr— net 21b63Z 1 ti 61 A.crt dito:VZ„ • f, -of blininbeisbarg; 1a the General ,Apixt% of the . • 4 Franklin County Matualinstrance Cempany. June 17,'63. ' WM. McXXXL/iN., ii anll ? ~tliu . TeO Tick!, iiTYBLIC 'CrENTERA.Lfir'' - - - 011AlltBES10111t61 1 011NDRIC.' - •• - undersigned takes this method 40, inform the pub • Stud be lies taken theFOUNDltrao long cairind on by Win. Seibert, vdth';all tlie_PATTPJtttB connected ther-4 ,1- , where he, purposes continning the busineasoinkia now pi-spared teMalta - • = • •. ALL KINDS 'OP - CI2t:StIIZGSt • that may be wanted .by : the, community, girded/matt, - • tendon will be paffta making end iteePhig on hand eric en: dc. desiriplibm of:PLOWS, - OUTINGS, Wit(ION110X- - p,S., • . • All kinds- or Caltlegitnishg fa order. ' • New Wows, or - 414trrent patterns; always on blast*, " made to order., -OLD:METAL takezt.-in trade; +forinliich the hbOgiiii irice will be glyon. - , • - By devating6lm § elf attentiolY inidneie heinivis to merit' and.receiren share of -public patrtmage. , ;; - June, 17,'83. ABRAHAM 24 . • , , • • W,',MARBI,E.i -YARD.---`le i • ii, R a mv isper4/ 1 1?.gpotpc t s tothe 'alTranklitrerunty ht he as opened a New kftai.f r .t b f Yard tir We roma iltrtratrly ociimpled by 'Dr. Ettruilltm4 directly opposite J. B. Nison.B Drug Store,,Alalu Street, ; lothe'Dorongb of Dleiniberebtirk, Wherebe'will'keeta hand Or make to order articles.fn hilt:tide of bosla-, E , , . liTith as MONUMENTS; TOSIIIS and' 1811,A1) STONO* 'M ANTUA; TADlats STAND TOP% to., nianufbatured & ' 3 ' from tbo very best Feral gp.and Domestic Marble. itifiectfolty solicits trarltfediri those who thertiehr` went of any article In the aborrone.. No i s mimeo istj • his ability to satisfy all wbo may be pleased to patronise hirni tither as regards kieprices,:or the finality, beauty,- and Chasteness Of hie work, , Aly• • ' • JOAN A. GROTE. 11 - " NtrY ACT OltY ,—.. r Akf 2, tindertlined'etill Barry. On their BOOM akriv: • theirbrdstatitV:cn :Mot Atarket atWhk, -- :! -,- Obambersbutv,. They would inform thepublie have proildedtsMhaelvei With IC Machine to, Broom Seed, which they will do for such as do not want to do it themselves, and make their proems cheap for cask, or On the shares. They will also pay' CABS FOR DROOUOOR:I.1 if well getup. - tseptl6-3ml D. &E. 3. TITTLE. M I Tlr RI 1. .1 , 4:Aa9,3t11 9, tbt ittas 13,473, Jimes N.lNekson,it , S. 3{,qrrlgt John' Maeon: *- ,GeorgeL,Mirrlion,L Prancle It, Cope, •Edwardli: Trotteti' • t Edward S.Clarke, Wiiifntn Citioruings;