El THREE WORDS OF STRENGTH. . , BY salmi. There are three lessons .11Wotild:writ&—. _ Three words as With ai; burning pen, In tracings of eternal,light,: ' • _ Upon the hearts of men: Have-Hope.; Though clouds environ "now, And gladness hides her face in scorn, Pat thou the Shadow;fiOrn.4hy brow— - No night but bath its morn. 13,ave Faith. Where'er,thy bark is driven— .the 'Oakes disport, the tempest's' mirth— SnOw thisL-God -- rules the - hosts of heaven - - T/1' •inhabitants of earth. naTe_Love. Not alone for one, • flint, man, as man, thy brothers call; And scatter like • the circling sun, • Thy charities on all. ' - • • Musgrave these lessons on.thy soul— /lope, Faith; and Love—and thou shalt find Strength when life's surges rudest roll, • Light when thou elSe wert blind. - /3IPIEBIEeHABLE • It was a very plain' face. ,My eye rested upen it, for a moment or two, and then wan dered. away tothe countenance of another Maiden, :whose 'beauty ravished the eyes of every beholder; and as I gaied, with a feel ing delight, upon its transcending loveliness an impulse of thankfulness stirred in my heart—thankfulness tO the Creator of beauty. ' The first maiden sat alone ; around the other I stood a group 'of admirers. So . marked a contrast between the two, as well in features, as in the impression made thereby, excited, , first, something like Pity for her , whom na ture-had endowed so poorly ; 'and 1 turned to look at, her again with a kinder feeling in , my heart. i 'There she sat, all alone. Yes'',, her face was very, very plain ; but it did not strike mo as repulsive. Themouth, which had noth: ingot' the ripe fullness that gave such an enamoring grace to the other maiden, was placid ;, and though not encircled by a per petual wreath of smiles, calmly enthroned ' the gentle spirit of.content. Her eyes were small,, the lashes thin, and thearch, above them faintly visible. , Arch 1' 1 can scarcely give it that graceful designation. I had not yet teen the expression of those - eyes. 4 I looked toward her, with -that strange consti ousneis of observation whichnll- have re marked, bid which few can explain, she turned her eyes from another part of the . room and looked at Me: They did.not flash brilliantly, nor •strike me, at the first glance, as having in them anythiug peculiar' They Were the common eye we meet at every turn --'-'-no soul in tliem. ;1. give my first impres t si . 'My second was different. I had turn ed my eyes away ;, but something I bad seen ca ed them almost involuntarily to wonder _beck to tfie maiden's face: A friend - whom ,Ilhighly regarded—a young man of -more than common-worth—had' crossed the room, and' was standing before her. She bad lift ed her eyes to his face, and there was new likht in them—not a dazzling,' .but a soft, winning light that purity and love made - - iimost" beautiful. They were conversing, and I watched, for some time, the play of that unattractive cotentetance, unattractive no longer. ' ' lAAh I" said I. "there is a beautiful soul within - that casket." . And as I SPoke,' thus, in the silence of any own thoughts, I looked towards the other maiden, who was still surreunded by a - crowd of admirers. - • "Her beauty is wonderful ?" I could not help. the utterance of this tribute to her charms. Yet scarcely had I spoken. the s.‘ words, when she turned to one of the grot which had gathered Omit her, a slight.Ourl of unlovely scorn upon her lips, and threw at him art arrowy word that wounded as it struck. She saw that hurt, and a gleam of pleasure went forth, from. her S brilliant eyes. - filmy veil Came between my eyes and flit4Ountenance, which a little while be fore: and shone upon me with . a loveliness thatwas, absolutely enchanting. I turned again to -the other maiden. My friend still stood before her, and her eves were lifted to his face, She Was uttering some .sentiments 7i . --what, -I did not hear--but they must have beef good and beautiful in conception, to have lilted, every-lineament with, such "winn ' ing grace. "Ah l" said I, the real, truth dratiing up on:my mind, ',"here is' the inner, imperish able beauty. The beauty, which; instead of losing its spring-time freshness,,forever ad vances towards eternal youth." kfew weeks later, and my friend com municated to me the inteligence, that his heart:had been wert,by the . charms of this unattractive maiden. Once lie had been a worshipper at the ot'fier shrine—the shrine of beauty ; and I knew- that, only a few months before, hand and heart were ready to be .offered. Accepted they would have' - been, for he had personal beauty, attractive ' manners, wealth, and above all, a manly hon o4ble spirit. For all I had.seen, I was. not Preparrd for thitr.-- The maiden might be good—l did not question that—but ,she was so -homely ; and this homeliness would be only the more ap patent in' contrast „with his elegant exterior. ' It was almost on my_ lip to remonstrate—to ' suggest this thought to his mind. But. I prudently forebore. ,"You know her _well, .1 hope." .I could not help the utterance of this caution. • "She is not thought to be beautiful,' he replied, seeming, to - perceive my thoughts, "indeed, •as to feattires, she is plain ", yet, to person, she is tall, graceful, dignified, and with Carriage that a queen might envy." This was true to the lettdr. I had not thought of 'it before. ;Nature had given 'at least this compen'satior4 "But the higher beauty," he added, "is of the soul. All else is soon dinimished. Scarce ly his the blushing girl stepped forward through 'the opening door of womanhood, ere we See the lustre of her blossoming eheek beginning to tarnish in the social atmosphere or to pale from• hideous disease. But the soul's beauty dims not,, wanes not, dies not. It is as imperishable as the soul itself. Our bodies die, but• the soul istimmortal." "If she possesses this beauty ?" "I know that 'she poSseses it," he lA:layered warmly. • have 'seen it looking forth from her eyes, wreathing about her lips, and giv ing,to every .lineament a heavenly charm. i " It s musical in every tone of her voice." "Goodness alone is-beautifUl." I said. "And she is good," - - -- he replied. I never met one who so rarely spoke of herself, or whoaeemed to.take so loving an interest in human*. .. • 'That is God-like." . Is not God the sou of 411 beauty r To be God-like,. then, is to lie beautiful: 'he added, "I have cronrid, indeed.atreasurc 1 Morning and evening I thank the good Giv er, that lie openpdmy eyes to see &Spot than the unalluring surface I was dairled :once, by;a glittering', exterior; but.-hive a clear "Win ner.and wear her, then," I: replied,. "arid may she ,be to you allyour,..fancy pic tures." "She is . faron,"'he' answered,' shall "and I sha wear her youdly,-in the,ges of,,all,men:?' There was as - world• of surPrise what it .. be came known that my i handsome. friend-Was about leading, his chosen - bride to the altar. "13tow.dotIld he throw hiMselt away upon, such an ugly creature ?" said one, coarsely. "He might have taken his choice from the loveliest," remarked another. "He will tire of that face in a month. Ali ; . i.he gold of Ophir would not bribe-met to sit opposite to it fora year." And so he Changes ^ fang; • But my friend knew what he,was doing I was present at the wedding.. - • * "If she were not so homely," -I heard . a lady remark,, as she stood beside her hand some young husband. "Whatcanlie see in her to love ?" ; I turned and looked at the' speaker. Na ture had been kind in giving her an attrac tive face - ; but the . slight curl of, contempt that was on her lip marred' everything, I glanced back to the young bride's counte nance; her pure soul was shining through it, like light through'a veil. -To-me, she seem ed at that moment more beautiful...than the other ; and far more worthy to ,be loved. The brilliantly beautiful maiden of whom .1 have spoken, gave her band in _marriage about the same time. Her husband'xwas .a young man of good charileter s kind feelings, and with sufficient income'to enable- them to live in a style of imposing *elegance. A se ries of gay parties was the social welcome given to the lovely bride. But Such honor did not attend the nuptials of,her plainer sister. A few years later and the moral qualities of each were more apparent in ,their faces. I remember meeting both, in campany, ten years after their marriage. I was - standing at one end of the room, when an Over-dressed woman, with a showy face, came in, accom panied by a gentleman - whom I knew, not as an acquaintance, but as a man of businesS and the - husband of the beauty. I should scarcely - have recognized the latter, but for him. What a change.was there! At a dis tance the face struck you as still beautiful, but on a closer view, the illusion vanished. The mouth had grown sensual, peevish, and ill-natured; the eyes were bright, but the brightness repelled rather than attracted. After awhile, wondering at the change, I _drew. near and entered - into conversation with her. The music of her voice I remem bered. There -was no . music in it now ; at least none for my ears. A certain abrupt ness in her manners, born_of pride, or super ciliousness, was to me particularly offensive. I tried her on various subjects, in order to bring out some better aspects in her charac ter.—The Swedish Nightingale had just been here, and had sung to my heart as no living man or woman had ever sung—l spoke of her. "Too artificial," was the reply; - with an air of critical vanity, that gave to my feelings a ripple of indignation.: referred to a new poem, remarkable for - its purity of style ; she coldly remarked with depreciation on some of its special 'beauties, merely re peating, as I knew, a certain captiousreview er. I was indoubt whether shebad read.ei'en a'page of the book. Then I spoke of a lady I present. She tossed her head, and arched her lip, saying: "She's too fond of gentle.: men's attentions."_ yaried still, my efforts,' but'to no good purpose. The, more I conversed with her, the less beautiful became her face, for the unloveliness of her true character was per petually gleaming through and spoiling the already sadly marred features. I left • her side, on the first good opportunity, glad to getaway.- Ten years ago, in all companies. she was the cynosure of every eye. The praise of her beauty was on every lip. But so changed was she now, that none bent- to .do her reverence. I noticed her sitting alone, with 'a discontented look, long, after. I had left my place at her side. Her husband, by the attentions ho.paid,her during the even ing, might have - been unconscious of her presence. But there was another lady in the room who was, all thewhi le th e centre, of ari admiring circle. :None, perhaps, considered her' face beantiful; yet to every one who looked upon it, came a perception of beauty that associa ted itself with her individuality. In repose, her features were plain; .yet not repulsive in the slightest particular. But, when thought and feeling flowed into them, 'eVery eye was charmed. There was a nameless grace in her manner that gave additional , power - to the attractions of her countenance. . I was half in doubt at first, of her identi ty, as I gazed upon her from, a distant part of the room ; she looked, in my eyes, so really beautiful. But the presence of my old "friend in the group, my old friend who had been wise enough to prefer beauty .of soul to beauty of face, and passing over; I added another to the circle, which gathered around her. There was nothing obtrusive in i her- con versation; nothing of conscious pride,; 'but a` calm, and, at times, earnest utterance of true sentiments. Not once during the even- ' Mg did I hear a word froin her lips that jarr ed the better feelings. "The good are beautiful!" Many times did this sentiment find spontaneotis utterance.' in my heart as- I looked upon her ; and then turned my eyes to lthe discontented face of another, who a few years before carried off, in'every company i,he palm 'of loveliness: Yes, here Was the imperishable beauty. Maiden! would you find this beauty?, no matter if your features Were ,not cast in clas sic mould, this higher, truer beaUty may be yours if you will seek for it in the denial of selfishness, and the repression of discontent. "The good are beautiful." Lay that up in your thoughts. Treasure it as the most sub lime wisdom. Gather-into the store-house of your minds sentiments of regard for others; and-let your hands engagees in gentle charities. 'To do good and to communicate forget nit. If tempted to murmur think of your many bles sings; if to repine, of the thousands who are -sick and sufferin g . Be humble, gentle, for:- giving . , and above all—useful. These are the graces that shine through the otter coyr erings the goul, rand reveal themselves in light and loveliness to all eyes. The good never grow homely as they grow old. The outer eye:may become ditr4and ticu3 cheek lose its freshness, but in tue place of earthly charms will come a spiritual beauty, - unfading as eternity. A. correspondentof 'the Boston 'Pre:yeller, with the army of the I'otonme-, writes: "Within the last three days, some twenty deserters have come within our lines at this place, including an orderly sergeant, from a Louisiana regiment who says he — resides within - forty miles of New Orleans and is desirous of returning to his home.: He re., ports that large numbers of Louisianians are watching for a favorable opportunity: tdde sert, being anxious to return to_ti/P4' homes. My informant also says that - the news of the fall of .yieksburg and Port Hudson,ind the opening - of the Missssipi, had 4 - reatlY• dial heartened the Mississippi and', Louisieria troops, , . _ THS man. who courted an- : investigation aAys isn't 'half so good as Courting An fectionate ZIN ,franktin iltvositorp, 4C4ambersburg, Pa. ELUTUMI, TO: rEIiNSYLIFANIA. • The n /Efitgerstciwn Herald, a staunch Union paper, -thus congratulates Pennsylvania on the re-nomination of Gov. Curtin. "The 'Union Convention of Pennsylvania _assembled at Pittsburg on Wednesday last, and by . a vote of ninety-eight to thirty-six re-nominated Hon. Andrew G. Curtin for Governor. Jedge,'Wobdwand is his Dente erotic or Copperhead (*Fitment, and the con -tedt between - them bids 'fair to be ' a close one —close; Only, however, because the fifty- or seventy thousand soldiers from the State who are engaged in fighting the battles of their - country will not be permitted to vote. Could they have an bpportunity of recording their ballots there would be little or no doubt abo.st'the result, for as Gov. Curtin nobly stood by them at all times and under all cir cumstances, it is but fair to presume that without distinction of party they, cheerfully and' gratefully sustain him: , "But we shall not believe that, even though he should be deprived of the soldier's support, important and decisive of the election as it would be, he can be overcome by the numer ous sndke species of disloyalists= opposed to him. Party prejudices may be aroused against - ,him, and political malice May and doubtless will, do its, worst to encompass his defeat, but, we shall not believe that the hearts of the - people of Pennqlvania can be alienated from so able and faithful a' public servant until the ballot boxes speak the damnable act of ingratitude in language which cannot be misunderstood. The adder stung the breast which warmed it into life, but blacker would be the ingratitude of the I sons of the Keystone if they strike down or turn their backs upon Governor Curtin, who has undoubtedly rendered them_ inestimable services in these perilous times. "When the rebels inaugurated this terrible civil war, they fined their. eyes and hearts on the invasion and despoliation . of Pennsylvtt. nia. This was their settled purpose early in thewar, and if Pennsylvania had been cursed with a, weak or semi-loyal Executive, they would have rushed their desolating hordes across Maryland and into the Cumberland Valley long before, they did, and would have remained until they had reduced it toa blank waste. But Governor Curtin watched them closely, sent troops by thousands and tens of thousands to the seat of war to keep the reb els employed at home, drid thus for two years, except last fall when thpy failed to get farther than the State line, prevented them from car rying out their policy of invading and rob bing Pennsylvania, "And when at last they did come, but • through no dereliction of duty on -his part, 'he promptly and fearlessly flung the battle flag to the breeze, and after a' herculean ef fort succeeded in overcoming the panic which the suddenness and appalling magnitude of the invasion bad produced among, the people of his Commonwealth. In response to his patriotic appeals they took courage and ral lied to the defence of their hopes and fire sides. They rushed to Harnpburg twenty thousand strong and prevented the Capitol from falling into the hands of the enemy, and when at last that enemy beat, a hasty retreat across the Potomac, they - were close upon• his heels, and guarded the Potomac, the true line of defence and protection, until: the emergency was entirely over. - "Few men would or could `have done for Pennsylvania what Governor Curtin has in these trying times ; and feeling as Marylan ders, and citizens of the old county in Ma ryland which has materially suffered from the rebel invasion, that our peribi were iden tified with those of our neighbors across the line, and our relief from4ose, perils' the same, we - should be' want' in gratitude were we to withhold thid poor weed of Traise from one who so richly .deserves it." The Baltimore Patriot thus truthfully and pointedly states the issues in, Pennsylvania : The re-nomination of this, gentleman, for the post he lies so honorably tilled inthe Ex ecutive Chair of the old back-bone State of the Republic, is hailed with sincere delight by every truly loyal man of the nation. No other public man, outside a the service of the National government, has had it in his power to render such signal •service to the cause of the country, since the rebellioncom menced, as Gov. Curtin—and none have been more prompt and energetic in their efforts than he has shown himself Jo be. We of Maryland, owe him- a peculiar debtof grati tude, for his prompt response ,to the-calls made upon him for help, when our State was invaded --and if ever the opportunity , pre sents itself, the truly loyal sons of our State will rejoice in repaying the debt. The -nation is deeply interested in the po litical contest which is to come off this Fall in PerinsYlvania, for it is a contest literally bet - een patriotism and covert treason—and we trust the tru%,and faithful patriots of that tried old State, *ill be up and a doing, and display their devotion to _correct principles, bysecturing to their noble governor such. -a 'majority at the ensuing election, as will give the keenest rebuke to the sneaking copper heads in their State, who are endeavoring to enact the same game by which the people of New York and New 'Jersey, and some of the Western States, were defrauded last fall, into the election of just such a class of men as the candidate who has been brought out to oppose Governor Curtin. Under profeisions of Unionism, all his antecedents prove him to beJattore f the friend of the rebellion than of his country's cause—that he has 'more charity for Jett: Davis and his rebellion .than he has for the government of - his coun 'try, and the restoration of the Union. The same fraud will be attempted in Pennsylva nia that was played off upon the honest de mocracy of the States alluded toabove. The plea was raised at-the time • when our arms had met with reverses, that the administra tion was not carrying on the war with suffi icient energy, and that if the democracy could only get Into power, the difference Would soon be manifested in the increased vigor which would be instilled into every depart ' ment. This apparently honest appeal had -its effect upon the hearts ,of many of the ;loyal portion of that party, math° elections absolutely turrted upon that veryy point, of a imore. vigorous prosecution of the war—but I no - sooner had the deceitful copperheads ob tained the power in their respeetive States, than the mask was thrown oft; and a syste ,matic effort has been made ever since to thwart the govern - mat in all its measures, so far as they have dared to go for fear of too great a rebound of public indignation against ,them-the riots in New York-were' the cal *inatiott of this copperhead spirit,' and the leaders•doubtless stood ready to take advant age of theAutrages of the mob, if they coOld ;only have discerned that the outbreak would be successful; They, however, were disap ;pointed; and the veil which was intended to shield theM frem a participation in those :outrages,.was too thin to prevent then" being exposed to the public gaze,—and every hort :est"man to Whatidever party he :may have ;heretofore belonged, will bathe, future mete tout to them the indignation which is justly dne to•their,iniquitous course. • _ Every Pennsylvanian should -feel a per-- sonal pride in sustaining their noble Gover nor, and should set himself to' work .as never labilied befOe, to save the glorious Old -Comtnonwerdth froutthe the dire - disgrace'vf falling into the hands of the secret plotters against the country.,: . Prom t ^7Orth Americlo, ONADMINEWEEtATION INAS DONE. Errors of detail are unavoidable in the goVPrament,of a great nation. • No Adirilu-i istration eier existed Which was free froin them, and none - ever will. We must judge' AdminiStrations by -their measures and poli cy, for while some Executives commit more errors of, detail than • others, it must be borne 1 in mind that where an Executive has three times the amount of work to do that others have ever had, we must expect the relative proportion'-of- errors of detail. The Gover nor of Delaware, for example, has far less to attend to than the Governor of Pennsylva nia, and must necessarily be expected tou,'be freer of errors. During the administration of, Governor Packer he had . , none but the ordinary busi ness of an era of peace and prosperity to transact, and there he had beaten paths of routine and policy to follow, wherein he was tolerably safe. Governor Curtin has held the same office diiring the stormiest era ever known to American history. He had no beaten paths to follow. His State had never before been invaded since it became a State. The country bad never been engaged in a war of such magnitude, and- civil war had been unknown to' us. All themeasures were of necessity new and previously untried. But when we look back now upon his Ad ministration, how well he succeeded in all his duties; how nobly he has kept the. old Keystone State true to the Union and ahead of all rivalry in troops and loyalty ! Errors of-detail he - has committed, Sts all men do. , But it is surprising how few they have been. He may' safely go before his constituents upon such a record as he has made, and chal lenge the scrutiny of the , world ; for he haS been such a chief magistrate as Pennsylva nia needed in the terrible crisis through which she was passing. So'we May say of the national Adminis tration, and as - its errors have been so widely magnified and canvassed by-Democratic par tisans, it with' the greed of office,' per haps it is as well to put upon record before the people what it has done in its general measures,lhat 'its errors of detail may be compared with its successes of policy. lst. It has made this republic the greatest military Power im the world. 2d. It has retrieved the national credit, and placed:it upon Suck a basis that 'it can not again be shaken. 3d. It has given us a national paper Cur rency, so far superior to the' wild cat paper previously 'flooding the country that every body rejoices in the change. 4th. It has given. us a protective tariff, not likelito be changed iii policy fora long time to .come. sth. It has abolished slavery and polygamy in all the national teritories, and put an end forever to all designs of the south upon our vast domain. J 6th. Its policy has enabled the people of West Virginia and Missouri to rid theinsel yes of slavery by means of judicious system of gradual emancipation. ith. It has added Kansas to tha Union as a free State. Bth. It has reconqnered the whole Missis sippi valley. c 9th. It has in-the midst of the war held with iron grasp and fostered and defended all the previously organized aid existing terri tories of Daeotah; Nevada, COlorado, Idaho, and Arizona: • 10th. It his fortified our northern border; our Atlantic and our Pacific coasts with im mense works, and given us a large and for midable navy.._so that wfi are in a Complete posture of defence against any European tbe. 11th. It has reconquered'Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, West Tennessee, Mis souri. Northern Arkansas, Louisiana, Flori da, Mississippi, and parts" of other rebel Slates. 12th. It has retaken nearly, every leading city in the, south, including St. Louis, New Orleans, Nashville, Vicksburg, Memphis, Natchez, Jackson, Norfolk, Pensacola, New bern, ljaltimore 'and Alexandria. 13th. It has recaptured nearly every fort on the southern coast formerly belonging to the Union. 14th. It has devtloped enormous financial power in the loyal States, Ali exceeding any thing ever dreamed of before in this coun try. 15th. It has demonstrated that , the re sources of the north are inexhaustible, and that the most gigantic war cannot impair them. ' - 16th. 'But, greater than all, it has demon* strated the unbotimied and invincible strength of the national government, which defies re= hellions, and is able to cope with any foe, itt, ternal or external. siovEnivoit CritTlN. In the following, from the gt. Louis Demo crat, the highest compliment is paid to the great earnestness and patriotic energy dis played by the Goiernor of Pennsylvania. TWO, .Democrat regards his election as of na tional importance i When we look at the period during which Gov., Curtin has been called upon to admin ister the affairs of the great State of which he has been Chief Magistritte, the number of important and • responsible duties devolving upon him, and the great amount of patronage he has had to distribute, we can well under stand how liable he was to give dissatisfaction in some quarters, and how liable to make occasional mistakes. It would be strange if both these things had not occurred. There is one thing about Gov. Curtin's administra tion.upon which all, - we think, must agree, viz : that it has at all times beeni'conducted with. the loftiest zeal for the cause of the Union. This fact has been made Manifest on many occasions,' and in many, ways, and is `sufficient to make Union men all over the country, who have no interest -in the local jealousies of PennfiYlvania polities, to hope most anxiously for his re-election. By all such men the defeat of, Gov. Curtin at' this time would be regarded as a'-national calam. ity. The character of his opponent 'Judge Woodward—a Democrat of the Seymour Copperhead school, leaves no question as to the great issue involved in the contest. ^. It is true Unionism against false Unionism. In such a conflict, men who truly love their country, and desire the unity, of the Govern ment, have no alternative in the bestowal. of their sympathies and any 'influence they may wield, Their voice, to their brethren in _Penn sylvania, whereVer they inay. be located, can not fail to be an earnest appeal forunity, zea and industry in action. Let_ local disagre :- meats or. ,t, time be forginten., Let great iss sorb all minor encl. Le the cause 9f the ' country prevail, 'thrit r . erty, national,We "ty and 'true Demoer , y may be sav_ed. If Pennsylvaniapro • true in the trial hour, Governor Cu 'n will he elected. . , CiStatto;iftinnetallfiare, UNDERTA -1.,, KER, 'SECOND,- STAEBT, BETWEEN MAR- Kt . ! AND QUEEN, , CAA MBERSI3VBG, PA, - st=" tends to the bhsina in'all its various branches. Par ! ' titular attention paid to laying/ out, Dressing, &c. Having the advantage of a large custom, and of buying his stock cheap for cash, be can furnish COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, at lower rates than any other establishment in town or county. lie does not as a Chair Maker offer his sarvicee, 'biit as an Cruierfair - offifusn yedreaperience-iif tfie basiness. Persons requiring the services of an Underr taker- for their families or, friends, would find it Mated= ally to their advantage to give him a call. , lie is also prepared to preserve bodies during thesum mer months, any length of time. Wiring purchased the exclusive right to two . - Spider's Improved Methodof Covering Coffinse, he is thereby enabled to furnish a DUCE COVITAD COWIN at anexceedingly!low rate. And also haying a now and elegant 1 - I.EATtelni, he is prepared to furnish, Coffins to any part of the county desired. Ile rs Agentfor , g - P. 1.4.1,78 PATENT METALLIC BURIAL eAsn. Orders 411tring his absence or itt night sbonld isle left pt his residence, West Market, Street; opposite Miller's [June 17, NEW CARIITEILWARE ROOMS. The undersigned respectful y aiinontices to the cotiz.ns of Chambersburg and vicinity;tliat be bits taken the Rooms Immediately tutioininetbe dike of Dr. Sues. serott, on Main street, where he intends to manufacture every discription of ' CABINET-WARE, Stich as Scfas, - Darlor.Tables, I Common Bureaus. Wardrobes, Breakfast do. Dressing do. new style, ' Dining do. Safes, Sinks, . ~. Dorm"' . , Beek Cases, Wash Stands, Booking Chairs, , Secretaries, - Bedsteads, 4c. '.. Fine Far. do. Clothes Horse, new style., ... . All work constructed by him is 4arranted,from the finoat Sofa down to tbv most common Work. . . - • COFFINS. ' ' Particular attention will be given to - the making of Coffins of any desired style—Cloth, Walnut or Cherry: ns_ Remember, when you buy your- -Furniture from DAVID W. GROSSMAN, youare getting the latest style and the , best of work. J one 17,1863. DAVID W. GROSSMAN. ChAIR-AND CABINET FACTORY.-{"The subscriber Informs the public that be cout trines-the manufacture of the various artlelea in hie lino, at his factory upon West Queen Street. a frit dooralrom Main. Hehns always on hand or is prepared to manufacture upon the shortest notice: Cane .Bottom and W incisor Chaire, with P/aiu and Curtain Bedsteads, Pier and Card Tables, Bureaus, Wash Stands and Book Cases. , • in all itstarieties. - attended to with proMpt nese and despatch. 110178 E PAINTING,. in all its branches. exe. uted by competent bands. PAPER llANGlNG.—Particular attention will be given to this department and satisfaction in every in stance guaranteed. Having employed a sufficient number of competent bands, tho undersigned feels assured of being enabled to on ail orders, in a workmanlike manner, and respetfully solicits the sante. W. A. tlAatll4l7. June 17.1863. CHEAP CHAIR AND CABINET wAii[4:-Rooms.--JonAri SCHOFI.ELD. (Suc ces..or (0 John Cree.) 31.A.NUFACTUREft, OP CHAIRS and ')ABINET-WARE, Blain Street, three doors South of Iluber 8: Tolbert'g Hardware store, Chantheraburg. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, Always 'on hand or made to order. VenititUt Blinds manufactured as neatly and cheaply as city work. HOUSE and SION PAINTING and PAPER HANGING done neatly% expeditiously and cheap, in Town or Country. . , .1156•• Repairing of all kinds. in their line of business. promptly attended to, at moderate-prices. June 17,1663 anto. $6O. - - $l5O. A GENTS WANTED.—Liberal,in li to Canvassers for the sale of the CELEBRATED . COTTAGE $l2 SEWING - MACHINE. wish to engage an active Agent in every County in the United States and Canmins. to travel and Introduce my NEW CHEAP, FAMILY SEWING 'MACHINE. This 3fachine_posseuses more than ordinary merit to just patented with - valuable Improvements, and acknowledg ed 'to be unsurpassed for general utility. Al irnited number of responsible 4,tents are wanted to solicit or= dere, to whom a salafy . • ' $5O TO $l5O PER VONTEI AND EXPENSES will ~e paid_ For conditions and full partiality's address with stamp for return pwitago. ang 194 m AGENTS WAN ED.—=The - sub scrilm wishes to employ Agents to solicit ordqrs tut ruit Treee r ice., in this and adjoining counties. Any energetic business men out f employment will find this an excellent opportunity to make reasonable wages.— For particnlitra apply at once to • B. L. lIYDEIt. Proprietor. West Franklin Nurse! les, Loudon, Franklin co, Pa. liefference as to character and business qualifications rebuired. [augl9 St WANTED. --$5000 worth of OLD GOLD PLATE'S. Persons hating worn out Artiticial Teeth - mounted upon Gold Plate, in largo or small quantities, can obtain the higbe.st price,'eltherin cash or In exchange fur Dentrlstry, by calllnenpon , DR. J. K. RElD,Dentigt,' corner of Main and Queen streets, above Wm. Reyser's Drug Store, Chatabetsburg, Pa. June 10, 63-3rn WANTED.--Tbe subscriber "will entoloy five cmnpeteut Teachers to tak'e charge of the Public Sehuots In Metal School District fur the term office months, commencing on the first of October next, fur which liberal wages will, be ' JAS. It. BREPTSTDR Secretary, Fannettstrurg. aug.2s, '63 St WANTED.—S6O a Month !=-We want 4ients at Ma month, expenses ;mid, to sell our Kyerlasting Pencils, Oriental liiiniers, and thirteen otter. new, useful and cnrioua .Fif teen circulitts sent free; -‘-AddreSs 'May 1 Saaa t -%" nA TONS WANTED.-- 7 5 . 00 TO — ns , Corm Ilmaks and Corn Stalky will be purchare ed at bigheat cash prices if delivered at Straw Mill of ang 2 , 1.8k* ..T. ALLISON LISTER. WANTED. -475: a Month !—I arant to hire Agents in every ozwtnty . at $76 a month, expenses paid, to sull my new alum Family Sewing Maskinos. Address 13 MADISON, May 13.3 m ' Alfred, Mains, Efitatebto anb jebutin. SALISBURY BROS. 4St, CO., NO. 37 .DORRANCE STREET and -67 WEYBOSSET STREET, ' PROVIDENCE, R it 7{, •proprietore of one of the most extensive JEW LEV -dicker ) _race _ , collection of kind, when :A placed in the hande of any one of ordinary In tellitmce - Ought. to retail for at tea On e Htutdred.Vollarsi - datalognee,ctintaining f tll information and Prices of O9ode, can be obtained upon application. - 10...Ordi;ra by Mall, Telegraph. or ,liapreasy resPeei folly sollelted. ..„ - • . , . SALISBURY 1113.08,4 co. : - June 17;',33.001 , . 37 biov Dorrance A 07 Wayhopi oluc let 8 / 1 1., • ' ca, it. I AVESIF,RN HOTEL, West Mcirkti wa r 34 , Brox, Cbaniberaburg,.Pa. be aribacriberwonld respectfully inform the Travel lag Community that be purchased and taken posses- - Monet this Hotel. flebopes to make it one of the most desirable places for strangers and ethers to atop at dem ean be found in any country town. 1118 TABLE will at all times bo spread with tbe Two rules and substantials of the season. HIS CllAMBP,ll3,arSlatgeiwell ventilated, en d pled TIP• 113 Modern style. ' ' - t 1118 ) lAIt will be well supplied with a largisandessate Selection of the 'eery best liquors. 1118 STAULn- will always bo provided with littiod w hOletnranproveinler forOC t k aid attended by•caraftd 3 ostlers:, - No painiwill be spared . to render entire satisfaction te an his guests; and pleding himself to endeavor to -plain!! all, be solicits a liberalsbare of the public patronage. -Jnwe '63. , jous AaLLER; TTNION L.) situated on the corner of Main anilAneerk Bt 4ltt , northe Mamen(l.in the Borough of Chambersburg, . The undersigned respectfully announces to Metres er- Mg public that this Hotel hke been remodied. It has been raised to THREE STORIES in height. A Rile three story Back Building has been added to it, giving an !nuance amount of room for the accommodation of the public generally. The rooms are large and comfort able/. umbering in aii, thirty•freik Th ey are all waf furnished with GOOD NEIY FURNITURE. Persona stepping at this Hotel can have either double or aingNe rooms, with or wi tboutfiro in them. The Table le al ways supplied with, the BEST IN THE SlAltlit,T, and will seat over 100 persons.= The Bar is filled with the CHOICEST LIQUORS. lb& Stable_is two.stories, of the most modern style, &ha a,. beat In the Borough of Chambensburg. Jude 11033.. • . JOHN FISHER ,Proraietes. PRANK -IN HOTEL- West sidat t f the rublieWeitiare, Cbambersburg, Pa. '‘ • • The aubscriber would respectfully inform Hie Travel ing Community that he line leased and takes( pbateedtrn of thisliommodions Hotel. Ile hopes to make it of the most desiVible .places for strangers and others, tts stop that can - be found in any country town. " -NIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the lux uries and eubatantials of the season. HISSTIAUBERS are large, well ventilated, and fitted up in modern style. • HIS NAP wilt be welt supplied with a large and clefin selection of the very best Liquors.- HIS' STABLE will always be provided with good, wholesome provender for stock, and attended by careful ostlers. No pains will be spared to render entire satisfactioitie all his guest; and pledging himself to endeavor to plates all, be solicits a liberal share of the public patronage. Jane 17.'63. DANIEL TROSTLII. WHITE SWAN HOTEL, Chant bersb urp. Pa.— iNil aura, Gaon., Proprietor. . Baying purchased this well-known lintel, (long knolsts as Miller's. and recently as Sireiat di. Grove's.jthe Prowt etor.pledges himseliAliat no pains ehall be spared to minister to the wants of his guests. - - The character heretofore sustained by the House tie .. .a 'comfortable Home, fur the Sojourner, shall nut stiffer lit my hands ital . :ow-rant effort to please and aeeentreodat,k will sustain it. The proprietor, therefore, solicits * continuance of the liberal patronage beret-Jere nitend ed to the " Whit e - Swan." , . • , In addition to large Staidttig, he has TWO LOTS avl a pair of Hex and Stoca Sniams for the aceorosnedaVids of Droi,ere and Butcher"June'l7.lB6.3 WELLS COTICLLY. • DAVID ti 110mi:uses, - 00-VERLY S. ;HUTCHISON ILI Dave become the 'Proprietors of the - UNIT[;) STATES HOTEL, near the Iteiircud Depot at ILCRRIP -I:IURG, pa. This popular and commodious Hotel has been - mewly refitted and fm - nished througuout its par-. Tors and etuunhersi and id now ready for the rtceptilia of guests. • The travelling public will find the United States Hata the most convenient, in nil particulars, of any Hotel hi the State Capital, on accodnt of its access to the Tall- road, being immediately between the two great depots in this city. [llannisacus, June 17,'63-t, -Waynesboro' Mcorti, 31ercersbnrg Journal, air Oreepcastte Pit , ,t, copy 3m., and charge Repository. • SPECIAL NOTICE. . TUB .PROPRIETORS OP Tita GIRABD 11017.5 E - - • PHILADELPHIA, Rexpectfully earl the attention of Business Men and ilisp t.aveling commonity, to the superior accommodation tad comfort °nem' in their establishment. msg. 264 m - ANArIA, FOWLER & CO, INDIAN • NDIAN 'QUERN HOTEL, Med» Strut, Cltmbersburg, Pa. JOHN' TAYLOR, Proprietor. Fin accommodations and low charges. ARP Stock Yard e and Scales are connected .with thy premises for the convenience of Drovers. Also:.—Exiess. sive stabling and yards for Horses and Carriages. -Jane 17y63.' . L. MALCOM, Box 27811, Euston Mum GR,BAT BARGAI.NS , PROM NEW YORK AUCTIONS) AT , WALLACE'S,T CORNER OF MAIN AND 4raid.DF.N STREETS; New style Mosambiques, Dlana cliene Twilled Mosamblques for travelling dresses, Superior Muslin Delaines in colora, Colored Lawns and Crape de Pony, :Black dlik,Supatior/qualiti; Superior Lyons Rodzemor Silk's, (sublime quality.) A large lot of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, A large lot of Irish Linen, - Jaconet Collars, now Style, 500 Bosons ":,adiea, Misses and Men's Cotton Bast, Mate Linenand Cotton Duck, ' Superior French Dmaskin Superior solid color Poiaillo Fig Silks, Superior Grey Leonoras, - Superior Grey Poplin, • Bast quality Grey Lemeorae, 1V oOk Ties and Collars, Ladies and Misses' Fillet Mitts; Marseilles Vestings, Super Ladies and bins' Kid Mores. Reardsome Nei* style Prints and Ging -CARPETS Brussel/1, Tel to;, Three-ply (super r Ilne)aad amain • carpet, Attar-four live-four Cocoa and C nton Matting,' 4-4 6-4 0-4 5-4 10-4 Flo Oil Clotbi, Superior Bolting Clothe,/ 'Bonnet Ribbons, Balmoral Skirts. SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine SKIRTS.! SKIitTS I ! SKIRTS i !! / CBLBBEATED 'NE PLUS ULTRA" M. A. I r ' SOLD'OnT AT No. 17 NOR H 844 St . „ PHILADELPHIA. Skirts of al engths,and any size waLst made Warder, and wilisfac on guarranteed, Ladles, Affssee and Children's Skirts of arery site said shape, conhlantly on hand. Beery .irt warranted for Six Months. AD HOW WE DO BUSINESS. - ) W eta not niako any cheap skirts in the common accep „#. tafon of the term, but we make THE CHEAPEST SKIRTS MADE, . .- use wamake THE BEST AND DEFY COMPETITION We warrant every skirt we sell to be exactly as 'rep resented. We make ail Voasell. and knowing how they are made we guarantee them with full confidence If we self a badskirt we wilt exchang• it for a new one, and if they gd out of nrdenr.or break within six -months: wa lout repair them free of Charge. - We mean to ghe out customers full satisfaction, but we cannot do to and compete with the low priced auction goods. n Wedepend entirety uptm the superiority of the goods we offer, and the fairness of our method 'd rfoitg business. , Ordersleff 'lt Siasoca'a Book Store. . DIRECTIONS FOR MEASUREMENT. nova,' to 'E -Goodi' Take the exactsize of the waist, without any anew ance. The mot length - required and the size around the bottom spring. Also if the skirt is to be large, small, or medium size et the, top, and whether a traitor plat!) round skirt: '- M. A. JONES, - Nol7 North Bth .5! , Phitsdelphia. aug INtf - Oyer the IV= figure. point of .arded•and III:ant-Icy , and not •of acids: t PLus; 4 4 Ear Inge to and NEW TOBACCO AND SEGAR liTOßß.—lb the Vitimis of Chamber:tram and Vicinity: •The undersigned, having been compelled In leave Virginia on of his Union sentiments, bar come among you toes4blish et business, hoping r om his long experience, and by close attention, he wilt meet with pita:terms support. IBS stock will consist et al be beet brands of TOBACCO and SWABS, which he nal annualise') as conbe had anywhere in town. Don=:, the place, sigh of the ," little Virginia mgger," the Pranklin nes,t door to L.- hryock's Book Mgrs, Bondi-cost corner of the Diamond, June 17 1 1863, C. H. BUSH. IIIP" 31E NTS:—Dealera and Man tilactacers of, dicricnitaral and other ImplrMetder eau reach a large class of valuable customers by 41.137031- max° in the 1 7 11.4Lti HUN RKPOSITORY. p „. • ARENTR , .of Soldiers in the Se--' in ; Elospltale, can foretell them with 'am- It OBITOtW threarannthe for2s cantse Mx montbellu 60 ewe% or ono year for $l.OO. ' - lOstets. arg ant gam obooto. erabarca an ,Segars. MICHAEL GROW., [Juno 17,n3