. , . • . _ . . .....-, _ , . . . -43 ~ 4 -- - , it.t,,,. - • "''' . '-" .., ' , ' ‘, , , ' t . ..t i- • . . . . . - +l. , -. 2.z. - .9•• , 1^ 2 ,,` - ‘.. - , ' ;'' -r - ''' * . I . . . . . . . , tr, ' "'''''' - •'.'1% ,, ,,' 1 - 6. -t,.-..-; ---'-' ' ':T: - . - .:•: ' r , •._ .. -1. .. - . . .).- ~ ..A T. , . . . . '- , 4 ' t '' - .: , .. . . . . , . . .. .. . 4 .. ... . . . * 0 - ' •; , ' k .:1 ' I • i .:k',,i..- 'N ...... . \ N .... : It \ , 1 0 ')411114 . t , , ~ ~ , . . . . ( ,1• '" L s -- ' . . ' i , ' . , ' . rr- r .• ! . . . . , It . . . . . , . . . . . _ . . , ~ . . . . , . BY M'CLURE & STONER. r frant tnit cltp'ooltrq. :LEE'S INVASION. !We Lave before' us the official report (*lf:Lee, giving the detailed account of ,his iliSatrons campaign in Pennsylvania. The re/tilers of the Rerostroax have already hed in , these• columns _everything pertaining to that movement from loyal sources, that could he interesting or instructive, buf the account giyen." by the rebel: ,Commander-in-Chief throws now light upon the purposes, plans athl'eveuts of that campaign, - whichare ne ef.lsiiry to a periect understanding of the grand combinations conceived and the terri ble disaster realized by the foes ,of the -Ite= Gen. -.Lee left_ his position on the Rappa= hannoek because the lines, of Hooker weresuch as "could _not be atteeked to , advantage," !tnil - ,116 therefore determined to draw Hooker his defences. He add. The execu tion of this 'purpose embraced the relief of the Shenandoah Valley' from the troops that had ticeupied the lower part of it during the win tezj a.ad spring, and, if Pfacticable. the trans z fcr of the scene of hostilities north of the Potomac." 'He hoped thitethe movement of . Hoeker - in pursuit of the rebels might afford an „opportunity. to "strike a blow" at the Al."elicin army ; that Hooker would certainly he 0 -coni.pellcd to leave 'Virginia. and possi hlydraw to his support troops designed to' werate against other 'parts of the country." Lle.adds--" In this way it was supposed that theCeniny's plan of campaign far the sum mer Would be broken Up, and part , of. the. season of active operations be Consumed in, the; formation of new, combinations and the preparations that they would require." , These Censiderations strengthened b;:t the hope -7kthat other valuable results might be tit tended by military success," give Itci,the.pqr,. pose Of_Lee in his aggressive-movement. He - recites the movements of the different (ierPs• of,- his ladv with minuteness. The forward movement t)egan on the thl of June, nsi one month before the,terrihte repulse he inet with at Gettysburg. .On that day Mc- Law's division left Fredericksburg for Cul lepper, and Hood's division started from the the the same point at the same time. ;They werf followed on the 4th" and-sth by Ewell's corps, leaving Hißalone ,at Fred orielesburi- Longstrees and Ewell's corps reached Culpepper on the Sth,, where they were joined by Gen. Stuart witlfhiS cavalry, Gen.-Jenkins was 'then -thrown ,forward to _ward. Wineltesteromd..lnd,direetcd -to move toward Romney, to'cover the move ment against - Winchester and prevent rein- , fnrcements by the Baltimore and ,Ohio road. ( 3. Rocks then advanced upon. Berryville to cut off Milroy's communication with the Potornaerand Gen. Ewell with Early's and 44)1inson's divisions moved directly against - Winchester. The result of these movements am well known. On the 14th Gen. Ewell earried MiTroy's outer works, dispersed mid captured most of his army, guns and stores and entered Winchester, and on the saute - day Gen. 'lodes entered Martinsburg. These operations gave the rebels undispused posses: Icion of the Shenandoah 'Valley, and Les: Maims .4,009 prisoners, 29 guns, 7!) wagons. and ambulances tud 400 horses as the trophies lit: victors. On the night of the 014th, the same 'day. Ewell "entered Winchester, the Union artily left its position on the, Rappahannock and cotninenced-- - the pursuit. Then the rebel:: had eleven days' start of .Hooker. and• held the entire .Shenandoah, with all the moun tain gaps clean down to the Potomac, before he mord'against them. lie then had' , no Atance, to offer battle. South of the Potomac Olccepf,,at great disadvantage, and ho sensibly declined to do so. Lee says that no .• favor able opportunity was presehted to attack" ElOoker in his march, as. he kept the roads c=lose to the Potomac, and "th'e transfer of Ott seeile of hostilities Northof thp Potomac" bocazne a-necessity for Lee, fur he could not rernalit idle: with his whole armY in the She nandoah, so far - from his base _id' supplies. 'Oen. Jenkins was then ordered into Penn sylvania, and. penetrated as far as Chambers burg, but as this - did not have the effect of drawing I.l.eliker front Virginia, and., failed also in compelling him to at ack Lee in his Otosen position, a movement . force into ilaryland andl'etinsylvta became the only alternative remaining' for Lee. On the 24th Longst rout and Hill ma - rched, to the Potomac, and the,tbrtner erossdd at Williamsport and the latter at Shopperds to wn. These columns were united atgageotown and advancfedinto Permsylyunia, mehirig Chambersburg on the 27th. -LeCthusegplains his positionand plans after reaching this place : • Flo report had Veen received that the Federal army had crossed the - Potomac, and the absonce of the cavalry rendered it ippossible to obtain well ed° inforfuat,on. In order, however. to retain it on the east side of the mountains after it should. enter blarytandjand thus leave open our communioation with the Potomac; through Hagerstown and Wil liamsport, Gen. Ewell had been instructed tiiigmd a - division eastward from Chambersburg to cross the :loath Mountains. Early's division was detached fir the purpose, and proceeded us far east as York. while;the remainder of the corps proceeded to Car lisle: • lien. Imboden, in mirsuance of instructions pre :vien.gry referred to, had been actively engaged on th e Jett of Gen. Ewell during tae progress of the latter iuto Maiyiund. He had driven off tho forces guarding the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, destroy ed all the important bridges on the route from Cumberland to Martinsburg, and seriously damaged t h e Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. " Ile subsequently took position at Hancock. and. mi n ', the arrivaTLof Longstreet and Hill at Chem berabdrg was directed to march by way of M'Con- Itellebitrg to that place." tit") hits - bean it-tacit eoujectirras to the reasons which aetirated the rebel ei*lmander - - . in failing to attack Harrisburg. It is well known that Gen. Ewt;ll's corps was all north of-this place, and that he had an ample force to. assaultthe raw troops and rude fortifica tions improvised foriho defense of, the capi -01.: It iiclear,-now. however, that the ex- Waristing efforts made by Gen. Couch to save oni*Lpitol, with most inadequate.rnerms, re salted in so .delaying the .rebel march that they were called to Gettysburg before they felt eridrely - safe in making the attack. Gen. Lee says : . "Preparations. were now made to advance np - on but on thenight of the Oth information was'reeeived'fromn scout that the Federal army, having crossed. the Potomac. was advancing north wards, and thud the head of the column had reached the Sontli Mountain. As our communications with the,Pototnac were thus menaced, it was resolved to Prevent MA further progress in that direction by concentrating our army:- on the east sido of the Mountains, Accordingly, Louggtreet and Hill were directed to proceed from Chamborshurg to Gettyq bitrg; to which point Gen. Ewell was also instructed tan:tat-eh from Carlisle.". It wilt be seen that the, capture of Harris- „ , bitrg.tind the, destruction of the'_important bridges on the Susquehanna, were embraced lit the rebel programme. They were Saved. only by the militia and fortifications/retard ing Ewell's movements until :.geadthreat cried Lee's communications andfr' required Lee to recall Ewell and concentrate his ar my: Lea's -army was now drawn together .with wonderful rapidity. 'Gen. Stuart . cross ed the Potomac tit 'Seneca, and marched by Westminster Carlisle, where he ,found that Ewell had already fallen back, and- he hastened to join Lee at Gettysburg. Indeed Lee's -whole army was on the battle ground I bi,:the evening of the '2d of July, but Imbo-, dons command, whic'h 'passekthrongh Chain harsburg on the evening of the 3d and joined Lee.just'in time'to find him utterly dtfsated and retreating. We give:the account of the battle in Gen. Leers own , language ;: - "The - march .award Gettysburg was conducted morallowly than it Would ttuviTheen had the move- Incubi of the Federal army been known. 'The leudingdivision of Hilt Met the enemy in .lititrtirtee at Gettysburg, on the morning of, the Ist of 11. 1 1 Y ., , Driving back the troops to withih a short _:_tanee of the town, lie there encountered a large - e with which two of his divisions became en -- Ewell coming up' ith two of his divisions : Acidlersburg roadjoined in tke engagement: h emy was driven through Gettysburg with .loss, including about tire thousand.' prisoue. anitileveral pieces of artillery. "li_o retreated to ti. high range of..hills south and mutt of the town. The attack was not pressed that affernhon, the enemy's tercel:ming unknown, amid it being considered advisable to await the arrival of the Mt, uf our troops.' Orders were sent, back to hasten their march; and,. in the meantime. every effort was made to ascertain the numbers and posi tion of the enemy, and find the most favorable point of attack. It had not been intended to tight u gen eral Matte at such adistance from our base unless attacked by the : but, finding ourselves un expectedly confron•ed by the Federal army, it be cattle it matter of difficulty to withdraw through the mountains with our large trains. At the same time the country was unfavorable -for collectingsupplies 'while the presumes of the enemy's main body, as he Isms enabled to restrain our foraging parties by ot" Cul) . Yinfr the. passes''' of-the moureains with regular - i..m.Jar.4•l - '...A. battle thus become. ins Limas ure, rimistiti bill. Encouraged by the successful issue of the engagement on the first daY, and in view of the valuable, results that-would ensue from the defeat of the army of Gem Meads, it was thought advisable to renew the attack. "The preparutior.s for attOek were not completed until the 4rthrnooon of the zd. " The etiemy held n high and commanding ridge, along which he had Massed ti large amount or artil lery. Geri. Ewell oceup ed theleft of our line. Gen. Hill the centre, nud Gen. Longstreet the right. In front of Gen. Longstreet the enemy held a position, from which, if he Could be driven. it was thought that our army could he used toad vantage in assail irg the more elevated. ground beyond. and thus en able ns to reach the crest of-the ridge. That officer wits directed to endeavorto carry this position while Gen. Ewell attakked directly the high ground on the enemy's right. whitilt had already been partially fortified. Gen. Hill wets instructed to threaten the centre of the Federal line. in order to prevent rein forcements being sent to either wing. and to avail himself et any opportunity that fitight present itself to attack. "Aft er a severe struggle Longstreet succeeded in Eetting possession ofandholdina th e desi red ground. well also carried some of the strong Positions which he assailed, and the resultwas such as to lead to the belief that he would ultimately he able to di.dodg,e the enemy. - The battle ceased at dark. " Tit die partiartmecesses determined ute to con tinue the assault next day. , Pickett. with three of his brigades. joined Longstreet the following morn ing. and our batteries were moved forward to the position gained by him the day before. "The general plan of attack was unchanged. ex-- copt that Imo division anti two brigades of coves were ordered to support Longstreet. 'The enemy, in the meantime, hail s=trengthened his liue with earthworks. The morning was occu pied in -necessary preparations. and the battle re commented in the afternoon of the 3d. and read with great violence until-sunset. Our-troops sue-' ceeded in on terillg the advanced works of the ene my. and getting possession of some of his batteries: but our 4rtillery having nearly expended its ammu nition, the attacking columns became exposed to the heavy fire of the numerous batteries near the MUM' Mit of the ridge. and. after a mast determined and gallant straggle, mere compelled to relinquish -their advantage, anti 4 hack to their or'igiaol position, with severe tens' The report then compliments , the conduct of his troops, and justly adds that " they do= served success so far as it can be deserved by heroic Valor and fortitude." It cannot be doubted that the rebel. army fought at Get tysburg with a degree of courage Worthy of the hest cause; but they were met with equal valor by the gallant• Army of the' Potomac, and finally )tad to abandon - their 'tissaultsin . d .spair, with one-third of their men killed, wounded and prisoner's. Lee finding all his assaults to be fruitless ;save in their rich har vest of death, resolved to retreat. , saYs : " Owing to the strength of the enemy's position and the rednctian of our ammunition, a renewal of the engagement could not be hazarded, and the ditlieult.y of procunng supplies rendered it impos eible-til contutuelonger where we were, such of the wounded as were in condition to to removed, and part of the arms collected on the field, were or dered tb Willlaiwport. The army, remained at Gettysburg during the 4th and at night began to,rO, tire by tho road -to Fairfield, carrying with It about 4,000 prisoners. Little progress was made that night. owing to a severe storm, which greatly embarrassed our move ments.- The rear of the column did not leave its position nearGetlysburg until after daylight on the sth. " The march was continued during that day with out interruption by tho enemy, except an unim portant demonstration upon Our rear in the after noon. when near Fairfield, which was CRAP , check ed. Part of our trains moved by the road through Fairfield, and the rest by the way of Cashtown, guarded by Gen. Imboden. In passing through The mountains in advance lid' the column. ' the great length of the trains exposed them to attack by the enemY r s cavalry, which captured a number of wag ons and ambulances ; but they succeeded in reach ing Williamsport wit ho ut serious loss. " The army, after an arduous march, rendered more difficult by the rains,reached Hagerstown on the afternoon of the 'oth and morning of the 'ith July. The Potomac was found to be so much swollen by the rains that had fallen almost incessantly since our entrance into Maryland as to be unfordable. Our communications with the south side were thus interrupted. and it wasidifficult to procure the am munition orsubsistence, the latter difficulty being enhanced by the high waters impeding the working CitAMBERSBURG I PA.,, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1863., of -the 'neighboring mills. The traity with the wounded and prisoners were compelled to - await- at Williamsport the subsiding of the tker and the construction of boats. as the pontoon- bridge left at Falling. Waters had bben partially destroyed. The enetny.had not yet made his appcaranee't but, as he was in condition to obtain largo. reinforcements, and out situation, for the-rework above mentioned was becoming daily more embarrassing, it was deemed advisable to recruss the river. Part of the pontoon bridge was recovered. and new boats built,' so.that-by the 33th a good bridge was thrown over the river nt Falling Waters. A The enemy in force reached our front on the 12th. position had been previously selected- to cover the Potomac from Williamsport to Falling Waterc, and an attack was awaited during that and'the suc ceeding day. ThisAlid not take place, though the two.arreies were in close proximity, the enemy be ing occupied in fortifying his 'own lines. Our pre parations being' completed. and the river, though . still deep, being pronounced fordable,. the army commenced to withdravr to the south side on - the night of the 13th. "Ewell's . corns forded the river at Williamsport, ,th'ee pf'Lengstrcet and Hill crossed unon the bridge: Owing to the condition of the roads the troonstiid not reach the bridge until afterdaylight ,on tbeNth. and the cros.ing was not completed un itil I P. M., when the bridge was removed.— noting the slow and tedi 'us march to the bridge in the midst of a violent storm of rain, some of the ,men ln' down by the way 'Wrest. Officers sent hock „for thorn failed to find many in the obscurity of the ;night, and these, with some straggle , s, fell into the ,hands bf the mow." WO see nothing in this report that throws any new light upon the real aspect of affairs between the two armies when confronting each other at Williamsport. It is evident that Lee expected to be attacked, by 3leade before he_ re-crossed the Potnnute, tind was as well prepared for it as possible; but we must infer from his own acaountlff that he was not in condition to await an attack as-a-matter of choice. On the contrary he escaped across the Potomac as soon as it was pronounced fordable. He does -not, say whether he had received a fresh supply of ammimition, but we doubt not that he' dill as so.,M its it,was possible to get anything across the rier. - What Lee's purpose was when he re-crossed the Potomac is not made known, bitt from the fallowing paragraph he intimates that he bad further aggressivi; movements in 'view: He say s - - "OWing to thb swollen condition of the Shemin doah!river the plan of operations which had been contemplated when we re-crossed the Potomac could not be put in'exceution, and before fho water. had subsided the movements of the enemy induced me to eross the Inue Ridge and take position south onl: Rappahannock,which was accordingly done.", kis worthy of note that Gen. Lee gives no'r,stimate of his losses. He says they' were " seN7ere," and embraced "an unusual pro portlon,of distinguished and valuable 00,4 cers.:" but he does not pretend to approximate the number of men killed, wounded and; nth:lnt. ---itrpon the Whole the report of - Let • is lot erably candid, and as a part of the history of this!blowly war direCtly affecting thci berrand Valley, the material ,portions of it,' as herewith given, will be read with more' than ordinary interest by our people. Ty F. Mout:l.z rtaitrAX.—The lastadvices froth Japan. July 25, represents that all the fort4gn powers were at war with the , Prince of 'Negato. This - indepcndenichief, united to tte Mica° party and opposed to . the Ty cooit's policy, fired upon American; French, British,and Dutch ships. The Dutcl; being an 4n - tied vessel. returned the fire,..but got pretty well peppered, front' the Japanese bat teries. The U. S. frigate assaulted the bat teries and sunk two of the Prince's vessels, as has been formerly stated. The French sent 'two war steamers to finish the job, but not liking the looks of the batteries, except landing and taking an insignificant redoubt, actiomplished ..othing: The British, who had a Previous' quarrel with the Prince of Silts& ma, have done still worse in their assault, fvr they have been beaten off by the Japan ese. With the exception of the British quar rel with the P.rince - of Sutstuna, the war so far Is only against the Prince of Negato,wh?, has the country only on one side of the chan nel. If the Prince on the other side joins him, there will be no possibility for vessels to pass thrGl,l<*f, for the batteries are strong wiprks and tile channel narrow. The Yedo of Tycoon government diSavows these acts of, hostility and gave information of them to the American commander.. following °Melia announcement rela tive to the removal of the, remains of. Union sldiers from the battle-field of Gettysburg, Will be, gratifying, to the • relhtives and friends a the martyrs who sealed—their devotion to their country with their lives: The arrangements are nearly completedfor the removal of the retnahri 'of the Union gel diers scattered over the Gettysburg battle deld to the burial-ground which is :being prepared by the several'States interested: for their reception and proper burial. • All the dead will be disinterred. and the,. Remains placed. in (201E118'11nd buried, and, the graves where marked or known, will be care fully and permanently re-marked in this's4l - ~. • . If it is the intention of the friends of any deceased soldier nitake his remains hothefor thev.will confer,a.tavor by immedi ately making known to me that intention. After the bodies are remove to this cemetery, it will Li' very desirable not to disairtnge the.order of the graves by any removals: Very respectfully; DAVID WILLS,' Agent for A. G.. Curtin, Governor of Penna. I GErrvanntto, October ti; 1863. ' 1 The .press throughout all the States 'will Confer a public , favor by publishing, the i 'above. , , We Intie meagre news from Charleston !Bar to the morning, of the Gth. ',The Wee , jilairken had returned', and WaS at anchor. off ;Morris Island.. The Pappsco and •2/":assaic !were.at work, but as a general thing the Na l; vy was doing little of importance. Our bat !! teries wers fired upon occasionally frogthe Babel for - Won Sullivan's and amcs Islands. General Gillmore was on the eve of complet lag- his preparations, ,and active operations would soon be resumed/ • • BRIEF WAR 1TE31.8. The rebel steamer Herald has been• cap tured by the U. S.,gunboat nearliCey Three thousand fresh horsSs for cavalrY anii artillery serriee, reached Gen. Burnside at-)inoxville, on the 28th ult. • The draft 'Will .be commenced in. New Jar sei on the 26th Inst.' Credits will bo gipen by sub-districts up to the 24th inst. , , . Gen.' Pemberton, who has been, several thnes killed bye reports from the Southwest h.% 'or - tired in Bid ' /ond on the 28th ultimo. The Memphis- ltanta Appeal pits- the climax to its jubilation over Bragg's great victory by exclaiming---" Now Vallandig ham wale elected!" White made his appearance in' the neigh borhood of Georgetown, on Monday night a week, driving in our pickets , : The gnerillas had two pieces of artillery.. 2, Gen. Banks, - it is said, will - take' , the field ,in person to conduct the movements in Tesala atal Lousiana. .General , Franklin,is, to lipxc command of the Nineteenth Army Chrps. large 'petty' of contrabands arrived in Alexandria yesterday. Their owners,. near . Culpepper, told them to leave„ as they had nothing, to feed thbn3 with duringthe coming winter. - - The guerrilla General 'Richardson,, who has so long been a terra to "the people of Nest Tonnesiee, has .been taken: prisoner. He had ventured to Meinphis in disguisg, but he wa.4 recognized ari' arrested.. - - _ The Regulars . in the late battle of. Chieka matiga lost 888 m'ehin killed, wounded; and missing. It fs but necessary to add that the brigade numbered cnly about ono,tlo'sand four hundred to skew the extent of its loss. Carter`las taken a position at Bull's Gap. while the rebels holdlm intrenched po sition at Greenville. it is problible that a formidableltank movement will be made to cut Rosecrans' lines and isolate Burnside. A Court. - Martial at Jefferson' City, Mo., has passed death sentences on Wm. of the 123 d Illinois Infantry; Pratt, of the 7th Missouri Cavalry, for murder, and. John Nicholas, convicted- of being a guer• • rilla. Adviees - from New Orleans, yin Cairo, to the 20th of September, state that natters are appraoching a crisis on the west bank of 'the Mississippi. . Two army Corps, the 18th and 19th, except one , division, Intye been sent to Brashear city. , Oen. Blant',liits, left for Fort ,seott and FOrt. Rinith; rhere l -'urt to-clay in Leaven worth more than n hundred Union families; who have been .drive i n 'from their homesin Platte.county tiy, the . fear of violence from the Missouri State m ilitia. The rebel papers have repeatedly Stated, bf lute, that Bragg lield,dve thOusand prisoners.; captured on the 20th and 21st ult. When the e4ange „ took place the other day he turned over to Gen. Roseertihs a feuilesS Man two thousand men, wounded and all _ On account of the sea wasling too close to the encampment on Morris Island, and the presence of the men attractiog sundry rebel shots, Gen. Gillinen has Moved his force down to Folly Island, leaving, of course, sufficient garrisons in forts Gregg and Wag ner to guard against a surprise. It is thought that no movement will be made from Vicksburg immediately General Logan has taken command of the city,• and closed the stores and other places of business. General Grant was .able to mount his horse and ride out on the 25th, • after haVing been disabled by his fall for a full month. A letter from Dalton, Ga., Sept.. 20,, pub lished in The Richmond Dispatch on Satur day says; “The over-sanguine multitude w be sotne at disappointed to know that the work of Gen. Bragg's taking. Gen. Rosecrans's army is no easy sob. Although his losses have been heavy,' he yet has-a very' formidable army." The confederates are warned by the, 'Rich- . Mond papers not -to expect an easy conquest of Rosecrans' artily.- Indeed, the whole ten or of the'southern press is to the affect that they are highly dissatisfied with the victory .gained by Bragg, and believe that it will be fruitless unless Roseerana- can be , at .once driven .out of Ten nevew Two thousand Union clamps lave _Seined our army at ,different points,-, in • Arkansas, since its progress into the heart of 'the State. Two newspapers have been • started at` Little , Bock, and the railroad heiween that city and Devall's Bluff has been put into operation, Colonel - Meade - , a brother-of General Meade; having it in chhrge: " It is — nocr know - n 'that the rebels had In tended to have taken the Atlauth from the Savanah river, to New York or Philadelphia, and to have shelled Oosi3 cities with the (}reek fire. This plan was, but short by ber capture 1 )3 , the Weehawken. 'A large quan tity of the shells containing the indamahle compound have been 'di's - covered on board the vessel. A new arrangement baS been agreed alien for the exchange of prisoners. The_ details are still under consideration. All military prisoners captured and paroled prior -to Sept. 1, and all civilians captured and paroled pri or to the Bth o? 3iay last, have qeen recently deckired exchanged, The question as to 'the statue of colored troops and their officers' it; , . still •in abeyanee. While adjutant-General Thomas vas on the passage up the Mississippi.from Helena, recently, he discovered a Lieutenant-Colonel :of a Missouri regiment into:xicated..and be having in a_ most shameful manner: The General told him' be had disgraced the ser vice, tore off his shoulder-straps,-put him Mi.- der guard, and.dismissed him from the ser-' 'vice. ' • • • • A , letter from Nashville, 27th inst., : says "Since Thursday last :reinforcements • have been pouring down to Chattanooga. ,and • on that day some twenty and thirty-pounder parrot% guns, lying here unused'aince Nash.; villa fell ; were forwarded. The finest troops which hive passed through the city were the Fifteenth regulars. They marched like ma-, chinery and stood firm" 'and erect as,, stat- EMI Th'e Rebels in North 'ouFOlpEia are prepar ing, by their movements, to 'resist an aatiei patetd raid by us. Alreidy the Home Gutirds oQnineteen counties have' been - called Probably th'e.recent depiaturciof an, expedl 'Von from Fortress MonrOC, inidor.General Foster, has sent them thus on the.. gni sire. It is reported by deserters that Mr::.Holden, of theßaleigh Standard, has_been• *sassinA fed. • A detachinent of PennsilVaula soldiers recently destroyed valuable Rebetaelt yorksz at Nag's Head. The Washington correspondent of, the esturriereiril Advertiser - writes us follows : —Telegraphic 'communication direct with qeneral, Rosecranes headquarters has een established with ,Washington, so the Presi dent and General Halleck can know almost hburly the condition of the situation ofehat tanopga. It ; seems that the reinforcements ordered fro r m so many, quarters did. not reach (len. Rosecrais as Soon as many anticipated, but telegraphs at last that large numbers of troops have now joined. him. ' A special despatch hafbeen received from Knoxville, which is considered efitirely that Gen. Burnside held the country from Knoxville to Calhoun, on the Hiawas o. see river, and the WeStern'and AtlantiC Rail roads, and only 25. miles distant from Kings: ton, the junction of the Western and Atlantic And Borne railroads; and -east of Knoiville,. as far as Greenville, on the. Bast Tennessee and Virginia railroad. He srs'cr possesses all the passes into North Carolina., -His riglatis in eonimunication with Gen. Roseerans, and. his position all that could be desired. His army : is in the, best of health and spiribi. Great excitement prevails in Nashville,.' on account of reports of the approach . of a rebel forolt to that City._ It - .ti . 5a,c4.944., Forrest has with him ,four thousaild,;tnen, ; and has ent the railroad between Bridge port and Chattanooga. Some skirmishing has taking Place in - the.vicitity of 31urfrees horo, and the rebels attempted to destroy .a long ,bridge;at that place. At the time the wires were cut leading to Chattanooga, at daylight on Monday morning, no' fighting was going on at the latter place. " ,No alarm need be felt for General Itosecrans' comma- • nications us they cap only be destroyed tem porarily. The Washington correspondent of the Boston Trtireger says of Gen. Hooker's move ments: "He. IS to be under ltosecrairs, and is to conimand a part, of the reinforcementi' sent to Chattanooga. It is pretty generally known that the government is-exerting itself to the utmost to give RoSecrans troops enough, not simply 'to remain safely on the defensive, but to assume the offensive at once.. Hooker will have charge of one of the largest Corps of the Army 4.f . the Cumberland, and, he has few Superiors as a corps - commander in the , country. .He accepted the appointment read ' ilv although it is a step down the ladder, and - it was a fine exhibition of patriotism as Well `as good . sense for him to take it unheiitt .. tingly." • !; Major General George Henry Thomas, whose corps appearslo have borne the brunt of the recent battles in North Western Georgia, was born in Southampton county, Virginia. July 81, 1815, and is- tints ,descri bed : gruff, tamed. bear sort of a'looking perSOnage, is Gen. Thomas, with a face bid den in a profuse gro,wth • of sandy heard, that gives a wonderful truculent expression tuhis countenance, a manner that partakes rather of command in camps',than of the courtesies of the drawing,room, but thatis at tessi frank and direct, and *itlha contempt of show that manifests itself in adhering to the uniform of a cavAry colUnel, instead of donnirig the short-lived stellar glories, of a “during.llle war" .Generalship. His corps. consists of. Rosseates, Reynold's, Brannan's andNegley's - divisions." - " special diipateh from Knoiville, Tenn., to the 'Phyadelphia Bulletin, eayS 'Col' Car ter had taken position at lulrs Gap. The rebels hold Greenville,, strongly yeenforced. Bayard and Woolford are still in advance,: below London; skirmishing with' the Rebel' _cavairy. - The Rebel attack o'n indicates 'a formidable flank movement, 'to cut Rosecrims's lines and isolate Burnside.— On the 28th ult. this Rebels attacked our right, and were repulsed after a fight 4f two hours, A large number of Rebels veie tak en prisoners.' They express ,mortiflcation:at the result of the Chicksirusuga' battle; their losies far exceeding ours. 'rive Rebel-divis ions wore separated at, Harrison's Landing oa the Tennessee. Rebel cavalry was detach , 4at in: arceffGrt to cross the, river czn ~tbe 80th, but' were &1.. Vet back:. VOL. 70....4110LE NO. .3,04. PERSONAL. Hon. Erastus Corning-lis t s resigned his seat in Congres“3,' ori aieoutis of ill health._ Moseby, the .guereilla,' is- alive, afte;jill, and moving about--rsomp say upcm..,one . leg, some upon two. - - . The French um' baisador at St. Petersburg Was to quit RUsiin for Pais on thO3Bth ult 1 on leave of absence. - - The rebel Brig. Gen. Gidedn 3. Pillo , w is superintendent or the..tiureati of cor4s,i.riptiost at Marietta, Gelgia. „, The rebel. ,Gon. Walker,:who.twas lately wounded in a duel , in -Arkansastivithlaert. Marmaduke, has since died. Gen. Martindale returned to Q4asliingtoa • • on Thursday', and resumed his duties as;Mil itary Governor of the District. • Torn Thumb_ retires upon -a quarter" Of a million. Its sometimes easiertarnahn a for tune by liftlenell than by ireatriesS.; • Oliver Wendell Holmes made his first. ap pearance as a politicirm in the 4a.ssachusetta State Convention which_ re-nominated "Gov. Andrew. It is asserted that the Russian adnilralty is making q.petimenta -teisels:tip_ecially destined, in'the event of war, to be sunk in the channels of Cronstadt. Mr. Carter, one, of , the proprietors. of the Baltimore Gazette, and four of the.oomposi tors, arrested a few days since, laVe ben released by Gen. Tyler. • Kossuth - lives .near Turin, p00r . .4a Avon, and his 'wife, in :consumption. 4a . ribaldi is on his island farm at Caprera, lame Aut pheer ful, with an-income of $6OO. ; A movement is on foot inlies'achtiseits to procure an elegant j awokil for preserAtion to Gen. Banks as a special' recogitilidit'ot his services in taking•POOtimisen, Genes Hancock writes .that- although the wound received .- atT - Otttysburg - has not en= tirely healed, lie:Wiltbe able to resume his position in the army in a few day,s. Gen. Efeintielmati: :, ivill, 'as "thins now look, at.least for the present, retain, command of the Department of Washington.: - Efforts to supersede him seem to have bees} abortive. Sam lloustorOaccording to a dispatch to the rebel Atlanta Appeal, "died of phempo nia, in attempting to carry outsn engage ment with English impositor.":Xhat an end for such a - man 2 -Brig. Gen. 'Whipple,' has been *Pointed chief of stairto Gen. Roseerans, - alia , hits left for Chattanooga: ' He is a gallanftoidier and a high-tonea 'gniatleman. le eir4l wi h hiin the L Gen. Sigel,was ,the: recipient by a grand ovation Pittsbutgwon retuht :from a meeting in Westmoreland county. He Made a speech, urging hitheaters`tto'vot6the Union ticket. is the best :way to - assist in patting down the rebellion,_. • • . ' The Boston f`riivedter says that Brig. Gen. Slie,rman, who lost a leg at th 6 side of 'Port Hudson, has 'nearly recovered. — ' , Hp is still at NeWport, and is able to hobble,about the strdets by the use of crutches. ~ Hesinill soon procure an artificial leg, and returritb duty. • :The . Ditioit Free Preis states' il4it the health. of Gen. Gan has Imprni4 - nnd he was considered out of danger,. ,Gen., Casa Le now eighty one years of age; liaving . .been beim' in 11781: 'ln: that" year vie f e‘also'hOrn John C. 'Calhoun Thomas IT. ilenijOU, lel Webiter .4a Martin Van.Buren. , .• The Republican is authorized andi'reoest ed to state, in behalf Of Gen.' Gilnicire'!and Admiral p"aldgren, that thereisnotnoy4nd never has beWn any misunderstanding between those two olikeia; and that the mnsti , pleasant relations have always existed mid' do now enstibetween then's. , : ~ ; Gen. Trusten Polk arrived • IstrSt,- 1 1,04 on Saturday as a prisoner of war4c;atid.*lll-1* tent to 'Johnston's Island: Bid 6ap tured viith hi.ininarkansis, Wea'"fitsot allowed to accompany him, to St. -I;onii,:tl,seir . old home. Gen. Polk -was formerlyGovetnor Missouri and a United'States s.c%riator from that State. " The cause „which ;redueed.:to the ranks Gon. Boger A. -Pryor, of 11(6'1414 array, was cowardice in some shiiniislice•dif 'the _ : Those r who remenibeOryofifti rious speeches in Congress soinb wears: ago. and his conduct subseq . nently%..in' thet*lacciir" with Potter, 'will not bt4 ' , Rumors' were also eurrent.that t the Russian ambassador to France .was about-to :rreickieti to St. Petcnsburg on leave of` 'The TarisjournalLaNciion;says: Se-w,eralk.Miii als' have announced, that,.on necount ofithe insertion of the Polish menioiandum iii:thii Mmiituer: M. deßudberg had `callec3;u ion M.. Dronyn huis, affirm-that since the cOMmumention of the last diplomatic document no-interview , , has taken place between M. do BucibCrgland M. prouyp de Minya. 1 - 7 " The EMperor:Napoleon malady; ! under Vlich be is fast! growing old and in4tm..,' Lich that he is, not able.• to goon. - horseback without Alibiing intense pain,: and *if his visits to, mineral springs di?not. sepin fo, ,pro duce any permanent ,reliek. 11AP141Furlin hapily,: Emparora also are-but .mortals s l7iind no; lithotomists . can be 'fbundlit'Oliteir wided'ominians who are able without causing pain., Titinik . pf.444Na poleon'bouita to-a surgeon's table Aafter hav ing esetrpOd - the botribsofprsintand theother E '- • Ea LEI E r' =EI =Mil