The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, August 26, 1863, Image 3

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rauldin 11,t,poitttr.t.
, _One hundred - and twenty-three of John
:, Rifin'g4n 's officers have been sent to the State,
iiiori at Harrisburg, Pa..
It,-is stated that a large,foree has One .frPtn
Atie Yorktown peninsula to assist !Gen.. 'Gil
,„lftt- ore in the siege cq* ; 6hatl,., tor.. , • •
6;111A thousand conscripts_ a day already, join
, j.the'army of the Potomac. , Soon the, Lunn
/ bee will be greater. They go forward-in ex
, I ,;:e/lent Spirits. „ , _ • „. •
•'• i 'the Mobile papers are bemoaning the ire-
14rettnt southerners ' who ehave deserted , their
{country.' Extensive fortifications have been
I._thrown up around this .city. ' Bragg is 4t,
[ Chattanooga. : ':- --
1 •
, -,.,,General Herron, is believed to be moving
,( soward - Mobile, which, according to- :the
.Rebels, is to be saved at all hazards.. Thy
.i. are fortifying it and - making every ptepara
; , tion for a stout defense.
1 "
'The" Itutikard_s of , Perunt s ylvania, - a non
-I:realstent religions body, at their annual as
ji Danily, voted to sustain the Government.
INand pay the commutation . of every, member
•who should be drafted.
- - The Richmond DiSpatch of the 17. th inst.,'
k . F 443 : ' "We have made Our calculatipas long
! ago that the towns within reach' Of the elle
my's nay.v wouldihll:'-', Coming events cast
' their shadOws before. ' .
;-;Brigadier .H
;Brigadier cneral Benjamin Grierson,
„, ks,4tssigned to dutyfas eldef of cavalry, of .
'the-I6th Army Corps, headquarters. at Mem
'!.. phis, Tenn., relieving Co/. W., H. H. Taylor
of the, 6th Ohio Cavalry, _ ~.. , ,
•": Gen. Grant is a man of great military re
,• aim ree. His latest contrivance is theorgani
aation Of a water department in .his. ,army,
by which his foreeswill be able 4) traverse
any portion of Mississippi, however'di , :stitute
, , • „ •
-of water, ' . .. ~
It is said that the Rebels have' between
3430 and 60' Union commissioned nificeis in
their hands, while our Government has aver
.. , s
. a regiment of the same class of prisoners of
war now on Johnson Island, in Sandusky
Harbor, Lake Erie.
li*rank Battle, .of the Rebel army, who was
captured a few dAyssinee. and takento Nash
yille; has been placed hi close confineinent in
the Penitenthiry, to be held as a hostage; for
- , Calk. Thirris, of the East Ten nesseeCavalry,
who; it is reported, is confined in' irons at
'trnixville, by order of the Rebel authorities.
, - , • .
- . According to‘the Montgomery ,(Aia, ) Ad. :
veri*r, the finances of the Confederacy aro
tint in a flattering condition. It says of Ole
policy of rebel Secretary geminger, that With
a smaller civil and_'.ihilitary establishment
than-the North, the expenses Of the Confed.
orate Governniennt are nearly double those
of the 'United States. _ - • . .
G. Meade has been so much troubled by
resident Rebels in Virginia, . who' Play.' the
loyalist by day and destroy railroads bY night
that he has ordered that hereafteriwhen any
' damage is done to the roads, the Piople With
in.-tenmiles of the - dace 'Will be ferektl to"
' make the necessary repairs. If this' does not
,stop the depredations. he will i;ead the:entire
population of the locality' beyond This lints,
and take their Pioperty for Goverriment use.
riling to what are believed to be au- .
ate&tie reports-frOm Lee's army, the troops
. fro North Car(4ini t ' MississipPi l and .; Ten
Ar7.l'sre are bece j ug so dissatisfied, vith their
cause that the i-titegration of that' army
may be looked .' r any :day, linfess 'sortie
prompt measureS for its preservation can be
devised by Day.K. Their wretched condition
ana'the facts of the ir Soutliwesteindisasters
• ' are becoming so-well knoWn attptigst them,
are prsumed. to 'be the prime kanses.
, , •
• The President.hasdeterin . earrynito
effect his recent - order-relative to the 'retalia
tion upon prisoners i gf war. He htia ordered
that three prisoners from SOuthi Carolina
shall Ira held in close confinenannt'ai3 hostagei
~ for three negro seamen captured oil the gun.. -
~.• boat 'lsaac Smith, and whonie
alleW in prison
•at Charleston. All other prie'otiewitether
• white or black, treated by the 'enemy hi a
-.• manner not applicable to pr'i.4otterrs of war,:
will be equallyieliesented by Sou kern men.
From Missouri we have wordoftahrilliant
little affair which transpiredut or t near Pine
ville, a pot, village of ,McDoffalti county . ;
Missouri, and situated on the .Elk, River:
Colonel Coffee, commanding a
,Rebel fdrce,-
4.ttacked Colonel Catherwood, : Sormnanding -
the Sixth Missouri Cavalry .(State Militia.),,
and, was repulsed r with heavy,loss in killed; ,
, 4ouiided and prisoners. . - coffee-Si: art - ririunt-•
.tiO • traing, co/rim issary '- sttn4as;' arms, &c:,.
'&.e.:, fell into our hands, an&friitioiips, with
- -the exception of a couple-I-handfed, were
• routed completely. ;
A deserter: who came into our lines , near ;
Portsmouth,-ti irginia, professes nail from
Fort Darling, on the JamoSiniv and,if he
• can 'be believed, his informatitirmilll ;prove, 14
• Mach value. / He . represents. they artrianrnt e
of Fort Darling as consistilag, - a-six guns,
three seven-inch rifles and , :threektiharbetti;
Below the farts the,Robelslm,vedug holes in
• . •
,tlie bluff and mounted eatinoniatif,,thern, the
'ports lifeinientAirough the solid, earth: of
the liluffin their front.
