The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, September 16, 1863, Image 8

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1 :32 ' fag.
Is • f
Major-GO. B. F. Botior is engaged to
•fteriviuis the Skate of Perinsylvanie, for' the Union
Charles-W. Winegard IA the ,Itniori oin
didate for- asembly in' Clarion, and; R. Stewart
Barker for heriff. t : •
. _
Sheri Stanbarger is the Union candidate
for Assembly in Mifflin, opposed bY,R. A. lit'Hee.
' The former ought elected and weitrust willbe.
The• Democrats of Northumberland have
nominated D. k Montgomery for genitor, Truman
H, Purdy for ASsembly and Wm. ate Weaver for,
Sheriff. . ' .. ' 1
The Uniini party of Susquehanna have'
nominated Geo.H. Wells for As: e dibly i David Sum
mers for Sheriff and John iff. McCainfor Register.
Stuantelianna should give 1200 this fal .
Charles' Koonce hat been nominated for
Assembly in Mercer by the-Union :lien; 'Wm. H
Alexander for Prothonotary and Joh M. McKin
ney for Sheriff. They will be elected by 1,000 ma
jority, . •
~ The Union men of Tioga ha,y4 •riominated
John W. Guernsey for Assembly, John F. Donald;
son for Prothonotary and Henry S. Archer for Reg:.
inter. Tioga can,fpre 2,500 for Gov. Curtin and the
ticket, and we doubt not will. Mr. , puerncey,wan'
once Senatorfroin that district, electe r dby the Dein
ocrats. _ _ -
The fri eh da of the .A.dmi nistration in. North
timberland' county have nominated; Hon.'lrarik.
"Biind for Senator and Jonas Stein 'for Assetebiy.
FAzuk.has - onlyabout, 2,500 DemouratiomajdritYti)
(tivereoMe; but he did it once. and gmn do it : again if
any bndy can. Re made a most ereditlible and efh-•
clent Senator.
The Union men of Centre hale nominated
Capt. R. H. Forster for Assembly, John T. Johr.-
aton thr Prothonotary, Samuel linutit, Jr.. for Reg
ter, and James Dunlap for Sheriff.) Capt. Forster
is a war Democrat, and opposes hisipartY only be
cause it opposes his country. We have some hope
of his election. •
The Union men of Lebanon nave renom
inated (1. Dawson Coleman'-for Asseiably. .L D. A.
Gartnau is the candidate-?for Reegrder, John ,B.
Rauch for Register "arkil - 8. W. Strcjiim for Clerk.
The ticket will of cowrie be eleotedi David Dem
ing,,E.sq., of bauphin, is the linio-eandidate for
Senator in the district of Dauphin a i d Lebanon.
The 'copperheads of Dauphin', havA
ated J. Wesley Awl and Chitties II I Zeigler :for As
sembly. John Raymond for Sheriff, James Horning
fur Recorder , ands David Umberger, for Treasurer,
' It would get off with a defeat of 1,20 f but for the fact
that it is supported by the Patriit. and puion,—
, there's no telling howligh it might aggravate a
majority against the ticket.
Union citizens from the Squth say, that
whin:,Vallandigtram was there. as the guest, of Gen.
Dnigg ,he repeatedly exhorted the Rebels to hold
on to -Vicksburg, declaring that th success of his
party in Ohio depended entirely u the ability . of
the Rubel Government to baffle t e Union armis
besieging that place. The facts are aid to be abux
dspt and indisputable, and loyal men in Alabama
adilleunessee are . ready to testify to the truth of
the statement - " , . ~
. The - Democratic Conventiori of MasSachtt
lettignominated H. W. Payne, of Roxbury, for Gev
ertuir and Thos. F. Plunkett. of Pittsfield, for Lieut.
Goioruor. A series of .resolutionst were adopted in
&Ivor of State rights, 'and agaiu.4t t ( re prosecution of
the l war for the purposes of cunin ipation and !Mb
jugatiun. Th resolutions denolitice the conscrip
tion act as unwise and conclude by
applauding the course of Gov. Slcyrnour, of New
, York and other Demecratia twaddle.
. .
The official vote„of Kentqcky, as certified'
by the Board of Canvassers, is as follows
Governer—Bramlette, Union. .1..........,
Wickliffe, Dern
Majority for 8ram1ette...........f....„,44.... 50,242
teat. Governor—Jacob, Union - 65,851
. r „ Reed, Dem .4. .......14,620
Majority for Jacob I 51,031
, The rest of the State ticket was elected by about
the same majority
counties have not yet reported to ,the Secretary of
State. . .
, . The Union men of York eve nominated
David Fairs for Judge. C. H. Bressler and Dr. Geo.
L. Shearer for: Assembly, Geo. Geiger for Sheriff,
Thos. B. Griffith for Prothonota4 t Augustus Swartz
for Register, Geo. D. Ebert for Clerk and Abner S.
; Binder for Recorder. An earnetl, spirit was mani
fested in the Union Conventio,. and while they
can hardly hope to elect then ticket, the Union
men have resolved to do the' whole duty. • The
Copperheads have already reduced their estimate of
York over 1,000, and with systeratitio labor, they can
easily be brought down anotherl thousand by elec
tion day. _ '' 1
The Union party of Tuniatahave nomina
ted John Velsbaugh for Assembly, Capt. A.H.ldar
tin for Prothonotary, David Gelb for Treasurer and
Noah Hertzler for Commissioner. Capt. Martin
*commanded a company in the lith Regiment, and
is a most estimable and gallant Man. Capt. Whar
ton, who commanded the other Juniata company
in the same regiment, was a candidate for nomina
tion on the other side, And recived just 5 votes.
The entire Union ticket should 'e elected in Juni
ata this fall. Capt. Mirtin will go in, of course, but
the conntY • can give Gov. Ciirtlic a majority. The
, candidates for Assembly in the ilistrict are Samuel
rit..Orwig, of Union, and Johnßalsbaugh, of:Juni"-
- eta, on the :Union side, and Jbnathan Weiser, of
Juniata; and Philip Hilbish, of Snyder. on the cop
perhead side. The former will be elected by a thou
tend or so. 1
- • , .ThelTnion men of Old laerks are 'in the
' teldwith a full ticket, composed largely of "men
- who' have served their, countrjr nobly in the field,
Henry Van Reed, Esq., a lifelteng Democrat presi
ded at the Coavention, and a number of men who
- have hitherto acted with the (Democracy Were in
- attendance. Col. John W. Rhhads, Captain J. M.
Meredith and David Lanka were nominated 'for
''Assembly, Col. L. Heber Smith for Prothonotary,
„ ~L'aceli Smucker for Register. Lieutenant Edward
F. Smith for Recorder, Capt. alohn Fritz for Clerk
' or,Orphans" Court, and Lieu Wis. L Levin for
'diekk of Lire Sessions. That tic ket may not be elec.-
ted4hut it will severely test the patriotisio of every
man in the Democratic party who still cherishes a
lingering love for his county. Plimer must of
oofie be permitted to vote arainst it, as it, would
.not favor the recall of the troops to diplomatize
... ourgoonalifyinto the hands of traitors.
