• MIARTIA.ND UNION ri.,tiroam. —.The Union men of- Washington County. - met last week, anti nominated their ticket and adoPtedtheir platform. Ithas the true ring, as the following samples abundantly tatablish : Resolved, That the ;Union men - of Wash ington County are uneonditionally loyal, and unconditional in their attachment to the pre ia:rvation of the ,Union established by our ancestors. - • • •'• Resolred, That the tangible manifestation at the Union can only be seen, known and -realized in and by the Officers of the Federal Government. and that the best evidence of l o yalty is a cheerful and hearty support given - to the said officers in the rightful discharge of `their official trust. • _ • ' Resolved, That, therefore, we regard the pr&*ent • Administration as practical) the she IWevernment, and, will most heartily aid and ' support the same in the proper Use of its au thority for the suppression of a causeless re bellion ' Resqvcd, That, Government, like an indi vidual, may err; rind that it is no part oftrue patriotism to be confirming finding fault With ei - nrs, where omniscience would be requisite to seatre, exemption from mistakes. „,jteso/rc,fh That the soil, climate, material, wealth and resources of the State of Mary land.demand the speedy substitution of free white for slave labor. -ReNoleed, That we arein favor of etnanci ition and the extinction of slavery in our btutc. -Tai. military , commander of BaltiMore has o novel•ni ode 'of punishing offenders. Those who sell liquor to soldiers are paraded titre' the streets with placards attached to their --pef,i4Xis, bearing the inscription, "I sold li q.norjo soldiers." On Tuesday last, a,detee tyre of deserters caused the arrest of a than named Scholl for disloyalty, and it subSe :"quetitly appeared that Scholl was one of the _most loyal, men of Baltimore, and that the so of Brocker was prompted by malice. He . awns, therefore, marched through the streets. ! bearing upon his person a placard with the following inscription: "I am a liar." "I ,caused the arrest of : an unoffending Union MARRIED. •-"On the 6th inst., by the Rer.M. P. Thorn- Mr..Juutr& C. T. —ADD to Miss s —ARAD M. 111.'OUJIDT, bOth of Loudon. 4 DIED. ' On the 28th ult., in Bedford, Mrs. SA10.11; consort of 11r. Joseph - Alscip; formerly of this place, after a lingering and painful illness: . On the 22d ult., -in Guilford township, -'.MICHAEL L.. HO -MT, aged 14 years, 1 month and 17 days. of. Editor Repository—Dear Sir: With enr pqrmissiun I wish, to say io the readets Qt. your caper Abet I•will i eend by Ceturn mall to allarho wish its (free) a Recipe, with full 'directions fol making and nabs a silnide Vegetable Balm, that will effectually re name, In 10 minutes, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Preckles, and all Imptritios of the Skin, leaving the same Soft clear, emeoth and beautiful. , I will alio mall free to those haviuss Bald Heads or flare 'Faces. shitple dirt ctious aud information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Woustsehe, in le's! titian 30; days. All ap plications answered by return mail with Out charge. Respectfully yours, TUOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, Jelyit',X63-3nl. No. S3l Broadly, New Torii.. George Sleek 4- .Co's Pianos.—:CßEssos' Bram:o, Aug. ISM—Mr. J. E. °GULP, Seventh and Chestnut stroebi, bad frequent opportunities of examining the Pianos made by Messrs. George Stock & Co., New York, during the past few years, in the practice of my profession as Tuner, I prunchince them the m. st perfect instruments I hare ever suet,. • Ia point of touch, equality, and tinging kite they may lyhomparison with any and all other makes, while in the upper two octave (treble notes) they are incoorparo tily the finest I have any knowledge or C. E. SARGENT, Tuner of Pianos, 9)7 Chestnut St., Philada. sept V,3m orn arnerzta Iron Works.--rWoori & PEROT, 1136 Ridge Avenue. Pkiladelphia. Pa., offer for sale ( Aswan the most Er mratatiTerms, NEW and BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS In great variety of IRON RAILING for CEMETERIES, RESIDENCES, Ac., of Wrought and cast Iran, ar , d - GALiANIZED IRON And BRASS _TUB ING; IRON V,ENANDAHS; BALCONIES, STAIRS, -COUNTERS FOUNTAINS. LLATE&COLUMNS, lIITCII . ING POSTS, LAMP STANDS. VAS EFL TABLES. FLOW. - 4 RR STANDS, SOFAS,CIIAIII S. STATUARY, ANIMALS and all other Iron Works of a Decorative character Designs forwarded-for selection. Parsons applying for tame, will please state the bind of work needed. sept 't3-3ur COL. 9-ATESOF THE U. S. ARMY Rays that during his campaign in Mexico he would rath er retire to his conch without his - swm d than a bottled itADWAVS READY RELIEF. It was die only medi cine he need through the Mexican campaign. Gen. J. Hobart Wird, of the Army of the Potomac, firat became Inainted with Its virtues in Mexico, and always keeps it (tibia camp. In sudden attacks of Diarrhoea, Ryser tery.pain In the bowels, bead, stomach, or In cases et Rheachati6, Neuralglt, or wounds,•cuts, bruises, or fora Throat, Inilueuza, ILiarseneae, Radway'a Ready &Slier cures immediately. Let Mono who value health and safety be without it. For sale In Charobersburg, by Miller & Ilensbey The Confessions and Experience of an In valid.