IC ~ Q ec4on : rQdani t n. . . IK3ROOLAM.ATION !—GEYERAL ELECTION.—Wberen.. le awl by on %Act of tie im! Assembly of thee.ournonwealttiotiPerinsylva bia,mititted. "An Act refitting- to the nectitira of this Irunionwealth,"paSsed the 3,1 flay ofJu ly, Alma Domini 11.4. it is triode the duty of - the Sher if of eery County within this ConinSonweatth to iove public uotite of the General Elections; and in such notice to enutnerate -Ist—'lll6 Officers to be electe,i. 2d—besignating thephices ,it which the erection is to beheld. Therekire, - • I, SAMUEL BRANDT, 111:11 Sheriff of County of Franklin, do hereby 'make lintm u and give this PUBLIC NOrliCß to thwElectore of the Count) of Franklin, that ON THE 2(1 'ITI39DAY O 1 OCTOBER, NEXT, -(being the 12th tlAy'of the month.)4 cli•neral Electiori will be held at the several Election DiArrleis estahlit:hed by - 1 / I 'h in anid coentylit which time they will rote helot fur „She aeveral officeris,_&c„hefeinafter named, !via:— Ono person -fOr Governor of the CoMon'onwcalth of Peurtsylvania. One person for Judge of the Supreme Uonrt of the Commonwealth of Feunsylv,anin.. Tiro Peraptts for members of rile House (Stltepresenta tlvea of thefi'enerarAssembly of eennsylvania, to rep resent the - Counties,of Franklin mid Fulton in the Mouse c .Representativee 01 the General AssertilAy of Penn. sylvsula, , . Ouu per icon' to fill, the office of Prothendtary, for the County of Franklin, , One person to-ill the office of Register nrui Recorder for ti l e County of Franklin. 'Ono:Perin% tntill ads officd,of Clerk of the Courts for AlieCouuty of Franklin. One person to ,flll-the office of Treasurer' for the Corm ty Ef Franklin,' •; . _ Doe person to SU the offiCe of Count' rommissioner for the Comity of Franklin. One petson to till the office of Director i t the Poor for the County of .Franklin. One person to till the office of Auditor file the County of Franklin. • The said BieCtiohe will'behela throughout thoCoutity a, fAlows: ' •", - " At the Court limmein the D.rough of Chambersburg. tn. thothirtliWardof said borough, and part of Guilford At the Gonne of J.W. Taylor, fur the South Ward of • said BOrOng.• At the Public House of Jolts Gordonat the - West Point of Chambersbrirg, for ihe townshi p of Hamilton. At the School Muse It/Fayetteville. he' parte of the -township's of Gnilfurd - and too., At the Public House of 31-irtiii Shoemaker, in Green - village,for part of Greeatownenip. 1 At the IV-stern School Douse, in' tie town of St. Thomas, for the township of St. fhomas.t Artrthe School House, in the town oillannettsburg. toe'the tOivnship of Metal. At the School Gunse, in the town 64 Rimbary, for the township of Lurgan. At the liouse'd , John Harvey. for part of township '"Of Fskuneti,, . At the School House, in the tuft of Coiicord, - for part of the township of. Fnnnett. mot-, At the new Stone School I L o to,e 314rrowtown trict, fur the other part of Fourier t twp. . 1 , .th it 'At the Rouse now occopie.l I , y 'leo": A (Jerson in he trillego of QuionY, for the the t •utiship Quincy, -- At the Western School goose in Wtty (Hamm; for the triwnelliiw of - Washington. I ~ Af thellunse of El. Forel - non ill Grocßeastle, ,for An trim arni part of the township of Peters land Montgom ery. i At thAr Sehoollitruse, on the laud of Niiclutid Cook in 'Wan ell toWnship.for the tow ii..hip of Warren. At the St nuthurg School lionde, for the township' of Let ter kern y. A r the House of James Mogen. in theitcrein ofLoudon, Le 11, for part of thitownship of Peters. At theLoglionse on'the flan of 'Jactib Elliott,for the Welsh Run District, being part ~ f 31ont'gothery twp. At kbe Hondo of- Thou.ns McA iu Mercereburg, for pa: to ~ f the townships of Prim , and Montgomery. At the .I..tuut . }lock Seb ,01 /Louse it Southampton totriOlip. f it- part of the too ,snip of Southampton. Ai the Eastern School in Orrstowai for the etlwe par! of Southampton IS - ..i. GS: IS IIEfLEBY fIIVES —"Mitt every person exceeting Justices of the Deuce, who sltall hold any of- Sce. or appointment of proti t or t i tox under the U. Smtits or of this State, or a City or Incorporated District. whether a commissioned officer or 'otherwise. who is or shall tat employed under the Lai:lade°, Executive or Judi jury Department of title State, cir of the United Stat., or of any Intorporated ltiitrcr and also, that every taember of Congress and .;t the State Legislature. and ~t the Select or Common Council of tiny City, or CUM. missloner if any Incorporated lostricti is by taw inca pable of holding or exercishm at the time, the office or appoottment . of Judge, Inspe tor or Clerk of any elec tion of this Commonwealth, soil that nolludge, Inspector 'or Othotr &Beer of such election. 'shall lte eligible to be 'then voted for." And the said Act of AsSerntly. eutitiled 'An Act re !stint. t 4 Elections of this Coottoonwea th," passedJaly 2,1839 further provides, as foll,vs. to twit: "Tlis t the Inspectors and J ul.res shall meet at the 'respective places appointed to tioLlin ' the election in the District inwhieh theymay respectl vel belong, be fore 9 4 Clock 'on the morning 4.1 the 2 '..Tuesday of Oc tober. and each of said *spec Ito : Ahal I toppoint one Clerk mho shall be a qualified vote; 44 :rich *strict. - "In caso the person who shall have received tbe,eec ond highest number of votes to ItsPeCtor efiall not at . tend on the du) of election, their the person 'who shall have receiea the second highest nteratier of votes for Judge at the next preceeding electioni Shall act as In spector in his place. And in case the I person. who has received the highest numberof votes for Inspector shall net attend, the person elected Judge shall appoint an In 2:sector lie his place; and in c ase the person elected Judge shall not attend, then the Inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge -in. his placsf.is i ngL4 if any vacancy shall continue In the board forthe 410.ffie of one hotir after the time 'fixed bylaw for thettpening of the electiod; the qualified voters of the township. ward or district for which such - officer shell :have been elected, present at the time of election,lhall bleat one of their number to fill the vacancy." Particular attention fa directed to the Act ofAssembly parsed, the 27th day. of Rebraary,lB49j entitled "An Act "relative 'to voting' at Elections the Cotmties 'of Adarao,Datiphin, York,Lancaster,Franklirt, etunbeilatid -.Bradford, Centre, Greene and Erie," viz:- - 2 11. Belt enacted by the Seeatearid House of Repre sentatives of the Commonwealth 'of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby , enacted by the -authority of the same—that it shall ibe lawful for the qualified voters of ties counties of Adluns, Dauphin, Dan caste, York.Eranklin, Cumberland, Bradford, Centre, "Greene and Erie, from and after thepassage of this Act, to vote for all candidates for the varlpus offices to be fill ed at any election on one election on,one slip or ticket s Provided, the office for which every iCandidate is voted for ah - all be designated, as required hy the existing 'swe et the Commodwealth.