„. mond is completed And" !tor •action 7,
Retells a t sir onderful
honrd, which sent a solid's:Yet '4mithrough
eight incies:sof iron platin4 With . `a >iilteen
-inch - oak _haeking. The' litaieli'inn-boat
"' , Virginie. arid the Chiekalionlinyinre ins for
'. ward state, but are not yegiro. Plated
: account of the burning:: of ,Tredgiir
Works f several mon,ths,sin4 t , the armor
being,Prepared-at, these works when the fire
oce.# 2 , :cdd. - The people' 'ire Aiehmond , aie
to be very tnuth deprefsealtind - despoil-,
' a dent si 'cc the fall of Yid:Ail' g and 'Port
.11450ri- a •
tug .
Headgu„afters, Provost Marshal, ,
' 16th District. Pennsy/ranicW
Chtmbershurg, August
euAGE tie Sec. 2def, the' let of Congress, passed.
Awed:o4lB63: ,
• •Sze.2. That the tAtawiag Persons be. and they are
hereby, excepted and exempt from the provisions of this
• act, and shell not be liable' to military duty under the
• •- urie, to wit Such as are rejected as physicall,y or men•.
telly unfit for he service; also;first, the - V ice-President •
of the ytf htates, the judges of the various courts of
the United States. th 6 heads of the cations exeentive de
partments ot the government, and the governtrs of the
several States. Second, the only son liable to military
duty of a widow dependent upon his labor tor support.
Third. the only son of aged or infirm p.trent or ,
dependent npowhir tabor Mr- support. Fourth, where
there are two or more sons of aged or infirm parents sub;
jset draft. the' father; or if he be dmd. the 'Mother,
may elect which SOU shall be exempt., Fifth, the, only
brother of chthlteri not twelve Years old, having neither
father nor mother. dependent upon his labor fur support'
Sixth, the father of inotherle4s children under twelve.
yam of ace, dependent upon his labor fur support.
Seventh, where there are a fathet and sons in the. name
funily.and household, and two of them are in toe mili
tary service of the United Stated as. non-commissioned.-
-ofacer6,mmict a ns,er privates. the:residue of each tunny
and household, nut exceeding two, shall be' exempt;
And no persons but such as are herein • exceptad,sball be
exempt: Paxvided, howerer, That no mason Oho has
been tnnvieted of any felony shalt be enrolled or permit-1
ted to Burro in said t,ress.
See.'Ell of the !Maul:Mons prescribed for the govern
ment of the Bureau of the Provost Maiwttal Uhnerul
rends as follows :
To establish exemption under the second, third fourth
'fifth and sixth previsions of section 2of the act fat en
rolling and canine out the notional forces, •S:c :the board
shall require thoidfaihVit3 lit the person 'seeking to be
exempt and of two resimetablornett, (heads of families.)
residing in the diarist, that the ntan lit question is, - ”the
onlyson liable to military duty of a -widow drienclont
an his Lobos fo Viapport,""theonly son of aged or infirm
*trot( or
. parents dependent on-has labor for support,"
or otherwise, according to the particular precision Of the
Sectitrn tinder which the exemption is claimed. These
affidavits will lie made itccOrding to the firnW, heeohinfter
t3reecribed, nattnt,ust elirases be taken betwea civil
Magistrate ditly authorized to utintinister oaths.- These
forms !.f . Affidavits shall be pqlished by the board of en
' rolinient in the newspapers of the district. for the int
°Nile Oldie. when a draft is ordered. , j
Th 4 foim of affitiavit required under the fourth pro
visioti, of 'Sec. 21 of the law is publitled in uvother ;ad ,
vertiSsruent of the same date with this. elnintii for ex.
eruption under that part of, the Inronuat be filed before
the draft,
• • The following-additional forms of affidavit are
• V 0411.25 .4 1. , .
Qrtfficate of czemptimi for the Mn of it widow, r of
Ow/ and ipfirnt parent or porents.
T. the subscriber. .... .. rkeitlent of ......
county. Ststo of here* cerilty , thirt4.s,....34
--being liable to military ;:uty under the atiior-gen
giess ••h r enrolling and calling out the national f, rsea'."
so- approved March 18t13, &Fa the only son, of •
a widow. (or of an aged 'parent,) depena,
ant Oniny tabor ler support.
We. the eubseribere, do betehy ceitity that the above
named ...... he the only am of n widow,ater of aged, ,
and infirm petents.) dependent on his lather tar suppor.t.
•• • •• •• , • ,
Personliny , appeared before me, ...... ...lii4e.abcCve
named ' and ' and sevetally''' . ulad`f oath
that the above . certilitzte is correct and tette-, In the
beat of their knowl god and beltef
Dated this day of 186, .
Nett 1.- , -The. first of the I.bove certilieatss mutt be
signed by the pecsonotaitning exemption, a n d the sec
ond t - 6 - two respeotau le citizens ‘ticads of families) reel
dents of the town, county, er d,st.ict. in Which the per
son resides, mid awotu to before a magistrate
Note 2"--This certificate is to be used only in cases
where the taboret the petton clansthit. , exemption is
actually necessary Pir the suppoit of the pers.m de.
pendent on him. E llie ez utptibtt dues nut apply in.
trees where there is audicieat p:uperty to yield soppm't
and the necessary business for t . collecting the income
can te transacted by agenta.trusteeS,',or the like. '
'arifiaate that the pre:lszni 2iabte t i draft ix the only brother
of a chili:kw oiLittrokiepiationt'an his; laoor for suk
port. .
I, the subscriber. '' .... being liable to draft into
the service if the linitea :Antes, hereby make aftiti.orit
that the only brother or under It years of
agecanYingnelllxer Whir or mother, dePelldeltt on
my Libor tor support.
We, the subscribers. ' add -
ree,identa ... count. State of
hereby certify that ... .. ....... who is lia
ble to draft, is the ea) brother ........... under
1.. year of agiOtaving neither father nor mother, and
dependent on his labJr for etippott. -
'Personally ap,pertrill before W. the above named'
' and - yawl -severally made oath that
the Taw' e certificate )6 eon ee t and tine, to the best of
their lona - ledge and- belief.
