EJ atugoi‘ &r. THE OLDEST HOUSE in TOWN, AS A,.l OUSE OR DRUG STORE,' MILLED & HENSHETS, On the Northwest Corner of the Diamond WHERE CAS, 33E HAD, CHEAT FOR CASH, Everything, and more• thni is nsitally . kept In Dm Store e FOB IlisTA'sc X, All'Regttlar Drags, Cough Syrups, Ikairtygr Camphorated- C will =re Dlirrhat. Pin*ts,Fertain Rheumatic Liniments, Anodyne Cordial, The Infant's Protector Worm Syrnpih And Lozenges, Cod Liver Oils, Fluid Ifxtr tct Lindlay's Blood Searchei,, INllparilla Syrups. Aid all other Standard- Preparations of Dtiv. Tone Othars Kept M thim House SOAPS, aboLt firty kindi4 • PERFUME:IL; the best of all 1:ifole ;. Roost and CATTLE. POWDERS. that can bo relied on; Eraosta a Oh . and'Lemra, and THAT, -W I L ts,NOT BREAK, MILLER & HENSHEY'S, June 17,'88 • R' it:. TIBIIER, JR. CH AS.4I. CEESSLEB. IREYSER & C.RESSLER, GRADUATES IN PILAIIMACY,\ - DIALF , '3 I%' DR UGS, CHEMIVA LS, MEDICINES; i • " ellAdtgEll.%lll, - 10. PA. ' • PURE DRUGS. Knowing the ituvrtance- to the Patient, as well as SI ,tho Physician. tointve pure t °liable Medicines, we mah aux lunchtimes from first-class otietet, All our Tincture • 'Syrups. Fluid Exractm. Pillsand "tiler preparationsa ' - made tty_tatiselves,and every article examined helots - it; SOLE CHEMICALS Are tiny oar Chemicals ftunt the best manutantarera the country. and are eatietied they are pure and of fu,i ,etrength. We have a _censtuat supply of PlitYrtt GRA Pftla PATENT. MEDICINES Vre have Constantly on band all filo standard Pate) . Medtozneet. and warratit.thent getioine. 1 4 " L'Y - D YE' C O R S - Black. 'hue, llreiu, ,Scrlett ISlo4entor, Drab, Drossy Dive and runny other colors. with directions that 410 one taut relor by, f0r.15 and •2! cci.ta. - IEI,LOSENE LA)[P AND OIL„. Shade,. mid Chitunina. ut be.‘nt,fel styles, of the be Quality and very cheap. ,A.II,TTFICI :VI, TEETH, Artis=t Oil Colors.Canvaeand ltrn4liee. _fine Ex tracteat eologue, fine aud cheap Sonp6. !lair, Cloth and Tool Britsbi.p. Hoz - nand Rubber - ROCKET BOOKS AM WALLETS. itlttrge itssortment at_itlf price, . - POWDER • tabeett sohd in this eAtublishmeut for fifteen yes) e believe it the best Ili 11+e.- W. have all the' be t 11.1)R§..t; MEDICINES OF 'TIM DAY. PRESCRIPT,I9NB ''''Plie Pretext Alm Counter is under Our own especi - • are and we humbly believe that 311 , can give satisfiol i tiotAo all whduill give their preicript ions to our care i - IS. Medicines can he bad at night or on Sunday- I ddling-at the_Store or at W. lleyser's residence:a fel felcore South-of the Store. ' , We buy elf goods at the lowest innrhet rates, and s,l elg.faie orb es ;- Oct 7, 63 , TTENNEDICS Medical Discovery, dyer's Sarsaparilla, . '.l3eme'sCod Liver Oil. • LindeAy's Blood Searcher, • Stover's Bitters, - Hostetter's Stomach Bitter. .Swain's Panacea,. • Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger, Ilelmbold'iXxtract Buena, Badway's Medicines, Spalding's Throat Confection. Browns Troches • sindotber yettable l llo4llcl nes at , SPANGLER'S,. ,euitii3rcr#a laooffng. k ROOFING Ready to nail down, (Wore durable than Tin. , , ROOFING. at hat(' She cost of Tn. ROOFING for Stexp.or Flatßoct . BRADY ROOFING Itoß HousEs, FOR usirscuis, . - FOR FACTORIES, • FOR BARN: , .FOR ALL BUILDINGS This Reefing is niade - of thaimariest woven fabric timed far the purpose.—Mangfaetrund-solely by ourselv, and socuredby Patent. .Put Win rolls and shipped to all parts of the countrri and usually for sale by hardware merchants and builder St can bo applied by any common workman. • ' We also manufacture. - /01QUID aurri PERCHA CEMENT, 't • • FOR REPAIRING - LEAK.Y TIN ROOF,SI' - CHEAPER THAN OIL ' , Amy,' HEAVIER BODZ THAN OI.L PAINT. MORE.DURABLE THAN OIL PAINS, ft forms a permanetly adhesive, elastic coating nor' .thelsholesurface of the tin. filling up all the smaller RUST HOLES, ' ; ' , :difid often saving -the expense of a new roof. , ' OUR. COMPOUND ~GUTTA FERCHA CE3LENT is especially adapted to repairing La KY MAIN GLE 1?001-4 , , SKYLIGHTS, -. • . • ••-• de. 1 ithiok, tetolefOus•eompound; with s ' trowel or aimilitr Instrument, and does not dry up -and -crack, as do all other articles used for this purpose. ''i 1 - - f AND SAMPX;ES lni ottlity Bendy Ilboftg.! . edf by mail whontlesired Liberal arrangements g c ittS6o - 73 Maiden Late, NewYo.rk.. syt , 46•ty^ glets. LOIDAETII'S 2: • AGRICULTURAL, IMPLEMENTS 1 . , SEED 4 WARtitO USE, 23`' asii~23 Soy.th. stret, - utbtrini.Lianaran & Sox, Proprietors of Bloomsdale, ifehldh:contains near four hundred acres, in high filth. ;Waftd to the production of 0111 DES Samps, are now prepaied to:eupply,Country Merchants, Drugglitts and Won:tors who deal in Seeds, with large or small quan iitittei by the pound or busheLland also,in papers made reedy for retailing. -Thedistablishinent represented by David Landreth don,bas been founded nearly% of a century; • The widespread popixistity, and the demand, tncreas i. nigfrom year to year. for - ' - LAEDRETEPS WARDENTED GARDEN SEEDS eatidence of the high, value entertained fer them by tbapublirr - • Lantireth'ii - Garden Seedi are not only favorably re v~~tliLotrghpntYhellniOn.butare ab 'Riled to Many , i,in - Porta. Indeed, it tatiy be stated with. national, pile that they come into native competition *Vito rfai,St•M on British Soil. Landreth & San invite all who are not already pirrtiliandrit'of'tlieir Garden Seeds, to mike a trial of hem—assitred that they will be found fully, equa' thiiir high repntailon ' tantltoth:Sltrindltoglster and Almanac containing zatatogne of Garden Seeds' with instructions, farbiAect etvatts. Alitattlostie• of An-rim:Wand Implements. DATIO,L*NLINTEI & SON, • _1(0141. atni.2.,,S?uth St., Philalelphia." 12,'83-I'y T - 133' A R. G A I.'