The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 14, 1863, Image 4

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tta:Olin: floMtot.
The voice of lamentation and mourn
, --,
jug' comes up from the dominions of
treason on every side. Maddened
by tempor4ry sueeeises --in the field,
the l'oeti of the government heeanie
insolent' nd relentless in their Career
of,erime,.and: their hearts were glad
dened:With the hope that they should
rule the continent and doom, Freedom
to an early grave. BUt their season
©f-joy and rejoicing has been changed
,for One of universal serrow. Retri
bution seems to have smitten them in
the field; in their usurped depart
ments of power; in homes—every
where, indeed, that the avenging hand
of justice conld,bow them_in humilia
tion and shame. • . •
.The late rebelpapers-are filled with
their leaders and grief
for the woes inficited upon their peo
ple The , Riehmond Sentihel is sad
because—the South is filled with
"ci•oakers and grumblers" who see no
ltope for the triumph of 'traitors,; and
it, laments the "sufferings of the peo
ple." The Dispatch warns the bogus
goverfuient and the people that the
r'-,distress from high_ prices: is now
ihe-grea' test danger to thB' Conred-
inef." The Whig is gloomy beetwiae
tif:the fearful depreciation; of rebel
cicrreney; and the Pxaminerilso treats.
- of, the'.. fabuloys rates at ;:which the
commonest necessaries of life areheld
ajf,,the; great peril that now threatens
the existence of the traitors' goVern
inent. The Sentinel, in denouncing
the " ereakers and grumblers" chOges
them with being the authors of the
depreciation of the Currency, and de
'dares that "they seem to he - labeling
diligently" for the' ruin of. the :rebel
c4nse. It adds that-they have bill to
.sow the seeds of distrust i'mong the
soldiers, and ", it needs nOlprophet to
tell what will - inevitably and speedily
follow. Under the head of " Sutter-
Ws of the People," it relates instan
pes-of suffering among the widows of
iiildiers, and adds that " the curse of
Heaven. will be upon the laud if these
yildoW's and their children are allowed
44i cry Stir bread in . vain." The same
Taper calls upon ,Teit. Davis to:;" tax
pe people high" and "-suppre!high
iices by law !"
~,On'the subject of the distress of the
keeple, the .Dispatch - says:
' . 4, The 'rapid advance in all necessaries of
clothing and subsistence lhteatens us with
_great distress.' There :is no s disguising the
Oct . . We cannot see how unethployed per
-11 tins, and how, those who live *m incomes and
salaries, are to ' get along, eipecially at the
iirelement season of the year now rapidly ap
proaching. .How are they to buy - shoes and
*thing. 'at the present rates ? Nay, how
I.4icng are these rates to pro:Ail-7 A great
auction-may in a day or twts=,rcin them all
fifty per cent ! An auctionitlius has be
cirtue regarded by the people with as
gcuch dread as a battle ! A defeat on. ithe
Jiattle-field could hardly bring more suffer•
lug upon them. These questions are growing
,daily more and more important. Something
Must be done. Produce must be distributed,
pi! ees must be reduced, gains must be dis
xorged, or there will be sufferinc , intense,
and intense sufrering beget,' what ?
Think of it."
„ . ...;'!rhe same paper deplores the new
draft, and says::
"Already.we are beginning to feel the want
of labor in those employments that are in -
.dispensable to existence. - Whet are the-veo-'
pieta do this winter for clothing, fuel and
fat bther,prime necessities of tile, if the few
producers who are left are turned into con
sumers by being drafted into the army. Our
,most pressing dangeris the immense priva
tion an&suffring our :people may endure if
1110 . . prodneing power is any-further dimin
dr” • • '- • •
- • In the extreme South and South
`West there is if possible still greater
dfstitution and sorrow among the de
luded people who in an evil hour gave
ib'emselves over to the crime of trea-
I son. When this causeless, wicked war
'vas commenced by them, their 'land
was teeming with wealth and plenty;
but now by, their own wanton .rebel
_l ion against the government that gave
,them peace; protection • and prosperi
ty, they lfave spread a withering des
olation over their own homes. Such
are the fruits of treason in the South,
and the only places where their wants
arc supplied and the general - desola
,tion measurably remedied, are where
the Old Flag asserts its
and gathers 'the' people again under
its protecting folds.
