The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 14, 1863, Image 8

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C 9
! , L
_ . - .e . r Were'tfiabiiunded. - : This is all that Mai& I
stated with reference to thepresentsituation. l
Some time-since
. a document wets sent to , It is sufficient to satisfy thei public,that all is :i
Europe, for affect nu
purpoyting to 14 - ; well with the Army of the ,Cumberland. ,l!
an appeal of the " CierAy of the Confederate • With reference to the battles, the only .I
States" to churches:: throughout' the 'world. 1 - pound the rebels have for iclaiminiv, victory
the object of which was to solicit sympathy , is the ,possession of the battle-geld. But
they did not drive us from. it., On Sundt'' I
for Southern slavery from religious people. afternoon - Gen. Thomas repulsed the enemy .¢
The ministers of the churches o' Scotland at every point; he fired the . last shot and re
-1 ' i
lave, ut forth the , gull - tined very able re - -
; tired in good order. 1
It , is not true that the flags of truce sent:out
joinder, to which we ail: the attention of our I .
... . Iny Gen. Rosecrans had been refused. They
friends: . ,
We, the undersigned. ministers 'of the i brought in by our ambulaneetrams to Chet
churches in Scotland, in reply to the appeal 1 tanooga. The men who lwent opt for ;the_
_made to us in =the ~" Addrets to Christians j wounded report a gloomy feeling in the rebel
throughout the World," recently put forth i_army. The rebels admit their loss to have
"by the Clergy' of the Confederate Stites of i been very severe. They plaimed that 'l:2p,r"
America," feel bound to give public cxpres- 1 dead must have been removed from the fitqd,
sign -to our views, lest our - continued . silence ,as the number they buriedottld not account
should 1
be- misconstrued, as implying either j for their own losses. Thee had been no re-
acquiescence in - the principles of the docu- ' moval of our dead; however- - " '„'
went, or indifference:to the crime which it: Our loss in killed, wounded and , rnisSing
seeks to defend.
_ _ ;- was near 14,000. Only aj small 'proportion
We refer:, of course, to a single topic, that
of slavery, as it is , linciled in the address.'
We. desire to say nothuig inconsistent with
onfvountry's, attitude of strict neutrality as
,regard the war raging • across the Atlantic.
We do not discuss any of the political ques- •
tionioconnected With its origin; progress and
probable issues. We offer no opinion on-the
la OA , u rovtd opt id -on either side. Nor are we
-;Eo be regarded as shutting our eyes to the
past Mut present sins and shortcomings of the
fforth in relation to the African race. The
one, object, we have in view is to express the
deep grief, alarm and i ndignation with which
we pure perused'the pleading on behalf o.
slavery in general, and American slavery in
particular, to which so many servants of the
Lord Jesus Christ' have not scruples, to ap
peiid their names.
With the feeblest. possible incidental ad
mission of "abuses" which they "may de
plore, in this, as in other relations of man
kind."'we find these !ten broadly maintain •
- lug. in the most unqualified manner, th. -
"the relation of master and slave"—"amore.
us," they,add, to make their meaning nun
explicit—"is not incompatible With our hol
Christianity." They thank God forest, v
for a missionary institution; the best, as.
would 4eezn, and the most successful in th .
world, They hold it to be their peculh
funetion to defend and p.rpetuate it. An
-they evidently contemplate the formatioil
the Southern Confecluracy upon the basis e
slavery us one of its fUndamental and pet
ratan: t,principles or elements:, not only witl
out regret, but with entire satisfaction, at.
approval. • '•
Haiti t all this—in the name of that hol
'faith - itna that thrice holy name which the
veinutie to, invoke on the side of a syste,
• whyeikrcats immortal and redeemed men:
got.a's, and ,Chattels, &Dies them the rights
marriage and of home: consigns them to it
-normie or; the first 'rudiments of editcatioi
an . tuein X. 1.1 the outrages of lust at.
passion—we most earnestly and emphatical. ,
prou,t. We do not think: it needful to a.
gue. The time for argument has; for mat
la-en regarded by the whole of ei
light, nq Christendom. as passed and gon
Als ... , I.;qs for slavery, attempting to shelt
them-el ye- and it under the authority of Goc •
Word afid the Gospel of .1 esus Christ, are,
be &maimed as really. whatever may be the
gait ntici, the worst* enenlit , s of both. •
All reasonable, allowance. no doubt; shou
be matte for the • circumstances of Christi:
mina: ter. called in Pros tdenee to labor whe .
sluvt ry exists. Some s..reness. even, on the '
part, andel , what they regard as unjustiilab
and dangerous movements on the other Bid.:
migitc be oxcused as not unnatural. And
we• saw thi:m manfully lifting their vole
on behalf of univerSal liberty, and settii
themselves to aim at the instant redress
the more flagrant of the wrongs incident -
a-state of bondage,_ we would be- prepart,i
calinly to listen to, their representations •
to the , best'and likeliest practical methods
,the present amelioration of V
.,ondition of the slaves, and securing, with
he -. shortest period consistent with safer.l
their complete andinal emancipation. .
We are 'reluctant to .abandon the ho
that, upon reconsideration, and in the vit •
the sentiments now unanimously held at •
)(pressed -tm this subject everywhere eh
01. over Christendom, our American brethr,
1•Illy yet 'be induced' to take "up a positit
loore , worthy of our common faith than rth
which they at present occupy. But, at
b•eirts, theabliiation lying tipo n us, as thin
3 ow stand,' towards them, towards ourselv.
;wards ,the Church and the world, tower
I !se, Bible and the Gasper, is -to record, in - tl.
I,tongest possible terms, our abhorrence
thivadoctrine on the subject of slavery whi.
- t he• Southern clergy - teach, and upon whi. ;
11tey act; and to testify before all nations th
tiny state, empire, or republic, constituted •
.3,;&„teonstrueted, in-these days of Christian lig
ilnd liberty, upon the basis of that- doetrin
- I.!tactically applied, must, ii the sightof Go .
.s regarded as founded on wrong and ern:ll
- id as deserving, not his blessing, - but 1 •
r.gliteous Wrath.
Bdß. S. CANDLISH, D. D., Edinburgh.
_•.; THOMAS OtTHRIE, D. I D. Edinburgh.
W. B. GOOLD, D. D:, Edinburgh.
1 _ ; . ROB. BUCHANAN, D. D., Glasgow.
Joam CAIRNS, D.D., Berwick-on-Twee
Cilia. J. BROWN, D. D., Edinburgh.
ANDREW THOMPSON, D. D., Edinburg t
W. I:: ALEXANDER, D. D., Edinburgh
"J.l'mpi . .BEuo, D. D., Edinburgh.
EDINBURGH, Sept. 22,1868.
