El etstbing; . . ; 4863. 1863. .1 . , AIL.O.THING E14LPORI1J11;1 FBA BIM IN EV rib 'BUILDING', CORNER OF , lIV aST llibIt.K.ET STREET and the DIAMOND, Cild.ll.l iILESSDUNG; Pa. JOHN T fIOSKINSON, Proprietur. Alfa undersigned gives notice to L lits lesion of generous patrons and to the public generally; that ttobattnownn; - Land, sad offers to purchasers, for cash, the tamest andi illiut kr.tratt lac stork of _ , • .. • ' ' ' - - READYNALIE CLOT:RI - NG, or Spring and Summer seasons, ever presented Int thi s f l Ace . Lila long established character for iellin Cletbinixunsurpassed in Style, Finish and Durbbillty inis determined to maintain, and Making his pnrchase the-Eastern Cities this season, at the prepitionS time, gof bles Win to offer his patrons garments at pricel wEesper than the cheapoit. Ho makes Oats's. staterztentS In no Welting or vain spirit. but asks a discriminating public to glee him a call and decide for themselves who to the trade in this section. offers the best inducemen. to purchasers. ,The Material of every garment sold b i Elm is purchaqd from first , elasslionseslit the princit psi cities, and the manufacteting is done under his own eupervisLoti in this place, by wbrifinen of acknowledged ability. With Mattock of READY-At ADE CLOTILINGS be invites attention to a large and Splendid asssortmonf or Gentlemen's . FURNISHING GOODS, • which be warrants* to suit the most ea.stidlons taste of - he tenet economical packet. Keop plweln remembrance and give him a call: • Jnnell 3 tZ • JOHN T. KOSKI IiSON.• • • 1 1 B I LLIOTT, CLOTHIER, Soutk - • , west Cbrner of the DIAMOND, next door to the nk,,CIIA.SIBERSBURG, has just returned from the with a large stock of superior and seasonable rode, each sitl CLOTIN. CASSIMERES. SATINETTS, 3..11X.N.. 4 . CORDS, Ac., for Cents. and VELVETzI,BATINS,. lkt ARSBILLES,and otherrestings. Also—a very Brio gdiaction of READY-MA[IIE OLOTKLNG, which he s prephred to kit at the t•et•letvest market prices. CUSTOMER. WOltK.—As he employs a first-rate cu 7) t er , he htprepared to make up all kinds of Garments;` , ttt• Steutlika Boys, to order, in the best styles. Satyr-' nation wilfhe guaranteed.' , '• • 1 A large assortment of On-ninnies Arnim - ma Goors, ' *doll as Shirts; ,Drawers.' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Bra nders, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Ito., &c.. always en laud, tiive him acall end save , money. : [June 17,'63. A , WIrITE, 11 . el -....ER...,11ANT TAILOiI. • i i "(NO DRALEIL IN READY-MADE CLOrff- Ci;—(1.10M11 MARE)- 1.-- . CL .TITS, ~. :, cr i sgmEriEs , 1- . v.e. - T1N 1 1 , 4,` GENTLEMEN'S ' - .., . PIIENISHING GOODS, - . GEM OVERCOATS, . , lIIIBRELL Si' Piece Goods sold by the yard, and no charge or (hitting. ' . Garments' sold to parsons' who wish them made at tome. - Macklne Silk. Chalk, and inch measures sold. Th ee .doors North of Eyster's Dry Goods Store, Chambers burg, Pa. Rune 17, 18 , 33. , ebtcat. WONDERATL SCIENTIF C IIiSCOVEILY.—:At the present time though ful wands everywhere are looking for the revelation of . ow anti important discoveries in science, and when a theory is presented claiming to have discovered new light .ud Ohara removed the-voil of obscurity from a subject, of the highest importance, upon which much has ligen writtbu, it is proper that the claims of this theory be mesented and carefully examined and tested, which is 4cistined to transcend in importance to suffering huMan. ity, all other discoveries, the lightning rod and telegraph not excepted. We hold that the human system is but a irdvanie arrangement, with its acids and alkalies, eon. sMtuting the positive and negative forces, and that every mental and physical manifestation, either voluntary or Involuntaty,is the result of this antagonism; that diges tion, circulation, secretion, and excretion are wholly at tributable to the law of electric:* influences; that the nerves are the conductors of Ektettmerrr. and that t ere is a polar eaten es tabliihed through the nervous system, which connects with every part of the body, establisiling waft preserving a proper balance of the electric element, which constitutes health, and a disturbance of w*icb , 01411a.•$es disease; that there are strictly but twocouditons --et(disease—the one positive, the other negatiie; an as Xtscranturr possesses these two inherent principles, it will, If applied according to the electric polarities and requirements of the systeni, arrest, or, in other welds," neutrons° the disease by the restoration of proper polar autiotil We also assert that all drugs taken Into the!sys tam net strictly upon electrical principles; that from elecomixiwition the latent electricity is set free, athat, tinmgh the electrical polarities of the nervous system, 411 Changes nreProduced either for good or for evil; that irtthe inelpientstage of disease it may tend to - equalize the foiCes; mirl restore: harmony; but after the rase!has beconiti refraetory, paralyzing the nervottsiommuqica tiOns, and changing the coastitnente