Erg )i LaiYieUtt T A:rf I , ` A .—Frile:Elevelith „ -. ANNyea, Exitiquaux ~ ,o r the . *.k.'ennsylvanidStaic Agrrevltural Society trill be held uti • . • ' IQONTGO3IEi: . r.OUNTY, PENNA., Stptembet _aril ceatth and Octoo. Ist d 41883. N, ortit U toWnatikrul .I'r miles Welt of Philixteliihiai on 4he tichnvlkfll 'River, and is areetstble by Railway to r} , eVery portitin of rho State, I The tirminds are ,bentitlfully situated, containing 25 Jirra of ground, With fine large buildings thereon erect , cd. together telth largo amountillroi of lding. The track •is said to beetle of the best half tniiN tracks in tlieState. The preminitts aro thelusiviest over offered by the Socie -I,ty, grikoatithig-b-abollt sitluv, th- premium& for all' grades of cattle exceed Slone, five ik which are "S:3O each; ' 'nl.l tram $25 toflslothers room iouldown to lesser •rates • 'Vogt herd not less than dS hesd, ffrpt premihm $4O; mid prettlittu $25. • • • ' • ' - ' al'grades the prom ails ix, cod $1350 - The highest $100; 'Z.' between $2O and and others rang '' • front-SA andss, , ' For Poultry there is alongll4 if, premiums, froin $2 tail each. In'the following, clanS I.llOSt libeiza prom'• tints are. °Urea:. 1 4 10W8. unc Drills, Flagons 1-feaping and Mowing, Machines. thitters;Corn Shelters. Ni.litler Is,Purope,„Duckets, W4CO, legther and lie , lqatieuctiares, dtti 'Fixtures, Marble Mantlet Putter. G 3u and St•ods;FegetabloS: And .11•ot for ,Doniestic and 1P), Ovid ;trinufactures, Cloths. elsrpels, Satinet.Shitt ing, letting, Blankets, . Shawls, Brat Arica. ork, Bread,Calics,Alterervcs,:eille3. Aa./ lirgo'krouiluins aro offertd for • , rer variety of it r ;Onl Vhiwera, 'The Floral Tent will ho the large (INT' "el - ecVedbyftieSpelety. and will rim olio of th net at. :triict,i`rofeatils of the Ex hitti ' Pratt rapes and ;Wino Will brie liiblted In this ` deopitoomt Tho'Pennfyir ad Railroad antileer' n Railroad: , mange," to.tarry attic, f r itiertoandfrom the'),4dbitleti'freight free, il•ql tits; the forwarding froight to 'be pald, which will ,rit re-pald shipper when are returned to the Staiii.n 'Nvlience shipped. It is afrect the Same with ot t. r important reads., Exettpilons at reducedrates wil be run OU all the lead hag Entries con he mad tho Oftlio. in Norristown, after theffil day. MI, eptember. Al! must be entered on th,e..lioutvi'dr. or' before Tneop.y evening September 23:11: 'Exhibitors must become members. Membership $l. with rear - Coupon Tickets each, of which will atrrait - Mat, intim* tik therair Mice. ' • i t ......... ..... ...... 25 CENTS. , Iva,. A List of Premiums and i ltrzalations can be'bnd , „A3.s4o,rensitig e Becretaky. I • , THOMAS P. xxox,Pre3fdent. „, ~ A -Rnaltra teorrisatint; scc,y,Tibrri-itown, Pa. f•iPt. A -5 c • subscriber isthennly antlr}rired Agent for theca% .ineeter ft DieHere° ,i1:1 Two•horso Thresher And• Ultioner, with llailread l'oWer, for' Franklin and Mains Counties:o-11e is now toady to receive orders for , • - the same. Thlaqtraoltino h Two•lione , V,lwer; anii will 'Thresh and Clean any kind of Grain. It ps Ihe P.REMItilt MA cn.IN H. hewing taken•the - Prentibm at • the 'United , Strifes. and all tltd Stato an' Comity Fairs, 'wherever or, bibitod; They are mad° of the I ,•-,t/ material, and - Iran. ante.' by cue of the largeitt !uf4l•4inist responsible establishments-In-the Itlnite,l 4 ,3tute< , It is'sitarrentell to rthrishandtlaiiti front 150 to tludllonhoht of Wheat, and double thatAirant,lo/ tifOatii in a. Giy. 'lt requires but two heraoi;lindmOdrivdr: The 'Power and - Machlne can both liviirothed iit an o'rdinary horn floor. The Agent himself mead one of theeti , at imithies lath sea:sen for four , month.; constantly, and Can te , lify to the truthfulness ' petite, Love state offacts , Tie has threshed as much ae _.l.,l72;fltisliels of Whest.-la :4.3:i ' 'ours. ' iIO .worked; the , items, two horses Constantly, in he Machine, and at the emu, of -the time,. they ,were i as good condition at at , Ara, ' ,lip: therefore, is prepared to, refute the idea, that -" they are hard motiories. . liii. wed .$6O 00 for ono horse used, nod $040.00 for the Cilicroir they rritherimpreyed . thimdepreciated in Tahoe. ..1.-. 1-IPervins. Wishing to huy,will pleaie matte opVicAtiott poen, an it •will take some time ; i,, get them from Albany,. IT. V. pi ice with itailroad power at 'Albany. t 385, with • (Leigh/ , ide.t. .I,ever. power. Liar-horse. with: same Ma , 0.0....t.255. freight , added, .Tim agent will order none . but th.atesold. . ...'.... nov,ERT itLACK, Agent, June 17.'03-3m.s Payetttiville, froMaio Co, Pa. - STRUCK, 31 - ..-itiITVACTITRER AIIitICULTURAL-I)IPLIiIIENTS:—Shop on L., mei- street. between Queen Washington, Chain ' ben:burg, Fe," - • 1 . • :•", W AWN ARlNGS—Havinit connected with his Drill anti }hike „Factory that of Wikeon-llakinz and-having arm/eyed bn W eof the butt practical agen-inalmrs iu the ootusty he feels confident in aXxitring Farmers, aid oth . ; Jere netnina this kind of work that he is prepared' to =render vatiresatisfactlon teal"; who may leave their or— *. -Mem: All work entrusted to Inni will be promptly and - -t neatly ... executed. at moderate prices, eitherfor new ovoid nark._ iarthetil arefnvitod to call. give him a trial, - and get-the worth .of their money .1 . • BLACKSWITIIING I—He alio carries on the Black-. eratllhiett. and employs a skillful-workman, who isable to ' de all kinds of Smith - ink Which is required . for Wagons, Inc.. . ; ODD-SPRING OIiALN I AND HAY BAKE. - Hecontis nee to constrtict nusurpassed Patent 43 . " - Oure-Spring 'Grain and Hay 11a1..e. • . Anip. :Ante and,pottaty Rights for sale. June 17;'03. • • • -A , GRICTILTITRAL IMPLEINEENT zi, `MANUFACTVREI2S:—{I92f: Z. .13 0 YEE fir- Rao, •‘• " ' :'S.i*tit St. and4lermantoft Aienne : ' • ,!, 4 ...„.. - , . litainLtnetn re of tba ' • ' 1. ' •- - , Pranaluni 1 1 'Oriatigill, - - : Horaa•Poirarsa d 'area:bins, ' CiannltCe Saw ItacMnas, ' .. - • • Oiria E141.10:8; -,. -i-•':- - ' , '. - --' gu n lrtni n e!,, . '''•' ' • ' ' pumig - ' ' -.. • • .