The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 21, 1863, Image 5
'congratulateE Investigator, on his brilliant strategy by which he reduced the Democratic majority in Wektmoreland to about. 1.000. As his strength was about equal to Curtin's in the Pittsburg Convention—his.lieinga scant baker's dozen to Curtin's 95- 7 -he generously proposed that " me and Curtin" with draw anda new man be take n ; b u t madness ruled the hour, and the Con- , vention refused: Appreciating the difficulty of storming the copperhead works in Westmoreland, Honest John wrote as did prophets in other 'days, in words of solemn: warning of the corning • disaster. He , silenced his batteries, and promised an easy victo ry to the foe, and their locks were altorn as they slept. John • plugged "thorn - fellows" muehly I x• ••THE consecration of the Soldiers' :Xittional Ceme:tery will take place at p'ett.p3burg on the 19th of November, Hon. Edward Everett will deliver the dedicational oration and it is ex peeled that President Lincoln, the Members of the Cabinet, the Govern ors.of the loyal States, and other dis titignished dignitaries will be present. The Poet Longfellow has an Ode,pre rared:tor'be mug en the occasion. .It will, be one of the most interesting oc- . 6iiiions that has transpired in the his tory-of our country, and, there will doubtless be an immense concourse ef people in -attendance. PittsburgTee Gazette washed its face and donned a nesi' suit on elee 'ltiOn day justin time to join in the luirrah- for -Curtin. „I* tried fits hand come months age' at defiling! its own nest, and, has had the luxury of lying, in it antil it must have loathed itself'. It is no an older and we doubt not a wiser newspaper, and we hazard Jittleiri saying that it will be some time before. it furnishes copperheads with another such an assortment of filth with_which to bespAtter Union candidates. It has this consolation, however—nobody believed it, and there was " nobody hurt." TELE,Union men of Franklin county and elsewhere, owe Much to the pa triotic Democrats who disregarded ,party ties to support the government, Without their aid Franklin -would have been)ost, and with every other count.V:South of the Susquehanna, her voice, would have been against the life rf the • Republic. All honor to the loyal' men who were faithful even at the cost of party associations. , LIELTT: nu, leads Sharpe 173 and Ito,rton 190 iri Franklin county, thin beating both of his competitors more than the party, vote. Prof. Gray is almost up to the fall Union stFength, but as Futton gives '2O for the Dem ocratic ticket,- Messrs. Sharpe and Horton are elected.. We have not re ceived-the official vote of Fulton for Aiserably. THE Carlisle Volunteer seems to hate been terribly confused the morn ing after the election. It announces thitt "Negro fiddled while Rome was burning." A touch of - ‘‘Nigger on - the brain," friend Bratten 1" Take it coolly ! THE Pittsburg Dispatch huizas over the election of Curtin and the vote of Allegheny, and its editor has not tied up and flogged a deserter • for fully sixty days. -Westward the star of civilization seems to wend'its way. VOTE FOR GOVERNOR. • We give the, majorities reported from - both Union and Democratic sources for Gov ernor in all the important counties of the State, by which It will be seen that Gov. OtTETIN is re elected by a majority rar.ging from 18,000 to 20,000. The_ vote for Supreme Judge is not so heavy as the vote for Governor, but the majority • for Aorrew will not vary Materially froth that given to Adams ' 2 Allegheny Armstrong .. Beaver • 8edf0rd... :.... Barks Blair Bradford ' ..... Butler • Cambria ' Cameron Carbon Chester Clarion Clearfield 'Clinton Columbia. Crawford Ventre Cumberland Dauphin - 1,200 Delaware 1,700 • Brie 8,100 Fayette ... , 950 ... 8,8(XI .. _ 2+600 CURTIN WOODWARD 220 7,600 250 970 - - s6O _.; 0,600 ! 560 600 f 760 660 800 700 800 1,400 .. '2,000 ifoo 690 Franklin " ' • 166 --_. Forest 60 Fulton ' ' :-1---- ' ' ' • 261 Greene Huntingdon 1,000 ; . Indiana - . .2,000 ' Ju niata_ 250 Jefferson 100. , Lancaster 6,600 Lawrence.: Lebanon -,- - . 1,000 , , Lehigh ---- , 1,600 , Luzerne , : 3,100 Lyeoming - . ' I 500 Mercer ' 600 . -McKean „ 800 Mifflin ' 7 t 100: ' Monroe. - ' --- ' 1,500 Montour ' ......- •" ' 450 Montgomery . 1 1,300 Northanipton - : 8,000 Northumberland -: " 800 PhiladelPhia . , • 7,080 ' Perry 100 , Pike • -- ' 600 , ,Potter' 850 - Schuylkill 1,700 Snyder - 450 . --,-- ..- Somerset 1,300 • — Sullivan - - ----• • 4 100 Susquehanna ' , 1,200 —7-- Tioga - .. . 2,900 Union 750 1 --,- Venango, 500 , --,• Washington . 150 ' ' Wayne -900 .. Westmoreland - • 1,100 Wyoming - -- --- ' , ' '5O Warren York .. CURTIN'S majority.... ltitlit FRANKLIN COVNTY OFFICIAL. Aucl.Gen. 1661 dos,. 1863. S. .ftatoe t o 9 • "• - . °a n ; • <4 al A' . : : • I i .•:.. Antrim 398 413 483 464 484 467 North Ward... :369 ,123 382 157 380 162 South Ward... 190 179 227 207 219 212 C0nc0rd......... 24 '. 98 • 24 • 111 25 110 Dry Run 84- 82 115 ' 108 1.15 108 I.'yettesille... 204 152 221. 192 220 193 Guilford 117 140 178 173 177 172 Greenvillage., 155 88 184 116 187 116 Hamilton 97 - 122 123 161 127 ' 158 Letterkenuy .. 