The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 21, 1863, Image 8

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iniboden has. a cam,) wear Winchester,
2Sti men,: fr.en which he•operates.
toitan, save 'that “there Werehun
dreds of "reels who had never been an Amer
olefin lag Until they saw it carried into Vicha
- It tvtoinpecied . that Archduke
'ittifl formerly make "known , his accept
tinee:of the.4ter.ican throne, 'to the Mexican
- 4.lelegittion on the Bd . of October. •• •
By the let of November :he Invalid corps
will number 12,000 men. They will fill the
of 1%000 Men who are, losing - ,sent to
their - rkspective tegiments in the
field. -
. One • fellow has deserted from fie wives
`and four regiments. The proirost marshals
are after him, and' if-eatt'ht he win boallow
j ed to commute by serving his, time out with
the five wives.
Throngb the efforts of Gen. Meiedith, all
t:te'ehaplins of the ITaion army, held as pris
onds-by the zebeli, have biten released. In
rein ru, our government releases all rebel chap-
Hereaftet , chaplins will not be held as
_prisoners of war.'
Forty-two, Confider:tie priboriers,• who had
taken the oath of tillegiartert; and"violated the
nnie-iti divers ways, :were recently tried at
:WaShiniton by a court-martial. They were
covvict:pd .and sentenced to one yeses, hard
labor at Fort Delawitre.
There are now 4t. Belle •Isle, near RiCh
Mond, some ten tioustind Union prisoners,
,who are mostly without coats or hats, and are
nompelledlo sleep in the open air. In eonse
fquenee;Of this - treatment much sickness pre-
wails amongst them.
Major-lyilemtni, of the 18th Kentucky
Reginient;'who was wounded in the battleot
(Mak imaitka, and who lately returned home,
was tallow-from ,hou,,e in Pendleton coun
ty,' Kentacy, on Sunday, by a gang of
guerrillas, 'stripped of his 'clothing;' tied to a
tree and shot. Five of the murderers have
• ' beeit - caUghtand brought to Cincinnati.
The New South says:, "It will, be noticed
as it most singular coincidence that one of the .
! fifteen historic shells recently thrown into
pharleston - city by Gen. Gilmore shivered the
statute erected sonic tears since in front of
, tie court house of the doomed 017, in corn
.iimoratiozi of the late John C. Calhoun."
Rebel deserters'
,arriving in the Army of
the Potomac, represent the Rebel ar t my as
very bad off for shoes ; owing to Charleston
and other ports whence they heretofore deri
ved their supplies from abroad being inacces - -
Bible to blockade runner's.. d The condition of
these men, being nearly isarefooted,Jeaves
no doubt of the truth of their statement.
- .prig s Gen. J: A. Garfield,- chief of staff at
Chattallma, telegraph:. 4follows from that
place to •Gen. Grainger at Nashville:
Arrest, the officers who surrendered at
and have thrnir tried for -their
conduct,in that affair. Those who Barren
'dared will he disgrace:l and punished. Pub
.Ush t,hil despatch In the newsrairpers. No
•tify the Bridge Guards that no =Treaders arc',
Gen. Burnside, advancing along the Mast!
Tennesseuand Virginia Railroad on Saturday , i
•oiertook the Rebel force tinder Mtidwali
Jackson ;and Gen. Williams; at 131ue Springs.
The enemy were in a strong position, and a
shaip engagement ensued, when at sundown
,they .rere.driven from the field, but dark
!less, rendered immedide pursuit impossible.
The iie - 4 morOirigthe rebels continued their
_retreat on the Greenville Road with our fore'e
in pursuit. Our loss yias some 60 killed and
. woundein.
A writer in the Richmond Whig frankly
• admits that our cavalry are superior to theirs.
He says; "Time was when Stuart's cavalry
was the pride of the country.... It was never
dreamed that the clumsy Yankees, unused to
horseback, could rival, much less surpass it.
putauthis the lamentable fact. Since Kelly's
•,Ford and the great review at . Culpepper
Court House, for the benefit of the ladies, our
.cavalry has gone under, find ;we have been
'forced 'to the shameful admission that Yankee
,tsilors ,and shoemakers on horseback aresu
verici to the cavalry,of the South. Certriirily
the caValry engagements of the last six months
-have,cuded with the .same old songs, "Our
Chivalry yell Brick." •
Our•eorrespoudeist,at Yorktown,sends us a
brief account of the expedition into Mathews
county, Virginia. Col. Spear, acting 'frig.
•General, commanded the land' forces, consist
of four ' htindred and fifty men of the
EleVentli Pennsylvania Cavalry, six hundred
'infantry, 'and a battery;of four pieces of rtil-.
4ery, Gen. -Wistar being in command of the
expedition. Connnodore Gilles had charge
_of ;the naval forces, and co-operatedwith,Cop
, /Spear, .rendering efficient aid. 'Die ,bandsOf
gperrillat,and coast pirates infesting Mathews
, : couaty
were effectually dispersed, many. of
the freebooters and outlaws being captured.
Thrbe ainly officers slid' one - -Rebel
navy officer were taken prisoners by Colonel
:. •
The folloWing is Gen. M'Clellan's letter
written in,favor of Judge Woodward the day
; before the election:.
. 'o l tAliGEs J Monday, oat. 12, 1863..
• 'Dix Hex: Cia.BLis J. BIDDLE. Dear
I J9ir: My attention has been called to an arti
41e hi The Philadelphia Press, asserting that
I had written to the managers of the Demo
' cratic meeting at Allentown, • disapproving
the objects of the meeting, and Asti. if I'vo
ted or spoke it would be in favur_of governor
urtin.. I am - informed that similar ,asser
tions have been made throughout ',t4u3,,State.
• It has been my earnest endeaVcr hercitofore
to void participation in party politics,• and
am` dotes :mined to Adhere to this course; but
it is obsiotis- that I cannot longer maintain
siten6e under such ; misrepresentations. I
tlierefore request Jou to d.e,ny. thatl have
•Written any such, letter. - or entertained any
tell CI - ewe ElS'ailise - aitrib`uted ' to 'Me in the
hiladelphia Press:
I desire to state clearlyandllistinctly that,
*wing-some-few days ago had a full conver
tt.tion with Judge Woodward. I flivithat our
-:*ews. agree, - and, I regard his election as
' overnor of Pennsylvania called for by the
•tteresteof the Nation.- • I understand Judge
'FoOdward to be in favor. of the prosecution
f the Wm' with all the means at the •corn
tand of the loyal
,States, until the • military
~v4•er of the Rebellion is destroyed. I un
- 3rstand him to be of the, opinion that, while
war is waged with, all possible decision and
nergy, th policy directing it should be in
onsonance with the principles of huinanit3
• nd civilization; working no injury to pri
ate rights and property not demanded .
