The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, August 26, 1863, Image 4

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grit 1i tooitorg.
Wednesday. Morning, Ant. 28,1883.
t,; *ANDRE* G. COATIN, 'Centra l
' FOR SUPREME 3171)0E, ,!
t•. - , .
4 r. ansii*Ea' fiort Inpr4 Cianbersbarg.
OiMptariON TAYLOR: Cbamb'g.
1101 i .14EGOBTEP, AND IS I ZCORDP.R i ,
WEL 61.'3IITCDELIq Southampt4. "
ZAMEIii G. ELDER, F . ti Thema.
JOHN, DICE*LER, et+libersbnig.
WM. S. 4111.11018015' Washington
lifir Jolax IE-SiorrooF.! authorized ! to
!noeire Subscriptions and contract for Advertinethents
lbw the EsPosrrou in the Eastern cities
salt be had at the counter with or
without wrappers.' Price five cents.
RUMORS are again afloat of a rebel
. raid into the Valley, but they are, en-
tirely without foundation. At noon.
- yesterday, our lines in Virginia had
not been threatened jit any point, nor
the military authorities any informa
tion to - . justify apprehension on the
• We give, in another column the-la
test news from Charleston. The singe
'is - progressing most actively and .
Yorably, and in 'due time the Old Flag
will wave over the het-bed of treason.
It maybe the work
\ weeks to`' ac
oomPlish it, but the fall bf Charleston
seems as certain as any, event in the
future: The country will mourn
the loss of the gallnt Commander
Rodgers. -He was killed while nobly
fighting his vessel,. the Monitor Cat
skill. The Richmond Whig says that
"the two hundred pOund Parrot guns'
" of the enemy, are' oo 'Much for the
".walls of Sumter,'_'; and- the -whole
Southern press sedin'iTiO regard the
city as doomed. _
We have nothing definite fromthe
„ttiniy of the Potomac. The.;`,.l,Ktish
ington sensation coirespondenteihnve
been insisting that Lee is abbiti, to
make another aggressive movement
into MarYland and possibly :into
Pennsylvania andl-on the - other hand
the late Richmond papers insist that
iteade is about to !make a powerful
demonstration againat Lee. We doubt
whether offensive Operations will be
resumed- on either Ide for some weeks
to come. Both are looking florae af
ter. Charleston, and Lee has too many
leaks like East Tennessee, Mobile, &c.,
to justify the conclUsion that he is
largely _reinforced and means to move
Northward. Sucks step now on his
part would be the ',very last; act of
desperatieti, and he; could not fail to
come to final grief and the so-called
confederacy with him. • •
Roseerani, and Burnside are mow
ing simultaneously; but by different
routes, on East Tennessee—the/for
mer striking for Chattanooga, and the
latter for Knoxville. There is little
doubt of their - ability to reach and
, hold the points named, and thus re
store the entire State of Tennessee to
the trnion. Thus,' day by day, the li
mits of traitors are narrowed, and
the Government gadually but surely
*Attending its power.
General Hurlbut,` sent an expedition
to Grenada, Miss.,.ftor the parpOie of
preventing the rebels. from repairing
the railroad at that place. .The expe
dition -returned to Lagrange after
burning 57 locomotives, 400 ears, and
a large amount of ordnance and oth
er stores. They also l captured a large
number of prisoners.,
spißrit, FOR CUMIN.
The Spirit is out fcir Curtin. True,
it don't just exactly say , :that it wants
Aimse-eleeted, 'nor does'; it eultiyate
(hasteits and endearing in framing
its complimenti; but it's the Spirit's
islay, and we must take things as we
find them when mte can't make ;them
better. Persons who don't under !
litand that journal might call 14 vitu
perative in the higheit degret, and
.oelare it given:to faliifying with a
recklessness almo#t witbout a wall*
but things sometimes work by' con
traries, and the Spirit is one of -that
kind. Probably it was called into
being in the sign of the crab, and Can't
help hoofing and clawing, because its
Nature forbids a straight for Ward
movement either in theOry orpraCtice.
