if MEI ,ttanittin s9oiterg. LOCAL ITE3LS. ' TEE DEArr.—The draft for this Congres alonaldistrieteommenced on Monday last, at 9 o'clock; A. ?).1:, at Capt,J Eyster's -head quarters lathe Masonic Hat Provost Mar , shill EySter, Commissioner M'llhenny,, and_ Surgeon Seiss were : punctually at their posts, and Mr. George Snider, a blind young man, stood readi to draw the Prizes; A mod erate crowd was in attendance, all bear ing on their ftiOs a jolly acquiescence in the law. None of the class known as Gov. Sey mour's "friends" in R - ew York bebig on hand, bayonets - were not Visible beyond the number necessary to protect the officials from the surges of the crowd. A committee, consist lag cif Dr; Boyle and C. M. Duncan, Demo= crats; and Emanuel-Kuhn and ,Capt. John Jeffries, Union men, attended and participa ted in the proceedings, and , Col.-John M. Gilmore and'l. lit'Catiley, Esq., took-the ~names dorin as - they were called. These, With the Reporter - of the REPosrroity, prised tho cireleimmediately around the ta ble, which stood under the portico in front of the, building. All things being Ili readi ness, ,Capt. EyEiter read publicly the order for the draft, , and e,lso the order fixing the quOta for the district: 'The Wheel, big with the fate, of timsoripts; 'was; then furned, and the bib& *Man drevi the first ticket. It bore the patriotic 'name of Washington Metzger, of Berwick township, Adams coun ty. The suspense of the Crowd seemed to be _relieved when - the first mitle was drawn, and 'all went jolly thereafter. ; ,A yonng man who 'was reporting for Adams ,county, named Ra-, ptisel Sherfy, iSTS favore' with the call or his own name from the wheel. With min gled surprise aild.good humor he answered —" Is that sot" and then shared in the gen eral ma.ritnerit, at his expense. The first negro drawn was Isaac Carter,. of Cumber land township; Adains give the names. drawn on Monday ankTuesday. In next week'S issue of- the REPOSITORY we will endeavor to publish the 'Eames drawn - for the retnainder of the dis trict : 1 • . ' ADAMS COUNTY. Ist. Sun-Dis•rata.—BEßWlCK TOWNSHIP. NuMber of names in wheel, 86. Number drawn 26 4. Washington Metzgar 14. JAM Fairfax 2. Israel Cladinst , 15. kiezekiah lleConley, 3.' John M. - Wolff .. 16. Jacob Kinnamon 4. Henry Metter , , - 17. John• Sowers 5. - George II J ' , ordy lB. Dai , id All ewelt ' 6. James Armstrong lb. Abdile Laughman 7. Lewis Wollat - W. - George Sourbeer 8. Francis Struberger 21. George Kessoiring 9..lbantuel Laughman W. Eli It'ConleY- 10: John Linehart ' 23. Eli Mollison 11. Alex Loughman 24. Adam Trimmer - `lt 'John H.'hliekinger 25. Isaac Wolff Jr 15, John Lynard . 26. Andrew Baker -11 Sis-Ditirtzter.—BlJTLKll TOWNSHIP. - Ifuinber of names in wheel 112. Number drawn 34 1. Wn:rA RUffensberger 2. :Wm - 8 Slaybatigh 3. Daniel MWgr 4. Bona Al:rouble. 5 4 D Bratiffs 6. Henry Galbo4th 7. George IL Emanuel WWI* 9. Hew B illardner 10. W I'Gardner 11. Mei) AT Wolff. Yb blichaqlL 13. Jacob bicbOlta Sitiqbahgh 15. John 8. Eicholta, =i6, Aroos,hlyers 17. Eptlrftim.Yeags Enm‘DtsTatn2.- 4 -00 lisuiborof siasne in whi ~., 1. .11/m Bled/lets k -;,..., : ; 3. .. Ler4Brown 0 , S. Henry'llahler i - : , 4., Philip Myer. -" • ' - 5. .fohn Zinn . .., 1 .6., George Wertz ~. - _ , ' - 7...leeleph B Stninbaeit I 8, lYivid Althoff, •-., CU , Editatl 0: Midag • 1 . 10. Martin Bollinger 11' Allciwese Bolden At.b.Bei-butrateClTAl lionsber of name! In whe ! • 4.tailinol It %'eCiiiistei' 2. Stanfield' Fisher , i ( . 3 . 3i , ..Wm Mean' 4. Dige Blio ff ninn .-.. ; 5. Geo Culp 1 , . 6. John;, , , Hoofreiglo- - 7, EmarmerWeiltery ,-- • . 8. Samna:Thar:x.lr 1 . • ik tha , ,N,tlgooka o.v aftwct-Guinn • Y , , 11. v. nry. Roan:dello= . 12. Henr6; Toot • - 13. Ritn.Wayhright 14. leen° Carter (colored) 15. Geo W.Esalek t ; - - 16, Eloor .. .... _ . , wi f go.Pa On -17. Walter Th a (col) : AS: Frals-Gin '.. s- _ . tthiiiitiDrai. o.r.—p' T2(nzaber of hi whe '4. Dafld'Wisletj • '. 1 ,• 2, Peter Bait ''rf : ,'' , • • 3, Noah Shealy-' - 1 4, farad Myerali• • - i Elias 4angter ! ' '6; ego J•Beele 4. - ' Henry Swartz' ' 9. AtornStrisTreMier 10. :Amos Hartman ' = 11;lianson- Mollvaine 12, - Ephraim Sheely • IS.'it,eliert MoCleaf 14.- John Rife (011/1114'w) 15. Amos Myers ltiAisfayette 'Flickinger • 17. Jimoolleekerq ' 13. Jehn Rife I i• AI. Henry Cronister . 20•,A.dam - Deanlorif I • • ,21,6Jar.0b Deardorff • irleo A Moose Jessel3ixler ' tleorge Fisher • tfith Elirs4irsrrnter:TrElll 'l , t Whiter of games in ghee 1. john 1 - 1 Frock layfayette Prenlitger ; Cleo Johns • 4. Joseph Topper 5. - John -D Pfoutz Joshua T Brown' .Milton T gist'4. Jani-s ninomored)i Jos P Witherspoon Geo W Scott; John Patterson ,! 12. Philip Kemper ]..'John Bighorn 14. Christian LPfotiti 7th Stm-Dtatkitop."-OS IV* bet of mines iu whe Lowia If Start Nattukniol a Kititio 4- Andrew. Et Jones '4. 'leafy L Homier • Josht a S Kemp, „ R. Abraham Barron., -t; John Nati I E.. Jere ,Lampert • 'ft. Henry Balla 1 1 . Adam Basely , 1 . Albert F Barker 12. Nathaniel Waltman 1:;; David L. Schwartz , Wnall Keefer. 15. JonaAno Mehrints 16. Gee .NY Yount Tr. • Noah P WeikarS IK. Cornelius King 19, Fraubis ()olden , Bdward Kuert IN 12th Sen•Durrattrr..LA Number of names in wh 1. Frederick Winand W B Miller 3. John 11. Fickes 4. George A Wolff 5. Abraham Burkholder &Jeremiah Sheets 7. Peter Heikes 8. Augustus Boada 9. Amos Gardner 10. Alfred Myers • 11. Samuel Albert • 12.. Peter Myers 13. Reuben Drorbangh 14.. David henhat t 15. Willful? Fickle 16. Solomon Lerew A3th Sun•DiSlatev.