• military necessity and recognized by minter\
• aw among civilized nations; and finally; I
understand him to agree witirme in the opin
ion that the sole great objects, of this war are
restoration of the unity. of the nation,, the
preservation of the Constitution, and the su
premacy of the laws of the country. Believ
ing that our opinions entirely agree upon
these points, 1.• would, were it in my power,
give to Judge,Woodwardmy voice and my
vote. I am, very respectfully r -yours,
Meade and Lee's Amies.
600 Rebels, 5 Cannon and 2 Corm Captured.
The Prisoners mostly North Carolinas.
Fifty oirthe Rebels Anxious to
Take the Oath of Allegiance.
Special Telegraphic Despatches to the Inquirer
• WASHINGTON, Oct. 15.—OneorThe Inqui
rer's specials, from the arroy l gives fpll ac
counts of the operations within the last three
days. On Monday Gen: Ateade crossed his
whole force to this side of the Rappahannock,
but finding no enemy in force in his front, he
ordered three or more corps to recross the
Rappahannock on ajecconnoissance in force,
and marched as far as Brandy Station.
A few Rebels were met, .and some skirm
ishing took place, with little or no •loss on
either side, the Rebels retiring as our troops
advanced. Believing Lee contemplated a
movement on his right flank and line .ot
communication, Gen. Meade then ordered a
retrograde movement, and his troops recross
ed the Rappahannock, moving on both sides
of the railroad towards Warrenton Junction.
This occupied Tuesday, the army moving up
to Cedar Run and Catlett's Station.
On Wednesday the march-was resumed,
and the Second Corps, which brought up the
rear, came suddenly on a force of Rebels in
front,'-at Auburn, near' Catlett's Station
Th#Rebels had posted a battery on a hii*,
and opened on the First Division of the Sec
ond Corps, Grqn..Caldwell, the last of the rear
guard. Ricketts' First Pennsylvania Bat
tery, attached to 'Caldwell's Division, look
position, - forcing' it to retire to the main
body, which was following on our left and
The Rebel. force was, Heath's Division of
.A. P. Hill's' Corps. This fight lasted front
eight to eleven o'cick, on Wednesday morn
ing. The battle ended, the march was re
sumed, and when the Second - Corps, in the
afternoon, had rea,:hed a point between Ket
tler-and Broad Run, on the same ground Gen.
Hooker fought - on Gen. Pope's retreat, they
encountered a large force of Heath's and an
other Rebel Division formed in line of battle
parallel with - the railroad. . ,
The Rebels again opened the ball with cav
alry,,artillery, and infantry. Gen. Warren,
commanding the Second' Corps, soon placed
his divisions in position and vigorously-char
ged the Rebels and put them to flight, cap
turing six hundred prisoners, a battery of Six
fine rifled guns and two stands of colors.
01/.3 of the guns was disabled and could not
be got away. The others were 'taken away
hand. • ; -
The capture of the battery was , made by
volunteers from all three divisions of the corp , ,
and was a. most gallant - achievement. Our
Men fought splendidly, particularly the con
scripts, who received the warmest praise from
the officers for their bravery.' Two stand of
colors were captured by Corporal Thomas
Callen, of Company I Eighty second New
York Regiment, who tooa - , them from the
color-bearer of the Twenty eighth North
Carolina Regiment: •
At the close of the fighting in the morning,
Gen. Caldwell had•the dead and wounded aik
brought off. The same .thing was done in
the afternoon by Gen. Warren, all our dead
being buried and the wounded brought away.
All our trains were safely withdrawn. The
loss in the Second Corps, in these two battles,
amounts' to between live hundred and six
hundred, killed,: wounded and missing.
The loss of the Rebels is believed to be
much heavier in killed and wounded, exclu
sive -0 thelsix hundred - prisoners captured,
who mere marched 'past Gen. 3feade'4 head
quarters this morning, on their way to Wash
When the battle commenced near Broad
Run the Pennsylvania Reserves, attached to
the Fifth Corps, were resting on a field, the
remainder of the corps-having gone forward,
when a concealed Rebel battery suddenly
opened on them from a hill, half a mile dis
ant, killing and wounding a number.
A battery attached to the Reserves'return
ed the fire, and a -brisk engagement ensued, but
the vigorous , assault •f the Second Corp,
Gen. Warren, upcin the Rebel line, put them'
tliflight before the Reserves dbuld get a fair
,chance at them. The army is in fine spirits,
and is now in a position to punish the Rebel
army severely should Lee determine to risk
a general.engagement. To-day-all was quiet
up to noon, when your special left the front
Ws.sunferrox, Oct 15.—The falling back
of our finces frotn Rappahannock Station to
Catlett's and Bristow's is represented' as'
magnificent speetaale. They marched by four
parallel'lines. There were no delays, not
confusion, and every movement was conduct
ed with remarkable regularity. - r"
In the recent conflict between Gen. 1"14.s•
anton and Stuart's forces, while the latter
was endeavoring to effect a flank -Movement
on , the former's left, the colors of both of
these generals, at onetime, were not over fifty
yards 'distant from each other, .and ,while
there were cavalry charges _on the left .and
front, hand to, hand encounters followed. .
Our cavalry were in splendid condition,
and exhibited the greatest bravery and gal
lax tr e y, Their officerssay they never showed
ebt iSrttuldin .11positarg,, AbrabeyAbutli.,ltta.
; a better. miritiand - inthelsuccession of char
ges and rallying obeyed Orders With , a cool
ness, regularity and rapidity, unequaled in
- the war. The country being open, the Bow
-1 Aticle is described as interesting and grand be
yowl description. The particulars of the et .
I . eagem,ent yesterday in the neighbotibood of
Bristow's and Catlett's Stations. have been
t received. It appears the Rebels early in the
-Morning furiously attacked the Second Ar
my Corps. commanded by General Warren,
and the 'cavalry division of General Gregg.
The Second Corps, being one of the oldest
, and highly efficient, succeeded in stopping
:he- Rebels advance, compelling the enemy
':o fall back with heavy lairs, our own troops
• tlso suffering largely.' The Federal cavalry,
In like manner. fought with great, despera
qon. leaving many killed and .wounded on
, he field. A considerable• number of prison,:
ers fell into our hands. and a battery of six
-fine guns. Gen. Sykes. with the Fifth Army
Corps, ably supported the Second in theirar
duous task of defending the rear. • •
At six' o'clock in the evenina. General Lee
made a desperate attempt to flank General
Meade by way of Chantilly. Lee endeavor
ing to get into General Mende's rear by the
way of Fairfax Court Horse in this they
were unsuccessful. as General Mende anklet
prated the Rebels by falling rapidly back to
the coveted spot. thus effectually checking a
movement which. would:have endangered
both the Army of the Potomac and the Cap
ital. Duringl last night Gen. Meade ordered
one of his supply trains further back in his
rear, where it was attacked by a.small force
of Rebels, probably, mounted•,guerrillas ; the
teamsters. resolved not to lose the property,
rallied to defend it. and succeeded in driving
, away the, enemy, who escaped with only two
of the very large number of wagons.. It is
' not believed there:has been any fighting of
importance to-day. Artillery .firing -was
• heard early this morning, but was not oflong
continuance. Major-General Daniel E. Sick
les, with his staff, left for the front at two
o'rfock this morning. In case of a general
engagement, he will take command of his
own cops.
lard Ostate *atm..
FOR SALN.—The subscriber desiring to retire
* from btisinesaogfers at privates:do his VALI:a:St:EMIL
Property, situate on the Conccocheagne Creek. at
Scotland, live Haien North of• Chanibernburg. Via Mill
hue three run of Suits and is in good order for home and
merchant work. It is situated in one of the best grain
growing regions of Southern Pennsylvania. and conve
nient to churches and schools. There are about. sevon•
teen Acre.' of lend connected with - the - Mill, n e .rly nil
cleated and good Meadow Land. and ardor g nut fence.
A large two•story Weathet boarded DWNLLINI:bIIOUSE
and other mit buildings, and considsral•le fruit are on the
property. Ths price asked is $5,000-,while the nett
, etrnings ofthe mill' during the last year was above $7OO.
'For particulars apply to the subscriber et; in on the
premises. • JOAN SLEICIITER.
VATE S A LE.—The undersigned offers at private
Sale-his VARM. situated in Letterkenney township, on
the road lending from Chamhersburg to Strasburg, 5
miles from either place, consisting of 150 ACRES of
-- SLATE LAND Ina high .state of enitivation. The int.
procementware a two storied LOG WEATHERBOARD.
ED HOUSE. Lint Barn. Wagon Shed., Corn Crih, Wash
House and all necessary outbuildings. There Gan ex
cellent Spring and a Well of never-failing Water a' the
hoose.,. There are tail good ORCHARDS of choler - fruit
on the farm. Parsons wishing to view the prernises can
d o so by calling on the subscriber.
vet?-3t. I.•LAAC li. KEENER.
Legal Rotices.
EiTATE OF JOHN ETTER.—To Margaret Etter
d. .4..T01in. Daniel of whom Henry Ebersole is knard
fan ; Mary intermarried with Samuel Sollenherger, re
riding in the -county of Franklin, Sarah intermarried
with Michael Sollenberger and Margaret Etter. residing
in the county at Itedrorri, heirs and legal, representatives
of John Etter, late of Oreen township, Franklin county,
You are hereby ntified that I will hold In Inquisition
on tiftriteul Rotated said dec'd. situate in Oreentewn.
ship. Franklin county. Pa., on Pritiny.the'Ai of October
at 10 o'clock A.M.. on the premises. when and where you
can attend if yen think proper. SAMUEL BRAN UT.
Sheriff's Office. oct. 7.31. Sheriff,.
All persons intereded will take notice that the fel
owing accounts have been flied and will he presented to
the Court of Common Pleas on ..tfanday, the 26th o„/
tober, for confirmation :
Account of John Philips and Levi Ssnders, Assignees
of John Zulingoi. of Washington township.
Find account of John A. Shank, Committee of EliZ3-
bkti Forney a Lunatic.
Third and final account of Jacoh Krider, Trustee of
Niincy Bricker. now decd. D. CAUFMAN, Proth'y,
'Protit'y (Mee, fwt. 7-3 t
It is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
kante of John Metz late of Oni!bird Toe nvhip,"ileeensw:
have been granted to the undersign 1, residing in said
AJI imrsons knowing themselves indebted to sold
- tate will please mike immediate 'paymenti,end those
having claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. AllitAllAM METZ,
)14 , p 30 Executor.
in hereby given that Letters Trstamentary to tho
Estate of Dr Charles Hassell; late o s,„atnantpton
dec'd. have been granted to the tinsel .ogned, reading, in
All persons knowing themselves indebted to . said Es
tate will please make immediate payment; and those
ha ring claims will present them properly aittitentleated
for settlement. (act 7489 N. iiOElll.4N,Eir.
is hereby given that Letters teNtinmentnrY to Old
E.t.a° of Chrytiatt Dierndie. Inte of Ouilford township,
decd, hove been granted to the underniguedi residing in
said - townshlp.
All perrns knowing themselves Indebted to snid Es
tote will please make - immediate Payment; and , those
having-laims will present them .properly nntlientfenied
for settlement. (net l 4 JOIlf; L. DLTIVILER,
ab hereby given ihat Letters Testainentari to the
I:4.state of John )iota. Ude of township, dee' ~
have been granted to the undersigned, reading in BAN
1 Al
Af_peraena indebfed to the said Estate ere requested
fo make immediate paythent. and those having claim*
~ o r domande naw lust the Hs t ate of the said cadent will
''ninke knOwn the lime withont delay. to .
oet 14 ' . ABRAHAM lit}, .: Ex'r.
herehygiven that Letters Te.strimentary to the
'Esi.ite of thinle. Lite of 0 oilfohl townshipolee'il,
have t•en granted to the urlarceigite,l, residing in Gall
ford township. -
All persmis indebted to thessid Entatedire herehrri.
quested to Make immeattaP istymeht. owl those haring
claims or demands against the Estate of said decedent
will make kimarri thesame arithout deity, to
Oct. IA C. It . bIoKNIGIVE,
F T ' lINTIJ TOR' S Ncyr o zie e
is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
' te of .7... ha Mull; late or Green township, deo'd, hare
been granted to the undersigned, residing In, said twp.
. AU persons knowing themselves indebred tosaid Es.
tate'are requested to make immediate payment. and
those having 'elaitne, present them properly
eated torsettlement.
Election for one Preeldent, six Managers and •
reaeuter of the Waynesboro', Greentastle Mar.
cerahura Turnpike Road Company, will be held' at the
Public Rouen Fred'k Foreman, in ateenealtle,
Monday, the 2d`day of November, 1863, cominencing at
1 o'clock, P. M. By order of the Roxrd. _ _
yet 14.31 ' . JOBB' RIVE/IMF, bee/.
BALE or Catweansznati, Oct. 14, UM
yiiLECTION.=---An Election for Pi-
. rectors df this Bank to serve the enstiliiiryear will
be ld at the _Banking House on Rondo, the lea day
of November, next, at 2 o'clock. P. 14.
det 14,3 t emblet.
TOR 11:$NT.—The large atore Roans and - Cellar: Or
nor Alain and Washington streets, is offered for Rent.
Poe+esslon given Immediately Apply to
aep 14 It. P. HAZRIZT.
iffegat ROtit,e,o.
Notice is hereby given thiit Lettere of Adazigie
tLatioq on the Estate of John Smith, Inter-of the Borough
f ehantlx;raintrg, deed, h.tre be.n granted to the un
dersigned, residing in said Borough.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es
tate please make immediate payment t ..and those
haring did me will present them properly authenticated
for eettiehiont. - CATHARINE MITI!,
[trep. 210]
Notice js horeby ,glven that Lottens of Adminis
tratwn on the Estate of James M. Bradley. late of hies,
eeralitirg borough, deed, have been granted to theundes•
signed, residing in said Borough.
All persons knowing thwrusevres indebted to said- Es
tate will please make , immediate payment; and those
having claims wii present them properly authenticated
for p•ttlentent.' •
Sept , • CLARISSA BRADLEY. Adm'ri.
Notice is hereby given . that Letters of kWtints
tin,,,eU on the Estate, of Michael. Ruth, late of Green
township have been grautod,to the undersigned,
residing in Bala township.
AP persons Indebted to the said iistate, aro requested
to,makeimmaBat psymentand those having claims oi
demands against the Estate o 1 said decedent will make
them knpwn, without delay, to ' . .
Sept 16 DAVID VinVER. Adm'r.
Notien is hereby given that Letters of Admigls
tr.ktton on the Estate of Samuel; Filson. late of Gtdifiird
township. deed, liege been granted to the undersigned,
residing in said township.
All persons indebted to thesald,Estste, Are 'requested
to make lunnediate payment. And those haying' claims
or demands against tee testate of said decedent, - will
make known the same without delay. to
sopt 23 . 6t* C. ti. ,11c.ENICiffr. Adm'r.
Notice is I.erel)) given that Letters of Adminis
tuition:4m the Estate of George' Lemaster. late of the
lloiongh of Chatithersburg. dee d. have ben granted to
the undersigned. residing 'timid Bor. ugh.
. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es
tate Will please makeLputediate payment t. and those
having claims will - present them properly authenticated
for settlement. PIIILII LE3IASTER. i A 'a ners.
Sept 2:1 Jinni A-LI:MASTER, j-
Notice is hereby given that Letters ofrAdminis
-21141 ion on the Rotate of John Armstrong - . late of Ham
ilton township, dee'd. have,been granted to undersigned,
resitting in said township.
All persons knowning themselves indebted to said
tate'will please make immediate payment; and those
hart n claims will present them firverl v authenticated
her settlement. ISAItHLLA-AItHIiTROM.I,
Noth e.s uerehy given that Lettefs A.dininistra.
tiara n the Estate - of John Renfrew. late of Guilfiwd twp.,
de .I, have been grunted to the undersigned, residing in
;Wit township.
Ail persons indented to the said Estate, are-hereby-re
quest",l to make ':nni.dist• paytnent.and those having
-.r oernandsneainet the V.sta4 , sa , ll decedent,
will tax ‘e e..4an •fte sane War, Alt delay. to
JAM-. 7i.liliFitSW
S. R. SilaNz, • to
mop 23
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adritinis
tratton on the Estate of Jane Burns, late of lianditon
Township, deceased. have been granted -to the under
signed, resiclicg in the Borough of Waynesboro!.
All persons knowing themselves indebted trt said Es
state will please mete immediate, payment; end those
having claims will present them properly authenticated
ftr settlement, either to the undersigned or to Eyster
Bonebrake. W. S. ANDERSON,
sap. 10. Administrator.
- Notice is hereby giten that Letters of Adminstra
lion on the Estate Of Samuel IV, lieintzelitian late of
Guilford Township, decea'ed, have been granted to the
undersignen. residing; in said Township.
All persons knowing - themselves indebted to said Es
tate will please make immediate payment %and those
having claims will present there properly authenticated
for settlement. MARTIN IIEINTZELMAN,
sept 30
Notice is hereby given, that Letters cif Adminis
tration Cu the , Estaite onlirhael ,Miller. I tte 01 Lumen
Township, deeensetc, have been granted to the undersign
residing in Lnrjan Toivuship.
Alt penunts kt wing thenisetves indebted to said Es
tate will please make Immoliate p puma : and those
having claims will present themproperly authenticated
for settlement. ' 31Afir C. 31ILLEit,
sept 80.6t* = ' Ariniinietratrix.
Nmice is kerehy given that Letters of Adininis
t ration on the Estate of Mary J. Walker. late of
Morals townshiP,' dec'd. have becn gr intim' to the nu.
designed, reaidiagAn Montgomery, township.
All persons kropving themselves - indebted to said Ea
tate Will plenneMake immediate payment; and those
having t Mims %vitt present them properly authenticated
for iettlement. , -
wept 30 • ROBERTJ. 80f% Adner.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration on the Estate of Daniel' Moon, late of Green ,
township. dec'd. base been granted to the undersigned.
resident; lb Green tderuship.
"All persons knowing thVoinelves indebted to said Es
tate will woos° make intinediate payment ;-aud those
having claims will preieht them pmparly authenticated
for settlement. lOltN Adntirs.
sept 3tt .11311101IAlf ,MONN.}
Notice la hereby A:lvem that - hettera of Adminia
on the Estate of Catharine trrner, latent' bet
terkenny, dee'd. have been granted to the subscribers.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to the said
Est de will please in ike immediate - Miyineut ; and thine
having claims will pre+ent them properly authenticated
fur settlement.
JOIIN ORE t SIKH, Fan nett twv.l Aft' re,
oct.l JOS CIO: stElt.
Noti, 0 is, hereby given that !Atter!' of Adminis
tr,sti .0 on the *}state ut Philip 13itseittan. Int- of the
Borough 6f Cbitinhorshitmdec'd, have been granted to
the undersigned residing In said Borough. '
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
said Es
tate will please make immediate payment; and those
having claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. - [oct.i] JOIN CPISEWAN. Adm'r..
Nutice is hereby given that I.4tereof Adminis
tra tenon the Estateof William Flory, late of the Bor
ough of Chatub.rsburg„ dee'd. have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in said Borough.
Ali persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es
tate will please matio immediate payment; and those
havituichtims will present them prupm iy authenticate
for mottreruent. [ortl4 . l SAMUEL rl.eddli,YOCK. Adner.
Notice is ciereby given that Letters of .:Oministra
tiou on the E-tate of Samuel Smith, Jr., late id Peters
township, tlec'd have been granted to the undiirsigued,
residing In the Borough of greencastlu.
All persons Ittidwing themeelves indebted to said, Es
tate will please make immediate payment; and thos
having claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. fort 14) , GEORGE EBY. Adner.
is hereby given that.;Letters Testamentary to the
`state of Abraham Carbringh. tete or Antrim township,
deed. have been granted to the undersigned, residing in
said toa p.
' All persons knowing themselves indebted to •saici Es•
tatewill please make immediate payment; and those
furring claims will present them. properly authenticated
for settlement, ABRAHAM CARBAUGII, Jr., }
stipt 16 ADAIST 2, AUGER. Ea , rs•
Is hereby given that Lett:ere Testamentary to the
Essate of John Trate, late of Guilford township, deed,
have been granted to the ttridersfgned, residing in said
township. " •
All persons indebted to the Bald Estate,
are regnested
to make immediate payment, and those having claims
or demands against the Estate of decedent, will make
known the same, without delay, to
sept 16. 0 HENRY TEITLE, Executor.
is hereby given that Letters Testan.entary to the
tate of John Dorrance, late of Mercernburg, deed,
have been-granted to the undersigned, , residing in said
All personsknowing themselves Indebted to said Es
tate, are requested to make immediate payment: and
those having claims or demands aesinst the Estate
decedent, wilimake known the same without delay, to
•=, Sept 16 MARGARET CIiA3IBERS, Executrix.
to hereby Oren that Letters Testamentary to the
state of Sarah Bobs, late Of Merceriburg Borough,
dec'd, hare been granted to the undersigned, raiding in
said Borough.
Alt persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es.
tate, are hereby requested to make immediate payment
and thosithaving claims or demands against the Estate
of said decedent, will make known thesame without de.
lay, to 16.) SAS. 0. &111301.1, Ex'r.
Ural 000 *aim
SHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of
,Tr fits of vairirlioni cipona leatiecl Out. of the
Court of common Pleas of Franklin county, Pa , and tol
um directed there will be eiposed to Pnlyhe Saler, at the
Court House in the Borough of Cbattaberabutg, on F 1 i
day. the aid of (kfober,lB63 at 1-o'clock, I'. Al., thefol
lowing described Real Estate, TIZ
All that lot of ground situate in the Tillage of Con.
cord, Fannett twp: atijoinining lota of Jas. Wilson on the
East, St" Ifockenleury on the Wed, W.Llttleon the Boni h
and the road on the North, with a two story Log . flown,
Log Shop, and Log Stable thereon erected . Sized and
taken in execution as the property_ of James F. thrtoble.
gl A 1 I that half lot of ground, aithate in the Bar
ongli of Chnnibersbnrg, ft miring on Main Street, tub' 'in
big lota of Wen, Stall on the South, W. eitatnlters on the
'West, anti Mr/. Harris on the North, With it 1 !Al story
Brick House thereon erected. - Seized and taken in axe'
elation as the property of Prederkii R01:4c1%
Also—All that half - lot of ground, situate . iti .the
Borough of Chasultersimrg,fronting on King-Street ad
joining lute of Mrs. Snyder on the West. lot of Lafayette
Wood on the East - and by an Alley on the North with a
two story .Brick Blouse thereon erected. Seized and
t tfien in execution as the prop trty of Maria M. Burg
tltat half lot of ground;; situate In the
11.mnigh of vhambereburg, wonting on Main Street:32
.eet fiont.adjoining hit of A. Bechtel. on the Sbuth,
- tin the North. and an Allay on the East. with
two - eitorY L g andWeathertioardtd nonee, analog-Ste
hie thereon erected. Seized awl taken in execution as
the property.of Samuel Wolff. ,; ,
- . .
Also—All that tract of land containing 182 Acres
more or less. situate in Peters twp., adjoining_ lands of
Hem nri g g4. Adam Hoke, Alex. John sou and ot hers. - with
two 13 story Stone B4ini. and other- improve
treute`thero in erected. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of Wm & Joseph Warner _
Alsc—All that Hart of land situate in' Letterkenny
'tali., Containing 18 Acres more or lees, of Mountain laud
adjoining !otitis of Leo Horn and other lands of lame
Rosanburg. Also-85 Acres more or less, adjoining lands
'of E. /tosenhurg, and others with a Lok Musa and Log
13:1111 thereon erected. Also--100 Acres of Mount
Land, adjtiining lauds of II Reefer and others: Seized
and taken in execution as the preperly at briar Rosin
burg. and will be sold by me' SAMLING 13ILAN_DT.
oct. . Sheriff,
MEAL ESTA I III..—In puisuance of an order of the
Orphans' Cott' t, and in virtue of, the last W ifi and testa
inent of itot, , er t C2McFarlatakthe - subscriber will sell
Public :*ale. on the premrses. on .s . 44forday, the 2-1(h
Jvy •of &Jae'', the following described Beal Estate,
sit !Med in Peters and Montgomery townships. Franklin
/Panty, late the uropetty of Robert C. and John McFar
fend. dee 'd, viz:
Past 1. Containing 145 ACRES. of first-rata LAND.
adjoining sands of Adam links. C. Londerbangh. Brad
ley's heirs and others, with large and commodious
RUILDINDS f all kinds required on a farneoeith good
ORCHARD. Well and Running water near the door.
About Di Acres of this tract is tine 31E1 DOW atui Rome
Part 2. containing 102 ACRES of LAND of the Sam*
quality, adjoining Lanla of the lluu. James Buchanan,,
51ye,'s heirs and part 1. _—
Part 3. containing 69 ACRES, mostly 'BOTTOM LAND
and much of it very productive, adjoining t to
tract lands of David hemostat, Pranktin Reed and
The above tracts have each a eurficiency of Timber and
Water, and areal! near the town of Mercersbnrg, with
the beet of Schools, Churches ft n , I Mille convenient.
They will be soldeeperate of together, as may boettinit
Lind buyers are requested to give this Droperty their
attention, as it will certainly be sold on the tiny of sale.
Pertione wishing to view the property will call on the
enb:icrilier residing thereon.
Termn nande known on thy of Sa'e.
li P, McFAßLklai,
Adm'r of the Estate of John McFarland end Trustee to
sell under the will of Bohan C. McFitrlnial:
By order of the Court.—W.O. Mrretrem.Cletk. [oct 7.3 t
PPUBLIC SALB.—The undersigned
having determined td remove West, Will sell ; _by.
Public Sale. (without ressrve) at his residence in Lou
don, on Wednesday, the 4th Nqrember. 1863. the follow
ing Personal i'roperty. viz : 1 good Family HORSE, four
s ears old ; 1 good 31.1 th Cow ; I one-horse Wagon aud -
Bed ; 1 two-horse Wagon and Bed ;1 two-horse Bell with
Bows ; I pair two-horse Hay L idders ; 1 one-horse
sleigh; I BO KAWAY CARRIAGE; 1 Spring Wagon:
3 seta of single nal ness ; Double and Single Trees; 2
Log hains; 1 Cutting Buz; 1 Jack Screw ; 1 Crowbar.
Also: a lot of POPLA It and OAK LUMBER. 4 long and
2 short Ladders; f Illitcksinith's Vice. Spades, Shovels
nod Picks; 4 Bark, Spades; 1 Cross-Cut Saw; 1 large
Patihit Bee Palace and Bees. Also, a large variety of
HOUSEHOLD yUREITURE and Kitchen Utensils, viz:
6 Bcdste.ids; 3 Bureaus ; 2 Wash Stands; 2 t.orner Cup
boards; 2 eight-la) Clocks; 1 Parlor Stove: 2 ten-plate
stoves; I Cooking stove; 3 Meat Vessels; Cider 'Barrels
and Kegs. and many articles not necessary to enumentte
A:a-Side to commence at 10 o'slbck.A. 11 . when at
tendance will be given and - the terms made known.
°brigJan Hardman, Aticticmerr.
1141 . I wilt also offer at'Private Sale the TANNERY in ,
Loudon with five LOTS -of GROUND attached thereto.
The Tannery consists at &tithe' modern Improvements
with 25 or In cords of Bark in the Bark house. A 150.94
ACRES of TIMBER LAND with a Double Geared SAW
MILL thereon. Tenitsmatle known by 'calling 'ari the
subscriber. - JAMES CRAWFORD.
ABLE, REAL ESTA E.—By virtue of the last will
and testainent of JOhn Bear. deed. 'the undersigned. as
Executor of said dec'd. will uffei-at Public Sale, on Satur
d ty, the 24th doy of October. ISii at 11 o'clock', A. M.,
on the premises, nil the Real Estate of which the said
John Bear, died, seized -and possessed lying iu Mont. ,
;ornery township, Franklin county. &steer Pennsylvs
nia adjoining the lands of Christian Nicewander and
others, and on the road loading from Hagerstown' to'
Me'reensburg, and being the satueßeal Estate purchased'
from Catharine Borst by said John • Bear, containing
96 ACRES end 77 PERCHES of land mare or less.
The improvements area LOG DWELLING HOUSE,
FIRASiBBARN. and airtiocessary outbuildings. There
in a SPRING of RUNNING WATER on the land. and ri
peel well near the house. The land lain a good state of
cultivation and under good fencing. -
The terms ate one-half in hand, and the balance In
two equal annual payments, from the Britt day of April
next,, with interest; the purchaser giving his notes
therefor with approved security; and that upon the
payment of the whole purchase money a deed will be
executed. Possession given on the first day of April
next. The crops growlng,ln the ground are reserved
with the privilege of securing the Mille.
sept 304t 5 Ex't of John Bear, dec'd.
FOR SALR.The undersigned Offer at Private
S de. the well known Tavern, situated orythe corner of
Market and Second Streets, nth. , IR the oconpancy of
Sheriff Brown.' The Hotel is fl large commodious two
story !dick building. The yard attached is -admirabljt
arranged for travellers stopping 'with - buggies and
wagons. The stable in large and airy. and capable of
riccommodatitig from 50 to GO head- of horses. The out.
buildings such as Wash House. Spring Benne :No House;
makes it the most desirable Hotel in the county,
Its near locatton to the Rail Road, Court House. Bank.
and business places, rondo '9 it the most pleasant and
convenient stopping place In town.
Persons desiring in putchase,tan lee tbe premises and
lenrn thei4erms uir sale by calling on the undersigned. I
`Clutatl4. sept. 2-tr
j scriiier offers for Sale his TANNERY, situate In
c onnellsburg. Fulton County. The yard contains 49
9 LEAGIIESi (all under roof), with good BEAM
SHOP', BARK SHEDS, and everything convenient tot
carrying on the husiness. An abundance of Bark can ha
bad for £ , :i.00t03.50 per cord. Large and good DWELT" ,
INO HOUSR and Tenant House, together with all: nee:
essary buildings, and abundance of PRIIIToan t4e.,. lots
.of the choicest kind. In connection - with the atsive will
he sold. if desired, 'n ACRRS of prime LIMESTONE
LAND in abigh state of culttvatiOrt•
oct 7-3 m HOKE, -
1)UBLIC SALE.—By - virtue of an
- o
rder of the Orphans' °end of Franklin Co., Fa..,
t undersigned, Administrate. of John Detwi.eri dec'd,
will offer, on Wednesday, the 4th ' day of Nonsm&T. at
Public Sale, the Real Estate of said deo'd, situate in the
-Things of St. Thomas, on the north side of the turnpike
and - bounded br lands of Weaver's heir:and others, being
the , most , western lot to St. Thomas,' and haring
thereon a two storied LOG HOUSE, Frame Stablet
Spring Rouse and Shop and containing , about two Acres
more or less. The
,property is in' reasonable condition
and w.lll make &comfortable and desirable home.
Sale to'comnisuce at 1 u'clock,P.BL. when terms will
be made known by toctl3-ts) li AMIN SNIDEJti Adm'r,
1:011IBLIC SALE.—The undersigned
will offer at Public Sale, on thelretnisei, on Saw%
ay, the SW day of October,' itttL, the following valnaLle
Real Property, viz: A LOT Of OROPFD, Situate is the
Village of Marion, Franklin countY, containing one-half
Acre, on which Is erected a storyand-a.half Frame
DWELLING' ROUSE, a Frame Shoemaker's Shop, large
Frame Stable, and other out-building; there Is also,
Cistern near the door jof the dwelling. This Is one of
the best standa for a good Shoemaker in the vicinity,
(the only one-in the place,) having been long occupied as
aneh, with an 'abundance of good customers, and pat
r,mage increasing. ,
Sale to coma at l o'clock, P. hf.. when the terms
will be made known. Coot 141 JOSEPH. FERGUSON..
ho c-
P'by given that the undersigned have entered into
partnership in the Hardware and Cutlery business atthe
old stand 'of ?dyers'a Branr , *here we are prepared' to
furnish everything in our line as cheap as any other
house in the carroty. Special itiancetnerits are offered for
cash as our motto will be quick sales and short profits:
oct.l, 4 3.1--oet-14 GRORGR FLACK.
- ‘,/
•A :011AINICE TO MAKE - 31.011 - px.,
ihot Orideisigned utter at Private Sale, on at•strti
tuututting terms, all that valuable Tit Ac T Uk LAND bite
ated 9a 3t. Tburnas township, .P,anklin Cuatity, a.; 3
*Alta Nortlivsest of the village of Si. Therms. boand.,l
14 lauds ofD. W Own a lithe, Wm. Pralines, ILtt'r. aad
°third, cent:citing '
229 ACRES. - •
About IEO Aeresofthis Tract are cleared R3O in a tit*
state otcattitationithe of - which has beta thisii
oughly limed within the feet lye the balance la,
heavily set with thriving Timber. There is a fine-Limy
atone Quarry on the premises, trent which :a auterOrr
quality of Lime is made. The Improrenielit. t:PMXT if
a gut;tljtAiu - dtorleil Log and Fyiniti LWALLIAG 11011SX,
A FINE DANK Milli, ererteu hut Kammer: a War
Vosrer SAW MILL, nada oTA V Slill'AlLE NIL
driven by a small Steam I,'ngine, and other liceesnal
and convenient buildings.
The' above Property offers great inducements to
chasers of Real Estate. It is lotarted In a finely Tinil el MI
region. and as the demand for Lumber, Staves, :Shingle
Au- is and wit) continne on the increase. no en .rge
business matt conld not fail to make Money out et I
many advantages it possesles. Petsena desiring to ill
vest in a valuable propel ty are invited to view thlr.
Salistinry Sheatuin, residing thereon, will give any 11-
.rmation that May be desired. Posse-who, can 'be had
at any time. -
Jane 17.'63,
—The statscri ber of era at :PriVette Is ale. his PA itit,
situated about tulle front - Quincy, containg 151 alAtEls
14of which is in TIMBER and thriving Chestnut. IX,
of the Farm isof the be:stoat ity of LI M ESTOIS 6.,LA:‘,1"
and all tn. a high :date ''6"f cultivation, theltnitrust.
mentsarp a large BRICK lIOUSF., eith portico and
porehes,a BANK OA it N.So feat lung, swilk
Wagon tiled snol Corn Crib attached, double Frazee
Carriage lionse.Brick Wash Howe:Smoke thaw. Oak*
Oven, angina necceSaty onthuildlngs. In good re 0.14
There is a large Cistern close to the Barn. used for,:'to
and one near. the kitchen. There is a Well of excellent
water in the yard. There is also a variety ut cho r 'pr
Irma, smelt es Years. Plums, Peach" a and Grapes feline
yard. There is also a good 011eitaRD of young thriving
Fruit on the promisee
I ersone wishing to view the land cut do so by cnneng
on the subseribet or any information respecting. lt .
be obtained by call ing on Geo.-J. Marley, County Treas
urer; • [Rept f] :1011-N
NEAR. MAYETTEVILLE.--Tbe lindtraigniitt , era
set at PrienteSide, the fuller/it g described- IN k4l
TATE, to wit; !:
- ,80 ACRES OF LAND. _ '
All under good fence and tillable. With a good Brit-hi:ISOM
Ing, a never T.dling well of goOd water now the dour. a
good llama and Thritthing Fluor, a fine Orchard; bearing
the beet fruit. AU° -
, .
of 321argeTats, 6 large'Lertehem - with limes and poop
Murk ‘llll,lloller. Pump and Fulling Stocks, 1111 in extiel
lent order, the whole operating by WATER POWER,.
Also a good Ita,rksbed, all tuatunmesed in conveitelialv
anti 'labor saying. .
The above property will be shown to any person on up
plication to Jacob B. Cook of Fayetteville. or .liihn.j.
Cook ofChambersburg. Terms will be reasonable. •
June 17,'63-tf - ! PITEIt COOL
FOR SALE.—The undersigned 'will stil at PriSato
TAiNßßY,known as the Corner Tannery, with
steam rend water-power. Saw Mill, Chopping 31111,Stoliks
lor breaking hides, Sc. The Tannery has 8 leetLet,
eats, 2 limes and water-pool, and he capable of tanning
800 bakery bides a year. Then, are two Log Dwelling,
Rowel. Barn, Stable and other necessary oat build ngs
connected with the Tannery, and - about 00 Ace etisleimed,
with god fruit. Ile will soil quantity of land wins
the Tannery, from 100 to 100 Acres. O. er 600 Acres axe
Timber,andgn ample supply of I hesnut Oak Dark fa,
run the Tannery for fifty years. It is situated Shout
7 miles South-west of lilerceesbnrg, on Licking Creelt.
Terms made easy. Possession will be given this fell 'it
'necessary. For Dirther particulars address the under
signed, at Mercersburg,Yranklin county , Pa.
ug 12, 03•tf " • - C. METCA LF.
of the Grpliarite Court, the - andersigned. Executor*,
in the had will nod Testament-ef Jacob Bernhulerfet,
late of Atrim township, deed. will offer - at Public Hale.
on the pr lace, on Satrerday. the 14th stl.2Ptvember,lbtA,
nt l o'cloc P. M.. the following described Real Estate,
ill ; A - TRACT ofLAND, the MausionYartn of said deo'il
eitunte in Antrim township, Franklin Co , pa.. li t hnded
by laude of Geo. Rhodes. Samuel &dandle. Joh; Pottell.
Samuel Bemeederfer, Wm Gearhart and other*, contain
irg 1:5 ACRES more or leas , . and having thereon eretted
a LOG HOUSE; Promo Barn and other buildings. Tberp
lea good wenn!' Water, and a good 4.)R4 11A bbors ea*
tract. and abont twenty live Acres of good TIMBK/t.
The terms will be made known on the day of sale, 17
• oct 14 ' SAMUEL SCill NUR, i Elven ors,.
By order of Court—W, G. MITCHELL, Clerk. ' -
' 8. M. WORLEY.
ileat O,state *ates.
The %intim signed offere at Private. „Side Itle farm
situated on-the Warm 'prang Road, %Mlle mut of 31 er
eitaburg, containing 17,7 ACRES. aboat half Lintetitonia
and the balance Slate, aro in a good State of cultivation.
The improvements area two sturY BRIt Sp.,,Bank
Barn with Corn Crib rind Wagon Shed attached, /and all
other necessary ontballdings. The re is on exce lent *ell
of Water inAbe a and anda streron of mining Water on
the farm for stock, itml on OIiCIIABD of choice Bruit
on the premises. -
A Is% 241 ACRES of MOUNTAIN LAND, near Mel.,
lending from blertersloarg to reiceetinellstairM Persona
wishing to view the property will cad atom this under
signed residing on the Farm.
-oct 14-4t' YRA?..iKTAN IC 'REED.
SALE.—ThePUBLIC undeilaigncd,
I Executor of Gabriel Bear. dec'il, wilt offer at Pula-
Ilc -Bale. on the prt mires, on 7 hurregy. the rth rq Are , g -
tier next. A TRACT OF LAND. Flambe in IVaaltingtiv
towitship. Franklin co.. about 3 miles test- of .Wnytiee.
Lora'. bounded by lands of John B.oller, Uttar filmtkey
and others, containing about *2O ACRE . There is t-n,
said tract, a valuable 'WOOLEN l'At 3 GAY. with all thee
necessary Machinery. in good order. and rinperior Water
Power. - The other Improceraents are a twceet,ay rough..
cast btiIELLINU LV:CtiP.: Tenant Moue. and BED.
The Land La of excellent quality and there. te - -a ;PA
bearing .orebard,und other Fruit Trees on it.
Sale to commence at 1 oclocld P M., when atttudatikei
will he given and the DI tas made known.
.oet 1.4 EtEAR,-Ex'r.,
XECI3' TOR'S SALE.—By v'irtue
A of the last Will and Testament of Ottorge E. liter.
pet. deg.:late of the Borough of Chanthersburg. deed,
I will expose to Public Sale, (di the premises, in said Wt.
ough„on the Lith day'of Narewber rtrxt, that large nit,'
commodious BRICK UWELLINO HOUSE` with the LOT
thereto attached, sitnatopn the goitth side of Eaft Mars
ket Street, bounded on the hastby Hit of J. A. Eyster,
end en the West b% lot of hytnun S. Cultic. Esq.,
being about 31 feet in width and 156 feet in depth t. 00
this lot there is very desirable Fruit. 'Tenon of este
wade 'known UR day of rode. JAMES L—BLACK,-
oct 14-14/ 11:c'r of the Estate (40. K. Harper. deed.
'indentgilled offers at Private Side. rit 0 LOTo , tui
kayetteville, oiled the tote having thereon erected, a
uew two atorle double FRAME HOVell, and tbo other
a one awl mhalf storied house. The property is desirably
located for tinsitiess, omen private duelling. living incise
neighborhood of the -Academy and opposite' 'Stowe',
fled Perilous wishing to view the property 'eau*, fie
by Milling Upon tir, pahrney, the present otenpane‘or the
Terms nude to snit purchaser. _ _
wept 94f
' PUBLIC. SALE.- `lll6,
0, Guardian 61' the. minor children 4.4 parnitel
ae lers, late of Ft. Thorne'', deed; will . Irt r at • Pnblle
gale: on the prelabwu &titirday, 240) Opy ft/. 00 , *.r,
LOT GY GROUND, aituate In St. Themes. Iln% km e
au erected a twu"tory Log and Finale DlVRtLtlitl
ROUSE, and IrtanwCurpenter hop and etherbullAluge.
Saba to, eurninence at 1 ‘fulerk. :11.4,11 MM./ 1141).pltrie
attendance will be f.,4% en and tering al aIC
0C1 , 742 JOHN lIAWK, Guardian.
By order of Court—W. o,llncal.LL,
irCLUR] &
every Wednesday Morning. on a large quartet sheet,
- containing FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS. pritrted on
fine paper andnew;clesrtype, Terms: TWO DOI.-
LA RS per .annron. IN ADVANCE, or TWO DON.
.LABS AND FIFTY CRNTS.V notpaid within the
lilt... Ministers of the Gospel. in Franklin Candy,
are furnished with theßgrostroax at $1 per anus&
in advance.
tnr Subscribers. residing out of the State.
pay atrietlir in advance, and the paper will in all caste
be discontinued at the expiration of the time for
-which it is aid.
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at 50 cents 'tiny
square of-eight lines for int insertion, and 25 septa
per square for each anbsequeo insertion. Wilma-
Sons of a square are counted as a full square. .
Advertisements inserted bi the quarter. half year.
or year. at a reasonable reduction: Those inserted
but once are charged ten-cents Per line, Leaden
Advertisements a price and a-half. • '
Special 'notices,- imakted before - Martinets/ 'pad
Deaths are charged double regular rates,
OS. CUTS,or hotel, dispbiietter. jnserted
at- Notices 'IMO - Haves and Deaths, not excerAi
ing five lines, are manna( ni:oni.t.
.aiirt Ail communications. of limited or-inaurid
interest. ave• , !harged ten cents per line. t ! i t
/Or JOB Pitt every kind- dine in Plain
and fancy colors, at the shortest at:dice...and ax rea
sonable rates. • • . r .