ASUP., Wituto atilt Vines,.. DESCRIPTIVE 'CATALOGUE OF wait wuOLESALS AND RETAIL Piließ42B " FOR 1813, ieseiihittg and exhibiting the relative imitortance elan .:•• • • ' ;out valuable Native Vines. CONTE-NT-S. - TO COMitSra•Mirere. stating , the advantage 'and mitimoraot ;be new mad"; - An account. of the lona 4/tie!{ the preeent sealant; Proposal to- sell- to 'clubs at whom& prix „„1/2 by winch plan purchasers, will obtain vines at-very little aulvanco on ettial cost of production, and always - receive good plants in perfect cendition; Ex -11049t,0f the lona establishment; Method of producing ItetAlies. Description of the different kinds, with*. fall account •,,,f the distinctive Characteristics of all those which are - . - worth attention- - An account-of the pmlnetiorr of the two new seed . Sings, lona aid Lamella, with their history and accurate • descriptions; Letters from -Mr. P. B. Mead cuticerning theta, givitig his opinion of their merits flow to keep grapes iu Winter, with engravings slow- - irk ; • 11°W be easily and efficiently - done. Some.,nf -ourbestnew kind§ May be- kept as easily as tipples, n ttill•ylnbtis life 4nd - flavor. The quality 9f vines as effented by the ago of the Ante mid different modes of propagatien, and tile eel:MO *3'y of the different kinds to purchasers, with many en graviagw, . • , Selection of varieties to plant for the -,table and for - family use, with the consideratinins which determine the' proper`eholee. - Tables of selections far differentlatlludes for any num plants, from six vines for a very small yard, to hundreds for a fruit garden for family supply. 'Table of selections by Mr. !dead, with the considerro. 'lons which influence his choice of a selection of one ht - ndred. The value of plants according to the method of pops • gAtion, snowing, also. how and- what plauta to use fur clothing the trellis the first year, and obtaining an Mi med/obl productiou of fruit. For Descriptive Catalogue send two-cent stamp. ,11- instrated tlitelogue, three 3-cent stamps. • kC. W. GRANT, lona (near Peekskill), -Westchester Co., N.Y. The Descriptive Catalogue is prepared to meet the Imam of the present time, when the questions are ask eat .-7 1 • What.are the kinds of grapes to plant, and what Zan.their THIlld?" 1 4/rape Vines for Garden and 'Vineyard, of surposeirlg - 4t:tatty, and at lowest prices. Nines for irumediatehearing, which will cover a trellis the drat season with hearing wood and a great tanantity of. fruit. . - -Vines for .Vineyard planting of excellent quality, and at prices scarcely above the cost of production. I offer vines which I believe cannot lie iippluached iu quality aild Cheapness. ' • -tido Season the new kinds of grapes have everywhere Mullin the degi ee of their superiority over- oar former best kindota ne so great that Isabella and Catawba have alinpit pastier" (runt consideration, and it was not a little gratifying till the to, learn front all quarters that the grapes which received the premiums were generally - borne on vines of my production, and I have hundreds of fetters glvingaccouots of trials mode of my vines in _ c impetition with others for production andhairdiness, all apesiklng the same thing. nuske:ka extract from a letter by one of our most 4intingnisheil hortieulturaliats a visiting tear in the vicinity of -llartford •• Although I shall see yon soon, and tell you how gratifying the sight which the excel lent performance of your vines has almost uuiforudyi ail:tinted ned always when your directions have been Litz - lowed“ cannot firbear mentioning a few instances in t his letter, One is a Cale in Manchester where vines of your production, three yearn front planting, are caeryr tug a crop of Delawares that are worth a journey to be hold by the aide of those from another quarter, five years - old, for which a much larger price was paid, and which hare not one-fifth as much weight of fruit of an im • measurably . inferior quality.. The purchaser showed me, by calculation based upon the ',aloe of the fruit now on the vines, that your vines were cheaper at the price -which he paid than the others would have been if he had received Show free with a gratuity of $2 each with - every vine. Mr. Mottier was right when lie decided to " - pima none but your heat Delawares," Dated Hartford, wept. 4, 1863. I make another short extract from a letter, tram 11r. Charles 31. Beach, also of litutford: "I -- did nut begin to plant my vineyard until after thorough, investigation,when it laud Meanie clearly appai eat that, dny.beirt nolue was to trust fully to Yourjudgment, and I determined to follow your directions implicitly.; in all mattere pertaining to the vineyard, and I have only re grettedothat I had not taken this course one or two years sooner. I tiara not been disappeinted in any one point except that the performance has uniformly surpassed my Most sanguine expectation, as well ITS your promises. I am using my utmost diligence to get another lucre rem ' dy fur the Sall, and must claim, your premier) to call and See that right before I begie. The bushels orDela - weres and _Diiums with which- he vines age now loaded, when only on the second year, and the excerlence and lieut.,' of the fruit have warmed me with'en-enthusiasm for the undertaking that is not nrimingled with grab• tulle to you for the full and explicity directions given in your Illustrated Catalogue and Landmarks." And also by 