127 207 151 233 150 234 Lurgan - 91 116 101 148 102 147 Loudon 77 79 102 97 102 97 Montgomery.. - -138 '125 .253 144 252 145 Metal 119 83 146 - 92 - 145 '' 93 Orrstovvn 65 • 123 80 'l2B 80 128 Peers 112 46 148 •54 147 55 Quincy 153 271 213 323 211 319 St. Thomas.... 124 136 157 188 157 187 S. Spring 36 45 37 50 -36 51 Southampton. 57 53 61 68 - 61 - 68 Washington... 304 262 342 279 342 279 Welch Run.... 71 • 143 86 158 'BB 157 Warren 55 - 50 . , 62 59 62 58 3157 3140 3876 3710 . 3869 3716 **: Assembly, • , ; Proth'2,4 = • •g • 488 486 464 468 491 465 North Ward.. 388 374 168 156 367 168 South Ward... 2 232 218 208 201 223 208 C0nc0rd.......,,24 24 111 111 29 1( Dry Run 115 115 108 108 115 108 Fayetteville.,. 220 218 194 192 222 191 Guilford 178 178 172 173 177 172 Greenvillage.. 187 186 1 117 116 186 117 Hamilton 123 123 161 161 • 124 160 Letterkenny.. 151 151. 233 233 149 233 Lurgan 102 102 147 147 •98 'l5O Loudon 102 102 97, 97 101: 97 Montgomery.. 252 - 250 147 145 248 147 Metal .144 144, 94 94 145 92 Orratown 80 80 128 128 79 129 Raters • 147 -147 55 55 145 56 Quincy 213 211 327 822 215 319 St. Thomas.,.. 158,., 157 188 187 157 188 Sul. Spring .... 37' .37 50 50 35 52 Southampton 61 ' 61 67 '67 61 67 Washington... 346 313 279 276 344 ' 279 Welsh Run.... 86 88 159 156 88 157 'Warren 62 62 59 :59 62 59 3896 3857 37M 3706 3861 3729 Peg. & Pee. Clerk Cburte. Treaeurer g • a: „r Fq• Cr' 7; 3 e. Antrim - -5119 4 : 21 485 470 490 4116 'North Ws; th. 369 174 382 158 386 157 South Ward... 214, 218 227 204 231 199 Concord 2 111 25 110 - 24 111 Dry Ran ' 115 -108 115 108 115 108 Fayetteville... Zl9 7 196 222 190 220 192 Guilford 178 173 180 171 - 177 174 Greenvillage.. 187 116 186 117 185 118 Hamilton. 123 161' 123 161 123 160 I.;etterConni:. 152 232 752 232 • 153 231, Lurgan 102 147 102 147 102 147 Loudon 102 97 102 97 109 90 , Montgomery.. 140 254 143 258 139 Metal ~.144 94 144 94 145 93 Orrstown 79 128 80 128 80 128 Peters 147 55 147 56 148 54' gutincY 211. 323 216 319 199 336 bt. Thomas.... 157 188 157 188 160 180 Sul. Spring 37 .50 37 '37 50 Southampton 61 67 61 67' 61 67 W6hington... 345 . 278 343 279 341 280 Welch Run.... 90 155 80 165 " 90 155 Warren 62_ 59 62 59 62 .59 3929 3691 3882 3713 3898 3694 Coninrissioner. Direr. Poor. Aid:tor. azbz o 0 0- 1 7 0 - bo - „ . •n" g 5 . ° • 2 Antrim 487 469 488 466 487 468 NorthxWard.. 380 162 386 156 - 386 157 South Ward.. 221 212 229', 205 224 210 Concord 24 in 24111 24 - - 111 Dry Run 115 108 I 115, 108 115 108 Fayettzville... 222 191' 222 191 222 191 Guilford ...... „. 179 172 171 173 179 172 Greenvillage - 186 117 185, 117 186 117 Hamilton 123 161 124 160 123 161 Lotterkenny.. 151 , 233 151 233 - 151. 233 Lurgan 102 147 102 147 .101 147 - Loudon ...... .. 102 97 102 97 102 97 Montgomery..: 246 151 252 145 252 .145 Metal - 144 94 '146 92 144 • 94 Orretown 80 la; 80 128 76 In Peters 146 - 55 147 55 147 55 Quincy 226 310 214 • 323 213 323 St. Thomas.... 157 'lBB 157 188 157 188 Sul. Spring.... 37. 50 37 50 37 50 Southampton. 61 67 61 67 61 '67 Washington... 545 278 343 279 344 279 Welsh .u'8.... 85 160 88 156 . 88 157 -Warren 62 59 ;62 - 59 62 59 3881 3720 3892 3706 3881 3721 PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION. WASHINGTON, .Oct._ IT.—The following proclamatinn has been issued by Presid4nt Lincoln: , By the President of Mel/aired States :--41 Proelamation:—Waravis, The term of ser vice of , part of the volunteer forces of. the United States will expire during the coining year; and, Whereas, in addition to the men raised by the present draft, it is deemed ex pedient to call out 800,0 W volunteers to serve for three years or, the war, not t however, exceeding three years. , Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, Pres ident of the United States, and commander in-chief of the army and navy thereof, and of the militia of the several states, when call , . ed into actual service, do issue this, my prat.- lamation ' calling upon the government—the, different States—to. raise and have enlisted into the service, for the various confpanies and regiments in the field, from their respec tive States, their quota of 800,000 men. I further proclaim that all the volunteers thus, called out and s duly enlisted, shall re-; ceive advance pay, premium and bounty, as heretofore - cOmninnieited lb the Governors of the different States by the War Depart ment through the Provost Marshal General's office by special letters. I further proclaim that all volunteers received under this cull, as well its all others not heretofore credited, shall be duly credited and deducted from the quotas established for the next draft. I fur ther, proclaim that if any State shall fail to raise the quota assigned to it by the War Department under this call, then a draft for the deficiency in said quota shall be made in said' State, or in the districts of .said State for their due proportion of said quota., and the said draft shall commence on the 'Oth day-'of January, 18G4. I further proclaim that nothing in this proclamation shall inter-' fere with existing orders, Or those which may be issued for the present draft, in those States where it is now in progress, or where it has not-vet been commenced. 