- %, . n ' and aregy iarlaty of - approved .. , . Agri Itunalpaplements. ' ;OM ` s fog' and aaddtesa > - 'V.L. L. 13(yYER & BRO. ` l.- ‘' : fitli'iti."4-I.' ' ' ' : ; I'. ' ' Philadelphia. pristrAtm MIL 1 „The unii ieliabAßailner's Os hit Mill. • ' •, • • , Is aftsple, du Wand efficient. _all Made 04 grain rapidly. . atin , ted toßorse Bowers, „ • • --. Xiers^Fartni ate, ihould hate one. , • - m ora. ,Aied for delis the Ore r land address - - yrMi L. BOYER. & -BRO., "AgricilturailmAletnent Manufacturers, mixtueit An& G. , Tl:otaitarErivegme, jbly , 'O3-641: ' - • noßli Theeelebrated READINkS 'PATENT CORN SHELLER' ) and 17;4per,e aid - Cleaner; for EioreePower—its capacity, to p 01113.000 tolsoo Bushels per day. The celebrated • STAR, CORNS SHELLER, ,iyisitba-Tot . htiad and her - server. These Shellci - e have isd, superier, "'Address L. DOPER L. BEd. " Agricultural Inaplement Manufacturers, tug "19r301 , r , i Philadelphia. 13 - o - nsp, - OW & -TIIRESII. 4 'il :Ems: . t r , nainin.EndlesaCiatin llosePowers. ' ' .. .tiiiProved Coniblned,Thranhers and, Cleaners. • ' ~,,-; itemium . Threshers and Seperatdrs. " Circaler Saw , Machines for .Croes Catti'ng Wood. Address ' W. L. 130Y.E13,4 111tQ.,, , ... 2. ,.. Agricultural Implement 'Manufacturers, ":„, , - 'an ri l.Z3m , , . , I Philadelphia. . .‘, • • .-, , ..X.lnt .11tTILS1---.3.r:Ve . r.5 & Biand ),,, , ~ t ;sire agents for.Frankli to., to tell the LEBAtiO .. li '.7 LB: These 13ells are - inperior .to , any ether 801 l ...,-( turaderinthe , State., Wehare'sold a large number in the - ' 7 ipotinty and find them to .ghte good satisfaction'. These, I:' , :6ells,aresuperier In tone- to an.t . OtirLOT Iron hello:in& equal tenfold brass bells. AIL boils sold are: warranted and Itany shouldbreak, welt/II supply new • - I • • • I f idne-r4.113; ' 1 • - ILY ES a BRAND PLOIiTS 0 . 10,AG4t SELE-SEUBSENING and Steel extiirsd. ugbobt:Plo . - Address , - WM. L. BOYER It Elia; ' • " Agricultural Itoplemehta Mantitacturert . 'aiticlsMni 4 Pbll4lelpbtit. 44 01s.01i'S' CELEBRATED Cl t- • DBE. 11.1.1LPSon Which nine berrele - oieider has Kea ttey, by One hum with the assistance 01 , 411uremtill boys ? . For Salo by SAMIJKL - SEIBMT. - eltAmber4butg August , i,Cr:44,gents to B .IIU salt theLetatim Iran ;Bell. , -The best article made. . Ail bells warranted Mg to br eak. Call and examine oar , risteels, air we ao determined to sell goods at short profits. r Anse 17, V. • I • NYBILS & BRAND. -HARVEBTtNG TOOLS.—ForkB Dar& Scythes, Crpfles ,Scather; &c. • MYERS k BRAND. ... , • ~_ .-..' ~,.: lteOtaitrattts.. • -, , . . . - . JIA.NXLMT - ,Tl* A LI4; RESTXUB: F ANT.--,14:4112/N IlitiChM . , Propileter. Tbls well . wen:Eating ;Saloon le fitted. op in elegant style, and ', t:0 underpinned Is=preparetrto sem. up Yft•ESIII _OW -1 , 111018,-PISII, eßous, TRIP/.1, CifiCKENP, •R • , and of,ktf SOUP, and (lone ofull,kinds. • ,• , 3 .1 L. • WASIIARAUGII'S AND - LIII/VI4'B4LEi , ermatantly on hand. I ;._ , • .'f.:; Ito respeCtinny Cake a nontinteince-of the patronage' - en!liberally bretorred by his friends end the public. . 3 4-4,line 17,:'4', • - MARTIN BROWN.: . • i . - .7 . ,;:, , , , ,-: ':"I: . ~1 .1 (41i,rixj.,-.0:.,!:- ALTAtORB LOCK HOSPITAL DB.JOIINSON, the forindcW thiti:CeiebXated u4titutionottere the most certalnispetqly, mid , only effectual - remedy in the world for (fleets, Strisetnres. Seminal Weakness. P n. in the Loins, Constitutional-De. rnmetesce, Wealtnese Of the • Sack - min Affections - or the 'Kidney', Palpitation of , the Heart, by/limps* Nettotts Irrltnblilty , Disettsevof the Read, • Throat. Nose or Shin; and all those serious and-tnelan choly.disorders arising from the dedtrnctive habits 0. Tonth,-Which dettrOboth-bOdy'and &lad, Thdse,seeret • and aolitaFy.practices are more fatal ,to, their 'victims than the s.•ng of 'the Small to the mariner ;Illyssus, blighting their most brilliant hopes, or actitipations rendering marriage, to., impossible. tOIING ., IIEN[; Young Nen especially,"Who lavebecoMe tit; *FA iims of S.litaryjice,that dreadful arid' deetructive' habit c which annually sweep's to an untimely grave thousands goon gmen.of the most• exalted' tafent and brilliari :eintelleet; who might otherwise have `entranced *dein in g iSetkAtek wittilho th , inders of eloquence; or calked to eustadylheliving lyrir, may; cotiftdotite. .• 31.ARRIA.14E'! . ..1. ; Uarriett ilersOns,.' Or iounk, men' Co . ntemplatine mar Tinge, tieltigawar-aorphyskat weahne43;prganfc y, 'ileforniftios,'Ac . , should iminKliatelircOnstat pi„lohne 111&,rthiiplac61hlinielf under the care of Pr.Johnaton -- maY'rellaloristl confideinhtnhonoraaagentleman,and contdeutlx. rely upon his BUT ayhyalcian. Ia . RGANIC , I3f3f6DIASSIX COILED AXI) 7 , 11'4 ncilftlil7.949arD., _ this disellso - is the' tairinliy;mest-fr t equeritliiinld'hy those *les laid, become the vlctixasof tmprdper ipclul gencei. tonng - persons are too apt to commit excetises from being aware of theiireadfal coneeettencen that may easue.. - ; Noir; who that understands the subject' will "pretend to. deny that thel power' of Procreation le lost sceneflY•tliote falling into improper habit than by. the prudent;' - Besides being deft - rived of the ,pleasnre of healthy offspring; 'the niost • serThus and 'destructirc sympathyloraind'and body arise. -The system become'e 'ol.liiical- end -mental pOwers weakened airi , eusldebifity; dvapepsia, palpitation or,thb biSttrt Indißeit bin, a wasting of the frame' cough t , iyart , re he of consumption - ' • - . , , N. 7 South , Frqptich Street, , seven &obi trent „Baltimore street; Rist'sfile, up tin the,etaPs. Be•partieular in observing the' name ano nnniber,Or you will Mistake the place. .0-4 CURE WARRA.NTEto Ibt TWO liAYS.4by „., " ifirctirP.Or Mt/smut DrultJ Br. • J . 