The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, September 23, 1863, Image 1

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grittkiin Nxittizitorg.,
Movements of Oen. Lee—He is still in
Virginia in Force—Probable Offensive
Movement Against W ash ington—
Judge Woodward Schooled to Silence
—MM. Gen. Butler—The Contest in the
Editorial Correspondence of The Repository-
PHILA.DRLPitIA, Sept 19, 1863.
The mysterious movements of G-en. Lee
"pat all conjecture at fault-; but I adhere to
the conviction expressed in last week's RE
PC*VOitY, that he will make an
. offensive
movement before military operations are sus
pended by winter. It is now clear, notwith-,
Standing the many concurrent reports to the
contrary during the last week, that his army
remains intact; that he has not 'divided it to
reinforce either Beauregard or Bragg ; and
'it needs little discernment now to understand
that his retrograde movement, before, Gen.
Pleasanton, beyontl. the Rapidan, was but a
feint to draw Meade as far away' from Wash
ington as possible with 'the purpoie to give
him battle. Thisstrategy will prove a failure,
for-the reason •that. Meade evidently does not
mean to, offer battle beyond the Rappahan
nock, where his long and greatly exposed,
lines would materially. reduce his fighting I
force. The movement! of GOll. .Pl€asanton
will doubtless'prove a mere reconnoisance ini
force to feel the position 'and power of the
rebels ; and when its mission shall have been,
fulfilled, the 'Army of the Potomac will bel
found again' on the defensive. It would be(
a gross error for Meade to move against Rich-I
mond, for he would be met by equal if not
superior numbers in actual conflict. -His
lines of communication would require an im
mense army to protect them,'while Lee would'
be shortening his lines, concentrating hisl
forces, and would always have the advantage!
of position in defending against an aggressive,
campaign: We hope and believe, therefore,l
that the Army of the Potomac will not be
moved against Richmond at present. . .
' It
. is worthy of notice that all offensive !
ca:mpaig,ns,by the Army Of the Potomac an ,
the rebel 'Army of Virginia have been disas
trous. M'Dowell's gave us the first Bull
-Run;..M.'Clellan*s gave us the bloody failure
of the Peninsula; .Burnside's gave us' the
Fredericksburg slaughter; Hooker's gave ;le
discomfitare at Ohancellorsville. On the
other hand, G-en; Lee's first aggressive move!
raent - Coat him the defeats - of South Mountain
and Antietam.'and his -lust gave him the
crowning disaster of the war at Gettysburg
Are not these Jessons worthy of study t Wf
'raven imperative' necessities to hurl our
army into doubtful - enterprises. Richmond
is not necessary to‘the success of the Union
arms now.. Charleston, East Tennessee, Mot.,
bile and Texas are mote inviting fields, and
promise the most substantial fruits to thle
government with little perikto the Old Flee.
Let them be gathered into the folds of 't '• l e
Union, as they can be now vs'h little loss f
brave men, and Richmond will in due ti e
fall into Gm -hands without a struggle..
• Gen.-lfeade failing to Move against ,
Gen. Lea must move against Meade this fill ,
or retire from Virginia; am. ivio not 100.
fOr him tosurrender•Virginia until the 414
hope of the now tottering robellim4s about
i i
cosaof the Democratic anti-war party, \or a
successful against Baltimore a d
Vi'ashingten, are , the -last cards of the s
callecteonfederacy. One or more of the-n
-they must play successfully thiti antum a,
or the bloody drama of treason will cease to
shade the annals of common crime, save an
the clitusoned pag;s of our,thrilling histor .
Intervention has been paralyzed, ,by the w -
vering• fortunes of the rebellion; Demoera is
vieteries haVe faded from the hopes of the
most sanguine serni-traitors. as Statc after
State, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, has
declared in unqualified tones for the preser
vation of the Republic, without cowardly
, i
compromise to . blush the noble living and
defame the memory of the heroic dead ; and
the desperate, well nigh hopeless alternatitre
of striking a blow Northward only remains
for Lee. That he Will do it, Ido not doubt,
unless the dominions'of treason are more tbr
ribly shattered than has been generally su . -
posed t and he will do it with the, energy f
despair. It will be the, last violent deat ;-
struggle of this eollessal, this suicidal perfitl -.
Unless matchless imbecility shall govern o it
army, we can be more than prepared to met
this dying throe, of the arch-fiend of murdeir
ous desolation; and: the decisive victory bf
the:war, with Peace and Union as its fruits,
must-be won by the re-baptism of the noble
Army of the Potomac in its richest blood.'
- Itia i t: Gen. Butler is in the city now a4d
was serenaded at the Continental last night.
He looks well, and his whole heart is in the
.cause of his country. , He spoke very bkiefi , ,
tutwithterrible pointedness against the f s
of the government" and the army at ho e.
He will speak at different points in'Pennsil
walla, and I feel reasonably confident that
Chambersburg will be one of his appoint
ments. --
' I i saw
,JudgeftWoodward on Thursday n
th e train, in charge of J. Glancy Jones and
*Mrs of like disloyalty. He had taken, tfio
trouble to attend a Democratic meeting at
lienciuder on that day, to inform the people
that he would make no speeches in this c -
tart. He might have done the same thi g
nearer home, as Billy M'Mullen had a gra y d
mass meeting on that day, but the Judge
probably preferred to escape Billy's shadow,
nd.he therefore went to Lancaster to prove
ithe wisdcMspf silence. Could he not have
said aword for his imperiled country ? Could
ihe not at least have mingled his joy - with the
( loyal 'Men of the'North, because of the 'wave
lof brilliant triumphs of the Union armies ?
'Alas I these victories come as' mournful
sounds to Judge Woodward, for they toll the
Ideath-knell of his party at the coming elec
tion. Is it not a humiliating truth that a
great party in- Pennsylvania, claiming the
votes of thousands of faithful people, could
!be . confident of success only over hopelesS
disasters to our brave armies in the field.
Strange as it is, it is no less strange and hu
miliating than true.
The State looks well. A few sections re
main where earnest work is yet to be done;
but it will be well and tithely performed, and
the State is safe. Gov. Curtin, will be re
elected by a decided majority. .e.
Gov. Curtin in Lehigh Valley—lmmense
Union Meetings-Leading Democrats
Supporting him—The Rumor of Lee
Evacuating Virginia.
Editorial Correspondence of The Itepo Rory. -
ALLENTOW.N.T, Pa,, Sept.-21, 1868-
Gov. Curtin reached Lehigh Valley - on Sa
turday morning, and was greeted with a de
gree:of enthusiasm that struck terror in the
hitherto confident Democratic ranks -of this
section. Lehigh gave over 1,900 Democratic
majority last year, and Carbon gave' offer
700. This fall Lehigh will not give above
1,000 at the outside, and • Carbon is warmly
contested on the local tickets, and will not
give 200 either way. • I was surprised to,see
men actively participating in the Union
meetings here who have been life-long Dem
ocrats. Judges Cool, Amen and Bowman,
all of whom have been chosen Associate.
Judges of Carbon county by the ‘Democrats,
are now for the first time openly acting against
the Democratic party; and Gen. Lilly and.
Hon. M. M. Dimmick, formerly Democratic
M. C. from the Tenth Legion, have al- o
ripudiatedWoodward and prefer maintaining
the government to a party triumph. There
are of course others, whose names are less
familiar, who are earnestly co-operating with
them,_ and they mast make serious inroads
into the Democratic calculations at the newt*
election. In Lehigh there are a, number al
so who now for the first time abandon the
DemOcratic party to serve their country. At
the immense Union gaihering in this place
last night, I noticed none more active or
earnest than Hon. Jere. Shindel, latertem
ocratic Senator from this district. - He says
that he sustainad the• Democratic party until
it hrrayed 1U the life Of .the Re-
Public, and -he can no longer follow its
' GoV. Curtin addressed the largeSt meeting
on Saturday at Catasauqua ever held in the
Lehigh Valley by either party, and in the
evening he spoke to a concourse of thousands
in this place. l'iuch earnestness in, the cause
nave never witnessed in any politiail con
test, and daily the Union ranks are strength
ened by patriotic men from the Democratic
_party. Rest assured.that the Lehigh region
will astound friend and - foe, on the Second
Tuesday of October, b;„ . its immense vbte e for
Goy. Curtin.
—Yesterday the telegraph brought the
startling rumor that the rebels are,about to
abandon Virginia entirely. Ido not regard
it as probable, but it is possible. - If so, Lee'
is not strong, enoegh to make an offensive
, ovement I%.Torthward, and he cannot re
min idle during the winter in Virginia. He
cold not subsist his troops with his comtnu
nicatio s s cut as they are, and his army would
be wastey want and gloom before spring.
He must mve therefore, and if it be -South
ward, thus-sdrrendering his capital and the
entire border t. , ..the Union, the condition of
thing's in the dosdiions of treason must be
much worse than Nvehave generally regard
ed Ahem. , If he luis \ evacuated Virginia,
whatever may be his immediate purpose, it
transfers the war hence&th to the cotton
States. -He may move ag *nst Ros i ecrans,
and may even gain a tempora „ triumph by
ilN a\
compelling him to retire from a Tennes
see; but itWould bring no - substntial ad
vantage to his doomed cause. Virginka once
surrendered is surrendered forever, an East
Tennessee would soon'be regained to the ld
Flag, and the cotton States would then b
the refuge of the bogus government, and the
theatre of all future desolation in this war.
- I would like to write something "of the
Lehigh Valley—of its beauty, fertility and
almost boundless mineral wealth; but for
the present I must defer it. A. 'Ti. Ss. _
Changes in the Departments of North
Carolina and Virginia—Con scripts
Captured—The "'Spirit and Times"
add Negro Enlistments, &e.
Correspondence of the Franklin Repository.
NEWBERN, N. C., Sept. 7,'1868
Since I last wrote, several changes of im
portance have taken place in this. Department
and its sub-districts. Major General Foster,
commanding the Departments of Virginia
and North Carolina, having-'of necessity
transferred his headquarters to Fortress Mon
roe, Brig. Gen. Heckman assumed temporary
command here until the arrival of Brig. Gen.
Palmer. The latter has in turn been relieved
by Maj. Gen. John F. Peek, who formerly'
commanded at Suffolk, Va. His gallant and
successful resistance during the siege of that
place by the Rebel Generals Longstreet and
Hill, with a force greatly outnumbering ours,
will be remembered by your read.
sisted by Gen. Palmer; who now cothrnands
the forces and defences of Newbern, and
Gen. Heckman, in command of the disi 'et
of Beaufort, Gen. Peck has now assumed tit ,
command of the loyal portion of the old
North Stiite. I mean all that portion upen
which l4alty was inflicted by the untiring
energy and stout fighting of Gens. Burnside
and Foster, and their brave troops, in the
spring of 1862. Under the influence of forty
or fifty thousand Union soldiers, a reasonable
amount of Yankee energy, and amore Stout
fighting, the loyalty,of the rest of the State
might be.speedily developed—but until these
influences - are brought to bear, very-419e can
be eipected. The citizens who have escaped
the conscription thus far, are unable to help
themselves, or to throw off, unassisted;;the
yoke of the Davis government. They are
encircled on all sides by . the armies of the
Confederacy, and though their grumblings
and mutterings are at piesent tolerated,
should they attempt4in 'armed resistance to
the demands of the Rebel - Government, with
out the protection of United States soldiers,
the State would be laid waste in a fortnight.
I am 'reliably informed that 95,000 men
have been taken from. North Carolina since
the .opening of the war. Somewhat of a
draft,- that, for ea small State. I earnestly
hope, that when Gen. Gillmore's gentle per
suasion has brought the people of Charleston
to a proper appreciation of the error of their
ways, tile:forces now engaged there may be
brought to the relief of the sufferers here.
It is' absolutely necessary that Wilmington
at least should be taken, for since the closing
of Charleston harbor to the blockade-run-.
ners, that port has become of inestimable
importance to_ the Rebel cause.
• Though the force in this Department can
be considered only as an army of occupation,
we are by 'no means idle. Scarcely a week
paises that our gentlemen in blue, do not
capture numbers of gentlemen in grey, who
from hard service and - unwholesome food in
the army of their master, look worse than the
"gentlemen 'in black," A tolerably good
plan to "keep it of the draft," w 4 lately
resorted to by a number,.,of native North
Carolinians, residing outside our lines.—
laaving received notice that they had been
duly drafted into the Rebel service, and that'
they must report without delay, they notified
the officer commanding our pickets of the
fact, and intimated that theyiniiht be made,
prisoners of war without much difficulty.
small force was immediately sent out, and'
the conscripts soon became the willing cap
tives'of Uncle Sam. They are now guarded
in a marmer,which. will make it rather dill
cult for D. to get them in hisi clutches. I
may here remark that, the treatment of the
Rebel prisoners confined here, afford's - a stri
king contrast to that which our pooi boys re
ceive in Libby. While the unruly members
of our Own army are shut-up in a dirty look
ing jail, the rebels are guarded in a fine look
ing dwelling house, have free , access to
pleasant yard, which is enclosed by a very
low-fcnce,_are provided with rations of the
same; quality and quantity that -our men re
ceive, and are permitted to converse freely
with any passer-by who feels dispose to waste
his time in talking to them. The ladies' (?)
of the city supply them with all the delica
cies of the season. No one, lam sure, would
object to this kindness being shown them—if
they - appreciated it, and would go and do
likewise by the Union men who are suffering
and dying in Southern iiiisons.
Only, "words that burn" would be at all
adequate to give you an idea of the weather
here during the past two months. Protracted
physical exertion is next to impossible. Even
sleep is no longer balmy, and'has lost its re
storative power. The hospitals here and at
Morehead city are filling up with fever
stricken patients, and in the contraband
camps they are especially favored with a few
cases of small-pox, To make matters worse,
mosquitoes in countless numbss - give us 'no
rest. These pests draw blood' through all
sorts of clothft, and are certain to discover
and profit by the most:minute hole in a boot.
You may imagine that the blessings which
they call forth are generally of the inverted
kind. •
Several companies of the 28d 31assachu
setth Accompanied by a small cavalry force,
went out on a scouting expedition on Tues
.ay last. They have returned, but I have
n3)t yet learned the result of their march.
IMAgihe it to have been unimporint.
• Gen* al Foster, and several members of
his staff, rrived here' yesteljay frOm Fort
ress 3lonro and left in the afternoon for
Roaneke Island. His movements bode no
good to the en e. • -
The Ist U. S. tUal 2nd N. C. (colored) re-••
giment, passed thro gh here last week, en
route for Morehead 'ty, where they 'em
barked on the steamers ohn Rice and Ma
ple Leaf, and left for some mkuown point.
Your r%l:ghbors of the SpiNt and Times, in
a late; issue ! present an extract f m one of my
letters, as an argument against n gro enlist
ments. The regiments referred \ to were
those stationed in North Carolina, an I en.
il ,
deavored to show that the trouble w of
attributable to any — fkeuliarity of : the nog o
soldierf, but to their officers . Any. set o
men, ignorant and illiterate as are the negroes
of South Carolina, would-of course require
careful training and strict discipline to be-.
come r good soldiers. The contrabands of that
vicinity have much to avenge; and it is not
strange, that when ' led.: by men like Mont-
gom.ery 'and encouraged by the exaMple and
permission of theirleaders,,they should com
mit acts of violence—unauthorized byi the
rules of civilized warfare though they bi—
against the people who have so long trodden
;them in the dust. But such things are, un
iinown in the regiments organized in North
Clirolina, Massachusetts, the District -of go
lumbi and elsewhere, simply because they
are co ;$ .. ended by the right kind of officers.
No troops ;can, be more respectful, 'better dis
ciplinedt or ore skillful in the manual of
arms, and all' jittery evolutions, than those
I have Seen here.,, Nor have I ever witnessed
greater enthusias - manifested by any sol
diers, than was evin dby the negroes when
ordered to get ready to\s \ t . art for Charleston,
their supposed destination. They seemed
overjoyed at the prospecte(a speedy exhibi
tion of their prowess, and jadging from the
behavior ortheir black comr4 in the De
partment of the Gulf and at Battery Wag
ner, tdon't thini there will be ariheaso.n to
regret that they are fighting on pur sic 2 The
contrast between these negro ••olunteers \ and
a number of white substitutes recently al'.
rived, is decidedly favorable to, the former
Then, too, of Medidal Inspector
Towrishend proyes conclusively thatthey are
physically much better able to ,endure the
severe heat, and the malarious ,influences of
the Southern climate, than the whites. Grens..
Grant, Banks, Putter and others, who can
not be accuse& of abolitionism, strongly re
commend thin enlistment—and all things
considered, I: 1 *A see that it would be a
very great 9; !., tune to the'country at large
if we had st`,,' !.illion negroes in the ,field,
which tired ~'
~ ..nt the necessity of draft : -
ing unwillf , . ',. • theads. I have touched
thus lengthi . f . ::* `'the subject, in order that
my previous • marks might not be misunder-..
We are gratly incommoded bythe irreg
ularity of the mails. Three steamer's ply
betWeen Yew York and Newbern, leaving
either city at,intervals of three days. Almost
invariably th'erare s caught by ,the gales -off
Hatteras, where they are .bound to lie until
the storm " lets up," and they generally come
up the river together, with a ten - days' mail.
They are again started from here at ,regular
intervals, _but the old Storm, King seldom
permits the first to pass out of the Inlet until
the third catches up, and of course they al
go into Ngiit York together. 'lt is one of the,
peculiarities of the Quarter-Master's depart
partment, that shout four .unsafe steamers
tire run.between here and New York, to do
the business Which two good ones could per
if run froat Morehead City.
The mail eires in tent minutes, an& to an
tierp4te Dirinst sign myself
Youri 'hnatill,
-Gen. Banks has issued an order opening
the Mississippi for through business.
Captain Benton has been ordered to the
command of Washington Arsenal in place of
Col. Ramsey. . •
All the United States •troops in Indiana,
with the eieeption of the rroyost Guards,
have, been ordered to the field,
The Richmond 'Enquirer sitys that prepar
ations are being made by the Fedorala to seed
an expedition: against Magruder and Taylor
in Louisann. -
The capture of Fort Smith is confirmed by
a dispatch from St. Louis. The - whole of
Western Arkansas and the Indian Teriitory
are now in Federal possession.
Gen. Ripley, Chief of Ordnance, has been
placed on the retired list, and Col. Ramsey,
of the Washington Arienal, has been tempo..
rarily appointed to fill his place.
On Friday, Gen. Gillmore was promoted
to the position of Major in the Engineer
Corps, after he ghall have passed an examin
ation ordered by the War Department some
time since.
The Washito River Expedition ha's return
el to; Vicksburg. They found no-organized
Rebel forces. A large number of rebel sol
diers came into our lines; reporting matters
very gloomy among the Rebels.
From General Sully's expedition against
the Indians in the Northwest, we hive word .
that on the Bth instant he surprised four
hundred Indian lodges, dispersed the warri
ors, killed one hundred; and destroyed their
camp and property..
GeAral Burnside's Mara' into East Tennes
see proves to have been one of extraordinary
rapidity, and the disposal which he made of
his forces in the march to Knoxville complete
ly deceived" the enemy,
,who believed that a
raid only Was intended.
While reviewing the troops at New-Or
leans, on the morning of the 4th instant, Gen.
Grant was thrown from his horse' and some
what injured. Medical ' attendance was
promptly at hand, and it is hoped nothing
srious may result to the General from his
Capt. Diggs reports the arrival of the Re
lief boat Cosmopolitan from Morris Island
on Friday - pvening, at which time the white
flag was dying4ver the shattered walls;of
Fort Moultrie, and our forces had captured
god held half of James Island. The rebels
hold only two batteries on JaMes
'Two M.onitorsiwere lying bbtween Sumter
an' Moultrie. 10aptain Diggs passed Charles
ton bar at 4Pt M. on Saturday, at which
time lile \ iaw the white flag over Moultrie.
She firedthe last gun at 4 o'clock on' Friday
The Gazette's Leavenworth despatch says
that Gen. Blunt at last accounts was at Fort
- Gibson' preparing to start for Fort Scott." - In
his recent campaign he marched 250 Miles in
nine days; fought two battles, - and cleared
the rebels from 100,000 square miles of ter
ritory. ,
A boat from Gen. Sibley'acommand, Aug.
has reached Leavenivorth. He was just
starting for a Sioux camp of 6,000, intending
to capture Or destroy gem. All the way
down the xiVer - the boat was watched' and
frequently attacked by hostile Indians: AA
party of 80 miners were supposed tobave
been killed near Milk River.
The following despatch has been received
at headquarters, of the occupation of. Little
Rock :
LITTLF.Roc, Sept:lo, 1868.
To Maj. Gen. Ha'leek, General-in-Chief:
GENERAL: We. havejust entered. Little
Rock. The cavalry, under Davidson,is pur,-
suing...the enemy, who -are in full retreat
South'. • Respectfully,
S. R. STEELE, Mai. General..
Refugees from therebel conscription. are
'coming into General
,BlUnt's lines by hum
dredi. I Their sufferings are represented as
'indescribable. More than one hundred Ern
*men have been shot and_ hung at Fort
Smith since the rebellion • began. The sup
,ng regularly from Fort
Fort Smith will be the
mations during the win-
ply tit+
at laiat .
the Al
vernment of Mississippi
in Nozubee county, on
five hundred miles from
the cape .'"Alissouri was at Little
Rock, Arkanias. The Governor and State
officers of Louisana were n board of an old
steamboat up one of the b ous of the Nis
-81E04)0_ river' and Governor Is am G. Harris,
with the archives of Tennessee, \ was some
where in the mountains in the northern part!
of Alabama. ~
. • .
General Grant has lately written a otter,
to the l'iesident, in which he gives asSar
ancethat he favors'the policy of the Admin..,.
,istrationas inaugurated by the proclamation
of freedom, which he terms the most fornki
dnble *capon in the National Arsenal. He
adds that, he elan gladly co-operate with
Adjutant General Thomas in the formation,
of colored-regiments,. for which two .expedi-1,
tions sent out by him had already 'brought
in many recruits.
A letter from Newbern, North Carolina,
dated the 'l4th, says that peace meetings are
now being held in almost' every town in the
State. Steps are taken to elect Congressmen
to the United States Congress, in case Lee is
driven out of Virginia. So long as his `ar
my remains in that State he will be • able 'in
Cenitol mutters iri North Carolina ; and. three-
ten the people there with Rebel venie'ance
who may dare to express titeir dissatisfaction
with the Richmond Government. -
he Cincinnati Commercial's despatch,
dated Brownsville, Ark., Sept. 2d, says, Gen.
Steele arrived here last evening. His force
will come up in a body. The rebels are in a
strong pisition,
,four miles this side of Little
Rock. The force is estimated at 17,000 strong,
with from thirty to fifty guns . . Kirby Smith
has gone, to Red River, leaving Price in ccm
mend. The rebel General Marmaduke, was
wounded in the leg in the recent' engagement
at &Lyon Metaire.
The almost bloodless occupation of Chatta
nooga is explained by the fact that the forces
of Gen. Rosecrans cut the East Tennessee
road, south of Chattanooga, while General
Burnside destroyed it above that place, leav
ing only 'one . avenue upon which tile rebels
could escape. This road the cavalry of Gen.
Rosecrans were proceeding to sever, and thus
to hem in the rebels at Chattaatx?ga, when
the latter summarily retreated to Dalton.—
In this way, by the brilliant strategy of Gen.
Rosecrans, Tennessee was entirely reclaim.:
ed to the Union, without a battle.
At the time of the assault on Fort Sumter,
on the 18th of April, 1861, when the storm
ing .flag 'was shot away, Sergeant Hart now
of the Twenty-sixth Police Precinct, seized
it, and under a terrific lire of shot and shell
nailed it on the rampart wall When Major-
Gem Anderson evacuated Fort Sumter, Ser
geant Hart hauled down the flag and carried
it on board the steamer General Clinch; it was
then transferred to the steamer. Isabel, and
from her to the steamship Baltic, where it
was hoisted from the mizzenmast when she
came into this port. From the Baltic it was
taken to,the Brevoort House, the headquar
ters of Gen. Anderson, and it still remains
at the pr sent time in safe keeping in this
city. Sergeant Hart hopes to yet plant that
flag upon the ruins of Sumter. ,
Refugees late.l arrived within our lines
bring exciting r ports of a terrible condition
of affairs in the outh. One man, 'who left
Mobiles on the 6th, states that there was a
terrible riot of soldiers' wives in Mobile on
the 4th. About six hundred women, and
ehildren collected On Spring Hill, armed with,
clubs and hatchets„ and marched through the
principal, streets, cikrrying bannek inscribed
„B roa d or Bload,"„“Bread or Peke," and.
- other similar inscriptions. • They being Bpi : .
diers, wives their proceedings were Niciiiiked
at by the soldiers, who made but feeble resis
tance... Stores were broken open,. One mer
.chant,.a.Jew, struck one of the women, and
some of the police gent out arrested' the
Jew, and beat him. severely. Many of the
citizens have 14 town, among them our
inforMant, who.says the riot was increasing
when he left., ,
VOL. 70,.. WHOLE NO. 31623.
The Charleston Mercury, when Genets'
Gillmorelegan his approaelies to Charleston,
said that “either they (the rebels) must drive
the Yankees from - Morrislsland, or the Yan
kees wad drive them from' - the city," The
illereitrif was right for once, as a few days
will show.
The office of the Raleigh (N. 45.)Stanc
(a loyal -paper) has Nen destroyed and, thilt,
presses broken• by some Georgia soldiers. In
return, the friends of the Standard demol
ished the Mate Journal office (Rebel). GO,:
Vaned addressed the People, with the hope' t:
controlling their passions, but without avail.:
From New Orleans we learn that the__
Army of the Gulf is in motion, everything
indicating that active operations are aboutto
be resumed. • The movement is.apparently
one: of magnitude, but tOwhat point it tends
is unknown, save to Gens. Grant and Banks.
Mobile, Galveston, the Rio Grande and Char
leston are guessed, but the quid nuns seemed
fa be.entirely at fault, although on one thing
every bOdy agreed, viz., that Major-General
Franklin was to eominapdtthe expedition.
Grand : 11ovement Toward
Texas in Three Columns.
Gens. ROTTOII, Washburne 4.nd Frank-
lin on the March.
The Gunboat Clifton Demolish
ed with all on Board.
NEW ORLEANS,' La., Sept. 11. ,
Last week from ten thousand to fifteen
thousand men were conveyed by the Ope
lousas road from Algiers to Brashear City
and to Bayou Bceuf, the whole force under
the command of Gen. Washburn. Almost
simultaneously Herron's men moved. up the
Mississippi toward Red River. Gen. Frank
lin's division mean while embarked on trans
ports here and at the camps above near Car
\rollton, and moved down the - river toward
the Gulf. It was, therefore, a combined
maxement by three distinct columns, and by
,three routes.
Franklin's men 'went down the river
sled Washbartfe's corps moved by railroad to
Brashear \and Bayou Bceuf, a week ago to-'
day, the ti federal gun-bhats Clifton and
Sachem moved down Berwick Bay to the
Gulf:- Franklks transportswere,accompan
fed by three gun-boats, the Arizona, the
Quaker City, and',l think, the St. Charles.
Iferron's - column was,,t2iken tiy steamboats to
the mouth of Red rWer to go to Simmsport.
Till to-day, beyond ruiners, we have heard
nothing definite from thenovement.,
From various sources to-night we gain the
following authentic informktion about the
movement : The Clifton, at Brashear, took
on - hoard two companies of the Stiventy-fifth
New York Regiment, and when she and the
Sachem moved down the Bay, Confederate
,Colonel Major's force at Camp B land,
watching-the movement, immediately m4rch
ed for 'Vermillion Bay to repel the entrEihre
of the Federal force at that point.
In the event of their not entering the bay,
it is known to have been Major's intention to
push on to Sabine Pass. Day-before yester
day the two gun-boats - nrrived at the nisi,
the Clifton taking the lead and the S achem• fol
lowing. When they got in they were expos
ed toa raking fire from both sides of the bay.
Itis not known that Major had arrived, but
Sabine Pass was well fortified, and the arm
ament consisted of the heaviest siege guns.
Captain Crocker, of the Clifton, fired a broad
side, and in turning to fire the other broad
side his boat grounded and stuck fast on the
flat. He was exposed to a very heavy fire.
Some of the soldiers orsailors on board, with
' 'out Crocker's orders, ran up a white flag.—
In view, of his hopeless condition, Captain
Crocker turned one of his largest guns and
fired through the machinery, completely dis
abling the'gun-boat. He then spiked his '
guns. Meanwhile two confederate gun-boats
cameflo vrn and captured the Sachem. ,Frank
lin's gun-boats -and transports entered the
pass just in time to see the last of the brief
action. One or two soldiers escaped from
the Clifton and swam toward Franklin's
transports, and were taken on board. They
Bay that there was not a man in the after
part of the Clifton 'who was not killed or
wounded by' the fire: from the batteries on
shore. Those remaining on board were of
course' taken prisoners. Captain Johnson
and his men on the Sachem are also prison
ers and his gun-boat was taken. The Clif
ton is believed to be a wreck, and useless to
the confederates.
This disaster, the low, stage of water, and
the quite unexpectedly formidable resistance„
no doubt induced Franklin to runback again,
and to abandon that part of the movement.
Herron's men have not been heard from to- •
day.• Up to this evening not a regiment' had=
crossed the bay from Brashear.. It is believ- _
ed that the movement-will now begin de npvo,
Franklin's corps Dill* to Brashear, and the
army then moving across the Bay, to follew
the old track along the Teche. We shall :
know' soon. •
Reported Evaortatiow of Rb*oond.
BALTIMORE, Sept, 19.--atit3 ape
respondea of the Baltimore Americen, at
Fortress Iti,onroo„ says:
A rumor is current here, which obtains
belief with many, that, Richmond is being
WASHINGTON. Sept. the Rich
mond paliera of the NO and 17th (Wednes
day and Tlnusda4 received here aviation
1-that Lee's :may has been'in line of battle for
some dip:between the Rapidan and Orange
'Court. Hottse N but seem to inthnM that it
gill remabieo3i the defensive.. wookd
seem to, iaakete that Lee ils.not strong, and
is acoeptcsikas contirmateay of the report that
troops. tliAnt been sent wall foul