Latest frOin Charleston. .Greg 6 and Beauregard Shelled for 'lira hours. Greek Fire Thrown -into Charleston. ,Beliar'etard-Protes New ELK, August 28.—The steamer Ara go; from *et/axles:tort bar, on the lath, a.rrived Mere "to -dui•. PIT MORRIS ISLAND, August 21, Noon.— :on Saturday at midnight, Admiral Dahlgren, with live monitors, advanced in the darkness en Fort Sumter; opening fire at three o'clock, and keeping it up until six &clock. " The fortduring the five hours'flreupOn it, .was struck over a hundred times, the balls . tearing ihroug,h the sea wall and doubling 'the number of port holes. • The whole para pet was also carried away. Ne signals were given until the whole fleet 4klpe,fied; and then the fire was one 'of the - - most terrific description. Sumter fired one gun response five times, but Moultrie, 'Gregg and Beauregard for three hours rained • shell on the monitors, failing to do them any harm. The monitors were struck seven or e i g ht times, but no e one was injured. Sumter is defunct, and an immense pile of rubbish. The only gun left was throwm off the wall yesterday afternoon. • „ General Gilmore, on Thursday, notified Beauregard that if he did not surrender the forts he would,shell the city within twentyj, four hours. At the same time he requested 11m to remove the women and children: " No attention was paid to the notice, and, aai Friday; night, General Gilmore threw a fifteen-inch shell into- Charleston, charged with Greek fire. 0-n Saturday a6rnoon Beauregard sent down a flag of truce kith an urgent protest, denouncing "Greek fire" as c ---`'n'vilrinons compound, unworthy of civilized ,nations and demanding that more time be al - :lowed to.remove the women and chrildren. The English, French and Spanish consuls also denounced the sh - zt, time given by Gen ; era! Gilmore, and claimed more time to re- Irmie, the subjects of their respective coun tries. - General Gilmore yesterday replied by are- Timial of the demand for a tefirender of the 'forts and public property. Beauregard re ., plied by asking for a truce of forty hours. 7 - General Gilmore refused to give any more time or accept any other terms than an Un conditional surrender. At twelve o'clock last night the. shellin g .Of the'city_witli - tGreek fire" was resumed. •', The .ruins of Sumter are now held by the guns of Fort- Moultrie. There are only auflicent men in the ruins to keep- the rebel flag up.. The latter is shot away every .few hours. 4 THE BOMBARDMENT OF S.,UM.TER. The Richmond. Examin-r. of the24th inst.., contains full confirmation of the report - that Gen. Gilmorehad succeeded in throwing shell into the city -of Charleston. • After staling that Gilmore has thrown twelve shells "into the inhabited part of the oity," and remarking that such "baseness" - ihould occasion no surprise, the Examiner .says . I .Bit what does sta Ile is the distance from which the shells were thrown. 'The battery 'is in a marsh five miles front the city. it long been claimed by the inventors of the moderrimrdinanee that the nein artillery, was available for such purposes at that &is ' trance; but this is the first practical test Of. their pretensions owiecord, and neccessarilY attracts much attention. Not a doubt now; remains that the spirit of Charleston is about to be tried in the terrible ordeal of a born . bardraent, THE LATEST BALTIMORE, August 2.9.---The following comes spec o Ily by telegraph from the high est nut • . I can vouch for its truth. : Pot?. 40.3101fn0E. Auggst gB.—Tftp gun boat IF rn World. CaptcGregory, ar. wed this moaning from off Wilmington, N. - C.. and reports the - arrival there of the United States steamer Florida from Charleston, with the positive news that Fort Suniter and Bat tery Wagnk had fallen, and were ocupied by the Union troops, and that the Stars it'nd Stripes were triumphantlyj waving over ;both fortressess. The Union troops were in the highe.stspir its _and certain of posessing speedily all Mor tis and reducing Fort Moultrie.' -: The cilpture and occupation of .Charleston 'in a feW days by the Union troops was mor- Oly certain. - ' PROM NEWBERN: A REBEL WAR VESSEL RUNS THE . ' BLOCKAD - Jeff: Davis cal for .500,000 Black Troops, bey are Offered Freedom and Fifty Acres of Lad I. FORTREse 31oxstoE, August 29.—The I stetune.r C. W. Thomas , arrived here to-day 1 from Nevibern with Lieutenant Sterling, of 1 thnelal Beek's staff, who is a bearer of di -1 spatches: ' I ; A dispatch ,frora , the blockading fleet, 'says on the blaming if the ritha large sloop of war of ten guns, with the British flag fiymg,t , swept past the blockading steamer, and, im mediately hoisted the. rebellag and passed into the port of Wilmington. , This is the fourth rebel war vessel that hart run the blockade within the past six weeks. -. Southern papers rsceiVed at Moorhead City, • N. C., say that Jeff Davis has decided, after a conference with the Governors of the con federate States to call out half a million. ' , black • troops, : who are to reeeiv.e their fret dam and fifty- acres of land.atthe end of the war. (}ea, ...11feredith; Union Connuissioner for the exchange of prisoners, recently held nu interview at City Point with the Rebel Com nuss—' loner, of Exchanges, to endeavor to effect s settlement etditference - heiween the Federal liavernment and the Rebels, relative 'to an exchange of prisoners. As a result of the . • • interVidw' it is expected that arrangements Will be completed foc a'speedy resUrrepVon of exchanges of prisoners on both sides. t The ~Army of the CuMberland, under don:, Rosociani; 'crossed the Tennessee river on the 29th inst., at fuur points". Thirty-five rebel 41ickets were captured ; opposite the townlof `Stevenson. At Shell Mound General 1 41 0 1di.e4pttire,:, many piisoners, and at Fa!- I -Itlgt Waters creek he took a rebel, camp.- - Amongst the captured wore 'the fain‘usguer rips Mays andarebel Tennessee congressman, named Cannon.. , THE .s:''elz.tinct, a union paper published in Western Missouri, was daitroyed' on Thurs. (10 night, by a party of Missouri militia:a c: EN ;HONEST CONFESSION: - - Unlike several of our Northern journals, the Raleigh (North Carolina) Standard con siders it, a great crime to conceal the truth. It anneunces that it will, therefore, tell the truth, no matter what may Ve the consequenee and begins by this confession; , - • -From the beginning of the war until the present, the enemy has slowly but surely gain ed upon us; and but for the extraordinary en= durance and courage of our troops, his flag would now be floating at the capitol of every State. We have lost Missouri, Maryland, liiiitucky, Tennessee, the Mississippi Valley, Ttllas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and considera blg)ortions of other States. Vicksburg has fallen, as we feared many months'age it would; Port Hudson has fallen ; Charleston, Mobile, and Savannah will go next. General Lee is attempting to retire from Maryland, with his spoils, but - no substantial victory has crowned his arms. We are weaker to-day than when he crossed the Potomac into Maryland.