. In its last issue it thus, in its; own
peculiar way, compliMents Gov: Cur=
tin's administration: ~ •
"It was thus faithful? whenitd sharki and
harpies furnished 'shoddy' clothing which
fell to pieces on-the first wearing, shoes with
pasteboard' soles, damaged blankets unable
even to withstand the gentle zephyrs of sum
nier,-spoiled 'meat and mouldy crackers, to
the brave volunteers who first:Tushed to the
defense of the 'flag ; thus realizing millions
of . money out of , their contracts, enabling
'them to' roll in wealth and luxury.; to raise,
their palatial marble mansions fromtbeeaith
as if magic ; to flash their diamonds in' the
salobns of pleasu, re and dissipation ; to.clotho
their persons in the rare goods of Europe and
Asia; to live in untold splendor and magnifi
cence, on money plundered from the treasury
and withheld from lour brave volunteers,
while those volunteers were' _bleeding and
dying to preserve the integrity of our insti
The touching pathos, burning pa
triotism, brilliancy of delineation, and
gems of historic beauty, whiCh flash
in dazzling splendor• in the foregoing
extract, point. clearly to the profound
political- strategy of the Spirit, by
which it means to re-elect Curtin by
professing not to' do it. Next to
praising a man, the best way to make
him friends and votes is to flOod the
community with. bewildering defama- :
tion and falsehood ; and As telling the
truth is not exactly in the Spirit's line,
it chooses thcway in which it is most
proficient to promote Gbv. Curtin's
election, and exhansts:itself in an ef
fort to see - how.many falsehoods May
be‘ crowded in a few..lines.
Distasteful as is the Spirit's strategy
in seeking the .re-election of Gov.
Curtin, we must henceforth regard it,
an anxilary in the Union cause and
the successnf our worthy ExecutiVe.
Nor is it an anomaly in its position
Somebody must burn their : fingers
when chesnuts are 'to be pulled out
of the fire, and scavengers are just as
necessary to a "community as gentle:
men; and as the Spirit has chosen its
duty, we can.only look to -the good
it may accomplish and leave it and
its infinitesmal conscience' to arrange
as to . the means it employs. "Of
course it knows' that Gov: Curtin
never furnished " spoiled meat and,
"mouldy crackers to the brave vol
"unteers," for the reason that they
were in the U. S. -service, and were
• L,
supplied by U. StatesOffieers ; but as
it wasn't trying or -meaning to tell
the truth, it had to assert that he did
starve and poition the soldiers for the
benefit of contractors, of whose busi
ness he had neither control or knowl
edge. Of course it knows ,that the
"shoddy,""damaged blankets," which
were defeated in a tilt with the "gen
tle zephyrs of • summer," and the
" stioes with pasteboard soles, so far
as sup - plied by the State„ were all fur-.
nished in contracts advertised and let
to the lowest bidder, and 'Controled
and managed entirely • by Quarter
Master General Hale, who never voted
anything else than a Democratic ticket
in his life, and who was Surveyor of.
the Port undei.'President Pierce. It
is also well advised that a committee
of the Legislature, headed by that
stubborn Democratic Reformer, Mr.
Rex, of Montgomhy, after hearing
all the testimony as to the furnishing
of supplies by the State made a unani
mous report, under oath, l not only
acquitting the Governor otall wrong,
but commending his; zeal, fidelity and
integrity in •the strongest terms.
Still, as-the Spirit means to defame
Gov. Cartin _into a re-election, it is
consistent with itself and its . purpose
,m Shutting its eyes to the 'light of
truth,' and in drawing bewitching pic
tures of Oriental splendor, and liar- .
rowing up the publin.,soul by por
traying monstrous ivrorigs on the
part of remorseless•ofticials.''
— , We don't exactly object to the
Spirkaiding in the re-election of Gov.
•Cartiit; but we beg to suggest that
it tell the truth occasionally—say
once amonth or so, just for the nov
elty of the thing, or 'for - the sake of
reference. If it does not,, it may
want to tell the truth some time,—
pot for the intrinsic merit of the ar
ticle, but as a' matter of ' interest or
policy, atid_the thingeris that nobody
will believe it. Iri last week's edito
rial page we have been unable to find
any material truth save in_ the date
of the paper, , ands that 'most, likely
would have been wrong, but for the
factthat there are ten almanacs in
the county to every cOpy,of the Spir
it that is- - circulated, and :the odds
were too hea7 for it. - Be 4Lodere,te
neighbor—be inaderate. .
Oc_it*liii:*l3oo.o4 l , ' qtfitint . 4o 4, VI.
nti irwros coluzeri-iicsEr.
The Union County ConVention did
a good day's work, in presenting a
most meritorious and acceptable tick
et to the . people for their suffrages.
