The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, September 02, 1863, Image 4

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    tritaliu .19itizito
c33..A_lvmmlz,s33 u
Wednesday Horning, Sept; 2, 1868.
..".11 : 11nctiFtL i W Centre
q ' :II:IANIEt. AGNEW; Beaver. •
''T. JEFFERSON RILL, nhilmbersbars
.'"WILLIA111 A.. GRAY. Fallon.
• -1"011. 193.0TRONOTAILY,
c r, l ;K: SHANNON TAYLOI2, Chamb'g.
I,- IWIRL G. MITCI3/ELL, Southampton
IDEAlltit GOOD, Quincy..
'4OIIN DlE.BLER,Chamberstnitg.
' AMBEIpgON, Wasbingion
F.; • :
kir &fit; K. SHRYOCiC. is , autboriz d to
itilialyeSnbscripticrna and - contract for Advertiseilenta
*tire, REPoarronir bathe Eastern7citieti.
Retaliation has become a familiar terin in
rebeldotn. We have bad it in numberless
stump, •legislative and congressional spgech-
Jeff. Davis' proclamations issued
'about once a quarter—in acts of the i•ebel
Congress, and in every rebel journal at - sta-.
ted - periods—all threatening - remorseless
butcheririf our government did not do or
-*nab some 'important thing. Preiident
however, not having the fear of
'Jeff. Davis particularly before hith, has
. ..iuniformly treated such'speeches, proclania
dons' and legislatiou as so much rebel. 61.-
*Ortade, and Jeff. has taken especial care to
prove that our government very properly
appreciated the chivalric bombast of trai
lora. •
The first formal declaration of vengeance
'was made by Davis when the rebel pirates
;Were captured and condemned to death. A
tong letter was sent by , Davis to the Presi-
dent by the first flag of truce of the war,
informing him that if the pirates were exe
,ciited,-an equal number of Bull Run cap
lives, and officers of the highest grade to
`ha-found, would be put to death by way
.of retaliation. The letter was- never an
swered by the President; but-several of the
pirates were regularly tried in the United
',Staten Court, judge Grier presiding, and
convicted under the laws. The rebels, on
learning of the conviction, compelled the
Union prisoners to draw lots, and Colonel
te f orcoran,and others were placed in felons
. cells as hostages for the pirates. The quv
tion of holding rebels on the high seas 413
.-- 'pirates, when murderous traitors were guil
ty of equal crimes against the laws by as
saulting the government with armed force,
Avaswe considered by the Administration,
and it w ely resolved not to stain the hands
af th government with blood, however re-
Auir by violated statutes, save where de
=Juan ed by the imperious necessity of a
*le = d war. The pirates were therefore
etc ged as other rebel prisoners, and the
tin. t of retaliation fell to the ground.
- '.
''• on after, Gen. McNeil was charged
.. . the fluty of clearing Missouri of the
.., nds of rebel cut throats who infested the
ronthein border, stealing murdering and
esolatitig everything before them. Por
',ter's guerillas were the only rebil organiza
tion then in that section, and they bad
kiAtrapped and murdered an old citiiensole
ly",becanse he remained loyal to the gov
,strilhappt. Gen. McNeil held a number of
Isorter's scoundrels aA prisoners, and he is
inad-an order stating that unless the Union
:citizen.: should be returned to his home
'within ten days he would execute ten of
,Porter's.gang 'by way of teaching the rebel
:outlaws a proper respect for the rights of
honest ,citizens. The order was sent to
Porters's wife, - who was in constant corn
wiication with him, and he doubtless re-
-`,ccived 'in,due time to return tbe - prisoner
IA he been'alive ; but he had been hfuttii
lyjmurdered, and the condition could no
liierefore . ,be complied with. At the expi
latlcrn ofthe ten days, Gen Melsreil shot
•pnitif Porter's men, and order reigned in
titiit section of Missouri for months there—
'But Jeff. Reivis took up the cause'
tyf the lawless marauders, and issued an' or- -
4erf ps Commander-in Chief, directing fifty'
Prisoners to be set apart by lot for,
exe:cutkon: m case the report proved trim
that Gen. McNeil,had shot ten of Porter's
gang. _ `lie report was trite—the details' of
the - executions were given in' the public
journals And embodied in official reports,
'but, as 'we had a respectable assortment of
Jeff's officers in our han6 at the time, he
allowed his order to, be quietly forgotten.