0- HNST 0,11 . - 3.t0-thiioi of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, gra dilate Ircen,,one or the most eminent Colleges of th. United" 'States. and ,the greater part Of whose life . been, spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, fhiladel phis and elsewhere, has effected some of the most eaten telling cures that were ever known. Malty troubled wittcyleging in the head end ears when asleep, 'great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bash fulness, with fremOnt blushing, attended: sometimes withrderangement of mind, were Mired Immediately. DISEASE! • When the misOided and imprudent votary of plea sure Buds ha has imbibed tie seeds of MIS painful-die bsse, it too often happ.ris that an illAimati sense of ahrne; or dread DE discovary,deters him from applying to those who from education and respectability tai nionehefriend ttitet, delaying till the constitutional symp toms of this horrid diseasemake theireppearance such as ulcerated tots throat, diseased nose. nocternafpaim in the head and limbs, ditnnese,of sight,- deafness, not.v ion the shin,' hi/nes and =Dr, blotches on the heid, foes and extremities; progressing with frightful rapidio. till at last-the palate of the month or the bonesof -the 11096 fall iri and tiievictitn'of this awful‘dilease become, a hortid object of conimisueration, till a, atb puts-a pe riod to his dreadflil Sufferings, by senoing him to .that bourne from Whence no traveller returns:" Toonch therefore, Dr: Jiihneton pledges himself to Preserve tht Moat Inviolable secrecy 4 and from his extensive practice in the firet-Irespitals of Europe and America, be can o nfulaltly recommend a safe and speedy cure to tin unfortunate victim Of thislicirrid disease. I It is a 'melancholy Met that tlioasandsifall victims this horrid diseaSe owing to the unskilhallneas of igno rant pretenders who' by Mal of thhtdeadful 'poison, Mar .cnry, ruin the ethistitution, and either send the tin fortes' nate to an untimely grsCve; Or - miike thicrOsidue of life miserable. 7; , _ • , TAI CE- PARTICULAR, NOTICE Dr 13. aildre - Sseithose who have, injured' themselves by private and impropef indulgence's. , - Those some of the Sail and melancholy effects pro by - iarly ,- Youttr, vvia:-:-WftkueSs of the Back and Limbs, Ballwin the Head, Dirtiness 'of Sight. Loss of MuscelarEsOwerfl'alpitationlof fhb Reart, Dye- Nervilitis 'lrritability, Derangement of the Diges tive Functions,tionerel Debility, Symptom? of Corisump • - Masyratit;the fearful effects on the wilnd are much to 1 eilreadedi _loss of Afeiribr,y, Conftision of Ideas, Dupree 'of Spirits, Bill :Forebodings, Aversion to Society. Self-Distrust, Bove of Solitudeaimidity, ftc., are some of the evil effects.- Tharmaids of persons of all ages tan now judge what isthe cause of 'their -declining health, losing their 'rigor becoming wealy pi le,'have singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of Consumption. 7i. STR.OOK Dr. Johnstoriti's 'lnvigorating Remedy for Or- Dytliis g reat ' and Important reniody/Weaknesa co the Ofganais. speedliy cured, and - fall-vigor, restored. Thousands of the most ne.reous and debilitated, wbo had loit alt hope, bait been'immediatelY'relleved. All impedimenta tosfarriage, Physical or Mental Dierm al Rcation,Nervouslrritability,Trembling. Weakness co Erbanstion.of the most.fearfal-kind rspeedily cured by Dr. JOhnsto . u. _ . I TOTING ALEN, Whobwie injured thentselyea by a certain practice, in dulged in when afone—s, habit frequently learned fr in aril contpanipus, or at school, the effects are nightly felt, even when Asleep, and if fiat 'cured, 'render ma rings impossible,,and destroyd - both, mind • and body. sbonfil apply irrimediately. '" i - What a pity that a young tamp, the hope 'of hie coun try, thadarli rig ofhls parents, , should be Snatch e 1 from all prospects and enjtiynients Oflife, by the Consegnenc of devlatipgfrom t bertiVcrf nature,' and ificfnigingln cretaltisteret habit . 'Such persons, bet* nontemplat ' - .141.2t:RR IA GE should reflect that a—sound mind and.hody are the Most um eAsary requisites to promote connubial (lapel um. Indeed, without these, the journey through lir, becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly dark ens to the view; the•mind - beconies shadevied - with deo spair, arid filled with be melancholy reflettieholhat the happiness of another becomes blighted with nut OFFlthi No. 7, SOVTEI'FitETIEitTOIC. ST., BALTIMORE. .The avtay thonirandireured at this Institution in the last fifteen years; and tho numerons important surgical, Operations performed- by Dr. J., witnessed by the re• borterzof the papers, and many other persons, notices of which hirre appeared again'anda 'gala befitreihipub lic, is a'eafticlent guarantee tattle afflicted. "..i• N. B, There aro so many Ignorant an"vbrtfileas quacks advertising themselves as Physleinint,'rtilning the health of the alreadyatil let ed. Dr. Johnston 'deems It necessary totsaY to those unacquainted with , his rep utation. that his Diplomas hangin Tomes-411 lettere must be post pitid,and contain a postage stamp for the reply, or =answer will besent. - ' , -Veb 25, iti.l.-Iyr. & H. T. ANTHONY, ,)fantitiichireis 4,4 A'at4icipht4 Miterials, 501; Broadway., New York. OAR•D PHOTOGIVAPIIS. Our Catalogue nowombracee considerably over Your Tit/passed diffekent subjects (to which' Widens are don thornily being Made) of Portraits of Etablent Ainerlcans etc., vtz: • -' '" - • ' 72 Major-Generals, ,- , . 1 525 Statostnen, --- 100 Ortgadier-Generals, ' 127 Divlnei, VD Colonels; • •• ' - 'llO Anthore, .134" Llentenent-Colenels ' '3O Aitiste, . 201- Other Officers; ' ', : ' 112' Stage, ~ 60 Navy Officers, . ' 40 Pro/WM/at Women, 147 ProMinint Foreign Portraite; - ,! ' ;500 Cbiiss gr Works, of ,f r t, .- . ' '', ... . Including repro/lactic/us of the raost.colebmtell Emgrav ln,„-s, Paintings, Statues, &c. Catalogues sent on receipt of 'tamp. An order for On Dozen .Plotures from our Catalogue vrIlLl e. filled on receipt of $l.BO, end Bent by moil fme, . • PHOTOGBAPRIC ALBUMS. -Of th ' ese We'retinufat.titio a 'great riiety, railing in price fix= AO cent to .S3O each. OurAltrams hare the reputation of being sup4or to bendy and durability to any others. The, smaller kind CAD be sent gataly hytnail ate peeteke of slit cents per The mere expenelce cart bo sent by e'xpreas. ' • liVe•tdio keep a large ansortment of amulet:or - Els AND OTE.ItiSOOPI Our Oetaloine at those VW: be Sent -to any' addiess on . receipt et Stamp. - • ." Jill.. T. ANTONY, .