The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 07, 1863, Image 5
N lIEBTER. biaiiiech' at Miffiintown beeatne excesicely indignant because of " the enorinons'outragts,perpe traied upon that great, good. noble arid high-toned man Geo. B. M'Clellan.,"' He forgot to tell his hearers that this "great, pod, noble and higittoned man" is earn estly desirous for the election of Gov. Curtin. ..G E' LEE has not, turned "politician," as demanded by the ,Riebmond Enquirer, and invaded Pennsylvama to plunderpter make them vote the Copper people and head ticket, Hopeless as is his cause, he regards that of the Copperheads still more hopeless, and he falls back in good time to stand from under - . Vote for Curtin. Ix 1861 after,Slavery had hurled_ six States out of the Union, Judge Woodward apologized, for treason and declared that Slavery "is divinely sanctioned if not di vinely tordained." If so then must the re bellion and this desolating war lie divinely sanctioned in behalf of traitors. Vote the Union ticket. - THE,candidales for Register and Record er were both ,soldiers. Capt., McKes . son wasa, Captain in the 77th and was dismiss ed from the service; and naturally became a copperhead. Sergeant Strickler was in the 126th, lost an arm at Fredericksburg, and Was honorably discharged. Vote as you like, but vote for Strickler. THE ttichniond Enquirer says that " the ,success of the Deinocratic party Would be po longer doubtful should Lee once Ilion , . advance on Meade.''' Do loyal men hear? :Do the fathers, SOYIS and brotherS of the lte- Joie Army of the Potomac seek a trinmph - Ittlhe polls that will nerve the bloody arms of treabon ? If not; vote for Curtin. • TrrE Harrisburg P:' s ot and Vision says' that Col. Thos. C. 31'llowell has not been connected with that paper for over a year, and . . adds—" but we feel warranted in saying that his Democracy is unquestionable:" Of course it is ! We bedrd him address a '•Curtin Meeting in Philadelphia on Friday evening last. WE haV 4 e received several numbers of the Knoxville (Term.) Datig Bullctin„printed - by ill. G. Kinsfee, and Thoroughly- loyal in tone. We welcome it - to our exchange list; and long map it bring - good tidings to the sorely oppressed Union men, of East Tennessee. • • THE rebel Maury writes - 'oin England that "Vallandighain waits and watches over the border pledged ) , if eleetd Governor of Ohio, to array it against . Lincoln: and the war and go for peace." Woodward and his friends endorse Vallandigbain.-_, - Vote for tbeA.Tnion ticket. AN address has been issued to the people of Bedford county by the-members of Cc . ). F, ilth Reserves, signed =by 26 .Re.pUblicans and 14 Democrats, all the members. preSent, protesting against the election of the Dem ocratic ticket: Will-loyal Democrats hear the brave .soldierst THE Age was started a few months ago by Giosbrenner, G - rund & Welsh. In'ninety days the paper e6O-erted one of : the editors, with the bulk of tie brains of the establish ment, to the Curtin cause.. How long will it take to bring the other two hiciand ? THE Union. meetings everywhere have been well attended, and the Old Green Spot will be herself on next. The Union eamp•fires burn brightly in every district. One charge along the whole line, boys, and the victory will be for the Republic ! The Richmond Enquirer calls upon ;Gen. Lee fo'"drirakffeade into nashiugtori and he will agwil pri.3e the spirits of the Efruio crei'ts, conjiim the timhi, and give etinfi4ence to tie 2,-(nrring 1' Loypl men! vote the Union ticket! • TUE A` ' . dirit--ays. that " several companies of soldiers sent invitations to the- spOiers (Democratic)-to address theta'' near-Way nesboro. All right—hope the spealsets did sci, and that they advised all the soldiOs to vote'! Did they do so? ' Wm. B. RE7.n and Jeff. Davis; the Phil-' adelphia Age and the Riehtnond Enquirer; C. Duncan and Roger A. Pryor ; the Chattanooga, .Rebel (now on the wing) and the Valley Spirit, - are all for Woodward's election. Vote"for Curtin. I BEcAusE a - loyal man was one of the first to respond to the call of his country when Sunitei was bombarded, and served with fidelity during his temp, , is no reason why he should not be elected Prothonotary.— Vote for Maj. Taylor. -Thtto.)tty,N ! let not a single loyal vote lie left at .11ome on Tuesday next. A full cote will give a decisive victory to the entire Union ticket. Poll every vote—'every vote; fur your country and your country's cause. Gov. SEYMOUR., Copperhead -Governor of .New York, has not sent 1,500 soldiers to tatrengthen our gallant ,armies since he en tered office., Pennsylvania in the same-pe . nod sent over 32,000.. Vote for'Curtin. ' EvFAY State that had a Republican Gov ernor in 1861 sustained the Government and its holy cause and the cause - of our .brave soldiers in the field. Vote for Curtin. ' TEE triuMph. of the Peace Denioeracy in Pennsylvania, says the Richmond:Enquirer, would be of more advantage to the cause of treason than 'the "bloodiest victories." Vote for Curtin. HON. JAMES 11. HOPKINS • presided at the great -Union meeting at Lancaster 'on Saturday last. He was the Democratic can didate for . Congress against Hon. Thaddeus Stevens recently,: - • Tn'mlloion Conveations-of Franklin and Fulton passed the strongest resolutions in favor of paying all military damages suffer ed by:our people, out of the State Treasury. Vote ;for Nill and Gray. THE President has issued' - proclamation setting apart the last Thursday .of Novem ber as a day:of Thanksgiving and Prayer and Praise. We shall give the proclamation in our nest issue. SERNING ' a term of faithful . and honora ble Service itithe field- , with our gallant vol unteers does pot unfit a man for the respon sible duties of - Assemblyman. Vote for Lieut. Nill. Howro:si voted to refuse the use of: the Hall of Representatives to these, two old Jackson, Democrats - , GoVs. - Johnson and Wright, because they wanted to speak. for the Vote for Gray. _ Ei - EnY position or honor and profit on the Union ticket is awarded to a heroic sol dier, excepting Clerk of the Courts, and that is given to a.disabled man. Vote the Union ticket. WOOL vAnn decided that the Soldiers:of the Republic should not-vote. The soldiers and • soldiers' friends will decide that he shall not be Governor. The honors will then be easy.- Vote for Curtin. TIfE election of Woodward would &Mike the chill of death upon our war-worn vete ran,' in the field who are battling for the pre.teryation of our Nationality. 'Vote for Curtin.' THrlo:_zs of an arm at Fredericksburg by a rehabullet clods not disqualify• a man for the duties of Registering wills and Record ing deeds. Vote for Sergeant Strickler. A. SHATTERED thigh, the testimony of ji 'heroism on the battle-field defending - the Old Flag. does not incapacitate a man as an accountant. Vote for Col. Elder. A BROKEN ararwor2 ih the defebce of the! Republic, will not interfere with duties of; Director of the Poor:. Vote for Captain; Dee])ler. , , ABLE BODIED: men of doubtful loyalty can earn alivelibood either here or in thel dominions of Jefferson 'Davis.' Vote for Mitchell. - AFTER the traitors.had stolen our arms and rubbed. our mints, Judge Woodward says—'—"lett6 Southern Statesgo in peace.• Lnion men will vote for Curtin. Run', robbery arson and murder were the fruit's of DenTocratic rule in New York Vote for Cur&-the law-abiding and egorcing,Executive. • .i - Aconv voted to giv - e7the Hall to Govs Johnson and Wright to speak for the Union; and was thrown overboard. " Vote for Lieu tenant WoopwAtut. declared. in the 'ConstituF tional Convention that Germans and other foreigners'diould_not,have the right to rote or hold office. Vote for Curtin. THE ordinary expenses of the State - GoV,- eminent have been less during the term df Gov. Curtin than at any time , during thje -last twelve years. Vote for Curtin. J. VALLANDIGITA - 31vnted against giving our brave soldiers shoes, elo - thing, pay or fhok He is endorsed' by Woodward. Vote fcif Curtin. ". THERE is but one old soldier:on the Dem ocratic ticket, and he was dismissed froth the service. Vote the 'Union ticket. CuanN has redueedthe State debt over one million two hundred thousand dollqrs du'ring the last year. ;Vote for Curtin. VOTE for the Old Flag—to- give it new triumphs—to shield it from dishonor.* \Tote for Curtin. EvERY State that had a Dethocratic Gov ernor seceded in 1861.: Vote for the loyal Executive=Andrew G. Curtin. VOTE EARLY, Union men, and then see that every loyal neighbor of yours votesalOo. PEACE BY COMPROMISE. Ih a late speech delivered by Alex. McClure, at Niirrioown i he thus discusSed tbeAuestion of Peace by,Compromise : Peace by compromise'! ' It would be the death-knell of our liberties—the last dying throe of the Republic. "[Applause.] With -whom and . for what, are we to compromise? Are we to meet over the graves of our mar •tyred dead, shake haads with the relentless authors of this wide-spread, withering &ge lation, and treat for the life of the Republic? [Cries of never ! never ! ] Would the man assaulted with murderous . purpose lulu's home thus treat with the assassin over the mangled bodies of his househOld mai ? Would the par ent thus treat with it - child that struck with deadly aim the• fratricidal blow,' and make peace by concession 'to mingled robbery and tbe_.#4llkiiit ittepoOtotiv Acantitteburg; Pa. murder? Friend4ooftntryinen, it cannot be! [Prolonged applause.] L There can be no peace save over the grave of treason. [Tumultuous applause.] It must die if the Republic would live; and if the Union arms cannot vanquish it in the field, dethrone it in its usurped powers crY goVern meat, and doom it to infamy and death, then must we despair of the Republic. The issue is so plain that he .who runs may read. It stands out in letters of living light, alike it. the mornenton4 present and in the chequered hiftory of the past t It is this-and this only: this' war must be unto death. Treason or the Republic must, be doomed to hopeless discomnture—tliefuture of this continent can belong to but one Of them, to curse - or bless mankind. [Applause.] If peace - were possible by compromise. it would be butthe cairn of death. The honor, the dignity, the pOwer of government would be - gone; and new Buchanans, and Floyds, and Devises, and Reeds would come, in Heaven's just wrath to avenge the deed. [Prolonged applaUse.] - They have beer 4), - hdions once. Chugged with the first psi tion of honor; they,. have in perjury eoudeived this colossal 'crime against free government, and make evCry patriot bleed ha every household MOuru. - Their corn issioners to teach us concession,' and co promise, and promise us peace, would / ome with their hands crimsoned with thdblood of brave fa- - there, suns and. brtrtheri—crimsoned in cause less,. wanton war, and' their fil t ith would come blotted and blurr with shameless perjury. With _these len, who can give us only dishonor and narchy we are called upon to comprofnis , and give the nation peace. Friends, could it be peace? Would its fruits be life or death? Would it bring honor or dish or? .There can be but one answer. It would bring dishonor and death. What-- ever may be the fate of .this- Republic it Must not die by loyal suicide. [Prolonged cheers]. - I do- not despair of the Republic ;' it has ample_ power to preserve its honor and its' life• ' and, by the blessing of God, and the fidelity of a loyal people, I believe it will be •exereised. [Cheers.] It cannot be vanquish ed in an open, manly struggle in the Mild, or at the polls, but it might be shorn °fits locks and stripped of its might by the seductive whispers of faithless friMds. and fall in hope 'I-ss ruin; by compromise. • There is ;me certain way to lasting, honor ahhe preice,'With strengthened' Union and a nobler Nationality as its fruits. it is a rifpr oas,- reaselP B s prwecution aj thix war until trri7Soll dirs out ill submission to the laws [Prolonged cheers.] Then concede as the vindicated majesty, and magnanimity'of a grrat nation may dictate. but not till th:•n. (Cheers.] Then May a Government be just to the fame of the heroic dead and to the hope ful livihg, end yet he generous to the mis guidedvictims of Arjured treachery. Then in it' might may it-mingle merey'‘Vjdh jus tice, and make us again the members ,of a commt.rn brotherhood, with a common cause and a common country. [Cheers.] , 1 It may nit be ••the 'Union as it war-.'' It cannot be. The martyred deed cannet be called tolife: nor :can -sorrowing h ea rt s he healed. The vacant chairs 'and broken cir cles will still remain to. tell the stt ry of:trea son's cruel war. But the dead will sleep in honor, and in the memory ofthe living they will be cherished with perpetual fresl.ness as our ntible sons who died that freedom ought live. l[Applause.] It will not recall the Devises, the ;Toombs, the Slidells, thte3l9.- sops. the Hunters, the benjitnins, the Bred:- inTidges. the Polks, the Rhetts, and like areii traitors to the Senate of the United States. It will not recall the Maga - ins. the Jack:sons, the Ilarrises, the Letchers end otherS now stained with our country's richest blood. to the Executive chitin; of the Suites. I.t. not bring to ‘ the Presidential theip anew Buchanan to ,curse the Nation with mingled imbecility and treachery ; nor new Floyd, or Thompsons to the Cabinet. to desppd our arsenals and our Treasury, It will net back to the army the 'Lee's, the Bragg's, the Boeuregard'4. ,Johnt,ton's and other pnr jrp-,!(.1 ingrates to betray the Nution . :. [Applause]. • It will not be the Union as it Nyes. , . [Cheers]. It will be the Union re deemed from treason, with the. Constitution and the laws supreme and sacred 'in every section and. in every department a the Gov 'eminent, and witlr freedom as if by 'God's own hand. statnyed indelibly upon the great Republic. [Prolonged applause].. 31,41?.81ED - \ On the let inet.. n nr Fayetteville, be Rev. S. Mllenry, Mr..lAeon LOWERS; of Quincy tAchnhip, to 3lies ANN Trund:t,f the vieinity of Fayetteville. On the '2,d ult., by She the Iter..l.‘„Ttickson. 3(E. ADAM SIIII , E 14, Miss CA111.1111E1: E COLLEE N bol]l of W:uthingtvit enmity-Md. \ On the let hist.. in this pl)ee. by the IteeNl. Bailsman. Mr. WILUkI.I IS. KIEFFER to MiSi MAROARDT Me - DoN both Of this unznty. ' On the '24 ult.. by flew. IL W. Ilebok. at hie residence near Orrt.toun, Mr. Aas Sr.unurtn to Mies Nviei %% I:MCAT:D.I. , th of Franklin co.. l'a. On the 21:d alt.. tea the :v.v. Thomas CI eigb. lir Joilsc W:IWITLES to Mrs. CATIPLAINE, Mitten, both Of Mont gomery tonnahip. DIED. On the 22d nit.. near Upton, after a short atlvi painful iiine M, WittlAx, elde.t !jun. of oily and Jane Easton, aged HI yeers, 4 month. and 4 do)s. •)n the 22tt ult.. in Mer Let shurg, CRC. 2EII. aged fq sears, 4111,10115 and 22 d•eys. On the 4th inst , in Wslkeo , arre. SAMMY' S.. only child of 'I hcodore ft., and Jennie Seibert Fell, aged 14 motith On the ald ult., in Mt. Carroll. 111 , JL e. JuniN tt ILI .4. format ly of this piece, aged f,B yeas i inonths , ls clay Y. On the 'Xith ult.. in township, ELLT4T. son of Mr. Win. N. Witherspoon, aged 11 years, 7 months and days. _ Ou the 14th tit- in this piece, Mr. GEORGE la.MASTEB, in the 72d year of his age._ REPORT OF THE MARKETS Philadelphia Markets. , Oct. 5, 1863. Flour—Sales comprise about 1500 bblr in lots at $6(/!;,6 25 for old Stock and late made western and extra family, and $6'871 for high grade Ohio-do, including SUO bbl city mills family at $6 50W; the scales to the trade are moderate,,within the rangevof ss€l) - 5 . 25 for superfine, and $5 5006 for extras,. s6®, 7 for extra family, and $7 5068 50V bbl fol. fancy brands,• in quality. Rye Monr is scarce - and wanted at $5 25, and Corn Meal quiet at $4 for Pa, and $4.75 for Brandywine. . Wheat—Sales bf 6000 bushels to note, for milling, at $1 40€,)51 45 for reds, the latter for prime new Penna. and south ern, and $1 60 to $1 70 for white, as in qual ity. Rye-1800 bushels sold at $1 10. Corn —Sales of 1500 - bushels prime yellow at 95c., Oats command 78c, weight. . PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY CHA MBE lall IMO; Oct. 0,1883. 18 WASHED WOOL 55 12 Uttirutsazo WOOL , 37 8 Cam= SEED 600 8 TLISOTEE SLED 250 4 to 6 Futx Sun ..... ... 1 50 , 12 PEELED PEACHES• 3 00 '8 trEPATI,ZD PrAcazB 1 50 1 50 Darta Arms 1 00 BUTTER r Dna LARD TALLOW SOAP BACON HAMS BACON SIDES...." BOLT BRAM POTATO MARKET._: Mercer, New Pink•Eyee.... CHAMBERSB URG 1 7 .1,0 UR AND GRAIN MARKET. CORRECTED .S.T CILYMBERSBURG Float—R'''ite ' ' -- Floar—Reti 8 h 0 Whmt—White Cora pats. eluabbertiontents. TTE'"QUAI/Tt RS PROVOST ..q.utsit Ptniarylrunia, n l Ch.tiberslmre . .OctOber s,lBtl3.—Vie Drafted Men of Adam . and 'Wilford Cluuties who failed to atterid any.' 1 the Limn! of Eli.rellment at tht-time their were notified i tube present. s ll report themselves within ten days From thiadate. or be saileet to arrest as deserters. By /Order of the-Ile:1rd . GEO. EYSTEIt. ott4 Vipt..t Pro.Mar...leth Dist. Penna. G~ m TIE PRINThR'S _DEVIL."L- This handsoine illustrated literary and Tuley]- , laneous Vainly Paper. be sent on trial Six. Munths fur twenty-fire cents: DO‘l't fail to send for it, Ids this chance may never occur again. Address PRINTER'S DEVIL. oct, 112 Fulton Street e Nt w York. (Pleaee state in what piper you - Bair this advertise ment.) DAIINI STRATOR'S NOTICE, ~ Notice is• given that Letters of Adn "ni l ,- at ttton on the E.tatt of John Armstrong. late of ltam iltan township. dec'd: have been grunted to undeislgmtd, re.... 1 ling in said limmship. All peraym knAwning themselves' indebted to said 1 , ...- tdte will pleave mike immediate payment; and those having , bums will present them properly nuthenth ated tam-ettleintatt. ISABELLA ARMSTRONG. ect. 7.Adm'x. -, p i XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notiee 14 hereby given that Letters Testnmentary to the ]suite of Pr Charles ,Thissell. latent Southampton twp., decd. here been anted to the undersigned, nsillim; in , Stri.burg. All porn me knowi ,e; themselves indebted to said Es tate w:11 plea , e make immediate payment; and thcelo lin vi tg: victims v. illpresent them properly euthentic.tted for settle:et nt. Lea l-609 P. N. HOFF3L4N, EN'r. DMINTSTRA.TORS' n_ Notice is hereby Oren that T:etteri of Adtninis nation on the ti+tnte of Catharine Creamer, Intenf Let terk,nn v, der d ha% e been granted t., the ; subscribers. AU per+rare kilt/Wing theradelves indebted to the Aaid Eltite tail plcast• nuke immediate .payment ; and those having cl daft prboen't them properly authenticated for ;settlement . _ • ,TOIN ('r' r , AMER Fanned twp.) , Adlere, ort. 71 ..10•5 (M:EIMER, Lettk'y two... 1131 POIZ LINT TO TII E P1,.7131, IC. t;ro,,q- B,Lhbr., S. I. Co.. mnnufachtre in n to their, celoht , ited Grover k Ihtket ST.I 'l4 . IS 1 V E!". 11:e mug perfect SMITTLE or L Sri fi'ii" MAPIIINgS in the .01t hot. :Ind afford imr eloo-er, the oppert e nity of Fekrting, - nfter trial tvrt,l ex anilu.Vion of loth. the one but 4ttitcti t their . - H. IL lIOIiE. N. F. corner thejliamontl. ('ham- NIMTC. Agent. Call and examine the machines. "rt. 7-.'a A I)MINISTRATOR'SNOTICE.- herelis given that Lvttorn of A nation en the I:Biitio of Philip lot. thr It vh • f Clinnibershurz.aer'ii:lmve Veen granted to t. 10.• residing in saidThirouith. All rerqims knowing thopselves indebted to said will please make immediate mirment: and 1:tov.• hAvintr el s% prn4nt them .r evttlena,nt. [oct.7) ' JOHN CASEMAN.ArIin r. DI 7 I3LIC SALE.--The undersign- Guatdian nr the .minor children of Samuel late of St. Thomits, , diwNi. will offer at Public Sale. on the premise:, on2,Satrtrdcrit, 24th day nf Ocf , ber, a LOP ,)}, vQtrx D. situate in St. Thom:lA. haying tliei e on erected a two-mtory Log and Frame DWeLL 11017SE..ina anierarpenter :•hop Rust other `'ate. to rnnmenee iltl 11 . CiOCk. I'. Mjon said day. slier Attinitibince will be givon uuti terms mode known by not 7-ts JOIIN HAWK. (Nardi:tn. ofPs ~rder ThrenEtt. Clerk. pOIZOTIIONOTATIY'S NOTICE:- All per Ont• intere.fjd will take f I. n ink ac ere Is have been bled and will be presented to the Coirt of Coalmen Pleas on Monday, the 2.Ct71 of On te)b.T. fi rmat A.nnnt f .10111 Philips and Levi Smilers, Assignees o r j.lhn Yttlir,zt-r. of Wa.thittcton thwrethil, Fir 4 account of John A. Shank, Committee _of Eliza beth Forney a fanatic. Th;nl and final aceount t.f Jacob Kritler. Trusty' , of Nancy ltrirker. now der'ri. A. D. CALIFMAN, Plot ot. 7.:3t 11, N EBY I+'o RS A LE.—Th e sab -1 scriber olfer for Sale hia TANNERY. situate in c 'onnellsburz. Fulton County. ThoSwd coutain4 VA', '4. 9 LE CI lES. fall unt'er roof 1, with good BEAM 'SUM% BARK $llF.DS:and ever) thing convenient for cArry u s u . on the bu.iness. An abundance of Burl . can be • had fiw i,t t 05.3.00 per cord. LargeandgoodDß'CLL lSG u OUSE and Tenant Rouge: together with :ill me e.qary hhildintm and abundance of FRUIT. on the lots of tire el oice,t {;Ltd. in connection with' the above will be dd. if de,irei. ACLIi- of pilule I.IMESTONE LAND in nhigh state of cultivation. - oct. 7 3rn MI. HOKE. ATALUABLE FARAI - PRI ! - YAT 1.1 A.LE —Th. I - Puler - signed offers ‘at private Sale lits FARM. situated in Letterkenney township. on the rout leading from ChAnthersburg to Strasbut g, 5 miles flan' either p 1 we., consisting of 150 ACRES of SLATE LAND inn high state of cultivation. The im 1111 A emeas are a two storied LOG WF.ATIIERBO VRD ifOCSE. Log /*tit. Wag ut Shed. Corn Crib. Was! line and all w.ces. , ery outbuildings. Theft , is nn na cellent Spring a n d a Wellr a. never-failing Water at Oa lui”se. There ore tiro good ORgIIARDS of choice fruit on the farm. Per,ons wishing t9.4. - iew the premises Clll do so bv calling on the subscriber. T. l _ o aC IL KEF.FETt.. INQUISITION f}1)1: THE REAL I , .i'fA.TE OF .TOILET ETTEIt.—To Margaret fitter idow. John, Daniel of whom henry 'Eersule la cram' Ron : Miry intettnat vied with Samuel Sollenberger, re riding In the canary of Franklin. Sarah intern, trried avPh Michael Sollenberger and Margaret Etter. re.d,tin, in the county of ftedford.heirs and legal repreQentative, of John Etter, late of Green township, Franklin count., d • Son sre hereby n. titled that I will hold an Inepth:ition p th-fteal E,tate of said deed. 4;tuntein Green town ship. Franklin ',nay. Pa., att Fiti.Lty.tFt 2.hlnf or,tober at liVeloek A. M.. on the pretnisei. when and where you can ;Mind if you think proper. F A:III3EL BRAN DT. Sheriirs OnicA, Oct. 7-3 t - Sheriff, T - ST OP 4 1- the' Ilkm man Miss 5.111.?- ggret P ' Eurnv Jane Honer Mary J Itozman \flares Ith•nnan Patrick Bernd,. C Boman John 1: MulloweA: luriiVon Messr6 Bowman IlisaEliz r Mahe CT liett+,Jweph tint-Idle:tit David (lark John 3 Clepper Henri Chase John IlttrnbargerMarh: Eavrt Vim Et ter Edward G I Nritchey bri.zte El Pergon•i that they itaye beet T IIE FRANK.EIN ,". CLOTHING EIIPORI6I. NEWEST STYLES. LARGEST ST . OOK—CHEAPEST PRICE. The undersigned can assure the Public, and defies suc cessful contradiction, that his recent purchases in the Eastern cities enables him tooffer one of the largest and most attractive stock of CLOTIII lii .Fbr the Fan and Metter ,Yeason af 18634 to be found in any similar establishment in tbUL section. Every va riety of WATS, • gig PANTS, • AND VESTS, Made in the very best style and at the lowest prices. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Such as Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Crav - ats, Neck Ties, Ilandkerc.blefs,Ac., &c. Special attention is called to this Department. CUSTOMERS' ORDERS.- - • - I would invite an examination of my Stock of Fine Cloths, Kissserniers,lrestings, &c., which I manufacture upon special orders. SPECIAL NOTICE. I would beg to say that my Goods are manufactured tinder my own supervision and by the very best work men. My present stock lathe most extensive I have yet had In store and I respectfully ask my friends and the Public to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the old Stand. J. T. HOSKINSON, Franklin ;Hotel Building, Corner of the Diamond and West Market Street. oct. 7. Chanabersbnm Pa. 45 .., 40 ...... ...... - 1 70 LETTERS reniaininp; in nt Ch unbcr+berg. Oct'. 6, 1SC:1: f. ell } ie.l Latin tlet t ley rt4r, lot ;Manges Levi 1.1 , hflhe P. ter Wif imtb. Mary: Metzer B NV • llroVe Mite, Nancy ilfor:m I • \ rke•ea 2 Miller I.).im.ei Halve! .1,5101 L f3rorl4-3n IC 1.1 I lI,Jd Wr \ [Neal 'Mfg Eliza Frank. Oren 'Mi.-4 of Llenaer4in ,10relikld Pi of 11.011 Mrs Wiry 'l , .V . riLhar“ .T. , nes Rev S:ogle-`::s.:lJ[enliarger n.nr_ • IJohroon Mrsrath-'S nail-sky.] 11 me - 'ihI r liv{.latli..lf Kahler George iSh Id 'II t ,t . !.1. try I.lelley PrtmelicQ,74.llo-11eN li."l,.erElizabeth I.l'Sch4 2 :ble i';.•,, ' i '1••:f•i• Elizabeth 11Vbiie. Tf,ary illy:lo.'6 W • Whae Anus Ailry .1"1111 - I We:t4l 31i.,...‘1ar ILongetteclier A J Willard Lavtlia is the above. Lettteis will pleat,. say o adverti6ed. J. W. li4AL. P, 3i. .! , itaitt abbmiOntents, _ , . lIBLIC SALE.I--Theundersigned timlngdeterthined to remove West, will sell by . oldie Sale, (Without reserve) it his residence in Lou don, on ' trainee* Re 41/4 Notymber. 1863. the follow ing Personal lloperty. viz :1 good Family HORSE. four v ears old; 1 good Milth Cow; 1 one-horse' Wagon and lied ; 1. two-horse Wagon and Bed; 1 two-gores Bed with Bows'. 1 pair two-horse fray Ladders ; 1 one-horse Sleigh; 1 ROCKAWAY CARP.' AGE : 1 Spring-Wagon; 3 sets of single Mumma ; Double and Single Trees - ; 2 Io; chains; 1 Cutting - Buz; 1 Jack ' 8 row ; 1 rowbar, Also, a lot of POPLAR and OAK LIM ER. 4 long and i i 3 2 short Ladders; 1 Blackstnitlis 'Vice, Spaded, Shovels and,Picks ; 4 Bark Spridea; 1 Cross-Cot Saw; 1 large Pafsiit Bee Palace and Bees. Also, a large variety of DOUSED OLD TußNnt, RE - and Ritchen Utmsilit, viz : 6 Bedsteads; 3 Bureans ; 2 Wasli - Stands; 2 Corner Cop'. boards ; 2 eight-da, Clocks; I Parlor Stove; 2 ten-plate :. toves ; 1 Cooking stover 3 Meat Vessels; Cider Barrels and Kegs. and many articles not accessary to enumerate &if- Sale to commence at 10 o'clock-A. M , when At tendatee will be given and the terms made known. ect. 7 ' ' - JAMES CRAWFORD. Christian Ilanynetn,,,thetioneer. aly- - T will also offer at Prirate Sate the TANNERY in Loudon with fire LOTS of GROUND_ attached thereto. Vie Tannery consists of all the modern Improvements with 2.6 or 30 cords of Dark in tine Bark house. A1i0.9.1 ACRES of TINDER LAND With a Double Geared SAW MILL thereon. Terms made known by calling' on the subscriber. . ' JAMES CRAWFORD. HEADQUARTERS oF PROVOST MARSHAL. Niziestitli District.: Pen nsylvania, Gliambersbnrg. October 3d. 1363.—The Board or En roliment -- or the Sixteenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania have granted the following exenipti AM for the causes assigned. during their sessions, from the, .9th cf September to the 3d of October, inclusive: ' FOR 'PHYSICAL OR• MENTAL DISABILITY. S. Cyrus S. Over ' ' JaMesCollins ''- David Replogle ' ' henry Bennet ' ' Nicholaa Hissonk • Tligton • a Northcraft Jacob S.Carper , ' Elijah (lasted Jesse O'Neal . George Robison George IL Cook James Bennet .Nathan Shaw , " Lewis Zimmerman - Adam Garlick ' - Jelin Grove Lucius R. Sweeney, . Lewis Sell ' . I Stephen Snider Andrew' Augustine John Adams v , Daniel' Bradley - ' •' ilirMin'lleberson ' . John J. Noble William LitZinget, ' Abner W. Slick - A °boll S. Baughman ' Israel Davis" . Christopher C. Lehman A. W.-JOhnson . Jsntes McCleary Samuel lloenstibe Lewis Clingerinan - ' ' William Oster . Leonard vycam , 'Henry Hensel ' James' Fisher 'Thomas Steineman• 4' i lialtzer Wertz Jalin Barnes . John Houser ' • Josiah D. Mock Anthony Bridges .7i:welds H. Gtiffith . William Jiams David Roudabish Aaron R - (teed Amos. Claycomb , . Jacob T. Iletrick John L. Boor , David Stayer ;Daniel Pittman . Mallon'Fenrose - 'Joseph J. Sparks , . Jolin BOWNer - IJerethiab Baughman - John 11. Miller ' ' Barclay Hughes - Henry Whittaker' James C. Clark Daniel Eley, James Sparks , Samuel G. 13reckenrb i ge ',Joseph M. Bender Henry W. Miller ;George C. Probet ' .isci,b Ripple v 'Paul Hartman i . John Freeland . Martin Iruler, ; - Elia.s Holsinger Isaac Claycomb II NI lame( A. Fisnekler !Joseph Heltzel - 'i 1 h !Diem Potter , [JUSiab, Clay comb _ a erenardi Clark - ;John W. Flckea tt , .Lomb Graver - ',Joseph C. Walter '1 William O'Brien s Jacob B: Peck il Ilarnerd Fletcher ' ' Charles D. Blake - • ! l' lavetios Show !Samuel French !I Phillip B. Cornell v 'Josiah Earnest ' :Jacob Furney ;Isaac F. Grove I:.C. Sni'vely - . I David Ritchey • _ ' Win. T. Whetstone;Samuel Pittman ' .11 ,iiii li. Colvin !John Gilhergh • William Egelf . !Henry Grouse Jacob Bowers ~ 'Emanuel Bowers . 1 BY. REASON OF HAVIN'et PAID CO]IMUTATIOg. ! joseph B. Stoner . . . A. T. Hammiker ; ' Jacob B. Pete t Jharles Willkims Abraham Moore robin - a Laughruan' . James:l's Taylor - George, Steckman John Mohr Jr , William V. Taylor ~gorge J. Fishack • Charles S. Orissman ' 1 , 'Martin 11. Byers , John A. Miller : A. is. Bulger leilla Bennet' -- 11 illiane Sipes - . Jacob Koons David Ritchey Francis B. Hartiell . Jolla Berkiiimer • Joseph Sellers ' - , Alexander Otts John T. Shirley ' David 11. Miller . William X. Sheffer Stephen S. Wonders Emanuel Becktel Noah For Daniel S. Byers Job S. Blackburn Samuel WoEkfing Jacob Koons John M. haler • AM atom Mountain D. C. Rochendarer 'Benjamin F. JaMison , John Frederick ' ' . Benjamin F. Williams, John Tate ' •` - .I,:cob Gordon • ' Albert Wrighr•-" v ,1 esley IM.Howser • '- Abner Walker . David Bechtel .. ' George Clear ; . % , . ilezekiith Sleek Josiah Mortimore -- - I r liver C. Ramsey Daniel B. Ott John P. Smith David H. Clark , - 'i ,Jone.than Onowberger John Diehl Mai tin Brumbaugh Daniel L . Price ' ••eiusuel Bechtel ' Abraham S: Ebersole , - GM mon Snider Thomas M. Sleek , John A m ich Chauncey Feather ' David H. Ober David H. Veigat , .lohn Byer - James Moore , John Guyer John Claycomb _ John Dehaven (of Jno.), Andrew McLaughlin SamueE, Stiffer ' Frederick Bucket George Moore • Frederick Steckinan, kbraimin Egolf George Ritchey , , %dam B. Freiterlck I Amos - 11.-Dicken ,_ •osepialaMey, .Julitt W. Darr ' 1 - br ham B. Ressler Samuel Crisman ;aided W. Phillips . William Cnppet . mac Freet William Sleek . , iriali Blackborne , William IL Yount. — _ 'mile] Ritchey - -- . ' John Reap I acob Ritchey Josiah Mowrey iiinon Ritchey • + i John Walter - IT REASON OF HAVING FURNISHED AN ACCEPTA BLE SUBSTITUTE. ' 'Benjamin F. Funk ,William Crooks John N. McDaniel . Datsiel Evans . aattliew Vanitine - , William. J. Painter Harrison Fickes .. Joseph M. Taylor _. George W. King - 'avid C. Brant • - )avid F. Beegle kiraucl Walk 'avid Naylor Wimer `nniiiel Whittaker haeph Ceutara Weyant kseph Walter (ot John) . Wataoli BY REASON OF NON-LI VaeoblToßinger I lenry Hale ' ~din F. Snider Ihiniel Bartholomew nauklin Blvens ' L..D. Richmond Ickes 31..:0,110T .innies Sites 'I:Y REASON OF BEING TN MATte Jamb Z. Over I 119 Riffle dn.!, rioehentlerfer OavhPLeadrr ~ o •epli Chamberlain Janus Nevid EV REASON OF BEING Tl] IN FIRM PARENT OR PA] ill LABOR FOR SUPPO.7 A illiam Ford ,balm A. Long NVffliataliu,shos , L'l RCAFON OF BEING THE ONLY SON LIABLE TO MILITARY DUTY OF' A :WIDOW DEPENDENT UPON HIS LABOR FOR SUPPORT. Jacob I. Cramer'Henry Mosely lexander Martin , I David L. Suter niNipasoN OF, BEING THE FATHE.... OF MOTHER LPS,n CHILDREN UNDER TWELVE YEARS OF AGETE ?ENMENT UPON HIS LAUORFOR SUPPORT FteplumMcCreary 'John W . Leshley Abrallam&Me ‘ aberger Jacobi Stevens 1W REASON 11EING ONE OF TWO OR MORESONS OF AGED OR INFIRM PARENTS, SUBJECT TO DRAFT, LI EOTE'D TO BE EXEMPT BY FA THER; Olt, IF ERE DEAD, BY MOTIIER. Amos Faro ey BY REASON OF FATTIER AND SONS IN SAIIE FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD AND .TWO IN MIL ITARY SERVICE AC. Etandn Blake . ' >.4a s es Kennard , 'Benjamin Frazer l T. Barclay BY REASON OF ALI WAGE. Mayer Schnelein (John Pen olly. Angus Maxwell William Its BY REASON OF NON-RESI] Snider D, Joseph J'. Gerson BY REASON OP HAYING HAD AN SUBSTITUTE IN SERVICE ON THE 1865. Jasper Adh john N. Socks George rlick David Good BY REASON OF BEING ENROLLED TWICE IN SAME DISTRIM Min McDonald Br REASON OF CONVICTION-OF FELONY. Richard Razlttt - - - GEORGE EYSTER, Capt. and Pros. Marshal. , .1. T. McI.LAENNY, Commizedonar. - - Etiklevu In testimony whefeof a bentnirg,this 1011, seal of the mid Connott Chau frmAti,and affixed the " here" Bat my him'. day of August, A. 1T.41.863 • RO CLA.MA T I ON.—To the Cora l) t e i ll j e fi r e l e h n e t ,T w u o tie n ez i rr i e n t!e t ac h :„ C m4d n t t h y o C of tin v Ert m ab n l it es i 1. 4 , Greeting: Know all yo. that In pursuance of a. precekt— to me directed, under the hand and seal 'of the Hot. JAITES' 'SILL, Fred:lei - 0 of tae several Courts of 'Con - - awn Pleas, in the, SiNtootith District, consisting of tile counties of 1. 1- ornereii Ild!rod: Fulton and Franklin:and by virtue of hisoficco.tho Cu ;rt of Oyer and Terminer - and General Jail tel,ery for he trial of capital and other offenders therein. and in the (funeral Court of Quarter Sessioniof the P. , ice: and WidIAM W. PAX.To.N - . rod Janes O. CansoN, J.;4,15.. ;lodges of the rnmecouu- Iy of Franklin:. You and ralhof you are hereby requir- Led to bound appear in y,slr prow perscins with yOne. Itecerde.,Recognizanre4. l'xamination - g, and other E. membranceA • before . tle ,tnitces tifiirktaid, t, at Chat& bersburg. at a Court of o , or and Terminer and ceperal .lail - Delivery, and Gen , riii Quarter Sessions of the Pence, therein to be holden f.r llt , County of 'Franklin afire , the Last .ifon , 7o 5 . 51 ...T:wad% being the 2Eth (lag of the mantas at.lo Aolook lit tie forenoon oftat dal, then and there torso trove thiiigi, which to yout serer.,( ,dikes appertain. , .• , Olvfn'under mylt„inl at I harahersburg, the 7th day of October,l263. : * SAMUEL BItAp:DT, . ' act 7—to. . " sheriff.. BILITT :ON ACCOUNT OF itfuniel Atock • 'John W. Nycum William 11. itcqueth Emanuel Wertz Jamb Anker - Davi Ickes ichn Oorin ,Shinn Timmerman I SEIZTICL' 0; 4 1' TiE Id OF I, ISr,a. Benjamin Over Go a toe Myers Hi minuet Renton Silas 11. Sparks ' J. Emanuel Riley E ONLY SON OF AGED OP. • EN TS DEL'ENDENT UPON 3iasan Davis Hugh F. Jobasoa Wesley Collins Willem Logue Victor K. hiellhenny; ~ At aVntlisTutentoi uaivicia persons have 11'x•1 petitions .ffir Tavern .liiceitlie, a the Olertes Office. to be presented-tit the-Court at lie next t rm. commencing it Monday, fiat 36th October, 1853,1, wit: it. B. F. Snyder. oct ----Montgomery Township NEM AT AN ORPHANS' COTA.'t held at ChAtubersitrg, for gym:kiln eetinty:•ka, on the ihre day Of Augur, A. 0..1.511:3. before the 'Rim. James - President, a nil .Ta toes O._ ("imam' and W. 'W. Paxton', AMoeiate jMirivaof mid Court : Motion of sktial Heft &art grant 'lt' ride on the heirs and lewd - ref. reset' tatives tirJOhn Bea rer, l a t e o f sa id izoSuity of Franklin, deed, and all parties Interested therein. to live:mat an _Orpheus' Court to be held at Cbanabersburg. P, en Mo t i c ky,thz, fath th ist of October, A:-.11,1503, to tMe or refuse to tulte the lands of said John Beaver, dee - 1, at the valuation and appraise went thereof, or show cause why the same should not be sold. WM. O.IIITCHELIkperk IMESEI HEAD IQITARTERS PROVOST 31AEsnAL, Slaty-nth District, •Pcontyirszoi,t. Chandastsburg; October 5. 1893.--The Dratted Men ~r Franklin County have been oniered to report according to the number of their ,t, tices, ELS figiOlill4 ; - Wednesday, October 7 -'• - ' 1592 to loci+) Thursday, - " •S 9 - - - 11117 to 1741 Friday. ", ' 9, 1742 to Isle Saturday, • u.,, aft' ,' • - I'tl 7 _ - to IF^l Monday, S' 1•' . . - ` TOW to lull Tuesday, ' ,st 13 " - .1067 to :xll Wednesday, ,li 14 : • .2942 to 2116 Thursday, • ..., ; Li - .21'17 -to _2ll 'Friday,l" 11 - ' 2192 to 22 '• i . Saturday, .' ;' " ' 17;1., , . 2•267 to 2114 Monday, " 19 .2345 to 2419 Tneaday., " 27 .•• ' .2420 to 2-194 Wednesday, " 21 , -2.495 to 2ino Thursday, " ' •"-) .2570 to 2572 ; The ,natnes will be called each day according to num ber, commencing with ill- Ii :st. Those who do not en mar promptly will be, p , .1; at the Riot of the list end probably lose their upp ,rtunity of appearing before the Soird for that day. By order of the Board of Enrol ent, • - (410. ETSTER.. Capt. k Pro: Mar. 16th Dist. Penna. • oct 7 PUBLIC 'SALE OF ; VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—In pursuance of an order of the - Viphans' 05u. t. and in vii tut. of the last will and testti 'tient of Robert C.•3lcFoiland,the subscriber will sell at Public :-ale, on the premisei. on Saturday, the 24th f lay of October, the lob acing described Real Estate. sit atcd in Peters and Miiht&oinery townships. Frani:l'Al county, late the propel ty cLitobert C. and J o l,n :51 - 44 F ut land, deed, viz: . Part 1, Containiut 14.5 RES pf first-r• to - adjoiliingruyls of Ad in. II 'lce, C. Isiudnrbangli. ley's hells and (Alms. ‘.itii larki and connuodbnis. OUILDYNOS of all rn,[1414-s3n a farm, with gala( <' 4 ORCHARD, Well and Eau ,iii water near tho dopr. 'lliOnt 20 Acres of this trite, is tine MEADOW and lonia ouperior TIMBER, „ , Part 2. containing In 2 Ai 'RES of LAND of fhe sanit quality, adjoining laitilsof the Ron. James if echanan, flyers hefts and part f.= Part 3 Containing '69 A ES, mostly 'BOTTOM LAND and much bf it very pz mluctive, adjoining tie above tract. lands of Valid Lematter,Yranklin Reed and others. . The above tracts have eradi a sufficiency of Tinillier and Water, ilia are all meal: the town of Nercersburg, with the beet of Schools, Churches and Mills convenient. They will be sold seperate or together, as may beat suit vurchasers. Land buyers are requested to give this property their attention, as it will certainly- be sold on the day of sale. Persons wishing to view the property will call on _the subscriber residing_thei eon. - Terms made known on day of Sale. It. Y. MUFARLAt.ND, , Adm'r of the Estate of John McFarland and Trustee to sell under the will of Robert C. McFarland. dly,order of the Court.—:W.G. Mrrcifcm., Clerk. fort 74t QTTERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of ki sundry writs of estediticmi upon ar,issued out of the ~'curt of emtimon Pleas of Franklin county, Pa., and to -me directed there wilibe exposed to Public Sale, at the Court Ilousein the Borough of Ghambersburg,:,on Fri day. the `Z.:k lof Oclater,-1863 at 1 o'clock, P. M, the fol lowing described Beal Estate, viz: • All thatlot of ground situate in the Tillage of ,Con 'Cord, Fannett twp, edjoinining lots of Jas. Wilson on the But, S. Hocken bury on the West, W. Little on the South and the road on the North; with a two story Log Rouse, Log Shop, and Log Stable thereon erected. Seized arid taken in execution as the property of James F. Gamble. Also—All that half lot of ground, situate in the Bor ough of Cluimbersburg, fronting on Main Street, adjoin .ng lots of Gee. Stall on the South, W. Chambers on the - West, and Mrs. Marris on the North, with a 1x3 : 6 story Brick House thereon erected. Seized and taken in axe :titian as the property of Frederick Kohler. Also—AS that half lot of ground, situate in the Borotilih of Chamberaburg,fronting on sing Street ad joining lota of Mrs. Snyder on the West. lot of Lafayette Wood on the Bast. and by an Alley on the North with a two story Brick House therein, erected.keized and Nikon itt execution is the.proputy of Maria 11. Burg hart. - . . Alm—All that lutlf lot of ground, situate in the Borough of Cliamhersburg, tronting on Blain Street, 32 mot hunt, adjoining lot of , A. Bechtel, on the South, on the North, and an Alley. on the East, with a two atiry"Log and Weathertmardtd -House, and Log Sta ble, thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Samuel Wolff. that tract of land °ordaining 182 Acres more'or lets ' :situate in Peters, twp., adjoining lands of D eo. Briggs, AdatnHoke, Alex. John son and others, with two 1% storyllouses, Stone Barn, and other improve ments therem erected. Seized and taken in execution as thp property of Wm A. Joseph Warner Alse—All that tract of land situate in Letterkenny twp.. containing 38 Acres more or less, of Mountain land adjoining lands of Zee Horn and other hula of Llama Rosenbn rg. - Also-85 Acres more or less, adjoining lands of osenbiirB, and others with a Log House and Log Barn thereon erected. Also-805 Acres of-Mountain Land, adjoining lands of H. Keefer and others:" Seized and taken in execution as tha preporty of Isaac &len burg, and will be sold by me- SAMUEL BRANDT,; , oct. 7 - • ' • - Sheriff. . ErIA-F,na, an; r clan. 0. onicsinant REYSER & CRESSLER, . GRADUATES IN PHARMACY, Effigy DRUG Si CHEMICA LS, MEDICINES, <te ckAMBERS'BURG, PA. PITRE DRUGS:- - - - Knowing the importance toihe 'Patient, as well as to the Physician, to have pure rellableXedicines, we make ma - purchases from tirar'class Rouses. All our Tinctures, Syrups, Pluid Extracts, Pills and other preparations are made byourselves, and every article examined before it Is sold. _ _ _ CIIEMIC•ALS We buy our Chemicals from the best manufactUrers fn the country, and are satisfied they. Are pure and of full strength. We have'•a constant supply of PIMP -4 CHEMICALS, PATENT "MEDICINES. We have conetautli on harkd all the standard Patent- Medicines, gal warrant them genuine. - , FAmEt 4 r DYE COLORS'. Mack, Blue, Green, Scarlet, Magentor, Drab, Brown, Slate and many other colors, with - directions that any oilman celor by, for 15 and 25 cents. t KEROSENE LAMPS AND OIL, Shades and Chin:lutes, all of beautifill vt7tear orthe bed qnality and very ninny. •- E ARTIFICIAL T Artists' Oil Colors; Canvas and Brushes, fine attest:B'3nd Cologne, line 'and cheap Soaps, Bair, Cloth and Tooth, Billahee, 'Horn and Rubber Combs. - POCKET * BOOKS AND - WALEETS. A large assortment at all pHcds . . O'NIEL'S HORSE POWDER •as been sold in this establishinent for fifteen yeire. 'e believe it the best in use. We have all the, - MOR,SE MEDICINES OF TILE DAY. PRESGRI - PTIONS. The Ireacription Counter is under ottr own especial care, and Ne,e huuddy'bellevetbat we can give satisfac tion fo all owill give their prescription s to our care. Imo medic a can't,e had at - night or on Sunday by ta iling at 146 S e or, a \V. Ileyser's resilience; a few . „ doorkSonih of th tore. Ws buy nil gotirds the lowest marlcetrittes, and.fell et tar kritee'= Oct 763 110