Dated ...... this 0f.....
lion:le-This certificate is to
-be used only in cases the labor of the person claiming 'exemption is
actually necessary for,the supping of the persons de.
pendent tin him. The exemption does not apply in cases
.wherethere issafticient prupurty to yield support, and
'the necessary buhniees can tie - transacted fur collecting
the 'motile by„sgents. trustees, or the 1ik4.1 -
Nets 2.—The first certificate must be signed' by the
person claiming exemption. and the second ihy two res
spectable persons" (head.. of familiei.) residents in the
RUM! , Viten, county. or district with the person fur whom
exemption is clamed.
Fettsl 2
arEffieate Um/ ttaamenOcrA of the fatally iti" the peraorz
liabk to. draft are already in the lifilttaly service of
the United States. .
We. t tie e stibScrib•lll,
residents of
heyeby cart
Stites, as •
Pe'socially appeared bef )re me, the abotJe
......e and severally made oath thatthe above
eertiheate in correct and true, to the beet or their;
knowledge and Male'. •
Dated day ut
1 Kato I.—This is only intended - to ripply where !the
members of the family clainiing exemption reside M o ths
stiato family. If ally of the:LaFreniere reshle elsewhere,
I, and. hare gone Into the military service of the ;United
1' States, no eieniption Wand' account can 'fres 'clammed
iroxx 2.—This certificate must Fai ei,gieri by one el the
"parents ' if there be any; !villa - , by two respecfable per
otoref(liiiadie of, families) reident hi the same town. county
or district with the person for *whom exemption is
F 0.1.01 29
•• - •
arrefficege that the person tqdraft it the father of
motherkas children, under 12 'years. of -age, depindent
an his lahor fur support.
"the anterriber. being liabM to "draft. into
the service of the United,Uatea, hereby, make affidafit
that l'am the fathdr of • ' mutherlela nn
der.l2„vinirs ox age, and dependent on my fakir for so
*te, the ittbscrlbera, ....... ..... . and
residents of cuunty, State of
hereby ' is father of ' •
motherless children upder 12 yearn of age, rind ',44l.tand
ant' CHI bilk labor for rapport, '
• ,rensoncly appeared before me, MI ahore aam ,, d'
and .... ...... aml teeerilly made oath thattbe aboye
eeretifhatte is Correct and true = to the best of Weir'
knowledge Wad hclief. t . . .
' . .
•.I , •
. .
39tice the l'epie.
'bated thie: ALly of 186 J • •q •
jiptz.... - ..The first certificAte must Designed by the per•,
son claiming exemptihn, and - the .. .second by two reit
puttnhie Perstlas • (heads, ot families) -resident "In the
same town, county. or district with the person for whom
whom exemption is claimed.
roitmzo t . , -., , . . • -...
k 4 vuur,tc,jor exemption on account of umuitabknets of
• age.
. .
county, State
o f basing hesti en? olled under the provisions
rrren actor Congress ."ror enrolling &ad uzilJng out the
natiotarf farces," dc., approved starch 3, 1863. as liable
20.Porrtita military duty in the •setrice of the Wilted
States, hereby certify that I am not legally Subject to
.Ifickliabillty, and To thefullustig rprAson : •
"That I am years 'of age. ,
of the town. count). and State above mentioned, hereby
certify that the above:atelement of
age is oaeriet and true : lo the beat of our knowledge
- and boner;
„ ............... .....
Personalty appeared before die, the aliere'ileJnta .
and and morally pada . oath
that the abare eertifleatea are coireet and trap, to 'the
Legitd tlmlr knowledge and ; ; • -
:`, -r: : Justke of the
Dated 4 ;••••• this darof 188 ,
-; ,;(OlEV—The time!:
where piacticable, to be signed -by' the parents of the
person eland nrezepiption, and the requirements speci
fied in the regulations are to be adhered to. The blank
space in the eertiffcate to indicate the age of the per
son is to be filled na follows: -
That I am' meat TWENTY" yttara•of age. "
That I " ova TWISTY rrvit" pears of age, "AND
MARIIIED." ' ,- ,
That lam ovra YouTY-Ftir." pearls of age according
to the facts in the case. •
NOTE 2,—ln case the certificate is not signed 'by , the
parents, the fact of age tnna he certified to by'two,.res
pectalde persons (heads of families) resident in the same
town, connty,or district.with the person for whom ex
emption is claimed, and the requirements of paraarah.
01, Regulations, &c., must be Oomph ed with.
0131). EY:-.TEtt,
Pro. Mar. and Preat. f Board Of Enrollment.
' Commissinner of Board of Mnrolment.
. ,
Surgeon of Board of EnrollMent.
Aug 12-3 t ,
Headquarters, Pr,rost harslud..
' 'Sixteenth Dfstriet, Antisyhicittict,
- Chambersburg. August 14, 1663.
Ky TioNsfor the government of the .Bniean of the
Prevost Marshal General rands asiollowa:
No-certificate of nphysiLinu or. sutgeen Is to be re.
ceived in support of any point In the claidx of drrifted
men for exemption l' , tun military liertice, ,unless the
facts and statements therein tat forth Are itiFtitOED Oft
IlicpON CO before a civil magistrate compotent,to adutinia-*
ter oaths.
' Sec. 2of Circular 34 issued by fhb 'Proroat 31arahat
,General reads as follows :
The Collector of htierna/ Revenue In each Congression
al District has been authorized by theSeeretary of Wei,
d directed by the Secirettry ofthe Tressviry.toreneive
.Cram drafted perilous, who desire ,to pay it for the pur•
pose of exemption, the money above specified (i
On receipt of this awn, .the Collector of interhai Rev.-
uue ,hall give the cirait..d person paying It' duplicate re
ceipts. One copy of these receipts shall be delivered to,
the Board of Enrollment on or before the day the draft ,
ed person is required to report for. duty; and .when io
delivered to the Routd, the drafted pees m shalt be fur
nished by the Boned .with a Certificate of exemption.
(Form Regulations ut Provost .41sislial General's
,Burenu.)..scating that the person is discharged front fur
ther liability under that draft. by reason of having paid
the runt of three hundred dollars.
