The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, November 04, 1863, Image 8

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week's issue we give the proclamation of 'the
-President, calling for 800,000 additional vol
unteera,to serve'for three years, unless soon
er disclarged by the termination of the war.
The quota• of Pennsylvania is nearly one
eighth of the whole requisition upon the loyal
States—tinaking the number to he furnished
by our State about 38,u00. In addition to
this the State is in arrears about 16,000 prior
to the4ast draft, an&was on the 17th ult. in*
arrears about 87,000 on the last draft—ma
king the total number of troops duo on the
17th of October, 91,000. The draft now in
progress will of 'course reduce the quota con
siderably; but fully one-half of the requisi
-sition for which the last draft was made till
.have to be supplied. Taking the number of
men due on the 17th of October - es the basis,
the State then owed the government one in
thirty of its population. and of that number
FranklinL-asstiming her contribution of
troops to be about equal to the average of the
counties—would be about 142,6—1e5s the
number put in by the present draft. We
subjoin a table - showing the quaa of each
district; from which may be deducted the
nuMber sent in person ; by substitute or who
have paid commutation under the present
Araft :
Uhambersburg. , .
'St. Thomas......
o ntgoiaery.:-
• Mereersburg
Washington -...
Lurgan- •
- 42,791 142%
We have in this county about 1,000 rote-1
ran troops honorably discharged from the .
120th and 15`8th regiments. These men were
all in service on the 3d of March last, and'
were thereby exempt from the operations of*
the lute draft. They will not, hower, be ex-•
•empt from the draft to be made on the Ist of
'January next for deficiences in the districts::
We pr2l.uni , that the fir.,t coitingent, em-'
. bracing all sinzle mPo between 20 and 4:i
years of agr..,u : ..a ta-,,yried men under
35, will be exhausted first by the January
draft. and the sPennd contingent drawn upon'
for the deficit. If so. ni ist of our returned
soldiers Inuit inevitably b,! drafted, for nine
tenths of them'beloug to the first eoittingent,
-and is that is likely to be exha - Uated there
Will be,n9 lottery about it—all will be taken.
/f taken - as drafted rum -they will most like
ly receive only the bounty given to drafted
men. If they enter the service as rolun-.
teers, they will receive $402 bounty. Ws
do not:know that the Department will thus
enforce the regulations; but as they now
stand, the results would be as we, have indi
cated. The bounty 'allowed to volunteers
who have served for nine months or over,
and who .lutve -been honorably discharged
from the service is $402. , All other recruits
will be paid,bounty of a $302. This bounty
will be paidiu cash, or_ in checks transmit
ted by mail, as . the recruit may desire, in
the following sums: - •
Pay. Bounty. Total. 1
Before leaving rendezvous $l3 '`xs62 $75
First pas two mouths after....—.. 26 50 ' 76. 1
After Sil months 39 50 40,1
1444,0 f one Year.... ....... ... .......... 78 50 . 12'fl
At eighteen months 78 50 • 125
At two years ' ' 78 50 ;', 128
At two years, and a ha1f................ 78 50 1 2 8
End of three years ... 78' 40 118-
Totals • 4468 $402 $B7O,
The pay and bounty of recruits who have
not been in the service will be allowed in
the' same way. The pay is precisely the
, same, the only difference being in the beim
-3z which Is one hundred dollars Tess. The
pay before leaving the rendezvous, however,
is the same, inhounting to $75. r If honora
bly ; discharged after two years' service,- or
mustered out,before the expiration of enlist
ment, the amount of bounty will be paid in
full. :If he dies in the service, his heirs will
receive it. The pay and bounty above men-,
• tioned will amount per month as follows : :
Veterans. Recruits).
If in service three years .$24 17 $2l 35
Inn service two years only 29 75 25 57 ,
,abaie, of course, is exclusive of ra
bons,, ,clothing and medical attendance. It
in certainly high.enough to indude thousands
of men to enlist, and. will be immensely pre- .
ferable to- being' caught: hi' the draft. And
when considered that the war, with our
army augmented by,390,000 additional men,
cannot last beyond sib months or a year,:
and that with such a force the rebels can
tight but few if anyesanguinary battles, the •
inducement for men to volunteer is very
great indeed. Especially should our • return-;
od volunteers, who can conveniently leave
home, respond to this call, for they are of
treble seine to the government that -raw re-.
emits could be. ,
, .
The arr a ngements will be completed in
*short time for enlisting the new troops, •
• "'end the quotas will be officially announced.
They will iat.t,liowever, vary materially from
Our table. • ,As soon as the plans are matured,
with district should at once make an earnest'
. - and united effort to fill its quota. With such
SO • effort,we believe that Franklin might
escape the next draft entirely. - The wants
of the Bony are immediate and pressing, and •
ellpatribtic men should aid in every move
ment made to respond • to the call. • Nor
- houbk the effort stop when the men are fur
tasked. The family of every soldier in the
jservice - should be placed above want, either
by district subscriptions or by the county.
It wouldbe a blistering-shame, for the family
Of a 'Franklin county soldier to suffer for the
necessaries of life. ,Our nigh valley teems
with ploaty and 4 - greed' with . the promise of
futuresitindamie;and the hived Ones of those
I . who fight our battles should be strangers to
I the remorseless pangs'of poverty.
The official reguhitions;as approved by the
Secretary of War, for the recruiting of vol
unteers under the late call, have
mulgated liy the Provost Marshall General.'
They say that District agents are to be ap
pointed by the Provost Marshall General to
arrest deserter's and procure recruits. $3O
reward will be paid for the apprehensionand
delivery of a deserter. $25 premium will be
paid to the agents for each,, accepted recruit
presented by them, who has served in the
army - at least nine months, and been honora
bly discharged for other cause than disability.
$l6 premium_ will ,be paid for all other ac
cepted recruits. The moneys received from
drafted persons as an exemption from service
shall constitute a substitute fund for the pay
ment of premiums and bounty to'recruits.
The total amount of bounty to be paid to each
recruit is $402, of which he will receive $75
cash before leaving the general rendezvous.
The balance will he paid to, him by install
ments apcording to,existing regulations Tht
monthly compensation Of soldiers enlisted un
der this order will be at the following rates :
If continued in the service three years, veter
an volunteers, $24; 'other volunteers, not
veterans„ $2l 30. _lf discharged at the end
of two years, veterans, $29 70 ; other volun
teers, $25 50. If honorably mustered out in
less than:two years, the mothly'rate of com
pensation will be increased as the term of
service is diminished. 'lf the Government
shall not require these troops for the full term
of three years, and they shall be honorably
mustered - out, before the expiration of their
term of enlistment, they shall receive the
whole amount of bounty remaining unpaid
the same as if the full term had been:served.
Legal heirs of recruits who die in the service
shall be, entttled to the whole bounty remain
ing unpaid at the time Of the soldier's death.
Any pers§n practising or attempting to prat=
tise *all' or imposition either on, the Govern
ment or the recruit shall be summarily dealt
with by a niilitary commission.' Men, en
listed under this order will be assigned to old
Population. Quola
3,415 . 114
...... .. 1,402 46
5,261 175
3,143 ' 104
1,54'2 51
1,809 60
2 07 4 80
3.400 113
1,100 37
720 24
....... 2,216 74
I=3 - 41
3,478. 116
.......- 1,927 64
2,240 75
• 1,280. 43
..... .. 2.268 75
.1.184 39
'2,766 95
shameless frauds have been practiced upon
the drafted men in this district, especially ,
upon those from the distant counties. Occa
-genet freaks of petty legal larceny would
break out all the .time; but' When FUlton
came with ante-dated papers and perjury,
under the lead Of a -Copperhead member of '1
the Fulton bar, !the cloud thickened ; and it
became a regular trade when the Democratic - I
lawyers of goreerset got at it. Of the` ten
Democratic Attorneys of Sotherset, nine fol
lowed the conscript& here as the buzaards
follow the carcass, and one irregular or , !buqh
lawryer " -and a small assortment of trained: l
physicians were attached-to the troupe. 'But
one 'nion laW)ei. attended, and he was a
coni - eript, although two-thirds of the drafted
men were of the Union party. Earnestly I
as these Democratic Attorneys were opp4e4'',,
to the:draft before elections, they accommo
dated themselYes to it with wonderful facil
ity when the dear people had voted, and
made the best of it by tracking conscripts to
Charnbersburg to hurl legal _ - quibbles and ,
physical bleinishes against the governrrient
at so much per head.
'lt would be cruel not to mention that Brig.
Alexander, Hamilton Coffroth, 31. C.,
was not the Democratic laWyer who didn't
attend. He don't mean to have any of his
constituents taken to the tented field uncon
stitutionally if he can help it, and can be paid
for keeping them away; but it is due to truth
to say that_wedo not know him to have been
a pasty to any fraud or attempted wrong
upon — the drafted men. It took men of more
shrewdness and less honesty than he posseseS
to play that Part. Mr. Bear, whose late vote
for Senator required a man who had swal
lowed a torch-light procession to rescue him
from " scattering." in the returns, soothed
his sorrows over ungrateful and stiff-necked
voteraby speculating out of the draft ; and
Valentine Ht&v, Editor of the Somerset Dent
oCeat, playedra stiff hand upon the conscript
ed "8011,4 of thunder." In one instance, we
learn unofficially, he earnestly requested thi
Provost MarShal to hear a case out of order
and Capt. Eyster, ever anxious to oblige, did
so. The conscript was brought _ before th,
Board, and the Captain carelessly asked what
he was to pay Mr. Hay for his services. •HI
innocently answered that Mr. Hity had agreed
to get him examined before the regular time,
and to try and have him exempted for twen
ty-five dollars! The case was of course dis
missed without further inquiry. We have'
heard of several instances in which a Somer
set physician, acting in concert with the
lawyers, had extorted from 525 to 5150 a
head from drafted men, and in some Cases
the sum first named _was charged and paid
when the conscript was held to service. Nu
mercus cases of alienage ; of manifest physi
cal or mental disability, or of unquestioned
right to exemption upon other grourida, were
seized upon by these attorneys aided ,hy one
or two- physicians, and, as exemption was
certain, they made the drafted men believe
that through - their personal influence, pro
fessional skill,, or somo other mysterious:
manner net proper to explain, they had-pro
cured their discharge; and most extravagant
sums were demanded and often received
therefor: -
Of eoursehundreds of conscripts who, have
been discharged plucked, or who have -been
thus approached by these shysters, have gone
home under the impression that the matter
of exemption was merely •a question of price,
and that' the Board were in the hands. of
tbese . operators and shared their plunder.—
Here, where the °Mehra are well known, no
refutation of this suspicion is necessary-; but
it is due to theßoard, to the public, to the
plundered conscripts, as well as to the plun.
derdia, to say that every man.•' who has paid
exorbitant-Fels, Atto;neys or physicians on
al i t , : froiditiiitiVoMtOti j ,r;4llih n itiepabiti gi Vti,
the gionad that they could influence exemp- .
tions in any way Whatever, has been swind.
led and could recover his money back in any
court of Justice. Attorneys were often need
ed legitimately to prepare- papers and give
counsel as to the proper eourse‘of procedure,
ani a moderate fee for such service would be
but just; but all assumptions to procure ex
emptions on any ground other than that, tin
der the law, they were just,' were false and
fraudulent, and the operators were but eom- .
mon thieves. No attorney or other adireitate
of eiemPtion,aa' a rule, got before the Board
at all, and could have no access to the mem
bers thereof, except through the written cit
ies presented, and they could not therefore,
after preparing the proper affidavits, be of
my service whatever to the iiPplictufts. All
who have_paid for other alleged services haVe
seen swindled. • We believe that John 0.,
Kimmel, Esq., one-of the 'members of the
Somerset imr, left for home heartily disgust
alw as soon as he ascertained the shyster Fro-,
• cavities of some of his associates.
, It is due to the Board to state that we have
received no information" , from its members,
nor has this article been prepared with their
THE Waynesboro Record says that Major
Morrow was in that place recently, and was
very abusive of some of the loyal citizens of
that place, and is moth incensed at a'nunber
of individuals who, he alleges; 'gilled a peti
tion to Gen. Couch for his' removal. The
Record adds that "there is one thing we do
know, however—that the conduct of his Men
on .the occasion of the Union meeting in this
place was highly discreditable to him as an
officer ) and the only excuse that can be of
fered in his behalf, on .that occasion, is, that
'he was slightly inebriated himself, that the
soldiers took advantage Of his situation, and
heree the disorder. We are sorry that the
'Major gives no signs of reformation in this
respect, for during his last visit here he car
ried a fair sized 'brick' in his hat.. Apart
from his 'imbibing' propensity, the Major
is a clever fellow, and we think, under the
circumstances, he has no just cause to com
plain of our citizens, much less to blackguard
them. •'
O. E. SHANNON Esq., of Beth'Ord, it seems
attended here with the drafted men'of that
county, to attend to such cases us needed le
gal assistance. On his return to Bedford,
he published the following card in the Ga
" After twos weeks work before the Board -of En
rollment at Chambersburg. it affords the undersign
ed great pleasure to testily to the fairness, the im
partiality, courtesy and efficiency of the gentlemen
composing the Board, Whilst some few mistakes
may have been made (and we. think there were)
none were wilful, but the result' of errors common'
to human judgment in the multitude of cases of ev
ery silo& wad kind constantly coming before them.
The people of this district can congratulate them
selves upon so fortunate it Board for their interests.
Competency- and fairness, so far as human foresight
could go, characcerized every decision. 'The Board
prupar is composed of Capt. Geo. Eyster, Provost
Mars.hal, Dr..llt. , :eiss, Surgeon of Board of-En
rollment and John T. McDhenn.v.,Eso., member Of
Board of Enrollment ; the following gentlemen as
deputies, attaches, ,tc.. D. A. Wertz. Jere. Cook.
John M,. Gilmore, Barnet Earley. Chas. H. Taylor,
B. C. Downy. Charles Mull and Collector Scull.
"To them_ all, on behalf of the pimpkt - of Bcdthrd
county, we return our hearty thanks for the kindly
and gentlenianly manner in which we were treated.
Sir John Falstaff will consider our how made.
1.). E. SHAN.NON."
• Ma. J. *F.- -Kuwrz has been 6n intrifssioned
a• Notary Public in Waynesboro'. and has
entered upon 'his duties. The Old Savings
Institution has been transformed into the
'First National Bank of 'Waynesboro, " and
the shareholders will meet to-morrow to per--
feet the organization' An election for nine
Directors will beheld on Saturday nest: when
the Bank will be put into immediate Ipera
thm. The notes for the National Banks ire
,not yet prepared ; but the' governmea: wili
be supply them in a few weeps.
Tni Matronof the Franklin Hall Hospi
tal, acknowledges the receipt of the follow
in articles for the use of the Hospital
Further contributions are respectflilly colic
ited :
Mr. Stodffer, bag of apples: Mrs. Greenawalt, ler
of apple butter. jar of piek les. samageand pudding;
Mrs. Fuller. 3 heads of cabbage: Mr. Noble‘lbush
el of apples ; , Mrs. 73iK1oy . 3.1", bushel of potatoes. 2'
heads of cabbage. From Fayetteville—Two crocks
apple butter, bag of apples, tumbler of jelly, pes.h,
prese:ves, two pumpkins, one peck dried apple. 4:
cherries and onions.
OUR CITIZEN Plitsoxims.—A letter re-
Ceived from "J; Porter Brown, one; of our
•itizcn .prisoners in Richmond, states that
Ifessrs. John P. Culbertson, Dr. Jas. Hami
lton. Alleh C. McGrath, Thos. H.,McDow-
B. and George S. Heck, have been sent: to
)rison iii Salisbury, North Carolina. No
reason is assigned for separating our citizens
in their cruel confinement, arid sending a
portion of them still farther South.
COURT.—The 'October term of our
court was the shortest we have ever known.
The criminal 1443 were ;one through
with by ThursdaY evening: The procedings
were unimportant, and we omit our usual
WE are requested to state that Samuid- P.
Bates, Deputy - Superintendent of Common
Soho()ls, will be in - attendance at the meet
ing of thri Franklin CoUnty Teachers' Asso
ciation on the 11th
Eariox ELLIOTT, an old and highly
respected citizen of Hamilton township, died
on Sunday last, aged over 81 yeai s . H e was
once Sheriff of the county - , and was widely
beloved. -
FRANTZ„ near Wayiesboro, had
twerity sheep killed by dogs one night last
week, on hi; Win near Hopewell.
attention of the public ia directed to
th. adv ertleemoat of Frey k Mong,in 'to.clay's paper.
Miring pnrehaapd the well kiown establishment of Wm.
Fh,ry", dec'd, arid the two hearses of Wm. A. Hazelet,
they.are prepared to furnish. and attend to every thing
in the line of undertakers at the shortest noticy.
would - buy pure, fresh Ground Pepper, Cinnionon,Cloves,
Coriander, and all kinds of Spices, searraatedfrtshy go
to mama 1 lirssuirea s Drug afore.
Buy your rerolene 911 from Gelwicip. ke
is *gent for one o f the beet Oil Companies in the State
NO always sells the beet oil erholoieleend
Ws direct lite attention of our friends,
who may wish to purchase Firs of any description, and
have the privilege of selecth n from a large and splendid
stock, to the advertlfiement of Vessrs. Chas. Ookford &
ons, Pniladelphin, in another column.
.BITTER Win of Inox, a preparation
prepared fronOtun and Peruvian Barks. An excellent
preparation fur thie senaon el' the year. Prepared and
sold* Huns a cirssiant.
WHEN, you have been every place and
ewe find what you want. go to Gatwictra' cheap Whole
sale and Retail Litre. He keep everything.
GELwicks keeps the largest asz+ortment of
Groceries and Honsckeepingorticles intown. lle sine
cheap iit)Vitolmile and Itei nil.
READ Gelwieks' advertisement. in this
weeks paper.,
Ural (Estate *des.
The undersigned. Assignses of DAVID tiotibrEsn and wife,
will sell at Public 'Sale,ort thelllth.dayrV-Ne
rentber:lss:3, (.11 ti epremises,thefrllowing.Retl testate,
situate on the Turnpike, about half %Vat between • 'ham
berebtirg and Uettyshurg. in Adams C'eunty, a tract of
750 Acres of land, divided it to Lots, as
No. I—The MANSION TRACT containti - 150 Acres,
about 50 vf which Is improved Land. well limed and in
1k goal state of cultivation, aMI the balance of the- tract
Li- well set - with Chesnut. Pine nod other timber. The
most healthy and pleasant Summer Resorts in this part
of the State, is upon this-tract. frotel is a subs
tantial brick building. 52 ft. by 30, With a two story back
'alibiing. 45 fr. by 211 1 laid off into. rooms for the use of
boarders. visitors, &c. Connected with it Is u &um Room
and Post Office., Also a lar;t3 and convenient IiATIf
IiODSE, with 20 Bed rooms at tadlied, extensive stabling,
Blacksmith Shop, Ire House, Ten Pin Alley. Itevolvtg.
Swing. and another necessary bdildings Also,aTentmt
House and al, Voting QLchard of Choice Fruit.
No. 2—Adjoining - The above,. contains 92 Ames and is
well covered 'with young Timber. ,
N0.3--Contalus . 244 Acres. near 20 of which is cleared
and in good order, the balance is well set with Chestnut
Pinmind other timber. The improvements are a two.
storitsi Wentherbaartied DIVELLINti 1.101.1dE aqd Stable.
.4 61, 4, Heir maw 31111.
Nu. S.—Contains 61 Acres and 100 perches, and is well
set with Lltte4nut.Dak, and other timber."
No.lo-4;oiltning.2ol Acres and is well net with young
Chesnut and Rock Oak.
There are several 'Water Powers on the faregoinglots.
Also—The undivided one-hslf of US Acres, adjoining
T. Stevons .thElolllrl3 heirs, wallset_with young timber.
Persons 1 , , Isle• to view the premises will colt on el
titer of theAbscribers.. Silo to commence at the Graf
rental rg Hotel. st 10 o'clock, A. M.. on said day, when the
conditions will lie mode known by
JOILN DOWNEY.l, Asai _ te ,
d~tiNll iET \JAN.
Oct 23'63
BEAL ESTATE—The tinderaigned, Executors of
-',arm 111;d JONATnAN Cats, Into 01 WWII township,
Huntingdon County. Pa . deceased, will offer at Pithlic
Sale. on Hut prem ibes, on Thursday, thel•2lh day' of No
rerabtr. 18tA the MANSION FARM of said oece.abed,
one milemnd II half East of Burnt Cabins; bounded I,y
land 3 of Jacob Spapog/0.. John John /Indian
sit:1100101i; containing 179 ACRES and allowance of
Land. About 100 Acres, are cleared and in cultivati, , n.
'Chd improvements artS a ;TWO-PTORY WEATHER
Shed,' Corn Cribs. and other out...buildlngs thereon.—
There is a never-failing Spring in the Spring-Louse, and
a running Stream of Water through'said:Parrm
Also-10 Acres of Laud; about , seren area eared and
under fence.
Also-19 Acres of Land: on which 18 erected a Dwell
ing [loon; Naas:fah Sbon and Stable. 'There is. also,
a line 01 chard on the premises.
A 1.40-11 Acres of Land: about 10 Acres are cleared.
TEUMS: One-third of the parch:tee money on let of
April next (nt which time possession It'lll be given): the
balance in two o !nal annual paymente with interest, se
cured by liond and Mortgage. JAMES GENE, , c L.,
act 28: 'filbta. DAVIDIVELCII }
DUBLIC SALE.—By-virtue of ati'
Order issuing out of the Orphans' Court of Fronk ,
County. and to the undersigned, Administrators of
Catharine Cromer, late el Letterkenny Township. deed,
there will be exposed to .-üblie Sale, on the Premixes,
nn AsAtturday, the 21stdityvf Norco& r. 1563, at 1 o'clock
'P. BI- the follow log describedgfeal Estate, viz: \ One
Acts and 6Z/ perches of Slate and, with a to:watery I
' K IOUBE, one-story Leg 'Muse. Frame Stable,
11 , .g, Pen. and other. necessary impreventents thereon
erected There aro an excellent Well of Water. and an j
Apple Orchard. containing 40 fruit bearing trees on the
premises. The property is situated in Pleasant
Franklin county. Pa. Terms or Zaloi 10 per cent or pur
chase to be paid on day of sale. Ono half of
whole amount of purchase money•(including the 10
per cent paid an the day of Sale) to be pail so the let
day of Apia, 11114, or at any time before that when pur
chaser may desire possesshm, when a deed for property
will be given. The b dance en the let of Aprll, 1865.
with interest from date of deed.securell be judgment.
•JOiRvII Clt 111 ER,
()et2B ;Weirs of Catharine (Sumer. deed.
CITE BROA D TOP MOUNTAIN /101. 7 .4 E. Drool Top
City, Iluntingdon County. retina. This celebrated (Li
te/, situated on the, top Brond Top Monntair , one of
the finest locations in the State fir pin air, grand
mountain scenery and fine water. is orere I for aisle at a
great b small,, or to rent ..tu an enterprising tenant. -
The (louse is crowded every senaon nwl presents an
itpportunity of making money in the hands of is 'Lard
nww rano seldom to be met with, It is furnished through
out with EL tx4.4sr rcrHNITCIR E from Philadelphia: k
is a very substantial Stone Building; three tunes and
losentent, 14-rhy 84 feet. With kitchen 17 by 27 feet.—
Ice, Bootie. Carriage !low°, Stables atelbtlier out build
inks. a pleasure garden and ample ground for vegetable
gardenii. There are also Meadowl and calt.vated fields.
The large coal trade of the net:Jabot:hood snit the very
salubrious atmosphere of Renal Teri city will ever fill
the House with visitors- during the Summer Months.
• For terms, apply to HENRY D. MOORE,
President Of the Brood .7'tv Imprntlement Cb
228, Walnut St.. PhiladelPhila. loet2S'43-6t
TORE NI) 1) W-E .L .L I.N G
HOUSEE FOR SALM OR RENT.—The , underaigm
. dffers nt Private Sale. his STORE HOUSE and
DWELLING HOUSE, situate in Shade Gap, Huntingdon
County. Roth are Frame Buildingri, nearly new, and
iu good
The Sterediowie has a room fir a Store
and Dwelling I ome in the worm g, and there's a
Lot of Ground attached. The other building _hag two
town lota connected with it.
AI o--Two 'mit lots of grolitia.ths lots on
which the buildings ore. If tint b.,hi hi a • entinnable
time they wit/ be rented. Apply to the undersigned.
residing at Dry Ruth Franklin (Notnty. The Store Room
and noc can be rentr.t for $3O per annum. Alio
-2 shores or !,..",nt Milne/1)0d Academy.
oct 611 t. , ANDREW WIL9ON.•
91A); N kIEY FOR SALE.—The sub
j for Sale his TANNERti, situate in
ontiellsburg. Fulton County. The yard contains 40
TA'. P LSACIIES, (all millet - roof). with PEA BEIM
SHOP. BARK SHEDS. and everything convenient for
carrying on the business. An a bund ance of B ar k can b e
1 1 , 1 .1 so. $ t.i t o $3.50 per et mi. Lit-go and good DIV ELL
!SD HOUSE and Tenant Douse. together with all nec
e:otary buildings. and abundance of FRUIT, on thn lota
ot-thicelioicest kind. In connection with the above will
be sold. if desired. Atetti4S of prime LIMESTONE
LAND in alttgli state of cultivation.
net , ROBS..
%IWO 11017801 FOR he
mole' signed offers nt Private Sale. TWO lAYTS in
Fiayettevihe. one of the Its having thereon erected a
new two storie double FRAME 110UeE, nml the other
none and f storied house. The priterty hides irahly
located for buiduess, or ae n privet r dwelling. being In the
neighborhood of the Academy and opposite Brown's
Hotel Persons whiling to ricw the property con do en
by calling upon Dr. leithrney, the present occupant,or the
8 0 : -. 4 o pee, Terrier made to suit purchasers.
Kept U-It . - JNO. 0, DiOnAlki•
signee of ,Dr. 'fronts Wat.nsa, I will offer at Pub',
Salo on thepremises I. mediately.adjoining the Bor
ough of Waynesboro, Franklin County,, Pennsylvania, on
Pe ida-y. the 20th day of-November, net, several LOTS
OF GROUND, well adapted for torn lots which, were
left unsold at the Jost - sale of Real Estate. Them, lots
adjoin lots sold to Lewis S. Forney. John -Phillips and
(ahem. [uct2l'63l WIL..IAM IPLELLAN, Assignee.
DENCE, situated South of the German Reformed
C arch, is offeredat Private Sale.—The house isr-a two
storied Brick_Dwetiing, arid has all conveniences. For
particulars enquire of STIThIRADDIEt STEWART,
oct2B '634f. 'Attorneys at Lan', Chamb'g.
WANTED.— A 'Wood Chopper,
to und.lrtako to cut large' quantity of LOGS
and WOOD near Chambersburg. Apply to
oct 23 'O3-It Steam Saw and Planing AIM
WANTED—An Apprentice to learn
the TINNING laasineas. F.nquite at
POBIRORY Office. - aeti
WANIPAY .===A — GoodJ ourneyman
CABIKET MAKER. Steady employment
Enquire at this Office. - Actlt '4ll-tr
CART WAN TED. A goodsecond-
Whiad Oart Wanted. A.pply at this tecteacgalt
laialTeiotate ,Sales:
Administrators of Joint
Leaver, late o Peters tow it ibip, deed, will utter at Pub
tic Sale. in Loudon. on thwrviam. the 19th day nj Nana,. -
tter next, the iollowin described Runt getate, to wit:
A TRACT OF LAND, the 'Mansion farm of said
situate in Petert township, bounded by latsis of Henry
Roemer, Peter Burkholder. Peter Stenger (of C) and
other lands of s4id deeeised, c ntaining 152 ACRES and
44 PERCHES neat measure. and thereon a FA f 15.1
DOUSE, with tine spring water brought to the door in
pipes, two Tenant Rouses and other buildings, and
tine Orchard.
Also.—Another TRACT OP LAND, tile "Mill Farm."
sitnato In Peters township. bounded bY. hinds of James
Mullin. Loudon town lute.Conococheague creek and ot it.
er lands of said dec'd, containing 143 ACREBirtid 116
PERCIf ES. with a FRAME DWELLING .110113 E and I
log weather-board barn, and two good Orchards thereon.
Atm.—Another TRAIT OF LAND, situate, in Peters
township. bounded by other lands of &dd. deceased, Con
ocucheague creek , and and of Wright's heirs. containing
al ACRES and 94 PERCIIES, and h_ving thereon a
STONE GEIST :nu in %rood order. with a fine water
power. a SAW MILL, two dwelling houses and other
- -
Al'im - . 7 .testother TRACT OF LAND, situate In Peters
townshiojxiunded by lands of Daniel Trteitle and other
hinds of said dece ase d, containing 216 ACRES and 22
PERCHES, and having thereon a STONE and ROUGH,
CAST DNVi LLING lIOUE-E, a Stone Barn and two Orab
nrds good fruit.
- Also.— Another TRACT OF LAND. situate In Peters
township. 'bounded by lands of 'mulct Trostle, Samuel
Hollinger, Jacob Barger and otter hinds of said decM, rote
taining 215 ACRE - PERCHES, with a FRAME
oWeLLLNO HOUSE and Tenant House,. a Log stable
and small Orchard thereon.
Also.—Another RACF OF LAND, situate in Peters
township, bounded by lauds of Peter Stenger (of II) and
other Muds of said deceased. containing 27 ACRES stud
53 PERCHES. and having thereon a BRICK T tVERN
STAND. Wrlgoll lllaker Ohop, Mack Smith Shop, and an
Orchard of chrtice fruit:
Also;—Another TRACT OF.LAND, situatei n' Peters
township bounded by lands of .Petee .Burkliolder, 'Got
lieb Trogler. Win. Di vilbim, Christhin Hoover and other
lands of said deceased and Peter Stenger, emitting 67
ACRES and 21 PERCHES. This tract is unimproved.
Also.—A TRACT of TIME LAND in Peters town
ship, IMiinded by lands of Christian Hoover, Peter Sten.
ger (of C) heirs ofJamb ilitrkholder, heirs Lowe,
Win. MeGrith. Kuhn and other law% °Gehl deceased
and Peter Stenger, (nrc,) containing 178 ACRES and 37
PERCHES ' Went measure.
Also.—Another TRACT of TIMBERLAND, bounded
by hinds of William McGrath, Emanuel Kuhn and lands
Of Beaver and Stenger, containing 3 ACRES and 161
A-so.—Another TRACT of 'UNIMPROVED LAND, sit
uate in eters township, bounded by lands of Peter
Stenger. of C. Jacob Stanger and John McLaughlin, con:
mining 38 ACRES and 72 PERCHES. - -
Also.—Anotner TRACT of FARM. LPLND,ontiot, sit
naie in Yearn township, hi,utided t Linda id Jae, MM.
lan. Samuel Vance:J. Hassler and Loudon town' lots,
containing I'2 ACRES and flt 2 PERCHES. -
Also—A TRACT of MOUNTAIN LAND. situate in
Peters township. adj )icing lands of J. J. Kennedy and
other lands of said deceased anq Peter Stenger, of C.,
duntainissos7 ACRES and 61 PERCHES. '
Also.—Another TRACT of TIMBER and MOUNTAIN
LAND, situate in Peters township, in Spruce Oap, ad-,
joining lauds i f James Lowe's heirs, Atchison Ritchey
and lands late of IL Easton. containingbl9 ACRES and
Also—An undivil es - Wirer-fourths interesf in a TRACT
OF MOUNTAIN LAND in Pet re township, adjoining
i si nds of ocurath ,Kohn. Peter Burkholder, other Muds'
of - Beaver and Stenger and other lands of deed, con
taming 378 ACRES and 49 PERCHES.
Also--An undivided seven-eights interest in a - TRACT
'OF LAND, in Peters townahip. adjoining other -lands of
said de e d, and lands of Cifitistian Hoover, containing 135
ACRES and 87 PERCHES, with an old Dwelling louse
and other improvements thereon.
Also—An undivided seven-eighths Interest in a TRACT
OF TIMBER LAND. situate in peters townstripl. adjoin
ing lands of Christina Plum's heirs, and other lands of
sold dec'd, containing 89 ACRES and 345 PERCHES. .
Also—A ROT OF GROUND. situate In the town- of
Loudon. in Peters township. containing about 1 ACRE,
with a two story DWr LLING HOUSE, part Bliok. and
part Frame, a Stable, thereon erected. • •
, Also—A LOT OF GROUND. sitnate in the centre of
the town of Loudon,. at tho intersection of a public alley,
with' the Clismisersburg and Bedford turnpike. wHlia
DWELLING ROUSE, Store House tlackstnith Shop,lcc.,
thereon erected:
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A.3l.,onsald day,
when the terms will be make knows by
2tl 411 Y JANE BEATER. Adm'rx,
oct. John Beaver; deed.
By Order of Court.— . -,Wx. G. lifrrcart.t., Clerk. .
ed, Administrators of the Estate of dons Itisre.ew,
Imo of tlisilford Township, tee'd.. - will sell, by Publib
Sale. at the Mansion House of said deceased. on ruerday
the-101h ar,d Uredreesda 1, Vie 11th tit) Ds of November, 1503,
the .I:Mowing personal property: 0:1 VIE Film: DA r
offered. Thu stuck consists of 3 head of H trees; 1 Cult;
NIB - eh Cows; 4 bead of Young Cattle, dc. Among the
Farming Iniplements, 3 FARM. WAGONS, and Bells; 2
on-horse Wagons; 1 art; 1 Grain Drill; 1 M'Corinick
Reaper; 1 Thrashing Machine and Horse Power, Roller,
large tiny Fork and Tackle; Wheat Fan; Roiling Screen;
flay Rake; Hay Ladders; Corn Dropper and Coverer;
Bar Shear Plows; 3 double and 3 single Shovel Plows; 2
Harrows; Mos, ing Se)thes; Drain cradles; 2 sets Hind
Gears; 2 sets Front Guars; Plow Gears; Saddles. Bridles
and Collars:-Fly Nets; Cow, But, Log, and other Chains,
Ac.. Ac., Ac. Also. 14 TUNS OF RAY 2 (Tinioi liy) by the
tun; Po tatoes by the bushel; ST Locust Posts; a let of
Shingles; 9.00.) FEhT OF PINE AND OAK 'LUMBER,
patt of which is good dooring, inch and % inch" Boards:
a variety of scantling; 20 Cords of Wood; a lot of Chest
nut flails; 1- set of Carpenter's Tools; 3 Orb:Oslo:les;
2 Cross Cut' Saws; Wood Saws; Axes; Shovels; 250 lbs.
new Iron; a large lot at old Iron, Metal. Lead Pipe, Ac ,
Ac. Also. 1 CARRIAGE; two:horse SLEIGH. On
kitchen Utensils Ac.. will be sold, comprising iu part:
1 Slit board; 2- B ureaus; 2 Book Cases and D ek; 1 Case
of Drawers; 1 Mahogany Dining, and 2 .Side Tables;
Stands; Tables; Chairs: 7 - Beds and Bedding; 50_yds.
-peting. Venetian Blinds; I Parlor. I Cook, and 3 small
Stores; 4 Iron Kettles; 3 Copper' Kettles: Ssusage Ma
chine: Tuba, Churns,. Itarret4 and Meat Vessels, Ac.;
Ac. Also, a great variety of Booker, 1 -Silver Watch: a
lot of Cloth: 20 yds. Flannel; .0/1 Cloth; a lot of Flax
Yarn; 2 i ens Lard; 3 bids Vinegar: and a groat ninny
other articles not onatherate.
Salo to commence at 10 o'clock, each day, when atten
dance and a reasonable credit will be given by
.101 IN T. RENYBEW,} Ad m, r s
oct 21.'031 ; S. R. BURNS,
-11, ABLE REAL ESTATE . —The undersigned,-Execu
tor. of James Bratty and also of tath trine Beatty. late
of Antrim Township. dec'd.. will otter at Public Sale, on
theiiremises, on Thnrscluy, the jith!day NorerAer,
next. a Tract of Land situate in Ziiwitl township, known
as the -Johnston Perm" bounded.. , by lands cii
Whitmore. Jittxtb and John Prantunwl others,con tal ning
shout 2SO Acres. The improvements are, n STONE
HOUSE. Bank Barn. Spring Muse, &c: There. s en eR,
eellent Spring of Water near the door. The Thiel will
be eurvoye.l and divided into two ftrms, bef.,ro the sale.
Each ;of said . arms would have an abundant- supply of
good Thnber. -
Salo to Continence at I o'clock, I'. AY.. when the terms
will be made known by JAMES - NI ht.,
- -
Executors of Jur. Be qty. dyed.
0ct21'63-tp] dAS. NILL, Bs' r qf ctqh. Beatty. dec . d
y NON SALE.—The subscriber desiring to retire
from b usiness,og ere at privateaale his VALU EBLE MILL
Property, situate ea the Comeochengne tteek. at
Scotland. five Miles North of Chambariburg. The Mill
'has three - rnu of Burrs and is in good ordevfor home and
merchant work. It is situated in oni of the best gram
growing regions of Southern Pennsylvania, and conie
nient to churches and chools. 'There ate about seven
teen Acres of land connected with the Mill, near!) all
Cleared and good Meadow Land,' and nvdergood fence.
A large two-story Weatherboirded DWELLING lioUt-E
and other out buildings. and considerable fro it are on the
property. Ths price asked is 35.00. while the nett
earnings of the mill timing the last year was aboVe VnO.
For particulals apply to the subscriber 'eliding on tut
, premises. , 'JOHN SLBICtITt K.
au g
v FOR SALE.-.The undersigned offer at Private
Slie, the well known Tavern, situated on the corner of
Market and Second Streets, near la the occupancy of
Sheriff Brown. The Hotel is a large commodious two
story brick building. The 'yard attached is admirably
arranged for travellers stopping with buggies and
wagons. The stable is largo and airy, and capable of
accommodating from 60 to 60 bead of horses. The Out.
buildings such as Wash Howie. Spring House Ice House,
ac.. makes it the most desirable Hotel in the county.
Its near location to the Rail Road, Court House, Bank,
and bcismessplaces, ronders ,it the met pleasant and
convenient stopping place in town.,"
Persons desiring to purchase, can sea thopremisea and
learn the terms of sale by calling oath° undersigned.
Chamb'g. sept. 2-tf S. M. WORLEY.
TAV.E.-The undersigned, AdMiniatrator of ililtAo
rarrs, late of Guilford township,,t dec'd, will aell at
Public Sale. on the premises on Tuetiday, the lith day of
Norember, 15113. - at 10 o'clock, A. N.. the following Real
Mato, via: Thirty-two Acres and Thirty-two perches
of excellent Limeidone Land, bounded by lands of Chris
tian Bltner and Jacob Etter, situated in Guilford town
ship, with a two-storied WEATHEBBOARDED DWEL
LING HOUSE, Log Barn, Wagon Shed. Guru Crib, and
other ont-buildings thereon erected. There is an Or
chard of choice Fruit and a Well of good water near the
House. There Is about two 'Acres of Timbered Land,
and the balance cleared and in excellent order. .
• Terme will be made known on the day of tide.
By order of the Court - JACOB Y. HEMS.
. CF. ktitehell, Cf k. [oet2l3'633t] jkleier.
eai estate ,Sales.
tAIiCE TO MATE MONEY- undersigned offer at Brivide bale. on nett*
nio...iting - terms, All that valuable T ALT OF LAND skill
itted in at. Tlomas towneliip. Ft 'ankh.*i toadity, $.
miles N (nth •we st of the village houndati
by feuds ofD.Wilsonss HMIs, 'Win..Fraitter,' Barr. and
others, containing •
220 ACRI4S,
About 100 Aeresof this Tract are clouted and In a Feb*
_ ata tcofeultiYatiele-, - , the whole of which loka been diet
°, u glaF limed within the last few yearn.: thebalanve.ti
3 )& 1 ' 0 kr set with thriving Tindier. There Ise Due-Ldne ,
stone Quarry on the premises, !rim which n impeller
_gnality of Lime is made. The)druprovenierits consist .1
"good, ttewatoried Lug and PrantoliWk.LLl.f.cti II4)3 8 1.0
A FINE BANK BAIN. erected last i.uninier:i .11, MOT-
Power SAW MILL, nail bTA and S111;4441 WU,
driven by a smell Steam Engine, end 'utliesq neetiOly
and convenient buildings.
The nbovo Pr3perty oilers great inducements-to pni r .7 —
chasers of Estate. It is loe4ted in - a finely Tinitteet.d
region. and as the demand fur Liimber, Staven„-Shingleb,
&C.. is awl Will continue on. the inerenee, an eri•rgeint
business man could not fail to make - Money oat of tfiti
many advantages it possesses. Persons desiring to to
vent in a relivable Property are invited, to view this
SalisburySbeaurtan, residing thereon. willgive any in-
Fonintion that may be desired. Nearside* can be-had
atany time. ' -
June 17. GARVER a
—The subscriber offers at Private edits FARM
situated alaint3.4 mile from QttillrYieentaing lat AcR toy
14 of which, is In TI dt3J ti and thriving Chestnut. 4-
of the Farm !sof tte bestquat icy of I,I:II.ESTONE Lad
and 11111r1 ai high - state of onitiviition, the Intimate
nientsare alarm, 11R1Cli 110 USE, with .portico nod
porches, a new BRICK BANK 'MI:N.Bu feet long, wills
,Shed and Corn . Crib' attocheit double. Fran , .
Vantage Ilense,Brick- Wash House. Smokeßouse, tinkle
Oven, anthill neceasaiy outbuildings,
good reptile.
There Is a large Cistern closeto the Barn, need fur F.texk
and one near the kitchen. There is a Well of excellent
'water in the yard. There is alsii a _variety of choirs,
Fruit, such as Pears, Plums, Peachili mei Orates la, Itiee
yard. There ionise a good URGUARD utlyoung thriving
Fruit on the premises ,
, - ersone.wiyhing to view thesland vat dp an by tilting. ,
on the subscribe t.oc •
any information respea.-thig it ecru
be obtained by calling on Om J. Balsley, Count); TEttael
rer. (Kept ft-tri • -3011 N 31113DOW101.• '
NEAR NAYETTEVIL.LE.—The entlereighed win
sell at Private aale, the followit g :le - scribed REAL an
TATE, to wit:
All tinder good fence and tillable. with S good Brick Dwelt
ing. a never tilling well of good water near- the door.
good Mon and Thraithing Floor, a. fine Otebnitd bearing
the boat fruit. Alio •
3 . 2.lerge;Vats, fS large Leaches With limes ard - pools
Bark Bill, Roller. ramp and Fulling Simko, all lx,enrel
lent order, the whole. opetiiiingLby WATER .11./W,84-
Also a good Barkalmil. all unnerp.theial 3n eonvenimmo
and labor &airing. - ,
The above property will be shown toany person on ap
plication to Jacob , B. Cook or lia,yetteville. or Johrt D.
Cook ofehitmbereburg. Tennawdl be - reas.inable.
June 17.'634( - PETER COOL
FOR SALE .— The undersigned will tell at Private
Sine, his TANNERY, known as the gornerl
!death and water-power. Saw Mill, Chopping al il I, Stockir
iorhreikiughidea,bc. The Tannery bus S leeches,,
VIM 2 limbs and water-pool, and is capable 'of tanning
801),heary hides a year. There are two Log
Houses. Barn. Stable and other neciesdry out built/4)ga
connected with the Tannery. and about CIO Ai:rest:leased,
with goad fruit. Ile will sell any'gnantity of lend with
the Tannery, from 100 to 700-Acres. 0 a,600 Acres are
Tlmbor,atiti an ample supply of t liesont Oak Bark te.
run the Tannery ter fifty years. It is situated meat
7 miles South-west of Mereersburgon Licking creek,
Terms made easy. POlSCSbital wfil ire gPren this fall if
necessary; For (Lather partienlms tidaresa the unties
signed, at Mercersburg, Franklin county, f's. -
rime 12, 63-tf
j_ of thOOsphans' Court. the 7ndersigned, Extillfor6
ut the last will and Testament of .Jaeoß Bernisderfet,
late of Antrim township, deed, will offer at Publie Sale
on the premises, on Saturday. the 14th itt Notremher.l3stl:
at 1 o'clock, P. IL, the following described Real Estate . ,
viz : A TRACT of LAND. the 'Mansion Farnt ofaald dee'd
situate in 'Antrim town, hip. Franklin Co , Pa., bounded
by hinds of Oeo. Rhode , .. Samuel Schindle. Joh t Pulse&
Samuel Bemesderfer, Wm.° Cil Mart and others. euntidn
ir gl!ti ACRES more or less. and hatingjheree n enseterl
LOG HOUSE, Frame Bent and Other buildings. Theme
bra good well of Witter, and a good OR , BA Don Said
tract, and about twenty tire Acres of good Toropat.
The termikwill be made known on the day_ of salty I.y
oct 14 SAMUEL St:Ill N DEE. ' L em. -
By order of Court—W. U Mrrerteit, Clerk. • _
The undersigned olio ti at Private Salo tie- titrn
s.tuatcti on the Warm .Spring Road. % toile castor Mer
eershurg, containing 11 - 7 ACRES, about half Linteatucnit
and the balance Slate. are in a good Sint& of cultivation.
The improveptenth•are a two etttry ERICA not Sk t Ranh
Barn with Corn Crib and Waggis tibildattaebed, and all
other necessary outbuildings. '.There isnu exec. lest well
of Water in the yard audit shunt of running 'Waterme
the fanu, for stock, and tin ,ORCAIARD Aif choice Frith
ou the premises,
Also. 1.48 ACRES of lIOUNTAIN.AND.netiv therrkte
leading from lllereersburg to NI reoulielisio34. „Teutons
wishingto view the proprrrt• will call upon the under
, signed residing iSn the Earn.
I oct 144 t ' FRANKLIN E. REED.
ipi upLic SALE.—The undersigned.
ecutur of 0 briel DI Hr. dye d. xIW rlTer at Far
lic Salimm t helm tneit•a on '1 htr win?" . the Nor, -
her nett! A TRACT OF LAM). either e in 11 itabingtogr
tonnahrp, Franklin co.. about 3 noir.% l.nnt l'inynes
borti. bounded ny lan& of John tt Olier, Omer Shoat?
and othiera, containing anent 20 A('l E Th ere if (4*
nail tract. a RiU.1140.11. OOLEN }MAORI - . all tlit.
raceseax, Machinery. in good order. and Plipert, r r
Power. ' The other Imp: tat exnents are a tww.tory rough
crust I/Nli JELLING 11..iThrtE. Teuant Ilona° and Baru-
The Land la of excellent quality and there Is a guild
hearing Orchard. and other. Fr uit reeir On it.
Sale to Ournmence at 1 o't luck. 1' in., when uttendani , o
will he given and the tonna Made known.
oat 144 • 11 &NI DEAx. Ber,,
V-X I I)ICTi'I.OR'S SALE.-13:c virtum,
i p i. A . tt n e t re o f . an r il wa T e e l s i t o ar nt a. o ti f ib t e l rg ee t r a g i v rg H
eXpllet , to Public Sale, outhe,plemhes.ln vain Wl
ofigh.o.ithel.:;th day of Noteiriber nrTl, tLat Urger and
commodious BRICK DWELLING HOUSE aft]. the LOT
i hereto:vitt:wheel, situation the South side hf Lest Mar
ket Sty/mt. hounded on the-Fast by let of .L A. Sister.
Esq.. and On the West b. Iht of bytunn S. Cook. Egg..
being oho:a:Q. feet in width and 1511 met in depth : on
this lot there is very desirahle Fruit. Terms or HIM
ado known on day of solo: JAMES L. BLACK.
0cf1.4-4t) Ev:r of the Er:tett:off% S. Ilarper,deed.
subscriber will sell et Private Sale tbe•S.MALI.
VRM which he now revichat. Banta° in Antrim town--
ship,•Franklin County, about Aht utiles front llrecucuti
tie. on the Can/down road, adjoining laud. of Kimmel
Myers and others. containing about FORTY AORRE---ail
cleared land, in goOd order anti under good fence. Them
is tt. YOUNO - 011ClIARDuf thrifty trees on tlorplarts. pu t t
aWelPof excellent water. The .improvements consist
of a twoittory TN. DWI:I,6INQ lIOUSIt, %r
BANK RARNJorty-tuo feet long, nud well Ilulahn t i.
and atl other.neceutitty out buildings. Pototesslon, rill
be ;Avon on the Ist of April. 18a4. Teru' mil be meets
known on application to the subscriber residing on the
premises. (Ort , 63-ir . SAMIThI, C. IC DID Fat.
rr PUBLIC SALM. The tiailerztignad, agent for the
heirs, will offer the large BRICK iliMlSt`, and lot situa
ted on
. 31ans Street, midway between the atoms
Huta. and !Labor & l'olbattoit Public Sale, on Tuesday.
NoreMbee IOUs!. at 19 o'clock. where and erlime thi. terms,
will ha mad., known. NIIIIOII.I denisinm of purelraelm;
can eirimine the proyerty. or eaqukre (.1
octgl tf" .. 3..ts . J. 1.. SVESSY.II.OI7.
every Wednesday morning, on a largequarto sheet.
containing FORTY-EIG COLUMNS. printed en
fine paper and new, clear type. Terms: TWO DOL
LARS AND FIFTY CENTS, if notpaid within ate
10.—Ministers of the Gospel. in Franklin County,
are furnishedwith the REPOSITORY-at $1 per annum,
in advance,
Sap Subscribers, residing out of the State. *owl
pay strictly in advance, and the paper will in allures
be discontinued at tite expiration of the time for
which it is paid.
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted nt - 50 cents per
square of eight lines for first insertion, and .?5 cents
Per square for each subsequent insertion. All free
tions of a square are counted as a full square.
Advertisemebts inserted by the quatter;half Tear
er year, at a reasonable reduction: Those inserted
but once are charged ten cents per line. Leaded
Advertisements a price and a-half.
Special notices, Inserted before Marriages and
Deaths, are charged double regulat rates.
Vt. NO CUTS, or bold, display letter,
inserted n
Notices of Marriages and Deaths, not eleeed •-
ing five lines. arts-lumen isr:n6u: c:0. 1 s •
All "communications, of limited or ..oa!ria ,
interrat. are charged ten ente•P‘e./ine* ti*
• JOB PRINTING, r 4 ever:7.4 l l%i • 4 ' )126
and tine, edam. the shortoat notice+ sad 11 . -
sonable tads. ' •