—Published for the benefit, and 1141 a warning and A CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN who suffer from Nervous Debility , Premature Decay: or Manhood, etc.. gni plying at the satrie time ;nu; ?JEANS OF SELF CORM, By ohe who has cured himself after being put ton great impel:lse and injury through medics' humbug and quackery : By euchring a postpaid addressed :ovelope t single copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL-MAYFAIR, Erg, Bedford, Kings county, N. Y. may 20,03 13 Gentlenuw, eured of Nerrious Debility, Incompetency, Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, acluated by &desire to benefit others, will bo hay py thrtfiab togi who need it (free of charge) the recipe and directions for making the , simple Remedy used- in hie VW. Those wishing to profit by his experience—and possess a Valuable Ileniedy—will, receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed;) by addressing; JOHN D. OGDEN, - N0,.80 Nassau Street, New York. - sag 19.3 m Madame Portr'sburative Balsam has long 1. — tested the truth that' there are first principles in Medi cine as there is in Seienc, and this Medicine is com pounded on principles sui ad to the manifold nature of Maas I The i cure of Colds Ni in keeping open the pores, and creating a gentle into nal warmth, and this is cans tisi b; the usc of this 31e47 o. ilk 'remedial qualities are based °wits poW6r to a Ist the healthy and vigor. o Islcirculation of blood thrpngh the itsois, it enlivens the muscles and assists the s in to perform Ite duties o regulating the heat of the sy tens. add in gently throw fog off the waste Substatice from the surface of the . body. It is sot a violent remedy, but emollient, warming, searching and effective. Sol by all druggist at 13a --- sal 26 centspor bottle.:[July Zit. - Pulmonary Congum timid Curable Dii4ease. CAttn.—TO CONSUMPTIVES:—The undersigned baiting been restored to health in a tear weeks. by a very simple rerpody.atter.hating suffered several yearswith assists° lung affection. and that dread disease. toll gnmptinn=is anxious to ma.e known to hie fellow-sa tereri the means of rum. - • To all who desire it, he will send a copy, of the l pree n, iptionpsed (freo of charge), with the directions for preparing and using tip- tame, which they will- find a sure efire for Comm lion. Asthma. Bronchitis. (*midis Colds. Be. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread In formation which lie eon , ei'e• to b.. invaluable; and he, hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as, it will east them nothing, and may prove n blessing. Parties wishing the pi : ascription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, • slept 304 m Williamsburg, Kings Co, New York. Prevention of Ineru.station in Steam Boil rs.—WlNANS' ANTI-I NCELISTATION POVDER : AE MOVES AND PREVENTS TUE.,DOORIT OF SCALE. AND WITHOUT INJURY TOTILEMON SzOrr.if VEAng ax USE. _ Refrrenres in nli parts of the country, vie: Albany (Ms Co.; P.atosi, Oilbert; co., and' others, Troy Byrn. ruse. Rochester, Auburn, &c., &c:; John Gibsou & Jo, Phelps, Charles Ensign, John ft. Evans & Co., Jerrot t Root. and othora, Buffalo: Cleveland, Columbus. Ibtnea villa. &c., &c.; Gea.Shield.Aliles Greenwood, Mitchell & Ilammelsbnrg. and 40 others in Cincinnati; and thieugh ont the West; Indianopolia...Dayton, Terre Haute" to• ennsport s , Chicago. Springfield, St. Louis, St. raril, &c. Cost about 40 to GOcents per week. Fur circu lar, address H. N, WINANS; It WALL Sr., New Tone. P.O. Box No. 6.- - ul) 42, thrill() the Seffering.—;qhe Rev. William Cosgrove. while laboring as a missionary In Japan, was cured of Comumption when all ether - means had failed by efirecip o obtained from a learned physician in the great cityofJ.ddo. This recipe has cured great numbers who were suffering froth Consumption, Bronchitis, Sore Th mat, Coughs Mid %Adds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. llegirous of lieneHtting others. I will send this recipe, which 1 have brought home with me, to all who need it, free of charge. Address , Lev. WM. COSGBOVE, dec 5,1324 y 439 Button Avenue, Brooklyn, N. N. $25. Employment I—Agents Wanted!—We will pay froms2s to 575 per mon th.ancl all expenses,to active Agents.er give a commission. Particulars sent tree.— Aililress Emu Stwota 31Acnttc COMPANY, R JAIORA General Agent, Milan, Ohio. - april 29, 63-ly REPORT OP THE MARKETS Philadelphia Markets. PH ILADELPIIIA, OCt. 12, 1863 FLouit—About $OO bbls, mostly fresh ground extra family, sold at SO 75(i47 'the latter for city mills, at which rates there are more buyers than sellers, and ,good brands scarce. The sales to the trade are limited at ss e s 75 for superfine; $5 871q0 50 for extras; $g 75(7 25 for extra family, and S 7 50@8 50 for faficy brands, as to quality. Rye Fiona and Corn Meal are scarce. but no sa)es are reported to establish quotations fur ther. WHEAT.---Sales of 5000 bushels at 1450, 150 c for reds, mostly at the latter rate for prime southern afloat; white ranges at 165(7 1 , 175 c, and prime very scarce. Rye iS• scarce and selling at 125 c. ' Corn is better, and about 5000 bushels sold at - 105 c for western mixed and yellow. Oats_ continue firm, and all offered, about 4000 bushels; sold at' 85c, weight. PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY =I CIIAMBERSEURG 0ct.1t,1863._ 16 WASHED W00L........... 12 Unresuzil Wow. - 37 8 CLOVER. Sm. 0 00 8 TimTnir GEED • 250 4t06 FLAX. 1 50 ....... 