WHATEVER may bQ the issue of the
great political struggle just closed,
let every loyal man resolve NEVER TO
hour mingled prejudice, defame
-dart-I)nd disloYalty Onld . prevail 'in
, -
the _ election of Judge Woodward pt
the Gabernatorial chair, sadly as . it
'Must embarrass every faithful effort
ibr "Do:preservation of our NatiOpitl7
ity, it cannot-Osqlve ( paAriOtic Men
from the sacred duty they' owe to the;
iovernnierit.. It woulddishertett`iari
gallant army as - if the chill of 'death'
had fallen upon it, and Would nerve'
our n deadly foes to fresh deeds of mur-.
der and desolation; it would threaten,
our ,finances and credit; , retard the
enlistment or conseriptiOn of Men to
fill our shattered ranks in the„
and in all - probability it 'would be Ac
cepted abroad as an invitation to
foreign governments for intervention
byl the recognition of, the usurpation
of Jeff. Davis; but in the: face of All'
these new dangers, the loyal, faithful,
determined hearts of the 'Union men
can save the Republic. •
•We do not thus council in anticipa
tion of sith.a, fearfutealamitY :to the
Nation as the election of . .ludge Wood
ward: We are'sfrong in the eonVi
tion that these colurans tivill r bear -o
our readers the glad tidings of 'this
triumphant re-election of Gov; Curtin;
the faithful and loyal Executive; but
we Would, in the first lull of the storm.
of partizan strife, teach the high, the
-holy duty every man ewes, to his ini
periled_Country. •, Whether Curtin or
Woodward shall be the Exee - utive of
,Our Chief
Magistrate shall be earnestly faithful
or ever hesitate between infidelity
and duff —still let the loyal men cling,
to the go inment and to the preser
vation of o r Nationality with that.
hope and con: once that should ever
inspire the frieus of Right. _
as we believ, it must be, Gov.
Curtin shall be eho:en, it, is zvdl
Traitors in the south s,ympathiSers
in the Nerth--the foes o 'Free
tutions in the Old World, snd loyal
men everywhere, -Will be tau_ht that
the people of this lieliublic ye 're
solved that it shall live, and that
son shall die; and, the, great bit ; le
will be more than half won. Faith
ful men will be, cheered and encour
aged to swell Our armies, because as
sured that they and their cause will
be sustained at home, and despairing
traitors' will quail before the invinci
ble purpose of the North to maintain
its honor—to give hope to its living,
_andlsallawthe,_Memory- of its ',dead.
If, however, m urderous treason should
rejoice-with the Democracy in Penn:
sylvania and Ohio over the election
of Woodward ancLlTallandigham,! the
new perils of the Republic should! but
nerve loYal men to mere faithful ; and
untiring efforts to rescue it• froth its
manifold foes. . ,
Resolve that this government Shall
be maintained in honor through - all
the mutations oqolitieal struggles 7—
that no suicidal triumph shall accom
plish its destruction ;.'and lope Aver,
in the God ofJustiee and a loyal!Peo
ple, for the 41th - hate triumph of Hu
manity and Frefideomi: ,
LITTLE Delaware has an election
this full for members of . Congress.
The Union men'have nominated Ilion.
N. B. Smithers.l present Secretary of
State, and the ,:Copperheads Charles
*Brown; late ofi Pennt,lyhthia and of
" tinuer-box" n'otoriety:':. - The, - onion
platform squp,r,ely supports the war
and_ the polley,Of the, Administration,
and although Slave State, will elect
the Uhl on tie k et;hy a d aided majority.
