13 `''';ttOiuffiviat . = t.. - Q n , T 144 . , T E F =T lie ANNEAL EXHIBITION 1, • • - - - _ • of the ' • Peitfl viva/Act State Agri-c4turat aSociety ' . . .„ - Will be held tit -NONEDSTOIM MONTAGUE hi 7 COUNTY 'PENNA., ' Septe»ebcr 29th kepiat and October tat .1 80,1863. NerriatoW,a fa about.li - miles We-t Phatielebla, on 'the`. chnSl ill Eiver,,anq is IRailway to every pot that of the state. Tho Hrorinds 'are lieautifully situated, containing 28 Acres of ground. with tine large huilding tidereen erect together With large atom:nit of :hecklin s, g. The track is saidlO - beoue of the best hall.inile tracks th the State. -26 pferldums:ara the heaviest ever offered hy the Socie .;,•ty, amounting to about ViOnO. 'the premiums for all grades of cattle exceed se of which ave.s.3o each, X9.trutatlh to. 615. others runtime .b.wn to ileaver- - rates Oast- herd not less than 15 head, first premiuta $41); 2nd iprentitim $25. f10t4013 Cot pa grades the prep outs exceed 51350 The lugheat $lOO,l 22 - between s 2o and , and ;ethers tallE- Ihg,frora4ls,,SlOand Mar Deultry.there is along li t of premitims, from $2 to $L each. In the following classes - most liberal premi uras !are , offered,; Ploivs, or:MI - eters, Wagods. Reaping Mid Mowing. blachines, ,Cutters, (Torn Sheller,- "Cidee,sllllB, Vamps,lluektits, Tin Ware, Leather audits Stannfaiiiites, Gas Fixtures, Marble 31ruitles, Butter., Grain atal.seedi,"Vegetables; and also ter „Domestic 'ant: ,Iteirsehold Manufactures, Cloths. Carpets:, ttlitinet,Slilrt 'loK, iglacting, Diaialreta, Flannels. diniwls, Knit Goods. 14; eodlei Xxk, DrearLeakes, DreserVes; Jellies; IstriLfrtrniiims are'efferid for every variety of Fruit ;and Flowers. - The _Floral Tent will be the. largest eves ;erkered by.thi: Society, and will fo: ni one of the most at inietD-eLfeatures of the 'llabibit • Fru!t, Grapes and }ti lite will be.exhibited in this denartnic4.; „ 11 1 0;L'eunsilvdnia; Railroad dna NorriStown palltead have arranged to carry articles for exhibitilsn_to and irate { User hxhihition freight free, requtring Atte forwarding :freight to be • paid, which will be rdvaiti, shipper when • goo:mart retiwnetctothe Station whence shipped. It is o hop - 0 to affect - the same with other importAnt-Tottds. ' Excursions at 'reduced rates will be minim all the lead , log Lltailrotuls. . • t- . . kettles can be made the Mice. in Norristown, after the 4th day of September. ' All articles dust' be entered on ilri3 books on or before •Tuesday evening-SePtember - Z 11; Exhibitors must become members; Membership .44:witlifour tolipon Tickets each, of - which will 'admit one person to the Fair once. 'l3li'loLE ATOrtssloN 25 GENTS. • of Premiums at d Regulations can be had ay 4..ctrestifug the Secretary. ' ' TFItiM.AS P. E1N' . 0.%, President A. BROWEB LOSGAILER, See,y, Nurristeo,, Sept. 2,63-5 t . , REM. Er TH subscriber is the only authorized At ent for the sale of Wheelerd MellociPe Pienuni Two- orse Thresher and Cleaner,- with Railroad Power,for Franklin and Adams Counties. Ibis now ready to receive orders for ,the same. • ' This Machine is a Two-horse Power, alad will Thresh and Clean uny.kind of Grain. Iris the VitE3l.ll4 IiIA MUN•E: having taken tike POniitim pt the bruited States, and all the State and Cou-ity Fairs, whereier hihited. They are made of the hest material, and 4ar aide& by cue of the latgest and nitt responsible e,italillshments in the United States. Its warranted to thresh and clean froth Rh) to iioo hashers of Wheat; and double that quantity of Qats in a - day. It requires but twei'llotses; and no driver. The Power and 31achlne can Vali he Worked in unordinary Barn FioOr. .The Agent him+ if used one of these Machines last . season for four 'Manilla constantly, and can 'testify to the truthfulness crow bore state offacts. Ile has threshed as mach as >lO2 Wish - els 'of Wheat, Ili 4ql hours: ile worked the same two horses constantly in the . )10cliinc, and 'at the end if the time, they were in grssl condition as at first. fie. therefore, Ia prepared to refute the idea, that they are hard on horses. Ito peed 560.0 for one horse tfseil;.trul $4 0 .00 fir the ether, owl they rather improved khan depreciated in value. Poi sons wishing to buy will please make apidicatiej soon as it will take some tiny; ro them from AliiiptY, Pi ire with Railroad pierat Al May,. $255, with - freight added. Lever power, t: iur•horse',,with same Ma- MS, freight added. The agent - *ill order none but those sold: • ROBERT tiLIiCH, Agent,, ' - 311,1 c: 17,'63-3m.* Payetievilte. Franklin Co., Pa. peSTROCK, MANUF CTTIRER . . OF AGRICULTURAL iNil`LEMENTS..—Elmition ii r'sitriiiii, between Queen :mil Waihington, Cham bers.. nigi.m. '- WAGO ' li 'MAKING i—llaving r ,, nrxecte4 with his-Drill and'itake Factory 'that of Wii,zioOlaking, and having istripl ;yeti one of the best prathical Wagson-malreri in the oonniy. he feels confident in ii.:,sui . mg Farmers, and oth eta ri eding this kind of work. that he is prdpared to tender entire - satisfaction to elf who may limo their ?ri ders. All work entimsted lo him will be promptly and neatly executed. at - moderato pi leas. eitherfor now'or old work. Farmers are i nvited to call. g.rellzini a trial, and get the Worth of theirmoney„ BLAOKB3IITTIDIGI—IIe iii.io rarrieti l on the - allot. tnitidOg. and eMploys a skillful u orkman. who is able to do all kinds of Smithing which is required for Wagons, •'' • Cain-SPRING ORAIN AND ITO RAKE. Re coatis nes to construct his unsuOassed Patented Guns-Spring Grain qua llay Rak e. ,' , Xa - StatS aid Copinty .Riglats fpr saki. .'"Ztiti 17,'83, • SiiIOC.K. AGRICULTURAL' LEICENT MANUFACTURERS.—WM.