- This' is being signed• by all the -lead-in,
ymnisters of Scotland, and their answer •
if appeal of the clergy of the, Confedera I
.St ttes. • • •
• - - •
inthe Cincinnati Gazette of
Alak thefollowing information from the A
ni of the Cumberland, furnished to tb •
lnt,.:Oily Colonel Boyntonf of the 35th Ohi
lloinion left Chattimooga. on Thu)
4.0...Whe, 3d instant. He rode meat of t :
Vii,;(-itlOng the river road to Bridgeport.. T
chi' m of rebels, (therefore, that they vol
~nund th river is unfounded. - The mitre
south of the river, from Stevenson to Ch:
• t.&loga," is not used, for the reason that f'i
1, 4. tit Bridgeport is still down,' and t\ •
or.three,smaller bridges, bekwpen that plu
arta Gen. Roseerans' heinlqu'arkera, are a]!
cf repair; but the rebels 'du not - occu
the road in any force,; and ridnforcemet
,for Chattanooga could March over the rot
*Athout opposition. Flanking mOVeinet
pre not feared. General Rosecrans had ;,.
the then he needed in Chattanooga for pr ,
eitypurposes. - He could not use more to
vat tage if they were on the opposite side
the river; ,
. •
tiluttlitnooga is, in ft
ti9_:., , arTd can only bi
ska.t approachfi6. Frot
tiot ? s nothing is feared.
that nothing would pi ,
-thtin 8n attack by Brat
contest they are conl
N 4 itliciut reinforcement:
The men. Nero in tine
d i em , e iti and enthuiinst
• - •
were killed, and a small minority Only of the
wounded were severely injured. , Many to
those wounded on' Saturday-rejoined their
regiments on _Sunday. Ohr loss in artillery
did not exceed twenty pieces. Bragg tool:.
about 2, 1 300 prisoners, exclii=iveof the wound
ed left on the field, supposed-to number 1;000
Gen. Rosecrans took over 1,500: prisoners.
and Capt. B. thinks the numbeimay,- reach
The latest c•timate of the rebel forced en
gaged against us was 110.000. It is certain
that in every fight they oUtnumbered us, and
this was especially the case in the final ;con
test on Sunday afternooM when the enemy
was repulsed by General' Thome? famous
Subsequently to the battles the rebels Were
arranging for another attack. Their troops
were drawn up in line, and' our pickets could
distinctly hear speeches that were
officers to the soldiers. The latter were told
That it was absolutely necessary to take Chat
tanooga; that all the hopea of the confederacy
rested in that array, and that if they failed all
was lost." For some reason not known the
eontemplated'attack was abandoned, but the
opinion is that Bragg found his army too
much shattered, for a' reneival of the engage
ment. T
The heavy loss of rebel officersrisexplain.ed
on the ground that the general despondency
in the rebel army - rendered ex:traordinary
exposure on the part of the officers necessary
in order to keep the men up to the work:
, I .•
- 1
Under the direction of the Com Missioner csf
Agriculture, Mr. Wm. SaUnders; chief Of the'
Government propagating ,garden, is atipres
ent in Gettysburg to lay Out the; grounds for
a national cemetery, where those who tell on
the soil of Pennsylvania in defence of their
country's cause are to have A cared-for rest
ing, place. Mr. Saunders ik al residdnt of
'Germantown, and has been at the head 1 1,>f his
,in 'this country:. Since the',d( a h
of Downing, no one has stood- ; higher as a
landscape gardener and horticulturist. The
Cemetery will be publicly consecrated in
November next.—Adam •
Gen. Steele's army, at Little (Rock. Ark.,
bas secured an admirable basis for operations
in.that Department. The railrbad has been
put in operation between Little RoCk and
Duvall's Bluff; from WhiCh point there is un
interrupted communication by river with
Memphis. Over this route an ample[ stock
of supplies is being hurried forward to Little
.Rock, ensuring our army-, .affaiiist any con
tingency likely to arise frOmJ interrupted
Legal Ratire.
widow. John. Daniel of whom Henry Ebersole Is nuaro
Jan ; Mary intermarried with Samuel Sollenhercer, ra
riding in the- county of Franklin, Sth intirmarriet
with Michael Sollenberger and Mama t Etter
in the county of Iledthrd, heirs and legal repretlentative:
of John Etter, late of Green township, iliranklin count)
Pa.. dsc'il.
Tun are hereby n.t Bled that I will hold an Itiquisltion
- on tae Real Hatate of said dec;d; situate in Gre-n town.
ship. Franklin county, l'a,, on F'riday.the23d Octobe,
at 10 o'clock A. M., on the preptices, when and where yob
can attend if you think proper. UMBEL BRANDT, --
Sheriff's Office, oct. 7-1 t j ! Sheriff.
4 II persons interested will take nonce that the to
owing accounts have been glad, and will be presented t.
the Court of Corrunpu Pleas en Nonday,the 2tith ttr..Or
Colter, tor confi rmat run :,
Account of John Philips and ,Led Sande'rs, ' Assignee.
of John. Zulingor, of Washington township., '
First account of John A. Shank, Codlanittea of Eliza
beth Forney. a Lunalic. -, 1 - 1 1
Third and final acCount of Jacob Krider, Trustee n
Nancy Bricker, nay:. dec'd. A., O. CA.1.31.1A1i, Fraley.,
Proth'Y Office net. T..3t , ; 1 1 -
L7 4 .X.E(;IUTOR'S ric(:)TICE.--i-'...Totia(
i ' is hereby given that Letters TesMmentaVy to tb.
Estate of John Metz late of Guilford Tewnship, decease.
11,1ve been granted to the uudersiguei, residing in s ai.
All p..rsone knowing thenieelves indebted to said 'Ef
fete Will Please nr+ke immediate payment; 'and these
haring claims will present thetn properly authenticate..
br settlement. ' - , A.DENIIAM .METZ,
sop :.',O , - , Eeiifor.
kfi is hereby given that Letteng reStittnentary to the
Estate of Dr Charles IlasselL, late o .-L.irtnantpt,,a twp..
tlet•Nl. have been grafted to the treter..gustl, teliding In
ra..burg. , 1
1 ,
All penons , knowing theuMeleen Indebted to said Eg
tate will please; make immediate payment; 'and theen
having claim; wilipresent them properly ant hentleal el
for settlement. Lint 7-ot*J ! P.N. 1101+1+51AN. Ex*r.
Notice isbereby Oren that Letters of Admini.... is hereby giretirli'd Letters Testmlentery to the
tratem on the Estate of Catharine Creamer, lateof Let- , Ks‘.‘te JolaTrit ie. Lite td liullf,rd ter,
terkenny, dec'd, hare been granted td the
‘ spb4critiers. hare iieen grunted to the undersigned, rjsiding in snid
All parsons knowing themselves Indebted to the said td's
_Estate will please make immediate payment t and [lingo All rwrAunA Indebted to the Raid Eatale. are requested
haring claims will present them properly nutlienticated I In ni4l:h iunnediate pay tent. and tho... having claltro,
for settlement. , . ; demand. igainst the Estdte of Ike ellen t will notke
JOHN CREAMER, liannete twp„) 1 ' 1 kn'.o n the same, witinint delay to
0at.71 JOS CREAMER., Lettk'y 4w - p:c -"" m•rl '• test HENRY TR fTLE.,Exerntor.