If it cannot be elected, then must the
"Green. Spot" be faithlese to herself,
to•lxer conceded loyalty,: and to our
eon~mon country.. Of the five Dailies
preisented for the leading: offices, four
ha'e been in actual service in the
field and honorably discharged at the
expiration' of their tertns,—two of
whom are hopeless crippfeas froth
wounds received, in battle, and the
other - is a gentleman of such infirm
health as to, disqualify, him, for the
ordinitry business of life.
Maj: K. Shannon Tailor, the can
didate for Prothonotary, was connec
ted with the military berore the war
broke out; and he responded to the
first call for troops made by the gov
ernment when Sumter was bombard
ed. He went out as a private in the
2d Penna. Volunteers,` and was after
wards promoted to a' Lieutenancy,
He is a true, earnest,'l4-al man, and
has uniformly and \ zealously acted
aa t ,ainst the so-called-Democracy. He
was warmly supported forProthono
tary three' years ago, 'and was sus
tained in the late Convention. with a
degree = of fidelity and positiveness
that gave him success. He will call
to thf support of the ticket a large
class ofour Young, active men, and
will contribute much to :the decisive
'victory in store for it in• October next.
Messrs. T. Jefferson Nill, candidate
for -Assembly ; Henry Strickler, can
didate for Register and Recorder;
James G. Elder, candidate for Treas
urer, and John .Doebler, candidate
for Director of the Poor, all- served
creditably in the 126th Regiment:
Elder was the Colonel;' commanding,
and fell severely wounded in the
thigh at FredericksbUrg, • and has
since been unable to wal without his
crutches Strickler was a Sergeant,
and fell at the same sanguinary strug
gle with his loft arm So shattered
by a musket ball as to require ampu
tation above the elboW. Nill was Ist
Lieutenant in the Waynesboro coin:-
pany, and waa commissioned Quarter
master—a position hellled with em
credit to himself and accepta
bility to the'regiment. His superior
business qualities, great fidelity and
stern integrity, pointed him out by
general consent as the man for the
responsible position and he fully met
every reasonable eipectation; Doeb
ler was . Captain of Company A, 'from
this place, and fell at Fredericksburg,
while gallantly leading his men, with
his left arm terribly shattered by a
rifle ball; and he has not yet recov
ered the use of it. Of the fitness of
these men for the offices for which
they have been nominated ; there is
butane judgment: In point of char
acter and qualifications they come up
to the severest standard of honesty,
and competency; and their devotion
to their country's, 'cause, as evinced
by their herobith on the bloody field,
and by the honorable wounds they
won in-defence of our common Free
dom, will endear theth and their cause
'to every loyal heart The people ef,
Franklin county, Who have been the
victims of rebel barbarity and plun
dering,.will rall ; y 4 with an enthusiasm
that will be bounded by no party
lines,,to give these men a crowning
triumph at the polls.
Mr. Mitchell, the nominee for Clerk
of the Courts, is the . present incum;
bent, and ha's shown how faithfully
he .has discharged, his duties by a re-
nomination. isphysienny disqual
ifiedJor manual , labor by infirmities
resulting from disease'; but is peculiar
ly fitted for the position for which he
is a candidate.. Blameless in charac
ter and strong with the loyal men of
the county, he*Will be triumphantly
elected. Messrs:. Good', o 1 Quincy, the
candidate for Commissioner, and Am
berson, of Washington, candidate for
Auditor, are well known to the peo
ple of the county, of the high
est standing and good business quali
fications, and will be cordially
supported-and fully share in the, over
whelming Victory the ticket will
achieve for itself and the government
in October nest.
LoTo 1 the ticket is 'now
complete, We roust not be content
with its : - election. Organize at pnce
in every .district, and the "Green
8pot". will thunder to the tune ; of a
thoinand majority in behalf of the
Unityf, the Republic. A little earn
est work; and all will be well _1 '
TELE HarrisburiPatrio - t and Union,
the central organ of Judge Woodward,
has steadily, recklessly and malicious
ly opposed the draft, and has excused
every act of lawlessness against it,
justified every perversion of the law,
and, as far as its limited power ex
tended, prepared the' ignorant and
faithless' for resistance, even to the
shedding of blood.
