El Craton. Voila: atylt:4 I DROCLAILATION 1 - :GEN \ ERAI, --x. ELECTION.—Whereas, in and y ha: Act of.the lieneral Assemblrof the Commonwe Itif of Pennsylea nia,entitled. "An Act relatftig to tit Elettions'of this Commonwealth," passed theZil day of nly,Annoliontint 1939, It is made the dnty of the Sheriff. of-eery county within this CommeoWealth to give ipnblic notice of the, -general Elections, and " in Such notice to enumelatt-- Ist—The Officers to be elected. ; : • •- • 24—Designating, thi'iplatesat which!the eic,ction is-to, beheld, N'fberefore,' i.,; :I: ..;,, l 4 ,‘ II ' •• I SAMUEL BRANDT,' Welt'Slierirof the County of' liEltdeffi,4whereby/naltelfneWn - ntit - girelhis PUB - UCH NOTICR to the Electors 'of the Count of Franklin, that. ,SYWICIT4•23'IIIP,SIJA.Y , O3 OCTOBIIIt, , NEXT; (being 4,412 th d.ty 9f the montb r ) a qentr4l Election_will, ‘ be ' held at 'tlio several 'Erection Districtsiestablishelb'y law fir rigid dintitY at whieir tints they will vote, bj' lia'lot' for iltesereralOfficersotc: t her matter named, viz':—' , . t , ceno ziersiin. far florormii if • ttt&'"Coninlazio - ial tit of Pennsylvania. .i` ; ,r -• . gni> perpon for Judgepf the:SeprOne..e,ourt of i the Cinimentrealtli'of Ponteryliraiiik.:: ' i • "-'' — l ' " ' - • - , two Persons for inembers of Oa frotrie ot Reprosenta- Weelif the General Assembly, of POonsylvania. to rep resent the dountieA of Franklin and Fulton in the 'taus? iir Representictiires of the 'llenntal ; Asieralify: of Penn- . . . _ One person to fill:0o. office..of Atrothonotury ; for, the -Coinity of „Franklin.; -, -. '-, ' l - ' - , 4 ''Oliii Yerso'n to fill' the - office'ef Ilegieterandi - Recorder -ihr-the County of 'Fraiakant -, tl. ,-• . :',. I ~' !,•,, -, , •i; ~One person to fill. am office of pler s izeitthe,Courts, fer thepottitty of Franklin. '' -- , ~ , • -, , "Ode 'person to fin the office of TrSissrtreiTor the tetuf- WBranklin.• .- ' ,- i• fc•• : : • '1- - • ^-..•1r ii. + 1 - ' OnePOITAII tg faLIIIO Office of Cdtinty. ,Cenitnissimier fint;the County, of Franklin: : ' . '' ,- '-- ' "'Otte Orson to fill the oMett of 'Director of illeVelii'for Atte CMintY of Fracklin.*: .:. .; - ~, 1 • ) lt, , •r . . .• •,- !.: ,One person to fill the offico of ,Auditer ter the _County hi Yinulin,. •-. •- . :—.. . • , The said Elections vat bo had, throughout theCOmati siii'VAliiwa: n - I • ' '''' r ; • '• ,; • , --j.. , , , r .. ,j, ...,.. 0,4 t thieotirt nous& i utliellordagb ef Chamb el:BM:mg. - pr thtliorth Ward of said Borough} end pert of Guilford f'• At thellotitiatOft:T.'Wt: Tayler;for the' South' Ward of illittd Borough.- .' •,- ' • . ~, , 11.1, .7'., `." I.T ;, ' • ...dittle Public Rouse of ,Johe Gordon, at the„West 'Folk - 6f Cinimber,burg.. for the'temniship - of Ilninilt on. ,- -At the School House, in Fayetteville - . , ier• parts Of;tile itiwnshitia of (Milford and Orem.' 6 •":,, --• I ; • - • ,- ) /.. - Al,PireFublic Reuse of Martin Shoemaker,- in Green -1c Illige, for put of Green tmlinsbili.: . • '- . K. * l l't 4libl-Wystern ' School' liouse ' ' hi' the town •of Si. illisionsts, for ties townghip Of -St., Thentas. • - : :... ' , -, • . , ..At the Se:lmM House, in. the, tetra of Famiettaburg., ter the towtislep of Metal:: . ,' rl -At the Scheel Rook, ft thate - Wri Of Iteibury; for the .tiottmship of Lurgen,✓— - ..m -- .• • 1 t - ‘ ,.„Atthe Rouse of„Jelihßart - ,09,. for ,Par.t of• Owl:LB/4P of'Fatdiett. .' ' ' , . " 1 ' At the School lioniel in-the town ler Concord; , tfer Part lsaf dbeitownshin Of Fannett, and ". ;.' . -, •• f,,. i , At-the new, Stone School ;House n Motrotrtownldis ' trial, for the other part Of Triiinett I in, , • • ' ' At the Reuse taiwncctmled by Gin. -A inleirsina Mina.. village of Quincy*, for the the toweiltip of Quincy. Av,..'the Western - School Ibramitr.Nfitylieshoro; fur the towashipof Washington. At the Reuse -iii.D. Ferentiiii. ilrei'nnestie., 7 for An trim and part of the township of Peters and Moutgout -817. : , ', ' • t ' ,-, r'' At .' , - At the School Rouse, on the land I'of !ill cited - • Coil: In . Warren. township . , for the, towashin dr, Warren, , , , ., • At the:St resburg *hoof Rouse, tier the. township of 4etterkehey. .'.• ‘, .',.. f:- • ,1.. '. •.' • I' - • 1 At the Rouse of Jamesßullen,„ in ; the town of London, , f4i partof the townsittip!Of Peteii , % 1" : '' - • ' • , • At the Log House on the,farca 01l Jacob Elliott,for ,the Welsh Run District, belhglaii fer .tfolitgoniery twp.' - ' ..tC the 11011$.0 of Themes **foci in Mere, rsburg, for -parte of the townshipi'of,Peters and Moptgornery. - , ' 31t the Mount Rock School' !Rinse' In Southampton litastnaldn. for part of the totvlishipmf Southampton.' ,• At" the -Eastern School House, 1n Ortvtiown, for the -Otherhart et Southamptpe towush p., , . - NOTICE IS ItEltEllY GIVEN-i•That -every person' *tee:Ming Jnatices'of the Pasco; hvlie shall hold any' of- Ice or appointment df profit or triat.t nouer ten U.:States „or of ;this. - State r or, a City o' Ipeorporated District, Whether a comtnissiqued officer orlatherwise, who - is or .halt toe employed under the LegirlatlVO; Executlid 'or sandiciary,Departinent! a this 'State,- o'r. of thd "United p_44e.S,,or of anylncorporated. District, and also, that every member of Cerium and of the Stite Legishieude. and of the Select or Common Count fof tiny City; or Com indisiduer.of any incorporated District, re by: Atte inca amble -of, holding or exorcising at tiro time„ the spice or appointrhetit of Judge, Inspector et Cleric of hos elec.