-.L. .ROYER.tE BRO. ; :Sixth St. and Germantown .a.vonne, Philadelphia' • - Mannfactdrers of .tbik:' • • Premium-3*mm Grist Mill, - • Horse Powersand Threshers, -arm:aut. Saw Machinei, • •- • Earn Shelters,. •„1 Giain Fans, f Chltivators, and-every variety of tip,pinted ' Agrieniturianipletlentit, &net for eirei&ar and addreq ' 'WM. L. FOYER & BRO., - Philadelphia. * July 15.'03-17 DREAITIDI FARM .G:lttsT - ILL, The only reliable Parmer's Grl4 • Ia simple, durable and 'efficient; • Grinds all kinds of grain rapidly. Is adapted to Horse Po*ere. - Every-Farmer sbordct hare one. ' Price moderate. j - • Stud fordescriptire Circular and addriss 19M. L. BOYER. A --, 33 - 110., • - Agricultural Implement Manufacturers, . • ~ Sixth stand Germantown ATeatte, thilad elph la. u1f1.5...'43-dm • - I :COW. SITILLES !I - . i Thecalebrated 'READING'S PATRNT CORN SHELLER `'and BePeratorand Cleaner, for HorisePoirer—its capacity "is fromlooo 031500 Bushels per day. ":. The celebrated ', ' STAR CORN ,SHELLER,. adapted fat hand and horse power. ', These Siteliershave :Ilia Impeder. Address WM. L. BOMB A BBQ ,. ..! Agriculttrral Implement Manufacturers, ':. mai 10-Bm 1 Philadelphia. . . UORSE POWERS:i& THRESH ERS. taints EndfesaChain IforsePowers. • improved Combined Threshers and Cleaners. - 7;,..PTen4hmt Thresbera and , Seperiptora: Circular Saw.llichines for, Crooo Cutting Wood. ,•• WM. L. BAYER & , Agricultural Implement. „Manufacturers; Hitigig-Sm . • - j • Philadelphia. RELLS.---Atyers & Brat& area for Franklin ce., te sell the LEBANON LUZ: These Bells are supenelr to -any otherr. Bell muleinthe State. - We have sold a largo number in the counttand And thein to give good. satisfaction. These Veils are entierfor fn tone to any; other Iron belt, and ockualtpluost brass lleUs.. All,bella sold are warranted to e tarid,'-tind if any should brink we will supply, a new lee in place. I • Suns 17.'65. , S3IYBRS l BRAND • crtio - vcrsi. PLOWS 1 .4 -• The celebrat,- . SAAILE SELP-SILARRENING at . L.l Steel aatend 'Plana, .td dress W 4. L. 40Yilt & incl., • ~•••, Agricultural ImplEanaats Maaufacturerc i I Plkiladelpb a. 11144.4031' 1:11 CKOK'S. CELE: RATIM Cl= DER or, which nine barrels of cider hes beenkinad6 In 9 day by one man With the aseistance of twounall boys. For sale by 'SAMUEL BEIDEIIT. -ehfuiitersbnig August 19; 'o37t • ItA.RX. 'BELLS, '; e are Affehts to sell theLebanotaron &ILI The best article made: belle warrantednot to break Call and examine our 'stock;as we are determined to sell goods at short profits.' Junel7, '63. • • MYERS BRAND. HAll V4ISTrICG TOOLS.--Forks; Rakes, &yam, clolieqnatt.h_.: r k-BRAND, • - lacotattranto. : - ,RANK.LIN .HA I LL RESTAUR 4. I.IV;—iL&IITIN BROWNY itOprietor. , This well lawn Rating Saloon is fitted ikri in elegant etyle, 514 ' -the undersigned is prepared to serve up FRESH --,OYE TAW, nut, MOO% TRIPE,. CHICKENS, TURTLE . sad CLAM SOUP, and Game dell kinds. , • WASUABAUGR'S AND LUDE - 1,P2 ALE, . conalairdly (inland. .-s: _ • Ifs respectAilly asks a - enn i tiricianee of the - Patronage. so liberally bestowed by hie rt aide and the public; • June 17,'63. ; MARTIN. BROWN."' II - , ' '7 - • :Al 'i '' , '4 , 1, , tr 1 '..i iirtireektitAL ' -- RALTITsfORE tOCIVICOSPITAL JOEINSCiIq; the fninder of thts,Celebibted Institutionoffera the most certain, Speedy; and bray, effectual' ref:ol4lin the, world for tileets, Structures. Seminal Weakness, P yin in the Loins; Consititntional DO. bility, Impotoce, Wenimets 'or the Back one Affections or the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart. Dyspepsia, Yervcins Irritabilltyliseases of the Head. Ttroat, Nose orsldn ; r and ati thoie 'serious and mblah choly disorders arising from the ;riestructise-habits Yotith, which destroy both body and mind, Theses , .cret and solitary practices are more fatal to their Tirana. than the s.mg of the Syrens to the mariner , Dlyssus. blighting Alen.) most brilliant hopes,' or, anticipations rendering „ YOUNG MEN; " - Young, Men especially, who have become the vistiro f. & Mary , Tice.that drbadliti ;and destructirehabh ,which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousand.- yoeng men or the most .4.alted talent" and briltiart ntellect; wilt) might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or rtraVed 0 ecetacy the living lyre; may call:with. full cenlidence.- Married persons, .or yoUng men tantMsinfating mar ririge b ein g aware of phys lout weattless, organitAe bill ty deformities,. &c., should immediately commit Ar..Tplins ton'. r' • ' • c • L 3 He Vrlin places hiratelf under the , care of Sir. Johnston may religiously cal:aide in hishonor as a gentleman, as , conildentlyirely. upon his Brill a* a physician.. . „ ORGANIC WEAKNESS! , bIigiAViELV oIIICED f MTh tur.toilathl teEit,istD: , This disease Is the penalty most frequently paid b , those who have becorhe the victims of impropet indui genres. - Toting persons are"too apt to commit excesse from not being aware of the dreadful consequences than may ensue. Now, who that understands .the .subject will pretend to deny that the power of Procreation jet lost • soon e r by those falling intoamproper habit than by the prudent, Besides being deprived of the pleasure of healthy offspring,; the most serious and destruetivr sympathy to mind and body arise. The system become deranged, the physical. and mental powers weakened nervous debility, dyspepsia,. palpitatinn of the indliestion, a wasting of the frame, cough, symp.Om of corisUmptien ' . Office No. 7 South Frederick • Street seven doors from Baltimore street, East side,•np• tb. the steps. Be particular in observing the name and rrnmbbr,or you kilt mistake the Vasa: 43. , A CURE 'WARRANTED tN , TWO DATSthy DE. J. 0 H.N 0 - N, 1110mber "of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. gra" duate front one of the most eminent - Colleges of the 'United States, and the greater part of'whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London; Paris, Philadel Phiatindelsewhere, has effected some of the most aster!' ishing curets that ways ever knoWn. 31any'troubled with ringing% the head and ears when asleep; great nervousness, being alarmed at sadden sounds, and bash. fulness, 'with' frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A:CERTAIN DISEASE! When the misguided and imprudent votary of plea sure flnds - ls has imbibed tie seeds of this painful /Us ease, it too often happtna that an 111-timed sense 01 shameless dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who front education and respectability can alone befriend him,delaying till the constitutional swap. tome of this horrid disease make their appearance, ninth as ulcerated sort throat, diseased nose. nocturnal pains in the head and limbs,• dimness' of sight, deafness, nobs on the shin, bones and arms, blotches on the head, Mee. and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the month or the bones of the nose tall in and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commisseration, till (Lath pritaApe riod to his dreadful sufferings, by sensing him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself to'presered the most inviolable secrecy; and from his extensive practice in the first Hospitals of Eurdpn and America, he' can c nildently receniniehd a sate and speedy cure to the ustortmote victim of thin horrid disease. -. . . It is a melancholy fact that thousands fail victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskilfullness_ of latio rant pretenders who by 1311 , 3 of that deadful poison, Mel o:try, ruin the constitution,and either send the un torte nate to an untimely grave, or malo the residue of life miserable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE!' Dr .J. addresses those who have injured themselves by private and improper indulgences: These are some of the sad and melancholy effects 6ro tineed by early habits' of youth, viz :—Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Read, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart RY4- pepsiti, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Diges tive runctlons,Generul Debility,Symptoms of consomp lion ; &c. - liditcreLLT, the fearful effects on the mind arekmuch to e dreaded: lossof IliemorT;Confusion of 'Menai liepres• Fit on 'of Spiriti, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to piciety, Self,Distrust.-Love of Solitude,'Ximidity, itc.; are some of the evil effects. : 4 Thousands of persons of all ages can now lucks what is the cause of their declining health,losing the , r becoming weak, pale, have singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of Consumption. Dr.Johnstenes Invigorating Remedy for Or- By this great and important remedy, 'Weakness, of the Organs is speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands otthe most nervous and debilitrited,who had last ail hope have been immediately relieved. All impedimenta toMarriage, Physical or Mental Diana all &cation, Icer vous Irritability, Tremblin g, Weakness or• Exhanstion of thd most fearful kind,speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. , . - , -YOUNG MEN,, • • - Who haVet Hared themselves by a certain practice, in dulged in when alone—a habit frequently learned fr cavil - Companion's, or at school, the effects are nightly felt:even' when asleep, and if nbt cured. render ma - tinge -impossible, and destroys both mind and body. ihottlti apply immediately. What a pity that a young nirtn; the hope of his coun try, the:darling of his parents ' should be snatebel from tll prospects and enjOyvnentsof ife. by the .consefinenc ?f deviating from the path of nature, aria indulgipgin certain secret habit. Such:persons ; before centetuplat • ing MARRIAGE - - shoulereflect that a sound mind and body are the .nost nett:nary requisites topromete connubial happi less. Indeed, without these, the journey through life secomes a weary pllwirusge, the-prospect hourly dark ,ens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed With de li:dr, and tilled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another peturnee blighted with: our iwn. OFFICE No, 7, SOUTH FREDEP.ICK BALTIMORE. • The matt} ,thonsuntis cured at this 'lnstitution in the la4t ftft eon years; and the monerous Important. attrgica I Operationg-perforraed by Dr. 3., witnessed by the re porters of the papers. and many other persons. notices of Which have appeared again and again before the pub. lie. Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted N. B, There, are so, many , ignorant an' worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of the already afflicted. Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted wllb hie rep utation. that his Diplomas hangin his care. '.eke-Tsau NOTlCE—Allletters must bo pest paid, and c'mtain a poitage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be sent , Feb 25, '63-Iyr. 13*ftitlgrapfitc. Sr; T: 'ANTHONY, .'; Jure Dfanitfa&umrs of Photographic fate fats, • : 601 Broadwity. New York.: CAAIS , •PECOTOGRAP,I;IS. Oh' Catidoktin now"ontbracef consid,prabiy i oviir Four Themaani difforent stittiede (to which additionslwe con tinnolly 'tieing made) Of %Portraits of Eminent Arncricnns etc:, viz: .72 Mjor -Generate, 625 Etatennen; lOWEimtdier•Generals, 127 'Minos; 61anots /6 Atitliorsi • 84 Villtenant-Colonels 30-Artlate, ' 207 'Oilier officers; • -112 Stage ' 60 NITY OMCergi• • 1 ' 46 PrOnainont' Women, 147 rromioent YOreign Portraits. ' , , , 2,so)Copleio.t 'Works of Art, including reproductions Of the ,mpst elebrated ..Engrav lugs, Palntinb;Statuesi dtc.[ Catalogueesent on reeelpi of stamp. An order for Ono Pozen -Pleturea from! our Catalogue will be illledmn receipt, of $l,BO, and sent by mail free-, PHOTOGRAPHIC. ALBUMS. „ Of these we manutcture to, great vrlety,, ranging in price from 0 cents tOCio each. gar Albtuna havo the. reputation of being ettperiOr in bouitY and durability to any ethers. ~.The smaller kind can be " t it MfelY by mail at a postage of six, cents, per The more exponsliecin be gent by, express, , • We .also keep a large /S/Oortmont of ' SpiRESCOPES AND' STERESCOPIO' VIEWS. Our %tologne of these will iie'seilt to any, addrosS, on receipt 'of Btainp. E.& tT.ANTQrr, klanamoturera - or-ph,to g ripstaltateetais 501 Broadway, New York. - Friends mephitises et prominent military men wttl confer a Ace/ hy seutliUg us - their likettees.to foPY. They will be kept carefully and returned poirtforoa! Fate Aibmas made to ;order folO}ingrogationa to pre sent to Pick Paster, or,for ether,pn . rposes t with suitable htscri'Ptiouti,ko. MARRLAGE! Ifercit or-Naitse:pus:llkgs• ganic Weakness TO STRANGERS `Ot , r/vttilkilitil-itei)osit464olls4ttnibitobutg, - tiSa. . f' ; attArnETO rat '41 , 03 ' 0 V - .4 - !' ~' i ; - .4 Y 1 "f 4 ;-; ~1 ,- =': Z.:l'.' .5 ;.. 