.N S • ..147.1COMINEIV YORK A ucnoirsrl -AT 'WA.LL ACE'S, CORNER. OF OF MAIN AND QUEEN STREETS. New style _ ambiques, Disna chene,Pl - Twil~ed ill ' • ambi nes for travelling dresses, Suporio luslin elai nes in colors, Color Lawns arid Crepe do Pony, lib • Silk, FiU parlor finality. fifsrlor byons Radzemer Silks, (sublime (ovally.) A large lot of Linen Cambric Ilaudkerchiele, . A large lot of Irish Linen, Ja eo net Collars, now stile, 1 , 50t) Batons ',wiles; Misse s and Men ' s cotton : 4oe, • White Linen and Cotton Mick, Superior French Doeskin, Superior solid color Pointille Fig Silks, Superior Grey, Loonbras, • Superb llrey Poplin, Best quality Grey Leonorns, ' bilk Neck Tics and Collars. ' La lies and Misses' Fillet Mitts;, - • Marseilles Yestings, . Supei Ladifii and Meng' • Handsome Nevr Style `prints end Ginghorns. 'CA - RPETS. Brussels; Veliet, Three-ply (autioriot ilneyandcoilmoir . Carpet, Four-four llve-fonr Cocoa and Canton Matting, 4-4 5-10--4 5- 7 416=74 FJOoe Oil-Clotho, Superior Bolting Clothe, Bonnet Ribbons, . 41alnioral Skirts. And Motber'n Friend, S KIM'S ! SKIRTS I .' l . SKIRTS ! ! M. A. JONES' 1 CELEBRATED " NB PLUS ULTRA" SKIRT; BOLD ONLY AT N 0.17 NORTH Bth St., PHILADELPHIA. Skirts of all lengths, and any also waist niacin to order, and satisfaction guarrnnteed. ' I,adiet4 SliS6o9 and Children's Skirts of every size and shape; constantly on hand.- • 7 - ' • Every Skirt warranted for Sit Months. READ HOW WE 1) BUSINESS. We do not make ane cheap in the commonaccep tation of the Cern*, but win make • THE CHEAPEST SKIRTS MADE • r because - we make THE BEST AND DEFY COMPETITION We warrant every skirt we sell to be exactly sa rep-. resentapl. - We make all we eell and knowing how they are Made we guarantee them with full confidence- If we sell a bad shirt we will exchange it for anew erne, and - if they get oat of order or break within sir months, we will repair them, freeof Charge. Wo mein to gil e our customers full - satisfaction, but - we cannot do sound compete withithe low priced auction goods. Wedepend entirely upon-the superiority of the goods we offer, and the fairness of our method of doing business. - Orders loft •t duryoce'a Book Store. •• ' DIRECTIONS FOB MEASIREMEIV7. Take the exact size of the waist, without any allow ance. The exact length required awl the size around 'the bottom spring. Also i f the skirt is to be ,large, small, or medium size at the top, and whether a trait or ;gain round skirt., A. JONES, No 17 North Bth St , Philadelphia. aug 19-tf Over tho Wax figure. KEROSENE Lean , Canimir, Chuptwraburg, Pa ME )34ittitti 0491(0. FALL AND WINTER MILLI NERY.—Mas. E. Gaon would inform her friend. and the Public generally, that she has just returned from new York and Philadelphia with a large and varied aS• sortment of Millinery and Fancy Goode, Ladles Dress and Cloak Trimmings, &c., &. Her assortment consists of Velvet Bonnets dee Mourning Collars Silk do Ribbons, Silks and Velvets Straw do VeWet Ribbons=-all colors. Mourning do English. French and Ameri- Ladies Rydal Hats can Flowers do Spanish do Laces Misses do , do Honchos Children's Wool Hoods French forms do Fancy do Zephyr Wool ' do Embroidefedeaps Shetland Yarn ' Heal Netts ' Jots (a full lino) Head Dresses , Bead Trimmingi Plumes—all colors Grenadine Toils Ladies Dress Caps , Belts and Belting do Mourning Caps Silk Cord and 'Panda . Stamping r , r Braiding or Embroidery done to order,— All aro invited to call. oct 28 '623in 1863. 1863. F ALL MILLINERY AND.STRAW GOODS. I have' the pleasure of Informing niy customers and the public generally-that I have now on hand a full stuck of FALL and WINT Ett GOODS, including FitENCII PATTERN BONNETS, RIBBONS;SILKS, VELVETS. LACES, FRENCH and AMERICAN FLOWERS, FEATH ERS.Ae. AIso—STRAW, BEAVER and FELT RATS and Bon nets of the latest styleis and designs. - WILLIAM KRUSEN, soot p3-2m- N0,21R Arch St„Phitadelphia. Mucationat. 1111A31.13ERSBURG' SEMINARY N../ FOR YOUNG DADI fall session has eonb , neenced, but bOarders can enter at any time. and will be charged accordingly. There is room fur two more boar ders only. Day-scholars, entering the first or second week in October, will be charged for four-fifths of a ses sion. Those who commence shortlymay not be too late for the new studies of the session. A large attendance. bilth in the primary and acadeinical departments, gives evidence of an interest in the school not snrpasseal , in any former period. Miss S. H.Curtis, assistant in thi• higher department, bears testimonials of her eminent fitness toinstruct in the hi gherbranches, from aSeminary• in the West, where she tanght for several years. The primary department is chiefly under the care of Mts. C. B. Matey, the effects of whose energy and efflciencv appear in the flourishing condition of-the departriteni. Mire Z. C. De Forest Is well known as an able and pxpe tienced teacher of music. • TUITION.—From $8 to $l5 per session of. five month. Boardine.sso. , TEACHERS FURNISHED.—SchooIs and familles in need of teachers. can bear of young ladles well genii iled, chiefly grediptes of the institution. by addressing sepBll4.] Rev HENRY REEVES Principal.. lI fill ACADEMY. D REFITTED AN REORGANIZED ill open its fall term ow:Monday, Septembe'r 7th. Dirge additions have been made to Its already extensive nplmratns, full and efflukent corps of teachers_ has been employed and no pains or expense spared to render Enure °neer the first institutions of learning in the country. Particular attention paid to Teachers_ Inca preparing for Coll ege.• A Primary Department: for Milt Ploys and Glrl4 will be. opened in the Readmit y tinder chatge of Miss Sehively,.. in which the elements of Spelling, Reading, Writing. A rithmetic,f3eography and Gramnar will be thoroughly taught. Tuition In this department, $3 per quarter. Per farther part lculars send for circular or t‘ttply to the Principal FACULTY J. R:Rlaltnr, Principal. A.OTEIIFIF.LD., A. R.. Latin and tt. V. 110911. A. 31. TansinT,,Cornmercini Department. • miße R.ll. gnimny, Slusic; Drawing and Principal or Primary Department. Caamberafraig t aug. '63; iXititart) flotiCes. HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, Sistronils District of rconsylranos; t.l.,intber.burg, Oct. 21st, 1663.