- Ilan of this Coranrenivealth, Mid dirt no and ge. Inspector -ordalter.oficer of, such election,: shall beJleligittle to be then voted for.? . • , , ~ -,. . ....., ,7 - ' 'Alailkhe said Actuf Assenibly, '4'ntitied r*...i.n' Act re-' ltitleg ti Eleethins orthis COMmonwealth," pitesedjuly . ai 1e31.),„ further provide.si as foildwi, to wit :- c.. - ' 4*Thist the Inspectors and Judges shall meet ,fit the - respective places appointed for huh ling, the electiou in the District hi 'withal they may rebbectiiely hohlaS‘ be-' 10139 - 4 - Th - ekon the .lidrvning of Me 2d TyeSttaY of Oc tober, itlid each of saidinspectora shall appoint one Clerk Whdaliall be it'ornilifibd VOtSr of ittch District.. ' . flalit &ilia thicperseindsho; shall havh - teecivid - the see- Atefillighest number of votes for.lnSpector shall not at lead octhe day of election, then the. peispu ,who shall 'We received the Second hig,ltest initialler of' votes for Midget:it the - next proceeding election,' shall - ad as, In iptiectur, in his place. .And in ease Hie - pe-P.scn who has _rriceived the highest number of votea for Inspector shall not attend. the person elected Vidgo'shall itiilsaiiiit an Iti- AiiittOrin his plate, additions° the persbe civet ell alidge .4C not attend, then- Of, Inspecior- !rho- iceeiviti - the all:Oast number of ,Ocies,tihall, appoint a, Judge ; in his place; audit' any 'irs.eandy shableontinue' in the board *tithe apace Or old bent after the time fixed hylaw - for I f t heel:telling of the' eleetiOrn ;Abe alified voters bf the township, ward or district tor .wch-. such •Mlicer shall hate been elected;Pr6ent at the' fine of 'election, shall - !heat one oitheir rithriber to flirt s a•taearteyP- -,-, l: ;• • r,Partienlar attention is directed ter thpAct. of Assembly passed the 2tith day L of,February,lB.l9, entitled `,‘An .Act . ..relatirci to' voting' at Riectiormj • in the Counties of Ad' tinia;Dittiphiin YorkyLatmas ter,rFeahitlin, Cumberland Word, Centre, Gretvee and LI le t , ' viz;. ;... -„ —, - , 11. its it enacted by / the SCIIIIte and /foul of Repre,, , Ireritatives - of the Nitimocogoalth cd - Fenoxylvanla in General Assemblyinitt, end it is hereliy , iffiPted by:the ttotherity oftliesenathtit it shell he -fitful f,r the -qualified veteran( the ,conntiett',of ;Adams, Dauphin. Law. tater, yoik.Franklin, Opnweriamt, ltraciihrd, Centre, Oreene•and Erie, froth andtatier rhemeisagti of this Act, , O Vote fop cdlA'axiilidateaTer:the 'Various oftlics to be fifb Oat any election ottone election. en one slip or en A tided, the aticefor tehich 'every catididge is nutted _lar shalt be dcsightited', tis required by the'axis' Hug lama of thellinunoriwealth.,,- t' ~...,,, I._ , . ~l 2, That any frattil.conaraitted by any person voting VI the inniniet above :preacribed;i Shalt' betpunlshed 'se iiiMilarfrauds sae directed to be Ipunished :by tho exist. lag lawti et, the Commonwealth."l, . ',• -, '- • For,the intern:Latina of the,electors of Franklin county, T Pub :tali the folleiving, being the .4thsection of the Act el the General Assembly of .the qession of "1851., entitled, .t 4 Sat to provide tot- the election of Judges 'of the Metal Courts of this Oonatrinalealth;, audits regulate cortninJudirialifistrictii,l— 1 ' * • • , ;4144 - That theelectiOnfer Jtiages' shall be,Theld. and ecomucted in the several-election Distticts i n ,the Wale rnanner in all respects ris, electique for Repreientativol W " %eer Shall-be conducted; and by -• the same Jiidgee,-ra owtorw and tacerili ard die prOislons ~. of the !Act of 414-General Agaembly, entitled,t'An Aztrelsting to the elections of this Commonwealth j approvedithe 2d day of Zulyililig, and its several supplements and all other like Ulnas far as the aciete3lMll beint force. and :applicable, Omaha deeraedand taken tell-pit - he election of Judges: Provided,:That the aforesaid electors - shall vote for Ridged' of the Seen:line-Conic oil a settettite piece of pa. pariand for all other Jtlges.resipired,' to Le learned is, the law on another separate piece of paper,: ' '-, - - - "It'aliall be the dny of, the setural Assesiors ' respect feisty, to attend at the place of Wilding every General, Special' or - Tothalutp electlon,6ihring the whole time saidelention is kept open, for thb purpose of giving in formation to the napectors antOndge, -- when called on, in