0 U trauldin- 'iLtporit,tirg, WASHING'(' , The Second Pennlvaittlis Fort ' , Bunker sil l-The _Draft- Wen Wanted—Fhe Re- eetion k oi-fillov. Cur tin —Festive Soldiers. ;-... earrespondenoe of the Franklin Repository. Foat BtOnr.zu p, c-, I • - 'Ociober '21;1863. - "'"tour worthy journal.-does not freqUerati haire the honor Of recording anything about file 2nd Pa. Artillery "(112thI ) . V.) ' though i'Etra quite sure, a number of your readers wall enjoy a scrap of news , fro` m an.organiza ---,Sion in which 'so many - of their relatives and " • niiighbors are doing heir duty to their coun -01 as patriots and soldiers. Qur Regiment consists of twelve Batteries, numbering in all • abotit 1400 men, and we site doing dot: - in the defences' Of Washing . tin. Our position is most important, and.we fittve the gratification of believing that the - orowers that be" consider our line impreg nable and most economically conducted: Col. Augustus A. 'Gibson of the artillery branch of the Regular army: an officer of 28 ieurs experience in the service commands, • our RegiMent, and is now and has been' for over a year, acting Brigadier Geeral, yet does' not relinquish his command of' the Reg iment. Our location is delightful, the seen ery surrounding its is of the most grand and picturesque kind; the autumn months, in this ititude, are the most' pleasant of the year; and the' Weather I think more delightful than arky other part Of the' country. , The surroundings of Washington are much shore endurable than the city itself, and I am riot aware that the immortal 'Washington could have selected any spot in the "Original tbir ' o s tcen" • States, for our National capital, when ,haauty of landscape scenery, benefit of a healthy and general climate.' advantages of • ,egmtnerce, and 'where nature has dune so 'much to make the defences of the Capitol of - ohr nation so formidable as just where it is. Persons visiting Washington are iiot apt to get outside of the city' for amusement and pleasure, and if so unfortunate ba there in .wet weather, of course they will say that Washington has themeanestmud and nioreof it, than any city in the world, but, all that is. . g ood in the District of Columbia is not to be fbund in Washingtv. I have`nothing to say 'about all that is bad—and, if" any Of our Franklin County friends desire to be cony ine ed 9f the fact just let them take a ridewhen they nest visit Washington—out to Fortf Bunker Hill .and asli for soiree of the gallant ' fellows of the Old 112th. and then say if they. " *4 that I'm blowing. .. The draft in your County has come off, 'but from the columns of Your journal I infer that very ft.fi-of those who were drafted • 'conle off:t to the war; a 'small Battalion indeed will,tho 16th District -send, to do battle for the cause of the Union, out of that noisy effort, but •300,000 more men are w:inted z (whot a favor- , itenuniber that is of our President,) ail I do hope that we will ge,t them speedily. -, It might not be out of order' here to remark that the nd - Pa. Artillery can still accommodate sever al luindrad men in her ranks, and I don't know that our friends could do batter than to 'enroll themselves, with us, which _effort_ Might he successful I think. -I am so glad that the "old and tried" friend Qt the soldier—GOv. , Curtin- 7 ,bai been so handsomely endorsed by our people et home.; could the soldiers have voted,' a majority un heard of before for any candidate for Guberna torial honors,, would have been rolled up for our favorite "Andy." I regret and am sur wised that the "Green Spot" did not do bet ter. Lee's visits to Pennsylvania must become less frequent or Franklin County will be lost tO our cause. _ DM The health of our regiment is good; large Barracks 20 by 100 feet are built for each Battery, with comfortable bunks ; they will be dry, airy and cosey, dnd th, o - ugh our duties may be arduout our accomodations 'and ocinforts both in-quarters and rations are tip Op, Which not to speak.egotictical is no mean compliment to the manner in which our Reg iment is commanded. One little matter which may be of interest the "gay and festive," I must nit forget ere I close::—The Officers of Fort Btinker Hill on the completion of the Barracks at that fart gave a magnificent entertainment on the . evening ; of.the 13th inst.--if we could • not vote we could not forget that the civil sover eigns at•hotno were enjoying.their preroga live The youth and beauty of ourineighbor- Aloud were'present, ladies about 100 in num ber, and i must sayAhat it was ono of the 4tiost happy occasioni'of the kind I have had ibepleasure of witnessing driring the • war ill:the : various b ranch es - .cif the' service: were refresented from Brigadiers down, Such' are Me privations of camp life ! Yours, W. ' PHILADELPHIA the Late Political Campaign—Gov. Cur• tin's Efforts—linhappy Death of the Demneiracy—The City Councils—The a Green Spot." it*respondenceof The Franklin`Repoeitori. • PIIILADELPVIA, Oct. 24, 1868. Since I lust wrote yen, the great. battle in kennsyivinia has been fought asid•wan, and ;she, with Ohio, p Indiana and lowa, haye ranged themielYus on the side of.the Union ; thus confirmingithe prediction so Often made, :that these great-States would falew - the lead of all the others in'which elections had been hold during 1863. The campaign was one- of unexampled'te rocity and bitterness, and was Made so:by 'einernies boaslingovhen• the ,campaign open led 'that they' would carry -the State by 40,.. :MO — :majority, and by subieguently pushing heir treasonable Sentiments with an ardor that wohld.have done honor to a- better cause. lly energetic aiensures had to lie *rated by the!frinndo bf the Union, to to iiittauch open and deapeiato attaeka on , Ole .011t§titotion and the Lai/44 4144' *ithiihe smiles of an over-ruling - Trovidence they have ccesi 1. 4 'l4yer d •Mir - f ludi'ersar' ies wage such,4. tiriient - puldiis and',dishonorable;war,;as they did ini the Ante Carnpaign... '*4ll- .qUesti ens =vitatto the life of the Iterublic at issue, they pandered 'to the lowest prejudices, and exci ted the vilest passions of the people, instead of meeting them jn a' lofty and patriotic manner, and appealing to the 'virtue and in telligence of- freemen. The,conduct. of the campaign, on our part, was in istriking con trast with that of the'other side. Our speak ers every, where declared themselves in faVor of sustaining the- Government in its measures to a' uppress the rebellion, and they made the position of the party so clear, that the most ignorant voter in the State could not misu:n : : derstand it. - Thank fortune ! with the tif umph of dur•candidates, weave also a clear triumph of our principle's. • • ,Gov. Curtin -mails splendid earopaig Boldly proclaiming' his principles on every stump, he.made votes whereVer fie went; and he told the people in every kpeech that - if they . did not agree with him in sentiment, he did not want their votes. I Although not in robust health, 'he - sustained himself ably to the lust, and infused a life and eatnestness into the canvass which no other person could have given, it, Evidence of. strong. •attach. merit by the soldiers was everywhere appa rent. As he, runs materially ahead of Judge Agnew, who was a most availab l ie candidate, IL is Tear that he'has a hohron the affections of the people ,equal to,' if not greater than, any other man in the State.: j I never saw the LoeofoCps,die quite so bard as they do this time. They', should be rac castomed.to. disaster by this time, and take trouble coolly. It was - perfectly clear, at midnight of the election, that Curtin Was elected by a decided majority, and yet the Age could not . see. it' for three days', after wards ; and, Charles J. Biddle, in reply to numerous inqniries of his' friends, assured' them the contest was very close. The Stu pidity, or something worse, of Messrs Welsh and Biddle, cost their friendi, who relied upon then, not less than ,an ihundred thous and dollrirs in bettiitg., The Union party have carried both branch es of the City Councils, which Will give them possession of all the city departments. If it had riot been for the 'efforts lof the Copper.; heads to retain possession of the city patron , age, Curtin's majority would,have been 2,000 greater in Philadelphia. They fought des perately for this object, and besides coloniz f ing in the close and doubtful wards, they polled a large number of illegal votes. The "Green Sp - ot" circum stances, gave a good vote, and I am glad, you succeeded in electing your whole County ticket. You had local difficulties to contend against which did not apply to any other section, and we would not have been sur prised if Woodward had received a sMall majority. In the calculation inade•by' :the Union State Committee previous to the :elec tion, which was within four thousand of the actual result, Franklin was set down for an even: vote, ,TIIE TENDER MERCIES OF SLAVERY - The following reminiscence of Washington life, during the dark sad days, when the Na tional capital owned, the usurpation of the Slave-power, we find in the correspondence of the New York Evening Yost:' Forty years ago, a wealthy planter come fro•n Florida or Louisiana, to reside in Wash ington fur a time, bringing with him' a son, a tine manly boy of thirteen - or fourteen. At the levees of his lather, which were' then fashionable, he tencived the caresses of the ladies 'and the encouragement of thegentle men that his age, intelligence and his father's position naturally elicited. Of his family,. none accompanied his father besides this son, in his visits to Washington. In due course of time the boy, on whom; his father's•'affee dons were evidently - centered, was sent North, and was there educated, graduating at Harvard or Yale, with an honorable stand ing in his class. On his return to this city he avowed a love for the North, acquired du ring his college life, which was not restrain- ed in its expression by his hither, who fos tered and encouraged it zealously, and read ily consented to b is permanent residence.t h ere. lie desired, however, that his son shah' re main-with him here during his o wn stay. An appointment was procured for - him us a clerk in the Wan Department, and he enter ed upon his duties. Among the acquaiitances formed at this time was a ftentleman from: Pennsylvania-, add the chief clerk of a bureau, who was the father of a girl yet' in her teens, lovable in her character, as well as very beautiful. In timacy begat friendship,l rind it 'was hardly a matter of wonder that i hive should- follow; With the blessings of all they'wcre ma :Tied ,at St. John's church, in this city, it happen ing to be about the first (marriage that ever took place there; and leven now"the long rows of carriages, the fair dames'and rich at tire, the music, the crowded parlors, the splendor and joy which crowned the wedding, are vividly depicted by those who treasure the chronicles of society in those ) days: The young man's father had ! bought and furnished an elegant house for his children, and they removed at once to their own e-tab lishment. Not long after the'rearriage; and while in the full tide of happiness, the father was called home,•and left his son and daugh ter, intending soon-to return. They receiv ed no intelligence from !him for week after week, which caused them anxiety, daily in - - creasing to alarm: At last; one day, when the son had just decided to go in . search of his father s -a carriage daShed up to , the- door, ' a young man stepped out, and,-followed by' the sheriff octhe district, walked 'into the War DepartMent, and before all his-Compan ions, in the broad light of noon, arrested the son as 'the slave of his father! • The son solenanlydeciared that his father had manumitted lain, and that heebbad,seen the- will long.~ sinenin which it had been -done. - This Atrage shocked -the • sensibility' of even an effete slave community. Mr Mon t*, then President, and others,high in pow used all the argument, all _the entreaty !tongue could utter, offered money without stint., for the ransom of One whom all loved and esteemed,. and whose condition, to that hour, no one addreamed. ,But the . young r man,possess of 'all-posver in the::easer and the son of an enraged fandly, mocked/Ahem,, ixkld.them. that money - 'Was no ,object, ergo-' anent and treaty unavailing. What -,ht had cubefranktin Utpositorn, • aambasi now 'obtained Nye's revenge, of which nothing should foil him;. irhelathcr had Met with a sudden death the *ill: had been" ,either concealed or des treyecl, and- hii . pet soli, in all appearance "of Saxon 'girth, With the exception of a slight ,1 swarthine:ss common to- all natives of the ex 7 ,,, trame &kith, was taken; chained as a slave, -his house and furniture' sold, and accordpa 'riled by his beautiful, heart-broken wife, faithful and unfaltering in this living death, from. thelasttionable".circlea of Wa,liingtOtt society, carried to the" Plantation," to tml 'slavery, b - erieath the in.uriated lash - of a - Yin - - dictive family. • ' Mr. Monroe assured him ' that a: situation should be given him if he ever eotild proire his manumission or escape: He:iiever - afterwards was heard , fiom in this district, for, as Napoleon said of,con vents, " the terrible mysteries of, stave pris ons perish unrevealed.' PROCLAMATION BY GOY, SEYMOTIR. rho late . elections have not only secured faithfulhad loyal Governors in several States, but they have made Borne :other Executives understand that tbe,People are for the gov ernment and not against it.- Gov. Seymour has, ever since - he - Us been in office, embar. reused the general goverament ,in procuring men from Nciv York, and that State is now greatly behind it quota, while Pennsylvania has promilly filled every requisition made upon her. But the,late election has.opened Gov. Sey mour's eyes, and from being, the willing accomplice, of a murderous mob in resistance to the laws, he has taken a bola stand in support of the army and the cause of the Nation. He responds to the Preiident'slate call for troops by the following excellent proclamation, which we einnmend to the Spirit and other grumblers, in this vicinity : ExEcu'rtvE CHAMBER, ALBANY: October 20th. 1863. . - The - President of 'the United States has called upon me, as Governor of the State of New York, to• ftirnish its quota 'of 800,000 men, to recruit the volunteer forces of the United States, which will be largely reduced during the coming year by the expiration of the terms of enlistment. - At,this time ,the defences of the national capital are menaced l ty a superior force, the Army of the Cumberland is in an imperilled condition, and the military operations of the Government are delayed and hindered by the want of adequate military power, and are threatened with serious disaster: In this amergency it is the duty of all the citizens to listen to the appeal ,sent forth by the President, and to give efficient and cheer ful aid in .dlling up the thinned ranks of our armies. It is due to our brethren in the field who have battled sO heroically for the flag of our country, the Union of the States, and to up hold the Constitution, that prompt and vol untary.fissistance should be sent to them in this moment of their peril. They went forth in the full confidence that they would at all times receive from their fellow,-citizens at home a generous and efficient support. Ev ery emotion of pride and patriotism should impel us to give this by volunteering and contribution of men and money, and not'hy a forced conscription or Coercive action on the part of the Government. The 'President also advises the citizens of the EC voile States that, in the event of the failure to raise the quotas assigned to them, a draft shall be made for the deficiency, to ; commence on the sth day of January next. • Not only'does duty to' our soldiers in• . the. field the honor of the nation demand that we shall continue to.fill Our armies by volun tary enlistments, but the interests of all clas ses in society will be promoted by the success of that system. The unequal burden which conscription unavoidably afflicts on a portion of Society not only causes great distress and injliry to ii dividuals, but enemore hurtful to the whole_ community than the 'equalized, distribution of the cost and sacrifice; of volunteering, which More perfectly adjusts itself kith e con dition of all classes: . T ITSCA RO It A The bounties which will be paid be the General Government are eX'tremely and much larger than those heretofore given. They will aid the volunteers who shall enter ; the service to make immediate and ample 'provision for those dependent upon them. I expect ali \ classes of our citizens to assist) in recruiting the volunteers called for front this State, by their influence and by liberal contributions, 'and I call upon all State offil - to give every assistance in their power to promote enlistments into ohr armies, and thus save our citizens from the inequalities, irritations, and sulferinga of the draft, arid at the same time animate, bur soldiers by an ex hibition of sympathy and patriotc devotion, and give strength to our - armies in their i bat= ties for the preservation of the Union. HORATIO SEY3IOUR. TILE SCHOOL APPROPRIATION. The Harrisburg Tetcyroph calls attention, to th . e fact that the appropriation of 5816,825 for the schools during thecurrent year,, is to be divided among the several districts of the State, in proportion to the number of ihild ren attending school therein. It Will be seen by every one that this will materially affect the amount received by the several tricts. Foimer appropriationi'w/cre divided. in proportion to the number of taxables re siding in the townships, or diitricts, and we see by the annual reports for 1861 and 1862, the sum per taxable was 'iculty cents. By the plan of division for this plar the districts that have sent the most'schohirs to the pub lic schools, and sent them the most regifhtr , - ly,will receive the Most money'. This must, as, appears to us, give to some districts nearly double the sum formerly received from the State,. while the appropriation of others will be correspondingly small. We• call atten tion to this now, in order that the eitizena generally may understand the matter, and when the State appropriation is received they may know why the, amount differs so widely from the sums formerly appropriated. This is a subject of importance to all of our citi zens, and it-would be well for thelocal . pa pers throughout the State to call 'attention to it in their editorial columns. ,A LETTER from -Vicksburg, 30th inst says: "The llississippi Clarion publishes the' advertisement of a pack of splendid bloodhounds for hunting negroes and con 'scripts, giving the price and address of-the owner, ailing that could not lie published "inyWhere - else inThristendom." Acad IJUtires. I).III.IIg3STRAIORS' hereby given tbni Letters UfAdminis -trattun on the Estate of JOHN Etiitsisx, fate if 6uilfatl towrishiP,4o,d.. hare been - granted to the nndersigtsB; 'residing inlaid township. Alipersons knowing themselves indebted to Esf, Iva tewill ple.fille make immediate payment; and those ' having claims will present them properly authenticated or settlement. SOPHIA HEILMAN, .4chrerie. act 28 '63-6t DANIEL, HERMAN, itdner. 'ADAIINISTRATOR'SNPTI.CE:, Notice is,herehy given that 'Letters -Adn,iniß ratiorioh the Estate of SlMMaabCont.s, lade et Mimi en township, dec'd, hare peen, granted to the 'under. signed, , tbsiding in said townshi p ,. All persons knowing themselves indebted tosnid Es tate, are rqqtti4ited to make immediate payment: an those having anima or demands a-ainst 'the Estate al decedent. willmake known the smile witlemt delay. tv oct 18:63 GEORGE GROVE. Ann,- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE:- Notice is hereby given that Letters at Adminis tration on the Estate of ALANSEN J. Stevens, . lat 3 of Green Townshipi dec'd, have been granted to the 'under signed, residing in Lancaster City. All persons indebted to the said Estate. are regneSted to make,immediate payment. and `triesis having claims 'r demands agninet the Estate of decedent, will make 'known the same, wi thon t delay. to net 23'63- TIIADDEUS STEVENS. Jr-, Adner. ADMINISTRATORS'. - SOTICE.- Notice Is hereby given that Letters or Adminis trationraf the Estate o.'Saatura, licasnmars,late of Quin cy township. dec'd. have b -en granted to fire undersign. ed, residing in said township All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Es tate. are hereby requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands agalott the Estate of said decedent, will make known thesame without de lay. ANN 11A.HSIIM Ai:airs. oct :11`63-6t JAMES A. - A . D.MINISTRATORSNOTIOE.- , Notice Is hereby vi'ven that Letters of Adininis- Mitten on the Estate of " John-Armstrong, late ,of Ham ilton township, dec'd. have been granted to undersigned, residing in' said township.* ' . . • i ' • Allyergons knowning themselves indebted to said Es tate wilt please make immediate payment; and those having claims.will present them properly authenticated fur settlement. , ISABELLA ARMSTRONG, oct 7. . ' . Adrn'x. ADMINISTRATOR'S IsTOTICE.—, Nati.; is hereby given that Lettere of Adminir4 tration on the Estate of Jane Burns, late of 'Hamilton Township, deceased, have been granted' to the nudin , signed, residing in the Borough of WaynesbOro'. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Ed state wilt please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated Mr settlement, either to the undersigned or to Eyster Bonebrake. W. S. AMBERSON, ' ..___Fcl). Administrator.' AIY4INISTRATORS: NOTIbE.— N tics is hereby given that Letters of Adminstra pon ~n, he Betide of Samuel W. lleintzelmats late of GuilfordTownship, deceived. have been grunted to the undersigned. residing in said Townsl4. , Ali persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment ; and those having claims will present . them properlildithenticated for settlement. MARTIN ILEINTZELSLA.N, sept 30 - Adm'r.. A DMINISTRATOR'S Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of Michael "Miller, late of Lurgan Township, deceased, have been granted tp the undersign ed. reSiting in Liana°, Township, -All.persous knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate p 'Tema; and those having claims will present then; properly authenticated for settlement. I MAIVI C. MILLER, sept 30.6t* Administratrigr A DMINISTRATOR'S . nL Notice is herebyten that. Letters of Adminis-• pti tron on the Estate— f Mary J. Walker, late of St. Thomas township, deed, are been grtnted - tu the 'un dersigned, residing in Montgomery township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment; and these having claimswill present them properly authenticated fur settlement. ROBERT J. BOYD, Atlmlr Sept 30 ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.-- Noticeis hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of Daniel , Moan. late of Green township, dec'd, have been. granted to tho undcretgaed, residing in Green township. All persons knowing themsolveaindebted to said Es tate will Meese make immediate payment; and those having claims will present theist properly antlienttcated for settlement. JOEIN wept 30 JERF.:IITAII NIONN,,f Adtal ADMINISTRATOILS' NOTICE.- , 'Notice Is hereby giron thzit Letters of Atiminito :‘ t.,1011 on the Estate of Catharine Creamer, lateof Let turkenny, dec'd, heee - been' granted t.) Om subsczipers. All persons knowing: themselves indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly authenticate,' fur 'sett lem en t. ormix OE NI ER, Ffdinett twp.L Adnirs, Oct. 7] ,JOS CREAMER. Lettle . A:IMIINISTRATOI CS t notice is hereby given that Letters of Adutinis- II Litton en the Estate of Philip Caseman. let^ of the Bot ough of Chambetsbtarg,deu'd. hive been granted to the undersigned residing in said thorough. All persons knowing themselve4 indebted, to said Es tate will please matte immediate payment; aud those having chilli's will present them properly nutliehtlatten Cu' Settlement. [oet..7] CASENIAN..Aduir. 4 I)MINISTRA. TOR'S NOTICt.--;• Notice in hereby gil4en that Letters of Adininin tra ion on the Estate uf William Flory, late of the toe. ()ugh of Chatub_rnburgitlec'd. have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said Borong„h. Al. persOns knowing themselves indebted to said E.- tett , will pleats) mare - immediate wrnont: and -tliot.e having claim. will pr,enent them property authenticate fur settlement .Netl4l 'SAMUEL Arim'r. AD3fINISTRATOR'S NOTICE:— Notkce hi'horeby given that Let ters of Admintitra tion on the Eytate of Samuel Smith, Jr.. late or l'eters toe•n.hip, tee'd have been granted to tho undersigned residing in,the Ihrongii of Greencastle. All per Ons knowirg themselves indebted to said Es tate will-please make immediate payment and those haring,elsims will present tt•ent properly authenticated for settlitment. [oil 14] GEORG E EBY. A.d m'r. /DAIINIST.RATOR' AST.RATOR' is hereby given that Letters of Administra tiOn with the will annexed. on' the Estate of Catharine Terklein. late of the Thorough of Cliamborsbtirg, deed /have beeen grunted to the 'undersigned residing in said Boniugh. All personeknowing themselves indebted tosnicl Estate will please make•immediate payment, and these having cla,ims present them properly authenticated for settle' went. MA ItG MIXT 31,1311.6 LEIN, oct2l - 03-6t An m i nist marl x. DM.INISTRATOII'S Notice le hereby . give n that Lettere of Adminis tration on the Estate of George H. Meekleft', late of the Borough of akambersburg. dec'd have been granted to the undersignelt residing in' said Borough. All peceons knowing themselves indebted to Said Es bite will please - make immediate paylnent ;, and those having claims will present •him properly authenticated for settlement. MARGARET MERKLEIN. oct '2l • Administratrix. ADINIINISTRATOWSNOTIOE.— Whcreas, Letters of Admintstration, de bowie non an tne tstate of JACOB' REGARICIL, late of Metal toWn ship, deceased, bare been grunted to the subscriber, re siding in said township: Ali persons indebted to the Bald Estate, arc hereby re queetod to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the Estate of salt decedent. will make known the same without delay. to oct 21,'08 FXECIT TOE'S NOTlCE.—Notice N hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the L.tate of Christian Ebersole;late_of Ouilfortl township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned, residing • in said township. • All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Ea trite will please make immediate payment; and those having ^Mims will present them properly authenticated or settlement. joet t 4) JOHN L. DETVaLtat, Ker. 011A1R---The partnership hereto 'tore existing under the Immo and style of Slyer's tr. 13rauei, in the Hardware and Cutlery business, was dia. solved by mutual consent on. the Bret day of October. 1561. The notes and books of said firm have been placed in the hands of Samuel Myers fur collection. All per sons Indebted either by note or book account are request ed to call and "settle without delay. The books will re main at the old stead. SAMUEL MYERS. oct 14 JACOB S. BRAND. FX . EGUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby' given that betters Testamentary to the manta of John aletz kite oft:Wilford Ton:whip, deceased have been granted to the undersigned residing in said 'Township: All persons knowing themselyes Indebted to said .Eal ftate will please inAke immediate PayMent; and those halting claims will present: then: ptuperly anthentleated. for settlement. .6.IJRALIA3I MEV.. eepßO ••' . ' ' 'Executor,- urg, pa. JACOB FLICKINGER, .Adm'i , de bones non Eire p y gang (Boobs. ;,:- , • MEI FALL AND WINTER GOODS[ „ -~-- •EYSTER F Hare just returned from the East. with z►.iarse and sioci of seasonable DriGood;. on of -which we Will dispose of at a small advance on cast. What we have now on hand. was purchased provioui to L the laterise, and -WM be sofa without regard to the present Eastern prices, which on many articles is frill as high as our rotail prices CLQTE[S: - Ladies Cloths, all colors and shades. ft:ontsl 50, to $6 06. CLOAKS,: .4,, 75' Ladies 'Cloaks just received, of various styles - and patterns—from $B, to $25:, KID GLOVES: ` 1 • .Good Kitts., Embroidered, 75 cents ; better :qualit* $1 00; Joucirisi $l - 2; Alemindars:_sl-50 The latter makes are the best im= ported. Also, a large lot of ropey Gloves va. ~, ~ CORSETS: We have a fresh lot of the celebrated G. N. D. Corsetts-33 bones the +cry best mai:milk: tured, and which we warrant to; , , fit, and give satisfaction. 00 D S A large assortment of Ladime and chiidrens' Woolen Hoods BROC.IIA SHAWLS: Just from Auction LINEN HANDIERCHIEFS Hem-stitched, and Plain, which defy competition MOURNING GOODS Crape Voila, all -prices; Lace Veils, do. t= Dom Basilica; Alpacas; 3-4 Do Laines,6-4 De Lanes Cobtirgs; Crape Collars , _ and everything desirable for mourning. MOURNING SRA, WLS: \ • • S4De Lanes and Caahmeres: Long Thibet, all prices: Long Repp Shawht—boautiful:goods. PRINTS: 16,18; an 01.25 collie. Do Lain es, Fancy tied plain; COVurgs, and French Merinoes Plaids, and Stripes. In conclusion we would say, that all the - goods we have are for salo—and at prices as they can be bad thie aide of New York. We nrske;but one priqe, and that tho saute to all ctistomere; wlietherjudfnsof 'goods or tiot, • Drop ' in, anctloeh at the stook before s buying' cat±eivliciN, ' 14:i I • ' 4 4 18' it It4' 13RO. i 1 3 aub ZEZ . , 'A.10:1"41 1 V -7 1VIIIi.SERy - F ll • , • Pthr.C.rA2', • • Theinbscriber wcai'd invite the attention of the puhtti tots ittry fine aseittitment ofrruit ,and erten:milt:id Trees atowroady.for - - Airin inducement to plant APPLE TREES,I willph un t' em at $25 per hundred (the selection left as much aa kossible to myself) from 5 to 7 feet high. and well formed., I will further guarantee the g,rowth. of them, the Tut— chaser toditi, the holes and_giro_the tree the after_ freit. - meinf tha' I May',.d irect ". , APt i Lt TREES • Prom 6to 7- feel high, 15 chi eaah. 812.50'per hundre.S. - 4 t 0.5 feet, my own selection.sloper hundred. r. Extra;•larte; feint' Stu 10 feet, '2.s l hts. eacb.(•. 'PEACH -TRE.S. , -- A tinoessortmeat of well grown healthy Peach Trani; including.allthaJatecarietles, 15 on - Ts EAPH, OR Ss. PER SltllNlfli ~ An extra lot Seedling Peach Trees, $5 per:hundred.. -- - ' - ettEERY TREES: . Most of the:leading varieties - aoeicultorated, and inimis to do well in thielatitnde—nue year, old-15,centa *504 * or $1.50 per d0z....-Larger and 'older tree ao to 50i. earb. PEAR TREES. =I IMMI , ~ - The Pear is . now Moro exteileively planted thanleity other fruit trea.on account of its regular bearing, ',Tor crone. and lqincfei , ifs. - Dwarf Tiee9.• from 20 to xi tion i oath; Standards, ,from - 40 to 75 cote. , • -- -PLUMS, - • • ' Prom 40 toracifits each'.' ~ APRICOTS, - •-:- . = Front2s to 50..entia each. : • every man now feel the necpsitief hatdiwg one or, more Grape Titles in his t ianien; and no that tea be planted that wilt more certainly remunerate -hita,sA r- cult i Sri fe - Most of the hardy viirieties 2 of,,the Wax, atape,, and such as have proved theraselves valnabre in this latitude: Isabella. Catawba, - Mann, Clint:to. Cancer - rd. Ilelaware, unit others. One year old Viitios. iii 2.5 an 75 touts each; two year old, from Ric. to $140; - : strnhghty, many of which have - fruited Ws sansplit. frem,7sc. to $2.00. I ETU - BARB PLANTS-2.sc.,encht S2.oo,per di)t. • ASPARAGUS SETS—SLOOper - hundred. -- BLACKBERRIES (Lawt6n)—sl,s) per dozen. BASPBERRIK.S—La 50c. to Urn, dozen.'- CiTRRAYA(iii variety)—fr6m 504 to $2.00 per dEr/h;;. I have a choice colteettnn of zvEntiENENS, On.- mental Trei.s. and hardy Shrubs, wbirri. I will sell e cheap us they can be procured elsewhere, of the Came qua ity The following are some 'of the varieties: NI:T way Spruce. White Spruce, American natant - it Pit; Arbil! , Vitaes—Annirican. Chit ese,Siberlan. Nepal and Opjattt Irish Junipers: American and European Linden's, ,111 i, plea, Spireas., Wiegellas, Deotzlas; 3.lahoniets, Ropey,- Buckles. and All /veers will too proiliptly at tervicd to, and dells - ova in I lhambera'mut. 'or at the Bali Entui..sithontitny other . charge t th e alight cost or packing: „Sept. 2,1863. 'JACOB 11.EYSER, Aunt:.' rr it liEE! TRESS!!—wiLsoS. - - dop YILLE NTIRAERY: Adams CO.. DE ' , A ;WILAON. Proprietors; • FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. tt of and li thrifty growth un-no assortment of varieties, tr..l sale this Fall, and next Spring. Persons desiroutreP.... mircbasingwlll cation our Agent , J. 7, CROFT , Must Co.. . • - 44L00d APPLE TREES, - , Yobr years old,' very stfung nud healthy, - 20.0Dt/ PEACH TREES. I,2,and - 3yeara, very-tine. Also. tttatPlard and DRAW' ?FAR AND PLUM TREES, - . • - •LOOO 'CHERRY TREES; Of the Tollowing kinds: Cumberland, Triomph, Bhia• Eitgle.,Dlack Tart:lrian, Elton, Gov. Wiipd; 'Yellow Spina ieh, and greet.tigarreatt. , _ 104/00 GOOSERERRIRS, nonghton and Ohio Seedlings. ' triAsEmEnßiElii.: • - - : BLAU:MURK . . . STRAWBERRIES. • ' - • - - CURRANTS. ROSE STOUPLI, HARDT NATIVE GRAPE VLNES - We Utter very Ittong plants of Anna, Clinton, CatasePa. Concord. 'Delaware, Dunn. Oporto.cntanniP- - ney, Ilart forß Prali he, Irnbelln, Rebecca, - Tuylor, Cuyahoga, Chtta,,, Ontario, and Renshaw. - • • ' ' BURRITOLDER k WILSON. - • • - Bendersville, Atlanta county, Pu J. F. CROFT: Agrnt, Chambersburg. [Sept T--.11:n. GRAPE VINES:--Gui Stock' of DEL AVARE, CONCORD. DIANA, fIAR??6 PROLIFIC, CREVELJNfi ELSIBOLURGXERBE3OI;IO, UNION. TO KAMM. 'ONION YILLAGL. CUYAII REBECCA. ANNA TAYLOR OR DULLITT. and all other leading kinds ' is unsurpassed ;my-where in country. . Parties wishing to purchase, and *ho cannot ',Jilt our gronnds to examine our vines and vineyard, *Len ail the above' and. mini other kinds. may ho seen in Ain't. wou l d do well to send for our NEW ICRICE LIST; whlr is sent Wall npidicante tree of el I arge. J. KNOX: • sept.-2-Zhn. Box 155 Pitti.hurg. Ps.. 1, 4 2' TR AW RER LE S-1 . AUG UST AND SEP TX War • good months for planting STRAWBERRIES. Good plants of fending vailitt•.i. WILSON'S ALBANY, • , TE.IO.3IPH DE OAND, 110VEY'S SEEDLING;' - ete., c be had at thi, Frank/in Altrteries. or by - addretrilts t • undersigned by order. -- JACC/11= 1 / b IYBER,, *mg 19 agent. 10117.1-IEADY.-Our new PRIQI LIST c f STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES. BLAGEBERRIES, CURRANTS. 1.1 00 S BB RR RI ES. GRAPE VINES. .tc., Sc.. is now issued and will t , e - erne uppl wrnts tree of charge. J. ENORi sept. 2-3 th. Box 155.Pittsburg.: PA. 1, STRAWBEIMIES.- I ur mune giking varieties'uf Stmwbereles. that lutes proved the most valuable the past season, with firke cf plants, antl'utlier inform:W(lM will be rent to all apvii- cant mot. 2-3trt MASON, AMLI _WS - CABINET ORGANS, WITH . ONE OR TWO SETS OF READS, - Containing the ,I AtTOMATIC SWELL, DOUBLE BELLOWS. KM sTOP, AND COMBINATION - VALVE. Wk. Beery liOrelment Warranted jar Fite rearOLta e PRICES FRO'N $7O Trs4so. '* The Cabitket 'Organ is the only instrument which_ combines thu reqiiisitgai. for church and pallor mnstei: for the schocl room and the social fest,val gritlmrmg, for while it pOSSObSOR slalleient power for the RCCOMPR- Olnient 'of a large chorus, it ill. from its aapability it all gbiules of expression, and its - wonderful crEsc.s.the andi.diminucntio, 'most etfecrtire.as a solo instrument: It frf capable - of orchestral g tfects, end lapid win c: as trills, arpeggios. etc. Prom its sustained tones.lt has a decided aovantnge over the Pinno-forte. for the retutele ing or many of the choicest morceauxof the taarers. such m sytup . hotdes, quartettes, etc.' R. A. IicCLITRE, Olismberdearg, General Agent for kennsyleattlx... N. B. The undersigned will sell and deliverilayet:e4 condition, CThinot Organs anywhere In This State, at factory price!: All Inquiries by letter promptly an swered. (June 17, '63-tf.] It: A Ne. p r.A.Nos t. ~.,4,..: • , It. A. Si:CLIME, sole agent for tho celelicatiiii - DECKER BROTHERS' (NEW YORK) P.TAKO.• , Plana' deld'ie'red, and put up In perfect condition, iii any , part of the State. at ~ • .FACTORY RETAIL PRICES, Atitnstruidents warranted for lice sear& Pianoe from other factories will be furnished, Hteadeed. R. A. i.'iltallLUßE, - Chiunbersbnrg, Pie June 17, '63. '' pRINCE eo,'k SI,I -KNOWN m.E.TociDEONS AND HARMQNI:OIS: lntrOducing the effect of Pedal Baits on every Instrument. M. GABLER'S unsurpasard PIANOS for sixth it rail. oral deduction, or on Monthly Instalments. • aar-Oser 30,1)00 sold in Philadelphia. • • JAMES BELLA K, Sole Agent; -•• • . 279 and 281 South Path street, above Spruce it. imp 16,63.1 y ' Pruml4l.l9llA. I;EALM & BROTHER; Imjrrteis, Manufacturers and If7tok,raU peplers lii 31US.ICAL -I.NSTRUMENTS4... GERMAN, FRENCH' ANc. ITALIAN STlONtics NO. "706 MARITET btRZES, PHILADEIPULro* Orders oPrefully attended to by S. S. SHRVIEF., 7 :Ctoirotterwhorg , D,opt 234 y: AiIPROTIFERS Of Soldiers in theSer tke, or inHospitals,, can furnish' them - with „ ILA AssrilllSOßY three months for 25 cents; IfiX MOntlUlibr 50 tents. or nue year fur $1 00. ANUF.A.GTURERS can reach 6403 ClUeet :Of thrift)* dealer/ br a?7170 . M . AtMkNELIN ti Fos l'lsClitY: Box 15: PH tologg, lauoicaL ILIE