The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 28, 1863, Image 4

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Vgi.DNESDAY, OCTOBER 28; 1862.
-In another column of to-day's paper
we give the official votefor Governor.
The - poll is unprecedented—being lar
ger than that of 1860, notwithstand
ing the, fact that full twenty thousand
Pennsylvania 'voters now fill
authrtely graveS, heroic martyrs to
preservation ofour sacred Nation
ality, and not less than fifty thousand
. more were denied the right of suffrage
Solely because they confront the foes
of the Republic in the field. Gov.
Curtin's majority seems, mall with
se-large a - vote east; but it must lie
lborne in mind that of those who were
Tefused the privilege: of voting cer
-4inl,y nineteen - twentieths of - them
would have cast, : their, votes for him.
Had the' popular expression of the
State not, been restrained' by Judge
' Woodward'B decision disfranchising
the' soldiers, Gov.:Curtin Would now
be the - Governor elect by not less than
50,000, instead of the meagre 15,000
by which the State has been barely_
isa4.ed frOm fatal hostility to the goy
or*ent. Grateful as loyal Ten every
where must 'be for the declared ma-
jority on the right side,:it is due >to
- the'great 'issue that the moral weight
athe . disfranChised voters of the State
be : considpred in estimating the fidel,
ity of ourgreat Commonwealth to our
Free institutions. •
'—The 'Union men of Pelinsylvania
were beset with embarrassinents in
the late contest, such as would' have
be,p" fatal' in, any ordinary politieai
-struggle. Especially in the Southern
iii,qpntics did the.loyal men labor under`
almost crushing disadvantages—some
of them unavoidable, but others were
wantonly or stupidly imposed upon
us. The invaded counties were be - set
by 'maligliant Copperheads with un
tiring energy, and a thousand petty
-streams of poisontowed out upon the
pebple from the fountain heads of
rsneaking traitors. Every man who
had been plundered by the rebels, or
who had sneered from - the necessary
occupation of our' territory by the
Union troops, was counseled by every
species of falsehood to array himself
against the government because the
goyernment did not promptly remit.:
nerate him; and hundreds of votes
• were lost to the Union cause inithis
section, because of these 'persistent
appeals to narrow selfishness, when
a great Natjon was struggling for the
- liberty that,overshadows and protects
eyery home, every civil and religious
right', and insures safety to the person
and property_of every American citi
zen. The' failure to compensate our
people was charged to the wanton
perverseness of the State and Nation
al administrations; and peace and
prompt payment were promised la
vishly if Woodward should be chosen
Governor. A few were thus 'deceived
and made to turn against themselves,
for falsehood ever outstrips truth in
an even race; bid the great mass of
aarsufferers stood manfully in sup
pori 'of 'the right. -
The draft was a staggering load.
Tit was no fault of the administration,'
that it proved .a ridiculous failure to
the government anda costly farce to
the pbople-; nor did.the authorities
do anything more nor less than their
duty , in prosecuting it. Men were
imperatively demanded fol. our weak
ened armies, and so emboldened - had
- the foes otthe government become
that volunteering was wholly stopp
- The administration, had but one clear its skirts and - that was
to exhaust the authority it' pos
sesied to procure men. That the law
pritviding. for a draft was shamefully
defective, waslhe fault of Congress,
I na- of the administration; and they
Ihad:to- wade through Congressional
blunders and harass, bleed and alien
ate; twenty citizens for every man
added to'' the -army. Had the $3OO
exemption clause been omitted, and
each able-bodied man drafted been
required to serve in person or by sub
stitute, men
, would have responded
with comparative cheerfulness, and
the draft Would have been sustained
by the people because of the palpable
• good attained by it; but when its
failure was evident to all, it took-into
the ;•areay only now , and then : some
pennilessiund friendless citizen; whose
lot was deeraeds cruel on e,n ot 60 much
because he had, ,tn go,-as because his
neigbors were =bled not to
Many, of 'course, 'did' not stop to in--
quiie whose fault it was that they
bw .~_,. ~..,_, . ~
were harassed, by
,a draft that' was,
fruitless of good, and men' Were !tot
wanting to 'seize the favorable oppor
,ttmity to impress.thein with the con
viction that the government was des
potic and faithless to the people.