We subjoin .the platform: - -
Resolved, 1. That thetnion party of the
State of Delaware is uncompromisingly in
favor of maintaining the integrity of the na
tional government, and that its power, should
be steadily and vigorously exerted Until it
has compaled submission to its rightful au
thority. • j
2. That this war is and should be,waged
only for the•suppiession of the rebellion and
the vindication of the supremitcY of the Con:
stitution of the 'United States, but that in its
conduction it is the right, it is the duty, of
the government to use every means in its
power to subdue and utterly ,crush out the,
revolt /toning the laws of the,land t and thOr
rights of man:
3. That to this lend we approve tlie policy
of Emancipation ,and the employ - Merit of col
ored troops, as depriving our rebel ',enemies
of a most powerful auxiiiary,and as . afford
ing to ourselves;material assistance by the
ealistment - ofuspecies of force whoseThravery
and good conduct have been tested, and who
will save our own race not 'only from the
perils of the battle field, but the moil° deadly
malaria of a southern clime. That if frZim
this cisse the slaves of rebels shall be set
free, if will be justly attributable only to the
evil counsels of bad men who have; induced
their masters to take up arms against - the
government, and have compelled it to war
against slavery in its own defence.
4. That the temporary suspensiOn of the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus was a
measure constitutional and necessary ; and
recognizing its propriety in this crisis of a
nation's peril, :We commend the Administra
tion that had the baldness 'to proclaim and
the vigor to enforce : it. That from mir our.
intercourse; we know that it announcement
gave renewed- assurance to loyal Men, 00'
that it was terrible to ',traitors only
5. _That we entertain entire confidence in
the wisdom, integrity and dispassionate jus
tice of Abraham Lincoln. That thrOughont
his whole administration he has evinced
tender regard not only for the rights but the
prejudices of a mitgithiled people, 'combined'
-with firm 'fietorminatiou to uphold the .au
' tift, ,fniktittflaqiim' itornl;llll)thilbtibbmtlr'
thority of- he gOArfrnmen,t,-, which has won
the admiration of his friends 'and extorted
the respect of his eneßdes.
SIMILE copies of the _R„Pasrroux
ilia, be had at the counter with or
without wrappers. Price five Cents.
OTJIt ,Crrizatt Pntsowzna.-leafit: James
X. Brown, of 'this • place,' huff :handed Its the
• ,
subjoined fetter' from' Rev. T. V4foore, for.
trierly' of cfreandastle;''but nOw . of Riehmontl.
He has visited our citizens Nehn'are held as
priatir,:irs'in Richmond, and' thuh rita'don
cerning them:
4 11./CR/MYD, Sept.l6, 1863. ~
- • !MAR Stu :Mei:44am with your request in
your letter of August 19th, tvis4ed the, nine citizens'
of Chamberiburg here in prison. , They arc well,
and say they aro kindly treated and supplied with.
every thing they need. I loaned Mr. Culbertson
some money. and told them to apply to me for am•
thing they I will do all I can to make
their situs dons as comfortable as possible, and will
see thorn as often as I can. Lapplied to JudgaGuld
concerning their release, Ile said he had been try
ing to effect ah arrangement with the U.S. Govern- .
Anent by which non-combatants should not be itzr
prisotsed, ands soon as that was done, these -men
should be dlicharged: Perhaps if yon were to get
your Congre.ssman, or other influential citizens to
write' to Washington. something might be dorie•to
put an end to this imprisonment of peaceful citizens
-on both sides. I' have asked -Judge Cold to put
their names first, if possible, on the list of exchanges
as soon as'any thing can be done. I ferversGy hope
that something may soon be done to this end, butin
tbztmeat.time let their friends know that any thing
in my power to promote their comfort veil! be done.
If in any other way I can renderyou.or. any of my
former friends in Pennsylvania any serviee.'it will
be done with great pleasure. -Meanwhile lam '
Very trtiiy Yours. — •T. V. Mooßr.
4r. .1. M. BROWNt ' Cbumbersburg, Pa. •
teletter from the 3l'Clure Dragoons, "Capt.
Miles 'commanding. They are on the banks
of the Lackawana. River, near Scranton •
have built winter quarters, and expect to re-
Main there until the draft is fully enforced.
The members of the company had made ar be assessed there ; but the As- - ,
sensor being a Copperhead and of course op-:
posed -to soldiers voting, miraculously disap
peered on the day fixed for their assessment.