His next tilt was at - Gen. Butler. When
the Gen: took possession Of New Orleans,
he found evemact of leniency, abused until)
his joiver was threatened with open con=
tempt. In insolent violation of his public
otier§, ' a. rabid secessionist 'attempted to
'tart a ifevolution by testing the .V." S. "flag
,froin,the,Mint. He wadarrested, - tried and
eenderaned to death. Doialess he 4ould
not have paid the . extreme ' poßalty cf the
t . ut for ,thq fact'. that a gang or bullies
leld'aimeeting and resolved that ,the prisr
lenei eh, uld at be executed.
his fate. It &mine a question whether
rebellawlesstiesss or Gen. Butler should be
supreme in the city, and
-the prisoner was
hung at the time appointed. From that
hotir all parties understood that Gen. -But
ler was equal to the, preservation of-peace
and order,- and outlaws found their oCcupa
tion gone. His 'famous order directed
against shatheless female traitors was made
a -pretext for 'measureless ahase of General
BUtler._ The women of NeW Orleans had
become so insolent thitt the city was in con
stant danger of breaches of the peace by
their studied insults to soldiers and rthe flag.
To arrest it he issued an order, strictly fol
lowing an - ordinance of the city, declaring
: that women who openly insulted soldiers I
without provocation, should be treated as
"common women of the, town plying their
"vocation." The penalty, by 'the' laws •of
New Orleans, for such offencei,, was *con=
finement in prison or guard-house. It is
worthy of remark that from the date of that
order, soldiers were never insulted, the
peace of the city was never threatened, and
there is not in instance known of a lady be
ing treated rudely or suffering any indigni
ty from the army. But the execution of
Mumford and the order 'forbidding women
_to unsex themselves by shameless insoletice
on the streets, was Jeff. Davis's next chance
for vengeance on paper, and he forthwith
hung Gen. Butler and all his officers by
proclamation. Of course none of :them
have ever been treated otherwise:than as
prisoners of war, although a number Of them
have since been captured, by the rebels in
the operations on the lower Mississippi.
When the. time came for the butchery to
begin; he found, 'as usnal, that 'discretion
would be the better part of valor, and his
proclamation was forgotten as acoritmon
eruption of rebel bombast.
Some months ago Col. Streight started
into Alabama at the head of a - Cavalry raid,
and was captured. As he had learned from
rebel statesmen that negroes were " chat
tels," like hOrses and other movable pro
perty, he took them at their word and ap
propriated negroes with other chattels dur
ing his march. About the usual period
having arrived for Jeff. Davis to take an
other spasm of vengeance, he ordered Col.
Streight and
,his officers to-be placed 'in sol
itary confinement with the view of handing
them over to the State authorities' , to be
tried for negro-stealing and inciting insur
rection, the penalty for which is death.
Col. Streight and his officers have been
suffocating in felons' cells ever sines., but
the State authorities have never been able
to .get Jeff.'s order remanding them for
trial. -So matters stood until Col. Morgan
was captured in Ohio, when be and his.
offleep were placed securely in-the peniten
tiary on a par with convicts, to remain until
Col. Streight should be disposed of,i and to
enjoy the lunry of dancing a jig on nothing
in case the Union officers should be execu
ted. Of course in a little time Jeff. will
forget his proclamation pronouncing death
against Col. Streightond it-too will be re
garded as lone Of his periodical paroxysm's
of brutality which he is ever too cowardly
to enforce.
Recent y urnsi' e caught two recrui
flag officers within h:s lines in Kentucky, in
open violation of his orders declaring that
such offences would be pimished
_by death.
