The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 28, 1863, Image 1

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in ozittirg.
OVAL OV GEN. itos'Ecn.ams.
'important changes have been made in the
Soutii:western commands. Gens. McCodk
and Crittenden, both corps commanders in
the stettii of the Cumberland, were relieved
immediately afar the battle of . Chickamau
ga. to be tried by a court - Of inquiry. and
their corps wereeonsoild.ated. It Was - alle.g- ,
edlhat, they had failed to maintain their po
altion properly itt the centre at the late bat
tle: 800 n after, the country, was stunned
—with the announcement that Gen. Roseerans.
Thad been removed and General Thomas ap
pointed his.euccessor,: and that Gen. Grunt
had, een placed in supreme command of - all
the South-western departments. 'No Gene
ral'in the service had won -a stronger hold
" on the confidende and affections of the Na
tion than Rasecrans;„ and eager inquiries are
made on all hands for ~the cause of his re
The,newspapers have various and conflict-
ing reports of the matter. The rribtiae says
"the fact that Gen. tloseerans was with Gens.
ifeC4'iiok and Grittxmdeu, as/cep in Chatta
nooga,* while Gen„ Thomas WM fighting a
- brieVe and desperate fight alone has been
knoWn to - the Government for weeks., It- is
also understoad that Gen. itosek-ransita; fail
e,d; ever since the battle of Chickiunauga, to
„echibit in his despatches a spirit equalto the
circumstancesin which he found himself.
it is num ascertained that Gcn. 129secrans
oante very near losing his command during
the siege of Vicksburg, in consequence of his
refusal to assist Gen. Grant, after repeated
uraorsliy the GoVerninent and request from
iron. Grant himself, by attacking' Bragg, st.
to Rake a diversion in Grant's favor, and
prevent the reinforce tnent of J uhnsto n. The
-G-tivermitent. is satisfied that he was too C,au
iiOus before crossing the Tennessee and too
raAti 'afterwards; in the first case hesitating to
obey orders to inotre, and in -the second di:4re
garding orders not to move too rapidly ; Oat ;
in a Word, the Chattanooga campaign was
really tt. failure.”
The Washington'' Gina:te of the 2nd
:fiat says—"We are in receipt of astonishing
intelligence in regard to the removal of Gvn.
llosecrans. The whole country will e be stir
red at what we shall chronicle. It is rumor
ed that, three cbargc.s are made against this
late copular commander. The first chargeis
preferred by - Dens. Crittenden and 3.lcCeat,
to the effect that Boseerans left the battle
field during the crisis and Bed to Chatta
nooga, and reported W.:the officers there" that
the day was lost.
,;_lt It was reported that sub
, • •• •- • . ••
s&inently, through opium, lie became insensi
ble. 'The second charge, it is rumored, is
made by the Government, to the -effect that
his orders were to remain at Chattanooga
until .reinforcements should arrive. The
thing charge, as it is rumored, is to the e ec
that he declined to move from Murfreesborq,
in June last, when ordered. to do- so by tlie r .
Government, as- an opportunity wits oifeted
ti crush Bragg, a. large portion of his„( Bragg's )
army having been withdrawn to succor J oh n
tio.ll4, mho was operating 'against Grant.'
The same paper also says that Gen. ltosecra:ls
was before on the eve of being removed, for-
ht failure to.move to the aid of Grant; and
Make &diversion in his favor :by attacking
Bragg, and at another time was somewhat
- strongly remonstrated with for his delay in
Moving front Murfreesboro. Gen. Roseerans
has in many things shown himself a good of
ficer, and his supercedure, we believe, has
!peen very reluctantly determined upon ; but
neglect of orders from his superiors will unfit
the best man for military command.P'
• Me Washington, correspondent of the
Pittsburgh Gazette says it is rumored that
Gen. Roseerans has "on one or two occasions
been attached by epileptic fits in critical pe
riods," but the same writer adds that "it is
very well known- that Roseerans' relation
=with the War Department and with the
General-in-Chief have not been cordial or a
long time. After the :Murfreesboro )(Attic
there were serious Complaints of his dk'play
ing the want Of presence of mind, and - the
Gorernment found &tilt with his failure to
more rapidly upon Bragg after that battle:
It is als'o certain tat—his movement upon
Chattanooga was &FiSured as being too slow,
and it is intimated here that. his subsequent
movements were regarded as having gone to
the other extreme. Ilisco r rresponcienee with
the General-in - -Chief, partiularly after the
last-battle, was saia to be' somewhat, sharp,
and to lay the blame for the disaster upon
the Crovernnieut for not/properly supporting
him. It seems certain/ that the removal has
been under contemplation for some time, and
that the President has been "gradtudly mak
jag' uP as' mind to it. Prominent officiaLs
have said that; when the correspondence
( -Kries to• be laid before the public, there
be a general feeling of relief that Roseerans,
is no longer intrusted with the responsibility
of Ma late conunand, but:this was what was
said after I:l6ok'er's removal, too."