The receipts of the Collector of Internal Revenue May
be howled into thelloard at any time %hen session.
.. .
- • ALIENS. ' . _ .-) " ;
~Ciactl.sit 53 issued ley the i rovest Marshal Genera]:
35reserit4s. that any person elohning exempt bin 'on
: the
grounds of alienage, shall file before the Boars an afibi
'davit stating
. . . .
"Ist. 'that lie is an alien, andsetting forth. the Govern
;neat oi , N hick Le claims to be a subject.
2tl.,The time•wheu ha canto airito Idle • United, Statetti .
and where he resided since that date
ad. That lie has never declared his intentions toberome
a citizen of the United States and Len uot exercised the
ri,:ht of suffrage by votin g at any 'election
4th. That 1 e claims to be exempted front military ser.-
viLs 011 the ground that Le is the subject of a fitreign
ilovernment, and lute not declared his intentions to be
tonic a citizen of the Unite." States, and has never.voted
in any state.
The affidavit to he supported by any proof the party
f the Board howitialird that the patty claiming
emptiun ie fully entitled hereto. under the Act ofCon
gress. they will dtsCharge hint front the draft. %if if not
st.ttlitiesi. they shall refer the are, with the inffidivit,
through the Provost General. for derieton by
that Departuteist of State. in the meantime mitisentling
any action inihe cAse until the decision of thelStsitsi De
tliartutetit be:: made. The certificate of the State Depart
meat sli tii in such rise be considered fie evidence of the
fact whether the.cTrson ia, or is not, subject to:military
foregoi pg:instructions a ilt bo etrictly observed by
:every drafted person claiming exemption on the ground
of ;Menage. ' , ,
Justice Llis Peace
Section 7 of Circular 33 issued tiy the Provost Marshal
Climeral, states that "all parsons wile ni - ay be Grafted,
anclwho may desire to present a substitute, shall give
noel. ii in Writing to the Board-of Enwillment that .on
such a day they will present a substittite. - g Ting his
intone. residence, age, and stating whether fiefs an alien
or citizen. .
Persons desiring to furnish substitutes will observe.
strictly the fliregoing requirem nts Forconi•enience in
indorsing and filing, these notices must be written up - on
at least a half sheet of letter or fcsilfcap paper:
sda y, ~.septSmber 2d. and each day thereafter
(Sundays excepted) until further notice. troth 8 to
o'el, , ck in the inonnng. the Beard will hear propositionii
fur substitutes and examine. persons so off •ring.
The Provost Marshal tienerallota fixed Chambershnrg
tti.. endeavtins (dr thlH Di:4l*n 7 All men aho may*
liedraftial will accordingly appear at the time and place
inditated in the notice that will boeerved Upon thenaior
be deemed deserters. No appearance is expected or di:-
aired ore ILE thwtimo natneil in the notice. 'For such as
appear in,advanee of their time no provision wilt
Horde and in no w4ut can their examination take pre
cedence of others.
Under this head is published Sec. 25 of CIS Act of Con
gress passed March 3,18C3:
Sze. 25. That If nut person shall resist any draft of
men enrolled und.v this act into the service of the
United Stites: or shell counsel or aid any person to re
sist anysuch
,draft Musa ,ssistult yr obstruct any
officer in making such draft. or 'in the performance of
any service in relcst ion thereto ;,:ir shall counsel any per
son to assault or obstruct any such officer. Or shalt cram
set any drafted man not to appear at the piaci 01 ten
dercous.itr willfully dissuade thorn from the perform
ance of military duty as required by, iaw, melt person
shall be subject to sumniary the Pfavost Mar
stint, and shall be forthwith delivered to the civil author
ities. and, upon conviction thereof, tie ptuished by a fine
not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment
not exceeding two years, or by both of said punish ,
The quota assigned o this Cengresslonal District is
Two Thousand, Two Hundred, and Sixt,',deven. The
draft wilt be for this number. with Dfty prr , centuni ad-.
ded. rnim Adanis ()Minty will; be drawn one men in
every 3.323 of her enrolled inhabitants in Class I; ft om
Bedford County will be &lawn one man in every 3233 of
her enrolled inhabitants in (lastl I: twat Prt nklin Coun
ty will be drawn one man in every 3.430 of _her enrolled
inhabitants in Class I : from Pillion County'wiii be drawn
One man in 4iiiery 3.317 of her; enrolled inhabitants of
ClinwtX; from 'millet - set County will be drawn one man
in every.3.3lb of her enrolled inhibitants oitClase 1.
boy ts-
Thet, 4lraft for the Vacuities of Adams, Bedford, Frank
lin, Ifni ton
rrestio, - Dhartet of Pennsylvania. will: coniinenee - M
the Masonic Bali, claumbersbnrg. t iko'eloeir, on the -
Morning of Monday, August '.:4th Inst. and continue from
day to dAy until the work is completed. Handbills are
posted in _every township ann. unclog the day ofdraw. ‘ , 4;
for particular sub-district.
Provust Marshal, and President of Board
Commissioner of Board.
B. ' s. MSS, - '
nog 111. 634 t - ,Surgeon of Boart3.
Justico of tho;P, ace,'
Headquarter?, Pe partmint Stctreclianna,
i -August - 10, 1863.. I
ILA Persons claiming to own horses now or hereafter
in tbepdssesston of tlie , differeint 11. States Quarter Mas
ters of this Department, are bet eby notified that upon,
their milting affidavit befoind Justice of the Peace, and
atter the reliability, of the Wel parties Making the:3Mb.
having been frubstanti - ted by ihe testimony of two re
spectable witnesses in writing,,they present such papers
toMie Quarter 'Master holding the horse cr horse.l in
eltiestion, they wilt be returied to them:-
The Quarter Maker bolding time iffideivits es YOU th-
Mint said-propeety:' . .
By command of Maj. Geri. te.'l , 7. Coion:
Aug -,ITOBSWT XX. DOT, Ciao. & A. ,k45.'
u6usE Atip 0015 PAINTICit,
In the Old Armory Building; (up , stairs,)
next door to "GlljtJeiil,"Peiffer 4- Foltz's
Chambersburg,- Pa.