• , ' jfaan£tatarereottshotographio Idaiestals 501 Proadmay, 1470: Fork. • . . -Friends or/Madras Of prominent military. men will confer ab.rethy sending lie • their.- •ilkenceslo copy. They will be kept cairn:by and returned uninjured. • Filte Janina made to order for Coagregatiolur to pre sent to Urals Pastor, or for other plarifollor, irttltsuitable haseriplioas; &es . • . Caag.l4-Goa. gania Weakness. ,STitANGERS. labotogaptir• tpcf.i,ftaititlittililtpp,Oto attornego at Raw. - • ife* -- N:N . E. ,DY & NILL:—Law l'art 11\ nerthip—The undersigned have itisoclated t nem sei yes In the practice of the La* iu the several coarta of Prank,in County. Oulre on Market:Street, in the min, 'heretofore occupied by T.. 13. Kennedy. . . . ,T. 13. KENNEDY. Jline 17, '63. ' - ' ' T.J. NILL.. -: TTORNEY., AT. AW.--WTh t~ REILLY, Attorney at Law—Officenn3lar l ct St—formerly-occupied hy..lteilly d Shi,rp, directly, opp site the Court Home, Chamberaburg, Pa. All legal imalciesa twitruated„to him will receive prom pt. attention. Ho will PraCtica id adjoining Counties. Tune 17, '63. G3.f.& W. S. STEXGER;' . Atibr, n o s. at, Laic. Chnmbetsbnrg,,, Pa. Collections promptly; atte.plad to. 11r S.•'Stenger, 'Thstrict Athol , ne,y and agent for - procuring Pensions, 'Bounty Money _snit Atiente uf "Pay, "Offica ,3tl door from the corner. - - - Jnne 17,'83. . tIrtnETT, Attorney at Law. W f t s °Mee in3lrs,Bartra 'dwelling, directly oppo site the Gsatliouse,-Chataberaburg, Pa.. Will practice in thoseveral (locals of Painklin and Fulton Counties. All legal business entrusted to his care mill receive, prompt attention— _ Juno 17,1864. 'P. 9 . RIRMIAUGU. - ,;;;; QTIIMBATIGII & STEWART,s Ai. farina at Law:Cltmbertibing. Pa.. giro their updi- Tided attention t•i the 'Practice of their Professilo, • tea":olll.c6 . in the "T 047.1 ' Jane 1'4'83. T 3rDovrttit. 811ARPE, Attorney . . at Law:Cbunt4enaburg, PA.. Nice in Mrs.lMrd's ilirectly - otip(o!e!he Court - June 17,1863. - • , 0. • SEILIIAMER Attoisitgy, - 'at I,JI • Lnw, ClMmborsborg, Pa. 9f:floe—Main Striot, ‘bore goeerk, to the room formerly sneopied_by S. It eish e •r. Esq. Jirno 17. ASO.' ( EORGE EYS-TER &F. J. BRAKE;'Allorrtegi-ar train,ttiv'e removed to the room or' Main:Area, oue cloorßouth oftlyater's Store. • . June.l.7, '63. • , 4 " -- S - : - OLARK; Atforfiey , nt lh . ll%;;lztas ,c.reminrod , ht..rate feW "toorat Batt at his former to,,,tion:an3f,trket irtreet: (Sbuttosidtv.)' June 17. '63. riALVIN DIINC,AI\7,-Attoriwy at r 1,._/ Law. Offide . oh' Market Street. ip lAwyeee Row, piwielte the Colin Mule. - June yr. VA. ' Attorney at Law. ClittmVerstirg. Pa. Officean East 3larketetieet, •-tearlyappasite thiSCourt House. June 17. 'B3. iJEX..K. M'CLURE, Attorney at ClinnAbersburg. Pa. Office in the Pank/in tiepository Lintldlngs. Juno 17.'63. ZDentitrt). DR. WM. R. HURD'S DENTAL REMEDIES ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, ..,usurtng Fine Teeth and Sweet Breath, and curing -,,Uoothacheand Neuralgia. Dillon wish to be blessed with'andad•nired fsr Pearly White and Sound Teeth? Use Dr. WM. : It: Ittrup's . UNRIVALLED TOOTH POWDER; warraotos free Dont t acid, allrali,or any Injurious substance. Price..2s rents per box. la'. Beware of the ordinary cheap 'Tooth Powders, , which but destroy. •;- Dn you wish to be cee taro that your Breath is pore, sweet and agreeable to husbander wife, lover and triend? Use Dr. lIURD'S CELEBRATED -31OUTII WASH Price - , Si cents per bottle. The astringent wash is also • the best remedy in the - J world for Canker, Bad Breath. Bleeding Gums, Sole' Bluth; etc.. it has cured hundreds. Do you wish your children suffer from Toothache? Get Dr.ILURDS MAGIC TOOTIIACIIE DROPS. Price, . 12 cents per bottle. Are 'yeti affifeted with Neuralgia? Get Dr. WM B EtUBD'S NEUR A LOX A. PLASTERS. The waist effective tad dilightral - remedy known for Pains Ix the Face, L, ;hest, Shoulders, Neck, or any part of the hefty ' ' They do not adhere nor blister, but - soothe anti charm pain away. Try them. Price,ls and 37 coats.; Untied on receipt of price. - ' A Treatise, on -the best method of Preserving the Teeth mailed on receipt of the price -10 cents. It le a valuable little Work, and should be in the possession of ' every person. For sale at all the best stores throughout the country. r CAuxiort—As there are dealers who takesilvantage of our advertisements to impose upon their rustorders In , ferlor preparta ions, it is necessary to insist apnn having_ what you call for, and you will car TRR atm, thoroughly , rested, and prepared by au experienced std scientific Dentist, Treasurer of the New York State It mists' As nxintion, rind Vice.Presideut of the-'•`icw Yottc lity Den . tal Society. Address WM. D. 1111111 8 CO., • June Tribune Buildings. 'ew Yolk, TEETH -INSERTED ON FIBER - DASE.:—DR.N.SCHLOSSER, HMO stit tit his real , mune on EAST MARKET STREET, near ale Franizlin itaillread. Dentistry in alt its brunches ott sided to with dl the modern improvements. Having int-dished to this community fur more than .two years, th.t teeth on Amber is In every way CHEAPER AND TICTER than teeth on any other Material,l oonid say ttut I still see, , ao reason to change my opinion, for there Sr many per ions in Chamber Shins: and vicinity for w:om I have i pasted ipeth on A.M.B.h'h who can testify Gtheir sups,' rior merit.— - N, B. Aft-work ;warranted to girt, entiefctinnor no, large: Tenth extracted without pain +Mt 'pert - eat mfoty kAlthoet taking Chterofortu, For fetter infor mation eat! at that - Wien. [Jun 17,1803. TAM W. W. scliliossEß. Surgeon Dentist—The undersigned has remoed hie Office grunt, the Manlion House to the residenceJf Mr John Noel, Northweit corner of the Diamond. Uri oppooite the Franklin Hotel. Oakum' the se oud through the paelage,o the right ut.yen asced tho stairs, June 17,1883. . W. W.SCILOSSER. E , ,MOVAL.-Dr.. J. K. - Rill), Dt . n ksj tistitaorimo4o,llo3 office trout the orti . er or the Public Square. where he proctieed so marirritre. to the "uroOf of •Moin Qacett Strmte. nterto lloyser'e tOmit Store, inamborsburg, Po.. where he w z i be pleaeoil to receive the efille of hie friends. [Jaen, 1853. 