iltvittitttitar.`..•-!: S . T VAT. R --TII6 F 4 leVenth ANNUAL EXiIWLTION . , of the P4nnBylcania State Agricultural Society wall be held at NIONT(4O)IERY COUNTY; DaNN,i,„ 41 'B:plusher. 't/t/1 rii:Mitia and Octaberlxt Stl,lSt,3, -, — Norrtstoorm is about 17 LaiiesNest of Flailealelphia;on takol-,:thAtatyMill River. and is taccesSible by Railway 'to atietseya portion of the State. a , The tirnuade are lE , autifully ei,tuatel. containing 23 ~Beres of ground, withdlne targe,builaßnans tbefelnaerect ..ol,•taixexher with largo amount of :The track ies lid to t.euse of thu best hall-tnile tracks in the state. The premiums arc the lie tviest ever olfertal lay the .3oeie aial)LlZlt lug to :daunt slooo,_. - preadult's for all grades of elat.i. exceed s.looe, five of which are . s3o each, 3Sa tram $2. , to al5. others runnintt doWit to' lesser t aces 'Bent herd nut less than 15 head, firsts pr•etnitun Val; 2nd premium SLS. i dif,," o :or 411 grades the pretniunts exceial,3l33 - 0 The rgtostt faith); 22 bet ween $23 and. $2O, and others ‘ rang= JdgJietu $1.5.510 and $5. - Fur•J'eultry there is along li't of premiums, from $2 Aetsl each. In, the following classes most liberal premi sines arc colored: Yiows. Cultivators, Drills, IfiNtronsa his aping and Mowing 31aelaines, ,Cutters, Corn :Shelters. ,t!tder lulls, Pumps, Bucket's, Tiu Ware. Lather and its 3!attufacturel, Gas Fixtures, Marble 31:tattles, ,'Grain, and Seeds, Vegetables; and also fur Domestic anal lion/act' dd Manufactures, Cloths, Carpets, satlnet.Shirt - log. Sheeting, Blankets, Flaninals. Startwis,Rtait Goods, e - mtle Sze.. Ilread.Cakes, Preserves, J ,Intrge,premiutras are offertii fur every variety of Fruit ttualltowers. The Floral Tent will be the largest ever aVrecteal'hy the Society. and will f 'moos of the most la , tructive features of the ligitibitiOn. Fruit, Grapes and . Wine will be exhibited in this department. Thu Fenn:ay' vania it diractd and Norristown Railroad have :arranged to carry at titles Pat exhibition round flout Abu ilx.iiintlon freight free. requiring the f art% larding . ,freight to he paid, which will shipper when rtXPIS AI.. returned to the tltation whence shipped. It is boreal to adiect the &tale with other huportant roads. , i;geursiorts at reduced rates will be a anion ail the lead ing Railroads. liutries can be winds at, the Office. in Norristown: attg ihe 4th day ol Septemlair. All articles must be enterß on the I ,, t.ka on or bcpro Tuesday evening September '4.:11. lixhibitiirs must become members. Membership 41, with C,tir Coupon Tickets each, of which will admit +roe:l - remit' to the Fair once. STISOLI: A OStISSION • ` , 5 A List of Premiums nnd . Regulntiolie ettn had 4r, ~.ilivst•litg the geert.taty. TIIO.MAS' P. KNOX, Preiiiitnit. A. - M.lol4'En LINGAILETt, See„y, Norristown, Pa. ' Sept. 2. 6:2-.St, 11 RE t 11. I U3l THRESIIER.—Th e , übscelflpr is the only authorized Agent for the Cale Vheelcr A: Mellecit's Proniuni. Two-holt% Thresher &MI Vie tiler. with Railroad Power, for Franklin and 'Adams Counties. fiefs uow ready to receive'orders fir tba Name. • Tide Machine is it Two-horse Power, and will Thresh' iatriVtileaii any kind of Grain. It is the Pia:l%llllM' MA= it.iving *taken the Premium at the United at ttes. unitati the State and County Fairs. wherever ek tell. They are made of the best material, and war /Intel ny one of the largest, and most responsible Atitablisliments in the United Stites. It is warrentod to threats and clean from BO to 1:01i bushels -of Wheat, and double that quantity of Oats hi a- day. It requires bitt tivo horses, and tin driver. The Power rind Machine can both tie worked in an ordinary Rai n Floor. The Agent himself TWA one of these Mitchierslastmeasrn for tour months constantly. and can test* to the truthfolness elle trove stateof facts. 110 has threshed as much as 'O2 Bushels ortVlient. in 4b hours. Ile -worked the isnme two horses constantly in the :Machine, and at the Md ,lf the time, they were in as g. o l condition as lit first. lie. therefire. is prepared to refute the idea, that tbiy are hard on horses. lie paid $60.00 for onetier-se eve:Land W.OO fir the ether, and they rather improved than depreciated in value. Persons wishing to buy will please make :indication triton, as it will take sometime to get them from Albany, Y. Price with Railroad pow_er at Albany. $llB5, with Ireight. ad del. Lever power, f with same Ma thine— freight added. The agent will order none brittle - tie sold. . 11,0111:1LT It LACK;Agent. . June 17. 'Wm.* Co , Pa. p_ STRUCK., MANUFACTUREROF AGRICULTITRAL - IMYIibIENT6.—Shop on Ater street, between Queen and Washington, Ghana beraburg. Pa. WAGON MA KING !—llaving connecteti with his Drill and Rake Factory that of Wagton-Makinz. and having 41tripinyeil one of the heed practical Wituontnakers in the n, and hi ental and,Dbys 'Mal Debility, by Etalt.rr .1. Culszawsis, The Important fact that the atvinl corWegnencePf Self- Abuse may be effestually - removed 'without internal medicines or the dangyr. vs application of caustics, in struments, medicatee boogies, and other empirical de vices, is here clearly dotamstrated, and the entirely new and highly shecessful t t wain eut as adopted by the cele brated author, fully eal lah.ed,by meansof3vhichevery oue is enabled to cure hia,Olf perfectly, and at tlietirot possible cost; thereby ay. iding.all the advertised nos. trams of the day. Thin I,cture will prove la boon to thousands Sent under seal, to ony address, in a plain, saileafienve. lope, on the receipt of vec rents or two pontago statraph., by addressing, eltAii. J. C. SLINK` & CO.. 127 Bowery, le - en York, Post Office Box, 468 r. aug 19,'63-ant. *taro Eintuare TAE "1)13TO a SETTLEMENT'" bDOWN TOWN!- 4.x/en:its' Tin , Copper arid" Mire Estalithrentfi— The nudersigtieti 'resittxtftilly Gr forms his friends and tit.; nubile genet:illy that 11-. renioved his establishiat tit from the i'Duit , it St t t It Up town, to the ileum -formerly ttret t idt it t•• Minnich & Brand, nut 7,,4r1y opposite' White's U ing Store. . Re has just received a large.assortznent of, C-091K> COAL, PARLOR and NINE-PLATE STOVES of the moat approved and lot, of patterns, whirl, he tan and is det rmined to sell as chottp, ilnot a little cheaper, than can be bad elsewhere in , hr country,. Hellas atao, and intordo keeping constantly on htitid e a large assortment of Tin: Copper and Sheet-Iron WArd made of the best mint fol and by good woilinten. • Amp , Persons in want of anything in the above line are requested to give him a 'cull before purchasing elite where, as he feels con t. in, ey that he can bUlt: them either as regards the article or the price., • SPOUTING made and put np at the shortest notice. All kinds of repairing done neatly and expediticiibly, Old ;pewter, Brass and Copper taken is exchange for Ware. or the highest price given in cash. June 17,1.5RL JACOB IS . MILLER. IFFOUSEIKE EP!: JRS, R EAD !—Gal- lagher's - .Sulari,eB A ir-Tightl—A New Flat Top Couti.INO"STOVE„ 'The plates are very heavy, and the whole Stove is finished in uauperiormanner. I warrant this Stove to be superior to ady Flat-Top Stove now in the market, and respectfully invite'rny Mee& and- the public to call and examine this Stove, of which there areseveral sizes. I have also a great variety of other COOROKI STOVES of every style; PARLOR STOVES, naw mid beautiful . patterns; together - with a . heavy. stock d OTOTES for Churches, Stores, Offices, Hotels. JOHN 6. LUDWIG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in .• - STOVES, TIN AND COPPER WARE. N. B.—l have been appointed Sole Agent for Galla gher's Celehisted Sunrise Air-Tight Cook Stove in Chant bendstig. Pa. = June n 0863. AT HAMILTON' & CO% Great Stove and Tin Ware StOre, corner of ibe tniunond, can he seen -the largeetibeet, and cheapest stock- of Goode. in Chambersburg. They have COOK (NO STOVES for Wood and Coal, of latest patterns and AIL eine, at fair prices. t.innelY,lBo. QPOUTING DONE AT• SHOAT tj NOTICE,ot first rate material and che a p. • Alrwork warranted, and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere in the County. Call and see for yourselves, at ' ETTER; HAMILTON 41 COl3. nearly opposite theßantr. LITTER, lIAMMTON CO. "ate 12,4 Prepared to put up,the best LIGIFfSINT,ROM 4.t cheap-rates. ' LWAYS ON-HAND, A LARdE assortment of the very best Thi, Japanned and. Lopper,±4are, U., sold low at ^ETTEIt, lIAMILTON a COS. A LL WORK WARRANTET, and ilk_ cheaper than:can-be benght- elsevivhere in the county. Come and spe-/thenbuv, at . , ETTER: HAMIL TON & COIL CALL FOR :PARLOR AN.p. R1:1 9 31i 3 OOOK STOVER. They are ratty, good and cheap. :ETTER, HAMILTON & CO 8, A few doora from Sktryock'a Book 8tor0: *Mo. LANDRETH'S AGRICULTURAL IMPLRIIENTS AND SEED WAREHOUSE, 21 and 23 South Sixth street, Philadelphia. DAVID LANDRETH & SoN, Proprietors of Bloomedale s which - contains near four hundred acres, in high filth, levoted to the production of GARDEN SEEDS, _ ararnow )rePared to supply Country Merchants, Druggist's and .11 others who deal in Seeds, with large or 'small Oen. titles, by the pound or bushel;Und also in papers made ready for retailing. The Establishment represented by David Landreth g• Son,has ben foundedmearly jof a century. 4 ' The wide spread popularity, and the denuutd,lncrease• ingfroru year to year. for LANDRETH'S WARRENTEII GARDEN -SEEDS - a-evidence of the high value entertained fcr them' by the public. Landreth's Barden Seeds are not only favorably re eived th'ronghout the Union. but are shipped to many foreign ports. Indeed, it may be stated with 'national wide that they come into active competition With Eng. isb.Seed on British Soil. David Llndroth & Son invii a all who are not already orchasers of their Garden Seeds, to make a' triad of hem—assured that they will be found fully equal to heir high reputation. Landreth's Rural Register and Almanac containing atmogne of Garden Seeds' with inatrnctions, furtdsheg ratio. Also Catalogue of Agricultural implements. • DAVID LANDRETTI & SON, NOS. 21 and 23 South Sth3 t., Philadelphia. ang. 12, '53.1y 4 justireo of ti)e JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.-H. DAYlSON:Justicsof the Peace—l:lnce immediate ly opposite the" Indian Queen Hotel." AII btrsiness en trusted to his care shall receive prompt .attenthiln: In sieunteuts of Writing, clan hinds, drawn up In r satis factory manner. utteAT, '63. pHAMMAS, Justice of -the Peaci, Chamberstrurg, Pa. Office on East Margot street. opposite the Court House, in the offh.eformerlyoccupied by McClure. Prompt attention given to every thing in the line of • Magistrate and Scrivener. sept 0,13344 kJ La