relation to the right of an person neseseed by them to;votaoSimohniettion,:andter„such,other millters , in re. Wien to the essOtrient Of - Veleta rtaa the, iairlospecters, 1 oh either of tien,slitill fromttiMe to tithe reqtalte. -„", Nefierson slialLbe permitte,d to vote at oily, election atr afore:Mid, than a Whins free Man of the age of twenty one.years er more, who shall bake resided mu the State tit " least one - year;and ititlie - erectiVu District where lie Of ferist4ariotii at; least 'teas a n -o i limmediat d r propwoing euch election, and within two years have paid ~State or 'Canty tax whieh el/alit:Wye, Weil alselated at • lehat 'ton devil:fete's, the election„ But'cl ,citizen .of the, United States, who hair previously beet a. dutilified doter of this State, and removed 'therefrom, and returned, and who ' shall have residetlin the elettien District and paid taxes alfelitaildaball be.eetitled to vete after residing in - this 04,14 silt mouths : Prvyided, Ttiv,t the white freemen/ I.,tir.pris al the If ul ted States between the ages of twenty, Ohs and twonty4Wnyeartctvlet have resided in the elec. - tibia Dintriet teu 'days as aforesaid, shalt be entitled •to ' vote, although - theyeball not have paid taxel.,- • ~"No person shalthe permitted to vote wleise name la not contained in the list of taxable Inhabitants turhhili ad ii? the Connaissionera,'Vel&s, First,' lie' produces a receipt for payment,,withitt , two years .ef, a State or county ta.z, assessedagrecably to the emstitut.lon, and give satisfactory evidence either on hie oath .or alma. tfob, or the oath or aritrinatfoi - of - atialibr, that he had - *dance. a tax,mtin itilltird to produce such a receipt, shallin, ate oatirt,o the pay thereof,: or, , Second, if lid claim a right tnioto br being an elector botweemthe ti&of tweets :in:Wand twenty-Sere 'yeari ' ;shelf depose o.o.oeth or afilimation, that hl , has reside:lin the State at least one year next before, ay liation,„-and make his (Maltreat of residence in the District as - tstreqinied - by this and that 'be'does veiny. believe from tile ao- Amiga given him that hoicEpf thcr - ago. -aforesaid; rind give inch , other evidence ,t .m .le required-' by. this Act, Whereupon the inUlue of the p,ereon so admitted to 4 oto OMB be intiorted (n - the alphabetical lief, by the Ins Pref terminal a note miltroppeetp :thereto h writing . the 1 word"tax.7 be shall po admitted 0 -vote .- by , reas , . of having paid tax of• the Word- 4 4101.'1C honliall be a. .:14:•• ' ed tante by season of ago, and in - either teaSe the' reason of euziavoteeMli bo called out to the Clerks who shall make thelike note in the Healer voterskept by them. - "In alleaties-wheretbranaraw-of - the person claiming to vote is nett:mind on the list farmshed by the Commis sioners or Asiestim,a,fn hie rig) t- to voldfahether found f aih of by verbal proelainationth4k6; or by any Written *thereat or ntitils objactnd tope illy tinalifled tit lien, 1.1 1111 I . + . Mall be the at, Uf the insiaeCttris tiVeixatnitie Alai" Per: ! Stinson oath US Moat itheulnina tee hive' resided within tint Stater , /r one year- er mete dS pith than lie sufficient' proof thereof. but ha nkthe prcior byat least one corripetent Witinisstxtioothall be fled elector, that he has resided within`the DiStrlct for more than ten days next immediately preceeding said election, awl shall ri:so 'Atwell swear that his bowl tide residenewinpnrsuance of his- lawful " calling; is -withinthe District, and that he did not remove into the said District for the purpose of voting therein. • "Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who Shall make -iltiotirtalf;.ii-requiret4-9l)Lis_n-sidence r Vlndl.Pay ment of taxes, as aforesaid, shall lie admitted to vote in' the township, ward or district in which he shajl reside. "If any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent an officer of the election under this act Dom holding, such election, or use or threaten any violence to any such of ficer, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the execution of his duty, thall block or attempt to block up the window or avenue to any windou where the same may be holding, or shall riotously distutb the peace of said election, or shall use or practice any intim -idation threats, force or violence with the design to in- flueoce, unduly or overaw any elector, or to prevent him,' from voting, or to retain the freedom of choice, such pal, eon on conviction shall be fined in any sum not eipeeic, lug five hundred dollars and to be imprisoned for rtAinitif not Des that/ one or more than twelve mouths,fraudit .ohull be shown to the court where the trial a dtirittly" of fence shall - be had, that the person se offendiftr, Iris not a resident of the city, ward, district or ttptcritshp where the said offence wmecommitted, and not do titled to vote therein, then on convittion Linehan bOlentlinced to pay a fine of not loss than one hunartddiltxtore than one thousand dollars, and to be imprison it lets th an six months nor more than two yeani. ,• ; "If any person or persons, shall make any be t wager upon the result of any ele4tliiii, Within this Conic:ion wealth, or sholloffer to make ituttelffir. bet or wager, or printed advertisement, challengOor,:invito any person or persons to make such bet tir wager ipon conviction there of, be or they shall forfelli"narl p,ty three times the amount 10 olered lobs belie "If any person nut try la* qualified, shallftudulently vote at en election in this Commonwealth, or, being otherwise qualified shall vote out of his proper district, or if any•pot son knowiagr the want otsuch aqualification shall aid or procure suet%person to vote,the person, on conviction, shall be tine in any sour not exceeding two hundred dollars and be imprisoned for any term not ex• coeding three rnonthe.. • "If any person shall vster at more than , one election district, or otherwisotraudulently. vote ,more than once on the seine day, °reboil fraudulently fold and deliver to the Inspector two tickets together, with the intent ilk gaily, to vote, or adVisetind procure another so to do, he or they shall, oiacob,vietion, be fined in any, sum not less' than fifty nor morethfifi five hundred dollars. and lie ft& prisoned not less ' , :thitti three nor more , thnn: .tvrelv,e months. .. . .. , = "If any person nit qualified to vote in thg. Ciimmon wealth, agreeably pi law, (except the sons of qualified citizens) shall app, ear at, any place of election ;for the purpose of issuingiickets or of influencing thecitizens qualified to vote.lid shall, on conviction forfeit and pay I t any sum not exce 'dinone hundred dollars for every such offence, and b imprisoned for any, term mot ex ceeding twelve LI 1 - 11 " , Agreeably to tlarovisions of the sixty-first [fiction of said act, 'livery GouSral and Special Election shall be open between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue open until seven o'clock in the even ing, when the polls catall be closed." -Pursuant to the provisions contained itv, the IseVenty - Sixth section of the act first aforesaid, the judges of the aforsaid districts shalrrespectively take charge,. of the. certificate of return of --theNelection of their• respective. districts, and produce film at a meeting of tie Jitilga,„ from each district, at th'etoreugh of Chamhershrirg..on; the third dayafter the election, being for the;present year ON FRIDAY, THE 16T11 DA-NniiiF OCTOBER NEXT; then and there to do and perWm the dutfesseqiirettlzy law of said judges. - Also—Thatwhere a Judge by Sickness or, urawiLidable occident, is unable to attend , . such a Meeting of Judgis," then the certificate or return aforefuld e!•eit be. taut charge of by one of the Inspcdtorttor Clerks of lls6alec. Oen of said district, who shall do mid performth'ivintdes required of the said Judges unable - to attend. , Given under my hand anti seal-at Chambersburg, this alit day of August. 1163. antum b BRANDT ,- • • Sheriff's Oitice,Chanab'g, ....,--, , Sheri ff... VAYETTEVILLE ACADEAIt" - - 12 The annual opening of Fayetteville Academy will twee place on Wednesday, September 9th, under tile charge of Mr. A. E. SWINNEY and Mies E. F. Swnsstiv, of New Jersey. This Institution islncorporated and loc!,ted ha the will. age of Fayetteville, Franklin County. Pa:, six miles from Chambersburg in a healthy part of the country and with tnagnificent Mountain scenery around it. It is the design of the Institution and will be the con stant aim of the teachers to impart practical' thorough ness in. au. br.achn of instruction. Tito school year is divided into two seesrpnekS tenSatY weeks each. The Fall fe ' Twilled MosSmbiques for travelling dresses,:,,, SUperior Muslin Delaines in colors, •. ' Colored Ltionisund Crape do Pony,' - " - Black Silk, superier quality. - • . • - Superfor'ilyons Radzeme. Silks; (sublime quality,) A large lot of Linen Cambricilaudkerchies, A large lot of Irish Linen; . - Jaconet Colktra; new style, r ' SOU Des, ens 7441e5, Misses and Mon's Cotton Masi White - Linen and Cotton Duck, Superior French Dikskin . - - Superior solid pole!. Pointllle Flg Silks,' --. B l4lerior Grey Leoiroras, ,Superior Grey Poplin.. Best ,qmility tiro Leonora:l:, bilk heck Ties iind'Collni 8. 4 Ladies and Misses' Fillet Mitts; , Marseilles Vistings,, - Super Ladies andMalls' Kid Gloves, Ilantkilimeliew Style prints and ilinghams. ' - CA'RPE'TS.. - - - Briniseiti,Vervet, Three-ply(saperior fiUS)and ioaitaot. Carpet,. -„ - , • , Four.four.fire-fopr Cicoa-and Canton Mattingl 4-45-4 8-41-4 10-4 Floor Oil Cloths - _ Superior Bolting Cloths; • Bonnet {ribbons, • is is Balmoral Skirts. , , [drays 17,'83, SKIRTS ! SKIRT'S!! SKIRTS'!!'! 111. A.. ;ONE'S' ,CELEBRATED "NE PLUS ULTRA" BBIRT, - . , , - ootr. 01.14 , ..