4Jbician~. • R. A.R. SIIAW returns hs Planks to the kitizenA of leratikAn craintyt;r the lib. arm. encouragement, bestowed di him tb last three years. feud writes those who hare not ludo trial of HOMEOPATHI' to do so. t•eiltigtutioutiee. All cu. ruble" owes osis rely on a more speedy cur than under arty othersystem. Dr. S. has featured teiVorth Alain rG eet: n short distance below the point, ultra he ate he found read) to attend to calls, either in tow or coUntry. when not ablaut on profeasional husintoss. ' • Jun 017,1863. DA. W. D. DROWN. PIM Y. WALL. BROWN • & 'WALK, - Electictil Phy xfeianl. Offica in 'Franklin Building WEST UAL ELT STRZlST,ChtlTlll?ergittlig. I's. The above treats all Chren(c Dfarasesay means 0 GALVANISM and the different modification of }MEC TItICITY,as discovered and taughtly Fru .BittelltV-tf ' , P , )",01IN. lioNttionmr attend prionp - tly to all calls to his lie. Offico en V; street, next door to the Eagle lint 4 and nearly opposite the residence of the , fln.-Uourge Imnbum • Chatubersurg, June 17 Dlt C. RICHARDS ±l attend 4promptly to ail calla in .his fine. Cleo on Mein Street. next door to Spangler'i 'Drug Ston Sir OFFICE iptlna—FrOnl to 8, A. 514.2 to 4 nntt6 P. M. - Jue 17, 1861. 211.otires 'Of the Voce. TUSTICE OF THE , YRCE.-H. tp D. DAVISON, Justice Of thi Peace—eftb immedlatc. ly opposite filolndian Queen llotal.'!. A business on. trusted to life care shalt recelee prompOtention. strumentsAt Writing of all kinds, drawniP in a 31'43- factorytianner. - ttue p • HAMIIAN, Justice qfie Peace • 1, CbabibOroburg, Pp. tr e. 17, 'M. IV .. OTICt OF TARTITF4SECIP:- Notice isheribytiven that the tuerelped haft -this daj entered hits, partnership, in -th soh4lakinit business, in all tie 'various brandies, till i the name 62 Peltier & Foltz. The Said firm will do 311:1085 at • the jo .it stand lately ocenpled• by , Etenu,P er Ce.i'and would resSeffully solicit a ,cohtinnatiehr the , vablic Patrol:lse. ' - • il. HEN ' PZIFFEII,. ' N0v.0,1861, ' 0,0. FO Z. VCOThavo tWrnored their BOOK 114BERY to the Third story of the IllAlizzliXi.llolClSß, A the Distdaltd, /theme Shryeek's Book store. Entrap between the Wok Store and Dr. Bravely's office. Olfkaks, eats, lanai 1 4 1worspapoia,lke„ bound Wel style. Blank Books made to Ordir." Paper rolectio at ilatti 44 .'-' . - n:,,r-aantber:4l4;t:l - ,Pa.' 33ook t f e Stationerp, Q S. SHRYOCK; .:1300KgXLLER STATIONER, Xor - ucoupiesliis NuirSto4Vriou, andisirepared to transact lidiiness Riteatur facilities than eaor if • ; 13'0110K.5. , - .Schciol BOAS - , I!ctiSCollaricini BOoks, Toy Books, Liirdlooks, Medical Books, Sunday School ,Books, Military Books., ; - , • - . ; BIBLES= ; , A large assortment of Toetei,andFamily 13-itdee;. BLANK • Of all sizei t qualities and etyi es of binding. , STATIONERY . , great variety of all:kinds of Writing find Print ing: Papers, of:Fr4ich,`Englisliiihd tilso,,Enyelpesof Ink, Pens, Pencils. India Rubbe . r,: Tai) . Seals, Quills, - Copylioola,Pliittingßoaida(Oii•es, 4 Erasers, WiltingSand:A:4 `.` • ' ` • - • • GOLD. PENS. . The-very. best Gal..n PENS in the market, fully srarranted, made by Leroy W. Fairchild; of N. 11% BLI,ND • PAPER. • A full variety qf patterns gird qualities VALt, . Nearly Two, HuNprom differentr!attorai.toßether Velvet t#at. • • TirOttitE - vizAmE - s. • Ova nd slttiqp Franies for Flp,ioxrapjis, Frames uuLdp to order., , • ; FRENCH. GLASS-, 'Voi. Picture Fiiinibs. of eat ' - CHEAP` .NOvkLg MuelOpwer, than piattlhers' prices, among whit are the following: ,Tlie White Drniser, The Ranger, -- - The Midnight Quear." - English Tom, - . Josep!ine4 - • t! . • Mai:teethe Saranac, • • ! Cap,t. Ra,wkes, Don Dernarde'sDanghter, . , - Helene.: -„ , DavictDufheks, ,:.• . • , • • Sketches in, France. .• Verner's Prise. - Roott's Novels, . Diekens':Xorels; . • , Mrs.Soutlayeth's isrovels, Mrs. Gray's Novels, Buiwor's NotrelS., • Arthur's Novels, . Lucy Sanford, Rifiv Shots,, . Trinl and Triumph,. • Prince and Peiller, , • '• , . - Annette, Rant Lynne,. . . • • .• • Miriam AlroY. • • - • • ..Legendsland Stories, - , Red Jack,- • Red Scout, , Rolle of the Rower:. Slbil, Campbell, Grace IVeldon. , • Ripal Beauties. The artimbler, Barren Honor, " • The Squire, Falkland.. Milrose, Chips film Uncle Som's Jack-knife, - • The Ertrrlasting Fortune Teller, - • . . The Manseuvering Mother,' ' - Marguerite do Valois, - . •• - Foggy Night' at Orford. The Quiet Husband. :".- • - • Two Prima Donnas, - - - • , - Morgan's Freemasonry. The Debtor's Daughter. - _ , The Banker's Wife, - • Highwayman's Ride. - Nobleman's Daughter, - The Scarlet Flower, - • Tlati Wife'sTrials,- f Cecilia Howard, • - Lena Cameron, The-Expectant, •. • • • Los Miserables. 500 Puzzles. ENGRAVINGS English, French, German and American Engra vings. BASIC'ETS./ Fancy. Triti;elini. Book. Ficnic,.Fruit. Knife and Clothes Baskets. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS Single and Double 'Zephyr, Tapestry and Split Zephyr, Shetland WOO, 4-4.. Sc. , The Philadelphia and New' . York Dailies received daily. Clubs or individuals supplied. . • WEEXLY, PAPERS,' ' Harper's Weekly. - • Prank 1;0/ie. N. Y. Mercury, N. Y. Weekly. - •- • -- New York Ledger, etc., received weekly,': • • PERIODICALS. ' - - Harper's Monthly. Atlantic Monthly, . • ' Continental, ' Gotlei.