— Our recruits in the way of conscripts will scarcely keep our regiments full, and we can not hope to add materially to our forces. Our . fig hting population is pretty well exhaust ed. - EXerybocly knows this; thelVorth knows this, and so does Europe. On the, contrary, our enemies, flushed with triumph have a large army in the field, and .their President has just called for three hmidred thousand more. He will get them. The movement on Pennsylvania by Gen. Lee, and the ,fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, have hUsh ' ed all „Clamors 'for peace in the'North and "have blinded the people there as one man for ' ,the prosecution of the war. We have noth-t ing to hope for from foreign nations, and just as our cause is, we see no indications that Providence is about to interpose in our. be half. The war, then, will go on. Our side or the other must conquer. Will five mil- Hops of whites conquer twenty millions of the same race? Will they,-conqiier a peace" on the ;very soil of these twenty millions ? Not in any event, if thesd twenty millions possess ordinary manhood, and fight. Ag - aitist it. On the 20th ult.. by the Rev. S. M'Renry, Mr. WILLIAM Maalox, to Mise Jtnntl'auxrinnt, both of L o ndon this Comity. On the 2.5 - th ult., by the Rev. W. R. R.' Dent rich, Mr,. 308XPEI M,.LOY, touiB3 SARAH MENTZEIt ? both of this ountl. On the 20th ult., in this place, Minnittsv Durzonaw. in the 26th year of her age. Ou the 28th ult., I this place. Mrs. Burs C., wife_ of 19,nzisis K tmmy; in the 26thxerir of her age. On thiLlatis ult.. near Fayetteville, Mr. Isaac MULL, aged 31Tve.irti an.l 2S days. / On the 24th ult., At the rear , encc of hie father. at Shade ' Gap, of wounds received at the battle of Gettysburg, Jamas 51. Itt.tut, in the 2.. 4 d year of his age, - On the 21st ult., In this place, 'at the residence of her brother-in-law, Jdhn P. Cu Iblrtson, Assts C., daughter of James and C. Watson . in the 41241 year of her age. On the 2.5 th tilt., in this place, of Billions Remittent Fever. ALLEN 51.. eldest eon of Wm. D. and Isahelia Guthrie, in the 16th year of hie age. On the 15th nit., hear the State Line, of the pinxMr. GZOACIE Mace. Jr., aged 37 years, 11 months and 10 days. On the 18th ult., of Diptherie, Auer ELLL.`f , daughter of Absalom and fAttharine French, aged 9 yeatn, 4 month, and 9 days. On the . lith ult., near Greencastle, MART CATHARINE, daughter of Mr. Frank tlearheart, aged 4 years, 10 mon•hs and 1 day. • Ore the 19th nit., in Montgomery township, Mr.SAXIIEL SMITH. Jr.. in the 43d star of hie age. . On the :22d ult.. near Upton, Mr. ls tax Illssoxii,-ged 30 years, 10 months, and 14 days. ' On the 31st alt.. in this place. JOICM 'WESLEY, youngest son of Christian Stouffer [Machinist), aged 5 years, 10 months, and days. -Prevention of Incrustation in Sfeam. Boil ers.—WlNANS' ANTI-INCRIIS'IATION POWDER iz; MOVES AND PREVENTS THE DEPOSIT OF SCALE, AND WITHOUT INJOR 17 TO THE IRON Saves YEASB INtrsz. ,- References in ail :parts at the country,viz: Albany Oaa Co.; _Eston, Gilbert & Co, and others;Troy ; m elts°, Rochester, Auburn, &c., kc.; John Gibson & PholpS, Charles Ensign, John R. Evans & Co., Jewett & Root, and others, Buffillo': Cleveland, Columbus, Ranee. villa, &e., &c 4 00.3. Shield. Mi les Greenwood, Mitchell & Raminebiburg. and 40 others in Cincinnati; and through out the West; Indianopolis, Dayton, Terre Haute. Lo-, gansport, Chicago, SpringfieldrSt. Louis, Et. Paul, &c.„ &c, &c. Cost about 40 to 00 cents per week. For circu lar, address 11. N, WINANS, : P.O. Box No. 6 Afadeurce Porter's Curative Balsam, has ton' tasted the truth that there are first 'principles in 31edi ein, as there is in Science, and this Medicine is com pounded on principles suited to the mituifuld nature of Mani The care ul Colds is in keeping Open the pores; antlcreating a gentle internal Warmth, and this is cans ;ed by the use of this Medicine.. - Its remedial qualities are based on its power, to assist the healthy and vigor-' ; oils circulation of blood through the lunge, it enlivens' the nresclos and assists the skin to perform its duties of regulating the heat of the system, and in gently throw:, ing oil the waste substance from t be surface of the body:. It Is not a violent remedy, but emollient — , warming,: searching and eller-Airs. Sold by all druggist at las' and '2.5 contsper bottle. : ; ; ; [July 22. • The Confessions and Exporience of a... Mr-, rout nuog Nan.=—Pobliellett tis a warning and far the, especial benefit of young men, and those who suffer with NEIIVOICIE DEBILITY, LOU OF MEMOILYOBLIIATIIRE DECAY,' SIC., & e.. by one who has cured himself by simple - means' after being put to great _expense and ir.convenlence, through the use of warthleSe !medicines proscribed by learned !Sectors. Single Mipies may be had (free) of the author, C. A. LAYBERT, Esq Greenpoint Long Island, by enclosing an addressed envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAMB ElLT,Sireenpuint, Long Island, New July 22, '63-7t- DR. RADWAY'S CLEANSING'SYRITP, Called Renovating Resolvent, is the Mostextraordinari medicine fir this cure of All skin diserinesalumors,' SoreS, Chronic Diseases, Scrofula, Ricketts, Sore Legs, Swellings of the Glands, Syffhilltic Diseases, in the world. One. bottle of this reptedy Will make more pnfe blood, and add greate; cloamets to the skin than a dozen bottles of the most popular Sarsaparillas. Infants afflicted with sore heads, "breaking outs," cankers, kc., are cured in a few , Jaye. One to six bottles will cure the worst cases Of ekin diseases. - For Chambersborg, Miller & Hershey Card .to the Seering.