4.'. nem/sip—The undersignoti have asdociated -them neivp; ih theimacgcent 141 7«n in4he . neveral. c , 9)111:s of -FronkOn Cnunty..--OJEwn vOlar'#:et theloom Joresofc t ro tkr.apkeij3;TT. B. 4.ennOy„ T. T. Ntht: June;l7, '63. TTORNEY AT -LAW.=--TVIL .CI4IiN Raiz I -Attmyuy at , Zaw ,—Office on ,Mar bet ut... former - lir occupied by ltoilly tth,:rp, Ilirectly op') site the CUurt - IfOuse t Chanibeenburg, Pa. AR legui "busineaq 'entrUsteff tdhihrwill receive "prompt' :Mention. lie will.pructice in adjoiniug Countieu. June 17, r P. 0. g1T3111.1.1•Gn . .. J'Ant STE - 4AP.t. "'ITUMBAITGII.& 'STEWART, At torneys at L,w. Chninberriburg. Pit.; give their nadi r ded,atteatioall the Prnetice of their Profes:don.- - • • "-lobri 'Stewart agent' f procuring Bounty Money, Ppniiona, and arr . euragea of Pay. 4r/.7- Office in the Town Mill, LL: & S.' S'I\ENGER, -Atior ; nos at Law, phaiiibiretinrg. Pa.- - Collections ?roiriptly,ittteade4X9 t - , -W.: 4 4,Stenger, District Attar •iey anctitgcnt for. rtrecnrieg "PeA4 , ms, Bounty 3lpney ' , lid Arrears of Pay. Dllice iri'Priinklin Buildibti, loor froth thi?-corner. - • , Innel7 '133. w „, , S. TWER:Erit'Attor4yrit..trito. Vl+ 4 :- Office in airs, Efanee'dwellink, clircCtky ppiio .lte'tiie Court Midge, Ctuntiersburk, Pa., 11 itt Fruvrice n theseveral Courts of Franklin - And Fatten Counties. UI legal -linsiness.--enirustud-to his eare.Acill receive , rpiriViutteut,lttn,g, t ..,a ,,. aumill3lB6Al T 1 31.12001VEILli SHARPE, Attorney' .; at Lab. CharalieiNbufg, Pni Offico in Aire. Tuildings,iiirnetly - oppcsitn Conn House. Jzine17,18,63, ;. O. SYIILHAMER, Atiorney at • .7.2d;rtiitivin beiiiittr i e, Pte.- Ottice—Mnin - street, above Queen, in the room formerly occupieliby 8. Reish• Ws. ' , Juturl7.-1563. _ GEORGE'EYSTUR J.BO-4NE ivR:A:KE; Aliprheya afritur, htme removeirth the room on Main Street ,one doOr South of IS . sister'a Store; June 11, '63. , • CVARK,. Attdrgey .Fact , T o 'remirred btqlflieti it few dmrs Itrikt-ot-hAfornier. luchtion.ouWarket street•r(Stiuth-elde.) June 17;'63, LYIN, ri\i. DUNCAN, Attorney ht Office on Market Street. In Littryer'e Itow, oppogite the Court lions'. Juno 17,'63. TFLET Attorney at Law, • ChainhersbrerCPa.: . otHeehn East slarket street, nearlyepposite the Court thm+e. :tune 't33. ALEX. X. 3'OLITRE; Attorney at ilk . Lam, Chamberahttrg, Pa. Office in the FrpiAlin ,Keposctory Bulbtinge. Jane 17,'6.3. 33 entistrp. =BR. NM. B. - HUED'S DENTAL REMEDIES ARE THE REST INTIM WORLD, insuring- Elie, Teeth; and EAregt .141:nth, and curing Toethitche and Neuralgia. Do you wish to be blessed with and&d , nired f a. Pearly White end Sound - Teeth? Use Dr.4T:li. B. 'HURD'S UNRIVALLED TOOTHPOWDER, warranted free from acid, alkali, or anyjninrions substance. Price.2s cents Per boa.. .. ~ . . . Beware ,of ,'he Ordinary cheap-Tooth - Powders, which` Whifen' but destroy. ,- - ~ ' , Do yon wish to be ce• titln'that your . Breath is pure. sweet and agreeable to husband or wite.l9ver and lei end I Ilea Dr. RUUD'S. CELEBRATED . MOUTH WASII '— rricd,:lri cents pei hot tle. • The astringent wash is alto the best remedy in the world. for Canker, Bad• Brtath. Bleeding Gums, Sul e Month. etc.- It has curie' hundreds. Do you wr:la your children stater from Trxitbaclie? Get Dr.IIITRD S MAGIC 'D./DMA - CITE DROPS. Price, 12 cents per bottle. Are you afflicted with Nenralgiat Oct Dr. WM B. 11.1.IRD'S NEURALGIA -PLASTEffS. The most effective and delightful remedy kuywn for Pains in the Face, Chest. Shoulders.' N eck,atty part of e body. They do nut adhere n ißlister . but at he and charm pain away. Try tut n 4. rice,./6 and 37 .atd. Mailed 0 6 on receipt of "price. A Treatise of 'tile best - inetlicid oVDreserving tie' Teeth mailed on receipt of the tirica-z-S :cents. It is a valuablelirtle work, and should be in the possessiou of every pei - son. For sale at all the best stores throughout the country. CAtrrios.—As there are dealers who take advantage of our advertisements to impose upon their customs]. s in ferior preparation's. it is necessary to insist upon haring , what you call fur, and you will stunt I31:8T, thoroughly testbd. and prhpared, by an experienced and scientific" 'Dentist. repsurer of the New York State Dentists' 4s-i silciatiory and Vibe President of the New York 3ity Den-,' tot Society. Address WSI. B. LiMli )4. CO.; ' s June ri, '634f. Tribune Buildings. New Yotk-. ,' TrEETII INSERTED ON AM.BEI4 I3A§E.—DR. N. SCH LOSSER, 011ie still at his rest= deuce on.Y.EAST'SIgrKv.TSTItEET, near the Franklin , Ritilroittft' 'Dentistry in nlHts brrinblies altendeetowftlt all the modern improvements. Having pnblisheil to this community for more than two years, that teeth on Amber is in every way "CHEAPER AND BETTER than teeth on spy taller niateritil.ly,ould say that I still see no reason {0 change my opinion, fur there are many per soils 'in Clismbeniburg end vicinity for whom I have inserted teeth on AMBEtt who can testify to their stme. rior merit. - N. 8. - All work warrrtn,ivi to.give antiFfactinti, or no charge. Teeth extracted Without ptiin with perfect safety without taking Chloroform. For further tutor. matron call at the ttfltce. [June. iS63: DR. W. W. SCIILOSSER, Surgeon Dent iit. 7 :The undersigned has removed his Office front the %lesion Muse to the residence of Mr' John Noel, Nurthive.t: corner of the Diamond. and -linniedi iitely.-opposite the Franklin Hotel. Unice on the se cond floor—entrance through the passage. to the right as you (ocelt the stairs. Janel 7, 1863. • W. iV.SCHLOSSF.II. E.II.OY..VL.—Dr. J. It. Ray, Den tie, wig removed hts office :rom the corner o , " the .11b/Je Square, where he practised so many years. to the corner of Main UM' Queen Streets. above Wm. rfeyser's Drug fitore.Ohambersburg. Pa.:where lie will he pleasect to receive the calls of_ hi. triends. (Junell, 1863. - 14,1)%ittalt. DR. A. R. SHAM' returns his thanks to tfle:iitlZede of. r,fmnititn• einniti, for the lib eim encouragement bestowed o:a hint the_ last ;three years. and invitee- those who linve trot nuele triul of lIONICEOPATIFY to_ do Ho.• vAnatiltatinna free, „All cu rable • mem can rely on a More speedy cure thin unddr any other system. ,Pr.B, has removed to North Main ittrect. a ehort distance belor the point, %There he Can be found ready to attend to either in townor country. when not illosent on proTeeslonal business. - Pll. W. D. unisx. Imo% WxLI. DROWN & WALK, Electrical Phy eicians. Office in Franklin Building, Warr MAR- Fe.T STRUT, Chaflibellasurg, Pa. The above treats all Chronic Diseases by means at OALYANISMand the 41.1Tarent modiricat inns of SLEC TJtSCITY.i odlssovered idol tang_hthy Prof. BUM.% June 10,634 f - • . ‘ IAI3. 7OHN , - MONTGOMERY .will attend promptly to all calla In his Hue. Ofnce vie .fain street. !text cloorla the Eagle liotel, and aertrly oppo,ite the residence or the 16n. George Chambers. Cliamberalirg..lone - C. RICHARDS will attend &promptly to all vnlit , in ,ttiti line., Moo on Man irrot, noxt door to Spangler'a Drug Store. iftv. Pinar. lloons—Frop 7 to 9, A.31.;12 to 2 and 6 P.M. :Nue 17.1363. -S'orWarbiit6 *ouoro. j~jUNDERLIOf..•& READ., Fbrwarding and Cbmmission Merchants, North' Seeond Street, opposite the Cumberland Valley . • Railroad Depot, CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. - Care ran regularly to end from Philada. Baltintore. AGENTB.7.-Peseeoß. Zeti g HR4i3UtfArt, No. 808 - Nar kot street, Philadelphia. P.B.—Lykens Valles Broken Egg and Nnt.COALfdl.-. rept from the- Mines , Wilkesbarre and Pine Grove FOUNDRY'COAL, L !HER and. SHINGLES, SALT, PLASTER and 'HANCOCK CEMENT, kept constantly on band,FLOUR, GRAIN and PEODOCE, of all Mode, putthesed at the highest cash prices ' •. men 9, 03 • - 'WUNDERLICH d NEAR.' nUMBERL'D ,VALLEY WARE TIOVSE. The Forwarding babiess will hereafter ho condutted by C. W. ETSTER & CO, at the ,We bowie of the C. P. Railroad, where they hope to receive it liberal patronage. - • DEPOTS—Roby & Co.. 365, Market St., Philadelphia, and John Bingham, 151 'Reward St., Baltimore. Jute 17. '63. ' C. - W. EYSTRR tc ,CO. 2110M8 L. MUSK; ' ' .1/10013 LffiLER.: ('1 ILLISPIE & ZELI,4ER,. Produde N.)An.C . Osirsisioit and Wholesale Oro-, offs, - North West Corner, of Sixth and Illailtet Streets, F7illadelpLta: • Ponel7, 'O3. . - Q . S; - SIII3,YOCK; 2 • kJi• • .& - ;STATIONER, Now occapihig NEW Siok* Romt, and is prepaYod -to • tOtistict byti.tie• with 'kiertter:fasilities than •-' ' • - - Bcioirk,T67 BOoki, Lori BOoks, Mei:IRO - Books,'Blinday . Bohool Books, Military Books.:' ' ;- •-- ' ' - ' BIBLES:. - •• . A ldtge assortment of Poe'ket and Fainifr :11 - 1.01k: Of all sizes: natilitios and stales of binding. . A tacit •iiriety. 4811 kin* of Writing and Print- Pdpers, of . French. English and. Ainerican inan iifacturo, Also, nT•oiopeenf ail sizeslind qualities. Ink, Pens. Pencils, India Rubber. Tapes, Seals: en - py,l3ooks,Bl4ttinglPad, Knives. Erasers, Saha; ' , • !' '" ' : I, • , „ „„ ; The wiry - host (.4nnto -Puns- in thii, inarket:fully rignarited, made by Leroy W. Fairetiiiti, of N. Y.= • BLIND' ' . in ne-17.:63 .4k•fallvieti of potion:la and . qualiti@s. ' 1 2' ; •§Oaily vollt oaxrodifferentPatterns,togpther wiEli sititotliillidtlerings, Plaiff, VeliTt`irtd.Volvet Gilt. . • , PIOTURF, FRAMES.: Ovathnd ignitieViameifOePhoir6iohs. Framed made ifyOrtlor; • - = ' ' ' For Picture games, of any . 'lige. 1 : CHEAP NOVELS''' Stitch tower than pUlAiitiCrs'priee.p, among which are the thllOWitig,: • 1' The White tiniser; "" .• , • . The Ranger, '• ''' • • The Nitittight Queen, Rttglish'Ttnn, • :"Joiep .„ . , • - . • Maid Corthe'S'Aranac, ~• HavrVec, - ' ' bott,Beti;ardo's Daughter,' .•• ‘, • ••• • Helen buvid Dettficks: - - ; SketakCs in Franc's. ' • Verneios Pride: • ' Scott's Novels, Dickens' Noirels. „ , Mrs. Gray's' Nevela, Brilwer's Nave' Arthur's'Norels, - '‘ ' - Lucy Sanford, - • 4 ._. , • , RitleShots, Trial and Trhunolt, Prince and Pedler • Annette, : l'ast Lynne I . • ' AlrOi, Legends and Stories. ' I , Red Jack, .ited SeeMV, Belle of the Dowell, , Sybil Campbell, Graeu Weldon, Rival Beauties.' The Grumbler, Barren Honor, The Stax:iie, Falklandt Milrose, Chips from Uncle Sam's Jaelt-knife, The Everlasting Fortune Teller, - I - The Manmuvering Mother, Marguerite do Vilois, • Foggy Night at Orford, The Quiet Husband, ' Two Prima Donnas, ,Morgan 's Freemasonry, The Debtor'sbaughter. The Banker's Wife. ' ' RigtairisMian's Ride. Nobleman's Daughter. - Tho ScarletTlciver, - The Wife's Trials, Jeciiia HoWard, Leric.Catnerou. - The Expectant, ' Les Miaerables.- . • 500 Puzzles., = ..tNGRAVL.NTGS.. • English. French, Geiinnia and - American 'Eaigra sings. BASKETS. . • • Fancy, Troyeling, Book. Picnic, Fruit! tnied and Clothei Baldcas. Single and Double Zophyti; Tapestry and Split Zephyr, Shetland Wool; '--' I NEWSP PEI.S., The Philndelphiaand New York Dailies reeeived daily. „Clubs or-individuals supplied. , WEEKLY- PAPERS:" , Harper's Weekly` - Frank Leslie.. N. T. Mercury, ' Y. New 'refit Lodger, etc., Teecived.ireekly. ' PERIODICALS' Harper's Monthly,, Atlantic Monthly, , Contincititat . Godey, - Peterebn. Kideltaihecker. , • • • All.theArtnr Routit3, • ' • ' 'Cointrill, etc., t ete., received aLsoon - as publinked,' • CI3E.A2 LITE - RATI.TRE. All the Girlie Publications, Weekly Nonvellettes Sons Doolts, ctc., received . • ORDERS. . , . • We take orders for all kinds of goods. ;-.. EX RE.SS. We reccive'geeds by-Express trtirrc ai Tlrlar4 the East. Blank _ Writing grid Ilt:intinti„Vards, Ruleri. .• ,;,-. , PaperW44i4tts. - :Fancy Wads. , - ,;• Comb - a and Bragtos and all ataudard..goodala our lino clisiardly on 1.1044, • • , ' • '" -" • - ' " • • Bhurt.Muelod fOr TlUt 4 i, Oft'. We pnreliase Fieno's on,icadaisiion, ea as to save ottr'istoiners from Pifty to One Hundred and Fifty. DeHari. iIILTBICAL INSTRUMENTS. •, 1 We eaIi:BuITIY kind otibisicallnstruments 'at prices far lower thamusuaL ' I PAMOG-RA.VII'ALBUMS - • , We can soil 1"40to Mph Atininis at,lovrei• Rric'es than they can, be i?rpeured ft:q. iu thi? CitieSl 'We hapynn hesitation in saying to our ouitoMera that from our long experience. our numnerof do ing business, and ourgruat-facilitibs, we &mat fear toinietiticrn. 'and haire no doubt of our l?eing 41e gi4 ardiro Satisfaction. ". t' " , „ Come and See oar4Telf,s tore, our, no* arta*: !urged stock. 'and form your own opLuiOns , • • Clusnsherehitri ' • L BOOKS §TATIQN.Eitt FRENCH .GLASS,' ZEPHYR, WORSTEDS. ~ ,~ 3 , PIANOS. Version & Vountp. agencies. Ith 'TORN .14 - ,'PO ROY, ~ ' la - - :41241.Y AM) HA VT •.4 GE4.ltr, • —. .2.O4_SOUTEL.FOUJITTREET,.. . . . , r L.A.,DELPELIA. , , ' Theunderslgned, having reSigned his pcisitioit Us Pay. '„lna.Str in the-U. S.Arril.T. has opened at No 204 soma ,FOURTII STREET,. an AGENCY FOR P POURING ' PENSIONS, and furtheeollection ofetsvicisris', SOLDIERS\ and all other. CLAIMS against the Government.: • • i 'lly long eiperience as Paymaster, has given me min , sual Etailitiesfor becoming thoroughly aciltiaintawith , this business-in all its details. On 'the receipt., by mail, • cif a statement of the case of claimants, 1. wilt forward the necessary papers' fur their signature. Personal, at tention will he given to the eases at Washiagti'n. No charge unless stccessfnl, when it'S Will be , cluirged for :colt ectit g all sums under $BO, andSlo on all sums over' that amount and niider $2OO. liarget tlalnts taken on special arrangement. gees in Pension Cases as 1 4E 11 by law, • , - 'INFORNIATION -YOB - AND. INSTRUCTIONS • TO , - - CL.a.I3Lt.N.TS. „ • Ali Soldiers of the present „war, who have served two years, and Soldiers "iiiseltarged for Wounds - received" in fritttle,wiVeatit Feferenee to time of service, are entitled beSidet their regular pay, to $lllO Bounty. I a ease - Soldiersor SeamerinreldisolilLrgedfor.discgtUag or wounds received white in the service, they Are entitled r te a Perisioti riccolditig to the disability, - ,In case of the, death -Of the Sqlclier before discharge, thrOugh disease cuittlicted. or Woutas received while in, .Serricech6mitioir is entitles] to receive .the sloo.Boniaty, besides arroaragesof pay and pension during her lifetime or widowhbod. - ' , - „ • , If the ,Soldier die after discharge. from- disenso pon trictedOr wounds recoiled While in service, his widow is entitled to aTenslort td VXS per annum. • • I ; - • If-no uidor or minor en, theAnother,oi the Sol dier oi - Seamnu receive- the Pension, if dependant on hint" wfidllyur in piut. for support. , If deceased Seidler or Seaman leaves no widow, his children- 'are entitled to the same benefits...as thii Widow, except when thesiildren_may be over the see of to y ears. If no widow or minor children, the bounty and pay will descend to the heirs as follows: •. - •i:Biteit to tile', Father, seciad CO the Mother, third-.to the ßrothel - liana Stitelrs, and - then to the next of kin. Discharged Soldiers. whose clothing account was un settßaf‘ ptilea time_ uf discharge,,cart.recover.any.balatice duo Invlor are .. .Mit 1 . destroyed, .To thaw "ttiltiVitrhice..krite to your Captain t r`a descrip tive list. showing Clothing account, and forward it loins with. your, prelhoinary statement,. giving;tilao the date .•l J; : „ ; ." sAliers.who served,wi di the nine,months'..volunteers, can recover 3'4 fitipiltg itti4relititain, Without regard to time of service; if tliey have tint: already received it. • Soldiers who were prisoners in the South, and Soldiers who wore:absent on- sick furlough. uro. entllletlto Com aintirtion of 1 - atlone. - - ' - - ^ln communicatingtvitlttlti office,atate the nature of your claim fully, and give the Company and Reg meat td which xou or the Soldier for whom you chins belonged, 14,*41 1 #1P,O§t• 61 lice adC.ief4;:. - -It E F. RENCB S. Ilis,E`X, , :elletleY ANDRE! G.CtiRTIN,GUYTIIOr of Penn iTlarcialiary Pa; LION. JOSEPH CASEY, ChieLJustico of the Court of f.daims; Washington. tati. li. Its Buout.p., ,Chief Clark of ray, apartment; 'Was/If/10 cio. -LION. EDWARD SIEPIrEnso - s,-51. C.. Washington. ' • IIoN. JAS.. P, SYESEtra I -president ./u/h4c, P.4 . / , tric,t;Cpurt; • . • = afcCr.ulti,ChambtirabUrr.. - Pa. , LION. TUOZIAS A. Score, :Vico President Penn'a Rail Road. Bob. Wtt.l.Lot.B.!CtionAs, collect/or of the Bort, Philaira. MI. 0; A. Tru.i/Oti* Post ')lpgret, t.. 1 DAME a: C0., - Banitvrs. Philadelphia. " - JAMS Dense, Previdcat of Union Bank, Philadelphia cLurr" R. leuarnoax.v. Attornies,. RIEGEL, WEIS? V.StVlS.3li3refutiits.; te"/" . LrnITIG, KNEEDLER & C. - 3fercharits, 13 . ,4911A9 . 0.,_ 7 =I ft.t.cin MerCitilitfc lIENJAHLN S. J.i.NNEY, JR. a -CO.. Merchants, C;11.}R1.T.5 MOTIGIN & Co, Merchants, . ATWOOD, Winn A; Co.; Merchants, ' ' June 17; '634f. EINSION, :801INTY 'AND WAR p,Cf,arm- AGE'S =Pension x ured for soldiers of UM present War who era d' ad by reason of wounds received, or diseaie contraete, while in the Berri:lcier the , ilnited States; and eension sl,ool2sunty,- and Arrears of Pqy obtained for Widow or hetra - o,f those - who hart died or been killed while id service— . - ; JOILN lt. Olt& Claim agent, , Feb. 25, '63-Iy. - Cliambersburg, Pa. ot aunt' a - cis • O THE PUBLIC d-KtERALLy. CRAMBERSEGRG FOUNDRY. 'rue undersigned takes this method to Ipfortn the public that he has taken the FOUNDRY so long carried on - by Wm. Seibert, with all the'PATTRIL , „i'S connected there with, where he purposes confirming the business, and is now prepared to mako,-1 . - ALL KINDS -OF CASTINGS that may be wanted by the community. Particular at tention will be paid to making and keeping en hand ev ery description ?if FLOWS, CASTINGS, :W AGON 110x 'ES. Lc. , - All kinds of Castings made to order. New Plows, of diff , rent patterns, always on hand s or made to oidor. OLD 31k7rAL taken In thulO, for 'which the bighes 'Trice will be . By devoting hitnee:lf apeatively" to business he hopes to tueriCand rei a share of public patronage. %June Pt, ' ABRAHAM 'ffert .QLLIVER - D AN BRASS PLATER dNI) ..41175 - STIkeR,UP.ALLKER. 7 -The sub. , soriher respectfnlly informs his - friends and-the that-he Continues to Carry on Ice nboito business at his' old stand on Main Street,oppreilte the German Reformed Church. Chamboiaburg. LIM ftig enlarged his business, Stuidirs and Chitck• mar'er will find imhis Store Room a general as,ortitteut of Gokis suitable to their several requiremests; nett as eicir and Quo ntry flogskiTlS, Vatellt. LCathor; Gig Trees, full Plated. lioned owL Japanned; Self-Adjusting Treett. Full nrited,'Titined mid Japanned; Straining Web tun! Worsteddialn Web. lower than Cotton; Dcullea. Bite and Stirrups, Plated,. Tinned and Japanned; Coach Handle's. new styles; Curtain Frames; flub Bands Bridle Fronts., Roseates, Swivel's and Ornaments: Iron Plated and WiFoil Big ILltnes, Buckles, Brass, Silver anti Jzipanned,,^ail styles mut pattLrns : and, Wooden, Slartingsle Rinks - . Stump and a' varlet); °Eviller Goods snit. able for the trade. • ' - • .well Millie of Plating,„ done with neatness and despetch. LEWIS WaIIPLEIt. March 25, TEE- MAR B E - 4.. It - unclerelgued respectfall,yinintßnces to the Citizens of Franklin county that lie has kienCd a New Marble Yard in the i'oom formerly occupied- llntailtun, directly opposite J 1 S. Nixon's Drug - Store, Main Street. in the itorongh 01. Chambersburg, where he will keep on hand or make to order all articles in his line of busluesS, such' as MONUMENTS, 'TOMBS and READ STONES, •MAIVILIS,VABL SI: STAND TOPS. Lc., manufactured from the very bostßoreigu and Domestic Marble. Re resiofully solicits call from those who may be in Want of any article in the nim-re line. Re is confidant in his ability to satisfy nil who may be pleased to patronize him, either as-regards his prices, or the quallty, heanty, and chasteness of his work. Jo*. 8, 'BB'. aonx A. GDOVE. MKS "' CAB! :ir•ln' 0R GANst }PITH ONE Olt TWO SETS O BEEDS, c;, 1 • - Containing. the ; AUTOMATIC SWELL, Ijriußtt BELLOWS, UTOP, , AND . CO3.IIIINATION VALVE. , . • tS.: Bred/ Instrument iVoWattied AO Fire Fears PRICES FROM $7O so-SOO. • Theo Cabinet Organ is the only instrutrient',lrldchl ,combines the requisites, for, church and parlor mml4 ;. 16'r:the salmi room sad the social festval gathering.l - while it - possesses sufficient power for the adcompa niment, of &large chorus, it isjebra -its capability of all shades of expression, and its _wonderful ergeendo: and diminuendo ! mist' offective.o n solo instrument. It is caigthle orthestrat effeetsomfi Avid music,as trills. arpogglosote, yrómits,sustained {ones, it has', a decided micaatege over tha.Plano-forte, for the render ing of many of the choicest' merceaus of.the masters, :suchAs afroplidalo; quartettes, eitn.)l R. A. idcCLURE, Chambershargo General Aq,enffe.i Pennsylvania. N.B. The underOgntff wilt sell and deliver; hi goal Conditions CabinotOrgana anywhere in ,this State, at facteiry uricee.: , All ingnirfea by letter_ promptly am avrered. {,JuneX7, '43-tf.] , A. 114. lAN-OS t wcycritof6 agent for the celebrated; tiP,OKEIt BROTHERS' (NEW *mut) PIANO. Pianos delivered, andlint)ttp.in perfect rendition, in any part of the State, at - . • FACTORY , RETAIL . Ail Instrinnente warranted for five years. Pianos from other. factories wall be tarnished, If desired. R. A. McCLITIVE, • • Jane 1.7, Chanilrersburg, Pa, , war to eecpso profitable 'custom itrtaiteriarti to the K1.,/ti REPOSITORY- • -•, • • • • • 1 , pay for the 'REPOSI, 1 , TOICY one thetilerike. -' - ' • ME ISM JiMIN M. PITMROY, - Na Z 3-1 :South Fourth Mroct Austral,. ii , Watitct,tions; BOOKS, tfAPl i tct NEW , - = •Jto. PUBLIVIEDIer J - O;ECN D-U R , - (Successor to M.D. DOOLAtiy), ;- 49' Traiker' Street; ' (Near Bro.-away), - NEW .YORK CITY. FEE LEAYMFRO3I THE DIARI OF 3N ARMY ern. O EON, by 'Doctor Thee. T:ELL I , Late Post' r %triton at New York-, and Aitim Nettled Director at - Whitulhunne YA • Chttit..,. pager. lsMo. Price SI.A A:Req .- al Dnieontif tothe trade. Enth eepy' - coutilni • an...unfit, 'grephletter front Osaerei, - ,Nttute.titn, : Dlt. CIjUXING'S REPLY TO ItISIIOP COLRNSOe— /WULF' c - otithoolagf. Answered : 3lis ErrortirtititrO• and t.110119:141C alattorShip Ot tilt! Pentateuch CICali,Y "inblfshed, bythe iteol. John Cumming, To. tiftr'ieFai - of;Lectures. .Clutli.2.ll pp." Price . - THE ACTRESSIN IHOLILIFE., An Epiiadeiti 'Quarters, by n Lady of South Carona:a. 41.1 plrfiCA .. 12mn. -$11.25.„ , ADVENTURES' BY SEA AND LAND OF•THE'Ca* , aLGAN.A . :y ;10e, - ftalternt i o n and PO:laity bf :An Episode, of the- Colonization of Canada. By LI t:rhi . t Cloth • 312 pp. -I.Bnim "!-/ L1i5...311: - 4,1a by... Victor Hugo. EttreNols. id Ore. ,Fantnie, Mar i ne, St. 'Dellis, Co.sette, Stilt Bs. Clutha - .4 . 03 Bto. .$1.50. . • • ) imxs, ON JOEI.ANR:7--The Demon of ihe North.. ,A Itiodtinee hy VicfM' Hugo. Cloth. IS7 pp, S . re. SOS. AlturißAßY ARRRSIS , IN THE ',Swan in the Experience of an Alabama .Unionnt; by ft, Chartn, A. M. Native of Charleston; for thirty yea l ta resident of the Cotton St.tfert - tind commonly known la the West as "the- Alabama ..Itefugue:' t . .30;11...1j1a pp, 12.ni0. $l. LTV ES AN D LETTER S 07 A BELA liD AND RELOIAR .hy 0. W. Wright. Cloth - '319 pp. 12m0,-... $l. THREE rentB IN . CHILI. Cloth: 1Z,5 12into. : WOODS AND WATERS :—The &ammo tont Bristif.., By Altered B.'treet. Cloth: 3EI pages. 12n11): , $T01(10 OF FRONTIER ADVENTURE IN, VTR SOUTH .I`,Nll WEST By Wm. T. Ctiggeshall, A nlll4 21 .4.lunriii.llits and 'Hints," "Poe ts ; .rtetry• Of film West," fie. Cloth. 313 pp. 12ino. $l. "TUE :BATTLE OP WATERLOO. Dv Victor' lingo. Pither Cbrers: 75 pages., amino. Lie., • _ TRIPS IN TUE LIFE OF A LOCOXOTITE , "ENGIN EER. Paper C.A•ers. 2'24 pp 12nio. Sale. OUR FARM OF FOUR.-ACRES, and the Roney re - made by it: From the 1311. London Ed. by BarfierMia unenn. -- Paper Corers. 12S pp. limo. 2.1 e. Cltp. ,These Vaoko may, be bonght at retai l r fro u rn to t y 4e4 . t; in , ot ..,, at s S. 81111.1 t ' VERY ,CURIOUS l?ublish d.' Ileysteties ef'Life, Death curt ratiti.. t ut ! Iv Gordde Welby. One V01i.12 mu., cif t I,4llam:taunts iy printed with. an emblematic hontispiece Price 61.60. it It difficrilt torgivo any ndequato idea of the valid and curio)ts topics of which , this_ eminentlyutertistim; vorumes treats. It 'is - a Valuable array of ilict - hest thoughts,inipthssions and beliefs of the • most : iffstin guitilied minds on the phenomena of Lite. Death and 'Fu turity; it in rush a commonplace book's me thought fid divine might been compiled. i.tlititi. , llllll and one refet ences to the works anti opinions oftnirbest mid greatest writers is not inferior. ea au intereethig 'Meru '.rY'curlosity,' to the famous , tAitatoiny Wom the Bpaton Tronycript. "The Fork before us by Horace Ni`elby riiVes'iliterol lowingopirdope; beliefs and superstitions 'which ; histjty and literattre aft`, rd in any manner pertaining to Flint brig. be called the mysteries of huninnity... Lila ,alid time, the nature of the soul, spiritual, life, ni enta ',pito nainena; belief and skepticism. death. the; ectigqyy and discussed and ilinstaated from the high - est kn.' 'tkortlies. from tt atilt ion iti,d6criptifre, ligyptionligends and Christian fects. Greek fable, sod pilgrim's giesA: -A truly religions spitittien4id6 the Write-tit' is ! the result hf patient r search, and t 6 the pbilosopjto,r, the psychologist, the physioligist—to the curions. the Wong, the humane, it appeals with and teentlint ,ltnouledg4 anggeetima and aspiration." , J.A;S. G. ItHOU'itY, ' No. 48 Walker et., NSW Sock. 4une.17.'63. MAAVHOOD-; HOW LOST! S II.O . W' 4ESTORM:, ! Just, Pubilshed in ,Secaed Enveuie. Price Six Cents A Lecture on the' Nature. Trealm'ent ,: n1 R6dJcal Cure or Sperthatorritcea or Neminal it naknerat, b'extrul Debility. Necrotic - leas, and Involuntary }xi/Unions. in ducing Impotency,Consnmptlon. and 3; ental nint ical Debility, *ltoliewill. Cta:VEItICELL, s Tlielialw.rtnntltact that-the alaini consequence ef Bel r- Abuse luny, be . effectually: removed Without internal medicines or the dangerous application of cans' ICH a • atrunientF., medicates bangles, and other eurnirleal,tls vices. is here clearly demonstrated. iti/d the entirely new and Itighlysiccessful treatment as adopted by the cele brated authoi; fully explained, by_re cans of whielt every one fObrulbled to cure himself pot fectly, and at theltaat possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised mys trufas of the clay. This lecture will prove a boon to -thousands . - Seat underfelt], teeny address. in a plain, sealetletrye lope. on the receipt of SiX cents or two postage efiliups,. by addressing, CITAht. J. C. FAIN} .1t ft." 127 Bowery, Mew York, Post Office Bus, 4,4 . t, 1111g19,'63 -ant. *tubes Mr Eintow rrintru DUTCH SETTLEMENT "_ bDOWN TOWN I—Extensive fin. Copper anci•Atr,,,te. .kstatishmentt!- - -Ths—wmlersig - ned respectfully fe fram his friends and the public generally that he lips removed his ostablfshnient Oulu the t'Datch Settlement . ' up town, to the spacious- Room formerly occupied bbJJ 4lianichlk Brand, aloti r pearly opposite irinyez „ - net. :reseteed' a !tire* ikeenriinenLietoos COAL;ZIEN.F.-Ploakl: nONES :Of Wu ' - ineet:nppluteCand-latest pattern's, 15)11Cil Yief'Oiti,and is 'clet rneiuea to sell as cheap,jl nuts ciftle; cheNier, than can be bad els - we - herb in the country, fie has also, and intends keeping coirstar.tly on barn". a large assortment of Tin. Copper and r ktheet-Ircyn Warr rnatle of the best - Material and by good Wel kill ell. 4 Persons in want of anything fn the abuse line ,are •requested tri give him a call'bente parchasiag e fee abere, as ha feels convinced that he tun nail , thens either as regards the article or the price. SPOUTING Made and pat up at she short 'est najica. All kin o€ rep:ill - 111'g done neatly and eaprriitiurtly. Old Irenlerrprase and Copper, taken h. each:ll4o:ler Ware, or highest given In cash. -IN: .Tunel7,lSW, \ JACQU : -TIOUSEKEEPERS:_READ !-L;:=G4t— Itt g her'i Sunrise hiew,YlutAop UVuliAlSti STOVE. The plates are very heavy, Health, whole . Stbie is Bhishcd in n'inperic;rnintner, wiittaut this i3tove fobs superior to any Flat-Top.Stosunols, In the market, and reapeOfally inTite nib friewls'xiti 'the 'public - tc_tall and examine this Stove. of >thieh there, are several sizes. I hhto - also a- greit Tnriety of §thet , COORINO STOYES of every - style; PARL9It- S OVES, now-and beautiful patterns, together with a heavy ntoet of STOVES fur Chnrehee,Stores, Offices. Hot thiace; JOHN 6. LUDWIG, • ! WholesaltieindlletailDenler In • -; • , 4TOrEB, TEN AND , COPPER- N. 33.—1 have been appointed - Sole Agent fill Gann- Celebrated Sunrise Air-Tight Cook Stove in 414111- ,1-Nraburjr, Pa, _ Juno Li. JIM.. T ETTER, "HAMILTON CO'S Gieat gays end Tin Ware Store, corner Inf_ttha A namond,can be seen the fwegest.heat. and ctigapevt nfock ot Gai6der in CbaniherAburg. They Itited ,COOK -I,NO.STON,BB-I.ar Wood and Coal, el:ltem pntternaand all-sizes, at fan prinPl7.ltge3. POI.7TING-. I DOIST AT, SIIORT Ll.riernou. of ,13711 rote r,n erial quid chehp. All *ark . viiirronted: mut ehetper Mali es 11 l lwa¢h t elsewhere - irk the Cotmtv, 2e...ned see ior yowsiptye l l, _ EATER lIA MILTON tz VOL* ' nearly opposite ttic 'Batik. -11,41q1LTON Peeittied to plat tip the 1 eitt'',lin/Th*lNa HODS eheaprates. . • . , , ziLITAYS ON HAND, A. LARGE assortment of the very best Tin, Japanne4: and perriture;Be.oold low at , • ETTER, I:I4.I.IILTPN dc• • '•gg LL WOBK WARRANTR% tnd '..'l3,,Afi s oPerthan can be, bought elsowbor! forth° county. Come and see—then buy. at - • ,; trrelt, H.6.11/LTOICiMMS. sLxi FAR. iimmoß Nn *pox COOK STOVES. They Ar e ty , good sedolresp, • ETTER, HAMILTON, 4 CO's,_ A. few doors from Slayock's Boat Store. 13oatts ail)), ~Statimiirt;i7 - MEW STORE!---WATSON..§z - 'S - QN 1:11.havo opened at their Store Room, ,on, .--#krtn west Corner of the Diamond, oliptafte - Prankifa4, Chamberstem Pa., an .ontirely new ,stocipo- consisting of BOOKS of alm,,st eTery description._, Sin- Honer). of 111 , 1Ind,s, Envelopes, Steel Peva; leatec• Also a large assortment of WALL PAPER, WIN BLINDS, variona prices, and a great varietyoftiOTlV AND RANGY ARTICLES, Plcturee, Yana , 1 ""'' and Misses Baskets, pence Soap and Perin l it Also atOod Assortment of Wended, Shetland Wool, dkkcaaL enda great variety of goodaloo numerous to insert' to which theyinvite the attention of the Vedic; "aid re apettlially Solicit st'share of the public patronage; Plea.° call and faXAMine our stock. Tani Mtn,' •-• •- • EMI