_ •
I respectfully take this melded of thanking theriti
seas of Chambersbnrg and vicinity for the -Very liberal
patronage I have received at their hands 'for the past
year, (my first year tn this plane.) and, flattering myself
that I have done, and and am' still prepared to do, the
very best work is My line, I solicit a continuance of past
favor, . FELLOW§•
1 ' 1 1 :. respeCtfollirefer to sing army pations—James
•Aerer, Win.MCLepahan, Col. A. R.MeClnre, Rer. Mr.
FresbyterlanNtaarell, Dr. Riehards,Dr. Fisher,
OM. Rielfer A Co, Germon Ref 'd Messenger, J. Allison
Myster, 'Willi. C. Ryder, and any others for Idiom.' have
done worlo—for eharaCter of work done, and expedition
Amen. 'B3-tf.-
paY,f9r ihd
' :do TORT one yea, tin Eolitior in
:(11*' 4f , F444!*i,40,,c5.41*?;-,4, 1 )cF:!#1 , ' ,91.
Vciinting, Gating, &r.
Carriage Afanufaciory, oppostte
• Browiei Hotel, and
Scatuarters,Provest Marshal,
16th District, Pertuspiratlia, -
, _ ettsmberaburg. August 10, 1863. . ;
EMPIION created' by Section 24 i3l' "the Act, or
'ongress passed March 3,1863, reads as follows :
Where there are twoor more sons of aged et infirm
parents subject to draft, the father, &if he be dead, the
mother, may elect whicilion shall be ezemPt. =
Sfnticeishereby given that the election, in this !Mee
must be made before the draft- To defer it' until' 'after
- will be to lose the right of election. '
Persons claiming exeception on ouch score should lose
no time in filing the requisite affidavit at these bead.
quarters, or with the Deputy Provost Marshal bf their
vespe,etive counties: " Blank foims may be obtained at
this or either of the branch offiees. The following ist`le
form ;
I;ertiAcate 4f ct Parvit Lica hem. she desires one ofhte Or
11!.r lam - s eztmpted
T, the enbacriber. the father (or mother) or
................»,and resident of
• " COU lily. State of hereby iertl
fy that, Linn aged and infirm, and that I am dependent
for Fluxion on the labor of my two sons, shoved named;
and that I elect that my _ soh ... . ...
shall beezempt from the operations of 'the act of Con
gross 7for . enrolling and ullling mat the nationalf °roes,"
c.; approved Mat& 3, 180.
We, the aubscribefe, ("thereby ceitify that the above
named is aged and inflrmi and de'
Tender:4On the labor of " ' so& for7anpport,
, r pgrnally appaired.hefore me the above named ....
and and •aaveridly made oath
that the abOTe,eartithattea e correct and tt-tm. tq the
best of their - haw/ledge and belief .
Dated at day of 186.
NOTE 1,-The first - certificate must' he signed by . the
parent making the election, and-the second by two , res
pectable Citizens. fheids of. famtliee) residents - of the
I tOwp, county, or district in which the persons reside, and
sworn to before a Mazisimte. In case the fattier IS de
ceased, the certificate ditto be signed by, the mother. and
the fact of the father's death is to he stated bithe per
„skins certifying.
NOTE 2.—'this' certificate - is to be used only in cases
Where the labor of. the person claiming, exemption is act
ually necessary for the support of the person dependent
on him.: The oxeraptitm does not apply in cases whore
ct here is sufficient -property to yield support, and the
tneeesmry business for collecting the income can be trans.
acted by agents, trustees, or the like.
. - GEO. EYSTER, -
,augl2r3t capt. And Provost Marshall6th Die. V
@irucation - at.
Will open its • fall term :on Monday, September 7th.
Large additions have beep made to its already Ostensive
lipparatatca full and efficient corps of teachers has been
empleyed 'and ticl pains or exPense spared to render ours
one of the first institutions of learning in the country.
I'articnlar attention paid to Teachers and young men
preparing fur College,
A Primary Department for little Boys and Girls will
be' opened la the Academy nnileecharge of Miss,Schivery,
in .which the elements of Spelling, Reading, airriting t
Arithmetic. Geography and et ram nar wi l be thoroughly
taught - Tuition in this depot - talent. $3 per qparter..
.For further particalarssend for circular-or apply to
the Principal. , •
. . , .
' T. B. HtliNil, Principal.
-A.OcsortELD, A: 8., Latin and-U. English.
• A. 51. Ticimissa;Coniniercial Department. _
11..0 tv
.Sarix, Atueic i Drawing , and Principal of
Primary Deportotent.
Cheiittentilm of parents having danghtera toedpcate:
le respectfully called to the adv.mtages afforded at this
Institntion, for iirortirlnc a thorough awl accomplished
education. tie easy of access, is beitithfully and pleas.:
artily located. employs a full corps of efficient and expe
rienced Tatchere, is chartered by the Leginiature with
fulleolleplate powers to confer Literal., Honors upon
Its Graduates. and its termaare as low - as they can be-in
riew of the e6refertof the ettalente and the permanency
Write Institution. .
The FALL SESSION will commonce on Trednesdak,
September2nd. Students should enter promptly and as
for as possible patrons should write or tome on and en
gage polusin Advance. For Ottalognee address , -
aAug 63.4 t A. GIaiAREATT, President:
I nu, Last tlition of Learning. for Yount,lndiesi still be
opened an Thunday, September 3d, 7863.. The Presi.
dent Will be assisted by an (Orient corps of Toaclieq,
The Colima oflustrtictirm wilrembi ce all tbe-bfancbes
necessary to give young lake a reaped and *roues
Mliegiate edacation.
For Ciro:tiara and particular information. address the
nuderstruell. Carlisle, Pa. IL D. CIIA 3f HERS,
July tl'a, t3.10r. , -' President:
DIES' SEMINARY.—TIicIaII Session 1663 will
begin September Bth. the torma will be the- same as
heretofore. A reduction of ont-third will be made in
the charge for boarding where the ptipil is in' attendance
from Monday to Fifday. ' 11 •
For further partici:dare. aiiply to
ang 'Rev. HENRY REINES, A, Et. Principal.
,snnny Bide Seminary will open on Tuesday, Sep -
Umber let. , [july 2226 t.
Eitg alit gaup. Gooo.
IWO*" NA' w - V ohix A ucrioios i
. .
New style Mosioubiques;
Diarue.chene Plaid, '' .. •
Twilled Nosarabiques (to travelling dresses,
Superior 3Jus ß n Delaines in eOlO2l, _
Colored Lawn" and Crape de Pany, '. 4 •
Black S.4lk, swperlor quality,
Superior i..yoip Redeemer Silks, (sublime (reality.), .
' A large lot of Linen Cambric Ilaildkeirchlets, - . '
A large lot of Irish Linen
- Jocund - Collars; new style, ' ' ••_-, - .. -
,Soo Dozens 7..adiLvi, 511sseaand Men's Ocdton Hose,
Mate Linen and Cotton Duck,
Superior Prench•Doeskin, • V
Superior solid color Pointille Pig silks,
- Sup.rior GreY Leonora',
erior Grey Poplin. . .
Bes• alit-v Grey Leonora!,.
bilk'o Collars, e•end_
Dulles and lilizileel l illell,blittel
- •
Marseilles VOstin -A,.--- . '
griper Lad'inifenFil Kid Cilimei, 1,.
Handsome New style Print, and,fling4asas. :
I CARPETS. ', -.
Snueels,Vel,vet, Three - ply (superior fine)and commer
Carpet, '1: -
Tour-four fiv e-font Cocoa and Canton Matting,
4-4 5-4 '0..4 E-4 10-4 floor Oil Cloths,
Superior Bolting Cloths, .
Bonnet Ribbons,
Balmoral Skirts. '- [June 17, 'ES;
kt. A. JONES/
Skirts of ali lengths, and any size waist znadeto order;
and satisfaction' guarranteed.
Ladies, :Wages and Children's Skirts of argil size and
gliare, constantly on hand. • • ~
&err alisl warranted for Six, itontka:
We do not make air 'Chet - *skirts Irides common accep
tation of ,the term, but . ,wr , make
briestme vrtiorrbo - . • • •
'We warrant ovary sliirtwe sell VAC exactly as rep-
reion ted. malte„a4, We sell, kall-knowing how they
are made we gnaranteirtheM wtb full confidence. If
we telt a bad shirtioe tVW exediertkp O for askew one, and
if they get ota of order or break within. six months, we
ma/ repair thcet.fre.s of..o7httroe. : '
We mean to g 1 e a Par customers fall satisfaction; lint
we iminidt - do seised coisipeteligitli ihelow priced auction
,goods. Weilenend 'entirely npon the superiority of the
goods we Offer, end the fairness ear 'Method of doing
business. - _ .
Ordersieft at eitityocleitook
Take the'exact size of the 'waist, without any elkiw
ince. thelex,act length:rem:lira an& the size around
the bottom spring, Alio if tiwi 'skirt is to be large,
emall,onnedinrusisuutv i i,,,t 9 potud Whether. a trail or
plain round skirt. • If, A; SONGS; •
• ' r No rtiTortai
ang 19-tf, Over the Vax figure. •
ryO;IIERCIIANTS:—The .1x , o) , to
, soatte profitable. custom ta ,iOATFT/q6.11 In' tii6
• it 'MAIN KEPOSITORY. - - -
t y dorie aitheoffitietliallkAlaiLlN RAPOBITORY.
• r -
- - ;ivho 311 . 014# - 1.5 , 116'-'•
. ••
• REBllifit'i"iiol;' -
. -
, ancitoall others who desire to I
I •
has iwirt'tettttned from the Btst and opened the Mow,
foe net hep
td salt,
100 Baicele Brown Sager:
40 White "
60 . r , - Syrups and Molasses.
3000 The. choice Hams. ,
5000 ' 4 ( Sldes'and Shoulders.
• •
400 Bage G. A: Salt;
60 Bags Ashton Vine Salt; •
-1000 Seeks Table or - Dairy Salt
543:80xes Prime Cheese; •
25 gross *mace Coffee ; •
1.500 11:4,E.celsier f' , offee• - • ; ••,
50 hlils. No.l, 2 and 3, Mackerel
100 bezes, Scotch' Bening, •
40.d0z. Teriee and Bed _
100_ Dozens Confltrooms ;
Bcizens iaierted Bnishca ; '
50,000 Sosnrs at Alannfi f etorers'W4s;
; .st
1001tegs .
Notts. ,•••
50 dozen Carry.Corebs and 'terse' tailßt.
'lOO gross llatchea at factory pricesr.• :
200 dos :Mason's "hoe Blacking at PIC tory priced;
600 doz..packed•Smotangyobnceo
.25 grout Stove Polllsh.
25 gross indigo in boxe - s.`,- . .. ,
100 tbs. Indigo In lump - .
-100 doz. - PinVand halt plat Flasks, at -.. 1 44•9 1 74'Pf14ca ,
'25 ' 4 , Wine Bottle-a.
100 "; Fancy Soaps. ,
SODA and
Justice of the Peace
. ,
by-the - barrel , 1 .
PAINTED BEEK ETS,I4 the dozen,. '• ' F
. .
°ROUND and lINGRODND: EPIOP.S; at .wholesale
prices; also,
in grpatriiriety. - .
from 6 s. to a box, at City prices, together with bun=
drada of _articles not named, an of which will be politely
shoWn to customers, and if not sitialiod after ' iaxiunins,'..'
ticm, that •
- he will not expect to make sales., - '
I am determined,to son goods very cheap 'Rid thereby,
aeltthe more of them.
The special attention of country merchants 19 incited
to this stock of merchandise, as I cataand will sell goocia
as low as any Jobbing house in'the city.—
On all articles I can do seven, and on. Many Litchis
better, than Q single barrel, bo., package of eloscre
upuld be bought for in the city; -- -
tidy 29. - WILLIAM nltT,wmpi •
wiairst onveicats. .
