The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, September 09, 1863, Image 1

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.The following leAter from D. M' Co naughfr,..
Esq., presents — ettheme worthy of the cor
dial favor of every 'patriot, and we dou t ,
not that it will be promptly and liberally
responded to. ' '
;•We prptist, however % against the. prorio
sition,tve have . noticed in several quarter,
to gather the dead of the different Staes
int!? different cemeteries, and erect mo u
m -,,..
ents over each. It is not probable t at.
it Could be done—that the dead could. e,
'recognized so as to ascertain to which St te .
many Of them belonged:; but even if it w re
practicable„ 'it should not ,be done. The
nettle -ground of Gettysburg belongs to lie
.N, -- ation-: 7 -to it atone. 'lt was there that iln
the'severeSt extremity in this deadly strug..
gle..our Capitol', our Nationality' were pre
slerved,-to: ourselves and; to phsterity ; Ind
one:NatiOnal Cemetery:. and One National
Aitilitilment,,t he tribute' of a preserved . Na;
tion's gratitude,*ioultl tell, for all tithe,
the story of heroism and sacrifice that n-'
diced it to a free pthple : . • ' -
GETTYsiltrltO, September 3; 186:1
Messrs. McCi..,ui,F. STONER.—G
lately after, the Rattle of
..tysburg the thought occured to me that there
could ',be no more fitting and expresave
the, heroic valor - and ,sigria.liri-
Mnphs of
. our army on the Ist, 2d, and •8d
dap - of 3uly, 1868; than the Rattle field it
self,. with its natural and Artificial defelees
preserved and perpetuated in the exact fdrm
Mal 'condition they presented during= -
Battle,' • ' - 1
Acting -at once upon this idea, I cam . -,
turniMil 'negotiations and have secured "the
I,urchese of some of the most striking ina
lifterkSting portions Of- the battle gron i kid„'
einb;a*Cinr , among these the heights of Cene-:
fary Hill on the centre, which resisted the
fiercest assaults. Of; the . ;enemy; the granite,
. ef, Round Top on the left, with its 4as
eive. rocks and wonderful stope.defences
litriteteil by the Reserves, and
- the timber breait works on the-right, extend,
foraing mile npon • the 'wooded height of
Wolf Hill, whose treai - exhibit the lea ^NI
otfects . of oar musketry fire. Other portions
, ran_ bkeecured. - • -
.• • i
inTnrsinince of the original :plirpcisp,
w", :prop r oie
,16 the . patike ; ', citixert;i of'
Penns'lvania to unite with me hi the tenure
of tha . sacred grounds 6f this battle fteld.l,ln
, order that all may participate, who will at-.iti
cost,' the amount of :a . single sliare
will be limited to ten dollars, ,
Committees miry be nailed throughout: tite'
whom referenceandipplication:!can
be made in the severaloitietAnd large to*ns.
I respectfully submit the subject' to, 31bur
consideratibn, -and should it meet the ariri'o
val of your judgment,- invite your activeco.
opergion and influence, with Your subscHii
lion to the BattleLfteld fund.
Yt is in contem' 'lotion to procure` an acit..of
incoirporation from the Legislature'granlibg
powers similar to those of a. monument LAsl.
ix)cietion, It is riot' desigried to limit !the
number of shares,Which any citizen may
subscribe; as thet . .more generciui `the - fluid
the more liberal the bounds of this saqied
pe.triino'hy which 'it is proposed to Perpetuate
With sentiments' , of Esteem
'Tours truly, .1). McCoN.i.roarti
, TIN. • . • I.
TherHuntingdoii Globe, a' journal quit
was the accepted bentOcratic organ in Hun
tingdon- county for many,years, and earnest
ly opposed Curtin's election. in 1860, !an
nounces its purpose ,to subordinate , the •
, • -
beniobritic party, to the interests - of 'the'
country ; 'and-has hoisted the Curtin flag.