— : - Number ofnames in whee - 1. John Siegel 'George W Riddlemoser • .3. David 0 Pinefroek "4. James II Taylor 5. James W•lrvirt - 6. David J Beard 7. John Manherta : 8. John Baker 9. Armor B Boyd' • IS. JOl2/19 Asper, O. Amos Rex ;20. John C Stanower 21: Michael Hoffman 22. John Haines 23. Daniel Whisler 24. Jehn W Kraft 25. Reuben Vandyke I. Ilenry.Frits. • 27:vJoseph W Diehl &braluktn Horn 29. Samuel Detrich 30. Jollti Crum (of Sol) Si. Ptult i L a lrek. 32. Jaco as 33. CYrus ist 34.1acob$Detriek - - 'EPTAGO TOWNSHIP. eI Numbhr drawn 22. It. - Ernannel leitiert 13:..losephus Little 14. .loseph Shen Fes-` lb:Jacob Waltman 16. Jerome Heidler 17. David Eline 18. Wm Hoff • ; 19. Michael Delloue ' 20. Ambrose Eline 21. David Forney ' V.. Wm Shaffer :EALAND TOWNSHIP. 1 117. Number drawn 35. 19: Satinel A Cirbean 20, Henry J P 70 31 1. 21: Wm A Butt ' 22. Raphael Sherfy IV. Geo Arndt 24. Adam Snyder 25. Henry G Lott 126. Samuel' Rhode John E Plank 29: Solomon Allis= 294 Henry W EP I Y . 30. John E Hamilton ' • 31. Win G Black 32..WalterJ Enamor 33. John 8 Forney, 34. Win Johns 35.. Benjamin Wisler ANKLIN TOWNSHIP. • 0,157. Number drawn. 47. r 25. Joint II Lott Peter Mickley (leo Plank (of G) Alexander Miller John Ball Jacob Codori Jacob Black • ' George Baines _ Samuel MeKenriek sPatrick Ball Jacob Fritz . William Baker Isaac Hacker Joseph Baker William Irvin Henry Craig (colored) Noah Hartman ' Adam Minter Jamesli. MollhennY Wm D Chamberlain David Shank . ' -Abner D Kuhn Franklin 11. Kisecker i :E B 1 TOWNSIIIP. m 1.91. Number drawn tr. I.5'J David M Wierel • 10. Daniel B Wictgoi 17. Frederick Dubs 18. , Michael M'Fadden 19. Adam Snyder • 20. Calvin Ei Heagy ' 21. Calvin P Krise ' 22. Henry Myers 23. Reuben F Kuhn 21. James -B' 25. Henry H Wintrode 26. John A Linn David Y Little lIMANY,TOWNSHIP. 81.131. Number drawn 39; 21.. Peter Baker 22. Adam Redling 23, Josiah Iceefer - 2k John Gouger' 25. William Snyder 26. John Shaunemoy 27. Charles Crouse. Henry2B. Arthur - - 4 . William Yount 30. Thotaas:o -Kinser . 31 ; - Jesse Shafer. 32. Sylvester] Itytler 33. 'Henry Rahter 34. :Israel Menges: , 35. William F Ryder 36. Peter Sews 37. George W Yea, 38. Adam Rupert -139. Jacob Biles —GETTYSBURG,. ' 2t. annutei A Hernia -4111. Numbeidrawit.49.Samuel Mceraul 4. John Kau , 26. John E Christi:ter . 1 - Truman 27. Michael Spangler 25. John A Snowden 26. Isaac L'Johne sB. Noah P liereh la William T King 7. John' NV Pottorff 30. Charles Tyler (colt . John Plank 31. (ieo W Myers 132. John Watts 33. Jacob Orndorff ' 34. Jere Al Rowe 35. George 'tulip , 36. Jacob Yost - 1 37. John M Belling ' 38. WalterThompAon(col; • 39. Alexander J.Tate i , 40. Robert Elliott '4l. G Staunton (colored) I 42. David 'A Culp' - 43. Joseph Brodhead' 144. Damel M'Oeo(colord" 45. James. Dmr 46. John W"Tiplon 47. DavidEitztoiller 48. Henry Mohler 149. Wm tI H Wisotzkey - Bth Slni•Difinit"' Nninlier of names in wh- • 1. Jacob Weiker 2. John Hoffman 3. Rufus E Culp 4. Alfred Palm (colored) . 5. Samuel Williams (col) 6. James Wilson 7. John Swann 8. William H Ashbaugh 9, Samuel a Witherow 10. Chas W Culp 11. William Heilecher 12. Thaddeus Warren 13: J Jeff Myers 14. Edward Vandersloot 15. William H Rupp 16. James L Welty 1;: John Warner 18. Christian Sellers 19. James H Markle ' 20. James Cress 2L Daniel Litz 22. Rey H G Finney • 23. Henry C Hoover 24. William Dents • 25. Isaac G Tsson 9th Sea-Disraior.-11A Number of names in wh • 1.. Deardorff 2 Amos Laueh 3. Samuel Ilgenfrits 4. George Rudisill • 5., John Deardorff 6. Philip 'Hertel= 7. Irriah Jacobs 8: Henry Kline 9. Geo 51 Mummeit 10. John Morrison • 11: Jerome Miller 12. Geo 'Baker (of Daniel) 13. Charles H Huff • • ILTON TOWNSHIP. -184. Number drawn 25. ; 14. Conrad Moul 15. Ambrose P Weigel ,! 16. Henry' 'Clunk 117. Jacob Gets 18. Ignite Petra 19. John Gets 20. John Mellvaine 21. John Wiest Tl. Jacob Stambaugh 23.: Daniel L. Baker 24.- Joseph. Wolff 25. Thomas Allwine AMILTONBAN TWP. e 199. Number drawn 30 16. Wm Sanders 17. Win O'Brien 18.. William Turner , 19. M P Shields . 20. Wash C Rogers 21. David Stoops V. William her 23. Andrew O'Laughlin 24. David C Shnllp 25. William'llWeikert M. James P Stein 27. George Herring 28. Joseph W Kittinger 29. George Ciniffman • 30. Benjamin J Reed TINGDON TOWNS'P, 1,132 Namher drawn 40 21. Hiram Davis 22. David . Howe M. John Clapper • 24. John 4. Wiermon .._George Lerew 26. David Weaver `27. David Woaver(of M. John 11 Orsborn 29. George Baker 30. David Clev'er 31: Ephraim Albert 32. William W M'Elwee 33. George Gelvin 34. Howard Sawa 35. N V Beidman 36. Thomas J SteVene 37. C G Beales 38. Jacob Wolff, 39. Thomas Rahn 1 40. Jere Bream • - mtpna vomrsaip. .1 107. Nrimbeedrawn 32 17.. George Smith 18. Solomon Wagner 19. Daniel &Alien 20. Isaac It Asper 2L William IT /tomtit 22. lotus 0. Beech& - 23.. Jacob Iloopert 24..flideun Smith 25. Abraham B,2mith 26.-Ileary Beiges. s -27. David 0 Wllitama 28. Conrad Herman - 29 Elloba B Smith 30. Andrew Myers 31. 'Dania Hoffman 32. Vi'itilam it Hoffman 10th Sun-Disratcr.-11 :Number of names in whe , 1. Jacob Baker Alex M,'Grew (Cord) 3. Benjamin M'Cleaf 4. John Irons_ 5. Jacob W Croiner 6. Hardin Hatomins 7. Andrew Sanders S. Samuel A. Smith 9. John Johns 10. James Smith 11; John Buehler I'4 Jesse Butt 13.' Frank Pearson(col) 14. John M Reed 15. Wm 11 Dixon 11th Son-Diaxiticr.