'bitter, clats3l Hartford, Sept, 13, 1863. A snort extract from 'mother Mr. Beach at Binghamp tun' May sure up all iui,ne word:- the vines bays performed wtonly 'clues of Dr C. W. Grants bestAilec tionisan do, and those from other quarters are not to be mentioned in connection with theta I wishuiy ground would accerartiodete 1,000 instead of 100. I followed your C .talogne implicitly, and also studied Landmarks. With Such guides - Idici sot Sear the result. Dated Sept. 14. Truly and gratefully yonrs." • .31.7 Descriptive Uatalogue is printed on very fine pa per, and,Colniblte of '2O - Very large pages filled .with just smith matter no I have thought inquirers concerning vines would wish to find. I append the table of con cents by winch some idea of it stay be firmed. Xt is 41- - lilittnted with 23 engieviogs. it is sent for a two-cent stamp. • I.I.II,USUATED CATiL - t)GUE. Seventh Edition:— Three three-cent stamps, or less ' than one-half its mist. NO work has been published in this country, of what -ever size, which can compare with it in amount of. prae tital information. It is newly Written and contains many new engravings. A pamphlet of thirty-two_ pages called THE GARD NER'S MANUAL ON THE VINE, will be published during the month and definite directions for the mumagement of Tines dt their reception, and during - the first years of growth and early bearing. , Illustrated —with many engravings for different circumstances of training. C. W. GRANT, " roNA, near PEEIiSKII,L, 4 SVeatcliester County, N. T. would say to subscribers to Landmarks, that sickness and events connectedwith the war have render ...slit impossible fur mato keep my engagemerits to them: Theitwo next numbers have been lying in typeoiind also a large-part Fittite third fur more than three mouths, but l'conki not cimunand the time to complete the pub lication. ft - requires weeks of uninterrupted attention, and until after the let of December I shall not be able to command hours. I feel my obligations to them, and have Striven, with all of my ability, to fulfill them,- - One number may-be expected during the month of NO [ nor 4'63.6m] C, W. G. rfIRREFiI ,_rf REES! !-AVIIISONI VILLE NiTRS ERY: Advns Co.; Pa.---Btlft likral. it WILSON, Proprietors. •... FildPIT AND ORNA3IIINTA.L of growth and fine assortment of varieties, for' sale add Fall, and next Spring. Persons desirous 'nf purchasing win call on our Agent, J. F. CROFT, Chao bersburg, Franklin Co., Pa. - . 40,000 APPLE TREES, " Your years old, very stiong and healthy. 20,00 PEACH TREES. 1,2. arid 3Yiars. very fine. Also. Standard and' DWart • PEAR AND PLUM _TREES, " • 1,000 CHERRY TREES, -Of the-following lauds: gurabarland, Triomph,tl3laok Elgin. „Black Tartaritin t Elton, Gov. Wood, Yellow Span ish rind Gre di•nstre tu • - • . 10,000 000SEBERRIES, Houghton and Ohio dcedlinga. R A SPBEILRLES. • - • . - BLACKBERRIES, STRAWBIBIRIF3, 3 • URBA 'PM - HOS& STOCES HARDY NATIVE GRAPE, VINES: - - Ire offar-aery, turongft/3U of Aunn. kiloton, Vatast,a, iloacrud, Delaware. Diana, Oporto, MazatatrnSy, Hart- Cord Protiffc, - Isabelia. Rebecca, Taylor, Oftyabogn, am; Ontam*astd lienshaw. BURKHOLDER & WILSON. Bendersville, Adams county, :Pa. 1. T. ICR'Ol l 2,* Agott, Chambereburg.. [Sept 2.:-3m. *VINES.—Our Stock of .I),ELiirdRE, CONCORD. DIANA, IL&RTFORD LIETC,thIRVELIN6 ELSINOITURO.7IERIVEMM" UNION, TO RALON. lINION VILLAG-1., ClIYAII04); Ittlaf=k, ANNA TAYLOR OR BULLITT,apd sit Sl1o: other leading . I:inds, is unsurpassed anywhere in the country. - .I'a - ram Wfishlngto purchase, end who cannot visit our. • Kamm& to - er.aanine our vines and vineyard„wheri the above acid many other kintißrnirq be seen , in f r uit , would do ecelrto send for ourNr.ll" PRICE LW; wbich' te`eefit•toellooicants tree of Charge. dept. 2-2 M. - Boa 155 Pittsburg - , Pa.. • ........ . . - • • T 1/ AW B E R RI E S 1 " • i 7 • - • AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER ...vegci.;) dtßosillafor planting STRAWBERRIES. _ Good plants of leading v . arieties : tiViLSON'S' ALBANY, TRIGNPR DR GAIN; .... • ' - HOVEY'S' SEEDLING, 'ad., 4 ltiFbn Ina at the Franklin Nurseries, or IT addresiglii tle andersigried_by order. , JACOB -WLYSER, tug 19 ~, Agent. - _ _' ' ' • NeY --; OWRRAD .-- Our- new. PRI - ' -*, 'lap of STRAWBERRIFZ, RASPBERRIES,' m • gßatigs. etiftittANTS. 4 o-00R,EBSRRI ES. (AT% VINES, dv.i4-c.. Is chow issued inl.will be sent to in n'plilianuts tree ,01 charge. "MBA, ... / 03..80 1 : .. ," - , Box 155 ) burg, Pa. „trus t ..1131,ants .ant -. • ... c• . . ....... _ , . .. 1-7 ANKLIN NURSERY,. . - , i , cELLMBI3 . OIIURCI,, PWEA. The rnbscriber would invite the attention of the pnbfie to a very line assortment of 'Fruit and Ornamental xi:. el,* new ready for sale. . . 421 an inducement to plant A.PPI;E:TIIFILS, tw . ill plant t' em at $25 per hrindred (the selection. halms much as possible to myself) from 5 to 7 feet high, and -wen formed. I will further guarantee the grovvilt of,flient,:the 'pur. chaser todig the holm and pttve the tree phe after boat ment.that I. may direct. ' APPLE TREES, ~ From 6 te 7, f oo t high, 15 eta each. $12.50 per hundiett. 4 to 5 feet my own selection. $lO per hominid- Mtn), holm from 8 to 10 feet, 25 eta. each. , .PEACH ' TREES. A thieataortinent of Well grown 'healthy Peach Tree, including all the late i-griettee. 16CENTS EACH> OR $8 PER HUNDRED. An extra/nt Seedling Peach Treat, 45, per hundred. CHERRY TREES., - • Most of the leading vu'ieticat now cultivated, and knisars to do well in this latitude—ono year old-15 cents mob) or 21.50 per doz.