'SNOTIGE.— 'UN" 1.:(: TY TOR'S .N0,,T1(
-Notice la hereby given thnt Letters of Atintinis- ; isatereby giv;4l, tbnt Letters Testament try to the
nation - on the Itstnte of Philip Cnei;man, Int- of 1111. I..vtale of-John Mull. Wept ()teen township. dee'd. have
Borough of Chtunberabnrg t doed: have been grtinted to I Leen granted to the u ndersigned, resitting in ;mid twp.
the undersigned residing in said Borough. All petkiots kutnriug themselves indebted t o said
AU persons knowing thethselves indebted to said gc- :':atenterequested to make imniediste payment. and
tate will please make Immediate payment;' end thrwp those having. chims. present them pr o perly authenti.
having claims will pretient them properly authenticated ; tare.l for settlement
for settlement. [ect. - 7] ,- TORN CApEMAN, Adm'r. j sept
TOTICE.—The following ; named V.XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notiee
.11 persons have flied petitions fer Tavern License,; .L:j Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
in the clerk's Office, to be presented to the Ciptrt at the_ of :Sohn Dorrance, late of Mercersiturg, decd.twit term, commencing on Monday, the 2tlth of October. - Five been granted to the tindetidgned, residing In said
186.3. to wit: . , ilormigh• - - -
H. B. BlairMontgomery,Township. 1 • All persons - knowing themselves indebted tasaid P.A.
B. F. Snyder - - New; Franklin. ; t ,te, are requestedu to make immediate payment: and
net 7 W. (I. MITCHELL. Clerk. ' ,010 having Jaime or:demands aralnst the Estate ..f
i Tedent, vdllmake known the same without delay.. to
Sept lfi MARGARET CHAMBERS, Execntrit.
XT - O - TICE...---Notice is hereV.given, ;
. _
i_ .1 that the undersigned will not NOTICE.—Notice
pay x 1
any debts, made ! ci. .. i .
~ TORSw,-ti
by any one, unless authorized by her. - I
, 31A.RGAAST.CIOETT51Als,l, . l' in is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Corner of2d and 'Market 80., Chamberaburg, Pa, , Late of Sarah Bobs, late of Merberibuig Borough,
sopt 30 '63.3t. _ . . , . i . .e'd, — have been granted to the undersigned, residing In
_ ._
- l4 llormagh
. . I All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es
.-,, , in-n . ' , ma 1 ~
I . :IIPORTANT 3.c1.r..U.1tiri. -- .14.11 per- • te, are,hereby requested to make Immediate payment
those having claims or demands against the Estate
, dsons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm : ::
• said decedent. will make known the same without de
of G. H. hlsaxxxiicA On., of the "Dispatch," for Job
Work, Advertising. or Subscription. are notified to make v. to [sept 16.] JAS. o.- 0 AESON,Ex'r.
•payment beAre the Ist day /:,.t January next. ;,Alter that, •
ECUTOR %.9 NOTICE.-- - Notice
date the aceownts will he placed in the hinds of 'an olli. •
cer for collection, mud costs toilt,be added. , • i
_,/ is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
P: DOOK , FREY, .1,51 P of illalinfla Stayer. late of Leff eikenny township
Septs 30-3 t. , At the Omani:louse, Chtimbersburg. j , ceased, have been granted to the undersigned, real
--- --"' ' • • 1 tie. in Lurgan Tolinship.
Q . T 0 RE Ti. 0 031 :AND CELLAR i kit persons knowing thetnselves indebted to Said, Ee
l. j FOR VENT.—Thelarge Jtore l t oom andOellar. car- ' , to will please rusks immediate payment; and those
ner Main and Wishingtoo streets. 4 offered (or Rent. I I sing claims will present 'hem properly authenticated
Possession given immediately ~ Apply to . ' . ,{ • lettlomoot. CIERISTIAN SNOKE.
sep 16 B. P. uizairr. I Sept. 9`l33Executor.
. .
ittl)c!" ± ,A6Ottit-Titi.pooitoti); - f orliqntbisb.iiigfit)a.
~t;egai 4otic¢~:
.kutice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
-it mn tin the Estate f 4t . JOhn Smith. late of the Rot ough
of ehambersburg. tiec d, have be. tt - granted to the un
derAgnutl, rebiding in said Ilerotigh.
' All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es.
tate w!..1 please make immediate payment ; and those
havnig claim* will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. CATIIARINES3UTII,
[Aml.:Z:3*j - Admr'x.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of
ou the Estate of James M. Bnulley. Into uf Mer
rersburg borungh, dee'd.ltave been granted to the under
signed. residing in said I3orough.
All persons kuosring thenese,ves indebted to said Es
tate will pleane mike immediate p.iyineut: and flume
having claims will present thetu properly authenticated
fur settlement. ,
Notice Is hereby given that „Letters of Admlnis
trat ion on the Ratite of Nlichnel 'Ruth, late of Green
township deed. have been granted to tic ntnidroigued,
residing In nab] township. ,-
Ali persons indebted to the tail Flotnte. are renneoted
to make immedint p qment,and tslolil. having claim,' 01
letnatels againot,th 6 Rotate of said decedent will make
beth known, wit hunt delay. to .
sent 16 < ' DAVID sttovEit. Admit'.
Notice is hereby given that Getters of Adminis.
mum' on the Estate of Jain`ea Kirkpatrick. late of Pee
wit township, ileeil, have been granted to the under
•igned, residing in said townehip. - .
All persons knowing then/selves Indebted Weald Estate
will please make immediate payment, and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settle
ment. WI LLTAX HERRON, /La } .
Sept 9-10 Wl'. U. KIRKPATRICK.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Minh,Ls
t; a l.on on the 'Mita fool' Isabella Thonipson, Into of Greet:
township, deed. have been granted to the undersigned,
residing in said township.
All persons indebted to the said Estate. are hereby re•
guested to mike immediate payment. owl those baring
claims or demands against the Estate of said dt:eedent,
will make known the same without e'elay. to
sent 9 - WIL.,IAM TITOMHON, Ailm'r.-
ATOSN --:-
A Notice is he'reby given that Letters of -Adtninis
::.o.i..n on the Ettate a Samuel Fils.on, late of,-tluilford,
township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned,
resi,ling, in maid township.
All persons indebted to the said P.state, are requeAted
to make immediate payment. and those having claims
or demands against the }.fate ',foal,' decedent, will .
make known the sante without delay. to -
sent tit*. - .'• C. IL mcKNt(nrr, Ader.
Notice is I:ereb) given th-tt Letters tit AiWillis-
tration on the Foitate of GeJrge Lernaster. late of the
;Borough of Cliantbersbnrg. deed. have hen granted to
r the undersigned. relding in said lion D A I L
All persons knowing Jiieniselces indebted to said Es
tatt will please make immediate payment: - and threw
having clainis will present them propel ly authenticated
4 for settlement. PHILIP LEMASTEII:I ini „
Notice is hereby given :that Letters of Adminib
-1 tram:it on the Estate of Jotin Arin4trone. late of
ilton township. dec'd. have heefigranted toundersigned,
t esiding in said township.
'i All persons knowning thenise/ves innehtpd - to said E . g.-
' tate will please make immediate payment: and those
ha yin claims will present them properly authenticated
tor Hut tlement. ISABELLA ARMSTRONG.
net 7. ' .A
nerehy given that Lettetr
riots • n the. flatate ef.lohn Renfrew. late uffittilfurd
have been granted to the untlermigneth reeiding in
Nal.l towinzhin.
All peraynq Indebted to the gala £.3tate.are hereby en
: gm:4'w' to ?fork" .myettent.ctrui thl,o hnvivg
-1 , •,r9 nelthltine :%eninst tAe Letn.t ,1 , leOenlent,
will inawe •n , l - taine with •lolar,tu
i A D 311. NISY It A_TOR' S N °Tie E.—.
i Notice is hereby given that Letterti - of Ailtitinis- ,
ti talon un the Ei,tate of Jane Burns. late of Itinditott
Township. deceased, hove been granted- to the under
signed. residic,, ,, in the Borough of Wayndsbotot.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Et.
/ante will plenee :wake immediate pi:vow:At and tho.q.