It was deaf .to every call from the
army of the - Potomac and from the
loyal men of the Nation, for re-inforce
, ments, to enable - our brave defew)ers
of the Flag to reap the fullest fruits
of their victories. By every possible
means it sought to defe j at the conscrip
tion and thus defeat the intretige , of
the Army •in the teld. When -our
-comnianders and''soldiers with one
voice called.,for the promptest supply
Of fresh men,to cheer their hearts and
strengthen them for decisive triumphs,
the Patriot and Union ever ansivered.
with a fiendish quibble about the
laws, and poured out a fresh current
-of poison upon the sentiment of the
But its efforts to defeat a draft has
been as impotent as they were trai
torous and malignant. True, it was
cheered with a short reign of murder,
robbery, arson and lawlessness gen
erally in New York, as the legitimate
fruits of
-the teachings it humbly ech-
Oes ; but still the draft goes on, and
its earnest efforts to defeat, for' Jeff.
Davis, the increase of the - Union ar
iniesl. have proved abortive. ' Despair
ing to array its . " friends" of New
- -York against the laws agnin, it now
whines • pitiously because troops have
"been drawn from the Army of the
" Potomac" to preventfresh seems of
butchery in the Empire city. It in
sista that "there is no More necessity
" for the presence of the troops at
" New York than at Harrisburg or
" Pittsburg," and mourns lest " inno
cent blood" be shed by the folly of
sanding troops to interfere with the
freedom of Gov. Seymonr's "friends."
—Why don't the Patriot and Union
• I
adhere to its friends? Scores of them,
who gave it the only faint ray of com
fort it has had lately, by - murdering,
stealing and sacking. to their hearts'
content under Gov. Seymour's eye,
now occupy cells in the penitentiaries
'of the .State, and must be punished
I there for years for obeying the teach
ings of traitors. Why' not demand
their release as martyrs to freedom of
speech and conviction ? If the Patriot
and Union is right, they : were right ; I
if it is loyal, they were loyal; and it
is the skulking coward's part -to goad
them to anarchy' and crime,_and then
turn from them to bring fresh rioters
upon the altar of treachery and law
BRIG. Gen. Alexander Hamilton
Coffroth, M. C., has written a letter—
the common folly of all, weak breth
ren, and sometimes committed by
men of even middling sense. He in
sists that he wasn't at Gettysburg at
all, either at or after the battle,. nor
has he seen a single person froth Ad
ams county—from which we infer
that he means to controvert the idea
that he got fuddled on • the. butter
milk question or confused on Adams
county worm-fence, and that he didn't
"berate the Union troops." On one
point however he leaves no roona. for
'inference—the Editor of the' REPOSI
TORY must "be branded as a malicious
"slanderer." We don't much object
to such compliments from the 'ave : i 7
age of members of Congress—indeed
think it rather creditable ;- but as the
Gen. might be taken by kindred men
at his own estimate. .4'.)f hinthelf, and
thus rank him: aseloquent in his lo
quacity and prodigious in all the ele
ments of greatness, we are disposed
to take issue with him on the -"mall
"eious slanderer." We wouldn't slan
der the General fof'several reasons.
Uttering falsehoods is' always to be
reprobated ; butshOOtinisuch costly
ammunition at nething and very lit
tle of that, would be unpardonable
alike in theory and: practice. Mis
takes may happen hckweverr particu
larly when 'editors talk of fools ae
cording to their folly ; but we dis
claim the . "midicious' and apologize
to any extent. • We therefore -with
draw everything we have said about
his visit to Adams' county, and ma /
king claiins for damages, beeanSe since
,publication Ave. have been , satis
fied it: was not correct.. If ever we
meet the tinker we shall apologize to
him, and if the Gen: desires, we will
make a - general apolo_gy to all the
owners ofworm-fee -WAdtimigotur
ty. We assure him that he eltall .not
complain of ari!y_ half-WaY work in the
matter. If he -will only write some
forty letters or so and post us up ful
ly, he shall haVe the ampreat restitu
tion that can he made in.the language.
-Seriously;--General, do stop ma
king an ass ofTourself: There's noth
ing original•,, in it. ,You're not the
first of the sort that has blundered
into CongresS-to make a respectable
constituency blush ! '
W intimated last week that ,the
Spirit had got tangled on the Ken
tacky- election- It was disconsolate
because • Gen; Burnside ordered that
"no disloyal; persons be allowed to
" vote ;" declared it a most " alarming_
" minifestatienef nsitrpationP insist
ed that the result showed'" ;with what'
" frightful rapidity we are drifting into
"despotism" and wound up its lamen
tations by Pronouncing the election
of Gen. Brantlette " no cause for con=
" gratulation." In last week's issue
it considersi the Kentucky - election
rather a cleVer affair; tries to wriggle
Gov.Brantletteinto semi-Copperhead
ism, and _declares that" his platform
" is the same that was adopted by the
"Democracy of Pennsylvania at their
" late Stata Contention," and con
eludes by saying that "the Demoera
".ey of Pennsylvania intend to give
"another sah verdict for the uncondi:
"tional restoration of the Union on
" the I:ith day of October next l" If
the Spirit ever means or hopes to be
believed, its should allow at least one
week to elapse without flying into its
own face and scratching out its own
ey4.- On the 12th inst. it declared
the Kentnelty election " no cause for
" congratulation . ran " alarfning man
" ifestation of usurpation," &c., and
on the 19th it boasts that the Demo
cracy Of the State " intend to give
*another such Verdict," at the next
•election. ;Now you see it ; Old, now
you don:ti see it 1 Can anybody tell
where the little joker is ?