,4noiteale arid retail GROCER; on the Diaukoad;Chata
butg. hae tWen appointed Agent for Franklituntr
of 'one of the hest K KKOSENE OIL COMPANIKS in *rte.
State, and will sell OIL, WHOLESALE .A... 171) RETAIL'
as low 'any liodse in 'Pittsburg or, Philadelphitif Lgok
to your interest and bay your OlLLwhere you get It the
,Cheapest, and where it Is always warranted - to be -the
very first quality. • • , [July ',29?',•tf.
On• the Northwest Corner, of tho,Diarnond
- . . ..,
. . .
Everything, and more than hi/usually kept in!Ding
, ,
Stores:` ,
AU Regular Drugt,
Cough Sympa,
, .
• Ida/Tufa Camphorated Ctoilial,•
t wilt Cure DteuTheti, ; '
c Cordials, Certain Ridaedles,
• • Eheamatit Lim i- imeatty ••,'
..4Pc?dYne C 4
.. r „,
st ,
SqsapriAlbi Syrups.
Ana other StindqralPierifiratrns of the
• tottyJ, •
Scars, about forty kinds:
Pammintar, the ben of sOltide; --
Hotter andOirrtaPtitn*te,lluit ath bittlittedo
• _ , fisiositrt 012ADAZitates, 24d A
• ; 1 4 60 e ?!.zAAIw-tiiitarrit
MILLER 04 litxpitErs,_,
Junoloz.. . . Chtim beralark, Ps-
g'S Medical..Piecovery
K • Ayer 's Sarsapariiii;'.
fisme'sCod Liver 1 0%
Lindsay's Iltood'ffeireher, •
Sturer's , Bittere, ,• •
. Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters,
Swath's Panacea; . • • , ,
Brown's Essence of 4TamaicaGinger, ; • =
—• . Belettbott'OExtracr , Bath; i, 4 .
Badwaell Medicines; • -
Bkialdiagis Irbroattori
initottair Alfibte ifedfcinsa at !rcaw„il'a..:=4s‘o:
GENTS ay foithri REPO;
jV ArroßT three maths to lb Benito it-Utile
FAUTCY; PItiNTING, .41,elietY - Va ' Tl
• rieti of colors, done with neatnesa and dashed hat
•WOHANIOS wh o desire tc; es:
tezia th eir :bitsinass *bottid A3nrfal,litee thy; ,
- erotsties,
IV6elesale find Retail
Drugs, iliteti4m, *tr.
e li)funt'syratector
Aildliothe& 41.
Wotm )3yr:toil,
Cod Liver Oils,'
Fluid,,,Rxtmet poctr,
Lindeafe Blood fleakitbei,
None Otheis thie Bonet`
THAT •WIL 'i9-1`
nit. - iitkiFilades&RmAir BIT ERQ
Prepared bp,
C: M Jackson; Philadelphia, I*.-.17,1'
Will'efieetuklly cure
Induced by the extensive saletunt uniyeloal pop
ularity of Boofland's German Bitters (par vege•
table), hosts of ignorant 'Quarks and , uns.erupulowe
adventurers have opente t -upon suffering humanity
the flood-gates of Nostrums, in - the eltavici , 'of poet
whiskey,. vital compounded with iniunous drugs,
and christens Tonics. Stomachics and Bitters.
Beivare of the -inninvitcrable- arta'y .of Alcoh
preparations, in .plethorie bottles and big-brill*
kegs, under theldodeSt appellationef Bitters.whica
instead of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave
the disappointed sufferer in despair-' •
Are.not a nevi atid untried article; but have stood
the test of fifteen years' trial by tho American pub
lic; and their eeputationtind solo are not rivalled.
by any preparation. •
The praprietOrs have thousands of Lettere from
the most eminent CLERGYMEN. LAW.XLIA,
'PHYSICIAN'S AND CITIZENS, testifying of ;heir
pwnpersonlairtamiedgtto the beneficial effects sad
tactical virtues of, those Bitters.
• 2 'Do you vrant'ionietfring - to a:remain iscist : t
,Do you leant a pbod appetite? ,
Ile you vraiittd inrild'up your amatitutioit
,Do you wend *feel we ,„„ ,;
'Do you waft! to pet tic! of /Vervouimesa •
Do youaoont+Et+ern
.Do you want to alsep welt 1.
Do you want Act brisk and vigorous feeling I
It you do. use
From Rev. Neicton_l!ro.n.D..ll.i f E . dilcut-tf eL
Encyclopedia of Religioue Knowledge.
Although not disposed to favoror recometent Pa
tent Bledicine. in general, through distrust of thief
ingredients and effects, I Yet know of no suMbiewit
reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits kw
believes' himself to Wye. re,ceived, from any'alPis
preparation, in the hope that he may thus contrrb
ute to tho henefirof others. -
I do thig the mortiltedily in - regard to Hoolland%
German Bitters. prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson,
this city, becatie I was prejudiced against thorn Ike
inane years, under the impression that they were
chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to sow
friend; Robert, Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal sit
this prejudice' by propet tests, and for encoutage
ment to try them, when suffering from great sat
!Ong continued The use of three bottles Or
these Bitters, at the beginning of the present Yeet..
was' folletitst by evident relief, and restoration to
degree of bodily and - mental vigor which I.bed nob •
felt fur sirmonths before, and had almost despair
of regaining.. I therefore thank God and my (flea
for directing me to the use or them. '
• I
Philadelphia:uno 23,1861 . 1 .--ie3 •
• • • ' '
There are many preparations sold undei thetiaise •
of Bitters, Rut up in ;quart bottles, compounded * of die
cheapest whiskey of conaion rum, costing fioilt 20 11.