1•L Palm. Petenrs ...... "3 CO 8 UNPARED PEACHES 1 50 Boos. LARD TALLOW SOAP ISACOX Bncoy SOOP B EANB 1 50 DRIED APPLES CEA MBERSBURO- FLOURANDGRAIN - MARKET. ' ' CORRECTED AT CHAIIRERSIVCRG MILLS Flonr—Ren Wheat—Red.... 6rn Oats. POTATO 31A2ZET. Mercer. New grip abbertisemento. TOB PRINTING,. in evety: style, done nt the office of the FRANKLIN I;EPOSIToRY. STRAY MORSE.—Left at the iSrem- Isom of the subscriber. in Antrim townthip. about 2/ 2 miles Rooth of Jackson Hall. on thu let of October, a BAY HOILSH. The owner I. requeNted, to prove prop erty, pay charges and take him away. . Oct 14 :St lie,,Nny MECH . KU. VANCY PRINTING, in, 6 - cery va ju Hey of colors, done with neatness and despatibh at the FRANKLIN It RPO:•ITORY office. 10ARTNERSHIP.—NotiCe here by given that the underisigried havh entered, into partnership in the Hardware and CutierY business at the old stawl of Myers & Brew', where we are prepared to furnish everything in our line as cheap as any other house in OW county. Special indncernehts are offered for cash as our motto will be quick sales anitshort profits. JACOB S. BRAND. OF,OROB FLACK. oct . I, .'6.1—. , c t 14 - 11 . 1 ECHANICS who desire to lei tend their busineee Aui , ElOll3.E, in the FRANKLIN Pr? ADMINISTRA TOR' 'S NOTICE - 1k Notice is hereby given that -Letters of Adminia tv acion on the Estate of 'William Flory. Site of the Bor ough of Chamb.rsburg, deed. hate been granted to the undersigned, residig in said Borough. All persons Loosing themselves indebted to said E-. tate will please make hnmedlate payment; and those havingclaimv will present them property atithinticate for settlement. [octlti SAMUEL b. aIIRYOCK. VXECUTOR'S Irj ib hereby given that Letters Te.tainentarY to the bstote of Cbt Winn Ebersole. late of Guilfotd township, deed. have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township. Alt persons knowing themselves indebted to Said Es tate will please make immediate payment; and those having -Minis will present them properly authenticated for settleinent. [oet 14) JOHN L. DETWILER. -Ex'r. DT_TBLIC SALE.--The undertiigned will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on Satur aay, 31st day of October, {net., the following valuable Realyrcperty, viz: A — LOT of GROUND, situate in the Village of Marion, Franklin -county, containing one-half, Acre, on which Is erected a :dory-an: La-halt Frame LOVFILING HOUSE, a Frame Shoemaker's Shop, large Frame Stable, and other out-building; there iN also, ' Cistern near the door of the dwelling. Tide Ls one of the best stands fur a good Shoemaker -in the ', vicinity, (the only one in the place.) haring been - lcng occupied as such, with an abundance of good Customers, end pat ronage Increasing. Sale to commence at o'clock, P. 14.. when the terms will beknade known. [oct 141 JOSEPH FERGUSON. T 4 IST OF the Post OM Abertson Cap'. Dwelt Baker George LETTERS ittCluunberelmr: GordnerM is Sarah Geislemon M leuie Berl D hale Michael Brown W B BRUM n c • Brown Oliver El Barnhart John Bannon'. George Cary Jeremiah grata' Jacob Hocking Miss 31 F Jones Daniel Lash el I Cap James Lewls John E i Lewis Margaret A or the above Lettt advertised.- J. Peraone calling fc that they have bee, ri r lbciranktitt Sitpositatogliamberokullt th• Rem abbnlisenuitto. Rum or Cnakaiitstitato, 0ct.14.15 - 63: LECTION.—An .Election for Di u rectors of this Bank to serve the en‘uingyear n ill e held ht the Banking Ronne on Monday, the IfiLh day qf Noreinber, next, at 2 o'cl..ck.l'. net 1413 t G. It. SIESSERSIIITII. Cashier. iNOTI.CII.I.—The partnership hereto tire exiliting^nilder the nun ke • 11r1 style 01 31 yers R Dread, in the Hardware and Cutlery business. was die. solved by attune! consent on the first day of ()ember. 1863. The notes and hooks of said tb - in have been placed in the hinds of simnel 111yers 6.. r collection. All per sona indebted either by note or book account are request ed to call and settle without delay.. The books will re- Main at! the old stand. - , - SAMp gr. MYE S. octl4 JACOBS. rucks D. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.--- Notice Is hereby given that Letteranf Administra tion on the Estate of Bonie! Smith, Jr.. late of ['eters township, deed have lien granted to the undersigned, residing in the Borough of Greencastle. AB parsons knowing themselves Intlebtsti to add Es tate will please make immediate payment t and those hiving nlaintawill present them properly matbentleated far settlement. [oct 14] GEORGE EBY. Adner, 7 1: 44 1 XECUTOR'S NOTICE. , •;--Notite ,fiLereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of John Metz, late of Gui.ford township, hare been granted to the nudErsigned. residing in said township „ Al persona Indebted - to the said Estate are regneeted to make Immediate payment. and those having claims' or demands against the Estate of the said decedent will make ktiown the same without delay, to net 1. ,AERAIIAM METZ, Ex'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notiee' is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the La tate of Gallic. Mull, late of Guilford , township, dec'il. have been panted to the undersigned. residing in Guil ford township. Ali ptirsons indebted to the said Eitate. ere hereby re quested,o make tnunediate paymeut. end those ha% ing_ Flainis fir demands against the L'ateth of said decedent will make known the same without &Ay. to - oct.li C. H. INcFNIGIIT. Ex*r. UNITED STATES TAXES.