The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, September 30, 1863, Image 1

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trtaititlin MiOoitoig.
- Tits pallet - LTS :7 AT WATNESHORo.-71 1
. -
Camp near Waynesboro. Sept. 24, lgEla.
' • Editors:o'4e Franklin liepositorw• - Seeing gyr9 ar
ticle in your paper to which I deem it my dut7 to:
,reply. t hone you will give me space , in your pal
_gtmns to make an explanation. On the evening of
• Septensber.list, I returned to this place bite in !the
ftening from GreeWeidle. where I had been all 'day
' 4tl,dats•. On - my arrival; Id:ound in progress alp°. '
laical meeting, and havingat present no voicelpe-
Ilticaiii—n o t having the right of suffrage—l deeined
" It prudentnot to attend. After having my horse
ritrett for, 1, - accompanied by a gentleman of 'the
town. walked to the further end of town, where we
remained some tune, and returned to the hotel. I
aapposed at that time the mooting was alinost aver.
I stepped into the parlor of the hotel and fonnd
;vim an agreeable company of ladies and gentle
- _mien, with whom I, was enjoying myself, until a gen
tleman came-in and told tau there was a difficulty
hetwe'en some of my men and the citizens, wbteh
was the first intimation I had of any Soldiers h4ng
Zln the town. I I-mmediately started to the dear to
-enforce my authority as an" officer with the soldiers.
My reception when.arriving at the door was 7 -'lHe
Is a traitor." and was struck by two or three persons,
At - the late time I ordered every soldier to leave
the town, and then asked for the person or perions
who knack me. No one appearing willing to-Sa.v
-Oho it, was. I then found every thing quiet, when
1 ritOunted•my horse and rode out of tarn. - NOw.
those are facts that lam prepared to prove at any
snoment; and I feel 'elpfident that you, as gentle, will make the necessary correction.. It may
be necessary to say, as I Itae since learned, the
:dhaers for lirClellan were given at the suggestioti of
sumo Indies who were in conversation with the sot
diets at thetitne. I do not think their intention
was to interrupter annoy any one—it was dine
:hastily anewithout thought. "
As for the term of Copperhead applied to mi. I
'oare'not, as my attachment to the army for sabre
thaniyo years will give the lie to that. 1
I merely ask to explain,: as my - character as lan
officer and a soldier has been brought before the
public, and there is nothing a true soldier prizes; so
high as his character its &soldier and a gentleman.
Hoping you will give this a placoin your columns,
lam gentlemen. Very respectfully,
' Your obedient servant, 1
e ' B. M,
Major Ist Battalion fr2d cavalry-1.
, Cavalry. I
We give Maj. Morrow the benefit of Ads
statement in our'columns. and if we.bad lie-,
toe doubted his ,complicity in the distiir l b
- • f
.ances at the Waynesboro' ineeting, his own
awkward: evasions must settle his guilt, eitli l
or by direct eff6rt or by: tolerating disorleA
on the part of his command. ~ ,
! . On one pokrat we are constrained to del:,
The correctness of Maj. Morrow's statement.
lie did not behave in the qUiet, orderly man
ner he represents. He was intoxicated, 'as
a. Multitude of most reputable witnesses 1124(e
-testified over their own signatures, 'and in-!
'ulged in the 'mist profane and ungentle
manly language to
_and of the Union ITliin
participating in the meeting ; and members _
of his command, who were intoxicated, ,opdn
-17 declared that • the Major was on a spree
and they would do. as they pleased. If he'
had been sober. and meant to do his duty. a
would not onlyihave ordered the men of his
thin-Jar:lnd out of town, ni he alleges he die i 1
but bis selfresp?ct its an officer, if not !Ils
regard for tte pence of the town, would have
'made him enforce the order. He either did;
not give such an "order ; or he permitted las
atIIOLORIId to defy it insolently, for they dig t,
~,not leave town: On the contrary, they rea.7
mained until the Union meeting was broken
, ttp, sill the time creating disorder by yelling
You, "Jolly," "Woodward" and “MeClellail," 1
'raid committed numerous outrageous acts of
-vtiolence upon citizens. The President! of
!the Union meeting was cut in the neck with
I.sknife, and narrowly escaped a mortal wound,
and others were treated with like brutalifr.
.kntr. when the 'Union meeting closed, the
aoldiers called for Jolly and huzzaed 'For
' Woofiiirard and McClellan; and finally did of Maj, Morrow's command to make
!"-, !,-,
a regular copperhead speech. Where Was
theisensitive Maj. Morrow, who `as he saws,
"prizes nothing so high as his character,'''
. when all these disgrac(:!ful scenes were trans
piring? Thies he falsify about e
d his havinarOr-
tiere men out of town, or was h
• _,..
drank, too copperheadisli or too cowardly to
enforce it ?• °a l e or'the other he must pird
' guilty to, and either stamps him .as utterly
-.unfitted' to have a command Of, any kind.—
Tlifi - kopzier he t ys
,dismissed the- service !the
sooner will the honor and dignity of the pro
fession be vindiettted. ' -'.
-• 1
31ti.j. Morrow -has a right to be a Den i merki?
and a Woodw,ii.d or:a McClellan' man; A
anything else he pleases ; and he has a right
to attend Union or Democratic meotiingt
when such attendance does not conflict with
his military duties; hut we insist that he hil.
no right tmetdronk and let his Men loose
and get drunlewith hini, solely for the pur- -
pose of interfering with a political nieeting
of any kind. , That he 'should be a viol.ent
copperhead when drunk, is - raostnaturali for
- a drunken officer is the most brutal and! de
' 'graded of all men, and if there be a -latent
- spark of the traitor in him, it Will crop', out
sT--/co surely as the sparks fly upward. IWe
kindly advise the Major to leave,the service
~ at the - earliest possible period. He can. re
- sign - by stating the truth—that his “charac
te-rati a soldier and a gentleman" is implgired
by occasional intoxication and fits of 144ti1,
, ,
• ity to - Union' men, and - he will doubtless be
taken at his word. Once free, he could re,
deem something of his manhood - by going
''openly into the rebel ranks, or he may ,play
the part of a cowardly copperhead at *me,
ill' the latter seems to be "constitution`' ac
. cording ,to modern Deinocratic constru tion.
One thing, however, he cannotand shall not
„ttu--14,1,-,, ~, ....':• - i-71int' Union - meetings4 and
- - thi sootier he learns this iet•se-- ..... : - , ,, tiir !
A Woltz) To Worts .—The, loyal women
in every community have exerted a vast in
fluence-in 'sustaining the war. and the govern
ment. them remember that in' no way
can they better uphold their country at this
hour than by influencing votesfor Curtin and
cvain s e; Woodward. They can influence
fathers, husbands and sons.." To the young
women we would say; that if after trying all
their persuasive eloquence on their 'suitors
they prove to be . incorrigihle Copperheads,
'give them the mitten at once.: Don't waste
'a smite on a fellow who refuses either by
bullet or ballot to help : put dOwn the rebellion.
Make these bucks face - the Union music
square, or go under I The sick and wounded
soldiers everywhere bless'our
,noble women
.They will bestow upon.thein additional bles
sings if they aid:-in eleaing the soldiers'
truest friend, - Andrew G. Curtin: •
FATAL ACCIDENT.—A* tinder Clugston,'
Jr., a man of abOut 40
, oars of ago, who
in the empldy onfr. Jacob: Frey, of
Quincy township, was so shockingly man
gled by a threshing machine, on the morning
of the 21st inst., that he died shortly after
He was driving the horseS, and while get-
ting off the platforni he made a mis-step; and
became entangled in the counter and strap
wheels, which were uncovered, crushing one
of his legs'itp to the body, and receiving
-other injuries, which terminated his existence
in a few hours.
Though a- mute, his generous qualities of
hcart-won for him a laro:carcle of friends,
who mourn his 'sudden departure, and his
remains were boine: to the cemetery att
Brown's *ill, - a large concourse
of friends.
day afternoon, Mni, Simmers, who resides
on Catharine street, had Occasion to leave
hei yard, where she had al the burning, on
an errand to a neighbor„.l leaving a child
about live years old therelkintil her return.
Mr. Byprs, - a neighbor, ;Alarmed by the
child's screams, proceeded -'to the yard and
found -it enveloped in a ; sheet of thane:
With much diffichlty he 'slice:ceded in extin
guishing it, burning himself
_seVerely in his
humane efforts. The littler; sufferer lingered
until Sunday morning, expitriencing intoler
able agony, when death came to its relief.
It is not known how the .f4e was Communi the child's elothes.
POSTAL.--A,ccording to the new postage
law, which went into operation on the Ist
of July last, postage on all!rnail mutter, and
box rents, are required to be paid quarterly
in advance. The quarters Commence on the
Ist day.of January; April, ijuly, and Octo 7
ber., Post Master Deal gives notice'that on
and after the Ist of October; die provisions
of the following- section of the law will be
strictly enforced:
SRC. 3.- A-nd it further enricted, That no mail
matter shall be delivered by th'e Post Master until
the postage due thereon shall Dave been paid :, and
no box, at nay Post Office, assigned to the
use nf any person until the rerit °therefor has been
%id for at least ohe lquarterifor which the Post
caster will give 'a roccipi, and •eep a record" there
fi,in his office, which record Audi be delivered to
BURGLART.--Ori Saturchiy night last, says
the Shippensburg News,
.K.Okr's Drug Store
was entered by some persos. and a money
drawer with all its contents taken. Fortu
nately the drawer containl hut - a small sum
of money. '
On the same night the cedar of the "Triti+-
eler's Rest" Hotel was entgred,,and a keg of
whisky taken therefrom.. The supposition is
that the same persons were the perpetrators
of these several acts, and that they were in
search of "something to d6"nk," which they
finally obtained in the celhir referred to'-
dies of Carlisle have•raisedi a handsome sum
of money for the purpos of presenting a
suitable testimonial to Gcn. Smith, for his
gallantry in defending thati place against the
rebel attack on the Ist a- July last. The
gifts are a beautifully chased solid silc<r
pitcher, with-an appropriate inscription, and
an exquisitely painted photOgraph of himself.
Kim.p.—Capt. A. J. Stevens, nephew of
Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, was killed iu the ,
battle of Chickamauga He-Comman
ded the Battery company'raised in this vi
cinity by the late Lieut.-Co. Housum, which
was originally attached to the 77th Pennsyl
vania Volunteers. He Was_ a brave and
faithful officer. Peace to 1p s ashes !
WE call the attention of Farmers to the
advertisement of - Agricu*ral Implements
&c. in to-day's paper. The 'facility afforded
for receiving articles-in thislline by the Cum
berland Valley Rail Road'gives air. Parspns
an advantage over 'there- distant (killers.--
His stock is as large and v i atlied as any estab
lishment in the eastern cities.
RETURNED.-JOllll FOrtl4y; the man who
shot .Lieut. , Ford, of the IProvost Guard,
near AlcConnellsburg, last January, and who
was taken out of jail and: carried off by the
rebels during their first raid, in June last,
returned on the 21st inst.', and surrendered
himself to await his tripl at the October'
term of Court. . -
ACCIDENT.-=Patrick Coye, of this place,
~..1(i .
had, his left leg badly Fractured by b ing
knocked down and run loVer by a 3 rket
street Passenger Railway ,ear, at- wenty
second and Market streets, Philadelphia, on
Saturday, the 19th inst. . He was admitted
into the Pennsylvania Hospital. ,-'
A Glance at the Lenders of the Contest
of ISBO and of the Contest of 1843
Political Changes in favor of the rm.
ion-Cnnse—Prominent Democrats in
- every part of the State supporting
f,urrespoutlence of The Repository.,
PriiLADE,LPHIA, September 28, 189
The shifting scenes in the political world
are worthy of note in this vital struggle 'for
loyat supremacy in . Pennsylvania. In 1860
I bole some humble part in the canvass that
brought ANDREW 'G. CURTIS into the Gu
bernatorial Chair of .this- State, and. ABRA.
n InicoLlt into the Presidency. It was
my let to sand at the political helm and by
:sleepless vigilance guard against the strategy
and assaults of the foe.. When I now look
out Upon the present, so fraught with mo
mentous issues to the loyal cause, and then
turn back to the struggle of three years ago:
recall the giants who then confronted us in
the names of Democracy, and ginned at their
respective positions in the present-contest, it
would seem that Democracy had faded from
history,while some deformed, untimely birth
had stolen its garments and - Claimed its in
heritance. Then Cass thundered from the
Premiership that Democrhey was the cause
of the people and of the country." NoW,
with thowisdom of patriarchal ,years to
pen his judgment and - give 'Astro-to his ar
dor Lor his country, he appeals to his old as
sociates to save the government by the defeat
of the so-called Dembentey. ;Dickinson and
Dix, Cochrane and Sickles; and others of
eminent fame, made the Empire State resound
with, their eloquence in behalf of Democra- ;
- cy. Now they speak with earnestness here.'
tofore unknown, declaring that the life of.'
the Republic dependkupon the defeat of the
Democracy. -Stanton' was the wheel-horse'
of the Douglas Democracy in Western Penn. , '
sylVenia and Ohio, and resisted the election!
of - 14ineoln and Curtin with all his charac
teristic energy and ability. Now he declares
that Slavery must, die if our Nationality
would be - saved. , Halleck was one of the
ablest of Breckenridge's defenders on the'
far-off Pacific's slopes; Meade, in that great'
'conflict, Cast his vote andpower against ile4
Republican. candidates ; Grant, Roseerans,
Meagher, MeClernand,Legan.Barnside,Ros
seau; Butler, and many others, who have
won', distinction at the head of important
commands, all supported one or the other of
the Democratic candidates for the Pregdeney
in *O, and all now turn, imploringly to the"
people to sustain the government-and their
war-worn veterans in the field, by voting the
'Union ticket.- Nor is this change confined
to starred of who have met our coun
try' foe's in dyadly battle., Scarcely a divis
ion, brigade, regimental or line officer, or a
private in the ranks, whatever may have
been their political affinities when they en
tered service, who do not now appeal to their
friends at home' to give heart and hope and
strength to the shattered ranks of our brave
soldiers, by answering back to their crimson
ed victories in the field with Union victories
at the polls at home. I could name scores of,
offit4rs from Pennsylvania, 'Who went out.
Democrats, who now prefer to sacrifice the :
Democratic party to the sacrifice of the Re-•
public; _ for, the preservation of which they
have perilled their lives.
. Around nie. here in Philadelphia and
Pennsylvania, I find strange mimes in the
proceedings of Union meetings. Hon. N.
B. Breivne was Buchanan's Post Master
here in 186(4_ and contributed--as much of ,
means, ability and character to the Demo
cratic cause as any other man in the - State.
He now labors day and night to secure the
re-election of Gov. Curtin. With hirii I'
just now recall the - names of the eloquent
Dougherty, Judge Knox, then Democratic;
Attorney General ; of David Paul Brown,;
one of the ablest stompers in the State; of
Townsend Yardley,' then Democratic mem- ,
her of the Legislature; of J. C. Owen, then
a Democratic leader, now cOmmanding. a
brigade ,in the Army of- the Potomac; of
Grund, .then the ablest of Democratic Wri
tersipce editor of the Age; of Benjamin
H. Brewster, the leading Democratic lawyer;
of Dr. Gehrard, and scores :of
. others I do.
not inow remember, all of whore deserted the
Derhocratic party because' they regard it- as
faithless to the cause of the government in
thiS trying crisis; ,It is to these Men, and to
the thousands who 'arc rallying with them]
that we shall be indebted for the overwhelm r
ind Union triumph in Philadelphia on- the
second Tuesday of October.
Elsewhere in the State the same evidences
are apparent to a greater or less degree, of
the: disintegration of the old Democratic
party. In the North such men as General
Lilly, Hon: M. M,, Dimmick, Hon. Jere.
Shindel, Judge Cool, and others, who have
been consistent and earnest Dethocrats, have
taken a bold stand in the support of:Curtin.
These men do so in the face.of the dominant
party—they sacrifice all hopes of political
preferment. thereby; but they regard - the
preservation of the government as their high=
est and most sacred duty, and they feel that
they cannot preserve it by a Democratic tri
umph. In the interior and Southern coun
ties I notice the names of such men .as Jas.
L. Reynolds, brother of the late lamented
General; Henry S.-Magraw, for three years
Democratic State Treasurer, Major _Kepner,
John H. Brandt, Thomas C. McDowell, for
merly one of the editors of the Patriot and
Union ; Foster and Blair, of Centre; the last
named the Democratic candidate for Senator
butt two years ago ; John Scott of Hunting.
don,; Rowe andlfill of Franklin, and hund-
red: of others—all of whom in 1860 were
leading 'and,earnest opponents of Governor
Curtin, and who now support him solely-be
cause they feel that his election will cheer
theloyal hearts of this continent, while his
defeat will give new life and new power to
the waning cause of treason.:
In the west the venerable Judge Wilkins;
brother-in-law of Hon. Geo. M. Dallas—who
has been legislator,.t. S. Senator, .Cabinet
officer, ioreiiti Minister, and again State
Senator, holding all these positions as a
Democrat—Will cast perhaps his last vote
•for Aitdrew G. Curtin, 'and' his first vote
against the Democratic party. He has been
spared beyond the period allotted to mortals-,
has justly Shared largely of the honors of
his country ; and, now,
, although his eye
is dimmed , his step .feeble and his head
whitened with the- frosts- of nearly four
score winters, his intellect is unclouded
and his heart beathtrue to -the Repub
lic that' his grown up with him- 'to be
'the proudest, the noblest Nation of the
. Nor is he alone in • his patriotic
work. Such mon as Col: Roberts; Mr.
Wood,' Dr. Gross, Judge Cunningham,
Judge Shannon, John Findlay, and hosts of
others, who three years ago were the leaders
of the Democracy in the West; who shared
most hogery of.its honors, and were Most
potential in-its councils, are all now arrayed
against the Democratic party; Ttnd with- one
voice they declare it faithless to the country.
I do not pretend to give one-tenth the names
I have noticed in this canvass which in 1860
were to be found only in ‘ thc.. organizations
against Gov. Curtin, for in every district jn
the State there are more or less of patriotic
'Democrats who bave,resolved that they can
not support the Democratic party without
peril to the Republic. On the other hand; I
have yet to notice the first,prominent name
as a supporter of Judge Woodward, that was
on the list a the friends of Gov. Curtin in
1860.. • • -
—Will the loyal masses of the Democrat
ic party not hoed this concurrent testimony
from their old and tried leaders ? These
men are not candidates for office—they do
not as a class seek political honors—they
hope for nothing in thus separating from old
party associations, but the common good df
common country ; and they .of all men are
entitled to respect and confidence. I doubt
not that thousands of men unknown in the
noisy whiriKof politics, will quietly deposit
their ballots i with their old and patriotic
leaders, in behalf of the governinent, and
against the Democratic . - party. Enough, I
cannot doubt, will. do so to make Pennsyl
vania sp&lrumpet-tongued to the world
that t
hatlitbli - c must liveLtlist Treason
must die! A. s. af.
A Day's Shopping on Broadway—"Le
Matson de Violet .—A Lesson in French
Pronunciation—Ste w ar.t's-4 Ship
wrecked Correspondent,Acc..
Correspondence of The Franklin Ilepreitory.
NEW Yorm, September 28, 1868
MR. EDITOR :—The present letter is cal
culated to teach a great moral lesson, and is
intended particularly for the. ladies. May
they read, reflect, repent and reform. _I pro
pose to give a careful history of
, one whole
day's shopping—real woman's shopping—on
Broadway. Permit me to ;pluck a quill from
a Canary's wing, wherewith to write the
It was - nine o'clock, A.M,, land a beautiful,
bright morning, when accompanied by a la
dy friend, I started out to attend to a few
little commissions for some friends in the
country. We first went to the " Maison_ dE
violet," to get some of Jouvin's gloves—
(mind you must call it "Maysong duh veeo
lily," and Jouvinyou must call "Jewvang.")
After_ submitting to a number of questions,
such as, "Is ze feengares long ou short'?"
"Do you wish zis colare, vich is so bootifool
, nevare vas?" "Does ze laydie veer her
clOves to peench?" etc., etch we made our
selections, and walked a little further down
to Stewart's. But first let me tell you some
thing itbout STEWART'S, even though it_ has
never struck the enterprising 'gentlemen to
increase his business by _advertising in our
paper. Mr. Stewart has a wholesale estab
lishinent further down Brociadway, occupying
the entires space between Chambers and
Beade sts., his retail house bein g at the cor
of .Broadway and Tenth st., close by
Grace Church, Which points out the rose-col
ored path to Heaven. The building is a
huge pile of marble, dear knows hiw many
stories high—a temple dedicated entirely to
dry goOds. The building is so high, or the .
ladies are so leaded down with dress, that
there is an arrangement by which the citsto.
mers are taken up and down a hatchway,_
like packages. Theoms are full of clerks,
With All sorts of beards and moustaches and
bald heads; with real, solid, heavy old fel
lows, that look like Englishmen, who seem
to haih nothing to do but-watch the clerks
and each other, bow to the ladies, and 14,
"this way, madame—gloves,•miss? turn to
the right, then to the left—stockings, sir?
third room to the "left—shawli, ladies? second
floor, up stairs—carpets? down stairs, if you
please. You will hear the clerks rapping
with their lead pencils on the various coun
ters, crying "cash, cash, CASH!" 'correspond
ing to an Indian's war-whoop, or the Caliph
battle cry, indicating the death of
another enemy., "Cash" you wily find to
I mean a-small pert boy, half a fathom long;
Who carries the cash received to the cashier,'
and brings back the' change to, the clerk, who
-- ,
I then hands it to the puschaser. Each floor
is one entire room, but the first main floor is
so arranged that there is a variety of aisles
for different classes of goods: Well, we went
into Stewart's, and asked to see this, that,
and the Other thing,- not taking what we
didn't ' , mak butquietly 'having our own way,
notwithsMnding the skillful clerks tried their
best to get off their old goods. Having real
ly a curioSity to see someof those extrava
gancies that I had often heard of, I got them
to show me some Cashmere shawls,: varying
in price from $5OO to $2,000, some linen col
lars for tWo,- three, four and five hundred
dollars, and various other little articles that
would make a woman worth something to her
husband. j Some of the clerks almost over
powered Me with their dignity. One had a
Way of saying "y-e-e-e-s" that made me fair
ly shrink within myself, and another had his
hair arranged in a mode that aroused my en
vy and admiration to such -a degree that I
have not yet recovered from the effects. Go
where I Will,- do what I may, that head of
hair haunts me. The only thing I ever saw
that could approiimate ii was a` wax figure
in a hair-dresser's show-window. It was mi
raculous. I In time, however, I Believe amen
could get over it,—a Woman never.. Having
made our purchases, we retired as - gracefully
as, possible, with only two accidents * viz: the
knocking Ithe breath' out of one -lady with
My elbo*,and:half tearing the skirt from
another by tramping on it with one of my
feet, onlyi too thankful that I had ~not put
both my feet upon it, in which case partial
nudity would Surely have been the result to
the lady, kind the-police court to me.
We thefi went to ITbsdell, Pierson & Lake's,
where fluty have on their windows "id ron
parte Fr4no„ais"—here we talk French,—
and bought some goods. Thence to Arnold,
Constablel& Co's, then to Le Iloutellier Bro's e
and after ;that I became hopelessly mixed
up. Like a sailor fallen from the yard arm
into the ste l rmy sea, breasting the waves gal
lantly, his head appearing occasionally upon
.: t
the top of foaming wave, I struggledlagainst
hope, an was finally flung panting and
breathless upon the rocky shore of my hotel
as the sun was going down in the disturbed
west. Ribbons and velvets, gloves and gai
,silk - J and merinos, shawls and cloaks,
corsets and hoop skirts, handkerchiefs and
veils, collars and cuffs, flowers and feathers,
bows and belts so inextricably interwoven
in my bran, that nothing but "a lodge in
some vas wilderness" can ever restore my
peace and 'quiet. I have wondered since
-what nse II was, for the most hopeless inan-•
ity charafterized my mjlirements during' the
littler hay . of the day, and were it not for the
deficiency in_mypurse and the huge pile of
"things" 1 I would fain believe that - I had
been the Victim of a dire attack of delirium
tremens. The pleasantest memory of the
day's toil and moil and turmoil (as a darkey
preacher would say) is the undefined " reflec
tion that,iimstled as I was in the dense crowd
.of lady inlyers, Itdamag,ed more dry goods,
I than II) rchased. K..
Gem ott still walks erect and enjoys good
health. in, is writing without -the aid of
spectacle 4 a history-of his campaigns.
Seven eserters substitutes wereshilt in the
Army of! the Potomac last week. Prompt
punishmOt awaits this class of deserters,
without any hope of pardon.
The expedition sent - from Natchez toAlex
andria, under Gen. Crider, succeeded in de
stroying all the works - at the last named place,
and captUred several cannon.
A list Of all officer's who are deserters from
the ;armY will soon be published, with their
dismissal; from the service. The list is for
midable and disgraceful. ' ,
Brig. Pen. Fitz Henry Warren has been
ordered Ito report - to Major-General Banks,
and will leave for New Orleans after a
ten 'days Pave just granted him has expired.
- The stamer Marcella was recently captur
ed ,by guerillas, on the Mississippi river.—
Three militia men going home on a furlough,
and wholwere taken with tholloat, were mur
dered in old blood.
Late ante. Fe papers represent that Col.
Carson Wasitsking good progress in the Na
vajo country. itqa4d encountered and rout
ed several bands of Indians, and captured a,
large lot of horses and sheep;
All ocers and enli - sted men now on par
ole, who are Oise - a from the camps to . which
they belong, whether with or without author
ity; must immediately report at said camps.
DiSregttril, of this notice will be treated as
. 1: .
desertio '. .. •
A sold er correspondent writes from the
Ariny o . the Potomac conterning the bill of
fare enjoyed by himself and comrades. He
saYs the vegetables are gathered after dark,
as they e considered more wholesome when
thus coll cted.
, - .
It has peen ascertained that Jeff Davis call
ed together the half-million negroeato work
upon thlast ditch._ Humphrey Marshall
has announced his intention . of perishing in
it, which is probably the cause of its immedi
ate enlalement. -
The cotes of coloredtroops Organized tin
der the anspieesiof Gen. Banks is-rapidly fill
ing up. Fifteen thousand colored soldiers
have already been mustered into service, and
recruits Ire . still coming in very rapidly._
The maximum. strength of the corps is twenty
five thcpsand. , '.
VOL. 'M.-WHOLE NO. 3,624-.
Rear-Admiral Porter writes to the Navy
DepartmeAt that there has been but one at
tempt to obstruct transportation on the
sissippi, resulting in the repulse of the Rebell,. S.
His gunbccats pick up deserters•from the Reb- •
els army of Gen. Price every day.
A survey ofAdtuiral Yarragut's fleg4hip
Hartford, now; , at:tlie Brooklyn navy yard
has resulted iifllae discovery of two hundred
and nine shot marks upon her hull, bulwarks.
and spans - . Her'iower masts nave been con
demned, being badly injured by shot.
Rebel dispatches state that national forces
are landihg at Rolind Island, makingit a bar*
of supplies for their- advance on Mobile.
Round Island is off the coast, opposite. the
town of Pascagoula, which is distant about
forty miles by land fromXohile.
It is now stated that the leading Foreign
Ministers here have long known that the
British Government btO determined' to,ppre
vent the Angola-Rebel Rams' from sailing, as
Mr. Adams is n oi authoritatively assured
they will do.
Advicei from' Martinsburg state that lg
week Gen. Kelly, expecting a raid up the
valley, kept his troops under arms to repel
invasion. .:Capt. Bailey of the Ist N. Y.
Cavalry, went.Sn a reconnoistinee as far as
Strasburg 91? Saturday last, and returned
with thirtAtele prison'ers,- 19 - horses, and 1
wagon. -- s •
The Protideice Jourtial, in reference ti
t the "regular, persistent, •plucky, and ther
:oughlv scientific way in which Gen. Gilmore
is making his Wre - approaches upon Charlie
ton," and the probable obstacles he has ietiso
encounter, says: "What. we want is the
- harbor arid the site of that city ; it will Snit
us equally -well with or wit houtthebuildings
upon it."
Lieut. Col. Hays, with three ,hundred
men of the 10th Ohio, were attacked nett
Tilford, ninety-three *miles up-the Railroad,.„
by eighteen hundred , rebels under Dickson.
After fighting gallantly- for two hours, oUr
forces, losing heavily in killed and wounded.
were finally compelled to surrender to OV4r
powering numbers.
Tax soldiers of the Army of the Potounte
have perpetrated the following :
Floyd has died, and few lave sobbed,
Since, h.d he lived, all had been robbed;
Ho'e ;Laid Dame Nature's debt, 'tie said,
The only one he ever paid,
Some doubt that he resigned hie breath,
But vow• lie has cheated everr death.
If he le buried, 0, ye dead, beware, ,
Look to your awaddlings, of your almonds take cars, '
Lest Floyd Should to your coffins make hie way -
And steal the linen from your mouldering tlay, ,
of )
Despatches from Gen. Eftrnside contahs
very encouraging views. He fadS,plenty,- .(_
forage-a n d food in the country which howl,
occupies, cattle- alone , excepted, and says he
will be able to raiseand have organized frcira
live to ten thousand, loyal Tennesseenn re
cruits within the nexttwo months. The ref
ugees from Rebel. cruelty—men who have'
bitter wrongs to avenge against the Rebel
authorities and guerrilla. chiefs—are Crowd
ing into his lines so numerously that all offi
cers of his staff and army who can possibly be
spared frotri other duties are fully employed
in the 'work of drilling, organizing - and
equipping these new and fiery volunteers: .
A correspondent has sent us the-subjoined
account of the doings of Uncle Samuel with,
in the last two and a half years, and we sub
mit that no One can say that he has been,li
liberal, considering the times :
Ist. It confiscated their cotton, but In re
turn gave them =Wool." -
2d. It has exercised a "poster-ing" care
over North Carolina. •
3d. It gave them, "Pope" to control their
misguided zeal.
4th. Notwithstanding the financial condi •
tion of their country it established "Banks"
in - New Orleans. -
sth. It furnished them with a "Butler;'
and ',Porter."
6th. When the slaves in South Carolina
fled from their masters, it sent them a "Hue-_
ter" - who found them by hundreds. •
7th. When they invaded Pennsylvanbit
to reap a harvest, it furnished the .sgiellee
and gave them "Meado" to cool their heated
blood. 1
Bitoirnac !—These are the jubilant words'wjth
which the Knoxville Bulled», announces the
deliverance of East Tennessee from - Rebel
rule. It adds: •
"Vindicated and avenged; our people stand
to-day under the old flag of their fathers t
borne into their midst by one worthy to be
their deliverer, the chivalrous hero of New
bern. The symbols of rebellion are gone,
the idols' of the temple •of Baal are broken,
and the false gods our people so,gloriouslyre
fused to bow down and worahip, have been
removed from out sight forever The worldl
history, cannot,_we honestly believe, show a
counterpart to the scenes our city as wit
nessed during the last two days. Men, wo
men and even prattling babes, hailed the old
flag with such Unctions as made it apparent
to every one of the gallant army of our de
liverers,, that here in East Tennessee had been •
the home of such deep and fervent patriotism
as brightened and made glorious the annals
of our revolution. Slichpatriotism wintered
in Valley Forge, awl - during the present war,
has .marched through dismal swamps and
mountain paths, seeking everywhere the en
emies of constitutional liberty, smiting, him
hip and thig;h. Such has been, such is.the
patriotism of East Tennessee. It is in, rut
spirit of vain-glotious boasting that we write
these words. The world wilt in time k now
how the spoiler came and took to himselfthe.
heritage of our people ; how men have 'fled
from thedespotism at Richmond to a inota
than promised land across themouitainaosnd
there take arms in their bawls, faced about
ready and eager with, nulled hand to drive
treason and opprensioa, from their baud:
.Vo day ;they are hero . tainiuit
aciomplishest utul we ate /rem."