, 40 cents per gallon, the 'ratite distruiscd-hy Aniteor
riander Seed. -
This class of .Bitteri ,hAs caused and mill, maims,
,to cause;"aalorig" els they can be sold, hundred* to - A
thceleath,o,r, thi drunkard. By their use, i the.aystess:`
la kept con t inually under theinfluence of Areohal4
-Stimidanta of the vorst kind, the desire .for Liquor
created and kept up, and the result i 4 all th'horraret
attendant uporia drunkardla kle and death . , , •
/Or these :who desire and 'RILL HA YE a - LU;;ltu2
Bitter*, tee Puhiish the follotaina _off
-receipt , ON
DY 011 IVHISKB Y. - and the residt will be a preps!,
ration that will far excel in mcdicinal virtues cold
true excellence any of the numerous Luvuor'Biitera -
the market, cost` much hare'
a/I-the virtues of HOLIFL AND'S BlT'l'Elarin coo
'flection with a Yr?odArtiele of Litazor, ax aTaluch less
price than these in/erictx preparations mill coat7voss.-
We' tall the attention of all having relations gee
friends in the army to the feet that - 11#6flandli'
German•l3ittera': gun nine-tenths of tilt disco
ses induced by exposures and privationsincillent
camp tile. In, the-lista published almost d,i/i4 in theft
newspapers, on the arrival of tho sick, it will bs
forme that. n very large proportion' areertfferitee
from debility. Every cap of that kind caul° rea
dily mired by llocrtland's Gorman Bitten. :
.resulting from disorders of the digestive organs art
epeedilY removed. We have no hesitatiavin Oa
tu that, if theSe, Bitters were freely used amo
oar soldiers, hundreds of lives might be amid that
will otherwise be lost.
We mill o'er - Ocular attention to the folloanng re
markable and well authenticated cure of onp of this
eat 011'8 hero's:whose life, to - use his own laguage.
has been saved h_y the Bitters:" • • I
NITILADBLPHIA. Aligust-23118611.
kessrs. , 4cte, gentleni.ep, yaw
Hoottand's Gerznan Bitters has saved my lila There
is no mistake in this; It is vouched for by enmlultil
of 'my comradel.'some - of -whose names are Appel:4-
Pd, and ,who were fully cognizant of all the ewers
stances ofmy case, - lam, and have been fortheletit
_years, amember of Sherman's celebrikted Rea
tery, and under' theltainediate oommand ef Capt.
R. B. Ares. Through_ the.exposureattendant w
on my arduous duties, I was attacked in.Ntivembas'
last-with inflammation of theism and was for
days in the hospital. This was followed by mat
debility, heightened • by an attack of drictiterY
was then removed from the White House. and, seat
to this eity_ory board the steamer " State of Maine,"
from which 'I landed on the 28th of J/lne. Sins
that time I ismie been about as low as any pte coda
be an& still retain a spark of vitality.. Eor a week
:or more I was: scarcely able to swallow. uythieg,
and if I did force a. morsel down, it was immediate
ty_thrown up again.. ,
I could not eveix keep a glass of water su
mach,*. Life couldmot last under these elmstaa
ces, and, accordingly, the physicians, who ad bees
working faithfully, though unsueeessfellye remiss
me from the grasp of thedread Archer, frankly told
:iaii•they - could do im more for me. and itillised se,
to see a clergyman, and to make such disposition -
- mylimitisd funds as best suited me. Au ziliquaitat
tines iiher.isited me at the hospital, Mr. Erederielit
-Stainbron: of Sixth below Arch Street, advised am
u a forlorn hope, ,to try your Bitters. and kindly
'procured a bottle. From the time I commenced I:ir
king thput the gloomy shadow ofdeath receded, an*
am new, thank - God for it. getting better.- =Thom&
I have taken but two bottles, I have gained is
pounds, and I feel sanguine of beingertaittod tO
rejoin My wife ancl, daughter, from w an I how*
heard nothing foreighteen months: for, gentians
lam 11. loyal. Virginian. from the vicinity..of Frost
liciyal. TO your invaluable - tittersvri
I ow
of life which, has taken the plauof yap*
rears—to your Bitters will I owe the privilege at
agaiti, clasping to my ,bosom those who ate dearult
to meinlife.
Very traly,ypurs, • • ISAAC lifttl•ONS.
"We' fully concur in the truth-oft he 'above state
ment, as we haddespaired of seeing owl felartibt.
Mr. Malone. restored to health.
• 140liN - CUDDLEBACK. , Ist New York .gatteteri
GEO. A. ACKLEY Co. C. lth Maine.
. 7 : LEWIS CHEVALIER, 92d NewYoticir,
L. E. SPENCER. lit Art„,l-latt. F.
J. B. FAREWELL. Co-. B. 3d Vermont:,
[ lIENRY - MsDONALD;Co. C. 6th Maine.
'..,JOHN •
P. V WARD, Co. E.sth Maine.
1- - HERMAN' KOCH. Co. H. MIN. Y.
NAT. B. THOMAS. Co. F.9sth Pe.
r A. j.--BIAIBALL.- Co, - A, 3d Vermont,
JOICH:JENKINS:Cct. B. 166th Pa. •
68Q that the signature "C. M:gittrirSON.*
is on the RAPPER ofeach bottle.
r „ PRICE PE4139'171,13. 75 MS,
OR HALF y0Z.F011.54.00.-_
Should your idilre , Stiliwpgiat not.tiove,the areas.
danot be put off bY - anynf the intoxteatint propaa—
tionfhat-maybeofferediniteplaechut,lend tour.
and we will forward
631 AUCH el:murals - packed ernrm.
- JONES - 65 WAN%
- (Buo4easora to C. *.:dookaor k & Co). - t
- • • • • PitstmittETollll...
FOP. BALE inr, Dxusgist . a and S Peallza 'n eters
town ' UhitedS. - Ex tt n:l7
- ffilel:firat
•all (licences firkin
or. Stomach.
' the Stomach. NMI ,
Food, Fullness or
Brantatioini; Whin(
Stomach. Serimmulle
cult Breathing. Fla
ir Suffocating Sens*-
, Dimness of Nisi"
Fever and Bull Paha
soiration. Yellowness
the Side. Beek, Chest.
-Beat. Burning in the -
Rvil, and great De—
the above diseases' M
,f a hundredq _