:,4,1110tbi1t5::',71,1. , I 1 fii (18 63: ' ~ 1 ;; . -, ..i :: .-.. ' 1.863:L -pA -LOTIIING EMPORIAI ..'•' PRA:W*I4N HOTEL t WILDING. CORNER UP .r.STWITdECEIT STREET and the Dr A SIO'NO;Ci litSf feenttleG.- Pa. 3011 N T EIOSKINSON, Proprietott :The L ttplegsignedgives notice to Ws legion if g • Oetrictie tnitr4s 'andto the public generally, thit he has now' on , ftbkisud'otfers to parchasers, for.cashi the Largest'(lnd Ictogruttrattirestock of , . - - 5 .-: i ..- i .10., 1 ' )IEADT-MADE - CLOTHING, ..V. . f,ttke „Spring and Summer seasons , ever presentei in i c : 43 ,.. e. ills long eqtal)lighed character , for sell ng j uit r ,x„ /in - surpassed in Style,yinish and, ptirabil)ty. Ii 14,detertnined to maintain, and maltinChis iturelm.ses 1 4, thi, liactern Cities this season,ae the, propitious tine, AMOles hint to offer his patrons garments' 'At prices "cerelnier . thsn the cheapest. Ile Mattes these,statements .in up hutit . ing or vain spirit, hint asks a discriminating pn,blic to ice him a call and decide' fur themselves ttlho, ,18,# , C4r441e,in thisaedion. offers the hest indue4l»en's ,t,o pyrqhmers. lite materit.f,of Avery,garinent soldlby hfra is narchmid.trom first-class Houses in the princl pAcittcs, and the marinthat aring ; is done tinder his dwn Intnernsion in . thiii place, by teorknien of ackrionicriged ability." With hisstoek of 11,FADV-MAD,E CLOTHING, 6invites Tit tention't6 a largo and splendid asssortmtmt pf Op.nt/enten's- , . - . _ ' "'•,: ' FURNISHI.NG . GOODS, -1- , .. i i; - Whlcii. he warrants to snit the most fastidious tasta or he ni?ffeeconomkal , poikk. ' 3Ceep his Phtee in renembrance and give him atMl, 1 innr.l7,'ll3.' ' ! JOHN-T. 110S1iINS0711' ' ' Corritr the DIAMOND, next door tu the VIALIBEBSBIIittI, -jnst returned iron F..be Agar with a htrge stock of eisperior and treasonable eGatet.ki such as CLOTII:i. CASHMERES. S.ATINETTS. Av.. for Ciatts. and vi...LVIIS N MTINS, /Ls BIL L Ezi, and other Vesting's. •,Also--ri„ very tine -selection of. it BABY-MA.I)E CLOTHING, hp is - prepared, to sell at the very lowest market . prices. • cos . rom WOBII.—As he employee finitrrategut ter, be It* prep:trot' to make up all kinds of Oarinehts, for !Ten and Boys, to order, in the best styles. Satis faction will he guaranteed.- . I A let t - 0 Assortment of itlEyrixstEx's FM - MUTING GOilDh, etich as Shirts. Drttatilts. Collars, Ilandkerchiefs i • penders, Carpet 'Bags, Gmbrelbixo as; hand,(dive him aeall and save money. [June 1i,r63. • iiJ. WHITE, .. - .J .- . . Mimcii..kN'T'TAii.4.,' , • ANP DE.4.6ER IN .I?4 , ID.I'LMADE aLOtlf-, ti(i;—(1.1010; MAD4--' • • • , . . Ci.,, 311 S. ~ ' • . ( CAStilltiMtPS, _ , . V.ii , TING:, - .`,-, I - E g GNTLISMKN'S . ,-• - • r i, , FURNISIiING bOOnS, GUM OVKIICOAT UMBILELL,A.S. . . .. inrb P iece Goods sold by the iard, and no chat-getter nutting. e„. Garments sold to persons , A•li o wish them madi at home. - , Machine Silk. Chalk, and inch tneasuree 'sold. Vireo doors North of Eyster's Dry Goods Store, Chamlrs bttrg, Pa. - [June 17, 18 , ' , 0. • INE faatird. • ONDERFUL,,,SCI.ENTIFI.O - •IF v • .OISOUVERY.—At the present time thoughtful Minds everywhere are looking for the revelation of pew .73.0 important discoveries in science, and when a thnory . is presented claiming to have discovered new light ;and ,to have, removed the. veil of obsenri . front a Subleet of the highest iiiipormuce upon will it much has been written, it is preper that the claim of this theort be presented and carefully examined sail tested, which is destined to transcend its importance te suffering hutuan ity, all other discoveries, the lightninet . od and telegraph net excepted. We hold that the human system is but a gitivanie arrangentent, With its acids and alkalies, con stituting the positive and neg.tti ye forces. and that every Mental :dui physical manifestation, either volmittart or involuntary, is the result of this anta ,, onismi that diges ' *lion, circulation, secretion, and exerelgen are whollyl at - `tributahle to the law of electrical influences; that fthe ~ , nertes are the conductors of EtentruCTrY, and that there Is a - polar action established through theraervous sretem Which connects with every part of the body; establishing are preserving a proper balance of the electric olembot, . - 2 , which constitutes health, and a disturbance of which - apses disease; that there are strictly but twoconditbans. of disesso—the ono positive, the other negative; anti as Exzeratelxv possesses these two inherent principles, it will, if applied according to the electric pularitiesfanfl ' requirements of the system, arrest, or, in other words, - neatrolhe the disease by the restoration of proper polar „action.. We also assert that all drugs taken into the'sys ' lenstict strictly "upon electrical principles; that from - dttedapiriition the latent electricity is set free, and that, , It tough the electrical polarities a the nervous system, a changes fire produced either for good or for evil ;that -in the incipient stage of dissum It may tend coequal - ire • the forces, and restore harniony ; but after the case; has become refractory, paralyzing the nervous Communica tions, and changing the constituents of the fluids, and arresting the digestive action of the stomach anti its power of approbation, no internal process of medication ever has ; or ever can. succeed in removing the cause of ttto 'disease, its only tendency being to multiply and:com . plicate the symptoms. On the contrary. ELECTRICITY being the vital eleMent tzputd which lifedepends. can be directed to any part of the lady. and even after. the vital functions seem Tara possesses thepower of arousing the dormant en ergies, equalizing, the circulation, and the system,' to a „self sustlining system. One very important feature of thYtreatutent is, that no time is lost in cxperimegting y‘ithidisen.ie. By means of electrical test an liceprate dititnosis is given at once, determining the localitr and chlracter of the disease. and indicating the treatm nt to !be pursued, The curicnts are perfectly under the con trot of the oPerator. aid can be regulated to suit the delleate'nerres of a child Without any unpleasant iensa that. All those who have lung:suit - email - can painful and otstinato disease—Acute., Chronic, Inflammatory or Paralytic—are invited to call and, consult. • CONSULTATION FREE. - ,, • Bit. liftOWN & PROF. WALK. • win Franklin Building,,lVest Market Street, 4th doerfrent the - earner of the .101amond, Chata4erstatith Pa. Jane 17 '63-tr . • VCONORY IS WEALTH! , • CURE YOUR COUGH FOR TIIJIITEER C NTS rhi Best - aid ch.capst Hossehdtd Rcm. the World. I= MADAME ZADOO PORTER' GREAT COUGH, RE3fEDT:! • .. ,Madame Zadoc Porter's Curative Bala 77E is warrantedlf used according to tha f aireetians, tp cure r pa cases, Coughs:Cohls; Whooping. Cough, Mthma, stO all *free tions of the Th rout ttuCLuu gerL. I Madame Zadoc Porter's :Balsam 1. I is prepared with all the reiplisite care and . 11 , from tt •otuld nation oft he hest remedies the v e 4otable klingdoin 'affords. Its remedial Tplaltties are based - on Its (power to asiiik the healthy and rigorotii circiulation lof the ,_blond, throngh the lungs. It is not a 'Violent remedy, emollient 4 warming, searching arid offective;cattbe ted httho - oldest parboil or ydringeet . • • , • ' ' ' Madame Zudoc ,Porter's =Balsam' , Altshoen alined by tite_palAli for aver 18 years find line acquired its present salessimply by being recominended by pude who have used it, to their afflicted friends and etiters. . .. • ... MOST IMPORTANT Mvlamo Zmlee Porter's Curative Balsam is sz , id at a price which brines it in therea h of everyone bi keep It e ; mveiiient to use. The timely use of a single bottle vtill prays to be worth 100 times its-eust. NOTICE --- , ""ilxviyour money. Do not be,: persuaded- to pnrchase articles at as. to $l, which do not contain the y rtnes of 13.nt Bottle of idldante Porter's Curative Bahian, the costal manufacturing which Is as great as that, of al- Itiost any other 'medicine ; 'and the very low price at wlilibsit is, sold, makes the profit to the sellers parent , iy Small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes re 001m:tend other medicines on ,whiCh their profits are Mellor, , nralessthe customers insist upon having-Madame P, noneothet. 'Ask sWadama Port'er's Ce. ratilt . o Balsain,price 13 cts., and FL large bottles at 25 eta., and' take no other: If 'you can not get aVone _,storeyou can at. another. lifg - rSold by all Druggists andltote'lieepers at 13 eta. •-`• 7 011111 larger bottles at 25 eta: ' - HALL 4; BETHEL, Proprhitors. r'Jtin 28,'63-1y; ' New York. '-'0,,,P0r Bale by3liller k Hershey and 'Jacob `Nixon, - "tiffluthereburg s : - • . - '_, - - ) „ , j 2 .f. - jttotitc,o .of tbt:Vecteit. ' - ,IISTIO,E OF THE , H. DXVISON. Justice, of the Peateefilte tamed/ate -Iy, opposite Die Indian Queen Ilotel." All butanes!' en nt.rtsted tb his care shall receive prompt attention, In. g ru dte l at of Writing, of all kl drawn - 1110pm - Batts. - • bictory.taahner.. - nme,17.!83. • . 4. ~ . lIAMDIAN, Justice - of the Tehee, . . , , ChoAnhersbnrg,:Pa: thEce entnet Market street' • ' Ito did Cotirt House, in the offite formerly occupied by,. IC. McClure.' . k.' rotapt attention gives po every ::tilfng 'hi the line of a Magietrateand Scrivener.- ' • - - • -1 , If 'Apt 9, '634. i , " .. \ Mrs 04.0ct005,, SFr. .1X.0 . /S_c9.llllllN. • , timeatince the commenomeot of NLz - •on's'Driig Store, has there been 40,, FULL AND COMPLETE A STOCK PERFECTLY RELIABLE MEDkIiiES 'To. offer to those -who are se unforttmete - as tibe compelled', to indUlge in such' luxuries. The • -fact ios, that unless there are large and, rapid •, , sales,' no estal4lishMent Bari siapplY . its customers withstrictly fresh and re- • • liabie'reMedies, in' the slia:pc'ot Drugi and Chemicals, Time , • • • affects with •much more -. rarddityMank thore,arti - cies in medicine than in any . other merchandise; hence the no- ' • • - deseitYief riidd chine sti) sedate to the, purchaser just vzhAt is; wanted; PIITQisT is able: by rapid changes - in stock, etways, to iiyesent the very be 4, to ,his„ - customere. He desires to keep the above facts be fore the community, and to solicit a • centinpance of favors. In conicectiosnvith his full DitiTG.S AN'D' pliE-3116AL,5, ho offers f. , fi!ll.asprtment PATENT MEDICINES qF Acrtl. Buell as: z „I - 4440 4 s Family itiedioaDs; Ayerls Pectoral, - Ay,er s Sarsapsailik AYer's Pills, t ^ ^ Helinbold's Propafitioris. ilosteiter's Bitters, ' Drake's Bitters. Gorman Bitters, Wishart's Pine Tree Cotdial, -- .Tarrant's Aperient., ; ; ..• Kennedy's Discovery. Liniment; Blair's Hypophasphital, Irobensaek's Pills. Wright's Pills, Morse?si 3 ills, BrandretlVs Leidy's Pills , Townsend's Pills, • Perry Davis's Pain Killer. Fahnestoek's Vermituire. • .. Worm Confections. Worm Candy, Plasters. • Ointments ? ' . - "Washes, Lotions., with many other articles in this line, all•of which aresold-onty en the represehtation of ' the makers of the •articles. BAZIN'S, LUBIN'S, EDB.IIII'S CHOICE , PERFUNERY AND SOAPS Hair Dyes, Pomades, and , • other articles for the Hair, among which is NIXON'S BROAIATRICIIOS, HAIR, F 00D, Otte of the best and most cleanly articles for the Hair, wataining no grease, yet rendering - the Hair sot?. and glossy, and preventing it from prematurely falling off. NIXON'S GLYCERINE LOTION, Which is just the article needed for the temov al of• Dandruff frcire the Scalp; and leaving " the hair soft and glossy. In presenting these two articles fcrY the Hair, the Proprietor has the satisfaction of knowing that• they do all that is represented NIXON'S TETTER OINTMENT - continues as much a , _ ', • favorite as ever and it can and due* perform remarkable cures of Skin Diseases, and is guaranteed in all ; , • • cases to act as repretented. HORSE AND CATTLE •POWDER In less than one, ' • , , •. ,year. and a half OVER T TT-FIVES HUNDRED PAM HAVE BEEN sou), and the sales are on the Increase.. It IS Just MI the powder for The Horse, The Cow, the. Hog. It is neatly put up-and full directions go with each pack. Hundreds of testimonials Could _ - be presenled..but ' prietor deems it -:• - best 5 , to lot it trate' on its own merits. RABER CROUP,SYRUP Is made only. at Nixon's foi this County; and has a host of friends who can testify - to - its merits. Nixon is able to Offer'ilarge Stock of Trusses, Shoulder Brace, , Supporters, Iteridagee Coreb's, 5 ' Brushes. " Toilet,Powdbrs; " Perfumes. , • Shaving Soaps, • Toilet 'Soaps,. Thicket Books, • -Parses, ' , • Indelible Ink, Tooth Powder, Tooth Washes; Tooth Brtish'ei, - • Sponges, - . - Flesh &Ashes, Pare Spices,- 'Starehr , "' - - " . -. • . ' . bilifig: ; - ' • • .:. ' , " Stiponillezi ' Rat' and 'Roach Deitroyk-'.' 41— In conclusion. NixonA' begs, leave to sey , lh,nt his stook wilLelways be kept up to the very bett o rint; and "will include " : ~:: ,-- : , r eirery 'thing; a l l- cute- - ~ ted to give health , and comfort tb ihe afflicted, , j)eiides, such artieles taste requires. The important lever in hasiness ismoney, and as all ,merchandise.caa be had at loiTer rates - : 141$3'h than,fima Ntios desires te,";jriate HIS BUSINESS STRICTLY CASH - „ June 17,1863. stook of and other IM The Sheep:. also =I .141 1 )iegrattiti 3 / 4 0.., na• PAPneo)l.;,&e. ADDLERY 1. SADDLERY !-Sid ilk.