-Drafted Men of Prau6- 11u County, who were given time to procure substitutes or pay commutation will report Immediately upon the pirtit ion of their furloughs or he deemed Deserters. Dt lifted Men of the same County who tailed to report on theik day will present themselves immediately of be lieblo to arrest as deserterS. • All bran's' Men hi the 'District out aftsithetititifZNo weini'mr, next, who have not in some way satisfied tile requirements of thO.nw, will be inimedlately arrerited crDeserjus, in addition lo being published as such upon potters to be distributed throughout the United States. GEORGE EYSTER, Capt. and Pro...Jinn - Nth Dist. oct 21. '63 (OFFICE - COM; OF SUISIS . - kf TANCE, Chamberenerg, Ph., Oct. 28. 1863,—iJetd. en Propoia's «511 be received at this office, from the 28th day of October. 1863, to the sth day of November, 156?, tor the delivery of FRESH DEEP. The Beef to be tie li~emd in equal proportion of four and-'hind quarter ment thanks 'and I kidney • tallow excluded) of good and Marketable quality in such quanlities as may be repined frum time to tithe, and on such dayarutinay be de4ignated."The neck of the cattle sittuOttered fur beef to be delivered under this agreement shall he cut off at the fourth vortical joint, and the bream trimmed down. T5O eh mks of fore quarters shall be cot off front three to four inches above the knee joint, and of bind quarters ,corn gis.to , eight - Indio ahoy° the gambrel orhock jo in t. 'Payment will be made monthly fur the quantity of fresh beef furniabed, , or tut toot after as funds may boon hand. ALFRED NORTON, (Apt ct,C.',B. T. S. act 23 IMPORTANT TO THE PITEEIT. -Try3 Grovor .3; Baker, M. Co., - MallllfilC tti re. In. ulditf .n to their celebrated-Grover ,& • Baker STITCH 1NF,8,, the most perfect . SHUTTLE or "I SCIi STITCH" 7krAcins'Es in the market. and, adrd . elution s the opportunity of Herectiag, after trial ; and ex- Stninatien of both.thounebett milted tri . their I 8.1 'corner .of the. Diamond,r4haiu berNbur:Agene. and examine the machines- oct. 7-tf tlliW*sfttitfr, ItbFr i , alttt. WESTERN -HOTEL, West Market St.., Near the, Bridge, Chambeisburg,Pn, The subscriber would respectfullyn the Travel ; Mg community that he this put chased and taken posses , sionof thie4lotel. for hopes to make it one it the most desirable places for strangers and others to stop ut that can he found in any country town. 111.3 TABLE will at all times be spread with the lux , iries and subettintiitiS of the season. MS CH AMBERS.are large, lien ventilated, and fitted' • ip to modern style. . 1 • HIS BAlt will be well snpplied with a large stud choice election of the very best liquitis., HIS STABLE will always be provided with good • vholeiionie provender for stock; and attended •by careful . tatters. No pains will be spared to render entire eltbsfaction th ill hie guests; and pleding himself to endeavor to please • ill, lie solicite a liberal share of the public patronage. June 17, 'O3. ' • JOHN MILLER. UNION HOTEL.—This Hotel is situated on the corner of Main and Queen - Streets, nesr the Diamond .in the Ithrough f Chatubersburg,Pa. The undersigned respectfully announces 19 the,thavel ing public that this Hotel has been reniodled. It has been raised to Tt3:lte6 STORIES in height. A line three story Back Building lute been added to it, giving au inunence antount of room for the -stecommodation of the public generally. The rooms are large and comfort able. numbering in all, thirty-live. They are all well famished with GOOD NEW FURNITURE. Persons stopping at-tbisll o tel can have either amble or single rooms, with or without tire in therd. The Table is al- AN-vs supplied with. the 13EsT THE 31111.Ei.T, and will seat over 1.00 persons. • ..The Bar is filled with the CHOICEST LIQUORS. The Stalne Is two.eteries, of tithtnoit modern style, and the beet in the Itormigh of Chantber•shu re. June 17,'63. JOltS FISHER .Proprieter. ig {June 1.7,'0.1,1 VRANKLIN 110 TEL— West side of IL. the Public Square, Chakbersburg. l'a. The subscriber would respectfully inform the Travel ing Community - that he has leased and taken possession atlas Commotllous hotel. • Ile hopes , o make it one of the most desirable places for strangers and others to stop that can be f mint in any country town.. if 'STABLE will at all timcs'be spread with the lax 7 uries and substantiate of the season. lIISXIIAMBERS are !aril,. well ventilated, and fitted up in modern style.- lIIS BAP will be well supplied wi th Marge and choice selection of the - very best Liquors. MS STABLE will always be provided with good, wholesome provender for stock, and attended by careful ostlers. . . pains will be spared to render entire satisfaction to ill him gui•st . : end pledging liitiu.elf tben•leator to pleguse all. be solicit liberfil shore of the public pittrolutP". - June 17,'63. , • I.P/iNIICI. TitO,S3A4:. WHITE SWAN 110 TEL, Chant bershurg, Pa.