—Verger and older tree 30. to 50c. each. PEAR TREES. The Pear Is now, more extensively planted than any otherfruit tree, oniicootiiit of Its regular:bearing; larger, crops, and iomtevity; DwArf .Trees, froin 20 to 50 !milli Ilach*, Standards, from 4,0 to i u cents. PLUMS, From 40 to fto cents each. APRICOTS, Frcsn'2s to . each 50 cents eac. GRAPES. Every man now begins to feel the necessity of having one or more Grape Vines in his garden; and no fruit can be planted that will more certainly remunerate him.— I cultivate - meet of the hardy varieties-of the Native Grape, anti such •E g have proved themselves valuable in this latitude: Isabella. Catawba, Diana, Clinton, Concord. Delaware. and others. One year old Vines, from 25 to 75 cents each: twoyear old, from 50c. to $1.00: strong !apts. many of which have fruited this season, from 75c. to $2.00. RHUBARB PLANTS-25c.eachl $2.00 perdoz: ' AspARAGCS SETS--si.oo per hundred. IMACKAERRIES (Lawton}-41.50 pet-dozen. RASPBERIIMS--in variety--irom 50c. to $2.00 per dozen. . „, cu i ftEA2STS (in variety)--froth 50c. to 52.00 per dozen. I have a choice conk-tem of EVER. REENS, °mo menta Trees. and hardy Shrubs,Which I will sell as cheap as they can he procured ',lsewhere, of the same qua ity. The following are some of the varietlete Nor way sprace. White Spruce, American Balsam Fir, Arbor Vitus—American. Chit ese;Siberinn, Nepal and Golden: Irish Junipers;')linerican and European Lindene, AA plea, Spireas.. Wieplias, Deplane, Afahonine, Hon'ey suckles, and Roses. - Alt oidera'wlll be promptly at tenriwi to, and delivered to Chambereburg. or at the without any other charge than the slight coat of parking. Sept, 2,1863. JACOB IIEYSPIIq Agent.' TRAWBERRIES.—Oui new Cir ~, varieties of Strawberries that have proved the most valuable the past season, with price of plente. and other information, will be sent to all app.ll - ints. J. KNOX. sept. 2-3ni. Box 155 Pittsburg, Pa. i l il uoical. MASON & HAltni - N'S CABINET ORGANS, 'WITH ONE O TWO _SETS OF REEDS, g AUTOMATIC SWELL, Containin DOUBLE the BELLOW'S, RIME STOP, AND COMBINATION ,VALT.E. Va.. Every histrienient Warranted for Piet YearLlE. • PRIM) roll $7O TO ' 051): The" Cabinet Organ is 'the only instrument which combines the requisites, for church and parlor music ; for the school room end the social festival gathering. For while it possesses sufficient power for the accompa niment of's large chorus, it hi, front its capability of all shades of expression, and its wonderful crescendo and diminuvuto t most effective as a solo instrument. It is capable - of orchestral t ffectm, slid rapid music, as trills. arpeggios, etc. From its tiustalned times. it has a decided advantage - over the Piano.forte, for the render- Ineof many of the choicest morceAux of the masters, such as symphonies, quartettes, ete.7 R. A.'SIcCLURLI, Chambersbarg, Pa. -General Agent for Penni ylveuis, • N. B.'The ntttlereikned will Bell and deliver, in good condition, C'abinat Organs anywhere in tide State, at factory price!. All inquiriee by letter prOmptly an avrerod. (Ante 17, '63-tf.} It. A .Ife: DIANOS R. A. AI'oLITRE,, sole agent for the celebratiad RECKER BROTHERS' (NEW YORK) PIANO. Pianos delivered, and put , dp in perfect condition, in any part of the State, at - FACTORY RETAIL PRICES. • Alt Instruments warranted for fire years. Pianos froth other factories will be furnishosl, ifdesired. R. A. McCLURE, June 17. - Chnmbersburg, Pa. pit INCE & C 0,.' S WELL KNOWN I - NLODF,ONS AND, HARMONIUMS! I ntrodacing the effect of Pedal Bass it every Instrument. H. GA BL - kat'S unsurmtss, d PIAlioB for 'cash at alit . ..- tro,' deduction,or on Monthly Instalments. . Atir Over 30,900 sold in Phil:l44llDi. t JAMES BELLAk, Sole Agent, 279 and 2SI South Filth street, above Spline at, Rep 16. 63-ly - ' l'altAntavnix. Tr Mani & BROTHER, Importers, Aliinufacturers attd HI - Me:air Dealers IN 3IUSICAL IN ! STItITMENTS, GERMAN, FRENCH AND' ITALIAN STD.INGS, O. 705 51ARKET STREET, PIIILADELPAIt. Orders carefully 'Attended to by .8_ S. SILKYOCK, ellittubersborg, Lsept Matrteo anb 3033t1rg. "Li AUGITINBAUGH'S a 'l6 CLOCK, WATCH AND JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, 'RAIN STREET, ADJOINING THE POST OFFICE, Chamberatmrg, „Penna. The undersigned would respalt r fully call attention to ' hie pres Ant stock consisting of WATCItES, Gold atid Silver of Amerlean and Enropean Manothcirare of all quell tiers ad styles and at the lowest pri6s. • CLOCKS In' reat variety. Parlor, Mantel? Office, lc., &o JEWELRY. The newest and most desirable styles of Onyx, Coral and Pearl, Gold Chains', Bracelets: Finger Rings, Guld Thimbles, sleeve Buttons, Necklaces, Armlets, Masonic & Odd Fellows Breast Pins,- ac., au. - ' MOURNING AND JET JEWELRY. ' A Splendid stock and newest styles. SILTED AND PLATED WARE. • Consisting otTea Sots, Casters, Mugs, Spoons, Forks, &e. G %ED PENS From ths bait and itiost celebtitted manufactories FANCY GOODS. A very large and attractive stock. CUTLERY ,AND• POdKET KNIVES. - Rodgers superior Pen Knives of different qualities rind•liriens. GOLD, SILVER-AND SCEfiL SPECTACLES. The long experience of the undersigned in the seleetion and adaptation of Glasses, enables him to cult theca to any sight. At ho time have the peopled this county bad a' more attractive and extensive Stock to select from than !snow presented at the establishment of the• undersigned. Etery article is new and of the latest style and will aold at the very idwest price. lAn eXamination Is solieit- H bef o re 13am-basing- elsewhere. • _dye - Repairing done at the shortest notice by compe ierit'aintskilful workmen. - • AUGFIINBAUGff, -- Gerd 23] 2d door South of Post omce, Chamb's., Ps. -,;- - , -AND SILVER-WARE. The undersigned could respectfully invite your atten tion to his well selected stock of Nine Gold and -Silver WATCHES, Nine Gold JEWELRY, of every kind and eariety,ofstylecomprlsing all Of the newest and must beautiful designs.' Also. SOLID SILVER-WARE, equat to, toin-,!--and the bed lankel•of Niter-Prated Ware. 'Each article is war; ranted to tra M represented. - Watches and Jewelry, carefully repaired and sat isfaction guaranteed. JACOB TIARLICI, (Succeseor to Stauffer Harley,) sap 9-3 m . No. 822 Market street, Philadelphia, . - a - E : $ll,Y TIARkER,, . . 5 P . -. i' N. P 4 f' a l a t w it a C y 7. attr STREET, PIIILADELPRE6.- WAIftES; for ladies and Gentlemen-- f in Gold find YiNE.JEWELRY-of the most faablooll;leAtylec: SOLIO EffiVER:WARE, iii great variety, and - ' ROGER'S Stiperior 'Plated Spobite i Forks, etc., etc. Cr miktin iltpoottorg, November 11, 1863. -23231014140.WAM4r4c-- . NIXON'S COLUMN. At no time since the tommenftent' of 141x tm'si Drug Store, has,there been so • FULL . ; 'A; , ID COMPLETE A , STOCK of Fresh "ind - • • FEIiFteTLT RELIABLE-MEDiMtS To offer to.those who are so unfortunate as to be compelled to,indnlge in: flinch - luxuries, .„Tke fact is. thitantesathere are large and rapid /sales, no establishment can, supply its a customers with strictly fresh and re- , llible're - medies, in the shape . of ' Time - ` affecte"Mth much More' . rapidity many more arti 7 sleek/ medicine thin in any - dihensatobindise, hence the rier eessiti of rapid change of stock ,to - secure to the' purchaser jut 'ffhtiVis - wanted. NIXON is able, by rapid changes - in stock, always to present the.very best to his : customers.. He desires to keep the above facts be fore the community, and to solicit a continuance of favois. In connection with his fall stock of DRIT,G.S AND CHEMICALS, he offers a fall assortment of PATENT DIEDICIN'ES OF STANDARD CHAR ACTER. Bach am: • .l . ayne's 'Falun); Medicines, 13:Ter's Pectoral, Ayer's BarsiParilla, Ayer's Pills, Helmbold's Preparations, liostetter's Bitters, • Drake's Bitters. . Germatt Bitters, Wishart's Pirie Tree Cordial„ Tarrant's Aperient, Kennedy's Disesvery, Hunt's Liniment. Blair's Hypophosphites, Holiensacles Pills, • Wright's Morse's Pills, Bra i ndreth's Pills, ' Pills, - - • Tovrnsend's • • Perm Davis's Pain Kilter. -Fahnestock's Vermifuge, -• Worm Confections,. Worm Candy, Plasters, . - • :Ointments, Washes, Lotions. with many'other articles in- this line, all of which are sold only on the representation of . the makers of the articles. _ BAZIN'S, LUBIN'S, EDRIIII'S and other CHOICE PERFUMERY AND SOAPS Hair Dyes, Pomades, and other articles for the Hair, among whieh is NIXON'S B-ROMATRICHOS, HAIR FOOD. One of the best and most cleanly articles for the • Hair, containinena greate, yet rendering the Hair soft and glossy, and, preventing it from prematurely falling off. NIXON'S GLYCERINE LOTION, Which is just the article needed for the remov al of Dandruff from the Scalp, and leaving the hair Soft and glossy. In presenting !these two articles for the Hair, the' Proprietor has the satisfaction of knowing that they do all' that is .represented. NIXON'S TETTER OINTMENT continues as-much a . favorite as ever and it ran and daec.perforna remarkable aurae - of Skin DiseaScs: and is guaranteed in ail cases to act as represented. 11031 SE AND CATTLE POWDER In lea than one . yeisr and shalt °TER ?wax- TY-VIYR HUNDRED PACES BAYS BRIM ,-SOLD, and the sales are on the increase. It is just the powder fur The horse, The Cow", 4 " Thejf It is=iientry pack. hundreds of testimonials.could • • , be.pre•ented, I)4.the,..pron , - ' prietor deeias it to let it travel on its own me-tits. . it:A ME ki P Is mad 4 Drily at Nixoo for t,his..Cottnt.r, apd ‘ haa a frie,i4c**h4 'hit& t*lfy L; to its merits. Nixon is able to offer a large stock of - Trusses,' • -- • - - ; 'Shoulder Braces, Supporters, . -_ • - Bandages.' also „ • • Combs, • Brushes. ; .., Powders., - L , Perfatnea, , ' , 4 Shaving Soaps, • • • • Toilet Soaps, , FackeE - Books, I Pursest. Indelible tk.- • •-•!•• Tooth Fowl - ref, • Tooth Washes, — h P s ! - , SPo - • Flesh Brushes, z • Pure Spices, . p Starch, - ! , Indigo, •• ...Stove Black,. ; , , , • Saponifier, liat auffßoieh Dekroyei. In conclusion, Ni x on begs leave fo say that his stock wiitaferays be kept up tetii`e very , ,beit'peint, and incl ude ' every tiling cal eula- . tcd togivekealth and comfort -to the afflicted, 2 • ~besides. sash articles as taato requires. Tho important lever in - husin esOs top n ey, and ae all inerohandise can be lia!I at ,rates ^ash than tline. itixos • , . desires. to ; mare .1. ; EH& BUSINESS STRICTLY CASH. Jisne 188.3:' - • 4 VA 6 4,.. r *,_•• • I _ -, 4lattlevol4-4t----.