% aolfarSlTrunks; Valises; .4e. of the" MORSE COLLAR. ' . - JEICEMIArI OYSTER- fespectiblly retnrnsiris thanks to big phtions fir the' (ilferAl encouragement received from them heretofore, and be would invite them on d the 'commuttity - gonerallk, wile tuttst'need any' thing in his tOkive Lim 'a Calf at his OLD STAND,sonthe'East 'skit; of Main'Etrect, Chniribertbitht, five tictorti'Sonth'of Iluber St'folhert's Efarilwate Store, where he con ettedtly hand every variety, of 'NARDI, 11 K Y AND lIAILNESS of own -Manufacttire, and 'is prepared to sell 4 the4atue at terms that defy competition. Every article offered for sale is 'warranted to be made of the beit material and by coinpetent, workmen, which will be fully demonstrated mien oxamination'therebf. TRUNKS AND' TALI:3EB.-11e would also call the attention of persons wanting a - good, neat,_ cheap and substanial Trunk or Valise, to, assoitnierit... .Q A DLE AND 'HARNESS' .11AN .- ,k),UVACT 4 IRYi—The undersignial Would reineetfull3- announce to his friends - and the public generally; that he has taken the SADDLE AND 1141..V.1i5S BINA' flit , merly tarried on -by Alatthetv Gilllin, deed. on WEST ..411414KET 87REET.ozear the cottywcheagae.Crack, in the Borough ofebamberehtrrg, where he manufactures Saddles. Bridlea and n PAS , . and has constantly on-hand an excellent assortment of. Collars. Whips, &c. Re entploynnont,,but the best of Workmen,and. eon -eructs 'A I Iwork-from thcr best-materint. TRUNK and YALl6F,Sconstan,tly on hand, :JAI pfArhich - Avlll be 4,ord - h8 cheap riv the cheapest. A tontinnan'-e of thitAirmer e'of shop imoo4t,rospectfollynoliotted: Juno 17, 63" , ' ' JAMES V. leUr, HIPS I WHIPS ! WHIPS !--' c WILLIAM t'isndato & Scut, corner 4 Main and Washington Streets, Chambersburg, ka., ruanuficturers of all kinds of such as Wagon. Carriage and , Riding Whips of yarious sizes and of superior quality, which they offer, to the public-, either by Wholesale or Retail, at very mialeratitprices. ,bASHES of all lingths kept cunstantly on hand and for Stile by the dozen, very cheap. They also manufacture superior liOnsEl COL „LARS, to which they invite attention. Orders from adistancii salicited and proroptly-atthnd ad* to ' ' acing '63.' • roait-,iivutuber TENCH TWITJZ k D O , WE L , WILL .P. 4 .THE litC1111?4"2" PRIQE G. A.; IN .o siEt FOUR, -- _ wY84 77, CORN, 1 0.4 n, CLOVER SEED, TIMOTHY SEED, And all kinds of Pit6pITCE ALL KINDS OF r, r COAL, , ' LUMBER, CENEN7, PLASTER, AND SAND, FOR SALE, CH EA P .F•OE, CASH, DEITZ 4 111DOWEIZ'S WARtHOUSE AND COAL YARD, Near the Railroad Depot, C )IAM BEhSBURG,- PA., AND .0n North Carlisle Street, GitEENCASTLE, PENN'A dune 17.'63 1--E TF I R !-COAL ! COAL LI h EIIL: W:7 LEB 4 ..BON,N , affngpnrcased theand Lumber Yard ..BON, A. Delta, will c 'Minna to car on the same business, and Will always lumen band a large supply of Lumber and ,Cofil. They will be prepared to fill all orders at, the shortest notice. They respectfully solicit the patron. itgEP of the late firm and the public generally, and all who may desire Coal and Lumber to give them iCcall, feeling assured that no means will be spared to accent. motlate these on the most reasonable terms. June 17,'63-tf. LEO. ELIERT & SON. 13ooto anb :„Stoco. VEW SHOE .STORE.L—The • _LlSub scriber takes tills method of informing the Mil netts 'of Chambersburg and' vicinity, that he has just return .d froM Philadelphia with an ENTIRELY NEW SLUES of.ildots and Shoes, of every variety, - style anti paktern, and of the best manufactures. • he has node/ .Shopkeepers on band. MR whole stock Give him a call—yen can - easily snit yourself. lie invites the Ladies. especially,- to call, us DO will take pleastsie hilowitig,Bili geods..":Store Jr/ the room for merly-occupied by Frederick Smith, Esq..as a Law Wine, mid more recently used for the purpose by Geotge Eye-. ter, Esq.. two doors North of Fisber's Ifotel. Main St Oct, Chambersburg. llis large and well selected stock, he being a Practical Shoemaker.consists of Ladies'aaitcrs. Boots, Slippers and Buskins; Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes; Gentlemen's Gaiters. Slippers.. Boots and Brogans. - Do not forget the place. No troibfe to show Goods at the NEW two doors North of Fist'et Hotel, Ma i it .-treeet, Charnbersbarg, Pa.. by June 17.1862. , PETER FELDMAN. ALL ,AND SEE !--;THE -UNDER BRINED announces to his numorons friends and customere. that he continues to manufacture to order. aid keeps un hand 'a full and complete assortment of various qualities and styles of SHOES and GAITERS, Ytir 'Ladies, Misses and Children. /Us assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, - &c., fur Men and .Boys' wear is corn. piste, to which he respectfully invites attention. Work of all kinds made to: order, in a neat and durable Man ner, and at short notice. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere, and he:Wrill sails f,r purchaaers`tliat he sells at very small profits for Cash. - Don't forget the place-,- nem% j . imirito Ruts .t Reefer's Store, Chambersburg, Pa, GEORGE LEIINER. June 17, } 1863. TOTIOE OF PARTNERSHIPi iI Notice isherebygiven that the Undersigned haw. this day entered into partnership, in the Coach-Making bitsiness. it nli i le varlets - branches. millet' the name of Peiffer &Foltz. ^The said drm will do business at the, stand lately occupied by P. Beaty .Peiffer & and_ would respectfuily solicit a continuance of the public patronage. • - • P. HENRY PEIFFER, Nov. 8,1861, C.C. FOLTZ. IROOK KEEI%It'& CO. liace'reano4ed their BOON. BINDERY to tho Ihird story or the MANSION ROUSE,' ott the Diamond, above Shrycck's Book Store. 'Entrance between the. Book Store and'Dr.Bnively's office. • Old Books, Porlotli- Nowspapors, Sc„ bound in any style. 'Blank' 'Books 'Made to drder. Paper ruled to any pattern. - • tOR PRINTING; 'in . every . 'done &Alit) office'of the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. amor DENNSYLVANLIA RAIT,i.ROAD I - • ISVMMER: PINE , TABLE. , Ave Zytily to and 'from .Phitadelphia,,o4 and, after - MONP.:4?; APRIL . 20th, 18613. • The Paeneer Trains of the PennsylvAnitt-RuilroMl Company will depart-from and arrive a Harrisburg mid -Philudelpub. as follows: - EASTWARD ~.. . . . „ THROUGH EXPILESS,..4ILIN 'mires Harrisburg daily at 2.00 A. M., and arrives at Went Pligadelphia at . ... a:lb A. M. . , , • EAST LINE (caves Harrisburg daily (except 31ondny) at 9.49 A. at.. mat arrives. at'West ' hilaielphia at, 9.55 Passeagera take breakfast at Lancaster. ~ , WAX ACA%OM.IIO.I:WrION, via Mount Joy,l . linaves Harrisburg at LOU A. 11., and arrives at West. labia. a r 2.25 P. at. F.sST.3l.4lt.TitAP:l,leives Narrisbarg,dnily (except Sunday) at 1.00 P.. 114 and arrives at West .P,hiliulelphia nt.5.00 P. /.1). , , , r • 11.411111SEVITa APEO3IIIOI34.TION,TRAIN. via Co lumbia. leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 P. }l., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9 :10 P. as, - , , IY,ESTWARD.'.. TrAtiquogn TRAIN !leaves Harrisburg didiy (except sluinlay) at 2.00 A. at.;,Altoouri, 7.15 A. It., Dike breakfast. and arrives at }Pittsburg at 12.00 moon. panAopI,PHIA • EXVRESS• TRAIN leaves. Harris:- burg daily at 3.110" •st. • Alto..na - at. 8.00 A. , 15..0ake breakfar,3ll riltirivekot ttsburgat 12.30. r. MAILTAIN' hi.ivt.s. Harrisburg at 1.15 r. N., take supper, and arrives - atTittsburg at 12.30 EiAsT LIND leaves 'Harrisburg at 3.50 Pr -Altitona at '5.35 'P. sr.: and. anises at Pittstrirg at 1.00 A. IL HARM-4313R0 ACCOMMODATION_ TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.30 P. or., and arrives at aarrisburg_at 8.00 P. sr. 3 • ; :3 , WAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaxes Phtladelphia at .I.OO'C. M«Hnd r arrives atalu.rtisbarg at Q - A() P. N. This train runs via Mt. Joy:• • .• - , ISAlltifiG D. YOD:lisit - - -. Supt. .11idOte Diro. Penn's R. R., Junelt,lS63.4l. WA•Vi—Sit.lOlER s T.2I3LE. - • Three trains' 101 l tb aha find 13altitinfire and Wan- Ington,City, - ' - - • I " - • Connectionqinnde 'with tiaind on 'Pennsylvania Rail rt•,ail, to and front Pit - tidal it, and the West,' - TWO 'TRAINS-Li - ATM-to. and . ' ((nick the North and West Branch. S New p sfinehanna, Arnim, and all of Northern • 'On andhiter•lffrn • day, , Arita 201h.1861, the-Ptissengar Trains of the Northern Central -Railway' will arrive • at and • deratrt'from 'Harrisburg and Ilaltimbro rid follows, vizi' • •'• •• " - SOUTHWAfID. SIAIE TRAIN 1ear...15 Sunbury dally (except • • . Sunday),...,. , 10.10 A. M. " • ' ' leaidi Harrisbrim ' 1.15 P. M ' ,4 ' ' arrives at Baltiniore i 4 ' 0.35 P. it. - ExpBESS 111.AIN leaves Sunbury doily - (except Sunday) . • 11.07 P. M. , 4, - . 'leaves liiirrisburglexcept -• • ' --- ' ‘Mundity)2.6oA. 3r, , it arrives at 'Baltimore daily, - , (except Monday)... - ' 6.15 A. x. llutusnulto ACCOMMODATION (leaves . • Harrisburg • 630. A.-At. • ITORTHWARD: ' ;' • • MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (ex- - • eept Sunday) 9.15 A. M • . r< !envoi littrria4u r g 1.15 P. x , arrives at Sunbury.. 4.0 . 5 P Af. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily.... 9.15 P. Y. i. arrives at Harrisburg 1.35 A'.