of the fluldsiand arresting the 'digestive action of tlib stomach dn4 US i on power of approbation, no internal processor medic+ tbau ever has, or ever can, succeed in removing the *eau. e of the disease, ita only tendency being to multiply and = plicate the symptoms. On-the contrary. Ettarratorrr being the vital element :upon which lifedenends. can be directed to any pint of the body, and even after the vital functions seena-Oara lyzed,posisesses thepower of arousing the dormant en isegies, equalizing the circulation, and the sysitein l lt.o a wet( snstaining system. One very impOrtant feats e' of this treatment is, that no time is lost in experimenting with disease. „By means of electrical test an accurate .ttgridsis is given at once, determining the locality, and eiraricter of the disease, and indicating the treatment to 44 puretted. The curie nts are perfect!? Under the'con *rotor the operator. and can be regulated to stilti the delicate nerveS of a child without any unpleasant salsa edeii. - Ali those who havti lung sufferedtrom painful and +Obstinate disease—Acute, Chronic, Inflatamatori or' gerwlyticare invited to call and consult. -, ' - i ' 4:10081ILTATION FREE. . . 't DR. 'DROWN - 1 1; PROF.- WALK: ' ' 0-122zin Frank - tin Building, West + Market Street, 4th &lir ftem the corner of the Diamond, Chavihersburg' its. - .tune 17, '634f . • 2 . Ecc' 011 Y IS 'WEALTH ! - CUR! YOUR COUGJI FOR TRIRtELN OE T 3. Ina Best and Cheap est . H6itsehold Rented. in ' the World. , MADAME ZADOO POETEE: !,jlit 11A T *O'O,;:UGH It..E3ftDl7 Zadoc Portii's Curciiive Balsa is wskraated Ifused according to VI o'diieetlona, to In all cases, Coughs, Colds ! Whooping tough, lat add al 1 affet-tiVal of the Throat and Lungs. '," - :Mactame:Zadoe Porter's Balsam" 11111111 Is frepared with till the regnisitio care and skill, Porn* •ambination of the bestremedies the reptable kla ;dotti *fords,- Its remedial gadlitiiiitre based oh its yower tdassist the healthy end vigorous' circulation et thi lil'ood, through the hinge. •It is not a violent remedy, entollient, Warming, searching and eircetivi; cam be 6eS child, tilk,ovk by the oldest perhon or yenta t 1 . • Madaen'e Zadoc Porter!s'Egleam I' '-- , . -1 filmueeti turd by the public for over 18 years all has acquired itsprasent salessitu ply by beitt,- , reeonon nded by, those_wito have used it,,to their'atilictol. friorult and otliems., - ,., ,~ - • - ' ' MOST : IMPORTANT. , .' . - 51i(Itime Zadoc Porter's Curative Militant Isa Mil itt a mice which brings it in the rea h of every one foloep it ekCirenittent 'to asa. ' The timely use eta single hott ewtll gave:l to po T irecthloo times its cost. ....,_ 2 .ls.ioTlgE. ' ' ' ' . .- -S font Money.'lYo noktiffusishadid - to rin4clilisis - Orticiesat.Bs. to $l,-which do not contain the Tirtneac4 413 ctAottle of Madame:Per ter's - Ctuittive ,BalsaKtlie dais; al pacinlifactaring which .is as great as that; of al. inostinty -other medicine; and the "very low ,p;leenat i7llcal:n7lttdi,:omjuktir profit i t i tt=i t l i p i p ea are re. t- Cantai(endntber medicfnes on,Which their prof is are target, Unless the'enstomers insist upon &kiln g Madame; PdWur!aandnolle other. 9alt.for 51.1Manin Portes Cu l Price Mots; and In:large bottles; at 25 -. ,and take no other. if you can not-get itiat one adre7 on can at another. ' " ' ' 1 • Soldtcy all Druggists and Store-keepers atl meta. In larger bottles at 25 eta. . I • I • ' ' HALV&SCKEL,Troptioti o rs: ' w/G3-Ip. * • New att. t For Sale by 3llller & tiensliey and Jacob S Qintinhersburg. , , nOWAIID ASSOCIATION; ;..-PECILADE 1/4 • th e Ng of the Std: and Dtafressid, of with /haat and Chronic Diocese. and Opeqtai lylfor the ffisOaiesof IheSttual prgan; . I • iiven angle, by the-Asti aeon. VAIXABLE REPOItTS.on Speriftteol Beimitakd Wirakneesi andAtlice trielams tfie .., sw an d on the NY, IV RllllUDllll3.,enipToyei fire 3 / 4 140, sent, to, tho afflicted - in sealed lottei free 4)f charge. Two or three Waive for. 4411144cteptabre. ' ' • ' • Addre.es, TIR; . 1- • MULLIN ' tiOUORTON - Atitl Waroward Astoelation, flooth , Ninth rdlaltelpllll / 4a-l': ' I prigto;liftebittitc4;s4. NIION ' S CO LIMIM At no time since - the eommeneraent of Nix on's Drug Store, has there been so _ • PULL AND COMPLETE A STOCE. ` of Presh and - PERFECTLY RELIABLE MEDICINES To,,ofi'er to those who are so unfortunate its 'to be ,compelled r to indulge in such luxuries. The fact is, that tucless there are large and rapid, sales. no ettablishment can supply its , customers with strictly fresh and re= ' • liable remedies, in the shapaof • Drags and Chemicals: Time affects with much more ; rapidity many more arti- des in Medicine than in any o thee m erebandi,se. henCe the ne cessity of rapid change of stock to secure to the purchaser just what •is . wanted. NIXON is able, by rapid changes in stack, always- to present the very best to his customers., He desires to keep the above facts be fore the community, and to solicit a continuance of favors. 