-ttautlitt pogifing. AGRthULTiTRAL. 'AGTiICULToii - RAL ApvEmrisrtdt , NTS - ----Tlie irdention of our Agricultural readers it directed to, Jake following advertisements in,this paper : 3.19 t CG8 lIEYSER,, Franklin Nurserie.,l.nearCham '. trin•shurg. Fwit and Ornamental Trees of all ., kinds. Vines and Strawberries.. HURRIIOLDEIt & W.I%_SON; - Wilsonville Nurse- Dendeniville. Adams eninty,—JonN-F. CROFT. Agent. Chamln•rshurg. Fruit and, Ornamental Trees. Vines and Stocks. • '• d. KN ox, b‘rx:ls.l. Pittsburg , ;Every variety of Strawberries and Vines. .D.STROCK,Chambernburvt. Wagons a.nd'Agricul tura/ Implements of ail kinds. WM. 'L. BOYER & BRO..Philudelphia. All kinds of Agricultural Machinery and Implements. ..ttinAlIAM METZ. Chambersburir,, , Every de serintion of Plows mod Castings. • - I, A NDRETEI- N. Philadelphia. -Ag • pionitural Implements and Garden Seeds. LESSONS TO FAEMERS: : The 'Fanners of Franklin county ‘ leave had some severe lessons in the '46iiirtietiveness of war. Ver . V' many' had theirhorses and cattle stolen. by the rebels, and many leave "suffered less from the desolating tread of 'our own .reties. - It tis Worthy of _ notice, however, that notwithstand ing our proximity_ to_ the rebel lines - and our constant - . exposure 'to inenr: Mons by:raiding 'and' plundering . par- ties lands have never depreciated in market,'. and but feNv if any of our people have been driven from agrieul tura]. pursuit's. The general wealth of our Farmers ifi Lhis county has been a Warrior to progrc, , ss They farm well as a rale 7 . --quite las well as, do most'intelli gentagricultural sections of the State; hUt- necessity has never- taught pro- pies and' they have% been, only too - vireit"eontented to- farm as! did. their 14theis 'before. them:, BizOnexoriable war has , brought with it some lessons, 241.4 just no,W :impresses, _ them in a'n imperative Tanner upon the people bor;let,ainl.he is most wise who most profits by them. :Franklin is the most feneelridtlent county we know of in Pennsylvania. farmers will -insist, as ayule, upon cutting up their farms into small fields And keeping up miles of fences at an enormous eost of money, labor and land, without any comprensation what- over. ,If it were _possible for our peo ple to raise some profitably, there would 'be some exeuse for their , net worlc7 of iThiee,s, although it would be still unwise and wasteful . ; but when it: is considered that steers cannot be raised in Franklin county for less - than doitble orPerhaPs trifle the price they Can be - bought on the; road in the fill), ;the, folly of keeping up fences should become-apparent to any qne who un derstands that tw' O and' two make four. '''cry •inan of our fanners have had, their fences partially or wholly destroyed by the armies; and to such we)vould appeal to ',give- some atten tion to this question solely as one of economy. A mayirity.of the 'fiitincrs (xi the line most .devastated by mil, itary occupation, have - to purchase their fencing 4luterial; and our own eounty does not furnish a :Supply equal - - „ to. the demand evett.st ordinary tjines. The southern and eastern sections have hitherto drawn largelS.