• Peteriop, Ballow, 1 • KnickerbOoker, , All the Year • Cornkill. etc., eta.. received as scion as pablishea. CHEAP LITERATURE. All Ord Dime Publications; IWeeltlY NoUvollottes. Song Books, eto., - received ' ORDRES. We take orders for'all kinds of goods- EXPRES.S. ! - , Wa • reecho goody by gipiess xvxfrr as, titan the East. Blank Deeds, 1 •- - "ViritinEr and Printing Cards:" Rulers,'- Paper' ' • Weighti; " , Fario Bozos, : I ;Combs andttaties. Chalk tons, and all standard goodS in our lino ooestantly on hard.;_• ‘1 - Shoot Iduslo..forßituso Flute, etS. PIANOS We - puictrii t aFiailas an commission, ii.o - ;as to save oar ouiforrieri Om Fi ft y to Otto MandrrifiandTifty Boliata.' - - MUSICAL INSTRVX.KICTS We ean supply any kind of Musical Instritments at prices far lower_tban PHOTOfAPH••ALBUIS... • • We can sell Photograph Albums it-lenter 'pricos 'than they can be proeured for in the eitici. • We have no hesitation - in saying to our nusterners therfrOin our long' expirienee. Oar mauddr of de ingbnsiness, and.our groat facilities. we do noetear cOmpetition.' and _have no doubt of our hoing able to give. ntire satisfaction.: Come and see' oar - Now Store. dur - 71 4! and exi largedstoek4 and form your win opinions» ' Oranaherstanz, .Truk'el7,lBol. = • ) 1 : ' VMStOri j3ollritg agelUleo. Toinr' 31: POWEItOY; - , - • tor • • • - R 361 AND W 417" AGEN(.7 I ,t 204 SOUTIFF4OII.IITHSTRET, ' • /- • iniu,ADELITut The undersigned, having resit 'lds 'leaden as tap. _m atiterhithe has.o nett at No ',;104 - SO TII. FOVETII:_ • STIINET, AGF.Ny',Y FOR gfiiXTRING PENSIONS, and for the collictiosi of Ognosaa',,,SinSittlial, and nll oilier Cuins - agiiiiiit the GoVeridinilat;':. • 11910ligesperfence as Paymaster, has given Ism 'Unu sual facilities for teeming thoroughly ac,quainted, with 'this business in ell its detail. On the reeeint. by mail, 'of it statement of the case of ClaiMini tS, 2"WM ibrward the necessary-papers Sir their signature. - Personal at tention will be given to the caeca at Washiagtiti.- ' No charge unieskeuceessfuloviien' Sii will be charged for colieet it g tilltinme hinter SSS, and slo'On all sums over that amount and iiruler42oo. 'Argot dahilif take" on specialsrrangemebt.. Fees in Pension Case? as fixed by INFORMATION FOR AND INSTRUCTIONS TO • , . ' CLAIMANTS. "I" ' - • 'AllSoldiere of the present war, Who have nerved'Aiv'o years, and Soldiers discharged for wounds battle, ,without reference to thou of service, are entitled, liesid6 their regular pay, to $l'UO Bolinty. - In case Soldiers or'Seamen arddiseharged or wounAreceived while in the. creice,theyore entitled ton Pension according to the &Liability. . ll:Cease 'of the death of the 'Seidler before - discharge r { thrungy disenee contraCted, or wounds received while in service, his widow is entitled to receive the $lOO liminty. besides tutta),riiKe.s.ef pay and pensionduring her lifetime ar widowhood, , , • If the Sobilteclie after discharge.from *sense 'eon -tracteil or wounds received while in service,his widow is entitled to a pension of .536 per.annuln. ' ; ' " of nu widow-or minor Children, the mother 01 the So ldier or Seaman will receive the Pt-listen, if dependant on him - wholly or in part fur support. - •- • , ' If deceased, Soldier or Seaman leaves no widow, his Childreia -are entittedrto the same benefits us the widow, ' except' when the children rimy !mover thorn:o , or years. - ,If no Wido', or tamer, children, the lolinty awl' pay yrill.descend to the heirs as follows; , - • First to the , Father, lieemcil to the Mother, third to the Drothers and Shiers, and tnen tethe next of DlM:argot" Soldiers, whose clothing, account was utt aettled at the time of discharge, 'Can recover any balance due them, if the Company books are not destroyed,, To 'draw thie haftince,'write to your Captain for a - des - of1P: tivellet, showing Clothing account, and forWardit to me your preliminary en/tomcat, giving also the date of - your discharge Soldiere,who served with the nine months' volunteers, Can recover $2l• bonnty and premium, withont regard to time of service, if they have. not already received it. , Soldiers who Were prisonersln the,Sopth, and Soldiers win, were absent on"sick furlough. tire "entitled to &in cantation of rations. • • ..In Comtnuniciging with this office, state the nature of ' , your claim fully, aud give the Company and Reg meat to •which yeti or the Soldier for valeta you claim belonged,.. as well us your present-Post Oftiee ad.ress. • - R.F.F E It F. NC.F.S. fps Ex , e119 . 9y ANDR*Vr CURTIN, Governor of Penn sylvanta.. -•‘Box. &MON 'CAMERON, liarricilirg, Tn. ` • Dia. JOSRPWCASLY, ChiefJUstiro of the Coati of:Aims; Washington.: 'Hors, E. H. Ilimea.a,, Chief Clerk of Pay Department, WashingtOn.- - • • Hors. EDWARD biePancesort, M. C.. Washington. Boa. Jaa.-P..Sszatirt, President Judge, District Court, •s Pittsburgh, - Eon: A. K, McCamt,Chtimbersburg, Pa. - 1101v.Tnentss A. Soon, Vice President Penn'a Rail Woad. -Boa. WILLIAM B. THCOISEI, COGeetolol the Philaif a. 'Mon. C. A ;Wsmiona,. Post Master, Philadelphia. MESE - LA CO, Bankcre, Philadelphia. ' ' ' JAMS DunAp. President af Union Bank, Philadelphia Butd,irr & 41111110117 E. Attornies, RTram, WE/ST it ERVIN, Merchants, LUDWIG, linsznixn A Co. Merchants, .Pcniensrr,Bation Dawn Faun d Co., /Merchants, Bsnasim S. JANZiET, Jo. & Co.. Merchants,- , CRAIIII9 E. MORGA'N CO, Merchants, ATWOOD; Waite di CO.; Merchan ts, - . • JOHN- 3f. Pll - 31ROT; No. 204 South Pourtit 3treet, Tgne 17, '63-tf, ,PENSION; BOUNTY: AND WAR CLAD! AGENCY.:—Pensieris' proCure'd for-siddlers of this present war who'are disabled by rist4on of wounds received. or iliseaso contracted, while in thatervieeot thb Unite 1 States; and Pensions, 3100 Bounty, and Arrears -of Pay obtained for widows or heirs of these who havt ,o f or been killed while in service. - , JOHN, R. ORR, Claim Agent, .Veb. 25, . Chantbersburg„ Pa. Manufactures. , TO T.H.11 PUBLIC GENERALLY. CI AMBERSBVIIO FOUNDRY. Itio-noderslgned, takes this method-to inform the public that he has taken the FOUNDRY so long carried on by Wm. Seibert, with all the PATTERNS connected, there.' with, where hoburnoses mnt ning tl.a Lua uuco, audio now propated to make • ALL BINDS OF CASTINGS that may be wanted by the community. Par.ticular, at [cation will be paid to making . atul!keeplng on hand ey dry description of PLOWS, CASTINGS, WAGON, BOX &c. All kinds of Castings made to order. - New Plowgi, of dif»rout•patterne, alwapt on lintel or usyle to order, OLD SIETAG taken in trade, for Which the -highest price will be given. - By, devoting himself attentively -to- bt}elncss'he hopes to merit and receive.a Alton of public patronage. June 17, ISJ. 'ABRAHAM 'METZ. QILVER AND - - BRASS . PLATER kj AND BIT AND STIRRUP NAKER.—The sub scriber reip,ctfully infornis hiti _friends and the Public, that he carry int the above business at his' old stand an .laln Street,opposite the tiarman Refurtued Church, Chandiersburg. Ilaring enlarged his business, } Saddlers and Coach.' mad err will find in his Stare Itoom a 'general assortinent of Wads suitable to their several requiremeads.alich as • Fair - and Country napkins, Patent Leather; nig. Trees: full Plated, 11 coed anti 'Japanned; Self-Adittating Trees. Full Plated, 'Pinned and Japanned; Straining 'Web anti Worsted Rata \Yob. lower than Cotton; Bits ,iani S.tkruPs,„Plated, Tinned end Japanned;, Coach Bandies. new styles; ,Ourtain Plumes; flub Banda; ilkidlo'Fropts, Roseate& Swivels mad Ornaments; Iran Plated and - Wood Mfg names; Backlas, Brass, SihrOt and .Taparunal,' all styles and patterns; linty and Wooden Martingale Rings. sturup Joints, and a variety of other Goods snit.. able fur the trade. a kinds of Plating, &C., done with ne a attitiss and despatch. " WkIIPT,EII. , "March 35.'83.—Gm ATE W- - MARB L E YARD.-;-Thc 1.1 undersigned respectfully announces toThe citizens ot Franklin county that he has opened a New Marble ward in the recur formerly 6cciapietl by• Dr. Ilatniltuti, directly-opposite d. S. Nixon's Drl3g Stunt, Alain Street, in the Borough of Chanibersburg, where he will keep on hand of - make to orderalTarticles in his line of business, 'Such-as AIONIISIBNTS,' TOMBS and ILEAD STONES. ALAN- LES, TABLE d: STAND TOPS, &c., manufactured front the' rery best Foreign and Domestic Marble. • a lle respectfolly solicits octal front those who uciihe in want of any article in the above line. Tfe is confident in his ability to satisfy all who nosy be pl&ksed to patronize him, either as regards his prices, or the !polity, beauty, and chasteness of his work. - - July, 8, '63., . ' JODN A, OBOTD.. Vainting . $4, BARNA.IO T. FELLOWS, • HOUSM AND SIGN PAINTEit GRAINER, GLAZIER, ANTS PACER HANGER, - SHOP ' in the Old Armory Betilding, : olp !8t0i7 4 5.4 . next door to "Old Jail," Peiffer 4. „Foltz's; Carriage Manufactory,,opposite . ; Hotel, dnd CORNER OF SECOND AND I,I4BEET STS., , • ' C6uthersburg, I respectfully. tato this, tnetnod ot, thanking* the c(ti, rens of Chtuubersharg and vicinity for the 'very liberal 'Patronage l have received at their bands - far the • past , year, (ray first Year In this plar,e,) and flattering thyself that I have done, and , and an still prepared to do,, the very best work in my lino, I solicit a continuance of pas; D. T. FELLOWS. P. S. I vespectittllyteleilo any of myPatrons: 44 = 6 Syster,,Wm.MeLonahan, Col. A. K. McClure. Rev.ldr.. Niccolls, Presbyterian Church. Dr. Itichards,br. Fisher, of M. Eieffer& CO., German lief d /ilisetiger. J. Alliion Eyitor, Win. C. Eyster, had any others for whom I have done work—for character of work, done,,tunl eipedition Juno 17. '0.3-tf.. , . B. T.." 1. Mato anZt fit% ..51T.:21;,,, tetanra • with all the now at; a a o r f ed li t atai n ga n k sh an t i n l Y Str; 0:ods, width I will atoll low. - 4 dOOraSonthnt Eyator &Bre. ; VEW STOCK of STRAW GOODS 11 at old prices, at pECJIEWIIB. QIOVT . RA,TS of all colors, styles, i s .Na6 ir4alittesyrtom fifty testa tip, trill get bar. Cahill at DZCIIRRIDS. 41 1 00 **ill pak.for tilexgrosT. 1).: _ TORY oriertaztobefivat!.-Q44tedieN is ' ' _ ,•-! iffulgitatiouo r , . 1 1 4 17 - j0 - 5WA:3740, is u c q eesor to M.D. DOOLADv), 49 Walker Street, - IR AIMS - MOM -WARS OF AN Arta 201. 0 by. Doctor non. T..1:41.15,..kata• pot airoa at New Tata, tuld Director nt Yi7tkeTloaaa Tai 'Cloth:: 350- ca. nand: Plies ISI. lidtand Discount to the trnde.. Eachcopy eoutatits as date "graph leiter trout . "4:l6ileent • " I ,ND.olok , cotr.sS"4l.- MAO - t'olened furry Au:tetra : IU. Timis retteTed r . 'luta titeMonate =thorn-kip ta.!litet Pen Wow& • clearlY tablished, by the Roe. John C0n.1. - Thingt D. IL- Lectares. Cloth. 211 srp. • Itzio: TILD ACTREISS , 41.01.1 LIMA. An- AVOW-tilt JP . : II- tei , - Quarters; b)' rt i.ntly of Snipth Carelinti."]dotSt. 441 "page . , iDWENTURE•4I2 SEA AND LAND OF THE COUNT DV:DANA'S ;' 04/the /lever:On rinit•Piatelity of `WOThls .An Episode Al the Cefuedution of Canada. Erni.° Chevalier. Cloth `41.2 pp: n n i, • 0 . : 9.ll6tatABLESrliY 'cletur Lingo, FleieTolti,tibi Ore. Fantine, 3.larine, St. Ternio, ,Coaette r . Voljdp. Clut.V. • 476 Bird. $l,t,Q 4 BANS OY ICELAND:—The Demon of the North. A ilomanee Uy Ntefor !Illigo; Cloth. 18i pp:- .50e. „i t i tt gurg Any ARREtii if IN •TilE , .BoUTl.l.:—.Feelier: -in the.Ezpriienre - Of ..4/Lituerau" Unionist; by It, 'S. * Aorta; A. N.' .1\ atisualifitutlelton; for thirty yard. resident of the Colton States ; and commonly known to the West us " tbo Alairaina Refugee! Cloth. 31t; LIVESANB L'ETtiill OF ABM-Ant ANUU ' EI P B by iyAr. Cluth- pp. thin). tt.;AS IN. CHILI. -ClNtb, -116 pp. 12 0 ,, 0 ,, rJe. - WOOI)S , AI9 WATERS :=The Sarni/am m'et ,. /41;.i. llq All'ered neut. Cl. 341 pagea. 12mo. ,'STORLES• OF FRONTIER AIMENTUBE!..P.I BOOTH AND.WE,ST. Cog;cvl.tall, A 41Rox:PT ' Hume Ilitei• and' - Hint " Poeta tend rbetrS' of:The West," •@c. Elotb. 313 pp. 12rao. •. ._ THE BATTLE 01' WATERLOO. .131 V ictor !Ingo. FapeeCinero. 75 Pagen: .16nto. 13e,- • r; • „ IN THE LIVE OF A LOCOMOTIVE 'ERR PAperCorertr. 224 pp I3mo. 50e. Cloth s -.;OUR FARM OF !FOUR ACRES; Reid the blotto, 'nide by it: . Fruni Ole 12111 - london Ed. by Harriet 3f r,•• tit ean. ' .Paper -Colicro.' l lW pp, lima. 115.&.' Offltb. "Theie berolts mai bb leingbt at retail front Hie .ftfrel) or ,s KIR FOC& • " fici/3”2240L, -A- VERY CURIOUS BOOB.