facbitat. ILT13(0 RE LOCK 1-I . OSPITAL . D1G..1011.)156N, the faunder of this Celebrated ntitinion,od..rs the flutist certain, speedy, and only ''''tu ki remedy in Cle• world fir Weer% Structures. tiotelill•Ll %V e.t.k.ivis. P en iu the linina, Constitut tonal De. ' bilitY, finititte.ce, Weekooss .t the Back au,., Limbs. Ar, t tions oh the Kidney.. Psip tat". of the Heart, leV on ePlis, N •as Ireitabiilty. Disea.res of the Head, ,rott. N 1.0.41, or :kin; and all tlto:ie serious and Melba. choir disorders arising from the destructive habits Ot . tlUth, Wilidt delta Oy btAll I /Udy :11211111141e. Theensocret Vied soliVery prat:rice , are inure fatal to their victims then the "I n; of the Syroos to the uterine? Hliztate. Ni g i d i ug thoir fuost brilliant,. hopes, or, acticipations rendering . ntridage, be .illiPea!ible. _ , YOUNG MEN. Young Men especially. who :save become the Id'ltims rk Wary Vire.that dreadful and ..estrartivo•batait which 11.1111.11a11y sweeps to an antintely ;ratio thousands of yeueg urea of the 'most exalted ta.ent and (Iranian if l udrecr, who might othurwistalutare entranced listening Aanate. with thq tit traders of eloineuen, or waked to , sek44‘CY the living lyre; may call with tall cuntblence. MARRIAGE,! Karr ed persons. or young. men contemplating mnr rime. b fog aware of jihyalcal weakticaa. organic debility, doforuticica, km, should immediately consult Dr. Johns tint. Ile Who places itlyter the 'cue of Dr....teh nate° now relhtiounly cuundeinh R, gentleman, cord , eatfsderitly rely upon llie 4:ill :u, t phynielmi. • ORGANIC WEAKN - ESS ! 131)ri:DItT ELY env) /ND FULL VIGOR ILLSTOKED. This disease is the penalty most freithently paid by theme who have became the. victims of improper indtd IC , S nook. Tone; r;.Cr%Oll l are too- apt tea commit excesses from not I,loig awr.re of the dreadittl consettnencep thnt 'env e',ltne. Now. v:liti that understands the subject ortll ?rrefend to deny that the power of Procreation is I..st saner by ttto-e into Improper habit than by the pendent. Besides being deprived of the pleasure of tae dWy ofspring, the [mist seKions and destructivt Iremp.ittor to mi n d and body arise. , The system become cfenumed. time physical an 1 mental pciwers weakened. nervous debility, dyspepsia, , Talpitation of the heart ene t ion, a wasting of thefm rae, cough, symp.otn oC coal/in-Litton Office No. 7 South Frederick Street, • 'Leven thfora front Baltintore street, Boat aide, up tht tote stew), Be particular in observing -the name and rinrobef:or you willtalstake the place. Aar A' CUBE WARRANTED IN' TWO DA.TS—iffir No Mercury or Niusfours Drugs. ,DR..J ItLinaber of the Royal of Smrgeons,,London, gra dnsto from one - ot the moat, eminent Colleges of the United Statist.and the greator_part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London. Paris, Philade' phis and elsewhere. has effected some of the most anton ishliaa Mires th a were ever known. • Many troubled with rittging - itt the head and oars when asleep, great neslrotontesit. being aLtriurd at sadden sounds'. and baSle fulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometitneii vitt deestigentent of mind, were cured iitamediately. _ . A CERTAIN D/SEAI,4E! -When the misguided and imprudent votary of plea 'ewe Baths be has imbibed tl e seeds of this painful ills ewes ,It too often happens that an ilhtimed sense ot shame, or di'eltd of diedhvery, deters Lint front applying to Anise who from education and respectability can alone befriend ttint,delayii% tit) the constitutional syrup toms of this horrid disease mike their appearance, inch ad u cerated hers throat, diseased note. nocturnal pains th the haul sun, limbs. dintiiehs' of eight, deafness, nobs .1141 the shin, bones and arms; bloteifes on the items, files Ind extretuities. progressing with frightful rapidity. till at last the palate of the luonth or the bones of the noise tall hi and the victim of this awful diseasehecomes &horrid object of rommisseraticu, till el, ath pings). pe , :tuck to his dreadful sufferings, by senoing Lim 'to "that ihourne from whence no traveller returns." To such alterefore. Dr. Johnstm , pledges himself to preserve the tnoet inviolable sec rery ; andtronthitextensivepractice tbe 'first 'Hospitals of Europe and A nterica, he can c tatently recommend a safe and speedy cure to the ttutirtunate %%dint of this horrid Jiisease. melancholy fa.t that thouNaude fall 'lentils ti thin horrid diSOARC Owing to the nuskilfullness of igno rant pretenders who by nes, of thatileadfnl poison. 3.ler vary. ruin the eonstituliumand muter send the no 'ortu• irate t4' untimely grace, or make the residue of life wins • r .P,ARTICAILAR NOTICE! Dr .J. addresses those who have injured thennielvea by private and improper indulgences. These are some of the sail and melancholy effects pro dined by early !aas of youth. vie:--Wealcness of the. Back and Limbs, Niue in the Mend, Dimness- of Sight, Low of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the Heart. Dye.. pepsin., Nervous Irrltltidiif y, Derang.ment of the Diges tive Functions,Genertil Libuility,SymPtorus of Cunsump efhn, ac. MV:trAt.r.r. the fearful effects on the mind are nutlet' to e dreaded: loss of Memory. Confusion of Ideas, Depres of Spirits. Elvfl , Foretiodings. Aversion to Society. tt - elfiDistrli.t. Love of 'Solitude. llethlaty, are edllll., wit the evil effects. , what lathe o€ persons of al ogee can now judge what lathe cause of their declining health. being the r vigor: becoming Weak. pale, have singular appearance about the eyes, cough. amtsyntritoms of Consumption. , Johliston's .pcmcdy for Or .ganic Weakne.sl. elizl great , and iniport.tnt remedy. Weakness of tire Organs ia.speedi)y cured. and full rigor restored. Thonnand4 ?of the rnttal nervpus and debt latcd.who had lost all hope, hie beyn rely reliered. All impedimenta to Marriage. Physical or 3lental Uisgnali dcafion, Nervous riltabtliiy.Tremallnit. Weakness or FAhanstion of thn most fearful kind,spoetilly cured by Dr. Jobust on ' YOUNG MEN, Who have ill ored t hcm say( a try a certain practice. in dulge I iu when elone—a habit frequently learned fr m evil compituions,lor at school. the effects are nightly tslt, even - when asleep, and if nut cured:render ma - Nage itflpotliteleilina) destroys b9ll tuind and body. should apply ho ediately. ' What a pity that a yonng man. the hope of his cone kr: the darling of his plc-eats, shOuld be snatche 1 from 'all prospects lied enjoyments of life, by the cnnsoquenc! et deviating fr Ji o he path of nature.• end Indulging in a certain sect et habit. Such persons. before - con tentplat ing MARRIAGE ahould reflect that a Bound mind and horiz are the most ne. e•sxry respiisitee to promote, connubial happi 4t618. .1.11.16 , 4 Without thane, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgritua,e. thy prospect hourly dark ens to the' view :the mind becomes shadowed with de viviir,attd lilted the melancholy reflection, that fhb happiness of another Lecorues, blighted with our WAAL OFFICE No. 7; SOUTEI FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE. TO STRANGE/1S The rawly theitmands cored at' this Institution in the la it fifteen years; and the numerous impoftant surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed bY the ro porters of the papers. and many other persons. notices of which htive appeteresl again andagain before the pub Inc, Is a sufficient guartenti e to . the afflicted - . There are en many ignorant an worthless quacks advertising,' themselves as .Physicians,' ruining the health of the Already arl!cted. .D r. Johnston deems It uenenotry to say'Di those unacquainted with his rep iatation.thst his Diplomas hengin his office. ita.TAKE NOTICE—AII letters must ho post pald.and contain a pasta, a er atop for the reply, or no answer will he settt Feb 2.5.'63-Iyr. Inotograpbit. U.! & 11:-T. A*II.ONY, uj.. • ilanufactarols PliotographO Maeeritas, 601 .11road wa!,:., New York PHOTOGRAPHS. CARD , . Chlt Clthilogile now embraces consbierakly over Four , Mousier) ditTsreuit subjects (to which additions are con ' gimlet'' , be , ng made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans etc., Tit: . 72 Major-Generals. '525 Stateimien, 100 lirigatiler•Generals, 127 Divines, SF 0 Colonels, . 116 Authors, 84 Lientenant-Colonels 30 Artists, 207 Other OlllCerlt, 112 Stage, '6O Navy 0111cora, 46 'Prominent Women, 147 Prominent 'Foreign Portraits. , 2,5004 11 :es Wmd:rof Art, (minding reproductlOns of the most celebrated Engrav ings, Paintings, Stiitties, etc. • Catalogues sent on recollri of stamp. An-oviier for Otici Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue will bp tilled on receipt of $l.BO, and sent by mall Ire!. r .-- PHOTOO-R_ABITIC ALBUMS. Of thesewe manufacture' a great 1' riety, ranging in price &mit Medias to MO each. Our•Aliatiiialtave the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. The smaller kind wou beaeutofitay by mail at a pueblo of six cents per The more expensive eau be sett by express: We also keep a large-amortment of SVERESCOPSS, AND STERESCOPIC VIEWS Our astalogne of these will be sent, to any address on - receipt or Stamp. C.& LL T. ANTONY, Mannfactitrers of Photographic Materials 501 Broadway, /c m pork, Friends or relatives of prominent military men will twofer a favor ity • sending us their likenesslo ropy, They will he kept enrol:1411y and returned tutinjttred. Fine. Asingmit made to - order tor CiMgreintions to pre. toe& to their pastor, or for other purposes, with imitable imariptious Le. fang MEI Manto. $5O. ; $l5O. AGE TS WANTED.—Liberal in dooomoot. to Cllnvamors for the Ea% of the CELEBRATED COTTAGE $l2 SENWSO 51ACTIftii. 1 wish to eftVtgli SW - native Agent in every County , in the United Stater and Canadas. to travel end intrAuct my N CII.EAP. FAMILY SEWING MA-CIIINE. whine possesses more than ordinary merit iskts patented with valuable improvements. and itektiowledg ol to be unsurpasked fair geocr.tl utility. A limited number of responsible Acents are wanted. to solielt uw dos. to whom a salary hunt . $lO TO $l5O PER 'MONTH' -AND :EATENSES will be paid: For conditions and full particulars address with stamp for return p ?stage. ntiK 19,1 m AVA ATI NIE , mn iY t the position, and of g' elWacter. No others who ie well n r need ap ply ROSS RAY Sept lington Hills, 'Georgetown, D. C. WANTEDMAJI Apprentice to leain the 'TINNING business. kettutre •0 the Ite- POSITORT Mee. ' leep A-tf WA NT ED.—A Gijoct Journeyman cAnDno - mA.aii. Steady employment eiven. Enquire at tide Offiee.• 0ct2.1 '63-tf ART WANPED.—A good se(tond k }band nurse Cart Wanted. Apply at this office. oct2l3t Miocellaneous. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRIN GER: No. I: LAROR FOURS WROOF.A. $lO 00 No. 2. - 31coicx do do 7 00 No. 214. do do do - 6 00 No. 3. s4tAt.t. do do 5 AO No, S. LAROX HOTEL do 14 00 No. IS. Meninx LIUNDRY de Ito run steam 18 00 No. 22: Lt) os do do or hand. f3O 00 N0a..2 , 4 rillil :3 hay° noCoge. AlI oth era are warranted. No. 2 i - c'the diZe generally raved in private fatuities. Orti:CGE JUDD, of the American Agriculturist, Bays of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER: A child can readily wring oat a tuhfull .clothes in a few minutes. It is in reality a CLOTIIES. SAVERI A TIME SAVER! and a STRENGTH-SAVER! The nay, mg of garmet3ts will alone pay a large per centage on its cost. We think the machine much more than PASS FOR ITSELF,F.O ERY YEAR in the saving of garments! There aresereral kinds, nearly alike in general construc tion. but we consider it important that the Cringer be fitted with Cogs,-otherwise a mass of garments may clog the rollerv . : and the rollers upon the crank-shaft slip and, tear the clothes,-or the rubber break b.Ose from the shaft. Our own is one of the first make. and it ions GOOD AS NEW after nearly FOUR YEARS' CON. STANT USE. . , Every Wringer with C/v Meets is TFarrapted in every particular. No Wringer can be durable without Cog- Whccbt. A good CANV t S-Mt wanted in every town. On the receipt of the price from pincer where no ono ' enill send the Wringer eau or XXPENSIL For particulars and circulars addres4 R. C. BROWNING. ang 26-3 m - 3.17 Broadway, New York': D E mc) ITAL.—From 433 Market St. _Lb to the large Iron Building 513 Market and 510' Commerce Streets. More Goode than any flow': in the Unifrel..Malee. • •A. H. FRANCISCUSI 513 MARKET & 510 COMMERCE STS„ Keeps ,the Largest Stock - in the United States of Ducketartrooms. Tubs. Churns, - _ Baskets. Brushes, Mats. )lennures. (Jocks. Looking-Glasses Oil Clothe ail& Carpets 20:trylow Shades. and Paper, - litrn Also. ,417.tuL ::tet• Wh , 1 , 11 tsle,, Twlnes,Wicking, Ropes in iddis and Dozens. Cotton Yarns, Cotton and Linen Carpet-chain. Our Prices-will avernze Lower thaw any'other House in this city. Call and see for yourselves. - For further particulars apply to S. .SSIIRYOrK, Chwynbersburg. [Sept. :23 BEIDELMAN - • • WIIOLESALE _GROCER AND RODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 703 MARKET & No. 2 NOItT•t 7th FL, PIIILADA. Invites the 'Mention of merchants to his forge and well assorted stock of Sugars. ,Ryruns, Tees. and Coffees all of which Will be°■B[d loWest, nun ket ratei. Country bit) ere and sellers uiil hod it to their advantage to gire him a call. Price currents containinz all the varieties of the mar ket to be had of S. S..S.I.IItVOCK, Chambt.irs4org. sent. '23 . . itiebtrat. ' SCHENCK'S PULMON.I.; SYRUP WILL CURE CONSUMPTION. PULNIONIC • ' WILL CURE CONSI 3IPTION. SCIIENCR'S PUL3RINIC SYRUP WILL CLR CONSUMPTION. SCIIENCK*S PULMONIb SYRUP wiLccukat CONS U 11P.TIONi permcivs SEA WEED TONIC WILL CURE DYSPEPSIA. SCIIE%CK'S SEA WEED TUNIC WILL CUM, DYSPEPSIA. I SCIIENCK'S SEA IVEED TONIC EMREEM DYSPEPSIA SCIIENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC WILL con/ DYSPEPSIA. ECIIENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS WILL CVII6 LIVER COMPLAINTS SCHENCK'S 'MANDRAKE PILLS RILE CUBE LIVER COMPLAINTS. SCIIENCKS' MANDRAKE' ; PILLS - - WILL cuis . LIVER COISIPLAINTS SCITENCK MANDRAKE PILLS WILL CURE • LIVER COMPLAINTS: DR.. J. H. SCHENCK has a large Snit ofßootne atNii B 2 BOND STREET, NEW YORK, where he can be found every Tuesday, from 9 A. 51., to 3 I'. i5l , and -t No. 39 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA', PA., every Satutday. • He keeps a large supply of medicines at his rooms, which can he hadat all times. Those wishing advice or examination of the Lungs will do wOl to call on him as above. He makes no charge for advice, but for a 'thor ough examination with the Respiroineter, his prrce is Manygersons are afraid to have thair lungs examined by Dr. Schenck for fear that they will be found incura ble, and by that means it is put off' until it is too late. How muth batter it would be to knOw their condition at Once, as by abundance of eldence, Dr. 5. has shown sufficient certificates in this city that he has cared ad- - vanced stages oft onsumption. DR. SCHENCK'S Principal Office . is No. 39 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., where letters for advice should always be directed. _Price of the-Poutoaic STROP AND SBA Wasp Tomo each $1 per"bottle, or $5 tLe half dozen. Maivnaafia Puts, 25 'cents per box. - For Sale by WI DRUGGISTS and STOREKEEPERS. • oCt. libffin _ "VAICY PRINTING every va r . ' riot). of colors, done with neatness and despatch at the FRANKLIN RN PO:4TORY, ll e . A ECHANICS who 4esiro 'to ex= tend their buelneemid Abrathes In the RA.NKLIN REP id.....t.t/tY. ENNTEDY NILL—Law Part- U nership—The undersigned have aisueinted tuem dower, in the practice of the I.3Vi in the several conrte Frank,in Venn y. Oft. eon Market Street, iu the room heretofore occupleiihy T. 13. Kennedy. T. B. KENNEDY. June 1i,T63. , T. J. NELL. TT OR:STET, AT_ LAW.-TVLEI :ON REILLY, :Attorney at La w.—Office on:dir t:et at.. formerly occupied by ituilly & rp, directly opp cite the C-mrt ll.mieolaintherchurg. Pa. Alt lcgul bucinesc entru`sted to hint will receive prompt attention. fie will practice in adjoining Counties. June IL 'ea. L. M &Wan, Box 2Tss. Demon Mass STUMBAUGH STEP ART, At tormys at Late, Chambersburg. Pa.. give their voled + - Menthol t the Practice of their Profewii.m.' J °Liu Stewart agent for procuring Bounty, Stoney, Pensions. and arrearoges of Pay, 414^ 0034:e in the 'l"own flail. _ - June 17, '63 & W. S. STENGER, Attor, I L A . ttrytt tit Law, Chamberehurg. Pa, Collectiona promptly, atte.t•led to. W. ";. Stenger, Diatrict Attor ney and agent for Rrocnring retsions, 'Bounty Money and Arrears of My. Office , in Franklin Building, aff door from the corner. , 'ea. JS. EV.E I? Err, Attorney at Lain. 011 ice in .Mrs Bard's dwelling, directly oppo. site the C qittt douse. (1i ttubersbutg. Pa. 15111 practice iu thesevend (.nurts of Franklin and Fulton Counties, All legal hilliness cuirusted to Lis care will receive prnmrt attrntion. June IT. DIM 3I'DOWELL SHARPE, Attorney •at La in. C.lhamber,ffinrir. Pa. Office in Mrs. liard'e Buiffiings. dir4tty oppraitc the Court House. • ;Inner. 11013. , GSEILHAMER, Attorney G • Lew, :Clinniberolinrx, Pa. (Vice—Main Street, above Queen. In the room formerly occupied by S. Reish err. Erni. June P'63' GEORGE EYSTER & R J. BONE 1111A11.11, ;411erneys at.tate. have rennve3 to the twin on Min 41reet,one deer South ufEyeter'e Store. Junel7. 63. - I S. CLARK; Attorney at Law, has 4T. removed hi. °Mee a rew doors-Dot of hiA former ocatton.oa .11.trliet at reet (Sontiveide ) / hm 17.'63. 'CIALIT IN M. DUNCA N, Attoi.ney.iit LQ(U. Office on Market Street. in Lawyer's Row. opposii the,l:_f;mrt flnn4e. .tune IT. '6l. TFLETCTIER, Attorney at 'Lehr, • Cliambersburg, Pa. Oflice on bag' Market etreet, oppoiite the C , met Mime. June 1-7: , ALES' - K. 31 1 0 LIT E, Attorney al` Law, Cluunbershurg, °thee in ilia Frank in weporWory 1311 i lil nga June 17.'63. ; ; WATSON 'ROWE, Attorney at seenes.stle. F,L. [sep 'fi3 B. WM. B. HUED'S DENTAL REMEDIES A RE THE Li EST IN 111 E IVO 141.1). timur'ug Flue Teeth aud Sweet Breath, and curing Toothache and Neuralgia. Do you with to be blessed with nntfattirerl f .1* Pearly White and F4lmt Teeth! tile Dr. WH. B. HU up's, UN RIV.I.I.LED TOOTH PoW DEB. ca rt:tit:l , i free from acid. alkali,or`any injurious substance, Price. 25 ceuta per . _ (W Beware of the ordickry cheap Tooth. Powders, which whitest hot tle*trov D., yon . wish to be ce tal., tnat your Breath is Imre, sweet and arreenble to huAsnot or erife.l..ver and irilmd! Use Dr. HURD'S CELEBRATI:D MOUTII \VASIL :17 cents per bottle, The a-tringent wash is also the best remedy in the world for Canker. Bed Breath Bleeding limns. Sote Mouth. etc. It flag cured hundreds. Do you with your childre4 stiffer from Tooth tele? Get(Dr. Witt US MAGIC TOQTI1Al: nil DROPS. Price, 12 cute per bottle. _ Are you afflict. d with Neuralgia! Get Dr. WM 0. HURD'S N MIR A LGIk PLASIIIIIS. The meet etrettive and derghtlul remedy knoxvit for Paitil in the Face," Shouhlers. Seek; or any part of the body They do nit adhere nor, blister. but .tot , he end chnim pain away. Try them. Price, 1.,) and Si cents. Mailed on receipt reeeiptof pt ice. A Treatise on the beat method of Pre.crving the Teeth mailed on receipt of the pace—io cents., It is a valunbh. little workond should be in the possession of every person. , For sale at all five best stores throughout the country. C.tcTtox.—Ae there ft TedeS ler , who bike n ITV! tAge o f nor advertisements to impose upon their cipitidners in ferior preparations. it is necessary to insist upon having what you call far, and you will GET TUE ussr, thoroughly teided, stud prepared by on experienced and scientific Dentist, Treasurer of the New York state Dentists As sociation. and Vice President of the New York Jay Den tal Society. Address W. 31. it HURD & June 17. 'll3-tf. Tribune Buildings. New Yolk. FFTII INSEIITEI) ON AMBER 1:4...4ER. still at hist tesi• trace oft ° EAST MARKET ;;TI:k:E I', near 'the Fradk Railroad. DAntistyy In all its b. atiches attended to with all the,modern improvements. it:tying published to this community for Mori• than . two years. that teeth on Amber is in every way ClihlAPElt AND BETTER Hon teeth on'at.y other material.l ould say. tirat I son pet, no reason to change my opinion. ha thec e are now) per sons in Chronbershurg end vicinity for wham 1 hare Inserted teeth orrAMII.Ei, ohok:an testify to their cope rior merit. N. 11. All work warrante•i to give antisfaction.or no charge. Teeth .extracted vatliout pain with perfect .afety without taking Chloroform. Fur tiirther into mation call at the tlifice. [Juno 17, iStl3. DR. W. W. sc LOSSE I?, Surgeon Do!neist—The undersigned has retnoted his Office front the 'Mansion [louse .to the residence of 3lr John Noel.llorthu e.t corner of the Diem Ind. and innuedi -Ktely opposite the Franklin lintel. Office nn the se cond floor—entrance through the , I . »tssage, to the right its, you ascend the stairs. - .lune 17, 15W.... • W. W. SriIiASSER. REMOVAL.—Dr. J. - K. Rein. Den fiat, 11314 removed his oilier in the corii.4 of tin Public S,ltt tre, where he practised se ninny yesri. to the corner of 3fniti sod Queen Streets, above Wm. ficyser's Drug Store,Cluttnikersbitrg. pa,.. where he will heplem o d to receive the calls of his friends Roue 17:1563. A. R. SHAW returns his thanks Ly to the citizens of Franklin county. for the lib eral encout agenient bestowed in him the last three years. and invites those who have not made trial of TrowEopArilY to do so, f,onsultatiwis free, All cu mad° leases can rely on a more speedy cure than under diiyo Dr. S. has removed 'to Noah Main . stre,t. short distance below the point. where he can ho found ready to attend to calls. either in town ur country, When not : absent on professignal business. • 'June 17. 18113. - Dn. w. B. RPOWN. I - PROP. P: ROW N & WALK, Electrical Phy xi:dans. otyke in Franklin Building, WEPT MAR.• snv STnesf. Clianibetylinig. The above treats all 'Clirollic DlReases by means n. GALVANISM and the differ ent noolitications of ELEC TRICIFY, on discovered arid taught by Prof. Rollie,. Juno 10, 6.3-tf p it: JOIIN MONTGOMERY will •-- attend promptly : to all cane in Ida line. Office en . ain street, nr i xt dour to the Eagle Hotel, and nearly oppmdte the residence of the Iron. George Chambers. - Chamberdoirg. June 17.1863. . ' R. J. C. RICHARD:3 .will attend , primptly to all calls in his line. Office on :Slain treat, next door to Spangler's Drug Store. ~,,ironcy. Routts—From 7 to 9, .A.. 31.; 12 to 2 and 6 'P. M. J uup 17,1662. ARTHUR H. BANDOLS, MANUFACTUILER OF ROSEWOOD AND GILT 3101I,LaINGS,, LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAMES, of every description, , - N.W.Com Ea Or THIRD MO CALLOW= fim,,Parianxtarnix. Orders to tho largest extent promptly executed, Orders filled by S. S. SURYOCK, Chmhberebnrg, Pa. sept. 23 NOTICE OF. PARTNERSHIP.-- II Notice Whereby given that the undersigned have. this day entered into partnership, in the Coavh-Making business, in all i Is various branches ' tinder the name of Peiffer & Foltz. The said firm van do bus : loose at the stand lately, occupied by P. Henry Pelffer & Co., end would respectfully solicit a continuance of the public patronage. • P. HENRY PEIFFER, Nov. 6, 1881, 'C.C. FOLTZ: BINDERY.-31 KEEFER - CO. have removedtheir BOOK BINDERY to the rd story of the BANcION HOUSE, °lithe Diamond, ere Shryock's Book Store.Euttunce between the Book Store and Sulvely's office. 'Old Books, Periodi cals, Music, Newspapers, &c,, bound In any style. Blank Books made to order. Paper ruled td any pattern. N0v.12'60. oa. attornegs at Laixt. 1303311= ;Dentist - 0. 131moiciano. Booko, *tationerg, Q o S. SIERYOCK, BOOKSELLER STATIONER, I‘.l Now occupies his NMS TORE Rood, and is prepared to transact basinew with greater facilities than ever, " School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Toy Books, Law Books, Medical llooki, Sunday School Books, Military Books. . • BIBLES. A large assortment of Pocket and Family Bibles, JOIN tiTCIVART Of all sizes, qualities - gad styles of binding STATIONERY. A great varicti of all 'kinds of Writing and Print ing Papers, of French', English and AMCrican man ufacture. Also, Env'elopes of all sizes and qualities, lnk, Pens, Poneils. India Rubber, Tapes, Seals. Quills, Copy 130 Oks, Blotting Board, Knives, Erasers, Writing Sand, &c., GELD PENS. The very beet Gnu) PEvs . in the market. folly warranted, made by Leroy W. Fairchild. of N. Y. - BLIND - PAPER. A full variety of liatteins and finalities. WALL PAPER. Yearly Two ffettniEn . dtfrerent natterns.together with suitable Berderings, Plain, Velvet and Velvet, Gilt. PICTURE FRAMES. - Oval and Square Frames fur Photographs. Pram:tea made to order. : For Picture Fram Os, a any size Much lower than publishers' prices, among which The White Cruiser, . • The Banger, The Midnight Queen, . . English lota, Josep ine, Maid of the Saranac. • Capt. Hawkes, • Don Bernardo's Daughter, Helene. David'Dnlficks, - Sketches in` France, . ' Verner;_s Pride. Scott's Novels, Dickens' Novels, Southw'th's Novels, • Mrs. Gray's, Novels, Bulwei'sNovels,: Arthur's Novels, • Lucy Sanford. Rifle Shots, Trial and Triumph, Prince and Pedler,' AnOtte, „ • , Laat Lynne, • Miriam Alr6y. !Legends and Stories, , Red Jack, • ". Red Scout, Belle of the Blistery, • • , Syhibeampbell, Grace Weldon, , • - Rival Beauties. The Grumbler, Barren Honor, The SquEre. • Palkland, , Milrose, Chins from Uncle Sam's Jack-knife, '' The Evert Ling Fortino Teller, The ManNuvering Mother,- . „ Marguerite de Valois, - • FUMY Night at Orford, The Quiet Husband, , , Two.Primi Donnas, Morgarl'iFreemasonrY, - The Debtor's Daughter, . The Banker's Wife, Highwayman's Ride, Nobleman's Daughter. The Scarlet Flower, The Wife's Trials, • Cecilia Howard„ Lena Cameron, • The Expectant, ' Les Miserables, 500 Puzzles, ENIIRA.VL.NGS. English, French. German and American - En gra vuogs. BASKETS. - Fancy. Traveling, Bonk, Picnic, Fruit, Knife and 'Clothes Baskets. Single and Double Zephyr, •Tapestry' and Split 'Zephyr, Shetland Wool, Sre., ke: NEWSPAPERS. The Philadelphia and New York Dailies received daily. Clubs or individuals tuipplied. WEEKLY PAPERS. .I.larper's.Weekly. Frank Leslie. • N. Y. Mercury. N. Y. Weekly, New Yoik Ledger r etc., received weekly. • PERIODICALS. Harper's Monthly. Atlantic Monthly, Continental, Gtitley. - Peterson, - Ballou, • Knickerbocker. All the Year Round., Cornhill. etc., etc.. received as soon as published. • CAEAT LITERATUR".. All the Dime PublieatiOns,"Weekly Nouvellettes Song Books, etc., received daily. ORDERS. We take rders•for all kindaof good?_` • ' EXPRESS. • We recei4 goods by Express xvgay DAY from the East. - - a le n r d:rinting Blank Deeds, Paper Weights, • Fancy Boxes, Combs and Brushea, ' Chalk Crayons, and all standard goods in our line constantly , on hand. ' Sheet Music, for Piano, Guitar, Violin, Flute, etc. We purchase Pianos on commission, so as to aa• our Customerafrom Fifty to One Hundred and Fil Dollars. • MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS. We can supply any kind of Muskat Inetrumen at pricaufarlower than mutat. „ PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. We can sell Photograph Albums at lower_ prie than they Can be procured for in the cities. We have no hesitation in saying to our*tome that from our long - experience. oar' minnei of d ! ins business, and OurArtiat facilities, we do not k .; .competition, and have no doubt of our being at to give entire satisfaction. • Come and see mu-Yew Store, our new and e: • larged stock, and form your own oplnions. , - . .. • Chambersburg, June 17,1863. BOOKS BLANK BOOKS FRENCH GLASS, CHEAP NOVELS are' the Mlowipg ZEPHYR .WORSTEDS PIANOS Vountg agencies. J OIN M.:POMEROY ' AR lir AND NA FT A GRNM 20.4 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, The undersigned, having resigned hhi position as Pay master in the U. S.Army, has opened at No 204 SOUTH' FOURTH