-: upon Adams for railS, genrally giving hale in:return ; but the wide-spread des- • truetion oeeasioned in Adams count , brcthe 'battte of Gettyslutrg,- , has so inereased the demand there that the price of good rails has gone TIP fully twenty-five.per cent. addition to 'this, the price of posts flas 'advanced, and a pannel- - of good post fence can not now be erected under $1 25: and Lrut, no other fence is -so cheap, all consideirjog ris post fence. It 3eeMs that farnwrs will need lest=ly ine.nr 411P11. ; enormous expense, and surrendera considerable Portion their hinds beside . for fi2,nce-rows " when the whole experience of non , - atonic growing seetions.is as clearly igairist fencing and pasturing as the light of `noon-dny 7 , Pasturing our .heavy elay lands is "t6lwork of death. - If wet and soft, wherever a hoof'. treads the surface, it • kcs, and the air, One ofrti k te best - of . fertilizers;-ceased to perMeate it. If $11.74he treml of ,stockis almost equal -- Jyfatal, r for it has little or no : elastic ity;:and for all Otis: (laimi'Mr there is Rio aderi Rate comileasation,lie have for tly6 , S.' - .ears 'fed all . our cattle :with oxcellopt grass from the 10th of 'June ' to - theist of 'Septcmher. ent from the 'l lA m .6_4:9111 our_ civqlling house-'—in DNS y ;alt npf over two anci a half acres, and a .. - 00iderahle portion of that, ik) tifiekly - 436t with heavy frixit trees- as rd, the growth of the grass very "Tnneh. A.V.e ,mow it - three times for often, enough to keep the .•1091. neat cleanMi.d-eut•it lateitp the -611.6 prepare -the' gr' mind fOr''alight coat-of rnatinr...' from' the IthiseLgtable, Which' lieS'eti - the sarface ditrini the winter:and is raked ^off in - the: spring. By the -first of .oeptena ber we, have corn stalks, ready for the cattle. We_plongh deeply , ;and. ma mare well ationt:tWo Acres in April, and sow bra4daist"3/ bushels 'of corn to the Acre — about the first of May. It comes uithiekly' (3.n the ground, grOwS tall And, slender ; Jnthe, stock, and is the very, best feed for ,9 . a..ttle in the latter part of August and Septem ber; when 'all other-pasta - re is crener !ally dried up' that 'could be upplied - In this s . ay,all...our . eat,fle haVe the Very best,of fresh r sueulent .00 from , 'rune _until late in autumnond fences are required no land dama ged; ,no_ grass.wasted; and the cattle thrive better than in-the pastime fields exposed to the 'he,at of suminer and tormented by flies. They are.stabled iti . the'morning, before the heat of the daY,'the :stable kept dark to eXclude flies" although' well ventilated, and in the evening - _they are turned,' out and fed in the yard and have free range to,running Water. - Thus twnaeres of farm land, .besides the lawn about the house, supply all the pasture for our .cattle five months of the year, most:f our neighbors would destroy fifteen acres of _grass, not to,:_count feneo fund 'damage to land, in keep ing the same number, and than would 'have-good:pasture' but a Short time. -This - year- the rebels find. our own military somewhat deranged our oper ations; 'hut the' system has been well Ttested and its economy and utility hat-c bden . clearly established: We never pasture horses. They do. im mense clamage to-land, and:often are more injured than benefitted by gra zing. Young - clover is exhausting to them, and it is seldom that they can be turned out withotit getting it; and old cloVer has little more nourishment al-anstraw. They ;re' better in the, stable, good' grass eii for them when, it is fit far use; and When it is not—when young Cloverl is - mixed with it--they um better on hay. *-L-We have thits digressed to enforce the conviction that inside fences are needlCss, profitless and' positively wasteful of, land, of labor and - of money ; and we entreat such of our farmers- as have lost fences to.learn the lesson of war, and take out all remaining inside:fences and make'out 'side fences in the best st.4,:le: No far mer has yet. so far as we have been' advised, tried soiling stock and ra-, turned to the old plan ;. and we feel -well assured that no farmer will ever return-to division fences- after he has fairly tried :getting aldng without them: the devastation of the :last summer by hostile andfriendlyarmie•• shall teach this importa4t lesso f no any con, , ,iderable number of-oueihr mors, ten years hence the lessons of war will not he regretted, however harsh they seem now, :.--Inother.lessOmelearly taught by the sad events of the last year, is the necessity of employing Mules more generally in our farming-operations. They t ix e capable, of doing as much ordinary 'farm work-as the horse are ten-fold more • eeiringi; are never sic& and rarey , ' crippled,by sprains or other accidents; they live twice as long as the horse, and can be kept f on one-half the feed from Year to year. Ile coming. winter will-be 4 severe one the our farmers. • The rebel oc cupation Of our county during the month of June, lost our people the entire crop of cloVer lqty--the main depenthitice of our faeniees—and feed will be very scarce.,- {lt mules bad been substituted_ generally for the horses stolen from our County, there would be little or no dincOnvenience 'Mt. for they would 'winter very - Well on dry straw, and Ivork well with a little strongfeed added. They `Can now be .bOitglit almost; as . cheaply 'as good horse,somd-it, se,ems to us that - evefy argument point to' he 'econo my-and' utility of adoPting them' in f stead of horses on ourjaems. ' . ' - - -Such are a, few of the lessons of war to farmers. Let tihem not fail to ',prOfit - - A Lzrrr. from Mobil e sa,ys that the stench in tlitt, city is enough to mak6 the people vomit." We guess not. It znust take a groat deal - rnalttr, folks vomit whti nothing urion'their stomachs. , ... . , .- A..cisAr down in Conriecticut, 'aft.ei the pas age .of the conscription act. got married to e'vhde thfi-draft. lie n'rhy sass; if he cram km a divor6o4lo viill - . enli'st, as, if he -must fight, he would rather do so for his country. • tof, ,tisitorotivAttiftbero I b y * i. • Zatugs, fact itines,7'&c. NIXON'S -COLUMN. At lib time since the commencment of •Niz ' en's Drug Store, has there bean so. • • ;I FULL A,itY COMPLETE A STOC4 , • ' of "Fresh and ' • • • • PFOCTLY RELIABLE MEDICINES To offer io those wherare so unfortnnateas 'to be compelled terindtthrerirr. - -sach-luxuriesq The fact - is, that unless there aredargiand • sales. no establishment can supply • , customers with strictly fresh and ry . liable rercedics,in the shape of Drugs and Chemicajs. Time • • . affects with much more rapidity many more anti-" • r •,•• 't • , cles'in medicinethan inY• . an • -- otherrnerehandise,hettcethene-; ; - • eessity of rapid ehinge of stook to' • secure to' the purchaser* just ihat. is" . • wanted. NIXON is able. by rabictchanges in stock, always to present, the very best to his customers. fie desires to : keep the above . .facts be fore the community, and to solicit , • continuance of favors: In connection with his full stook of • . • , DRUGS. AND CHEMIOALS,, - ho offers a full - assortment of ' • PATENT MEDICINES OP STANDARD CHAR— ACTER. Such as: Jayne's Family Medicines, Pectoral, "- Ayer's'SaMaptAN, Ayer's Pills. - • Itelmbold's Preparations, • • Thostetter's Bitters, = Drake's BittOrs; Guinan Bitters, , ) . Wishart's Pine Tree Coidial; Tarrant's Aperient, Kennedy's Eiscare7, Hunt's Linimenbe.- Blair's • ityPoPhoPhiteci• • Tiobesnsack's Pills. Wright's Pills, Morse's Pills, . Brandreth's Pills, Leidy's Pills, Townsend's PiHs, Perry Davis'aPairi Killer, Falmesteek's Vermifuge, Worm confections, Worm Candy, Plasters, Ointments, Washes. Lotions, with many other articles in this line, all of which are sold only on the represettation of the makirs of the articles. • ---- BAZIN'S, LUBIN'S, BDRIIII'S and other CHOICE PERFUMERY AND SOAPS Hair Dyeg, Pomades, and;', other artielesToithe Hair, among which ie NIXON'S BROMATRICIIOS, ou HAIR FOOD, One of the 'beSt and. most cleanly articles for the Hair, containing no greft.e, yet rendering the Hair soft and glossy, and preventing it ft'um prematurely • „ GLYCERINE LOTION, Which is just the article needed for the retnov at of Dandruff from-the Seal N-and leaving the hair 'soft and glossy. In presenting these two articles for the Heir, the - Proprietor has the satisfaction of knowing that- they do all that is represented. NIXON •S TETTER OINTMENT continues as much a favorite as ever and it can opal dr P. perfMin remarkable cureit of skin Disdases, and is guaranteed in all cw.zes - to act as represented.. TIOBSE ADD CATTLE POW DER In less than one . , • year and a half ovErt TWEN TT-FCCK lITNDR.P.TI PACKS lINPR DEWS • SOLD, and the sale: , are on the itierease. It is just the powdet'for • • The Horse, The Cow, The Sheep, . The Ifo f r. • It is neatly put up and full directions go with each pack. Hundreds of testimonials could b 6 presented, but the pro , Pnctor deems it best • 4, to let it traselmn its own meats: RARER CROUP SYRUP made only at Nixon'sfq this County, and has a ho 4 of friends, who can testify - .to its merits. Nizon is rade to offer a large stock of Trusses, Shoulder Braces, also Combs,. ' Brushes, • = Toilet Poriders„ • • . • , , , Perfunisca, • ,Shaving Soaps, Toilet Soaps, - Pocket Books, Pursee, - Indelible Ink, Tooth, Powder, •'; Tooth AV aslies; ' - - Totith Brushes. • • , • I Sponges, " ; • 1;1(41 -T ri • i : Spicer, h e ui Starch, • „ -• • •••- Indigo, . 'Stove Black; • • ' • •.. rtg i land Roach Destroyer. " In conclusiorWizoa -beho.leavo ,to say that his stock will always be kept up to the v6 , rY ; _ best point, and includh • every. thing' cat-Dula ted givehealth and eoinfort to the afflicted, • • - • ' besides such articles 'as taste requires. • The Important lever in business is Money, and asnil merchandise can, be had at lower rates • "cash th4n time. Nixes • - • desires to Tati,ke - • , • - • ...„ • • • HIS BUSINESS ;STRICTLt CASH. ,rune = • • • • ; • - -; • _ - - Q - ADDLERYI SADDLERY 1177 dies. Bridies..liartiess,Cvilars,"Trunks,-ValiSes, &c. Signor the BOMBE COLLAR.- • . • • • JEST:MIMI OYSTkilt rmipectfullyreturnsbis thanks to bla patrons for th'e liberal encouragement received •front them heretofore, sind he 'would invite them and the commdnitygenenilly, trim niny:„ need AnY thing in his iine,•to give nt his OLD STAND, on tdie'Esit side of Main Street, Chnnaberaburg, See doors ,SUntli,of Mttbee"& Tolbert's ifardware Store, where be keeps con stantly on hand every varety of, S A,I)III..BRIY.A.ND HARNESS'of his owe Manufacture, and be is' prepared t o teal diesanie at terms that defy competition. Sv_ery Artime offered for sale ds warranted to be Mafia of the beat, inatetinf and by competent Workmen, 'Which #lll, be fully demonstrated on no exandnatiowthereof. • : I'IIiJNES"AND V•AfVES...—lie would also tall the Attention of persona wanting n, good, neat. Chesil and substatibil Trun&•or Valise, to la§ assortment. June 17, '53. • '„;' ' ADDLE. AND 'HARNESS MAN UFACTORY.--The undersigned would respectfully rtuneunce to his friends mud the public generally, that be has taken the SADDLE AND HARNESS SIIOP for snerlt, carried 011 by Matthew Gillen. deed, on WEST xxieKET.S7REET, near the -G'onocoeheague Creek, in the Borough of ..liamberibitig, where he menet tcturee Saddles, Britilesand HarneKand has constantlyson hand ati excellent assortment of Collars, Whips, &c. , Reemploy/I none but the - Lest Of Workmen , and V oil' etructe all work from the material.; TRUNKS and • VALISES constantly on hand, all of whicli will be Bold ns :cheap as the cheapen. A continuance of the former pa: tronage of the shop is most respectfully solicited. ;June ' .• • • • JAMES B. GILLAN WHI'S 'WHIPS 1. WHIPS !- WmDar SBILLITO SON, 'corner of Blain and Washington Streets, Chambersburg, Pa., mannfactut ers of ;di kinds of WHIPS. such as Wagon. Carriage 'and Riding Whips of various sizes and of snperior quality, which they offei to the public, either by Wholesale or Retail. at very moderate priers.. LASHES of all lengths kept constantly on hand and for safe by the dozen, very cheap.- ThOialBo Manufacture superior 1101tSp g COL LARS, to which theyinvite attention.. Orders from adistance sulfated dnd promptly attend ed., Juni/ 17, 'd3. G. A. bEITZ TIE Z ' D ONE L L - 'WILL PAY THE EiGHEST PRICE E \II EA P F 0 12= O,A SH, AT C HA.M.BEVBI.JRG, PA.,. • GREENCASTLE, EW FIR M. !—COAL I. 'OAL ! LIIIIWERI LuntIERI-LKO. EBERT l t EON, TTibg purchased the Coal and Lumber Yard of , Qeorge • i i - A. Dettz. wilt. c ,ntiuue to car.on the same btutinesk and willalwayslinveon hand n large supply of Lumbersancl Coal. They will Le prepared to fill all orders:at ttm shorte.t notice. The-y reepectlully solicit the, patron . - age of the tate firm and the public, generally, Mild: all who may &Tire foal and Lumber to give them a call; feeling assure.: that no menus will he spared to accem modate those on the moot reasonable terms. £ June 1i,'6:1-tf. LEO..EUERT SON. Supporters, • , Bandages stmlitvg; Ranteos; 'szt. 'Coal, 'Lumber, Bzr. IN CASH'F OB FLOUR, WHEAT, It PE, CORN, OATS, MOPER TIMOTHY SEED, And all kinds of P,R.ODUCB ALL RINDS OV SALT, J'o L, LumilEn, CEMENq, PLASTER, AND SAND, volt SALE, ~I E ITZ 4 ArDoWELL'S IVAREMTSE AND COAL YARD, Neari:ke Railroad Depot, On North Carlisi June 17, '63 80015 an ,Aboro. . _ 1 EW SHOE STORE.—The Sub. . scriber takes this method of informing the 'citi; T il ; - zone of Cbambersburg and vicinity, that he MS Just ru m Phibulelphia".with an ENTIRELY . .!.1 EW s.retoerneof to Boots and SllOl3. of every variety, styhir and pattern. and of the best manufactures. i. . lie hiur no old Shop!. erpers on hand. Els whole stock is new Give him a call—yeti can easily suit yourself, He invites the Ladies. especially, wean, as he will take pleasure in showing his goods. Store in the root for• merly occupied by Frederick Smith. Esq., as a Law Offic'e, and more recently used for the purpose by George(' Eye ter..Esq , two doors North of Fisher's Hotel, Main St: eet, 'Cliambersburg. Pa. 111., large and well selected stock; he being a practical 'Shoemaker. consists of Ladies' Gaiters, Boots, 811ispers 'and Buskins; Misses' and Children's Boots and aloe's; Gentlemen's Gaiters. Slippers, Boots and'ltrogans. i Do not f wget iho pladO. No trouble to Goods Gob at the NEW STOLE, two 'doors North of Eish - r's • Motel, M.. in 'ttreeet, Chambersburg, Pa,. by , June 17 .1562. ' . ' . PETER YELDIIfot.N. 614 LL AND SEE , !--T HE UNDER , ‘..) SIGNED announces to his nag - lemma frienCia and customers. that he continues to n nuStctnrd to order, and keeps on hand a t full and complete assortment ,of rations qualil les andstyles 'of SHOES and crAixores, frLadies. Misses and Children. tiaSortment of BOOTS, SIEGES. to., for Mon and Boys'. wear is cot: pkie,ltowhicb he respectfUlly invitexattetnain.l Work of all kinds made to order, in a neat. and durable man ner, andatt short notice. Call and see 'before Piirchasing elhewhere. and he will satisfy purchasers that he selleAt very smelt profits for,C,isli. Don't forget the blace— _efloaite Elata kAtiefer's Store, Chlunbersburg, Pa. June 17, 1863 - TI-OTICE OF PARTITERSJIIP.--- , Notice i 4 hereby given that the itUferitiried have. t ifs day entered into partnership„,lu the Catch-.lfaliing• business. in all its various brtinebes. under the . ntinte ot' Pelifer' &Foltfi. Tito said firm will do Imeinefie at the stand lately et - Tripled' by P. henry Pettier & Co., anti weuldrespectibliy solicit a continnafice of the public patronage. , t P.ll.liNitY REUTER, Nor: 0. I RM - FOLTZ. • • = 113001 i BINDERY. -31' KEEPER CO. have reti theirtveal2oos 13T14 DEO 'to the 'lord etory-of the aI.a.NrION ROUSE, on;the Diamond,' above Shry6ek's Book Store. Entrance between the Book Store and Dr. Snlvely'e office. Old Books, Periodi cals. genic, Newspapers, Ste, bound in any style. plank Books 'made to order. Paper ruled to any pattern. Nov. 1,'60. - , - IDIAI,7INT : -. : U.a.(14(1,CF; 010 e.r . 'l vice. or in • Idoapiials, can furnish Shuns With eau 111;POSITORY. thten Months for 25. earths; a irmohthdfor 50 rents, er one year futsl.oo." • •Z• SNNSYLVANIA RA.IL - ,BOAD! ÜBMEE rhvE TABLE. Fine Trains tcr - and from Fhilade /pare, andlajier MONDAY, A PRlV2,othi 1863, , Te Pasaenger Trains of the Peiineylinnia Railroad Compaity will depart from and arrive at ilitretaburg and }:biladelpfda V • ' EASTWARD: - 311.1WIIGO.',ECPAESS TRAIN (eaves Ilarriaimtg daily at 2.0,0 and arrives at. West klaladelphia at Catt A. M YAST,..LINE leaves ilarrisintrg Unity (except:gond:ly) it5:45 x'. St., and arrives at West hiladelphht at 9.55 n.x_Passengeratake hieakfdst at Muenster. WAY AO 0515160AtION; Via Mount Joy. leaves Ilatrisbarg tit 7:00 A. 941011 1, arrives at West i'hiladel• phla vt 12.25 P. M. 'FASP M AI i; TItAIN leaves Harriebrivg daily (except Sneday) at 1.00 P. 31.,0nd arrives at,West Philadelphia at 5.00 P.M. - HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. AIR Ca tam bia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 P. at., aud: arrilres at West Philadelphia at 9'.30 P. at. , • .WE§TWARD. ,• BALTIMORR 'EXPRESS TRAIN leaveS Harrisburg daily (except .Moriday) . SA 2.0 A. M.; Altoona. 7.15 Aix., take breakfast. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon. . PHILADBLPIIIA EXPRESS TRAIN leave§ Harris. burg daily at 3.00 A. a.; Alto.na at B.oo' A. X., take breakfas.. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. X. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 P. Ea., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 A. X: FAST LINK leaves Harrisburg at 3.50 P. a.; Altoona at s.ps P. a.. and arrives at Pittst urg at 1.00 A. X. = HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2 30 P.m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 P. WAY ACCOANODATION 4 TRAYN 1 eaves'Philadelphia at , 4.00 P. 31., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.40 g. X. This train runs via Mt. Joy. SAMUEL, D. '''OIING, Supt. Atidd/e. Div. Pentiti rune 77, - • • . -N'ORTHERN"OENTP,AL WAYI—SUNMEH TIME TABLE. !Three trains daily to:and frau Haithinnee-apd Wash ington City. ,Connections made with-trains Pfuneylverda 'road, to and from Pittsburg and the West- ' 1 3 WO. TRAINS DAILY to:and froth .the North and West BranchAusguebanna,.ELaira, and alkof Northern Nem York. • . - - On and after Noway, April 20th, 1863, the Passenger Trains of the'Northern Central Railway will arrive nt and depart front-Harrisburg and-Baltimore as follows, TENCH it'ip-OWELL - ' 8 n TEMA. it b. -- • - MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except . . - - . .- - Sunday)' , • • 10.10 l. X. leaves I.Tariisburg —.. 4.15 r.,Ar ' ' " ' arrives at Baltimore '. ' 6.25 A.. x. EXPRESS, TRAIN leaves Sunbury ,daily (except Sunday) 11.07 ei. K. . - „ n,: . leaves Ilarrisbprg ' (except • I ' Monday) - 2.00 A. At, ' " • arrives at Baltimore daily; (except Monday) - , 6.15 A. 31. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves • flbirrisburg• 6.304..21. MAIL TRAIN leaves lialtithore daily (ex cept Sunday) • • , 9.15 A. X. ‘. leaves Harrisburg v,1.15 P. X. arrives at Sunbury .. '4.05p M. ; EXPRESS TRAIN loaves Baltimore daily... 9.15 r. X. " arrives at Harriabrirg 1.35 4.x -_ i ' •4 leaves Harrisburg daily (ez cept, Monday) 3.00 A Al! " arrives at Sunbury - 5.33 A. x HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimore daily (except sun day)' ' 2.65 P. M. 46 arrivee at lihttiaburg. ~, ' 7.30-e. sr. For further information apply at, the Office,, iu Paun ay/vania Railroad Depot, Harrisburg. ' - . J. N. DtBARRY, Gen Supt. Juriel7!,-'63.-tf.- VEW AIR LINE' ROUTE.— Three 1.1 Tratit Daily to New 'tett and Philadelplale. On and after Monday, Al rrl 20/6;1863, the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, at llfirrisburg, for New York and Phihtdelphia, as follows, viz; EXPRESS, LINE leaves Hirrrisburg at 2.15 A. 11., on Arrival of the Pennsylvania-Railroad Espress Train from the West:arriving in New York at 9.30 A. M.. and Phila delphia at 5.20 A. M. A.sieeping car ie attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change.. MAIL - TRAIN leaves Harrisburg ut 8.00 A. m.Arriving In Now York at 5.30 and Philadelphia AtI,SOP. x. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. arriving in New York - at 10:25 P. 31., and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. is. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New York at 0.00 a, X., and Phila delphia at 8.15 A. R., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. ai MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12,00 noon, and PhiLuleipLinat x., arriving at.ll.wrisburg at 8.20 EXPRESS TRAIN' leaves NeW , York at 7.00 P. 11., ar. rivingat lEarrisbura at 2.10a...x. and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleep. ing car is also attached to this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania. Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, andat Heading for Philadelphia. Pottai Tulle, Wilk esbarre, Allentown, Easton, Ac. Baggage checked through-. Fare between New Itirk and Harrisburg, $5 35; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $3 35 in No.l cars, rind $3 in N 0.2. - For tickets or other i nfermation apply to J. J. CLYDE', Jrine,l7,'63. tf. General Agent, Harrisburg, 1862. - 1863. WINTER ARRAN' GE NEN T CUMBERLAND rALLEY FRANK L 124 HA IL IMA - Sheet, tip eII.A.NOI: OF 1101711 S.—On and after Monday. No vember 17,1862, Yassedger Trains - will - run• daily, as tollows,(Slitalays excepted): FOR 'CITAMBERSBITRG AND HAR RISBURG: EN N'A ' . A. M. P.M. Leave Hagerstown 7.00, 2.46 7 t t Greencastle . ' 7.37 3.35 ' Arrive at-- ... 8,17 4.29 Charnberaburg i Leave at.. , .. - .. 8.30 . 12.55 - &bares Shippen4burg • 9.0 1.28 " - Newrike ; 9.32 • .' 2.00 .$ Carlisle - 10.10 2.42 ~,, Merlin nicebn rg A ire at thittitibllrg ' 10 42 3,12 11.15 3.40 ... FO CHAMBERSBURGAND HAGERS— \ . TOWN. . ~ . . • . A. M. • P.M. . Ltaree ii rifillurg 8.05 •:,. 135 '•• lide ianicsburg 8.47 : ' 2.1 k , ' ' 9.27 : 2..55 " Carl' e - e - " . Newv Iv 10.02 I 3.29 $4 Fhiripen burg \ 10.33 i 4.00 Artjve at L`liatnli slinrg 11,00 4.30 Leave Ciinanberab rg ' - Ir 3 o _ 4.40 , Greencastle... , I ; 11.55 .. . 5.30 Arrive at Ilarrisbtire\ 12.35 0.10 .ttir - Making clove cliections' at Harrisburg; with traits for Philadelphia, ew York - and Pittaburg ; and with trains for all points West. • - , G. N. LULL, ptpe. FL R. Office.Charahersbur 7v0v.17. 1562. 1863. 1863. p.IIILADELPIILV `4. N D„ ERIE RAILROAD.—This great line traVersea the North• err. an Northwest counties of Fennsylryania to the city t {Erie, on Lake Erie. • , , It has bean leased by the "Pinnsybc nia .4.fir6lia c t company, and under their auspices ie _ ing rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in rise for Passenger and Preigh Eistrie ss rromilarrieburg to Drlftwpoil f (2d Fork.) (177" ilea) on the Eastern Division, nn4 from Sheffield to it, (; 3 miles.) nu the WesterliDivision. • . • • TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARETkafRG. • MAIL TRAIN leaves ....»......... I 1.15 a. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves North' . 3,00 a.O. , Cars tun tprOngli WITHOUT cIiA,NGX bOth,Wetri 011 Meso trains between Ptiilittleiiibia - and Lock Haven, and be tween lialtimora and Lock 4taven. - kllegant Sleeping Cars oaths Ex.press tralnboth ways. For information 'respecting Passenger trusitiess apply at H.M.S. - RA Corer Llth and :Market ntrents, Philadelphia. And for Freightlinsinesg of the Company's Agents: 5.11: Kingston, Jr.iCor.l3th and Mttrkot ats..,Phllada. .1. W. Reynolds; Erie. • .. . . J. lif.'brill, - A.';erif N. C. R. R.. Baltiinche; Md. ' .11. A. HOUSTON, - General Freight Agent, Philadelphia, • -,-. .. . . - • I,IOVIS L. 11.0UPT. • -- General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. - . , . - " 'JOS. D. IWI'TS, - • • • . . . . June 17, 631 Genaral Manager, Williamsport. • • 1 'GEORGE LEHNER IZZI2E EW .TOBACCO. AND . SEGAR 1... STORK.—To the qitizens of Chambersburp . a 4 Vicinity ;• al, e underettutti:htiving been co:4010E1i to leave Nirghtia nnuccoput of his ,t7niou. sentiments, hris collie amisui you to eStahllsh ;i: bitslneSs, hoping f-bm lila long experienceond liy ()lois attention,' 110 will ate • with a generous support,. Ilis stock! will consistpfe I L:ls bestafrunds of TOBLCCOArof filli - fAR, whibh lfw ill . 1t sel IR9 cheap ies ea nbe lul Anyw here i witr.•DortVor.get this place; shim of the *iiftle 'Virgin a' isigkiwil