-AP PEA LB.—Notice is hereby given. that the Lists, 'Patia - me - and Enumerations milile,,by the several M inimums fur the several Divisions of*raiik lin county, will be opemior examination at the roil:hne of the Assist ant Assessors. crow the 12th day of-October to the 25111 day of the same month, both days inclusive. Appeals from the same will.bo received. in writing. on the 26th snit:MlL-of October, at Chambersburg, a t, the office of C. LA. Eyster, opposite the Court !louse, by, t - NISEI (1. HARPER. Gettt - sbug. Oct. 14, '63.) Assessor kith Dist. Ps, Ea 3 .y• Rurr TREES! FRUIT TREES! SKADE TREES, ETC.—I take great pleasure in cal ing 'the attention of plataters to my STOCK OF TREES. which is unusu diy tine,well grown and to rifty, and the assortment very large. To those who contemplate planting. this Fall or next. Spring:i believe I can oiler speciao inducements, espe. daily of our StandordFrnit, the APPLE. of which I have tenet:al hundr e d Verutand trees. all grown on soil having' the natural elements to furnish an abundance of fine fibrous riots. so indispensalms to the safe retrieval and certeln and iiimirous subsequent growth. All have been s• lentitteally pruned. with a view to t furnish Trees with handsome, with-thrilled heads and heivy smooth trunks. I would! invite the particular :Mention of persons visit ing my Nursery to this distinctive gnat ity. setilmn met with. yet so desirable in a Tree. but which is obtained at considerable outlay at time and labor on the port of the Nurseryman, ample I with a knowledge of vmretale Physiology practically applied. Piatifert should cwisider tlievatity if Trees im fore the price. I would also invite particular attention to the condition of my PEACII TREES: which I grow on the th/Oreit sail I have, Without the application of any fertiliser what ever, eieept that which nature supplies through the elements of rain and sunshine. The vigorous growth and hatidamme form of the Ti COS Is a sufficient/recommen dation. if my advice is put to prac,ice by the planter: (whi - h is very simple and easily C wiled out.) I wilt guarantee the Peach Tree to live and grow as well as they ever did for ono fathers bef ire us. A sine'e case in point is corroborative testimony: About tweltie years since the place I nods occupy (which was noted fir its Peachil forty years ago) hal not a dozen living Peach Tree-Son It that wer e pot yellow, sickly and worm eaten, and afflicted with all the ills that the Peach Tree has 'hitherto been heir to. although a number were noon illy. planted. I commenced by rooting out the diseased trees end planting healthy and improved varieties, rind now have growing several thousand tiees of bearing age, some of my first planting, lear of worms and as healthy arid luxuriant as can be. My Trees in the nursery are grown from hellthy stock, both seeds and buds selected with scrupulous care. Those who wish to plant Peach orchards would dd well to send in their orders early this fail. as the emit of Punch trees may run short by Spring Of all other Fruit trees we have an ample and well se lected stock. CHERRIES. both tandard ,ne dwarf, up wards of forty varieties; very fine. • (41tAi 5 y. ideltyling all the new sorts. tunny of which tire now well tested and foun4 indispeneible. STRAWBERRY PLANTS.--Of the.e 1 ltityck flue stock of choice kiwis. ntranz. well rooted plants. • • EVEROR FEN AND DECIDUOUS TREES and,Shruha for shade And ornament. of all sizes. a large assortment. vor a full lint of articles Pee my Descriptive Catalogue, uhich be mailed to all applicants. Tergnon who have not a Irearty ordered what they shoal have, through my Agentn. nhould (In no at once. Those whom the Agent AREA ) call upon can send their orders by mail. OM . Al! reaßonnble incpiiricerelatln,z to Hortirult tire cheer. fully ILl39llcred. Addreas 11. L. RYDER, I - - We+t Franklin Numeriea, Sept. 1 1 ' ,4 '633t Near Louden, Franklin rohnty, Pa. ~ $7 00 ......a 50 110 S4IENCK'S UTZ:IONIC SYRUP RILL CLICE - I SCHENCK'S PCLMONIC SYRUP , WILL MIS CONSUMPTION SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP WILL ME CONSUMPTION I ECHE.NCECT PULIVIONIC SYRUP i , , WILL CURL . CONSUMPTION SCIIENCKS SEA WEED TONIC WILL CURII DYSPEPSIA. I SCHANCK'S SEA WEED TONIC • , TILL CITRIC DYSPEPSIA. ' : SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PIV.S WILL CORE - LIFER COMPLAINTS. , SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS RILL CCU LIVER. COMPLAINTS: CIIENCKS' MANDILAICY PILLS WILL QPRE LIVER COMPLAINTS. SCIIENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS " vim cirs! LIVER COMPLAINTS. prt. J. H. SCITENCK has a largo Suit ofßooms at No 82 BOND STREET, NEW YORK, where he can be found every, Tuesday, from 9 A. M., to 3 P. Al , and -t No. 39 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., every Saturday. He keeps a large snpply of medicines at his rooms, which can be had at all times. Those wishing advice or examination of the Lungs will do will-,to call on him as above. He makes no charge for advice, but for a thor ough examination with the Itespirometer, his price is Many persons are afraid to have their lunge examined by Dr. Schenck for fear that they will be found incura ble, and by that means it is nut off until, it is too la How much better It would be to know their condition at once, as by abundance of tridence, Dr. S. has shown sufficient certificates in this city that he has cured ad vanced stages of Consumption. DR. SCHENCK'S Principal Office Is No. 39 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., where letters for advice should always be directed. Price of the PITIXONIC -SYRUP AND SBA WIND TONIC each $1 per bottle, or $5 tLe half d ozen . M orrquiri PILLS ' 25 cents per box. . For Sale by all DRIJOOTSTS and STOREKEEPERS. oct 14-3 m . _ °mauling in' 0ct.13,.18e3: Lundy Daniel McDmignl Wm 2 ' Marshall Caleb ' May Mi•eßebecca McCall Miss Alice Russel Wm 112 SbatTerMiss Lizzie' Trittle Miss E Tear Henry TunminsMis Lizze asswill. please say W. DEAL, P. M. CONSUMPTION .SCRENCI F S SEA WEED TONIC 15,1iL cum DYSPEPSIA. • ECIIENCH'S dEd WEED TONIC WILL CURS DYSPEPSIA • Ado Abbertisements. TURNPIKE ELECTION .—An Election fur ono Priaident, sLa 31unagelni and a ire-minter of the Waynesboro', Greencastle und 3der. cerebtirg Turnpike Mad Company, 4UI be held et the Pnbllc Ilonne greirk Foreman, in. 91efinotetle, otr Monday, the 2d day qf :Via-ember, laC3, commencing at 1 o'cl,,elc. P. M.,13. order ••1 the tio.rd. oct .4-31 • , JOllll lIITCUEY. Eleey. HEADQUARTERS oF PROVOST t 1 11A1. Sixteenth — ' , Writ,. Pennsytesrmia, Chaniher.burg. Cato'Fah. loth. I&:s.—The Dowd of im roliment of the Bixttv nth Conirressional District of Peunsylvania Mire granted the folliwiiig exempti ms far the causes assigned. during their sessions, from the bib to the lath e f 00 . ,1 43 , i li d ua ly e , FOR PitYsical. Oh' 31ENt.I.L DISABILITY. Aaron Ziegler Robert Highlands Jeremiah Walter Jan i e. H. Mason Henry Walick Henry... K -140, Lewis Ortnstead Jacob Held Jacobtlerbart George 31. Christ Jacurt Vivatrier tleurge D Carl Christ inn Whitmore tlenry . Soeituniti John Swisher . Juu.t.J..3. Donnetline Mourns Keller ' normal] T. Fellows Hiram IL Fettorlex.f Daniel Berry_ Jacob H. Zook ' ' - Alexander Reamer Jolin N 141311111 John' W. Campbell Jacob Beckley Henry Lew:e Slic.es preen:ilea t Igies.c Pare Daniel Walhabaugli , John Ncelta . Pink ney Cleary • Daniell,. Ilamtuoud Dismal Fetter Isaac Iteltenider Jilin Mullein/. lAndrew J. Logan Ascot. S.. end tb (Janie* 31. (Jumble Samuel S. chryuck I.ltunia? . ll.. Doyle James M. Creamer Johu Ault A M. 4:J181ra:11' 8. A/IN rc Cook Vet , r Slowry Andrew J. Miller • . • • Jain J., P. McClintock !Jam E. Wingert Peter banner John W. rtubbe John W. Little Jacob Conrad Adam Bowers John McKt e William H. )long Solomon Pogue Henry Bowers • Peter tiockley Daniel Ward John-Zitanutu Franklin Funk Leander H. Small , tlharles 11. Hugh Samuel Either Thulium L.-Fletcher: ' Waabingtun Jordan John Berger c, battle! Kyle Benjamin Bert Abrabittu Newcomer John V/ lit Ur. J. L.Sueeeerott .lames Szerunkletnn Wallace Wizti nz 11. Sorenzun benzin. Seibert Min Pugh Juhu 8. Reanner JuAeph Freeland John 11. Buitzley Simon I'.Bllomt . Iwo Khlingto• Beruurd Etadebaugh .hteoll IleriA Paer Static I FAT:an! 31otpn Jut) Untrick Jimmie Nun is. Poter Maryut, Daniel Piper . P*trick Burns Zonis Link J. AV. Rubin Wl/ ' Joehun Bear - ' John Powell . Itieltarl W. Morrow Johnson Brinliley %Vanilla J. Hargis Jacob l'enpinger Arum Neil Jacob Wilt William 11. Oink; .11cEneopi 11 IM!=1 David J„CairmOlii Mt=l William Beaver .. Isaac W.tiebert Jacob easselmaa Smultel H. Wilson Henry Cover - - i Jubu Howe iMom Hutton Brown Prim William L. Dearing lerrl3 Sollenberger Gr. A. IL Shaw George Ytetger Phillip Flory - L Dr. H. K. Byers ' Jelin S. bnibich 1 John W.Peale • A ngiedns Krbstueld , Jacob Frey Robert C. McCurdy 1 . John 1. Youst Hiram M. White Frederick Jones - Philip Sells Fred. B.Crawfurd Levi [Auld* Peter Braden - - David 'Zollinger , Albertue Lane - B. Latrobe Meurer John Walldsmith BY REASON OF HATING PAID COMMUTATION Thee. M. C. euowgen Jacob Barnhart Jacob ShatzerJacob Sheeley , William R.o': e I Jacob Itininger Jacob S. Shindle • Henry C. Stoner COlll ad Knode David Eshel Man Jacob G. Somers Jacob Cu ay', y Jacob Odell Daniel Sonrbeck' Tench aleDowell - Christ.an Elaer William Finefrock John W. Schlosser thristopher C. Pen tz - Peter W. Booty Eli Rogers ;John Fisher David W. M Aura - !George Palmer John-L. Ilarnbrigit i Thomas J. llmron ,tleorgo, Stake - }Ell Stake 31orrow R. ()arable • do;lin I) . Lohman N , ithaniel K. Ilithon Übed Mentzer Daniel Lehman 'David Wegainger Aothury J. Clark .- 'Leonard elites Abraham Lung . _ I &mini M. Milliner Samuel W. Me%lily Jacob Sechriat William Pentz -- i llenJarnid Lehman Ileury B. Strickler ' !David A. Hassler Leander M.Bnycler IVY * BEASON OF BUNG IN SERVICE ON THE 3d OF Ili 'SP. (John A Marshal (William Snider • it. W. Baruthitei (Abraham tiowman - • John Bush (of A.) (Wm. 31. Bradley (James Shirey • George O. Keefer Samuel Leedy Benjamin Zook George Cole (B. IL Bellamy Itleorge W. Welsh David B. Noce John C Anderson George F. Detrich • Adam W. Wilt Clugston . Thomas J. SlIl 4 - George Jonston John A. Seidei s Franklin A. Miller George Wul: miss 'Shearer Calvin M. Skinner - William B. Gill Goorgetli. Andrews EMS Andrew R. Darters:l Michael D. Roemer Jacob W. Poole Joseph Stoner - J.:W. P. Reed. Charles Nowell Reuben Weiser William &lively Renpunin Fab nesbick 'John Mellinger William A.Flack illiant Feiner • Alllsob McDowell ; George S. Eyster Francis .1. Rinehart D. Spangler Entley Jelin A. Rhodes ' John R. 1 lippinger William I. Cook Jobil W. Jo..es Slannrins Ilumelsine Augustus Fl. to John A. McCurdy Jounthrm Shonrer ; Jae, h Ziegler : ildam A. Monnti !Senn:lel Moors Win. 11. Ilarrlerrwle BY REASON OF NON-LIA MLITT ON ACCOUNT OF K. Jeremiah Hollinger William Clopper Abraham h. Saylor William 11. Lupton Peter Haunhouee . William Branton George Barnhart Aaron U.Steuerook .lau,b Glint; Samuel Mulles John Young Reuben Ranks Charles Green John S.Grava George Butts Jacob Lightner Christian Reinp David witqeit Brice Ziegler Franklin Piper Aliruhant Breehblll, BY REASON OF BRING TI MILITARY DUTY OF UPON lIIS LABOR 101 Daniel Hollinger J. Frank. Snider ! Pan icklair -Henry W. Leidig James Crawford Joint P. Snyder - Jeremiah Hannon BY REASON OF BEING ONE OF TWO OR MORE . SoNS OF AHED Oft - INFIRM PARENTS, SUBJtCT TO itgAFT.‘ELECTED TO BE IXEMPT BY FA{ TILER; Olt, IF HE BE DEAD, BY, MOTHER. Thomas W. Skaggs iJet em lah%Pensinger Henry Peltier •I.Tohn Picket I Ate t nte Link Henry Hetrick Samuel Untstadt Jorenitah 31annon- BY REASON OF HAYING FURNISHED - AN ACCEPTA BLE SUBSTITUTE. 'Janice Jordan ' t Drina M. headily Daniel Fields HE ONLY, SON LIABLE TO A AV IDOW DBRENDENT SUPPORT. <4 'John-Miller . _j !John H. tiovert ID. trrninerd Kirby !Anderson Beers !John Vordear Francis .n.c.m. George Weimer Daniel 'Newman 'John P.Mgrd Cyrus Young BY REASON OF HAYING HAD AN ACCEPTABLE eUBSTITUTE IN SERVICE ON THE 3d OF HALM, lair.. - I James A. Fleming . IJerenilali Brown i- William A . Sobler, ' 6108M/11 8 ' Hoover ' I Jacob malinger •I 1 Henry Reber •t i BY REASON OF REMO TILE ONLY SON OF AGED OR INFIRM PARENT OR PAR ENIS DEPENDENT UPON 111 S LABOR FOIL SUPPuRT. . • David Essore ~ , !Jima; Shelter - William Reed I BY REASON OF ' FATHER AND SONS IN SAME FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD. AND TWO IN MIL ITARY SERVICE, &C. J. N. SblUito .• , Fred. J. Mute , . , BY REASON OF BEING THE ONLY BROTHER OP CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OF AGE, HAVING NEITHER FATHER NOR MOTHER, DEPRNDENT UPON HIS LABOR FOR SUPPORT. . Jacob :-.Brown • BY REASON OF BEING TILE PATTIE.. OF MOTHER LESS CHILDREN UNDER TWELVE YEARS OF AGE DE?ENDENT UPON HIS LABOR FOR SUPPORT: John Miller IP. Dock Frey John Gelwicks - - - BY REASON OF ALIENAGE. Peter Frank Getrge Dunsberger Peter Leubower . , (Christian Smith Joseph Kline BYZEASON OF BEING ENROLLED TWICE IN SANE DISTRICT Frederick Badman I James E. Bckenrodo BY REASON OF MISNOMER. George Vance _ - BY REASON OF NON-BESIDENCE. Daniel Brubaker I Reuben Banks Rev. A. R. Miller GEORGE EYGTER, Capt. and Prcrr. MaMbal. .. T. MCILIIBNNY, Commissioner. S. SEISE, Surgeon LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS • I; ::,Item-stitched, ttnd Plain, which defy competition George Monet la eta ,pbritisempts:. G" .ND OPENING! FALL-AND VINTItR .aocklis! EYSTER & BRO. Have lust returned from the East. with a large arid', varied stock of seasonable Dry Goods, all of which wo will dispose of at a small • advance on -cost. What we have now on hand. was purchased. previous to- the late rise, and will be sold without regard to the present _Eastern prices, which - ny articles is full us high as our retail prase, C.LO T H S : IE2 , 0 Cloths. all colors and shades. from $1 50. to $G 00. CLOAKS: adiesCloaks just received._ of various stricr and patterna=from $B, I to $25. • GLOY-ES: L d Kids. Embroidered. 75 cants ; better finality Of I $l. 00; Jouvine; $1 25; AtexaTleis. $1 50 IThe latter makes are the best im- ported: Also, a large lot of Fancy Glovetr 1 CORSETS Wo have a fresh lot of the celebrate& G. N. B CorsettB-23 bones ; the vety best manufac- tared. and which we warrant to fit, and give satisfaction. HOODS: • , • L , A large assortment of Ladies' and Children' 'Woolen Hoods . BROCHA SHAWLS; Just from Auction MOURNING GOODS Crape Veils, all prices; Lace Veils, do.; 13om- bazinei ; Alpacas: 3-4 De- Laines. 6-1-Do Lalnes ; Cobmge; Crape Collars; and everything desirable for mourning MOURNING SHAWLS g. 4 Pe Laines and Cashmeres ; Long Thibet, all prices;, Long Repp Shawls—beautiful:goods. PRINTS 16, 18, and M cents. De Laines, Fancy and plain ; Coburg!, and FrenehiMerinoes ; Plaids. and Stripes. /n conclusion we would say, that all the goods wd have are for salcarid at prices as low as they can be had this side of New I York, We make•but one prioe, and that . the same to all etustomers, + 1 , 1 whether Judges of goods or not.' • Drop • In,iand look-at the stock before buying elsewhere, xict.l4-tf EXECITi:OR'S EiATiFI.-- 7 -I;ty viOup of the laet Will anti Te•tateght 4 George K'aliii. ! t er. hisq.,late of the Soroagli of Chambertbarg; dt.., I will ezpoiw to Pub& SaiKoli the prenthea.in - aaltl 800. 1 - !ugh. on the Lita an}, .J ..Vert other steal, that -large iltui iutrnmodfaus, SEIM btrELLE" , :ill HOUST; with the LOT „hereto at Whed. sittmttaon the South aide of, EKM aar - ket Street" boun'ed on the Ittlet by-lot of J. A. Eye er, 84141.,'And on the % eat bv, la ~ f Lyman S. Cswik....Swi, being about 32 feet in width and 1.16 feat In depth: on "ibis lot there la very .I...irnble Fruit. - Terms of-sate > 4 made known vu day of •aale. . JAMES L. BLACK. - oct 144t] Eel - of ti „ . EAsee ot a. N. Harper 4 deed. PUBLIC SALE..-7-By- virtue of an order of the urpliens Court of_yranklin Co., Pa., the pndersigned, Administrato of John DetwLer, widaaffer, on nide/veiny, the 4V day of Nom-mow Public Side, the Beal Estate °fluid tteo'd, satiate in the allidire of•St, Th 111116. on the north side of the turnpike Ind bounded by lands of Weasnee heirs and tithereibeicts, the most western in In St. Thomas, and having there.a a 'two storm' LOG ROUSE, Frame Stable, spring Route and Shop and containing about two Acre., more or less. The property IA in reasonable condition ind : a , ill make a conical tibia end desirable home. Sale to commence et i ..'clock,P. M.. when terms -w;il be made known by Pact 14-te] MARTIN SNIDER. a , - et .AT PRIVATE SALE.,-, _,U 7 The undeistoned offers at Private Sale his farm situated on the Warm Spiing. Road. % mile east of Mar - tersbnrg. containing 177 ACRES,•about half Limestme intl the balance Slate. are in a good State of cultivation. The improvementaare a two story BRICK 110 t! SE. Rank Barn with Corn Crib and Wagon Shed attached, an I ill nhernecessaryontbnildtugs. The re is an exce lent well .if Water to the yard ands Omni of reaming Water on the farm fur stock, and an ORCHARD., of choke Stu t in the prelnises.' Alma, 248 ACRES of MOUNTAIN LAND, near the pike leading fromEtereerAm. yr to BloConnollsburg. Persia., wishing to view the proptqty will aril upon the ,under signed r,eaiding, on the . act 144 t FRANKLIN lIBL IC SA L E.—The and e:rsi gne d , Executor of o ,, briel Bea r. dec'd, will oder at Pub agate. on thepranifee, op 14nrulay..fhe eth of Norm , 6er next, A TEACT OP LAN O. situate in Washiigtbit township, Franklin ro..about2 miles East of Wagner— : bore', bounded by lamb, of John S.oller, Isaac shockey t and others, containing a bc , ut 20 , ACRE t. There is no said tract, a valuable 11 001. E.): FACTORY, with all the t necessary Machinery. in g.xrl order. and superior Water Power. The other In•proi, mot nts area two-story rot gl.- cast DWELLING Tenant -Hones and earn. ' , The Land he of excell en. anaPty and there is a good , bearing - Orchard. nod other Print Trees on It. . • " dale to conmenrci at 1 o'clock, P when attendance will be given and the teinta made known. oct 14 HENRY BEAR, Ex r. - TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER 1 . of the Osphana . Court.' the ludereigned, Bitecutotr, A the last will and-1 est:orient of Jacob ffemisderfer, tatevf A.ntrim totrualt.p. deed. will offer at Public Sale, .ou the premises, on Saturday. thel4th of Noeentber,ll3ttt, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described Real Estate, vie : A TRACT of LAND. the 31ansion Failllof said deed tituate in Antrim townahip, Franklin Co u Pa., bounded by lands of Rhodea, Sanmel schindle, John Samuel Bemesderfer, AVnt tlearliart and others,contaln leg 145 ACRES mine or leas. and having thereon erected a LOG HOUSE, Frame Barn nod other buildings. Theo o .s a good well of Wo ter. and a good OR' nAI,D sold tract, aud about twenty five Acres of good-TIMBER. The terms will`he made known on the day of sale, by JOHN REMEbDe.RFER, f Executori.. • oct 14 - _ SAMUEL SCIIINDLE, Bq order of Cdart—Al . is. Mercurtt, Clerk. OTICE OF INQUISITION.—TorN Daniel fornaster, resiaing in - Bayne:mine, Berk ,ey county, Vsf. • Mary f eesbour, reading in cont.; ty,-- , ---; Philip Lemaster, residing in Ohambershiarg.: Jacob, Daniel snit Elizabeth Lemaster, children of Jamb Lemaster, dec'd. Jiwob It. and Joln Lemaster ' of whom alias Patton is Guardian : nod Mary Jane and Aun ...tie abeth Lenntster, of whom Jas. IL. Scott is Gusrhisn. children of John Lema ter. dec'd,"all resit_ ing' t, r,,ii /00,1 cou nty, Pa. wiihaul. j‘ll/11. Ala James Lministe,, afe, Elizabeth Lemruster. (interquarr.m. ,:tali 1.1.w.e.1)14.1,), ill residing in Berkley, county, Va. Marva., t. (mute._ married with --, Is zellol.e). and. Eliza (Intermargie,l with— Crooks) residing .I, Canton, ,:stark county, Alio; children of Join, Lermster, decd. John six: Christian Over, residing: (a traoklitt county, P. 1.; Henry Over, residing in - - e,,,, a ty. Indiana; Elizabeth Diet, ( - ntermarried with Daniel Sh-ink) residing in Clem spring, Washington County ..d. ; Barbara Over, (luter married with Jacob K riner) :ridding Franklin county Pa.; children of Catharine be:mister, (intermarried with Jiicob Over dec'd. Emannel,„ John, William, Andrew, Illary,(intermarried to Kinsey) suit Catherine Kriner, residing In Franklin Connly, Pm; and Daniel firiner, melding in Lee county, Ill.: children of Polly Ann Le ;taster (Intermarried with John Krlner). -John Baker, residing in Lebanon con, ty. Pa.; Jatnea Baker. residing In New York • Michael flaker,_res_iditig Irditilltdo. N. y ; - iiitid - SlitiinitiZetuli.Tfooi-o - e. John, an" Mary Ettinger, (intermarriedwith ,-- Glaser.) residing in Stark conn ty;Onlo, children of Elizti herb Lemaste., '(intermarried twice, let to Michael Baker. 2d to Benjamin Ettinger, now dec'd), 'heirs and legal representatives of George Lemsster, late of the Borough of Chamborsburg, dec'd. Ton are hereby notified that I will hold an Inquisition on the heal Estate of said deed, on Thursday, the 2aLlt of October, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on the premises, when and where you can attend If you think proper. Eiberifro °Moo, oct 14 SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff.. IMiIMEIIIIIII itL EST OF GRAND and TRA VERSE JUROI 8, drawn for a Court of Oyer and Termlnor,Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, end a Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Chambersbuig, oz." ildpday, the 26th day of October, A.D. 1863. GRAND JURORS. ' Robert Black, - Green; John Barntizer, Mercersburg ; Frederick Byers, Guilford; Abraham Dull, Guilford; Benjamin Friedly, Guilford; Samuel flipe, M saline-on: Henry Greenawalt; Chambersburg; David Jacobs, Wash ington; John King, Ch.mbersburg; Abraham Keifer, Peters; Williams Kromer, Quincy; Jacob Dallier, An trim; John L. Lecher, Green; James McCurdy, Metal ; Mimes Nusbaum; Metal; Jonathan Noll, Quincy ; Wii liaur Piles, Fannett; Samuel M. Perry, Chambershnrg ; 'ysisb Run, Hamilton; John Royer, Antrim; John Swortz, Montgomery ;.F. B. Snively, Antrim; Samuel K:Smith,,Waynesboro ; Andrew Typper, 3letal TRAVERSE JURORS. Caleb Atherton, Dhambersburg ; William Bratten, Greencastle; Samuel H. Barr, Antrim; Tice Barkdoll, Montgomery; Jeremiah Bear, Green ; _Simon Brewer, Warren; Thomas Bowles, Montgomery ; Henry Balsley. Antrim; John Baughman, Green; Christian C. Breach bill, Hamilton; John Benedict, Gull ord; Alex. Ding= sten, Guilford; John Carvell, Chamilersburg; Andre* - Criswell, Green; Geo. Cook, (of John) Quincy; George Etter, Jr Peters ; Jacob L: Fleming, Greencastle; Samuel Fisher, Antrim; Abraham Frantz, Washington; Jacob Frick; Peters ;, Jeremiah - Gordon, Antrim; S% tn. B. Gabby, Guilford ; David ,Grossman, Chamberahnig ; David Good, Antrim; Jacob liege, Guilford; Charles Holltaan, Green; Samuel - Hostetter, Greencastle; John Johnson, Waynesboro ; Abraham Knepper, Quincy; George Laidig, St. Thomas; Christian Landis. South ampton; D. M. Leisher,Cbambersbnrg; Josiah Melhon4 Chambersbnn ; John H. Miller, Washington ; Daniel Myers, ( Marsh) Antrim ; Fletcher Noble, Metal; Daniel. Potter, Washington; Isaac Phillipy, Antrim; Jas. G. Rhodes, Montgomery; Daniel Small, Jr.. Quincy; Jona than Strock, Hamilton; William Shoemaker, lawgan ; David Shoemaker, D Lurgan; Morrow Skinner, Lurgan; Joseph ST rawbridgq, Southampton; Ferdinand Benumb Peters; Andrew Shank, Quincy; Samuel Seibert, Chem bersburg. loct 14 T HR GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, 51 Yesey Street, New York, Since Its organfzation, has created a new era in the his tory of WROLESALING TEAS IN THIS COUNTRY. They have introduced their eelectione of Teae. and are selling them at not over TWO CENTS (.02 CENTS) PEE POUND ABOVE COST, 'Another peculiarity of the Company la that theirTas Tints not only devotes his time td the selection of their TEAS as to quality, value, and particular styles for par, Mules localities of country, but he helps the TEA buyer to choose out of their - enormous stock such TEAK as are best adapted to his particular wants, and not crab , this, but points out to him the best bargains: It is easy to see the incalculable advantage a Tai BUTEII has in this establishment over all others. If he is no judge of TEA or the hisaarr—if his time is valuable—he has all the benefits of a well organised system of doing business, of an immense capital, of the judgment of a professional TEA - Visual, and the knowl . edge of superior salesman. This enables all TEA buyers—no matter if they are thousands of miles from this market—to - purchase on as good terms here as t4e New Torkinerchants Parties can order Vas and will be served by us as well 'as thosgh they came themselves. being sure to get origin -aipackages, true weight and tares; and the Thu MB WARRANTED as represented..- We Issue a Price List of the Company's Teas, which will be sent to all who order it ; comprising. HYSON, YOUNG HYSON, ISfPRIITAL GIiNPOITDER, TWANKAY AND SKIN, OOLONG, sougnosa, ORANGE and HYSON PROD. JAPAN TEA of every description, colored and uncolored . This list has MACH kind of Tae divided Into' FOUR CLASSES, namely : CARGO, high CARGO, FENE, arNEer, that every one may understand from description and the prices annexed that the Company are determined" to 44. dersell the asholate trade, We guarantee to sell ALL our Teas at not °per TWO CENTS (.e2 Centsj per ponud abort cosi,belleving this to be attractive to the many.who have heretofore been.pay lag ENORMOUS - PROFITS. - GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, Importers add Jobbers, No. 51 ',any Street, New York. act lt-lt ''. BYSTER a BRO. Ite0), abtnotiyments. Never deviating from the ONE PEWS aetk,A 01