- BAI)3YLERY !. s.kripLray - x-844- ~ 'els, &C. Awn of the 110.RSE• COLLAR. • - JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully returnable thanks to hispatrpris for' the liberalenbOurageruent received from them heretofore, and he would invite them :toddle nominanity 'generally, who may need any thing In his line, to giye him a call at his OLD" ~TAN-Di ou the East side of Main Skiver, Chambersburg, five doors South*Of Huber & Tolbert's Hardware Store, where he keeps con stantly on hand every variety of S ADDLE WY, AND HARNESS of his own' Sfaiinfacture; and heis• 'prepared to sell thesame at Onus that .dety . .competitien. Every eitibie - offered for sale is Warranted to be made of the best mater Land by eirrnpetent workraerr, which will be fully denfondtrated on an examination thereof. TWA'S iAND. VALLbES.—Iie would Ilan:call the attention of persons wonting a good, neat. cheap : and Substantal Trthik or Valise, to his assortment. - Jrine 17 x '83.. -• . SADDLE AND.! ITARNESSICAN, „ - .IIFACTORY.—The tindersigned would' respec,o4Y annonuceto hisirieCds and the public generall,y3hat be has taken the, SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP (Di,- m'ertY earthed on 'by Mattilew : Gillati,rdec'd, on WEST 11 .41i1ZErWiREZ - near The Conouschtagna'Creelc, iit the Baronet et Chambersburg, where he ranntlactpos Saddles, Bridle/ and Ilarnelo, and has constantly en bknd an excellent assortment of Collars, Whips, Re employs none but the beet of Workmen, and con strnyleallworkfronrtho best Material. TRMNES'and VALISES constantly. on hand, all of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. A continuance of the,fc;rmer trquage of the shop is most reepectfultysuliclted.. Junel7, 63 JAMES D. GILLAN HIPS ! WHIPS .WHIPS Saturro & Sox, corner of !Vain and WashingtonStreets,•Chambersburg. Pa-, mantifactureta of all kindiot WHIPS, such as Wagon. Carriage and Riding Whips of rarions sizes and of superior quality which they offer-to, the public, either by Wholesale or Retell,-at very moderate prices. LASHES of all lengths kept constantly on handand fur sale by the dozen. very cheap._ They also manufacture ,superior HORSE COL LARS, to which-they tns its attention. ' Orders from a distance solicited and promptly attend ed' to ' Juts 17,13.3. BROAD GRARS,C OLL ARS ' HAL- TAT— s, and anything in the Leather line belonging t, the Saddler's busi nemalways on hand and made' to or der, and - dn reasonable terms. at GORDON'S, opposite cht indian Queen hotel. Mein at. H. G 0 R D oATsiiteessor- to . bunk GORDON--glveS nottee to his customete an oqiers, that he is still at the OLD STAIiD: opposite the Indian , Queen Rotel; Waft) street, Chambershm•g; Pa: QORDON BAS A SUPERIOR lot of SADDLES; HARNESS. BRIDLES, ' STIR* R PS, SPURS, M bah he will sell theap for cash or good trade. - • REPAIRING DONE AT SHORT notice.' on reasonable terms, by C. IL GORDON' lin writes his friends to come to see him. G. A. AliaTZ i The Slieer, groat, I,utter, Sze. - 'LEI - 7 1Z & It'DOWELL • WILL PAT THE lI(OHEST PRIOR IN CASH FOR FLOUR, "WHEAT, RYE, CORE, OATS, f CLOtiEI{ SEID, TjHOTHr - ffEED, And all kind of P P. 0 D II" C E a+ ( • ALL 'TINOS OF SALT, COAL, 44-UMBER, CEAfEN7, PLASTER, AND SAND; VOIL BALE, CHRAP FOR CASH; AT DEITZ 4. JrDOIVELL'S. WAREHOUSE AND COAL YARD, sear the Itailroad Depot, C 11Ali BERSBURG, PA.; AND On North Carlisle Street,, GREENb*g'I'LE, done 17i'63, I ' - XEIV FIRM I-COAL ICO 'AL I . LUIISER - 1_I.41)1.10111,-1, 40. laigßT wing purchased ' the Coal and Lumber Yard of George AlDilits, will 'condone to'car on the same busineas,and "wjllalways hereon band a large Supply of Lumber and Coal: They will be prepared to all all orders at thh shortest notice. They respectfully solicit the patron age of the late firm and the public generally, and alI who -way desire coal and Lumber toglys thehi tall;-, feeling assured that no means -will be spared. to accom modate those on the mmtrerisonabla termer '• ' ' • June 17,'63-tr. - r LEO. TIDEP.T C &PM. 1300i . 8 .ctnlT *Dom. 7 1V . F1W SHOE' 81 1 01IB.—The Sub IN, 'tribal., takes : this int:4664'ot Inforirdini the citi zens, of ChamVersbnrg, and vicinity , that he has poet tat:urns& from Phihnletphla*ith an* rAvntr:ty'NF:W, STOC,Ii.of Bests and Shoes,•of evirrvitriety,etyle and pattern. and of tl.• best rnentfacturee. , Be has noold• ShSpkeepere oti hint. Hie whole stock is woo. 01;re him a call—you - can easily nit yourself. Ii invites the Ladiee,'Cipecially; to call; as he *lli take' pleasure showing' hie' pads.- Store in the room for-: merly occupied by riedorielt Smith, big „ as liLaw Office, illifinidrp,recently used for the purpose by George Eye ter, q.,,twolloore North of gisher's Hotel,ldain St: eat, ok, ersburg. P. '_ ' • • ' His large and well selected stock, he being a practical Shoemaker, consists of_hadies',fialtcrs,Dpots, Slippers ind Buskins; Mresies anrT Childreri's Boot tr and Shoes; Gentleliftea Halters, Slipp-eriu Boots and Diogain.`: Do not forget the place. No trouble to show Goods at the NEW•SDORE,two =doors North of Fishres mein Streeet, chanabersburg, Pa., by_ :Infie .1862.' • ' PETER FELDMAN'. ' CiALL.4I.NP s griiNto . announcestolls 'nutierons friends and customersithat he &Menne', to manttlitetnrelli and keeps on hand a full and complete. assortment, of vadlonr qtialitieS and Styles or BIIOBS tin& GAITEDS; for. Wear and Ch ilasert.trientlor BOOTS, SHOES, &c., for Alen and Boys' wear is ,com pleteito which h respectfully invitea attenticirf. ' , Work of all - kinds made to order, In a neat and durable man ner, and at short-top con and see before eipowhere. end he will stalely purchasers that.he , selbsa Ter, small profits-far Cash'. Don't fers'et' the Oahe= near, .. n ?ollte Huta blEeefer's Btorer, Ohemberstrarg, Pa. • - 1 BEORG.B. LEUNKR, • 41111 0 1 74 UM. - ' • • , 1 bB PRINTING; in' every' "5,ty1".44.