—The Rev. Willituri Cosgrove, while laboring as' a missionni•y•inJapan, was enred - ofConsnmption when all other means bad failed by a recipe obtained froth steamed phisician in thigreat el tyof.le ddo. Tills recipe has cured great numbers Who wets B uffering from' ' , Consumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Odds, and the debility and nervous depression. caused by these disorders. Desircenief beneStting others, I d•ili send this recipe, which I have brought home with mm•te all who need lt, free of charge. Address Rev.IVIL COSGROVE, dec 5,62•1 y 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.N A...Gentlorao,n, cured ,of #Ciroup Incompatenay, Premature Decay mid Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, 'will be haj py furnish Wall who need tt(free of charge) the recipe and directions for making the, simple , Remedy used in case. Thosewishing to profit by his exPerienco--and 'possess a Valuable Remedy—will 'receive the same, by retina Dian, (carefully sealed,) by, addressing. ' aug I£4m , .13rAnted.—zLop{stancl,TrayOlin"g Agent,sin ovary Town and County. ClTmilars, with Tettitttonials of Clergymen arid 'Acciontino men, in r‘gird to tbelust, niss, sett free. ' • iSA&U & . July 15,63-$l. fiewbuippai;ilaat. MARRIED. DIED. 11 WALL gr., fizw YORE. Ull3/ 22, '63-6m. JOE'S S. OGDEN, Ito:6o,lgassat! Street, Now York T.-..lies'`,i'',oll,4i`i,it'':TlO:io_pioilfi::tilatz!k,fejli*t_g, - ;',_lq. Edifor RepOsifoiy—Deirr "; With' our permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I, will send by return mail in, all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full directions for making and Using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually re rtiOte,:in 10 minutes, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft clear, imootli and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald heads or Bare Faces, simple Airectious and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant hair, Whiskers, or n'Arou.stsvlse; in loss than 30 days. All air plieati.ons answered by return mail without charge. Respectfullfyoure, TILOS:F. CLIAPMAN, Chemist, No. 831 Broadway, New York. jtat,lT2' Tlie 611fessions tindExperience of an' In ralid.--PnOshed far the benefit, and as a vrarnthg. and ° A CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN who suffer from Nervous 'Debility, Premature Decay of Manliood, etc, supplying at the tame time' THE MEANS OS SELF CURE, one who has cored himself after being put to a great prima and injury through medical and quackery. . , , By enchising A postpaid Addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the author. . - NATHANIEL may 20,13 1 , , Bedford, Kings county, N. Y. to 60 Poring or Old, Male or , Female.— If pin have been eaffenng from a habit indulged in by the rot, TH OF BOTH ARSES, wracti CAtBZt hO atva ALLItItIVI 9YPICtO3IB, It unfits diem for f Marriage, . ` And is the greatest evil umich can befall = SIAN Olt WOMAN. See symptoms enumerated in advertisement, and if you are a eufferer. ' Cut; out the Advertisement, . And send fur it at once, ' - Dplaye sue dangerons Ask for liolrubold's. Take - no other. • - Cures guaranteed. Beware of Chanter/mit and imitations. July 15,63-2rl SOS. $75:. • Employment I—Agents Ti anted!—S'4 will pay from 525 ios7s per month, and all expenses, to active give; a commission. rsOculars sent free,— Addretat SEWING MA6IIINE COMPANY, It JAMES Geheral Agent, Milan, Phii). - april 29, 62-ly REP, ORT OP THE MARKETS " VaftAelphia - Markets. Pitualw.f.PutA, Aug. 31,1863. ~'FLOEE.-LThere is very little shipping de mand, j and the only sales reported were 200 bbls. Ohio extra family at $5.50 % bbl. :The sto the borne consumers range from s'silk 4.75 Up to $7.25 for common and fancy lots, according to quality. , RYE, PLOUR is selling in a small way at $4.750,5. In PORN" MEAL nothing doing, and but little stock here to operate in. The! offerings of WligAT are small, but fully • Up to. the demand, and the market is ' dull. j Sales of 4500 hush. red at $1.25@:.1.37k for common and choice old, and sl.lB®l.o_ for nev, including 800. bush. poor Southern White itt SI.IV" and 1000 bush. prime Kentucky do., at $1.55 in store: Rvk moves slowly at,ooe.for new, ar,d $l. 05 for, old. C - oikx is senree and firm at 82. c. foryellow, and 7fie, fo'r mixed Western, 3000 bush. were taken at the latter figure. OATS are steady at 53@55e. for new, and 68c. fin. old. PRICE CURRENT ‘, • OF M 7 2 -, S r av DE3MO:'B. . 1 i 1 I CORRECTED WEEKLY. 1- .- CHAMBE RAT URG. sent.l, 1863. BIM.= /0 WASHED Woo. • 50 , E('Dis i - 12 UNWASHED WOOL 33 Dow i g CLOVER SEED ' 500 'TALLOW* 8 Tocarsti SEED 2 00 ,50Ar.. 1 .....z.-.....„......-.. ito fi FLAX SEED !BACON HAWS 12 NEED PEACHES .... '..... 3 I 0 'BACON Sums , S UNPAKEP PEACHES. 1 50 .SOI.:F , BEANN, 1 50,DErED APPLES .... 1 00 !CH4MBERSBURG FLOUR AOC RAIN - MARKET. CORRECTED AT CHAMBERSBURG MILLS I Flon-It'lte.. Flow—Ren Wberit—White Wile:it—Refl.— Oats' J POTATO iiiia:.'ZET. , MerCer, New , , Pink-Eyes ( rein abbettioentento. SUBsTrruTE! SUBSTITUTE!-? 'For lets than $5O. For particulars inclose 10 cents. Address ~ 1. A. TIIOMI'SON. rept 2-.3t* Cain of John G. Schiller. Pittsiairg. kNION COUNTY COMMITTEE. , —The Union County Committee will meet nt the Law, office of John Stewart. inChantbershni g, rm Satyr - day, the sth day of September, at I o'clock, full attendance ismaroestiy requested. Sept 2-1 t sq MIN STt,WART, r irtirman. NOW READY.—Our new PRICE LIST' of STRAWBERRIES. RASPBERRIES, bi,ACKBERRIES, CURRANTS, GOOSEBERRIES, GRAPE VINES, &c.,,tc.. ix now issued and will he sent to all nnplic4nts tteck of dm ge. J. KNOX. sent. 2,3xn, Box, 155 Pittsburg. Pa,, TRAWBERRIES.-Our Cir- S' calar. giving varieties of Strawberries, that bah. moved the most vMuable the past season, with price of plants. and other information, will be' Bent to all appli cants.J. KNOX. • sept.2--3m. Pot 155 Pittsbmg. Pa. TRAY 13111,14.—Carne to the prem ises of the subscriber, residiug two miles bunt', of eimmbersburgy on the Waynesboro road. about the mid dle' of June. a CFIEBINUT BROWN BULL, about tw two years old, with * *bite atri, e on the back. The owner is notified to prove property and pay chorges,nr he will be disposed of according to law. aep 2-fite CIIRIBTI/04 ItOOVNR., FARM FOR SALE_—The si g ned Rlll sell at Private Sale. his FARM, com taming 164 ACRES, more or less, of good quality of LIMESTONE LAND, in a good state of cultivation, The improvements good; well watered, and Young Orchard beginning to bear. I deem it unnecessary to esty mole; an any person wishing to purchase' can see for himself. This Farm is situated about 13.4 miles South-west of 'Up ton, Franklin county, Pa. [aerc2-6t] JOHN STONER. VOTIC.E.-=-Persons are cautioned wit to allow Horses to be taken from them by parties representing themselveestagenfa of the Quartor• master's Department, and searching for captured or stray animals. No authority is - evert for such purpose from _this date. AMBROSE THOMPSON, Lientenanteolonel, Chief Quarter Master , Department Susquehanna. Cliamhersburg, Aug. QTRAYED.