El ;NPEECti The filiowing is a full repoit of thespeech cif Gauen." Sickles, at Saratoga, Last . Friday evening, made in response to a serenade: Ladies and , Gentlemen : Itis embarrassing to be thesole recipient of honors which Others should share„ lam quite aware that I am , mainly indebted for this graceful compliment to yqur just admiration for the brilliant &in duct of the Third army corps at Chancellors irilie•no Gettysburg. So far; hOwever, as I am permitted to receive your visit as an ex pression of personal regard. ~thank . you - heartily for it: "Allay in Saratoga reminds •us otanything but war. The 'sacrifices, of the Notth, - great as they have been, have,not apparently disturbed our pleasures r , nor di minished oar resources; One more campaign which - the army and navy shall feel that „their valor and devotion are appreciated by the' nation—and this siid war will then _:end in OA re-establishment of the National Gov ernnient over all the possessions of the United States". It is not,too much to say that we haVe al ready accomplished more than was deemed possible by warlike nations and high military authority in Rurope;' and when the declining energies of the rebellion relinquish the sword nOW held with a feeble -grasp, this country will take its place in' ,- the foremost rank of nations. We! will enter upon a Career of grandeur and ;renown which no . imagination has foreseen and no human agency can arrest. Among those !present I am gratified to rec ovize the familiar and cherished fulei of old . friends. To'these it will not be without in terest to,knoW that I shall be in • command of my corps when the next battle is fought. It is reserved for the army, of the Potomac to , make the final and decisive, canipaign against the la:Stand greatest of the ariniei of the rebellion. ! I have had the hon.& to be long to the army of the Potomac during my -brie' military service; with it, and especial ly with the Third army corps, my destiny is cent. Prbud !of toy association with so - many heroes, (their` fortunes will ever_be mine, and nothing else can be dearer to„me . than their honor, and fil.me,,and • happines4„ When the ,enemies of the Republic ; lay down their arnis---when Charleston and Chattanooga and Richmond arp garrisoned _iljr• Federal troops,- when the - Conatitiition and the laws and the flag of the Union are recognized from the Potomac to the Rio Cfranda---as now they arc honored -and loycd __from the Penobscot to the 'Susquehanna= then, and not until then, will We have an honorable pea Ce. Meanwhile, those who-are most impatient for the termination of haqii - ties should do all they can in aid of the Gov eninent and ,the army; those who are will- Azig tb impair the authority of the Govern -ment,, and seek the Southern hand which spurns them, let them not be unmindful - that they contribute to the worst of calamities= the recognition of a hostile and hateful con federacy. 'Separation is war=endless' war; wiion.is peace.' My friends, good night, and farewell. - SENATOR RICE ON DEMOCRACy. Hon. H.3l„Rice, forrtierly a Democratic Sgnator of the United States from Minnesota, teas addressed a letter to some citizens of Fari _ i bault, Minn., defining *hat his positin is and' what that of all Democrats ought to be on the war question. The lette :is dated St. Paul, July 22, and is as follows • • Ventlemen. Illness in my family. as .pre vented the from giving you an earlier acknow ledgement of yours of the 9thinst. • 1 am thankful= for the expressions 'of es teem and regard you. were pleased td convey tome. - n ; I am noire private citizen, which!position I am deterinined to occupy. • The thought of acting with any other than the Democratic - party never entered my head. The whole object of the rebellion ; is to de stroy the prineipal of Democracy. The party which stands by the Government is the true Democracy. Every soldier in the army is .it true Democrat. Every man -who lifts - his head above party trammels is a Democrat, and every man who. permits old issues stand in the way of a vigorous prosecution of the -war, cannot, in my opinion, have", any claims on the party. If the city was on'tire would you call upon any ,particular party to extinguish. the flames ? or would you stop to examine-ifs character for fear that you might Violate some of its provisions by taking wa ter porn your, neighbor's well. Should disa t.:r befall our country in the struggle fo_r life, true. Democrats cannot- be' Named. , Those who have the power and do not use it to the fullest extent, and these who are wastinethefi time and distracting. the people by their idle discussions, will occupy no enviable pOsition hereafter, Union ors ; no Union. . . tarn for regaining and retaining every foot of soil we ever possessed, Without- any com promise whatever. ' . . , - , Brigland, France, and perhaps other coun tries that exist by oppressing the people, are . anxious that we should fall. great Britain, with Canada on _the north, France in full possession of Illeiico, were we united, would prove formidable adversaries. It is undoubtedly their policy to encour age the ,present War, and to increase dissen sions among ourselves until the-North and South -shall be reduced to the lowest point of exhaustion, then recognize the independence 'of the'latter, at which time the North will be too much weakened to resist. Anarchy and ruin will follow. The descendants of the great. and, good, men of the • Revolution will be without peaceful homes, , and those froiri foreign hinds who have chosen this be cause it was free, will find - the - tyrant's rod _substituted for the flag that allured them- to this then, happy country.' If I have erred "and am still in the wrong ri My judgment alone has gone astray. T . will determine whether I have been truethe Union,- to Minnesota,' its people a,he Democratic party, or not. May God save the-liberties of America.. With - great respect, your 'obedient servant HENRY M.: RICE. VALLANDyiIIA.3I was a WOr denloCrat dur ing the Mexican war. , At a. Democratic ,meeting in Dayton, Ohio, in.DecemberelB47, ho proposed this resolution ; . which. is good doctrine for .Democrats, and "is held to now by all who are loyal: Rawlfe4, nate-whatever opinione might have been ' , entertained, of the origin, necessity or justice by the tories otthe. Revolutionary War, by-the Federalists of the late war with :England, or by the Whigs and Abolitionists A rtke present war with Mexico, the fact' of - their country's being engaged in such a ,war ougbi,to, have been sufficient for them, and to have, - preclUded' debate on that subject until a sucbessful termination of the war; and that in the'meaiitime, the patriot could have ex perienced no difficulty in recognizing his place on _the side of the country, and could never have been induced to yield either phys kai or Moral laid to the' enemy; Ergat Rotices. A JOINT RESOLUTION PRO POSING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO TRH ..A.;AsTITI.ITIoN. • Be it resolved by the Senate and House of ci?epresenta lice: of Me ibrnmontrialth of Pennsyterinia in General Asset-01g part, Thatzthe following amendments be propo sed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accord ance with the proviii,m.s of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an'additional section to th e third article of the Constitution, to be deaiguated as section futtr, as follows: Scams 4. Whenever any of the qualified °teeters of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military ser vice, under a requisition from the Presiderit of the Uni ted States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise tne right of suffrage in all elections by thecitizens, under such regulations as are, or shalt be, prescribed by law, as fully as if they cadre present at their usual place of electioh. • There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of Constitution, to be designated as se,tions eight and nine, as foltowsr Scams S. No hill shall be passed by the Legislature containing more than one subject, which shall be clearly • expres . s,d in the title, except appropriation bills. Sterfox9. No bill shalt be passed by the Legislature granting any bowers, or privileges, in any case. where the autherity.to'grant such powers, or privileges, has been or maybereafter be, conferred•upon the courts of this boon, JOHN .CESSN A, Speaker of the Rouse of Reprise:datives. • - JOHN P. PENNEY, Speal:er of the Senate. • 017/IDli nurSECAELIP4 DP THECOMMONWSALTZII Harrisburg, July 1, 1863. Pennsykanta, SS:' Ido hereby certify that the fore going and annexed is a full, true 'and correct to A. }copy of the original Joint Resolutions o' the general Assembly, entitled "A. Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution," as the same ionittins on file hi this office. • In testimony whereof, I have hereunto ant my hand, and Comte(' the sea] of the Secretary's office to be affixed, the day and year above written. ELI SLIT ER. julyls. 63-to - -Secretary of Ike-Commonwealth. REGISTER'S NOTICE.--All pen: 1 . 1140119 interested will please take notice, that the fol. luiving Accountants have settled their accounts in the Register's Office, in Franklin rounty,"atid that the same will be presented to the Orphlns' Conrt for confirmation on Ta.e.sday, the Bth of Septtniber,lB63. at the Court House in Chambersburg: 313. Theaccount of Solomon R. Patterson, ailminist`r of Daniel Cramer, late of Letterkenny t cp., (Died. 319. The first and final account - of D. Lainaster and Wm. Adams, Trustees to sell the Real Estate of Jacob Lamast er, r ee d.. 320. The first and final account of William Campbell and James H. Alexander. Executors or William Campbell Into of Fatmet twp.. dec'd. 331. The second account of Abraham 11:Wingert and John W. Solleuberger. Executors of the last will and tes tament of Jacob B. Wingert, late of Guilford twp., deed. 34. The first account of Abraham B. Wingert and John W. Solienberger. Executors of Jacob B. Wingert late' of Onliford twp., dec'd. in thslr capaCity as Trustees of the children and grand children of said deceased, under his last will and t estament. 323. The first and final account of Ann M. Robinson. Cxecutrix of the the Estite of D. F..• Robinson, late of Chatnbersburg, dec'd. 324. The account of Simon W. flopley, Guardian of .Abc er Johntiton. minor child of Wm. Juhriston, as stated by Jacob retisinger. Adm'r. 325. The final account of Geo. Cook, Executor of S.il. Shook, late of the Borough of Greencastle, deed. • Ang.l9. , E. C. BOYD, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given flint letters nf Adminis tration on the Estate of Samuel Gilmore, late of Letter kenny township, dec'd, have been granted to the subscri ber, residing in Strasburg An persons knowing. themseires indebted to the said Estate'will please make immediate payment ; and those haring chime will present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN GILMORE. Adnir ang 26 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- .11 Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of ft eter Reed, late of Green township decd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Fayette Ville in slid township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said,Es tete will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. atm; 23* a JACOB It. COOS, adrift.. OTlCE.—Whereas, Letters Tes tamentare on the Estate of John .Itlyerm, late of etterkenny township, deed, have been granted to the subscribers All persons knowing themselves intrebted to said Es tate ale requested to make immediate pnymeut, and those having elaims,prenent them ,properly authenti cated for settlement. ' SAMUEL MYERS-; Letterkenny twp JOEIN GAYSIAY. Southampton twp. ang,.s Executors. EXECUTOR'S ;Ti TICE .—N l otick , Is hereby given that Letters testamentary to the Mutt° of Daniel Conrad, late er Peters' township, dec'd, have been granted to the underetgned, residing in said township. . . All persons knowing themselves indebted • to said Es tate will please make immediate payment; and those leaving claims will present them properly authenticated fur settlement. - ang 12 - DANIEL CONRAD,,Ber.: A_DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- Noitde is hereby given that Letters of Adminia. nation an the Estate of Samuel Burns ' late of Green township, deceased , have been granted to the under signed, residing ifre . inid.townahip of Green. All.persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment and those having claims will present them properly authentihatad Inr settlement. JACOB ZOOK, Administrator. Aug Y 2. 8-t 'VOTICE. - ---WhereaS, Letters Tes trUnentary with° Estate Ol Samuel George. late 01 Guilford township, dec'd, have been granted to the subscribers. All parsons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediat ,peyment, and those basing claims of demands against the. Estate of said decedent will make them known, without delay, to JOIIN ROWE, Greencastle, MARY GEORGE, Guilford twp. aug. 6 ' Executors. FIA .rECUTOR'S NCITICE.—Notice • le heieby given that Lettese Testamentary to the •T.et of Samuel Stouffer, late of St. Thomas township, decd. have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es -tate will please - make immediate payment; and those hating t tlaimswlll present them properly authenticated fur setmelit. Hug I. 6t ' AN STOUFFER, Executrix. OTlC,E.—Whereas, Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate 'of James M'Kesson, ate of the Borough of Cbamberebnrg, dec a, have be(n granted to the subseriber, residing in said Borough. All Persons knowiug themselves indebted to said Es tate, are requested to make immediate payment: and those having claims or demands against the Estate o decedent, will make known the dame without delay, to aiig. 5 , LYMAN S.-CLARKE,-Adm'r. NOTlCE.—Whereas Letters of Ad ministmtion on the Estate of Mary Lindsey, late ut the llcwough of (3 reeitcaetle, decd. have been granted to tho subscriber, residir4 in said Borough. • All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Ea tate. are hereby requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the Estate of said decedent, will make known the same without de lay, to a DAVID L. LINDSEY, ang. 6 ' A dm'r. NOTlCE.—Whereas, Letters • of • Administration on tho Estate of Isaac Btrite, late of Guilford township, dec'd, have been granted to the subscriber. - A ll persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please Make finmediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticate for settle ment. JACOB P. HESS, jtay 29,'63-6t, VXIIOI7TORS' NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Henry Brubaker, late of Peters township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township. Alf - persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Es tate will pleas# make immediate payment; and those having claims *llipresent them properly authenticated for settlement. LIENItY 11131VBAKBR, aut , DAVID KELLER, .1" Ea re' A UDITORS' NOTICE.—The un dersigned;'A.uditors appointed to take testimony in the matter of exception to the Account of Geo. Knep• per, Sr., and Gee. Kneppor. Jr.,wlll meet at, the office of J. W. Douglas, on ad ICR a day of -September, at 11 o'clock A. AL, for the purposes of their appointment, when and where all interebted may attend if they see pro per. J. W. DOUGLAS, wag 19-3 t. ' T. H. CARLISLE. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The un dersigned, Auditor appointed hi the Orphand Court, to marshal and apportion the assets in the hands of the 'Adm'rs of Isaac Cane, late of Green twp., deed, to and amongst the creditors, will attend for that purpose at the ogee of Wilson-Reilly, Esq., in Chamberabnrg, on JVandaq the 7th day of FOictrother, 180, at I o'clock, p. ~ when andisher, all persons interested can attend. Aug - .19'633t G. W. WELSH, Auditor. :It frattklitt itorg,:44antbersbarg, 4., , 4 .. Legat :Retires: . . NOTICE.—In the mutter 'of the 11 Estate of George Palmer, 'deed . All personi in terested willtake notice that upon application of W. S. Everett and C. S. Eyster, Etas., ,to the Judges of the Or- Ccrurt of Franklin Co., Pa., the xaid Judges in open Congt made the following'order to vtit: That notice be gives t0 . .11 parties interextedtoappear at next term of Court, on-Tuesday, OclnLiteth, 186; and snow muse it.any they have, why John Harmony ,oue of the Exee.• titers of the last_will and testament of tleerge Palmer, dee'd. should not be discharge,' from the duties and re. spousibilities cf saidurecutorshin: - WM. G. KITCHELL, , aig 26.1. c Clerk of Orphans' Court. Is — OtICF/OF INQUISITION.—=To Daniel, John 8., Mary, Jacob and Joseph A. Brew• er,s_l of Franklin comity Pa.; Sabina Brewer, inter• married with Jacolt Ilawk4resldlng near Funkstown, Md.; Henry Brewer, neilding hi the State of rill ncisamirs and legal representatives of Joseph Brewer, late of Montgomery township; Franklin - county, Pa., deed, you are liereby,notilled that I will hold an inquisition ott the Beall:state of said deceased, situate hi Montgomery township, Franblln county, Pa., pn Manatelay .the IGth day of Septcutter, 18f3. at 11 o'cliklc, A. M., on the prom, lees, whim and whete you may attend if 'vim think proper. • SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. Sheriff's 011 ice; August 19, 18t13•3t . . MOTlCE.—W,liereas.Letters of .A,d.: j tnistration on the Estate of Nancy 6•lti Jute Guilford township, deed, have been, granted to the subscriber, residing in said township All persons indebted to the said Estate; are hereby re queitial to make immediate paymeht.and those having eliding or demands against the Estate of said deCedent, will make known the Mlle without delay, to nug.l2 '. JOHN CRAWFORD, Adm'r. fiereaS, Letters Tes tamentary on the the.Estute of Richard Bnrden, .tie of the Borough of Chambersburb, deed, have been granted to the'subscriber., - All persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to =he: immediate payment. and, those having claim or demands against the - Estate of said. decedent, will 'nuke known the same' witbont• delay, to nog. 12 IiIIRDER{ Ex:r. AD,INfINISTRATOWS ITOTICE.r-.- _Notke is hereby given that: Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of Absalom ['better,; late of Guil ford towiiship,deed.lm,%m I eett granted to the under signed, residing in the)torough of t 'hombersburg. All persons knowing themselves Indebted' to said Es tate will please maim immediate payment; and those having claims will present - them properly authenticated or settlement. nag 19 3011 N 111:19Ell, Adm'r NOTICE.: --=Whereas, 'Letters Tee tam entary on the Fetate of Solomon Shrink, late of the Gorougn of Greencastle. hitve been grante4l to thesubscriber residing at Upton. ' All persons indebted to the said Estate. are requested to make immediate payount, and those,having claims or' demands against the Estate of decedent, will make known the same, without delay. to • ang. 5 GEORGE COOK, Ker. . Murational. VAYETTEVILLE ACADEMY.- 1: The annual opening 6f Fayetteville -Avidomy will take place on Wednesday. September 241. Under the charge of Mr A. E. SAINNXY and Miss E. F..Swivirr, of New Jersey. Thin Institution is inclirporated andlocited in the vill age of Fayetteville, Franklin County, Pa, siamilestrout Chambersburg . in a healthy part of the country and with magnificent 3f6untain scenery around it. It is the design, of the I nstitntion and will be the core. stant MDT of the teachers to impart practice/ thorough ness in all brandies of Insinte2iim. ,The school sear is dishied into two sessions of twenty weeks each The Fall session begins die ffrstWednestlay in September and close the adz/ Tuesday in January, with a Tacation of one week at Christmas. The Spring session begins the first Wedriesd..y in Febuttuyand closes the 23d of June. - For En: HA branches - E , B 00 Sciences and Higher Mathematics t For chemical studies 15 00 • }heir on Piano _ 20 00 Drawing and pencelfino 4.00 Boarding from $2 00 to $2 25 per week. " For further particulars addrexa either the Principal or Mr. J.T.Cook, Fayetteville. - . R RP ERE NI Doat rich, r.iiaittel, M. D.„ Mr. J ohn W. Barr, or Mr. Robert Black. ang 26 CHAM.BERSBURG ACADEMY. REFITTED AND REORGANIZED Will open its fall term on Monday, September ith. Large additions have been made to its already extensive apparatus, a full 'and efficient corps of teachers has been employed and no pains or expensespared to render ours °fleet the first institutions of learning in the country. Particular attention paid. to Teachers and yornig men preparing for College. - A Primary Department for little Boys and Girls will be opened in the Academy under charge of Miss Schively, in which the eltments of Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography and 0 mmnar will be thoroughly taught. Tuition in this department, $3 per quarter.' Fralnrther part Sentare send for circular or apply to the Principal. FACULTY. J. R. Kurs - ir, Principal. A .OVXR.FIXLD, A. 8.. Latin and H. English. A. M. Tnnons,Conintercial Department. Misi ' ft-SHIVELY Music, Drawing and Principal of Primary Department. Citrunherslinrg. ang. 12. '63. ri 4 MORY FEMALE COLLEGE, 1 • CARLISLE, PA. Tties Institution of Le - tuning. for Young Ladies, will be opened on Thursday, September 3d, 1863. The Presi. dent wilt be assisted by an efficient corps of Teachers. The,course of Instruction will embr -ce all the branches nec&sary to give young ladies a refined and thorough Collegiate education., Per Circulars and particular information. address the undersigned, Carlisle, Pa. • It.D. Cllll,3lfitfiB, July 29,'63-lot. President. CIIAMBERSBURG YOUNG. LA DIES' SEMINARY.—The Session of 1863 will begin September Bth. The terms will be the same as heretofore. A reduction of one-third will be made in the chafgelor-boardingybere the pupil is in attendanCe from Monday to Fiiday. - For further particulars, apply to Rug 1241 • Rev. HENRY REEVES, A, M. Principal. . MASON & lIAMLIN'S CABINET pRo4A - 8, ` WITH ONE OR , TWO SETS OF REEDS, Containing the ACTO3IATIC SWELL, DOUBLE BELLOWS, KNEE - aTOP, AND COMBISATION - FALVE. ynt. Every instrument Warranted for .Fire Years. - eO. fox $7O To $l3O. " The Cabinet Organ is the only instrument which combines the requisites, for church and, parlor music ; for the schocl room and the social feetsval gathermg. For while it possesses' sufficient power for- tha-aeccunpa niment of a large chorus, ills, from its mipability of all shades of expresSion, find its wonderful crescendo' and diminuendo, most effective as a solo instrument. It is capable of orchestral effects, and rapid music, es trills. arpegglos,ste. From its Sustained tones, it has welecided advantage over the Piano-torte, fur the-render ing of many of the choicest morceautt of the masters, inch as symphonies, quartettes, etc." , R. A. McCLUItS , Chambersburg, Pa. - General Agent for Pennsylvania. N. B. The undersigned will• sell and deliver, in good condition, Cabinet Organs anywhere in 'this State, at factory prices. All inquiries by letter promptly an steered. - [June 17. '63.tf.) . R. A Afp. . piAislos R. A. rattler., solo agent for the celebrated DECKER BROTILEES' (NEW YORK) PIANO. Pianos delivered, and put up in Pr)rfect condition, in arty I ristrt of the State,.at ' • FACTORY RETAIL PRICES. ' 1 All - instruments Wanantedfor tiViqtare. ' Planes from other factories will be furnished, if desired. McOLITRE, I . 7, '63. - ' • Cha9boraburg, Adm'r • 'PETII ,, TGS AND BEDDIlsig. R MOV -A L.—R.-L. KNIGHT & SON breve removed from 262:5, Second street, to 567 CHESTNUT 'Street, above Eighth, where they have opehed a well selected stock ef CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND MAT , TINOS, Iledding an Clisittrasses of Every Deseription, RIOT-X.OE OR WADS TO ORDER. j'EATHERs, VARIO US OrfAil • ALWAYS bw HAND. - ' , The mannfactureand sale- of -Bedding will uppe be continued at 262 S. Second street. REEVE' t.tuRIGHT. June 17 ; '133-Btn.` HARTLETEtaIkiin. .110 MERCHANTS. —The , inky' tb ssecnre custom to ss:VsitAir to t4e ANKLIN BAPOSITORY. DIMEMIMI TERMS litluoicat. • IftiWarp Datives', - Headquarters, Proaori harehad, ' • ' 1 Sixteenth Di:arid, Ftunryirania . , • ChatObeesburg, August 14,18'1 7 - CERTIFICATES OF PHYSICIANS.- eECTION 86 - OP 'THE. E_EGULA TICK4for the government of the Bureau of the Provost Marshal General:Tends es follows: -••- , : .. . .. .. . .. , .. No certificate of a phjaician or itargeon - le to tio .re• ciiived in support of any- point in the claim of drafted men for exemption tum - military- tervlce, - unless the Guts and statements therein ff et forth are ATPIRMED, OS IWORN to before a civil magistrate competent to adz:aide ter oaths. ' • - ' -' :, $BOO EXEMPTION. Sec. 2 of Circular 31 Issued by the Provost General reads as follows The Conictor of 10 ternai ‘fterentre in each Congtmssion al ptstOct has-been authorized by the tleeretary of War, air] directed by the Secretary ofthe Trtlasury,to receive from draftedpersons.who desire I.upity it for the pui pose of exemption, the money above specified (te $300) 'Ms receipt of this sum, 'the Collector of Internal Re6i 6 nue shall give the dratted person paying it, dicp/icafe re ceipts, One copy of these receipts shall be delivered. to the' Board of Enrollment on or before the day' the - draft: ed person is required to report for duty; and when so dellvard to the Board, thedrafted person-shall ho fur nished by the Board ,with a certificate of exemption. (Forth 31, - Regulations of Provost 51arshal General's Bureau,) stating that the person is discharged from fur ther liability under that,draft, by reason of having paid the Bunt - of three hundi ed The receipts of the Collector of Internal ?avenge may I)6l:landed into the Board at any time x hen in session. ALIENS CIRCULAR: a issued by the Prevosit Itfarshal Githeial prescribes that any person claiming_ exemption on 'the grounds of alienage, shall hie before the Board an affi davit elating • • I ' „. Ist. That lie is an alien, andsetting fiirth the Clovern- Meet of which be claims to be a subject - 2d. The time when he came into the 'United .States, end *here be resided since that date - ,• X- That he hasoeyer declared his Intentions to bectufte a c Risen of.the pnited States, and has not exeralsed the sly:lit...of suffrage by voting at any election in. any:State. -4th. That t 0 claims to be exempted from military ser rite on the ground that he it the subject of a foreign Government, and has not declared Bid intentions to bee eotne a citizen of the. United States, and has' never voted in any State. . - The affidavit to be supported ;by any proof the party may offer.' lithe Board be satisfied that the party claiming ex emption is Daily entitled thereto, under the Act of Con gress, they will discharge hint from the draft, Bat if nut satisfied:they shall refer _the ease, with the affldsvit, 1140figh the Provost Marshal' General. for decision by thiltpeparttactit of State, in the meantime suspending any action in the case until the decision of the State - Ifo. nart.tuent be made. The certificate of the State 74epart• meat shilt in such case be tonsidered es evidence of the 'act whether the person is, or is. not, entkldctl,o !li mitary duty. . The : foregoing instrnctions will be strictly observed by ivory drafted person claiming exemption on the ground of alienage. SUBSTITUTES, section 7 of Circular 33 issued by thiProvost 'Marshal General, states that "ail persons aha may be 'rafted, and who may desire to present a what/140e; shall give notice in writing to the &nm•d of Enrollment that on spch a day they will present a 'substitute. giving his mono, residence, age, and stating whether hb Is an alien or citizen. Persons desiring to furnish substitutes will obseroe strictlythe foregoing reqnirem.nts. For conyeniencd in indorsing and filing, these notices must be written iaion et least M 1 half sliest of letter or foolscap paper. On Wedn.sday, keptemter 24. and each day thereafror (Sundays excepted). until further' notice. from 8 to 9 o'clock in the morning, the Board will hear propositions fur substitutes and examine persons so off tring; THE'RENPEZVOUS - The Priircut Marshal General hits fixed Chambersburg as thereudezvons fur this District. All men who may hddrafted will accordingly appear at the time and place indicated in the notice that will be served upon. them, or be deemed deserietn. No appearance is expected ,or de sired OCT ats the time named in the notice. For such - as appear in advance of their tithe no provieion will be made and in no event cad their examination take pre cedence of others. tinder this head is published Sec. '25 of the Act of Con gress passel Mara 3,1863; esc.2s. That if any person shall resist any draft .of men enrolled under this act into the service of the United Statesoar shall counsel oraid any per Son to re sist any ,such draft; or shall assault or - obstruct any officer in making such draft, or in the • performance of any service in relation thereto ; or shall counsel any per son to assault or oblifiuct any witch officer, or thuiteattn set any drafted man.not to appear at the plaee of ren dezvous, or willfully dissuade them from the perform ance of military duty as required by - law, such person Anil be subject to summary arrest by the ProvOst 'Mar, stud, and shall be forthwith delivered to the civil anther- itics, and, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollats, or by imprisonment not exceeding two years, or by both of said punish ments. =THE QUOTA The quota assigned - o this Congressional District is Two Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty-Seven. The draft will be for this number. wi th fifty per centum ad ded. From Adams County will be drawn one min in every 3.323 of her enrolled inhabitants in Class 1; from Bedford County - will be drawn one man in every 3,333 of her enrolled inhabitants in Class I; from Franklin Coun ty will be driwn one man in every 3.330 of her enrolled Inhabitants in Cities I : from Fulton County will be drawn one man. in every 3.317 of her enrolled in6nbitante of Class I; from romerset County will be drawn -one man in every 3.355 of her enrolled inhabitants of Class 1. THE DRAFT The Draft for the Counties of Adame, lledford, Frank lin, Fofton and Somerset. composing the Sixteenth Con: gressioniti Distrirt of Penns) lrania, will commence at the Masonic ,Hall, Cbambersburg, ,t 9 o'clock, on the m'.rning of Monday, August Ath inst. and conthmefrom clay to day until the work is completed. Handbills ate posted in every township announcing this day ofdruwmg for particular sub-districts. • GEO. EYSTER Pro oat Marshal and Presidentof Board JOHN T. WILMENT. Commissioner of Board. B. S. SEISS, • • pug 19:62.4t Surgeon of Board. Brkdq , Deportetent Sustpw-hatintl. - 'August 10: 1863. J Gl N er.F. ,A iai ii mig o to ßp own E h ßS . ,,N w O r:h- lb eazi: in the poesestion of the different 11. States Quarter Mas ters of tide Department, are hereby notified that upon their makingaffidavit before a Justice of theileareownd after the reliability of the said parties making the oath, having been subsianti-ted by the testimony of two-re spectable witnesses in writing, they present such papers to the Quarter Master holding the horse or horses in qnestionithey will bo returned to them. • The Quarter Master holding these affidavits as vouch ers for said property. _ _ _ By command of Maj. Gen. D. N. Corcrt. , nug 19.3 t ROBERT LB ROY,Ctipt. it A. A, Outtazflerrta Utrofing:j It 0 0 .F I TG. . . , 00P MTG . Ready to ittin &non, • 1400,FING. atore.,cluratie than Tin.' . , 00FING at hat/ the cost of Vas.' , • , ROOFING for Steer _or F'kni Roofs READY R-OOFING FOR 110O8ES, ,FOR CIIURCIIES, FOR FACTORIES; FOR BARNS, FO'A ALL BIIILDINGp This Adding is made of the hcailost woven Mile ever need for the purpose—Mantifaetnred tolely•by °trashes and secured by Patent. in rolleand eliimied to all partti of the eamtry, and usually forlede by hardware merchanteandbadere.- rt can be applied by any common workmari. We also mannfacture, LIQUID OUTT'A PERCIJA CEMENT • i • ' tea usrXrauto L.E4,EY TIN"ROOFS arrapn THAN OIL PINT, . BEAVER _BODY THAN OIL .nipir. • - - MORE DURABLE THAN OIL - It forms a permanetly adhesive; 'elastic tasting" COOT the whole aurffictiotthe fillinK avail the smaller RUSVHOLES And Om saving the expense of a new root OUR COMPOUND • - • ' GIITTA PERCHA CEMENT Is espeCially adapted:to reinitiate • LEAST: SHINGLE ROOFS, : CHIMMES, - • - . SKYLIGHTS, - - de, de, de, de. This a: teaaeicras compelled, applied, • with' trowel or similar instrument, aad. does net ,dry Alp and crack, at ad all other artless need 'fee this <,(IIROULARS AI+TD Of the Deady Roofing seat by mall-whop Liberal etrabgemente made *iits Aitenb READY D001N0,4304.- 73 ldaldelflsitie,'New 'York. letig. lii•ly RiFacps Of Soldiers iri vise, 9r in can furnish than with, the SMOBY three tanning 11:ir 25 cents; idx months - fir cots, sr rmin year Eir 810 Q- ; - ' IXANUFACTIMERS 'can, reach lagetime of thrifty deo*, by iihnirihsTA in! NitANKLIWitEPOSITORY. - 4/kayak's - , &C. NOTIQE, TO VIE PEOPLE. OF FRANKLIN • pou7y, who have LOST 31OXEY• by the REBEL INVASION, and to att others whp desire to MAIL& AND 'SAW, MONET WILLIAM qELWICK - a, .Whoie;ale and Retail •„, DRALBR IN bIERaIIANDISt .9134.1 . 1113E1F18M1G, just returned from the East and opened the fpilor, ing,Eet of FRESH MERCHANDISE,. whiOb. he groppsts to sell , •, • , WHOLESALE AW RETAIL, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEPEST : 100 Barrels Brown - Sugar.. - 40 . White " 50 Sirupsandllobiaes. 8000 lbs,choide tiaras., 5009 ".Fides and Shoulders. 400 Bags G. A. Salt; ' 60 Bags Ashton - Pine 'Statr • 1000 Sacks Table or - BalrySalt , - • .50 Boxes Prime Cheese; 25 gross 'EssenceCoftee ; I.soolbs.ExtelOor (Jaffee. • "- 50 bble.•No.l; 2 land 0; t 6fackerel 100 bOzes Scotch Herring. . „ • 50 doz. Twins and Bed 100 Doiens Corn B ` tooms;' l'sDazcensAssortedßknshesS- ' 50,000 Segura at. gatiajacturers' Prices; 100 kegs of Nails. . 60 doien - Cnrry!-COMbs and liorse Cards. 100 gross Ilatcheintfattorp prldisi; doz Mason's Shoe Blacking at factory 'prim; 500 doz. packed Smoking Tobacco, 25 gross Stove 5 grow , Indigo in hozei. 100 Ma. indigo in liunp. ' 4 /CO doz./got ,and halt pjnt Flguloi at VactOry,pficeo 25 " Wine potilcii. 100 " Fancy Scapa. • - WATER, • - - . . SUGAR, ' SODA and FANCY . by the barrel, . 4 • PAINTED BUCA ET.3 the dozen, • GROUND amd UIVGROUND SPICIS, at wholesale prices; ale°, y. SiVN*WiRi, QUEEIiSWARII, NOTIONS, ac, &c., in great variety. TOBACCO'. OF ALL KINDS, ' from G The. to a bor„ it City- prices; together with hun dred, of articles nc:tnamed, all of which will be politely shown to customers, mad if not rattisfied after e;camintt- , Lion; that HIS STOCK ZAROEST LY THE TOW,N AND HIS PRICES PECB LOWEST. he will 1164xpect tomeke sales I am deternitriedib gel] goods very cheap arid thereby sell then:tore of them. v . • . The speeial attention of , cotmtxy metchants is Melted to this stock of merchandlze, as I, can and will sell goods as low as any ;lobbing home in the eity. , On all articles T can do aa well, and on Many. articles better, than a single barrel; box, package or dozen could be bought for inlhe city. ;My 29. WILLIXM frET,WICKP KERORENE- - ,WILLIAM' GELWICES, wnutesale and retail GROCER, on the Diamond, Chain• borg.-Pa., has been appointed Agent for Franklin county of one of the best KEROSENE OILCOMPANTES iu the State, and will sell OIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL as low any Rouse in Pittsburg or Philadelphia —Look to yourintereit and buy your 0114 where you got it: the Cheapest, end whore it is always warranted to be the very first quality. • • • [July 29,133-tf. Etrug)s, &r. THE OLDEST HOUSE in TOWN; yAS A HOUSE OR DRUG STORE., IS MILLER HENgIEtEY'S, On the Northwest, Corner of the Diamond WHERE CAN NE 'HAD, CHEAP FOR CASH, ihrOrythlng, And male thin Is iinally kept Drug • - Stone. .. . • • - L.VSTAN'or,, All Regular Druge, Cough Syraf?s, - Mu m, di*ph i gratecl Cordial, t cure - ,biarthea, Cordials, Certain - Itemedies, Itheinnatio Anodyne Cordial, ' The Infant's Protector ' • ' And Mother's Friend, • Worm Simms; ' • ' AudigmetlgM,, 2 • :.• • . CaI:II,ITM 011 a, • • " • FluldEitiaci-Buthni , • • • - 1 • Lindsay's Blood Smicher, • ; • BYrzWIN, And all other Standard -Preparations of "the • Day; ' Noth : Othmis Oda Hoci: sCe... • , Eon's, forty Muth; 4 , , - _ ; ~ , . , Pennwalt; the beet gjf all blade; . .. , ioluni itncfoiCril,l'tininin. that can be relied On; . ' ' • ' '.. kianserls On. and LAYPS; and • •, . , roans Lute 6111:1C5Zial , . THAT, N! . I1.1. NOT pRBA.k, • AT MI S • a g & HENSHEY. S, • 4 June 'l7, '63. , . Charateraburg, Pa ii"N,PP,r;S ;I l edie4l Discovery, AYiet'itaisapariiiit, • • Bente'sCkx‘ Liver.oll,.. ' • - - ' . Lindsay's Blood Searcher, . • , ' • .. ~ ' L .Starer's Bitters, - Eluotettfea Stoma% Bitters, .. . Ealdn'oPasooes,- • -'•- , . w, • • Brost's ..Essears of JamalcoOloger, . „ Belialioldro Extinct BOchn, - . , . B a d w aya Medicines, . 1 . 2 ppaldl , l i os:: Throat b C:t s fectioar, sad °par reliable 7,4 e4iciFr-Fit .. „ 8 rANqpER'S, - GIPS 'pay for the TtEPO- Adty:SITOILT three months-to he sent to s Sane: k tUeeo ;FA.NCY PRINTING; in every va riety of bolbre, dotitt with neatam . and,despetehot t e FRANKLIN - RNPOS.:ITORY office. NECHA'NfOS=who desire to ex- 63stiitielt :bnelitesei thould 49111113251 t lit th e . lIIAN RAPOgTilici. . .. . TOT ALC HOLIC. .1.1 A _HIGHLY CONIwiTRATED VEGETA BLE EXTRACT...- A MULE TONIC. , DR. HOGFLAND'S "GERMAN BITTERS, -! :7 - 'l"rdpaied " Dn. 0. M. JaCkson, Philadelphia, Pa.. Will effectually cure LIVER. COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA; . • JAUNDICE. CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, Diseases of the Ifidneys.-,and al:diseases Arisimg • • from a disordered Liver or - Stoma-eh: - Such as Constipation: - Inward-Piles, , Fullness or Blood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach—Nau sea. Hoartbuni,- Distnet - for- Food, , Raines:Pot Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming, of the head, Hurried and Difficult - Breathing, Flat, tering at the eart. Chbking or Suffocating Sensa tions when in a lying posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight,Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, DeficieneysitPerspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Erk. Fain inthe Side. Baok t. OW. Limbs, & c., SaddenFlushe,Abf Heat, Burning ik the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great De pression of Spirits. And will positivelY. , provint reiNellher: llinoti* Fever. &c. .They, contain no ALCOHOL OR BAD WHISKEY 1 They will curd the above diseases in ninety-nitro cases out bf a hurdle& - -Induced by the extensive sale atid-univertalopop ularify of Hooflatid's German Bitters (purely vege table), hosts of igabrant Quacks 'and unscrupulous adventurers have °pencil ,uPon'.Buffering huraariifr the flood-gates of Nostrums. in the shape of poor whiskey, vifely - eonipounded 'with injurious drugs, and christened Tonics. Stomachics and Bitters, ' Beware of the innumerable- array. of Alc'oholie Preparations, in plethoric bottles ,and big-bellied kegs, under the modest' appellation of Bitters which instead of curing,enly.aggravato disetise, Awl bade the disappointed sufferer in despair. HOOFLAND'S' BITTERS! Are not a new and untried article: hitt time stood the test of fifteen years'-trial by the American pub lic ;_ and their reputation and, sale are not rivalled by any similar preparidion; The .proprietors have thousands of Letters frays '•••• the most eminent'XLERGYMEN. LAWYERS PHYSICIANS ANT/CITIZENS, testifying of own personal knowledgerotho beneficial effects and medical virtues „of theseßitters. ' Do yrnrrocWir goinithing w etrenirthisi iron f 'Do you want a good appetite? , Da you =OO /mad up your gonftitutioq' DO pole wont to feel ' '„Docyou wins ur g a rid of Yornoianie4sl , • , - Do you want Energy _Do you wantto sleep-tem? = 4 Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling f: 'lf 'you,do,'ffse • - " • ' 3 NM 1100PLAXD'S GERMAN BITTERS Fit :Fro na" Red. Newton lircreaft, D. D., Editor of Eneyekrpedia Reiipious-,Knoto/edpe. , • Although not disposed to favorer recommend a tent Medicines in- general; thrmighlistrtist of thbk ingredients.and effects, I. yet know, of mo sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have,-received fromaOY simple preparation, in the - hope that he may thus coiltnff ute to the benefit of others.- . ,z I do,this the more readily in regard to Hooflan4's German Bitters. prepared by Dr. C. M. ilaisksion;Sif this city. because I. wins-Rrejuidlged against WRAF manse years, under the impression that they - were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I are indebted torn, friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this • prejudice by proper tests, and for enecittrasfeti ment to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottleTitlt these Bitters,. atthe beginning of the present Ybar. was by.evident relief. and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had tilt telt for six months before,_and hadalmostdespairod of regaining. therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to.the use of them. J. IZEWTON BROWIC' . Philadelphia, June 23, 1861. - • CRACKERS, There are many . ,preparatiani 'sold tinder. Ore nitirit of /titters, put up or quart bottles, conVotinded, Vie cheapest whiskey or 'common rum, coaddy/tom "fo '4O cents per, gallon, the taste elieautecd.69Ansee or at ria:ace Seed. 'This clais of Bitterehas earthed and win contifitin to cause t ae long as they, can be-sold, _hundreds to die the'detult of the drunkard.' By their use the system is • kept; coat in.ualry tinder the influence- of Alcoholic Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for;Liquor created and kept rep, and the remelt is Oath° horror, attendant upona drunkard's life and death,' , those who desire and WILL HAVE a 1.74ical- Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get (hYki BOTTLE HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BIT2'.E'EX kaselmiiicith THREE-QUARTS OF GOOD BRAN-\ - Y. OR WHISKEY, and the result will be apreptk : `, ration that will far excel in medicinal virtue, chtli Ll* excellence any of the numeratia Liquorßittern tlWetrarket, and toilteost much lees. You. will katre' all the virtuotof _HOOFLAN_D'S „BITTERS itettlit;-• nection with a _good article of Lttitor, at a muOlt Icw Wee than these inferior preparations Will cost,vou: • ATTENTION, SOLDIERS! • AND 'kith. FRIENDS 010- SOLDIERS! We :call the attention of all having ,relatiotts.er friends in the army. to the fact that • Hoofiand's 4.lermanDitters" willeure nine-tenths Of the dimes see induized by exposures and privatiens incident.te camp life. • In the lists published almostdailyinthb newspapers, .on the arrival of the sick. it will* found that a very large proportion are suffering from debility. Every' case of that kind can be reit -dily cured by Hooftand's German Bitters. Miens% resulting from disorders of the digestive organs aris speedily removed: •We have no hesitation -in et-s -ting that, if these Bitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that will otherwise be lost. • • We call• Particular attention to the follawini re markable and well authenticated core of - one of the nation's hero's, whose life, to lige his own language., • bps been saved by-the Bitters : " Psui,tostrins,:August nor., ' - ileum ..44ies gentlemen,_Xottr I oar Herman Bitters has saved my life. There is no - mistake in this. % It is vouched fbr by ntuabeis of ray comrades, some of whose names are append ed, and who were fatly cognizant of all the 01b311111- stances of my case, - lam „ and have been fbr the lakt four years, a member of Sherman'a celebrated Bat -tern and under the imaiediateconimand of Capt. R. B. Ayres. .Through the exposure - attendant utr on my arduous duties I was attacked in'NoveMber last w i th inflammation of the lungs, and was for' 73 days the hospital. This was followed by:great debility. heightened bran attack of dysentery. was then removed from the White House, and.sent to this city- or. board the steamer" State of Milner from which .-I landed on the 28th of June, %Since -that time Ihave been about as low as any miticoidd be' and still retain %spark of vitality For 94 - week. or more I was scarcely able to swallow anything. and force a mortal down, it was immediate ly thrown up again.. hcauid noteven keep 0. - glass of-water on my stio mach. Life could.not last under these circumstan ces, and, accordingly . the physicians. who had been -working faithfully, though unsuccessfully, to-rtrictie Me from the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly toad me they coulddo no more for me, and advised iite to. seat, clergyman, and to make such dispoaition Of 'My limited fends as best suited me.; An acquaint mice who visited mo at the hospital; Vrederiek Steinbron, of-Sixth below Arch Street, advised me, ilea forlorn hope, to -try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle.- From thetime I commenced ta king them the. gloomy shadow bide:Air reeeded; and Lam now, thank Godfor it.gettin_gbetter. - Though have taken brit two bottles, I have gained ten 4p,ounds, and I•feel sanguine 'of being permitted%to rejoin my wife and datighter, from whom I have heard nothink for:eighteen months: fiii,ventlemen I emit leyAVinnhian. front the vicinity - of Front Royal, To your 'invaluable Bitters I owe the cer- - ,tainty of life ,whieti has take* the place of. vigils fears- 7 W your Bitters wilt I owe the- privilege. of -agaitaulaspingto'my bosoM those who aro defeat tome in life, Very truly youia, IsAAO MALONE.' - No fully concur m the tfatll of the above state ment,ltd we had 'despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malonli f rcistor.to health. - . . 4. JOHN DDLEBACK, Ist New York Batter/. • : - OHO. OKLEY,Co.'O.IIth Maine. 14EWIS• CHEVALIE/t, 92d - NeyrYork. ; • .• • L. E. SPENCER: bet - Art., Batt. F., J. B. FASEW ELL, Co. B. 3d Vet-tent. . , 'HENRY B. JEROME, Co. B. • • HENRY T.-MODONALD. ce.c. 6th Maine. JOHN F. WARD Co. E.3th „ - HERMAN KOCH; Co. IL 7211 N. Y. NAT. B. THOMAS, Co. Ff9sth Pa. - A. J.-KIMBALL. Co. A, 3d Vermont. - . JOHHJENHINS; Co. B, 108th Pa. t. • -• ' EEWAER OF OOTINTERFEITS! • 1 - • See that the si , ature`of "e. JACKSON'," • is dn'the r,ER of each bottle, • ' • PRICE PER BOTTLE, 15 CTS, - _ OR BALF_DOZ.FOR Should your ttearettdmggist net have the article. do not be put off by eilyWthe inte - xioating prepsza von, that, aieyhe offered in its plata, buteend-toult. And we will forward turely_paelted_,-_,y_b exp_rese. -PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND MAN UYAUTORt Ae STREET: - - ' - 'OWE'S EVANS • - _ oitiee**ta - 'Paoranmae. FUlt "Dintsiata an d 'Dealers in ever, tannin the United States. - :I.Trint 17 ly.- bicaL PARTICULAR NOTICE