'The officers at once made arrangements to
transfer their camp into another township,
where they expected to be assessed. The
members of the company have presented
Capt. Miles with a handsel:he saddle and
The presentation speech was made by
lent. Harmony in behalf of the men, and
Ca it. Niles responded in a neat speech thank
ing • em for the manifestation of confidence
and k dness. The Captain made a narrow
escape a ew 'days ago, in an effort to arrest
a disorde civilian. The fellow drew a;
revolver on apt. Miles, but - fortunately the
cap exploded • ithout discharging the pistol.
ife_is now undo • uard for trial: The mem
bers of the.Compa r are all in good health.
- /X A private letter
Dowell,.26th Penna.
nooga, Sept. 20, 186
horses, 4 guns and .6
was killed on Sund
one of his gunk. IL
field. I made sever
turday, my horse 'was
one went through-m
aide, and another o
sleeve of my coat,
have Veen lying in rifle pits, expecting titi
attack all the 'time. .If they come they will
be thrashed, for we have the advantage of the
ground and wori:s. The following is a list
of the killed, wounded and missing Capt.
A. J. Stevens and Michael Harmony kilted ;
Lieut. William Luit.e wounded severely,
Privates 'Hassenflug badly, George'
Hoffman slightly, Gottfried Korrell badly,
Wm. Krall man slightly, Wm. Gates in arm,
James Lynch in log, •J'}in Ewing in hand,
Samuel Dine in arm, Jain Kohler, slightly,
Geo. Barns slightly, J. R. Borland, slightly,
Robert Ewing slightly, Henry forty slight
ly, . John M. Kern missing.
THE 77T11. AT Cates.A.stAto,..—We have
not been able to find a 'complete, hst of the
killed - .lind wounded of the 77th Regiment at
Chickamauga. Capt. J. E.' Walker,-of Co:
A, has written his brother at Waynesboro,
giving the casualties in his company. Jona.
J. Good and JacOb Lortz Were killed ; Jacob
Sites wounded in shoulder slightly and Jere.
Row slightly in leg ; and Jere. Cooper,"ife
Mitjor,. was 'captured. Messrs. Sergt.43.4.
Gamble, Corporals S. 0. Skinner and'James
Rouzer, and James Wineinan, Henry Hen
icle, John Waddles.; Samuel Wolff, John
Wolff, Thomas Wickline, Henry Bastian
and John A. Wood are missing, and were
probably captured. 'Lieut. Tho.s -G.•Coch
ran, of the same
_regiment, and Lieut. Col.
D.tvid Miles (a brother of Capt. Geo. Miles)
of the 79th,,are also reported captured. -
Tni 0135 INtAFT.—CUpt. Wm. B. Line,
United States disbursing officer, heretofore
stationed at Philadelphia, arrived at Harris
burg last week. He . is under orders from the
War Department to proceed to the various
counties in the State for the purpose of set
tling and paying the expenses of the draft of
).8(32. This, we underitnnd, he will proceed
to do without delay, his orders upon the sub
ject being peremptory. This will be good
news to the various Deputy Marshals and
others interested. The payment of their
claims has been inexcusably delayed.
PICKET of the cavalry
pickets was wounded near Mercersburg one
night .last week. The Journal says that
several 'persons-were observed loitering in the
woods near the picket post in the afternoon,
and still remaining there after dark, at which
time they deliberately and without any pro
vocation whatever, fired several shots at the
picket, j wiiiaiding him severely in the leg.
Great exertions are being made to ascertain
the whereabouts of the scoundrels that would
thus unprovokedly, in Pennsylvania, fire on
a picket at his post. '
WR:i,nvite attention'to the-advertisement
of Sir._ Ryder in today's paper. He is an
_experienced fruit ;•culturist, and
,has•' devoted
.much • attention to, it for a number of years.
The finest specimens' of frnit we have seen ini
Franklin county this season came, from Mr.
Ryder's Nurseries. He is a man of the high
eat Ciatiacter, and persons at a distance can
.order trees, vines or plants from him With
entire .. .confidence thatrthe 'orders will be filled
`' w ith the 'utmost fidelitY.
Tur.6-20 year U. S. loan increases in pop
talarity every day. -The last issue is 'now
going out at the-rate of about 1,000,000-daily.
Those of our friends who still desire to.invest
in this lean; should de so -Without delay. Thp
Bonds - are still to be had •at the flank and
Are havr furnished with but a few'days delay.
Subscribers holding receipts can now receive
.their bonds by calling at the Bank.
Wz have a comtpunication from McCon-.
Wellsburg reflecting_ severely upon the con
duct of an officer who has figured somewhat
in these - columns recently. The game isn't
worth thilximinr. 'We arelhankful.
ever, to our correspondent. for the fact's—
they may_ be useful sometime. _ •
BUCIIAN.Oa, of this county, who
was a private in Capt. Stevens' Battery, and
connected with the 77th Penna., regiment,
died recently in Nashville, of consumption.
He.was on his gray home when he died. He
was a brave soldier.
.Extrorovs:—The're w ill-be Episcopal sm.-
'vice in. the Lutheran Chtrroh next Sunday
morning and evening, at the usual hour.
Rev. C. IL Forney will preach in the
Whiebrenarian Church of i "next Sunduyever.-
ing, at 61 o'clock.
MR. JAMES H. CitAici,",M.Ambeison's Val
ley, died recently in the 3 ilitary Hospital at
Tullahoma. He was a iheniher of CO.. A,
Capt. Walker; and W 71.5 a:gallant soldier.
. A TRIUMPH IN 31'.41I.A.Nitym.—.M.enrs.
Wheeler nad`Wilson certainly 'deserve the credit of bas
ing given the world, iu the great Sewing Machine whir
bears their name, one of the Mechanical prodigiesof the
nineteenth century. We have already announced the
fact in these columns that these relebtated 'Machines
triumphantly carried off the palm of victory at the State
Agricultural Fair, which closet! lit Norristown on Friday,
October 2, as it had previously done at the Annual Fair
of the American Institute in the city of New York, and
as in Clot it has uniformly done Where're-I' Jt has been
plated it►competition with its most distinguished rivals
in the land.
A sttcce•s and awarded pre•emineuee so 'unit rm is
rendered all the more remarkable by the fact that it has:
several formidable rivals to contend with, the proprie
tors of which have made herculean efforts, to take the
lead in the Sowiiig Machine 'race, but ail to no purpose.
The Wheeler k Wilson insttument looms op :to-day far
above all competitors as Tilt Sowing Machine of the age.
The above superior Machine can be had of Atlas Mary.
Davis at Mrs. E.C.OrOVi'a Millinery Store, a few doors
North of J. W. Taylor's Hotel. -
To Puurrr CU/mt.—Persons to
purify Cider cau get a preparatiorrat ilenshey'll
f. r that purpose. It stops perme.7'utiou aud z euders the
ciaer clear and sparkling.
HEYSER &,,CnEasnEn. are receiving a very
desirable stock of Drugs, Mekcines, Extracts. Cologne,-.
foaps, Brushes and Pocket Books, all of which they offer
at very,low prices.
BCY your Kerosene Oil from Gelivicks, lie
r. agent fdr one of the best Oil Companies in the Stain•
add always sells Ole best ell wilt& sale and retail.
Go To Gelwieks' whnlesale and retail store,
see the large stock and get bargains.
. 1
has been ;
fields and 1
ties, which a 1:
are prone to o:
they come, - othe -
ofso extraordinar:
fail 'to penetrate a
is habitually insensi
providence of Almigh
In the midst Of a civ
magnitude and severity
tunes seemed to invite an
gressions of foreign states, I.
preserved ,with all nations, .
maintained, the laws have been
obeyed, and harmony' has prevl
where except in the fheatre of mi •
filet; while that theatre haS been gre
tracted by the advancing armies and
of the Union.
The needful diversions of wealth and
strength from the fields of peaceful industry
to the national defence have not arrested the
plough, the shuttle or the ship. The axe has
enlarged the borders of our settlements; and
the mines, as well of iron and coal Si of the
precidus metals,have Yielded even more abun
dantly than heretofore. Population has
steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste
that has been made in the camp, the siege
and the battle-field, and the country, rejoic
ingiii theconsciousnessof augmented' strength
and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance
of years with large increase of freedom.
No human counsel hath devised. nor bath
any mortal hand ;,worked out, these great
.things. They are the gracious gifts of the
Most High God, who, while dealing with us
in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless re
membered mercy.
It has seemed to me fit and proper that they
should be solemnly; reverently and grateful
ly:acknowledged as with one heart and voice
by the whole American people; 1 do, there
fore, fellow-citizens in every- part
of the United States, and also those who are
at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign
lands, to set apart and observe the last Thurs
day of November next as a day of thanks,
giving and prayer to our 16;nefieent Father
who dwelleth in the heavens. Aiia I rec.
ommend to them that, while offering up the
ascriptions and blessings, they do also,. with
humble penitence, for our national perverse -1
ness and disobedience, commend to his ten
der care all those who have become widows,
orphans, mourners and sufferers in the !amen,
table civil strife in which we are unavoida
bly engaged, and fervently implor6 the in
terposition of the Almighty band to heal the
wounds of the nation and to restore ,it, as
soon as may be consistent with the Divine
purposes, to the full enjoyment of peaCe, liar
mony, tranquility and union.
sident Lincoln has issued the following
nation ; .
.I . lr that is drawing - toward its doge •
qlled with the blessings of fruitful
\ealthful skies. To i-these boon
e so constantly enjoyed that we
orgct the source from whic .
I have been added, which are
- a nature that they cannot
d soften the heart which
le to the ever-watchful
y God.
war of unequalled
which has some
yrbyoke the lig-
TRWe has been
•der has been
expected and
tied every-
\tary con-
\tly con-
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand andcaused the seal of the United
States to bic affixed.
Done at the city of Washington ,thia third
day of October; in the year of our-Lerd one
thouiand eightinindied arid slit Y-three, and
of the - independence of the United States the
eighty-eighth. ( Arnamut
Lircoiiv -
$v the President:
The Enemy Routed near Shelbyville
125 Rebels Killed & Wounded.
The Capture Of.Shelbyville
and itilMinnville.
rom. Chattanooga.
WASAINGTbN. Oct. 10.— , -The Republican
extra says theyGovernmentlias received des
patches from Gen. Rosecrans, dated Chatta
nooga, Oct.-9th, and from other officers on
duty at his headquarters. Also, official des
patches from N - ashville, all containing re
ports most encouraging for the National
cause. -
The forces under :Gen. Mitchell overtook
thd rebel cavalry_ on the 6th instant, below
Shelbyville, and u battle immediately ensued,.
resulting in a complete , rota of the enemy,
who did not stop - for his wounded. Over
one hundred of the enemy were left on the
. field, an 4 also a large number of wounded.
- Gen. Mitchell sent a force after the eying
rebels, - who scattered panic-stricken, , ?That
being the only means of escaping - the - great
military cordon established by *Gen. Rose
The railroads torn'up by the.raiderg have
been repaired and the telegraph column idea
tion'is established.
The sitekino, of Shelbyville was as cowardly '
and disgraceful to the rebel arms !as was that
of Lawrence by the -rebel Quantrell. We:
• had neither forces nor stores there beyond
those of the inhabitants, - many of themrseces-'
-sionists, and they were robbed. - and their
houses burned. They were withoutprotec
tion, hence the disgrace to the Confederates
whe'made such an unmilitary onslaught upon
the place.,
Bragg's bombardment of Chattanooga was
•.1 complete failure, so far as any damage
whatever being done to the defences or to
our gallant army. A few women and chil
dren were frightened, and a few dwellings
were burned.
_ LIN,
LortsvlLLE,. Oct. .—Gen. Crook, com
manding a brigade of 'cavalry twelve miles
beyond Franklin, yesterday -afternoon came
up with portion of • N iVhorton's rebel cavalry.
A sharp fight,(;nsued, resulting in one'hiind
red and twenty-five rebels being killed and
wounded, and three hundred prisoners and
four cannon captured. The rebels were in
full 'retreat and our forces pursuing. No
casualties to'the federals are reported.
. The telegragh to Chattanooga has been
working since Thursday, and the railroad
will be in running order to-morrow to Bridge
port. • • .
No rebel prisoners are confined in Louis
ville, except Dick McCann and thirty of his
JAS. C. Erstsn, Agent,'. l
The New York - Daily News, a Copperhead
rebel paper, has a: Richmond COrrespondent.
In a: late letter he thus depiels the disappoint
ment in rebeldom at Bragg's failure to crush
Rosecrans at Chickamauga: .
Bragg has 'fought a battle, and Bragg has
reported to the Department that
t he gained a
great victory. But Gen. Bragg does- not
mention what his losses were, although we
know that, according to the accounts of the
sanguinary conflict, the battles near Chatta
nooga may be called-drawn fights—both op
ponents as terribly used up. • To a great ex
tent, Gen. Bragg has lost the confidence of
the people, from the fact that be bas so often
deceived them by false dispatches, crediting
hine,clf 'with victories when-he actually stir
tered a moat disastrous defeat , —for instance
at Shiloh. But the public is credulbuS, and
any rumors of a victorlsets them-ablaze, and
no matter who is _the leader ; he is at once
A sword is to bp presented to Gen. Thom
as. One would think that some other officers!
need swords more than he does. He seems
to have a good overall along, and to have
anode good use of it.
rWM.H SEWARD, Secretaryof State.
• - MAIJOA. • -
The list of killed, Wounded and missing
wilt not fall short of 3u,OUth , Among the lat
ter is Brig. Gen Adams, of Texas, who was,
reported badly wounded and in the hands of
the enemy. Thirteen Generals have been put
hors dc. combat in tbe. lait engagement, and
have been either killed, wounded or captured.
The brave Geif. Kemper,, who has recently
been exchanged for , the Federal Gen. Gra- -
ham, remains still in the city. He is very
feeble in health, but expeetS soon to assume
active. duties.
_His promotion is earnestly
solicited by his numerous friends, and its
soon as he is able to take the field, it will be .
as Major General.
Robert. E. Lee, Commander-in-Chief of
the army in Virginia, has been in town for
tWo'days past, consulting with the- authori
ties as to future. movements. It is under
stood that the army is about to go into win
ter quarters, but this information istimparted
merely as "Court gossip." The general im
pression, however; is that Gen. Lee will not
move from his fortified positions on the Rap
idan mid Gordonsville unless sorely pressed
b Meade's army, in which ease he can rea
dily tall back on the intrenchments around
this city. .
The flower of the army is at presient with
Bragg. Gen. Longstreet on being' ordered
to re-enforce the army on the Tennessee, re
ceived permission, to pick his men. He se
lected his favorite Generals, the lamented
Hood and Gen. Jenkins, Who was the terror,
of the foe on the Nansemond last spring, and
a number of others well and favorably known.
Having such veteran troops to fight with,.
men who have so often been baptized,in the
blood of Mars, and distinguished theinselveS
in every battle from Bull Run to Gettysburg,
Bragg was expected to annihilate the Union,
army, and not only to recapture Chattanooga,
but also pursue the flying enemy and at once
take possession of Nashville, and, in fact, of
all Tennessee. Longstreet feels the disgrace
badly, and only his great patriotism - mut de
votion to country cause - bun to serve under
an officer who is greatly inferiOr to him, as
a man and a soldier. It will' astonish no
one to hear very soon that Braiton- Bragg
has been relieved, and General Longstreet
ordered to assume his command. Such a re
suit would give general satisfaction.
A.L X. EC, A. T. IA
The People Vindicate their
Nonhern Sympathy Played Oat 1.
Gov. .Gurtin', Re - ,Elookd
t ii,y
over _ ~ 20,000
Special Dispatch t tie Repositor, ,
HAnunrnirnci,' Oct.
,From returns received, O. Curtin
• -
elected by over 20,000 majortv..
TUE 10114 E.
From dispatches received we 'giro the foi
owing majorities in the counties reported.
' - 'Curtin. Woodward.
Cheater -
- 3,000
-Dauphin ' - 1,590 -:
Delaware - ' 1,900
:Franklin •- 25 . 0
Berks. • —'
Schuylkill •
:Adams ,
The Buekeys After, the Trailiy
Vallandinghat •
„ „
Special Dispatch to the Repoeit uy. ' '
• ' - !'IIILADELPrLIA, Oct.
Ohio gives heavy giiins - for Brongh- orr
'!'odd's vote in. 1.461. Cineinnatti gives,4,oo6
majority for Brough. [Todd was eleeted,hl
some 60,000 majority in IS6l—En. Rxml
The Entire " Union County tad Elededl
One Union Assemblyman - and
Probably Two Elerttd:
We subjointho returns fro *II the several
districts of •lorani'clin county ;Vceiscd up to
2P. M. this morning. It will be seen
material gains for the; Uniim arc given - in
nearly- every district, and there is no doubt
of the election of the, entire' Union county
ticket by a majorityi of from :450 to P. n.
There seems to be no doubt of the Election
of Lieut.. Nil! to the Legiglature. His me= .
jority over Horton will Not be less than It*
i'n Franklin. The vote may: be close between
Sharpe and Gray, for the other sent; butvge
-hope for the election ,of Giity. We have no
definite advices from Fulton; but the Pern
oeratiimajority cannot be lover 250. TI;4,
struggle has-been a bitter and earnest one.
and the result is amost signal triumph, to the
Union - cause.
AUD. GEN.If42.
- GOV.
a. '4 . g. 'Z •
Al Cc.
21, X"
a ti a 4 . * • , s • "
North Ward:. 309 . 1 4 22 - 187 —233
South Ward... 190 179• 11 • —. 18
Antrim 398 413 r . 15 • •tlll
Concord 24 98 74 •
Dry Run - 84 82 2 .
IA 152 52 •
Greetivillage.„ 155. 88 - 47
Guilford 117 140 23
Hamilton 97 122 2.5 =
'Letterkenny .. 127 207' - 80
London 77" 79
Lurgan 91 116 23 -
Metal ' 119 83. 36 .
Montgomery.. 188 125'
...63.1 100
Orrstown...i. 65. 121 • • -
Pecein - 112 46 64 -
quip 153 , , 271 —i 118
Southampton.' 57 58 - , - '1: -
St. Thomas.... 154 1313 12 ,
S . . ..... .36 45 " 9
arren 55 50 5
Washington— 304 262 •42 - •
llfelsh 71 • 143
3157 3140
- -
Thews from the Army of the Potomac ,
is exciting., For' several days pasta move
ment has been going on in_ the Rebel Army
which, has caused considerable anxiety.—
Early on Saturday, morning, one of General
Kilpatrick's cavalry brigades attempted a
reconnoissance on the the south side of - Rob=
ertion's Elver,- when they were _met. by, a
large body of Stuart's Cayalry. After fight
ing an hour Kilpatrick ivas obliged :to.fai.l
back 'upon our Infantry reserves. Another
severe contest ensued when the Infantry Was
also obliged to give way, losifig i toonsiders-
Lao number of prisoners. A debidhrnent of
our cavalry then made a gallant dash at the
enemy and' recaptured all but 15 or 20 of our
lost men. The whole of our force, howev.eb
was pushed back toward Culpepper, contest
ing every foot of the grgimd. • Heavy" flriug
was heard in the afternoon, indicating that
the contest had been resume:- It is believed
,the Rebels have been chanOng'then
line, with 'a view, to making it - demonstitibPn
upon - bur right rear and cat off oar` railolad
communication. It is said that Gee.. Wade
is fully prepared for any movement, and sea
dcgOosCi.o "cto e a i t z ick th . em at_
point they pity
' ,Ipoloo.
2 4 100
• 42
5, _