But bad as the draft was when con
ducted skilfully and divested of all
wanton oppression, it was made worse
. by , the stupidity andreekless disre
gard of the rights of the people by
the Provost Marshal General. -Just
On the eve of an election, the people
of Somerset, Bedford and Fulton were
summonedtereport at Chambersburg
to claim exemption, pay commutation
money or furnish substitutes. Many
of them had to cross the Alleghenies
and travel nearly three hundred miles
-costing them largely in time' and
money' when the Board of Exeinp
tion could have gone from county to
county'with little or no inconveni
ence. Repeated applications Nfere
made to the Provost !Marshal General,
and the members of the Board joined
in the requeSt, that the people should
not be neediessly , dragged over the
mountains himdreds of miles; but no
regard whatever was paid to the ap
plication, although in several other
'districts of the State the authority
for. the Board to go: to the various
county towns was granted. It would
have been a small matter for three
officers and a, few clerks to go to Som
erset or Bedford for a week ; but it
was not a small matter for one l thou
sand mento'cross the Alleghenies and
come one hundred and fifty l.miles to
transact an hour's business, , That.
the people appreciated it as an inso
lent disregard of their convenience
was not surprising; and instead of
losing Fulton by 2GO, and. Bedford by
'2BO, and gaining Somerset by over
1,300, the only wonder is that - we did
not\lose 1,000 mere. - We beg Col.
Fry to bear in mind that the Success
of:this 'war and the safety of the g,ov
ermrnent are 3 ,vitlith6People, and need
less oppression in the execution of
laWs cannot be justified by the .pre-
Burned sanctity of military regulations.
—Altogether the Southern counties
did well. The Union men struggled
heroically, and imßroved' materially
on the vote of last - year in every. coun
for South of the Suquehanna, and can
justly claim' their lull part in the great
-revolution that has declared in behalf
of the preserVation of our imperiled
Nationality. -
The scene has shifted again'; a Vir
ginia, and Lee is retreating pursued
by Meade. The rebel army is .all
south of the •Rappahannock again,
and probably has its main strength
soutkof the Rapidan, and Meade holds
the line immediately north ;of the',
Rappahannock. Sensation correspon
dents, announce daily that b, grand
battle is imminent; but we 'do not
look for a Idecisive engagement be
tween Meade and Lee at present.
Lee moved north recently for one
of twu reasons, or probably 'both.—
He knew that Meade had been weak
ened to strengthen hattanooga, and'
i ffelt well aSsured hat he could not
give battle Unless quite near to Wash
where he would have short
lines and ample. supports. His p9r
pose therefore doubtless was either
to force him to accept battle with the
hope of destroying him and capturing
Washington, or to compel him to re.;
treat upon Washington; enable Lee
to destroy his railroad lines as he fell
'back toward Richmond; and throw a
part of his army to Bragg for deci
sive operationo, before. Meade -could
threaten hiin-again south of the Rap
pahannock:l In this Lee has been .
Sadly disappointed. ltireade . retired
toward Washington in order, with
his army perfectly in hand; defeated
Hill severely' at Bristow Station; re-.
sumed the Offensive by pursuing Lee
as soon aahe attempted to retrace his
steps, and jee was- scarcely back to
'his old lines .before Meade was in his
front ready to force him to - give 'bat
tle or to re:treat toward,Richmond in
case he shOulo, Weaken his ranks to
assist Bragg.. Lee cannot now re
duce his army to reinforce Bragg, and
unless he !Aloes, Meade will hardly
force him into an engagement,- The
armies in Virginia will pretty. Certain
ly- face each other without collision
until tha absorbing tragedy in Ten
nessee and Georgia has become his
tory. .. I . , ,
Jt4znoW Chattanooga is the cen
tre of iiirerest on both sides, and both
armies are being nerved and strength
ened for the , decisive blow. Davis is
with Bragg in. person to heal dissen-
—t Ucpo%itorn y= CiLl)ant bet 9 . 13ttrg' ,- 13 a.
sions, to inspirit the despairing, and
to- implore.the ',soldiers of crime to
make a desperate death struggle for
Supremacy in East Tennessee; for the
safety of Georgia. The Knoxville
Register, now printed at-Atlanta, Ga.,
discloses, the desperation of the, reb
els. It says that="the , very existence
of the Confederate States depends on
the re-occupation of Tennessee c by•
Bragg. Our enemies know this as
well as our own Commander-in-chief."
Davis has reorganized Bragg's army;
has addressed the troops, in the course
of which he says—" Our cause de
pends upon you!" and adds that "very
much remains to be done r, There
is no doubt but that alt the 'resources
of Treason have been exhausted to
give Bragg strength. -
On the' other hand, Stanton, the
Secretary of War, is with the Army
of the Cumberland in person, and an
entire reorganization of Rosecrans' ar
my has i been effected. Gen. Thomas
takes the immediate command, while
Gen. Grant takes the general com
mand of the several departments _in
the south-west.' The impending bat
tle will doubtless be fought under the
eye of Grant himself, for upon it is
hazarded everything. If Bragg shall
be dafeated, - Georgia, Mobile and even
Richmond must soon be at the mercy
of Grant. if Grant shall be discom
fitted, then must East Tennessee be
surrendered, and Nashville would be
the farthest point we could hope to
hold in that direction. The terrible
shock; so fraught with weal. or woe
to- the Republic, must soon'come.—
Gad speed the cause of Freedom'
WE condole With. the Spirit. It
had fondly hoped for the election Of
Woodward :" but elected he was not.
It had unclouded faith in - the success
of its ticket in the_ county; but its
hopeS have faded out in despair; and
now in the agony of its _disappoint
ment, it bids as doleful; tearful farewell
with its " last hope for the Union!"
But in spite of itself, hope still lingers;
the days and nights of the 'Republic
have been recorded as heretofore;
faithful men still believe in a preserv
ed Nationality; heroic armies still
confront thn bloody banners o trea
son; but the Spirit refuses to be com
forted, and in sepulchral - tones utters
-the prophetic admonitioil" Wait!"
It had- piped to our people and
they danced not;, it had mourned to
them and they wept not; it plead
with them
.and they voted not ; it fal
sified to . them and they believed not;
it them and: - they hated
nit; and now in its hour of gloom, it
would cloud the land with the dread
mystery of threatening prophecy, as
it points, as if with skeleton fingers,
to the avenging future,- and inirls
upon us the agonizing monosylable
—" Wait !" •
It could have died in - peace ; but
when its " eyes turned for , the last
time to behold" the sun of Democra
cy, visions of fraud flitted before it,
and it gasped uneasily as its'incohe
rent inspirations went out for " the
first fair election" Of the future. By
all accepted rules of arithmetic - and
logic, the Union vote of Pranklin
county- was a glaring fraud. The
vote was but 331.' larger
thaiT --- ever before, while the Union
vote was but 177 smaller than the vote
of 1860; but; its the Democratic ticket
still failed of election, of,course fraud
stalked forth in every precinct and
haunted the Spirit's evening hours of
life. We would that, if determined
to die, it might have died serenely—
not as the perturbed spirit that rush,-
e 4 to the unknown future amid the
:s4rges of Helena, with the imagery
of wavering coltlmns playing fantastic
tricks with a bewildered brain; but
like the settled of a summer's
eve, that leaves lingering in its path
the hopeful promise of light on the
morrow. But it would not thus die.
' t would be a victim--
To all the pangs and fury of despair."
And it resolved that those who
n Lo‘ t with it should be divorced
pe, as it uttered its fearful
We beg the Spirit to live. It: "last
hope" may yet return to it, if It will'
but look with loyal eyes and give a
loyal heart to its imperiled Country.
It would die unwept—its septildhral
warding unheeded; and it may even
yet renewlife with hope for its, and
Air the Republic. Seymour ha l s sinn
ed and suffered—has lived anti .larned,
and from the crimsoned foot-pkints
his treason he nowproelaims the duty'
of a loyal State. Let the 4irit, .in
its little way, learn the same lesson—
to live, to hope, to be faithful, forz
,,The'mower mows on though the adder" may
writhe, .
And the Copperhead coil 'round the blade of
his scythe." _
THE Age, having grown weary over
the election returns from Perinsylva
nia,-"Ohio, Indiana, and lowa, has de
voted its attention to Constitutional
law., It criticises the decision of the
Court of Appeals . of New Y‘k, by
which the government curreniTs is
declared a legal tender, and especially
complains that one of the Judges ap
plied the term 'wickedness" to the
rebellion. It says that "equally out
of place, it seems to us, are the re
marks of the — Court in reference to
the 'wickedness' of the rebellion."—
Certainly The,-idea, of so denomin a:
ting such innodent amusement as aim
ing, by perjUry, and murder, to des
troy a', Republic, is wantonly harsh,
and the tender sensibilities of the Age
revolt at it. Had Judge -Denio en
larged on the "patriotism' of the re
bellion and declared government cur
rency worthless, the Age would have
,content I lie will probably do
se about the time that Judge Wood
:card.A declares his political ssntiments
"in a ,language to be understo-or
that is when he is elected Governor.
May the editors of the Age, live till
J. MCDOWELL OHARPE,. Esq., is' Cho
sen to the legislature, by the vote of
Fulton-county with a creditable mi
nority vote in Franklin, without any
special effort having been made to
promote his election. The petty po
litical tinkers who ran the Democra
tic machine herp, and landed it in the
Slough of despair by their hostility
to the government, cost him many'
votes and made him none; and as he
Was an invalid from the time the cam
paign Opened, ho of - course was mia
ble to
,help himielf. He' was`thus
Saved the humiliation of differing with
his.assnmed leaders or differing - with
his country-, and he emerges from.
the contest with his record yet. to I,*
made. fig commend to his careful
consideration the ;votes of Pennsyl
vania, Ohio, Indiana, and lowa before
he 1-esolves upon suicide. 'A
interpretation of the late elections is
to fke g9 ;rd them as a gentle _hint that
he!lwho is strongest for the govern
nett is strongest with the - people.
Co sidering that Sharpe has ,seen bet
ter days politically, the lesson may
no be hard for him to learn.
FIE Age reached the result of the
lat contest through much tribulation.
Nclally a week :after the election it
:bought out exclusively thelucws that
I -
the. Copperheads had four majority .
unijoint ballot in' the Legislature,—a
small mistake of about iiinc. The next
day it dolefully Surrende4dGovernor,
Legislature and everything, and took
a,sad but touching farewell of the
Country just about to fade into noth
ingness. But as the sun rose the next
morning about as usual, it brilghtened
Up, like its rebel friends after 'the cap
ture of Vicksburg. and declared it for
tunate that its friends had lost the
Legislature. It used to - grumble daily
about the horrors of the conscription;
but when volunteers were called for
it grumbles t *orse ,than ever.: Why
don't it swat once that it wants Jeff.
Davis to conquer? It Might just as
well out with the truth, for everybody
understands it.
WOODWARO friends fought the late
battle squarely in opposition to arbi
trary arrests. and Gen. 3.l'Clellan de
clared that he regarded the Judge's
electron as "called for by the interests,
of the Nation." On the 12th of Sep
tember, 1861, he wrote Gen. Banks to
arrest the Ma - ryland Legislature and
was positive in his direetiOns that
"none should escape!" What an in
veterate joker " Little Mae" has -got
to be. Dan Rice- or Barnum should
engage him at once. He would be
capital at " now you see it, and now
you don't - see it !"
I died
TirooDwAnn in his fall preserved his
pride. He said he wouldn't declare
his, opinions until he shofild be elected
Governor; and as he wasn't elected
he is not bound to avow his opposi
tion to the Governnient, If6wever he
may mean it. But Gen. relellau,
although ever tardy in -his military
charges, is not so in political - warfare.
He; rushesin to the rescue of the re
ticent Woodward, pulls his chestnuts
f out of the fire, burns own, fingers
and is greeted on - all hands with a
hearty " served him right 1"
ONE of our Philadelphia corespon
dents gives an interesting history of
the strategy resorted' to , in order to
.make a suicide of Gen. M'Clellan.--:
We have every reason to credit the
statement. Men of all parties will be
pained to learn how " Little Mae "
has been knocked from corner to cor
ner like a foot-ball • by political des
peradoes, andy in the .end made to
teach the - world in one easy lesson-his
consummate littleness. •
TaE Gettysburg Compiler says that
gold has gOnenp because thq Demo
crats were defeated in the_ late eke
tions. Goldhati Since gone down be
low its - ruling price before the elec
tion. What's the matter now? ,
LITTLE Perry last - Year elected a
Democratic, d Assemblyman by .even
majority. The Union imen resolved
to do better this time, and they have
elected Barnett, Union, by one. Neat
mathematicians over that way.
THE Johnstown Democrat hoists - the
name of Gen..ll'Clellari for the Pres
idency. We have heard of men wor
shipping the rising sun, but the Dem
-ocrat prefers the setting luminarY pis
its divinity.
We are once in a while startled with the
announcement that the rebel armies have
suddenly become immensely strong; and
when Gen. Lee commenced his late moye
ment against Gen, Meade the - sensatitm cor
respondents insisted that he had from 10,000
to 150,000 men. The most reliable informa
tion. apparently, that we have noticed ret‘ent
le rebel armies, is
Ainetican from an
th of their armies,
&pprebehsion at the
aye good authority
tgth of Lee's army
)f the two corps to
exceed 60,0001effi
with his reinforce
men, and that he
3nt to General Lee
from Charleston And else ere is totally in
correct. That there hare een no troops
sent to Lee, except, in the wa 'of deserters
and conscripts , that none have r tirned from
Bragg's army, and to such 4trai have the
rebel authoritieti been rediteed,4hat hey are
evefi f forcing into the ranks those persolks who
have provided substitutes.
There was a general feeling of des]
cy in Richmond, 'and the fact was frf
mitted that their armies were none
sufficiently strong to assume offensive opera
tions with any prospect of success; and that
the want of men prevented Bragg from fol
lowing up his success, and prevents him now
from attacking the Federal army at Chatta-
With regard to Covode, we. prume the
incorruptible 11.1:Clure had at least the grace
t) return to that gentleman, before attacking
him, certain SLIMS entrusted to his incorrupt
ibility for a certain purpose, and by him in
continently seized as spoils of
burg Dispatch.
LET us understand the Dispatch—let it
emerge from its cowardly .inuendoes, and
state when "certain sums"'wereentrut-ted to
us ; h much, and by whom was it done ?
Does Covode allege that he "entrusted"
us with certain: sums," or that any one did
so for him? -As we never received a dollar
froth Mr. Covode for any purpose whatever;
nor fro'm any personacting for him, nor frdm
"any other man" assuming to be friendly to
him, nor from any body, friend or foe of
Covode, for any political purpose whatever
since 180, we 'should be glad to see the
Dispatch's bill of particulars. As it can't play
Haynau by tying up and flogging the Editor
ofthe REPOSITORY as it does deserters occa
sionally, let it diversify its amusements by
telling the truth once, just for the sake of
reference. We don't insist upon it startling
its readers by telling the truth violently ; but
it can reach it by gradual approaches, only
so it reaches it somehow or Other about= the
"certain sums," &c.„. No skulking or strag
gling Mr. Dispatch—out with it !
OPERATIONS in the Armies of the Cumber
land, Ohio, and Kentucky" are about to be
concentrated under, the commend of General
Grant, whose arrival at Nashiille has been
followed by that of the Secretary of War,.
Gen. lioiiker is reported at Stevenson, Ala.',
and' Gen. Roseerans has reported at Cincin
nati, for what other service it is Onconjectur- -
ed. Mismanagement of the late battle,whoie
merit belongs to :Gen. Thomas, and which
was in progress before Rosecrans was aware,
is Mentioned in cerrespondence . as' the cause
of ktis •removal. Gen. Burnside reports ex
cellent progress in the war, near the line of
the Virginia andi East Tennessee' Railroad.
Ihe enemy were net at Blue Springs on the
10th, by a cavalry brigade, and some ; infant
ry, and driven in confusion, with slogs of
vtisoner,s, and many killed and wounded.
Gon. Shaekleford , continued in pursuit, and
drove the enemy. Lfrom East Tennessee,- and
captured FortZollicoffer, destroying half n
dozen bridges arid a locomotive (rain. He
ivas ten miles bnyond Bristol on the 17th,
and near. Abington. We now bold East
Tennessee, from Bristol to the Hiawasee
Fr is stated all.the crow of tbeAngto
rebel pirate ship Alabama are British sailors.
Slice the present year opened, electione
have been held in the States of Nnw
WISCONSIN', and lowa—thirteen in all-and.
in every one of them the - sUpporters . of the
Warlor the Union and the Government by,
whichit is•proseeuted have triumphed. The'
Territories of CDLONADO, NEVAD,i, NE4I- 4
MEXICO, and WAsumrrox, have lieewise
held elections, and - each of them has gone
with the current except Washington, where
a split has enabied . the Opposition candidate
to succeed by a handful of votes. Muslopii
would have swelled the number of our tri
umphs; but the "Conservative" rulers of that
State seasonably_took the alarm, and decided
o have no ; Stir.e Election this year. Her
Judicial Election, hoyever, .is close at hand,
and will doubtless vindicate the sagacity of
those who controlled he Constitutional Con,
THE news from England received by jibe
last steamer is rendered unustudly interesting
by the announcement of the seizure of the
iron-clad rams built 14 - - the Messrs. Lairdfor
the rebel govelinment at' Richinond., Thite
result is better than had been anticipated- em
this side of the bees% and will be hailed with
pleasure by all 'who desire to see slmicable
lations maintqued between the two. great
nations. 'Mesa rams are yery'.formidabhk ,
vessels. mounting each some eight heaiy guns,
four of which are in two revolling turrets
built on the monitor principle. Judging
from the printed illustrations the;rains were'
not the most ,formidable featureeabout the
vessels. It is apparent that -tbe design of
the builder was to combine the broadside
principle with that of the turret guns.- The
aim was also to make the Vessels very swift.
• -Wu° is Governor of Pennsylvania? Not
the man who said "let the South go peri4ett---
b1; - .7 No, one who is resolved that if the'
South does break up the Republic, it shall be
because the armies of the Republic cannot
prevent it. Not the man who said that 4.sis
very is un incalculable blUsing," but tine
• who believes that freedom is the fundamental
principle of the Union, that slavery is an in
calculable evil. Not the man who declared,
that "alaveholders might use in defence of
their slave property any means in their pos
session," but one who is determined that fire',
Constitution shall not- be violated, the na
tion ruined, to extend 'slavery over:free '
toy, or to keep one human being in bondage.
Andrew G. Curtin is the Governor of Penn
sylvania, and ho is worthy of the honor. - '
osecrnts by a sur
plated columns.
the story of *rein-
THE maw-worm of the Pittsburg Dispatch
imagines that it has found a grain of comfort
in the fact that Col. Elder, Lieut. YR Capt.
Doebler and, Sergt. Strickler—all heroes of
the 126th;' all but NiW severely wounded
at Fredericksburg, and all aheadof theirratr ,
ty vote—ran a few more votes than Geyer,
nor Curtin in Franklin county, and adds—
"We can only account for it in ono way—
the Union voters must have had some
ling of the connection of Gov. Curtin with
eClure." As Gov. - Curtin ran ahead of
his ticket in Allegheny, we presume it mast
be"explaihed on the same principle—becaum
the people there -believed that some Person
ivouldn't have much "connection" with Gov.
Curtin !
TEE formation of the State government of
Virginia is :now complete. The capitOt is
,temporarily established at Alexandria. The
following are the names of the,State officers:
FranCis.,B. Pierpont. Governor ; L. P. C.
Cowper, ,Lieut: Governor; L. A: Hagen!,
Secretary of State; G. T. Smith, Treasurer;
L. W. Webb, Auditor; F. E. Foster, Adju
tant General; T. R. Bowden, Attorney Gen
THE trunks of two trees
_have been sent
fra•u the battle field at Gettysburg for thw
Massachusetts and Pennsylvania Historical'
Societies. They will:attest the fierceness of
the conflict there, one of them having two
hundred and fifty bullet holes in the space of
Afventy-one feet, and the'.other having one
hundred and ten in the" samespace., *Sad re
minders they-will be of the heroic dead. -
lown. gives • a Union' majority' of 'about -
2b,000. The importance and worth of that--;
majority will be better appreciated when it is
nmembered that lowa has been a:state only
seventeen years, 'that she has a population
notio exceed 800,000, and has already sent
40,000 inerktolbe field to fight against trai
tors. -• '
- A Wasitoarrox dispatch says that th'
ceipts of money paid by drafted men' now
amount to $9,000,000,• which, it is eSpeetta,
will be increased by one or two-millions moss , .
The whole of this sum, it is said, is to be ap
propriated to recruiting undet l the recent
proclamation of the President.
JEFF. DAVIS has became indignint at the
actions of the British Consuls in reference to
foreigners- enlisted in the rebel service, and
has given - all the said Consuls notice to quit.
Soule believe that this action arises from the
treatment received• by Mr. Mason in Eng
IT is officially announced that the Nation
al Banks Will receive remittances in coin
checks for the November interest on their.
United States bonds in season for thiir col
lection at New York, Philadelphi4, or Bos
ton, on the Ist of November. ;
TnE ItknEL.HoPE.—The MemPhis Atlan
ta- AfipMl, speaking of their - sueetiseg
'Chattanooga; says: “We shall now be ree
ognisetl. Our amities will rise. Vallan
digharri will be elected!" ,
DAVID W. FINDLEY,'of Mercer, 114 been'
appointed and cororuissioned•by .Gov. ; Curtinti.
an .Associate Judge of Mercer county, in I .
place of Hon. Joseph Kerr, deceased. f'
- ,'