'lw - connection , irith his full DRUGS ANps,CHEMICALS, ho offers 'afull assortment of `PATENT MEDICINES F. STANDARD CHAR- S\ Str, ..h as: Jake's Family Medicines, - . Ay 's Pectoral, , . Aye 's Sarsaparilla,t" - -. - .. Aye 's l'illsi 11\ Ilel bold's Preparationa; • ilos tter's Bitters, pra a.'s Bitters, - : - ' Ge*.nllitt.iirst, , • Wishart'i3 Pine Tree Cordial, Tant's Aperient, _ Kendy's Discovery:' ' Hun - *Liniment. .• • . )31air i s Hypophosphites, \ . - nobennek's Pills, , Wright's Pills, Morse's Pills, • Brandreth's'Pills, Leidy's Pills,. Townsend's Pills, ' \ Perry Davis's Pain Killer. Pahnestock's Vermifide, Worm Confections, , Worm Candy. • Plasters. , Ointments, Washes, Lotions, with many other articles in this line, all of which are sold only on the representation of the makers of the articles. BAZIN'S, LUBIN'S, EDRIHI'S CHOICE PERFIDIERY AND SOAPS =Hair Dyes, Pomades, and , other articles for the Hair, among which is NI X. ' S 13 UOMAT-it I'CHO „ .OR HAIR FOOD, One of the best and most cleanly articles for the San; containing no grease, 'yet rendering the Hair soft and - glossy, and preventing it from prematurely falling off. NIXON'S GLYCERINE T,OTION, Which is just the article needed for tho remov al of Dandruff from the 'Scalp - , and le'aving the hair soft and glossy. In presenting these Vivo ; articles for the Hair, the • Proprietor has the satisfaction of - 'knowing that they do all • " that is ref/resented. NIXON'S TETTER OINTMENT ' continues as much a , favorite ea ever and it can and does perform remarkable cures of Skin'Diseases, and is guaranteed in all , , cases' to act as represented. HORSE A•ND CATTLE POWDER In less than one year and a half OVER TWZR: PECEE:"HIVE :REM sots, and the siies'are on the increase. It is just • the 'powder for 2 1 The Horse; ' , The Cow, It is neatly put li and . full directions go with each :Pack. Hundreds 4;1 . f testimonials could cure be presented, but the .pro • iirfefor deeids'it • best • .to let it travel on its own merits. RARE-RCROUP SYRUP Is made Only at Niioti's for this County. and has a • host of friends who can testify • -: to its merits. - • : Y . ' - Niion is able to offer 'Marge stock of . r rrUSECII,' ' ! . . ''Shoulder,Briees, , . ,•, .. , • ` SuPPorters, . . Bandages. Combs, , Brushes,' Toilet P pro o rf vr am ders es ,: .. • " Shavine Soaps, • . - Toilet Soaps, - • Pocket Bobks, , Parses , • • "Indelible Ink, Tooth Powder, • Tooth Washes, '• - " Tooth' Brushes, ,5 Sponge's, 5 • Flesh Brushes, - ' ore Spices, •-• Starch,lndigP- • :.' • ) • Stove Black, • • Saponifier, ' , 'Rat and Roach Destroyer,, - In conclusion, Nixon . ; begi leave to say that his stook still always be kept up to the very- • b es t point, and ,will include- ; - every thing Teal. • • anis, _ todtoietv,e health '• , •'„ . , :and comfort to the afflioted;: Neildes such, articles ,sitesto requi . res.: , The Important lover in business is money:llnd, aura . ' neretnuniiso'cari be' had at lower intei for eashthari time, Nixon ' • desires . to _matte , HIS BUSINESS SAIcTLY PAW. - ;vie rums. ng Sur , oces, Or 1 Sexna inilie navel- Onstage og Ban litrea, =I II stock of ACTER and other The_ Sheep, also et ) ankh c Sabtaryg t Ammo, &c. QA.DDL Illes, , Dthtles, Signor the-13ORS SADDLERY I—Sad - collars, Trunks., Valises, Ai. Alt. . . _ ... JERYALTALE OYS ' respectfullyreturnshis thanks t to his patrons f the - liberal encouragement received from themheTi re. and ho would invite them and the community gei -y, who may need any thing in his line, to give him is call at his OLD STAND, on the East side of Main Street, Chambersburg, five doors South of Hither &TolberVs Hardware Store, where ho keeps con stantly on handiivery variety of 9 AD D L'E R Y AND LIARNES9 of his own-Manufacture, and he is ,prepared to sell the satneTit terms that defy cblttpetitioa. Every artic:e offerer sale is warranted to be made of the beet materistetid by competent workmen, which will bo fully demonstrated on an examination thereof. TRUNKS AND VALISES.—tie would also call the attention of persons wanting a good, neat, cheap and subsianial Trunk or Valise, to his assortment-', - - June El, '63- ADDLE AND HARNESS MAN IISACTORV.—The undersigned would respectfully announce to his friends. and the pubtid generally, that he has taken the SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP for merly carried on by Matthew Gillnn, deck!, on !VEST MARKET BIREE,T, near the Conotocileagua Crude, in the - Sarong)? of Chamberzburg, where ho manufactures Saddles, Bridlesand Harness, and has constantly on band an excellent assortment of Collars, Whips, &c. Ileemploys none but the best of Workmen. and con structs all work from the best material. TRUNKS and VALISES constantly on hand, all of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. A continuance of the former pa tronage of the id:lop is ruost respectfully solicited, June 17, 63. JAMES B. GILLAN WHIPS'! WHIPS ! WHIPS]— 14nmem Stamm 'Sr Solt, comer of Main and Washington Streets, Chambersburg. Pa., manufacturers of all kinds of WHIPS, such