The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, September 23, 1863, Image 8
'C ' t 'r - i 8 grablin pro,Otorf. POLITICAL ITEMS. 31. C: Tyler is the Democratic] candidate for Assembly in Susquehanna, May he live till he is elected. - no Democrats of Wayne haveLmominat ed 11. B. Beardsler; far Senator and Win. IL Nelson for Assembly. The Union men of Fayette 4nty have nominated John S. Williams for Prothenotary. and Daniel W. 1)a11 for Register. They have a hard road to travel; -but they may win. i The nemocrits of Delimare b i nve nomi , nated a full ticket with S. Rhoads fol. Assembly. It nab° beaten about 1,300. Edward A, Price is the Union candidate for Assembly, •The Union men of McKean e4unty have nominated Capt. Frank Bell for Asseimbly, A. N. for Sheriff, John It. Chad Wick for Pro- thonotary and W. W. Brown. for Regihter. - The Union men of Bradford lave nomi.- listed D. Lillty and Joseph IL Marsh for Assem bly, £. O. Goodrich for Prothonotary, J. Mooroo Smith for Sheriff and N. C. Elsbree 'for Register. Bradford will give over 4,000 for the ticket. Mr. P. W. Hughes was the , a4thor of the proposition to dissolve the Union, and unite 'Penn sylvania with the Scinthern Copfederacy. Mr. Jus tice Woodward was nominated mainlyby the efforts of Mr. Hughes. The teacher knows his disciple. A rebel writer says there are ”divisions in the camp of the enemy," and that the efforts of the Democracy "Operate direc'ly as so Much aid' and comfort to the South."" How much comfort will be obtained from • California, I)claware, Maine and Vermont? Had Tenne.see been a free St4e like Ohio, she would, like her, havebeen loyal aid prosperous. Her slave code plungedlex in the rebellion. TIME code to-day lies trampled under foot.;. hall we. ro.- store it to. life? The 4.1.0.f:0f freedom forbids— /Vashvilin Union. • ' . = Maj. Peter A. Johns is the 11 1 .nion - candi date for Senator against DV Latta in tlui Westmore land and Fayette district. ' Ile is an old Democrat, .was twice in the Houie as a Democrat;, bathe enter ' ed the army and earned promotion by his gallantry and naturally enough prefers bis country to his yartY„t An earnest effort should elect him. A correspondent of the Sprfhglield (Mass) Rerruefivan suggests a new way of bringing about , peace: "Let a committee. consisting of Villaindig ham. B . isymour, Wood and co.G Lunt visit the Con fediTt.,y in the name of the party, and in pathetic tours, imitating the beast on which Daalam rode, plead: 'Am not I thine ass. on which thou haat rid ' den ever since I'was thine ?' " . . _ Thy Union - men of Washington county , have nominated 'Robert R. Reed and JaMes R. Kelly for Assembls-, John E. Bcllfoi Prothonotary, Win. A. 'AlieKey for Register. Alvin' King for Re -du-dui-. Win. Kidd for Clerk and J. W. Don& for Treasurer. Win. 114 kins is the Coitperhead can didate fOr Senator in Washington and Greene. r Washington ought to give a insjoriti on the right Bide this fall. The Democrats of Chestbr ;county have 'nominated Richard A. Gilpin for Seiiator, Hibbard Evans for Judge, C.C. Moore, S. W. Sellers and Andrew Armstrong for Assembly. i A fell ticket for the county offices was also nominated, but as it will not be Iteard of after the election: it is not worth recording. The notorious Monaghan is on for District AttoineY against Mr. Creigli. .. Gen. John A. k!Ciernand this writes ton meeting in Illinois: "A mission is eonfoledto us to keep alive the fire upon the altar of iberty it what ever personal cost thii must be done. If armed f re :bets stand in th way. remove them; if need be, by arms ;If nioral bels stand. in the way, crush them by the weight o an -indignant pnbtio opinion :if party creeds stied in the way, hasten to wipe them oat of it." - . i The Union victories since the•first of Ju ly last include Vicksburg; Gettysburg, Port Hud son, Morris Island, East Tennessee. 'Vern:tont, New. Hampshire. Connecticut. 'Rhode Island Delaware, California, Nevada and Maine. *fore the Year closes we cant record Charleston. Pennsylvania. Ohio, New York, Illinois, Indiana, and others "too numerous to retention: " The glorious cause of the Union was never more bright thin at present. An Ohio paper makes the following refer ence to the state of the campaign in that State. The remark might be applied to Pennsylvania: "And -now, if anybody has heard cheers at a. Democratic meeting concerning our late successes, we would be glad to Publish the fall particulais. We do not think sucha phenomenoli„has oceuired. If it has, we want names, dates, places, spiritef the occasion, circumstances of the announcement; all about it." The Democrats of Adams--vihere Democ racy means everything that can embarrass the gov ernment in preserving its own existence, have nom inated J. Marshall for Assembly, J. E. Wierman for Judge, Adam Rebert for Sheriff, Samuel Lilly for Register, James J. Fink for Clark..Jacpb Trox el for Treasurer and Samuel March for Commiss ioner. Cannot the Younk Guard:redeem herself this fall? Shall the sacred ground of Gettysburg declare against the government that has won its noblest victory there?" G. W. Curtis writes iii * Hailier's 'freckly : Vermont has just elected a loyal Governor: „ti-Sen ate nnanimously'loyal, and a house which counts only some dozen inembers who ard opposed to the war. Vermont supports uncouditienally and over- Whelmingly the , policy of the GoVernment. Does anybody believe that the great safeguards of civil lib er ty are endangered in Vermont; because she did not elect friends of Davis and Toombs to be her Gtoirlior and legislators? Does anybody believe that those safeguards will be more secure in Ohio. than in Vermont, if Valtandigham should be cho sen Govcoor of Ohio? Does anybody believe that the rights Of citizens or legitimate State rights are in Ivry greater peril in Vermont, where a Copper head is not Governor, than- they are in New York where Seymour is! Are the principles of the Gov ernment and the Constitution any less safe in the State of Vermont than they are . in Kentucky? If ray loyal State followed the exarnple of Vermont :song a single lover of the Union and the Govern leen regret the result? • -I - The grand Union Mass ISldeting at- Pitts /n4 on thel6th was a mostremarkable demonstra tion. The vast area of the WestC,ommon was filled with the lon' people of Allegheny, while the thoroughfares leading to the place were crowded. Robert Woods, Esq., a well-known lawyer of Pitts burg, and a promiiient.Demociat for many,years, Presided. A large number of vide ; presidents and secretaries was chosen, many of them leading Dem ocrats in former days, who were loudly cheered on taking their seats. Speeches were made by Gover nor Morton; of Indiana, Governor Curtin, 31r. Matthews, of Maryland, and others; They were replete with patriotism and loyalty, and frequently interrupted by the plaudits of the excited multi tude. Capt. Gibner, of the 140th Pennsylvania Regiment„ read an address signet by fifty-eight of ficers stationed' at Camp Copeland, invoking the loyalty of the people in support of the state and -General Administrations in its efforts to conquer a Rove, Resolutions were unankaiously adopted de cimally It the solemn duty of every patriot haiing ,P , t hit heart the welfare of our , beloved country to' • cast his rote for the men only who stand pledged to an unfiPterieg support of the National Government id recoulinmOlieg Andrew Curtin and Daniel Agnew agottle , true standard beaters of the loYalists germsliVeatia. 1 • Ten :thousand people assembled in masa convention at Catasagult oil the 19th. They were addressed by - Gov. Curtin, Judge Shannon, Hon. A. K. McClure, and R. S. Matthews. To-night An immense meeting is in progiess, at Allentown, and addresses are being delivered by the above-named gentlemen. An immense mass meeting of Republicans was held in Harrisburg on Saturday evening. " Cameron presided, and after announcing his hearty support of the Union candidates, introduced Gen, Butler. The General spoke in the most eloquent manner upon the duty of supporting the Adniiniii- 7 tration. The enthusiasm was unbounded, and "z meeting only limited by the capacity of the hall. In Pennsylvania the campaign is progres sing splendidly, and from all parts of the State we have the most cheerful tidings. In every quarter our friends are alive to the great struggle through which they are passing, and spare no energy to in struct and convince the people. Now that the elec tion in Maine•is over, we are to have the assistance of able and eminent friends of the Union from oth er parts of the country. - We . are pleased to announce the fact that the Hanover Gazette, the oldest German Democrat ic paper in York County, has hoisted the flag of "Curtin and Agnew," and comes out boldly in sup port of the Union., This is a most valuable acqtii- Eiden to the loyal nien of York county, thp want of a good German paper having long been felt. One of the proprietors of the Gazette has fought gallarit ly in the armies oithe Union, and like other Patti - otic democrats has had his views slightly changed by a sight of slavery and rebellion as it really ex ists. The Gazette has a large German circulation and will do yooman service in the campaign. Ws gladly welcome the Gazette into the loyal ranks. and wish it and its publishers all success, • • The Demoerney of Pennsylvania will ad mire the rare- and refreshing-frankness with which a Democratic paper of New York comments upon the resolutions passed by the Convention that re . cently met in Albany. What is said of the platform adopted by the Convention of New York may just ly be applied to the platform adopted by the DMn °erotic Convention that assembled at Harrisburg: "Th e D emocratie Convention adopted a resolution apparently favoring a prosecution of the war. but., in fact, susceptible of any constructiondhat - the reader may choose to give it, It was pdlioy,And not princi ple, that dictated that resolution. The sentiment of the Convention decidedly inclined to peace. Hay ing disposed of a mechanical difficu/ty, and screened themselves from the charge of treason, there is no fur =ther occasion for thii worthless saving clause to be paraded before the people, Let the canvass proCeed upon a peace basis, openly and without disguise, The Black Republicans will not hesitate to exhibit their black idol upon the rostrum, and to make it the feature of their electioneering.", It has been said that Vallaiidigham, while in the South, repeatedly exhorted the rebelsto hold on to Vicksburg, declaring that the success of his Party in Ohio'depended altogether on the ability of the rebel Government to baffle the Union armies besieging that place. This report has been s lialis" nantly denied by the Copperhead prints, but ,the Chicago Tribune has 2btain ed porton t-evidenee in confirmation of the katement. Ihe Tribune says: "Unfortunately for their epithets and for Vallan;',.l digham's loyalty. we have in our possession a letter written, by a rebel provost marshal' attached to - Bragg's army, and a man evidently of unusual im telligenee,,in which the above fact is clearly, unmis takably stated. The letter, 40as written to friends in Western Tennessee. and captured in the possession of a mail-carrier, who-is now, or was recently in cus tody at Columbus, Ky. The writer heard Yellen digbam make the statement in his presence, that his" election depended upon rebel success at Vicksburg. The letter awaits the pleasure of any Copperhead disbeliever who will call and see it," VLegal ,11.otireo. NOTICE.—In the matter of th Estate of George Palmer, decd. 411 persons in: wrested will take notice that upon application of W.B. Everett and C. 8. Eyster, Etqa., to the Judges of the Or phans' Court of Prauklin Co., Pa.,the said Judges In open Court made the following orer to wit: That notice be given to all parties interested to appear at next ,term of Court, on Tuesday, Octobet 6th,1863, and snow- cause it any they have, why John Harmony one of the I.lxec ntors of the last will and testament-of George Palmer, decd, should not be discharged from the duties and re. speusibilitles cf said executorship. Wll. G. iirrenzu, nag 211-to . Clerk. of Orphans' Court. A DMINISTRATOR'S 11 Notice is hereby given that Letters of AdMinis trattun on the. Estate of slichael Ruth,. late of, Greed township dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, raiding in sail township. All perk:ma indebted to the said Estate, are reqiiested to make immediat payment, and those having clalnis on demands against the Estate of said decedent will make them known, without delay, to sept le DAVID SDOVR • Adm'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.Ncitice is hereby given that Letters Testaa.entary to the zetatte of John Dorrance, late of Metcersburg, dec:d. have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said Borough. Allyersons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate; are requested to make immediate payment: and those having claims or demands against the Estate of decedent, will make known the same without delay. ;to sept ZB 31AROARET CHAMBERS, Executrix. E XE CUTOR'S NOTICE,-Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the hstste of Sarah Bobs, late of 3fercersburg Borough, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in spill Borough. All persons knowing themselves indebted to *Mid Es tate, aro hereby requested to make immediate payment , and those having claims or demands against the Estate of said decedent, will make known the same without do lay, to (sept 18.) JAh.. 0. C ARSON, ra'r, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICFA.- Notice is hereby given that" lettere of Atiminta tration on the Estate of Samuel Gilmore, late of Letter kenny township, deed, have been granted to the subset I ber,yesiding in Strasburg: All persons knowing themselves Indebted to Gilt Said Estate will please make immediate payment ; and those having claims will present them properly authentiatted for settlement. suggd JOAN GILMORE, A dm'r. II 4 XECUTOR'S'NOTICE.—NOtie II ' is hereby given that Letters T estamentary to the Estate a' Melinda Stayer. late of Lettorkenny township, deceased, have been granted tothe undersigned, resi ding In Liargan Township, - - , : All persons knowing themselves ludebted'to said Es tate win please make immediate, payment; and those having claims will present *hint properly authenticated for settlement. . .CIIRISTIAN SNOKE,, . Sept. 9 '63 Executor: ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.- Notice Ie hereby, given that Letters of Arlininix. tratien on the Estate of James Kirkpatrick, bite 10mi. nrtt township; dec'd, have been granted to the ditder signed, residing in said township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said - Kiin.e will please make Immediate payment, and those having atimapreeent them properly. anthenticated for nettle- Emit. - HERRON, Adm'rs. Sept 9.6t* G. KIRKPATRICK, .1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that - Letters of -Adminis tration on the Estate of Isabella Thompson, late of Green township, dec'd, hare boen granted to the undersigned, riding In said township. AB persons indebted to the said Estate, are hereby re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against.,the Estate of said decedent, will make known the same without delay, to sept wf L4lOl TriPMPSON, Adm'r. lloolto anb: -*tationerg. 'EW STORE !-:-WATSON & SON 1..1 have opened at their Store Room,) on the North west Corner of the Diamond, opposite Franklin Hall, Chnmbersburg, Ps., an entirely new stock of goods consisting of BOOKS of almot every description. Sta tionery of all kinds, Envelopes, Steel Pens, Ink, &c. Also a large assortment Of WALL PAPER, WINDOW BLINDS, various prices, and a great variety ofNOTIONS AND FANtiY.ARTICLES; Picturee, Fans, Vases, Lad( • . and Hisses Baskets, Ac.. Fancy Soap end Perfumery. Also a good Assortmeneof Worsted, Shetland Wool, &c. and a great variety of goads too numerous to Insert to which they invite the attention of the Public, and re spectfully solicit a share of the patronage. Plea , e call and examine our stock. June 17,'63. WATSON & SON. tAN - ELECTION FOR OFFICERS and MANAGERS of the Cumberland Valley Rail i Company, will be held at the Company's Office, In i Chambersburg, on Monday flii.Sth day of October-mat, s between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4P.M. , . * ! sop liAt . , E. M. BIDDLE,EIecoi. - Zbe Utpositimv, 41)ennbaslaurg, fta. - Legal- 11,0tjtegi. A JOINT RESOLUTION PRO La. POSING CERTAIN AIIENLaiENTS TO THE Be it resolved by the Senate and Houseof Represents:, 'foes of the Gliontsonweeith of Itnneyirania in General Assembly mt, That the following amendments be propo wil to the Constit ation of the Commonwealth, in accord ince with the provishme of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an additional section to the third article .f the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as 'oflows: SECTION 4. Whenever any of the qualified electrrs . of .:hie Commonwealth shall be in any actual military ser vice, under a requisition from the President id tne:Uni • ed States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, . <nob electors may exercise ti e right ot snffrage in all r elections by the citizens, under such regulations as are, r shall be, prescribed by law, as fuly as if they were Jresent at their liana( place of election. There shall be two additional Sections to theelryentb .rticle of Constitution, to be designated as tomt ions eight i and nine', as follows: Stories S. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature -ontaluing more than 0120 slaltfect, which shall be clearlv .xpl esti-4 in the title, except appropriation bills. Scenes 9. No bill shall I.e passed by the Legislature .ranting any powers, or privileges, In any case, where .he Authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has Keen, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the ,courts of his Commrnwealth.• 'JOAN CESSNA, Speaker of the Rouse of Representatives. JOEIN P. PENNEY, - Speaker of the Senate. °Mee OP THE Seel:MS.(l(r oP TIIE,CO3I3IONWE3I.SH,) .„ . liarrisburg.July I, 1863. f reennyhrania, ildu hereby ccrti!y that the fore• golrig and .trinexed In a full. true and correct • e. }e•'py of the original Joint Resolutions 0 . the general Assembly, entitled "A Joint Resolution • .roposinir certain Amendments to thedunstitution,"As ho same remains on the in this office. r In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set 'my bend, •nd caused the seal if the Secretary's office to be affixed, lie day and year above written. ELI SLIVER, July 15, 63-to S , vreta ry of the anninorweatth. .tREGISTER'S - NOTICE.—AII per sona interested will please take notice, that the Blowing Accountants hate filed their Accounts in the Register's °Mee of Franklin county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation, 2bczday. the 6th day of October next, at the Com t tlou,e, in Chntnbersburg: 325. The first it d finalvAcconnt ofDarbi nicks, Exec utor of the lent will and testament of John CO6Ly, late of Antrim township, dec'd. 394. The first and final Account of David B. Tenley, Administrator of James Tenley; late of Warren town ship. dec'd. 321. The first and final Account of John- S. Zimmer man and Jacob S. Zimmerman, Administrators of Jacob Zimmerman, dcc'd. .723. Vie second Account of Samuel Th and,George W. Rininbaugh. i Administrators of the Estate' of Jvseph Newman „the& 329. The first anti final Account of John C. Retz. Ad ministrator of DaYid Rots, late of Largen two., deed. sep 9 M. C. /SOTO, Register. ______ NOTlCE.—Dissolution of Co-Part nership.—The C.epartuerspip heretaire'existing under the firms and style of WUNDERLICIi, IQEAD & CO.. at Chnmbor•hurg. Pa.. and SCIII4IIIIiT, WUN DER:LICK & po.. Greencastle, Pa , wair on the Ist day of , eptember.lB6.3. dissolved by mutual cmseut, The 'Books of the late firm at Lhambersburg will remain in the hands of Wunderlich & Nead for, collection; the Booxs at Greencastle are in the hands ctA. F. Scbafbirt for settlement. All persons knowing themselves in debted to either of the above firms, will please call with. out delhy and make payment, as the Books must he set tled without delay. D. K. WUNDERLICH, BRN.I. F. liklAD. sep 9-fit AL - 1...X. F. SCIIAFiIIRT. NOTICE OF INQUISITION.—To JohnsOn„ , Solomon, Noah, .1 1 4 Heron, Catharine, Elia Mica: (inter-married with John Fleck); residing In the county of Franklin, Pa, John, residing in the county of Cittnberlarl, Ya., and Gideon, residing in the -county of Shelby, Tetinesiee,hei rs and legal represe t ati Yee of Wm. Varner. late of Fannett township, Franklin county, Pa., deed : You aro bet etiy notified that I will halo nn Inqui sition on the Reid Estate of said deceased, is,, Tuesday, the 6th day of October. 1568. at 10 o'clock. A. M., on the premises, when and whete yon may attend if yin think proper. (sew 1641t] SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. A ITDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Estate of , David F. Robison, Esq., deed.—The u ndersigned ititig been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Frank lin county, an Auditor to distribute the loiLance in the hinds of Mrs. Ann E. Robinson, Executrix of David F. Btnhie ,n, decerasPd. among the creditors of said deceased, will attend stt Lis Office, in the Borough of Chambers burg. on Wednesday. the 30th of September,lB6l, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of his appointment. at w filch time the creditors of said deceased will present their claims, or be debarred from receiving any share of said balance. [seplB] I. li. WCAlttlY. Anditdr. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP.—Thepart nership heretofore existing under the name and style of bltillL & GORDOtt,in the Sad dle and firmness business, in Chembendlirg. wee dissolv ed by mutual consent On the 14th d.ty of August. 1863. The Books will remsin in the hands of C. 11. Gordon, by whom the business will hereafter be conducted. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the old firm will please call and settle their accounts. ' D. W BUSTER DIEIIL, son 9 at CYRUS II; 0011 DON. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Not ice is hereby given that Letters of.administra tiou on the Estate of Peter Heed. late-of Green township d-c'd. have been granted to the undersigned, residing in .Faettevillt, in said township. All porsoum knowing tlieruselvem indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate p4tyniotit: anal those having claims will present them properly authenticated far sett lenient. ang•2 , 3* . .T ACO 11 13. P.(11)11. adm'r. XECUTOR'S gOTICII—Notice 4 is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Minte of Samuel Stouffer, late of St. 111411114$ township, deed. have been granted to. the undersigned. residing in. aid township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to Paid Es tate will please make immediate payment; and those having chants will present them properly 'authetpteated for settlement. au 19-Gt AN Ft STOUFRlM.Xxerntrix. VXECIUTORS' NOTICE-J—Notice uj is hereby given that Letters Testatilentary to the )state of Henry Brubaker, late of Petrre township. deed. have been gran: ed to the undersignekiesiding in sahrtownship. - All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment ; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. HENRY I11:111I3A KER. 1 v ., 'Hug 96 • DAVID KELLER, • f A I) MINISTRATOR'S , NOTICE.- ~ Notice is hereby g, e s of Ailininie fnitu tration on the Estate of Absalom iidietter t late of ()mi lord township.deed. lii c been* granted , to the under signed, residing in the I mug)] oft lionibersbnrg, All persons knowing the yea indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly antbenticated or settlement. sing 19 JOHN HUBER, Aduer. EXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Ngtice in herebygir.n that Letters Testamentary to the Fresrk Zullinger. of Lotterkenny township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to thu maid Estate. are hereby re. gliented to Make immediate fia3 meta . and those having ollinta or demands against the Estate of said decedent will make known filename without delsy, to JOHN ZULLINGER. Harrisburg. Pa.. UEO."ZULLINGEE, Lotterkenny Sept 2-Bt* Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given rite, Letters of Adulinistra tool on the Estate of Henry Holler. tate of tairgairtown ship, deed. have been granted to the undersigned, resit!. log in St. Thomas township. Al: persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, anal those having claims or demands against the Estate of the said detedent will make known the same without delay, to sep 2 PETER C ROLLER, Adm'r. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. -TOM is heriihy given that Letters Testainentary to the ')state of Abraham Carbangh, late of Antrim township; deed, have been granted to the undersignspl, residing In said township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment; and, those Laving claims will present them properly authentica ted , for settlement. ABRAHAM OARBAUGH, Jr..} Be rt ,. Sept ADAM ZARGEB., - V ai X.ECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice la hereby given that-Letters Testamentary to the Meat. of John Trltle, late of Guilford' township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In said township. All persons Indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the Estate of decedent, will make known the same, without delay, to Sept 16* HENRY TITLE, Executor. X.ECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notic'e is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the state of Jan Mull, late of Green township, deo'd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In said twp. All persona knowing themselves Indebted toasid Es tate:Are requested to make Immediate payment, - and those having claims, present them properly anthenti eated for settlement. sept 28 • JOHN TOUST, Hz's. , Ikea. Ootate ,Saltg. PUBLIC SALE.—There will be sold by Public Sale. on the premises in Green towns*, two miles S. East of Scotland, 011 Tuesday, 6th of Ckto ber,lBl3. the following lt eal Property. late the'Estate of John MMI, ilec'd, viz: A TRACT OF LAND, containing 6 ACRES. The Improvements nonsist of ii two-storied Weatherboartled HOUSE. Frame Stable, and all the nec essary out-buildings. There is a Well of excellent Water on the premises, and an ORCHARD of choice Fruit. Also, etZhe same time will bo sold, a general assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FU RNITURE, consist ing of Beds Bedding, and Bedsteads, Bureaus. Tames, Chairt3,tliests,Stoves, Glass China. Queens and CNekery Ware. Kettles, Pots. Pans, an' mange other articles nut enumerated. Also,' TUN OF HAY. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, when the terms will be mu de known by [sept 16 4 1' JOHN YOST, lilt. CHISTIAN SMAL,'Anetioneee. ' • PUBLIC' SALE.—By virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin County, there u ill be exposed to Public &Ile. on the premises, on Sutartioy. - the loth day of October, at 2 o'clock, P. 3.1., the following R al Estate. late the property of Peter Reed, dec'd: A LOT OF GROUND in Fayetteville,sofeet front by 240 feet deep, on which is erected a two-story FRAME DWELLING - .IIOUnE, with n Frame Back Building at tached. Also, a Frame Stable. This property is in good condition, and will make a - desirable residence. The purchaser can obtain possession by the tat of November next. Terms and conditions will be made known on the day of sale. by [sepla-3t : .1 . - , COII fl. (001 C. Adm'r. DUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber will sell, by Public Sale, at his residence, lu township, hoar Stouter d: Strickler's Paper Mill, on Thursday, the lit of October, next, the following Person• ,at Property, viz: TWO GOOD COW'S. 15 head of Hogs; 1 Spring Wagon ; 1 Threshing Machine ; 1 Wheat Fan; 1 Cutting Box, and a number of Farming Implements. hIU. a vmlety of household and Kitchen FURNITURE, viz: Bedsteads Bedding Cupboards, one &day flock: Cnuk and ten-plate Stoves, Dishes, and a great variety of articles nut necessary to enumerate. Sale 010 o'clock, when the terms will be madeknown. - sept D.ts JOHN cTOUFER, Sr. PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be sold at Public Sale, on Tuesday. Me 13Th of October. next, a valuable THREE STORY 13RIcK 110121 SE. situated on •Wext Market St.; Chambersburg, near the diamond, (being N 0.5 of Franklin Buildings,) and formerly the property ot John Liggett. deed. The property ism good repair, nail In a good situation for public business. TERMS :—One-fourth of the purchase money on the confirmation of the sale ; one-half OD the 110 of April next. (when the Been will be made) and the ballance In ;one year thereafter, with interest. , sept 9-4,t r'. THOS. J. WRIOTIT..Ad FA FOR SALE.—The' under- RIE sign'al will sell at Private 'Sale. hie FARM, con: mining 164 ACRDS, more of good- quality of LI3IFISTONI" LAND, in a good state of cultivat ion. The improvements good; well watered, and Young Orchard beginning to bear. I deem it unnecessary tqsay more, ha any person wishing to purchase can iteelor himself. Till-. Farm lo situated about 134 miles flonth-west of Up ton. Franklin county. Pa. [serl,tilt) .7011 N STONED. PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE; .-A flue two story BRI' K HOUSE. in Clarksville, anima new..will be sold very low. There aro SIX 0001) ItOO3lS in the house. and also a Wash (louse and Cistern in the Yard. Enquire of , J. S. BRAND or sera tt.lm C. M. lillltiqiTT. Political. • UNION MEETINGS IN FRANKLIN COUNTY! The People of Franklin County, _ without Distinction of Party: , Who are in - -favor of SUSTAINING TUE GOVERNMENT against Armed Traitors in the South and _ Secret Foes at Home; Who will Sustain The Brave Soldiers in the Field battling for The Life of the Republic • and our "Honored Nationality: • Who favor the Election GON7. ANDREW G. CURTIN. the • ! Fnithful and Patriotic Executive and the Soldiers' Friend, are requested to ' ATTEND DISTRICT 'MEETINGS at the following named 'places MERCERSBURG ..... ......... Wednesday-, Sept. 23; LOUDON Thursday. do 24, ST. THOMAS Friday., do 25, STRASBURG Saturday. do :11. FAY ErrEv ILIA.: - do do 'lli, FANNETTSBURG Monday do '.l.t. DRY RUN Tuesday. .d o 2.9. CONCORD Wednesday. do 30. SULPHUR SPRING . . -.•. . ....Thursday, October 1. (2 o'clock. P. M.) • * ROXBURY' Thursday, do -1. OR EENVILLAGE Friday do 2. OR RSTO Saturday do 3. All the above meetings will be held in -the evening, excepting Sulphur Spring. Good Speakers will be in attendance at each of thetneetings mentioned above. Other meetings will shortly be announced. JOHN STEWART, , Sep. 9. '63-td Chairman Union County Com. N 10.14 MASS MEET I NGS.— uNioxx STITE Commirrs. Roolti.—‘sqti•mbvr 9, 1. t.l. GOVERNOR CURTIN. in company 'with distinguished orators from ioljoining State...wilt aildrese the people of eetinsylvania at the times itinl places named in the fol lowing schedule: At BEAVER, Beaver county, FRIDAY, Sept. 25th. At W ASIIING TON, Wash instini county, SATURDAY, Sept. At INDIANA, Indhuitt county. Al OND,IY. Sept. 28th. At WILKESBAIUIE, Luzert4e county, ,wt:p ESDAY, Sept.:loth, At SCRANTON, Luz:erne county, THURSDAY, Oat. her Ist At TOWANDA, Bradford county, SATURDAY, Octo ber :xi. ' At BELLEFONTE, Centre county, 'rtESTfAY, Oaf>. her 6th. At YORK. York county, WEDNESDAI. October 7th., A'tItEADLNU, Berks. county? TIIURSDAy, October At POTTSVILLE, Schuylkill county, FRIDAY, Octo-I ber 91b. At P/lILADELPIIIA, SATURDAY, October 10th. We have teasonable hopes of having in the ptudliw canvass the sid - of Governor JOHNSON. of Tennessee. tiovernorPlUhPONT. of Virginia. Clove' nor ItiIADFORD. of Maryland. JOGS BRAWL; /I the next Governor of Ohio. lion. DANIEL S. DICRINSON, of New York. Guu. MIAs., of Illinois. Oen. BUTLER. of Massachusetts. And many other distinguished gentlemen. including many eloquent advocates of the holm' Cans. in Penn- , sylvania. No passible a mitts will be spared to secure 119[ full and thorough a dl,cuseiuu of the momentneus Issuesi now snlanitted to the peoplo its'the - brief pa h] noir re-' maining will nitow.nn.. it fsettfoiuedup<n ell friends of the Union cause to secure the attendance of their leßo'w citizems upon tic.. °Alone. . - 1 WAYNE McVEAGII, Chairman. 1 GEO. W. TIANIEMBLY,} W. W. Win, Secretaries. ,Stranell 'attlr *tolett. r v if - 1 HEAD OF SHEEP LOST.-- 7 ; e Iv Strayed from the residence of the subseriber,l hiring near New Guilford, from 40 to .ildfhead,nf Sheep, marked with the letter N with tar on their side. Any pereone having strayed sheep, with therabove mark, oni their premises, will please give information by address lug N. W. 'SULLENB&RGEN. • ang 124 f New Guilford P. 0., Franklin 00., Pa. 2r, REWARD.—StoIen from-th i ir pastnre field of the sub rlber, on Friday n ght the 7th inst., 4 miles east of C h ambersbnrg e on thei ‘ T ) Gettysburg Pike, Marge Black liorse,B years old; awe.; Hayed in the left shoulder, but does not go lame ; walkd wellin harness or under the saddle. The above reward will bo paid for any information leading to the recovery of the horse by ANDILEW J. LOCH/MUM. I nag 12 . • :USTRAYS—Came to th epremises _Ed the aubscriber, in Quincy. on or about the 25th dt August, TWO HEAD OF CATTLE. one a Red Steer, with a few white spots , supposed to be 4 or 5 years oltl; the other a Black White Spotted Maley fielter t ubout 3 years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. L. C, KEPNER.; Sept 104 t STORE ROOM AND CELLAR FOR RENT.—The largo store Room and 0 ellaf, e4r. ner Main and Washington streets, is offered for Notr. Poesossionsiven Immediately Apply to _ _ • • i eep R. P. atli*BT!' • - „ - meal est Ate *des. TRUSTEE'S- SALE.—There. - will be sold at Annie Sr,le, on the premises, in Quincy township, on Thursday AJe Ist day of October, 1863, the following Farm,-late the Estate of Nancy hirtes, dec'd, viz: A Tract of 160 ACRES and 85 PERCAES and allow ance of Land, adjoining lands of Samuel Beata. Henry Besore, Levi Senders, and Robert MeDvany, on which are :erected a large two Story Stone DWELLING HOUSE, Stone Earn, Stone Spring House, three Tenant Rouses and other building, There is a fine Yachts Orchard growing , on the premises. About 100 Acres clear and under good cultivation. The Timber growing is of the best. - The farm is well watered by Antietem creek, and the cattle can reach ,trat.r in all the fields except utter. The road front tharnbetsbarg to Waymesbeiro' passes the door, and the dwelling is but three miles from - the latter place. The land is of the best LIME STONE quality. There is a running and never failing fountain in the Spring 'Rouse: "ITEMS OF SALE: One-third of the purchase money to he Raid down at confirmation of Sale: the remainder to he paid in three equal annual payments. bearing in terest from date of confirmation. Fifa payment, st April, 1661; second, let April, 1661; third, let April, 1866. • DANIEL MYt• HE, EMCEE VALUABLE FARM - FOR' SALE. —The subscriber offers at Privste 't , ale, his FARM, situated about 4 mile from Quincy, containglsl ACRES . 14uf which is in TIMBER and thriving Chestnut. % of the Perm is of Oa best gual ity of LIMESTONBLAND and all m a high state of cultivation. The improve mentstire a large BRICK HOUSE, with portico and porches, a new BRICK BANK BA ItN.Su feet long, with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached, double Frame narriage llouse,Brick Wash House. Smoke louse, hake Oven, and ad necessary ontbnildings 2 in good repair. There is a large Cistern close to the Barn, used for Stoxk and one near the kitchen. Thore is a Well of excellent water in tilt yard. There is also a variety of choice Fruit, such as Pears, Plums, peaches and Grapes in the yard. There i s also a good ORCHARD ofyoung thriving. Fruit on the premises Persons wishing to view the land via do so by calling on the subseribet ,or any Information respecting It Call be obtained by calling on Geo. J. Ilalsley, County Trees. titer. INPIA JOHN MIDDOWER. VALITABLE FARMT OR SALE- Me undersigned offers at Private Sale. a valuable LIMESTONE FARM. situated on the Mercersburg and Hagerstown road, four miles South of the former place, in the Welsh Run District, containing ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX. ACRES, 140 of which are cleared— in a high state of cultivation—the balance choice Tim "her Land: The Conococheagne Creek bonds the Farm on the - North, and there are two Wells of good Water on Ihe premises—one atthe House and one at the Barn The Improyegients are, a- twi.story ROUGH CAST HOUSE, a good STONE BANK BARN. with Corn Crib and Wagon Shed attached, and all necessary out build ings. There is, also, i good ORCHARD of grafted 1 , 71 on the premises. If the Farm - is not Sold by the let day of fiber next. - -it will, on that day, at 1 o'clock, P. M., be o red at Public Sale. Persons wishing to view the premises can so at any time, by calling on the undersigned, resiclin • thereon. .-. Sept. 2,1863. J. WAT' o N CRAIG. PUBLIC Public Sale;on t, uay of September, nex! valuable Beal Propert dec'd.. viz A 'FR.ACT stone) containing 110 Franklin County, Po., castle to Mercersburg- door—and in the inim About 80 Acres are cl good fences; the ret_ 3red. The Im provements consist/ a good Stone Dwelling house. Log Barn, and other o •burdings; a Well of excellent wirer failing water convenient to the dwelling, &c. There is, also, on the premi l los,a thriving young Apple *Orchard. TT I.:RMS.—One-third of the purchase nionny to remain in the laud duringthe lifetime of the Widow, the inter eSt to be paid to her "semi-annually: $2,500 in hand, and tie balance in two equal aunnal payments, bearing in terest: the unpaid purchase money to be secured by Judgment on the property. cunisnAN M. STONER, DAVID M. STONER, I sep 2-4t* ; Executors of henry Stoner, deed, IT . ALUABLRFARM AT PUBLIC SALE.—The '' undersigned, Executor of Malachi Br ndle. fats of St. Thomas township, decd, will offer at Public Sale. on Saturday, the 10th day of October, next. TILE MANSION FARM ot said deed. sitnate i St. Thomas township. Franklin County Pa.. about two miles South of the village of St. Thomas. adjoining- lands of Wilson's heirs, ohn Miller and others, containing 254 ACRES and alloy nee of LIMESTONE LAND. This Farnr Is eligibly a ted with a stream of RUNNINti WATER throng and a NEVER-FAILING SPRINO Clear the, house. The improvements consist di .4 large two-story Stone House. a Stone Bank Barn, Wegirs ;heti, Corn Crib and other necessary out: uildingi. ~ lso. two tenant Uprises rind all Orchard of choice Fruit Trees. such as apples, pears. peaches. cherries. Sc. I About fifty acres are in good tLiiiiiiir and about fifty is .Icsulifw ground. I Any person wishing to view the premises before the day of sale alit call on the subscriber residing about One-Waif mile west of St. TIMMS. i Salo to commence at 1 o'clock, A. M. Terms made known on day ofsale by , FREDERICK 0 ELWICKS, nog 20-ts • Fx'r of Malachi Brindle, ilec'd. VA - L [TABLE S TEA 'Ai TANNERY FOR SALE.—The undersigned will sell at Private ISalejlis TANNERY, known an the Corner Tannery, with , stmun and water-ptncbr. Saw Mil i, Chopping 31111, Stocks for breaking hides, &c: The Tannery has 8 ieerbas- 32 vats, 2 limes and water-pooL and is capable of tanning 800 heavy hides a year. There are two Log Dwelling Rouses. Barn. Stable nud other necessary out build ngs connected with the Tannery, and abort!. 6u Acres cleaned, with good fruit. Ile will sell any quantity of laud with the Tannery. from 100 to 700 Acres. 0- er 600 Acreff are Timber,and an ample'supply of 't_hesnut Oak Bark to run the Tannery for fifty years. It is situated about• 7 miles South-west of Mercetsburg, onlicking Creek. Terms made stay. Possession will be given this fall If necessary:. For further particulsrs address the under signeil, at Mercersburg, Franklin county, Pa. tom 12, 83•tf C. METCALF. VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOlt SALE.—The subscriber desiring to retire from b cas inessoners at p ri vote sale his V ALE LEL E MILL Property, situate on the. Conecocbeague Creek. nt `4 l .cotlantLfP , e tulles North of Chambeysburg. The Mill lass three run ft Burrs and is in good order for home and merchant work. Ms situated in one of the best grain growing regions of Southern Pennsylvania.; and convo float to churches and schools. There are about seven. teen Acres of land connected with the Mill. nearly all cleared and good Meadow Land, and under good fence. A large two-story Weather-hoarded OWELLING HOUSE and other out buildingn, and congdorable trait are on the property.. Tlr, vitas teked is $5.000. while the nett earnings of the mill thiring the last year was above $7OO. Fur particulars apply to the subscriber residing VD the premises. -JOHN SLEICHTEIL ring 19-tf ATALUABLE TAVERN STAND' FOR SALE.-' The undersigned offer at Private S4lO, the well known Tavern, situated on the corner of Market and Second -Streets, now in Vie occupancy of Sheriff Brown. The Hotel is a large commodious two story brick building. The yard attached is admirably arranged for travellers stopping with buggies and wagons. The stable- is large and airy, and capable of accommodating from 50 to 60 head of horses. The out buildings such as Wash House. Spring I:louse:Ice House. itc.. makes it the most desirable Autel in the county. Its near location th the Rail Bond, Court House, Bank, and busmen places, rcnde:s It the Most pleasant_ and convenient stopping place In town. Persons desiring to purchase, can see the premises and learn the terms of sale by calling onthe undersigned. ED. AUGHINBAUGH, sept. 2-tf ;S. 3i. WORLEY. VA.LITELE FARM FOR SALE.— The maim sign-K1 affer at Private Sale, a - valuable LIMESTONE FARM. situated in Welsh Run district, 134 miles S. E.of Bowles Stores.consisting of 146 AGUES 110 11 which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation and the balance is fine TIMBER LAND . The improve. meats are•a new two story BRICK fIOUSEZnew Bank' Barn, and all necessary outbuildings. There is a good Well of never• Tailing water at the house. There Is also a good Orchard of Grafted Fruit on the premises. If the farmislnot sold by the 10th of October, it all be exposed at Public Sale at 1 o'clock. Persons wishing to view the premises can do so by calling at the farm or the residence of J. WATSON CRAIG, Welsh Run. Sept. 2. aso. NVIJONVELL, Chambersburg. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT 11 PI7BLICSALE.—The undersigned, Administrator on the Estate of Albertna A. Belt, late of Antrim town ship, dec'd, will ..fifer at Public tale, on Saturday, the 26th day of September, neat, the following described Real Estate of said decedent,)ituate in Antrim township, Fninkl In county, three miles south of Greencastle, near the Turnpike leading from Greencastle to Williamsport, adjoining lands of Powoll's belts and Jacob Lesher, con taining about three fourths of an ACRE. This tract of land is beautifully located, having thereon - a fine dwell ing HOUSE, Stable, and other necessary outbuilding*, making it a desirable property. - Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, A. hi., when the terms will be made known by JACOB LESIIER, - sept 9, Adm'r. TWO HOUSES FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private Pale, TWO LOT.Vn Fayetteville, one of the lota having thereon erected:a new two storie double FRAME HOUSB, and the other a one and ahalf storied house. The property le desirably located for business, or as a private dwelling, being in the neighborhood of the Academy and opposite Brown's Hotel Poraons wishing to view the property can do ao by calling upon Dr. Fahrney, the present ocenpant,or the subscriber, Terms made to suit purchaser.l.o 94l .7NO. G. lllOUdial. Iltat (cow *airs. VALUABLE RE A T 1 ESTATE FOR T SALZ--The linderalgeed, Elrentoris .of :hm* Beatty and also of Owtharinir Beatty. late of 113133103 township, deed, will offer at Public 8310, on the treadle* on the days mentioned, the following described Brad Br late, to sit: ' Ors Thwralay, The 15th day of adokrow4- on the Mansion Parrs. at 10 o'clock. A. M., said 1111AN SION FARM, consisting of a tract of - situate *tient live uillee Northrenst of Greencistlo, in said loasaldp, bounded - 17 lands of James Davidam. C. Breebbill, E t n T7 Wenger, ancob and George Specimen and others, cell.. Mining 152 ACRES more ca. less. 'with a large tit assorted, STONE DWELLING 11017 SE. a large Stone Bank Dar% Corn Crib, and other outbuildings thereon. Tbere le a nerrer-faillng Well of Water on said Farm with a Pinny in it. Alan—There is on paid lanai a hags- °ROMANI) all choice Pruit Trots. - At the same time will be offered at Pnblie PAN a TRACT OP LAND In the eerimauey of Samna Gearkstrt, bounded by lands of Col W. E. DPEnight, the Illetudati Farm, lands of John Drove and others, containing' Fla ACRES wore orleer; on whirl fintii is erected a .0O21.• modicum STONE -DWELLING' HOWE, a flute hank Darn built of brick. end other improvements. 'Miro in, an exellatir Spring of Water and a good APPLE DEMI. ARD on raid land. OEM Also, on said day: a TRACT OF LAND known as Mho Lind Farm," adjoiningthe one last above described. lands of John Grove. Benjamin Chambers. Esq.. John Reefer. and oth ere. containing 260 ACRES with a tura storied LOG 1101188 and an excellent Btone think Barn. A EMT Stream of Water, runs throng - There will be also offered next, on the premises; at 10 LAND, situate in said tostro "Johnston Farm." bound, Jacob and .101tnFirstntz more or loss, with a STOT Spring itoireti thereon. an excellent Spring of - Each of said Farms will measure. said Farms have ply of goal Thnlmr: The terms will Le mad Sept 9-ta Bier of Catharine Beatty, deed. `Waynesboro Ree • copy and send bill to this office., PUBLI SALE.—By virtue of, ton Order o the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, • there will li • exposed to Public Sale. on thepremiees,en Suturdlythe 2eth dag of September, of 1 o'clock, P.M., the RAN, mg , valuable Real Estate. late the prep.-rty of Daniel-Cramer, deed, viz': The MANSION FARM, situ atod4u the toad leading from Strasburg to Itextmry, abeet two and a half miles from the former place. tun . fling 10e ACRES of geod Slate Land.lov of which in cleared and in a hign state of cultiTntion. and enclosed with goo( fence. The ImproTemeott are - n two story Log lionse, a - good frame Barn, and all the necessaty out•huildings. a Well of excellent Water near the Da oil ing and running Water thro' the Farm. Twenty At m of ,this Form is good Iltatlow. It has alto lt nn ardof excellent Fruit. Thin irn Tery , desirable proper ty, being within a mile and a hall of three flrst-clare Grist Mills. Persons desirous of purchasing will do well to call and examine the property previous today of sale. Should it not basold r it will bo offered for Rent on sense day, fur the period of one yearlrera the Ist of April next. TERMS OY SALE.—Onehalf on deliTkrs of title tke balance-En twq equal annual pnyments, secured by Jittlir• inept on the property, with interest. • aug 10-ts S. R -PA.3TERSON Adm'r. ie sold by :rday. the 211th , the following Henry Stoner, quality Lime iters township, from Green torti passes the 4,7 r There will also be exposed to Public gale, on the same day, two Tracts of Land, Welt tt.verril with Tim ber. situate in tite same township, aboitt two miles frbm the Bret named property, one of which containsbU Acres and 3- 10 Pornises the other,l7 Acres and 29-Perchell, - and will be sold separate or together. to suit purchnsete- TERMS :—Ontehalf on delivery of Deed, the balance In three equal sunned payments; with interest. 8. It. PATT NILSON Agent. C. SPITAL„ Auctioneer. - itaall's ltivation and atm 19-ts ACHANCE NO MAKE MONEY The undersigned offer at Private Sale, on accom wuonting terms, all thatralhable TRACT OF LAND situ ated in ht. Thomas township, Franklin Comity, t miles Nottlrivest of the village of Si. Thomas. bounded by lauds ofD. Wilson's Heirs, Wra: Freaner, Darr; and others; containing - 229 ACRES. About 100 Acresof this Tract are clmarell and in a flue state ofcultivation, the whole of which has been thor oughly limed within the last few years; the balance to heavily set with thriving Timber. There is a fine Lime stone Quarry on the premises. from - which a superior quality of Lime is made. The Improvements consist of a good, two-storied Log and Frame DWELLING ROUSH. A yiNE RANK RARE. erected last summer: a Water- Power SAW- MILL, and a STA VE and SILINOLR MILL, drivepby a small Steam Engine, and other necessary and etnivenient-btilidings. The above Property offers great inducements to pur chasereof Real Estate. It is located in a finely Timlered region:and as the demand for Lumber, Staves, Shingles, Am., is and Will continue on the increase, an ewsrcette - businessmen could not fail to make Money out of the many advantages it possesses. Persons desiring to in vest in a valuable, Property are invited _to view tbts, Salisbury Shearmais, reabling thereon. will give any In formation that niel be desired. POSSOVIiO/1 , van bo bad at any June 17, '63. 4 D3iINISTRATOR'S S A•L E.— There wilt be exposed to sale. by way of Public ou,,ry, on the premises. in the Doreugh of rhamtent burg. CM Saturday. thc Sri r f Octob:r. 1863, the following Real Estate. late the Estate of henry Flintier, el, ed, A LOT OF GROUND, fronting 64 feet on Queen street. Chambersbure, with' tedepth southward of 192 feet ad'. jdning-J.T liosklnson Led. and lion. Wilson Berney, 'West. The property will be sold In two parts. and will be eroded by a line run through the centre of the b t from Queen street, giving to each pot that 32 feet by lid. The west half adjoining lion. Wilson Reilly.has erected oil it a WEATUERI3OAItDED DWELLING BOWIE. mill the east half. adjoining J. T. Iloskinsom hat also erected thereon a WEATIIERBOARDED' DWELLING TIM property,is pleasantly situated and in a Ter, desire. hie location. and the title is good. A right of way to the Pump and the right to the u$ the water of the Well w'll Le reverted for "the use of the purchaser of the other halt Stile to commence at 1 o'clock, o n 'paid day. :—One-bait Ist April, 1564; remainder let April.lB66, with Interest front let April, 1864. The lota will be sold subject-to ground nut of $1.511. JACOB N. PLINDEIt; Adm'r with the wino! Usury hinder, deed. sea PRIVATE SALE OF TANNERY NEAP. FAYETTEVII.L.P.---The undersigned , sell at Private Snle, the folioed, g described REAL Bee TATE, to wit: ACRES OF LAND.. t - -• All tinder good fence rind tillable. with is good Brlel-Cl:well hag, a wrier tilling well of i.,.r00d water near the door. is n and Ibrashir4; Floor, a fine Orchard bearing the bast fruit. Also • A TANNERY of 32IsrgeTats, 6 large Leeches with limes and pooh., Bark 31111, Roller, Pomp and Yu/ling Storks, all in excel lent order. tha whole operating by WATER POWER. Also a good Barkshed, all nusurpassed in convenience -and labor saving. The above property will be shown loony person on 110-.,, plication to Jacob B. Cook of Payetteville; . or John B. Cook of Clramberslairg. Terms will be reasonable. June PETER COON. PUBLIC SALE.—The're %lit be of feral at Public Sale.`,al the prenelses. on Thursday , for 801 dog of October, next, at 1 o'clock, I'. that IRACT OW LAI D. situate in St. Thomas telsosbip,. late 'the Mansion Farm of Michael Wagner. firt '4l. Wended by 'of Joseph Christroxu,-JaSper Sta ier. Jacob Redler. Martin Kallenian anti others, containing: 94 ACHES and 191 PERCH S. neat. 'The inlyna Tements arb a good two story BRICK DWELLING MOUSY,. Log Darn and other buildings, a gavel Well of mwer-failing Water and a thriving Y ,ONO ORCHARD. Alaint ten Acres of the tract is Timber 'and end tiftsen Acres-W.ld• ow land. 'The terms will be made known nil the day of sale, by - JACOB CRIDER,Adm'r- By order of the Orphans' Court. • eetrt 948 IY U. Itrieutts,Cleak. ALRi. X. SeCIURIC. TIRNItYyS. STONES. AreL,URE - &, STON E R, EDITORS AND PUIILISHERS. TILE FRANKLIN -REPOSITORY is pnblished every Wednesday morning. on a largo q earth sheet, containing FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS:Printed en fine paper and new, clear tym Terms 'TWODOL LARS per annum, IN ADVANCE, or TWO - DOL LARS AND FIFTY CENTS, if not paid within the year. VS-Ministers of the Gospel, in Franklin ecrarThler. are furnished with the REPOSITORY AT $1 per manatee in advance. JO - Subscribers, residing out of the State, Vtlifi pay strielly.ia advance. and the paper will in finesses be discontinued at the expiration of the time for which it. is ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at 50 cents per square of eight lines for first insertion, and 25" cents. per square for each subsequent insertion. All ira's tions ora square ore counted as a full agitate. Advertisements inserted by the quarter. half rear. or year, at a reasonable reduction. Those inserted but once aro charged ten cents _per line. .Leadid Advertisements a price and a-half. Special notices, inserted before Marriages and Deaths, are charged double regular rates. • 1)11. NO ctus, or bold, display letter. hauled' n advertisements. . • DX. Notices of Marriaires'ind Deaths, not exceed ing five lines, aro inserted without charge. All communications, of limited or individual • interest, are charged ten cents per line. Sir JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done in plain and fancy colors, at the shortest notice, and &trea sonable rates., • -• GARVER It SHEARgAii