The : New York trening`Post takes a , more
, liberal' and we think more just view , of the
case. It says that'' , the removal of Rosecrans
will fill ninny hearts,with sadness.• He has,
during the past year, gained a high place in
the esteem of our whole.people; who thought
with wide of the indomitable resolution
which Won the great battle of Stone River,
agaiitst such fearful odds. and whb have the
belief that Reserrani; is a man of pure patri
otism, and a .ldier, and, not a politician.
Certainly it would heti shameful thing if the
'(udden removal of such an officer did not
bring &rig to the public - heart. No doubt
the Government is fully justified in with
drawing him frond his command and the
appointment of Grant and Thomas_ is unex
,ceptionable. The presumption is that suffie
cleat reasons make the change necessary
-Rut we shall not be guilty of the meanness
of charging -the victor of Stone River with
lying 'asleep within a
sound . ofthe enemy's can
non andsiurrounded by, flYing'army, Our
Washington" correspatident writes that the
health of Gen. Rosecrans has failed of late.
'We know that before he last great battle the
Was quite ill, and we have beard that he bad
for some months past become subject to a
disabling mental disease,.which must have
affected his efficiency in the field. Whether
these or some other circumstances caused his
removal, we are satisfied that the good of
the service demanded it, and that is enough."
The Pittsburg Commercial of Friday says,
in a Washington despntch,,that "the stories
that Rosecrans is removed for conduct in, the
battle of Chickamauga, or.for physical disa
bility, are bosh. There was a clashing - of -,
independent commands, and necessity of
their combination; and it could - not be ar
ranged without giving supreme command to
oneontrankifigliooker, Burnside. etc. Rose
crafts would not - care to serve under Grant.
His removal is no' reflection upon his Mili
tary abilities or his conduct ()f the campaign:" ,
However newspapers and.correspondents '
differ aa to the immediate cause of the removal -
of Gen. Roseerans, all seem to agree that it
was a stern neglect. He is succeeded by
Maj.-Gen. George H Thomas, who has es
tablished a,reputation as a soldier second to
none in the country. , Major-General Grant,
takes command of the Department of the
Cumberland, Ohio andiCentacky, but Gen.
Thomas is commander in the field.', This is
a most excellent arrangement. Grant and
Lhomas are the real heroes of the war in the
Southwest, and they will do all that can be done
with the armies under' them. Gen. Thomas
was born in Southampton county, Virginia,
July 31st, 1816. He graduated at West
Point in 1840, and has'ever since been in
active service in the army. In the war with
Mexico he was very distinguished, and he
has done some of - l'the most brilliant service
that has been recorded. in the present, war.
But for him the battle of Chickamauga would
have been a fatal defeat,. We look for new
glory for the army of the Cumberland under
his command.
The REPOSITORY has been so much con
fused of late by. ' the S . wnllicting reports of re
correspondents of City papers, that we
resolved to end the season of bewilderment
by employing several eminently:truthful and
enterprising correspondents of our own. Af
ter laboriour; search and protracted negotia
tions, we are enabled to announce that we
have secured the services of Messrs. Brown,
Jones anti Smith—three distinguished wri
ters who have constant access to all the De
partments, to the White House, to all "in
telligent contrabandi," and their budget of
Washington gossip" may therefore be implic
itly relied on. They are all now upon duty,
and we herewith lay before our readers their
first dispatches, which, it will be seen, clear
up almost every foggy question about Gene
rals and army movements:
Special Digpatelt to the Repos)tory. '
WAsiIINGToN, Oct. 27, 5:59, P. NI
I have at - length gathered reliable infor
mation of the cause of Rosecrans' removal.