: Thi; following are the; Stite tickets in New
Yoit. • '• ,-" - I
'tioretary of State—Chas. M. D pew, of Westchester.
Controller—Lacing Robinson, f Chemins,
Canal Commissioner—Bind. F. Bruoe. of Madison.
•Treasurer—George W. Sohnyl r, of Tanking.
:State Engineer—Wm. B. Tayler, of Oneida,
Prison laspector—JamesX. Bites, ofJefferson.
Judge of Appeals—Henry R. Belden, of-Monroe.
Attorney:General—John Cochrane, of New York.
F,e;retary of State—Da. St, Jain:
lontroller--Sanford E. Chun*
A rtornek General—W. B. Champlin.
• SI o te Engineer—Van R. Richmond.
,Trvasurer—WM. B. Lewis.
Canal Commissioner—W. W. Wright.
Inswtor of the State Prisor* r D. B. McNeil.
JnW of the Court of Appeal+--W. F. Allen.
John Cochrane, Union nomineelor Att'y General
dos aDemoeratio M. C. when he entered' the war
' its Colonel, but he could not lonkllght rebels in the
liield and vote for them at honaeond he is now an
;earnest and unconditional U. outman.
The Unbart4itional ljnicircewati , ention
th'e Fifth Congressional District : of Maryland net
at Bladensburg on the Bth, and nominated
C. Holland, of Baltimore connty, as their candidate,
for the House of Representatiies: The fifth district
ie compoied of St. Mary's, Calvert, Charles, Prince
George's; Anne Arundel. Montgomery and Howard
counties, and a part, of Baltimore county. The Union
nominations for Congress from the State of -Marj
land are now complete, and are as follows:
Ist dislriet—John W. Crisfield, late Member.
2d • Edwin H. Webster. "
'Sd " * Henry Winter Davis.
4th " Francis Thomas,'late member.
514 " John C. Holland.
A , very large Republican masss meeting
was,held on the 10th at McKeesport. which was at
tended by delegations from the, various towns in
the neighborhood and stuijoining counties.' Dr. Geo.
McCook presided, assisted by tvrenty-five vice pres
idents and several secretaries. The chairman ad
dresssed the meeting at some length, making
an appeal.ta the patriotism of the voters present.
Judge Kelly, of also addressed the
meeting, making a most able and elaborate speech.
He was followed by &loud Clark; of Alleghmay,
Thonias Marshall, Esq.. and James B. Onslow: (a
candidate for the Legislature on - the Democratic
ticket,) and several others. The i3peeches were- fre
quently interrupted, by enthusiastic applause.
Tlietsnionixieri of Selidylkiii htive'nom-
Mated Col. Thomas C. Zulick, Capt. John R. Faust
and Philip Dreher, Jr ? , for'emblY, Maj. Joseph
Anthony for Prothonotary, Col. FmneisDengler for
Treasurer, Capt. Levi C. Leib for Recorder, Henry
Hammer for Register and Col. John R. Porter' for
'Clerk. Resolutions vrereadoloted declaring that s ,the
government must be sustained in the execatioe of
the draft and all other larva, necessary to crush' the
rebellion. The Trish belligerents who are arrayed
against the draft, will probably -vote against the
Union ticket, for the reason that it is compassed of
loyal men, while they aro openly disloyal, and pre
fer voting 'for Judge Woodward; who declared that
they should be denied the right to vote or hold of-,
flee, and used his best exertions to' so amend our
Constitution. .
The Union men of Cumberland have nom
inated Rev. A. G. Marlatt for Assembly.*-Emory
Strock for- Prothonotary, Dadiel Miller for Clerk,
Charles E. Kaufman for Register. Jacob Zug for
Treamer, and S. N. Sharpe for, Commissioner.
The loyal men of Mother Cumberland aro moving
earnestly to carry their ticket, and they can succeed
if they will do their wliole duty. The COunty Com
mittee have called meetingsat the following places:
Mt. Holly Springs Sep 1 - 4!Churelitown Sep 23
KM:oton ' -15 Newburg "; 24
ihdpherdsto- " 161 . hippensburr " 25
firdstown-Jurg e -
Boiling Springs " 17 Leesburg '"26.
Plainfield " 18 Centreville ,
West Fairview - " 19 Newville ' 29
.ifechaiiiLburg - - 19 B_pringfield "
Nidky's School - H. " 21 HoguestoWn3l
Carlisle Springs " 22 f' • •
A' large Convention was held in the
City t of Erie on the 10th, being the 50th anniveisarY ,
A' Perry's Victory. ' The people made it a holiday;
Cannon - wore fired in the Perk, and the utmost en
thusiasm prevailed. Early in the day a proceision,
more than two miles in length, was formed of wa
gons and carriages with people from all parts of the
country, and during the delivery of the speeches,
which were made from three different stands. not
less than 15,000 people filled the Park and surround
,ng streets. The concourse was addressed b3. l ;htv•
Curtin. - Ex.-Gov. Wm. F. Johnston. Judge SnannOn.
of Pittsburg, Col: John W. Forney, Hon. A. G. Rid
of Cleveland, Col. Gibbs, of Tennessee. Mr.
Clapp, of the Buffalo Expreas. and other distinguish
ed speakers. It was the largest local meeting ever
held in that. section of the State. -
Regal folirri.
Notice is hereby even that letters of Adminis
tuition on the Estate of Samuel Gilmore, late of Letter
kenny township, dec'd, have been granted to the subset I.
nor, residin4' in Strasburg,
All persons knowing themselres indebted to the Rnl4
Estate will please make immediate payment; and those
having claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement.
aug 26 JOHN GILMORE, Adm'r.
4.. 67.586
.... 17.344
E •
is hereby-given that Letters Testamentary X& the
Estate of Melinda Stayer, late of Letterkenny township,
deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, resi
ding in Lurgan Township.
AU persons knowing themselves indebted to ts:.tid Es
"tate will Rlease make Immediate payment; and those
having claims will present thorn properly authenticated
for settlement. CIinISTIAN SNOKE,
Sept. 9'63 Executor.
Retie° is hereby given that Letters of Adrinials
ital/V1) on therEstate of James Kirkpatrick, late of Fan :
nrtt township, decd, have been granted to the , under
rigned. residing in said township. ,
All personsknowfng themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment, and those having .
claims preient them properly authenticated for settle
Sept 9-Bt* fAd '
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration on the Estate of, Isabella Thompson, late of Green
township, Liec'd. have been granted to the undersigned,
residing in said township. ;
Allpersons Indebted-to the said Estate, are hereby re•
gneeied to makeimmediate payment, and those I:LA . I6g
claims or demands against the Estate of said decedent,
wilt make known the same siithont delay, to
Sept 9 RIL lASt TGOMPSON Adm'r.
*travel( ant *toten.
. j\jr Strayed from the residence of the subscriber,
Lying near New Guilford, front 40 to 50 head of Sheep,
marked with the letter N with tar on their aide. Any
3.erriorm having strayed sheep, with the above mark, on
'their premises, will please give information by address
augl2-tf New t i ,..2fortl P. 0., Franklin co.. Pa.
e R4WAR4.—Stolen from the
2 d e past re field of the subscriber, on Friday
ht the Ith inst., 4 miles east of ChambersiMrg uti the
; iettystittrg Pike, &large Black Ilorse,B years old; swc.
• eyed in the left Blionlder, but - Aloes not go tame; walks'
•:ell in harness or under the saddle. • The above reward
iii be paid for any information leading to•thP recovery
the horse by ANDREW J. LOCIIDAI.I3I.
aug 12
I . ITI3:AYED.—;On Saturday ,night,
....30th of August; 1883, a beautiful IRON.UREY
' CING 11111 E, four years old. Strayed is a small ani
tal, having a heavy mane and tail; small ; logs and
- mail feet—flanks dark. flack and withers slightly
oared with saddle. In the left front foot she is slightly
• 'rung in Ole' frog. Any one in possession' of strayed
ill please!adclress the owner at Leesburg, Cumberland
onnty, Pa., who will bestow a liberal reward.
sept.2-3t. , Bev. T. SIARSIIALL WESTOwner.-
ZTRAY BULL.—Came to the prom
,' ises of the subscriber, residing two miles' south of
crimbersburg, on the Waynesboro road, about the mid
oof June,' a CHESTNUT BROWN BULL, about tw
.vti years old, with a white strhue on the back. The
slier is notified to prove property and pay charges, or
e will be disposed of according to law.
43ainting, etaling, *tr.
a the Old Armory 'Building, „(up stairs,)
next door to "Old Jail," Pciffer 4; Foltz's
Carriage Manufactory, opposite
Brown's Hotel, and
Chambersburg, Pa.
I rcepectfally take this me taod of thanking the aft!.
.ns ofthambersburg and vicinity for th; very liberal
itronage I have received at their hands for the past
'or, (my first yearin this place,) and flattering myself
' .at I have dono,and and am still prepared toile, the
•ry beat work inlay Hue, I solicit acontinuence of put
, 'or. - B. T.,FFILO'WS.
P. 8.1 respectfully refer to any of my patrofis—Jatnee
yster, Wm. Mcbenahan, Col. A. R. McClure. Rev. Mr.
, 'coolie, Presbyterian Chn'rch, Dr. Richards, Dr. Fisher,
' M. Kieffer A Co., German Ref 'd Messenger. J. Allison
rater, Witt. o:Nyrter, and any ethers for whom I have
.ne work—for eharacter of work done, and expedition
June 17, '6,1-tf. B. T. F.
11tifoti n*bbbüg, a.
regal rain:
A ,
Be it resideed by the Senate and House of Representa
!free of the Gbmnumwealth of l'eiinsytrunia in .General
Assembly met, That the fAlowing amendments bepropo
led to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accord
ance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof:
There nhall be an additional erection tothe third article
nfthe Constitution, to be designated as section four, as
BEction 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of
.his tkinmonsvealtiii shall be in any actuithmilitary ser
rice, under s requisition from the President of tne
•od States; or by the - authority of this Ccimmouwszilth,
Mel) electors - may exercise the right of suffrage in all
sections by the citizens, under such regulations as are,
w shall be, prescribed by law, as fully as it they Were
'•ores - ent ttt their usual place of election.
There shall be two additional sections to theel eventh
article of Constitution, to be designated as Seutioustight
- - tad nine, as follonts:
SECTION 8. No bill shall bo passed by the Legislature
containing more then one subject, which shall be clearly
expressed in the title, except appropriation bills.
- SECTION 9. No bill shall he passed by the Legislature
granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, whore
the authority to grant such powers. or privsleges. has
bi•en, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of
this Commrnwealth. JOHN CRSSNA,
Speaker -of the Bouseof ilepmentatires.
'Speaker of the Senate.
Harrisburg, July 1, 1863.
EVAsupThania. sg: Ida hereby CertUy that the fore.
going and ..nnexed is a full, true and correct
{ L. ii„ } copy of the original Joint Resolutions co the
•••••• • r-. 0 general Aiisembly, entitled. "A Joint Resolution
proposing Certain Amendments to the Constitution," as
the amino remains on file in tide office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand,
and caused the seal of the Secretary's office to be affixed,
the day and year above written. ELI SLIFER,
julyls, 63-te Secretary of the-Commonwealth.
ttEGISTER'S - NOTICE---All per
sons interested will please, take notice. that the
owing Accountants have filed their Accounts in the
Register's Office of Franklin county, and that the same
will be presented to the Orphans' Court fbrcoufirmation,
on 7 4 ueedo . y. the 6th day of October mat, at the Court
House, in Chambersbnrg;
325. The first at d final Account of David Ricks, Exec
utor of the last will and testament of John Cony, late ,
of Antrim township, dec'd.
32ri,,..The first ant final Account of David B. Tenley,
Administrator of Janice Tenley, late of 'Warren town
ship. deed.
527. The first and final Account of John S. Zimmer
man and Jacob S. Zimmerman, Administrators of Jacob
Zimmerman, dec'd.
228. The second Account of Samuel b. and George W.
Brumbaugh, Administrators - of the Rstate of Joseph
Newman, deed.
823. The first and final Account of John C. Rotz. Ad
ministrator of David Rota, late of Lurgan two., deed,.
sop -E. C. BOYD, Register.
NOTICE.—In the mhtter of the:
Estate of George Palmer, All persons in—
terested will take notice that upon - Niplicatienof W. S.,
Everett and C. S. E'yster, EEgs., to the Judges of the Or
phans' Court of Franklin Co., Pa.,' the mid Jit.loB in
open Court made the followingorder to wit: That notice
be given to It partios interested toappear at next term'
of Court, on Tuesday, Oclobet 60, 166:5, and snow cause
if any they have, why John ilannony one
,of the Exec
utors of the last will and testament of C esrgo Faliner,,,
deed,should not he discharged from the duties and re
sponsibilitioS et said executorship.
wag 26-ic . Clerk of Orphans' Court.
N,OTlCE.—Dissolution of eo-Part 2
tiers/it:lL—The Co-partnerapip heretcfore existing:
under the firms and style of wusbEitLica. NEAD d;,
CO.- at Chamber.burg, Pa., and SCH-AFLIIIiT, WUN-:
DERLICH dc CO.. Greencastle, Pa. was on the let clay:
of ---epteinber, 1863, dissolved ha mutual consent. The
Becks of the late firm at t hambersburg will remain in
the hands of Wunderlich . & Need fur collection; the
Booss ht Greencastle are in the hands of A. F. Schafhirt
for settlement;- All persons knowing themselves in
debted tp either of the above firms, will please call with
out delay and make payment, Rai he Books must be set
tled without delay. - D. K. WUNDERLICH,
SHlP.—Tbepartnership heretofore existing under
the name and style of DIEHL & GORDON ,in the Sad
dle and Harness business, in Chambersbargovas dissoly
ed by mutual consent on the 14th tiny of August, 1863.
The Books will remain in the hands of C. If. Gordon,
by whom the business will herwifteybo conducted-
Persons knOwing thenumlyes indebted to the old firm
will please call and settle their accounts.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administra
tion on the Estate of Peter Reed, late of Green township
deed, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in
Fayetteville in said township. r
All persons knowing themselves iittiebted to said Es
tate will please make immediate payment; and those
having claims will present them properly authenticated
am; 26 JACOB B. COOK, miner.
is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Estate of Daniel Conrad, late of Peters township, deed.
have been granted to the tuiderstglied, residing in said
All personsknowing themselves indebted to said Es;
tate will please make immediate, payment; and tlios
having claims will present them properly authenticated
fur settlement. .i :
aug 12 tifiNIEL C llill AD, Ex'r.
Notice is hereby given that betters of Ai!mink,
[ration on the Estate of Samuel Burns. late uf (keen
township:deceased, have :been granted to the under
signed, residing in said township ofslreen.
All persons knowing themselves 'indebted to said Es.
tits ~rill please make immediate payment: - and those
having claims will preient them properly anthentinated
tor settlement. JACOB ZOOK, Administrator.
Aug 12.8-t
ti 4 XECITTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice
ir is hereby given that Letters Testamentriry to the
I..state of Samuel Stouffer, lute of St. Thcanan township,
t d e ed, haVe been granted to the undersigned. residing
In said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said hIsL
fate will please make immediate payment; and those
!having claimswill present theta properly authenticated
I for settlement.
;tug limit. .ANNH STOUFFER. ExecUtrix.
le hereby given that Leiters Testamentary to the
r..ntate of Henry Brnbliker, Into or Peters township,
dec'd. have been granted to the undersigned, residing in
mild township. - '
perprtm knowing them/lel veeludehted td sold Es
tate will {dense make immediate payment ;;and thane
having claims will present them properly
for settlement. HENRY 1101tHAKIHr n t te m
mtg. 26 DAVID ECHLTAIt, j
NOTlCE.—Whereas Letters - 4 Ad
ministration on the Estate of Nancy' Crawfbrd,
tat, Guilford township. dee'd. hate been 'granted t
the subtocriber, residing fu said tow:Witt'
All persons indebted to the said Estate, are hereby re
(leated to make immediate payinent.and thoee having
claims or demands against the lodate of maid 'decedent,
'wilt make - known the same without delay, to -
nog. 12 JOHN eltAWYolo,,Adm'r.
NOTlCE.—Whereas. Letfors- Tes
' tamentaryon the the Eidate of Rlthard tturden,
ae of the Borough of Chamberebur b , dec)l, have been
greeted to the subscriber. •
111 persons indebted to the said Eriete, are requested
to iiake immediate payment. and' those -having chains
or demands Reainst the Estate of, said decedent, will
make known the same Without delay, to -
ang.l.2 11 V11.-BURIEC, E'er.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration on the Estate of .Abialom Bhetter, late of Guil
ford township, dec'd, have been granted to the under•
signed. residing in the Borough of ehambersburg.
An persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es
tate will please make immediate payment; and those
baring claims will present them properly authenticated
or settlement.
ang 19 . JOHN EMBER, Adm'r.
is hereby given that 'Lettere Testamentary to the
Estate of Fred'k Zullinger, of - Eetterkenny township,
dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persona indebted to the Raid .Estate, are hereby re.
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
dams or demands aptly& the Estate of said decedent
wilt make known the same without delay, to
JOHN ZIILLINGEB, lialiisburg, Pa.,
AEGI. Letterkenny, township,
rept 2.60 Executors.
- 11_ Notice is hereby given that Lofton; of Administra
ttun on the 'Estate of Henry Holler, late of Lumen town
ship, deed, have been granted to theunderslgned, resid
ing in St.Thomaa township: , •
Al!. persons indebted to the said•Rstate are requested
tomakeinimediate payment; and those' having claims
or demands against tholtstate of the said decedent will
mike - known the same without delay, to
sep 2 ' PETER C HOLLER, Adm'r.
PPUBLIC SALE.—mere will be of-:
feted at Public Sale. al/ the preraises.on Thursday'
toe Bth day qf, October ' text, 41 o'clock, P. Mott' that
TRACT VF LAND, situate in St. Thomas-township, late
the Mansion Norm of Michael Wagner, dec'd. bounded
by lands of Joseph Christman, Jasper Smiler, Jacob
Keller. Martin Ls' hieman and others," containing 94
ACRES and 14 PLRCITk 8, neat. The iMprorementa are
a good two story BKICK DWELLING motiBe, Log
Barn and. other buildings, a goal Well ,of never-tiling
Water and a thriving YoUNG, ORCHARD.: About ten
Acres of the tract is Timber landand fifteen Acres Mead
ow land., The terms will be made known on the day of
sale, by - JACOB CRIDER, Adrier.
By order of the Orphans' Court,
sept, &ts W G. Marcum., clerk._
PUBLIC , SALE.--The :-subscriber
will sell, by Public Sale, at his residence, in Guil
ford township,' near Stouter A Strickler's Paper 11114 on
Thirritioy. the Ist of October, next, the following Persons
al Property, viz: TWO-GOOD COWS. 15 head of Hogs:
1 Spring Wagon; :1 Threshing' Machine; I Wheat Fan ;
1. Cutting Box, and &number of Farming Implements.
Also, a variety of Household and Kitchen FURNITURE,
viz: Bedsteads Bedding., 'Cupboards. one S.da,,Clock,
Cook and ten-pints Stoves, Dishes, and ?A great 'variety
of articlei not necftwary,toenumerate. -
&dent 10 o'clock, when Abe terms will bo nitule known.
sept 5-ts JOHN STOUTER, Sr.
PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be sold at
Public Sale, on 7uestlay. the 6th o,'/ - October, next,
valuable TILERS STORY BRILIK HOUSE. situated on
West Market St.,- Chmuberaluarg, near the (Menem',
(being No. 5 of Franklin Buildings,) and formerly :the
pr iperty of John Liggett. decd.
The property is in good repair, and In a good sitUation
for public business.
TERMS :—OUe-fourth of the purchase money on the
confirmation of the ease ;"one-half on the let:of April
next, (when the deen will be made) and the ballance in
one year thereafter, with haorest. '
wept 9-It • ' TILOS. J. WRIGHT. After.
VARA'. FOR SALE.—The under
signed will sell at Private Sale, pis FARM, con-:
taming 164* ACRES, more or less, Of good quality of,
LIMESTONE LAND, n a goialstite oecultivation. The
improvenientsgood; welt watered, and Young Orchard;
beginningio bear._ I dein:a it unnecessary to any n.ote,;
as any person wishing to purchase can see fur himself.,
This Farm is situated about 13,6 miles South-west of Up
ton. Franklin county. Pa. [Rep:2-8q JOHN STONER.
Ilse twit story , BRICK ROUSE. in Clarksville,
almost newovill be sold very low. There are SIX ROOD
ROOSIS in thelunse, an,laLsp a Wash Rouse and. Cistern
iu the Yard. Enquire or- • - ' J. S, BRAND or
sept 9-lus C. Id. BURN ETT.
ittititarg flatiteo.
31ARSISAL, Sixttenth. Distrkt" Pennsylvania,'
el:au:ben:burg; September 5, 1863.—The following is
publidied for the information of all conderned :
let. The paymentrof y3ou vx.inpte from the one draft
but not from any subsequent draft.
2d. A dratted man may pay S3W or offer a substitute
AFTER the Board upon examination have pronounced
him tit fa. the service. L ;
3d. :A drafted man may offer a nabs ti tate any day (Sun
days excepted) between the hours set by the Board for
that purpose, but he must have previously complied with
the requirements of Stat: 7 of Circular 33 'rum the office
of the Provost Marshal General which provides that-All
poisons who may he dratted, and who may desire to'
present substitutes shall-give notice in writing to the
Board of - Enrollment that oa such a day they will pre
sent a substitute. giving his name, residence, age, and
stating whether he is au alien or citizen.l
The Board will,decline to receiVe all rsubstitutes who
are unable to present some evidence of being likely to ,
fulfill the obligation they propose assuming to the Gov
4th. For Information in refkence to the claim of aliens
fur exemption, the public is reiered to t ircular 63 3 al
ready published in the newspapers of the District.
sth. Evidence of disqualification' 04 account of age
shall be all urns much of the following as can be obtain
ed: First—Documentary evidence, legal-or otherwlse.
Second—The affidavit of the parents and such other res
pectable persons (heads 01 families) as are must likely to
be informed on the sulqect. ,
In 110 case will ,the personal presence of the party
claiming this exemption be dispensed with.
Gth. A. Cert Bic all, that , a party has b, , en enrolled els, -
where will not be conclusive to establish a claim for ex
emption on the ground of non-residence. The pithy
must present himself fur the nitrous° of being question
tioned and should be prepared with prouf (aftitiav its of
neighbors) in support oft his claim.
Eurullinent in two sub-districts of the game Congres
sional District will nor ixempt from draft. provided the
party has been drafted at Ills proper place of residence. -
7th. Parties who furnished substitutes last Fall that
wore mustered into the service for Duce years hive go d
ground for exemption. but priticipalswho furnished sub
stitutes for nine months only are liable to military duty
under this draft. The fact that a substitute furnished
last Fall as a Minor or aline does not exempt the prin
Bth. A drafted man who was in service on the 3d;•of
3litMh, 1863, is exempt. The certificate ofri comniis
sinned officer or the Bninvits.of two respectable citizens
(betide of tunilitis) will be required in proof this fact:
In addition, the discharge of the party or a properly,
authenticated copy should-he produced. -
pt h. Where names have been impropelly '..spelled ion
noticesvio exemption can be defined. The party intehd
eil by [fie enrolling officer is the party the Board hold
liable to report. •
By order of tho Board of Enrollment.
prpt• 9 Pro. oar. k Preet.
breadquarterx of-Prorast-Akrxhal, I .
. ' 16th District, Peitnvlmpia.,
( hanbersburg.sep't 4th. 186.3
ATANY A P .14' I 1)..-VV ITS TH A T
.__ - have been forwarded by Mail to these lie idqpiar.
tore !elating to the claims of Dtufted moo for exemption.
at e so defective in exedution as to he valueb ,5 for the
purpose intended. 'lt, a 'ew instances theylinve been pre
pared in seeming ignorance of the rights of the party tin
der the low, or with intent to pr trice impodtion upon
the Board. It is announced that as a rule Drafted Men
with their witnesses are required to appear in person
before the Board of Enrollment. GEO. EY.ST ER._ • \
Pro. Mar.:l6lll.DiAt. Penna.,
sept 9-3' -and Progident of Batrd of ttrrolhoont
• Headquarters of Prorost-Marshal t • ,
. It;llt District. Ann.tyteanta,
Chtusibersburg.Sep't .1th.1863. '
District are cautioned against joining Toltinteer
I egiments. Every Illan drown in the late llraft who co
joint will be "teemed a deserter and treated at such:
GEO. I.:INTER., ' .
.. • • Captain and - Provest Marshal,
cept 11-3 t ' 16th District. Penna. '
, He2Agnurrtrs, of Piornst Marshal,
- 16th -District, Pnmsyleanici.
Chambersburfr, Sept 4th, 1863..
that a reward of 610, and the „reasonable expense
tnenred.'will be paid to any person for the apprehension
and delivery of n deserter at the Ileadqoarters, of the
!warted Provost ,Marsiud.. Ol 0. .EYST.K.II. -4 -
, - Captain and Provost Illarsbat. ,
',sept 9-38 ' -16th Dist. Point:
elutta4Ortrba Uoofing.
XOUFrNQ Ready to nail cloart,
OVIEVG more durable limn Tin.
• ROOFINGat half the cosi of '
ROOFING for Steepor nat,Roofs
ioit, HOUSES,
This Roofing is made of the heaviest woven fabric over
teed fur the Purpose.—Manufactured ' solely by ourselves
- and -Secured by Patent.
• Put up in rolls and shipped to all parts of the country,
• and usually. for sale by hardware merchants and builders.
$ It can be applied by any common workman.
We also manufacture.
It forms a permanetly adhesive, 0401 e: coating over
the whole surface of the tin, filling up all the smaller
And often caving the expense of a new roof. '
i/I etvcially adapted to repairing
(ft', cec• t cfm
Thies a thick, tabu/mut compound, applied with 'a
trowel or similar instrument, and does not dry tip and
crack, as do all other articles used for thispu. '
Of tho Ready Roofing sent by Mail when desired.
Liberal arrangements made with Accents.
ans. ,2134. y 73 Maiden Lane, Now-York.
PAMPHAMPHLETS printed in best, styll,
snd lawast , Tato:. at the office or the sluing.=
scat :ittidate
rrillIISTEE'g SALE.---;There will
• 1
be sold at Public Ssle, on the premises, failiincy
township, on Thursday the la day of Octobox. itBtl3. the
411 )1lowing Farm, late the *state of Nancy Myers, decd,
A Tract of 160 ACRES and .85 PERCAES and allow
ance of Land, adjoining kinds of Samuel Beam, Henry
Besore, Levi Senders, and Robert 31cIlvany, on which
are erected a large,two3tor,y StoneDWELLINGTIODSE,
Stone Barn, Stone Spring House, three Tenant Houses
and other buildings. There is a fine Toting Orchard
growing on the premiers. About 100 Acres clear - and
under good cultivation.. The Timber growing is of the
best. The farta : is well watered by Antietem creek, and
the cattle can v:each water In . all the fields except one.