-=-On Saturday night, 80th of August; 1863, a beautiful IRON-GREY PACING MARE, four years old. Strayed is a small' mil mal, having a heavy mane and tall; small legs' and ema il f ee t-I%OM 'dark. Back and withers slightly chafed with saddle. In the a left front foot she is slightly sprung in the - frog. Any ono in possession of strayed will pleaseaddress the owner at Leeshirg 4 Cumberland County, Pa:, who will bestow a liberal reward. sept. 2-3 to Rev. T. MARSIIAtt. WEST, Owner. VINES.—Our Stock of lug DELAWARE, CONCORD. DIANA, HARTFORD PROLIFIC. CREVELING-ELSINGITURGAERBEMENT, LoGON, TO HAWN, UNION VILLAGE. CUYAUOOO, REBECCA, ANNE.. TAYLOR OR BULLITT,aud all the 'other leading kinds, is- unsurpassed anywhere in the country. , Parties wishing to purchase, and *he, cannot visit our 'grounds to examine our vlues and ^eineyard, wliMi all ,the above Ann many other kindsomi t be seen In fruit, would do well to send for our NEW ICE LIST; which itsent wan applicants Ifec, of ch arg S. KNOX. • aept. 2-3 m. • - -Boxibblittebhrg,,Pn. Rein athertistittents. NOTICE.—The, I) iiect6is of llamilton township will meet on ,Sitirtty,the Stu or September, at the Musa of. John Gordon to ens 4 ploy eight teachers. - • W.ll. DOSSEAT, - sept. 24t. - , Seep.- ' ' XEC U TORS" NO TIC E.—Notice is berebigiven that Letters Tmitarnenthry to the .state of Procrk. &Alin ger, of Letterkeuny township, dee'd_ have been granted to the undersigned. •,* All persona indebted to, tile said Estate.arebereby qiiested to make immedia to payment., and those having claims or demands against The Estate of said, decedent will make known the same without del ty, to • JOHN ZULLINGEII. Harrisburg, Pa., - ` tJKO. ZULLINGEW, Lettirketaty township, . sept2-44.* Executora ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ' Notice is hereby given - that Letters of Administra tin on the Estate of.llenry Dollar. late of Lurgan town ship. dec'd. have beet granted to the ondersigned t reeld. trig In Bt. Thonias township. Al persons indebted tip the said Estate are ,requeste4 to make inainediate payment and thoi-elinving Miami or demands against, the Estate of the said decedent will make Unix ri the same ix-talent delay. to ser2 PETER C 110LIElt, Adm'r. LIST OF- LETTERS remairiing in the Pest Office at Chamtlersburg. Sept. 1. 1803: ActermanMiss3lll Haney Burnant Pechin (Icor& Jr Brown P(coed) lieringtou Charlet, Dunkin .11159 Balchim vtisseathe Hines Mims Mary A Shuster) B Cummings David Jackson Jas•pb. Skunk Andrew Duni:try - Amos P baulball John . Salkela J3111e4 DAVIS J WLouts 3liesSlrahr. Stillman Nancy _ - _ . . DunkleEnima - Limon :Malcom A SnivelyChristophr Dicke:rem DrJehn 31illihen John S Shepperil U 0 Gannon John Miller Aaron Watson Hendty m e an Miss Kate Moyer Geortt W IValler JQ it Ilelmon Samuel Olbert Peter _ Warren Lewis . Persons calling Tor the shore Letters trill tileaie sal that they have been advertised. • J. W.1./FAL; P: 3L ATALUBLE FARM FOR SALE.- The . tmilereigitA otTer at Priratd 3 Sole. aanivatit LIMESTONE FARM. - situated in Welsh Run district 134 miles S..E.ofllowles Stores,consistiug 0146 ACRE:. llu f which is cleated and in a good state ofcultivatioi• and the balante Is fine TIMBER LAND. The improve merits ar a new two story BRICE:HOUSE, new Mint Barn, and all necessary outbuildings . There is a gm. W-eII of nevet.fnlling'water at the housed 'There In Leto a good Orchard of Grafted Fruit on the premises. . if the Strut is not sold by the 10th of October, it he exposed, at Public Sale at 1 o'clock. Personis to view the premises can do so by calling at the farm to the residence of J. WATSON CRAIG, Welsh Run. Sept. 2. JNO. WDOWELL, Chaniberabrirg. VALUABLE TAVERN STAND y_ NOR SALE: , The undersigned offer at Privatt tie, the AVIAI known,Tavern, situatezton tho, corner 01 Market and Second Streets, now in:, the occupancy of Sheriff Brown. The llot el , is a lartd"commodious twt story brick building. The yard Mutated ils zultnitabl3 arranged for travellers st"pping with buggies an. wagons. ,The stable ii. large and. airy, and capable cv. occoninodating front 60 to 60 bead of horses. The out buildings such ao Wash Rouse, Spring House ,Ice House &c. waken It the moot desirable Iletel in the count.). Its near locationte the Rail , Itorid, Court Ilouse t Alabit and business places, rende,a It the most pleasant an, convenient stopping place in town., Persons desiring to purchase, can tee the premises anti learn the terms of sale by calling on the undersigned. EL). AIIGIIIIKBAIia 11, 'S. M. WORLEY, Changes. sopt. 2-tf ATALUABI,E FA RMFOR SALE-- The undersigned offers at Private Sale. a valuable LIMESTONE FARM. situated_ o -.the Illertersburg and Hagerstown resin, four roil u It of the former place. in the Welsh Run District containing ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX ACII S, 140 of which are cleared— in a high state of cultivation—the balance choice Tira• bur Land. The Conococheague -Creek bounds the Yarni on the North, and there are two Welts of good . Watur eu the premises-ocent the House and one at the Barn The IMprovements are. a two-story ROl.lOll CAST MOUSE. a good STONE - BANE. DARN, with Cern Crib std Wagon Stied attached. and all necessary out build. lugs. -There is, also, a good ORCHAIU) of grafted Fruit on the premises. - - If the Farm is not sold by the let' day of October next, it will, on that day, at 1 o'clock, P. M., be offered at Public sale: - -:,Persons whaling to view the premises can do so at any time, by calling on the undersigned, residing the, eon. Sept. 7.1663. J. WATSON ,CRAItI. PL BLIC SALR—WiII I be sold by Public Sale, ou the premises„on Saturday. Me 20th day of ..eillember'. next, at I o'clock, P. M., the folloiving valuable Rent Property. late the Estate of Henry Stoner, deed.. viz; A TRACT OF LAND, (best quality Lime stone) containing 110 Acres, situate, in Peters township, Ftvinkrin County. Pa., on the road leading front Green castle to Mercersburg—t ha Warns Spring host passes the door—and in the immediate vicinity of StitzelPs Mills; About 80 Acres ate cleared and under cultivation and good fences; the remainder well timbered. - The lra: pro - cements, consist of a good Stone Dwelling Howse; Log 'Tarn, and other OU t•bur dings; a Well of excellent never falllng..WaKconvenient to the dwelling, A-c. • There is, also, on the premises. a thriving young Apple Otchard. TP/111S.--One-third of the purchaSemoney to remain In the land during the litetime of the Widow, the inter est to be paid to her semi-annually; $2.600 in hand, and the halant4 in two equal annual payments, bearing in terest; the unpaid purchase- money to bo secured by Judgment on the property. CHRISTIAN M. STONER, DAVID M. STONER., sep 2-stt• Executors of Henry Stoner, deed. . ET 00 . 650 . 1 10 • 1 00 FAYETTEVILLE A CADEM Y.- The annual opening of Fayetteville Acadetuy will take placeon Wednesday. September 9th, under the charge of Mr A:18, Swts and Mica E. F. Bwmtir, of New Jersey. This Institution is incorporated and loc.tecl in the vitt. age ofFnyetteville. Franklin County, Pa., six miles from Cliambersinirg in,b healthy part of the country and with magnificent Mountain scrneryeround it. It is the design of the Institution and will be the con stant aim of the teachers to impart practical thorough ness in all brunches of dastrisction., . . The 4chool 3 ear is divided into two sessions of twenty wt eta each. The-Fall -cto-lon begibs these cond Wednesdaf In,Septsmber and clos t s the four It Tuesday in January. with a vacation of one week at Christmas. The spring session begins the first Wcdnesd..y In February and-closes the 23t1 of June. . TERMS Fortin Itch branches , ........ .—...1,8 8 00 ScieneW and Higher Mathe - matieg. For elutdeal xtullies _ _ Music on Pinno .. . • Drawing mini pencellin* ...... ...........a 4 00. hoardingfrom $2 00 to $2 25 per week. . . - Fur farther particulars addreas either the Principal or Mr. J. 11.Ctiek, Fayetteville: ' , 11EFERMisit;Ea.—Rev.istr. Deafrich, 'E. liartzel, M.D. , ,' Mr, John W . Barr, or Mr. Robert Black. ang 28 VOW IS THE-TIME TO PLANT. 11 —Send your order); - fur STRAWBEIMY KAM-- The subscriber offers a large and very superior otock of Plants of the following, halides a host of other old and new varieties:— Wilson's Albans; Trioniph de oand; :Vicomptes; . Ilericart Shur; Troilopeir Victoria: Hooker; iteld'a Scarlet Prolific; liuyne's Favorite, Sc., &c., sc., fie, &c., Ic. • price,s3.oo per hundred;' $7.50 per thousand; $2.5.00 per fivb thourrata ei cairely packed, and shipped rut directed. to all accessible points from Chatubonsburg (free 'to Oitambersburg). • The purchaser's selection adhertat to If the order-is re. ceired bef we the stock of nay variety in exhausted. Onr stock of Wilson's Albany itauph de (land is, very g or]. Not less than of any variety sent at the price 'per hundred: and not loss than two hundred at the priceper thousand; five thottrintof at the price per 25,000. -• PLANTS BY MAIL -For one dollar, we will send by nr one dozen each of ant two hest varieties of the above. For WO, we will send fifty each of any three vedettes. r $5.00, we wilt send elle hundred tack, of any tip ea varieties. securely packeikand post paid, to any address in the United State& vn receipt of the prke. Address, - . D. L. RIDER; -- West Franklin Nnrsottee. London, pranklin,co., Pa. REES L T,R E E SLI-71WILSON - VILLE NURSERY: E • Adrous C0 . ..4a.—8UR fi EIOL- , D & WILSON, Proprietors. ' rj t - FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL 'TREES, of thrifty growth and fine assortment 'of varieties; for sale this Fail, and next Spring. - Parsons. desirous. of purchasing will call on our Agent, J F. CROFT; Chain berstoargi Franklin Co, Pa. . 40,000 APPLE TREES, . Four years old, very strong and healthy. 20,000 PEACILTREiai. "- I, %and 3 'years, very fine. -Also,, Standard and :'Rwarf PEAR AND. ,I'LU3L TREES,„ , _ :, ' 1 000 CHERRY TREES, • 'Of the following kinds: 'Cumlierland, Triotiph, IBlack Eagle, Black Tartarian, Elton, Gov. Wood, yellow Span ish, po - Greit Blgarreau. . .' 10,000 GOOSEBERRIES, Houghton and Ohio sepdlinga. . ' 1 , RASPBERRIES, " - , . - . BLASKBETtRIES, 't , ' • '• ' ' • - ' , STRAWBERRIES, ' ~ ' ,-: • CURRANTS:' , , , , , R054,13T9c0. HARDY NATI V E GRAPE vE , IES :" , c ' • ( Wordier - very strong plants of Arina, Cllidan;.'earearbs, Concord, Delaware, Diana; Oporto lifixatawney, Hail. ford Prolific, Itabella, Rebecca, Taylor, Cuyahoga, Clara, Ontario, and Efenshaw. ' - ' • - -- 1 - - BURKHOLDER & WILSON. - - - Bendersville, Adams eotinty:.l% . . i J. F. OROFTi Agent, Chatuhenthar& qdePt S'-310. fiebi TA Ti FAIR•.--The' Elev . faah • ' et the -- • - - - Pennvtvanis State Agricultural •Socdetu - , 'Ali be liebret 'NORRISTOWN, 'MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PENNA., Septentber 29th Cat% and October laid 8d,1563. • Norristown is about miles West of Philattelphia;on this Schuylkill River; and is at ce3sible by Italie/110 every portion tithe State. ' ' The, Grounds are beautifully situated, containing 28 Acres of gretind, With fine large buildings thereon erect together with large amount of shedding. - The.treck, is said to be one of the best half-mile tracks in the Mate. The premiums are the heaviest ever offered by the Stele• ty, amounting to about sloooj The premiums for all grades of cattie eiceedsloot, atm of whichiire $3O each, 10 from $25 to $l5. others running down to lesser sates Uest herd not less than 15 head, tint premium $4O; 2nd Ipremium $25. Misses for all grades the prenrslums txceed $1350 - The nighest $100; ".a between 52u and • $ , 30 , and others rang in g from $15,510 and $5. • , Fur Poultry there is along 114 of premiums, from $2 to $1 each. lu the following classes most liberal premi ums are 'offered: Plows, Cultivators, Drilla, Wagons, Reaping and Mowing Machines; Cutters, Coin Shelters. cider Milis,pummt,Buckets, TidWore, Leather - end he I , anufactnres, Gas Fixtures, Marble 'Mantles, Butter, , Grain and Seeds, Vegetables; and also for Domestic, and Household Manufactures, Cloths, Carpet*, Satinet. Shirt ing, Sheeting, Blankets; Flannels. BbaWls, Knit. Goods, Needle Rork, -Bread.Ctikeu, Preserves, Jellies, he. Large premiupas are offend for every variety of Fruit and Flowers. ll'he_Floral Tent will be - the, largest ever erected by the Sutiety, and will ferns one of the most at. tractive features of the Exhibition. "Fruit, Grapes and Wine - will be exhibited in thiii department."-" %The Petinirylvania Railroad and Norristown Railroad 'have arranged to carry articles for exhibition to and from the 'Exhibition freight free, requiring the 'forwarding freight to be, paid, which'arill be re-pald shipper When goods are returned to the Station whence shipped. It is 'toped to affect the Same with inumrtant roads. Eicursions at reduced istetwill berun on all tholes& leg Railroads Etitritz can he made a the Office. ittNorriston, after the 4th do° eSeUlember. - : All articles must be' entered on the booksOn or befote Tuesday evening September :10:h. Exhibitors must become Members. Membership 11, with - four Coupon Tickets -each,pf wtdch will admit use person to the Faironce._ , 'SINGLE ADMISSION ' • ' 25 CENTS. 