—,Xtettsst. Gam. Proprietor. Having purchspeil this well-known HoteL(long known as Miller's. and recently as Weist & Grove's.) the Prspri etor pledges himselt that no pains shall be Spared to minister to the wants of his gueots. The character heretofore sustained by the House as a comfortable Home for the &purser, shall nut Sutler in my hands ifa conrtatit effort to pie iss aud accommodate will sustain it. Tiie .proprietsr, therefore. solicits n continuance of the liberal patronage herct,fore extend ed tolls)" White Swan." • In addition to large Stabling. be bas 'TWO LOTS and a pair of RAY and STOCI,SCALES far the accommodation of Drovers nod Butchers. .Inm - 317.1863 MICHAEL GROVE. • ' WELLL3 COVERLY, DAVID It lIIIICIIISON. CO VERLY & ITUTCIIISON Have become the Proprietors of the UNITED STATES HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at HARRIS, DURO, Pa. This popular and commodious Hotel hal been newly refitted and furnished througoont its par lorS and chambers, and is now ready for the reception of guests. The travellingpnblic will find the United States Hotel the most convenient, in'all'particulars, of any Hotel in the State Capital, on account of its access to the rail road, being immediately between the two great depots in this city [lLtanistinaorJune 11,'64'•- tf. toy Waynesboro' Record, )1 arcersbnrg Journal, and Grel.ncastlo Pibd, copy 3m., and charge Repository. SPECIAL NOTICE. - THE PROPRiETORS OF THE 'GIRARD HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. Respectfully ca I the attention of Business Men and the t.nvcling community, to the en periOr itccommotla don and comfort offered in their establishment. nog. 26-3 m KAtiAtTA, YOWLER it CO. INDIAN QUEEN 'HOTEL, Main Sired, - Clumbersburg, Pa. JOHN IY. TAYLOR, Proprietor. Eine accommodations and low charges. a:Li-Stock Tarifa and &ales are connected with- the premises for the convenience of Drovers. Also—Exten sive stabling and yards fur Horses and Curriagm. - June 17,'83. etairo, 4Eabintt:Wa tr, &r: NEW CABINET-WARE ROOMS The undersied respectful y announces to the ettiz.ms of Chanthersburg and vicinity, that ho-has taken tits Itoums immediately adjoining the office of Dr. Sues serott. on 31nin street, where he intends to LlAlllllslCt4re dery discription of CABINET-WABE, Snell as &fag, Parlor Tables, - I Common Bureaus 'o Ind. ones, Breakfast du. Dressing do. new style, . Dining du. Safes. Sinks. Lounges. Book Cases, Wash. Stands, Ronk In g Chairs, Secretaries. 13edstetyls,&c. Fine Par. do. l'lothes Thu se. new stylit. , All work contd.' neted by him is narrauted,,kom the finest Sole down. to thollloat COllllllOll work. Particular attention will be given to the making of C.,f3n5 of ,my desired etyle—Cloth, Walnut of CherXX ns?„. Remember. when you buy your I•'urgiture ftm DAVID W,.0 OSSM AN , you ore gerUtig the lateNt style and the best of work . June 17, 1863, =ECM F RET & MO G. UNDERTAKERS The undersigned, respectfully ann”iinces to the citi zens of Chamberebrirs; and Harrounding country. that have - -ieased the Cabinet Itoonis:of or. Wnc Ft oar. deed, 011 Main street near Washinirten, where they in tend to carry on the busine9el of UNDERTAKING in all i s rations Matichea. COFFINS of Cloth. Walnut. Cherry, 8:c.„ made to order at "the ,shot test notice and. must t easonable terms. They will also attend to the t a y,n g ma (I f thrp..q.; which v, ill be done in a satisfAc tory nan n i;t. and teMont ally ndditionol cha Tyr, I. ASH lONAllfal FURNIII 7 it 01 all kinds, MlMl rnettireq with evecial care. awl warianted to please. kir It INO of nil kindy. in their line of busi ness promptly attctaied to, at nt•Oe ate prices. I'ms:ober Win. Flory's hid stand. - oet is 'M -3m • -11 HEAP .O.IIAIR AND CAI3INET lJ WAILm.ROOMS.—JOsLIII SrIfOFLELD. (Sac cr.:,o, h .11,hyl erer.) FACTVII kR-OF CHAIRS and .7AIIINET-WAIM, Main st: eet, time doo:s South of Huber & Tolbert' , Hardware -lore. Cheanberiburge - F-1111,NITUTRE OF ALL KINDS j , Alwity., on hand or midi b., order. Volition )Hinds nionufactured no neatly mai elmaply os cit . ) neck. 1101.1:q; and SIGN PAINTING midi A N.ILIIANGING dono neatly, expeditious)) and 'cheap; in Toes or Country. Repairing of all liindo. in their line of busineom, pr,onpt , y ottende,l to at model Wel/ices. no 17,1868 ' FANCY FURS I; FANCY F URS ! JOHN' YAMAHA, 71F . 1 Arch .S-1:; below Bth squill side, Phild'ar. importer. Manuaertirer el antrDealer in all Lauds rj FANCY FURS ! for Ladies' and Children's )year. lIN iSh to return my thanks to my friends - of Franklin end the surrounding Counties, for their very liberdl pat ronage extended to me during the last few years, and would say to them That r now have in store, of y own Li~purtnunt: and Mininfacture W very entensbin, nn nt of all the different' kinds and qualities - 011;AM"/ FURS, flw Ladies 'and Chlldien,tturt will be 'non during tho Fall and Winter seasons..., tic ing the direct Importer of nll my rnke from Europe, nod having them all Alanufitetured under myown super. wkion—enables me'to offer my.mistotnere and the public much handeomor Sot or Fore kir the same money. pleape git e mental' before purchasing I Please remember the name, number and street- JOHN BA RERIA. N 0.718 Arch St.,ybiladelphie:_ opt 94,m Otters 'of the. Vearee - jrUSTICE TIIE PEACE —H• B. DAVISON. Tmstice of the Peact—Uffice immediate ly oppnsito t he" Indian:Qutorr Ilotet." All business en tr.ht oft to big alio Ann receive OrtSnipt -attention'. 'ln -o,m:toots of irrili#g, doll kiwis, drawn up la a 'Botto m, tory manner. •111110 17,W. ) MAN ,'stice of the, ,Peace, 1 • ChaMheriburg, Pa. , - OfilconnEtust Market street 0 1•Posite Om Court Ilonse,:irr thp office formerly occupied II A. K. McClure, Prompt attention •,glyen to every thine, in the lino ork Mngletrate and Sct:lvener. • dept 9,'63-tf. - = COFFINS DAVID W. GROiS.3.I AN IZE UFACTURER3 OF CABINET Vt'AIU, CuminEksnuno. PEN :1 4. T'aps nnb ,fur. OT ALCOHOLIC: • • HIGHLY C'ONCENTRATED,VEGETA7 BLE EX:eItACT. .A PtritE TONIC. DR.'HOOFLA ND'S GERSIAN BITTERS, • - " Prepared by- i'! . • BR. C. AT. Xackson,Thiladelphin, Pa., _Will effectually cure -' - L IVER D Y SP EPS lA, -JAUNDICE, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS. DEBILITY, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver orSfoinach. Sheh as, Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Nau sea. Heartburn, Disgust for FoOd, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Soar Eructations, , Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Flu - - tering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Si!nsa lions when in a lying posture,. of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspiration: Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain in the Side. Back. Chest, Limbs, &e., Sudden Flushes ofHsut,Burninginthe Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great De . pression of*Spirits. ' • And will positively prevent Yellow Fever, , Fevfir, kc. They-contain no-ALCOHOL - 7 4 3R BAD , WHISKEY They will cure the above diseases in ninety-nine cases out of)a,hundred. Induced by the extensive sale and uniTersal pop ulari,y of Ikefland's German Bitters (purely vege table), hosts of ignorant Quacks and unscrupulous adventurers have opent d upon suffering humanity the flood-gates of nostrums, in the shape of poor -whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and christened Tonics Stotuachies and Bitters. - Beware of the, innumerable array of Alcoholic preparations, in plethoric }bottles and big-bellied kegs. undor the modest appellation of Bitters,which instead of curing, only agstavatedisease, and leave the disappointed sufferer in despair. IIOOFLA,ND'S GERMAN _BITTERS! Are not a now and untried article, but have stood the test of fifteen years' trial by the - Amci icon pub lie; and their reputation. and sale are not rivalled by any similar preparation. • The proprietors have thousands of Letters from the most eminent CLERGY .MEN. LAW DIRS. PHYSICIANS AND CITIZENS. testifying of Aicir own personal lino , ,vledge to the beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. To you wont gomethino to otrengthen you? Do you want a good appetite I Do you want to bui/d.up your Canztitutio:ol ..Do you want to feel wel l Da you scant td get rid of .fferroutiness Do you leant Energy I Do you want to 'deep well? Do you want a brivk and rigdrous feeling) If you do, use HOOFLA.MYS GERMAN" BITTERS ! ! From Rev. .1. Newton Brown, A - D., Editor of the FT, L*llE:lope-din of lieligeolta Knowledge. • Although not disposed to tfivor or recommend tent Medicines in general, thiough distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contrib ute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Roofiand's German Ditkers. prepared - by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city. because I was prejudiced against them for many years.! under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. 4am , indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq.t for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests,, , and for encourage ment to try them: when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitter?, at the beginning of the present year. was followedr evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bo ily and mentarYigor which I had not felt for six months before, mud had :tiniest despaired of regaining.j. I therefore - thank God and my friend for directing-me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN.. Philadelphia, June 23, 1861. , . PA RTICUL AR INVOTICE. There ri . re many preparatin7u,:soid under Vie mom(' of Bitters, put pp in quart bottlA, eomnouniled of the cheapent whi..l.em "or common rum, coating from 20 in 40 cents per gallon, the taste 4:puttied by Anise or Co riander Seed.. This class 47. Bitters has caused and will continue to cause, ',siting as they can he sold. hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their -usc the system ix kept continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept up. and-the result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunkard's lifeand death. fir those who desire and WILL HA VE a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt, Get UNE BOTTLE HOOPLA D' 8 ERMA NI I TTERS and in is with THREE QUARTS GOO D BRAN- D Y OR W !HUEY. and the result will be a prepa ration that. tedi jar exec/ , medicinal vi.:tuett and truce.ecellence tiny of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the Market,: and iri// coot _much less. lou will have all the oirhies,of 1100 FLA ND'S BITTEIIB in con— neetion with a gponl article of Ltquor, nt 'a much less Price than these inferiorpreparationg will cast yew. AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS: We call the attention orall having relations or friends in the army to the fact that "800 Merman Bitters" will cure nine-tenths of the distigt ses induced by exposures and privations incident to camp life. In the lists published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of - the sick, it will be Munn that a very large proportion are suffering from debility. Every caseof that kind can be rea dily cured by Hootlaud's Gernian Bitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestive brg.aus are speedily removed. _ We have no hesitation in sta ting that, if these Bitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might - tic saved that will otherwise be lost. . . . We call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure brone of the nation's hero's, whose life, to use his-own language. " has been saved by the Bitters':"- Ftill..ll3gl.PHls. August 13,1862. Misers. ar())IPR (E• Eran*.—Wolt, gentlemen, your Houtland's German Bitters has Paved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my comradei, some of whose names are append ed. and who were fully cognizant of all the circum stances of my case, I am. and have been for the last fdur years, a member of Sherman's_ celebrated Bat tery. and under the immediate command of Capt. R. B. Ayres. Through the exposure attendant 'up on my arduous duties, I was attacked in iiirvember last with intlammatiorrof tile lungs, and was for 72 days in the hospital. This was yellowed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then removed from the White House, and sent to this city tonboard the steamer '-' State of Muihe," from which I landed on , the 28th of Jnue. Since that time I have been about as low as any one c o uld be and stillretain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow anything, and if I dittforce a morsel down, it was immediate ly thrown up again. - 4 1, I Oeuld not even keep a glass of water on my 0- Much. Life could not last under these ciremust n cos, nod, accordingly. the physicians, who had h en working faithfully, though unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Archer,frankly told me they could do no more for me, and advised me to see a clergyman, and to make such disposition of my limited funds - as best suited me. - An acquaint ance who • isited me at the hospital, Mr. Frederick Steinbroneof Sixth below Arch Street, advised me; as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly Procured a bottle, From Gleam° I commenced ta king them the gloomyshadow of death receded. and lam now, thank God for it, getting better. Though I- have taken but two bottles, I have gained ten peands. and I feel- sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wile and .daughter, fi , em whom I have beard nothineifor eighteemmon Gls; for. gentlemen lam a loyal N irginian. from the vicinity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe GM eel-- minty of life which has taken. the place of vague fears—to your Bitters wilt 1 owe the privilege of again clasping to - my bosom those who are dearOst to me in life, I= FREY k MOYG Very truly yours. ISAAC MALONE., We filly eanour in the truth of the above state ment, as we had despaired of seeing our, nimirade, Mr. Malone. restored to health. J.OIIN CUDDLEBACK, 3st New York . Battery. - GEO. A. ACKLEY, Co, C. llth Maine. LEWISIHEVALIE a, 92d New York. L. E. SP NCER. let Art., Batt. F. J. B. FA EWELL.L.Co. B. 3d Vermont. - " HENRY B. JEROME, Co. B, HENRY T 1 McDONALD. Co. 0, 6th Maine. JOHN F. WARD. Co. E.slh Maine. :- HERMAN KOCH. Co. H. 72d N. Y. - NAT. B. THOMAS, Co. F, 95th Pa. ', • - -- A. J. KIMBALL. Co. A. 3d Vermont. • - JOHN JENKINS, Co. B, 186th Pa. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITSI See that the signature of "C. l‘ir. JACKSON," ' is on' the WRAPPER of each bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE, 7.15 CTS.. . OR HALF DOZ. FOR .54.00. Should your nearest drteggist not have theArtiele, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating Proiinrn- Wins that may be oftgred in its place, butsend to us, and we will, forward;seectrely packed, by express. ' PREVCIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY, No. 631 Alarm '2; (SaCcossors to, c. M. Jackson & C 0.?., FOR S - AtE by Dratinists an Dealers fn :every town in the United States. [ Junol7 b' ;:ititltiiitt ' z" ; f-' :ATTENTION. SOLDIERS! A/NES S: It.tOTS, atcbeo; intlL Sektrift. AUGIIIISTBAUGH'Si - - cLocK,II) -- Alca A'AD JEwtrzt , MAIN STREET,ADJOINING THE POST , OFFICA _ chaStairsburg;:rtrenrit The undersigned would respectililly nipisttion to his present stock consisting pf WA.TCHES, ' and Silver of American and European iffannfacture of all Tian tiesandetyles and at the lowest CLOCKS • . - „.. - • ,In gtoat variety. Parlor,Mautt,l, Office, ke., Ac.. . ••• JEWELRY. - The newest and most desirable styled of Onyx,- . Coral and Pearl, .Gold Chains, liracelets. ;Finger Rings. Geld Thinibies, nerve Buttons. Necklaces, Arnilats, Masonic & Odd Fellows Breast Pins, Ac.."&e. MOURNING AND JLT JEW maw.' • , - 'A.'l3l3landid • stock - aria • neireet styles. i - SILVER. AND PLATI2: 4= WARE.. Consisting often Sets. Casters, Sings/SpoOns.Forki, .111 c 7G."0 L P I - . From the beet and mast celebrated mantlfaclorief. - - - FANCY - GOODS. . • • , A very large and attrietive stack. , ' , ' , CUTLERY - AND POCKET IiNI,VAS. Rodgers superior Pen • Knives of different 'qualities " •'. = and prices. • GOLD,v SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES.' - The long experience of the undersigned lU-the selection and adaptation of Glasses, enabtos.hiiu to suit them to, any sight. - At no time have the peopleaf this tfonnty had a more' attractfre and extensive-Stock to select from than is now' presented at the 'establishmebt of the undersigned. Every article is new and a 1 the latest style ono will he aced at the -very lowest priCe. An examination is solicit-: ed before purchasing elsewhere.. . Repairing done tit the shortest; notiee' by cumtie— tent and skilful workmen. • E. - AUG 7BAUGII. Ila eept 23) 24 floorq3outh nfl'est Office. Chrunlog. T%TATCIIES, JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE. The undersigned would respectfully invite your atten tion to his well selected stock of Fine Gold and-tqlver WATCLIES, Fine QoldtlL MALT, 'or every.kilid and variety of styla---nomprisink all of the nett:rat:and most benntifut-riefigns. - - Also. SOLID SILVER-IVARE,squat to Coin--and the best , aki+iC Irei Platrd 1172"ri. Each artitle is War , ranted to be na represented. .kLi- Watches arniJewalry earufrilly repaired and sat isfaction gnaranteoo. JACOB HARLEY, (euecaesor to Sianffer & Harle!r.). sep 9..3ra No. 822 Market i4ri.et...Philatiolidt in.. HENRY HARPER, = • No. 520 XRCHiTIMET, PHILADELPHIA has always - a larce stock of WATCHES;for Ladies and Gentlemen—in Gold and , EINE J,EW Emily, of the most fashion/G:4os tyles, ‘ S. GAD SILVERWARE, in great: variety; and' - ROGER'S Stipertor Platted Spoons, Yorks, ctc,,,"etc. -- Sept 30-4 m • fUrbirai. TO THE LADIES OF, AMERICA LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYONS PERI4)DiCAL'DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, ' - THE GREAT - FEMALE REMEDY I THE GREAT'PEMALE REMEDY! TILE GRE4T. FEMALEREMEDY.! THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY I LTON'S PERIODICAL DROPS- - - 'LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS :LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS - - LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS : . - ARE BETTER TRAN. PILLS! ARE BL•'TTER THAN PILLS! 