He tried, convicted and shot them, and has
not been troubled with rebel spies or -recruit
ing officers since. Soon after Jeff. was again
seized with a passion for blood, and he pro
claimed that two Union officers must die to
avenge the two rebels who insolently invited
death by defying Gen. Burnside's orders.•
The formality of- choosing by lot who should
die was gone through with due 'solemnity,
and Copts. Sawyer; of New, Jersey, and
Flinn, of Indiana, were doomed to termin
ate their mundane operations at the pleas-,
ure of the rebel President. He informed
them to write:their wives and send tokens
of love to thair children, for this' time he
meant to have blood'for blood. The day of
execution was ,fixed, and Capt. Sawyer's
wife was on her wayto 'inform the last kind
offices of n to her devoted hu§band ;
but she ly turned back at Fortress
Monroe privilege denied her. Be
fore the tragic
_day arrived, Col. Spear, of
the 110 'Penna. Cavalry, took' a; hunting
frolic toward Richniond, and brought back
with - him Col. W. H. Lee, of the rebel ar
my, and son of Gcn, Robert E. Lee, rebel
Commander in Chief. As we are all crea•
turesof imitation more or less, Lincoln tried
his hand at a little retaliation on paper, and
set apart Col. Lee and Capt; Winder to die
just about twenty-four hours_after Captains
Sawyer and Flinn should be executed. This
so amused Jeff. Davis that he,quietly post
poned the butchery of the Union officers
until Friday, the 14th of August; but when
the 14th of August came, he had, become
so jolly on the subject that he postponed
the bloody drama indefinitely. So SaWyer
and Flinn have a new lease of their lives,
and are pretty certain to die some other Way
than by Jeff. Davis's proclaniation.
—After all that has been said-About re
taliation, it: Will be seen that it plays its ,
part in the 'war only on paper. No govern)
meat or assumed government; 'can afford to'
execute innocent men because another bel-`
ligerent power has, with, the formality of
recognized rules of war, taken , the lives of
lawless, desperadoes and • Union ;officers'
ha,ve a special - guarantee of safety against;
Jeff's periodical outbreaks of barbarity - in:
the fact that we hold five to one-of their
officers as prisoners.- Iced rebel retaliation.;
Trt - E Union Convention of pqm s berlatid'
county will be held on Monday neit.
L : ~..40;ii,4iiittiii'_A'4..iit!iitt-i:!-010*,ki_i0i,i,ipo,',2-
The REPoinVollt, we are'liorry' tn see. don't like
York, and. not to put too fine a point upon it, is in
an uncomfortably bad humor with her people. This
thing is distressing enough as itstands. and the pros
pect of improvinot . is dreary, indeed—for IN can
not indulge thp hope that the acidulated temper of
theREPOSITOnY will be sweetened by the returns
from York in October: If that unfortunate county is
now in the shadoW of the RgrostroßY'S frown, what
utter darkness, will be her lot when she piles up
against the REPOSITORY'S pet Curtin the awful
iority of POUR THORSAND!—PhiIa. Daily Age.
INSATrATE AgeL will not less suffice?
York county may give the half of 4,000 for
Judge Woodward, or even mine. It iS
blessed .With several, non-accepting school
districts,'which will of course vote for him
with a degree of unanimity equaled only by
their hostility to free 'schools and to the
government, and as its chief town purchased
a treaty of peace with Jeff. Davis's General,
when Pennsylvania was invaded, it is doubt
ful whether its adherence to the government
is not limited to the arbitrary geographical
lines which happen to mark it as loyal in
stead of rebel soil. When the Union regi.