111. A List of Premitno and' RegUlations can be had by audressing the Secietaty; • • ' - • r : • - THOMAS P. iiNOX,..Preddent. A. , Baolven 1.4371.44tE1t, Sec,y, Norristown, Pa. Sept. 2; 0.1-5 t • F"'"KT,IN NURSERY,; CRAIIBERSBURG,PENNA. rho Slabs - defier would Invite the 'attentio;) . 6,l the Public to s 'vary fine assorlineut of Fruit and ornamental Trees now ready for *sale. AsAsiul imincitacirit to plant APPLE TREES,I. ,V eon at per hundred (the se . .ection left as much as possible to myself) from 5 to 7 feet high. and well formel I will further guarantee the growth of them; - thO' pan ehtiseilotlig . this. helms and give the tree the after treat ment that I ; may "direct. • , . APPLE TREES. , Front 6to 7 feet high, 1.,5 :eta each. $12.60 :per Inadied. to 5 feet my own select ion, $lO per hundred. zxtra, !aria, froth to 10feet, 25 cts. each. PEACH TREES.- • , A fine assortment of well grown healthy peach Trees, including all the late - variettes. - 15 cryrs - gAzzr, OR Salte. An extra lot Seedling Peach Trees $5 per hundred. ,CHERRY TREES. Most of the-leading varieties now cultivated, andknown to do-well in this latitudene year old-15. cents each. or $1.50 per doz.—Larger and older trek. 30 to we, each. PEAR TREES. - the Pear It now more- extensively planted than any other fruit tree, on account of its regular bearing, larger crops, andlongevity. Dwarf Trees, from 20. to 50 cents each; Standards, from 40 to 75 cents, PLUMS, • - From 40 to 60 cents each. • APRICOTS, i From 25 to 60 cents each. ' GRAPES.- „ , „ i t Every man now hi;ghis to feel: the necessity of having • one or more Grape fines in hisgarden; and no fruit can be planted that will, more 'certainly remunerate him.— : I cultliate. most of tlik - liardy varieties-of the Native Grape, and auch ;as .have proved themselves valuable In- this latitudei,Liadrella, Catawba, Diana. Clinton. "Concord. Delaware, and others. One year old View. from 25 to 76 cents each; twoyear old, front 50c. to $1.003; strong lay, re, -many of which have fruited this season, from 75c. t0,52.00."' - RHUBARB PLANTS-25c. each; s2.o6per dos. ASPARAGUS SETS-41 - .1111 per hundred:, RLACKBETtRIESL(Lawton)—SI.SO per, doiten., RABPBERRlES—in•vartety.—ixom 500. to U. 00" per dozen. CURRANTS(Ia variety)—front 60c. te . s2;oo y10'410 , 1_6. I have a' choice collection of EVERGREENS,Olirsa rnentai Trees, and hardy Shiubs; which will sell as cheap as they can be procured elsewhere, of the same 'qua Sty. The following are some "of the varieties Vier way Spruce, White Spruce, American Balsam Fir, Arbor Vitaes—American, Chinese, Siberian Nepal and Golden: Irish Junipers; American end European Lindens. Ma ples, Spires& Wegener, Beanies; ilfalloahta , Honey suckles, and Roses. • All orders will be premplly attended to, and delivered in_Chainberabetrg, or nt the Raillioad,trithorit any other charge than the slight cost of packing. Sept. 2,1863. f - JACOB IIEYSER, Agent. 10HROCLAMATION !--GENERAL 'ELY,LTlOiki.—Wheres.3, in and by an Act of the trenerat Assembly of the Commonwealth of ,Pennsybra uht,.natled.'' !;Ati Act relating to the Elect ens of this 'ortnuonwealth,",passed the 3d day ofJuly, Anna Domini i'11t.„39. it is , made the duty of the Sheriff of every County within this Commonwealth to glee' public notice of the General Elections, end in such notice to enumerate- 7 Ist—The Officers to be elected. 24=Designating the places at which the "election is to be held. Therefore,. , • I, SAMUEL BRADT, High Sheriff of the Counriot Franklin, do hereby mate known and give this POEM/ NOTICE to the'Electois of the County of Franklin, tints 'ON THE 2d - TUESDAY OF OCTOBER,' •NEXT, (being - the 18tli day of the month.) a GenenthElection will' be lield'at the several Election Districts established by law In said county at which t[mo they will vote by "trilot for the lever:ll officers, - At.,hereinaftet named, win—. One person for Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.; •" - •. - • One person for Judge, of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of .Peunsylvaula: Two Persons for niembersbf the Mouse of Representa tives of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, to rep• resent the Counties of Franklin and I..utton in the house of Representatives of the General "Assembly of Pe en _ sylvenia. One person to fill , the office of Prothonotary fur the County of Franklin. One petson to fill the office of Register and Recorder for the County of Franklin. One person tottil the office of Clerk of the ,Courts f ar the County of Franklin. Ono parson to 1 the office of Treasurer furthe Coun ty of Franklin. One person to fill th office of County commisalorter for the County of Fran n. ' - One poison to fill the o ce of Dlrictof of the'Poor for the Cotinty of Franklin. OnopersOn tollittheoMce f Auditor fer - blieCaufaty of Franklin. • , The said 2:lei/Irma wilthe hel 4irotgbent the County, 'as follows: rAt the Court Rouse in the Bore of Chombersburg,. for the North Ward of.sald Boron , and part of Gunflint; township. ' At the Hotise Vic Taylor, Pm* the' South War' ot i , said Borough, At the Eublic, ,Ilbuse of John. Gordon, at, the, Wes Polk of Coninbarsbnig. for `the township , of Hamilton./ , At the School House in Fayetteville. for :portant' the' townships of-Guilford and Green. • Greet. village, katillelloilsopf Martin, Shoemaker,Greet. village, for part of Green township. At the. Western School' House, in the tourrifof - St Thomas, for the township of St. Tlioratts,, . , At the School Mouse, In the tort', of kannettsbur",' for the toninstop of Metal. _ At the School Rouse, in the town at, li,44intry, for ti township, of I,targan. • .• • r _ At the lidnse of John Hervey, for part of townsh of Fannett. , At the School Rouse, in the town of Concord, for pa -of the todnuthliv of Fannett, and - • . • 'Arthe hew Stone School House hi liforrOwtown d- , trier, Fir the other part of Fannett:terp,' • • • At the House now occupied by Geo. Anderson hi IT village of Quincy, for the the township of Quincy. At the Western School House in Waynesboro,' for tl. , township of Washington. , At the House of 1). Foreman in 'Greencastle. for A , trim and part of the township of Patera end Idoutgo err, At theSchoorthinse, on the land of Michael Cook • • Warretr township, for the township of Warren. • At the Strasburg School House, for the township - Lettericeney.q " At the Howe elf James Mulloncin the town of Loud, for-part. of tbetelsnsizip of. Peters. ; ; • ; At the hog House, on the farm of;JacolrElitott, for t Veleh Run District, being part of Montgomery twp. At the House of Thomas McAfee, in Mercorahurg, I. parts of the townships of Peters And Montgomery. At Alm -Mount alock School House in.