It thus sensibly and patriotically reason on
the subject : •
• • •
- Weare not certain we,. win be susiamell in,
our independent course, - but, come weal or
woe, we shall pursue just such a aourse lei Ice'
believe Will give the most aid to the prOcr
ation of our G - trivermitent, and the most of--,
• feetivg opposition to 'the rebellidn, traitors
,and svrapathigers. -We have, in. our na.t,
and throughout the country, men who pro-,
fessiti be -loyal Union men—men, who be
lieve they are es good ‘15111.0p. MN/ as ittiV of
those who have voluntarily °tiered up dteir
lives in the battle-field in the defence of lour
flag. but in. our opinion they are better party
Men than they are either good Union men or
gtied citizens. A' disloyal man, is not a good
citiz.n. , s. He can be disloyal; and_ yet be ig
norant of. the fact. lie has always been a
supporterof - Democratienerninations,andnow'
that the organization has got into the kinds
cif traitor`—the friends of the leading r'sbels'
in rebellion aa•Alb- - 4'.t our government--he still
sticks to partif, votes tb s ticket, and 1?y so
doing glyes the rebels as much: Did and Com
fort as he possibly could were he an open
.sympathiser or in * the rebel ranks. If Wood
werit.shOuld receive a majority of the 'votes
,nest election, it would be received by'
Or South as an evidence of the strength of
:their, friends in Pennsylvania, and vinuld
'have the etect of encouraging Jeff. DAVF ,
hold 'ant against the Union army and the
;qv - gni:nett Every vote cast tor liroo4.-
ward - slim& the so-called Dernoenttle. dqtriet
and county tickets, will be a t-ete'svinst
one ,srmy. Every -vote cast for Govkftyktr
Curtin and the Union ticket will b -P
Andorsing the character of our - army; titiz
, war . policy of the National and State Ait
,•mimstrations; and will be received by
rebels as a condohnation of their trea.4l4s,---- , - ,
Neiman' can be a loyal man who give 4 the
fettle aid and comfort. • -
. :
1=1:74 , , . 74 -4
AlirOitEW G.. i'rliTt."l,
Andrew G., Curtin, the Candidate of the
UniOn'p,4ty fqr Governor of Pennsylvania,
.was born on .the 22d of April, 1817, hi
fonte,' a bearitiful village in the eon* 'of
Centre, so palled because it lics in the very.
heart of : th 4 Commonwealth. This' , , county
'is 'au-ay froni the grealroate's between the
North and the
w South, the Etistund the Weit,
andthu.4itis not Ali ellknowna,s itoughtto'be,
Int, it is eiceedingly rich and lovely, abound
ing in ores. thrLile valleys; and fine streams.
The rare facilities of thiS region attracted to
it, - at an early day, the energies and the resi
dence of Roland - Curtin, who for 40years was
a leading iron Manufacturer'in Centre 'coun
ty, liccunirdated a competent estate, 'and has
left three sons, brothers of Andrew, engaged
in. the great staple business of TennsylVania.
*Andrew G. Curtin .e..nriesof first-rate
sylvania stock. His father' married the
daaghter bi Andrew Gregg; who was one of
the great men of TennsylVaniti, in the early'
.part of this century. He was a representft
--tive from the interior of the State, in the
•first Corgress under the Constitution; and sat
in the-House ofteprentatives for eighteen
successive - years. He was then transferred
to' the United States Senate, and served
term of six years. Andrew ' dregg
steady supporter . of !the Administration of
the earlier, P'residents, and especially}' of Jef
ferson and Madison. ' He offered in Congress i
the famous war resolutions which f)ree - eded.
.?aitr last'eo ufl let with Great Britain, and which
, elicited the eloquence of Henry •Clay and
John Randolph. After his retirement from
;Congress, he acted as Secaetary of the Com
monwealth during the administration of Gov.
•Jorseph Holster. Every,. Pennsylvanian of
:Middle age will remember the fierce and 'de
cisive State canvass, , of 1823,' when the old
Federal party, tinder the lead of Andrew
'Gregg as their candidate for.Governr, made
it lust: stand for victory and existence, and
was defeated' - by the 'old Pennsylvania De
maetacy ander,folui.indrew Stilze. There
eau• be no doubt that the grandson, :Andrew',
Gregg Curtin, standard-bearer as he' is of the
Teat Democracy of the State of this day, will
'fare better than his grandfather. • ,
'The 'subject - of our _sketch was educated at-
Ihe academy Of Rev. Kirkpatriekl• in Mil
'ton, Northumberland County. - Mr.' Kirk
patrick, stilt living; in A i lle'gheny, 2couritY,
was of theold style of inst'rnctori,
ed out" 'lds boys., thoroughlY impregnated;
with thetlitssics and-mathernE t tie l , • . ,
After ~ e ttinc, welt imbued with its - much
',atm, Greek and •matheniatiesai any onii.of.
our colleges afford, -the young Cut'tih was
placed in, he', land-office arid School of
Judge Reid, •of school.*as!
one of, the.. ,departments of Dickinson Col
lege, ahl. as Ring as jts c brbfesior'lied it flour-
Is hod and' sent' forth some 'of the liest i lawyers
and public 'men, of .Peznisylvania. Judge
gio.A. was well known for his' “Pennsylvania'
Biackstono," one of the first• attempts kver
M.4 4 4*, fOaolfspt theimmartal' 4 ,TAinutentarles"
lJ ti-ar moo p.rn law. , He. was a
ic.wyer ; ttrol'an adept in teaching legal grin
. t,
4 - no•roVialAirtmwas admitted thebar,
-I§s9, gpii begun the practice of the law in
.14-/-0-_-0) wit.. He iminediately • entered
Otion turge varied practie% • and has over
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Andrew o:`Curti . rt, Union Candidate ,fdr Goveinei or'Peiiiisylvankc
i .-
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`te r ~r
CUMLBERMERG, PA, WEDNESDAY„ sl2TbißEli '9, 1863. , „
\\ ~ \\,
. • \
since been'coristantlyand nth-ay employed
irr the - Courts of the counties of Centre, Clear
Mifflin and Clinton. • HiS great infor
mation; his vigorous mind, 'and, his candor
recommended ,hini,to the courts ; his winning
stylq made him powerful' with juries.. He
rapidly became one of the best - and most
rising young men in Central Pennsylvania.
A ,man.with the gifts and temperament, of
Andrew G. Curtin, could not fail to be large
ly interested and" concerned in public-affairs.
Strikingly amiable, genial, and warn-heart
ed, of in - Minot - is, Vick and extensive intelli
gence, of the most engaging address, endow
ed With a fluent. facetious and •captivating
eloquence. and instinct with old PennsylVa
nitt traditions- of policy and patriotism, he
threw himself at once-into those political
controversies which, as Efurke tells us, Are
the noblest emphirments of the, Cultivated
man. = •
He was en ardent, and. thorbngh-going
Whig, and,in 1840 he took , an active part in
that 'enthusiastic campaign.which made Gen.
Harrison President of the tinited:Statei.—
In 1844, he was a fervent adherent of the it.;
lustrious candidate of the Whigs and' he
stumped all central Pennsylvania for HERity
CLAY, and Protection to American Industry.
In thnfltrugcle, Mr. Curtin first acquired
MS, Wide-spread reutation for effective and
resistiesi popular - eloqaence.., There'Weil not
a celintY from the Susquehanna to the Alle
ghenies, in which the name Of Andrew G.
Curtin ever failed teattrect the very_ largest
croWil, who eagerly • gathered: tit enjoy , the
feasts of wisdom arx4'wtt,'of huitor and path
os, of poetry, statistics, story, ,fti,,mument and
imagery, which he spread out in - his glowing
andmelodions periods.
In 1848 he was placed on the Whig electo
ral ticket, and again traversed Many sections
of the. State .in behalf of ,General Zachary
Taylor. He was an original supporter 'ofthe
nomination of General ,Win,field, Scott, and
in 1852 he was again placed oil the etcetera
ticket, and worked with his usual zeal to car
ry for the : hero of the valley of
MeXico. Indeed, .Mr. Curtin was at ,all
tinted a thOrongh inbred Pennsylvania Whig,
devoted to all those conservative andlumane
ideas which distifigniihed.that . party which
now sleeps in the grave of Clay and Webster.
He is, by training anal by mature conviction,
a believer in systematic :and efficent protec
tion, in 'liberal infernal ; itnPforements,
the ' polictOf encouraging well-paid and wide
diffused tree 'American labor.. Such a Whig
could not fail to be a leader ancl'a counsellor
of the party, andaccordingly," Mr: Curtin
FV£l3 .influential member of near/revery
the last years, of.--thWhig,-party!s exis
tence..;-: - ' ' " ;
- No MID was ever more popular M. home.
116.ia dndowed - that rarelmag
'-netism'wliich neutralizes social-and political
differeneeS, and makes , the man:atrenger than
his party. Aa tin Muitration of, this, in the
year 1849, Centre County composed part of a
senatorial district in which Gen. NVAlliam - F.
Packer, now Governor, was the:Democratic
candidate for the State Senate. The 'Whig
'candidate withdrew froin the caiNass im the
Friday. before the election. At the earnest
solicitation of-the party; , Coh- Curtin took
the field. There ~remained only , .three - days
tO eitavasi ft'vei'y large district: Yet, while
. ,
Centre , county. gave ,a majority ~of 1100 for
the rest of- the Demderatie ticket; phe are
Gekt. Packer a majority ?t,,,0u1y , 800. • Three
sufficed Curtin, against as iti;onc , a,,-Catt
idg Pit
e as . crter; ‘ ,l 4 o, scatter,tviCpithirds of the
Democratic majority: , . „ ,
In the o year T. 1854, Colonel :Curtin, was
strongly urged by' the -counties of central
Pennsylvania for .the GO•ierriorshiti - and
when - . Hen.- Janos Pollock of Northumbet
land, received the notnimition, Curtin was
made Chairman of the State Central Committe.
Upert ',the election of.illovernor -Pollock, he
aPpOinted Col. Curtin Secretary Of the Cent,
monwealth. He discharged the varied duties
of that - office with signal ability and :discre
tion; - Gov . ; - Pollock's • admiuistratiotr- was
singulary pare, modera‘and-conservetive.
It - wtis , 'rfot 'distinguished ' , by litiV 3 startling
measures-, or any.exciting innovations: The
agitations And fluctwitione, caoed lit
breaking-up'of the Whig party,Jhe pro=sla
very democratic outrages in Kansas. the rue
of the, rherican and 'Reicitibliditireilaniza
tions, and the tremendous political contest of
1856rwithdroW the getairal attention- fresh
mere Stateaffairs to those of national concern.
But, in the'mldst of sill, the :Pollock admin
istration eld,itm even wm„maintaining the
interests and' the lionot• of - Pennsylvania,
condemning the, barbarities Whictik 9PPL:O4O
the people of Kansas and the faithles servil
ities of the Pierce and Buchanan adminis
trations—uttering its voice lor protection to
the industries of Pennsylvania, and exhibit ;
ing, on every occasion, dignified nidderatioli
which is so peculiar to the "PentisYliriin l ia
character. . -71 u
His departMent of the
_Administration con
nected him closely . with ogr comurn school
system as its siuPerintendiint. He - gave labo
rious attentionto it, andtOok , particular pleas
ure in perfecting its details. and • increasing
its efi9cact. The Commonwealth is greatly
indebted to him,for the legislatiOn concern
ing Normal schools, which affords the method
and means of systematicallY'ttainktigla body
of intelligent and highly cordpatint teachers,
and thus i supplying .the most'pressing: need of
our free . schools, . : !:,
Secretary Curtin was an original ac
tive 'advecate. of that great measure of the
Pollock Administration—the sale of the Main
Line - of public, improqgnants, „rah ,meat
ure was viworously opposed before its consum
mation, but it is now , ' a g reed on all hands
that it was :timely and '•aritb,- and that the
Comthonwealth was thereby reliayed.of art
incubus which anuallv depleted its treasury'
and corrupted '" r ""
After his retirement - from: 6)3'2:5C4:1-rotary
ship he again devoted , himself to the -practice'
of.the law ji Bellefonte, until 1860, - when he
was nominated as the Peoples' candidate for
Governor; after an earnest litiug;g%litiVtde by
such competitors as Messrs 'Covode, Howe
and Taggart; and after a,contest of unwm
pled `warmth, he witi etedted - by g 2,000 ma
jority, thus securing the litate_fOri Hineoln
and virtually determining • t tlip great Presi
dential election of 'that.; y,car. To. no
Mllll was the great National triumph of 1860
so' much indebted as ttioOv'..,
- Ho, &age& •the :0-nbeitiatorial chair in
January, 1861, when several of -the cotton
States had. formally , Withdrnti froth the
Union. He 'had thiireforirisC dapple with
the rebellion from the day he entered office
until now; And how wisely and well he has
diichargod the gravoreSPorisib_ilitioslmpoSed
. ppon him, premp4esomtepf Penn ,
syl:Vania every, dall,'or theloyetpraent tes
tify.` Was to' pinfierit a k a
eeaseless efforts that the . Nation indebted
for the safety of the: CaPitorafter this.diariito
at Bull Run, for when theStatet stoodtglidat
at the gloomy pr . osPief:fifitlie UnfoitcauSe,
the remnsylvanut ,Reserve Corpsi Int.ro4l
into, Washington. fifteen. thousand;sireagW44,
have displayed a matchiesteroisurtmievery
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battle-field. Under his efficientadtninistra
tion, fully 150,1.100 inen, have,been, organized
in this Slate and devotediq the preservation
of our Nationality. and , whether:in the , rais.;
ing, equipping and •orgatti9tiOn;',ilfcint,
unteers in solacing anduitrdstering.te the
sick'and wounded, - or bring i ng;the martyri•cl
dead to sleep with, their kindredr,9o. .Cur
tin bas been even faithful tn , every .dietate of
patriotism, of duty, of humanity, Scarcely
a Soldier, but lisps his name. Nvitklteverence, s ;
scarcely a wounded'cir siek i;olimteer ivho4
eye does notquicken with;joy iflaenhtspegs
of his honored Executive> searcely':.a friend
orotir heroic dead' bitt itningles'levotionlAo
Gov. Curtin,t PI e koir o I'4 o . gif 4 9 ,yled
ones fallen in battle: „rge, is ; lknown. in; the
army as the "Soldier's Friend'? tiVVlvell Ittic
he earned the' itle ki h s - CcageleAcuitl:teiider
Care ;for the, brave dafendera Kit the E1a„ . ..7. ;
In April; InVhpjorrnally anniinfi! his
purpose to retirCfri*,the 'Exe;onti;lo i ,pliair
at the expiration of his present term-milhat
he did it in good 7 liith - - every friend with
whoin he counseled can testify'; . bu't - litij the
face of his deciiiiafha' e leadlafrOotpities
thaiPitVburg Convention, met,•°heic'sg-cotn
polled to accept the- pdsitioii of 'Standard
bearer agaui .0r - aPpareidlY deseiCthediksb
scrmiar his:heart, and to which. the bestgorY„
"eigis'of his!life had - been de-Voted. - -"llpbs-a.s
flondnated on. first ballet,;;l:!y44lop,rt:tan'
two-thirds vote, and is :now again "before-the
People foi-their suffrages::-! , , !
asjo man,in the Colurnopwe'alth is,,rnOte
milian withits history or. , with its various to
catfinterests ; with its diversified
. ditvicities
4114 Irequirenri u ts ; legi r siat3oni its
policy and,, its puhlic oplAipns ; n0,e,e44
such an extensive acquaintance aU over. the
State.- In %all 'his -yrivate relation, an ! l.
the 'diseluii'gb - of hia'tifficifil:.ll4os'i'he iyila
achieved a high charactvr: :for.,probity
-honor. Tn-head and , fieart,!iin tempetament
and action;litis titringrataut Pennsylvanian:
Within our broadli . witsilere is none who
could make a befeer'qov'erilor.
Gov: Curtin is-not only above all re- -
proach, by his itombdhite
borsiiiid; ptat mil iicquaintunces. A mezoof
dignified:presence, of gracious and gentle de
meanot, kind-hearted t zeniatand sunny-tem
pered, remarkubly ; kstructive, in , ;eimyersar.
tion, he ispberyand: all question the mast pop
ular :man of his age-inc Pennsylvania.: In
his native ebutitt and all:through the Val
leys, dentral f'Onnsylvania;-:
woman, izia aina,,cheriato afielb* 046.-
sonut ,- ,attachment ;to: ; 4 4Andy Curtin' -I He
is qiptOrjousj,, lioxne fOr 11 , 1 s. OpenA:4 l 4o
liberality( ) and, or hiicentinuat charities.
When - ; the impartiaPhistoriani in,the riot
distant shall es§ay the task..of'rpco4:; .
lag the nameof tlie, benefactors gi'hhnir` day;
no ono will receive -greater oqtrimendatiOn
than Andre# C.urtin. it• Will truly be
sai'd of fain, . that,* a 't,ime wheiii it, became
the. duty .of all;Arnarican. loyalists to head
somewhat in abeyance State/-rights for• the
sake of Hie comm`O - rigo9d, 'and the gidater
security of State sovereignty irt4l e future,
Governor, ,CUrtin jealously, persistently„
and successfuljy,mOntameci, tho,rig4i - Of
rennaytvants.citivp 9 B._
By his statesmanlike.actiortrithas , chmo to
pass itliat Pentigylvaiiia is to
be entitled to the highest conimendatioiil—
bestoWedo P9nrisylVatiteshldidrs
by:Governoiturtin has been snob, that .our
brave-volunteers: -have won - for-themselves:
their State. ) At.l ll - I .hfikr:recaltuon: multi-04M
bjghest.miAltat7 lkoßoTs,, W.O 19 0 w, jt , to
a fact that the' rebels *hilt they.tnast fear
.f~ at
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the same time most respect the Pennsylvitina k
soldier.: All this itra 'great inetttre results
from, the" fact - that'they -knew that the,y_sifit
cared -for by the. State's highest officer, anti
that theirtanfilies • hifibe provided for in °ail
of ,disaster; to them. -
We e,annoi rdiain in this„ connection frit'm
referring to the language used by ex.-Goverh
or Johnson 'after the• re-nomination of Ghtrii
Curtip. ‘iAlways oil; ,the battle-field is to;
Seen that angel of mercy, Andrew G. thirti4;
cOntfiaiing"the dying; eariifeforthe intind
ed, and ! removing to the liespitEds. IMaiest,
their homes the sick and, the disabled: • hit
to be•wendered 'at, then;-that the.pevletlisik
s4v,es. despite the few, ,-potitkiqtak, who, eii:re
for nothing but political plunder,: • insisted
that Andievi •G. Curtin ,shCuld.-serNio say
other iterhi ; that haying, ii4Ssed through Alie
fiery, ordeal of civil war,••true to, his•.:State,
no kiss' trite iti'•the Natiotial Govortuntiat,
and ever true to all the interests attaehipirto
ithist - responsible pOsition ' is it :sititz - top
vie say,' thel.the people insist he shall- beltte
Olive : pee of theold Seystoitk Statopheit all
the. rebel.
,States, %come 'fifth
again? Nay,but it would be passing , strange
'rArere it other Wise; fcr:Penntylvaninfid. are an
appreeittting And actreit people.— ,
Gov. Curtin has already opened the cant
paign "by spiritekand' eloquent ; :speeelieis":l4
Lancaster, sosnerSet. and other. points, 4hd
his eloquencein behalf of the
Of the go'vernniebt Will :he heard'in every
sectiMi of the State-before-Abe, eleetion.
every part of the Commonwealth the nomiv
'talon. has been
-responded-in With the Uttiibet
entlisiasm, and • when ..the ,Loyal 'VeOpTo
thunder in October next, he' will - be reweleetbd
to'thhe 'Gubernatorial'the hi ripfx,t
popular majority ever giVen to an Executive.
wus inenws or sutvitti.
' Hon. Leyvis , Campbell, ,uf Ohio„has
written the fbllowing,' d and sensible
letter to the Eaton reporter on the rights'
• -.• , , • ,-
of rebels who ..hate iaitiayed theraselirep
lig 6 4 l oAhP;OerdiOn`!.":,i
IlAntryVolt -'O . Aug. 2 41 .14363:
.11.feears.: AVi,442to.—Oentletnen—The . su
stance, of the ,sbort ,speech:; which ',hastily ,
Made- at the' Union Mass Meeting tit Hat O ne
late in the afternoon 'of•'the 25th; ns'Afe . , , fieo
plc, v.-A° abont, leavirk4 ; fOr their Thirties tiff is
the' main, correctly stated .in your :report.
There is one 'eti.dr, :15Wever, wlO, it ~.1*
proper . should-:'be:"COrreCted',:, - I am made to
.sav that when:fife-rebel/ion-is subdued ona
"rinin :should .t darn fothe . -11...5.:-SOnte. - ttpcif,
stic'e're . Preienfation,":'. •. .. •
Under 'our Constitution sinve population
does not. effect the . question of power,il - th
;Vach State is;:ontitleil to two
tore without, regard •tp. the =number-or chance.
ter of its hahabitants 7 -,-whether bond Or."fr,.
Hence" IlelaWare" has is inuel4oWeer
in the Senate-les New York, -the ~ Empire.
'State."' - r. ''"' ' ' ' - • •
Llivut:rnad, nr, intended tOsay, -was this':
The battle's". oftbeikinericanitee Oral - 0 Wera
toughtnnd. iv . 4.15,0n the lieayen-borri pr*-
cifile9f :X4ihertY.ana. ciitialitY,.and- the Con
stitution formed to secure :them. In adOptt
tug the Cinistitutlon, fot the s'ake-of harmon.Y„
a concession *Lisa:Lade E:onflicting . With, t.. 4,
great ndemocratie Ile • of equalitv,' , ll
Which: ;One perse held. as * s.icitY 5:-
prep4tr4-, gave, thdh tM
intil;a_•politiCal poWie
equaltoaixty fre persons in the North wheiti
propet#' not'',lfez'niitted"to,be,'a.ltasis, p 3
representatitin.,., Byi:the,xensusiof 18604,t
rebel States ' , that. repudiated *Und - trampled
under fobt this
,C4io,iot6nWhfeh gave the j ia
this great advantage : Aid .11 ppoolitical power
in" Congress 'of aboirt)twenty Representatives
founded en slave upne: prblit
erty representation- been sufficient..
to control the vcitean etriary,lmpOrtant'que,f
-don befille;, - ;.congiek. ' - .4,41ty stating,- the:mi
diets;' remarked thit.,When. the • r'Vellioa
vas cotquOed,
,those States that , had seekled
itndtaberitic Con'stitution
iohich secured to Man iistelitotcerer
Lion, had forfeited - all their:, rights under
and. should'at 164' be,dCptive'd of their
iesentationtbiisedon slavery,' and reamed •to
an equality in this repectyrith the free Stateb.
pf coursels'ilik#ot nicitivtis undqattiOltas
saying tkat:the &cites thatltart renzerszed trsce
and loyal to, the Constitution; should-bp' de
prived of tolY'44_ their rights "tixtder that in:
however unequal the principle. en
which they , -were founded. • The rule4rd;
had 'refelionee.til :the , political Power
of slavery iathe _House ,, Of Representatiyes—
andlolhe Statesin"terriseit.rebelliOn only.' — 1
n'Vt bee447.lind, .
accord to Sitive States that atide_and defend
our Constitution;"all.the , advantages whieb-
Otii wise and,pattlotib fe:refatliers gutaante4
by s that sacred compact :.titiimuch•=4to
• What - I said,' and , what'l believe,' May mit
bt) of ranch : emiseqUe4e, fe'anyhody
will be obliged to: you:if-you will' makeihis
correction; l • ';
Touis •
; • LEWIS 4:3131
Ilorr:TftaDDEUS STlTENsbaswritten th
g‘Oflowing - pointed letter ter Mr. Reilly,•Oi
40CrPater, whieit' shows. clearly_ at
the payment of $3OO exempts a' man from
st vice during the periodjor which he wag
drafted. : We do not Aortht, that the:kW
~feso'cointrued,by,tbe`nuthorities •
• ,
/chg. 27, `1863.
:—ln answer to your inquiry,.
my opinion •is that the pa3rment of the $3Oll
cocmtruitatiori and the fOrnishing a substitnte
have, precisely, the- same effect. —Either Of
themfrees . . the drafted man from furthorq
iiragfor three years. is in effect in kert
either by himself Or another. The g6v
ernment.htts consented to act as such •agent;
sa / ys he 'may 'on or before the day,
for his appearance furnish an accepta
ble substitute, or pay such sum not exceed,
1e8,5,300 , foi,the procuration kxf such sub:sti
tutfi, and thereupon the per Eon furnishin,g
the'substitute, or paying the money, shall be
dobcctid'frcm liirttier liability under .thai
iattz h ..T , Ira one' dijubtS that : furnishing:4
bstitute excuses libr threci years. To give a
4ifferent - effeet to the pay uentorthe compAz.-
teal= seems to zue little iest/Alism. Sri absurd.-
tV. It is a veryf Inischiervons inisconstruc
, w hieb, if `deed ties'.„ have no dOnbt
ngress will ~correct. • e
VATS rg recommended For Semi
&tortirsi: tlitv ow:olds o unalna.' rscU
clf C ;
:- , „, f .
fyirAti . :! ;
. .7
• 7