` kioneattitaimee VRANKLI* TrEPCjaITOItie - - ,10/05,1. k - R ,rrai4 bawy .:o,424:froniT.Phalarierphfai.on 4nd aftWAITINDAY. "WWI 26th t • ~ • of Companyvilldfpartic,m and ilpiVe garli4tinrsand Vhiladelpnta followe: - - • , - -EASTWARD: • * THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris mine Sally at 2.00 and arrives at West Philadelphia at PAST LI"NE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 5:45 A:24 and tirrivei AtNest: Chiladelpltiri at 9.55 A. 24., Passengers take breakfaatat Lin.putter.. „ : 'WAY - Ac VMMODATION;Mount'Sey, leaves Harrisburg at 7.0 0- A. )t., and • arrie es at Nest Philadel phia .st 12.25 p, R. FAST MAIL TRAIN leaVe:s Hairisbirg daily (eireept Sernlay) at 1..00 p. u., and arrives at West Philadellada at 5:00 P ;sl. - ' ' -•" HARRISBURG ACCGMMOOATION TRAIN. via Intribia„ leaves gar isburiat 4.00 P. 41, and arrives at West Philadelp ' at 9.30 ' WESTWAR.D. 'IfIALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.00 'A. it.; Aitobna, t 35 .12. take- breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 neon. • -PEHLADEVPIIIA. EXPRESS TRAIN loaves burg daily- - at 3.00 A. R.; Altoona nt take beeakta.s - , and arrives at Pittsburg at12.30Y.k. . MAIL TRAIN leaves' Harrisburg at 135 1 , .-R - 4titke supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1220 A.R. , FAST LlNElesves Harrisburg at &50 P. it; Altoona at .8.35 ,P, It.. and arrives at Pittsburg at too A. /t.'. • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Philadelphia at 2.30 P.R.; and Arrives - at Harrisburg' at 800 P. R. • WAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaies Philadelphia at 4.00 P.; k., end . arrives at Harrisburg at 9.40 Tbis trail runs via , . . • SAMUEL.D. YOIINGi: • ;Yuji. Middle Div. Pen n'a R. R. Jnne1 4 1:41803../tf. • I'VORTHERN •ENTRAL'' RAIL, WAYI 7 -41111.11ER r • :three trains daily , to and iron Baltimore and Wash ington City. • • Connections made with trains :on Pentaylvsaia Rail road; to and' frbm Pittsburg arid the West. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from. the. North 'And West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Nortiterii New York. • - On and after Monday, Aprii .204,,1563;the Paspengar Trains of the Northern Central RailwaY 'arfive at and depart from Harrisburg and 71;4UP:tore ni taloll4, iis: , , SOUTHWARD. • - - !SAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except , f, \ - Sunday) 10.10 •; " • leaves Harrisburg • 116 arrives at Baltimore ...... 0.3 t s'f; x. EXPRESS TRAIN leases Sunbury daily . (except Sunday) P. N. leaves_ Harrisburg (except Monday) • ' • 2.00 1.-X, " arrives at Baltimore daily, ("eieept Monday) • • - 0.151. X. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION Teases 'Harrisburg , 6.30 a. x. .. _ ~. : , MAIL TRADilea Yea Bnitiinore daily (ex- - rr opt Bundayj - • 9.15 i. 3t; ' ' n' fence rtarrisbutg - ' ' 1.15 e. Y. TENCH ,WDQWICLL •‘ • ' arrives at. Sunbury 4.05 p is. EXPRESS TRAIN loaves Baltimore daily— 9.15 R. Y. • • - arrives at Harrisburg - 1.85 : .leinvas Ilarriebdrg daily (ax-, `•, cept '4lontlay) - '3:00 - strives at Sunbury 5.38 A. X HARRISBURG •ACCOM3IODATION leswes Baltiniore - daily (except Sun- . ' day) ' r • • .255 x. litriies at- llarriebn•ig ' 7.30 For further information apply at,the Office, in :Penn'. sylvattia Railroad Depot, Harrisbug. JaN.DOBA.RRY; Gen Supt: June 17, '63.-tf. XTE' W - Alit LINE ROUTE. —Three ill Trains /may Ed New 'fork and Philadoinida. , • On and after dfrmday, April 20th, 1863, the Ptuniengee Trains rill leave the Plilladelphiaandlleadini Railroad Depot, at liarriebnrg, for New York and Philadelphia, arr rottowt, - FXPRESS.LINE leares Harrieburg at 2.18 arrival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Traln rrom the West,arriTing in New York a 9,80 A. AI.. and.Philat delphia at 8.20 A, M. A sleeping car. is attached to' the train:through from Pittsburg. withOttt change, ' HAIL TRAIN !eared Harrisburg at 8.004. la—arriving fu Ne*York'at 5:30 P. M., mid Philadelphia. at 1.50'r. u. FAST-LINE leaves. Elarriabakg at 2.00 P. X,, arriving in New York at 10.25 P. M., and Phlladelppla at 7.00 P. X. WESTWARD. - BAST` VINE leaven New - Yorlc at 11.00 A. 2... and Phil& leiphla at 815 ♦. le r , arriving at Ilarrieburg at I.lp-P. NAIL TRAIN leave§ New York at 12,00 noon t iind Philadelphia at 3.30 P. K., arriving aerlarrieburg T.XPIIN§S. vrtAIN leavesi New York at T.OO ar r riringet Harrisburg at 2.10 A. at. and connecting With the Pflansylcania,ENpress Train for rittikb erg. Asleep. ing etrile also attached to this train. Connectionenre male at Harrisburg with trains on the t'ennsylrattia. Northern Central and Cumberland Talley railroads, and at Beadinglor Philadelphia,'Potte- Title, Wllkesbarre, Allentown, Eaetonoke. Baggage checked through: Fa rehetween New. York' wr l 4 ll arrithurti, $5 15; between tiarriebitrg had $335 in No. 1 care, and $3 in N 0.2. . For tick eta or other infermatlonapplylb ' J. J. CLYDE, June 11,113. tf. General Agent, Itartieburg; 1862. • 1 , 1863. . - - INTER ARRAIIGRNE77.- 004/3ERLANDT,AzLETA.26 FRANKLik RAILROADS. • , CHANOE OF HOURS.—On and after Monday; N : 0:: Tember 17,1882, 1 Fuser:lnger. .Traina wilt run • &AT, is toHowe.Oundays exceßte9: , O ' . 