-Sotditampt , 'township, for part Of, the township of Southampton. At the "EaStern Scheel House Da Grrstown, for 51 • Other pisttOf Sonthartniten townsbitt, ~ , -. I;iOTICE TS HEREBY GIVMN-....."That`eirery - pets ,ereepting Justleis of the Peace, .WllOl4ll be3d any • See or Impottittnentuf pro fi t or trust mint&the V. Stn' or of thfB •13htti. 'or D Olty or Ificoi-Mited" Siete Whetht+W commissione/1 officer •coZot,bensiire - , lAD 12 no 15 00 20 00 j ,ell i E fleltt%. shall be employed ender the Legislative,' Execntiiie or Judiciary Doparthient of thfir State; or -of the Littitill States, orof any Incorporated 'District; and alse, 4 that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the Select or Ciiianton Council of any City, or Cote missioner i f any Incorporated District; is lyr, inca pable of holding or exercising at the time, - the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or: Clerk 'of any elec tion of this Commonwealth, and that noitudge, Insliecler or other officor of such election, shall bo eligible to be then Toted for." - And the said Act of Assembly. entitled 'Au Act re lating to Elections, of this Coutmonwenith," passed July 3,1639, further prevides, us Collects, to wit "That the Inspectors and-Judges - shall meet, at the respective plaetiti ti plain:led fur huliling 'the election in the District-M*66li t hey may respemtvely belong. be fore 9 o'clocki on the moroing'of the 1d Tuesday of Oc tober. and each of said Inspectors Shall appoint one Cleric 'who stud the a qualified voter of such Diatelet. case theperson \OW 'Mall have received the sec ond highest number of votes for Inspector shall not nit tend on the day of election, then the. person who ShAll - have received the second highest .number of -votes tir Judgeat the next preceeding election, shall act as specter in his Owe. And In V/130 he person who his received the highest number of votes forinspector stool net attend: the person elected Judgeshali appoint en In spector in his iduee and in ease thepersoe elected Judge shall not attend, then the Inspector- who_ received the highest untidier nf votes shall appoint a Judge In Ids place; audit" any vacancy Ault continue in the balsa, fur the space of one hour after the time fixed by law tir o the opening of the eleetiots,.. the qualified voters of the' township. ward or di.drlct, tor 'which such , efficer shell have been' elected; pre-ent at the time of election, shall, elect one of their voucher to fill the, vaoncy." Particular attentmi is directed to the Act ofissembly pawed the 27th do) of lobruary,lB49, entitled "An Act relative to • voting et Elections in the _Counties of Adama,P L auphin, York. ancaster, Frarild n, Cumber b, ud Bradford; Centre, tireene and Erte," viz:— " ill. Be it enacted by tho Scoot° and House of itepri. settuctives of the Counnunwealth of Pennsylvania in OenenlAssembly nod, apt it 10ereby e nacted by the authority of. the slum—that it shall be lawful fur the qualified votersof the counties of Adams, Dauphin. lem easter,Yerk,Franklin, Cunweriand, Bradford, Ceni te, Greene and Erie, Irian and after the passage of this .Aet, to vote for all candidates for the various offices to be fill , ed at any election out mu , electionen one slip or ticket : . Provided, the office fur which every candidate is voted for shall be desigiatted, as required by the existing lam s of the Cunnumattevitth, • , ".t 2. That any fraud committed by any person vot-in g la the Manner above prescribed. shall be punished similar frauds are directed tuba punished by the eal , t • log laws of the Commonwealth." 0 • For the information of the electors of Franklin county Iyublishlhato.ltuwitir, being tho 4th Bettina of thu A t 'of the General Assembly of the session of 113.51, entitled, "An Ace tolitov kir •fur the' election of Judges at tL4 seCortti Conte of this Commonwealth, audit° regulate certain Judicial Dili riots; " 4. That the election lot Judges-shall be held nn/ conducted in file several election Districts in the same manner in all respects tie elections fur Represestativ, 4 are or shall be conducted, and by the same Judges, In spectorsandoiHceos.audthe proVlsiOus of the Act of the Ueneral Assembly. entitled, ~An Act relating to thu eleetionsof this Commonwealth. approved the 2d day of July, 1849, and its several supplements and alt other I the laws as far as the same shalt be in force and applicable, shall be deemed and taken tube the 'election of Judges: Provided, That the 'aforesaid electors shall vote for Judges of the Supreme Court on a seperattrplece of ita per.and for all other Judges required to be learned io the law on another separa te piece of paper. "It shall be the day of Abe several Assessors, respect ively, no attend at the place of holding every General, Special or T,ownship - election, during .the whole time said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving formation to the los i actors and Judge, When called sn, in relation to the right of any person sesessed by thi at to vote at such election, cation sueit other matters in i e lation to the assessment of voters as the said Inspector s, or either of Item Mail from time to time require. “Nopersun shall be permitted to vote at any election as aforesald, than a white freeman of the age of twenty one years or nun e, whoshallhave resided In the State. t least one year, end in the election District where he fere to vote at least ten days, immediately proceedie ; such eleeilim, and within two years have paid is State, r County tax which shout have been neeeeiseii at least days berifeYthe election. lint a citizen if the CO States,Veho loirevionsly beenri qualified toter if in State, and removed therefrom anti rourbed, and abs shaft have 'resided in the electron District and paid taxes aforesaid shall be entitled to vote after residing in thha State six minalis : Prey tiled. That the white freemen, citizens of the Voiced States between the ages of twenty one and twenty-two years. who have resided in. the - tion District tee days as aforesaid, shall be entitled vote, although they shall lot have' paid taxes. -”No person shall benet mitred to cote whose name is not contained to the list of taxable inhabitants furnish, still' the - Commissioners, unless, First, he produces .1 receipt