4 _ ARE BETTER THAN PILLS ! ARE BETTER TITAN PILLS I Lyon's Periodical Drupe are Tlfl ONLY ' FLUID PREPARATION ONLY FLUID PREPARATION - TILE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION - TiILONLY rgEpAnArioN o'er 1 roc bt b^foie Or public, and as a diuretic kid sp-cific for, i rregularkien t world to pre date au equal; they .tre,in tba meet obetinat.,cares,- 4tELIABLE, AND SUEE TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE. AND SERE TO DO,GOOD RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE,_ AND SURE TO-DO GOOD AND CANNOT DO HARM. AND CANNOT DO IIARM, AND CANNOT DO HARM, AND CANNOT DO HARM, IF THE . DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO I IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO I IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADJURED TO ! IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO! SAFE AT ALL TIMES! SAFE AT ALL TIMES! SAFE AT ALL TIMES! SAFE AT ALL TIME! exce` , t uhtn expresalY forbidden in the direriinns wlfeh ,are wrapped around each bottle. ana, hare - Jilt, written signature of Dr.JNO. L. LYOIS" . upon.thein,' NONE - OTHERS ARE - OENtrINE NONE•OTHERS AlLit GENUINE, NONE °TEEM ARE GENtiTNE NONE OTHERS - ARE GENUINE! BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE 01' COUNTERFEITS BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE OF COU:N.;TERFETTS! They corcall thole 11 1 8 to which the female syste:n is subj , cted with dispatch and a degree of certahty which nothi ,, g blit a sciet.tifically comp, muted prepara tion could , reach. USE NO OTTIEE-1 U3E NO !OVUM! USE NO OrIIER S r. NO OTHER! For my Drops stand b‘l ,re the world 11,4 the :le 24 , 4 uttra'of all remedies, for the cure of all dislu4e4 of the kidneys rt. , d Prelavims, and the mild lut posit:Te correction 0: all irreolnrities. DO NOT RE _LMPOSED UPON DO NOT DE IMPOSED UPON PO NOT :71E IMPOSED UPON I DO NOT REIMPOSED UPON! n- those who have other preparations, which 'they de sire to palm off upon the strength of the popularity o my Drops - , and who recoil:midi:id their own - nostrums, thus appropriating to themselves the constant demand fort_ my Per'odical Drops. as a medium for selling something which is worthless and inefficient. But when the Drug• gist you apply to has not got them,., either make', him buy them fur you, or else' enclose one Dollar hf the near eat. general wholesale agent, Who will return you -a bottiehyreturn _Express, - . You will thus save yourselves trouble and pbt.sirtrp lief from.the gi t eatest Female Regulator of,tbe, teenth Century. - Over2s,oooßdttles of this medicine have been sold within the laitt ail months, filo %Tars Lady that has used, them, but fur the nature of- tife cure would furnish ids with her- sworn certificate of their efficacy. It takes but one Dollar to make the experiment, and F appeal to those of Ye* sex who are sintering--will yon waste . away when a single Dollar will give you instant relief. Prepared solely by Dr. Jno. L. Lyon, Practicing phy Pricott Ter bottle. C. G. CLARK A CO., Vliolesale Druggists, New tlaven, Conn. 'General Agents for united States and Canticles. For Salo at Wholesale by D. S. BARNEk& CO-; 'New°rk, • • GEO': .0: GOODWIN CO ; Ntistem,' t JOIINSTON, HALLOWAT•&'COWDSN, sopt 2S, 43-e-ow-tyl 23 North. stitb:at, Phil& r 0 MBECHA.NTS.--Tlide ' to to r iptabs* trio YRANICSTN - REPDK. 7. Olt F, C;'lttij . THE kRAN.K_Is ...; • • q..artnispa .EDIPOUrrit.. = NEWESTfiTYLES;•"-=•-•-_---, L~lB(i'EB'l' SZpek--Cli EAPEST•PitIVIV The un36iiignerl clhi4sure the Public. and ifull#s cessful coutithaaloo. *bid hie rcoeur pucchasep Op Eiwern chip onlbles trim tooger one Of the lar g e ls t npd Jn ? st attractitc stuck of '—" - , •ti 0 - 2.01 . 11 fit ' 64- /hr. the Atli r eteid Wintei•Aiasemiii IM-4 te, tie liftiit ihntl7niniiWrestahiisbmont firthsifectllm. riEtetreiC rig,ty of - , • COATS, PANTS,. . - . ANTI? ysTs„ Itudr.in the very best style-andat !,Le lorest px1;,7 3 , _ /Mt, NisllVii ation4, Such its Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats,. /103110 tiondkerclikliAc.;tc. - SpecieLeittelition is luitleklatr 'this Departhient 1 , • •• ,;-4,I3IISTOSIERS' ORDERS. I would incite an .tallll3lllMti On pf my,-stori ofjtcp. myths. Ktvlermars .y r dtin g A, &c, whic 1 pinnufugunt upon erpi:cfut - - ' SPIICIAL SOTICR. ',would b:egt to coy that my Goods-are •rtsutufltijurva tinder my-own supervision nntill htr4. tlV,9lt men. My present stock is the tenet extensive 1 hove yet nnd I rostorttnlly ask my trio de a t tile. Public to gire nie'a cell before pnrchu sink tusel‘herit. • Itemernlittrthe obt.Stand. J., C. Ji(k..KINON, Franklin, lintel l 3 nilditt,74 - doiner 'tb'e 'Diamond' a nltWes e t rel•t!,' " etra in berAtfrg,-1.4,k, OT T. ,CLOTIILER; '86:141L, ww ; c.rner of the D./.4 ! QN/l, PS t door to tVe„ ank, CtI. I I.3IIIIIICSBUItO, hos just retterned from IN- City with .. .a tarp ‘‘r trapOritir -ootitouttb). Gas:3l4oMb as c A SSIME it EFL. F ATI:VETT& EAN; 4 , LT Coats and TE LT 1-js. SA-Ti3,- , 31 I. ELSEILLES. nod other Test inits. veryStler sel.ctiou tf 1 EADT 3fADIS - (.:10T11113 G, , vek4ell- 1111 prepared tit fall et the-very lowest market p`rielts, COSTONIEIIha he employs -vtlrst,,rate cut ter, he Is prepared - to make up all kiwis 'or -Gorman, 14. for'-.3len andßay.,t,, order, in the best style. faction witl tie - g-n-trntlte.l. - ' A large Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FITRNISIIING GCSlrkk, such as Shirts, Oravreis. ( °Bare, ilitnelkerettiefs, Sni- Pendeis.etrPet 'Umbrellas. dc., &e.. always OD hand, _Dite him neap and save MOH ey. (Jnne.l7,l}3. , . _. .A_...Ti .IV,ITITE, lIERenANT Tjui,9ll,. ~ ANP DEALER IN IM4DY3!ADF. MO* Wit(tlltillE MADEI--- _ „ • •..- • • Ul. .TITS.- 1 - . . - , • I•CASSPIE.TaIS, - ~'_-, . _ .. - 7 ....,V3-TIDMS: .n. • . . . . pAY'reEnSli;S . -'•- •-,_.... i • - t- • rii ltrilswritEGAAtt.r = t 1 . . Gum oveßedAtti.'" -- tiDDRELLAS. , • - , .... , ~ Leer Piet* ffoodsBad by tlie4arlinnd 'Wo charge for Cutting. I ,-' , Darm,nts sold to persons who wish them sande it home. • '- - - Idachind Silk. Chalk. and inch meannree sold, Titrio 'doors - Noi:tlr,?fEyster'e Dry _Goods Store, Chamherk lnint. Pa. ; - (,Tripe 17. 113''.3. - ; - Ita,G. WALBORN &CO'S - - - :-; : i - , Wi lOLESA LC AND MVCI2. BEADY 211 ADE LINEN - - -, - - dulD Dna-a-nu= MANUFACTORY, _ _ _ " . .tYn. 4 J.E. 7 ,North Six th , Street, Philildelphta, ~ slllc,Merdeo niuW otton Under& Ws and Prawera-ICLE rata, Scar6t. Moves, Aandkarrhieri.lc. Shirte:Wrazpere and Dresi:Stocki filmic , to order 'by Inentinrernebt,' dad starranied.to give eatiefaction. Orden may be left with S. S. Suares..-ClEurnbepbwrg. selija : . - - I. J L~KaL ri_IIFIA.T DISCO - FF.RT! ." ' ut kb:VE . III:S 1311TER . n7NE-OP .71?0.4 * ,`' for , ther elite of WEAK STOXACIIS. GENERAL DEritra .U -DICIES"4IOI,, DISEASIS OD TUE NERVOUS SYSTEX,:ettEy• BTIPATION, ACIDITY OE THE STOMACH, raid fur all MISS 4,- Itequirlng u Tonic, - Thin Witte the most agreealtle anti el:fitter'!" Salt of DIM we pm-se -6; Citrate of -lisguetic Oxide eon.- bitted, with the must energetic-vi Tegetsble Tonics. rellow Peruvian Bark. ; The effect in many caste of de bility, hem - oral - wire and general. 'prostration, OS an S.ll of Iron. combined with our valuable Nerve Tonic. is Most happy. It augments the appetite. tvacee the pultie,t takes off muscular thiltbittess. relatives - Um paler of debility. and givqs a florid tiger to the costal,. name. • Do you Want something to strengthen you bo you want a good appetite? • Doyen *ant to build an yotir constitution? - • Do you ;want to feel well? 'Do you iiiint-toget rid of nervousness? Du you want energy? - _ Doyon want to sleep well? Do you,rwaut alietek anti vigorous ft cling? If you do ;try KUNKEL'S WINE OP IRON. This truly vaittalt le 'f "WM of been so thoroughly trit. - est by-all n'lnsees of •thecoinmantto.that it Is now detitet cd aulteminsable as a 'Plait medicine. It ooktrbat Miff; purifies the blood..ives tone to the etomaill; - rent:mares theot and g ives lite. I now •onlY ask's, trail • of thlevalnable Tonic. • • P4sT.,MONIAL I linrrisltarg, Feb. 20,- 1811344- 31r. A Krti - E.Lr., Druggist mr: 1 have great 'lemurs Iu testirliug to the complete success of your Bitter N iii of troll in my I 'have ,bet-n atiliefistt for a numbetof years with weakness, general -debility' and giddiness. so much so that I have been. confined- to my bed.for the grwtter part of my time ntitl- have. had the attend ince of our best plor Amami. but received but little bought. - Intl de:Tit:vett of ever fegidning t. , V - health: until Inurine it your' nerititnaltlerittitecly, li Tra WEIE9I , IRON. I liettalailled to try ifs yirtto, - 4 fiQl • am bappy to spite it has resulted in a cow piste euretlf . I din more robust and rigorous than I have been for - Mitre' ;rearm which feeling I alit Iloilo solely to tone -Bitter Wine of Iron. • I have me hesitation it) lecommendingit to others-mini ilitrly affected, and shall be i t al py,to beer ' pertzimn? ticsrintody • Yowl . . truly, , ItAtttas 1141. PERM( '.—Dr. S. A. Resist :—Disar Jr: When on My way. lest summer. tdjoiu regigni , bfjor rorkt q wpi, you were,kind enough to_ire- him -severulhottles of your —Biller 'Riven/ . frOn.". it most Valnable in the climatic it the Peninsula andllte diseases incident to it No preps teflon of oatke it in value. I believe tint its use would prevent Much / ammoliS and' tortainly prove . Orat edits' in its burci. Yours;en:per tinily. -II P. llVfi C. Chaplain Itein .dent.P. D. 311, - , , _ Prepnreo - aitq sold Wholesalt , and Heteil, brriCzNan . .4 Duo . etifo'haCarys. 113 Ma:lt et Street. Ilan itddlig:llla J. S. NINON. Arent. Cho utbefebilrg, Pa. et: t2B Ita.hcir p('o:,L" - {.) , Arl . IS IYEALTII:I_ . CLISAZAI 'YU VII COUOII FUR CENT'S The antd Chtupest Household Retntrip - tile iVorht. " _ • MADAYIF. z.A_poe pORTEIt , . 111131ED:17-;,,437 Maift4ne 7tidac Porier"; atrati;e•Balsnm is wArrat4e.lifft4 - ed.accor,ding to the dire...4lmm, cur* in ail ea: Coughs . olds. Asti Awn 'ant) ,i 1 I ail*l.e.tMus of the Thmat ind Longo* •-•• iStritiodne 'Ziche I'veter'm Bat o;;ii is preprtrell with all the remisite rare aml-shi 'I; Ihrtmt or the hest remedies t it? vetetabt. affords. Its remedial qualities ,ire rett its. power to assist the healilly etit.h.lati , .in hlood..tltrimgh the lungs; It is not a ..xioletvt rt4totyi hnt•e.,nollrent. worming. searching and effert he; %lin taken by tilts oltlest.nertou or youngest rinid. . .3fradanrc Zcidoc. P rtcr 8 Brrt,c4t)t• - ;-' bruibean 40,4 tiq. p übli 4 for ,wer. b**- aequireclY:tsp,re:ent N:in a ty by re,miatitson4ed , by those Nthl? luire tt,e4 it, t.t their I%fil let ferendisi!ml. others ; IMPORTANT. , Madame Zador3Porter's Curative linitton sAtt.st ro price win* br id it in'the reit hof erery °hetet - let chit convenient to nse.- 'The tint sly :use ore single *9lt prove to Ate worth 100 tines its - cost.' • 1,-;:--,•4 — NOTIbE'S ,Sare yet= rnotft7'. Do not lo Pp minded to,ptiicQ w. articles 3s. t0,;11,,, - whiZ . h dp act centd.ln the, vittitttrof a 13 ctligttle of Madame Porter's Curative Balafttn. Ott cost of mlnufaCturing ICh -le great as most any, other- meclicine ; and the very low price at which it 150014 makes the profit, to the seller npps.ctot by toad'. lind unprincipled dealerq will sontethrtsa conuneuTothor medicin es on sat kelt. their, profits 'tlre. large r; Unless the cimont'els i nsi's t upon havinglfialignr• Porter's Anti non e ether. Ask for :Madame Perteils prieb 13 cts.. and in` large bottles - - a 025 etc.. and' take .no other. If yon - on not - get it it toe store'youcan at another. ; . , .I,4•SkAll'bt all Draggistn and Sforc , keepers at ri&cts, And in Mitar bottles ni• 25 eta. ELVIT , VICCTOKEL; PrenritteVer."'''' Jan 2SJG+I-1,y. - _, • Nett' York Vn,..Y0;•86T0 by 31111er 4.. i llenstey_il nil Jacob 8 Mlxiia, Cklnibnrenvg,. , ; ' _ , VierfiTIRTII. 8AN061 7 7S - , 11A - NUFACTU,It 3t9SETI'DODIND' L T Tr„b.x r, G.8 44 Loo4Iio , GIGASS, AND- P1dr1;l1fi,11:1311:8, of ovki'l"*.lusTriptlen: ' NAT.OI. I En 91 , Timm AN'n s TE., L (DET.P3I.I. Diderßt'ethelar g ,ext e.kttni`piroteptly executed. c ed e ig"llllckrb 7 , a. s Hta - OCK. , Chem beirq,bititi P 3. , mot, ai