„ • . $6.17 401i1 1 ,11.80i St., PHI:LA.DE.LPRIA. Skirts of aillengihs, aqd any aizo waist, made to order, and sattifaction guarranteed.. '‘'Lkdigis i ldissea and Children's Sk . trta of every' elan and Ithoe,„coristatitly on hand. - • • • - Every Skirt warranted for Siz.lionths. , 1 i , EAT)4IOW, I ,WE D O TyCTStgESS. we ac., not make any cheap skirts In the common accep tation of: the tvriM.bui we make . TIIE 00A!PhSVS)I-11T8 ,becanse cre make . THE tirST:AXIYIJEFT COMPETITION warrant every shirt - WO sell to be uxactly'rus ren vetented." We make all Neti beil,:rind knowing how they ore made qe gu s arantee them with foil confidence. If we sell a bad skirt we will exchanor it for a new one, and if:theyset onto/ eitlerj'or break within six months, toe witl repairlhaii free of Chorg;l. Vr« mean to,gia our - customers full , sathifaction, init We cannot'do so end compete with the low priced auction Wedeperid entirely upon the superiority of the goals we offer, arid the fairness of our method et diAbg business. Orders ileft'it di ryocs's Book Store. - -, • . . , . , . • NRECTIONS ;FOR, MIL 4STIREMENT. Take the eiact size of the waist, without .thiy allow ance. The exact length required and the size around the bottom spring. Also if the hkirt is 'to be large, small, or medium size at the top, and 'Whether It trail or plain round SkLrt. -- A: JON ES, ' • • "lin re North' Stli St, Philadelphia'. aug • • Over the W4x Ogre. chwubpraburiss Pa. •• , . , ELY ' TOBACCO AND, -SEGA_R, STORE.—To the Citizens of ClitonVersburg; and The anderaigned, having,boon compelled , to leave Virgiiila on actount of-his 'Union: sentimonte, bets eothe ahnnigpou teeistablleha business;'hoping kola Ida long ; overtake, and by,oloae attention,'. he ,will -moot with a genergna 'support Ilia .stook will collatst of all • ho beset:km - Ng of TOBACCO - and SIXI.A.IB,IVhich luiwZll edliethealiaa can bolted any whore in foiVn. Don'tfotget, the ance,ottu of the "Ilttie • Virginia mgger,"oppoatte the Franklin note', next door to hiyock'a. Book Store; Struth.ettat corner of the Diamond. June 1.7,1.8 t%: • - ' ' 0.41.1317311. . . ,-- - TM.Plit 3 itlcT.,B:-De . altis' arid Ma it 'A: +Ardmore ofligildtilttirill and otter 'lraiiliquantB; can reach a largo clawod'Valttabla customers by Atorza-; Tiouto in the FRANKLIN REPOSITOICY.' , , . , , .10Alt$1 1 / 4 ITS of:BQldters iii.;the ilets or In iintkp'.ltal.; - - can inrnieh 't,hem, with tie HPOSITORY . three thOnthe for 25. center • six • ihr, 60 coats, or ono year for $l.OO. - WELLT.9. OVERLY Eirg . a#l) scimp,,oo,ol). Cobarto ait *risaro. BMW . *, ALCo.tOLIC. s..4l';‘ , A ITIORL'CONCENTRATED VEGET-iL , BLE -EXTR*OI`. A PURE TONIC. Dr.: HOOPLAITIVS,Q-F,RMAN BITTERS; LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS iiiiCEe'i'Of ther Kidneys, ail disea s es arising ft6 . m a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such •as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness es Blood to the Head:Acidity of the Stomach, Nau sea. Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at tie Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing. Flu: teringat the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sensa tions whenin a lying posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness .bf tbo Skin ,and Eyes. Pain in the Side. Back, Chest, &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the liWar Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great De pression of Spirits. And positively prevent Yellow Fever, •Bilious FeveK&c.• They contain no ALCOHOL OR BAD WHISK - MI.- They will cure the above diseases in : ninety-pine cases out of a hundred.. Indueed >iytho extensive sale and universal pop ularity of Hoolland's ;German Bitters (purely vege table). hosts of Ignotaut Quacks and unscrupulous adventurers have §peut d upon suffering humanity the flood-gates of Nostrums, in the shape of poor whiskey, vilely comptitifided with injurioug drugs, and christened Tomes; Sfoinachies and Bitters. Beware of the innumerable array of Alcoholic preparations, in plethoric bottles and big-bellied kegs, underthe modest aptellation of Bitters.whiell instead of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave the disappointed sufferer in despair. - 1100FLANDB GE BAIA N BITTERS ! Are not t new and untried article, but have stood the test of fifteen years' trial. byithe American pub lic; and their reputation ands sale are not rivalled b y an y similar preparation. - - The proprietors have thonsaads of Letters from the most eminent CLERGYMEN. LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS AND CITIZENS. testifying of -heir own personal knowledge tothebeneflcial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. - Do rat want something to etrangthen you! Do you want a good appetite? - - -Do you want to build.np your Constitution! Do you want to feel well ? ' Do you want to get rid of Neipousnesi ? • Do you want Energy Do 'gi want to deep well r Do you want a brick and vigorous feeling! If you do, Use HOWLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS !! From Rev. J. Netrton',Broton; D., Editoi• of the _ Encyclopedia far itelifrioioi Knowledge. Although not disposed to favoror recommend Pa tent liledieines in general, thrimlit distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a; min may not tegity to the benefits he believes: himself to have reeeived from any simple PreParatien, in the hope that he may thus contrib ute to-the benefit of others. fdpliiis the mere,readily, in regard to Iloofianits German Bitters. prepared , by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city; ',because I was Prejudiced against them for tunny years, under 'GM impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to fug friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esg.,/ the removal of this:pre : i/dice bp,.proper tests. d for encourage ment ttetry 'them. When suffe g from great and longeontitued debility. The Ase of three bottles of 'these - Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed..by-eirident reliof. and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I bad not feltforsix !months before, and-had almostdespaired oftegaining, I therefore thank God and my friend for direeiinglite to the use of them. J. NEWTON , BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23, 1861. DAVID n- ntrtents4slr PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many . preparatione eold under the name of Bitters, put up in quart bottlea, compounded of the cheapest teni , ,key or common rum, coating from 20 to 40 cents per gat/an, the taste disguised by Aniee or Co riander,Seett. - This crass of Bitters has caused and WU continue to cause as lon, as they can /Todd, hundreds to die the deedli of the drunkard. -By their use the system is kept, continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the tottret kind, the desire for Liquor it created and kept tqli;pd thee *suit is , all the horrors altenkianevionft tirtenkard'elifer and death. For those tcho desire and W ILL HA YE a Liquor _Bitters, we : publish thc,following receipt. Get ONE BOTTLE HOO PGA I 4 D'S" G !MAN In-mks and mix with TEBBE Q CARTS OE GOOD BRAN DY OR WHISKEY.' and'the result will beet prepa ration that well far excel in niedicinat virtues and true excel/mice any of the numeroualLiqUor Much in the market, send will cost much less. You will leave all the airbus of HOOI'LAND'S BITTERS iit'con nektion with:a °nod article ref Ltgaor, at ,a tnuth lees yriee:tho.n these inferior preparations will cost you. • , L _ • ATTfr'siTION. ; gOLDIER A. 10) 'TIIE -FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS ! „ , We call the attention of' all having relatiOn§ or frientls in,tha,array:to,:the fast that "Hooiland's Gorman Bitters" will cure nine-tenths of. the disea ses induced by exposures and priviatiOns incident td =mg life. In the lists,published ahaostdailY bathe newspapers, on "the arrival of the sfek, it will be fountt-that. a. very large proportion are suffering from debility. Every case of that kind can be rea dily eared Hooftand's German - Bitters. 'Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed. .We have no hesitation in star tins that, if these Bitters were ;freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that *IR otherwise be-lost.' ' . ' z - _ We, call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure Of one of the :nation's hero's, whose life r to us?' his - ,own language, "has been saved by the Bitters: " • • ' PHILADELPHIA, Ai:mint 22,1862. .Afeenrs. Jones d" 'roans.—Well, gentlemen, ;3'soiXr • Hootland's German Bate rs has saved my life. There' is no uataltein this. ,It is youehed for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names are append-' ed, and'Who were fully cognizant of all the 'cireurei stances of my ease I am, and have been for thelast. four years, a niember of Sherruan's celebrated 'Bat tery. wad under the iuemediatenommand of Capt. , It. B. Ayres. Through the expesure attendant up on my arduous duties, k was attaCked• in November :last with inflammation of the lungs . and was for 72 days in the hospital. This was followed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery...l 'was then.removed4 from the-White House, and sent to this city-on board the steamer " State of Maine," from which I - landed on the' 28th -of June. Sines that tittle I h&c heetratiout as low as anyone could be and stillretain a spark of vitality.. For s week or morn was, scarcely able to :swallow anything, arid if Find force a morsel downeit was immediate ly thrown up again. - I could not even keep a, glass of water on my stor ' mach. zLife could riot last under these 'cireamstanr ces, and, SecordinglY, the physician:K*llo had been. - working tAithfaillyt hough unsuccessfully, to -resent: me from the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly told ' me they could do no more for rue., and advised me to see a clergyman; and to make such disposition my limited funds as best suited me. An acquaint ' ance who ':sited-me at. thelaospital, Mr. Frederick' Steinbron. of, Eisth below Arch Street, advised-ate, aura Ihrlorn hope, to tiy your Bitters, and kindlit procured-a bottle. Prom thetime I commenced to-- king them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and • I am, now, thank God for it. gettirx. better. Though' I have taken but two' bottles. 1 have gained teal -pounds, and - kfeei- sanguine of beilag permitted tel rejoin 'my -wife' ant% daughter, from, whom I. have heard nothing for eighteen months; for, gentlemen;l am a loyal Virginian from the vicinity ofl Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters Fotro the eer- ' -tairity . of life which bus taken the place of fears—to your -Bitters- will I owe the privilege, ef, again clasping to my bosom those who are dearest, to mein life. • Very truly soriya, •. ISAAC MALONE. fully concur in.the truth Of the above stater' meat, as we had &Spiked of' seeing -our comrade. , Mr. Malone, restored trihealth. • • -- JOHN CUDDLEBACK. Ist Now York Battery., GEO. A. ACKLEY - ,_Co. C.llth - LEWIS CHEVALIER, 92d New York.'- L. E. SPENCER. lst Art., Batt..F. J. B. FASEWELL, -C0,31.-ad..Yortutt. „HENRY B. JEROME, CO. B. . HENRY T. MoDONALD, C;68 . 2 Maine. - I 1 .-'JOHN-F. WARD, Cm'E.sth Maine; .. HERMAN KOCH: Co.:lb 72d N. Y. - . - NAT. B. THOMAS Co. F 495111 Pa.' A. J: KIMBALL. N. - A, 3d Vera:not:lt. ' JOHN JENRINS e Co.'I3, 146th - Ps. .• • , BEWARE OY COUNTIRFEATST , . Soo that the signatuie of "0. - Zir. JACltSon a l , is on the WRAPPER of each bottle. ' • PRICE PERTOTTLE, 15 CTS, • - , OR RALF DO& FOR .$4,00.. "„,, I Should Yontoneurestdrutgist not bare theiarticle..i do, not be pot off by anY of the intoxicating PrePlkm : tiobs 'that maybe offered in ite.place, - but send tone; and - we, wilFforward, securdy_panked,jhy_ expre.rkt PRINCIPAL OTTIOR . AND ; MANI/FACTOAT.' " No. 01 ARCFISTIZEIi.T. , • ‘, JONES A-EVANS, (Successors to CM. Jackson-A: Co),. ; ; - ' • Pnoyntgro)nr: 'TOR SALE by bruggilts and Dealers in every town in,the United States. {Jane-17 3y:4, `•~ '~ ° ebival• Yieliarel br DR. C. M. Jaelli - OrT;P - trilittlelphia, Pa., j -Will effectually cure - 4234irop$i*Walare, 181 BIKER, ITNDtTA . BP6Q.iVD BET wERN NAB— CaAitagliSserno, tibia to the bush:tees in all its varieue branchm, „tar: Cents*: .attention Odd R. laying out, Dressing, ' Having the advantage of a large custom, and of Isnylcg bfe cock cheap far cash, be can furnish - COFFINS OF EATERY . DESCRIPTIONat lower rates than any establishment In tocii cour47. dm(ubt as a Chia, littlter brer his ser.vleee, Un bur idt ari c e/Mdktr bfAiteird lye itiV-eiptrienci Mc - Mainers., PC/10X14 remdring,tko. serNico af an gad" , taker for their taxon/els or frierdis, would find it materi ally to their advantage ta:nlye him a call.. • Heti also pyomt. : ed terpreServe boffins during tiferiqr :metmonths. any length Having ilbrehibittigds , s, less:lustre right to vse !Snider's-Improved MetkorlV - Cinerinst Coffin.% he is thereby enabled to tlttnialkAlluar. CyrzatriParn 3 ,at an exceedingly 'hay rate; An& also hn6iag knew and 'elegant HEARSE. he is prepared to furnish l'effixte:to .pay paa.t.pf the 4 0 ibt4y - dt?ireo. Reis Agentrot piars!,lM.TE - IYir 2 1 LETALTtic 8ii4.14L CASES. • °rags during his absence or it nigiat ebenla be left a 3 ',hit,:ziziaericb, West Market &tat; optiteiie Rzyo.7, HO. , , MEW CABINET-WARE ROOMS: !The undo} rigged„ y ftunnonees to the c/tiieus edohOfrOSerebtirg aihl vicinity, that he 164 Liken the Rooms immediately of.flotnir4 the office of Dr s Suers, serott.Oti Main ereet, where, he intends to =mix/failure eirety'dh,cription,ol,-, , --- CA:BIisTET.-WA_RE, . -: • . IStch as Sofas, ''' Barlor Tables, t Cowmen Bureins. j , • W ardi otrei, ~... !,; Breakfast 'do. l'Dressing do. - now style, - Dining do. Safes, Sinks, Lounges. — 2 ': gdok Cases, Wash Stands; ' Rocking Chairs, Secretaries, - Bedsteads, da,,, - Fine Par. do: ' ' Clothes 'Rohe, new style. - All.work constructed'. by himis' warranted, from' Ho' ' finest Sofa down to tho. most common . work. • • _ , S. CbFFENS. . .. , . - - Partictdar attenfiOnWill be glien to ttie making '6l Coffins army destred.style—Cloth,Walnut or Cherry.. / .Remember,when yon bny'your Iturnitttre fromDAVID V. ROESIIAS, you arezettiug the Wen atylir and the heat of work. - June 17,1563. - ' 'DAVID W. GROSSXAN: AND CABINET MARV: j• FXCTORY:- . --The 'Buinkribei'infortus Lb° public that?lor cuutinuea the ntannfottur.e of the various artiules fn Itue;rit facterY Queen Street:a few doom frotelblain; 01 , , trasillr ay ' l .llAnd or is prepared to mannfscturo Avon the shortest *notice, Cane Rotten) rind liVindeiur Plain- ti nd Curtain Bedsteads, Pier and Card Tables, Boreal:is Wash Stands and Book Cases. - TURNING, in all its varieties. attended to with prompt nesti and despateli: HOUSE PAINTING, in all Re brunehes, executed by competent hands. PAPER lIANGING,-.Partieular attention will' las given to thin dePartinent and satt/Siction in Orel'' , in. stancepiaranteeck, • • . . Having employed a snit - dent number of competent hntids, tbetindersignedibels iissurell of being enabled to fill all orders in a workmanlike manner, nod respetfully solicits the W. A. HA ZELET. Junel7,lll6S. Chili AP 'CHAIR AND CABINET ' wAlm-neKi , --f-Jos..r.4m SCHOFIELD. (Sue cestot to John Cra.) MAIVLIFACTURER, Or CHAIRS and CABINET-WARE, slnin street, three doe's South of Huber k Telbert's Hardware Store, Charnbersburg. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS; Always on hand• or• made to order. Tenitian Minds manufactured ns 'neatly and cheaply as city work. HOUSE and SIGN PALNTING and PAPERHANGING done neatly, expeditiously and cheap, in Town or Country..' - . , LIV - Repairing of all kinds, in their lino of business. promptly attended to, at nioderate prices. 4nno_l7, 1.883 ' - - Malts. „ $l5O. A -5a (3-tNTS ''WAnED.--.Liberal in :audernenti to - Ctiticassetti for the sale of the CELEBRATED , COTTAGE $l2 SEWING MACIIINE. I wish to engage Reactive Agent In every County In the United States and tanadris. to travel and Introduce my NEW CHEAP, FAMILY. SEWING ISIACEIINS. This Machine possesses more than,onlitutry merit is just lititetittilivith' rateable improverii tuts; hull acknowledg ed to be unsurpassed for general utility. Alltnitett number oLresponsible Agents are wanted to solicit or-, .ders. to whom a salary from I sso' TO $l5O PER MONTH EXPE'len'S will be paid. Foi . ednditions neared] particulare . addAlet with stamp for return pnango. tig 19-3 m VirA:lsiTtlj.— , 7 ssooo worth Of :641) GOLD - ELATES. Verona having worn out Artificinl Teeth mounted: tipon field Plnte, in urge or small quantities, can obtain the highest price, either in cast orin exchange, fofDentristry,:by culling upon DR. J. K. REID. Dentist, coridi;otlsitt and Queen streets, above Wm. Ileyser's DruOtore.,.einnnbersburg, Pa., June 10{83.3m. WANTED.--=The' subscriber will . T.. oninloy fire competent Teachers to take charge of the• Public Schams in Eietal School District for Ore term. of fill monthstrafimencing on the first of October nest, for Which liberal wages will be paid. • • "JAS. R. ItREWSTER,SccretarY. F r annettsborg;aug;2s, '63 3t. Month !—.-We Ij , want Aienti at $4O a inceth - .. expenses paid. to Belt oat *Everlaitit4 Pencils, Oriental Burners, and ttarteenotlier'new, utieful and carious articles, Fif teen eircnitirs sent free. Addrees • May .13-tn. A N-T E D.—s7s a Month !—J wlint,tohireA g ents in eyery conatr l al 875 a month, expenses paid, to sell my amt. cheap Family ,;',. Setting 'Machinist.' Address -•-- ' S MAMIFON, . May 13.3ra- Alfred, Maine. . . Maidjts,:,,autt4a3elrp. ALISBURY BItOS. S. CO., - AO. 3T p STRUT, and, troidietoi; onere#titnos! .3111:N,U,PAC.T OA/ ,ES in the • 7' 1 - ' Ea s ternStatea, ,„ . Bea to call t/4 attention, of:the iommunity gene74lloo) - • • ..c" , • ' the 'eery , . • SEP IfiRTS,tI4 . G • CHEAP' RAI P.F4 At *lkibit 4 - .) treritilthgir Groodt! PAR SURPASSING Both Foreign and Domestic Mannfactnres in -point of 'Elegnnet s cd iteAt Durabiliti I ' lEEE! `'FOR Yg.T•A N C For Firrtax Doixanersve.forsverd, nicely:carded sad packed In good order. the :followins enormona quantity of Jewelry, equal in fi nieh . , to any Plated Gold, atui not to beretognitedfron, 'Gold only by the trying of undo: 4 Bat' EnamelVoet 'Chabiti; 2 Plain Florentine Pine t' Ear 'Rings to -match 2 TwietVire _Pins; 4 tar Hinge to match] 2,Plain-,pins; • 4 Ear Ithige.te - - match; 25 La diq-kinge,'Doublo heart and • arvarlety °fp:atoms ; 50 Onion EDI. blame; •50 SearlT Pine. Plain and ' :Iteitatiai .Coral;'. 2' -Double. ; : Olaie eaghie,- . • 'ttniedf 611:or. - : • and -•, • aDire Pine for portraiter Ludt 1,72 A esortediocket,. .Heart and Shellebanllll, atka d frduadDiace; •-•-• ' tete;-:4411 - for 'Fifteen Eollare. A •-• . • - of this kind, when. 'f ' placed in the hands of- any. • •,. , one of ordinary . ine ' ' ' ' telligetree, - ' ' •' bright to retail fornt least Orie-litnadred Dollars t; ' • Catalegaes; containing Celli-informat hitt Prlcei of Goode, catrbe Obtained upon application. . • - IS...Orders by Telegraph, or Ezpreaa Tespett ropy so)!;114. / . -- sALasittay BROS &CO , .37 Vorrnaci 67 WoybOseet Ste. Juno't • "•-• PAotitots, VABPETIII7GS? nEDDINO. It - ,E*3l. t.i.•=ii.'L L E.iilGHT SON have removedtrom • t?,62. Si Seckiipiliteet, to SW' CHESTNUT - Street, above .Stigloo92, ere! thoy'taTe ePorle4 we l l eelt;etetl stock _ OA 14'E% AL 3 5 . O.LOTHS • ,A,STP, 3iAT- Beddingund.llattrassescri:-EvOryDl3:seription, ,ituDr-scAzi aiAnz;To otonp.;;: tA.IOO - VB .tie A-1,111.119, the' itiaittrAttiie tied •e 4114 of Vbdtllng ',lilt also bar . continued at 262 S .11e.cont street. . . • • Jone 177,'83-3m L. MALCO3I, ttoi 2788. Boston Mnn SHAW & CLAMR. =B4ddeford,3lninc BEN'vE L, 'maim A4.lll44llPrgart