It has been fositivelY ascertained at Head
quarters that he drank eighteen gallons of
Bourbon whiskey per 'day, besides consuming
several pounds. of Opium, -and he was gen
eridlv• somewhat fuddled towards evening.
Besides I have information from an unques
tioned source that the battle of Stone River
never was fought at all ; "that it was a mere
affair of a few pickets, and that. Roseerans,
was pitching pennies with his boot-black,
while the firing waS going on in the front.:
llro,'Was also under orders to capture John-,
St&j . at Jackson, and reduce Mobile and
Charleston ,by way, of relieving Grant dur
ing the siege of 'Vicksburg, and he flagrantly
dispteyed the order. Inthis,
addition to he
, ba4 ps - every seventeen minutes. and hag
,seareely time for drinks between them, It•
is understood that at Chattanooga his order. 4
,meant, that he should go forward, but if de
ferited, they were tolbecoustrued differentiv;
and it is now confidently alleged that lie
didn't go forward when he shobld have gone,
and that he did go when he' shouidia haVe
_Besides it is positively ascertained
that Bragg attacked
_without giving Rose.
crans any notice whatever,, and as Rosecrans.
McCook and Crittenden hadn't either their,
bitters or their hoots blackened that morn
ing, they went to )hattanooge, during the
battle, for the purpose, and as they were
there `they concluded to take a nap and for
got to return. For these slight irreg,ulari
'ties Roseerans:haS• heeniemoved. The pub
lic can, rely upon this statement.' .LONE~.
.WAsHINGTON, Oct, 27-8:04 M.:
I have just-had an Interview with a pr.out
inent, official, , and learn positively that. all
charges against Iteseerans' Moral or. military
character are untrue His arduous and se
vere labors have impaired him both physi.
tally and mentally andifor this reason alone .
be has been relieved. This is reliable.
I .r 0:: EM.
'Special. Dispatch to the Repository
(WAsuridroS", Oct, `27- 1 -4:18 Pi. M.
I am enabled to furnish exclusively for the
REposATont the startling news that Gen.
Meade:has been summarily removed from the
command of the Aimy of the 'Potomac; and
that the heroic Sickles takes his place.
Gen. Ifeade removed for positive and
sbameldi's disobedience - of 'Orders. He was
positively and speciAcally directed by Gen.
Halle& to bag Gen. Lee and Ills entire army
or. the Rapidan, capture Richmond. and -de
mol,ish Castle Thunder,,all of which he un
accountably failed to do. He was therefore
promptly and justly removed, and the one
legged hero of Gettysburg will now lend the
gallant Army of the Potomac to an unbroken
series of victories. g
WAsErrtivrort, Oct. 27-=-4:27 P. 31
I have just learned that the command of
the Arms of the Potomac has not been given
to Sickles. Gen. Sedgwick, the old war-horse
of the lth Corps, has been selected for the
responsible position. SMITH.
WASUINGTON, Oct. 4 2:7-4:89 P. 1.1
I have it from official sources that Gen.
Meade has . not been and will not be removed
at all, He has faithfully and most skilfully
fulfilled every wish of the President and Gen.
Halleck, and all reflections upon him,•or in
timations of any want of confidence or har
mony between him and his superiors, are
false and unfounded. This is 'reliable, all
statements to the contrary notwithstanding.
- , TATAFt.
Special Dispatches to the Repository
WAsulrp3ToN, Oct. 27-6:46T.
Gen. Lee is undOubtedly retreatin! , upon
Richmond, and fully two-thirds of his army
been sent to Bragg. His forward move
ment was but a feint to cover his real pur
'poses—the destruction of Rosecrans. BRowN.
WAstlixaroN, Oct. 21-6:57 P. M
I have reliable information that Gen. Lee
hai - his entire army intact ; that he has sent
no troops to Bragg, but has been largely re
inforced from Charleston, Richmond and
North Carolina. A. terrible battle May be
hourly es:peeted. BROWN.
WAstilwrroN, Oct. 27-7:09 P. M
Gen. Meade has; been ordered by the Pres
ident to push forward and fight Lee under any
circumstances. Meade asked three weeks to
get his wagons repaired and army operations
are therefore` suspended for the present.
P. am credibly- informed that Meade
isk fully prepared for a prompt movement,
and a great battle will undoubtedly be fought
in a few hours. B.
CumunEasauno.—Believing that united and
systematic effort only could accomplish the
Work of relieving the suffering in the Army,
the " Ladies' Aid" became: last 'April - an
auxilery of the " Women's Branch Sanitary
Commission," and subsequent visits to the
wounded at Gettysburg" confirmed the good
opinions formed of the Christian and Sani
tary Commissions. A lady who spent weeks
in the work at Gettysburg, remarked to us,
that no one. could form may conception of the
work they accomplished, unless they had
witnessed their unwearied labors, of love.—
When the citizens iof Gettysburg bad been
three days in their' eellar's and without bread
for themselves, with 20,000 wounded left
there, then these men cameos angels of mer
cy, as]tilmoners or the bounty of American
people. and to see them go from one to the,
other of these suffering heroes, writing their
letters, and giving diem words of encourage
ment and trying terfill a mother's and sister s
,place, and hear them tell with tears in their
eyes of the bh4edness. of the work, would
convince the most careless observer that these
were the proper channels through Which to
,send gifts. \j -- ",
We forwarded in Nay and June 7 boxes
containing the following goods (including a
package from the ladies of Fayetteville, eon:
sisting'of 4.shirts, 7 pair of drawers, 1 pair
of pillow cases and 2 quilts,) 90 pillow eases,
62 pair drawers, 75 shirts,. 14 bed sacks, 76
sheets, 127 towels, 68 handkerchiefs, 7 pair
of stockings, 6 fans, 20 comforts, 15 quilts,
4 blankets, 22 wrappers, 4 pairof slippers and
14 pillows ; also from friends in town and
Country a large quantity of eannechand pre
served fruit, bologna sausage, 14 doz. eggs,
corn starch, farina, jellies, butter, &e.
- Mrs. Grier, of Philadelphia, acknowledges'
our boxes in the following terms: "We IT.
ceived your well filled boxes and thank your
society on behalf:of those brave men, upon
whom the Commission will have the pleasure
of bestoWing their contents. Truly this is a
noble work, and I doubt if the history of
the world will produce another instance of
the organization of so vast a scheme of be
nevolence. The donors are counted by mil
lions and the army who receives it is 700,000
s.rong. It is a great work. but it can be
performed while the people—especially the
women of the country—are , true to their
'mission. God grant-that s`o it may be, and
that there be no abatement of patriotic fer
vor or humane influence while there remains
heroes among us, to be cared for living, or
watched and tended in dying."
We also received and forwarded three large
and'valuable boxes 'from the ladies of 'St.
Thomas - Township; containing butter, fruit,
jellies, tea, corn stars, tomat es, &c.
After the battle ofTiettysbu we received
and forwarded-from friends in G nvillage,
il2 loaves of bread, 28 dozen of rusk, butter,
apple butter, dried fruit, &c. , And from , our
own society, shirts, sheets, towels, drawers,
8 pillows, 18 handkerchiefs, bologna sausage,_
tongue, chip beef, corn starch,' 4 bottles of
wine, raspberry vinegar, &c: Other articles.
received at that time were used in Hospitals
tit home. To these latter 'we desire to call
the attention of our friends. " Such articles
as apple butter, peach butter,- pickles, &c.,
are needed and will be thankfully received.
Persons having old cotton or linen are re
quested to leave it at Nixon's Drug Store, for
the use of tiCK) Wounded still at Gettysburg.
MARTHA J. Nixos, Sec'y.
- FROM. Runotoun.—On Thursday evening
last Post •Master Deal received a letter that
had gone through the whole routine of-red
tape both in Washington and Richmond,
relating to our citizens now held as prisoners
in Castle' Thunder. The correspondence"
opens with aletterfrOin Gen. Meredith, 13 nion
Commissioner 'of 'Exchange, dated October
3d, addreised to Mr. Ould, Rebel Commis
-sioner, slking him to "procure information
concerning the health and condition of the
following named citizens who were captured
at Chamberiburg, and are note prisoners- in
pastle Thitnder, ltichmond—to wit: Dr.
James Ilainilton, John P. Culbertson, D. 31,,
Biker; "Gee, Caufmnn, Charles Kinsler, Al
len C. 31:Grath, Geo. S. Heck, J. Porter
Brown arid; Thomas H. 3PDowell." Mr.
Ould, on did 9th, endorses the letter—t+ Re
spectfully*eired to Brig. Gen. Joint H.
commanding Department, &c."
Gen, Winder, on the 10tb, endorses it="Re
spectfully 'referred to Capt. T. B. Turner,
commanding Confed4ate States Military
Prison." . On the 12th Capt. Turner en
dorsed•the 'letter thus—“ The within men
tioned prisoners, who are eonflned in Castle
Thunder,.are, 1 firid on inquiry, enjoying
g o od health and doing well." On the 14th
Mr. Ould returned . the letter to Gen. Mere- .
dith with the endorsement—" Respectfully
returned to- Brig. Gen. Meredith, Agent of
Exchange." On the 18th Gen. Meredith
forwarded- he letter to Washington with the
following ‘endarsemen"Reweetfully fdr
warded to. Maj. Gen.-E. A. Hitchcock, Corn
missioner4 Exchanges, Virahington, D. C."
On the 22d Gen. Hitchcock mailed the letter
to Post Master Deal endorsed thus—"As the
letter upon which this information was called
for has not been returned to the undersigned,
he takes leave to enclose this paper to the
Peat Master of Chambersburg, through whom
it is hoped, the friends of the parties named
may hear, at least, of their being in good,
health, That they are not released by ,the
rebels, results from the declared parposb of
the rebel authorities, `)yr inflieting pressnre'
upon tnion citizens, to compel our govern
ment to enter into a general agreement' of
such a nature as would' be equivalent to an
acknowledgement of the independence of the,
South." From the correspondence we learn
that our citizens were "enjoying.good health
and doing well" on the 12th inst., and also
that they will be held until' a new cartel is'
arranged for the exchange Of civil and mili
tary prisoners. Gen. Meredith is laboring
diligently to effect it, and, however obstinate
the rebels may seem, we Flo not doubt, that it
will be done in a short time. '
Brows -
Hox.."Taim - As.- 8a ti one of the-
Republican Members of Congress just elected
in California, is a native of Franklin county,
and brother of 0. E. Shannon, Esq., bf Bed
ford, who was elected Prothonotary of Bed
ford county at the late election on the:Cop
perhead ticket. He was raised in the Welsh
Run district, with but limited educational
advantages, and at the age of 16 followed the
course of Empire westward and settled in
Illinois. He remained there until the gold,
fever broke out, attracting men by thous
ands to the Pacific, and he fell in with the .
current and landed in California. There he
soon wan for himself a commanding position,
and was honored with a seat in the Assere
bly-and afterwards in the Senate. As a leg
islator he must have stood pre-eminent, for,
although but thirty-five - years old,- he was
recently nominated for Congress by accla
mation, and elected by tin overwhelming
majority. A correspondent who kindly fur
nished us thecke facts, predicts for him still
brighter honors, and hopes yet to'greet him
as Governor of the Golden State, or one of
its Senators:
While his brother in Bedford plays Cop
perhead, and withdraws his subscription from
the votunteer fund lest , his standing in the
Democratic party should be impaired, Thom
as i s a *hole souled, unconditional Union
man. • In accepting the Union nomination
for Congress ho made a speech before. the
Convention, m which. he eloquently said :
"Your platform, it is hardly necessarY for me to
say, meets with my hearty approbation. The ohly
ditTiculty,l see in it is that it does not, perhaps,
sound down quite deep enough on to the bed reek
in relation to the great questions which are now
Sibluitted to the terrible arbitrament of the sword.
The antagonistic principles of right and wrong have
been ciashing_and conflicting with unusual energy
in our country for the last half century, 11114 the
s t av e power, because it lost its hold on the govern
ment, at last rebelled against freedom, and is vow
waging unholy war for a groundless. causeless re
bellion. The,only polities, the only party, the only
cry in these times, when liberty and the rights of
man are in leopardy, it when human progress is im
periled, When our epublican GoVernMent seems
about, to 'crumble, the only try, I say; worthy of
bravo and true mon, is "Freemen to the rescue l"
[Applause.] These who fail to answer that, and to,
borne fairly and squarely up to that issue, may be
safely regarded as enemies to Republican Govern
ment, enemies to human liberty, enemies to the
greatest and holiest cause ever intrusted to a migh
ty nation. Slavery has been a fere:hug splinter at
infamy in our body politic for three-quarters of a
century, breeding virulent matter, and finally, in
spite of the skill of all the political doctors, the sore
has broken through the skin and is disgorging its
i n famy over the land." • "t
SHARP PRACTICE. —On "Friday of last week,
a drafted man from 'Fulton &aunty, Solomon
Plysinger by name r appeared before the
Board of Enrollment and claimed exemption
from service on the ground • that his fath r cr
had elected him as the one oftwci sons wheart
he desired to secure under the provisions ,of
the law, from the
.operatioru3 of the Draft,
at the same time presenting a certificate of
election properly sworn and subscribed be
fore Justice Mellott,. a name, by no means
uncommon in Fulton county.
In cases wherein parents elect one of their
sons,lthe law proyides that it must :be done
'befoie th,e.phr t ty is drafted.. In this ease the
affidavit Was sworn to •by two witnesses,
neighbors of Mr. Plysinger, on :the 28th of
August, two days before the man was draft
ed. Certain eircurptances arose when the
case came before the Board, which led the
members of it to suspect that the affidavit
had been made Since the draft. The witness
is Who bad, as we are told, no knowledge of
the fraud that was attempted, when interro
gated stated that they had sworn to it on the
13th of this month,—election day,—and'when
required made asworn statement to that
feet. The wicked old Justice, ignorant as to .
what the witnesses had done, when brought
before the Board, persisted' in declaring that
the affidavit was made on the day it purport
ed to be. His consternation and shame may
be imagined when shown the sworn state 7
ment of the ivitnesses. With the evidence
of his guilt patent to flit, eyes of the Board, •
he bad not
. orie word ,to 'say in his defense.
He Was ordered to Jail, from which he was
released the next day, a wiser if not a better
It is but just to' say that wicked and un
pardonable as the conduct of this old man
must appear, it should be remembered that
he is a simple-minded, ignorant old man,
easily deluded; and we firmly believe that
he 'was made the - humiliating instrument of
a more wicked, becauseafar more abler man.
An attorney from At'Counellsburg, known
to entertain sentiments of the most coppery
kind towards the government, is said to'bave
provided Esquire MellOttwith theblank cer
ideate, filling tip names and dates with a
pencil, the traces.of which, having : been
written clumsily over ,by the Justice; were
still apparent - whenOefore the Board.
Smoot. Cow vz.synorr.—The annual Session
of the Franklin county Teacher's association
will open on Wednesday the 11th of Novem
ber, at 1 o'clock F. M., and continue 3 days..
The programme of exercise is as follows,
Drills in an Discussions of Orthography,
by J. L. P. Deal-kb, A. Shank, Charles W.
Stine, R. Bider, J. M. Gelwix, B. F. Snyder,
J. B. Kendig, D. S. McFadden, O. C. Bow
ers, Joseph Eckhart and T. Enterline.
- Reading—J. : R. Gaff, P. M. Shoemaker,
Lemuel Snively,. William H. Hockenberry,
J. B. Deatrieh, Samuel Gelwix, H. Mc-
Mullen, A. McElwain, Williain H. Blair,
and. Jowl Me.Clpin''.' • •
Writing--J.. Montgomery, J. M. Phil
ips, Kinzer' Mahan, J. S. Pittinger, F. P.
Pkutx; T. M. RiChards, S. J. Henderson and
P. W. Mentzer. .
Mental B Wingert, J. S.:
McElwain, JosialiH. Thomas, D. D. Swon
ger, 'JP* S. Attirton, Alexander Senserry, -
Austin Smith; J. W. Kuhn and S. H. Ely.
Written Ariththefie—A. 13. Stoler, J. It.
-Youst, S 120; Stueh - , Omwake, J. F.
Boult,,'F4Noble,ll. W. Betz, Wilson Owen,
H. S. Shade, Miller Ferree and- Jacob S.
Smith. t:,
Geography—P. K. Shgetuaker, A.B. Shive-
F. Richey, J. K. Etter, H. A. Bitner,
J. •W. Mateer, J. B. Kaufman, and. D. E.
English grammar Edgar Hays,
Kuhn, W. E. Hewitt, John W. Hays, J. W.
Coble; G. H. Goetz and John Moore.
Essays—Misses. A: Dyson, Annie
Sarah F. Leidig, Lucretia McGarvey, M. F.
Nesbit and M, T. Hays.
Addresses—Messrs. John R. Gaff and Ed
gar Rays.
.I, , eCittre—Mr. T. L. Budd is invited to
lecture on Musk,. , Mr. Agnew will exhibit
his Tetia Coelian Globes to illustrate Astron
Teachers of the COunty, are expectedtobe
present to instruct or to be instructed ; those
whose names have been omitted on the pro
s/emu-le will please select the branches they
prefer and give us the benefit of their aid—
especially it is expected by the Committee,
that those holding professional certificates,
will be active in their efforts to build up the
character of our 'County association. The
friends of schools - and the' public generally
arecarneatly invited to attend the association.
A. McELwarx,
SAML. GL - RL - Nync,
J. W. Ktrint.
RUMORS oy TElZ.Daerr.--A. " frosty son
of thunder" from Somerset, of the non,fight-;
ing persuasion, presented himself to the'
Board . of Exemption 66: IVionday last, and
claimed to be dlicharged because one of his
arms was so stiff as to be entirely disabled.
Dr. Suesserott--now acting Surgeon in con.
sequence of the illness of Dr Seiss—couldn't;
see anatomically where the stiffness'carnein,
Re resolved,, however, to -solvb his doubts
fully, and requested the conscripted son of
the Glades to call_ back in the course of an
hour, when his case should bodisppsedof. In
the Mein time Dr. Suesserott provided' him
self with ether, sponge and all- tbiamecessary
fixtures to approach the disableodarm with a
-little medical strategy. In due time the
conscript returned, and was forthwith seated
itt a chair and the ether sponge applied tollis
nose.- Ho bravely resisted its influence, but
-finally nature could endure no longer, and
the first, evidence given of its power -over the
system was a herculoan Now, from the trip
SO arm, knocking the sponge from his nose.
Hi ? , arm was well—the farce was played out
--the fraud exposed, and the 'humiliated
4, 204 of thunder" paid his *WO andsleparted,
sadder, wiser num;
VOL. 70.....WH0L8 -NO. 3,62'.
SS SSATI6.S Its.m,—t-tin Thursday eve
ning•lait otir eqiifinimity was seriously dis
turbed by the enterprising reporter of the
Philadelphia 'lnquirer rushing into oureanc
tum, armed with satchel, paper, pencils: cue.,
and with alm-ostbreatlaleSs anxiety inquiring
where the rebels were! Not knowing -wheth
er his enterprise bad run-him mad, or Wheth
er he had become a'man Of infinite jest, we
looked in astonishment at hits, and ) invited
him :to take a chair and recover himself a
little: The' devil dashed a feW buckets of
water in hisface, rubbed him. down with the
door-rwr, r brushed -his hair with the ' &cepa
foot„ and finally got- hi - 'sufffeiently rocov
, ered to get his
, storY. It turned out that the
New York Neum, of the evening before, bad
got up a sensation 'dispatch • stating that the
rebels had made another raid into Chambers
biirg; and that the citizens were generally
skedaddling. Of course the Inquirer would
be first in the field to record the details ,of
the new misfortune to our people, and tho
reporter was hurried off with such'-bewilder
ing haste that he did not recover hiinself un
til he quietly . cooled off in our sanctum.—
May his future visits to our hospitable vil
lage prove no less a joke than his last.
Oun attention has been called to the fact
that, while. Rev. Mr. liaininer contradicts
Rev. Mr. Moore, of Richmond,' as to the care
taken of Our citizen prisoners in Castle Thun
der, the testimony of our .prisoners them
selves is that they are as comfortable -al they
could well be made, considering the desper-..-
ate necessities of the rebels. Letters `have
been received here from Messis.At'Dowell,
Hamilton, Culberson'and Brovn i all stating ,
that they are in good health and spirits, and .
as comfortable as could, bo expected under
the circumstances, and they testify to the
kindness of Rev. - Mr. Mei:kip:lh. ministering
to their wants as far as possible. = Whateviir
may be Mr. Atobre's madness in defaming
the Northern people, his acts . of kindness to
prisoners should not be unrecognized.
Ws have a letter from Lieut. 'McDowell.
of the Independent PentisyrVania.. Battery,
dated on the lath inst. at Chattanooga. He":
says :—"Out of a company of 114 men pres?
ent; 75 are entitled to vote:. Every man Of:
them go strongly for •Curtin, and would-do .
the Slime for the whole - Union ticket, if we
knew What it was. But owing to the 'steady
marches and the. late battlefi, we have not
received the REPOSITORY, and therefore do,
not know what the local ticket is. The 770‘,.:
79th and all the other Pennsylvania regi
ments here are voting, and all go unanimous
ly for Curtin." Hadn't a few ,Democratic
recruits better be sprinkledinto array! ,
#W-hat says the-Spirit. •
Cot,. Pomp's earalrf have been , after the
rebel Gem Imhoden for some da ys, After:
he had *tired several hunfbed a the 2d
Maryland at Charlestown, Col. - Boy& creas
ed the Potomac, °col:Tied" Charlestown aid
pushed his command as far as Winchester in
pursuit of the skedaddling finboden. Capt.
Hullinger's 'and Capt. , Phiera (now eOrn.
mended by Limit. Bennett) companies weie
in :the movement, and spent Tuesday and
Wednesday of last . week in Winchester.— :
The Shenandoah. valley is now clear of rebels,
unless it be in the neighborhood o f Stanton
FATAL ACCIDiNT.—On the 10th inst., the
body of J. Wilson Holler, one of Adanis
press messengers, was found below the Bridge
at Newark, Ohio. It is supposett that he
must have stepped off Almears while the en
gine was • taking in water at the tank just
above the bridge,' and must hay.e- fallerr
through.. Hewtia son; of the late Major
Holler, of Greenaaitle, and. a very inctustri
ous and worthy young man. His age was
about 28 years. •
4sxsx to 4RAWBORD.-13rig. Gen. S. W.
Crawford, the brave Commander of the N:
Reservo'Corps, washome last week. fie has
been North under medical treatment, and,
'although still unfitted' for the exposure of
the camp and fteld,le.hurried on to his com
mand on Friday to lead the l .hbroea of the:
Reserves in Case of an engagement.
To PITRIBY Oniza.—PersOns wishing •to
purify Cideruan got a preparatfowit Miller & flenskey's
for that purpose. It stops permez'atiol , and render* Vbe
Cider clear and sparkling.
Ex. Corm
Matsu{ & CREssLER are receiving a very
desirable stock of Drugs, Medicines, Extracts, Cologne,
Seeps, Eittsbes and pocket Books, all of which they °Mx
at very low .price'S. <
BUT your Kerosene Oil from .Gelwieks l
agent for one of the best 01tCompaitere in the sHite
and always sells the best oil wholesale sad
Go TO Gelwieks' whotesale retail store,
see the large stock and get bargains.
Tux notes of the - tyro years" fifty miilion
loan of SeptemberBth,lB63, will be compleW
by the Treasury Department as soon as the
banks who advance , the money decide as to
their denorabeitioni, details, etc. The,deidgn4
have been 'selected and theprinting can be
executed expeditiously.
DAVID IS. SMITH, Esq., ha:- Eks i oe l a t o g
..13insself as assistant Editor of th i eqlrederiek
Examiner, a thorough loyal 3Ortinal t :
Bmitln is a good writer; and his produitions
will-doubtleiss Prove a decided ateoi.asioi.toits
editorial-Columns; '
Otrr of about' four tl4and Ohio soldiers.
'llli the hospitals of IsltiAvilloi,"Ye*i.,
the camps tko et*guseill..calAir
eight Vallandighatatottetbstve been Ward 4 -
• • .11 , 1 0