for payment. within two Yeats of a State •sr County tax, ussessedagrecably to the Constitution, ati.l give satisfactory evidence either on his oath or affirm... tion, or the oath or affirmation of another, that he lags paid such a tax, or in failure to produce such a receipt, shall make with - to the pitymeut there- f : or, Sexed, if he dolma right to vote by being an elector between tle ages of twenty one and twenty. two years, shall dere se on oath or affirmation. that he has resided the State at least one year next beret e application, and make his anch proof of residence in the District as is reqinred-•, by this Act. and that he does - verily, believe from the-ao counts givenhim that bele of the age aforesaid, and give such other evidence as is required by this Act, whereupon the name of the person so admitted to vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list, by the Infirm tars;and a note made opposite thereto by writing , the word "tax" he shall be admitted to vote by reason of hnxipg paid tax or the word "age" if he shall be admitt ed to vote by t eason of age, and in either case the reason of such vote shall ha galled out to the Clerks who shall make the like note in the list of voters kept by them. - eln all cases where the name of the person claiming to vote is nut found on the list furn.shed by the Commis sioners 'or Assessors, or his right to vote whether found either by verbal proclathation thereto, or by any written thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty or the Inspectors to examine such per sons on oath cis to quidificatiotes, and if he claims to have resided within the State fir one - year or more,-his oath shall be sufficient proof thereof. but he shall make proof by at least one competent witeeea who shall be a quali fied elector, that he has resided within the District for more than ten days next immediately proceeding said .election, and shall aiso himself sweae that hie bons fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful calling, Is within . the District, and that he did not remove Into the Said Diattiet for the purpose of voting : therein. -"_Eyery - person qualified as aforesaid, 'and who Shall Make due proof, if required, of his residence and pay. ' meant taxes, as aforesaid, shall be admitted to voteitt ' the township, ward hr district In which he than reside. If,gny'porsotrahaii prevent Or attempt to Prevenean °infer of the election under this act foam holding such , election. or rise or - threaten - any_ctiefence to any toarittitt: ' leer ' or shill Linterrupt or . improperly interfere with him in the executioner his duty, shalLblock 'tie - attempt to up the window hr avenue to any window where the same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace of said elmtion;or Maki:timer pisetide any intim idation threats, force or ylulance.wlth the degign to in.• fluence, unduly or overate any elector, or to prevent him from voting, or &retain - the freedom of choice, such per:_' son on conviction shall be fined in any :rum not exceed: lug five hundred dollars anti imprisoned fur a time „: not has than one or more than twelve months, and if it shown to the court where the trial of such of fence shall be had, that the person so. offending was not o resident of the city, ward, district or township where the said offence was dm:mated, and not entitled to vote .therein, then on conviction he shad be sentenced to pay aline of nut lees than one hundred or more than oho thousand dollars, and to be imprisoned net lees than six months nor more than two years. , , 'll any person or peraMfa, shall make agy bet crr wager upon the result of any election within this Common- • wealth, or ehalleffer to make any such ; bet or wager, or printed advertisement, challenge or invite any person or persons to suchbet or wager; upon conviction there of, he,:or. they shall forfeit - atid,• pay ,dirge times the amount ace o Tared tobebet. ...If, flay person not uy law qualified, shall frandniently vote Main election in this Comnaonwealtk or being • otherwise qualified shall-vote out of his proper - district, or if any poison knowing - the trout of such a qualification shall aid or procure such person to Soto, the person, en conviction, shall be fined fri any sure not ' exceeding two hundred dollars and be imprisoned for any term not ex -soeilitig three menthe. •• , • •• - • "If anyperson shall vote at more• than one, election district, or otherwise fraedniently vote ' , mops than once °lithe pains day, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to thelrispector two tickets together,with the intent We. gaily to vote, or adviseaed proettee another so to do, be or theyehall, onconviction, be fined itt any sum not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, and beim. prisoned not less., than three nor "tiara than twelve m "lf any person not qualified to Vote in this Comeadtt, ',Wealth, agreeably to law, (except the eons of quaeitien citizens) shall appear at any, place of election for thew purpene of issuing tickets, or of influencing the ettfiezes qualified to vote, he eha 11, am conviction, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding ono hundred dollern the - entry such offence, and be - inapilsoned far any tent not er,- - ceeding twelve months." ' - - - Agree:Alyce: , the.provislone of the sixty-first section of _Pallm t said act, "Every General and Special , Plection, shall he ° And tercip,the forenoon,, an e daltairco een continue hours eoopuenuotritlie eight even eciock. in the even. ing, when the polls Mail be closed," nutmeat hi the proclaims emateht;elm the' serer sixth section of the act first aforesaiJ, the jedgefief, ho aforinfil districts shall reepectiv.ely, 'take charge Of e certificete of return 9f the, edeetiori'et their teapective districts. and pr duct, thelk(it a Meeting of rue agAge : t t h rd' e m trlid cl :l d ay la a ri fte t r ; t a h t e th ifec : VonYli h ei o tr f g a Zr * t e rp u r r ese g ' mi nt 'Year 01. 4 i,Plif0A,Y, Tlartni r icDAY . oYoattilltatNEXT, lea r required by :rathweeatifusaditdhiyaecitgo Alio—That whecep.inda•ohy steknees oe anairoldablo 'ccident, is ttnittile'ts. attend; MA:3 `,tatOring' of jnilgee, theri the cortAeate or return Afoxesad s ,ei,ati be taken tharg - of tkl eitui ortho fritrpcotowor Chiritt the elk tt6ii of entd,distriet, , whci shall do.awl pertiim lb: duties l'N'Oretluttheiald Xtidges - unable to attend. - 'Cava% "under my hand wild seal - at Chattsb.orehirg, tide 41V -4 Watt. 1868,' 'EtA.III7E:f. 'BROM ' '''AkilPtednre44..ala}b:c., 13hettft 13