Lei ring claims will protect them properly authentic it.l
i f.r r•ettlement, either to the undersiYmod or to Eyster a
t llonebralte. W. S. ANDERSON.
I sop, ::.'O, Adm'nior.tor,
Notice is hereby given that Lettei , i of Aandwdr.,-
,tots on the Estate of Samuel W. Beintzeiman late of
ilitilord Township. dece.tieil, have, been grunted to the
und...reignoa. mii,liiiz in maid Townshit •
All pergo'ns knowing . themselves indebted to sitid Es-
Inwe will pleafw make immediatepit. men : and Ili"
'mving Haling will preAent them properly mithentieMeil
riir settlement. MARTIN lIEENTZELNI kN.
° -
Sept MI Adiiir.
1 4 Notice is hereby itiveit that Litters of Adminh
-1 ratmn on the Estate of•Michnel litter. lite et Imr.o.nn
Township, deceased. hare been grunted to the undersign
4. resi limr, in Lurgsn to,. rimii,.
All persm.s bnownut themselves Indebted to all FA.
, tte will plots, make invite hate p yment; moi those
laving chains Will present them properly authenticated
. o,r settlement. MARY C. MILLIIIt.
i Kept 30 61* Admini.tratrix
A D MI.‘.TIST 11 A TOR'S NOTI C.P.1.,- , --
1 Notice Iv hereby given that Letter.; of A dmink.
.:aim on the Ext ate Of Mary .1. Walker. late of St.
I iltomas toivntiltlit. fieed.h.tve born gr i hied to the tiii
i; : ers i gn e a, re,idiugt In Moatgrtitery township
. . .. _
All pencona knowing tli*Mieelye; indented to ai‘l4 Ea
;;Ante will plena(' make immediate payment rand thane
I l iavingclahnawillpresent them properly authenticated
or settlement.
Kept 30 ti ROBERT 110Y1).
L Nodes is hereby given that Letdeot or A , lntini.-
!. rdtioti on the Dante oil - Motel Nlottn bete of Ui ern
owitithip. der'd. have been grdnted to the under:4lo4l.
esiding ih Green township,
All peem6ne knot lag then:n.l,4l'l.4 indebted to c il4 Eae.
I tate will pinto nmko immediate payment ; end Move
! claims swill present' them properly anthentirated
for .tettlement. JOHN MONN. 1 Mtn - re
.wept 30 - JEREMIAH rsIOW.I. I '
' is hereby given that Let ter!; Testnmentary to the
Estsre of Abraham Co dm it h. late of Antrim township,
, dee'd. have been granted to the tin lerdgne , l.revidingin
qaid townsin p.
All 'tenon., knowing them.elves Indebted to said - F's
te trill please make Inne/Hato mi 'new and those
Ilitvii4g 0111M4 with pretest them propel ly authenticated
C,r settlement. ABRAII A n CARBAL7OII, Jr-) p x • re
16 ADAM ZAltrililL, • •
Wail.. .7. RENFREW f Ararrn;
F. R. BURN..
Ural estate *WO.
ame of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland
connty, the subseriher will sellmt Public Sale am the
premises, on .Saferday - .oclobtr lith, 1863. at 1 o'cloek,
P. M.. the raluable3lll.l. PROPIMITY. situate Oil the
Middle Spring. in Bouthaniptou township. 1 mile North
of Shippensbnrvon the road leading to Newburg Into
the property of James S Feat. dec'tl. ,
The 31 ti is three stories in bight. Stone and Frame,
has two pair of Burrs, and one pair of Chopping Stones,
midis in peal order for home and merchant work. The
water 'NW. r fa about tWe.lif , feet..hearl and tall..
The TlltliT LIN Deunneetesi with the Mal is ,of
Limestone. of good quality, tioundedhy lands of I 7harlen
11. 44 - bite. Joseph Ltombarger and others, containing V
ACRES. more or leas. and, having tlii.reon erected a two
story STONE fiWELLLN4 HOUSE. Tenant House.
Frame Dorm &c. There are on the premises a, good
AppleOrchnid and a Well and Spring of nererePiling
Water. The property is handsomely militated in, a good
grain growing seerion.trinvenient to market. schoolslc.,
and is fuel! esperts a desirable one. Persons desiring to
see the promises are regneeted to call on John ,IdeCleaf,
reiddime ehcreon„ or on ' tlie sitbscriber residing •in Ship. ;
pcnabt eg t .wnship. Terins made known on day of sale.
Sep' - KgoNTz.
Gni nitro th.rminor children t f James S. Colwell,
VRANKLIN BMPOSITOILT, rlease ropy, and send bill to
this olliem—Shippstisburg News.]
bers offer for saliva SLATE FARM. situated Imile
south east of Upton :vlJoining lands of Isaac Weagly.
Rev. St . fiumned others. contatnlng Itl ACRES. Thu
improvements consist of a tNI) story EW ELLIN ‘•'
Brim k and part Log and Weathethoarded Bank Rani.
Wagon Shed and all other necessliy mitimililings. two
Well.and several Springs convenient to the buildings,'
an OR HARD of Apple and other - fruit Trees. shout
forty ACRES entered wan thriving Timber The. land
Is a gos. it quality of Slate. If nut sold at pit,. ate sal"
hef,re Tuesil my the 20th October, it will on that day be
offere 1 at Public Sale at 12 o'clock.
Tbrms will be made accomodating.
sept 31).U*
VATE SALE —The undersigned offers at private
Sale hurt'AßM. situated in Letttrkenney township. on
the road leading. froth ClmmlieTburg to Strasburg. 5
miles from either pl .ce. consisting of 150 ACRES of
SLATE LAND in a high date of cultinttion. The im
provements are a two storied LOG WRATH ft BOA RD
ED ROUSE. Log Barn. Wagon Shed, Corn Crib. W.tsh
Muse and all necessary outbuildings. an ex
cellent Spring and a Well of buyer-falling - Water en the
house. There are two genii ORCHA HASA' choice fruit
on the farm. PersonirwiShing to view the ptcruises can
do no by calling on the subscriber.
oct 7-It. I 4 AAC- 11. KEEFF.R.,
pF(USTER'S NOTICE.-All pei:-
onq interested will please take notice that the fol.
tt,;Zg accountants bare settled their acconnts in the
Registers office of Franklin county and that the mune
will be prwentot to the Orphans' Court for Confirmation
October 2smosn, at the Cfonrtli;Juse in
Chtunbersburgl , - _
. _
S.W. The first and final Assent of James M. Binhop
and John 11. Etter, Administrators ut Juhn Etter, late
of Green tovknohip.dee'd.
. .
-- 331. The second and Boar Acebunt of P. B. Biwa
Guardian..f Peter Renteh.
3.32. First ;uai tined Acconnt of John - Maxheinier,
ministrntor of Jacob Brindle. of 51s rks.
333. The lirsC,Arcoutit of James L. Mack, Executor
of John 'fell?email Isle of Guilford township, dec'il.
334. The Account of llannalt Running . ..l% ,Exocutrix.
of Joseph Benninger. late id Peters township. itec'd.
3:15. The first Account of Thoinns F.ererAiner.linn of
David Miller:ruiner child of John Miller. 14te of Fannett
3311. The ttrit Account of TholuM Pager, Guardian of
Mary Miller, ntinor child of John 31tlier, lute of Fnunett
towneh'in, deed.
3.3 Z. The Account of John 11, Walker, Exivutor of the
last will and testament of Robert Elliott. dined.
338. The Amount of Jacob Bre4k, Administrator of
LOIUM Juitnaton. -
339. The Guardianship Account of Simnel George,
Guardian of l'eter Snider, minor child of Peter Snider,
lath of Guilford townAlliv, deed, ns stxted by the Execte
tor , of ~aid Guardi
The Account of John E o we. Executor ofithe lad
will and testament of G ntiol litre, late of thu borough
of t; r •eneantle. deed.
311. Thu first And fiord Account of Henry ll.mbilter. -
Adelinh,trat,or . of Sol. own Eckerd, , 314 tanner y.
T.wnsliiip, dee d.
312. The fir ,, tan4l font Accont t -of P. 31 Oftrvey. Ad
ministrator of 31ary Brindle. late of St. Thomas. deed
-4i. The fir-It anc . l fin ti Acetatnt 10 . 13mi:unit' Chambers
Al 3tiz with •lie s mint xed of Mary Judi, late
of Chanibermhurg.FratLtlin county, Pa . died.
t 44 The first and fifiltl Ae^ount of Samuel Gilmore.
Guardian of Renjantla L. mud E collar S. Dice. minor
children of William thee, me stilted by John (Mun et, Aci
ruinim rotor of Samuel Gilmore.
gen E. C. B /YD. Register
ner, the Justices a the Yeast end Ilia Constables of
the Different Ton tishipa Id the County of Franklin,
1 rtvti ng now all ye. that in Inv:ma:leo of a precept
to me , breeted, under the hand aid seal of the lloN.
JAM 1.: 4 :111.1,, Fiesideut of the sectial Coto ta of Com
mon Fleas, in the Sixteenth Dlitrirt. ei,nisting of the
cotty.tiei of Somereet, Itekit;Jrtl. Fulton and Franklin. and
by virtue Sf his otlice, n , Ctc•rt of Over and Terminer
Kull General Jail t elivery fir the trial of capital rind
other offenders therein, and in the General Court of
Quarter Steed:ma of the Peace, and Wit WAX W. PO:TON
nnd ,l ot ES 1). Cettsnx, Esqq- Judges of the same coun
ty of Franklin. Yon nod each of you are here requir
ed to boand appear in your proper persons with your
her , irdet. ilecugtoz , tuce?'. Examinntion4, and other Ito.
inembrances before the Judges aforesaid, at Chain
herein!: g. :it a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery. and tient rat Qu titer Se:of my of the peace.
ate/ vin to be holden for th, County of Franklin ntre
said.ea the 1..(7,1 ilodehiy in Am/act being the 2f,th - flay
nt the month. at IU o'clock iu the forenoon of that clay,
thou and there to e,o those thing., a 'deli to your Levers'
•jtices appertal».
Oiv.n miclrr my hind nt t Imlnberbutg, tho ith day
of Qctober,lB63. SAMUtI. BRANDT.
oct 7-te
xj. at October Term, 1863. Commencing Mondry. 26
Vc oher, 0.63.
Franklin fi IL.ruhal CoDeg.. rs - .Ins. 0. Carson et al •
Getot g.. Megote Asmst lung (.1 A)
31. Pennock St Co. es Wm. Rabcr.
S•irall Bowman TM Jos, Rom man.
Wm. Gutsbal elerode,
A. IL Hurst and 3lrs.
Ditricl Wertz Sr
N. S. Rost, Oarilishe.
Daniol Kohler Geo. A. Delft.
.1 aeol., F:ttunel Neikirk.
A. Meliok erol..r,er
vs • llulker Iln ghes.
of Samuel Congdon
1 Samuel Reasoner and.
Mary W. Iteges TS -
Ba l i. K„li n, Garnishee.
R. K. McClellan er Manuel Maher. -
A. D. CAUFssAN, Prothonotary.
Proth'ys office. .011.3% '63. -
ut Clituaberaltrg, for Franklin county, Pa, on the
lush day of August, A. tr„ 1663, before ' the lion. jaws
Nt Fremtient, end Jaitirt 0. Clll.Oll Oa. W. W
11.18 . .{siociatu JocigesufmnlCourt:-
On mot ion of Kennedy A. Sill. I..spt., the court giant a
rule tit the heirs and legal reps esentatires of John Be.t.
you, late ~f weld county or Pi ankriii, deed, and all parties
late' eated therein, to appear at an Orphans' Cana t to be
hel' at ChallabeNburet. I' e, on Narptity, 2iith da, of
October, ,A is take or refuse to take the& nits
f iaW Joh , ' hem Pr. :* J, at thu valuatio4 and amitaisee
ment thereof, or show cause why the eaten should n e t be
lu tostiiiony whereof I hive horeunty Pet my hand
let:t , itelaftlxed the, Neal of the sold ot Chatti
bershurg. (hie 10th Ilay t,f August. A I1.:158 1.
net 7.11 t, ' WM. 14. )IITCIII LI,. Cletic.
V K of
OTlC—Dissolution eu-Tart
i nrr,Thip.—The Co -Thu-tart - spin beretcfore exbaing
niftier the firms and style of WUNDERLIC 11, NE.{)
CO.. At Chaniber.burg. Pa.. and SCH.A.kIIIIIT, WUN
DERLICH k CO.. Greencastle, was on the ISt day
of t-eptember,l963, dissolved by mutual consent. The'
hooks of the late firm at Chambershurg will remain In
t 1 hands of Wunderlich k Nead for collection; the
Books at Greencastle are in the hands of A. F. Schafbirt
for settlement. All persons knowing themseLves in
debted to either of the above Semi, will please call with
out delay and makepayment, as the Books must lie set
tled without delay. D. K. WUNDERLIULI,
sep 9-6 t ALIGN. F. SCHAYIHRT.
SHlP.—Thepartnorship heretofore existing under
the name and style of DIEHL & OORDON,In the Pad
dle and Harness business, in Chambersbnrg, was d Wady
ed by mutual consent on the 14th day of Augast,lB63.
The Books will remain in the handfxof C. 11. Gordon,
by whom the business will hereafter be cundectml. -
Persons knowing themselves indebted Co the oldSrm
will please call and settle their accounts.
appointed by the Orphans Conrt of Franklin Coun
ty. enn'a. to make distribution of the balance in the
hands of James M. "Bishop. Administrator of John
Views, late of Green Township. deed,. to, and among
the parties entitled thereunto, will attend at the office
of W. Reilly, Eel., for the purposes of his appointment,
on Monday, the 19th day ofOctober,.next, at 10 o'clock,
A. M.,when and where all personsintetested may attend
if they see proper. [imp .90-tal T. M. CARLISLE.
SHERIFF'S SALES.-13y virtue
sundry write of remit tioni crpoitas, leaned out ufthe
Court of coietnun Plews of Franklin County. l'a , and to
me directed theta Will be exposed to Public Sale, at the
Court Mouse in - the Borough of Chambersburg, ore F'ri
day. theZd of October, 186 a e Iskyck, P. 31.., the fol.
lowing described Beal Bstate.
All that lot of grohnd .nitaate la the tillage of Cour
cord. Fannon twp t ttiljoinining lots of Jns. Wilson on the
W. Little on the 9ontla
Fist, s. fluckenhury un the West,
and the road on theNurth, with a two story Log House;
Log Shop. and Log Stable thereott erected. 9 'red and
taken in execution as the property of Joints P. thimble.
el,Alect--Ali that half lot of ground, situate in the Ilor
ough of Chambernburg, fronting on Main Street, lull
ing tuts of o w . Stall nit th e s o uth., W. Chaan`mrs on the
West, and Mrs. Harris on the North, with 's 1 3.4 story
Brick Mouse thereon erected Seized Rllll taken in exir
as the properly of Frederick Nobler.
Alt—All that half lot of ground, Situate in' the
Borouoi of Cliambersharg.fronting ou King Street ails
joining lots of 3lrs.tlnyder on the West. lot ut fALtiette
Wood on the East awl by an
,Alley on the North with a
two story Brick Mouse thereon erected. Seized and
taken in execution 48 the property of Maria M. Burg
Aire—ill that half- lot of ground, situate in 'the
Borough or charahersburg, sronting on Maio Street. 32
'met flout. adjoining lot of A. Bechtel, on , the South,
--,on the North: and an Alley on the Eaet. with it
two story Log and Weatherboarded House, and Log Sta
ble thereon erected. Se'ziat andtaken- In execution ea
the property of Sinntiel WOlff.'
Also—All that tract of land containing 132 Acre,'
more or less. situate oil Peters two., adjoining : lauds of
Geo. Briggi. Admit Hoke, Al ex. John son and others, with
two tit
etory Stone Bsru.. itbd other imprWre
ments thertm erected. - Seized and taken in execution
iN the property of Win & Joseph Warner- -
Alsc--All that tract of hind sittmterin Letterkenny
two., containing 33 Acres Owe or lesz,.of %fountain land
odj.,iuing !undo of Lee Horn and other hauls of itine
Rosenberg. Alao—Ss Acres more or lee. adjoining 1 mils
of E.Atosenburg, and others with a Log Millet' and Log
Marti thereon erected. 'Aire—fitiot Ayres of Ifountain
Land.adjoining lauds of II Keefer and nthern. taelZed
and taken in execution ar the prepertc 01 Isaac Malm
berg, and will be sold by me tiA3IU Eh BRANDT.
oct. i Sheriff:
REAL ESTATE.—In pursunnee of an order of the
rphans' Cou-t, and in virtue of thelast will and test:l
-ntent of Robert C. McFarland. the mtbseriber" Vi ill sell
~t Public mde. on the premises. on 'Niturday: the 24th
day of Ckfober. the following deserlballeal' Estate.
sit atm] in Peters and Montgomery townships, Franklin
pounty, late the Dropetty of R Mert C. atid John
land, dec d.
Part 1, Containirg. 145 At - R.ES of first-rata LAND,
adjoiningtnnds of Adam Hoke, C.., Londerbanah, Brad.
ley's halts and others,, with large and .commudlonit
HUI LUINOS all kinds required on a farm, with good
ORCHARD. Well and Running water near the -door.
About 20 Acres of this tract is fine MEADOW and some
superior TIM tiER.
t 2. coil tai ning 102. ACRES of LAND of the same
quality, adjoining lands of the Lion. Jan.l Buchanan,
Mvp. 's heirs and pert 1. -
Part 3. containing 60 Ai'PEA. mostly BOTTOM LAND
and much of it very productive, adjoining t to above
tract lands of David Leinaiter, Franklin Reed and
others. _
. .
The above tractshave each a sufficiency of Timber and
Witter. and are all near the town of Morcetsbnrg. wnh
the best - of Schools, Churches and Mints cunvehient.
They will be sold seperate or together, as may be •t snit
Land buyers are requested to glte this property their
nttention, as it will certainly be sold the day of sale,
Persons wishing to view the property will call on the
snliscrilier residing thereon.
Terms made known on dty of See.
R. P. McFAilitAhlic
Adm'r of the Estate of John McFarland and Trntityet to
' sell under the will of Hobert C. NeFerlen.l.
By order of the Con rt.—W.G. MITCTIELL. Clerk. [net 743 t
11DUBTAC SALE.—The undersigned
having determined to remove West. will sell by
Public Sitle. (without ressrve) at his residence in ',Lon
don, 071 Wednesday, the 4t4 horember; 18113, the rdlow ,
ihg Personal rroperty, viz :1 good 'Family 11ORSB. four
:ears obi ; 7 good .filth Cow.; I unahorse Winton end
Bed : 1 twiehorse Wagon and Bed ;1 two-horse Bed with
Bows ; 1 'pair iv:4om_ Hay I. : 1 one-horse
eleigh ; 1 110 KAWVEIJA 1;111 AG P.l 1 i pring V(agon
3 sets of single Double and Sirgle Trees; 2
Log hairs; 101110 oz; 1 Jack Screw ; Lcrowbnr.
Also, a lot of POPI, It and OAK LUMBER 4- long and
2 short tinders; 1 Btleketnitles Vice. Spades; Shovels
: and Picks,: 4 Bark Spades; 1 Cross-Cut ; 1 large
'Patent Bee Palace and Bees. Also, a limo variety oh
HOUS.I4II9LD FURNITURE nod Kitchen - tteesile. viz :
6 Bedsteads; 3 Bureaus; 2 Wash, Stands; 2 Corner Cup
boards;-2 eight-4311v Clocks; i Parlor Stove; 2 ten-plate
:tore , : 1 Cooking More; 3 3lent Vessels: Cider Barrels
and Kegs, and many artirlesnot necessary to enumerate
tar: 7 .llle to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M . when at
tendance will be given and the terms mode kris u._
_ .
Air I will also offer at Private Bale ills TANNERY in
Loudon with five LOTS of GROUND attached thiireto.
The Tannery consists of all the modern Improvement.;
with 25 orlt) cords of Bark in the Bark house. A1k.).9.4
ACRES of TIMBER LAND with a Double Geared SAM
MILL thereon. Terms made known by billing on the
subscriber. JAM ES CRAWFORD.
ABLE REAL ESTASE.—By virtue of the last will
inn Lestainent of -John Bear deed. the mulct signed int
laecutor 01 said deed. will otter at Public on &ter
'toy. the Atli day of Ortoll s r:181:3, at I I o'clock. R. M..
n the premises, alkt he heal 1-Istate ot which the said
John Bear. died.seized end pesselkstal lying in Mont
gomery township. Franklin county, lttateol Pennsylva
nia adjoining the lands of Cheistinn Nicowntoter and
others, and on the road loading from Hagerstown to
Mereersburg, and being the &nitrite:A Estate purchased
from Catharine Horst by aid John Dear, containing
flti ACRES and 71 PEI:CUES of land more or less. -
The improvements are a LOG DWELLING DORM.
FRAME BARN, ant all 'necivisany outbuildings- There
is a SPRING of RIINNINU WATER on the and a
clay/ troll near the house. The land is in a good atatnof
cultivation and tooter good fencing.
The teens are one-balf ilk band, and the balance in
two enital annual payments, from the first day of April
nekt, with interest: the pm - chaser giving his totes
therefor with approved security: and that upon the
s i.ayment of the n hole purchai , e money a deed will be
executed. Possession given on the find day of April
next. The crop growing in the ground ate yeserl'ed
with, tho privilege ot securing the same. . .
pcpt PO4t*
The undersigned Offers at Private S de. a valnahle
LIMESTONE FARM, bitnaticil - on •the Met cersburk and
liageretown road. four MHOS South of the former Mare,
in the Welsh Etta District. containing - ONE MINI/RED
ANP NINETY-SIX ACRES, 1411,0 f which are cicare4l
- It high white of raltivation—the balance choice Tim
her Land. The Conocncheagize Ilreck banwis the Faint
ou the North. and there are tr . !) Wells of good Waft , cu
the premises—one at the house and one at the Barn •
- The Improvements are. a two-story ROUGH CAST
norsE, a good STON.R BANK BARN. with Corn• Crib
and Shed attached, and all necessary out IMild
ings. There is, also, a good ORCIL'HID of grefbed Fruit
sot the premises.
If the Farm is not sold by the let day of tictaber
next, it will, on that day, at I. o'clock, 1'.31., be offered et
Public S de. - • _
OPermns wiihing to view the premises can do no at any
time. by calling on the undersigned. residing the• eon.
Sept. 2, 1563. • • J. WATSON CRAIG.
• v NOR S.IL E.—The subscriber desiring to retire
front business,otiers at private side his YALU EUL E 111 LL
Property, tittunte on - the Comeocheague Creek. at
Scittlatut.ti.'etnile,s North of Olttabershnrg. The Mill
list three run of Burrs and 14 in grind order tbr 1101110 and
merchant work'. it is situated in one:of the beet grain
growing regions of Southern Pennsylvania, and conve
nient to churches and schist's. 'there are about seven.
tree Act es of land connected with the Mill, nearly all
cleared and good Meadow Land, and under goad fence.
A large twostory Weatherboarded DWELLING 110M. , F.
and other out buildings, and consiikrable fruit are on the
property. 'firs price nsked is 4 1, 100. while the holt
esrniny,sof the tarn during the last year was above $7OO.
For particulars apply to the subscriber ing on the
atilt t f
FOR SALE. , The updersigned offer at Private
Sale, the well known Tavern, situated on the corner of
Market and Second Streets, now In the occupancy of
Sheriff Brown. The Hot el is a large commodious two
story brick building. The yard attached is admirably
arranged for travellers stopping with buggies and
wagons. The stable is large and airy, and capable of
accommodating from 60 to 00 head of horses. The out•
buildings such sa Wash Rouse, Sint ng 'Rinse .Ice !louse,
&c., makes it the most desirable Hotel in the county.
Its near location to the Rail Road, Court house, Bank,
and business places, rende:s . it the -moat- pleasant and
convenient stopping place in town.
Persons desiring to purchase, can see theprinvise.s and
learn the terms of sale by calling im the undersigned. -
Chamb'g. sept. 2-tf S. M. WORLEY.
scriber offers for Sale his TANNERY. situate in
3,o,..Onnellsburg, Fulton County, The yard contains 40
VAIS, 0 LEACHES, (all under roof), 'with - good BEAM
SHOP, - BARE SUEDS, and everything convenient for
carrying on the business. An abundance of Dark can be
had for $ 3 . 00 to $3.50 per cord'. Large and good DWELL
ING HOUSE and Tenant Uouse, together k ith all
essary buildings, and abundance of FRUIT. on the, lots
of the choicest kind. In connection with the above will
be wad, if desired, 21 ACRES of prime .LIMESTONS
LAND in it high state of cultivation.
oct. 7.3 m WM. HOER.
. . .
lint eV* *ales,
Christind.Minlmnp. 4itztionker
Ex't of John Bear, deed
lied estate- *ales.
_SAUL—The unciereigned, Executors of:;3ll3iiie
Ikttty aid oleo-of eitharine Beatty. into of Anvils
township. 1&4, will offer at Pliblic Snle.on. the prettleilel
on the daye'utentioned, tho Chiming. ae L
eeribed - Real wit: -
Ouiy, Vie ltti, day 0/ October, next,
on the Almaden /Nitta:at TO eidetic ,A X. told :SIAN
SIG I't FARM. minsisting of a tract or Land sitiettatilmull
Rte miles North-tint ettlreencistle, in anid townsht,
bounded by lands ofJanies paridiain, C. Brrebbill, nee
Wenger, Jacob and ttecirge Stmeintan and °there; am
Vilma :bd ACRES more with n large two etorkii
STONE DWBI I.IM 1)01.18E. a large Stone Batik fiart,
Corn Crib. and other outbaddinga thereon. Three
never-failing Wed of Water on elect Farm with a Pump
in it. Also—There is on maid lotitt a large ORCIIARD. I
choice Frnit.Trees.
At the name - linte will be offered at Public? Sale,*
TRACT OF LAND in tiro occupancy : of Samna hloarkartt
bound - oil by lands of Cal W.C. sricattic, the Mansion
Warm, Ituidernt John Grote nod others. containing 2/14
ACRES cooreor-leee, on whielt tb. re in elected a 'cone
mo/ions DWELLING Imvsg, a largo Battik
Barn built of hoick. end, mina improvements. There kr
an ovellarit Spring of Water and a good APPLE 0RC.11. ,
ARD on naiti
A/so. on said day. a TRACT OF LAND known as 4 ftlir
Lind Farm," adjoining the one lait aliotAenciihmo skt y,
of J oin Grove, Benjamin Chambers-FY.Bc.. Joint Knetex.
andothers. containing 26 0 ACRES wih a two eteruil
LOG IiOUSE and an excellent Stone Bank barn. A Ds*
Stream of Water rune through this Ten t. -
There el II be also offered oft The 16/k day f 04clert
nrxt r - on thy - premises. at 10 o'clock. A. M.. a T OW
LA ND,aitnote in .aid tuwicihip of Antritn.knowu fts tha ,
"Johnston Farm." bonntled,by !antis b Whitmore.
Jacob and JuLTlVrantz nnil oth cre.c , mt nini n g At Rka
more or Inca. with a STONE itorsE; A Bunk Burn: la
Spring House thoreon. Also a small Orchard. There,*
do eXcellent Spring of AN ater ell said trsict.
Etch of Said Farms will be cold by the Arre;,tokA
nicutunre. said Ymms hake respectively an abundant rofp 7
ply of goal Timber:
- The terns will he mode known on dap of ghle:
3Alllk , NNSLI, '
, . T. B. KENNEDT,
E • _
Vra of James - Ileitlty,nee l a •
JAMES 1 1 /I,U, - '
sprit • ES'r of Cathatine l entie. dee&
Waynesboro hecerd copy and etral hill to this of
The nridersigned Offer at - I=rivate Sala, on scoots
neatoting terms. all that valnableTlCAUT OF LAND situ
lard in St. Thomas township, Franklin County, . a.. 71
mil t s N o rth -west...! the village of ht. 'Thomas, Wended
by lands of D. lilleutt's Delis., VI m. Freaner, Ilarrousd
others, containing
229 AbIIES.
About Jon Aeresof this Triwt are einared and in a Dins
state ofeultivation, the whole of which taw been that °uglily limed within the last few years; the balance to
heavily act pith thriving Timber. There is a Aim Lima
stone quarry on the premises. Iron yrhich oupetier
quality of Lime is made.. 'tile Improvements coneist
a goes', two-itorfed Luc andFramel,Wl•J.Ll\O DOES&
A FINE RANK BARN, erected last enniiiler: a D'ate`ft-
Power SAW 311L1., aad a ST.. VE and SIIINOLE =
driven by a small Steam Engine, and other mecessulry
and convenient buildings. -
The above Prapertyoffers great indneementa to pea"
chasers of Real iletate. 1t is located in a duel,' Timberlid
region.nrid na the deinnwil for Lumber. Staves. hhinglt*,
&c.. is and will continuo on the increase. an en-r. ,'are nutlitil to make Money..alat of flea
many advantages it possessev. Ts - tsar - is deiiring to I*
vest in a valuable Property are invited te " view ibis.
Salisbary6hearman, residing thereon, wiligive any Up
formation that may be desired. Possession can' be bail
at any time.
June 17. '6ll. GARTER d S REARM AR.
—The enitmirtiret °rein nt Pries te eale, his FARM.
situatSd about le; mile from Quincy. eunthinglsl ALREN
14 of which is in TUBBER said thriving Chestnut. %.
of the Farm isuctle beet quality of LI3IESTONE LAND
and ail in a high state of cultitatiim. The improve
ments Alen latga BRICK 110113 E, a ith portico and'
porches,a new BRICK BANE ItABN.Su feet longoriib
Wagon Shed 'and Corn Crib iittncheil. double Yvan.
IfonsejiTlZt Wash Heave. B.lllok 0 House, link*
,Oten, and ail necesmry ontbuilitings. in gins! repair
There is a large Cistern ciuee Su the Barn. used for e tot k
and one nenr (he kitchen.. There inn Well of e xceiteta
water in the There is tibia a variety , of rhAh*
Fruit, such as Years, l'lnms, Peach.' and Grapes in titer—
yard. There i Pals° a good ()Itt.:HARD uf young thriving
Fruit on the -
• , 'errfons n•iabing to View tbejant - c.n do so by calling
theon anb.eribe .or any inforTnatiAn rrspecting cult
be obtained by calling on Geo.J. Balaley. County Treat.-
over. Newt. 0-tf) 3011 N MIDDOWMIt.
NEAR ,FAYkITTEVILLE.—Tho mulersbrord gill
sett it PrivAte Sole, tbo foliowit g _described I:}L&L 1:6
TATE', to wit:
AU under good trace and tillable, with a good Mick Avon
Leg, a neTer hell of gond It alt.r Iltlarlifit ilkojr. at
good llatn and Thrashing Floor, a .fin - °relish) bearikg
the boat fruit. Alau
of :12 large Tats, 6largeLeetches with limes and pools
Bark Mill, Roller. Pump and lulling Storks, all in excel
lent order. Ilra 'whole opentting by WATER POW Eli-
Mao a good Marltailed, alruusurinwaed In convenient.
and bibor saving.
The above property will)* 4hown toany person on ap,-
plication to Jacob 11. Cook of Fayetteville, or John It.
Cook of Cliamberabnrg. Terme will be reasonable.
June 17,'123-tf COOL
The undersign-4 offer at #rirate Soft, a yaluatilts ,
rprEsToNz PAM!. situated in Welsh Run district,
1 1 ' , ( 2 . miles S. E.i4 &riles Store's-consisting ot 110 ACRE?.
lie f which is clettred'ano in axl•oa t.tate of caltitation
and the balsinme is fine TIMBER LA . The intoris , e- '
mentsnrs a new two story. lib IrK 1101;SE. new •Itiols
Barn. and all necessary outbuildings. Thete , ,ie a pod
Well of never•failing water at the house. e is a in
a gout Orchard Of (rotted Yruitizni t he iirernimes.
If the firm fi not wild by the 10th of Oetata-i.. it will i•
he expiated at Public Sale at 1 u'elock. l'ersons wishing
to new the premises can do so by calling at the firm Jr
the residence of J WATSON CI IG. Welsh Itup. .
wept. 2.* JNO. NIVOIVV.LL. aline
PUBLIC SALT The undergicru
ed. Guardian of the miuiir ehlldren - Sraluel
aeilers, late of Ft. Thinnig. deed. will ;tier at Paha./
Sale. on the pretnhes un Xaturdcin. Pith day of October,
a LOI OF GROUND. situate in St:Thomas, having the e
on elected a two-story Log and Frame DWELLING
HOUSE; nn , l F tame :hap and other buildings.
dale to ennitnence at I &thick. P. 31.0 n said day, whew
atteadance_wilt be given and terms rs Ale known by
act 7- , ts JOHN HAWE, Guardian.
- By artier of Court—W. G. MITCHELL, Clerk, ,
y YUIi S - A underigned will sell at Private
t. , nte.bis TANNERY, known ns the C.,l' Tner Tannery,ls ith
at aem anti eater-power. Saw Mill, Chop Ping Mill, Stor ks
for breaking hpli-a, Ac. The Tatitiery has 8 leeches, 32,
vats. 2 [Mien:and water-pm). an
capable of tinning
Sul) heavy hides a year. There Ure too Log _Dwelling
Howse/14Am Stable and other neceitsura out band tigs
connected with the Tannery., n nd alai Aores cleaned.
with goad fritit Hewitt sell any it tity of, laud with
the Tannery. from 100 to :00 Acrew. 0 er 000 Acres are
•Tiralterotna an ample mpply - of t.hcanut, Oak Bark let
run the Tannery for fitly yeate. It is situated about
'l' miles South-west of Mete sMinr, (JD Lickitig Creqk,
Terms made iney. . ittissmtinu will be given this fan if
necessary. lon frathe r inrtictit.t s :4. birv.l. t ite - u rider Mercen , burg. Mr:midi:l e..mity . l'a.
ang 12 67,41 , . . C. MiiTCALF.
undmi g ue.l At V't irate zia'e. Tll a Un's ii
oyetteril.e. toot of the lots haying 11.•lt•hh
-I. 1,tc114.1.%
A. E
1 4 • I. awl the 'Aber
none nod st..rted hova. The! r •pet
located for privtde dw o;I it p ', log In fl.r
neighborhood of the Acsdryny ond tit owl 'a
Hotel -PerPons woddni i ito view the , y0.1...rt, ran do M.
by calling. upon Dr. Fohrnri, I occolkali t, Or Ilea
Terms wok. to suit ieurehalter
meld 8-11' - - -
ALEX. X. m'cirux. I USNRY S. STONER.
every Wednesday morning on a large quartcesbeet ,
emitainingFOßTY-EIGIIT COLUMNS. printed on
fine paper and nevi', clear tee. Terms,: TW 0 DOL
LARS per annum. IN ADVANCE. or TWO-DOL
LARS AND FIFTY CENTS, if not paid within the
pear. -
em. Ministers of the Gospel, in Franklin Count=.' ;
are furnished with the RtrOSITORT at $1 per annum,"
in advance. • - ,
tar Subscribers, residing out et the State, nest
paystrietkitt advance, and the pap erwill in alfccu•em
be discontinued at the eipiration of the titre for
which it is paid.
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at 50 minis per
square of eight lines for first insertion, and 25 cents -
per square for each subsequent insertion. -A II frac-
Cons of a square aro counted as a full square.
Advertisements inserted by the quarter. lOW Year,
or year, eta reasonable reduction. Those inserted
but once are oharged ten cents per line. Leaded
Advertisements a price and a-half.
Special' notices, inserted before Marriages and__
Deaths. are charged-double regular rates.
OS- NO CUTS, or bold. display letter, inserted st
advertisements. •
"- Notices of Marriages audDeatbs, not exceed
ing fire lines, are inserrea re...7nota C.
All comlnunications, of limited or inaivideaf
iaterer•. are , !harced ten conts per line.
- air JOB PittfliTlLiG, o:.efes7'2'!'n't +mein "'IR
end fencry- colors, at the shortest. notice, and al mt.
enable rates. :