The road from chambeisburg to Waynesboro' passes the
door, and, the dwelling is but three Mlles from the latter
place. The land fa of the best LIME STONE quality.
There is a running and never failing fountain in the
Spring House.
TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the, pntchase money
to be paid down at confirmation of Sale; the remainder
to be paid in three equal flannel payments, beating int ,
serest from date of confirmation. First payment, let
April, 1864; second, Ist April, 1864; third, let April,
1866. • DANIEL 3IY •I‘Si •
Sept. 0.'63 t Trnstes.
—Thesubsciaber offers at Private sale,Eis FARM,
situated about 1 4 mile from Quincy. containg 151 ACRES
14 of which. is in TIMREit and thriving Chestnut.
of the Farm fail tl.e best4rtality of LIMESTONE LAND
and all in a high state of cultivation. The. impraive
'meats are a large BRICK I.IOUSE a ith portico and
porches, a new BRICK BANK Ittilt.3l.Bo feet long, with
Wagon Shed and 'Corn Crib attached, double Frame
rarriage llonse,Brick Wash Houae. Smoke HOMO, Bake
Oven, and ail 'necessary outbuildings, in good' repair
There's a large Cis tern close to the Barn, used for Stock
and'one near the kitchen. There ia a WelFof excellent
water in the-pird. There is also a variety _of cho'.4ee
Fruit, each as Pears, Plums, Peach's and OritPct , in the
yard. There i s also a good ORCHARD of young thriving
Fruit on the-premises . •
Persons wishing to view the Innd can do so by calling
on the subarribet, or any infoimation .tespecting It can
be obtained by calling ontleo. Balsley, County Treas
urer. r gent 94E1' JOHN 311 DBOthr ER. _
The undersigned offers at Private Sale, a valuable
LIMESTONE FARM, situated on .the Murcershurg and
Hagerstown road, four miles South of the former place.
in the Welsh Run District, containing ONE HUNDRED,
AND NINETY-SIX - ACRES, 140 of which are cleared—
in n high state of cultivation—the balance 'choice Tim
ber Land. The Conoinithengue Creek bounds the Farm
un the North, and there are two Wells of,good Water on
the premises—one at the House and one at the Barn
The Improvements are, a two-story ROUGH CAST
ROUSE, a good STONE BANK BARN. with Corn Crib
and Wagon Shed attached, and all necess•try out build
ings. There is r also, a good OIteILUID of grafted Fruit
on the preinises.
If the Farm is not sold' by the lst day of October
next, it will, on that day, at 1 o'clock, P. 31., be offered at
Public Sale.
'Pet sons wishing to view the premises can do so nt any
time, by calling on tho.uodersigned. residing the' eon.
Sept.% 1563. .3. WATSON CRAIG.
PUBLIC SALE.-Will be sold by
Public Sale, on the premise!, on Saturday. the 2lith
any of September. next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. the ibllowing
valuable Real Property, lute the_EArtte of Henry Stoner,
deed.. viz: A TRACT OF LAND, (best quality 'Lime
stone) containing 110 Acres, situate in Peters township,
Franklin County. Pa.. on the road leading from Green
castle to Niercersburg—the - Warni Spring Rotti passes the
door—and in the immediate vicinity of Stitzell's Mills.
About 80 Acres are cleared and under cultivation and
good fences; the remainder well timbered. The Im-•
provements consist of a good Stone Dwelling House, Log
Bard, and other out-bui'dings; a Well of excellent never
failing water convenient to the dwelling. Au.. There is.,
also, on the premises. a thriving young Apple Orchard.
TB:lslB.—One-third of the put chase money to remain
in the land dnringtho llietitue of the \Mow, the inter
est to be paid to her semi-annually; 5*2.500 in hand, and
the halance in two equal annual payments. bestOng in
terest : the unpaid purchase money to be secured by
Judgment on the property.
sep 2-It* Executors of 'Henri Stoner. dec'd.
SALE.—The -undersigred,' Executor of Malachi
Brindle. iota of St, Thomas township, dcc'd, will offer
at Public Sale, on Saturday, the 10th day of Ocleb•r,
neat. TILE MANSION FARM of said dec'd, situate
Thomas township, Franklin County Pa.. about two miles
South of the village of St. Thomas, adjoining lands - of
Wilson's heirs, John Miler and othsr,s containing 254
ACRES and' allowance of LIMESTONE LANTi. This
Farm is eligibly situated with a stream of RUNNING
near the house. The improvements consist of a
lime two-story Stone Ilouse.a Stone Batik Barn, ,Wag..n
hed, Coro Crib and other necessary out.-".ulldings..
Also. two tenant louses and an Orchard of choice Fruit
Trees, such as appfes. pears, peaches. cherries, dc.
About fifty acres,are in good timber and about fifty is
Meadow ground.
Any person wishing to view the premises before the
dali of toile v ill call on the subscriber residing about
tin . e4talf mile westf St. Thomas.
Sale to comment at 1 o'clock, A. M. Terms made
known on day of sale by FREDERICK G ELWICKS,
'aug 26tts Fx'r of Malachi Brindle: dec'd.
T POE SA LE.—The undersigned will 'sell at Pritate
Sale.,his TANNERY, known as the Corner Tannery, with
stead! and water-power. Saw Mitt, Chopping Mill. Stocks
for breaking hides, &c. _The Tannery has S leeches, 32
vats. 2 limes and water-pool. and is capable of tanning
SOO-Leavy hides a year. There are two Log Dwelling
Houses. liana, Stable and other necessary oat bulldogs
connected- with the Tannery, and about 60 Acres cleaned.
Witij good . fruit. ' lie will sell any quantity of laud with
the Tannery, from 100 to 700 Acres. 0-er bud Acres ere
TiMber.iied an ample supply of Chesnut Oak .Bark - to
run the Tannery for fitly years: It is situated about
7 miles Smith-west of Merdersburg, on Licking Creek;
Terms made easy. Possession will be gis;en this fall ,if
necessary. For farther partici:lbws address the under.
signed.* Mercorsburg, Franklin county, Pa.
aug 12, , METC AL F.
FOR SALE.—The subscriber desiring to retire
fruit buslnesis,,tilferi at psi rade sale his ir A LDEDLEM/LL
Property, situate .on the Cum cocinlegeo Creek. at
Scotland. fia.e miles North of "Cluarabersturg. The Mill
has three run at Burrs and is In good oiaer fur home and
merchant work. It is situated in one:of the best grain
growing regions of Southern: Pennsylvania., and conve
nient to churches and schools- There are about seven•
teen Acres of land connected with the Mill, nearly all
cleared and good Meadow Lanai, and under good fence.
A large two-story Weatherbuarded DWELLING nom
and other cut buildings, and considerable fruit are on the
property. 'fit, price asked is 35,000. while the nett
esluings ofthe mill during the last year was above:Viol).
For particulars apply to the subscriber a eliding on the
premises. • ' , JtiflN SLEICHTER.
at% 194 f -
FOR SALlk— , Thes undersigned offer at Private
Sale. the well known Tavern, situated on the corner of
Market and
.Second Streets, now in, the occupancy of
Sheriff Brawn. The Bate is a large commodious two
story brick building. - The yard attached is admirably
arranged , for travellers ,with buggies and
wagons. The stable is large and airy, and capable of
accommodating from 50 to 50 head of horses. The out
buildings such ea Wash Rouse. Spring Itouse.lce Howe,
&r. makes it the most desirable Hotel in the county.
Its near location to the Rail Road, Court House, Bank,
and business places, rende:s it the moat pleasant and
convenient stopping place In town. ` -
Persons desiring to purchase, can see the prat:aim and
learn the terms of sale by calling-on the undersigned.
Charab'g. Sept. 2—t f M. WORLEY.
The nutlet sign id offer at Private Sale, a valuable
LIMESTONE FARM, situated in Welsh - Ran district,
VA miles S. E.of Bowles StOres.consisting of 140 ACRES
110 if 'which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation
and the balance Is tine TIMBER LAND . The improve
taunts ar. a new two story BRICE HOUSE, new Bank
Barn, and all necessary outbuildings. There is a good
Well of never-failing water at the house. There is a'so
a good Orchard of Grafted Fruit on the premises.
If the farm is not sold by the 10th of October, it wilt
be exposed at Public Sale at 1 o'clock. Persons wishing
to view the premisescan do so by calling at the farm or
the residence of J. WATSON CRARL - Welsh Run.
Sept. 2. aNO. DVDOWELL,„ Chainbersbnrg.
v PUBLICSALE,—The underidgned, Administrator'
on the Estate of Albertus A.Beiit, •Itite of Antrim town
ship, dec'd, will i.ffer at Public leale, on Saturday, the 26th
day of September, next, the following described Beal
Estate of Bald decedent,Ntnate in Antrim township,
Franklin county, three miles south of Greencastle, near
thel‘mmyrikis leading from 0 reenaortle to Williamsport,
adJoininglands of - Powell's heite and Jacob Lesher, con
taining about three-fourths of an ACRE. This tract Of
landis berintifirlly located, having thereon& fine dwelt.
ing MUM. Stable, and other necessary outbuilding?,
making it a - desirable property. • .
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, A. 1 514 when the terms
will be made knoein by- JACOB LESELEB;
eept 9, - Adm'r., .
irywo,H - otsEs FOR - SALE.—The
undersigned offers it Private Sale. TWO LOTel.
ayetteville, one of the lots having thereon erectoCa
new twvetorle double TM= HOUSE, and the other
one and a-half storied house. The property is desirably
located for business, or as a private dwelling.bering in the
neighborhood of the'llitoidemy and opposite Bruin*
Hotel Persons wishing3oxiew the property can do so
by calling upon Dr. Fahrney, the present occupant, or the
subscriber.' •
Terms made to suit purchaser. . ,
Sept 841 IRO. O. 'MOHAN.'
neat ,ffotate' aSaleo.
iMaCsignecit Execottiors of Jill
Beatty - and also ,of ,Ottharine Beatty. , lota of /Isar!
township, deed, will offer at Public Sale -On the premisees
on the days mentioned) the following. described Beal „13i-
I tate,to wit :
I ..0A Thursday,- the 151 A day of. Odober,acet,
ran the Mansion- Farm. at 10 o'clock. A said:Mix,.
SION FARM, consisting of a tract of Land- aitente :dams
five-miles,Nortlecnat of Grognotstio, , in -said Sonaship,
bounded bylands ofJames Davidson. C.lllrecht ill. Henry
Wenger, Jacob-and George - Spco:flan and *others, Obn.
taming 112 ACRES more less. with &large two etorlea.
STONE DWELLING 11013 SE, 3 'large...Stone Bank Ban*
C orn Crib, and 'other outbuildings thireon. Therein a
never -failing Well of Water on said Farm with a rim*
in it. Also—There is on mad land a large ORCHARIYcI
choice Irrilt Trees. ' - ,
At the tattoo time, will he offered at Publit SaiW
TRACT Or LAND in the occupancy of Samuel clealhatf,
. I ;o u rni till . el lin b ds y 0111314 n Cot
v ‘r e . a e nd M ; K tb n e i nt„ °ti co t n b t e ain 3l in a g nll lt
ACRES place nr lesP, on which th,re is erected a rota
mod/ova STONE DWELLING HOUSE, a large Bank
Barn built of brick: and other improvements. There, is
'an esellant Spring of Water and a good Amy, ORCH
ARD on said laud: '
.Also, on said day. a TRACT OF LAND known at 6 1b - n .
Lind Farm," Adjoining tin one last abase tiescribed.lande
of John Grovetßenjamin Chambers, Esii, J o h n . K ee f er ,.
aml others. containing :Nit) ACRES—with a two stoned
LOG ROUSE and en excellent Stone Dank Barn. A She
Stream of Water runt through thir Farm.
There will be also offered on the 16th day di oefot er ,
nest, an the-premises. at 10 o'clock, A. ill.: a TRACT OF
LAND, situate in said township of Antrim. knownst
"Johnston Farm," bounded by lands ofJoseph Whitmore.
Jacob and JohnFrantz and others. containing Sti At nits
more or less, with a.STONE 110 USE. A Bank Ratu c and
Spring llonsethareoft. Also a small Orchard. Merely
an excellent SPring of Water on said tract.
Each of said Farms will be sold by the Acre; nest
mensurd. said Farms have respectively no ebentlanteelP•
ply of good Timber.
The terms will he made known on' day of Sale.
• ' JAN} , NILL • . r '
.:; T. B. KENNEDY, •
ta'rs of James Beatty, deed.'
Rept 9-ts ' • .E:t'r of Catharine Beatty, f etti•
Waynesboro Record copy and send bill to this tee;
pITBLI6' SALE.—By virtue . of - gm .
.L Order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin comity,
tuere willi.acexposed to Public Sale, on the
Saturday, the 2r,th day of Septevber, st 1 o'clock, p,11,,,
the following valuable Real Estate-Ante the promity of-
Lamle] Cramer, dee'd, viz : The MANSION FARM, situ
ated on the Road leading - from Strasburg to Roxbury,
about two and a Milt' Miles from the former puce. con
taining 108 ACRES of good Slate Land. 10. id which is
cleard and In a hign state of cultivation. and snclesed
With' gocs fence. The Improvements tie it two story
Log-House, a good France Barn. and all the necessary
out.buildings. a Well efexcellent Water near the Dwell
trig.and running-Water thro'Tfhe Farm. Twenty Acrea
of this Farm is :Meadow. It has soh() on it an Orch
ard of excellent, Fruit.'a.This is n very desirabluproper,
ty, heft:pie-Rhin a-mile and a halt of thrt e first-class
Grist Mills. Persons desirous of purchasing will do Well
to call and examine the property previous to day of sale.
Should it not be sold, it will be offered for Rent on sate,
day, fur the period of Aci, year Iron: the Ist of April
TERMS OP SALE.—One Iraq on delivery of title the
I?alance in two eglial aonnnl paymente, secured by Jvidg
went on the property, with Intel eat. ~, ,
nngl9-te• • S. ii. PAI 'X ERSDIV Adni v r.
, . .
icor There will also be exposed to Public Stile. on The
same day, two Tracts of Laud, welt covered with
ber, situate Itt the same township. silwat two miles Voila
the - first unmet! property. one of which contains 5u Acres
and 3-10 Perches ; the other,l7 Acres and 29 Perches,
and will Ue sold separate or together, to salt purchasers.
'TEItSI3 f=---One half on delivery of Deed. the balaneo
fif_thibe equal oanual payments; with interest.
9. It. PA'LTi RSON, Agent.'
C. Serrsi.. Auctioneer.
aug 1444
. The undersigned offer at Pt irate Sale, on accord
nostating terms. all that valuable TRACT OF LAD situ
fiVeii in St. Thomas township, Franklin Comity,
miles N urthlt est of.tli TiliaLm of Si Thomas. Mandril
'l:4' lands ofblarlillson's Heirs, Freauer, Barr: awl
others, containing
29 ACRES.-
About 100 Acres °tilde Tract , are Oilfired and in a &no
state ofcultlvation, the whole of which has been thor
oughly limetlwitbin the lust few years: the 'balance. le
heavily set witl:tltrlving Timber.. There lea tine Lime
stone Quarry • oir the premises Isom which ti enmesh'?
gnality of Lime is made. The improvements remise of
-a good, two-storied Log anti Brame DWELLING now.
A PINE BANK DARN, erected last summer: a Water-
driven by a small Steam Engine, acid other' uccessell
and convenient buildings.
The above Prspetto.olfers great inducements to per
-chasers of Heal Ilsttfo., It is located in a finely Tim,. call
region .and as the demand for Lumber. Staves, Shingles,
'Au., Maud will continue on the increase. an en-rpose
*businessman conid not fail to maim "Stoney out of .the
many advantages possesses. Pet eons desiring to in
vest in a namable-Property are invited to view this.
I Salisbury Spearman. residing thereon, will give any in
formation that may be desired. Possession can be bed
at any time.
June 17.'63. GARVER : A SHEAILMAN.
13 There will be exposed to sale, by 'way ot Pablie
tutt-cry, °tithe premises. in the lioroneh of Chtimbeis
burg, on :Saturday, the 3d of Octob, r,1t93 , the following
Real Estate. late the Estate of Berry Flintier. died.
A LOT OF OROUND, fronting 64 feet on' Queen - street,
Chaniberobtarg, with a depth southward of 192 fret ad
i Ming J. T Hoskinson Bast. and Hon. 1-1 ilsou
Vest. The Property will be sold in two parts. and will
br tlaided by a line run through the centre of the h
friim'Queen igreet„gising to earl, portion 32 feet by 192.
The west half adjoining Hun. Wilson Reilly. hns'erected
the east half, adjoin iog J. T. lioskinson. loss slSo erected
The property is pleasantly situated end in -a Yell desira
ble location. and the title is good.
A right ot way to the Pump nitd the right to the vise
the water of the Well wit be reserved for the um of the
purchaser of the otherhalf. -
Sale to commence td 1 o'clock, on said day.
TER3IS :—One4oilt - lst April, 1864 i rtnitdrider- lot
A 011.1865, with interest from let April, 7864.. The lots
will be sohronbjeet to gionnd rent of $1.50.
Adm'r with the will of I.lp:ry blinder, deed.
Sept 941 t .
NEAR SAYETTEVILLE.—The undersigned 'will
mei at Priviitelale; the fullowil g described BEAL M.} ,
TATN, to wit; ,
All tinder good fence and talable, with a good Brick Dwell
ing, a never Etiling well of;good water near the door, a
good Balt hntlThrashing Floor, a Ene ()retard hearing
the - best fruit. Also
of 32:fitrgPTsits,,,alarge Leaches Vvitb limes and pools
Rack Mill, Reller;timp and Fulling' Stocks, all in elec.).
lent order, the whole operating by WATER POWER.
Also a good Itarkebed, all mistirpaesed in convenience
and labor &wing.
The above property will be shown to any.person ap-'-
plleationlo Jacob IL Cook of Fayetteville, or John B.
Cook of Obamborsburg. Terms_willbe ilmsonabir.
,11,'63-0 , VETER COOL
TY NOR SALE.—The undersigned will Kell nt Pri
vate Sale, a LOT OP GROUND, SitltUte ou East Queen St.,
Chambersburg, adjoining the residence uf P. Denman,
Esq.i having thereon erected a two-story DEICE DWELL
ING HOUSE, with a twesstory Brick Back Building at
tached,n Frame Stable, awl other neeessary env-build
ings. There is also a Well of excellent 1t ater and
tern on the premises.
ri-0---,Pertions Wishing to' riew theprendses and learn,
the terms, etindo tut by calling on T. B. Eennetly, Esq.,
Chavabersburg, orthe subscriber, residnar In ehippeng.
'Marg. - ' • ,
rid Possession givenon the Ist of April next, when a
good title will be made by itiAitUEL KNISLEY. '
June 3-3 m •
ALNX. E. lectrits. 7 • I nmory s. mars*.
every Wednesday morning. on a large quarto sheet.
containing FORTY-MORT COLUMNS._printed on
tine paper and new, clear type. Terins TWO DOL
LARS per annum. IN ADVANCE, or TWO DOL
LARS AND FIFTY CENTS., if not pa id w i t hi n - the
.Ministers of the Gospel. in Franklir - Coutity,
are furnished with the REPOSITORY at SI per annum,
in advance.:
la- subscribers, residing out of the Str4q, must
pay strictly + $ advance. and Or paper will is antes es
be discontinued at the' expiration of the time for
• •
which it isaid.
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at 50 e'eritli per
square of -eigltt lines for first insertion, and 25 cents
perequare for eath subsequent insertion - : Ali frac
tions of a equareerUcounted as a full square.
Advertisements inserted by the quarter.balf Year.
or year. at a reasonable seduction. Those inserted
but once are.eharged - ten Centsper Haw_ L4wded
Advertinentetitit a'Priceand a-halt • '
Special ,notictis.- inserted before Marriages:and
Deaths. are charge double regular rates.
va. NO CUTS, or bold, display letter, inserted n
advertisements. - - -
EN. Notices °Marriages and Deaths, not exceed
ing five lines. are inserted without charge.'"
communications. of limited or Individual
interest. are *awed ten cents per line. • -
ai',JOB PRINTING, of every kind, dote in plain
and fancy Colors, at the shortest notice; and at rea—
sonable rates,