'THE friends of the, Union must not
permit the superior vigilance of the
enemy to ;either defeat or impair their
triumph in Franklin county. Rost
'assured that the foe -will exhaust eve
ry effort to swell their vote; and they
must 'be net by. systematic ;organiza
tion and earnest effort at every point.
If there is a single district in Frank
lin county wherein the work of Union
organization has not been eommene
ed, we entreat, the. Union , voters- to
see to it ;at onet, Let not another
week pass withinit potiitive Steps be
ing taken to secure the fullest possi
ble vote in October next. '
Upon our efforts depend the - meas
ure of our success. We owe it to the
Governthot, now.reaching the noon
tide of triumph, and bringing Peace
and established Nationality as the
rich fruits of its victories, to speak in
thunder , tones' in vindication of the
great cause and the loyalty - of our
people. _ - •
THE people of Adams county have
been thoroughly vindicated from the
slanders heaped upon them by a.i few
reckless correspondents, who evident
ly- got either too much or 'too little
whiskey during. their stay. It is
probable that Adams county, like ev
ery other community ; has aTew niean
men who would extort froth soldiers;
but that' the people generally acted
most patriotically; and suffered every
privatiOn necessary to add to th 6
comfort of our troops, and especially
to the sick nitd wounded, there can
be no room for doubt. One 'by one
the specific charges hate been most
conclusively answered, and the
Wilt be slow to give any 'credence
to such shameless attacks hereafter.
MAJOR WAYI4. li'Vnnau, of Ches
ter, has been appointed 'Chairman of
the Union State Committee; and-will
at once enter upon his arduous and
responsible duties. He is a. yonng
man of brilliant attainments, untiring
energy and matchless fidelity to the
Union cause, and he will infuse a de
gree Of vigor into the contest worthy
of the. struggle. We hope to have his
first address for our next lime. We
need hot assure our readers that it
will Offer no apology for treason in
any form, nor propose any half-way
support to the vital issue of p reserv
ing the Republic. •
A iEW old political fossils have had
a secret conclave in Western New
York to consider the propriety of
,having a conservative organization
for 'the next Presidential election._
The - nuontrj , with its pressing duties,
and nlunkenions . itisues run clear
awikylkoixitthem, long . enough h*re
ni - tlliatiorial election. they
t hen play with the remaining shadow - ,
of fogyism. _ •
THE Democrats of York count] lave nb‘
'hutted Daniel Reiff And John P. Spaag*
for Assembly, Win. W. Wolff for SherA
Wra-Jigenfritz for Prothonotai7, Samuel
Zeigler for Clerk, Wm. B. Woods for ;;Re
corder, and reter Mclntyre for ASsociater
Judge. The Kriighis of the Golden Mae
prevail -=more extensively in York Count.
than in any other section , bf the Statt,
their ticket will pretty certainly be '4010 . 4:h
In no part of Pennsylvani has Jefr'PaY - by.,
stronger footing than in that county, and- ocv
comae they will vote the Democratic ticket _
is naturally as a- duck takes to water. ;- .( •
THE State Agricultural Fair ' wilLstiike
place at .Norrfstawn, 3fontgornery 'Conk*,
on the. 29th and 80th days c;fSeptetiiher, •
'and the Ist and 2d day of Ochiber, 1-860.
The Most liberal arrangements are Dcitjg ,
Made with :Rail Road Companies. and soli.'
pf.the-important roads have agreed to .earry -
-freight free. Excursion tickets will he is
sued at reduced rates. The Premitiin Wit
very heavy and thelocalit:y accessible by the
`Norristou n and Philadelphia Rail:Road, and .
Also by the Reading Rail - Road.' ,For premi
um list acid particulars address. to A. •.11.
LOngaker, Secretary. Norristown Pa., .
WE have The Gadidian for August, refit
with able and interesting religious and lite
mry articles. Rev. H. Harbaugli„p. D.
the Editor contributes the leading paper ID'a
The Incarnation,' and displays great biblical
research. The Guardian is "devoted to the
social,. -literary •and religious interests 'of
young men and ladies," and merits a wide
circulation. M. Keiffer & Co., Pubßabat%
- Chambersburg, Pa Price4l per annum.
TIM Union Convention of 13edfo'rd coun
ty, nominated G. D. Trout for AsseMbly;
A. B. Bunn, for.Orothonatory; ;)Vinista
Gephart for= Judge, and John d."tlinnich
tor - Treasurer. It is a good ticket and ought
to be elected. Wonder if there is-anybody
on that ticket who withdrew his' ilibscrtp
tion to the volunteer fund, as Aid lira Shan
non, the Democratic candidate for Priithon
otary ?
Tins Union Convention of F,erry county
have nominated Cherie; A. Barnitt for As
sembly, F. M. M'Keehan for .Prothoubtary,
Irwin Chrisholm for Register, James id'll
henny for Treasurer, and J. D. 11. Gantt for
bietrict Attorney. Mr. Rarnitt is a young
lawyer of superior abilities, sterling charac
ter, and will nudzella most creditable repre,,
sentative. He cnOiardly fail to„he chosen.‘
Wi are pained to• learn of the accidental
death of Alpheus J. Marshall, Esq., a young
memter of the Carlisle bar. He wasip.
adelphia on
_professional business, and was
run over on the street by a furniture wagttn,
and survived but a few hours. He was •an
estimable young gentleman, and .his slid and
untimely. death will be widely regretted out
'side the circle of his immediate relatives.
Tan Democrats of Ilintingdon have nom
inated John- Zentmyer for Assembly ;
Massey_ for Prothonotary ; G. Ash Miller
rot Register, and B, Long for. Treasurer. it
is understood that the Democrats of - Hun
tingdon favor the nomination of HOn. John
Cessna,`of Bedford for .senator.. It would
bfr an odd mingling to see Cessna on a tk.lret
with Wo•alward. - '
. TEE Union mon of Huntingdon county
have nominated David Etnier for Aisembly,
Wm. C. Wagoner for,.Protlionotary, D. W.
Womelsdorf for Register,' and John - Housr
holder-lir Treasurer. Dr. H. Orlady vitas ,
recommended for Senator; .but we presume
that,BenatorStutzman, of Somerset will be,
non:dilated and elected. •
THE Kentucky EleCtion has some remaiii
able features. The Union vote is heaviest
where they have felt the war most keenly,' .
while the rich unharmed couhties hack from
Louisville voted more as Jeff Davis would
have them. 'Those 4ho knok the evils of
war, arc unconditional Unionists.oftbe best,
Tas DemOcrats of Crawford counts
nominated Patterson Johnson for Assembly._
A. M. Osburn for Sheriff, IL ILSargent for
Prothonotary, J. B. lit'Gce for Re ,sister, E.
A. Beynolds and W. F. Owen for'A;sociata
-.lndy*, and J. G. Burlingham for Treasurer.
Thatticket will be second best by a eoupto
thousand or so.
• HON. R. A, .11c.11urtrie-has been re-rrnmlN.
nated for Assembly by the Union. men of
little Blair. He will be elected by- a large
majority. He has already served three years
in the Senate and one in.the.Biouse, and pox-•
sews superior - abilities with his long experi
eiMo as a legislator. -
Tss ,Union ticket 'in Snyder county it
Peter Biddy, Jr., of Montour for Senator l ;
Samuel Alleman for Assembly ; Daniel Wit
mer for Judge, and Moses Specht for Sheriff.
Saydor elects a Senator with Coiumbia,
Montour and Northumberland, and two Ae
semblymen with Juniata and Union. - ,
TH2 Democrats of Clinton have nomtna
ted Oel. A. C. Noyes for Assembly, and
John= W. Smith for Sheriff. Col: Noyes
served u member last session, and' was above
the wierege of his - party in, - fidelity to -O.*
cause of the government.
Tim Wisconsin Republican State Conven
tion asaembled at 'Madison, Wis., and nomi
nated J. T. Lewis for Governor, and Judge
Spooner fa Lieutenant Governor.'
Ricues,nSuainsit, of F,alton:conuty,
who was arrested daring the rebel invasion
and sent to Fort 3icHenry, hss
charged Sad is now at hone: