agt.trat. MitlE ALTIM.ORE LOCK HOSPITAL Pg- JOICISJN, the fiatader of this Celebraii4 sution, inters the mist „sPrta,n. aDeedy. And bilis , r - t• , 6.t. " 1- i tT l ed. Yin the %voila tor , Gleetls. Strtietntet, SiDnizial iVeakriers. Pan in the Loin', C.Dtstitutiunal . D6.: lbrlity.inspoterieo, WenliDess a the Ltack HIP. hilnbS. KireCTIJItS OT the KilinttP• P n lP' tatt°ll of the - M'arts SYdDePito-i Nervous Irrnahiitty , Dkotsee of the }lead, Won, Nose or shin; :nt all these smious and Dipl om .. 4111 ^ 1 Y ditarders nrisin, , r, from the iTestructioe hatilta o Youth, which destroy bath body anii mints: ~ Theee iseret lltind solits.ry practices are more fatal to their victims elan-kthe ohg of tho eyreas to the mariner -1113 , ens, ililiOthns their !host brilliant hopes, Or aiticipatlons retatisOag usareDtge. &D ,linpossibi,. , .. YOUNG }LEN. , .. . roueg Men eipecially, who andeo the'vlatims •• • oditarry Vice,tbdt dreadful destructive habit (clack annually swee e to an untimely grave thousand 4 et ;Mum; men of the malt exulted .ta out and brtlllan intellect, who might Winn wisp have entranced listening Satiates with 'the th , indere of eloquence, or wall to tbeliclog lyre; may call with full confidence. . , isdlititßlAGE! "Stwr.ed persons, or young men ,contemplating mar rigs 11,i n$ aware of physical wenknesB, organic de ‹terJrtuitles,k-e.,shottld immediately consult Dr. John s, tou.: lie wisPpinetebithself under the ca.r, , l Or•Johnatnn nmy religiously cumndo in hi-honor as a gentleman, tool vekeittleutly rely up , ,n Phy#ielan. `" WEIKNE , SS!.. I . r ' •;" ItiotEntaTi.t.i.ormon AND PIM VI , IoZ RESTORED. This disease lfdlie penalty most frequently paid by VAOSe who ilAre beLoine the victims of improper habil chices, Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from, n o t, being aware of the &Nutlet consequences t hut may e,.sne. Now, who that understands the subject Qtjl pretend to deny that the waver of Procreation is Let. fintinitr by those failing bits improper habit than by tate prudent, 'Besides being deprived of the pfkasure of heathy offspring, the _must sirions and deeheuctive syrmatthv to mine and body arise. The system become eranged. the physical ant mental powers 'weakened nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart inflitest ion. a wasting of the frame, caugh t ' symp.oca et cmistt nip t ion _Office No. 7 -- &outh _Frederick. Strcef, awn rioore from lialthneie street, Fret eitle.,up tit the'titepS.- lie particular in observing 'the name and tietalser.or you will mistake the place. 'l;iir v A CURE IV"-kniiTED n: TWO DAI3.-e3, Mercurypr I\'l77l.scaux Drugs: R. J . ST 0 - 1!T , Ler of the Royal i:ollego of Surgeons, London. gra' Ankte front one of the most. eminent Colleges of the 'ifted States. and the greater p.trt of whine life has been spent in the laispitnls'of London: Buis, ribtit'and elkewhero; effected some of the toealaston iebing mires that were ever known. Many tri:aild6d with ringing in the head and ears when saleep, great ti e seveten i c h .i, tieing alarmed at sndilen siainds, and h as h. fiflness, with frequent blushing.: ai tended sometimes With deraucement of mind, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN] DISEASE !• When the miSjuldeit and imprOtut votary of plea titthl finds lie has iinbilied tt e seeds of this painful dis firer. it tax, inteia - hapfo-ni that an ill-timed sense of *Smote, or dread of discovery. deters him" from appd)-ing to those who front education and respectability can ukbne b e friend hitn,dulaying till the constitutional syniis• tome of this horrid disease make their appearance, each la ulcerated bora throat, diseased nose. nocturnal pains ha-the head and ljmbs. dinine,s' of sight, deafness. nobs on the shin, bones and arms. blotches on- the head, face. upti eatremities. progi kissing with -frightful rap's/lie, WI at last the palate of the mouth or tbe i liol3ol of the 12066 tall in anti the victim of thisattfuldisease becomes at horrid object of coin mibserat ien, till at nth puts a pe riodito his dreadful snlferings, bysere-ing him to "that ispitrne from whims traveller returns." To such, therefore. Dr. Johnston pledgps himbell to preserve thE -most inviolable secrecy and tram his extensive practict in'the first. Hospitals of Europe and A merica, ho can ledidently recommend ,a safe and speedy care to the , unfortunate victim of this ithrrid i;ibease. it'd% a melancholy fact that thousamis fall victims to this horrid disease • owing. to the unskilfnliness of igno -Tent pretenders who by use of that deadful poison, bier 2ity. ruin thecoustitution,and either seud,the un'ertar [rate to an untimely grieve, or make the residue of life teittiserehle. TAKE PARTICKLAR NOTICE! Dr .J. add re•etos thusH who have injured themselves by giftvnte and itapropei itidalgoticee. These are .oaie, of the xtJ and loolMicholy encts pro &reel by early habits of,youth. viz:—Weakness of the hack and minhg. Pnitrs in the Head, Ditiiness of Sight; Logi or.Nta.,Tufar Power. Palpitation of the Heart. Dye vepaht, Nervous Irritaliiiity. Deraniv , ment of the Diges. aye Function,Gegerul Symptorusvf Consump 13(711.4r.. _ . : MIYTALLY. the fearful effects on the Mind aro much tip 1 e dreaded: loss of kictuory. flonfizion of Ideas, Dopres *ton of STdrit4. Evil Forehoilinge. Aversion to Society. Self-Dlstra.t. Love of Solitude. I imitlity, aro some oil ti u evil effects. Thousands of persons of all ages rat" now jtidge what 'ltalie ranee of their iteclininz health, lining the r vigor. becoming weak. pale. have singular" appearance about tiweyes, cough. and symptoms of Consummion. Dr..Joltn.sCon's Invigorating Ronedy for Or ganic Weakness. • .11-ythis great and itnnortarit remedy. Weaknetrs 01 tiWOrgans is spoettily eared. ant fult vigor restored. Ttkonsonds,olthe most nervous and detiLitated,whe Ind I.A/A2 all hove,' bare been immediately relieved.' All impediments toMnrriagn. Physical or Mental Dimquall. tirat ion, Nervous Irritabil it y. Trem ,, l in g. Woaknesior Bilomstion of the most fearful kind speedily eared by Dc.Juhnetou YOUNG MEN, no have injured theinseins by a certain practice.fn dulge tin when alone—a habit fregifently learned fr m eii uumpanions. or at school. the effects are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured. render ma - rte impossible, and destroys both mini and body, eboitici apidY ininersiatcly. What a pity 4 hitt. a ye-Ang man, the hoped his tout- - tv..the darling ()This parents. should be snatched from silt peospeets and edidYnlcuie et lire, by' the'elinsegnenc 3 alit. g lie pall' of nature, and indulging iii oertgia secret habit. Such persons. before coutemplat • 4thr, , MARRIAGE ahrintd reflect that a Bound mind : and body, are the most lie. e-iiary 'iequidites to Er innote eonnutiMl hapid Itaietai Without there, the journey through,ltte bationtes a v:oloxy , pilgrimage, the prirlpect hoar ly qm.k. dal to the view ; the mind becomes iiliadoWed with de. gpalr.aud filled with the laidatichidy refiectiiin. that the happiutiii of another becomes blighted with our teNtt : - OFFICE 4 Scnrrn FREASF.ItICK. ST., BALTIMORE. TO STRANGERS The Many thousands cured ut Institution in the bin fifteen years; mid the numerous important surgical Operations perfof mitflby Dr. J., witnessed' by the i re porfers of the pnifera. and many other persons. notiess eflUvrfileff beve ffpi.enred again and ngnin before the pub fiefsa sufficient frnarfintee to the afflicted. 1 , 1..8, There are sio many ignorant nu "'worthleas &twice advertising theinsillvee as Phyysicians. ruining -the henith - of the already afflicted. Dr. Johnston deems tt 11 - seams:try to say to those nottegar nt ed with hie rep titittion. that his Dipiounta laingin hie office. lat-Tatca No tee—A lettere must he pelt paid .and eehtfti n Nate. oa ampfartherepiy,ornganswergill bosent. Feb 25,!63-I.yr. I) . l)Dtograp - bir. & 11. T. ANTIIONY, .1: 4 6 Manitfisetar`ers (to Photographic Materials, 501 Broadway, New York CARD PHOTOGRAPIES. - Oar Catalocuc now embraces considerably over Four iriiu unAci diir•rent subjects (to which addliior,ts art , con tinually being movie) at Portraits oi Eminent Americans etc., vig :11, Major-Generals, 190 Brigndier-Generals, s'•9 Colonels, U. Lieutenant-Colonels 201 Other Officers, Navy'Officers, • 147 Prominent Foreign Portraits'. 2,s6oapics or _Warta of, Art, ititinding reproductions of the most celebrated Engrav ings, Paintings, Statues. &c. Catalogues sent on reteipr df clamp.- An order for Ono Dozen Pictures from - our ChAtielogne will be tilled on receipt of $l.BO, end sent f)y sni4l7 free; PIIOTOGRAPHIC ALIIII3IB. Of theeewo manufacture EL great vriety, ranging in price from 50 cents to $5O each. • Our Albums have the'ri,putation of being superior-in beauty and durability to any others. 'rho smalier hind Isiah heseut safely by mail nth postage , cif six cents lier Wi;.. • : The mpro expensive can be sent by ex press. - " -. • - e also keep a large assortment-of 4 #,FERt,SCOPEi AND STEIIEKOPIC onitatalogue of these-sin he sent to any address, on receipt of Stamp. - L. ff. T: ANTONY; ' Sfannfactl3reri,s Ph 6 to,, , mphic Materials' 601 firoddtacty, New- pork. . , Friends or relatives Of prominent military mon ;will 01tfer a favor by sending us their, likeness t 6 copy. rtAy MIL be kept careful iy - and returned tm i n i tt e d. ,_ . ;" (PiteSALbtinis mark to order fm' Congre'galloine '"to pie liff it/their Pastors t Cot-other Aflame, wttlr suitable inattiptionsvltc. - .fatglikint.- UNIVERSAL CLOTHES Wit' IN GER. LATZOE PAWL!' 1111j.VOSS. $lO 00 No. 2.. MEDIO3I do do 7 Of) 2 1 ,4. do do do . 8 00 No. 3. Satitt. do do 5 St, 'No. S. LARGE: 'INTEL do "14 00 No. IS. 31 . zarc.n Liv:enutdo {to run steam tlB 00 No. 22 . L ALOE. d o ,or hand, 30 00 Nos. 2 . 14 :Ind 3 Itave,n4CoV. -Alt others are warranted. No. 2I I the aisegeneially used in private amines, , 'ORANGE tint, the .Ameriecia ,Agriculturist, days of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER: "A child can readily wring nut a tubfull of clothes in - a few minutes, It is in reality a "%OVUM SAVER! A TIME S.cVER: and a STRESGTH SAVER! The sav ing of garments will Mane pay a large per centage on its cost. We think the machine much ,more than, PAYS FOR ITSSLF EVERY TBAR. in the saving of garment.' There are several kind}, nearly alike in general construe. Lion. but we consider it important that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the roller., and the rollers upon the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes,or the rubber break n,ose from the shaft. Our own- is one of the first make, and it is an 1;00D AS NEW after nearly FOUR YEARS' CON STANT USE. Every Wringer with Cbg Wheels is Warranted in every partectelgr. .. , Aro Wringer can be dura6,4 without Cog_ Wheels. - ,D-Db• A good fIAN V S-Eit- wanted /a every town. n - 7 Co the receipt of the 'price from Fittest, where no on" to sel'ing. e will send the Wrlnger - Pitzz of raegiist. For particulars and circulars address IL C., DROWNING. an g 26-3 m Droado ay: New ;York. EiiOVA.L.--From 433 Afftrket St. lA, to the largo IrOn Building 513 Market and ,510 Conaneree Streets. More-Gond. Von any Tfauae in the United States. - A. H. - 1 7 11,A1k.rel.SCUS, - , .513 MARKET k. 510 COMMERCE STS., keeps tho Largest Stock in the [Suited States of Bucket P, Brooms. Tubs. Churns, • Bukets. Brushes, Mots, Measures, Clocks. Looking-Glasses. Oil Cloths and Carpets: W;odow Shades and Paper, !.,,aat,s, 7W11.11 n.,. LIJA. A/91".1.M1CU11*::3(' . ."11 , -, St:noel/at. Twines, Wieking. Ropes to CoLs and Dozens. Cotton Yarns. Cotton and Linen Carpat-rhaln, Oar Prices will arera , ,te Lower than any other 'House in this city. Call and see for yoursetve.s. For further particulars apply to S. S.FIIItTOi•Ii, Chamberblng.. wept, PBEIDELMAN, • WHOLESAIA.: GiIOPER AND ODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, Nu. 703 3IARKET No. 2 NOIIT , I 7th' ST, PHIGADA. Invites the attention of merchants to his large 31.11(/ well assorted stock of Sugars. Syrups, Teas„ and Coffees oh of which will be sold at lowest market rates, Conntry Imers anti sellers will And it to their advantage to give him a call. Price currents contalnimr all the varieties of the mar ket to be had of 8. S. SIIII.YOCK, Chainbersburg. sept.'.3 I nEDATt GROVE CEMETERY.- AN , ELECTION - FOR SEVEN MANAGERS of ilee dar Grove Cemetery Company. will lie held ut the Jew elry Sim e rf Edward Aughinbaneh, en Saturday, the Tor of November next: between the hours oft end 5 o'cloclr. P. M. DIVIDEND of six per cent has lieen' declared upon the Capital &milt of the Company, payai de on dzinand. oct 21 '63-:3t*, J. N. SNIDER, Secretary. pARTNERSHIP.—Notice is here -4y." given that the undersigned haVo - entered into partnership in the liardwate and Cutlery business at the old stand of Myers &Brant', whet e we areprepered to furnish everything in our line as cheap as any other house in the count). Special tialucettiects aft offered lot cash as our motto will be quick tales and ghort profits. J Airlift S. 'BRAND. oct.l. '63—ect 14 GEO,Rf3EFIAtIC. 1311:1)13 ‘SKET:.-•, . , Bath 'fobs. { !'' Fountains, ' Lutlo.eish R—,., ...nos ry Hemp. Rape and SfawSeed: '' • at 4 4 1PANOLF,',R'P, iINCY PRINTING, iii every va-- riety of colors, done. with neatness and despatch at 1....: FRAN IiLIN li EPO , IIOItY office. I . IVI - tCHANICS who deAire •tn tend their businnp. AUYEIVTIBI in the i? _,ti. • • Otaicat. SCHENCK ' S PULM-N OIQ SYRUP WILL CUM , IBM • • Dn. 3. scIiE,NCE: has a, large Suit of RoOrns at No 32 DON D STREET, NEW YOILK, where be cun Ibund erery.Tuesday, .from 9A. M., to PP. bl . and t No. 39' NORTII SIXTU. STREET, PIiILADELPIIIA, PA., every ;intraday. lie keeps a large supply of_medicines at his rooms, which can be had at nll times.: Those wishing advice or examination of the Lungs v.lll du well to Call on him as above. He snakes no charge for advice, but for a thor ough examination with the Respirometer, hisprice is $3. Many persons are afraid to - have their lungs examined by Dr. fur fear that they will be found incura_ bit,, and by that meansit is put off until it is too late. Wow much better it would be to know their condition at once, as by abundance of cy , idence, Dr. S. hes shown sufficient certificates its this city that ho has cdred ad= vanced stages of consutoption. SDHENCK'S Principal Office is No. 39 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., where letters for advice should always be directed. .Price of the POLILONIC SERVE ADD SEA WEED TONIC each' Si per bottle, or ,¢5 tLo half dozen. MaxlmAitt Pats, 25 cents per box. For Sale by all DROGGISTS and STOREKKEFTBS. 0ct.14-3m 1 . '25 Stateamen, .- 127 Divines. 116 Anthem 30 Artists, . 112 Stage, 46 Prominent Women FnowßAlliiillsT HALL RESTAUR AN-T.—MARTIN BROWN', Proprietor. Thie. well n Eating Saloon - isfitted up in elegant style, and the undersigeed fa - prepared to serve ,nn FRESH OYS TERS. FISH. FROGS. THIRD. CIT/CX.ENS, TURTLE and CLAM SOUP. and name of all kinds. ' • ' -WASIIABAUGIPS'ANU LITLPIL.PS AVE, constautly.on -hand. ~ . . H e re e pectrutly RAM a continuance of the patronage 'so liberailkbi3sto*od by hid friends and the public_._ Jane I;'Q3.- '. - • ._ ' MAILTIIT BROWN. rote tancous. CONSUMPTION SCIIENCK'S PULNIONIC SYRUP KILL CVILE , CONSUMPTION. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP EM33173 CONSUMPTION. scrtaxms iuLsfostC SYRUP WILL CORE - CONSUMPTION.. 5C11E1.0328 SEA' WEED TONIC WILL CUP.E DYSPEPSIA. SCIIENCIVE SEA. WEED TONIC vita, me DYSPEPSIA tCiLENCR'S SEA: WEED TONIC wut CUItZ DYSPEPSIA SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC WILL CURS DYSPEPSIA SCIFENC.'S MANDIteI i KE WILL cults LIVER COMPLAINTS-. SCHENCK'S MANNIARE PILLS -2,-; WILL CURE , LIVER. COMPLAINTS 81:11ENCIM M. l / 4 NDItivRE PILLB MEM LIVER COMPLAINTS SCHENCK'S titAWRA KB PILLS Iwfl LIVER COMPLAINTS laestatitants. T.Pc.1x444-14F, , ,U.:q0Aitoxib;cstipl*R4m,1*. ttornego at .al)3.‘ =SERI VENNEDY & Part , v - ners/iThe : unjensigned hays associated teem -1.0 ves in the practice of the Law in the several courts of Franlzdu County. MI. e ofilarliet Street, in the reollt heretofore occupied by T. D. Kennedy. T. D. KENNEDY. Jane 17,'63. - T. J. ;CELL. it TTORXEY AT SON EMILY. itttriiney at Lam.—Office on Mar ket zt.. formerly occupied by Reilly ; k tlitz rp, direidly uPP- site the Court fi ,use . , Chamborebarg. Pa. An legal busi nem entrusted to ithn mill receivd pimp t attention. Ho will practico la adjoininet Counties. ./u tie 17, '63. P.B.STVMMAUGR STIDEBAUGH it - STEWART, At tort:Pp- at Law. Charnbersbnrg. Pa.. give their undi vided attention t the Practice of their Profession. John Stewart 'agent for procuring Bounty Money, Pensions. and arrearages of Pay. Jrir Office in the Town tan. June 17.'63_ & ST E gG-ER, Attor lulf• Rep at Lam Chambertamrg, Pa. Collections. promptly, attedded to. W..s. Stenger, District Attor ney and agent for procnring Pensions, Bounty Maley and Arrears of Pay. Office in Franklin Building. Zd door front the corner. June If, 'frt. WS. tVERETT, Attorr4at Law. Office in Mrs Ilard's dwelling. directly appo site the C , urt !rouse, Clutibersburg, Pa. Will practice in the several 'mutts of Franklin and Fulton Counties. Ail legal 'business entrusted to hie care will receive prouq't attention. • Jttne 17 1863. T M'DOWELL SHARPE, tittomq .at 1,210. Chantberebur4Pa. Mice in gra. Bard's Buildinge.directly oppcsite the Court House. June 17.103. O. SEILHAMEI, Attorney at kit • Lo m,, Chamberchurg, Pa. Office—Main Street, above Queen, in the room formerly occupied by - S. Reich er. Scq.., J titm k , 11.54;:t. G , EORGE EYSTER & E. J. BONE BRAKE. Attorner at Law, hnce removed to ,the room on 3lntrizqieet, one door South of Eyster'e Store. June 1 7.'63. .- . Js: CLARK, Attorney at Law, Oas . removed his 003ce a few doers taq of his thdaer location. on Ifarket street. (South-skis.) :lune 17. el ALVIN M. DUNCAN, Att or rty ,at Lft W. Office on Nigirket Streets in Lawyer'ti Row. oppositethe Court linte4e. June '63. TT L. PLETCHER, Attorney at Law. • Chalnl*re,burg. R. Officion I.lmq narkkstteeti heArlyopposite the C , uit'llonge. .4nne:l7. 'WS. ALEX: E. 3.1'01X.13E, Attorney at Law, Clth)bershurg, I's. Otriceio tits; Franklin Itepu,sitory 13nildi ngR. " ng, TA WATSON ROAVE, Attorney at I_l,, La w, G re-enmstle, po..f [sop '63 DR. WM. B. 11U.I.ZU.S DENTAL It EDEDI -A RE THE HEST IN? HE WORLD, insueng - Pine Teeth and Street .llreath, and, curing Toothache and Neuralgia. Do y9u Wish to be blessed with ancind utrerlfwretirly White told Sound Teeth? thie De. WM. UNRIVALLED TOOTH POWDER, warranhst Irc*Trten acid, alkali, or any injurious substance. Price.2s: % tents jitrAsix - . 4T.r. Reware at the orclionsY cheap Tooth Po l vders, which whitin de.troY To yon wish to be ce tat;, tnnt your Breath is pure, sweet and acreenble to husband or wife, lover and friend? Use Dr. 111.111D'8 , CBLBBILATEII MOUTII WASII Price, 37 rents per bottle. The astringent cosh is also-..the best remedy In the world for Canker., Tail Breath. Bleeding Gums, Sole Mouth, etc. It hes cured hundreds. Do you Irish your cliililre ,, suffer- front_Toothethe Got Dr.FIUItDF ItAOIC TtX/TITACIIE MTN. Price, 12 cents per bottle. """. Are you afllietgil with N.nralgiat Get Dr. 'WM 11 liUKD'SNEUItA I.GI k PIA S. The most etfcctiYe and delightful remedy known Ter- Pain.] in. the face, Chest. Shonl,ters. S eek,br any ranter the hotly They do not adhere nor - blister. but soothe and charm pain away. Try them. Price, 15 and' 37 centki. Mailed on receipt of price. A Treatise oh the best method, of PreacCring the Teeth mailed on receipt of the piaci-40 cents. It is a yaluahl- little work. and should be in the posSession of every person. For ple at all the best Rtnres throughout the country. CArtte.Y.--/18 there are dealers who e advantage of our advriiseinents to imtswe npbn . thpjr custonteis in ferior preparations, it is necessary to insist upon having what you call for: end you will 4TET TITk BEST. thoroughly tested, nod prep 'red by nu experienced and scientific Dentist. Treasurer of the New Yolk State Dentists As sociation, and Vice President tit the New York Zity Den. tat Society. Address Ntilq. i 1 111111.0 4 CO., Jnne.lf. Tribune Ruildings. New Yolk. TEETH INSERTEI) ON AMBER BASE.—DII. N. -4:llLOs'S'ellt. 011ie still M his real. entre on EAST MARK FA STRF Eri near -the Ratlro et. Dstitistry in all its b, finches attended to with all the modern improvemenis. • Ilaving published to this community_fur more than two years. that teeth on Amber is in every way MEADER AND 114:171qt than teeth on n.ey other material. I ...nubd say that I still ace no reason to change toy opinion. for there are many per. sons in Clianthrslatri: end vicinity for whom •I have inaerted teeth un A311:1;ii. who rim testify' to their supe. ear merit. • N. B. An work warranted to giro satiaractian.or no charge. Teeth 6.xtracteri Without intin with 'perfecf safety without takinz. Chloroform. Tar further inf.r !nation call at the Office. . 17. iBG3. DR, W. W. SCIILOSSER. Surgeon Dentist.—.. The unllersigned has removed hie °like from the Mansion House to the resitcnce of Mr John Noel.Northwe.t corner of the Mani And. end immedi ately opposite the Franklin lintel. pitice on the se -cund floor—entrance through the passnge, to the right as yhu mend the ,Lairs. June,17.1g63. W. W. scriL6SSER. REMOVAL.—Dr. J. K. REID, Den tot, has removed Ws office trues the corner the Public Sqnare. where he practised so many years. to the coiner of Main and Queen Streets, (dove Wm. Iteyser's * Drug store. Cluernliersheirg. Pa. where he will be pleased to receive the calls of his triozed» [June 17.1863. DR. A.ll. SHAW returns his thanks to the citizens Of Franklin county. for the lilb• era , encouragement bestowed on him the last three years. and finites those nilo hare not mule trial of 1101,10EOVATIlY to do so. cons/at/Worm free, All en. ruble cases con rely on a more speedy cure than under any othcrsystern. Dr. S. lots removed to ,Vorth Main sirestat short distance below the point, where he can be found read 3, to Attend to calls, either in town or country, when not absent on professional business. June li;18611. . . DR. JOHN MONTGOMERY will attend promptly to all calls in lds flue. Office wn Mom street, next door to the Eagle lintel. and nearly opposite the residence of the !lon. eurgeChatobers. Chembershnrit. June 17, 1863. R. J. C. BICIIARDS will attend promptly t c . all entlii in hie line.,Office'on 'treat. next doorto Springier's Deng Store. ' Wir Genes Ilotrae=Proto 7 to 9, - A.31.; 12 in 2 and 6 P. 3i. Julin 17,1861. 80015 aieo stationctr. lEW STORE!—WATSON'& SON have opened at their Store Room, on the North , west corner pf the Diamond, opposite Franklin Ball, Chambersbufg, Pa., an entirely new stock of goods, consisting of BOOKS of every description. Sta tionery of all kinds, - Envelopes, Stem Pens, Mk, ke. Also a large assortment of WALL PAPE% WINDOW BLINDS. various prices, and a great varietyorNOTlONS AND PANOY ARTICLBS, Pictutee. Fans, Vases. Ladles, and Misses Baskets, Lc, Fancy Soap and Perfumery. Also a good Assortment of Worsted, Shetland Wool, &c, and a great variety of goods too numerous to Insert to which they Invite the attention of the Public, and re apecttully solicit a share of the public patronage. Plea a call and examine our stock. Anil 17.'69. WATSON . & SON. iTAS. B. SMITH A; 00: k = ', •- BOOKSk.'LLBRS AND PitBLISHERS, ' e .3 anufacturers of Blank and Memorandum Books, Photo graph Alburtis, idanifuld Irriters. Marble Paper, &c.`, No. 27 South Seventh Street, above Chestnut. Blank work of everrdescrlption, for County 0:Boers, Hotels. Counting Rousts. and Public Offices dune to or. der. Orders left with S. S. Sunsocs, Charnbersburg, Pa. promptly attended to. - Sept 90 '63-ly -5A CENTS willTay for thellEPO; SITORY six menthe to be sent to eaoldier In ttie sarrtce, - ; FOB 'PAINTING, in '-every style,; `deztestAbeetteeoretnANlCLUl exPoSITOUX JOKY STEWART 13rn,tiottp. Viii‘oicigno. tiooko, *tationerp, Scr. Sqi S. SHRY i OCK, . : 4 BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, • Now occupies his NEW STORE Room,and is pre? aced to transact business with greater facilities than ever. BOORS- - School Books. Miscellaneous Boo.ks,loy Bocktrs Law Beaks. Medical 13ook.;, Sunday Sehocl Books, Military Books. BIBLES. ' A large a...oddment df Pocket and Family BLANK BOOKS Of all sizes. qualities anest;qes of binding STATIONERY. A great variety of all kinds of Writing and Print: ing Papers, of - French, English and American man ilfacture. Also, Envelopes Of all sites and gimlitiee, Ink-, Penh, Pencils, India Rubber, Tapes, Seals, Quills, - Copy Books; Blottingßoard,ripives,Emere, Writing Sand, Aa., Ex. • • GOLD - PENS. ' . The very be (4nt.ct PRus in the market. full."' warranted, made by Leroy W. Faltchild, of N. Y. BLIND PAPER. .1 1 Lfultyariety of patterns and qualities. WALL PAPER. Nearly Two Mummy , different natterns.towet her with suitable Bertlerings, Plain, Velvet and Velvet (jilt. - PICTURE.YRA3IES. Oval and Square Frames for Photo'grapbs. Frames made to order. FRENCH GLASS, For Picture Frames, of any Size. CHEAP - NOVELS Xneh lower than publishers' prices. amonewitieh a are the following: -- The White Cruiser,' - The Ranger, • • . The Midnight Queen. , • English Tool, Jost* inn. • Maid of the StCranac, , Capt. Hawhes, Hon.Dernardo"s Daughter, Helene, David Dufficks. Retch es in France. Vorner's Pride. Scott's Novels,--, • Dickens' Novels, Mrs. Boueliveth'sl;lev el s, Mr's: Gray's 'Novels, But wer's Novels, Arthur's:Novels, - - Lucy Sanford, Rifle Shots, . Trial audTrinmph, Princemad Pedler, • Arraette, Bast Lynne. AlroY, Legends and Stories. ' • Red Jack, • Red Scout, ' Belle of the Bowery, Sybil Campbell, Grebe Weldon, Rival Beauties. it' The Grumbler, Barren Honor, The Squire. Falkland, • Milrose, Chips from Uncle Sam's Jack-knife, - - The Everlasting Fortune Teller, • The Manceuveriog Mother, Marguerite de Valois,- Foggy Night at Orford, The Quiet, • _ • -Two-Prima Donhas. • Morgan's Freemasonry, The,Debtors Daughter, The Banker's Wfife, Righwayman'S Ride, Nobleman's Daughter, - The Scarlet Flower, ' The Wife's Trials, Cecilia Howard, Lena Cameron, The Esti:octant, Les Miserables, 500 Puzzles. EIS - GRAVINGS. • • ' English, French, Gerinan and American Engra vings. , BASKETS. Fancy. Traveling. Book. Picnic, Fruit, Knife and Clothes - Baskets. ,ZEPHYR WORSTEDS. 'Single and Double Zephyr, Tapestry and Split Zephyr, Shetland Wool,r&c.. S:e. • N F.WSP.A.F. E R.S. ' The Philadelphia and New York Dailies received -daily. Clubs or individuals supplied. • WEEKLY PAPERS. Darper's Weekly, Frank Leslie, N. Y,Mercury, N. Y. Weekly, - `•- Kerr 4a ork Ledger, etc., received weekly. PERIODICALS. Ilarper's Monthly. • ' Atlantic Monthly, Continental, Oodey, • Peterson. - • Ballon, Knickerbocker. All the Year Round, C,ornhill, et., etc., received as soon as published. 2 , CHEAP LITERATURE. All the Dime Publications. Weekly Nonvellettes, Song Boas, etc., received daily. ORDERS. We take orders for all kinds of goods. EXPRESS. 'We receive, goods by Exiires's EFTA' y from the MO. - , , Blank Deeds, , . t Wring and Printing Cards. ' Rulers. k - . . Paper Weights, Taney Boxes, Combs and Brushes, ~ Chalk Crayons, , . anal standard goods in, our line eonstantly&on hand. ._ E MUSIC beet kasie. for Piano, Guitar, Violin, Flute, he, • PI/31405. We purchase Pianos on commission, so as to save our customers from Fifty to One Ilundred t and Fifty Dollars. , • - ItEUSIcAL 7 .INSTRUMENTS. we can supply any kind of Musical Instriunenta at prices far lower than usual. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. w e caii sell Photograph Albums id, loyer thices than they can be procured for in the cities. We have no hesitation in:saying to our cukomers that from our long experience, our manner of do lug business, and our great facilities, we do not fear competition, and have no doubt of our being-able to give entire satisfaction. . Come and see our New' Store, our new and en Luisa stock, and form your out opinions. Chamt‘ersborg...Tune I`l, 1863.' ' . - . Oension 33ountg agencies. 'JOHN M. -POMETIOY .„. NARVY AND NAVY AGENCY, 104 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, . , ruil,A.DratiqiLi. The undersigned, having resigned tile position as Pay master in the 11, &Army, has opened at No 204 61111111 FOURTH- STREET,' - au _JOE:NOY FOE PROCURING , PEN SIONS,and fur the collection of.OFF/CERe k Sot ours', I and all other Cursis agalast the Got - eminent, - -1 13 1 . long exterience Vaymaster, has given me nun- 1 anal acilities fur becoming thoroughly acquainted wills this businest in MI its details.: On the receipt, by ntatl. . of a statement of the case of claimants, I will l ). ,charter Perpe.tuat.' iaIIOIIIZED ' CAPITAL, 6:460.(K10 00. PAW UP cAppliAL, t3S0;000 CO. .ASSUTSS,` 61.897,740 60. Inserts Urea tiering the ;lateral life; or fog -sittitt rtns; grants annul:lilies and, endorments, and snaked • ntracts of all kinds depending on the issues of Iffi. z sib g .I),Un tts EX.94;ntuks. Ttultets , and , Gnarttinan,,— fides of Life Insiirance insisted at the nsual 'mutual - Yes of other good Conii%anies — Vith profits to the In ,rett_inst, Bonus, Jatinttry,llB,6l, being 43 pet' cont. alipremiums received oil mutual policies at 'joint ea . . rates, 20 per cent. less loan the above. which a persou p*ye rot E., 7, or io y e exeenly, v h ea ,et Policy IS patd up for lito,:arld nothing ,morn to pan .d should he b e - oneple, or lead' to discontinue sooner, eCompany trill issue a peke-up popsy is proporelop the amount of premiums Paid, aA follows: At 5 *ear I At 7 year .1 At ,10 Yet , r I Rafe. Rates: I Bates. fter piiyment of t the annual prerni , 7 urns (on policy 01 $1000) for - - 5409 ) 00 Mb . 00, 1 • $2OO eo . -t pny't of 4 an. pre. 800 00 , b 7140 - 400 W.! 6 ~' - • ssr 16 a g a - anual premium for 2-1000.. = Aroir-FoieFerrrit.4 TAW YEAU RAPE, , Age 20, .. 430 al 34 Ott . . 80, ~,, I , . , l &S 40 i' " 3543 00 , . , tt•',lo, -.:.,. 47 Ott ' a 50 , ..............._,.......0. .......... , ... :. ...... .; . -.: 63 AO . 86 insurance may be toany party, on tIM 4 ,ath in life insured, a certain yearly income by endow- ent for life, thus avoidint MI contingencies of inviwt -. g the same; and may be !double. "or treble the . yearly tercet. _1..-- _ ~ LEXANDER WIIILLDIN. President.' ' , - 11.I.UEL WORK. Vice-P*l4lml. .. 'A ~. . .11.1. N S. WILSON,, , Serretpry and Treasuier. , .. BOARD 01? 1 RHSTBER:. • 'exander Whilltlin, , J. Edgar ThomPson; Ma, Janterrßollock, ; lion. Joseph Allison. tbert C 4 Roberts, ; Jonas Bowman, linnet T. Bodine., i H. H. Eldridge,' • • Mrge Nugent, 1 John Aikman, nit J Howard, - ! , Chas. F. litazlitt . ,', - - towel Work, - - 1 1 , . . , i -r--- • . . , , ' W MEDICAL "EXAMINERS. ‘ : F. BIRD, H. D., 1 4..t5; MINTON W4LICKII, t IK.T: In attendMlce at the company's office - daily, - Ai 11,' clock, M. • - - 7 - I ,VM.; G. REED, Cilamberdburg, Pa.; is the taitlsOrliSil gent of the Atner:Lan Lite Insurance and, Trust Com , ny, and Is always prepared to fornlsh pally/4os or, .iy informatlorewanted, and to tnkr Inanranaea. DR. J.C. RICH A KDS, 41r,ticat Exatiftler. REFEREnES--Ilon. A. K. 31 celare, Rev. S. J.Nie dfe, J, S. Nixon, Chatubbrahurg, and Win. M. Marab..l, 'shier Ilagerstarrn lisn. 0et21, . FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO3[- P/aIY OR kIIII4.IAILPI.I,IA, No. 435 and 43T (testig Street. , ,ipital ' • i , - $400,000 00 orpetual Pronged:4s 3 i £195y824,011 :i . nerpired Temporary Rirmitnna - 111,525 iit. ;.4-figus . 1 , 1 .....,,9:3,7t56.11i -...-- . . , Total 1 +4,..,4 $2.392,116 MP „tatement of the Anbetil of the Co pang on. Januarx I • ; ISO. -.-- '- • ' --' - • 1 ;rat Mort gages.llll , ply :sec . .... 91,993,931 411 oal Estate. (present value $135,3 : 22:41.) cost' 128,970 77 emparitry Loans, on uniple Colletterarecu- = " rfties tocks, (present. 1100 84 4 .368 10,) cost. 'gtlir Teceiv ots Bill ,ash 6dvnnce in value of 141 Estate'over coat Advaure in value' f Stticks tiver T0ta1....,... i $43V2116 - Ot -The only Preiitetfroni Preiniurne whietableCom pony can divide by low' I. rirfruto Itieks whichleve been determined.r ! ' Extract from tilt Charter of the company., "Rut the-moneys reiceived us premiums - ttpori - visitil which remain undeterniined, ander° ontstandingat t,., time of declaring such Dividend, shall not he considered • as part of the profits di said Corporation, or divided - sit such." 1 • PERPETUAL or I f INITED INSURAATES Malik en every description of property, in Town and Count*, for Owners, Mortgages. Ground, 'Landlords, &e.; Ay; hates as low as are eurisisfent with security,. - - i Since their Incorpokation. a period of thirty years. theY BUT e - pad - ever-FOUR MILLIONS - DE: DOLEAMP. - LOSSES BY FIRE, thereby affording evidence of ti;l, advantages 'of Insurance, as well an - the ability and dis position to meet with promptness all liabilities. . •1 LOSES BY EIRE. Losses paid during the year 1862 " $69,79 - 8 1 ' _I • _ = DIRECTORS. m . ~ ules N. Bancki.r, David S. Tobias Wagner, a Isaac Lea Ramie' Grant. .!I Edward e. Dale, Jacob E. Smith,' ` i George Pales, „ - George W. Richards, Alfred Fitler. ,- - ' MAUVES N. BA NCKER, President. -- EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. JAB. W. INPALIJSTEA, Sec'y pro tail. ", far Application made to Dann- DAM of Chambers burg, who is an authorized' Altera for the Company either personally or tiy letter, will meet with attention. March 4,1853. , .. - rNSURANOE. COMPANY - OP NORTH AMERICA. INCORPORATED 1704: PERPETUAL CHARTER. CAPITAL - $4,00,000. OrricE—No. 232 %%user Marx. PminztpaiA This Company nxemow prosecuting the busioeSe 'trireme,' from LOU or Damage - by FIRE on Ilulldingrs Merchandise, Furniture, kc., throughout the Blate'la Pennsylvania. on LIBERAL TERMS, for long or abort periods ; or permanently on Buildings, by a' deposit of Premium. Ttu; PROMPT , PAY4NT of CLAIMS for LOSS= duilng the periodof nearly SEVENTY Funs that the Company bota been in existance, entitles them to the confidence (Alike public: - - Arthur 0. Cuffin,i Samuel W. Jones; lobo A. Brown, Charles Taylor, ',Ambrose White, I t . John fit. Neff. Richard D. Wood; Wllliern Welsh; -William E. Boa*, j . CHARLES PLAT, Seey. AUTHER O: COFFIN, Ares. BCREELEft, 7 antra/ Agent at marrisbliTg, - lb; AVM G. REED, iChambersburg; Pa., is 'the author ized Agent of the 'lnsurance Company of North Ant!ltir ca; and is always prepared to.nire any informationde sired, and td take 'normal:mak . REF ERENCES-LCharles 11.2aylor and John D.-Orfer, Charnberabhrg. . oct 21 , 614 r . OUR AGES - T.—MR. ti JoaN Gicroi; Chrunb'er'sburg, hi the General 'Ageit of the Franklin County. 11Intual Insrirance .Compauy. ' June 11. '63. . IdcLEadal. Aanufartureo. TO THE PURLIO GENERALLY`:} cilAidatitsßllßO FOUNDRY. —; 'ft: undersigned fakes this metlu to inform the public, thathe has taken' the YOUNDIVi . so long curried on: by Win. Seibert, with nil the 'PAW F4A'S with, where ho parposea continuing the businee4i 'St& now prepared to make - • - • ALL KINDS OF•CASTINGS - that may be wanted by the commonalty. Particular et., tendon will be paid to malting and keeping on hand ev-' ery description of PLOWS, OA STINELS, WAGON• BOX.. 'ES, At., AU kinds of Oalitings made to Order:. ; " • New Plows, efodiffrrent patterns, atwaya:nn • et, made to order. OLD METAL taken in trade, for which ' • price will be given. 3y - devoting hiinself attentively to• bnsi .... • • to merit and receive a share of public patronage. - .Innel7,'63:* ) ABEATIAII METZ. NEW MARBLEYARII7-The. nndersigried tesPectfully announces to the citizens of Franklin county that he hes opened a New 31arhts ) liardisk the rooin formerly occupied by Dr.liamiltett,, direetltopposite J. S. Nixon's Dreg Store, Main Street,: inibe , delrough 41 Chambersburg,_stMere he will &gape's. , hind or make tic, order all articles in his line of ,taminesk such as MONUMENTS, TOMBS and: READ STONSEI; MANTLES, TA DLO &STAND Toys. &e:, rnannfacturesh from the very beet Foreign and Domestic Marble, respectfully sollettsacall from thesevilia May bele want of any article to the above line. lie is ceptideut fit. 4 his ability to satisfy all who maybe pleased to patronize him, either as regards hfs prices, or the quality, beauty, I and chasteness bf his work. 2tlyB, 'B3' • ' 'JOHN A. OnOig . , • • .4 :ft* R. 00.31 RANTIFACTORMI-7,-.T .e, , ..v undersigned still carry on their BROOM 11010 - ;., k AMORY, at their -old stand, on Rolet Marker Stree4, o Chamberelorg , They irotildinfonn the miblic the', they, - bare'provided thornselves with a , Machine 'to' take oft" - Broom Seed, which thby will do for each as do,Lzotiwitala to do it themedlces, and make theirßrooms - •Oheq.? for 1 ecla t °roll theibitrett.-• •',-L ' - '- , .- ' - ... 4 They winalSo pay,Clall ra BROOM CORM if weak •patnp.' d WO IBS'] ' - .D. a: aJ, LITT-Ll:` - . A El 800 00 . 84,625 99 . 84,901 lit' 1.549,0 . 75.312 0.1 .$4.40.:391 " 9.35 r d James N. Dickson, - 1 , „., t 8. Morris Wain, John 37asod, George L. Ilarrisooi , . Francis IL Cope, - • a L'cltrarcl IL Trotter, Ethiard 8. i larks. Wililam Cummins, <