—lust Published. , dfysteriex of Life, Death and Ilorace Welhy. One V01..12 hanikedne ly printed withemblematic frontispiece Pries $1.60. -11, dinicult togive any adequate idea of thn varied sled curious topics of which Ibis eminently interesting volumes treats. It is. n valuable array of. the.liest thoughts, impressions and beliefs of the most distin guisheil ninulseu thephenometia of Lite, .beatlittird Fu turity; It is such a ciminionpince book as some tht nicht• ful divine Might hive compiled, and in its thou f and Ind one refui mires to the works and opinions of our hestund , greatest writers is not 3nfer.ior. as nn interesting try curiosity,- to the famons "Anatntnrof Melancliffly,P 1)-ont the Boston Transcript. eviiik before is by iloraciWeliiy gives 31iti -ler cipluitinst beliefs and superstitions wbichf history and literature afford In any manner pertaining to vita t May be.. ehlied the mysteries of humanity: , Llfe "lind time, the nature of the soul, spiritual life, mental ,plie domenat beliefatid skepticism, death, the resurrection, Ate., and discussed an& ilinsmated from this highest, tift 'thorities, from ti edition nod Scripture, Egyptian legends - anfl•Cliristien factie.-• Greek fable, snit Pilgrim's pro . press. A troiy religions spirit perrades the book; it. le "the restiltof patient r search, - and to fhb philasophbr, :the plrycholegistohe"pbyskiligist—to- the .turidus. pious, the humane, it appeals with fell and freguent .khoefledge,'suggestion and aspiration?' •• . • G. 13 It KG OR I% Publ falter, , Nit. 4& IValkerst.. New" York,. OE BM Yttn7, l 63 MANHOOD; a 1 . • BOW LOST! l'iOW RESTORED t Just sParillihttl Qn Sala rare/opt. Prim= Stir ( Cents. Dectire ontthe Nature; Treatment undllatlieni Cure of Sperm ntorrlicea or, tierninal Ile:amass, Sexual Nervertieness, and Involuntnri - Irulasions, 'ln ducing Jmpoteney, Consumption. and Mental rind rhys lent Debility, by ROBERT J. Cutv Elm tai.,Yl.D. The important fact that thanwial consignetice ofSel f- Abuse may be effectually removed without internal 'rciedicines or the dangerous' application of ceniliesvlb ,atrup).ente, medicatets bungles, and other emptriew Ai- Tibes, is hero clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new 4.nd biglay.succesethi treatment na adoptid by The coo witted author. fully esi (wined, by. re eaus of which every 'one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at thelea et. passible cost, titeruby avoiding all the :advertised Mile. trnna of the day. This Lecture will prove" a Imola to •thousands,. - • , Bent under seal, to any address. in a pinin,s,eitltd cave lops: oil - the receipt of six cents Or' two' postage atainps, b2, - .o4dressing. - _OSA& .3 :e. aUNIS do C 0../ , 127. Bowery, Mew York , Pest Offico.Dtix, 455 F., - - tot mil) Mutilate SHE tt DUTCHSETTLEME NT I. bDPWN-TOWN I- -Exten sf vs. Ttn, Conpez and 41tre Etta ishmcnt 11—The untfersigned retpeci fully "in. furthalds friends and tile ; public generally float 'Mit vet removed his establishment from th e 'flu Leh Settlement np tetra,' to :the -apacions 114xon- fornieriy: oecaideir Sllpglcll Jr4raad, and nearly opposite White's letV. ink . Store. has•just received a large aseeTtmera of.',Cooll. COILI., , I'AItLOR and SrOV4S- of the most approved and latest pa; ter»s. trlith he 60) rind P. dot named Jo sellas clump, it net n little clan,peri v tban can_ be had elsewhere in the country, hainTso, nod Intentin keeping . ertnidar.tly oe halo). a large amortincut ot. Tin, Copper nod Oieet-iron 7111;ittit made of the tit.-4 noiteriel and by good Wolkniep. in want of anything /0 the AIWA . * are regueeteit to give bini a call Lao a put chiming eitta. tvhere,!an be,(liiilsconvirieed that hut-an:mit then.' rider as regards the .ivticle or the price, SPOUTING fliatie` nnii put up at the-shortrat All kinds:tat repairing done nervily stud exi,eattlunaly: Old Pewter, Braga Ma/ Copper taken i.. exchange for Ware, dr the lrighezit pr ice given in C 31.141 June 17,10F3.- :1011111 - OUSEKEEPERS, RP/11) 1 .--Grit- I (Zuglor'a-A.'totrist 40-pightl- T A :New ivy uut.lNtf STOVE. The plates nye very heavy, nntl.thir whole stove. is finittbeit in asatier lot manner. I Nvisein t this Stave tribe superior to any blat-Top Stove 1.1011 in 'the; mikrket:alid restiectfnily invite toy friends slid ble puldie;to thia Stove, of phial tyre are several sizes. . . , = `l' lime "alio a 'great variety or other 'COOlinfi STOVES-of eery style; PARLOR, STOVES,. new - wral biantlftir yatt - erns; together with n henry 'stock: of for - Ohaishes, Stores,Ofilees t Hotels. t JOILV LUDWIG '•W l D holeinle add Retail in ' • • r . 7.• STOVES; TIN AND COPPER WARR. I 10.11:.—rtair been appointed Sole Agent 1 arinft. Celet 'rat ell linnriss Air-Tight Cook Et ore iti (181n bmborr.., kg. Junol7. . A, ;T ETTER, HAMILTON &:CO'S Oreeit Stove , am} Ware, Store, cornei of (ha Dhthiunt.l, can be seen the largest be st, and cheapest stork ofGrioda in ChaniNrehurg. They hart-MOOR ING STOVE:3for Wood tun! Conlog latest pattlins Isncl nit sterlir prices.. purie 11.;1-86aN Q;POV-TING _DONE AT,- - SITOW- Ly NoTiqm, of first rate matarial and cheap, warranted; and cheaper thast tan bSbo ii Qltt olaartlara la 14, Corot)... Call and see ;or yottraelv e s, at EWER ,BAIIIrLTON'tt CQ'S. neatly opposite - LITT-4 4 .43,;„H,43111,,T0N - &, CO. are Prepoied to pit up the_best LIGHTNING RODS at cheap rotes. - - " Ai 4AiLwAys :ON HAND, 'A LARGE avalartmont of the vet/ bait Tin, Japanned:MA Oopperware, ,4c., sold Tow at , ; ETTER. HAMILTON , * ,CO'k.• VIM WORK WARRANTED, and Cbtuipet then can be 'bought Uleralese in , The county. Come and eeeT—then buy, at • , . - _ - -ETTER HAMMON & COS CAI?"°11-T ARLOR,' AND 13.1- coon sTovEs, oil' *At's, goodan/4/1.1„GIL-122°31' . - EtTEN; TIAMILTON co% 7:1710o, doors fross'abrYock's MOok- Rom, Vooko anb „stationcrg:' - *NIViT(STORE SON & BON siiltperied al their Store Evora, on , 'tho :Earth vaidE Pamela the!Dletnentl, opposite grankija,,Rall, Chombersburg,. Pa, en entirely new etoek,ol„goods, consist - a:eof1100ES of every deseriptloa. -Sta tionery of all kinds, Envelopes, Steel It'etio,' Also a lime assortment of WALIi .PAPER; , WILiDOW BLINDS, varlet:caprices, end a greattvrtrietyotNO~lQ 13 AND FAN ARTICLES; Pletnree, Yaws, Vas* /4 13 and , EisiaVtllastats, At.. Taney -Soap and - Perin"iti Alsa a gaud AsvrtzttettrierWorstettp Shittlandlr9olpts. and a great variety of goods too nasnerous to. yttilelt they invite the attention of the Public; WA' te• egetitdtitieltett the public patronage, t.floa , trOalkarld azartsine our stack. . t. • ~ ,WiT 8 .94,10 1 ? ' Er 21521