1,700 The quota of the States and' districts will ~be assigned by the War Department through _the Provost Marshal General's office, due regard being had for heretofore fur nished, whether by volunteering or drafting, and the recruing will be conducted in accor dance with such instructions as have been or may be issued by that department. In issu ing this proclamation I address myself not only to the Governors of the sev(fral States, but also to the good and loyal people thereof, invoking' them to lend their cheerful, will ing effective aid to the measures thus adopted, with a view to reinforce our victo rious armies now in:the field, and bring our military operation to a prosperous end, thus closing forever the fountains of sedition and civil war. 90G . ' 2,600 In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United- States to be affixed.' Done at the city of Washington, this- 17th .day of Octbber, A. D. 1863. and of the Inder;endence of the United States the eightieth. • . 54.516 35,321 35,31 On the 13th inst., nent.Mercersbnrg. by the Res ...Raw Brown. 14r,G. W. BREWER tO MISS EMIR./ Iles.E. Ou the Isth inst.. in: Greetivilinge, by Rev. Wesley Tlowe. Mr. Wi.soc BROWN of Guilford township. to Miss MLitt - C. BLACK of Groen township, both of Franklin Co., pa. On the 9th inst., by the Rev. M. Wolff, •Mr. CHRISTIAN &MUDS tu Miss NIARGALETIIA On thelOth inst_ in thin place. Etrzinzrn, infant: daughter ot .Thoutatt M. and Margaret J. Atherton. aged 3 rye tr. 3 mos. and 1 dap?. On the 30th of Sept., in Quincy, of Diptheria, NAB . , aged 4 yew!, 3 months and 3 dap t on the 11th inst.. MARTJASE. aged 6 yearn and 6 months. and on the 14th IBet., AN ELIZABETH. aged 1 year. 8 months and 7 dive; children of William and Ann Elizabeth Stull. On the 91.13 inat., near Chanibereburg, AIA67ALENd, wife of George Beck, aged as yra., 8 mo. end .1.3 days. Prevention of Incrustation in Steam Boil ers.—WlN ANS' ANTI-INCRUSTATION POWDER f:E MOVES AND PREVENTS TIIP, DEPOSIT OF SCALE, AND WITHOUT INJURY TO TILE IRON Sevzs YZA.RB .1-24 Usg, References in alt parts of the country. viz: Albany Gas Co.; Eaton, Gilbert A Co., and others, Troy; Syra• case. Rochester. Auburn, &c., &c.; John Gibson d• Phelps, Charles Ensign. John R. Evans & Co.,Jewett Root: and others, Buffalo: Cleveland, Columhus, Ranes ville, &c.; Gao. Shield. Miles Greenwood, Mitchell k Rainmelsburg, and 40 others in Cincinnati; and through out the West; Indianoiiolle. Dayton, Terre Haute, Lo gansport, Chicago. Springfield, St. Louis, St. Paul, &c.,. &c., &c. Cost about 40 to 60cehts per week: For circu4 ar, address Editor of Repository—Dear , Sir: With our permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to 'all wile wish it. (free) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will elfectizally re move. in i 0 minutes. Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities- of-Jth Skin, leaving the same soft sleer, smooth and beaftiful. I will also malt free to those having Bald Meads or Bare Faces. simple directions anal luformation that will enable them to starts full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or n Moustache, in less than 30 days. All up plicitions answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, - THOS. F. CRAP MA N, • Chemist. july2:2'B3-3m. No. 831 Broadway, New York. • George Steel,: 4- Co's Pianos.-^CRZSSON SPRINGS, Aug. 1501—Mr .1. E. GOULD, Seventh and LViestnut streets, Philmtelphin.—Dtsa SlL—ffsving had frequent opportunities of examining the Pianos made by Messre. Oedrge Steck k Co.. New York, duriks the past row years, in the practice of my profession as Tuner, I pronounce them the most perfect Instruments I bare ever seen. In point of touch, equality, and singing tone s tligy.may defy comparison with any and all other makes, while in' the upper two octave (treble notes) they are incOmpora- My the finest I have any knowledge df. C. E..SANGENT, Tuner ofPltmott, sept 21.3 m 917 Chestnut St., Phllada. Ornaments Iron Works.—W ooD d; PEROT, LIN Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa., offer for' sale upon the most facorable Terms, NEW and BEAUTIFUL - DESIGNS in great variety of IRON BAILING for CEMETERIES, RESIDENCES. &c., of Wrought and cast Iron, and GALVANIZED IRON awl BRASS TUB ING ; IRON VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, STAIRS, COUNTERS FOUNTAINS. DATES, COLUMNS, IIITCII !NO POSTS, LAMP STANDS. VASES, TABLES. FLOW ER STANDS. SOFAS, CHAIRS. STATUARY, ANIMALS and ail other Iron Works of a Decorative character Designs forwarded for selection. Persons applying for ta me, will please state the ),Ind of work needed. • eept 9,'63-3m Madame Porter's Curattv;s Balsam "jay long tested the truth that there are first principles in Medi cine m there is in Science, and this Medicine is com pounded on principles suited to the manifold nature of Mani The cure of Colds is in keeping open the pores, and creating a gentle internal warmth, and this is caus ed by theme of this Medicine. Its remedial qualities are based on its — power to assist the healthy and vigor auscirculation of blood through the lunge, it enlivens the lunacies and aisista tbe skin to perform it a duties o regulating the beat orate system, and in gently throw ing - off the waste substance from the surface of the'body It is not a violent remedy, but emollient, warming searching and effetivi. - .by all druggist , at 13. aril 25 centsperbottle. [July 22. Card to the Suffering.—The Rev. William. Cosgrove, while laboring as a missionary in Japan, was cared of Consumption when all other means had failed by a recipe obtained from &learned physician in the great cityofJeddo. • Tbis recipe has cured great numbers who were suffering front Coniumption, Bronchitis, Bore Throat, Coughs and dolds, and the debility and nervous depression tallied by these disorders. Desirous of benetltting *there, I will send this recipe, which I have brought hoite with me, to all who need it, free of charge. Address Rev..Wsl. COSGROVE, dec 5,62.1 y 438 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. N. • A Gentleman, cured of Nirrootts Debility, Incompetency, Prinisture Decay•and Youthful Error, actuated by &desire to benefit others, will be hat py furnish to all whO need it (free of charge) the recipe and directions for rusting the simple Remedy' used in his ease. Those wishing to profit 14 'his experience—and possess a Valuable receive the same, by :Vora mall, (carefully sealed,) by addressing.. ,',,t'ig: - '- - -,o4iiioili i--. 44loiit'arii,.',_Piatit*iikitt,- . 4; liit. ABRAHAM LINCOLN -' m. H. SEWARD, See'y of State. MARRIED. DIED 11 WALL ST.. NEW YORK P.O. Box. No. 6 JOHN B. OODEN, • Aug 19.3 m • N 0.60 NUM Btreet r New York. REPORT OP THE MARKETS Philadelphia Markets. PHILADEIP ELIA, Oct. 19,1863. About 3000 bbls, of Flour were disposes of, including, 1000 bbls. recently, 'and fresh ground extra Flour at' s6' 7507 bbl. 500 bbls. Redstone and 1000 bbls. fancy Western at a price kept secret. Small ,salef• for the supply of the retailers'and bakers at $5 25®„5 - 62f for Superfine; $5 75 et 6 fot extras $0 50e07 for extra family, and $7,5' G 9 for failicy,brands. Rye Flour—A small lot was disposed of 50. In Corn-Meal nothing doing„and,no stock here to operate on. WHEAT.—SaIes of 3000 bush. prime Penn sylvania and Southern red, at $1- 450 l bush. 1n the absence of sales of white we quote at nue,l 90, the latter for choke Kentucky. - ke is worth Si 25; 'Corn-41,000 - linsh. raked and yellow were sold early in the day at $1 0461 03; and a lot of yellpw at the close at $l. Oats are dull at tpc., weight. Bcrrrcß ' Elvis LARD TALOT 80A.1. BACON HANSA , BACON SIDES... , SOUP BSA2M CLIAMBEROURG FLOUR Ar.l3 GRAIN ' MARKET. - • - CORRECTED AT anAIIifiIISMTRG HILLS Flour—W' te Flour—Ren—, ...... Wheat—White Wheat—Bed ..... 7 , Corn Orate. G"T W ANTED:--A good second hand Hone Cart WOnted. Apply at thla office. 0et.213t WANTED.—:—.A. Good Journe'ymn CABINET MAHER., Steady employment elven. Enquire at this afire . oct2l '6..t( OST.—;-A •Gentlernan's -SHAWL,. new and 'dam color,—supposed to have been lost IA lett thecitist ns were nut with Gen. Knipe. in June last.. leaving is at this office 'a suitable reward will be paid. oet•2l,lt ytiSTRAY.-Came to the refddenee of the eitbscriber. about I mile South of Marion. on, the Sth of ably inat, a IaTLEY STEER. Any person, 'l,y proving moped:y4nd tuylng charge , ' can have the eamer by calling on toct2l.3ti JACOB BENDER..' PUBLIC Saturday, Oc tober 24th. at 10 o'clock trill he sold at : Poetic. Sale. at the slum of Mr. Wm: Flory. deceasixt. a lot of good dry CHERRY, POPLAR, WALNUT and PINE BOARDS, Turning Lathe awl Chisels. Grindstone, Cabinet %laker Tools, Work, Benches, _one Sleigh, one Windmill. one Drill. Cabinet Ware, one Store, one HEARSE a lot of Single Haines', and a variety (tether articles. Oct 21,14 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SAL& The u•rdersignad, agent for the heirs, will offer the large BRICK. BOOBS:and-lot situa ted on Main Street, midway between the stores of If. R. Huta. and 'Tuber & Tolbert. at Pithlie Bale. on Tuesday, .rVerember ibtk.. at I'l o'clock. where and when the terms will be made known. Persona desirous of purchasing can examine the property, or enquire of oct2l J. L. SUESSKROTT. A ,SIGNEES SALE.—As the As signeeeff be, THOMAS *.41.41t11, I will miter at Pub lic Side on thepreinises In mediately adjoining the Bor ough of Wsyneshoro, Franklin euttpty, , Pennsylvania, on Friday. the 20th dey of November, nett, several LOTS OF GROUND. well adapted for town lots which were left nnsolil at the last sale of Real Estate. These lots adjoin lots sold toilewiti S. Forney. John Phillips and others [oct2l '621 P711..1AM WLELLAN. Awrigure. H. N, WINANS, .A DMINISTRATOR' SNOTICR-: .o_Notree is hereby given that Letters of idini-ri,tra tion with the will annexed. on the Estateit u Tatharine Merkleln, late oil the Borough of Chambers rtr, bare bet Wk-granted to the undersigned residing in adid Borough. All persons knowing themselves, indebted toenail ES fat e will please tnake inunediate payment, and those having elAhnspresent them properly Aut bent icated for settle ment. MARG RET MERKLEIN, ' net2l 'ft".-qt Aotninistratrik. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that Lettere of Adminis• caution un the Estate of George 11. Merklein, late of the Borough of Chamberaintrgoleed hare Wen granted to the, undersigned, residing in said Surutich. An persons kriowing themselves indebted to said' Es. tate will please make itnmediate payment; and lhnee baring claims will present 'hem properly authenticated for settlement. MARGARET 31,ERKLEIN, net 21 Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE,' Whereas, Letters of Adruinistratiow, de bonis non on the haute of .11tcon KEGARIcE, late of Metal tesern ship, deceased. have been grunted to the subscriber, re siding iu said - township : IA!) persons Indebted to the said Estate, are b erebyie quested to make immrdiate paymentand those having claims or demands against the Estate of said, dedent, will make known the same without delay. to JACOB YLB. BINGER, ' Adm'r de bontsMort. rct 21, 'r3 MALL FARM FOR SALE.—iThe Subscriber will sell et Private Sale the nut', F liM on which he now iesidee, situate in Antrim town ehip.Franklin County, about six wiles front Orsetwas tle, on the ensittown road, adjoining lauds of Samuel Myers and others. containing about FORTY AC llKS—all cleared land, in good order and under good fence; There is a YOUNG ORCHARD of thrifty trees on the place, and a Well of excellent sinter. The - improvements , c..n.siiit of a two-story I.XIG DWELLING 1101380, tt NEW BANK BAhN.torty•Swo feet long, and well ~ iisheil and cul other necessary out buildings. Posse 'in will be given on the let of April, 154. Terris will: e mad. known on application to the subscriber residing+ on th, premise.: Pict 21 '6slfj SAMUEL C. KRIDER. , HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST, MARSHAL, Sixteenth District of :Etnqiytrania Llianitteitelsurg, 1563.—Driifted Men of Frattit , lin County, who were give!? time to procure suhstitnte. or pay commutation will report immediately upon tie expiration tit their furloughs or be deemed Deserters. Drafted Men of the moo Comity who tailed to re_por— on their day wilt present themselves immediately . or b. liable to acr6t as v deserters. All Drafted Men in the District out after the ado{ sew' er, next, who have not in some way satisfied the r. quit emente tit the law, will be immediately arrested w4fiesertrrs. in addit am to being published as such upon p store to by distributed throughout the United States. UED.IttiE EYSTEI4 Capt. and Pro. „War. ltith Dist: oct 21 'fi3 ADJOURNED SALE OF VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE.L.The nndersigned. tms.f James Beatty and also of intintrine Beatty, late of Antrim Toe "ship. nee'd., will offer at Public Sale. on the premises, on Thursday, the. sth day of November, next. a Tract of Land situate in mid townsldp. known as the ' , Johnston Farm" bounded by la"d"e of Joseph Whitmore, Jacob and John V l eants and others, containing about 280 Acres. The improvements are a STONE DOUSE, Bank Barn, Spring 111011150. &c. There is an ex cellent Sptdng of Water near the door. The Tract will be surveyed and divided into - two farms, befori the sale. e a ch of said larms would have an abundant supply of good Timber. Sale to Commence at 1 o'clock, P. M, when=the terms will be made known by JAMES. NUL, - • T. B. KENNEDY, Executors of Jas. Beatty, deed, 0ct21'63-ts) JAS. N I LL, Ex' rof cath. - Beatty. deed: 11 - :. 4 l t S h r e r po O st F offic l e LET TE be ß rab S ur r Aiezander.Mre FJ Hollenberger Mho B owe rs Mies Mau . Loretto Bowers George Roesler Samuel Bishop , W 0 Hell William Boggs Mrs Ella Hite 0 W Beal William Inghram J Baker, thuntiel kjones Mary E , Brown 4 M Jones Jeremiah lltutahast John S Kelley Chu BentbrdSamriel W Ninier Tohn Curtis Robert Kohler, Mrs Mary Deileey Porter Lee William II Ely Mrs Sabina Lindsley J Ferguson Mrs • Minnich Miss R Fry.das Manlier Bard W GearyMieeElileM Miller David Gruver Jacob Nicholas Mrs M Garter Mortise Oren Miss Manic Airman NAM! - Philips Rey Wm palms calling for the above Lett that they have been'advertleed. 3. PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECT ED WEEKLY CiarllfBEttgil URG. Oct. 21,1863. 16 WASHED Wool, - 55 12 11x1estrzt. IVOOI. 37 8 CLOVER ( 4 121(D. ... .. 00 8 Tummy Liza, 250 to 6 FLAX SEED 2 00 12 PARED PEACHES 3 (0 8 lISPARED PEACHES 1 50 1 50 DRIED APPLES 1 00 Rely abbertiormeAts. 'Otto atittrtioemento. HEADQIJARTEMS or PROVOS'. MARSHAL, Sistanth' District. Rantytedni lhambersharg, October Fith. I,S63.—The Board of /.. ailment - of the' Sixte- nth Congressional - District ' -- Pennsylvania have granted the following ex alpha or the 'causes assigned. dining their sessions, from tl 2th to the 17th tf Octobef inelusiVe: ' - FOR PHYSICAL OR MENTAL DISABILITY. Villiam 'George , I Benjaman Johns - •ansuel Poe IWilllrtm H. Shafer ihilip Sheets 'James H, Rankin • Jacob Sollenberger - - Peter Stuntman Henry IL Miller John W. Pass Jesse W. Henry : James B. Robinson' John •Shoeman George A. gcCune '.' denies Oiles John Ilaulman Anthony Brown ' .' George Smith 'weeper Angebrand - Daniel F.shelman ~ Samuel H. Miller George Smith i'; Abraham D. Wenger • . Samuel Sellenberger Willirm H. Geiwicks - ' Adam N. Ryder _David S.Byers ~George Deck Henry L. Gloss David Little . Moses Hall ' ' Frederick Toll . '- Samuel H. Gillen 4.Dantel Bitner Fleury Nye 'Jacob Greenavrtkitl J.,cob Kuhr_ ' - -- 'Jacob Frick '- ..' t, . John Dickson ' . 'iSamuel Liningee,•'; - - - Henry C. Roebuck ' I . Joseph Wall ' 0. Y. Hamsher William Williams , John A. Dice , Adam Yost i • John Roeenberry Basil Mathew i Benjamin Hoover . George Zody A ugnstus J. Noble Isaac Allison Micncel Z. Kegeris John Sellheimer . James West • John John 11. brubaker Jacob-Minn l acobii Metcalf nn John - Woods • George Dull . William T. Long Christopher, Heefner James Kirkp trick ; William F. Menu • ' Samuel M. Wordebaugh John Knepper - ' • Samuel H. Brant •- , WilliarnMeore David H. Burkholder eorge W. Divilbles ...- William dugilinhaugh James Snyder Martin L. Branthaver - WilliarnElliot . . „Andrew Fraker • - David Hawbaker. . William H. Sombre Jacob Hawbaker - _ DavidClugston John Parkir ' ',' John S. liege lease Wenti - John E. Crawford Daniel Mcltaughlin , JametiWil limns . ISamuel lumtne,rl .• $7 00 6 - 60 1 25 120 George Painter J. W. !I leery Isaac S. biker hckeman Simon Ghat • (leoreg Yoe - Adam Frank Alexander-O'DOnnel John Lingle Moses A. G. - Keefer Samuel GA VMMI Joseph -W Giver Elias J. Wilson Charles W. Tailor Samuel Pirtle David D. Stewart Amos Devor John Wolff Thomas MetiMagal John G. 3. Winger John M. Diehl Waiter H. Elliot lIY REASON.OF HAWN , Abraham Hinisecker GeorgO Miller ! Samuel H. Toughinbanghf Albert Sowers Albert 9, Lowry John Conrad Cliri atian hither Solomon Cramer Solomon Beltz -Jacob Etter James Cross Hamilton V. Ilartinan John Ifforganthal 'Frederick Hochlander" Christian Plum .1 lin Shoemaker William Dither • • Joseph W. Bradley - George Burke Rev. J Smith Gordon A ndrew-J. Brubaker Wllitam W. Woods Daniel B. Shields • William C. Shearer Isaac Gear , William Mummart Matthew McFermn - Samuel B. Forney William o.Stains Oliver S. Brown John Phillip' Jackson Wolfitill Edmund Bedell Upton MI Bell John W.lfiller William a. Reed Samuel Grossman Goorge B. McFerran George W - Andrews Abraham Brumbaugh McGinley stack , Isaac K. Kauffman. David Overcaah - Deharen PhilipEbbetz George Goetz Joseph Martin 'Samuel R. Lehman- Daniel Striae Emanuel B. Camp BY REASON OF BEING IN ~. 50 Thomas D. Renfrew William Evans -- David Guyer Elias Shearer ' William Ralston Alfred J. Kent 'Samuel A. Shearer John J. Bradley' Robert S Finley William 11. McLellan Seth Dickey Daniel hair , _ Daniel E. Belts Joseph It. Fulton William McDowell DT REASON OF RAVING HU, SU Rudolph abetter Elijah Hamrnet Lewin Gilbert Daniel W. Snivel David Ele.ler Jacob 1.. Wingerd Moses Kothenour John Clapeaddle John H. God R} - REASON OP. HATING HAD ANL ACCEPTABLE lIBNT.i'AITE IN 9.P.IITICEDN THE 3d OF MARCH, 1863. Samuel Adam Matt, ;serge Stumbangh rhomae J. anLanghlin Matthew Brine "fohn'Bnider UT REASON OF MILITARY DUTY OF yrottins LABOR FO] lenry Fitable iont yet Iterate lobo Botts .'rter Peterson Brum Shatzer W Mon- Mentzer BVILL'ABON OF BEING THE ONLY SON OF AGED OR INFIRM PARENT OR PARENTS DEPENDENT 11PON HIS LABOR FOR SUPPORT. John Albert Jacob Johnson Jolla A. Brown !George Coot lIY REASON OF BEING ONE OF TWO OR MORE SUNS OF AGED OR INFIEMIPARENTS, SUBJECT TO DRAFT, ELECTED TO BE EXEMPT BY FA- THER; OR, IF HE BE DEAD, BY MOTHS)... r TllOllOl/1 Miller Jima* McAleer William Cramer ' - - David Martin • - David Speer. Fletcher J. Noble. Samuel Slutemakof George Price - Hugh B. Craig Joseph M. Besore- William Cauffman BY REASON OF BEING THE PATHS.. OF MOTIER LESS CHILDREN UN DER TWELVE YEARS OF AGE AFORE DEN T UPON HIS LABOR FOR SUPPORT Samuel Newcomer 'Jeremiah William Rock Jeremiah Body BY BEASON OF BEING' THE ONLY BROTHER OF CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OF AGE, HAVING NEITHER FATHER NOR MOTHER, DEPENDENT UPON HIS LABORFOR SUPPORT. Jadob Damns - BY REASON OF NON-LIABILITY ON ACCOUNT OF AGE. Dardel Boos Jacob Street David Criswell Beidattli4 UMW! henry, Johnston Edward Lee BY RE O 4.SON .OF FATHSR AND SONS' IN SAME RAWLY AND HOBO:HOLD AND TWO. IN MIL, ITARY SERVICE, AO. Saraiel.Bowles I Bt. Clair. BY REASON OF NON-RESIDENCE. • David 'Muer Rev. Jeetmlah Clay Ge9rge Shepherd - Pohl/ Heed - ematning in Oct 3, 1863: Strain Miss Roey Schellar Airs MIS Snow'hilss Maryß Shaffner Christian Smith:William U. SingreefWilliam ihnith*.ralt Smith Eliza Shank John Thompson John ' Vannayrier J Walburti George Whitson Ruth A Willis Miss Maui? Wheeler ilenry Ward Henry. Wildesonlibrs MA Wolf tit* Yourafras P„. ' .rs wif ploast 113' .w.DEAL, r. St. Dimond Brown QuantumSeloy BY REASON OY MISNOMER. RenrY.Trege • OBOHROMMYSTER, O pt. and Prov. Marshal. J. T. McILfit.NNT, Commbrioser. R. B.,,,5urg00n Georierifirtgerd Joseph McKinney John L.Kopbuck. William hinKtnney Jacob Alte4 ,Sammel Dilhont ISamnel !Augustus "pithy . David Mcflrew Daniel Maya John Sohnits Peter eatpet - Monroe McPherson Eli Mickley _ Daniel Pence Olider Seabrooks John Bitter Mild Mentzer Jr. John Renecker. Jr. Jacob Sommers Edward Lee . G PAID COMMUTATION. George W. Rohr Andrew Leng David Raffennperger Jeremiah Loiter Samuel Warner henry Winernah John Diehl A. M:Triminer David Winger Rey.J.W. Buckley John It. Kreps John F. Beware Ravin C. Baxter John H. Weaver • Benjamin klyers Daniel - Picked • Elan B. Winger . John Shelley William Riimmel Michael Lawson Samuel Myers Hari loon Clark Peter Dickout 1 , William linepPer deorge Wise. ," Levi D.-Heefner '- Henry Deardorf &phalli& Ilartsel David R. lioetetter • Adam Vanderaw , David A. Stouffer -- William Duke William Null Oliver Spellman Isaac Kuhn, Jr. Joshua Benedict Willinm Mortar " ' Archibald Keyser Samuel Mainire Amos R !wpm* Theophiltm Shoemaker David Shatter George W Smith John M. Long ' Samuel B Wingerd Alexander Kueppar of A'. Joshua Decker • George Srantner Abraham SUuney SERVICE ON THE 34 • , 1863. Peter 8. Repfer - Jamesßoyd • r Niliiam Brcunbaugh griderlck Gump Julio S. Shafer Jelin T. Moore • Scl omp n Hanc Valentine U. Bohn Major B.S. Browneon - George Lauinger Andrew Shultz Thome Maly John Mentzer (of Jno.) John McCurdy ;f iRNISITEDAN ACCIIPTA. ST/TUl'.B. John McDowell . , Samuel Ilgenfriter' Josiah Lather • r. Thomas 8. Cunningham : Jacob J. Miller * William Neiewander Levi Keller Linumber Clippinger Jesse S. Sear George Myers SamuelS. Frederick John Wyncoop, Jr. Samuel Ifavrbaker Abraham Over Samuel Ebbsrt MR ONLY SON LIABLE TO A WIDOW DEPENDENT SUPPORT. ' William H. Aaridge David Mahoney ' Eli McCullock. _ Isaac Grose John P.Gonder Samuel Retither Joseph Miller Thomas Oarittier James Miley [ John gprow • BE REASON OF ATARNAGE I Ctuiraditreabwood frehafitienteius' - : :: CED R' GROVE CEMETERY.-- AN sLecnox zoit ItVEIi"6IAIiAGERS of &le der Grove Cemetery Conipany, rill be hnlkat the Jew elry Storii oriktward Anehinhangh, on ,Wittday, the Tth of Nove.etber fowl. between the horn* of I and 6 o'clock, P, N.' . • A DIVIIItiND of Ai per cent hat beendeelired upon the Capital Stock,of the Company, payable on demand. oet 21 - ' J. Ni:414I01R11.. P..•r•Mry -FIARD W.A o.—Thu public are oiled to enil andi examine our extensive stock Ol Hardwgrei gallery, Ac.,We keep on hand large stock of vials lb our lino ronpoeed partly of following goods which we offer very cheap. Iron Nib a Nails Katy Steel Wads Hocks tAsss Binges Planes Anvils 'Vices Bellows Paints • .. Oils Turpentine Roes ' Call and examlni 'fered fee disk Chrthts - Whim 414,14,- , • . , Saws Brushes • - lituutm Shovels Rukra e our S [(mt2l '63) BIPUBLIC SALE.—The --undersign ed, Executor of the Estate of Etutor,„ By.FIARPF:B4 will offer at Public Sale, at the late residence cif said de ceased, on Market Street, a few doors EastAif the Csinrt Rouse, on Friday, Mt 31 1 11k.0f -Octoter, iruts all tie ti 0 OSEMOL D AND k ITCH PA Feh'NITUKB of said deceased, consisting. in p iry, of 1 Piano Forte Bedsteads. Beds and Bedding; Centre. Side. Dining and Breakfast Tablett'BUreaits; Wardrobe Book Case; Cane-seat, Wino stir and Reeking Chairs; Sofas; Setteett Wash Stands, &c. Alta.% lotof Ingrain and Rag CARPETING; Ragland Matting; TAble Covers; gnumber of Looking GlasseS, PlCTiTftESatill Frames. I pair Alabiiter Lamps; 1 pair Plated Candlesticks; Snuffers and Trays, VENE : -TIAN BLINDS, 1 Trunk; a lot of framed Engravings; Maps, &c., stc.- dist., 1 Silvgr Watch. Also, DlNrirG, PARLOR AND COOK STOVES. Shovels „ and Tongs; Brass Andirons; 1 large Copper Kettle, 1 swan' Copper ' Kettle, 1 large Iron Kettio.,.Pets, _Kettles : and Pans; I pair Steelyards, 1 ilduble-barrelled thin, 1 set of Scales 1 and Weights, 1 Ladder. At.. Ac.' Also a genrral.'variety of Glass, China, Queens-and Crockery Ware. Also: Tubs. tfeat'Vessels, a lot . of ollt-Iliirrells,l Churn, and a great many articles not Preces.try to enumerate. Also: Thirty- Eight Vole. Franktia kepaitaky, from 1103 to 1841 'I Sale to-Commence at 10 o'cluct.. - M. wheuthe terms will be madeknown by JAMES L. BLACK, ' oct 'B3-2t Executor. IrNSURANCE - COMPANY . OF NORTH 'AMERICA. INCORPORATED 1794. ex:RPETUAL Cil,l It TER. CAPITAL $509 000. ' Z 2 WAL:TUT STREET, PHILLSRELSittiII.• This Company are tear prosobuting the:buelaess of lii- - quance from Loss or ,Damage by RIRE on Buildings. Iferchandise, Furniture. Sc.. throughemethe State of tleuneyi venire, on LIDERA L TERMS, for long or ether t aeria6 ; or perzantlentlivu Buildings; by s deposit of Premium. - • - • • A • The Paomex:Paitxtaer of Omani for Legge during the period of nearly Sser-Nrr YEARS that the Company-has been In existauce, , ehtttlee them to the confidence of the public. Arthur 9. Coffin, /lemma W.Jdnes,, - John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, - " John 11. Neff, Richard D. Wood. ' • Welsh, - • William N. Boa en, CHARLES rideiT, .I,,ey. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pres. WM HCHELLEtt, :Mara Agent at, Harrisburg, At. WN G. REED, Cirtlnbersbnrg, Pa., ia the antbiir ized Agent of the 1 aisurhnee Company of North Ameri ca, and is always prepared to give ,any Information de sired, and to take lir:tram es. lil2l.lLENCEliarles U. Taylor and John 11..41r1er, Esq's;;Charnberaburg. -•-• 0nt,21 1 6.34f • IPUtLIC SALE.-The 'madersigrc r . ed, Administrator , ,, the Estate. of JOON. Hunucti, ate of Gail End ToWniblp, dee'd:. will sell; by Public Sale' at` die Mansion Mat4e of said decessied. on Teteiddy N e 10(h 'and Wednesday (he 11th days of Nevem/v*OMA. the following personal- property: , ON sitiatmer.Dir THE STOVE, EAR:V.IIIW 'IMPLEMENTS, . 9 P.; Trill•be offered. The stock consists of 3 bead of Horses; 1 Colt; Al Mich, Calm 4 head of Y',:ung Cattle, Ac. Among the Farming Implements, 3 FARM. WAGONS, ancr, Bed; 2 one-horse Wagons it nth I,Gradn Drill; ,1 ..M'Cortnlck Reaper; 1 Thrashing Moth in 0 and 'Horse Power; Roller; otrge Hay Fork and Tackle Wheat FAD; Rolling - Screen; Hay Rake; Hay Ladders; Cut n Dropper_and Coverer; liar f.lstr Vlowt; a doubts and 3 single Shovel Plows; 2 flarrowir:lifoiving Scythes. Gran tiradier, 2 sets 'llfixl dears; 2 sets Front Gears; Plow Gear% Saddles, Bridles and Collars; Fly Nets; Cow, But, Log, and otherChsins, Sc.; &c., dc.. Also, 14 vim BOF HAY ; (Timothy) by the tun; Potatoes by the bushel: 87 Lbenst Postr, a lot 'of ilbinglex 9,000 FEET OF PINE AND °ARAI/MISER, *, part of which Is good flooring, limb and 3/ ' inch Boards; i2t variety of scantling; 20 Cords of Wood; a lobo( Chekt out Rails; 1 set of Carpenter's Tools; 3 Grindstones; Cress Cut 'Saws Wood Saws; Aies; Shovels; Mi. lbe. ~., new Iron; a large lot of old Iron, Metal, Lead ripe, kc., ',„ to." Also, 1- CARRIAGE; 1 two-horse SLEIGH. - On i ars Szcosn Dar—THE -HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ' tiltehen Utensils, am, will besold, comprising in part: it I Sidsboardv 2 Bureaus; 2: Book Cases and De Or, 1 Case ' ' d Drawers, I Mahogany Dining, and 2 little 'Fables; ...,, BRION Tables; eluting 7 Beds and Bedding; 60 yds. Car , ~eth3g; Venetian Blinder, 1 Parlor, 1 Cook, and 3 small ' itoves; 4 Iron Kettles, 8 Copper , Kettles; Sausage Ma :hitt& -Tubs, Churns, Barrels and Meat Vessels, dc.; a'' tro. Also. a great variety of Books; 1 Silver Watch; a 4 bat of Cloth ; 20 yds. Flannel; , Oil Cloth; a lot of Flax S .Yarn; -grans Lanka bbis. Vinegar; and a great many L other articles not necessary to enumerate. Boleyn:at/men& at 10,c:re-lock each day; whin etten daned and a reasofiltble Credit wilt be' given by JOHN T. RENFB.EW,t Ad ~,,,,,r S. R. BURNS, • • "I- net 21,'63) A MERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND' . .TRUST COMPANY. South-eash earencrief . rksmut and Fourth Streets, Pht7a- 5 delphia. incorporated 1850. Charter „ihtepdnaL AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $500,000:00. 'PAID' UP CAPITAL, $250,000.00. ASSETS, $1.807,746 50. ; 'Dish - tee flies during the natural life, or for short terms grants's:inanities and .endciwments, and makes contracts of all kinds depending. - the. issues of life. Acting also as Executers. Trustees and iluardistis.— Policies of Lite Insurance limited at the venal Wawa rates of other good Complusiesr-with profits to the In sured—last Bonus, January, 1861, being 44 per cont. of all premier= received on mutual, policies at joint stock rates, 20 per cent. less than the above. • . • NOI , I4OIIFETTORE RLAN. By which a person pays for 6,7, or 10 yeari only, when the Policy ispald up for life, and nothing more .to pay, and 'should be be unable,,or wish to discontinue sormor, the Company will Witte a paid-up policy in proportion to the amount 01,premiums paid, as follows: j At 5 yearl At 7 year I At 10 year .1 Rate.• Rata." Afte;, yagutent - or, , the ennui', ptehil. • . .• 1 ' ' ' - ume • (" 12 0 0 4c-7 ?t• • $lOO4 for ' 1400 00 $286 ' 00 -• $200.60 On ftaft of 4 ati.pret • 800 00 671 40 ,400 00 ~ 6 , " • •, • • . - 86710 " " 'B, " Annual premium coit $lOOO. . • /vps-.m.icfsrrußE rzy Tr...441.9AM Aga ..... , 430 50 33 40 " 33, - '4B 00 fo. 47 00 41 g r ..• 55 50 Insurance maj be effected, giving to any party, on the death di life insured, a certain yearly income by endow ment for life, thus avoiding aticoutingenciee of invest ing the same, and may•bie.double or treble the yearly interest. ALEXANDER WHILLDtN, Prer(dent. SAMUEL WORE, Vice-President.. JOMN 8. W4Lfieff, Becretary-and Thatruner. ' BOARD OF tRUSTRBS. Alexander Whilldln ' • L. Edgar Thompllon, }ion. James Pollock, lion. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Roberta, Jonas Bowman, Same' T. Bodine, R. IL Eldridge,, George Nugent, John Altman, Wm. J Chao. F 4 IlesaUtt. Samuel Work, MEDICAL EXAMINEES.. ' J. P. DIED, M.D., , J. - NEWTON WALKER, St, D. attendance at the Company's offke daily, at 22 o'clock, M. - WM. G. REEJA Chamhersburg, Pa., is the authorked Agent of the American We Insurance and Trust Com pany:, a nt d & A lways prepared to furnish pamphlets or any informatiteivanted, and to taki Insurances. ' DR. J.O. RICHARDS, Medical Esomilur. . - REFERENCES—Hon. A. K. McClure, Rev.S. J:Nte rolls; J. 8. Nixon, Chambersbarg; and Wei. M. Marsh 1, - Cashier Ilageritown Rank,- . • °ctn. Ott - - 'UNITED STATES TAXES.--AP -1,) P.EALS.—Not{ce Is hereby given r that the Lids, Viduatiormand Enumerations made by the several As sessors for the several Divisions offrantainommty, will .be open for examination at the residence of the. ant Amemorr, tram the 32th dayed October. tip. thitAitth dalot.thesame u.outh, both days Melinda". Appeals from the same will be receivedt its writitim on the 26th and Vth of October; at Chastbersbarg, at .thetrlnce of C.& EYeteri opposite the (Mart lions% by ROBERT O. DARPER, °eft} sling, Oct. 14, '63.1 Assusior 16th MIL Ye. 4 Looking (Hoses warm BON Springs and dalesl Boot Trehe 7 ...- Shoemaker Aft Stddlirrs Tools - Vrireedaga Cdiln Trimtulaga riadd3tcates Cedar Ware - - IBleating Powder Shot lad Lead Pocket Knlteit al Inducements of- NO & FLACK. Julies tr. DicYci, s. Morrie, Nata, John ,Mason. Seotie garrison, Francis B: Cope; Edwaid Ttutter, Edward S:( larke. William Catmints, 800 OtY