—H Number of names in whe I.• Henry Smith , - - 2. William Snider , 3. Absalom Clever 4. Henry F Bream 5._ William H Leas 6. Daniel W Miller 7. Shadreek G Stevens , 8:. Cornelius Fitz Charles '9, Franklin Gardner 10; Samuel Wolff H. George W Welsh 12. James A Miller 13. George W Meals 14. John H Donnelly, 15. David Plank 16. Samuel Weaver 17.- Jacob A Miller 16. Henry Menges 19. Samuel Plank 20. George S Yohe rirErry TowNsuip.4 • - 6 0. Number drawn, 18. 10. Joseph Branner 11 John Mikes. 12. Isaac Pecker 13. James Hauling 14, Washington Fritz 15. Eliaa.Kready. 16. Henry Reyntond IT. George lr Slice . 18. Henry D Miller . MALLEN TOWNSHIP. ` 1,119.. Number draWn, 30. 19. Samnel A Burkholder 20. William G Paula) , 21. Israel Bricker 22. Benjamin Trnmoyer • 23. Cornelius Wenner 24. Luther Cusaman 25. Andrew Drough' 26. Chryaostom P.ppelman 27. Peter Taylor - ' .28. Daniel Sneer 29. Henry Bender 3,). Samuel Mattlievra(cold: 31' Theodora Jones 32.. Amon Yale 33. Charles D,Cook 1 3 4." W Hewitt 35. Amos Crum 38. George W Heller IT. JOT. TQWN )1, 110. Neither drawn 31. 17. Robert C McKinney 18. Aaron Rol:rhea 19. JohnTrosthe 20. Emanuel Parser 21. Jobe Geed 22 Joeephus 23. Levi - Harkey - 24. John A OrndoriT 25. Charles Harmer 26. Alexander Schwartz 27. Aaron Shealy 28. David Lightner 29: Emanuel Olinger , 30. JaccAlipangler ' 31. Daniel Trestle 14th Sun-Dreentcs.-7 ,, ,Zinnaber of names in wh 1. henry C Rice 2. John B Cline & Oeorge Winger • 4.•Solainon Banner 3. Aulos C Rico 8. John B Wank 7. IL .7 M Vetere 8. Jacob Thomas 9.'Liwie Gaultier . 10. Mtn Peters U. -Abel B honer dames L Taylor U. Jos J °vein ist. Jacob hinter UN. David Shearer ,18.-John Taylor 17. Zachariah Oyler 18. Riasuluel Brown • , 15th Sus-Distlacs , - , Number ( I f names In whee .1. Lodosk? Hansa • 2.llenry 'haver 3. J S Bowers - • 4.-Wil Ham Hlisgle 6. Thaddeus Keefer '6. payid J Snit 7. John Wln Noel _ 8. Charles L Taney • Josiah Bowers 10. Emanuel Warley , 13.-Jacob Shafer 12. Henry L Kuntz 13. Edward Forney • 14. Geo IF Fenninigkmoo3/ 15. Jacob M Rider 16. Joseph 31 Chambers PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. el 107, Number drawn 17. Daniel Lawrence , 18. Jdeeph 1.1-Kuhn • 19, John Rudisill 20. Henry Kuhn 21. Edward Leibens4in 22. Henry Weikort 23. William 11 Hagerman 24. Anthony Smith 25. George Wolford 26. Pine Fowler 27. John G Shorb • 28. Agideona Noel 29 Franole Crverbaugh, 30, Amos PAubel 31, Charles Miller 32. Anthony Smith ROAD TOWNSHIP. ; -1,105. -Number drawn, 32. 17. Jacob Peters. 18. George Thererout 19. Prude Clunk ' 20. Francis Lawrence 21. Sanitielß Deal 22 Oeorge'W Sherman 23. Jere Markle 24. Samuel M'Taggert t 5. J J Slagle 28. Cornedius Staub 27. James Blair - 28. George Robinson (cord) 29. William Pinter 30. Sautuel Myers 31. CbarlosPleming 1 32. Martin GraybiG • FADING TOWNSHIP. 1 121. Number drawn 37. 20. Jacob D Grown 21. Christian King J r. 22. Peter Pence Ephraitri Howard 24. Abraham Lerew 25. Band II TocLuingbangit 213. George D Brown 27.1,eri Moul 28,..Michael Ernst 20 Henry Myers (argot:try) 30. Henry A Spangler 31. John Mummert - • 32. Abraham Sipe 33. Zactarish Stough 34. Henry Heiner 35. Solomon Miller - 30. Nathaniel C Binder 37. Abraham duels. 16th Stm-Distmet.-MT. 'Number of names in who A. Joseph A Smith 2. Pins H Fleshman .3. John Hartlaub • 4. Worley' Wintrode 5. John Keyser. 6. John Stock • i. John Golden S. Jerome Noel 9. Frank Rodenbaughor. 10. George' Rage; H. Levi Stock 12. D .1 A 3.lalhorn 13. George Klunkheart 'l4. David Stonesifer 15:..Feter liVagaman 18. kips Homier " 17th SUB.Dlevatof.-0 Number of names in wb J. Anthony Storm -- ii:iliarettel Hoke 3.,David Rake Henry Peiffer 5. Hithael Gephart 4. John Getz 7. James Brown 'B. Charles Senn itof Jae B Glet lb. Charles A Diehl 1.1. Peter 8 Hull 12. Franklin 0 Halted. 13. Charles W Doll i 4. Aaron Smith (cord) 15. Lineal, Noel I'l6. Joseph Yoke 18th Som-Durratcr.- !inniber of names In wh 1. Jacob Butner , 2. Peter C ilarbolt -3. William Firestone ' . Joseph-3 Neel Abraham Brown:. 6. Edward King, 7. rD-1.. Myers (of Banj) B..Saninel Gettys , V,George Nasal (of Geo) William,King .•'l,2John Boland • Williamll.Dicks Jacob .o.Brown (010 to) -'• t..Georgel Bell ;. Samuel A Warner' I 1V) Jacob A. Stough' • tr 1.. golomoo Border ;.t 'lsrael Firestone . John - Baker (ot Goo) • ,; 19th finalhirrator...,: • • Number of names in eh. „, 1 ..,loseplt lees 2.. Peter 0 Trestle • 3. Amos Myers (of Conrad) 4..Willhtm tout • - 5: Bobert Blellitenny 6: 3o4Ph Hannon 7. Samuel eiCkley • 8. Samuel Shull 40 . David Holtz ! 1 /Damsel A Healer RAIIMI TOWNSHIP. 018: Nuitber drawn, 11. Slionel Wagner • 12. Tablas Lockman 23. ge Gran W Yeagy 124. Jahn MeDana 115. John W Stal 7.. -- 116. George Fidler - 17. Philip T Cashman la. John Snider la. Denied II Delaney 26. Daniel Wert . Pt '..itattklin Itepositorti, :tirtputibitibiitt; Pa-. 29. Jahn 0 Brooks 30. Jobe. N Boyers 31. Abriliam King 32. William F Shull 33. Israel Slothour 34. Philip, A Snyder 35. James W Ford. YRONE .1, 54.,..Xuatherdrawn,17. 10. George J Dletrick . 11. George Ritter 12...A1exnuder Slaybaugh is. Edwnid Brame 14: Michael Guiee 15. John W Neely 16. lame Brougb 17. Amos Weigel 20th Sun-Dtstarcr.— Number . of names In wh 1. Peter-11;11er Ignatius Winters e 3. John Wolff 4. William Funk 3.