--st -q;1 , leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept .slouday) • 3.00 A 11 ii arrives at Sunbury' 5.38 A. If. iti A RAI SBU lIG AEOO3I3IODATION leaves Baltimore daily (except Sun- day? .. ' ` 2 551 , . Is - - uarrives at Harrisbutg 7.30 P. iu .For further lufinniation apply at the Office, in Peuri- Sylvania Railroad Depot, Harrisburg. ' ' a.I4.ThaBARRY, Gen sap. June 27,'63.41.. ' NEW AIRLINE ROUTE.—Three Trains Dairy to . .Nele task and Philadelphia. On and after .Vandal, 417 rit 20th, 1883, tho Passenger Trains will leave the 'lll.lladelphia and Reading Railnad 'Depotvnt Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz: , EASTWARD EXPRESS LINE leas - es Harrisburg at 2.15 a..1r.,'0n Arrival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West.m - ri ving in New , York at 9.80 A- -11., and Philo , dolphin at 8.20 a. M. • A. sleeping car is attached to the train through front Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m. arriving in New York at s.Sti 2,31., and Philadelphia ael.bo P. M. FAST LANE leaves . Harrisburg at 2.00 r. 31„ arriving in New York at 10. A p. u.: and Philadelphia at 7.00 r. M. . WESTWARD. PAT LTNII leaves ?Jew York at 43.00 A.X., anal Pbila jalibia at 5.15 A. X., arriving at Harrisburg at 115 P. X MAIL TRAIN leaves Neiv n York. at 12,00 noon,' And Philailelp/tia at 130 le. t., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 , . EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New :York (1t7.00 P. ar riving. at Harrisbure. at 2.10 A. u. and connecting with the - Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleep-, log car is also attached to this train. Connections are made at Ilarrieburg, with trains on the veuusylvania,. Northern Central and ,Cumberland Valley railwads, and at Neadiug.for Philadelphia, Potts ville, Wilkesbarre. Allentown, Ea.toton,d'e. - Baggage checked through. Fare between New lark and Ilarriebnrg, $515 ; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $335 in No. 3 cars. and in N 0.2. For tickets or other infortuatkOnspply to - NI.J, CLYDE, Jobe 17.'63. ff.. General Agent, Harrisburg, 1862. . 1863. ' INTERARRINGEMENT.L--- . CumBERLeIIV D VALLEY AN) FRAA:IeLLN AIL R 0.4 DS. ' CHANGE Olr iIOURS.—On and after Monday, No vember 17.1862, l'asstinget , Trains will run. daily, as (Sundays FOR CHAAIBERSBURG AND HAR • - 'RISBIJRG": • A. M.. P. M. benvellagerstoris - i. 7 . 00 , 2.4 k " Greencastle -' ' 7.37 3.34 (Arrive at 1.17 CZ) Chambersburg {Leave at• 8.30 12:85 Geaves Shippensburg AAA 1.:*3 NewviCe` ' 9.32 21)0 Carlisle 'lO.lO 2.42 • echanicsburg 10 42 3.12 A rricu at Ilarritiburg • 11.13 - 3.40 FOR OHAIiBERSBURGAND HAGERS- _ •'• ': TOWN:. 1:' ' i',. - ;:- 1 , Leaves llarrislitug , , 8.05. 135 '" Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.15 " Ciirlisle 9.27 2.55 " Nesrvii le - .....10.02 . 3.29 a' Eliippensburg ........................ 0.35 - 4.00 - Arrive at Chamberaburg . ....:....:... ..... ~11.90 , 4.30 ' Leave Clitunbertbarg • • 11.10 -, 4.40 " Oreenaistle . 11.55 . 5.30 Arrive atl7arris!)nrgl2• 35 6.10 _ Afe-Makinp close connectionit..at Rarrisbnrg - With traius.for Philadelphia, New York and Pf ttsburgfand with trains for all points West. ' • ` 0. N. LULL, Supt. R. R. Office. Chambarsburg. Nov. 37. 1861' 1863. • 1868:- DIIILADELPHIA AN D ERIE greitt line traverses the North ern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city , of Erin, ou Lake Erie. - It bee been leased 'by the -Pennsylvania Railroad artapany, and under their auspices Is being rnpidle opened throughout its entire length. It le POW in use for Passenger and Freight business troth liarrislthrg to Drift Wood, (2d Fork.) (177 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield - to Erie, (78 miles,) nu the Western ' ' , - TIME OF:PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISEVRE MAIL TRAIN loaves North EXPRESS TRAIN 'ethos North • Cara run through %ninon mums both ways onthese trains betWeea Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimoreand Lock Ilavei3. - Elegant Sleeping. Cars on the E*press trainbcith ways. For Information respecting Passenger ,business apply at the S. B. Corner llth and Market streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agorae: 8. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market sts.,Philada. .J: W. Reynolds, Erie: -• -J. M. Drill, &rent N. C. R. R., Baltimore, Md. ' • ' 11-110USTON, • - General Freight Agent; Philadelphia. - • LEINRST... I:IOUPS,. Genbral.Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. • '.lOB. D. POTTS, - June 17, 83] , General Manager, 'Williamsport. pPARENTS , of -Soldiers in the Ser . vice t or in can ' them with the 'OSITOItIr three inonthi for 26 cents;' sit..mouthe fur 50 cente.or one year for $l.OO. 118 01 1 ITEIIS' of So 'ldiots iii 'the per ' ifee, or in ITolipltati, can Itirnisli,"thciin with the POSITORX three menthe for 25 cents; SIX months for 50 'ten Le; or one`year far $l.OO, . , 1110 'NERdtLeST$.—:The - .way - to ~ :nre italitau.k tqatutu is to ADUREIRt ID .tne PRANEL::I-21EP.OPITOra, -.--; - kin - iiiltirialfel ---- -, R ZADIN , IL RA . ROA.II--Stfat ..iiii G NM ARRANORS.IENT., - - i • -• -.,. r- • --,, •t • 111tEA.T.,Vt1INK 'LINE froin the North end, North west,fsi-Philadalphia,:Nos'Yorli,' Receding Pottsville, ,3 4 1 tebtasbn;Alleritown,-.Eastisn. &0..• &c. - '••• •v: ' - • ' :Trellis leave Harrisburg Toi , ,Philedelpltia Ner. York, Rmding,,Pottusille;and all intermediate ous, tit6.oB s. st-,.aud 2.00 s- - .lr. „ , ".' , .: N'alt York 'Ripress letiVes -Trarrisbirk: it 2.16 :1 1 .2., arriving at - Ndiv Yoricut 11.15 the lame tnorning.! 'v . Fares from Harrisburg:. TO, NCM.TOPkSS.3.S: .toXitila delpliiit $3.35 and $1.80.„ Bag.gage checked through. Returning, leave- Non% Yorket 6,A.- sc., 12 Noon, cud 7 P. M., (Pittsburg Express. ) ' Leitve Philadelphia. at 8.15 A. . x . 3.30 P. M.. - r : Sleeping ears in the New York 7..xpresi Trains through to and from Pittataxtgwahmtt change: i Passengers_by the Catawiee Railroad leave Tamaqua aiS.s l 3'a'Ar;Mad . 2.ls- P. si., for Philadelphia. Nevi York, and all Way - Points?•• ; ; • - • • - Traimt leave Pottsville at • 9.1.5 A.-31., and 2..1e P. s!,.tbr PhiladaiPbta,. Alarrisburg and Yew_llerk., - - An Acenmntbdation Passenger train leavee heading - at 6.00 a:l4 - 4 - and returns from- PhiladerphicVat Coo P. M • - • irarsAll Abe , above ;Mains van day, Sundaye,,ez uepted., . ' t A Stindai: trairi Itasca ;Potes - ville:at t. 30 A. If - 4,! and Philadelphia at SA& P. - ' Camintitatice, Mileage.Sea.nn, and, - .Excur!ion_Tickets iirredp.c:l-ratestuand icon). 413 4 p9ints. : • G .. A . NICCOLvi _._._ _ _. _ • , . 1 • ' ' Getteral Sopet:intewient. 'Junel7;lB63:tt - • , ' -- - ' arbbare, • Qtuting, ' gDw.Aitn! > • - SMITII kßiCHAitiOlq, bet Pitilade_p to: SMITH,}, I . The uddersigried wodid respectfullicall ttinattention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS to' their large and Well se lecteditCck of , - -• '• • • - • - 11 A-RD NW - AR " .• . , • liiiingniaileipedial iirritigements'fortbe /laU• Trade, we flatter ounlelveseie , can offer inducements to pur chasers that willfully remunerate the rouble o,6gal:d -ining oar stock. • We ask but a . ,to convince the Cbunt4' rrcde, that', - we are prepared lbw and 'accohliaodate. ~• - Our stock of Table: "and ....fhchetratt/erst large,selected with care. and including-a variety °Dap. 'that cannot but sultan tastes.' ' • We have constantly on hand a large assortMeni of Stuldlogylerdware, _ .„, ,• ~ ToolsQltlery. , , _ • Ree t Tool-136*AL • '• • - — mad Chests, Stiddlers, , . and ezheenial.rem , Toms, Screws, .Nalls; everything In short, pertaining to it firstclais Hardwaie Store. - Particular attention paid to Country Orders,. It is our aim td secure the_coufidence °fear custoraers,,and td this eud we are partfouler, in filling orders, to give the best and as cheap as though' the' customers were bu; ing in person. Give us a trial. iitSERENCESe-4. K. Shryock, Esq., A. K. IfcClure, , L. klister, Chambersburg." • RICHARDSON; • aug. 5, '634f„ 611 Market St., Philadelphia, - MEW HARDWARE STORE. B. EYSTBR. , would respectfully inform his friends, end the publt" geneMlly, Dint in connection with hie KdiROSEND OIL AND LAMP STORE, lie bee commenced - thu , HAIIDWARH badness, at his pew Store room, one door north of 01. Huber's Grocery. Ills stock consists in the following articles, viz : , Building Hardware, ....: House Furnishing Goode. Table and Pocket Cutlery, - llechnnrce Tools, '' ''Valle by the smaller ke g ; Perusing Utensils, such no Shoves, - Spades, [ - , . , .. Yorks, - [ ~. , . Potato Lifters, licythes,, . . . . . . etc.,etc. Also; 'Glass, Paints,,Benzofe, - ; Linseed, Kerosene, and Lnbritnting Oils, - Lamps of all diecriptlons, - [ Chandeliers for, Gas and Kerosene. - _besttipiautssAc,,to. Agen • for Sale of EVANS t WATSoN'S Fire Proof Sato r, Billy 29, '634f. . . TIARDWARE ANI - CifTtERY II , ;- ' KNIGIIT" & SON, - Ininartanrand Dentinal° `AMERICAN, lEngaasn' AIVD 1 3E144.41'1: IcAIiDWA•RE - • • , 509 Copinterce - Between sth and 6th and Market and Arch tits khi/ade/phia• adg. 5, Tim' . . QHOEMA kitS ATTENTION.:;- We bare always on hand, Shoe Thread, Lasts, Iteot Trees, Leathers, Shoe Irons; &c , . June - MIAS & BRAND. MYERS & BRAND are constantly receiving fresh Hardware, to which they Invite the attenlionot the public. We have alarge stock of all 3 end Iron, which we offer at reduced prices. AGENERALASSORTMENT OF Buthpuio 5 1ATERIALS, Rich as Ringes, Bias, ccAnws, Locks, G4sB, Yutty, &c. - - 51YERS & BRAND. (AILS , AND PAINTS-- - Best Buck tread, White Lead, Linseed OIL and - all kinds o more, ay-the lowest cash prices. MYERS St BRAND.. - A•• LARGE STOCK OF CEDAR WADE, Tubs, Buckets, churne, Baskets; Witter tans, ' ' MYERS A- BRAND. fIUM PACKING AND BELTING, jg Manilla Rope, M, % and 1 inch. =DRS & BRAND. FRANKLIN INSTZRANCE COM- Wikr or Pilliard3l.l 3 .liiiii, 410., 435 and 437 t,uegt nut Street. • Capitol .. „ , ..„.„.„...., . rurtietual " P;emitma ' ' .. 7 ." " . ************ *** -S sa I :1 4 I.;l64plrixl Temporary Premiums / 7 1A26 43.5 Surplus . 924,768 a . - $2,892.L1.6 39 }Statement of the -Meets of the Company on January 1. 1463. First Mortgages; amply secured ' $1,993,931 443 Real Estate, (present value $138,322.47,) cost 1V3,971:4 77 Weenpoyary Loans, cat iseple Collateral Seek- Fities i ,84,62690 StOokic(ptesent, itilue $98,365 7.6,) cOst ..... . 34;001, bll Notes and Bills ieceb,table: ' 1,549 50 Gtsh'" 75,312, 08 - , ' $2,369,391 (i 3 Advance 1q valno of Real Estatdover toot, 9,351 70 :Weaned In value of Stocki over coat .... : ».... 13,473 118 Toisl $2,392,116 39 ' SRI-The - only Profits from Prerniutos which this Cam patty oaths - We, by law, are from Itiek.e wbichltave Icon tetermlned. Extract from the' Charter of the Company. "But the moneys received as premiums upon' risks which remain undetermined, endure outstanding at the cinid of declaringouch Dividend, shall not be considered as part of the profits' of Said Corporation, or divided as ai." PERPETUAL (if MUTED INSURANCES made .n every description of prOpeio, in Town and Country, for. Owners, Mortgages. Ground, Landlords, &c., &c. Rates as low as are consistent with security. Since their Incorporation, a period, of thirty years, they, have paid over FOUR' 31ILLIONS OF DOLLARS LOSSES. WIC FIRE, thereby affording evidence •of the advantages Of Insurance, as well as the ability and dis position to meet.with prompt:ma all A. A. LOSSES BY FIRE lagg' 63 t during tho - yefit ISO ' - VIRECTOItk 3 • Charles N. hunker, David S,Biown, ' Tobias Wagner, " Isaac Lea, I Samuel (rant. ' 'Edward ' ".Taieb R. Smith; George Pales, t i George' W'.-Riehards; Alfred Fitter; • ' OKARLES N,BANCREN, President. EDWARD R. DALE, Floe President. J 0.34. 3PAnnsrsa, See'y prolem. Applies-Gen Made to Tenn 'OA'%B. of Chambe.-8 burg, who is an authorized -Agent, for-the Company either personally or by letter, will. meet with attention. March 4,1863. " OUR. AGENT.---MR.- JOHN GRovE . , of Clotarnberebnri. fa the General Agent of the Franklin Countylintual Ituraranco Company. Jnne Ii .'B3. • "AVM. McLELLAN. 1110tiOD,BASItETS, • - • roitittains,.l . - • Cutlegitibliqiie, • • •-• I— Hemp ' • - - And • . . • $t EPANGIBB'S • iinoutiutre. U!) - ms 1 =I ErMt.Vllitts cit!llfVP,lFh EMU VIRANKLI - N NURSERY, P.WIN. A. The subscriber armed invite ti O ittlentloo of the public to a very fine assortmoit of -Fruit, end ornamental Treog no* ready for sale. - AS an inducement" to plant - APPLE TREES,I em tr Per Irmidre(the.ielection left- as Irma' 'ail Possible to myself) from a to 7 feet high, and wellfortnrid. I will further-guarAntee the growth of.tbens, - . ths, pun -dieser todig the holes And-give the tree the' ixffer`irteat recent anti May. direct,: ; „ , - • : 4). APPLE TREES • - •-•,.;1` Frain B to 7 feet bible, ct 43 -each. , $1.2.50 per hundred. 4 tc.,6 feet my own $lO pnr, 'hundred. 'Extm leroifrom feet; ^.aets. - -eiteb " iYEACH TftEtt, - • . . , —, .. - ~ . , . . ~ ..„, - ' A fine su3sortin ent of 'welt grMi•ri hialtliy Pea.cli‘ 'rives, including Alt-beim* yinietio,- • TT ~.. ~ f' .. 1.5 CENTS EA'',l[. OE V.. PEE TITINDS,F,D. • . . extralot Seedling Pena t Trees; $.6 . per fnajidied„:, ; CHERRY . 71tE,E5., " • 3.tost of the lending vnrinties nnafpnitivateil, and known hi do well this Istitnde-;-inin year'.sld—lt, anis nnen, .or $1.50 tier 40n. : --I,:trwr and Aldar treo EA, to EA:V.:each. - • PEAR -TREES. -:-• - The rear to now more exte, neiyaly planted- than any othoi fruit tree,on account of its regular beating, larger Otopii; and longevity, - Dmiff Trentr,frnin tobo tania aadi; Btaaidards', fo-an 40 to 76 vecto. E - 2-% • PLUMS,`: :- From 4,, to 60 cents each s:at: FrAt 2 to 50 cents each . '• C.RAPE§.I:- ."Eire4 mite now is...ons to itiet hhvink. oneormorcGrape r