ments marched through there to resist in
vasion, they found their movements com
municated to the enemy, and the majority
of the people manifested undisguised hos
tility to the cause of the 'Republic. The
Knights of the Golden Circle have the
strongest lodgment in that
of any
other section of the State, and if they don't
vote for Judge Woodward with unusual
delight, and make an exhausting, effort to
swell his majority, it will be because the
traitors in the South shall then have aban
dotted their murderous work, and shamed
Northern Copperheads into something like
fidelity to the government. The loyal men
of York will yet do much to save themselves
from the whirlpool of treason into which
the DemOcratic leaders are driving them
and their county; but they are behind in
numbers, in organization, in desperation and
in'. every means essential to success, and
they may be largely overcome; but the time
is but little distant when but few indeed will
own the work as theirs. When a restored
Union, a lasting and honorable Peace, and
a Nationality that challenges the admiration
of the world, shall have. been achieved as
the rich fruits of this war; and when every
patriotic impulse will honor the brave cham
pions and soldiers who have won a Republic
from the bloody hands of treason,- and
mourn as the Nation's noblest sons the he
roic dead, the man must disregard lalike
the pity and scorn of every patriot 'who can
boast that York - county, through the instru
mentality of disloyal, secret and sworn
bands, gave her largest•majority for Judge
Woodward; in 1863. n , York county had
150,000 votes, Judge Woodward might be
elected ; but as it hasn't one-tenth that
ilutilber, it must be content to complete its
best record for Jeff. Davis, and allow the
loyal men of the State to reelect, Gov.
Curtin by a handsome majority,
JEFF. DAVES has issued nearly a score of
bombastic, 'proclamations threatening the
direst vengeance upon - negro troops and
their officers in the Union service, although
he was always using them in a small 'way
himself, and would have used thousands
more but for the fact that they. generally
landed in our lines as deserters. • Now, how
ever, his universal conscription having fail
ed-:--Vickstitirg, Port Hudson, Tullahoma,
Gettysburg, Helena - and Charleston having
made rebel ghosts play fantastic tricks be
fore him,--foreign intervention having been
indefinitely postponed for want of a respec
table belligerent power to recognize—the
-New York riots and Governor Seymour's
"friends" !having collapsed into a decent
respect for an aroused loyal sentiment and
a few thousand bayonets: --he plays his - last
card by:calling out 500,000 negro troops for
the rebel service, and promises them free-,
dotn and fifty acres of land. We are glad
that Jeff. in the madness of his desperation
has planted himself, bravely in ,his
. ",last
It' ever ' there were imy doubts
about the E'mancipation P,r&lamation, he
has brushed them away like so many cob-
Webs by calling. ant the slaves as - ,regular
-troops. Thus-does crime ever overleap it
self, and however subtle and well devised its
schemes, it 'always leaves open some avenue
for retribution. . .
. We will now, have testealhe tendency of
the slaves. If they. love slavery they will
fight foritr-Lif they love freedom they will
turn upon the power that , calls thew to
fight for their own enslavement and strike
their deadliest blows. In thtleroivning fol
ly oftreason i the last hope of ; slavery dies
out in the Western'Worl(l. •
It - was Sheridan, we believe, who when
lie threatened to cut a reckless boy off with
shilling, Was answered—"very well, fa
• "they, but where is the iliilling to come
"from?" is all very well for Jeff. Davis
to promise riegroes freedom, when they are
already. free, , and fifty acres of land each
when neitlier Jell: nor his pr'etended goy
erntimiat own go much` as a 'foot of ,land,
save what forgiving hirmaniti may yield for
tridtot'i,grav,e: , •
Tax . TA T ie l stdi lujedigencer, insists that
Gov... Curtin is not 'a patriot because he
"has neither son,nor relative of any kind in
"the Union army, so far as we know." It
is true that Gov. Curtin has not a son in
the army., Among the many reasons which
are' given - for.uot furnishing sons to the ser
viceghe-relies, we , presame, somewhat for
hikfusii.fiCatibn iti the fact that be has but
one sOn,, and it Is . always hard to give an
only- bo to the terrible - lottery .of war, es
pecially -when that boy is but - about ten
years of age. Should the invalid corps
come down to infants; we - doubt not that
Gov, Curtin's,son could and - would enter
_branch of the service, as he was 'seri
ously wounded by the famous . dutchman's
dog some years' agci:as a reference to the
files of the Intelligencer of 1860 will abund
antly establish. Of his other relatives in
the service, to profess ignorance of them is.
to confess ignorance of some of •the most
abut and brilliant achievements of the
Gen. Gregg, and his two, brothers,
all of whom have won immortal honors, are
immediate relatives of Gov. Curtin, and
nephews bearing his own name, have gain
ed promotion on the field' for their heroism.
Certainly 'notless than a score of his rela
tives have. become conspicuous in various
gradesi many entering as privates and earn
ing their tars and - straps in sanguinary
battle. It is most natural that Gov.. Cur
tin's friends should be in the service, as
they aie earnest in their devotion to the
government—hence newspapers haye not
heralded, as a piece of astounding intelli
gence, the fact that a relative of his has ac
tually been in a battle. It is fitting, how=
ever, that a relative of Judge Woodward,
who enters battle, should be thus honored,
for he must .defy the Judge's teachings if
he •would devote - his the cause of the
AT LAST the rebels have done a humane
aet, according to their own account of it,
and the Spirit is in a paroxysm , of delight.
A. Richmond Paper states that when Major
Robert Morris, of the 6th Penna. Cavalry,
died in Libby Prison, instead ofthrowing
his body into a pool of quick-lime, and to
king his skull for a drinking cup and his
bones to be carved into Eancy rings and oth
er trinke4 to be presented to the apprbeia-
Live female chivalry of the South, as was,
the custom in the beginning of the war, the
body of the Major was buried in Oakwood
Cemetery, and was attended to the grave by
the captive officers of his regitnek Ant - led
with this astotrding act .of hnanity, as
delineated by a rebel paper,:The Spirit
flaunts the "christian charity' f the rebels
in the face of our people because, asit al
leges, a grave was refused to Col. Carter
in the Cemetery near this 'plaee.,
We do not know whether Col. Carter was
refused a resting place in our Cemetery or
not. We know, however, that he was de
;gently buried, and that all the kind offices
due to a stranger, foe as he was, were dis
charged by our citizens ; and every act that
humanity and kindnesS could dictate has
I•been performed by our people to the rebel
sick4nd wounded here;—while: the testi
mony of every one who has shared the
apartments of Libby Prison or Castle Thun
der, is concurrent as to the studiedhrutality
and neglect praCticed by the rebels to our
prisoners. We "appreciate the Spirit's
keenness to avail itself of . an opportunity
to get in a good word for the rebels; but
it should not falsely impeach the humanity
of its own community in its eagerness to'
hide the barbarities of traitors.
TEM Union State Convention of Minne
sota have nominated Col. Stephen A. Mil
ler for ' Governor, and C. D. 'Sherwood for
Lient.GOvernor. For the other State officers
the present incumbents' were re-nominated.
Col. Miller js a native 'of Pennsylvania and
a live ni an in the broadest. sense of the term.
He was twice elected Prothonotary in Dau
phin cou,no, and subsequently appointed
Flour Ins ‘tor by Gov. Pollock. He also
edited the' Harrisburg - Telegraph during
part of Gov. Pollock's administration. He
is a man of spotless character, and much
more than ordinary abilities. He can preach
a first class sermon,-make an excellent stump
speech,' fight a4giment with a degree 'of
pluck and skill that Would make West
Pointllush, edit a newspaper in 'the most
vigorous style, and will flay Alva and out
run any man e,opperheadism may put against
hiui for Governor of Minnesota. Governor
Ramsey who preceded. him as 'Governor,
and is now U. S. Senattlir, was from Harris:,
burg also, where he first proved_ himself a
superior 'carpenter and afterwards a most
popular and .efficen . t` .Representative in
Congress. He went to Minnesota as Terri
ritorial Governor; has been twice 'elected by
the people, and now represents them with
honor to himself and them in the first leg
islative tribunal of the Nation. Col. _Miller
will likely- follow hitu there .one of these
days. ,
TEE, Union Senatorial Conference for
Bedford, Somerset and .Thintingdon, met
at Bedford last week, ° and nominated Geo.
W. Householder, of, Bedford .county, for
Senator, after balloting 220 times. He was
elected to the House•in 1861 over; Cessna
in Bedford and Somerset; but in a contest,
Cessna ruled out the vote.of -Somerset on
the ground that Bedford 'had a constitu
tional right to a member, and thus took the
scat himself. That result will now send
Householder to the Senate. is an ear
nest Uniow man and 'will doubtless corn
inand• the entire •Union vote of the district,
which will g'ive him 1500 majority, • ,
TIM Union men of .Crawford county have
nominated Henry 0, Johnson for AisemblY,
William Davis, Jr., and W. S. Crozier for
Associate Judges, S. G. Krick for Sheriff,
John B. Compton for .Prothonotary, J. 1 1 :
Morris for Register 0. H. Hollister for
Clerk i and James Z. Foster for Treasurer.
Mr. Johnston was one of the most able and
upright members in the last House. and we
tire glad to see hini on his way back.. That
ticket will live 2.000 'majority.
THE Democrats of Montour, "Columbia
and Sullivan nominated John Ellis and
George D 4 Jackson for' Assembiy. , ' George
D. Butletis the Democratic candidate_ for
Prothonotary in Montour.
TRUE to - itss traitarouirinstincts, the Pa
triot qnciTnion,the central organ of Judge
- Woodwaid, cannot conceal its satisfaction
at the burning and sacking of Lawrencei
and the horrible butchery of-180 citizens,
by _the notOrions rebel -guerrilla Quantrell
and his gang. Instead of revolting the
inhuman and remorseless barbarity prac
ticed by the rebel cut throats, it thus ten
derly apologises for them':
",The Abolitionists of I.awrence, Kansas, who in
times of profound peace need to make raids into
Missouri to steal negroes, burn and destroy property,
and sometimes. by 'way of diversion, hang slave
holders. have had the poisoned chalice forced to
their lips, and have been compelled to drain it to
the very dregs."
LIEUT. JOHN STEWART, late Adjutint . of
the 126th Regiment, has been appointed
Chairman of the . Union County Committee,
`and he has called a meeting at his office on
Saturday next to start the campaign. Mr.
Stewart is no energetic, talented and; pm
dent gentleman, and the management of
the contest in this county has been wisely
"committed to his hands. We look for a
"short but desperate" struggle, and a de
cisiVe triumph for the government by the
election of the Union ticket by a decisive
majority. • ' -
Tar, Union Convention of Fulton county
have nominated William A: Gray foriAsscua
hly, A. J. Cline for Prothonotary,. and Bea
jamin Greenland for Commissioner. • •
Mr: Gray is an intelligent farmer of Wells
township, a devoted friend of the 'govern
ment, and a gentleman of irreproachable
character. He Will command a large vote
in Fulton..county, and, with Lieut. 'Nal, of
Franklin, will be triumphantly elected.
We_surrender our columns this week to
the list of drafted Men, to the exclusion of
several interesting letters, and the usual
variety of news. The draft was orderly-con
ducted, and will be peacably- and, promptly
responded to throughout the district.
Eyster, the Provost Marshal, has comman
ded the confidence•of all parties by his cour
tesy and• efficiency in the discharge tehis
arduous duties.
TIIE Democrats of Fulton county have
nominated Wm.- _Horton, old member, for
the Legislature,, John A. Robinson for Pro
thonotary, and Jacob Lake for Commission=
er. The Republican says :
" From the way in which the nominations were
received by a large portion of the faithful. we:do
not think they acted with very much unanimity.
But we will leave to the Political Editor the dressing
up of the would-be office holders."
THE Democrats have nominated Wm. J,
Bear, Esq. 7 of Somerset, as the candidate
for Senator in the Somerset, Bedford and'
Huntingdon district. He is a reputable
lawyer, and mould pretty certainly be. elect
ed but for the fact that Mr. Householder
will out run him a thousand or fifteen hun
dred votes. May he live till he is elected.
MR. JAMES CARROLL, of Loretto, is an
independent candidate for Assembly in
Cambria county. "He has served with gal
lantry in the aOny,but that sort of merit is
hardly at a premium in his county.
THE Union ticket in Indiana county is
John W.' Husthn for Assembly, E.. P. Hil
debrand-for ProthonotarY and James R.
Daugherty for: Sheriff. It ought to come
in by about 2,200 majority.
Cation Ratification ReetinSpeockof
Major Wayne McVeigh-- Union State
Committee—Cheering. Advice* from
the State—Demoeratie Nominations—
Union Nominations—The Weather:
Correspondence of The Franklin Repository.
FEtILADELPHIA, Aug. 9.9, :1863
The Union ratification meeting, at Penn j
Square on Wednesday evening, was an im
mense demonstration. N. B. Browne, a life
long Democrat and Post Master of this city
under Buchanan, presided at the main:stand.
The Central - Union- League assembled at
their quarters on Chestnut St. and marched
to the meeting. Withotit wishing to dispar
age any of the excellent speeches that were
made during the e‘ ening, it is ,only just to
say that the speech of the occas:..on was made
by 'Major McVeigh, the Chairman of the
State Committee. It was short hilt exceed
ingly pungent and 'comprehensive, defining
clearly this momentous issues in-the contest,
and holding.up the disloyalty of the Demo
cratic nominee in its naked deformity. If
this speeeh foreshadows the plan oethe Chair-
man in this contest, there will be no want
of vigor in its prosecution, and no fault of
his if the, People do not understand what they
are voting for. His debut here has - impress- -
eethe people most favorably, as the.enthusi
asm with which the sentiments were greeted
fully testified. .
The Union State Committee are fully or
,and•ready for the important= labors
which they feel are before them. Our friends
from the country will do well to call at the:
rooms on Chestnut St. above Sixth. They
will see the familiar face of Geo.: W,
mersly, Esq., Secretary of the Coreimittee,
who_has become a fixture of the concern, and
who_has-borne the burden and heat of -the
day through successive campaigns. Elected
Clerk of the Senate twenty-fve years agO,
he has held the place at intervals ever since.
Few men are better posted in the politics' of
their State, or' have a larger acquaintance
with its public men.
Information received at the rooms from all.
parts of the State, ladicatea,that-oar•frieads
are alive to the importance of the contest,
and that the -few remaining,weeks of the
campaign will be employed - in, thoroughly
organizing our forces for the Straggle at the,
polls; • The accounts also are; of the most .
cheering aharacter, 'and, forcsha4oe;tk iUci
ded, triumph for the cause of the - ,17,ni0n„ ; It that now, when our army Is Ev
erywhere . triumphant„ and when the Union
forces' art :battering at Charleston, the birth
place of secession, the people of Pennsylva
nia will throw themselves into the hands of
the. Copperheads, and virtually declare in
favor of a suspension of hostilities, and - a
- compromise with traitors in arms. - Let an
effort be made to compromise, and One of the
first demands made by the South would
that the United States assume the payment
of the Southern war debt of some two thous
and millions of dollars. Even' this, if :there
_not more important obstacles VA
way, wouldpresentan effectual barrier against
compromise,in the estimation of taxpayers.
Nothing but a vigorous prosecution of the
war. can bring it to a speedy closed Nb man
can show any other feasible plan for a. per
manent peace. Like the skeptic, who re
jects the Bible and offers nothing' in tile
place, the copperheads would have us to aban
don the strong ship in which we are - sailing,
and take to a plank on a bOundlesssea, with
out-chart or compass. When the South la
depriVed of the power of resistance, it .will
be soon enough to talk' about compromise.
The Democracy have made their nomina
tions for thy offices. They would not, twee
attracted =eh attention,. as no intelligent
man believes they hare the slight9st chance
of success, -if the convention had not distill.;
guished itself by the nomination of John
Brodhead for Treasurer. As hie letter to
self Davis, in which he wrote that he longed
fOr a homeln the Stinny South, where he
could cultivate negroes, has been recently
published, it appears the city Convention
hesitated as little as : the State . Convention,
about nominating semi-Secessionist.:l,So
far as the duties of city Treasurer will inter
fere, Mr. Brodhead might start 01,1 his South
' ern journey at once.
• The 'Cajon City Convention has been in
session three days; and are about completing
their nominations. - The ticket is composed
of good men, and gives entire satisfaction,
These city offices arc all valuable,• and yet i
'notice the aspirants for sinaciar positions in
Franklin County; with less than- one-tenth
- the-population, are about as numerous as
'they- are here. The office of coroner, :which
iu your county is worthless, is rated here•at
dive thousand dollars annually.
The weather within the few - days has
been delightfully cool, and many of the ab:-
sentees are returning from the sea shO,re, and
other places of retreat.' During the heated
term therewere about one hundred deaths
from sun stroke, which is said to be tVece
~ the.number.of any previous season.
Gen. Burn Side is at Kingston, rind willecon
attack that place. •
The 14tIrarmy corps has been transferred
by General Grant to the army of - Generil
Banks: 7/ "; °
It is nriderstgod that Makir-qen. Hooker
is seep to be ',assigned to the command• of• a
The widow of Admiral Foote diedin New.
Haven, on Wednesday evening, after a limg
Go;vernor Pierpont has announced thaihe
has established the 'seat/of Government for
Virginia: at Alexandria. „
The Obeli; are reported to be in foree at.
ItOme, Oa, and along the line of the Georgia
railroad as far as Cleveland. '
- _ Indiana, at the call of her executive, mas
tered 61,000 men in forty-eight berms in pre
vent the rebel Morgan's depredations within
the State. '
Gen. Blair had mined one of the Vicks
burg posts and was about,to explode it when
it was found thal the rebel, had countermin
ed and parried off the powder._
two - rebel soldiers lately got into . Norfotk,
and art,ertaking piles of notes of what they
saw, .were arrested while passing our ; litres.
They. will be at once.
' Gen. Schofield' announces the capture of
the Rebel Gen. Jeff. ThompsOn and his Staff.
at PoCahontas, Ark.,. by Col. r>Woodson,s
cavalry. Several bands of guerrillas ISTIIi
routed and 100 prisoners taken: '-:••
It was Fleet Captain George W.Rodpre
commanding the Catskill, and not Command
er John Rodgers, of the Weeha - Wken,
was killed on - the Catskill during the attack
On Fort Wagner on the 17th inst.
On Saturday afternoon five deserting sub
ititutes, whn had been recaptured, were exe
cuted in the Presence of a large portion
the Army of, the Potomac. They were all
foreigners, and were of three religious creeds.
Catholic,, Protestant, and Hebrew.
A detachment of the Twelfth Pennsylva
nia Cavalry, under Captain Gerry, while
'making a reconnoissance, encountered the
'Rebels at Leetown,: Va., 'and captured, a
number of prisoner's, returning Safely to
Martinsburg without the loss of a man.
, • -
Fitzhuge tee crossed the Rappahonnoek
on Monday, six miles below Frederiebsburg,
but was driven back by General Curtis, with
a loss of three engineer officers prisoners and
a number of men killed and wounded. • Our
"OWn casualties were trilling. • •,•
Uncle Sam is turning his attention toward
indemnity justnow. A Cincinnati dispatch
says that over 100,000 bales of cotton belong
ing to the Rebel Governmenthave been seiz
ed at and near Natchez. That pile is worth,
at New-York prices, over $20,000,080.
Quantrell's Guerrilla "band is being scatter
ed to the winds by the Federal troops from
the venom districts contiguous to Lawrence.
They are being hunted down, and compelled
to abandon nearlyall the property that *as
stolen-by' them from the people who
along the line ! .of• 'their late ! raid. 'Abut t
eighty.of them have been killed already; and
it is'said that those in- pursuit taka
no'prisoners. sb we may reasonably expect
thitt the numbei or the deceased will bo great