-13eorge W Cline - • 8. Alitaham Deltrick, , T.. John F Houck , 8. Thomas Sowers 9. John Spangler (of - 21st Sun-Dtsvuov.--lINION TOWNSHIP Number of Atrmes in wheal 78 - . -Number drawn 0. 1.-Jolta H Sfarnerr 13. Lewis Treirtire 2. William A Young - 14. Jacob A enthiTilla 3. Levi Spangler IS: Adam Kinemund 4. John Itiflel 16. Rdwarti llorenickle 5. David Welsh 17. Valentine bhibert 6. John Role lB. John Spangler Jr 1: Augustus J Melt' ing 11 Jesse R. Wentz 8. Ephraim Bolinger 21: Jacob A Kul:trine '9. Urieb Mortock 21. Jeremiah 'Dear 10. William 1? Wearer 1:2. Inane Re ehore tl. Joeeph H Lefebro Va. Martin Messinger, .2. Jacob Basehore ' • BEDFORD 22d Bun-Insuirr.-43' Number of names in wheel' I. Robert Sample 3. Richard Lee ,3 Philip Penny' 4. Thomas Jumbo!' 5. J W Dickerson . 6. Theetfore Thompson 7. John Songster , 8. NicholasJ Lyon 9. John l' Arnold :0. Simon Noes 11. Allowese Leonard 12. James Curboy 13. John Blymeyer 4, David A Milton :5. Wm W Shuck 16, Frank Jamison 17. Henry Crouse :Catil4VY. EDFORB 110110IIG11. 1 , 105. Numbtr•drwsn, 33. 18. Wm IlluTei 19. Wm 11 'Ernest lanj Nrauk4ordsin 2L. Jecob - Z Over 22. Valentine Vondersmitb. 23.• Cleo It Oster - 21. Jonathan Brightbill 25. John P. Reed Jr . 26. Wm Helm W N Cook (of Simon) 28. Wm Bowles 29. Janes Ilsrrislcolored) 30. Wm Barth.) , 31. Aaron Smith 32. John Crawley (colored) 33. John Palmer - 23d Sun-Dtstutnr.—Ef iureber of names- In whee I. Washington Bnly 1. Scott W Hughes 3. Jolla Stromingi3r 4. Harrison Defebaugh 5. John Love (colored) - 6. Usury Beegle 7. B.mon Shaffer 8. Silas Pearson 9. David Simmers 6. 51:Gbh:is Ickes , - 11.'Vrattels Ilizier [2. Samuel Stitilei 13. James - fittest 14. Daniel Curl [5. Oomis Bucher 16. J3bn 17. Job M Tysincer 18. Abraham Schnebly 19. William rroYeri A Da'rid j Morris 11. Jacob Gardner 2i. John W Points 13. Tublas Ickee 11. K Pend° 15: Charles littler Frank slcDerr 17. 'Emanuel Smith 58. JaciabDibert Aaron 10..0 II Bagley 11. Frederick 13eegle 12. Usury U Potter :DFORD TOWN: 4 IITP. - 211. Number drawn 61% . 33. Olirer.Strorainger 34. William Moorhead 35. Jacob Anderson 36. James I-1 Aloorhead '37. John Yount 3S. Chants -Vulgar 39. Frederick Houn• 40. Samuel Bucher 41.0 W Hers!merger 42. Jacob 'Minnie 43. George W Zlmmere 44. Michael Zinimera 45. William Wend 46. Daolrl AUK'S 47 William Kotula 48. Moses Johre.on (Colored) 49. Joseph A Tomlinson . 50. Ilezekiah Slick 51 Josiah B. fuller = 52. Beery Ilershberser 53. Daniel W 54. Jacob Armstrong 65. John l royle 56. Daniel Hoeg! C 57. Samuel Beighard - ' 55. F B llarteel F 9. 'John W Scott 60. William Wolff 61. Samuel Bagley 62. Reuben antes (colored) 63. Thomas Beegle 24th SumDzsrawe.—Bll Numbtir of manes in when I. Jahn Sbarp ti 2, James Itiley 3. John Carey 4. Jacob Cotten b. Patrick O'Neill il..Charles Haines 7. Oliver Young 8. Jonathan Brindle 9. John McArthur M. Win Spears • U. John Fraley U. John_ ItaY, 43. Richard Davis 14.3 Harry Lipper tb. David t LihorttaiU HI David Young 17. John J Pearson 1.8. John Pingally t 9. Daniel Bowen M. John Lewis fl. Wm J Householder 2. Evan Morris a. Win Watkins :4. John Steele 6. Oliver P Doris Daniel ROWEL 1. John J Hammer IS. Ira Poster 29. Lewis Anderson M. Daniel W Amos ' OADTOP TOWNSIIIP. 1.198. Number draitu, pa. James Finley "32, Henry Lewis 33. David Brumbaugh . 34. John Lo 35. Oetz 31 Lehman 36. David Valence 37. - Clharles Prosser 38, James Ealy 39. August !Austell 40. Thus X Darla 41. John Thome (miner) 42.. VS' m 1t Wilitams 43. Wm Hamilton - 44. John 8 Malone 45. Stephen Wright 46. John J Wflti in s 47. John Thorrias (farms* 48. Wm Reynolds • 49. Richard Thomas • 50. Robert Mclntire 51. 'Henry Goy , 52. Then GrifIRIIS 53. Jeremiah tlooStrin 54. James Roney 55. James Dean, -- 56. Wm Warren' 57. Oeo W Anderson 58. Thos D Sleuth 59. Joel I . Young 26th San•Dterarcr:--CO SPRING T Number of names in ghee 'l. Peter BI McLellan 2. - Jacob Dougherty 3. John Baker 4. Samuel SlOyeroeker 5. Washington Stone 6. Win Cessna 7. Samuel Sellers McEldowney P. Jacob Snider 10. Joaish Kay' - 11. John Gopher: 12. Joseph Sellers 13. John 0 Hoffman 14. Geo Roonts 15, Josiah- - Nyeura L 1". Wm Sipes 17. Josiah Whetstone 18. James W Hughes / 10. Daniell Stone 20. George Shearer 21. John Diehl 22. Philip Shoontakcr .3. Jonathan C Deal 24. Geo W Shearer 25. Josiah Koontz 28. Benjamin F Jamison 27. Daniel 8 Snyder 28. Wm Beogle ERAINE AND SNAKE • WNSIIIPS. ISO. Number drawn, 55. 29. William ll_Desl • 110. Samuel Smith 31. David F Koontz 32. Daniel Snider 33. John ltolcr 34. nit lam W •Ibearer 35. Robert - :1 , 30. Abraham O.:Mower 37. George Kinneniond 38. Williµm ltitchey 39. David II Stuckey 40. Edwin' Rartley 41. Adam Little 42. David Diehl' 43. Judah McLellan 44. Route Freet 45. Charles Kltink 443. William llartdagon 17. Adam K Diehl •Pl. Samuel Olt 49. It Ynnglakti 50. Josiah Pepple 51. Amos It Dicken 52. TAM Milt:stow 53. Willlam'Frlend 54. James Suwuws 55. eor 7. tt : 16' Slituler • • • . • DBMOCRATIC CONVENTION:fiIm • eratic County Convention to., nominate a county ticket to be defeated' in October, will meet in the Court House hi this place on Tuesday,Alie IA day of.Septernber. The de'.