STREET. an' AOENOY FOR PROCURING PENSIONS, and fur the collection of OincEss', Soutane', .Arid all other Cumin; against the Government: 3ly lung eltperience •as Paymaster, has gleis me =u sual Mediates fur _becoming thoroughly aoquainted'with this business in all its details. Or the receipt. by mail. of a-statement of the, •osae of claimantsj will forward • the necessary papers f6r their signature. Personal at tention will be given to the cases at Wnshingt. n. No charge unless esful,'when 5.5 will be charged for collectir g all swim under t3O, and $lO on all sums over that amount and, under tap. /Argon claims taken on special arrangbinent. Nees in Pension Cases as fixed by law, INFORMATION FOR AND INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANTS Ali Soldiers of the present - war, who have served two years, and Soldiere discharged tor wounds received,in battle, without reference to time of service, are entitled' besides their regular pay, to $lOO Bounty. • In case Soldiers or Seamen are discharged for disability ..or wounds received while in the service, they are entitled to a Pension according to the disability. In case of the death of the Soldier before discharge, through dlsease - contracted, or wounds received while in service. his widow is entitled to receive the $lOO Bounty, besides arrearages of pay and pension during her lifetime or widowhood. If the Soldier die after .discharge.from disease con tracted or wounds received while in service, his widow is entitled to a pension of $9B per annum. If no widow_ otminor children, the mother al the Sol= Mier or Seaman will receive the Pension, if dependant on• hint wholly or In part for support.. . If deceased Soldier or Seaman leaves no widoiv, hit children are entitled to the same benefits as the widowr except when the children may be over the age of 16 years. If no widow hr minor children, the bounty and pay will descend to the heirs as follows: 7 :Piro to the Father; second to the lit Other, third to the Iliiithersand SiAers, and then to the next of kin. Disehargetf.fhltliers. whose Clothing account , was un settled at the time of discharge, can recover any, balance due them, if the Company books are not destroyed. , To this balance, write to your Captain for a descrip tivelist. showing Clothing account, and forward it to toe with your preliminary statement, giving also the date of your discharge Soldiers, who served with - the nine months' volunteers, can recover 127, bounty and premium, without regard to timo of Service, if they have not already received it. Soldiers who were prisoners in the South, and Soldiera' who were absent on sick furlough, are entitled to corn- mutation of rations. In communicating with thiS.office,ttate the nature of your claim fully, and give the Company and Beg meta to which you or the Soldier for whom' you claim belonged, as well as your present Post Oitce adoress. REFERENCES llfe EteeHoney, ANDREW G. Cuurs, Governor of Penn sylvania. Stmox CAxsaos. Harrisburg. Pa. HION.JOSEPIi CASET 7 Chief Justice of the Court of Claims; Viquihington. 'ION. E. 11. Dacanta, Chief Clerk of Pay Department, Washington. 111)N: EDWARD MCPHERSON, M. Washington. 110:s. JAS. PIITERRET, President Judge, Pistrict Court, Y Pittsburgh. _ A. li. AfcCLuns, Charnbersbarg, Pa. .11dx.Ttiosisa A. Ecort, Vice President Penn'a Baal Boad. Him Willi tit B. Tliam.lB, Collector of the Port, Philad'a. lids. C. A.Wst.nonis, Poet Master, Philadelphia. Mtexer. & Co., Bank , rx, Ja}IEBDUNLAP, Presid,nt of Union Bank, Philadelphia HiLlatx & VAutrnealtz..Attorialee, 44 liztort, WEISS & ERVIN, Merchants, JAMMU, KNENDLER & CO. Merchunctr, • PRSTVISETT, BAUGH &to., DAVID FAUST 4 Co., himliants, 64 BENJAMIN 8. JANNEY, JR. A: CO.. Northants, 4i - MURIA/5 E. Mosoor d: Co., Merchants, Arwoou, Wxn & CO., Norchants, JOHN N. NTH ROY, June 17, '63-tf. 21:4 South Fourth Street PENSION, 'BOUNTY AND WAR CLAIM AGENo.—Pensions procured for soldiers et the present war whe are disabled by reason of wounds received. or disease - contracted. while in the service of the United States ; .and Peoxione, $lOO Bounty, and Arrears of Pay obtained for widows or heirs of those who have died or been killed while in service. Joy R. ORR. Claim Agent, Chambereburg, Pa Feb: 25, '63-1 55tribeo anb iginlmate "filIE " DUTCH SETTLEMENT" 11 bDOWN TOWN I—Extensitri Tin, apper and .stare ii:stillishmingt!—The undersigned respectfully in- Irmo his friptids and the public generally that lie has emoyetthisestablishmentfroni the "Dutch Settlement" ap town, Co- the spaccons Robm formerly occupied by dinnich & Brand, and nearly opposite White's Clotti ng Store, lie has jnat received a large assortment of COOK, GAL. PARLOR and NINE-PL ATE STOVES of the most approved and latest patterns, which he can and le det mined to sell as- cheap, if not a little cheaperpthan can be had elsewhere In the country, Helms also, and intends keeping constantly on hand, a large assortment of Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware made of the host material and by good workmen. tom- Persons in want of anything in the above- line are requested to give him a call before ‘ puramaing else where, hefeelsconvinced that he can suit them either as regards the article or the price. SPOUTING made and pot up: tit the shortest notice. All kinds of repairing done neatly and expeditiously. Old PeWter, Brass and Copper takeniu exchange for Ware, or the highest price given in cash. June 17.1863. JACOB B. kfILLER. ROUSIKEEPERS, READ Gal lagher's Sunriae Air-Tightl—A New Plat Top VuuKlNli STOVE: The plates are very heavy, and the whole htove is finished in a superior manner. 1 warrant this Stove tobe superior to any Flat-Top Stove now in the market. and respectfully invite My friends end the politic to call rind examine this Steve, of - which there are several sizes. • • I have also a greatLyarlety of othei comma STOVES of every style ;'PARLOR STOTRS,liteer and beautiful patterns, together with ti heavy stook of VTOVES fur Churches, Stores, Offices, Hotels'. &c. JOHN'S. LUDWIG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu STOVES,.TIN AND COPPER WARE. . N. B.—l bare been oppointrd Sole A gen; for Gana, gimes Celebrated Sunrise ght Cook Since In chain berabnrg. Pa. Jona 17,1868. T ETTER, HAMILTON & CO'S Great Sttive and Tin Ware Store, corner of the Diamond, can-be seen the -largest ,best. and -cheapest stock of Goode in Chanibersburg. They have COOK ING sTqv FS for Wood and Coal, of lateslitatterns and ill sites.at fair prices. [June 17.1663. POUTING DONE AT SHORT S NOVICE, of first rate material and cheap. Alt work warranted, and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere In the County. C4ll and see for yourselves, at . ETTER, 11.01ILTON fi CO‘E, nearly opposite the Dank. -UTTER, IIAMILTON:& CO. are prepared to put up the beat VCIFITNING' ItpDS at cheap rates. ALWAYS 0 - N . HA . 1 .41), A LARGE asiortment of the ,•ory beet Tin, Japanned and Gypperware, &c., Bold low at NTT SR, HAMILTON & CO'S. ALL WORK WARRANTED, and cheaper thnn can be bought elsewhere in the county. Come and nee—then buy. at ETTER, lIA HILTON & CO'S. FALL .FOR PARLOR 'AND DI IL) NINO ROOM co.-ix STOVES. They are pretty gumfmnti cheap. ET Eit; A MILTON CO'S, A few doors from Shryock's Book Store.: Painting, stating, Sa. Ft;A:RNARD T. FELLOWS, ROUSE AND' SION PAINTER d'ITAINER, GLAZIER, AND PAPER ..HANGER; SHOP In the Old , Armory Building, (up stairs,) next door to "Old Jail," I'4:er 4' Foltz's _ Carriage ManSaetory, opposite , ~ . Brcurrea 'Hetet; and :•-• • CORNER OF SEC FD-AND MARKET 'AM, Chambersburg, Pa. I respectfully-take this Melt :4d of thanking the citi zens Of ChanaberOurg and vicinity -for the very liberal patronage T beta received at their hands for the past year, (my Spit year in this plate,) and flittering myself that I have done, and and em still prepa, ea to do, the very best work in my line, I solicit acontinuance ofpast favor. „--. • B. T. YELLOWS. P. S. I rerpeetrolly refer to any of MY patrons--James Eyelet., Wro,XeLenatuul, COLA. K. McClure. Rev. Air. i N.olls, Presbyterian Church, Dr. Richards, Dr. Fisher, i ROOM MANUFACTORY.—The L.. ot u, w e ne k co., (lertnan nerd' Messitiger. 'I. Alli , cll ' undersigned still *arty on their BROOM Waal. Eyster, Wm. C. Eyster, and any others for atom I have . .2it VORY. at their old'stand, on . East Market. Street,' .duile work = for character of work done , and expedition' ', .1 Chsanberbbnrg. Th ey would:inform the public Untl:hey- June 17,e6S tf. . . - .•B T V • 'T. F. chew, provided themselves with a Machine to take oft ii.....,.................. ' IkePT7 ' j irtg D - 1----- 7 - 'T Rtnnin Seed, whidi they lxilldo fcm.sucheadceixotiv_vesat: .5 1...,.... _FM .4 . N'S—D ealers fill M a- .todo It themselves, and make their Brooms cheap for • - ufacturers of Agricultural and other Implernebtst ash, or on the shares. can reach a large clam. ,f minable customer by ADVIS , . They will also pay CASH' FOR BROOM CORN if well Mimi in the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. put up. wept 16-3mj D. & S. J. LITTLIL A MERICAN ItE iNSUItANCB TRLtd' CO3ITANY. South-tatt artier of .IV4lnut an 4 Auras Strech,la. 'PHILAMEL'PEtIA delphfa. 'lncorp?rritoils:lo.. Charter Pitypitietri. ADIMOILIZED CAPITAL. 3500,000 00. -PAID UP CA.PlTAL,,.sl:nu,truo Uu. .AS4laB, ELN7,746 50 Inure Brearlurfug the . natirraLlife. or for shortr. terrier, grants annuities and- endowments, and makes," contracts of all kinds depending on the issues of Acting also as k.:keridois. Trustees and littardiana.—, Policies of Lite Insurance instil est at. the - usual ntutual rites other good Companies—with profits to the 3n..1 sexedL...la.st Bonus, January.. 1861. being 43 per cent: , of all plea:du:us roceired on mutual policieluat joint stock rates,:2o per cent. le,s than the above. IC ON-FORREITUBB _ which - a person pays forfi, 7, or 10 y ears only, when • the Policy is - patil up far life, and nothing more. to pay, and should he be unable, or wish to oiscontinue sooner. the Company wtll issue a paid-up policy in proportion to the amount of premiums paid, as follows: After_ payment of the annual premi ums (on pulley of ; $t000) for On pay' t of 4 an. pre. 6 at S ‘‘ Annual premium for4looo, NO:NIFoRFEITCRE TRAY YEAR RATE. Age 20, 60 25 '34 tHI 40 88' at 30 , ti 86, - 43 It 40., 011: ad - 53 'fro • * . n : 6% Inimiance may be effeoted,'giting toeny party, on the' death at life luau; ed, n certain yearly income by endow- ; ment Tor life, thud avoiding ail contingencies of invest-- ing tbissame, and may be double or treble the yeatly interest. - Aida.ANDER WWILLIAN, president; - SAMUEL WORK, Vice-Pnlident. . - JOON B. Secretary and Treasurer. WARP 01 , 1 BUSTERS. Al es:ander Whit Win, 13. Edgar Thompson, lion... James Pollock, i Hon. Joseph Allison; Albert C. Roberts, ' 'Jonas Bowman, Samuel T. Bodine, '. R. H. Eldridge, GeorgeAugeni, John Allman, - IVm. J Howard, , CULP'. Ilearlitt. - Samuel Work, - , • MEDICAL EXAMINERS; J. F. BIRD, M.D., J. NEWTON WALKER, M.D. In attendance at the Company's °Mae daily, at 11 o'clask.M. . , Wit. G. ItExt,•, clinalAtistnirg,Ta., hi the • authorized Agent of tlie Amer:can Lite Ineuranee and Timer Com pany-, and is always pl spar r ed to furnieh pamphlets or any information wanted. and to take Insurances. RICH A tiDzi, Medics/ Examiner. 'REFERE.NCEE--lion. A. K. McClure. Re .8. J. ?Ile collo, J. B. Nixon, Cliambenibtirg, and Wm. 31. Marsha, Cashier Hagerstown Bank. -L oct 21, 63-If ARANKLLN INSURANCE COM PANY OX PNILADELPHIA, No. 4-35 and 431 t.ueatvut Street. Capital - Perpetual Premiums, Unexpired Terhporary Premium nurpluit Total • $2,392418 39 Statement of the Assets of the Company on January I, ' Fltst Mort gligos‘ . amply seemed $1,993,931 45 heal Estate, (present value $135,32447.) cost 128,070 77 retapbtary Mains. 044unple Collateral ecti-. Titiee (present - va1ue:1' 4 .6,365 10,) cost, otes and BlEs receivable $43thr.391 3 Advance In caln6 of Real Estate over curt, 1351 10 Acirance in value of Stoat', over cost 13.173 86 la - The wily l'i•jtitx fr. la amlams which tliie Coat pally can divide•by law, arc from Rieke which have horn determined. • -- Extract from the Charter of the Company. 'glut, the moneys received 018 premiums upon risks which remain 'undetermined, mined, and are outstanding at the time of deciaifog such Dividend, shall not be considered As part 9f the profits of said Corporation, or divided uch," PERPETUAL or LimitED INSURANCES - made ..11 every description of property; in Town and Country, for Owners, Mortgages, Ground,- Landlords, &c., '&c. Rates as low as are consistent with secntliY. Slice their Incorporation, a period 'of thirty _yearn, they hive , paid over TOUR: MILLI.BNS OP DOLLARS LOSSES BY -FMB, thereby affording evidence of the Advantages of Ipstirtince. os well at the ability and dia• position to meet with promptness all liabilities. LOSSES EY FIEE. Lome paid daring the year 1862 DIRECTORS. • Charles N. Bancker, David S. Brown, • Tobin Wagner, Isaac Lea, . Simnel Grant. . ; Edward . Dale, • Jacob R... Smith, George Pales, George W. Richards, Alfred Pitler. CHARLES .BA ECK President.. " EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. WAttisnn, Bec'y pro tem. . - .I* -- Application made to DAvin OAKS. of Ohembe:s nrg, who -is an authorised Agent Tor this Company .ither Personally or by letter, will meet with attention. rrh 4. it- 3. INSURAN CE COMPANY OF NORTTI AMERICA. INCORPORATED,I7O4. • 'RPETUAL CHARTER. CAPITAL - $5OO ropo. OVTICI—NO.= WALNUT Sistrr, Ptamanstrats. . Company are now prosecuting the boldness of mance from Loss or Damage by FIRE on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, throughout the State of Pennsylvania. on LIBERAL TER3I: 4 , • for long inofishort • permds 1 or permanently on Buildings, , by a deposit of , Premitan. • Thkramaq PAINTIM of Crams for LosSES during the periodof nearly SEVENTY YEARS that the Company has been In existence, entitles them to the ccoilidenee' of the public. - Arthur G. Collin, - Samna W.Jones, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, 'Ambrose White, ;abaft. Nett Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William R. 800 en, CHARLES PLAIT, Seey: 'ARTIIIM G. COFFIN, Pres. WJI. BiIREILEI2," antra/ Agent at Harrisburg, FAA,,` ' 0. RDED, Chambersberg, Pa., is the author.: iced Agent of the Insurance Company of North Amer ea, and is always prepared to give any infort*ttion de aired. tind to take Insurances. . ' RIMEENCNS--Charles H. Taylor and John D. Grier, Egg's., Chambershurg.- ' oet 2.1 'B3-tf (BUR AGENT.—MB. Joriri GuovE; j of Chatnberetpurg, ie the, General Agent of the Franklin County Mutual Insurance Company. June 1.76'83. - z•WAt. kieLELLAR. TrO THE, PUBLIC GENERAL_LY. 011AllBERSBURG FOUNDRY. • . Tire undersigned takes this 'method td Inform the 'pall* that be has taken the FOUNDRY so long carried - on by Wm. Seibert, with all the PATTSRNS connected there• with, where he purposes continuing the business, and izt, now pr-epused to make - ' . ALL KINDS , 01' CASTINGS that may be wanted by te community. Particular at tention will be paid to making hnd keeping on hand ev ery description of PLOWS, CASTINGS, WAGON BOX ES, Lc. - Alt kinds Of Castings made to, order. . • • ' New Plows, of dlif, , rent patterns, always on hand of made to order. . OLD METAL taken in, trade, for which the ttighest, price will be given. By devotinghimself attentively to business he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage.. J , ne17,'63. ' ABRAHAM METZ. NE" MARBLE YARD.-The undersigned respectfully announces to the citlibiss of Praarlin enmity that he has opened a .New 'Marble Yard in the room formerly occupied by Dr. Hamilton, directly opposite J. Nixon's Drug Store, Mait9tre4tti, in the Borough of Chambershurg, wherette will keep ort hand or make to order s7l articles in his line of business, - such as MONUMENTS, TOMBS and IIEAD.STONES, MANI LES, TABLE & STAND T08.1.-&c., manufactured from the very beat Foreign and Domestic Ile respectfully solicits a call from t host istoimay heirs Want of any . article in , the above line. " He is confidant in , hie ability to satisfy who may be pleased to - patronize hum, either as regards his prices, or the quality, beauty, and chasteness of hie work, ! July 8,'63 _ i 0011 NA. GROTE.. e ! ,74 iEusutattee.4 At A yearl At 7 year At 10 yenr I Rata.' Rates. I s Rateo., 6400,00 1285 00 -s2oo 00 , 800 00 671 IA 4011 00 1367 10 T0ia1...- Janice N. Dickson, B. Morris Vialb, John Sisson. ' George L. Francis IL Cow, , Vdivird EC. Trotter, • lidwani 8. (Uric. "W,llifsm Cummings, .iftanufartures. 800 w $400,000 00 8 r),5,8:34 03 171,525 60 9•24,f66 i I 84,625 . 99 - 134,901 50 .. 1.549 50 .. 75.312 u.. 1 5'4,.30 ‘ ;110 39 $69,798 1