Q liditir :Wolf bwarti bfe 4itufftinber. 91E6 bie gegcritutirtige bet.- beffert tviirbe, war Ridger Spobwarb, ber Gettwartige bentatratifrbe (3obernort•Canbibat, tin egSlieb jener Conactition, aub_natini einen bro. tninenten Ilaii)eit an beren Zeoa l oi mmtn. e c th e affercrociten teiniibungen gingen bal)in, eine 93eranberung i4l iniferer. ataatet Q..onftitntion 'i l ubelairfen, wobnrdt ark itualiinber autgerefiluf fen icin fullteu.„bat,‘7.-.lintitired)t antiatiiibeit ober itgenb tin `llint itn Ztaate 3n bebienen." , tta ift bel)aubtet worben, bie alebe bea fgaabivarb gegen fci nidjt genatt be• ritittet inorben. Scull man aber bic gati3e f)anblung nut ber I.batjadje infautinentiiinnit, bail hem , lieriebt jener Rebe feit 15 3atjte.auf brit otli3ieneifterbanbitingen jener eonneption bon tyro fetbit Inc iniberiproten inarbe, folffeibt rein latticifei iibrig, bnb er eine etitfdiiebeit feinbficiie etethtlio gigot afle 9tuktanber eingetioninten; unb ben 93erjurb utadjtc fie bon allen itaatlidgu Rec 4. tens tinter her (Sonftitution %ft, ein 9.intrag Don dint. DZagee, ait6 irerrn, an bie 'Convention. geftelit inurbe, tint bie eiii• tbanberung freier farbigen erfolieli in biefcn etaat 3u uettitibern, flitting Subtle Soobniarb bOr ben 91nteag Dubin 3u ueriinbersi, bait bcrfelbe attatekbibie abfolute irslcigerting bed Stituntred)t6 du afle tuCluber ober 'ein Imt iu befleibett, in (id) frbliese. ( faun nirbt geliingnet tuerben, ' bait biefes feitt%inettbeMentadit fei,-berm eb mar Of Ritter eignien Olin?) beigefibrieben nub ben !Bgeltatiblungeit, fa wie eO gefibrieben roar, wort. • Rib eitinerleibt. !Han Nth efi in Den amtlicben Zebatten her Eximpition, Ob. 5, e. 4 4 4110 1 c, (en itip Inflict tole folgt Dag Magic (Souttnittec fcrncr inftritirt • werbe3n initerfurbeu, oh id hie t on. Pinion babin abilitinbern. Daft atle iiiitaitber tuelcbeinarfi bent 4: Sufi 1841 iu bicfent Staate antonemen Mogen, ocritinbert werbeti bat\ teibt in eriverben ober eiti bicient Staate - gu betteibeu." riNiefen Rtutrag erluirtete er mit - duet (anvil - nub gebilifigen linfprarbe in wittier cr atle ItuO• libber {)art mitualtut ; edit:lle „fie fcien mit bent Serif) biefer %orreciitc (mit hem 9teci)t itim• men nub ?.teniter „in betteiben) tnibetattut," nub toie s biefelka iu (()aben." Sir toollen bie 'Ddrifigliatjtc Sidle - in fcincr 9tebe - wit ntati fie in ben offi3iefleti LRerbalibtatigen sn. bet, bier -beifefen. 5 .11. D. 5, 5:446-47. "3d).fi(yiDe.bie Diefen politifiben Recbte nub _sritillegteu bie nut bent 2301te bet screinig• ten Staaten - genicse, fa bod) (go irgenD Sentalib; nub c 9 ift mcine ebriiibe 11ebee3eugung, bait wi r biefe sribilegien - mur ucrfibiuenben iucita,toir bicfc!bcn einem Seben augebeiben (cif. - (cu ber bieber ?bailiff tinb-ficin llitiprurb ' bait du grokri.beit berjeuigen bie bout tutitanb s ifieber tauten, nidit felten ano bent • fcbteitteften alicit'ber ltitiluobßer icier 2ii ber be fte Vele biefer (titituatibercr wiffen itiibto twit . potitifiben alorrediten, is n b — .tnificti l , batter tuie biejelben 3u WI en. ssii glatibe, bait wit baburcit, D , 15 atir tile!' Dime linonaltme bieje 113orredtte geftatten, eittct groficit Srbabeii fur unfere rci , - Peiten nnb ,3nftitniTon Hint), nub id) glaube ferner,lbaft wcnn bie Scit nod) ha ift, Die Sett bath tom int, wenn eb fire biefen Storper 'ober aka aubern, Starner be 6 Staab Ober her Serfinigten etacitcu nito. tbig feiu with Jinterfutbeit, ob eo nitt an Der '3eit lei biefen titan attOpifiibr ma. ner4iitbert werbeit unfere - len 311 controllireti, nub itafere ,ameritauifiten Burger run Stintuitaften ciniufritiiditern," • Slibge - SooDivarb frilrt fort: „linD tvab fur dim linfprucb Oben her von irgcnb einem 2anbc—fd; von i r . g c b ei nem Vanbe„ber,unO bentegcn toilte it it tare pa. Zorr,erbte Dabturd) 3u nergen b en, Daft Wit leidafertiger Seife nub Wine 'Aug. militia einem Zebeit Der 3wci. ober Drei wolan, ein natural-peter Burger with, nub attibanir unfere beaufprinbt ? R3icle Die. F ° (er emigrauten Offen 91itto von politifiten !Bor. Lrerbteit in i4rent "eigenen saterinnbe die fie (tie. ljer.tonimen: Sic (limb mit her Sett unbertinut, _ ober-wenn fie irgenb was b,avon gebort batten, fa _ Oren fie bayou filo von Lttwao, in lueldieni fie• trine!! tjabcu. aft Dies- nidit Die refine Satirbeit? title atle wiffcti nag eb fo ift; wit milieu Daft pr. - nide bleier efingentatiberten fell* nie politifcbc sorreibte genoffen battcti+-hag lie teine tie,fanittiritaft button babett, ty. am —alleribeitigiten babe!' eittel3etannt• ftbaftinit tinfermSolte. mit unierer 91c. gßicrlutg-unt mit .iinjeriulnfta (ten. I,Nefe, aletatintie)aftlanit ititt iii einem lage.erworbew Oben rein gemcinfrbaftlidles 'BRIO una (.seffibi mit unotic 4alicn ft Oi• - ggung unt fie pi ficeigyeten Ci•Anitilingern biefer ()obeli pojititeben _Zorredite an ni vitt e _ • September lB6l, in einem sricre in weldient cr reitten Stanbininft in,ber eonnention talkie unb bertifeibigte, fagtc ,er : - „Set* frantic firb fiber !kitten illorirbfag be. -fdpueren ? =.1)od) gennfl rein tuolfutber her jet unferem '?Rabe ift, renter bet fetjt mil bent Sege Weber ift, fejner ber uor hem 4. Sulu 1841 inc. bee tommen mill, bean .seine uon biefen fo(ltcn irgenbwie.beeintriiduigt werben—weber in Hirer tufiebtung ober ibren politiftber Zorretten.- 91urb rhino eoldie bie mt) km 4. 3uty 1841 .birber,fiimen ficb nicbt.befdpueren, berm fie batten la beim* 4 ,‘afire nunbe • Nitwit gebabt, b aft fie teiuen tiitbei( an unfern %breed). ten bit ben fallen." So baben wit bout bent Zubge' Soobwarb tut nub linPartelifcb fein Serbaiten gegen :Knit. Icluber in sorftet)enbem uorgefegt. Utr fiber. cairn ibuen nun nod) rubiger Ilebertegund3u cut. fur men fie beLber totninenben Sabi Ilintnien forfeit. `ltuttenbe bon Zeutfrben baben itge Vick, aii unferen 2aubeoauftatten an ben _ lag getegt, ittbent'fie iljr 2eben auf bem — ecfgad)tfelin Sur Tertbeibigung unb &bulimia bet Otemibtit aufgeonfert bnben, nub et ift nidg mebr alO tett bait fie miffen folltem Dab wenn Subge Doobtuarb unfere eourtitution regulirt babeu wurbe, fo wiirbe er *ten bah Etimmred)t nub bao Tabt cm Mut au bebienen, Derboleit ba• s ben, nub bats ft jag bloO „taublanger nub Etaf• fertr4er" in bielcin £anbe fein tannten. _get own WuOtanbe tijun babcr mob( miltber liberlegen, eye fie ibre etinnnen fiir einen . ,Eltanti abgcben ber fie fur unfabig ?Mart bat bail s.3iir• fierrecbt 3n cringe% unb bet %flee aufgeboten bat tun fie c uon alien initbligen bilrgerlicben Red). -, ten unter unfere l r Reaterung anO3ufdfliefien. TrIE Spiritis distressed at the suspen sion of the Writ of Italima corpus, and ile clares that "tbe real object of the ,Procla 'nation is poll 'cal." Pray, how is it to _influence or tiff- 't a single vote? Who will • w be prgirented from voting just for whom he pleases by the suspension of the writ? ,It is natural that: the Spirit should mourn over the suspensiOn of tile - writ of Kokos corpus. It ensures the Prompt.fill ing up of the shattered ranks of *atir brave armiesin - the field, and may:inrti Lee from his favorite purpose, to 'drive Meade into Washington," and thus `.`raise. the spirits of the Democrats, confirm the • timid, and give,eonfidence to the' wavering;" but to loyal men at home, and to the! war-Worn veterans in the ranks, it gives hope and joy, for it ends the occupation of quibbling cow ardly traitors.. REPORT OF THE MARKETS Philadelphia Markets. rHILADELPHIA,Sept. 28, 1863. There is no Cloverseed offering. Timothy ranges from $2 75 to $3 `P bushel. There is a firm feeling in the FlOur market but not much demand either 'for -',export or home consumption. Sales of 200 barrels ex tra ut $5 50 V.barrel.and 2500 barrels, part old and part fresh; Ohio extra family at $0 25. The sales to the retailers, and bakers range from:ss up to j sB 25 for common 'and fancy 'There Is very little Rye Flour tint' Corn Meal here and no sales of either have been reported. ' The receipts of Wheat. continue small.— We reduce our quotations 3 to ,5 cents, bushel. Sales of 400 bushels prime new Red at $1 38®1 40, 2000 bushels do. on Saturday at $1 40, 2000 bushels old Red at $1 35 and 6090 _bushels Kenthely White at $1 65 11 bushel. Rye ranges from 97 cents to $l. Corn comes forward slowly ; sales of 800 bushels yellow at 03 cents atl'70(:0 bushels mixed Western to arrive, at 00. cents.• Oats are in steady detnan d; sales of 3000 bushels at 7201)75 cents. - In Barley and Malt ne, sales have come un der-our notice: PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTEt CHAMBERSBURG, Sept.; 22.1563. , 15 tWA..4OED WOO 2, '5O 12 UNWASHED WOOL 8 CLOVER Stro4 5 00 • 8 TIMOTHY 5EED...... 3'tO to R FLAX SEED 19.5 12 FARED PEACHES ...... I K:1 - UNPARTII PEACHES 150 1 50 DRIED APPLES 1 00 _ . Burns Ecibe LARD TALLOW SOAP 84,c0N BACON' SIDES §otkP Bzears CHAMBERSBURG FLOUR AND GRAIN MARKET.' , CORRECTED AT CHAMBERSBI:IIO MILLS. Floor—White.. Flonr—Ren Wheat—Whito Wheat—Red.... Com ..:_ 0nt0.... POTATO .32 la ZET. Mercer; Pitik-&yes r - STRAINING IS lIIIRTFUL STRAINING IS HURTFUL, STRAINING IS HURTFUL. Cramps, Spasms, wienching, pains attend ing an evacuation from the bowels, from itdose of medi cine. is proof that the medicine thus takeh is Injurious. It i 6 not the quantity of faeces expelled that insures a cure. Pills and purgative medjcines r made - of aloes and other drastic cathartics ate injurious, inasmuch as purga tion from these obnoxinus_drug4 is induced'only front the Irritation tney p4ideco 'lathe mucous membrane. They .have no intluence;on the liver or ohyle.btit are carried to the lower bowels. and by their irritation evoke an evac uation. Dr. Raffs6,y's Pills are the only safe purgative to take. These pills act on the liver and other secretions ; hence in their operation no straining or wrenching pains follow ; the stools, instead of being_ thin and watery, are natural; it is the absence of the diseased humors which these imperfect' pills fail toeliminate from the blood, that causes thin watery discharges; and hence when the pa tient has an evacuation he has to strain without effecting the desired result,- A dose of liadwity's a thorough evacuation; this arcompible4, no fm slier physic is required. Per sale In Chainbersburg. by miller & Ilenshey. ' Prevention of Incrustation in Steam BoiI ers.—WINANS'ANTI4NCRUSTATION i•owDER MOVES AND IREVENTS THE DEPOSIT OP SCALE., AND WITHOUT INJURY TO THE IRON] SLVEN Yzsits Usz., 1 • References In all parts of the country. viz: Albany Gas Co.; Eaton, Gilbert 4 Co., and other's, Troy; Spa. cure, Rochester, Auburn. &c., &c.; Joliti Gibson & Phelps, Charles Ensign,. John Evan A Co.: Jewett & Root, and others, Buffalo: Cleveland, Columbus, Ranee v Me. &c., ac.; Cie). Shield. Miles Green Wood, Mitchell & Raintrielsburg. and 40 others in Cincinnati{ and through. out the West; Indianopolls, Dayton, Terre fl ante, Lo gansport, Chicago. Springfield, St. Louis, St. Paul, &e., -&e., &e. Cost about 40 tot:IC/cents pee week. For elms lar, address P.O. Box No. 6 , Editor of Repository—Dear With our permission I wish to say,to the readers of your paper that I will send by return nail to all nho -wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full directions fo'r making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ,effectually re move, in 10 minutes, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the =To soft clear, moutti and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald heads or Bare .Faces simple directions and infornation that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant flair, Whiskers, or a: Moustache, in less than 30 .days. All ap plications answered, by return mail witho l ut charge. - - Respectfully yours, - . THOS. F• CHAPMAN, . . Chemist. july2TC.3-3m. N 0.5.31. BroadwaY,..New York. George Steck 4- Co'l Pranoa r —CRESSON Ennuis, Aug. 18f3.—Mr. J. E. GOULD, Seventh and tlestnut streets, Pbriladelphia.—Dzau Sts.—Having had frequent opportunities of examining the Pianos made by .Messrs. George Eiteck , & CO, Neu York, diming 'the past few yearn , in the practice of my profession as Tuner, I pronounce them the mist perfect instruments I hare over seen. • In point of touch, equally, and singing tone they may defy comparison with any and all other makes, while In the upper two octave (treble notes) they are incompara bly the finest I have any knowledge of. C. E. SARGENT, Tuner of Plano's, sept 23-3 m ' 107 Chestnut St., Phllada: Ornamental ron Works.—WooD & PEROT, 1138 Rides -Avenue, Phaadelp&fa, Pa., offer for sale upon the moat favorable Terms, NEW and BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS in great variety of IRON RAILING for CEMETERIES, RESIDENCES, &c., of Wrought and cast Iron, and GALVANIZED IRON and BRASS TUB ING ; IRON VENANDABS, BALCONIES, STAIRS, COUNTER'S FOUNTAINS, GATES, COLUMNS, HITCH ING POSTS, LAMP STANDS. VASES, TABLES, FLOW ER STANDS, SOFAS, CHAIRS,:STATUARY, ANIMALS and • all other Iron Works of a Decorativo character Designs forwarded for selection. Persona applyipg for same, will Ocala state tho kind of wolk needed. sept 9,11.1-3 m PtaßoNs visiting the Pennsylvania ttate p.str,gind desiring to purchase reliable Jewelry, Watches or Silver-Ware, we recommend to go to Henry Harper, 520 Arch Street ,Philadelphia.—ltead hisadvertleoment. Pulmonary Consumption a Curable Diseaae. CONSUMPTIVEB.—The undersigned Wiring been restored to health in a lew weeks. ty avert' simple remedy, after having - suffered several years with a severe lung affection. and that dread disease, Con stunption.7lB anxious to mat, known to hie fellow-suf ferers the means of care. To all who desire it, he pill send a copy of the pres et (Talon used (free of charge), with the directions for prepriFing and using th. same, which they will_ find a sure cure for Consnm.Vion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs Colds. /Cc. The only of of the advertiser iti sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted;arol spread in formation which be eoneeivisr to inveduab:p; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as ft will cost them nothing, and.may proven blessing. Parties wishing the_ prescription will please address ' 7 Bev, EDIVA RD A. WILSON, Sept 10-Sm Wifliamsburg. Icings Cu, New York. Card to Me, Sufrering.—The,Rev. William Cosgrove, while laboring us a missiiinary irtJapan, was cured of Consumption •when all other meat itertel fettled by a recline obtained from a learned pivot( den in the great city ofJ.'eldo. This recipe has cured great numbers who were suffering from Consumption, Bronchitis, -tore Throat, Coughs and folds, and the debility and nervous depresslOn caused by these dieorders. Desirous of bouelitting others, I wiil send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need tti free of Charge. Addreert Bev. WM. COSOROVE, The;Caplestdons and Expriente of an In -..raiid,—Pubits heti fbr the benefit, and as a warning, and A-CAUTION TO YOUNO MEN WAG sutTlr from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Mttultocuk 2 . -ete, supplying at tbe mune time 2 .. 4 TUE MEANS OF SELF CURE. By Ame lvttohas cured himself after being pit to a great expense and Injury through medical humbug and q4ckery. Ay enclosing a post-paid addresses' envelope, single . copies may be had of the author. • NATIIANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., may 20,63 13 Bedford,liinge county, N. Y.. A gcuticutan, cured of Nci•eotte Debility, Incompetency, premature Decay and Youthful Errur, iimieted by it desire to benefit others, will be ha, py burnish' to all who need It (free of charge) the recipe and dis ections for making the simple Remedy need hi Mil case. Those wishing to profit by his experience --and possess Valuable Itekuelly—will receive the same, by return Mail, (c irefully sealed,) by 'Warming. On the 17th Inst.. at the home of the bride's mother by the Roe. It. P. Thomas. Mr. Jona Buicat to hIlsR MAnr.Tlorz Ou the :lath inst.. at the M. E. Parsonage. Clambers. bitrg, `iy the Rev. Thos. Bat chart, Mr. Jon:: M. HAYS of Knoxville Illinois, to Miss NANCY Ilecsoruzaar Of tiiii Once. H On the 'Nth inst.. by the Rev. 0.1%'. Albstigh. Mr. DAN. In 11. B. Fatnesies to Miss 11.(R81Z1 , ,M. POP= both of this county: • Si 00 I; 60 1 15 1, 10 On the 17th Inst.. near 'Wnynesix)ro. MART LIZZIE, daughter of Jam - es and Mary Bi utaback, aged 4 years, 7 months and 3 days ; On the 22d inst.. in,Wa3nesborn; As Gnu, daughter of Wm. and Elma Gordon, aged 7 years, 11 months and and 7 days. - On the 15th *.nst.. in Antrim township, Mr. DANIEL D. IkIILLER. aged 62 years and 10 pima is. On the 19th inst., in Greencastle, Mr. &NON E tszn, in the 78th ear ot hls age. On the .oth inst., at the residence of his mother. near Welsh Iton.lle. D. M. HERSH. formerly a member Company Cel26th Beg. Penna. Vols. To his mother ever f.tithful, To his country ever true, tie has gone, though friends and neighbors, Soon must follow after too. On the 30th ult.. in St. Thomas township, MmsrooltuaY Srmaxt:s. aged 1 year, S months and 15 clays. On the 34 inst., in rt. Thomas township, Mrs. MARY Limo, 'aged 39 yeat B. 6 months and 13 onytr. On tlin 14th inst., in St. Thomas township, 3 . 1„r. JOlr2f &UDR* aged 49 years, 1 month and 13 days. Ou the 16th inst.. in Guilford ti..wtiship, Mrs. SOKIIA Doan. consort of Michael Doeh, aged 85 years and 4 months. On the 18th Inst., In St. Tr - minas township, ANNA Muir ' Il'ittogier. aged 3 mouths and 8 days. On the 19th inst., near St: Thomas. very soddenly of hemorageof the lunge, Mrs. FANNY BRINDLE, consort of Brindle, age 112 years, 3 mouths and le days. • On the 21st inst., at hie residence. in Guilfunl town. ship, Hr. SAMUEL W. PRINYZEL3I4.-N, asced 4 . 8 years. 9 months end 3 days. On the 23d inst.. in Fayetteville. Col. DAVID SNIVEL; aged 31 years, 5 months itial3 days. On the 24th inst., in Putiketown. this county, Witi.List ' ALnaar HEEPNER. nged I year and 9 days. , On the 2ith tm L, in Fayetteville, Miss ensawzra Ifoossassinn. aged i 3 years, 4 month. , and 4 days. On the 2ith inst„ in this place, STEPHEN A. IL, son of and Sophia Ludwig, aged 3 years, 8 months •ancl 24 days. In Illimilton township, on ths24th inst., Miss JANE BURNE. aged 4-4 yenri and S days. ladu a, bbertisentento. ITNIQN MEETINGS WILL BE ] lieldat the following times and places : M a RION Monday }limning October f.th FUN IiSTOWN .. .. .. WAYNESIIOII.O Tugoday l, ~ fitli IVELSII NUN si at it (IREHNCASTLN ` We. ~ " 7111 1311.NIENW001, % .. •• 64 al 31 EBOKR,gintu • Tim!'May 1. ' Btl2 STONY POINT ' ~ , . t. ~ LOUDON Friday a 9th NEW FRAN ki LIN SCOTLAND Saturday 1001 CH A BERSHUIidi H. N, WINANS, 11 WALL ST„ NEW Y &Ix [July22,'63-bin QUINCY Niondiy " " 12th Able Speaker. WI I Le ine.ent et each of threw rueeilnp. JOHN STEWART, CI,„:E Uuion Cu Corn. NOTlCE.—Notiee'is hereby given, I that the nndersignyd will not ilny any debts, made any one, unless au thurfr.rd by her r MARGARET GOEMAN, & TT Corner of 2d and Market ats., Chambersburg, Pa., asp!. 30'&3 3t. IMPORTANT. NOTICE.—AII per.: ji.p=cingknowiv g themselves indebted to the late firm If. A . Co.. of the "Dispatch." for Job Adreitisinn. or Pnbscrlption. me notified to meke par tient before the let day a/January, next. After that. date the necoente will be pieced In the 'hands of an offi cer for collectidn, and costs will be whim. P. VICK FREY. sept 30-3 t. At the Couit Howie, Chamberlain-lg. • HENRY HARPER. • 1111 So. l;20 ARCH STREET. PITILADELPITIA, has always a large stock of - WATCHES, fin - Ladies and Gentlemen—in Gold and Silver. • PINE JEWELRY. of the moat fashionable styleg. SOLID SILVER WARE. in great variety, and ROGER'S Superior Plated Spoons, Forks, etc., etc. sept 30.4 m T HE UNDERSIGNED AU I)Ia7OR ' appointed by the Orphans Court of Prankliti Conn.: ty , onnit, to make distribution of the balance" in the hands of James M. Bishop. Administrator of John Mouth&late of Green Township. dec'd, to, and among the parties entitled thereunto, will attend at the ,office of W. Reilly. Egg, for the purposes aids appoinhbent, on Monday, the 19th day of October, next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all persons Interested may attend if they see proper. pep 304 a '5..T. M. CARLISLE. 4ECUTOR'S NOTICE. -.r-Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of John Meta late of Guilford Township, deceased have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said TownshiP• -- All persons knowing themselves- indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. - ABRAHAM METZ, sop 30 Executor. HE PUBLIC ARE INFORMED that we have received our first supply of FALL an WINTER GOODS Which we offer as low as the mar ket will afford. We intend during the continuance of the war excitement along our border to replenish our stock once a month, sell cheap as heretofore and thus offer, inducements ball who want any thing in our line to patronise us unsurpassed by any other house In the State. Our assortment comprises every thing in the Dry (hods line. Milliners take notice that we nresiow pre pared to soli Fall and and. Winter Millinery at Phila delphia prices, [sop' 30-3t] J. Hogg & co. the franktin ftepositont, -- 4111puttbtre g, Pa. dec 5, •1311 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. N JOBS B. OGDEN, aug Ip.3ra' , No. 6(1 Street, New Yuck MARRIED. DIED IM Ads abbertionnento. WATSON ROWE, Attorney at Ly • Law, 0 reencaf qe, Pa . [sap 30 7 '63 A DMINISTRATOR'B NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that Letters of AdMinis t fatten an the g.tate of Jane Borne. late df Hamilton Township. deceased. have been grunted td' the under signed. residli g in the Borough of Waynesboro'. All persens knowing themselves indebted to said Es sfete will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement, either to the undersigned or to Eyeter Bonebruke. W. S. AMBERSON, sep.3d. Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.— Nov,. 1n berehr giren that Letters of Admittstra lion on the Estate of Samuel W. Reintzeiman late of Gafford Township, decea.ad, have been granted to the runlet slgnea. residing in said Township. ' All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate oil} plelse make immediate paYrniarr ; and name, Will prthiPlit them properly authenticated fur settlement. MARTIN LtEINTZELMAN, , sept 30 ' .Adm`r. ADMINISTRATOR'S Notiee ie hereby given that Letters of Adminl4- tration nu the Estate of Michael Miller, hate or Lurgail Township, aeceamett. have been granted to the undersign ed, residing in !Airman Yuww,hip. MI perilous knowing themselves indebted to said }e. tate will please make hamedinte p relent; and those having claims 14111 present them properly authenticated for settlentert. MARY C MILLER, sept all•dt* • Administrittrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tuition on the Estate of Mary .1. Walker.- late of St. Thomas township, dec'd, have been gr tired to the un dersigned. residing in Montgomery township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment; and those having tlaiinstrill present them properly authenticated for settlement. • Rept 30 - ROBERT J. BOYD. Ader. ADMINISTRATORS'NOTICR v ;Vele! , ili lierttlYr given that Letter of Ailmints litottion on the - Estate of Dmilel 'Moan. Into of Orem' township. deAI. Mire been granted to tbo - undernigsed, residing in Green township. .till persons knowing tbemselved Indebted to said Es tate trill Ovum make immediate payment ; and those haring elitlins trill present thew pnipetlynnthenticated for settlement. JOIN MONN. ' sent 3o JEREMIAH moNNJ Ain'ti • _ __.- 1 I ARM FOR SAL E.—The gubseri here offerlorrale a SLATE FARM, situated 1 mile 4„oth east of Upton adi•tining Mods of June Weagly. Rev. 31. Pl mu and °therm, containing 143 ACRES The intProventent's enlisted of a two story pan Ern k mid part Leg and Weatherboarded. Bank Barn. Wagon Shell and all other necesrai y outintildiugw, two Wellston' iev,ml Springs convenient to the buildings, an oR HARD of Apple and 'other fruit Trees, about forty ACRES cotered wits thriving Timber. The land ion go. d quality of Slate. if nut sold at KB t o o r a l • het ire Tneed ty the 20th October, it will on that day be uttered at Publie gale ut 12 o'clock. Terms wilt be made arcootodating Sept V I XEOUTOR'S SALE OF VALII, ABLE BEAL ESTA K—By virtue of the last will and testament of John Bear. dec'd. the undersigned am Executor of odd dec'd, will offer at Public Enta on,Sztur l' day, the 2.411; day of Otfofo-r, 1563, at 11 o'clock. A. M.. on the premises, all the Real Estate of which the said John Bear. died.:seizesi and possessed. lying in Mont eonierY township, Franklin county, Stitt e of Pennsylva nia adjoining the lands of Christian Nicewarlder and others. and on the 'road leading from Hagerstown to Mercersburg, and being the same Real Estate purch as frOm Catharine Ilunit by said John Bear, contahrizq ,b 6 ACRE:Sand 77 PERCILES'Of land more or lees. The improvements are a LOG DWELLING ROUSE. FRA ME BA RN. and ail necessary outbuildings: There is a SPRING of RUNNING WATER on the land, and a ,gixst well near the house. The land is In a good state of ; cultivation and under good fencing. The terms are onedutlf in hand, and the balance in two equal annuattaynnents. from the that day of April next, with interest; the purchaser giving hie notes therefor with approved security,: and -that upon the payment at the whole purchase money a deed will be executed. Possesslcm given on the first daS , of Skil next. The cropagrowiug in the ground are reserved with the privilege of securing the same. sent 304t* T i IST 0 - I! .CAUSES FOR TRIAL I at October Term, 1.863: Commencing Mondry, 2t octotter. 1863. Franklin& Marshal College vs Tae. 0. Carson et al - 'George McGote-11 vs, Wm. Ant:Wrong (of A) Si, 'kV. Pennock & Co. vs Wm..Rabtr. _ SI rah Bowman . ye Joe, Bowman. Wm. 0 utshal - vs dathob Ilarelerode. and - 3f rs. . A. R. Kure. David Wertz Sr ''' H. S. Wets, Garnishe. Daniel Kohler vs eo. A. Deitz. J cob Moyer vs Samuel Neikirk. Simon A. Melia endorser vs Molker Unghes. ' of Samuel Congdon, Mary W. Reges . v 5 j Samuel Reasoner and 1 Benj. Kohn, Garnishee. It. K. McClellan is Samuel Reishsr: A. D. CAUF.AIS, Prothonotary. Proth'y's office, ssp. 30. 'e3. ..• -- " LETTERS r C nt Charnberaburg. 'Huber Win II or Martin LIST OF the Poet OM. Algior Alai* eVr Buldteed Mrs E Brawn William QattunMie , lltery3 Burkholder Bawl Beaver Wm thini- Harper II 8 lloory Samuel Hort Jamei or McCall Ilaun.ltetn Mk!! Men BoganMis4 Lizzie 2 Bowen Jerre J eleon IVashing'n' (`line William Fut an ftlimMillie Fteevtone Joseph G oeh eenjantin 'Denton 1) ileport Abraham Pert; me c til tug ft. th.tt they have beet =OE Jenkins George E Kiesten Jultn Little . lissLitifinnA Lewitt &laird MeAil Wm Bell 31titit,tin II (or the above Lettt, m advitrtimed, J ORPHANS' COURT" SA L V.:IL CABLE 'MILL PROPERTY:L-1n pureu -am.o of an order of the Orpbatts' Cool t of Ctunbet laud count. the subscriber will sell at Public Sale, on the premices, on Zsaturday.October 111 h, 1863 at 1 o'clock, P. Ma the valuable MILL PROPHRTY. eitivito on the Middle Spring. in Southampton township, 1 mile North of ShippenXbUrg, on the road leading to Newburg late the property of Jamee S Colwell, Fog., deed. The M. 11 is three stories in hight. Stone mid Frame, Its two pair of Marrs. Mul one pair of Chopping :tunes, and is in good order for Rome ind merchant work. The water nova r ie about twelve feet, head and tall: he TRACT 010 LAND connected with the Mill is of Liniestone, at good quality, pounded by tandem!' I 'lrries M. White "Joseph Ikanbarger and others, containing ACRES. more or less, and haring nevem erect, d two.- story STJNE 110USR. Tenant' Rowe. Frame Barn, &c. There are on the preinisee a good AppleOtchartanda Weil and Spring of never-Tailing Water. The property is handsomely sitnated in a good grain growing nem ion.convenient to mirket.sclumb...tc., and is instil 4espects RAP-Arable one. Persons desiring t. see the premises are requested to call on John McCleaf residing thereon. or on the subscriber residingShip pensburg hat nship. Terme made known on rof s al e . sent 3,-t1 . PHILIP RtiONTZ. iluardi , th of the minor children of James S. Colwell. Esq., deed Fassgi RAPOSITORT, please 'copy and send Lill to this4 4l4 ' o . — Shippensturp Arms.) pEGISTER'S NOTICE.—AII ga inioreged will pheise take notice that toe fid ortiaccountatits hare settled their accounts in the gegistm office of Franklin county and that the Hanle will be presented t t the Orphans' Court for CUlltirmat fon docaday, October 23th, 1803, et the Court House in Chrunberburg: - 330. The first and final Account of Jaines M. Didion and John 11. Etter, Administrators of John Etter, late of Green township. deed. 3.3 L The second and final Account of P. B. Small, Guardian of Peter Rental. 332. First and final Account of :tan Maxhelmer, Ad- Ministrator of Jacob Brindle, of Marks. -333. The first Account of James L. Black, Executor of John Heideman. late of Guilfbrd. township, died. 331. The Account of Hannah Rennlng.r, Executrix, of Joseph Benninger, late of Peters township, dec'd.. 335. The first Account of Thomas Fager,Guardian of David Miller,minor child of John Miller, late of Fannon township, dec'd, 336. The first Account of Thomas Eager, Guardian of 'Mary Miller, minor child of John Miller, late of Fannon township, deed. 337. The Account of John H. Walker. Executor of the last will and testament of Robert Elliott, dec'd. 338. The Account of Jacob Break, Administrator of Louisa Johnston, dec'd. 339. The Guardianship Account of Samuel George, Guardian of Peter Snider, minor child of Peter Snider, late of Guilford township, dec'd, as stated by the Execu tors of said Guardian. 340. The Account of John Rowe. Executor of the last will and testament of Crnrad Herr, lato of the Borough of Gr.-•oncastle. deed. .141. The drat and final Account of Henry wbak r ; Adminletrator of Solomon Eckert, late of Montgomery Township, dee d. 312. Thedirst and final Accourt of P. M*Oartey; Ad ministratorof Mary Brindle, late of Bt. Thomas, dec'd - 343. The first and firml Account orßenjamin Chambers Administrator with the will annexed of Mary Jack, late of Chaintiersburg, Franklin county, Pa, dec'd. srp 30.4 t, B. C. BOYD, Register ITEADQUARTERS or PROVOST MARSHAL, Sixteenth District, ftitsayirattui, Chauthersburg, Septeinber 116th. 183.—The ,Board . of Ilnrollment of the Slate nth Congressional District of Pennsylvania have granted the following exemptiate far the causes assigned. during their sessions, from t e 7th to the 19th of September, inclusive: FOR PHYSICAL OR 3IERTAL DISABILITY. John H. Bert. i David F. May - Francis Overbaugh I Francis M. Boor George Fluuklutrx Jonathan C Dicker i Charles I mler Juba Sollenberger Frederick Beegle Stephen Wick . . George W. Zit:utters Jacob Maw esker Daniel W. Amos Jacob Carus • William Koone A. B. llottonfield Theodore Thompson Jacob Nogie Johathan Brindle Nelson O r Hiller Stephen 1f right Muni Cutup Jacob Snyder i John Nycum . Win. J. Householder Samuel Belts Washington Stone Jacob Cogan David Rollin , John Rush bdward Hartley James M. Wilsolt Daniel P. btone avid Steel William H. Diehl John Border David Diehl Jameil B. Burns Williani W. Shearer Samuel B. Lehman simnel Ott • Ileiuy chaffer Cleorge W. Shafer Albert Corley Robei t bonnier George Ellenberger John DerimerMichael tiouden John P. Arnold , Josiah 8. Elder Henry Miller - floury Ansel Joseph Williams William Mellnay. . William Overocker Daniel Greer l.ewls B. fliziou George R. Oster 11. Prank Irwin , Samuel Harper John:Fralich - ' Nathaniel Moser James Mufti/Dore Merle& J. Miller Michael C. Miller' Daniel 8. Stayer Sylvester J. Sunset! - James F; Lcigne David Brumbaugh Oliver Fluke • . Janies Dean - - ' William H. Booi i Lewis Anderson James P. Long 1 " John Gephart George Wi Rtnard Geo. W. Anderson James W. Ritchey Ira Poster Thomas J. Hay .. . . .. _ .. _ Robert Mclntire Frederick LEllegas Thomas D. Steeth John Wolff • - Joel T Young William Kinsey . Peter M.McLellan Jacob Sharer Josiah Nycnin Franklin Ringler William M. 'Myers John C. Ritchey &mind A. Flickinger Edward. Young Josiah Kegg Samuel Eicher Adam T. Fetters Joseph W. Hoover William Reynolds Theodore Fockier , Detrliel Snyder John F. Blackburn C.ltitchoy William McCabe Di'M H. Stuckey - William Devore Adam K. Diehl George Carper - William Friend 'Alexander Sell Henry Wertz ' ' BY REASON OF HAYINr J. Harry Typer Franklin McGirr I James ll.Morehead Michael Zimmerli %Villianriireetone John Dibert ; Henry Oatitter David Y-onng Josiah R.lmier Josiah Whetstone Daniel Rollin i Oliver P. bun - I dints Weigle George Shearer David F. Koons John Aliner(of Jacob) Samuel Sellers Valentine Wertz I Juba B. Wank It, Samuel Smith 4, Levi Ilarderm - Suinnuel Hyde - F John Batzel Solomon Bohn -6 ;bristopher Snell Phillip Shoemaker 1 George Clopper I Isaac Rock Edwardlini -- coi Martin Spearman John M. Berkstresser I - .linos Breidenatein William Abb-.= ' William Weitnert • Jacob T. Anderson John W• Hershberger John Yount la3Y REASON OF F 'OLE 131181 - GEO. COOK, WM. RENI NGER _ MARTIN BEAR, Es'r of John Bear. deed Alichnel Spangler Hobert Olmstead William H. Ricise 'illalliam R. Vaughan :Samuel Kerr - g . ' .Adiun Smith Jeremiah Orowden lIT ItrkißON OP ALIENAGE. fiharles Volger 'John Lewis henry Lewis ' . John Thomas %William Watkins Thomas X Davis /Dollard Davis Richard Thomas ?Valliant Warren Henry Guy Jui) McArthur Charles Klump ellarlep 33a10y BY REASON OF BEING IN MAR craw nlng nt . Sept:M. 1863: Mont Miss Clara Parmer Thos P Sellars Uevrge W mulling Sand W Souls 8 D 6 Thornton Mrs Thompson Thomas Thomas Meseatbe Willis Jliss Kate Waggoner Jesse Wenrick Diehard Wolf Nlnrgnret. • Webb Isaac D Young Mies Mattis Young David .114 will plen.sr,s ty W. likA b. P. M. BY REASON OF BRING ONE OF TWO OR MORE . SI)NS OF AGED OR INFIRM PARENTS, I...OBJECT. TO DRAFT, ELECTED- TO BE EXEMPT BY FA: THEE; OR, IF lIE RE DEAD, BY MOTHER. Fitinuol M. Overaker • 'George W. Rose Tredrritt. Zook ixop abbertioemento. e PAID CO3IMETATION. Joseph A. Trimbleson Henry K. Hershberger James H. Markle John A. J. Pearson Wm. M. Cook(of Simon) Joseph Wolff ' , William Spears George Koontz James W. Hughes ; John H. McHaunch, Daniel S. Snider , Levi Whitstone William N. Boor John Miller Wm. W. McElwee • George W. Shearer Rlchatd Hemiping Simon Layton- , Om,rge W. Beeline . _ Samuel Berger • Solomon lied :Mini William J. Smith Michael B. 311 Der • - James E. Ray - Thomas Hodell ' _ David Cypher George Dunlap Philip Berketreseer Jacob Zook Henry Henninger Francis Stoler ' Henry Albright Benjamin Lowery John C. Kauffman bury Matingley ' Anthony Shafer Benjamin L. Devore lIRNISHEDAN ACCEPT/ STIIGIE. William H. Beagle - John M. Zembower James N. Growdes. Phares McFerren • - Marcus C. Metzger Harrison Jones Daniel Evans 14ha Carey i SERVICE ON THE 3d OF !Et, 1863. Major Frank Jordan Jocol, W. Daugherty llomea Hudson 'William Nycpm :William Human - John lloepner John S. Malone AbrahamC. Bower James W.Skillington Solomon Illorgle • Joseph B. Ferrer - BY REASON OF BEING THE FAIRE.. OF MOTHER LESS CHILDREN UNDER TWELVE YEARS OF AGE DEPENDENT UPON HIS LABOR FOR SUPPORT Josiah Koontz Adam Little Jelin Adams_ Stacey Hoon - Samuel Fluck _ Noah Beals John S. Harden ; Benjamin Donalson BY REASON OF BEING THE ONLY SON OF AGED OR - INFIRM PARENT OR PARENTS DEPE'SDENT UPO HIS LABOR FOR SUPPORT. James Findley I.lohn Roler WBliamT, - Haney !William Giffin' Holford BY REASON OF BEING THE ONLY SON LIABLE TO MILITARY DUTY OF A WIDOW DEPENDENT UPON HIS LABOR FOR SUPPORT.. Robert Ellieti . (Jonathan C.Deal Josiah Pepple - I Atuostus-Strupman Joffe:ph Lung . BY RRAtibX OF NON-RESIDENCE. John 'W. Pointe!Daniel Reegle Mudd Valiance !Jeremiah Goodwin George Lemur BY REASON 4:111 . HAVING HAD AN ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTE LN SERVICE ON THE 3d OF MARCU, • lalvinP. Krlso William :Morehead Dant •I Beeglo BY REASON OF NON-LIABILITY ON ACCOUNT OF AGE. Samuel Beighard . William J. Slaybaugh Lewis: A. Devote !John Smith BY REASON OF FATHER AND SONS IN SAME _FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD AND TWO IN MIL ITARY SERVICE ac. Samuel Smith • I William Kellerman ' GEORGE EYSTER, Capt. and Prov. Marshal. J. T. MoILIIENNY, Commissioner. R. S. SEISS, Surgeon. I MB= Cessna John Baker (:,,Wet, TAKEN MR. MIAs: RESSI;ER in my Drug Establishment •as rospectfhlly tender my thanks to the many lriendsand rtatrons of my Drug Establishment for their liberality, and confidence, in allowing me to supply them with medicines. I would stste that Mr. Creseler was ,for several years my assistant; is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy ; has been assistant for several years in first class Prescription stoma in Philadelphia, and is In every way qualified to perferm the duties of a Dispen sing Druggist. For the new firm, I respectfully ask of the public, a continuation of their favor anti confidence. Perm s indebted to inc will please call and settle their bills; those hating claim against me will please preseht them, as I wish to close up the business of the old establishment. _ . . Chamberstarg, Sept 14, '63. - sep,36-2t WILLIAM FIETSER, Jr P.A.RTNERSIIIP.—Notice is here by given that the undersigned have formed a part nership unaer the name and style of fleyser, 4 Cre3sier, and will carry on the business of Druggists at the well known stand of Win. Ileyser, Jr., cor. Main and Queen Ste., where they glad to supply the pubjc with Pure Drugs at the lowest perm Chamliersburg Sept 14,1883, wBl. TIMER, Jr. - sept 30-2 t. CHARLES 11. CITESSLER. AS: B. SMITH 8; CO., ; _ - BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, anufacturers of Blank and Memorandum Books, Photo graph Albums, Manifold Writers:Marble Paper, &c., No. South Seventh Street, above Chestnut. Blank work of every description, for County Micas, Hotels. Counting Houses, and Public Offices done to or. der. Orders left with S. S. 8/11LTOCS, Chambersburg, Pa. proniptly attended to. Sept 30 '63-11 I athetioements. JUST -P,tTBLISIIED - - PENINSULA. CAMPAUIN. THE PENINSULA CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA *sr ° Incidents and Scenes on the Battle Fields and in Rich mond. BY-REV. J. J. MARKS; D. Chaplain of the 413 d Penna. Rtgiment. One vol. 12 mu.llimdrated with =merlins Imgvavingt Price, 51.50. This Werk is given to the public with many, misgiv ings, for it has been prepared by eitmpilres, in the midst of hospital lahors and nil relies on the Rappahannock, hi the mountains of Virginia and under the pressure of ex hausting duties. * o * (The Antlinr. might never have obtruded himself upon the notice of more than few too partial friends had not disease induced by- exposure compelled his leaving the army in the field. and urged to the efforts by many companions in trihntittion, lie could not resist the temptation to gather from his port , : folio the fragmentary mcmoriallof a never-Lobe forgot ten Campaign, Preface. .1. B. LIPPEECCGT Le CO. sep. 30.24 - Publishers 715 & 717 Market St.. Philda. To be hail of S. S. SIIRTOCK, Chambensburg, Pa. HAMBER SBURG SEMINARY tf FOR YOUNG , LADIES.—The fall - session has com menced, but boarders can enter at uny time,and will b.• charged accordingly. There is room for two more boar ders only. Day-scholars, entering the first or second week in October. will 1113 charged for four-ftfths of a „ses sion. Those who commence shartlymay not be ton late for the new studies' of the session. A large attendance, both in the primary and acaderiairal departments. gives evidence of an interest in the school not surpassed in any former period. Mies S. ILCuais, assistant in the higher department: bears -testimonials' of her eminent fitness to instruct in the higher bntitches, from afiendnery in the West, where she tancht for - several years. foe primary department iv chiefly under the care of 11l cc C. B. Money, the erect. TA' whose energy and , eniden.rr appear in the flourish:nu condition of the department. Miss Z. C. De Forest is well known as an able and cape, rienced teacher of music. TiTITION.—Prom 6" to as per session of fire months, Boardlng4 6 o: TEACIIERS FEE:NI:OJ ED.—Schools and families in need of, teachers, can ite.tr •ryoung lathes melt quail dS, chiefly graduates r,f thr o.4titution, by addressing sap 844t.j. ltov lIEr EY REEVES Principal. rpm REPEL RAID ON i4AW WINCE. QUANTREtL REPULSED BY S SAFES. THS GUERILLAS TT EMYT TO BREAK OPEN TUE SAY KS. ME BUFFALO FIRE The following covpspondence explains Itself: 'L.twasscs,,,Hansaa, Sept. 1,0,1 M. Owsvianuxtt : We ...mu the only Lillie Bsfe in town. Qnantrell'e guerillas ti ied to , open it August pit but could nut. Every, her, r'ssfe= was broken open. The rebels tried force but theie - hansmers and bars had no effect on ours. We think we can d;.p- e or several or tbe•_e safes, u the business con - annuity at u now anxious for sccuitity. We would like to obtain the agency for this Will.yon please - let tie know your terms? - Yours truly, 812.11.1 BROS. Urns lamm, Troy N. V. LEWIS LILLIE, Eeq.. Troy, N. Y —Dear Sir: I suppwis you hare seen the accunt in the papers °I the confla gration we Inuit ere yesterday morning about one o'clock. My office wee located In about the centre of one of the burnt buildings. and all we had in the office loom was burnt up. Our 110010. - papers and currency were, In the safe and came out all right The safe was expcsiinl to a terrible beat for about eight hoary. 'The fire talk itrthe lower part of the Inf 'ding in a grocOry store. Yours truly, -- It. 1.. MOE. GEO. W.tPARSONS, 110 Market Sired, Harrisburg, Peni'a Dealer in Agricultural Implemeuta. rteela. 8e , mat agent for LILLIE ES, and - DWI:8 scAldiN; the only .scales in which the knife edges are fully,pro. tected from all wear. nu/dimes Men re uirhic either safer or scales wilt do weitto become acquainted , with tho above kinds ieetre. purchating: i Circulars qeat tree. sept 30.31 Legal goticeo, NOTICE.—In the matter of the Estate of George Palmer, dec'd. All persons he 'rested will take notice,( hat upon application of W.S. Everett and C. S. EysteV, us., to the Judges of the Or plums' Cotirt of Franklin Co., Pa., the said Judges In open Courfinade the following order to wit: That notice:, be given to 01l parties intetosted to appear at next term of Court, on Thesday, Octobet etit,lB63,and snow cam it any they have, why John Harmony one of the Exec utors of the last will and testament of George Palmer, dec'd, should not be discharged from the duties and re sponsibilities cf said executorship. WM. G. MITCHELL, - Clerk of Orphans' Court. alg 264 c A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- ..Li Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of John Smith, late of the Borough of Chambersburg r dec'd, have been granted to-the un &reignedt residing in said Borough. All person). knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate witl please make immediate payment ; and those having claima wilt present them properly nuthentimited Sor settlement. o. CATHARINE SMITH, Dep. 23 * ) • Admex. ixA DMINISTRAT OR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of James M. Bradley, late of Met , cersburg borough, dec'd, have been granted to the under signed, residing in said Borough. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es _tate will please makeE immediate payment; and those baring claims will present them properly authenticated for Settlement. sept 23. PLARiS3A. BRADLEY, Adm'rx. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration 'en the Estate of Michael Ruth, late of Green township dec'd, have'been granted to the undersigned., residing In said township. All persons Indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediat payment, and those having claims of demands against the- Estateoi said decedent, wilt make them known, without delay, to wept 16 - DAVID SHOVER, Adm'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that tetters Testau.entary to the &state of John Dorrance, late of hiercersburg, dec'd. have Non granted to the undersigned, residing in odd Borough. All persons knoWing themselves indebted to said No tate, are requested to make immediate - payments and those having claims or demands ar.ainat the Estate of decedent, will make known the same without delay, to Sept 10 MARGARET CHAMBERS, Executrix. XECITTOI,'S NOTlCE.—Notice E LI is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the state of Sarah Bobs, late of Mercersburg Borough. deed, have been granted to the undersigned, residing ist said Borough. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate, are hereby requested to-make immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the Reda,* of said decedent, will make known tho same without de lay, to jsept 1,8.] JAMS. 0. C ARM, Bei. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that letters of Adman's• zration on the Estate of Samuel Gilmore, late of Letter kenny township, dec'd, have been granted to the subecti bar, residing in Strasburg Ail persons knowing themselves indebted to the sail Estate will please make immediate payment ; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. ring 26 JOHN. GILMORE, Adm'r. FXECTTOR'S NOTlCE.—.Notiee is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to dm kletate of Melinda Stayer. late of Letterk.enny township, deceased, have been granted to, the underVgned, reg. ding in Lurgan Township. All persomr,knowing themselves indebted to said MI/s -tate will please make immediate payment: and those having claims will present them properly authenticate* for settlement. CHRISTIAN MOHR, Sept. 9'68 ' Executor. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE._ Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of James Kirkpatrick, late of Faa nAt township, - dee'd, base beeri granted to the under signed, residing In said township. • All persons knowing themselves indebted to Ba s ta Estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settle ment. WiLLIAN HERRON, - y Adm'ra. Sept Mt* W3l. G. triliKPA'f RICK, ADMINISTRATOR'S Notke is hereby given that Letters of Adminkr t ratlo/1 on the Estate of Isabella Thompson, late of Gram township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigne4 residing In sald'towaship.. . All persona tiVil to the said Estate,'are hereby re quested to make nardiate payMent, and these having claims or demands against the testate of said decedent, will make - known the same without ee'ay, to and-f! TriONMON, .Atlm"r, 5 -. Bvpruo, Sept. 18th, 1863