as Wagon. Carriage and Riding Whips of various sizes and of superior quality, which they offer to the public, either by Wholesale or Retail, at very moderate prices. LASHES of all lengths kept constantly nn hand and for sale by the dozen very cheap. They also manufacture superior HORSE -COL LARS, to which they invite attention." Orders from a distance solicited and promptly attend ed to. June 17. '63. SADDLES, Harness, Gears, Bridles, Haltom, Collars, Whips - , Stirrups. Bitts,Sprirs 'al ways on hand. at (Am Shops. DRILIJ, & GORDON. OUR STOCK OF SADDLES AND Bridiesis very superior, and 1h prim will snit every body. Come and see. DEIHL C (10,111)0N, OUR WORK IS WARRANTEE arid we believe cannot be beat. We employ" till journeyman. - DEIHL k GORDON. HRNESS OF EVERY DESCRIP tion, Broad Gears, Plow Gears, Collars, to.. on and constantly, of our own make. WE USE NONE BUT THE BEST Leather, and keep none but the best made goods. and sell at reasonable prices. DEIHL & GORDON. Qroat, kuntber, Szt. G. A. DEITZ TVITZ & ACDOWELL WILL PAY THE IiiGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR i • , FLOUR, I. WHEAT; RYE, OATS, .CLOVER SEED, CORN, TIMOTHY sEEp; And a kinds of PRO 15 ME ALL KINDS OF. SALT, COAL, L UMBER, CENENI, PLASTER, \ \ AND SAND, XpR SALE, CHEAP PO,E. DEITZ - 41 T DOWELL'S WAREHOUSE AND' COAL YARD; Near the Railroad Depot, C HAM BERSBITRG, PA., AND On North Carlisle Street, GItEZNGASTLE, Sane 17.'83 W :!F IR hi !-COAL ! C 0.41; ! , LUMBERI LIIKBERI-1,11.0. EBERT 4: SON, eying purchased the Coal and Lumber Yard or George it. Delta, will continue to'car on the same business, and vvillalfways haveon hand a large supply of Lurnbecand Cofil. They will be prepared to Jul all orders at the shortest notice. They respectfully solicit the pation age of the late firm and the public generally, and all who may desire goal and Lumber to give them a call, feeling assured that no means will be spared to accom modate those on the most reasonable terms. ' • Junefl',43 , ll-tf. - - , LEO. EBERT t SON. Boots anb *tors. N]W SHOE STORE:--The Sub. scriber takes ,this'-mithod of informing the seas of Chambersburg and :vicinity, that he has just :returned fromPhiledelPhia with an ENTIRELY NEW 'STOCK of Boots and Shoes; of every variety, style and pattern, said of the-best manufactures. He has nootd Shopkeepers on head.. Ilis whole` - Rock is titter: Give him a call—you tan' easily suit yourself. Ha invites the - Ladies, especially, to call, as he will take pleasure in showing his goods. Store in the. room for merly occupied by Frederick Smith, Esq., al; a Law Office, arid - mire recently used for the purpose by George Eye ter,-Esq•.; two - doors North of Fisher's Hotel, Blain Sti eat, Chambersbnrg,Ra. ' Ilbriarge and well selected stock, he being a practical 'Shoemaker, consists ..of Ladies' Gaiters, Boots, Slippas, and Buskins; Misses' and Children's -Boots and Shoes; Gentlemen's Gaiters, Slippers,Boots and Brogans. ' Do net forget the place. No trouble to show Goods at the NEW 'STORE, two doors North of Fisher's: Hotel, Main,StreeetiClitimbersburg, Pay, by n n e 17.1862. - • . 'PETER FELDMAN. , °ALL AND SEE UNDER, A./ siazarn announces to his - numerous , ftiends and mastamera,that ho continues to manuactura to order, and keeps on hand a full and complete assortment of :various -qualities and styles of SHOES and GAITERS, 'for; Ladies, Misses and Children. His, aesertment of was, SHOES, Ac., for Mau and Boys' , wear Lis. corn plate, to which he' respectfully invites attention.% Work of all kinda miule to order i lin neat 'and durable paan -ner, and at shell notice. and see before ptirchising eisewhereoud hp villa:Wary purchasers that he'sells at very small profits for Cash. Don't forget, the, place— opp**e gagqt-Heigent Stare, Chamber:Mars, Pa. - • - -,.• -• GEOAGN WINE/1.- J.au° l7 l/.§a.: itillOcisttorti+lT:lifiniittsbutg, jra. _b_MAIBOLD'S GENUINE PRE PARATION. HIGHLY CONCENTRATED, COM POUND FLUID. EXTRACT - BUCHU. A positive and specific remedy • • for Diseases of thpi-! BLADDER, iNIDNEYS, GRAVEL, = and ' - t s - • ' DROPSICAL - SWELLINGS. - This medicine increases the power of Digeition mid excites the absorbents into healthy, action, by, which the Watery or Calcareous r • ' Depositions, and all Unnatu- '• ' • • ral Enlargements are reduced, as.. • • well as Pain and Inflammation. inidis - GOOD FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HELIIROLD , B EXTRACT .BUCHU, • For Weaknesses arising from • EXCESSES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ;; • EARLY INDISCRETIONS, - OR giusE., ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYHPTONN: Indisposition to Exertion,'•• Lou of Memory.• ' • . •, Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease, Dimness of Vision:: ; - Hot Hands, - . • Pallid .Countenance. Dryness of the Skin, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Loss of Power, Diticultyof.areathing. ; Treniblitte Wakefulness, `. ' Pain in the Back, • • Flushing of the Body, ' - • Eruptions - on the - Face. These symptoms 'if allowed to go on; Which-the mediehatinVariably removes, • • - Soon follow '';'.• - • IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, ,In one et• which the patient may expire. • - Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those direful disease, • "INSANITY, AND CONSUMPTION."' Many are aware of the eaiise • of their sitffering,•but none will confess. THE RECORDS OF , THE INSANE ASYLUM, - and the melancholy deaths by Consump tion bear ample witness to the truth of the' assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED•WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS. Requires the aid of medicine to stredgthen and in vigorate the system, which HELM'BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Invariably does. - , A trial will convince the must skeptical DEIHL &GORDON 11'DOWkLL FEMALES, FEMALES; FEMALES, Old or young, single, married. or contem plating marriag°' In many affections peculiar to Females the Extrlse Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy. as .01ilorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pain fulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuation, Ulcerated or Sehirrorus a of the Uterus, Leueorrhea • or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the Sex. whether aria sing from Indic ' erlstinn, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OE CHANGE OF LIFE. . (See Symptom's above.) NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT Take, no more Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant - Medicine for Unpleasant and Danger , gerous Diseases. - • z, ItEL MBOLVS• BIT RA.O bUCH 1:7 and HiLMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE, WATER, cures • • ge-SP.CRET 'DISEASES, -lag In all their Stages; , • . Little or no change in Diet; , • • At little Expense; No Inconvemion* AND NO EXPOSURE. Jt causes a freqdent desire_ and gives strength to - Ufrinate, - thereby removing Obstructions. Pre venting and Caring Stnetures of the Ure tha, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, ' so frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling all poisonous, dis- - eased and worn, out matter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS Who have been the victims - of Quacks; and Who have paid= heavy fees to be cured in &short time: have found they were deeeived,.and that the Poison has, by the use of Powerful As7' tringents, been ,dried up in the system, to break oat in an aggravated for ;r:,. perhaps after Msaalsos. MI %HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHEr • for all Affections aadT;laerises of THE URINA'RY ORGANS, whather existing in MALE OR FEMALE, ::::FROM WHATEVER CAUSE ORIGMATIA 'AND :NO MAT, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU And it is certain to have the - dbsired - Cfrect on Mats scs for which it is recoilupended— EVIDENCE' OF THE , - 4t9TRELI.A. I . ELE AND RESPONSIBLE 'CHARACTER will accompaby the medicines.. CERTIFICATES OF CURES OF- DM • EASES OF FROM EIGHT -TO TY YEARS STANDING. with names known to science and fame. - " PAYSWIANS" PLEASE -" I NOTICE,". we make no secret of Ingredients, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is composed of Duch% Cubebs,./uniheißetriese selected with great earl; by a competent drug gist.. Prepared in: vouch- hyall. T. BELMBOLD.' Practical .antl:Atta— , 'yawl Chemist, and sole,Manufacturer of HELMBOLD'S • " GEN - ifINE PREPAR4.TIONO. 4 AFFIDAVIT, • • Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, H. T. HELMBOLD. who being-duly sworn. doth say his preparations . contain no narcotic, no mercury, orother injurious drugs, but are purely vog- I etable. H. T. HELMBOLD. • Sworn and subscribed before me thii Mti day of Novembetrilsm: • . • WILLIAM P. - HIBBARD. , -- -Alderman, Ninth st.i-abi PHYSIdIANS ,IN ATTRNDANCH fltQht 8 A. - M. TILL 8:P. M. pRiC.E. V. PEE BOTTLE on SIX Yon $5. Delivered to any address, ancoorely paehed from observation, Addreas let - • tors for information ". inconfidence •-,, . a.• T. H:ELM.I3.OL - D,•: - OHEMiST. Repot 104. SOUTH TENTH STREET, , - • • • BeloW Chestnut, Philadelphia BEWARE OFTOUNTERFEITS ANI) PRIN4 -CIPLED DEALERS, who endetivor to dispose of-their own and other nr • tidos on ; the reputation,attabiedl7-.= ; t• avaIIPLIA 041'1n Kt, PREPARATIONS.' Relmbold's Gentehte Eitract Buchu; • Helmbold's Gennhco Extract Sarsaparilla; Rebnbold's Genuine Improved Rose Wash. , • - Sold by Etniniists Everyivhere`.l , ASK ~FO4 RELMBOLI)S— , -TAKK 110 OTHER: _ - - Cutout the advertisement and sondforit4l„svod • imposition and exposure . • Descythti • sYmptoms , • • , munications. • t QIIRES GtrAItAgTHED, ADVICE Sept.lo.'62-Iy. Oita; USE TER HOW LONG STANDING. , • Diseases of those organs requiro hob aid nfa. Diuretic. • , • IS THE GREAT DIURETIC Eta DENNSYLVA.NIA_AIt- ROA_D ViiiatEß I TINE TABLE. Fire Trains :licitly to and from pkge, /pliict, on and after MONDAY; APRIL 20th, 18p. - The) Passenger , Trains of the fßisl lr oa4 Company-will-depart from and arrive at Barrishnrg aq Philadelphia as follows:: . .F,2ASTWARD. '. • . TifitatiGll - EXPRESS TRAIN leaves 'Harrisburg daily at 2.00 A.m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at ~ , 8.1.0 Y: ,. A. • , PAST LINE leaves Tlarrisbrirg daily (except illoadaY) i at 5.4.5 A. sr.; and arrives at West ' hilanelphia at 9.41 , ..., A. Y. - Passengers take breakfast at Lat.caster. ..- i, f. WAY ACt:OARODATION, via Mount' Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. u., and arrives at West Philadel phia st 12.25 P. ii. ' ' ' ' '- --- ' NAOT.HAIL'IIiAIN leaves Rarrishurg daily (except ' Sunday) at LOS p, si., and arrives at West Philadelphia t14.113111;;13IIRG ACCP3rIIOntIIOI.3, TRAINJ - Tim Co- I amble, leaves 'llaitiabiarg 4.04 P. M., and arrives at Weld Philadelphia at tl.BO P. XL • t BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leavis'llarristrurg dolly (except Monday) at 2,00 A. AL; Altoona, 7.15.5.'5t. Oka brealdeat; and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris:. burg daily at 3.00 A. 7.1.; Altoona at 8.00 A. X., Ole bras Stet , and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. id. MAIL TRAIN' leaves Harrisburg at .1.15 P. M., take„ supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 A. sr. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg: at 3.50 P. x.; Al.toons at, 8.35 P. x., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 A. x. HARRISMFRG" ACCOMMODATION TRAIN '-lisaver• Philadelphia at 2.30'. It., and arrives at Harrisburg...at 3.00 P. K. WAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelpids at "4.0,0 and arrives at ,llarrisburg at 9.40 P. 31!. This train ranivialit. Joy. -.SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Div. Perinea JuneTt; 186314. 1-ORTtI, ERN CENTRAL R 9 TL- . WAZW-SUMMER Three trains 'daily to and iron' Baltimore and Wash ington City. , Connections made with trains on 'PennsylvaniaHad road, to . and 11-omPittsbnrg and the West. TWO TRAINS -DAILY to and from the North and West Branch finsqiehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New York..; • • , pf - On and after ]fond y , Api•il 20th, 1163, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway wilt arrive -at and depart frOnt.Harristairg and•Raltimore as follows, , ' . ; .- SOUTHWARD. ' • - • f: ' MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury dally (except - .: - Sunday) .. 10.10 .a: x.- leaves Harrisburg 1.15 P. x ", .. . - arrives at Baltimore 6.35 P. x. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Snnbtiry daily ' (except Sunday) ' ' 11.07 P. X: " i . leaves Harrisburg (eacept • ' • Monday) 2.00 a. x, 4, arrives at Baltimore daily, ''. (except Monday) • 6.15 a. x. HARRISBURO ACCOMMODATION leaves - , Harrisburg 6.30 Al. X. ' . - " NORTHWARD. " MAIL 'lSAlrleavea Baltimore daily (ex cept Bmiday) 9:15A. Y. lettyca Harrisburg 1.15 - p. X. ' . arrives at Sunbirry ' 4,05 PM. BXPREBB TRKIN Mares Baltimore daily... 9. - 16 P. Y. . .4 arrives at - garriaburg I.Ba A. 3k. ~ ' leaves Harrisburg daily (ex. 'tit Monday 3.0 A' ceps .uonday) " artheA at Sunbury • 5.46 A. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION ;leaves arrives at itarriaburg 7.30 P. 7d. For further information apply at the Office, in Penn. aylvania Railroad Deppt; Harrisburg. • J. N. DuBARRY, Gen. Supt. June 17, NfW AIR LINE ROUTE.—Three 'rains Daily to New York and Philadelphia. On and after Monday, April 20th, 1863, the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, via: ° IMPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg - at 2.15 A. II: off snivel of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train gom the West, a-riting in New York at 9.30 A. M., and Phiii delphil at 8.20 a. 51. A sleeping ear is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change.. MAIL TRAIN letriei Harrisburg at B.oo's. W., Orli lug in New York at 5.30 P. 31., and Philadelphia at-7.50P. x. _PAST LINE leayes Harrisburg at 2.00 P. s;„_ . arriving . •ew Yprit at 10.25 v. and Phßelprileat-7.1X1r.V. FAST LINE leaves NeW. York at 6.00 ;A, and" Phila dolphin a t 8.18 A. rt., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. it MAIL TRAIN_ leaves New York at 12,00 noon, and Philadelphia at 3.30 P. 31., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leevei New York at 7.00 'al , riving at Ilatrisbdtg 'at 110 A. 2d. and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A Bleep ing cart; alsoiittached to thiti train: . • • Connections are made at Harrisburg•with trains on the Pennsylvania,. Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at 'feeding for - Philadelphia,Potts- Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton,&c.• Baggage cliecked through. Fare between New 'York and Harrisburg, $515 ;betwien Harrisburg .and pbila deiphia, $435 in No. 1 cars, and $3 in N 0.2. For tickets or other information apply to r" - . • J,..lcLyng,. • Juno 17,'03. tt Goneriil Agent, liarriebuig, „ . 1868.. WINTER ARRANGEMENT.--: CUMBERLAND VALLEYAND F.RANKLIN RA ILEOADJ— ._ • , • - , • - - CHANGE - OP 1110111t8.4aIL nd after Monday; ',!;ln vember 17, 1862, Paagetipir LT . rn in it will run datly,a9 tollowe,(Stand94 excepted): : , FOR OHAMBERSBUI Alb HAIR . RISBURG s•!• • • , . , - A. 11. P. M. , Leave Hagerstown ' ' ••'- - ' - ' 7.00+ '` " 2.45 "Greene:wale. ~...-.... 1.37- $.25 • - {Arrirc at n 8.17 . " 4.29 Charabersburg...... .t 1 ,; ' ' . . - 1 —;.;... - . Leave al.. ... ~..... 8 - .30 , 12.55 Leaves Shippenstairg • ' • 9.00 1 1:48 • " Nerrille ..z , 9422 ' .2.00 " Carlisle - 10.10 2.42 ..... ' 3.12' Arrive at garrisburg.,.:. . ..... 1145 8.40 FOR CHAlipEliSlit, . o-AND HAGERS • : ,• • r; Leaves 8.05 35 , " Methanicsburg ' , 414 2.16' 7 _ "' Carlisle - ... , . 2.65 Newvilie • 10;02 3.20 " Shippensburg :1033' • , :4.00 ' Arrive atOharnbersbu r g... ..... . ... 11.00 4.30 Leave Chtunbersburg 11.10 4.40 " Greencastle • ..... „ 5.30 Arrive at Harrisburg_ _ 12.36 6.10 Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philiublphie n .NeWlTOtk—an(l PlttsbUrg - ;. and with trains -for all points West. ' -" 0.N.L.1:111 2 Supt A. H. Office, Ghambersbuig, Nov7_l7, 1862.: . _ 1863. 1863; ptithADELPITJA: AN D ERIE RATiNOAD.-rhis iinetraseries the North ern and Northwest cotintiekof Pennsylvania to the city otErle, on*-LakeNeh3; It bas been leastalby the Pennsylvania,- Ra(lroaci Cavalry, and iitiderLtheir. auspices is being rapidly opened thrtingleut Hi entire length.' • • It in now in we totel'essenger andi Freight business, tram Harrisburg to Driftwokod, (2d (117 miles) on the Eastern Division, arid - troth 'Sheffield to Erie (78 miles,) nn thel'iresternDtvislem TIME Olt. , •PASSgNGIIR TikINS AT ./TAMAISIIIIRG. MAIL TRAIN leaves ....... EXPRENS,TRAIN leareo North ' ' 3,00 1.11 Can run through ISITUOUT atasas both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock 'Haven, add. be tween, BaltimoTe and Lock Haven. meratieSletiAng Cars oa the Express train both ways: For information respecting Passenger business apply at tho S. N. Corner 11th and. Market streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr.,- Cor.l3th and Market sta., philada. J, W. Reynolds, Erie. 3. Agent N.C. R. R.:Baltimore, Md. - li . IL HOUSTON, - " ; General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. • LBWIS zeucturs, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. :' POTTS, .031 General Manager,',Williamasport. , PARENTS' of Soldiers in - the Ser vice, or in Hospitals, cart furnish them with' the OSITOB,Y three months for 25 cents; six mouths for 50 dents, or one yegr tor $l-00. f. . , . , RN J . 11,' OT — A ERS of Soldiers in the - 801'- 14e, or in Itospitoin. Mtn furnish them with ttie tiPOSITOItY three months Tor 25 , cont?; six months for 50 cents. or one' year foisl.lXl. , ,- , - -,-. < , . , to secure profitable Czatorn fa to Anna:nisi In the JEL/N /113r)E/TORY, WESTWARD Baltimore daily (except Sun - 2_55 P. sr, EASTWARD. WESTWARD. ' '• - , . :. ," - I ~ •-, z- - . - , EtAgs..of. erglid. -.., f ...---,......, .---..r..... , m„,,,....:.,-,,,,...........—^^....--- , 110111 EA_DING RAIL ROAD.-SUM- Lt, MER ARRA NG EME4Vr. -. v - tittEAT TRIM( LINTS from -the .NOtth ind North west for Philadelphia. Nev York, siteading Pottavllley, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, ae....&e...- _ ' _ -. 'lnane leave Ilarrisioarg for Phil 'elpidit. - New . tirk, ft a Reading,: Pqttsvi Vt. and all intertne4 teatto34;atg,oo L. - Ni , and Too: P. si. - -. • . _ . _ S.sw York' ..R . Cliretta !PAWS . Har r isburg : at 2.15'x: X i arriving at New York at 9.15 thaerune morning. • , Pares from Ilarrielatrg t To New York $5.15: to delatia $3.54 and S I.EU. Baggage checked through. • • Returning, Itave New York at 6 A. at., 12 NO O nOTA 7 P.: sr:, , (Pit istrut•g ..I:xpresa.) - Leave Philadelphia tit 8.15 a. at..and 6.7.0 r. Stelipingowsin the' New York ExPreas'Yrst r init titre - tight' to and from PittOotrg without change, •- • • . Passengers by th Catawissa Railroad leave Tamagito at 8.50 a. sr., and P. M., for Philealelphiti, New York, and all Way Pointe. . • , Trains leave B.:Jr:rine at '9.15 A. SC., - Aild 2.30 P. for Philadelphia, Hat tistotrg 'and:New, Yorkj -' • . An Accumined ion Pasvenger train leaves Beading ht d.OO s. m.; and re turna front Philadelphia. at-5.00 #.45., AU, the above tialns run daily, Sundays _ex, cepted. - A Sunday 'train !laves Pottsville ikt Z. 30 A. it. t • and Philadelphia at 3.15 p. x. Mileage„Seagon,, and Ricurslon TleteteN at psduced rates tv and front all points. U. A.NICCOLIA; cleneral Superintendent. - _ltlotitlabate euiterff lane 17, 1.§634.1*. ITA:RDWA RE firMITII RICIII.E.DBON, 61.1.,Miirket qt., Phitculaphia. J. f istap., norn. j- . . ous.Paczaarisow. The undersigned would respectfully, call the attention of COUNTRY lint, IIN:YTS to their largo - a:la well ee leqed stook qf ' - - , ICA ,it - VV: E 1 - - '16614 Made special arrangements for no Add Trade, we natter ernreelv,4 we. cen offer Inducements to Imp diners that will furls remunerate the trouble of exam ining inar-stock. i;s r aoh but a trial, 'be convince the Country Trod!, that we-are prepared to Belli - low al.& accommodate.. - Ottr stock of Tcth'e nud A>ekef eufkry is 'chummily large, selected wli L rare. and including ayariety pfstyir that cannot but - siet all tastes. - - ' We have constantly on hand a large assqtanem'of Building }IO4WRi... Tools,Vutlet y,' - • A11a..., Toot-Boxes. - and Chests, Saddlers add Shoehlaketa Ecrews, everything in 81101 t. pertaining teal:lnt data Hardware Store. r Particular attention paid to`COuntry Orders. - It is our aimto secnrotbe poll! oence. douronstomers, and to thiti - end we are particnial. in filling:orders, to give the best and as cheap as though the customers were' brq,ing in person. Give us ati tat Erreassess.—J. li. Rbryock, Esq., A. E. • lictlure, L. B. Eyster, Chamber-burg. 5.511 TEL Si RICHARDSON. 611 Market St, Philadelphia; tug. 5,',834f NEW HARDWARE STORE. L. B. EYSTER. would respectfully inform his fthmds, and the puYlie generally, that in conneztion withal& KEROSENE OIL 'AND LAMP STORE, he has commenced lice HARDWARE business. at 'his new,Store room. One door north of • 01. Huber's Grocery. Iris stock consists In the falowitig articles; viz': Building Ithrdivare, House Furnishing Goods, - - Table and Ptwket Cutlery,' _Hecht, t tic,t Toole,- Neils by the aniallor keg, / Fuming Utensils, such as Shoves, - Ent:des, Fury it; rotate Lifters; scythes, etc, ate. Also, Wags, Nato. ilenr,o?e; Lluieed, Hermt:ue. and Lubricating.Oila, Lamp,. of nil diieriptiona, , , Chun() Hera for Gaa and Kerosene. Fruit Jara,leat quality, &c.., Sip; Agent for Shia of EVANS & WATSON'S ,Rtre proof Safes , Dilly 29, '63.tt. Ia4RpITAAE ANp - CUTLERY. W. w. KNIGH T & soN 7 . • Importers and Dealers in , ENGLISH. AND GERMAN A3t---D,WARE 509 ananierai Stret, Between 6th and nth and - Market and Arch Sts Philadelphia. _- a • au& 5, '43B7tf HOEMAXERS ATTENTI.GN.- We - have always on hand,Shoe . Thread, Lasts, Beot Trees, Leathers, Shoe irons, &c., &C." . June 17,'83 ; , - MYERS & BRAND. YBR AND 311 f Br4 res E h H R ardware, to al. tthi e ch on th s e t y an ittl r. the attention of the - public. We have a large stock at Nails sad bun, which - we offer at reduced prices. eGENERAL ASSORTMENT OF 2 1 , BUILDING ISIAT.PLS.44, sick as Hinges, Bolts, sews, Locks, Glass x Putty,. Itc, ILS AND. PALNTS--Dist 13u.* 111 'Head, White Lead, Lliu3eed Oit, and all kinds 0 emori,st . the lowest dash prices. MYERS k LARGE STOCK OF CEDAR /I WARE,' Tabs, Buckets, Churns, Basket; Water uaue, ae. • • • ", • • - ALTERS* , £ BRAND. ' UM PACKING AND BELTING, GManilla Rolle, 3( 3 andi inch. 1 ' • • MYERS &BR . iinoutattre. FRAITICT4IN , INSURANCE COM- PaILADELVISIA 7 No, OA and 487 I..writnnt Street. Capithli '' ' • • .. 1409 . , - ,000 00 Perpetual Promhums,...— ... . ... ...-- .. ~. -...',. 895,824 ea trnexiiio Temporary Premlwris_ 171,525 86 "Surplus , - •- ' . - ..: 9".4,768 11 • " ' ' ' , m ,.' , ud - - -i - ~,393, :: .' . 1.18 39 State:reset of the Assets of the Ctaxiprmy ortaanuary 4 , . 186,3, , Flref eartgaies,imiplisecured.- "' • 81,993,931 45 Reel Ettate,,cpresent value 8138,12247 J c9O 128 A 910 77 Temporary Loons, on ample Collateral been- , rides{ - " . . ' -' ' ..,, 84,633110 Stocks,-(present value $98,30 6 18,) c05t...,..: - . - .' 84,901 le Notes mid Bills receivable - ' ' " 1,549 80 Cash ' 75,312-0 Advance f 5 Vilna , of heal Batate oyez. cost, Advance is value of Stocks - over cost, loisr - - 39 sir The only Profits from Premiums which tnis Corn &fury catvdivide hy law, arefrore Risks' which ilaYo . beeD ' Ebdilicifrett of he Cbmpaity. "But thenioneyS received Ms premiums nppon Mike which redidin midetermhzed, and tiro - Outstendlugat the tiztzeof dechiring such Dividend; shall ;not be 'Considered as - part tif the profits of iziki Corporation, or divided as suCtiP- . :"- , , PBRPIRIVALI LIMITED INEWR AMES' , made on every description pi property; in Town and Country, forDirriers,..diortgeges. Ground, Landlords; •3c. Rates as towasare correlate* with sectirity. • . Pince - their direarponttigni a Pailed of thirty they have 'paid - over YOIIitIirLLIONS OP DO LOSSES. By PIRA thefeby affording: evidence of the advantages of Insurance; its well as: the , ability and die peilyoll to meet with promptness all liabilities!. FIRE. Discs paid dnring.the Year, 1862.: ' ' • D/ItECTOES. Charles : lir.' llag6ier..,, 'David E.: Drawn, 'Tobias Wagner, - Isaac Lea, Samuel Grant.. ' - Edward C, Dale, Jacob E. ' ' George Fales,, (344:18e!. Alfred Paler. • liCHElOtresident._, TEIV,ARD C: DALE, Vies President. Jae. IV. Il i iiidaren, tem. APPlicatdotilnada to DAVID Oaws.':tdChambela burg; who fe,en authorized; Agent, for' the 'Company' . either personally or byletter,Will'rneet attentiow., garch 4,18e1 • • • ATM.AGENV-r:-.llit: Joni. Guov.t., kfi cs Chambers - brim , ' lc the General Agent,, of the FrAnkill3 County Mutual ' pmtcranee Company. - Jrmel7,'63. - ' ' WM. M ragtrAN, ptik IRD. BA.SO' 1 8;7 "- ;4 1.O rQ un t riiritZ' :pt.rat Riab Bone, Canarg Kemp „ Rape aattMititEeek • ' - at tiPANGLitS, HI MYERS A BRAND '!,891 138- 9,851 70 18478 !Pl ] : =MEI MI