11 ' S " A:NIS 1 F It CHAM ER 13712 G _ , kli. , - I l na.Te Hagerstown • " _ %00, - *431. , ' " ' 0 teeneastle 7.37'` ' 3:33-j / Artist at......,.....: 337 - 4.29 y Chamberahnrg • 7 r , _ -1. Leave at ' • 8.30 : '12.55 , 'LeMeilEhippensbnrg ......... ". ...° .:............ 9.00 - 1.28 , ' -.- Newiille -- 9.32 109 ' ~.• * Carlisle , • '10:]0,• 242' ' ~ Mechanicsburg . 4942 -.33 3 „ Arnieateliarrieburg • -• -* ' 1133' ' - "3.40 FOR'CIIA:MIiERSBiIItGAND HAGtILS-,; Leaves Harrisburg.. c. ShlPPettgifirg. l —;4 ,4 .4 ' 4.00 Arrive at Chambersburg 11.00 4.30 Leave .ehambersbnrg..- 11.10. • 441 - ' -5.30 Arrive, at Harrisbnrg......, .... 1335 01o': iar Raking' close connections ' 'flarrisburg with trains for PhilfidelPhiab New York }lnd .Pittihnrg ; sad with trains for all 'points West. • . , • • - ON. LIILL/Supic," R. R. o , lllce,.Chambersburß t Noy.l7, 1862. - 4.- 18 . 63. - 1 " 1863; DIIILADELPITIA D • Vas ItAILEC4D.-7111egreat line Imams. the North= ern owiSortliwest counties otTenneylvanta to the city of Rite, on. Laka 'Etta.. • . • -It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Rai/road Cbi4tray:, and undir‘theVe anspices is being rapidlj Opened ,throngliont its entire, length. —„ - It is now in nso for 'Passenger aria ireight bashiese trots Ilwistmrg Wl:gift - wood, (2d Bork.)(l7t - miles)on the Eastern Division, end from Sheffield to Erie, (78 iniles4 on the Western Division. 1iD1413 TIME OS' P.4§.F.iit3y..11 TRAINS AT M Buita. MAIL TIIA.IW leaves worth 1.15 .11. 3E. leitiresNsith ,Cara run orounit.varuorkr eacrost both ways on theca trains lkween rodiadeiptda . and Lock' Haven and be l Swann Ealtirnornandlockilaren.•:. , - I Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Express train bnth wars. For informatien respecting Passenger business appliat the S.. K. Caviar }DI and MaTketATaata,Eldlatielptia. And for trefghl tnolnerni of the Company's Agents : 8. R. Ealgston, : Jr:,Cor.l3thand.Market sta.; Malvin.', Erie. . , M. Drill, Agentß E:R..StatitioteAl&d: • • R. R. RPUSTQN, - - Genbralliieight 14KWIS , L Rq J T . • ' deneratTlCket agent; ph - naifir p h i ,;. .L• f . JOS. ; ' ' Zane 17 , 83]. General Manager, Williamsport. '111111" ' J...." STORt—to M' atizifft aj" piatifft4Atirgr Mirdr l l 6ll ooo l l 4 -0 0 44 4 1 1 1ittetna cpatipalled tta gtnls on account of kis trutml ae ntimanta, haft, lomp =Div Toultfiepblitatli ttniltieo, hopltigf-Om blb ong exponkeope, and. 14 n 19 01144 01 011, P. B ,4winAZleet rithtligenetona' .' - ' lll2l' aloft 4481 1 3 f °tall - I be ktvatlaraMeoltTOßACCOnl.949,lol . s-Alkfchita talll 0110 na b i'dinywhere town,Don't forget , Op oleo, sign, of: tte , 1 11 416 - IriteuliCinikgetrirtijitiel tZW IIP Toorixdr IPAeit ioV . door tgl l ihrpfit'a, • poq,qt.T 7 ,' t Ifforbfittnattl; 4inelf ,18f4k - r t (141.14.rj333tr,11 :NORTHWARD EA,STWARD ItTSBURG TOWN. 8.47 2.15 . • ...u9.: 27 2.58 10.02 3.29 Mechanicsburg. " Car1i51e....... ' , " Nem-6114r - Ithmrtttft-Tabrt: -- kADilta tL ROAD: BIER ARRANQEMENT. tiREAT TRUNK LlNrittim the North and North west tfer Phitedelphis.,,New fork; Ateitatutrßltlin°, t.;(3hatlott. Allitltovrb,rait6e. &e:. #c: . . - Trains leave Harrisburg for Phibidelplala. New York. !leading, Pottsville, and all Interneclia,testatlons, at BA. a. it. and 2.00 S. Y. • - - !Ow Ylark ;Express Mayes! Hprrisburk. Mt 248 arriving at - Nor 'York's' V.l.sltic; same martinis: Fares from HarriStinig: Tri New Yak V... 14: tai*Ha• "tfeinbiat3.3s ,Haggaga checked th - romOt. IlettinainietWe New-York at 6, A. 5t.,12 NatirOdit 7P. M.. (Pittsbarg Express.)- Leave PbiladeljthHk.,o 8.15 a. is —mid 3.30 P. a.. -- • - • •,, S I eepi n g GP.Mill the New York -Papress Tratat throagh to and from Pittsburg without change. . Passetmers b' thaCataaissa, Railroad, leave Ta*Agee at 3.50 A. 14 , and 2.15 IP. Y., tor Ph ladelphia,New,tor, and All Way,Pointi. • j . •-, -' Trains leave Pottsville at. 43.5.4. at. , and 2:30 T.,. Y„ for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New - York. - •= 1 An Arc,ommodation Pru3senger;train leaveaßea4lukst 5.00 A. if.. and retunisfrogi Philadelphia at am r . air All the above ;rajas run dailj, Ettrialsya - OE cepted. , A Suhday pain' leave:vial:Mlle at 7.30 A - . lei ldfd Philadelphia et 3.15 P. M.; COniriviltatkiP,l.iileale,Seation. and Eacursiotilqctels at reduced rates to and - froat all points. , ' 4 of G. A. MCCOLIA, :General SuperinteadimV Jvael7,, 1 SOS•tf, nrg anb : Aug Aso Ist 1 - 1 R T B N S FROM *Af(' YtRR A lICI7OIO 1,42 " 'A •WA - LtikVE'S, •'• .coultre or IstAlti- Lint, •Otrxr....r • New style liiotiambiquei,i ' ;' Pha . ' alel/o,Maid . , _L TNiilad hlosalubiqueiiiini travailing "dresses, Superior IduAlin Detain egin cidpre, Colored Lawns and Crane de Pany, filscit - Silk,puperior,quality. • Superior Lyons itatizemer Silks; (sublime qsallty,),„; --, Xlitrge4ot bf LinerrCanibric tiandkerelleth, . A largalot vI Iritib Linen, t e r _3llConet Cellars, new style, L 5W Duzenit Misses and Men's Ccitto , n White Litton:old Cotton .puck, • Superior French Doeskin, • ' -'' • V - V - Superior solid color • Feint : Ts . , - Eitztpirior niey Leonoral; Sgparitr,Qreykoplin, i. • . - Bee rey leoneras, 1511 k belieries and Colkahr,L. ". ' • ' ; .2 Ladies and Misses' Fillet Mitts ; litareriiloe 1 7e4tings, ' ' 1 Super. Ladies and Ilens'XldGittTeS, ; IlandsumeNew style Pointe and flingheins. Brussels., Vellat,Three-nly(sjuierier flne„itind Crailtstat; Gitrpet, • Four-four five-four Cocoa and Cantina' Matting"; 4-4 s—l 6-413..4 10.14 - Flour - OD - Clatbs, Superior Bolting Cloths,„ Bonnet Ribiletis, ' • BaltnoralSkirtei. i (June yr, 'W. - IRTS,I•SK.I.4TS 11,SKIRTStt1, . M. A.• . ,J9WW . ,CELEBEATED "NE PLO ULTRA" SKIRT , - •Digir` Ai ' . go..I7NORTH Bth §t.; - I"HTLA_DETH - PHIA.: - . T .ShirtS of all lengths, and ani size waistina4stfinitery and satisfaction guarranteed. Ladies, Misses and Children's Skirts of erory flied ilia shape, constantly on hand. •.„ • i " -0,61 Skirt warranted-fay"' Six • Mcmilts: BEAD HOW WE DO BUSINESSI. : 'i t :i We do not make any c?vetipthrfalu the comnionluiciir lotion of the term,hUt we make - • " THE CHEAPEST SHARTSIVA D E;- . - ' because we make r j •, ) THE BEST AND DE.EY COMPETITAQ* We warrant every skit we sell to be exactly as. res refloated: We make al.o we sell, and. knowing hoW:tbily are mode we guarantee them with full conadene,e, are vita bad sided let legi ei.ekairrlf for a Tamil ore s; sail if the y get out of order or break with in six Vatm/bßotte will repair them free Of Charge,. • tie mean to give our Customers: full eatisfitattoiti we cannot do so and corflpeto with tke low priceilauction ' goads. Weidepend entirely 'lmok the superio,rity artb• goods we etfer„iind the torn ese of, our teethed of ,doing business. Orders left:vb Suryons's pecqc.Btore. - QIRECTION t SFUR , MEASUREMENT, `laic:the exact size oi'tlie waist, 'without any' Qnga - The exact Igngth requiridJarid the etze aroma Lila bottom spring. Also if the -skirt is to be lams, siniill';orMeditmv size it die topiatid whether &trail or • plain round skirt.• -M. A. JONES; Nolt North 'Bth Bt.;Philedelphiet.' , - Offer the-Wax figitii::;: au g INtt VALL: AND WINTER 'ILIILLIQ ,- Ntaty,-31Es;E."(lnont*reeld Inform: her---frbads and the Ili - Alio generally, thatehe has just returned from Ne'wVorlyand Philadelphia with a large and vatiedlial ' sortment -of Millinery and Fancy; Goods, .I:tidies Arm. anll Clbak Trimmings , - Sc,-Eferaesortmet`coistlitir Velvet llonnets do Mourning Collets.. .Sllkßibbons, Silks 'and Velielif' Straw -do • _ Ilibtions4-41/1 gerltirie Mourning do. , English, French andAtn er tr Ladies Rydal Rats . eala Flowers • ' do, r Spanish do - • ,Igieez , • , Mlisses• do ' • 'Rancho's. • • - Childrsa's ;Wool, Hooß, - French forum' - i de. do, ; Zephyr Wool Act. 'ErnbrolderedCaps•Shethind Head Netts • Jett (a full line) , Read Diesies • 1 - -Bead Titoimings Plumes—all colors ' -Grenadine- Veils' I Ladies Dresil Caps - Belts and Bolting do Mourning Cape Silk Cord and Tassels', Stamping, -Braiding or Embroidery done to order.— 'All are invited to call. • - - oct-28 0 63.350 !1863: ~ • • ' ta.:A. li L . • „. , „ • t. . 1,,t , , ;MILLINERY AND Titt,.•gr. qcstmi I have, the preagure -of Informing my Mastoinarg - awl Ina malls genera y that l , Have tit,* On :hamlet-Idr. seek of VALL and WINTEE GOODS, Mel a ding FRENCH, !PATT:ERVAIONNETS,`IiItitiONP, BILKS.' 'VELIiItSV; ',LACES, F A ENCII and ADMIC ANFLOWERS, . FEATA, . 1 - EES: &c. - - ' Algo4- - STRAW, BSAVIR arid FL .T HATS atiaillawi mite of-the latest sty!es and deslgns. - , ' 5. '- -- -:, SC - MUM& lIRIISEN, j "'a gent:o7,* i ' : /1,05- • 135 rti rIVAII.B4. o.tOTittS 1 _40")B FAUT t .00 OON P., 2. .11.3somm, do ' do No: 'VA:'do: : do , " •do • dq do,, - b V!, No:' 'B. Liatit Hoto. do' 'air- alspiPx pauttrotT,do.Sib run steam 18, Ott; L'attot do do / hand. .tilo6l - „glh and S luivenmeoga. •Allotheriarewarrinited.; ' No. 2.4 the size generally.used in private OitAxai TODD; Of. the , '..9ht - ericiatt: Agrictilltirrst,sayint , he d • ' 115.1MT - ET(gAI. CLOTHES, WRING:EI :`_'; 6blld can readily Bring out b tabfall- of clothes , tow minutes, It is in reality a CLOTYIES sAYEAt 4, Tlitt-E.4113 1 E1t and a STRENGTH SAVER! the say. i ttg ozgarmentavellTalone pay a large per centagann,its, nest. - Vi'e. Wink the - machine much- more than 7 - .LTB po,g;IT.9SI,Y,BVERY-Ylrd.ll,lia the saving of garmeneo: 'Therb are several kinds, nearly alike in general construe. - lion, but we consider it important that the WringerWl fitted withposs-, otherwise a trea:qf garrailitB,VlT7 erP..g the rollers , and the rollers upon the crank-shaft slip and, 'tear the chlthes,or Abe slabber- break loose from thil - ! haft, •pur own le_one of ' the first :make, and ikis Ai POI:11:1 'after' nearly . _ FQIJIt• YEARS' Zt= • : ; 1E„,• 3 , - If f rip t9 , 7 tag/ Cog Wheat it Warranted in every • `paiotieidar: - - • . 1 11 r o - Irrittjer heAurabte _without -Cog, ; -:Whfe!s.„ i - - :Intr , A gnotT CAN it.Blitlt waited in every : town. :Aar OfZthe:priceltilutplaceS where-no one le eal , ingmewill send thtqWringer rpm or sasassz r , lorlitsritoulitreand cilidittri; address ' =' • ' 1 ' BROWNING nag 2t34m 34i Broadway, lied Ye k. pO,EIDEL - hfAic ; • ,„,, WHOIX,BALX GROVEITIANiIi • . fillet tintSIISSION MERCIIAITT„ rici.l7o34iAluitt-& Ne ,- ; 2- itoittif 7t13 ST.. PriltAtik.' Ind {tot the, attenti on:of merchants to, Die larue nap erellr, ki . s`ortell itoelt'dt Stibits;S:3 l riMe;treini ,`end Curies alkir hiollltill4e 3 ;Isola sitacnee•t=.ll24llo rates. trmattf! 3oyers and sellers will Sad it to their advantage tb gi:cs 4 • • •‘) ' • Price enrrents Cotilting all the,varlcties• themar., kervii be had o#3: B. - 811RTOCK; -• • - aoPts' 2 4 • ^ I • • pARENT9' Sohii•A' ui the b'eiT - srettieir fit 314ititls; eaaithriftelrifftern with. Re t r?l,4ll,cr-threstippths for2¢,vesux six monAs."4: 40 dents - 3r obelihrlttir " , cik :OMNI - I'B'4;m Gk hi a 3oldtir:;l' . - ' t ouo 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers