r NM TAfiE _FAIR . 7 411 e Eleventh •", ti ANNUAL. SXMLIMTION . • . 1 - - :'-P4rayivania. State Agricultural Society will ho held at NORRISTOWN, " ftIONTNOM al's' COUNTY, ";-V11N.NA..,1 ' dkp talks :Mk t*Xitit iced Octolier-1.4 rE tcri t lgitzt,: •rNorrisoiru_ is about 3 allies West tit Philadelphia-,o Put 4:littylkill hirer, and is itutte , •.sible , by. Railway t d eve ryquirtion of the State, The; Oro - undo aro beautifully situated, containing i 5 Aere*Lf smooth with fine iarge building thetootierecti •0 4 1, together with large amount ofrheddiittg, !the track; its taut, moose or the best htolkuite tracks en th e s f ate , - The premiums are the heaviest ever-offered by the Sicici ty k omoneting. to about $7OOO. The premiums for all grades °ratite exceed Sleet!. five of which are $3O each; 19 f ro m $25 ttrsls. others running? down ;to lesser rates Beet herd not lees than 15 head, first premium $4O ; 21,11 . premium $25. • ; • - tforses Mt *1 grades the prat:trams iitetted -6130 The hest $L00; d 2 between s2d and $3O ,and others rang% ing.from *ls,sloamlSs. ; NoiPoultry there is along list of premiums, from $ Oil*** ,In the following•ele lutist liberal prank wits are offered: Plows, ttultifrJ,LO - CR, W•cig° , l B .l - Lteallingand Mowing •Siachines; Untie - ha, Corn Sheller* Cider 3lilts, eumps, Packets, Thi Ware; Loather and its Stanufketnres, Gas Fixtures, Marble Mantles, Buttea, _ Grain and needs,Vegetables- and also for Domestic and Mousehald Manifactures, Clo ' ths,Carpets, n , atinet.nbiet r frg, Sheeting, Blankets, Flannels. nbavels,Mnit goods, Needle O 1 irk d c., ll rewl,C.tites, Preserves, lollies, C. . large peeiniums are uffertd for every varier") , el -Fruit 'sat/ kioWelv. The Floral Tent will be the largest evils erected, 1y the Society. and will form one of themust a - - tractive features of the Exhibition., Fruit, Grapes and Igine t *Lil be exhibited in this deptirtment.„ _ -• kentisylvartia Ithlroad and Norristokin Live ail : ranged to caryarticles for exhibition to:Ludt:mu the ,Extillittion freight flee, requiting _the forwarding, (reigi t t, to be paid, which will be revald shipper whin %hods are returned - to the Station whetwe shipped. ti's hoped to affect the smite with other important 'roads. ea:condoms at redmmd ratco will be rut/ on all the leap ing Railroads. ‘; Ent* can be mail° at the Office. in Norristown, after the 4th day of September. All articles must be enterbd won the hooks on or before Tuesday evening Belden/tier .29,11, Exhibitors Must become members.. Members:hip $l, with four Coupon Tickets each', of wllieb will adwit — usejiersou to the Fair, once. SINGLE ADMIS§ION • 25 CENTS. •Liitt "ul Pre:Mums 'and Itegalatdons can be bild by aedresiing the &crew y.; ;'; ; • _ • - THO3fAS P. KNON., Preadent. - A. Bauwan LoifoOmx., , See,y, Norristown, DI. Seitt:2. 63-st' - • 1 3 — RE NI 111 II T . iin - kISHER.—Tbe ' • Subscriber is the only authorized Agent for the stile o , Vheelor Sc illelloetes Preniium Two-horst Threshei ' ;and Cleaner, with Railroad Power, for Franklin li.nd Adding Counties.' nets now ready to receive Ordere Tor • . . .. _the same. - This Machine fs a r l`wo•horie - 'power, and will Thresh - rand Clean any Wad uf Grain. Itis the PREMIUM ..,10- -- CILINE. having taken the Premium at the' United States, and ail the State and County Pairs; wherever ;ex hibited.' They are Made of the best material, and war anted hy , one of the largest; and :most' resiiertalble establishments in the United states. 'lt is Warrentbp. to -- -thrbsh and clean from' 140 to 120oluisheis of -Wheht, Aid double that quantity of Oats in a day.. It requires but two 'horses, and - no driver. The Power and I.lachlnelcan both tel worked in an ordinary;'llarn'Floor. ' The Agent himself used one of these Niii,chineu last seascn for four .montht colistantlyi and can testify to the truthfulness ofthe boys stateof facts. lie has threshed as much as 10'2 Bushel& of Wheat, in •Ipi hours. Ile {{{{{{worked much ' - sane two horses constantly in the Alaahin and ;it 'the - end of the time, they were in MP good co dition a at - ' -- I1 rd.. He, therefore, is prepared to refute the idwi,hat' i they are hard on horses. lie paid $.60.00 fur one It rsv ' tiite4,and $0.40 For the cther, and they rather intprqved ' .7 - _ - _ - :-thati depreciated In valve. -- Persons a-tubing to liuy will please make application soon, as it Will take some time to got than from Albany, N. F. 'Price with Railroad poweratAlliany. S2Sp, With • freight added. Lever power.. four:horse, with eatnel3la chine; t 255. freight added. The agent will order done tint-those sold. ROBERT BLACK. Agent ~.,. June 17.'63-3m? , Fayetteville. Franklin Co.,Pos„ STROCK, MANUFACTURER 1 OF AGRICIIVITTRAL .131PLRMENTS.—Shcipon' ater Street, between Queen and Washington, Chant herslriarg. Pa. • W.S.GON'AIAKINO!—Unc,ing connected with his OrW and Rnke Factory that of Waeon-Making, and having employed one of the be,t practical Wagon makers itt,the county. hal feels confident in,assuring Farmers, and I oth ere needing this kind of work, that he is prepared to --- rendar stake satisfaction to all who may le ire them or ders. All work entrusted to him will be, promptly and matt: executed, at moderate prices, either far new or old Work:. tstmers are incited to call, gave him a trial. and; get the worth of theirmoney. BLACKSMITIIING!—IIe alsocarrles on the Black, smithing, rind employs a skilLful workman. who is Mile to dealt kinds of tibaithing which, is required for Wagons, OE3I-SPRING GRAIN AND HAY RARE. Ile coutisues to construct his nnsurfassed Pattinted Hum-Spring Gram AUlt. Hay Rake. 6tsto and County Rights for sale June 17, '63. • A GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT .ni.: ItrA.NtitACTURERS.- WM. L. BOYER& ARO., ~ ,t,ixtli St:and Germantown Avenue, i . 'Philadelphia. . . Manufacturers of the • , ; — Premium - Farm Grist Mill. • ' Horse PoWers and Threshers, ' Circular Saw Machines, ; , Corn Shelters, t - .. Gmill Pans, 1- ' Cultivators, , . . Mamma, Plows, 1 ' • ' and every variety of approved I ' ' .' Agricultural Implements. . 1 ' ' tend for Circtdar and adirresa ; • WM. L. BOYER k BRO., Philadelphia., July 15.'63-1y PREMIUM FARM GRIST MILL, The only reliable. F iimter's 0/ kit Mill.. - Is simple, durable and efficient. i Grinds all kinds of grain rapidly. - , . , Is ad-iptcd to Ilorse-Powers. , I Every Farmer should. have one. Price moderate. i ' Sesd-for dvscriptive Circular and address 1 , WM. L. BOTEIt 41: 11E0.4 Agricelt ural I mple.men t Manufacturers, Sixth strand Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia. i ittlY l 4- ' . .. 4-6 n , - . . CORN SHELL ERS I . • The celeimated READING'S PATENT CORN SHELLER and Separator and Cleaner, tor Horse Power—its capacity .is from 1000 to 15uU Bushels per day. The celebrated . STAR CORN SHELLER, I adapted for hand and horse power. These Shellersbave no superior. A ddress . WM. L. BOYER it lIROi ++ Agrieultnral Implement Mannfacturqs. ' ; au 19-3 m . Philadelphia. ][ ORSE POWERS Si THRESH .. ERS. y rennumEndless Chain, Horie Powers. , I Improved Combined lVhreshers and 'Cleaners. i - Pramltiht Threshers and Separators. Cirenler Saw M.prhines for Cross Cntling:Vir9od. , Addrpts , W 1 , 1. L. BOYER k 1311.04' -, - , - Agricultuial 'lmplement, ?danufaiturqrs; . nag 'LS 3sn Plalhidel'Ohla: F • ARM BELLS.—.Myers '& 'll,r'and are agent's for Franklin co., to sell the MILK:VON' ,IJrLLS. These Bella an superior to any otlitr dlell made in the state. We hare sold n large liumben in the county and find them to give good satisfaction. These are superior in tone to soy other Iron 1111, and *quid to meet brass t*ils. All bells gold are warranted .0 stand. and if any should break, we will suppl3l a new one in place. June 11. '63 LOWS I PLOWS !—The eelebiat,-. • 1 3 ••—et' EM} LE SEIR-KlARTENlNGopitsteeltatend ', lag• point Plows. , A4:I ' regs WINI. 1,..130Yeit .gr. 1311 ,4 , ! ••• • Agrietilturdl IroptementrthlantiCuctii7e ' r's f, rtug393m ' . 'A - , - Philadelvtia, . . i IIICIIO.Ii'S ' .CELEBRATED;' CI .DER af:LLS.o which nine barrels ofeider has • etineelein a day by ono man with' the assistance of .-11"411311hoYe.' For sale by .• RAMEIM E$T. ebttnbersbnig Angpst, 19. '93.7t. „ . I , • 8E14..L5.-'-,-We are Ageiats to sell the Lehanekron Sell. Tho best artlele made. hells warranted net to break . Call and. examiao our 'iltee tr t 'is ue are detbrmlned tesell goods at short profits , : :Isms 17, . MYERS ..k.,1311AN.p. . ARVESTING - TOOLS:— orks Eakeerfcythpa ; Cradles ; Smalls', &a. • MYII4B & . . Urstautants. .. . . . p3RANKLIT HALL RESTiATTE ANT.-1-31A RUN lIIiONVN, Proprietor.' Title well ' itoliii-liating Saledn is fitted up In elegant et vle ' and the undersigt.ed is prepared to serve np 1i11E.1 . 11 Ora: irefts. - vrai, PRiES, - TRIPE. 'CIIItKENB,...TUDIELE. a.nd,C,LA.M. SOUP;and Game of all kinds. 1 . : i' , ' , - 1 • WA'SHATS &EGLI'S AND,LUDITI4I3 AVE,- constantly on hand; ,. ~.,,,„tre , i,e 6o e t fery- reka a continuance of the patronage ltaltbisnilly hestowmt by' his fricidesud the public. t i . J 41728 177,'t3. ;‘ , l . ALIATIN B' OWN'" RALTIMORt-LOCK HOSPiTAI, „UP DR. JOHNSON, the ,foutider of this Celebrated Imititutban, offers the most certain,. speedy. and only effectual remedy in- the world for Meets, Strncturea. Seminal' Wealtns. P %in in the Loins, Constitutional Do. bilify t lmpotemee, Weakness of the Back am. Limbs. Affections or the Kidneys. Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Diseases of the Head, Throat. Nose or Ain ; and all those serioni and melan choly disorders arising from the destructive habits O. Youth., which desti oy both body and mien. These secret and solitary practices are more fatal to their victims than the s , ng of the Syretis to the mariner DlYrana, blighting their most brilliant hopes, or acticipations renderingruirringe,&c impossible. - YOUNG MEN. • Y oung Men especially, who hare become the victims of R, litarp Viee.ihat dreadful and aestructire habit which annually sweeps, to en untimely grave thousands of yotinbr men of theinost exalted talent nhdpritlian intolleetovhe might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with - the ilia riders of eloquence, or waked to eeatacy the Itcing lyre; may call with full confidence. • MARRIAGE! Marrtettpellsons. or young men contemplating, mar r1.14,^e, b dug aware of physical weakness,. organic debility, deformities, &c., - shottld immediately consult Dr. Johns ton..' /fii who places him self lin der the care of tir.johnston s hirty religiously comide In lilehonor as a gentleman, abundantly rely upon Ilia skill as physician. ' IMMEDjATELY CURED AND POLL VIGOR RESTORED - This disease Is the penalty most frequently paid by those who have become the victims of Improper indul genes. Young oe'rsons are too apt , to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may tettsue. Now, who that understands the suldoct will pretend to deny that the .power of Pirocreation is lest sooner by those falling into improper habit that by the prndent, Besides being deprived of the pleapre of healthy offspring, , the most! serious and destrttctivr sympathy to mind anti body atiSsi. The system bobome deranged the physical end ruatat powers weakened nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart lattit emion, n muting of the framecough, symp.em oeiwniuinptiou , . • lee No. .7 South. Fredrick Street, seco oors from Baltimore .street, East' side, up thi tile SW"' Be particular in observing the acme and nunlber,or you will misiake.the place. - ... , ,isz- A CURE IVARRA'NT.Rp DA4.43g •No APrcury or Nat:nowt Drugs, DR. J 0 JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London,- gra mute fregr one of the must eminent. Colleges of 'the United _States. and: the greater part of whole life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Parlay etilladel • phia and elsewhere, has effected seine of the utd.st eaten ishing cures that' were ever known. Many. troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great ,Vlerrillielle£A being alarmed , at sadden sonwls,and bash fulness. with frequent , blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured lintaidlately. A CERTAIN DISEASE 1 z . . When'the misguided add imprudent votary of prom sure finds he has Imbibed ti e seeds of this. painful dis wise, it, too Wren happ , ha that an il.banie'd sense el shame, or dread of discovery, deters him frfm applying qt . to those who from ednostion and respectability n alone befriend hinbdelaying till the constitutional sy - - toms of this horrid discasesnake their appearance, si eh as ulcerated 'bora throat, diseased nose. ntictnrnal pa ns in the hula and limbs, dimness'of sight. deafness, nobs on the shin, bones and arms, blotches on the head, fatal and' extremities, progressing with frightful 'rapidity. till at last the 'palate of the month or the bones of the nose tall in'and the - victim of this awful disease‘becOmes a horrid object, of commisserotion, till il.atli puts a pe riod to his dreadful sufferings, by sen , ,ing him to'-'that Warne from \donee no traveller returns" ,To si*h, therefore. Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preset - milli most inviolable secrecy ; and from his extensive•praOtict in the first Hospitals of hiurop. and A merica l he can c nfidently recommend a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It is a melancholy fa, t that thoiNands fall victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskilfulluess of , igno rant pretenders Who by moo of that dead ful pobiOn; tier cnry, ruin the constinition,and either send the luu'orttr nate to an untimely grave, or make the residne of life miserable. . TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! Dr .J. addresses those who have injured themselves by private and impropee indulgences. -- These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duted by early habits of youth. viz:—Weakness of the hack and Limbs, Pains in the (lead. Dintness .of Sight, Loss of..),lnscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia. Nervous Irritalliiity, Derangement of thelDiges tivo Functione,Geberul Debility, Symptoms of Consume Lion. km, ItIENTALLT. the fearful effects on the'rnind are ranch to ' e dremled : loss of Memory, Confusion.of Ideas, Dokires sioa of Spirits, Evil Forebodings. Aversion to Society, Self-DilitTuA,l.ove of Aiditudo. &c.„ aro some of She eVil effects. honsands of persons of a? 1 nges ran now judge what isthe cause of their declining health. losing the r vigor. hemming week, pale, have si z tignlar appearance about the eyes, cough. and symptoms of Consumption. D. STROI Dr. Johnston's Inrigorating Remedy for Or ganic Weakness. 'By this great and important remedy. Wealtnehe the Organs is speedily cured, and full vigor resiored. Thonsands 01 the most nervon• •^d debiaated,who t i ed lost ali hope, have been imr -Mat- 'v - relieved: All impediments to Marriage. Physi , lor f - -rital DiNgri al I fleation. Nervous In Re bilit y. Ti labillt -. Weakness or Nvlianstion of the most fearful opeedily cured by Dr. Johnston . Who have injured thotneelvts by a certain .practice. in dulged in when alone—ea habht frequently learned fr m .evil companluns, or at echool, the effects are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured. render ma - rMge- impossible, and destroys both Mind and body, should apply intmet lately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his coun try. the dArling of his pumas, should be suatehed from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the r.nrsequenc of dolatingfn m the path of nature. and indnittingin n oeitaln secret habit. Such persons, before contemplat • lug MARRIAGE should reflect that a sound mind and hotly are the most rte. e-sary ennisites to promote connubial harm! :fleas. Indeed without these, the journey through life become:4a weary pilgrimage. the prospect hourly dark ens to the view; the mind becothes shadowed with de spair. and tiled with the melancholy reflection, that the happinesi of another becetnee blighted with our own. OFFICE No. 7, SOITTLI FE.E.DESICk ST., BALTIMORE. , The many thousands cured at this Institution in the last ilft6en years; and the numerous important surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witnestied 'by the re portersof tho papers. and many other persons. notices of which have appeared again and again before thfipub• tic, is a sufficient guarantee to the affliffled. N. B, There are so many ignorant an worthless quackseadvertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of the already afflicted. • D r.,Joli nston deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted with his rep• niatinn. that his Diplomas hangin his office. 1115 r TAB Nonce—Alt letters must be poet paid,and contain a posta,e swap for the reply, or no answer will besent. Feb 26, '63-Iyr. Fa;, H. T. ANTHONY, Manufacturers Photographic Materials, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS 31YP.RS & BRifiND ' Our Catalogue now embraces considerably oyer Four Thousand different subjects (to which additions are con tinually being made) of Portraits of Etidnent Americans etc., viz: 72 Major• Generals, 626 Statesmen, i 190 Brigadier-Generals, 127 Divines,. 2t9 Colonels, • 116, Authors; 24 Lieutenant-Colonels 30 Artists, 207'f:it - her Officers, 112 Stage, CO Navy Officers,46 Prominent Women, 147 Prominent Foreign Portraits. including reproductfons of the most celebrated Engrav ings; Paintings, Statues, &c. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. An order for One Dozen Pictnrei from our Catalogue vOll be filled on receipt of sl.Boi end eont by mail free. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. - Af these we manufacture a great vriety, ranging in price from 60 cents to $5O each. Our Allniths have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. The smaller kind can be Sent safely by mail at a postage of six. cents per oz. The more-expensive can be sent byexpress. We else keep a large assortment of .STERESCOPES AND srEamscorid viEws„ thircatakigue of these will,be sent tiny address - on receipt f Stamp. E. .1 - IL T. ANTONY, : kliinufacturerg of Photographic 3.l4tertaln Friends or relatives of prominent military no will confer a favor by 'Sending ne their likeness to They Will be kept carefully and returned uninjured; Fine Albums made to order for Congregatione to sent ,to their Paster. or for other imiTottes, with sttitglitik inecriptions t /cc.` • • -:, r -- 4m/iitlit ft' ',,' ORGANIC WEA.KNEss! YOUNG MEN, TO STRANGERS )botograpbic. O 1 Bionaway, New York 2,500 o:4piei 0.1 - Forks of Ar 501 - Broadway, Nei° York °sib* , atittfic)* Ilita4, K ENNEDY - Sr, Part nes-chip—The undersigned have associated tuna, netves the practico of the Law_in the severstl courts of Frank - sin 'County. ,Offis eon Market Street, iu the room' horetofotu ocCtsple'dy T. B. Kennedy. T. B. R C.iNEDY. June li, '63 TTORNEY :AT LAW.-W/1 0 -, SON REILLY, Attorney at Law.-ofice on Mar kel.pt... formerly occupied by Reilly & 1E•134.-rp, directly opp - site trite, Court House, Chambersburg, Pa. All' legal Inisiness ontriigted to him Will receive prompt attention. lie will practice in adjoining Counties. Junel7;'63. `.; P. S. ST6IPACIGH. - JOHN STEWAIG:r.' TIJ3II3AITGH & 'STEWART, At torneyB at Law. Charaberebnrg. Pa.. gi VP their undi vided at [catkin t.) the Prue:Benet' their Profession. John Stewart arre.4 for procuring - Bounty Money, PensioneJ and arrntnagenal Pay. Office in the -Town Hall GM..B; W. S. STENGER,. Attor • nos at 4.azo, Cloombersbnrg, Pa. Collections promptlY, atteaded to, W. S. Stenger, District 'Attor ney and agent foi procnring Pensions, ' Bounty Money _and Arrears of Pay. Office in Franklin Building, 3d dour from the corner. Jnnel7,j6a.• S. EVERETT, :Attorney at Lazo. Office in 31rs. Bard's -dwelling, directly °pio , site the o..nr,t finuse,Chambersbiirg, Pa. in tit c several Courts of Franklin and - Fniton Counties, All legal •Immineks entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. June 17; 1863. • T Af'DOWELL SHARPE, Attorney tfr. at,Zuw. Cluttubersburg, Pit. Office in Mrs, Bo.rd'a Buildings, directly opriesitn the Court llonse. • Junoli..lBo3. GO. SELTAIA3SER, Attorney at . Law, Chambertibnrg. Pa...Office-14in Street. above Queen, hi the room formerly occupied by S -Reish er. Esq.' (EORGF EY . STER MAKE, Attorneys at Low, hove removed tro the Vtlem on MAMStreet,one door€outh of gynter's Stare, • June 17, '63. S. CLARK, Attorney at law, has . removed hie Office a few, doors Eaq of It is rennet. _location. on 'Mark& effect. (South-aide.) June '63: If. DUNCAN, Attorn . ey at Office on Market Street, in Lawyers Want; opposite the Court- [rouse. June 17.'63_' I'll L'eFL.TOHgR, Attiji•n'ey - a: tTLcruYi Office,en'Ea sl3lerAet street neatlyetigesiha the Cogrt Muse- - .Thee 17- .70S- A LEX.,K. AI'CLURE, Attorney at Chanibersburg, Pa. Mae in the Pratt/din 'ficpbettorn Buildings. Juue 17.'63. Bentiottv. DR: WM. B. - HURD'S 'DENTAL . REiti:DILS-A RE TUE RIPS. 11177111; WORLD. itisueng 'Pine Teeth and Sweet Dieath, and curing Toothaeneand Neuralgia. - • - - 1 - 3,0 you wish to be blessed with and arluired for Pearly White and Sound Teeth?: Use Dr. IVIL B. HURD'S L'NftlY ALLEM TOUTWPOW DER, - warrantoq free Dorn acid. alkaii,or any Injurious substance, price, 2.5 cents per box. - , Beware of the ordinary cheap Tooth Powdcrs;; which Whiten but destroy. • - Do yen wish to be certain that your Breath is pure, sweet and agreeable to husb.ual or wife, lover and iriend? Use Dr. BURIAL CELEBRATED MOUTH WASH Price, 2.7 cents per bottle. The astringent . wash is also the best remedy in the world 'for Canker. Bad Breath. Bleeding 'Gurus; time Month, etc: It has cured hundreds. Do you wish your children stiffer from Toothniche ? Get Dr.llllllD S NIAG7.O TUOTBACIIE DROPS. Price, 12 cents per bottle. Are you afflicted with Nei:might! Get Dr. WM B BUBO'S NEUItALGIA, PLASTERS. The malt effect e and delightful remedy known - for Pains in the Face, Chest. Shoulders. Neck, or any part of the body They du put adhere nor blister, but soothe and chaim pain 11Way: Try them. Price, 1.0 and 37 cents. Mailed on receipt of price. A .Trottise on the heat method bf Pieserving the Teeth mailed on receipt of the price-10 cents. It is a valunble little Work, and should be in the possession of eve*. prison. Par sale at all the beat stores throughout the country CAtTrtox.—As there are dealers who take advantage of ou!)tdrertinetuents to impose upon their rtotomeis in ferior, preparations, it is nhcessary to insist upon having whatyon cull for, and you will GET TEE BEST. thoroughly ,tested. and prepared by an experienced and scientific Dentist, Treasurer of the New York State Dentists' As sociation. and Vice President of the New York 3ity Den tal Society. Address WM. B. 11(111.0 14 CO.. June 17, 'd3-tf Tribune Buildings. New Yotk. TEETH. INSERTED ON AMBER BASE.—DR. N. SCIIIASSER. 0111 e still at his reel- - dence on EAST MARKET STREET. near the Franklin Railroad. Dentistry in all its hintirlies attended to with all the modern improvements. Hiving published to thi. community fir more then two yews. that teeth on Amber is.in every way CHEAPER AND BETTER than teeth on any other mnterial.l oonld gny that I in ill see no reason to change toy-opinion, for there are ninny per- sons in Clitimbersburg ti d vicinity for whom 1 have 'inserted teeth on AM.lllllt ehocan testify to their supe rior mer t. work warranteil to give satisfaction. or no charge. Teeth extracted without pain with perfect safety without taking Ch.lorefuttu. For further infor mation call at the office. (June 17,1563. DR. W. W. SCIILOSSER. Surgeon Dendot:--The undersigned Las removed his office from the Mansion _House to the residence of Mr John Noel. Northwe.t corner of the Diamontl. aml itnntedi nt« , ly opposite the Franklin Hotel. -OMee on the se coed flo%Jr —entrance through the passage, to the right as you ahcend the stairs. Jane 11,1863. W. W. St7FILOSSER. REAIOVAL.—Dr. J. K. PEni Den list, h Is rvainved ISie oilier irom the corner or the Public Nnitre. where he practised so many pearl. to the corner of Main and Queen Streuts..above Wrn. lieyser's Ding ~ 2 tore. Cham heret/I.g. Pa.. where heArtil he Wag e d to_receive the calls of his f riends. [Jane It, 1863. i)j)voiciano. DR. A. R. SIIAW, returns his thanks to the citizens of Franklin county, for the lib. eiat encouragement bestowed on him the last three years. and invites those who have not noels trial of 110NREOPATItY to do so. eAnsultatirms free'. All cu rable cases cau rely on a more speedy cure than under any othbr system. Dr. S. ham removed to North Main street. a. 'short distance below the point, where he can be lead) to attend to calls, either in town UI country when.nOt absent on professipial business. une,l7, lBn2. DR. W. D. BROWN. i PROP. 7., WALK: BROWN & WALK, Electrical Phy- SiCia7ZR, Office in Franklin Building, W.etir MAR EDT STRRET, Chanibersburg. Pa. The above treats all Chronic Diseases by 111C3118 o. GALVANISM and the different moditio.ttions of ELEC TRICITY, as discovered and taught by Prof. Bolias. :Tune 10.63-11 flslTi. JOHN MONTGOMERY will attend promptly to nll calls in his line. Office' n Ain street, next door to the Eagle Hotel. And neatly opposite the residence of the ifon.titiorge Chambers. • Vlinmbershrirg. June 17, 1863. J. C. 11ICITARDS will attend fipromptly to all mils in his line. ()Mei. on Main Street, next door to Spangler:* Drug Store. Vir Ornes Hotath—Front 7 tolo, A.M.; 12.10 2 Ad 6 i'. M. s June 17,1563. ',fadvatlying littousto.. TJ ib N Dar'Edinß, and Cfimmiaaion iiNeE A ant North Second Street, opposite the Cumberland' ;;kileY Railroad Depot, CILAMBERREURG,,Pa. - Care run regularly tccand from Philada.'& Baltimore. AGENTS.—PEncocE. ZELL & lintongsx, No. 808 Ittafi -- hot street,,Philadelphia. , P. S.—Lyketie 'Valley, Broken Egg and Nut COAL (di, rect from the mines t i, ,Wilkesharre -and „Pine Grove FOUNDRY COAL, L AMER and SHINGLES, SALT, PLASTER and HANCOCK CEMENT, kept constantly on hand. FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE, of all kinds, purchased at the highest cash prices. -sap 9, 83 - - WUNDERLICII A NEAR. 101111BERL'D VALLEY WARE nottsE. The Forwarding, business will hediaffer be conducted by C. W."EYSTEII At CO., at the Ware house of the Q. V. Railroad, wherethey hope to receive a liberal patronage. . . PE.POTS--Buzby & Co.. 265,151arket St , Philadelphia, and John 13Ingham, 151 Howard St..l3altlmorc. June 17.'63. - • - C. W.RYSTER &tO.-• 9fJOiTAB 1.. MILIBPIE JACOB ZELLEit., GILLISPIE' & ZELLER, Prodifee - - ;07Commr8szor Mriceg.orrs. and wholesale" Gra tg,k, utk West Corner of Sixth and Market Streets, Ptia- foga [June 17,'83. ViooksNatiotittli;= &r. "s. SITRIOCK, • •- ' C 146 BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, Now occupies his hi*w STORE ROO3l, and isprepared to transact, business- with reenter facilities than ever. BOOKS. School. Books, Miscellaneous Books, Toy Books, Law Books. Medical Books, Sunday School Books, Military Books. • . . BIBLES. , 13 • 4large assortment or Pocket and Family Bibles, BLANK BOOKS Of all sizes, qualities and styles of binding. A 'grin!, variety or all kinds of Writing and Print ing Tapers, of Trench, English and American man efacture.' •Also, Ent/elopes of all sizes and qualitim, Ink, Pens, Pencils ! , Indin Rubber, Ttipes, Seals, Quills, Copy Books, Blotting Bonn:LI/nixes, Eraser, Writing Saiid, &c., &c. • - : • ,3 " • June 17,'63, The very- best Gem, psxB :In the tniirket.fully warranted, made Leroy W. FaireJd, of N. Y.•. .BLL.N•D•PAiIER. A tall rariety of patterns and qualities. TAPEA. Elemnaan different patterns. together with euitable:Berderings;lyet and Velvet Gilt. PICTURg. ci ‘ '.ai and StmaseFrames far P!) - olographs: Frames made.to order. - • ' - • FRENCH GLASS, - For Picture Frames. of Aity size. " OHEA.P:AOI 7 II.B ' Much lower than publishers' pridus, among - which - I ' are thO TlieiWhite Crcuser, • • • ' The Ranger. " The Midnight Queen, - - ~.; English Tom, • • Joson ine,. ;.• Maid of the Saranac. . • • Capt. Eawkes.--- - • , Don Bernardo's Daughtet, • Helena, David Duffiekq, Sketches in France, • ' • Verner's Pride. • Novels, • Dickens' llovels. • ' - Mrs.Southw'th's Novels, M. Giay's Novel's, -. ' , . Buiwer's :Cove% , • , Artliar's Navels,.. , , , .. ' ' Lite). Sanford, Rifle ShotS, - ' .. . Trial - nad Triumph, - • : ~., • .' Prince and Tedler, Annetto, . • - • - Eaht Lyda°, - ; : '.. • • ' - Miriam - AlroY. , - , • • 'Legends and Stories, ' •-- ' • ' Red Jack, • • ' -, Red Scout, Belle of the Bowery, ' , • • • SOH - Campbell, % ' Grace Weldon, • ' Rival Beauties, , ' - The Grumbler, Barren Honor, The Squire,_ , , Palkland: - ' - ' "Miirose, Chips from Uncle Pam's Jack-knife, The Everlasting Fortune Tell.m., The Maneuvering Mother, Marguerite de Valois, 'Foggy Night at Oiford, The Quiet Husband. Two Prima Dolmas. Morgan's Freemasonry, The Debtor's Daughter, - The Banker's Wife, Highwayman's Rideo Nobleman's Daughter, ;.• The Scarlet Flower, - ' • The Wife's Trials. Cecilia Howard, Lena Cameron, - The Expectant, Les Miserables, 500 Puzzles. ENGRAVINGS. English;. French, German and American Engra vings. BASKETS. Fancy. Traveling, Book. Picnic, Fruit, Knife and Clothe&Baikeo.. • . Single and Double Zephyr, Tapestry and Spit Zephyr, Shetland Wool, &c., &c. . • NEWSPAPERS. The Philadelphia aid New York Dailies receiver daily. Clubs or individuals supplied. • WEEK - 4Y PAPERS. Marper's Weekly, Prank Leslie.- 'N.Y. Mercury, ' - • N. Y. Weekly, New-York_Ledger, etc., received week& Harper's Monthly i - Atlantic Monthly, Continent 4 received a soon as published. CHEAP LITERATURE. All the Dime Publications, Weekly Ncuvellettes, Song Books, etc., received daily. ORDERS. We take orders for all kinds of goods. EXPRESS. We reeciye goods by Express,avgar Der from the East. Blank Deeds. Writing and Printing Cards. . Rulers, ° Paper Weights, Fancy Boxes, Conibs and Brushes, Chalk Crayons, and all''standard goods , in our; 'fine constantly on baud. , - • MUSIC. Shoot Mune, for Piano, Guitar, Violin. Pluto, etc. • ire‘ purchase •Pianoeon commission, so as to save our customers from Fifty to• One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. MUSICAL ' We can supply any kind of Musical .Instrnments at prices far lower than usual. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. • ...We can sell PhotegraphAlbuins 'at lower prices than they can be procured for in the cities. We haVe $o hesitation in saying to our customers thaffroM our long exPerienee.: ear manner of do ing business, and our groat facilities, we do net fear competition. it - nd have no doubt of our belug able to give entire satisfaction. •• • - • Come ; , ape our New Store, our new and-en larged stock, and form your ownopinione. Chimbinalmrtorine 17,1863. STATIONERY,. - GOLD PENS ZEPHYR WORSTEDS. 'PERIODICALS Gotley, Peterson, Balton, Knickerbocker, . All the Year %mall, Cernhilb etc., otc., PIANOS ii3ountg agencies. youN PUN FIROY, ' • tyAlt mr.&,VD NA VT AGM 204 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, "lIILLADELPHIA. • The undersitted,having resigned his positio Pny olitster . S.A.rtny:horoponsi at No 2)4 SOUTH FoUtall STREET,. no AGENCY FOR PR 'IIRING PENSIONS, and for the collection of Oirletille, fiot.Duats!, and all otherCiAras n,,ouluet the (I,'averatnent: My long experience ms Paymaster, hits given rue, unn ,mal facilities for becoming thoroughly actitiainted with this business in ell Its details. On the receipt. try mall, of a statement of the' case of claimants,l wilt forward the necessary papers for Weir signature.- Perstuialaita %elation will be given to the cams at Waskingti D. No charge unless successful, when ss' will be charged for coUecth g all sums under.sso, and $lO on animals over that amount and Under saxi, Larget claims taken on epeeist arrangement. Fees in Pension Cases as Axed by LNFOMIATION .I'oli, AND INSTRUCTIONS TO CL I . TB. Ali Soldiers of thrrpresent ,war, who have served two years, and Soldiers dis Charged for wounds received in battle, without reference to time of service,.are entitled besides their regular pay, tuSlOO - Bounty. In case Soldiers or Seamen are discharged for disability or•weandsreceived while in the service, theyare entitled to a Pension according to the disability. In case of the death of the Soldier before discharge, through disease contracted, or wounds received while in eenrice, his widow is entitled to receive the $l4O Bounty, besides arrearages of pay and pension during her lifetime or. widowhood- • „, lithe Soldier, die after discharge. from disease con• t meted or dunds received while in Service, his widuw is vnittiled to a pension of $66 per annum. . If no widow or minor children, the mother of the Sol dier oiSeaman will receive the Pension, if dependant on dtim Wholly or in part for support. If deceased Soldier be Seaman leaves no - wide*, his eittldi en are entitled to the same benefits as the widow, osc,ept when the children may be over the ace of 16 - years. If. no widow or minor children, the bounty:and pay -will descend to the heirs as follows: -First to-the Father, second to the Itother, third to the . Brothers and tillers, and then to the next of kin. ' Discharged Soldiers. whose clothing account ,was un settled-at the Wife of discharge, can recover any balance due them, if the Company books are not destroyed. To drew this balanee, write to your, Captain for a th'acrip tive list. showing Clothing account, and forward it to me with your preliminary statement; giving alsci the date •of your 'discharge - , . • Soldiers,who served with the nine months' volunteers,' can receiver $.27 bounty and premium, without regard to time of service, if they have not already received it. Soldiers who were prisontra in the South, and Soldiers who were abSent on rick furlough, are entitled to L*l4' ambition of rations. - In communicating with this'elfice, state the nature of your claim fully,,Akive- tlic Company and Reg meet to' Which 3i.ou'or the Soldier for whom you claim belonged, as well as, yoiir present Post Olfice address. , - REFERENCES. His _Excellency ANDREW G. CURTLY, Governor, of Penn- - sylvarda. Hon. SIMON CAXEROI4, Harrisburg, Pa. JOSEER CASEY, ChiefJuStice of the Court of Claims; "Washington. - R. H. Baoonz, Chief Clerk of pay, Department, Washington: LION. EDWARD „McPasasos, If. C.. Washington. lien. Jas. P. STRILEET, President Judge, District Court, Pittsburgh. lloN. A. McCurns,Cliambersbrirg, Pa. 110 N. TROILVS A. Scorr, Vice President Penn'a Rail Road. Wirasits D.Tnomss, Collector-of the Port, Philud'a. llos. C. A.WALtionn, Post Master, Philadelphia. Diriztit Co.,llankrrs, Philadelphia. _ AunsDthstss, President of Union Batik, Philadelphia BLILLEIT fi , FAIRTRORCE, Attornies. 46 RIEGEL, Wisp 4,EUTIN, Merchants, LuiDm°, KNE.Enixic ,Co.l4.lerchants,' 11.tIIGII lliVltt FirST & Ca: AierChalattili " IlEmsamv.S.J.saFt. nr,Ja. A Co.. Merchants, 44 CnanLES.B.Monosav tt CO., Merchants, ‘c _ Axwoon, Want & Co., Merchants, . .44 JOHN M. PUMROY, : June 17;'63-H. ' ._,. No. 204 .•.ontli Fourth Street. ENSIONT BOUNTY A - ND WAR CLAIM - AGENCY.l'ensions procured for soldiers t ~f IoS present War who are disabled by reason of wounds received. or disease contracted, while in the service ot-the United states; and Vensions, SlOO Bounty, and Arrears of Pay obtained for widows or heirs- or thOse,who bayt died or beenicilled while in service. - JOHHII. OR_lli Clain! Agent, Feb.2s, '63-.TY. ' - "-- - - - Chatihersburg, Pa.. Ittattufactureo. ITO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. - • .CiIA3II3ERSBURG FOUNDRY. The tindeisigtied takes this method to inform the public that he has taken the FOUNDRY so long carried on by Wm. Seibert, with all the PATTERNS connected there with; where he purposes 'continuing the business, and is um prepared to mak6 -ALL KINDS so - F -CASTlNGS— thatmay be wanted by the community, Partictdar at tention will be paid to making and - keeping mrhand ev ery description:of PLOWS, CASTINGS, WAGON I;0X- E 5, ic. • All kinds of , Castings trade to order. New Plowg, of darrent patterns, always on hand or made to order. • OLD METAL taken in Ara;le, for which- the highest price will be given. By aevoting himself attentively to. tinsinesii he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. June 1703. • ABRAHAM METZ. .Ti. SILVOR AND BRASS - PLATER AND BIT AND .STIRRUP MAKER.—The nib scriber respectfully informs his friends and the Public, that be coutinuea to carry on the above business at his dd stand by Main Street,opposite the G ernmn Reformed Church, Chamberstharg. • Has !ng enlarged his business, Saddlers and Coach• tinkers will find in his Store Room a general assortment. I Goods suitable to their several requirements, such as lair and Country Ilogskins, Patent Leather; Gig . Trees: full Plated; nand and 3panned; Self• Adjusting Trees - i lull Plated, Tinned an ' apanned; Straining Web and • ~,14.) • Worsted Bain Web. lo .than Cotton; [lames, Bite and 1 ;Grimm', Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Coach Handles. i $ ' POUTING DONE AT SHORT new - stYles; Curtain Frames; Hub Bands; Bridle Fronts' NOTICE, of first rate material and cheap'. • Itoseates,,Swivels and Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wool- I tit: names, Buckles, Brass, Silver and Japanned, all . Alt work warranted, and cheaper than can be bought ..tyies and patterns; Ivory and Woodin ...Martingale- elsewhere in the County. Call and see for yourselves; sings, Stump Jolnta,and a variety of other Goods suit at • • ,ETTER, HAMILTON 'k co'a. • , ibis for the trade. ..• ~nearly opposite the Bank. - 41•• all kinds of Plating, Ace., done with neatness and , leSpattb. LEWIS WAMPLER...-:_ iFTTRIZ - HAMILTON & . - CO. are' March 25,'63.—E1m 1 . ..E.A 'prepared to pit Tip the beet LIGHTNING RODS y • at cheap rates. • II undersigned respectfullyannonncet to the citizens ..t Franklin county that he , bas opened a New Marble - Yard in the room formerly occupied by Dr. Hamilton, directly opposite J S. , Nbion's Drug Store,•Main Street, Inaba Borough of Ohambersburg, where he will keep on hand or make to order allarticles in his line of business; such as MONUMENTS, TOMBS and HEAD STONES, SiANTLES. TABLE &STAND TON. Ac., manufactured from the very best Foreign and DOmeatic Marble. • lies respectfully solleits a call front those who may 6 - e ip want of any article In the above line. .He is confident in his ability to satisfy all who may be pleased to patronize him, either as regards his 13fices, or tho quality k heality. and chasteness of his work. t _ Jtily S,!SS. JOHN, A. GROVE. J3ROOANIIFACTORY.=Th© ItANITFACTORY.-LThe undersigned shill carry on their 8110011 MANU ' TOILY,"at their old stand, on East Market Street, Chainbel'sburg. They would Inform' the public that they have provided themselves with a Machine to tOkeluff Broom Seed, which they will, do for such as do not want to do"it themselves, and make, their Biooma cheap for cash,,or on the sharps. They will also pay CASII FQII. BROOM dOllN ' if well putup, , wept 16-3m] ' il. ,k S. J. LITTLE. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRIN- Nu. -1. Liosis FAMILY Virsimmit. .$lO 00 No. 2.' 3.lwartm da . o. .do do d - No. 3. thuta. do 'do No., 8. LARGIS Hom do . No. 18.'Slantrit Lai:isms! do tI - o run steam 18 00 No. 22. LARGE do ~ do or hand. 30 00 Nos. 234 and 3 1ilivono Cogs. AI others are warranted. No. 2 !e the size generally used in private families. ORANGE Jime, of the American Agriculturist, says of the _ _ _ • • UNIVERSAL . CLOTHES WRINGER _ • "A-child can readily wring out a tubfulrof:Clotheili a few minutes.. It lain rerdttra..CLOTHES SANER( A TIME SANZlslltts and a STRENGTH SAVERt :'-The sav ing of garments trill. alono pay a large per tentage on its cost.... We think She machine much: more than YAPS VOHITSEEF EVERY YEAR friths saving of :garments! There are several kinds, nearly alike in geneml construe tkin; but•We consider It Important that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the rolls* and the rollers upon the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose frone,She shaft: Our own is one of the first make, and it is as GOOD AS NEW after nearly FOUR YEARS' CON STANT USE. .6673, Wringer with Cog Wheat 14 iVarranita in el tri particular. - 2Vo Wringer ccia be durable without Cog ' Wheele. • • ' ' 4 A good -CANV4BSER wantedin'every town: td14.44. ate -Price-40144 1 1 aces 'where no one is t sePitgr, e will Elextd tha Wringer nes OF =MM. roi4partidalsisisk , d'elreulari iddrese , • R. 0, BROWNING, ang - 26m • - 347 Emadriay, No* Yotk. - every • • tOB PIUNTING,. in V: demi atlhiltlie of the FRANKLIN REPOKIWRY. `:' '4' I" . ;,;: ioU44catiOgtici! t CAPITAL BOORS, JOHNB A tisßTi!rwArik.suf?D By (Stagarour t. , DOOLADYNT • - 49 , Walker Street,. , ear ltniadwayy, ' ' YORK CITY. LEA'P'S FROM THE WART . OF Alt ARTY SIM . : OFA.L.;;by Doctor Thos. T. ELLLS,Late Post I'ulityafkt• New York, and Acting Medical Director at White nee Va. Cloth. 350 pages. 12mo. Price $l. A ./itiiiint Discount ia the trade. l:acltcopy,contains on • onto graph letter from General McClellan. DR: 03.31311.N0'S UcitLV'TO BISTIOP COLENSO.;—: Bishop Cbtenso fogy A netvereti : 'His Errors - rifuted; ondthe Mosaic authot shio ot the Pentateuch- clearir toblished, by the .1• re . 34.4'h n Cumming, D. D., in a series of Lectures. Cloth. 271 pp. Ithno. Price $l. , TIIE ACTRESS IN 1.114.411 LIFE, An Epitodeitt Wiq ter Quarters, by a Lilly of South Carolina. Cloth. - 451; pages • •12mo. ADVENTIIRLS RV SEA AND LAND OF THE COUNT bE GANAIr ; Or. Me DerWort t and fielaityqf Waitati. An Episode of the Colonization of • Canada.' By 11. Erni o Chevalier. Cluih 312 pp. 12mo. $l.. - , LES 511SEIILBLES, by Victor lingo: Fire Nols,dri - Or e. Pontine, ' - Marius, St. Denis, 'Cosdfte, Cloth. 47tt pp. ••. Svo. $l.lO. - HANS OF 10EL,AND:—The Demon of the North. • A m Roance by 'Victor lingo. Cloth. 387-pp. 8140. 500. ARBITRARY AititEsTS IN TUR SOUTH :-"&i4lc4l'• in the Experience pf on Alabama Vitionitt, by R. S. •fhorin, A. Al: I , 4:lt:veil Charleston; for thirty years a resident of the Cotto'n States ; and commonly known iII the West as " the Alai:aim& lie/ogee! * Cloth. „tau •pp. , 12mo. $l. LIVES AND LETTEk S OF ABELARD AND II:ELOISE byo, W. Wright. Cloth 319 pp. ,12mo. $l. .. • THREE YEARS IN CHILI. Cloth. IEB pp. 12mo. 75c. , • - WittlS AND WATERS:—.The SzranacS and Bad t. • By Alfered B. -tree:. I loth. 341 pages. 12mo. $1.25 STORIES- OF FRONTIER ADVENTURE IN TIE SI • SOUTH AND `IVES'. By Wm. T. Coggeshall, Author of lloniellits"and Lifilts, "Poeta and PliotrY of the West,"., &a. 3 - :3 pp., 12mo. $L • TILE BATTLE-(IF WAI'ERLOO. By Victor 'Hugo. t Paper Cdiers: 75 pages. 107400. 15c. • • TRIPS - 1N THE I.IFE uts A LOCOMOTIVE ENGIN EER. Paper Corers. 2..4 Iqr.. 12,49. 500, , Clotts, $l., O'VE - 141-1.11 'ol' FOUR ACRES ,and - the ',Money tee, made by it. From the 1:011 London Ed.;by Rotifer blarJ tinean.. Paper Corers— P-3 pp.• 11tuo. 260. ,Cloth. 38c. - ' - - , 'Thesabooltimaty be bought at retail-from the Stet . * of 4, .3,,_5.,5E,R POOR. Duly 22-3 m. ATAN 0 , ()I) •,` • -How hosTt• HOW RESTORED r• Just Published in .Seet',,,l .17trqopt. Price Stith • Cents:- t „Lecture 'on the 'Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorthum or Ccminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervonsuess and Involuntary Emissions, iris , ' diming Imliotency. C1,11.,111.s pi ton ; and Mental and Yhyta , teal Debility, by 14.131.1 a J. evissawitu.,3l. D. , The important fart t hat the stvlui consequence of Abuse may be enect nally emoved ' without internal' medicinesor the dangeruns application of caustics, -In struments, rnedicatee boug les, and other empirical de vices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly.succstu I IreatMeut as adopted by the cele brated author, fully ex I maned, by means of which every - oue is enabled to cure it hn,elf perfectly, and at theleast possible cost, thereh:t articling alt the advertised nos. truma of the day. - This Itrtute will prove a boon to thousands Sent under seal, tunny address,ln a plain sealed enve lope; on the receipt of six cents or two postage stamps, by addressing, CJIAS. J. C. ELINIi g Cb., 127 Bowery, 3lew York, Post Office, Box, 4 , 59 e. • 194; 19, '93-3ur. • ' • -- *tobro anti - Entimate . THE 4, DT_I T Cil SETTLEMENT bDOWN Tows : - -ExtrnatVe I rin,'Opper and'ilitore Astitlishattittn—The untleirsigned • 'respecttrilly in forms his friends and the public, generall3 that he loot" removed his establishment tram the="Duttli Se it lemene . up town, to the ;spacious Atone fornterl3 'eietipieo l"y -31innich .k , Brand, - itad nearly opposite Whites C. vitt ing Store. _ . lie has just receited a large assortment of COON, COAL, PAN.LOR. - and .NIN4-PLATE ,SIGVES of the most approved and latest patterns, which he can and is det mined to sell as cheap, it not a little cheaper, than, can ballad elsewhere in the country, - lie has also, and intends keeping constantly on hands, a large assortment of Tin Copper and Sheet-Iron 35 are, made of thelest nutterial and by good workmen. . Alf - Persons in want ~f anything in the above line are requested to give bim a call before- purchasing else , where, is he feels cony in i ed that he catrsuit them either as regardsthe article or the price. • . SPOUTING made mid pot up at the shortest notice. All kinds of repairing done neatly and expeditiously. Old pirstei, Brass and Copper taken fa exchange for Ware, or thehighest price given in cash. June IT, ISIS. . - . , JACOB ILVILVER. -perOUSEKEEPERS, READ !---Gal- II I lagher's Suarisc ir-Tight I—A New Flat Top cutitilNG STOVE. The ; plates are very heavy, and the whole Stove is finished in a superior manner. 1 warrant this Stove to be superior to any Flat-Top Stove now in the market, and' reipec Unity invite my friends and the. public to call and examine this Stove, of which, there are several sizes. • . I have also a great variety of other COOKIENI STOVES of every Style ;- PARLOR. STOVES, new and beautiful patterns, together with a heavy stock of aTOFES fur Churches, Stores, Offices, Hotels, &c.. aon - N S.' LUDWIIa, • WhOlesale and Retail Dealer in ' .STOVES, TUT AND COPPER WARE. • N. 11.—I have been appointed Sole Agent for Galls, gher l e Celebrated&Darin Air-Tight Cook Btovein Chank beraburg- Pa. , June 17,1863. - 4 T ETTEI,II - AMILTON & CO'S Great Stove and Tin Ware Store corner of the Diamond, Tan be seen the largest,best:and Thinnest 'Stock of Elabds inEhambersbnrg. They have , COOS, STOVES for Wood ,and Coal s ot latest patterns and 'til sties, fit fair` prices. [June 17,1863. A LWAYS ON HAND, A_ LARGE assortment of- the .yery best Tin, Japanned and eopperware, &e., sold low at ETTER, HAMILTON & - COT. ' A.LL WQRIc,w..A.I3,RA.N . T..ai, and cheaper than can be bought . elsewhere the county., Come andseeliAt t u:y. at 1110.11LTONA CIALL .F 011; PARLOR AND Dr= IL) NINO ROOM COOK STORM They are pretty, Sno4 and cheap. - - =OK, HAMILTON & CO'S, A few . doors from Shryocee Boa Store. • - LAWDRETH'S • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS IND SEED WAREHOUSE,_ • - - 21 and 23 South Sixth. street, Philadelphia. DATED La:maim & Son, Proprietors of Bloomadate which contains near four hundred acres, in high tine s levoted to the production of GASMEN Sanwa, are pow orepared'tl supply Country' Merchants, Draggisti and slintheis who deal in Seeds,witb large or small quati• titles, by the Pound or bushel, and also in papers made ready for retailing. - The Establishment represented by David Landreth & Son; has been founded nearly % of a century. - The wide spread popularity, and the demand;increaSt- Ingfromyettr te year. for - ' ' LANDRETH'S WARRENTED . • GARDEN SEEDS _ trevidence of the high _Value entertained fcr them by the public. - Lareketh'e.Garden Seeds are not only favorably i•e• dyed throughout the Unit* but are shipped to many tereign ports. Indeed; it maybe stated with national .aide that they come into active competition w tilt Eng, ieh :iced on British Soil. Dnvid,tandreth & Son invite all who are not already' arichnsers of their Garden Seeds, to make a 'trier of .hem—asshred thatithey will bei found fully - equal .to heir high reputation. Landreth'i Rural Register and Almandc containing a atalogue of Oirden Seeds' With instructions, furnished • Irate. Also—Catalcve of Agricultural 'ltnplemtmta: . - DAVID LANDRETH - SON, - • Nes. Tl,artn 23 South Bth S t., Philadelphia, Lng: '63.1y 7,00 000 A GO . ..... 14 00 QEF,t) can Abe,Nnzers LotowroxSEl.lD WIIEA inrittan. titteato eultpurchasers. - rricoisl.so per. bualte),Ad. dress or apply to the underaignod at Chambereburg aeptl6-2t .BrcLuar. • 4 TYAV3I/4Tfr."if bel or,th tipsitiais; can tkirnish ,thent with the REOOSITOBI Three months forM cents; six months for 50' cents, or one year for $l.OO. 0 *veto.