- - 2. That any fraud committed by any person voting in the manner above prescribed, shall be punished as 'similar frauds are direcked to be punished' ley the exist ing hive of the Commonwealth." 2 Fur the information of the elector 4 of Franklinconnty I pnb-ish the following, being the 4th Election' of the Act of the General Assembly of the session of 4851, entitled. "An Act to provide for, the election' of Judges of the several Courts of this Commonwealth, andlto regulate certain Judicial Districts ; "f 4.- That the election for Judged shall be held and conducted in the sevemlelection Districts in the same manner in all respects as elections /or Representatives savor shall beconducted, end by the same Judges, In spectors and officers, and the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly, entitled, "Ad Act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth. approved the2d day of July, 1E49, and its several sripplamtrand all other like - laws as far es the same shall bein force and applicable, shall be deemed and taken to be the? election of Judges: Provided; That the aforesaid electors shall vote for Judges of the Supreme Court on a a operate piece of pa ' per:tind for all other Judges required to be learned i 2. the law on another separate piece of paper. "It Shall be tho dny of the severe} Assessors, respect ively, to attendat the place of holding every General, Special. or Townehip 'election, during the whole time - said is kept open, for the purpose of giving in- 2 ; formation to the Inspectors and Judge, when Called on, in relation to the right of any person assessed by them ' tovotisatisuch election, and on such other matters in re lation to the assessment of voters as the said Inspectors, or either of tLera:shall from time tp tithe require. ? Nor person shrill be permitted toirote at any election euslifttinsaid, then a white freeman of the age of twenty • Wne years or more, who shall have resided In the State et Wei seliwywer, and in the election District where he of fers Rs Voto - fit least ten days, immediately proceeding such election, and Within two years have paid a State or ileunty tax which shall have been assessed at least ten - 2 ' days before the election. _Brit 'a citizen of the United Statti, who has previously been a qualified .voter of this fitateollid removed therefrom and returned, and who shall hfiVetesideflia the election District and paid taxes 2. , *for/weld Shall he entitled to vote after residing in,: this State Slic montha : Provided, That the white freemen 2.. Cititent of the United States between the ages of twent) one find ttvqnty-two years, who ha'lo resided in the elec. tiod District:ten days its aforesaid, Shall be entitled to' ' vote. Although they mall not have paidtaxes. 2 “Nopersonshali be permitted ta vote whose name is - itottbistainedin the list of taxable inhabitants }under!. ed6Y the ecrinmissforierti, unless, Strut, he produces q,l receipt for payment, within two years of a State or Consity tax, assessed agreeably to the' Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence either Gable oath or &Mime: tionier the oath or affirmation of another, 'that be has . paid such a tar, or in failure to produce such a receipt, • lama' make oath to the payment thereof: or, Se: end, if he claim a right to vote by being an elector between the ages of twenty •orieend twenty-two years, 'shall depose - On oath or affirmation, that ho has resided in the State at lout one year neXt before application, and make his Ouch proof df residence in the District'as is regitired by ' this Act. and that be does verily, believe from the ac counts given him that hats of the i age aforesaid, and give suck 'ether evidence as Is rpiluired by this' ct, whereupon, the name ot the millions° admitted to 'vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list, by the Inspec.` it/ro t ted a note made opposite thereto by Writing the • word "tak" he shall - be admitted .tO' vote by reason. of having naid tea or the word "age" if ho shall be admitt edUvota by t amen of age, and In either case the reason of lucb vote shall be-called out to the Clerkli who shall lista the like note in the list of vdters kept by them. • • , ‘ln all cases where the name ofltho person claiming k fn iOte isnot found onllielist turgid:tied - A y f i b Commis. gloaers or Assessors, or hil right to vote whether fritind either b e y verbal proclamation thereto, or bpaily written • teen or not, is Objected to by any qntiliged tulle; it ,Plef#l9t- Vtit44l4lzt..ieri. shall be the duty of the rnspectors to examine such per sods be oathes toqualiflcatiobs, and if he Claims to have resided within:the State f cone year qt more, his_' oath shall be sufficient proof thereof. but heshall make prom by at least one competent witness;-who shall be a qunli fled elector, that he has resided :within the District fin more than ten days next immediately :premeding said election, and shall a:so himself swear that his bona fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful, calling, is within the Distriet, and that he did not remove into Ilfe said Dist, in for the purpose of voting therein. • - "Every person qualified as aforesaid. and who shall make due proof, if required, of his residence and pay inent of taxes, as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in the tranship, ward or district in which he shall reside. "If any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent au officer of the election under this act horn holding such elect ion. or use or threat-n any violence to any inch of ficer, or Shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the execution of his duty, shall block or attempt, to block up the windovior avenue to any window where the same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace of said election, or shall use or practice any intim idation threats, force or violence with the design to in fluence, unduly or overact any elector. or to prevent him front voting . , or to retain the freedom of choice; such per , son .4-1 conviction shall be fined in apy 'sum not exceed. fug five hundred dollars and to be imprisoned for a time not I as than one or more than twelve months and it it shall be shown to the court where the trial of ',such of fence shall he had, that the person so offending; was not a resident of the city, ward, district or township whiv the said offence was committed, and not entitled to vet , therein, then On notitif tion he shall be sentenced, to pa:, a fine of not less than one hundred or more than out thousandflolliirei and to be itnprisonednot less than sk monthanor inert than two years. "l f any person orpersons, shall make any bet or wage, upon the result of. any election within this C,ounnen wealth, or shall offer to make any such bet or ;wager. o printed advertisement, challenge or invite any person o persons to make such bet or wager, upon conviction there of, lie or they shall forfeit and pay three times th amount a• 0 fered toll. bet. '•lf any person not by law qualified, shall fraudulentl i n vote at 00. electio in this Commonwealth.; or belle otherwise qmilifi shall vote out of his proper districi or if any person h owing the want clench a qualiticatio. shall aid or planar such person to vote, the person, 07 conviction, alma be ed in any solo not exceeding ti. hundred dollars andbe imprisoned for any term not eh cueding three months.. ' . "If any personaball vote nt more than one electlol district, or otherwise fraudulently vote more than enc. on the same day, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver t. the Inspector two tickets together, with the intent -ille gally to vote, or sdvise and procure .another so to do. ln or they shall, =conviction' be tined in any sum not bt than fifty nor more than five hundred dolhss, and be im prisoned not less ,;han ,three nor more than twelve months. , . , "If any person not qualified to vote in this Comma?) wealth, agreeably to law, (except the, sons of qualiffe. citizens) sballeppeer at any place of election for tree ' purpose of issuing tickets or of influencing the citizen qualified to vote, he shall, on conviction, forfeit and pat any sum not exceeding one hundred ollars for ever Such offence, and be imprisoned fur any term not ex ceeding twelve months." . Agreeably to theprovisions of the sixty-first sectran of said act, ..Every General and Special Election shall be open between the hours of eight and ten in the forehoun, and shal I continue open until seven o'clock in the tl'll - when the pulls shall be closed." Pursuant to the provisions contained its the seventy sixth section of the act first of 'resold, the,judgee of the eforsaid districts shall respectively take charge, of the certificate of return of the election of their respective districts. and produce. them ate meeting of ine judge from each district, at the Borough of Chtunbertiburg, on the third day after the election, being for the present year ON FRIDAY, ME 16TH DAY OF GCTORM NEXT , then and there to do and - perform the duties required by law ov said judges. Also—That where a juige bysicknesif, or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend such a meeting of judges, then the certificate or return aforesad s'all be taken charge of b 5, open'. the Inspectors or Clerks of tbe elec tion of said district, who shall do and perform th duties required of the said judges unable to attend. Given under my hand and seal at Cluuribersburg, this 31st day of August.- 1863. SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff's Office,Chamb'g.. Sheriff.. Mutational. _VAYETTEVILL - E ACADEMY.- 1: The annual opening of Fayetteville Academy will tate place on Wednesday. September 9th, under the charge of Mr. A. E. SWINNEY and Miss E. F. SRLDUillri of New Jersey. This Institution is incorporated and located in the ;till age of Fayetteville, Franklin County, Pa., sixmiles from aChambershurg in a healthy part of the country and with. magnificent Mountain scenery around it. It is the design of the Institution and ,will be the eon stanttim of the teachers to impart practical thorough next in ail branches of Instruction. The school year Is divided into two seasions of twenty weeks each. The Fall SeSSIOn begia s the second Wesinesday in ieptembdr and cleats the fourth Tuesday in January. with a vacation of one week at Christmas: , The Spring se,slon begins the first Wednesday in February and closes the 234 of June. TERMS , , For En ~ Heti . branches._ $ 8 00 Sciences and Higher Mathematics 12 00 For cla.ssicalstudies 15 00 Music on Piano 20 00 Drawing andpencelling 4 00 Boarding from $2 00 to $2 25 per week. - For further particulars address either tlia Principal or 'r. J. B.Cook, Fayetteville. , REFERBNCES.—Rev.Hr.Deatrich, B. Hartzel, M.D., Mr. John W . Barr, or Mr..*B.obert Black. .-ang 26 CIIAMBERSEURG ACADEMY. • REFITTED AND REOROANIZED. Will open its fall term on Monday, September 7th. Large additions have been made to its already extensiVe• apparatus, a fall and efficient corps of teachers Mei been employed and no pains or expense spared to render ortrt;! one of the first institutions of learning in the country. Particular attention paid to Teachers and young men preparing for College. • A Primary Depaxtment • for little Boys add Girls will be opened in the Academy under'eharge of Miss Sebively. in which the elements of Spelling, Reading, Writing„ Arithmetic, G eography and Gramnar will be thoroughly taught. Tuition In this $3 per quarter. For further part icularssend fur circular or apply , to the Principal. FACULTY. J.R. litxxxv. Principal. A .OVERFEELD; A. 8., Latin and rt. English. A. M. TRIMMXIf, Commercial Department. Miss R.ll.Snlyaix ' 3lusic, Drawing and Principal of Primary Department. Cbambersburg, aug. 12, '53, E MORY FEMALE'COLLEGE. - CARLISLE, pA. Tins Institution of Learning, for Young Ladies, will be opened on Thursday, September 3d, 1861. The, Presi• dent will be assisted by an efficient corps of Touchers. The course of Instruction will embr , ce all the branclie. necessary to give young ladles a relined and thorough Volleginte education. For Circulars and particular information. address the undersigned, Carlisle, Pa. R. D. CIELkhIBERS, July 29,'03-10t. - president. fi . II.A.XBERSBURG C 0 ALM Ell- CiAL COLLEGE.—DouIde Entry Book-keeping. Business and Ornamental Penmanship, Card Writting. &c., taught in superior style. Terms for a thorong Com- Thereto! Courso,s2o. A gond Hand Writing guaranteed to all for $5; Night Class. from 7to 9 o'rlock. For fur ther particulars, call at the College Rams (Alanlemy tidin) or address , sept 0 Prof. A. ,AL, T1113151.ER. Mato, Qrapzi anb ,furo. FANCY FURS ! FANCY FURS ! REN FAREIRA, i 8 Arch. St., below Bth , south side, Phild'a. Importer, Manufacturer of and b - e Aler In au kinds of FANCY MUM I for Ladies' and Childien's Wear, I wish to return my thanks to my friends of Franklin and the surrounding Counties, for their veryliberal pat ronage extended to me during the last few, years, and would say to them thit.l now have in store, of own Importation and Manufacture a very extensive assort ment of all the different kinds and qualities of.FANVY FCI49, for Ladies and Children, that will be worn during the Full and Wintersemiens. Being the direct Importer of all my Furs from Europe, and having theta all Manufactured under myotin super; vision—enables me to offer my customers and thnpublic a much handsomer Set of Furs for.. the purchasing Elemoame money. Ladies pleaPe 'give me a call .before purcha remember the name; number and street. JOHN FABERIA, aept 9-5 m No. TB Arch St.. Philadelphia. TATS, CAPS* AND STRAW J. GOODS. Tam now prepared to furnish' my cus- E,mers with all the new styles of Hats, Caps and straw ..a s; which I will sell low. J. L , DECELERT. 4 doors South of %rater &,,Bro:. IEW STOCK of STRAW GOODS at old prlceer.-at DECHERTI3, SOFT HATS of all colors, and qualities,trom Sfty cents up, call and get bar. pins at • - JAMMU'S, VOTICKOF PARTNERSHIP Noticelab'erihigiien that the undersign ed * I this day entered into partnership, in tho Coaoh-Slaking business, in stilts various branches, tinder ills name of Puffier 4 Foltz, 'The said firm will do busltiess at. the stand lately occupied by 'P., Henry Falter & co,;and would respeCtfnlly sotto"; a cdntinnance, of gio_publlc igitronage. ' P. HENRY N0r.6,1861, - C. C. BOLTZ. , ,fx:rinkliitAttpopto j t . f.JI talm4lntr.q, • - , 4 ThrOCateff - ,s;c. , • iD -T I-0 -. E! • Da Tlifi, PEOPLE OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, who LOST MONEY b the, ~TtF,,BEL 111 and to all others who desire to MASS AND SAyE.MONEY WIL.T4AM . GE Lam; IC - Wholesale and Retail DEALER IN .VERRIIANDI§E, 0163111Z1181117116, has just retgrtted from the Distend opened the follow ( ing liet Pftg.s.u: 30.4.CiflANDIAli, which hepropuses to sell WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, •: CHEAPER THAN . THE CHEPEST 100 P,arrelstrown Sugar. 10 " • White- - ; , ; ; 0 '• Eyrnlis an Molasies. ' • Aoolbe. cboicietrirds. ; ' • " s.)00 Shoulciers 100 Bags G. A. Balt: • • • - - • : • .0 Bags Ashton Fine Salt: ' - 1000 Sacks Table or, Dairy:fait - • ' p Boxes Prime rhi4Be; 0 gross Essence Coffee ; LOOO The. Excelsior Coffee. • 50 bbis. No. I, 2 and 3, Mackerel ;00 boxes Scotch Herring. 50 doz. Twine and Bed Cords.; • _ 100 Dozens Corn Brooms; TO Dozens Assorted Brushes; . • . - • 50,000 Segrws at itanufacturrirs' Prices ; 101) kegs of Nalls 7 • , 10 dozen Curry•Combs'aiad Horse Cards. -• • 100 gross Matches at factory prices; • • • :00 doz Mason's?'"boe Blacking at factory priOs; - ,i)u doz. pecked Smoking Tobacco. 1 • 25 gross Stove Pollleti. 25 grosslndigoin boxes. • • • 100 lbs. Indigo In lump. - 100 doz. Pint and ball piut Flasks at Factory pries ,25 ••• Wine Bottles., • ' • ; 100 " Fancy Soaps. WATER, SUGAI, SODA and ' by the barrel, T'AINT ED BUCKETS, by the dozen, CIROUND and UNGIROUND SPICES, at wholesale prices; atso, IiOUSEKEEPING AETI CLESi •, STONEWARE, • QUEENSWATIE, NOTIONS, &c, &c., in gr_eit TOBACCO OF ALL from 5 is. to aLox, st City prite§, .together with bun. dreds of articles not named. all of which will be politely shown to castomens, and if riot satisfied after examina tion, that HIS STOCK IS' THE LARGEST IN THE TOWN 4ND HIS PRICES THE LOWEST.' he will not expect tornalte atilt& I am determined tii sell goods very cheap and thereby, sell the more of them. The special attention of country morchantkis invited to thii stock of neerchendise, as I can and will goods as low as any JOriking house in the city. On all articles I can do as well, and on twiny articles better, than a single barrel, bor,,packag7e or dozen could be bought for in the city. al y 29. '63-tf., IVIP.TA GET WUIKS KEROSENE 'OIL. - WILLIAM OELWICKS. 1 1. V, Lotesale and.retall arcoemt, on the Diamond, Cham burg, Pa., has been appointed Agent for Franklin ,outtry of one of the best K tatOSENE OIL CO3IPANIES in the State, and will 641 OIL, IVHOLESA LE AND RETAIL as low any louse in Pittsburg or Philadelphia Look to your interest tand , buy your OIL where 2, ou get it the cheapest, and where it is always warranted to—he the very first quality. • - I.July A'63.11.• E)rugo, ruHE OLDEST .TIO,USE in TOWN 1 AS A'HOUSE OR ,PRULi STORE, IS MILLER &9IIENSHEY'S, On the Northwest Corner of thq Diamond WHERE CAN /LIE HAD, CHEAP FOR CASH, Everything. and more' than 18 asually kept in Drug 1212211 Fon INStANVE, AU Regular Drugs, sy. Cough Syrups. Murray's Camphorated Cordial, t will cure Diarrhea, Cordials, Certain . Remedies, Rheumatic -Liniments, Atoxlytie Coxidlabi The Inn'int's Protector And Mother's Feleud, Wol m Syrups, And Lozenges, Cod Liver Oils, - - Fluid Extract Ductal., Lindsay's Blood Soarclier, 13•!TaRptirilln, Syrups. • And all other Slanclard Vieparntions of the Day. - None Others Kept At this House So t * es, nbon t forty kinds; Prii , rumEnr, tke best of all kinds; llonsr.and CATTLE POWDER.% tint can bs.telledvn; ,Nratoar.NE On, and .Idairs, and , - KaaosxNa Ler? CR/UNITS THAT WILL .NOT - MILLER & HENSHEY'S; - Jrmo 17, '63. L.. Chamborisburg, li E l NNE ,. l) l3. Y . T pa .M rn zlioal Discovery,: • ' Seme's Cod Liver Oil, • ' - ' Lindsay's Blood Searcher, , ~ Stover's Bitters, , .' lfostetter's Stomach Bitters, Strain's7anfice4 ~--- Brown's Essence of•Jamalei Ginger, ' • • - • , Melmbold!sAxtract Buchn," Radway's Medicines; • .. , Spalding's' Throat Confections, BrotrisTroches, and othe; reliable Mediclnas at . 'SPANGLER'S. CENTS will pay for tho REPO SITORY three months to be sent to ri Soldier u these:Tire. VANCY PRIMING, ixi:every va `rlety of colors, done,wlth neatness and despatch at the FRAbiIKLIN ItF,PO2ITORY othee. NttAXECHANICS, who desire to ex ' tend. their. bueleeirt ihuum ehilortes- Ca the IC.LIti il6294a.dritY. . , FANCY CRACKERS, 1? • WESTERN HOTEL, West Market A, Near Use Bridge, Clrambereburg.N.; The auhscriber would respectfully inform the Tritiel-• lug coMmunity that he has putchabed and taken posses slum of this Hotel. lie hopes' to make . lt one of-the muirt desirable places for strangers and others to stop at that can be round in any country town. I . IIS TABLE will at all times be spread.trith the litx uries and substantials of the season. CFA:m.IEIIS are large, well ventilated, and fated ,tip to niodern style. • • HIS ll,tlt will be well supplied with a large and choice Select luttof the very best hquurs • Ill& STABLE will always be provided With :pled whviesome provender, for stuck, and attended bycareful ostlers. , Ro pains will be spared to render entire satisfaction tc all his guests., and pleding himself to endeavor to-please all, lie solicittra liberal share of the public patronage. _ Juite TT,'l33. JOh N MILLEIi. 'TTN - lON HOTEL.=-This Hotel is situated on the corner of Main and Queen Streets, near the Inaulouil. in the Boropg,h Chanibensburg, Pa. nit undersigned respectfully announces to the travel (lA public that thisilatel. has been remained. It has been raised to THREE, STORIES in height: A -fine 'three story Bee's Building has Veda added to it, giving atilinmence amehnt of room for the accommodation Of the public gelierally. The rooms are large and comfort able, 'numbering in all, thirty-five. They 'are all well fttruislied..with GOOD NM ItURNITUEE. Persons stopping at this Hotel can have either double or single suopla,,R;itla or without tits in them. The Table is al- Ways supplied with the BEST IN THE SILRELT, and will seat over-lbil persons. • • , The Bar is fillottwith,the CHOICEST LIQUORS. The Stir le is twu.stoties..of the most modern style, And the tiost in thellorough efChambereibitfg. ' - June 17263. - • SOHN FISHER .Proprieter. }IOTBL West side'of the Public Sqtiare, Chambershurg.Pa. The subscriber would respectfully juror= the int; Community that he hen leased and taken possession of thiS, Commodious Hotel. lie hopes to make -it 6ne" of the most desirableplaCes for - strangers and others , to stuff 'that can be fatnti in any country town.. IIIs:TABLE will nt all Rtnewbo spread, ith the lux -tales and substantfals of the season. lIIS iIIAMBERS are large, well ventilated, end fitted aft la modern style. HIS RAP will ho wei i enpplied with a large and choice selection of the very best Liquors. HIS - .STABLE - Will always be provided with _kood, wholesoine pro - rend - error stock, and attended by Careful ostlers.- No pains will be spored to render entire satisfaction to nil his guest; and pledging blineelf to endeavor to pieeze -aIL be solicit. a liberal shore of the public patronage. ' 0 -Vune-17.413. DANIEL TROSTLE. HITS SWAN HOTEL, (Um . 10,sitirg, NlWlRLOnovE.,l'roprieter. - 'Having ptirchnaerl this welhktiown Hotch(longkriown as Miller's, and recently na Waist & Grove's.) the l'itt.iiri etor pledges himself that no pains' be spared to Minister tn the - wants of his guests. Tile Character heretofore sustained by the ii . ollBB as. a comfortable Home for the Mourner, shall nut stiffer in my hands if a cunt t an t effort to please and accommodate will sustain it. Tie proprietor, therefore, solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage herakfore extend ed to the .• White 1- 4 wan." In addition to large Stabling, he has TWO LOTS a pair of U and STOOK Scnins fur the accommodation of Drovers anti 13utclicrs. Junoll.lBo - MICHAEL GROVE. W4L.T.B COVERLY: . DAVID if MlTeff /ON. OVERLY-- &' HUTCHISON C Have become the Proprieteris of the UNITED SEATED HOTEL, near the linilr,oad Depot at ITAREIS BUIIe. Pa. This 'popular and commodious Hotel has been newly refitted' and furnished througoont-its par lors and chambers, and I's now ready for the reception of Irnests., ' • The travelling public will find the United States Motet the ntoet convenient, in all Particulars, of any finial in the State Capital, nn account of its access to the rail. road, being immediately between the two„, great depots in this city - Jill3e 17, r63-tf. Waynesboro' Record, Niercerebnrg .journal, and Greencastle Pilot, copy 3m., and charge Keporitory. SPECIAL NOTICE. TH PROPRIETORS OF THE GIRARD .DOUSE, PHIL4PECITLIA, Respectfully ca 1 the attention of Rueineaa Men and the t. a veling community. to the superior accommodation and coutfot t uttered in their est ahlishment. aug. 2h-3m HANAIIA. FOWLER & CO. INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL; Main Street, cliambershurg, Pa. JOHN W. TAYI 9 OII., rruprictor. Fiiie accummodrit ionsi and low charges. Jre Stsck Yards and Scales are connected with the premises fur the convenience of Drovers. A Iso—Exten: , ivu stabling and yards 11.ir Horses and Carriages: June 17, 'tia. MI) anb,,,fanni Goobo. GR E.A T BAR FROM NEIV YORK A uCTIoNs r r AT WALLACE'S, , . . . CORNER OF MAIN AND --QUEENSTREETS. , New style Nlosumbitjues, . • Diana chene Plaid, Twirell Mosaitiliiques for travelling dresses, , Superior Nltt•diti Delaiues in colors, --. • . Colored Livens and Crepe do Pany, - Black ;gni, stiperifo. quality. - Superior Lyons Radzeiner Silk's, (subli'me quality.) , A large lot of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, , A large lot ~ f Irish Linen, . , Jaconet f Collars. new style,. stio Dozens '..infirs, Misses Rilli ilfee's Cotton !lose,' White Linen itnd Cof ton Duck, Superior French Doeskin. Superior solid color Pointille Fig Silks, .. "Superior Grey Lemmas, ' -. • .--, Superio Grey Poplin. • - .. Bost quality Grey Leonora.% . Silk Neck Ties and Collins. ' ' Ladies and Misses' Fillet Mitts; 31arseilles Vesting's, , Super Ladies and Meng' K hi (}Moves. - Illtnitsome New style Prints afid °lngham: CARPETS. Brussels; Velvet. Three-ply (superior fine) end corumor Carpet. , . • Four four five-four Cocottand Canton Matting ; •,' 1 _4--45-4 ti-15-4 lU-4 Floor Oil Clothe, - Superior Bolting Cloths . , 'Bonnet Ribbons, Baldioral Skirts. [June 1.7j611. , SKIRTS! SKIRT,S :1 SKIRTS!!! N. A. JONES' CELEBRATED "NE PLUS ULTRA" SKIRT,. sewn ONLY AT No. IZNORTH Btll St., - PHILADELPHIA. Skirts of all Tong ths, awl any size waist made to order, and satisfaction guarranteed. Ladies; Misses and Children's Skirts of every Size and shape. constantly on hand. Every S/. - is - t warranted for Six Months. READ HOW WE DO BUSINESS.' We do not make ati 9 clieop skirts In theehmutoit aceep tatiim of the term, hut we wake- THE CHEAPEST SKIRTS MATTE, • because we make • THE-BEST AND DEFY COMPETITION We warrant every skirt ,re sell to be exactly as rep resented. We make all se sell, and knowing bow they are wadi we guarantee them with full confidence. If we sell a bad shirt we'will exchange it for a new one, and f they get out of order or break wit (n six months, we +otllrepuirthem free of Charge. We mean to gis a our caStoniers full satisfaction, but we cannot 410 strand compete with the law priced auction goods. Wedepenti entirely upon the superiority of the goods we offer. and the fairness of our method itf tlaing business. • Orders left 't ;inryoces Book Stbre. DIRECTIONS FOR .MEA.:SUR =ENT. Take the exact size of the waist, without any allow ance. The exact length required and the size around aka bottom spring. Also I.l' the skirt fs to be large, small, or medium size at the top, and whether a trait or plain round skirt. • . M. A. JONES, NWIT North Bth St , Philadelphia. • aug 19-tf Over the WAX. figure. 1863. • 1863 F " ALL 21ILLINERY AND STRAW GOO Ibavo the pleamire of inforinLng My customers and the public generally that I have now on hand a full stock' of FALL and virrliTtliC OOODS,incf tiding FRENCH. PATTERN BONNETS, RIBBONS RILES, VELVETS, LACE., ENEMA andAMERICAii FLOWEES,FE.A.TII ERS,&c.-I AIso—STRAW, BEAVER and FELT HATS and Bon nets of the latest styles and designs. • WILLIAM EREWSEN seat 16-2 m • N 0.218 Arch St., Philadelphia. 1713 00K BINDERY.--M. M. _EPEE & CO. have removed their BOOK BINDERY , to the rii rd story of the M.ANtzION HOUSE, on the Diamond; above Shryoek's Book 'Store. Entrance between the Book Store and Dr.Snively's race. Old Hooke, Periodi cals, Musk, Ne ws pa - pers; &c„ bound In any style. Blank !looks made to order'. Paper ruled to any Pattern. Nov.l, '6O. I.AIPLENg-DITS.—L-Dealers,axtlEttAt 4factiarera of "A.gilcultnral and other can reach a large claw of valuable onatomexkl*-4,IIIV MUM In the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. 47 1 Y - ticaL IOT ALCOHOLIC.. A HIGHLY 'CONCENTRAT . ED VEGEi-• BLE EXTRACT, , A PURE Topqp. DB..II.OOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, „ .• • Prepared by . • C. ki.f.TaeUson, Philadelptda t - Pri Wilt effectually cure..,. • LIVER COMPLAINT, DY S P S lA . JAUNDICE;HIfROXICIOrIs,.'ERVOUS DEBILITY, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all discaies arising - - froth a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such as Constipation,- Inward Piles, Fallnis or Blood to the Bead, Acidity of .the Stomach; Watt-, sea. Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut teringat the Pit' of the Stomach. Swimming . of the. head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing,. Flut tering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensa tions when iir a lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Fetter and Dull - Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration:Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side. Back, Chest, Limbs, &-c., Sudden Flushes of Heat; Burning in the Flesii,'Constant Imaginings of Evil, and greatßo .. pression of Spirits. And will, positively prevent Yellon , Fever, Bitivtie Fever. Stv. They contain no ALCOHOL frft • HAD , WHISKEY I They will cure-the' above diseases - in: ninety-nine eases out of a hundred. . ' • Induced by the extensive sale and universal ulari+y of, Rootland's German Bitters (purely vege table), bests of ignorant Quacks: and anserapilloug adventurers have opera d upon suffering humanity, the flood-gates of Nostrums, iu the shauia - of poor whiskey, 'vilely compounded with injurious drugs; and christened Tonies, - Stornachies and Bitters. Beware of tile innumerable • array of Alcoholic -preparations, - In plethoric bottles and big-bellied, kegs, under the modest appellation of Bitters,whieh instead of curing', only aggravate disease, and leave the disappointed sufferer in despair. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN )3ITTERSI Are not a new and untried article, but have stood the test of fifteen years' trial by the American 'pub lic ; find their reputation and sale are not rivalled by any similar preparation. ' The proprietors have 4bonsands of Letters from the Mast eminent CLERGYMEN. LAWYERS. PHYSICIANS AND CITIZENS; lestifyine of -heir own personal knowledge to-the beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. . Do you want something to strengthen you? Do gnu want a good rtppetiteJ Do you tvantp . buird up- your Conetitfiticrn Do you want to feel w e ll I Do you Wauttaget rid of Nervousness I - ./2p you want Energy ik you is to elesp we ll? DO you Wald a brmk and tiporniurfeflinfi? ' you . do, use 1100FLAND'S' GERMAN BITTERS!! From Rev. J. Newton Drown, D. D., Editor of the Encyclopedio.of Religious Knowlei(ge. Although not disposed to favorer recommend Pa tent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no nufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hone that ho may thus contrib ute to the benefit of others. • I do this the more readily in regard toßootland's German Bitters. prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson; of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encourage ment to try them: when suffering from gitat and long continued debility.-, The use of three bOttles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the presenVyear, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I Wridiiet felt for six months before, and hadalmost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and m)friend for directing me to the use of them. J.NEWTON BROWN. - Philadelphia, June 23, 1861. PARTICULAR NOTIOg. Mere are many preparation,' sold 'under the iinme of Bittera,gut up in quart bottles, compounded of the cheapest .tehirkeg or common l'olll 2 - costing from 20/4 40 eefite per gallon, the taste disguised by A.7itee or Co ,. _ riander Seed. - ,This clues of Bitters hue caused-and will continue to cause U . 6 lo n g ag they can be sold, hundreds to die the deatl of the drunkard. By their one the system. is kept continually under the influence of Alcoholic , Stimulants of the tcoret kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept up, nod the result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunkard's lite and death, - For those :rho desire and WILL HA VB a Liquar Bitters ?re publish the follnieina receipt, Get GNI: BOTTLE HOOPIAND'S GEILILLiV BITTERS and mixwith TIMER UA NTS 01'600D BR AN DY OR WHISKE Y, and the result will-be a prepa ration that teal far excel in inedicinat. virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitter* in the market, and will cost .much less. You will lutau all the virtues of .I.IOOFLAND'S BITTERS in con.: section with a amid article of liquor, at a notch less price than these inferior preparations will coat you, ATTENTION. SOLDIERS! AND , THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS !• wq call the attention of all having relations friends in the army ter'ilic fact, that , Hoefiand's German Bitters" will ire iiihe-twthii of the disea -BtS induced by exposures and privation's incident to camp , life. In the lists publishedilmostdaily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be found that a very - . large proportion are suffering from debility. livery ease of that kind can be rea dily cured by Hoofland's German Bitters. Diseases resulting from llisorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation in sta ting that, if these Bitters were freely used - among our soldiers, hundreds - of lives taight& saved that will otherwise be lost. We Call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's hero's, whose life, to use his own ,langua,ee, " has been saved by the Bitters:" PHILADELPHIA, August ZS, Messrs. Jones & Ev(ins.—{Veit, gentlemen, your liootland's German Bitters has saved my life. There is no mistake iu this. It is vouched thr by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names are append ed, and who were fully Cognizant of all the ciremn stances of my case, r am, and have been for thegast four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated - Bat= tery, and under thelininediate command - of .Capt. R. B. Ayres. Through the exposure attendant up on my arduous duties, I was attacked in November last with inflammation of the lungs, and was for days in the hospital. This was followed by great debility, heightened by an_ attack of dysentery. I was then removed from the White House. and sent tothis city on beard the steamer "State of Maine," from which- I landed. On' the 28th of Juno. -Since that time I have been about as low as any one could be and still retain a spark of .vitality..- For a week or more I was - seareely able to-swallow anything, and if I did force a morsel down, it was immediate ly throwtrup again. 'I could not even keep a glom of water. on my sto mach. Life could not last under these circumstan ces, and, accordingly. the physicians, who had }teen working faithfully, though unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grasp of thenreturAreher, frankly told me they could do no more for me, and advised Onl to see a clergyman, and to make such disposition of my limited funds as best suited me. An acqUaint once who • isited me at the hospital. Mr. Frederick Steinbron. cf Sixth below Arch Street, advised me, na a forlorn hope, to try the Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the time I commenced ta king them the gloomy shadow of death receded. and I am now, thank God for it. getting better. -Though I have taken but two bottles, I have gained ten pounds, and I feet sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom I have heard nothing for eighteen months: for, gentlemen lam a loyal Virginian. from thevicinity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I - ows the cer tainty of life which has taken the -plaeo:of vague feats--to your Bitters will I owe-the privilege of again clasping to my bosom those who are dearest .to me in life. Very trilby yours, We fully concur in the truth of the above state; ment, as we had despaired of seeing our commdei Mr. Malone. restored to health.— JOHN CUDDLEBACK, Ist New , York Battery. , GEO. A. ACKLEY,Co. C,llth Maine. LEWIS CHEVALIER, 92d Now York. L. E. SPENCER. Ist Art., Batt. F. FASEWELL, Co. B.'3d Wu - ant., HENRY B. JEROME, Co. B. HENRY T. MCDONALD, Co. C. 6th Maine, JOHN F. WARD, Co. E.sth Maine. HERMAN KOCH, Co. H 72d N. Y. NAT. B. THOMAS , Co. },9sth Pa. . -- A. J. XIMBALL. Co. A. 3d Vermont. - - - JOHN - JENKLNS, CO. B, 106th Pa: BEWARE OF C - OUNTERFXTTS! . See that the signature of C. M. JACKSON," • is on the WRAPPER of each bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE, 15 CTS.. OR HALF DOZ. FOR $4.00. • . Should your nearest druggist not have the article. do not be put off by any of the intoxicating prepare tions that may be offeredinits place but send to !is, and we will.forward. securely packed, by expres*'' PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY: No. 631 Antic giTRRET. 014 ES & • (Successors to C.-M. Jackson r:lF . orataTonl3. SALK by, bruggists and Dealers ilLeytrit t Ott in the United States. . Wulf) 17. ly. -etWilate, 4r. AL - EIKER;' UNDEBTA -ILEL "B.KOND 'STREET; 1311 1 9 1 7 7itiP4Lfili ,411' - AND- qc.REA: CHARBEI , S I3 UA6," R 4.; at tends to the bnsine.ss in" all its varimut ranchezt par. tictnar, attention paid toLaying out; 'Dressing,. 4. 'tickling the advuiitagb Of it - forge - Motets, and of bang his sroek cheap for cash,_ he can furnish Qoppms,.oo ,DESCRIITION, at lower rates . than an i other establishment int Man ,er county. 'lle' does not as n Ciiitir taker afftir fits se4itec®, , but as an • thidesteikt r . of Agora twars"er.prdicsor;istMis :=bua:ziaa. TFers_ottN requiring. it4sierriegs .of au Undtw ;taker for their fatuities or 'A : lends, would ilrid it niatnti ta theiritliailtage to giVeldnotiVeidi. ' lie 13 also prepared to preserve bodies daringtbomr. • mer months, any length °Mime: Raring purchased eXeirislyn right to „ - _ . Sr*lees Improved Method of Coveriu WA/0, ho id thereby ,ttableft iarnirlt a bunt Cavoiark:‘,,(lmt at ittia"f4aectin'gly tour rate. /tad - also haituditnewalia elegant la prepaid to tartish: coMnszAte any part of tharotiaty deuired. for. , - . . F.INP.S• PATENT NETALLIC r &URTAL CAS..; , Ordure awing bis nbsebee or et iutbt should be lett at his rusittnci t 'West - tlark.n. •Btreet, 1 olipositeatiner'e Betel. [June ri 1.883. 'MEW, iistfatV4llE R 9014 1~ The tindersigae4 Trpectiiri nutottneeil to eiw eitime of fiketnibeWa r.F.untt vethity, that be tills *skim the ..11twaratithiliedintelY adjentia' g the orsei, of bi.tueo swat tott Malt' etteet, - ,witge ha ; *teas Aomattatactlate .rtat7 . diee . r.4tion - - - . - , CABINET-WABE, Snell ns.Sufas,—, „ Xpxlvr Wags, ,Connon)hireatts. At anti-obeli, ' WinV i fast - do. Dressing do. ,nieWhtykt y ::-.,- - ", -„, - ,•-,Pttring r: - - .4.!'-'; , eare. Sitn#F,,- .. .., , , - 1 4 11 1 ,1 1 , 04;‘- ''' -" : , ' , 11104 Cages ,.: ll3 & ' 3Yash 5,14, 4 f Rocking Chairs, tiecreterios, . Bedsteads, &c. Nine Pur: do. Clothes norm new style. 1" 'All work Cobalt noted by' him is votrantr4feln AM, *vie 2:lffit ihrwn ti.t ths olost bvihnSin work. ; , \ ... Particular attention wiltlie given to the making - of CORI* of wityllesiriulvitylo..eluttultialittitorthe - 14.31einenaber. wlibn Tocetoaryour Purnittire DAVID W. GBOSSMAI , I,,ipti are getting aye latest s and the best of work. `; danb 35,"-1653 iIIrAIR AND CABINET MANIT- V, n FACTORY.—The subscrib,nr, informs ti l e,val i thae contiiitiestberdanufitchira . of the eariotte artieles mhis line, at his factory npoMbleat Queen Sheet. a few doors frtmi Main. lie basalwayson hand ofr is prepared to• manufiintaiti , nlion. tbn - likortnst notice:Vann *iglu and Wiiidsorthairs. with - Plain and Curtain Bedsteads, Pier and Card TalriesT Bureaus, Wash Stands and Book =JIGRISING, in a l its varl attended to with phi4t :nein -and despatch. ROUSE PAINTING, in all its branches. exo uteri by competent bands. - PAVER llANGlNG.—Particular attention Trill be 'Oren: to this department and satisfaction in seartbi stance guaranteed. Raving employed a soilloient number of competent hands, the undersigned feela assured of being ettasl to fill all 'order* in a 'workmanlike manner, And Ily solicits "the stmt. W. A. IlAth ' June 1.7,18.6t1. . ' irIHEAP CHAIR AND CABINIIT. WARM-ROOMS.--JOPLAH ,ctl/OF/Eiti.Olic cessor 'to John (Cm.) MANITFACTUREIt ole"cuanis and CABINET-WA 111"1, Alaln..Street. thine titans Swops of Huber A Tolberra Hardware :store, Chninberabnrs, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, Always on hind or made to order. Venittan Mimi; Inanufactured as neatly and cheaply ail city work. HOIISE and SIGN PAINTING mad FARES HANGIVG done -neatly; expeditiously and ' cheap, in Town er Country. Ws" Repairing of all kinds,ln their line of businees. promptly attended to, at moderate prices. June 11,-1863 • • $50.: $l5O. VGENTS .WANTED.—Liberal }4- ,1 - 3,ducetneyao to Canvassers for the sale of the .CELEBRATED COTTAOI.I GM 'SEWING MACHINE. 'wish to engage anactive Agent in everY county in the United States and Catunias, to travel and introduce my NEW eITEAP. FAMILY SEWING itfACIIINE - This:ll,olin° possesses more than ordinary merit lapis patented ,with ;valuable improvement s. and aclenowledit ed to be unsurpassed for _general utility. A limited number of .rponsihie Agents are wanted to solicit or ders, to Whom a salary from 's'6o TO 3160 PER MONTH AND EXPEN;Stgr will be paid. For conditions =ISOM particulars twithv9s with stamp for returniretage. lang-19-3m. [ WANTED.--SUUO worth of '0.r,,,T) _.. , cxi - p PLATES. Peramia having acorn out Artilicint Teeth mounted upon -Gold P i into, n barge or smell quautitieSiCATl obtain the highest price, eitherin cash or In exchange for Dentrlstry. by calling tam DR. J. K REID 4 Dentiet„ • corner ed Main and Queen streets, above Wm. Helper's Drug Storo. ehnnibersburg, Tai. ' June 11).15.14in L .. . ~ . , WANT.ED—AtiAppuritice to lea . ill -V Y the TINNING Itusinele. I nquire' at Gm Ili- PO . #ITORT Office. Bei. 9-ti' . . Eaattbeo , anb *Warn' QALISBTJU 813,05. CO,_ ljall s LlN4 STRE4T- andA, 67 WtYBOSSET STREET,-'• ' PROVIDENCE, R. 1., - proprittora ofcole,?f r ti!e , vio . ert es!i app . ya J AIF f. • ijklift; FA - 0 R Witt 11%4): Eastern States, Beg to call the attrntion _of the conmunfty Oneral.kgjo •"3 t SURPRISING -CHEAP RATE • At„vhicll-, they : 4Fp 4?4,!rirtg, ficwif (loodz, PATCBI7IIPASIIING " Botr&reign and Domestic Manufictures in point of • • '... • Elegance a-ul Real Durability FOR IIs,TSTANCE• , For FIPrEEN Douses, wet - forward, nicely earded sad Pric'ked in good order. the following enormous rpiatittfy . of Jewelry, equal in finish to any Plated old; and riot to 'recognized from Gold only by the trying of ittids: 4 Set Enamel Test (Mains; 2 Plain Florentine. Pins; Ear Rings, to match; 2 'twist Wire Pins; 4 tar, • Rings tdinatchi 2 - Plain Pins; 4 Ear match; 25ludies' !tinge, Double Rout still , a variety . of patterns; 50 Union-Em., - hieing; 60 Scarf Pins. Plain and , - Imitation Coral; 2 Double- ' Glass 'engine - - - tar - bed:if:llkm - and Gltil23B Mgt Cop portrait or hair; .72 A saarted Loeket, • ' Heart and Shell Minna. and el lima limper ' 14E8.-01 for Yin ern 'Dollars. - = cullectivn of • tbkt .kfoll. when placrd in the 'lnai - of any ehrof online rY tiAligenee. • Ouglit to retail fvr at least OtieHrintireiHrollitra! 'Catalogues; wilt:tilling full" inft and Prim,' of (foods, can be obtained upon application. - le.-Orders by-11411, T legropb, or 11x)rtiss, respect• fully solicited. - June 17, '63.6in ATCjiFIS, ;JEWELRY - 4110 211Xlilli4FARY. The undersignedwetqld respectfully invite .your atten tion to his well Selected stock Of Fine Gold end Bayer WATCIiES, Fine Gold JEWEVItY, of every Mini til i d variety of stykate,staindigaing.all of the newest and moat braidijui designs. SOLID SILVJEIT-Itidt&equai fbin4-and the best slake of Silver-Pidtett.Ware. Each article Ia war. ranted to be aarepresented. rimlfateheiand'.7eretrycarefnllyrepairedassat= isfactkni go ar an t e ed.- • -- fiTAOGB (Successor to Stauffer & No. t 32 2, e t street, Philadelphla7 ISAAC MALONP, septo..am riARPETINGS, BEDDIWG. R 0 v A L L ENIGIIT'* „5014:bave removed tom 242 8, Second etreet, - t0,607 CREST IT Street, above Righth,,wherti they have opened ,e ,welt reelected !stock CAIIPETS, OIL , - CLOTHS AND RAT .•TINOS . , Bedding and Mattroses of Every Degeijri* BEADY-MADE OR NAM TO ORDER. "• , 1441.121 ER Q 12704 - - elatati - olv r ittern. The indimfaetnre mid 'aide of Redding 4111-4 1 9 r 1 1 3 e continued at 26 2.845e!ondistreet. tr ANlCarti BARTLEY E.N104Z.. 116g4RINTLINT4,;'i4;:evetyrstyle officeof FitANIILINUPOSIIO# COFFINS DAVID .W Eiltanto. L. MALCOM, Box'27RS, BostOrr Mass .., rr,,,r,, , - SALISIItiRY BROS. k QQy 31 Dormice Wtyboozet Ste, - ituViDrzies4ll; IMO