6 El grimitufat. CI . TT THRESHER.—The - tilibseribai le tho only antherize.l agent for the sale GI eeler & Sielloca's Premium Two-horse' Threeher tind 'Cleaner; with Itnilread Pulver,' for , Franklin and Adana Counties. lints now ready to receive orders fur the same. • . , , . Tlas Machiriels. a Two-horse Power, and will Thresh and Clean any kind of Grain. It i 4 tho PREMIII3I MA CHINE, _having taken the Premium at the United States, and all the State and County kairs, - wherever ex- , bibited. They are made.of the be 4 material, and war . Intel by , one -of. the largest, and most restion'sible „establishments in the United States. It warrented to thresh andclean from 150 to . .:06 labihels of Wheat, and 'double that quantity of Oats in a day. It requires but twoltocies, and no driver. The Power. and Machine can . Loth be WOrked in an ordinary Barn Floor. The, Agent himself used one of these Machin., last season for four months constantilvand ean toffy to the truthfulness o,(the hove stateof facts. He has threshed as much as IRLB¢eheli.OfWheat, in hours. Ile sirorked the same,two horitwonstantlyjo the Itaine;arni at the end of 'the time,: they were in as good condition as at first. He'.,titeitortro, is prepared to refute the idea, that tlii7 are hot& 'Ott horses. Ile m01 . '360.00 for onehorse used, auds4 o .oo for the ether, and therrather improved* than depreciate - II in value. Personti . Wishing to bey will please make' application • soon, 1,19 . it will take some time to get them from Albany, N. r. Price with - 117(11=d power at Albany. $285, with . freight added. Lever power, four-horse, with same Ma chine, $255, freight, added. The agent will order none but those Sold. • L.' ROBERT BLACK, Agnat, Jane . 17, '63-3ttt.l. Fayetteville, Franklin CO, Pa. ST STROC — K, MANUFACTURER .. OrAditiCULTORAL IMPL NIUKNTS.--Sion on 'j) Ater StrAM, betwhen Queen and Washington, Chan:i -t/eta/meg, Pa. - , i . WAGON MAKlNGt—having connected with his Drill ' , And Rake Factory 'that of Wm:on-linking, and having employed one of tifebest practical Wagon-makers in the ' county. he feels confident. in assuring I'm-mere, - and oth Ira 'wading : thle kind of work, that he is prepared to render entire Satisfaction to all 'who-may leave. their or ders. All work entrusted to him-will be promptly and neatly executed. at moderate prices, either for now or old -work. Farmers areineited to call, g.vo him a trial, and . ,' get the worth of their money. L AGAGKSMITHING I—lle also carries on the Blafik; emithing,ssnd employs a skillful workman, who is able to .do all kinds of Smithing which ire required for Wagons, &c. , , , GII-11SPRING-ORAIN AND lIAT'DAR.E. - Ile contiattea to construct his unsurpassed Patented Gum-SpringGrhin luicl flay Rake- AV- 4tßte,and County Rigbts for Bale, • ' Tune' !t33.: aRICULTURAL DRLEMENT xi. MANUFACTURERS,-inf. L. BOYER& SRO,' ;84..xt1i St. and Germantown Avenue, ' - . Philadelphia. • -, • " • Manufacturers of the -Premium Farm Grist um, !Urn Powers and 2 111 . eitheng, -:" ",• ' • • Ctrmilar Saw liaelunes, Core Shelters, - , „ Grain Paul, , .• - . . , . . - Cultivatoi 14 3 , 7 , Barrows, 1 = - • .--,- lows, " - - 1 77 --. . and every variety of Spprcrred - . ,••• I 1 ,4kgricultural IniptiA-o‘ents. , Eencf for ireular and addre4s .. . " WM. L.IBOT , EIi. 8:1311,0., laly-15,.'63--ly. I. 1- ' 1 •• , Philadelphia. 1111R - BRITTNI ARM. 43 RIST - AULT', The only reliable F irtuer's t i - fs etniple:. durable and eidcient. Crln.de all kin& of,gruin rapidly. ' • Ia adapt et to none pdwera. , „Every armor abordd bare aine. L'sice raixleratii. • • Seild fordascriptivo Circular mil addreat ; WM. t.. INYER. & URO4. Akriculturallmplernept Mantiratturers, 1' Flail. et. and Germantoaha Airentie. Ph i ladelphia. . July . COT 1 ; ,SHELLEga! . the celebrated • REA DING'S:PATENT. CORN SHELLER 'sod Separator and Cleaner. for gorse Power—its capacity to from WOO' to 1500 Bushels per day. The celelxrated -•- . STAR CORN SITELLER, for hand and horse power.- .The - se:Sholiere hare posuperloi. Address ' WM. L. - k giro. . - Agricultural Implenhint Manufacturers, aualfr4m Philadelphia. ItROTS E POWERS & THRESH .ERS. . .. mat= Endless Chain IforsaPoWers. 5 ' In:prated Carabined Thresher?) and Cleaners, ' I.'semiura Threshers and Separators. - , t CirOnlei Saw Machines far Cross Mating Wood. Address . " WV. L 1101'S.11,4: BRO., . Ageicult,ural Implemgat .ils.nntkeratars, aug 19 3m - , . 1 rbil• • elptais. • yAT,......aLLS:----.3lyeri ct 7 Brand -•-, ate 'agents for Franklin co., to sell the LEBANON LS. :These:Bells are superior to any. other Bell made in the; Stole , . r We have sold a large number in the Want/ and find them to give goOd satiefitetiola. These belle are superior in tone ,to any other Iron bell, and , :eqafd to roost brosa_beils. kll bells sold are :warranted tokstand,,,and Mini' slapiala brealr4 we will supply a new ,Ove In place.. - . 4unerl7, '63, •••• • ! PLOWS !—The ce - lebratr - e4l-EAkilL3 BE LIM ARPlFillift and Steel extend +.lug pcitit.Plawk i Ad4rewi- 4 I. ' ,l3otEit • . Agricultural ImpieraeutsManufazturers • ', _ icir.ows,. gEITIBRATED DRR !Cad, 013 arhich olnit barrebi ofcider hes •: been wedeln a day by one with the aasietance of ~' ,Noofhifan Fm• sate by MAALUEL SRLDFIRT. -- CharoberabturAtrmert 18, '634 t - ~VA.ltar BLiiS.—„egre, : gents to • sell tbelmbanon iron Bell; Th e 'Ad article made. A I bells warrantednot to break. Call arid -examine our • istbek t ae we are deterinined tugellgoods at short pridtkl. ) i. ' June 1.74'63. -. . . - i - 111ZER8 A BRAND.. . 11011fS.R VESTING VOQLSH-Forks li,siter'4Scythett;eradlea,Bnathe, „ ! • MYERS 4; BRAND. ectrben *telis i s tat Vanto. , LANDRETH'S • - 2 , OIcIEIWITIItAt IMPLEMENTS '''LiAND-SEtD WAREHOUSE,• _ 271424128 4:toth 841* /I•!gfreet ctelphia. •! Dorta.unntru t s ac .Bels, Prnprietors of Eloomsda-e, IJaclrlitt contain.near foul it acres , In-' high tilth, .4 'A/looted. to. tbe , production of GARDEN are now -;-,preissred to Supply Oonnis7 ',Merchants, Druggists and I,,elletbera who deal in Seeds, iyith large or small quail' atiee j by the pound or buthcl,and'aleo in papers =de ri . ready for.ketaillng.: - _ The Fatahlielunent represented by 'David Landreth & ttion.has beau founded nearly y, of a century. - - The-wide spread populartty,and the demand, rhcreas : ;itbrotrOgileal,l?„YeFt.fq, •—•I • • , I,&k =EWE'S WARIOkNTED GARDEN- SEEDS SEEDS 4(serldence of the high . .ceßtenlained . ftt* theta by - It.PahliO• • At'eth's tiaiden . Beelle A ' re not 'Only favorably re etived throaglioutthe Gt.intOntare shipped to many MTign ports.. Indeed;lt may be stated with national • pride that they come into active compel:Man with Loa .,ji3h,,•*o(l on British, 89 11 4. , ' - • „ Pavia' Landreth &on invite all who tto already ' halters Of their tlirden fiamta, to make :a trial of '" itattuL-aisttpd that they will be fully. equal 'to 'rheitttigh repniathm. ' 'r - , • . Litadivith's Mind Regis' ter i and Almanac eontainingg a, .istaliiinOtf Garden Stele With instructions, furnished tet.tit." - .itieo--Catalogne of,'"Jigricoltnml• Implements. -; ' • DAVID , LA rk _NDRETH Noi. - 21 and 2,4 ea tb 612131., Ptalad Ipula t i2 t r , i3.ly ; ' • ,- , S NT TRAB'PRRI - ES`I • „.,, s t .' :4 7 9P l ) ARD SEPT EMB ER 15 good:Month! for plaltatifig ;Good planta of leading varjeties, ''' ' '''`WriAoN,'S'AllßA-14 .1 1i- • - DR-GAND, • 46 1 tET I S BEEDLINiti s ' etc. r be bad at the FfortlefixiArzeteria' , -or- by addressing I.,fi'OUo46ll3ignel brprder• • ' 3A0013 ; EtIfXSER, .tog - ' " • Agentl AVAtfil mai . 4 . - 1-TATS, -STRAW 444+ *4 A (ioß,s). 44 stgtwiTiiriiieded to fnrnleh ,my ens 1.4 gercifith all the new !styles of,Bite,Cipe and Etrtirk .......A.C . ...410thich.-1-7411-601 J.' L;MECHERT.'; ' • . dioriinatti or Etyite`r,tc Bro. • .tiv , stroo,li44tigt4*-400-Ds at < •; thattors., (LOFT HATS colors, styles, - N and qualities;frons tift7 bent" up, cmt and getter. ea' ,a at . . "ThEOLIKEtT"B. EMI XIA.LTIM_ORE HOSPITA.L _ JOHNSON, the founder of-this 'Celebrated ustltutionoffers the moat certain, speedy, and. only effectual remedy in the vrorbi for (Heels. Structures. Seminal Weakness. P tin fa the Lulea, Constitutional- Do. bility, Impoteace, - Weakness 'of the Back ana Limbs. Affections Tot the Eidner, - Palpitation of the Heart, Dope - Psis, Nervous Irritability, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose Or ain ; and all those serious and melan choly disorders arising frnm the destructive habits o. Youth, villa destroy both body and mind.) These secret and solitary practices are more fatal to their victims than the ti -ng, of the Syrens te, the mariner - Wynn's : blighting them most brilliant -hopes, or tacticipations rendering marriage, &c., impossible. . - • ! ..-YotrNa MEIL . Young Men'espectally,Who have be6me the victims of Solitary Viceithat dreadful and nebtructive•habit which annually sweeps to an untimery mire thousands of young men of' the most exalted tat ant And brillian intellect, who might otherwise hare entranced listening Senates with tho tie :ndere of eloquence, of waited% to ecetany the living lite; may call NN i th tall confidence. NA.ARIAGE! Marrted persons, or young men contemplating mar riageA)ting aware of Physicalweaknessorganicdohility, deformities, fic.,should immediately consult Dr...Tohns ton. He Yihn places himself under the Cara of Dr. Johnston may religiously coati& id hie honor as a gentleman,and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WANNESS ! • • Isolr..atair.lx MED raiz PM VG Oft Sin 01121). This disease ;is the penalty, most frequently paid by those who have become the victims of improper indul genes. Young persons are too apt to 'commit (moms+ from not being aware of the 'dreadful consequencesthat May ,elierte. Now, who that understands 'the subject will pretend to deny that the power 'of Procreation i. lost sooner by thce.e falling Into improper habit than b,) the prudent, Besides being deprived of the pleasure IA healthy offspring, the, most serious and' destructivt sympathy to mind and body arise. The system become deranged. the physical an+f• mental powers weakened nervous debility, dyspepsia; palpitation of the heart indigestion',, a wasting of the frame, cough; sytrip:orn of consumption Office , N 6 .— 7 South -Frederick-Street, . seven doors from Baltimore street, Baia side,' op th, the stops. -Bo particular in observing the 'name. atm number,or yon will mistake the piaco„. A MULE WARRANTED' . IN TWO 'DAYS. .air No Mercury or Nautinus Drugs,' D - R. , JOHNStON; - D. STROCK Member of the Royal college of. Surgeons, London, p•tt &Late from one of the moat- eminent Colleges of the United' fitatexund the greater part of ihose life_ has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Phi'add phis and elsewhere, has effected some of flip Most amen Ogres that; were ever 'known. Many troubled with, ringing iu the head and.ears, when'tudeep, great nervousness, being Manned at sadden tICIMItia, and bash fulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, Were cured immediately. . A CERTAIN DISEASE! When the-misguided and imprudent votary of plea sure finds he has imbibed ti e seeds of this painful dis eisse:it 'too mien happens that an illsticand sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to thrum who front education and -respectability can alecks befrlendbiro, delaying till the constitutional symp toms of this horrid disease make their appearance. such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose. nocturnal pains In the head and limbs, climnestiof eight, deafness, nobs on the shin, bones and ern* blotches on the head, Dose: and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity. talk last thsk palate of the month or the bones of the mate fall in Mill the victim of this awful &Sense becomes a:horrid object of conunisseration, till d,bth puts a pe riod to his dreadful sufferings, by seto.ing him to "that -boultuFfrombenee no traveller -returns." To such. therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable secrecy; and from his extensive practice . in the tirst.llespitals of Europe and A merica, be can c nftdently recommend a safe 'and speedy care to 'the utifortnnate - victint of this horrid disease. it is a melancholy rut that thousands fall victims h thia horrid disease owing to the nnslolfullneas of igurr rant pretenders who by nee of that doadfal poison, bier army, ruin the constitution,and either seen the un`orru nato to an untimely grave, or make the residue of life miserable. „ • TAKE 'PA" :CE! .J. - addresses tl maselvew by private and improp These are some of duced by early WA Back and Limbs, - - . Lost of Mnsculai Po pe_risis, 'Nervous lir) tive Funettons,Ger Ma, ite. • - MENtALLT, the feat e dreaded :• lesa of siclrt ofSpirits, Et/ Self-Distrunt, Love or the evil effecie. sa of pet Judge wbat is the GUISE) of their ag the•r Tiger becoming weak, pale, have singular appearance about the ales; cough. and aymptoms of Cona:option. Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Aernedy for Or _- • sante Weakness.- - --- - - great and .itiiportant ;remedy. Weakness o' the Organs le - speedily cured, and full vigor _restored. , Thousands of the most nervous and d ebilitated, who Wiest ail hope, have been immediately relieved. All ittipedithonts to Marriage, Physical or Mental "Maga ali Studien, Nervous Irritability, Trembling, Weakness of Exhanstknrof the most fearful kind ' speedily cured pr. Johnston. YOVNG.MEN, TA . 0 have Injured theca selveaby a certain practice. in dulged in when alone—a habit frequently learned fr evil companions, or et school. the effects are nightl3 felt, even when asleep, and if not cured:„ render MEC rings Impossible, and destroys both ;rnin,d and body should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his coon try; the darling of his parents, should be suatchel fron all prOspects and enjoyments of lifo, by the emmeqn env dfdeviatingfri•mthepathofnature, and indulgin gin fi certain secret habit. ' Such persona, before contemplat ing ISYMItT& 33RAND Islirrold reflect that a Tonna mind and body arcetthr most neeeFsary requisites ta promote connubial happi nose. Indeed. without these, thejourooy through lift becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly dark. ens - td the view; the mind becomea shadowed with do _ . . emir, and filled with tbe melancholy •refirctlwe, that the Ireppinets of another becomes blighted with oar OFFICE No. 7, SOITTILYBEDZBICK ST., ' ' • BALTIMORE. • - The many thousands cured 'at this Institution In the last tifteenyears; and the numerous important surgical Operations performed by De. ? l, witnessed by Cie re portersof the papers. and many other persons, noticei of which have appeared _regain andamein before thepub lic,is a anfflcient guarantee to the afflicted. - M..-B s There aro „se Manyiignoraut an worthless quacks advertising themselves as" Pkysicians, - ruining the health of the already afflicted: Dr. Johnaton deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted with- his rep utation, that Lie 14'MM:is bangle hie office. 143 , -Teas Nterter.--All Litters must be post paid . ar.d , contain apoista, e si amp for the reply, or no answer will besent. - Feb 26, '63-Iyr. V. 4, IL ir.:::.ANTH6NY, ALA. Manzilactuiers Plisit4nrphie /decrial's, 501 Broadway, N©w Tor,k- . CARD PHOTO:GRAPHS 'One Catalogue now embraces -considerizbly °TOT sour Thoutand different subjects (to which •additions are con tinually being made) of Portrait& of-Eminent Americans etc., viz; • • - y . . 72 Major-Generals, i 525 !gatemen, .190 lirigadier-Generals; '.127 Divines, 2E9 Colonels, , - -110 AuthorS, ~. B 4 Lielitenant-Calonelz • t.. 30 Attietey -2 207 Otber °Pikers, ,:-,' 112 Stage , 60 Nary Officers , • .. 40 _Prominent Women, 147 PrOminent. #oreign Portraits.. 2,500 Copes' o,r Works of Arc, including reproductions of the-mot celebrated En gray ono. Noting!, Stathes; &a. Catalogues seated receipt . of stamp. An order , forDne Doketc-Plctitres, from out Catalogue will banned on - receipt of o.3 o ;azd Pont by matt free.. : - PHOTO (IR Arlll.o : ALBUMS. , - Of these we price from 50cm:ital. triannfactu° spresch o ireat 9 1 4 T rui g in g ' in _ I Our Albums has.° th e reputation of being superior in boautY and durability raspy others: The smaller kind can be sent safely by naafi at a postage of six cents per 7 The more expensive cant" S n out by express. • - We also keep »large assertt oo ot ot . • STERESCOkii AND ST ERESCOPIC VIEWS. • Our Catalogue of those will be sent te „arty addrees on • - receipt of.Starap,. AF•• .rt. 11. T. ANTONY: • ' • ' Katoitfacturims of Photographic Idateriali - : 50t ,Brocidteirp, ,:ft*. For*. • yrleudsotselatliesof•Ptnmitrcni,mllitarj Melt will deter aOM by sending tut •theliliksness to copy. They will be kept carolling end,retuitnxt en/Wired.- Fine Athos.: mode to order for COngtegations , Iwet sent to their Pastor, or for 'other purposes, with suitable irtscripnbos, BC. [aug 194k0. LebuaL ; MARRIAGE I TO STItANGERS. VibotogrcOir. ort'lrtmkiin- :likeva'sitiliti,,-41)aiiibiiitiOg,I . po. tpunevzi 3O ;lLatv. & NILL.—Law Part , lll. nevahip—the undersigned have associated teem beives in the practice of the Law in the several courts of. Frankdn unty. 0111( eon Market Street, In the youth heretofore tipied by T . B. Kennedy. • ' •'T. B. KENNEDY. Junel7, . - T. J. BILL. A TTO NEY AT - LAW.-147L SON REILL I",..4titrrney at Loto —Office on Mar ket et.. fortnerly occupied by Reilly & Shill), directly opp site the Courtibuse,'Cltimbershnrg, Pa. AU legal 'business entrusted to biro:wilt receive prompt attention. lie practice in adjoining Counties. 'Juno 17,.'63. L. & W. S., _STENGER,- Attor lut,eliels at, Lazo, ,Chambersburg, Pa. Collectiens promptly,attedtled to. W. 6. Stenger, District Attor ney and agent for procuring Pensions, Bounty Money and Arrears of Pay. Office in Franklin Building. 3(1 doorfrom the corner. , :June 17, - MT S. EVERETT i At - Wiley. at-law.- Office in Millilard's dwelling, directly oppo. site the Gaut [louse, Chambersburg, Pa. Will practice in theseveral Courts of Franklin and Fulton Counties. All legal bnsiness, euirneted to•his 'rare will receive prompt attention. June 17.1803. P. B. 81U - STBATMR. , JOHN STEWART,. 'QTUMBAUGH & STEWART, At- Lamella at Law, Chamberaturg. Pa.. giVff their undi. ruled attention t , the Ptactiee of then. Proteeahn. tat- °Mee In the Paoli Ilan. Juno 17.'83. T Itf'DOWELL- SEARPE, _Attorney cp. .at +Galt!. Chninbursbnra. Pa. Nice in Mrs. Bard's winding's, directly oppceite she Court House. Junel7. 1863. aO. SEILTIAMER,. 'Attorney at • Lem, Cliataborebnrg, Pa. Office—Main Street, ,bove Queen, In the room formerly occupied by S. Reich er,,lsq. •' J nivrt 1563, • fIEORGE EYS . ThR & E.'3.l3Cin fi BRAKE, Atiorneyrai Law, !Mrs removed to the room on Main Street ' one door South tif.Syliter's Store. ° June t 7 , '63. • "1 - S. CLAP :4, Attorney at Law, has 14. - reinored Offito a few doors Ea,t Obis former tonntion. on Market 4treet.(Sonth-aide.) June 17.'63. CALVIN M. DUNCAN, Attorney at Late. Mee on Market Street.' in Lawyer's Ruw, 'PPM t e the Cnnrt noose. June 17.'63. TL. FLETCTIER, Attorney athazo, • Chambersburg. Pa. Wise= East Mailetstrest. nescly4posite the (Jolla Muse. . Jane 17.'n3. ALEX. K. M'CLLTRE, Attorney at Law, Chambortsburg, Pa. Office in the Franklin liepositorylluildings. Juno 17. '63. DR. WM. B. HURD'S DENTAL REtIRDLES ARE TIIE BEST 'NIKE woRLD iiisur , ng Pine Teeth and Sweet Breath, and caring Toothache and Neuralgia. - Do you wish to bh blessed with and ad aired far Pearly White and Sound Teeth? Use Dr. WM. B. HURD'S UNRIVALLED TOOTH POWDER, warrantee free.ftoni acid. alkali, or any injurious substance. Price. 25-tents per box. •ter - , Beware of the ordinary cheap Tooth Powderi - , - which whiten but destroy.' Do yon wish to be ce. tsin that your Breath is. pure. -sweet and agreeable to husband or wife, lover and inend Use Dr. mums CELPIIATED MOUTH WASEI. Price, 37 cents por bottle. The astringent wash is also the - best remedy in the world for' Canker, Bad Breath: Bleeding Gums,' Sole Mouth, etc. It has cured !madras. Do you wish your children suffer from Tooth:ale Get Dr.HURD S MAGIC . TOOTHACHE DROPS. Price, 12 cents per bottle. - 7 . Arc you afflicted with Nturalgint Oct Dr. WM it hIIIHYS NEURALGIA. PLASTERS. The moat effective and delightful remedy known for Pairei in the Cheat, Shoulders, Neck, or.any part of the body .? They do not adhere nor bliater, but soothe and charm pain away. Try them. Price,ls and 3i ceuta. Mailed on receipt of pike. A Treatise of the best method of Preserving the , Teeth mailed on receipt of the price—lo cents. lila a valuabb; little work, and should be in the posseasiou of every person. effete pro iesti of tbi of Sight. tteart, Dye• the Digee •, Consump Prir sale at-all the beat stores throughout the country. CALTION,,AG there aredealers who take advantage of our advertisements to impose upon their customers-in feriorpreparatintut. it is necessary - to insist upon having what you call for, and you will GET THE sEsT. thoroughly tested, and prepared by an experienced and scientific Dentist, - Treasurer of the New York State Dentists As sociation...and-Vico President of the Net' York 3ity Den tal Society. Address WSI. B. RP tII A CO- Jene,l7. Tribune - Buildings. New Yotk. re much k me, Depres• to Society are eonle• TEETH INSERTED ON AMBER BASE.—DE. N. I 4 CIILOSSER, Offle anti at his rest. iieuce on EAST deist :`I STREET. near tbeerranklin itailromi. Dentistry in all its branches attended to with all the medians improvements. Miring published to this community for more than two years. that teeth on Amber is In every way CIiEA PER AND BETTER than teeth on any other inaterlnl.l ..ould say that I still see no reason to change my opinions for there are many per qons in thambershurg- mad vicinity for whom I hove inserted teeth on A3lltEtt who can testify to their sup,. rior merit. - . N. 13: All work warranted to give natisfaction,or no :large_ Teeth extracted without pain 'with perfect afety without taking Chlorofurni. For further infor nation call at the office. [June Tr; 1864'. • . W. W. S . CHLOSS.EII; Sturgeon D Dentist—The undersigned has removed hie Office man the Mansion House to the residence of Mr 4 801 in Noel, Northweit corner of the Riamond.• and immeth ttely opposite the Franklin Hotel. once .!on the so and Boor—entrance through the. passage, to the right yoil ascend the stairs. June 17,1963. W. W:EiraIf,OSSER. REMOVAL.—Dr. J K. Rim . , Den tist-hris missed his of f ice trots the•c:iriar 0‘ the Pu bite Square, where he practised - so many years. to the +orner of Main and Queen Streets, above Wth. Ifeyeer's Drug Store, Chambersburg, Pa-where be will beuleased to receive the calla of his friends: [Jima 17, 1883. R. A. R. SHAW returns his thUnks D the citizens of Franklin county,: for the lib erl encouragement bestowed on him tho last three years. and invites those who have not made trial of 110310i0PATRY to de so. wutittatimuJive. - All cu rable cases con rely on a more speedy cure than tinder any othersystent. Dr. S. has removed , te -Nara Main street. a short distance below the point, where he can be found ready to attend to calla, either in Lowe or,country. when not absent on prefefsionil business. J nue li. 1563. D. W. L. BROWN: - I ' PP.OF. P. WALL. BROWN & WALK, Electrical Phy- - &fans. Office in' Franklin Building, Writ? Has xrt Srnm, Chninb,talrurg, Pa. - 1 The above treats all Chronic Dial:wee by mean o. GA INA NIFISI arid the different modifications of ELEC TRICITY, tut 411hcovered and taught by Prof: Bolla4r. June py.fia-tr • j) R at: . te . n T ,pproteptly to allea T its ' in 13 3 J1 E in R e ','Oftice i . ll n 11.1 a street. next door to the Eagle Hotel , abd 'nearly opposite the residence of the 11.1 n. George Chambers. eliambereburg,June yr, ise4% TAR. J. C. RICIIARDS, will attend Ipromptly,to alVen.lle in bie line. Otliteo on Main Street. next door to Spangler's Drtig. Store., tt4-:oEricx Roues--From -7 to 0, A. 014 12 to 2 and 6 June 17, 1863. justires of Hie leace. TIISTICE OF THE PEACE.-H. t,v B. DAVISON. Jaistica.afthe l'eacc—t Ifica immediate ly opposite the" Indian Queen Hotel." All business en tru.ted,tp his care 'hall receive prompt . attention. strumerits of _Writimoralkklaile, drawn pp in a satis factory manner.• " June 17,'63. HAMMAN, Justfce of ti Peace' Clll64)orsburg, Pa. juke 17, '63. yftyTlCFk 9F. PARTNERSHIP.-• Noti.ce isherehyglven ; that the undersigned lava t d entered Into partnerehlp, Id - the Coe-It-Making businiSse, in all Its various branches, under the name et. Peiffer & Foltz. The said firm will do husinetes at the, stand lately occupied by P. Henry Peiffer & Co., and would respectfully solicit 6 coutinuarice of the public, patronage. , P. HENRY PEIFFER,, , Nov. 0, 1864, — C.O. FOLTZ. .11111QP0X ; 1311sTDERY.-11. KEEFER. & Air vi.bayeietioied their BOOS . BINDERY to the Third story of the kIANHON 1101I8E, on the Diamond, bero , Bbryoutea, took Store.' 'Entrance between the Ito k gt ql— e andlre.Sairely'a office. tfid,Dooka; PoriodP enla, MUfflry Nenapapers;&c., bound In anfidyle: Blank Books made to order. Paper ruled to any pattern. Noy.l, 1 \ E➢entisteg. libroicians. ~tiooko,*to:tin - at '&t.. Q. S. SEERYOCK,.. BOOKSELLER do STATIONER, Noßoccupieshis Nnwr &min, Rona, Audis prepareil to transact business with greater facilities than everr. •., _ _ BOOKS. , School Books, Miscellaneous Books, To Boots', Lars Books, Medical Books, Sunday School Books, Military Books. • BIBLES. . A large assortment of Pocket and Family Bibles, ‘•BLANK BOOKS • Of all sizes. qualities aid 80 , 1E4 bf STATIONt47 A great variety of all k in& nf Writing and Print ing Papers, of French, English'and American man ufacture. Also, Envelopes of all sizes andjuilities. Ink, Pens, Pencils, India Rubber, 'Parma. Seals. Quills, Copy nooks, Blottiim BOard, Knives, Erasers, Writing Sand; ik,e„ GOLP,,PENS. The very best Gm& PRNS in the market, fully warranted, made hy - LerOy•Vir.• Fairchild, of N. Y. • BLIND PAPER. - A full variety of patterns and • 'WALL -PAPER. • Nearly Two NuyoRED different patterns. toiether with suitable Bsrderings, 'Plain, Velvet' and Velvet PICT — trRE 1711,43rE5. - Oval and ScmaroFramOs fur: PlMtogy.atihs. Frames made to order. FHX,NOH, GLASS, For Picture Frames, of any size. CHEAP NOVELS Much lower than publishers' prices, among which ' • are the folloWint: The White Cruiser, - • • The Harmer. ' • . • • The Midnight Queen; English Toni • • ' ' ,Tosep -ino, Maid 'of the Sammie; - dept. Hawkes, • • . • riciii - ffirmirdAlhiughter, Helene, .‘„ David Dutficks, Sketehes in,France. Verner't. Pride;- -I-- Sentra No'vels, Dickens' Novels. Mrs.Southw'th's Novels, Mrs. Gray's Novels, . • Bulwer's Novels, • Arthur's Novels, - • • • , Lucy Sanford, • Rifle Shots, ' Trial and Triumph; , • Prince and Pedlar: • _ Annette, East Lynne: •";.. - Iliiriadi Alroy, Legends and Stories, - Red lack, " • ' _ - • Red. Scout, ' BelfeOf the Bowery. - Sybil Cam)ibell, Grace Weldon, Rival Beauties. - - The Grumbler, • ' Barren Honor, 2 The Squire. ' • • " Falkland, - - ••„ I.lllrpsei Chips from Uncle Sam's .Tack-knife,,,. The Everlasting Fortune Teller, The Maneuvering Mother, Marguerite de Valois, • • - Foggy Nightat Orfotd. The Quiet Husband.' - Two l'ri mg - Donnas, liflorgan's Frocmasonry, The Debtor's Daughter:. The Banker's Wife, Highwayman's Ride, Nobleman's Daughter, - The Scarlet Flower, • The Wife's Trials, • Cecilia Howard,. Lena Cameron: • The Expoctani, ' - Los Miscrablos, • Sat Puzzles. . ENGRAVINGS. English. French, German and Amori4ErEngra.- sings. BASKETS. Fancy. Traveling, Book„ - Pienie, Frait;Knifoand Clothes liaskets.l ZEPHYR 7i'-ORSTEDS Single and Double -Tapestry ;pa Split Tt , Plzyr, Shetland ' ' NEW-SPA PERS. • - - • • - The Philadelphia and ;New York Dailies resolved daily. Clubs or individuals supplied. ' WEERI 4 I7 PAPERS. - • Harper's :Weekly, ' • • • krais' k Leaiie,, N. Y. Mercury, N..Y. Weekly. - New York Ledger, eto., received weekly-. - PERIODICALS. Harper's Monthly,. - ; Atlantle•Monthly; ' • • Continental. • , • Holley; ' , Petersen.' Ballots, • • - Knlckerbookei, ' ,• - • .- All the 'iota- kons4,• Cornhill,, reeeived. as soon pa published. . • ~ CHEAP LITERATURE: • . . All the Dime Publications, Weekly-Nons'elletttks, ,Song Books, etc., received daily. : • ORDERS.• . , We take orders, for all kinds of goods. EXPRESS. • • • We. receive goods td-Eiprtstrrvirx vsor from the East. Blank.Doeds v . . . , - - - .• • , Writing and - Printing Cards. • t ltulcirs, ". '.• . ' ' •• ~. PapeiW.liights. , _. . _ • Faiicy Boxes.: - - . 1 „ . Combs Aid Brupli‘e4,, Chalk OrtFons. end ail standard sqods in Our ibis, corkstarkUY on hand.. - • _ -t . „ - . MUSIC. ! Sheet Musk, for 'Piano, Guitar, Violin, IFlnt7n.alo. PIANOS We purChase Piands on commission; PO ae'to savo ou r eust°lnera from k iffy to One Bunched atd Vino' Dolltirs. ' • _ . • • • MUSICAL- INSTRUMENTS! We nen spiv - b.FLY kind . 6t Mnsical ,Instrumenta at prices far lower! - , PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM'S. Wacan sell i'hotograPh itilnunalowpepricos than they can be procured for the eitiesi • Ve‘have no hesitation in saying -to oir ( id° l ite" that from our long experience,- Our manner of do ing business, and out ginit facilities, we do not fear competition. and. hare no doubt of-our being r‘blo, to give entire ' 'Come and fee,..oprNew Store, our brew and et- • taxied Stoat; and fin Your own opinions. , Chamberaburg, June 17 , 1863. - 111 tignottat'&l3l3ount2 itgentico. _•., • _ JTORN- M. POMER9Y,- - - .iiit.ftY ANDrrY 416ENOZ‘ 204 SOUTH POUR II STREET, -. - The undersigned, having resigned his 'position as Pay master in the C. B.Atnj‘, has opened at No SUIJTLI Yana STEEET, I an AGENCY .FOR. PROCCRING. PENSIONS, and for thecollection of Orimitaa',, Setnisate, and all other Cx„suns Against the Government. My long experience awPaytnaster, has given me ann.: : anal facilities for becomin- , thoroughly,acqualated with this Inisineis all its deans. On the receipt, by mail, of a statement of the case of claimants, I will forwarct the necessary papers for -their signature. Personal at. tention giveh to the cases at Washingt, n, No charge unless successful, when s4i will bo charged for,cellectir. g all stuns under $2O, and $lO oil' alfaums over. that amount and tinder $2OO. , Lurgoc Clainis taken on . special arrangement,. Fees in Pension Cases as fixed by - INFORMATION 1:011,..A1 , 11( INSTRUCTIONS TO Ali Soldiers Of the present 'wilt, who have served two years, and Soldiers discharged dor wounds, received in battle; without toNrcnceeto time of - service, aro entitled besides their regular pay, to SIUO Bounty: In cUso Soldiers or Seamen are , discharged for disability or soriond.treceivedlehik in fee service, they are entitled 'to a Pension accordiug,to the disability: In case of the death of the Soldier' heifers discharge, through disease coritr tcted, wounds received while service, his widow is entitled to receive the SRA> Bounty, besklesadtrinitagO3opv and pension daring het lifetime devidewhOodi — - - If the Soldier die niter discharge. from discaSo con tracted or wouods ieceived while in soi - rice, his widow is entitled to n'pensinti tile pe - r-armuni. If no widow or minor children, the mother of the Sot; flier or Seaman will eeceive theTonsion, if dependant on hint ,wholly or in pir,t,for.support. _ ar_deteased Soldier' Or_ Be,unan -svicPli; his children are entitled to the same benefits as the widow, except when the be over the km of In years. Jf.no widow- perminor. as bircn,„ the. bounty- and pay toMhe heirs is First to the Father, second to the Mother. third to the Brothers and si,ters, and then to the next of kin. . . .. . .. .... . - 'DieellaMed. - -Soldiors, whose clothing,acceunt was un leaded-at the.timii ofdiselrarge,davirecovet hn'y balance due them, if the Comp - s..nybooks are not destroyed. To draw this balance, writeto your Captain for a -deserip tivcrlist.Thowingplotbing account, and forward it. to me with you'ePrefitufnarysditenden4 givingaladthe date of .your discharge . ..,_ . Soldiers, who served with the nine months' volunteldtc , nan'recover tr; bounty and premium, without regard to thno,of service, if ,they have not already received it. SoldTers'who were prisoners in the South, and 'Millers vette wer6ebsent On yid: furiongh. - are entitled to corn. 'mutation of rations. . . In communicating With this othCe, state the nature of your claim fully, and girn - the Company and Iter ment to' Liddell you or the Soldier for whom you claim belonged, as moll tta your present cast Office ad..reas., 'REFERENCES. Ex' °llene,' . 6 2 0111 w G. Corif.m,'Govornor of Penn, ay ivania. - Ray. tirstort CimtßOX, Harrisburg, Pa. Rog. Josak Cuio,ChiefJustice of the Court of ;Ultima; Washingtoni Hoy. E. H. Baeos.n, Chief Clerk of Pay .Department;' Washing - foul. liti r. EntrAnn blPitur,rdt, M. C.. Washington: Ron. .Les. I'. STUBS.; President Judge, District Court, Pittsburgh.. RON. A. R. 11eCtunt,Chrtmbersburg, Pa. It osr.TUONS.B A. scirrrt Vigo Pri2sident Ponn'a Rail Road. frox:Wriusit B. TuouAs, • olldct-or of tho Port, Mihail. nos. C. A.Wituovt Post 'hurter, Philadelphia. DREXEL & Co., Bank^rs. Philadelphia. JAILLZS DUNLAP. president of Union Bank, Philadelphia "BULLITT n: FA2IIIII3.ORICA. Attornies, ---. Wean, Wan , 4 kisvm, Merrill:infs. - - - . '4l L - cncrto, KNEEDLER A: Goaforthants, _ -' PaiTCIIZIZT, DA901116 , , - 4',“ - , 11).1.110 Fsttsx 4; Co:, Merchants, • u a , BENJAMIN S. 3 mitts'', JR. & CO:. Merchants, . 4. CIRRUS j.l. Mot As k. CO" MOITIMIEIIB, t: ATWOOD. WRITE& CO., 3terchents, SI , • , ••• JOHN 31. PUMII.OY, ' i• June 17, '63-t . f. • . No. 2r4 South Fourth itrect. DENSION, BOUNTY AND WAR, k • CLAIM 11.0ENCY.—Pwailions pi - muted for soldie;s of thii present war who are disabled by reason of wounds received. or,disease contracted. white in the service id the linitwl States:land Pensions, $l4l Biiunty, and Arrears or Pay obtained for wititiws or heirs of throe-who hart • died or been killed while in service. , _ .11 JOHN 011.11. Claim Agent. Chamberbneg, Pa. Feb. 25, `63-15 inanufactifres. TO , THE:PUBLIC GENERALLY: CIIAMBEIISBURG--1 1 4.)11:s. DRY. 'The unilersignod takes this method to infirm the public that ho hos taken the 191.11 , .11/1:17 so lung carried on, by- Wm. Seibert, With all the PATfiiltS.3 connected there with, when; he proposes continuing the business, and is now prepared to make ALL 4KIN4S.OF CASTINGS that maybe fantod Lq the community. I articular at , tentiun will be paid to making and keeping en hand or cry,. descaiption.of l'artll3, CASTING., A.4:t)N BOX- All Ecc. kinds of Castings made to order., i , Now Plows 4 of ditPrent patterns, always on hand or_ mado to order. OLD NIETAL taken in trade, Sur which the highest • price will Lie given. - By devoting himself attentively-.to business he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage.. - June ,AttuAliA.M QILIVER AND.. BRASS PLATER AND AIT STIRRUP JI A KER.—The "Alb sertber respectfully informs his Wends and ,thu Public, that he continues to carry on the atovo bUSILICSBut his old stand on Slain Street,oppcuite the derzuun Reformed Church. Clutlnbcreburg. liai.ng enlarged his husinets, &Wert and Couch• makers will find in his Store Room a general as-twin/cut of Goods suitable to their several requiremeats. such us: Fair and Country Ilm,atkins, Pateirt Loather,. tiig 'Frees, fall Plated. Timed and Japanned; Sell-Adjusting Trees: tall Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Sinduing M eb and Worsted Rails Web. Itvirer, than Cotton: Hama, Bits and Stirrups.,Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Ctstch.liandlett.. new stylesi , Curtaireeraruco. club Banda Bridle Fronts, ilmientes. Swivel, and Ormunentts Iron Plated sod Wood Buckles, Brass, Silver MO Japeneiel, nil styles tend patteftuf; Ivory, and Wooden . » .)taitingale Binge, Stump Joints. and a variety of other tioods suit. able fur timE trmole. 43- All kinds of Plating, dc., done .11 , 1 th neatness and 'deei - int , th. LE‘VIS WBMPLEg. blarch '63.—rwa NEW MARBLE YARI).—The undersigned respectfully announces tattle cititens. at Franklin, county, that ho has opened a New- Marble Yard in thia root, formerly occupied by Dr. liainilton, directly opiiiieito J. it. Nixoris Drig'Stare,Main Street, In the tiorough at Chambersbrirg, whore be will keep on hand or make boarder ail articles in his line al business, such as 81(./KUMENTS, - TO3IIIS and EIEAD STONES, MAN': LllB, TABLE ;Se STAND TOPS. &r., manufactured froni the very best Foreign and Domestic Marble: lie respiktfully solicits acall from those who may be in *ant of any article in the above line. no is confident in his ability , to satisfy all mho may be pleased to patraniie him, either as regards his prices, or the quality, beauty, and chasteness of his work July B.' Vr- IL WANAMAKER respectful= . I ly Informs the public that ho has leased the - ' 1 '' RRICIK - YARD , • recently occupied by N. Wantuataker, and has appOinted SAMUEL, 1tt1.111 , 08.D. A I' KACTICAL MECHANIC, to conduct the business. lie respectfully soliiits the patronage bestoived 'Upon the'former occupant. and hopes by ptompt attention to business, alvrays having a large supply of ' •- - ; SOLID, WELL MADE BRICK,, of all styles and qualities, to secure all thetrtule; both city and cbuntry. - . . *M. Bricklayers are invited to examine our Stock. , , ,N(AN'Egilik—About 200 cords of god Wood. - • , may 13,1rn. - - EMI - - F. ENlnion. C " TRH WOOL N.FACTORY:' •The , Subscribers respectfully inform their friends aratthe public. generally, that they haro leased the above pained Factory one milo - north-trest of Clitmhere• burgl, (ho4t.ltaotvn as Ilona's . Faetory) for a'term of years where they intond to• manufacture Cloth. flatti. net. thanked& Fircritetattnd Carpeting from the 11eete or yarn. ((Santry Cardingund Fulling attended to: Also-- Indigo blue, and Bracy dying done to order. ' Having thoroughly nmairell the machinery . theytiope to be able to rendergenoral satisfaction to all who rnay.favor them with their custom.- • May (1,1'63-3ni. H. imnicti . . 'gobacco an „Segars. 'EW TOBACCO - .AND' SEGAR 1.1 fiTORD.—TO•the Oilite7lB of ChomO,trstin and Vicinity 14 1 0 mulorsigned, haring been compelled to. lasso Virginia on account of his sehtimenta;bas come tunong'yon tuestablith bouthessi hoping fom hie long exPorinAnnatnti , by close !attention, ho will meet with a generous support, lila stook' will eohsiat of all he beat brands of TOBACCO and BROADS, which be will sell as chpap as ea abe had sityw horo ill town, Don t forget tht place, sign of the "little Virginia ntgger," opposite tbb Rroltklio HMO, next door ; to rhryock's Book Store, sdrith•east corner of the Diamond.' " ' • gone 17 1863, I E I P0111?4 LANKS printed promptly, and at • airs' ratter, at the ofAta.ec Ike- ;FRANKUN . •. , ~. .. 4-, - 4 n- - 4101.iiittettS.:, -2 4 - K . 7....4:, •- f' ' = fi !"- JUST PUBLISHat nT Qlll5 ,}3-11AD - (SiteZ 49esacir alker 0.-WOLADir), • W Street, zZiv eaR 11 - roailyray)s , = .100 .Y O.ltK: • Ci'Xl.; LE4VPIBy:FIIO7.4 TUE DIARI OF AN ARMY SIM, GitoNll4Xlestei.l'hn.C.Tir,Ells,l. 4 *poiltlAirgiipVat 'New York, and Acting 11 eilitia Directo - r lit`Whlfe nets* -Clottr..3lo _pages. Onto. Prise $l. A .Libora4 tlicount tbe '.trade. copy..ltoutunt4:l44iirtta graph let ter from_ General McClellan. IMEILMING'S IshPLY TO BISHOP COLENSO...--- llishop urtinco Aug :Answered: His throve tifuted eudtheMosaicauthorship at the Pentateuch Gleurly.,e4 tails*, by the hes. John D.. D.. iuti-oexles. of Lectures. Wotb - .271pp. r2mo. Yricesl: i 1 THE ACTRESS I N• HIGH LIPS, AU •A:Pircdfls ATP ter QUartat; by >i Lady of South Carolina. Cloth. 401 pages D.kna. ADVENT CRIS BY SEA AND LAND OP Tilt 003 n 'DEVANitY ; Cr; Dn.:9144 and Ads/ay/If Vestatt- An EtihNitle of the AjOlonlzation •of Canada. -1 by, IL lml e chev a lier, Cloth :312 pp, linen,. LES MIF•ERAIMES. by Victor Maw). - Fide Cotes. Ec Ore. Fantine, Marina, St. 'Denie r bourtte, Cloth: 471 i pp.' Bvo. $1.511. HANS O. 10ELAND:—.Ths &Mr, of th e N or th. A Itolueeee by'Tietkir Lingo. Cloth. I.SI Pp; Sid; 50e. ithalT.RAItY 'ARRESTS 1 N 'l`ll SullT11:-,Siens* in the Experience of an ~Hatarma Lsli out, 6y E., D. . i‘tive of Char; eston ; for tl• it ty-,yearo a sesident of the Cotton Plates ; 'and cutnutonly nausea in the Sett " the, Alabama lirfageo;' Cloth; - slue pp.. 12tno. SL. - I,IVg.S AN D LETT - EffSOF ABE LA D A.l\' DII EILOISZ • by O.W. Wright. Cloth 319 pp •131n0., Si ; ' THISBE YEARS 'ES - CHILI. Cloth. 1: & pp: • huts!. f sc. • WOODS AND WATERS:—The Sanniais and, Road& By Alfere4 B.- Cruet. Cloth. 3 ll'pAgos. Plano: -I sll. STORIES . 01? FROINT.INft 'ADTP..h3.IIItE .11V SOUTH AND WEST. By Wm. T: Coe.;g ehall, Author ••1 Plensellito and Hints Poets and PuttlY- LB. Ac.'l loth. - a pp. 12.in0. St. 'THE "BATTLE OF WATERLOO. ily Victor 'Mips. Mper Covent. So pagts. loa n ,. 1. c., • ' TRIPS IN TILE LIFE OE A 1.000)101`1,V13 BEL , Paper Guir&s. 2:4 pp 12rtio. COp. ' Cloth, EL OUR. 'FARM - OF FOUR ACRES; anti the Von) Wit =Ai by a, Prom the 13th Landon FA. by Ilan kot•Altir-= Litman. Paper Covers. 118' pp. llmo. '26e. cloth. , 'Mete lkioks m4y _be bought at ret3ll.from theiStr” of s SIIRYOCK. • Duly 224.02.. 17 - 111-ti7 CURIOUS BOOK.L-S - ast Nyste,i4i;tflife,'Diath lust ty, , by Ilornce - Weltry, vttneNrokii:iono., prittted with nn enildentiitic frontispiece Price :111Q ' qt . & lideltiatorlthlp of.-the varied hfurcitridire terries of tritioh , this-eminently nterest lug volt:lines trona. It ia a vithoildo array of the best thouhttes. inipi essions'and beliefs of the most distin ,guislatxl mindson the plienuturna of Li ig,,benth :V Fu turity; it lertdith a Commonplace book tionie thought ful divine might hove compiled. and in Ms thou Amtlatid pne term mires to.the W - orko nud opinions of our beet mad treatest,wrifers to not inforior..n. nu intetesting-ifterw rykttiiimityY to the remote ••'‘,AnqtylnY of gehtlia4Y." • Prom Mr Bokb.n Transcript "The uurk beim e us - by ltoince Vdelhy gives the • iewitlP.Pinivvt, belief; and h . /IA:101k* y sh•ii fit#ratiiie aff,2rd I n shy pet tai tens lot wile t may be called the_ mysteries of humanity. Lite and time, the nature pf the cunt. el:trite:ll life. mental - Phe mitrflenai lxdefdttd.b epticism, th. the ; tesurreption. Ae.., and' di;exise:ell arid illikt.utted trent' the 'hfAeat au thorities. from t: edition sift 6cq irtui e, kgclaim: legends epd. Christian facts. eek fable. end l'ilgrini's Pre. grt•id. fifielj 7 religious'iffdrit'pervedee the *TX:: it is the result of patient r search. and to tIM the psych/di:0;1, the plissioligist—to the curious. a* piocvttrqiurnua.uk,--is appeals, witb- full quid froqueut leirdutiage "stio-mstion and Aspic:4l.km." 'ex G.14111.0011.Y, Publishet, l'co. 46 Walker et.. Neer York. Jane 17' A - 1 INI li 0 & ) 1); 1 ' s : L 0 ,ST I 7 ll ' O . O\.• — , I I?.ESTDRED a :' p teiNtitilaa:36 . - 04 Ca E-4-I*l*A Pr .S .o.atedtvitetisti 'the Nature, Treatment- nd Radical' dUre'drittiermatdiehrea-di 1 4 entinat :It Sabi:less. Sexual - DebilitYi Nervousness,nud In voluutiely kJ:merlons. in dyeing Impotency, Coneuropt jou and .tiental and l'hylt , leaf Debility; by .11‘ntatti/ t CLl,Nrs,vall,ll.o:lr, c The Impel tient fact that the awful consedutuutenASel f.- Abuse luny he efre,tutelly 1 enieved without internal medicineaur the dangereini application of eausitcs, in litncrattati. nridicat ea hoilgier. anti. other. einphical de tildes: re here drettly'aelttonitriittalmil ebb chitinely new And highly sueenssiul treatment, as adopted by the cult.- , bilged author. fully ex' bulled, by S suits OiTalich every one It e o ablini to care hi aiself perfifer ey,itswint theltakt possible east; thereby iv biding all- =the -adveitilied nos. treins of the day. Thin teem' e will prove a boon to thousands - 5e.138 uncla Gealoottuy,l4l(.lrea*,, iSt a, Agri, my!, awre lope%. Ori'theireteißt'ofsirfeerits or two lotrtteitOtitanlim, by•tuldresa.ng, CIIAS. I.C. I% LtNk. s CO., 127 itowery, Mew York, Pest Office Box, ang ( etobes ub rLitthlare THk "DUTCHSE TTLEM - ENT" bDow.roguwr,i--Exten.‘tve. 2 fp. Copiir and Mere Ernairtensewf f—Th e umiereigned rcvectfilly in forme Ids frieads and the public generally that= he hap rens:mai his establiehment front the , -llutch Settlement' - up town. to the eparieui Room. formerly tegnigied - by .11inuich Brand, and nearly opposite White's CtotL intt Store. lie - has-just received , a terse assortment -et;,000F.,. COAL: PARLOR and ND; S'etTiVE.S.,of the Most approved and latest patterns. saki) he can and If de t trained to satins" cheap. it not a little cheaper, %bare can be had elsewhere in the country. - • - • Ile inui also, and intends keeping Constar tly on hand. a large assortment of Tin, Copper and tiheetriTO Mare. made of the hett, material and by good Work:men. Ctx l'ervens in want of anyihiug in the; above lino are. regnalted to give him a tall htla e palehnaNg mv.e ,tvherv, as he feeltecont inced that Ito can suit Mira either tte,regartis the article or e ptice. SPOUTING ramie and tint op at the alnotheat - rattles- All kinds of repairing dime neatly and riledidivutly. Old Pewter, Brass and Dipper taken it. e.cliange For Ware, orthe highest price given in easl2 mune 17'. 1 3 4 6 .: - JAC013•B:31lIttillt. . TTOUSEKIIEPERS, READ-1.--,-6tal lagher's Stearin , ~ii- Tight !—/i. Di evallat lop t;Liern.ltitl tao V El. , lbr i o4-sole very heeill, 1131.3 the whole stools finish - tic' ja es eVior. manner. .1 warrant thia Stove to be 'evertor 'to tij. Fiat-lop Stoy6 now tre tie market, and yet:pie:tint • invite my, trienda and the ,public to call nnd - examine t Vria-ZtoiD, a liklticlt there, are eiverel sizes. , ' , , I have itfso grtat variety of - other 000}1T.Nri STUVEB' of every istylo; PARIA)It ETYVES c norr and bemtiful pattt•rnS. top? thhr.. with a henty _stock hTUVES for Churches, Starch, OiliceS, note's. itc. .70/ ti LUDWIG, - Whologaii• and Retail Maier in .4'l'o FRS, 2741, A4VD COPIER WA ER. N. P.—l have; been appointed sol 'Ageut far Galls gker'e celebrated Sunriat, Air-1 fight St aceln ('llam -I.eratairg, Pa. e an;o 17,180. A T ETTER, lIAMIITON &CO'S li Great Stove and gin Ware Store. corner of the intinaind ) can be seen the leitest.Test. and. cheapest stock of (3041d4 in Chantbersbarg. They have COOK ING STOVIIS for Wood and Coal. at latest patterns rind -all strata nt fair prices. , • (June lErZ. JOHN A. GI OVE QPOUTllic't DONE - AT SHORT I.IOi3CE, of first rate material and cheap. All work warranted. and cheaperthan ean - bt-ttought chmber° in tho County. Call and .ere tor youreelrek, at - ETTER .lIAMILTON S CO'S. neatly oppolitethe Bank. • VpTER, lIAMILTON ~Sr, CO. are repnrect to put up the best LIGIITNINCI RODS et eheuvrates. ALWAYS ON, HANI), AiLARGE askorttnent of the very beg. Tin,Japanned and I...tpperware,Ac., sold low at " . . . ETTER. tTAMILTOrk EOl3. A - LL WORK WARRANT-BD, and cheaper than can be bought elienthero in the calmly. Verne and see—then buy. at • Favot . .llA3matei: COIL CULL FOR PARLOR .&I,TD NINA ItOOM COott. STOV.SS. They, are pretty, good-an t i cheap. .F.Tf Ett,.III3II.LTON A few sioere from Stit4oetee 116 , 31. Store.' • 5 33000 anb *tattotterg. • • EW" STORE !=--7WATs()N4, SON 11. 44're-opened at their Store ltOiirn, eii:the North west Corner at the Diamond, opposiioltraiiklin Chninbersburg, Pa., , an entirely new Stock of goods. Consisting of DOORS of nlia..st every description. Sta. tionery,pf all,kinds. Envelope.. Steel* PO; &C. Also a large anorttrient of WALL PAPER WINDOW BLINDS, Tations pikes, and a great vats efirnf NOTIONS .AND BANUY ARTICLES, Picturoo, VansYases, Ladies, and Idieses Baskets, .te.. 'Fancy soap and - `Perfumery. Also almod Assortment of Worsted, Shale/id' Wool. &c. and a great - varfety of goods too nunitironnefo insert to ylidolishey invite the attention of the 'l'nblic, and re , . aPootilelly solicit a abate of the pnblts"patteriage. Pleaie call and examine tostoelt. - ' - 0 WA $R A eo.N. Oaf. BURL II