- egate eleCtions,,-,01,be held on the Saturday preVilus. the following candidates are so liciting nominations: - PROTHONOTARY John G. Scheible, of Antritn. James P. McClintock, of Chambersbut John it Orr, .of Chambersbmg. Andrew Burgess; of -Loudon. . `MOISTER AIti'D'RECORDER Samuel B. McKesson. of Chambersburg. Philip M. Shoemaker, of Letterkenny. George P. Etehberger, of Chainberaburg John Mullan, of Loudon. John F. Gamble ' of Funnett. D. Pt Miller, of Antrim, ABBR. OF TITS, COURTS J. L. P Deit:ich, of St Thomas. ", r IL 0. Phenicie. of Montgomery, • TREASURER, ,1 • • C. Wesley Rhodes, of Antriin. Jacob C. &Christ; of Quincy, i ' William Cline, of SoUthampton. Stupiet Baughman,. of Lurgan. Joseph . M. Doyle, of Fannett. COMMISSIONER Jacob Brewer . of, Welsh Run. ' " :k aii It is pretty cle r that the " slate" embraces Mr. \ Orr for, Pr °notary, 'McKesson :for Register. and —Rhodes for Treasurer ; but,- aottetim such machines get smashed' by obstreperotikdelegates. We can certify that the gentlemeamed are more honest . than the average of Democratic leaders in their efforts to embarrass \the goverrtment in ,the proseculion of the war ; and we therefore commend them to 'the kind consideration of sincere and consistent . copperheads. ' There is not the slightestAanger of their compro mising the party, by any wanton zeal in be half of the army or the National.cause. Mr, Jacoby will probably be re-nominated for the Legislature, as no one else is anxious to take the chances this "ie".asOn. Brewer has has been urged, but we learn that he semi-- - bly declines. . : . t Ix ittEmonrat.- 7 1,1 is in deep sadriesi of heart, says theXereersburg,fournal, that we chronicle the sudden) and unexpeeted death of fines BradleY,. of the firm of J. M. Bradley dr.Co., one of the PilprietOrs Of this paper. ._ A short illness removed him from our midst. Noted for his warmness of heart, willingness in 7 aiding those who stood in need of help, and earnestness in all that pertained to public goOd, he has left behind him in the community that mourn his decease,!lasting memories of his true worth 'and chiaraeter. Though young in years,. yet his usefulness was not,limited,• nor did self claim the great est Nrtion in the exercise of it.. Life, was bright before him, with every prospea of enjoyment of it, but how mysterious are the. ways'ef Providence. It is not for uato mut.: mar as dod doeth all things wells Whilst He afflicts, He blesse.4, and thus,C'ins sorrow into joy. The little household; has, lost an affectionate husband and father the mother, a dittiful son; brother and sister, it kind brother, and the commnnity; ft Useful citizen. Byhis`many deeds of, kindiks ...and mercy whilst living, a monument more lasting than One of brass has been raised to his memory, living ever, in the heart and memories of those who knew and felt the promptings of bib 'generous heart, But our loss is his gain. .13y his early death we .have another evi-, denee of the shortneSs and ''Uncertainty of life, and are reminded of our duty to be pie:- pared when the summons come to us: And we, like our departed friend,' we trust, be Of those' who are— ' "Far from this world of toil and strife, They're present with the Lord;' The labors of their mortal life End in a large reward." DEATH• OF' CAPTA WASUINOTON.—A• no tice in- the list of deaths, in to-day's Paper, terminates the painful suspense as to the fate, of Capt. E.-,Crawford-Washingteon; 13th In fantry-, U. S. Army. It was knOwn that he fell while most gallantly leading a charge with ,his battalio'n at Vicksburg, on thel9th of May last, and was captured . by the .enemy. Efforts were made by some of .his compan ions in arms to secure his exchange, if alive;' or recover his body if dead, soon ►£ter ; but' the flag of truce was fired on, and, until the capture of Vicksburg, no information could be obtained as to his condition. A ray of hope ,sprang from a despatch received here by his family, some weeks ago, stating that he was wounded,' but Safe on a gun boat en route for Aleinphis; - but it : proved an error, and the hope it inspired faded away into keen er sorrow-as the capture of 'Vickburg, left no room to doubt that he had sacrificed his life'. , upon the altar of his country. We have no particulars of his death other than the notice in our obituary columns fur nish. Enough is_known, however, to min gle a just and patriotic pride with the widet spread sorrow that will be felt for the loss of so accomplished a soldier, and one so.gen erally beloved for his many social and manly attributes.`' He fell Where none but true hero could have fallen—at the head of• his command, in one of the most desperate and deadly assaults in the history of the war; ANOTHER Victilit..—Last 'Monday a lad about 14 years of{age, George Rhodes by name, in attempting to'jump on the passen ger train While in Motion, lost his hold, and was thrown upon the track. The wheel 'af ter tearing from t6l)one,a large flap of flesh, liassed over the_ leg immediately above the ancle, crushing the bone dreadfully. We saw the poor boy the moment after the sea. , dent. He sat on the ground holding his knee with both '' handsJ. ejaculating "they pushed me under they pushed me under!" It was a most sickening, sight, rendered dou bly so by the reflection that, humanly speak ing. it not have happened. . Boys of his age should be taught better. Boys of his age should be controlled by their parent, 'and not • permitted to play about the, cars, Employees of the Railroad shotild not 'un der any circumstances allow boys to jump on or from the pars when in motion. lAre would humbly thank any ono, Rail road employee or not, to whip our boy s if they ever catch them trying it. The boy was taken heine on a stretcher to the house of hislather in Clarksville,- where his leg *was amputated by Dr. Richards, as sisted by .Drs.• Moiktgomery and Sitivel. He is doing very well; and is likely to reco ver, AND LITE A CRIPPLE. Da. J. K. Rxin Of this plale, whose nePh ewi Lieut.-,James A. Carman of the - 107th Peims. Volunters.'was captured at •Crettys burgolid is-nowin - Libby Prison Richmond, addressed a letter to the rebel Commissioner of Exchange of prieciners,'llobert Ould, iWz- - ing permission td send clothing to his rela tive and Also to our citizen „prisoner( from this place: The letter was forwarded through Gen. S. A. Meredith; the Union Connniss iozier, who lias returned Dr. - Reid's letter with. this endorsement by Mr. Ould—Re "spectfully returned to Brig. Gen. Meredith, "Agent of Exchange: • The clothing named "in the written conimunicsaoLk will he re "e,eived and' delivered to, the parties named." !rhis , opens the way for Otticitizen prisoners to be el:willed with inch articles as are nee essaryrfer their comfort. Gtneral Meredith hav written Dr. Reid that he will receives nnd,Proniiktly forward to Mr. Ould, any sr -tides Sent; for the sprirsoners, and Dr.: Reid will receive mid for Ward any articles furnish ed him by the=frienastof any of our sufferers in Richttiond. Of course nothing but arti cles.of actual necessity-should be sent, for they would hardly;be:dellvered., ..„ Ws invite attte.ntion to the advertisement offering the MerCeisburg Journal for ink.. It is a fine opening" for a practical primiter 'and it can be purchased on easy terms. . OuR Toitatoune - i1 liiiie been Unpirdona bly remiss in tookfng :after , the cleanliness' and health of CharnhersbUrg. With 'a sea son of unusual severity; a flood inmid-surn menthat left stagnant water in tow lands to dissemi..ate poison, and the vast contribution to the general impurity of the Sir made by camps and hOrse corrals in the neighbor- hood, our city fatheri seem to have taken no precautionary meansres at all to reserve the health of-the people. There is now consid erable sickness amongst "us, and it is safe to say that much of it is induced by the filthy condition of the town. We hope that move ments will be made, at once to remedy this. It is easily dome, and, should not be delayed a day longer:. Every 'alley, street, stable &c. shoUld be inspected, and cellars should be made to .undergo thorough' renovation ; and disinfectants should' be freely' used. It would Cost but little, and- add , vastly to the comfort and hcalth.of the town, :to. have the streets sprinkled regularly during the heated term. 4 .110, TrTarrx,Ee.--The Fulton Republican says th 4 on Saturday last, about noon, Capt. H. 141.4 Hoke, of this place received a tele graphie Aesplitcli siitingkiliat il boric:Win and harness had been stolen from , the stable of the i "Eranklin House," Chandrsburg, about one o'clock on the night previous, and that the thief or thieves had taken the road tpwards this place. The ; - .3'itptitin imra'ediate larted in pursuit, and about 4i o'clock, P. M., came up with the illegal hors-dealers on 4 :;tt the road between top of Ray's Hill. - He immediate /rested them, and by 'the- pursuasive ,powers of a Colt's revolver compelled them to securely i tie each other, after which he escorted them I to this place. They were kept in jail here ,until Sunday morning, when Sheriff Brandt and Daniel TreStle, Emf.,. of Chambersburg,, arriving; the thieves were induced toaccom , pally theM to 'the latter place, where they; .will be retained to await their trial. . SWORD FOR GEN. CAMPEELE.-Thir. cers and soldiers of the 57tli• Regiment of Penna. Volunteers, formerly commanded by Gen: Charles T. Campbell, of this place, as, Colonel, him clubbed together lind are about to present to him a Imautiful- gold mounted: sword, a gold mounted sabre, a common steel sabre, a Brigadier's belt, with sash, spurs, gauntletts-:and bezants. 'lle is now absent on duty with Gen. Pope in the Islorth-west, and we learn that the tribute:from his coma panhins of the 57th will be tak - 4 his, wife, Who . will shortly join' hiln at St, Paul. a welldeserred mark of re.;,pect to a most'gailant soldier. 'Gen. - Campbell has been in a-number of battles, and now wears many honorable scars to_ testify to,his 'heroism. Tut Spirit; speaking of the proposed re= ception to the 158th, says that!'the commit= ," tee did solicit`. and receive subscriptions, " and a number of families furnished eatables "and delicacies for the table ; but the din " tier never came eff. 'Mutt has ha's the " 'League' dOne with the . money." - We 'fire infornied by a member of the committee' that the money has all been refunded to the donors. They. did not refund to the Spirit for the simple reason that` the Spirit refused to contribute anything. 'Having received / nothing front that quarter, they ' can't well: pay -any-fling back and bring the accounts. out square, without some now rule of arith metic. - . IMPORTANT TO HORRR ease-has been, prevailing among the, horses; in this county to a great extent; particularly to those belonging - to the army. So -malig nant has it 'became lately that from five toi ten horses are ordered to be shot hearly every day, to relieve them of their suffering. The' disease, generaily makes its appearance first on the legs, assuming the 'form of a running' sore, which attracts the flies, and by tbis means it is innoculated upon other horstis: We are informed that the 'applieittioit of common lArluiting oft once or twice a day' to - parts affected, is an almost tainlure for this prevailing disorder. :4 Tai *ereersburg Journal says that the deperture of the rebels did not rid that con munity of thieves. ' At diffe'renf times we have heard of persons having had their horses I ,stolen. Goinq through -the country in the disguise of T_TitiOn soldiers, tiles° thieves corn-- tni t their depiedatiOns--Irelieving the farmers and others of their stock saved from the lite, rebel raid; Last Wednesday' ilightiivo - finel horses were stolen from the 'field - of John Wise, on the Shimpstown road. -It Would be well for the owners of horses to be on the : lookout. - - , CAPT. EYSTRIL; : : the Provost Marshal has issued hand-bills requesting drafted men, whether intending to enter service, pay $301) or furnish silbstitutes, report at the tiine named in the ,notice sent them, and not he fore.. The drafted men will be entitled: to traveling pay in this district, as there aremo means of transportation. The notices set*, ed upon drafted men will be numbered and they should bring thein along ;when they port. Mn. JAMES GLASS, of Green townsbiir, was drowned while-batting in the ConOCO- - cheague on ,Saturday a week. He was a member of company A, 126th Regiment ; was a brave and ttccornplished soldier, genial, companion, and had passed unharinedAbiongli several battles to die by accident at his Own some. He was alitost 21 years of age.: His death will be deeply regretted; by his ; companions in arms and by his circle of ac , quaintances and friends: MR. CrI&BLIG3 - gum, of Johnstown, Pa.,' a member of the 21st Pa. Cavalry, was killed on Thuriday last, at the camp near this placei by his horse rearing and falling on him. He survived but a short time. was :Ilion! 22 yews of age. . 4i s learns front 'the Waynesboro Ricarif that oW i ruesday of last week:a squad of sal- - dies frnm •Gettysburg visited that pi,tile, an arrested Joseph Spouffev. They too Jain" on to Gettysburg - the same evening.. We know nothing as to the nature of tit* charge upon which hennas arrested: Wilartr glad to learn that our mar:Amato and btsiness !Rea have agreed to close -their stores hereafter et seven 'o'clock P. M.r di4. 7 ring' the remainder of the summer season; This is a vise arrangement, and will provis , advantageous to me . retinas ) . clerks awl: tamers. • - -*Jam antiorized by Collector Scull * tOf state `that be3vill attend durinrgt4re session Of the Board of Enrolnient in ibis place i for the purpose of' receiving coinniutittio,r4,4oitt ney from melt drafted men as pay the VaiXt. Tux: Union men, of Fulton county Ilota theirconyentionon Saturday next to noinl , . . nnte• a county ticket., clenijllnees and good fare. we can safely recommend tjm Gnat) Moen. of Philaddphis, as being nnstfrnasse4.l4 any houseln the country.; The homelike feeling enjoyed tidt; establishment, by thoge who like polite, unobfiti: site attentkp,xnust indeed be appreckied. ; -We feel confident tout any one who hies sojourned at the Grum), will as cheerfully and honestly ret Onituett!i 14 to the public. as we do. - . ktRP.T'S Caltpuoswira) CORDIAI. ineyarr fills to cute Diarrhea and Cholem Nortnts.• It tuiri,safe-and speedy. The smallest child eaa tntii it, is prepared ura . :4lold_t.i' 3ltller & Ifenaboy. , Buir your Kerosene Oil from Golvacki, agent r..rr one of the beat,oll continuums .in the Stale and always, sells the beet oil *beheld° and retail. To'Gelwicks' wholesale and retail store, eeitbe Istge etuelt and get bargains, Regal. llotireo. J 011 T RESOLUTION' PIO POSING CEE.TAIN AMENDMENTS TO tits resolved by the Senate and House of ileprestenta tires of. the Onnetanwealth of Penney/ranter. in Gerard Amend)lynset, That the fdlovring antendnumtshethope seri to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in Accord ance with the provisitns of the tenth article theriof: - Thnre shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, sus follows: _ Becriox 4. Whenever any of the qualified etcetera ,or -this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military.eor vice, under requisition from the President of the Uni ted States, or by the authority of title CommOnweiffth, such etcetera may exercise Übe right of, suffrage In leU elections by the citizens, under such regulations as ar& of shallhe, prescribed by law, as fluty as if they war* present at their usual place of election. • Ifhefe shall be two additional seetious ta the eleventh article of Constitution; to be designated as eettions (VA and nine; as follows: • Sunnis 8. No bill shall be passed by the Leg. islatare containing . more than one subject, which shall be clearly exPresek d ;tithe title, except appropriation bills. &OMB9. Nu bill than he passed by the Lekistritiira granting any powers, or privileges, iu any case, While the authority to grant such jatwere, or privaieges, hae been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the' courtsof this Columruwaalth. ' JUIIN CESSNA, • Speaker of the Haase I?epresentativet. JulIN P. PENNIN, Spades of the,Stna4.. Onica SZORiTAIIIt "DV TUB COMMONWEALTaiI llarrishurg, July 1, 1863. ' , Pennsylrania, SS: Idu hereby cattily that' the ewe . : going and annexed is a full. true and cor,feet - j t.s. }copy of the original Joint Easolutiens o the vw general Assembly, entitled "A Joint Besolzitton proposing certain Amendments to the Constffiithan,": . as the same remains on file in this office. . . In testimoriy whereof, I hate hereunto set my hand. find canoed the eeal of the Secretary's office tp.be atr4fra, the day and year above written. ELI SLIVEIt._ • Silly 1f..:63-te Seerer,ar,y of the Goermonticeaffh. gEGISTER'S NOTICE. All far - ow interested will please take notice, that the fel oPiarg Accountants Env) settled their accuttnla in the Register's Office in Franklin t minty, and thatther emus will be presented to the Orphans' Court for conftrmspiou on ratan y, the Bth of &pion ber, Dst.3. at the Court MMus . in Chambensburg: 318, The account of Solomonll. Patterson, atiminieN of Daniel Cramer, into of hetteekenny&sett. 319. The first and Anal actimin of a. Latuaster.und Wyo. Adams; Trustees to sell the Rent Estate of Jut* Lamister, t'ee'd. 32b. The first and final aceonot of Will's= CampbeH anddtinreaii. Alexunder. Executors of WilliaMeattptwll Into nt Yn nntt tap.. dec'd. 321. The second account of Abraharnal. IVlngert. And John W. Sollenberger, Executors of the last will undies - Omani of Jacob B. 'Wingert, intent' Guilford turP..„deee. 322. The first account of Ato sham 33: 'Wingert -at John : W. Bollenberger. Executors of Jacob 13. Winne] t late of Guilford twp., deed. in their capacity as Trustees ' of the children and grand children of said detwwedi undo r his last will and testament. •A 3n. Th. firat and final account of -Ann M. Robinson, Executrix of the the listate of IL F2liobinsuriOnto u? Cittimbernburg, deed. ' • 324. The 'account- of Simon Itupley,• Guardian of Abilet Johnston, tulnor thild of Win. Jobust tut, us stated by Jacob Pensinger. h s Ade r. - 325. The final account of Geo. Cook. Execator of Sal. Shot*, /ate of the Borough-kit Greencastle. deed.. Ang.49. K C. WAD. fleabite. AT AN ORPHANS' COURT held at_Cliambersbnrg. for Franklin Connty, Pi., on the :A dity - of June, lbeit., before the , ..bragre of ours:o4 .cur rte — in the matter or the exceptions tiled to these= -count of Henry S. Miller, Admipistrator of the estate of kiphollin Stabler. the-tt)ouit appointed C. H. Eyiter, Fag., Auditor. to examine the exceptions, hear -the nyidowe, fled the facts. state en account. and make I distribution among the creditors of Amused, std 1 : report the same. In testimony whereof, I bare berartilto sat s. I. my hand and affixed the • Seal. ofthe, saki •••-",,--. Court, at Cliambersharg, thief th'clay or Ali gust.l963.- • M. G. IMITCAZI.I., Clerk. N01'103.-1401 yarsonsintereeted in the ietilernent and illetribetion of the funds of the above Estate , will take n(itiO,`thrit the Auditor abovenamed will attend at hie 'Oleo, on Market street, in Chaufberburg, opptkeite• the Court llnnee for the -parioae of lila appolntraafflo on - "gatird43l, thel2th' day of September eext. at it) o'clock. 'A".31., where they are reqneat ed to attend if their-think proper. C. S. firSTlah. sau 12,'633t Auditor. aIINOTICE OF INQUISITION. 7 r-To. Daniel John S. Mery . Jacob and Joeeptt Drew. er, of Franklin county Pa.; Sabina Brewer.,inter: married with Jacob Hawk, residing near Ennkifown, 31d.; Henry Brewer, residing lathe Stet e of nil nojs,heirs and legal , fopresentatives of Joeeph Brewer, late of Montgomery tow nship,Franklin county, Pa.. deed, you -Are hereby notified that I will hold an iniprisitlpn on she heal Estate amid deceased, eltmite in DlMltgolner7 township, Franklin county, Fri.. en Iredorsday.fAc 'eta day of Septemler, legi. at 11 o'clock, A. M., on the prem ises, when and where yon may att radii' you think prt p r. SAMUEL BRANDT, Sherid. v:Sherlirs Office !August 19, 18133-31 , MAX. X . CIAME." HENRY STONER. •MV E & STONE,R, ANAY- EDITORSAND PUBLISORS. .TIIB - FRANKLIN REPOSITORY is published every Mednesday morning„, on a large quarto sheet, containing FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS rioted ea fine_paper and new. clear type. Terms TWO DOL LARS per annum IN ADVA'NCE, or TWO DOL LARS AND FIFTY CENTS,,if not pdid rcithis the Y ear. V,- Ministers of the Gospel.in . Franklin County. are furnished with the RsPOS/TOll v at $1 per annum.' in advance.- , I- Subscribers, residing out of the &ate. mu pa i r ericay . in advance. and the paper will in all boa bo discontinued at the expiration of the time for which it is paid_. ADVERTISEMENT'S inserted at 50 cents Pei square of eight lines for one insertion, and ,25 cents per square for each subsequent insertion. All frac - mutt of a square are counted as a full sausra; Advertisements inserted by the quarter, half year; Or year, at a reasonable reduetion. _ Special chargednsrted before Zninvagas sad Deaths„ are double regular rates. 11 , 81. NO CUTS, or bold. display letter. insetted advintisenlents. N Mr id Deaths. sot *Med" - Wk. Notices Blarringo3 BM- - ing five tines. ere inserted without. chesie,. , 4RT , MI cordniunications.. of limintUridnal inteieet. are charged teh efilts tine r Olt• JOB PRINTING. of everY kind. dO e 411 Plea and-fancy colors. at the shortest n°*4411041,0 rear- B oilable rata. El MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers