El Ili ,#raullitLeLlk epsoitetzi. THE SOUTHERN COAST. ,111nr Cerrespondent.with an Expedition Into Nortn Carolina-430L Spear's 11th Penna. Cavalry -The Vhambersbnrg - Boys-Rfarch to Weidon-Skirmishrt; lid*. the Rebw-Lient.-Uinniela meets, wink' an Accident-Chase after the , Michel Gen. Rapsoni-Charge on 'the - - -Ttehel lireatetworlia--Heavy Cannons* 4 i ng-Terrillie - Storm-Our Corres ' ' • 4iondent's horse , Stolen-His Place ;4111Ipplied from Seeesh Stables-Return or the Expedition-Visit to a Female 7 : fleintistary. 412pripoudenee of The 'Franklin Repository. NEwnriar,'N. C., Aug. 1, 1843: • rhave just returned from a "frircnoon'a , said," 'as w mus Arteould call it, though we -.... re on tbe move for a week;'and thq . pgh lir - n will doubtless have heard through the 4 . b41y papers the general items'of importance ' ected with the-expedition; a few Of the ":'• dents may not-prove uninteresting. I -„,,. . l 'Asay,itladvertantlY*„"let out” something Itshi.ch the administrators of. Uncle Sam's affali•smight not - wish outsiders like you to new ; but should: I dO so,-I will humbly beg their pardon, and promise to be more ‘ iiicumspeet, in future. , ..., , • The expedition was composed of several 'regiments of infantry and a battery of " Nit 'polepa.s," under cornmandof Brig. General -,lfeckmtm, froM this place, and the 11th :Tegna. Cavalry, Ist N. T. Mounted Rifles l imd . ,papt. Howard's Battery of the 4th U. ' Artillery from the Department of Virginia, r miaer , the command. of acting Brig, Gen. bear. Maj. Gen: Fester accompanied the ippedition as far 'as Wynton, but after see . gitigthejreeps fairly ander way, was corn rtAled.by more iniportent business to return to headquarters.. Ttie l. prime object of the movement, it ."would :of, course be , highly bripreper for me to state," especially as I . brn't the slightest idea what the said object lips.: (I quote the drat 'part of the sentence limn the " sPecials" of the-dailies--the latter 4'' ' 4 ;istit they alalwaysforget'to inert.)inert.)• • The troops from this place embarked at '''llaYligiat; on the morning of the2sth, on the . 'Ttirimsport steamers . ConvoY, Gen. Slights, n ltYstic, Utica, Treeboiff and Port •RoYal, ' l lincl 'proceeded down the, river. About noon lifien. Fester and staff, -the correspondent .of the associated press and youriumble servant . e!rmentlaboard the Escortand steamed after the i'iiither-boats, and about. B.P, M.' passed then: f..,salland took the lead through Croatan Sound. ~ ;Our: course was down the .I%teuse River, i - if through Pamlico, Croattur and Albemarle -1 40tuids, and thence up the Chewan River to "' Wynton. 'We reached the latter place about tq IT., M. on Sunday, and thf). troops were ita- 1 tLatedictely disembarked. , The only,accidetit . ' : :which had occurred thus far, was the sWarup -.1:41t of all our , pontoons,, in a , squall which lin ermie`up as we were , crossing.Plimlice Sound. t : !;This' was a sqiousloss,: as without • them the ' - cii:rs4lry and' artillery had to be ferried across _ '' - the Chowan, in boats very poorly adapted • i , 7 , foi the ervice, Of coarse this caused great -' , '''4elay. In what manner the news of our ' ; '''rtithing receded us I am, not able to say, ' I- thbiit eer sin it'is that we had trot been at the • '' Wharf ve Minutes, before a erowll of gaily:- dressed contrabands, of all ages, sizes, and ' - -..ithadel" of color; on , foot, horse-back and in "'•-ikarts; made their appearance on the bank; - i ' - j'iheir good clothes and accumulated property ` - '"itiotiing plainly that they knew-the :" Lin. - '-'"'4.iita'genboats was 'a ,comin':" From that '''''''''tinie litttil We re-embarked on Thuuday_ r tbe - ''''.'sliattelS of the ‘k chivalry" poured - in a dark P ..f: 'stream "to • the wharf at Wynton, and it is ''l ' i ireedless tffsay-that none of the benighted t d! *Means -Were left, behind when we sailed • '' sown • the river. -But others than the negroes ." knew of our contemplated visit. -A letter fl '''irrittert on Monday,' and. i intercepted by us - 'the - Mine night, 'gave information to a, rebel c ' - • 'lt " Teldon.' of the millibar of our troops , :` '-`;:iiifeietry; "cavalry ' and ' artillery—which '" ""fid linded'. at" Wynton, and` stated our iitect. This letter was written before the 'Y l * ittzt of 'the oavalry. ' A, RiChmond pa ..!'"(ier•of the 27th 'also contained the.same in -7 ftincation: - Of course, knowing all this, the. fib*. Miele every,pre?aratiOn to receive us ''' r VerilY it is no easy "matter to, conduct ;:oper , i '" L 'ittlotis secrekly in an 'enemy's country, 'rand prarronitded by spies: - . - • , - : ii-: •!Our infant d B 1 ' Battery .__ infantry all e ger a were '°'''..; inllilied foiward to' a' bridge about 4 mires ' 'b• iota. Wynton, where a party of rebels (Col. -'" ''l i cheelei's • eonimand) was found behind an ~"- p aithWOrk: ' Their flrst'volley wounded sev= 'oral of'Cir men, but' in a few moments a shell rn throw's : 'into their' Midst; followed by "a 1. ''', tittle MOre' grape," sent' them flying'•in all; t '"'''Oection‘. re., -, 1. ••. '-, Vol.,Spear's command arrived on M.olniny aiia!witS ferried ddross. ' I"-was rejoiCed to • sheet in company kof-the Iltb, quite a' nurii 7ber.Sof Cliatebersblirg-_boys, ambig them.Or :• • derly Sergeant, - Hicks, Sergeant' Miles and litessrs.'Merkleiri, Ring, - Butler, Peiffer, El= "'f sex, Stratton and Ed. Cline, -the bugler of the poMpanyjand one-of theheat in the -Reg ' ''"inient4.l . l4so saw our old friend Stoner, Of ' tiletiyuaoro, and 'Mr. Forsyth, of Greettvil ''' ` lage,al Weil and in thebest of spirits, (no inn ' 2 : 'ikon to the Apple ' Jack). To - Capt. - Wird • ' .and Liouts. Niminens and Sample of D, •• ' Aidu.t:::Minnieh, of I,' and Capt.Reberts of ' 'B, as well - Mrs tolhe members' of "the' comps ' ' ' ages, I am "indebted, .'for my "board and logd tog" during the entire trip, and I 'had. the beat the country afforded. The - reputation ' of -the lith Penna. cavalry fur bravery and ...;- Omt conduct:is surpassed by no • regithent • • ' fifihe service, and I can safely' 'say that our 'llittleklin county boys are equal to any in the . I ', = 'regiment in _all - the reqiiireinents of 004 ' i '''"'sitrWilis anct.brave-rnha. After a short rest,'_ '••-• hie: bugle sounded to horse '44nd : clout dark ' 4 iim" took the road tor Ifurfreesborot l -the '''''" ""Dodgers" in. tho advance. 'They ardi gal ,risikt set of fellffsViAlild ,have acquired' , the, ' r 'fli'lithth, questionable:Mites of "Dodgers not . , for , from any propensitydodging the resptinsi ,.. -Ability, but from the narne'of Col. Dadge whii - formerly Zomnuinded the regiment: ' Ire' proceeded thatraga' through ,a - drenching rain andpeeins of Mrtd;' to:Murfreesboro, 4 , " beautiful village aberit 15.milas tic= Wytom There are, it- - „is said, quite. 'a number of 1 Union people about the place--I didn't have the pleasure of meeting any. of theni, As we arrived about midnight, the feelings of of the inhabitants were not hurt by the sight of their horses, &c., joining the Union army. From theAulet and. orderly.behayier of the soldiers, no one would have' imagined that there was 2500. of . them in the village. There was no noise or conhision. : 'The hors es and forage captUred, were taken by squads regularly detailed for the purpose; and after feeding our chargers each Men laid down beside his horse, to get as much sleep as' pox= Bible before starting on - the morrow N 6 doubt the citizens were somewhat surprised in the Morning to see the " Yanks" 'lying round loose, in every fence corner and on the pavements—as much at home and as coin fortable as if they had never slept any place else. There are at this place, two large and very handsomely built, Female Seminaries. Having had some - slight experience about institutions of that kind, Capt. Roberts and I anxiously inquired whether they permitted "cousins". to visit the ladies, but we were told that the schools were net in session. Greatly disappointed we mounted our equally sorry nags and rode after the column. To day the 11th had the _advance, the Advance guard being under command of Lieut. nich of our' place.. We rode very, leisurly along, because as the Rebels already knew we were coming, there was no use hurrying to take theui. by surprize. The forage squads had also more time to bring in,the captured horses, and forage. The country is misera, bly poor, and thinly populated with what in the North would be considered candidates for the Poor House. Gen. Ransom's bri gade had been sent down from Petersburg to .defend Weldon, and when we got 'within 'bout 30 miles of that place, his pickets and scouts, sent out to report our movements, be came pretty, numerous, and the advance guard were 'kept busy charging on and capturing them—sometimes but-one or two togethei— , sometimes_ a dozen. Our'boys made thirteen seperate 'charges during the ay, catchingl .the rebels in every, dash. So successful wore , they, that at last when we came upon the main body of the enemy, they were taken entirely by surprise. In one of the charges Lieut. Munich, while leading his men in .a dash on 'a squad of Redels, wasthrown head long by the stumbling of his horse, the ani-, mal after doing some grand and lofty tumb ling coming down ;heavily on the Lieut. Fortunately,.the mud was very ; deeppna Ed: was hauled out from under his horse without any-more serious injury than a horriblegash in his trousers. He rejoined the column in a few moments with a rebel Lieutenant and several men in tow. So we jogged on mak ing captures of iprien, 'horses, and contra bands, making prisoners of everybody, who might otherwise have given notice, ofour ap ,Atiast_tis We turned a bend in the -road we saw the, - advance=abOut fifteenmen Lcbarging at fik speed info,the town of Jackson. The column rode - 4, at a gallop only in time to see the advance going pell mall- over a hill; a mile ahead:and we learn ed that the cause of their haSte was their. anxiety to get their hands on the persons of the'rebel Gen. Ransom and staff, who had left the town' at one _side as the cavalry had came in , the other. Our boys gained on.l them in the chase, but two or three that rode ahead Were surprised to find themselves-sud denly' inside a rebel breastwork, mid 1he„1 greybacks springing to arms. The surprise_ was mutual, and before the Rebs could get into fighting trim our boys were 'on the' "skedaddle." Gen. R. had escaped by the skirts a his coat tails—and the gentlemen who were se eager for his capture were ah Most captured themselyes. • The Rebel. : positionwas a strong one, in deed it _proved too strong for the force : we had. The road for a quarter of a mile was so narrow that but four horsemen could Pass. abreast. Oft either side was a swamp, ren dered impassible by the depth of water and thickness of the undergrowth. At' the fur ther end a narrow bridge crossed' the stream which ran between; the swamps, and at the opposite side of the bridge the artillery and infantry of the Rebels were posted. Two field pieces well manned and firing graie and canister, could halle prevented any - farce from advancing by-the road The command •was ordered up at a charge, and a squadron -of the riflemen were ordered forward as skir mishers. All the 'men were fn fine trim and' eager for the fray, and they dashed doWn the -road huzzaing and singing, r "Let the Rebel cannon roar as they will, We'll be gay and happy still." It wad, a gallant charge ; They turned' the. bend in the road when suddenly the roar Of u32-pounder, accompanied by pieces, of smal ler calibre, broke upon the air. Shell s Can ister and grape filled the road-and ; whistled among the trees. -In a few moments,, three, of the gallant "Dodgers" : were killed, a num-' her Of the 11th, and. several horses wounded. It was evident that 'no cavalry in the World could pass down the narrow road, as ; the dead 'and wounded' horses' would in, a few moments' block it 'up *entirely. The Only hope was to dislodge them with artillery. The-order was issued,- and in aifew' momenta Howard's Battery dasted - up "tat the rim." • In legs time than it takes to Write it the pie ces were in position and every shot of the' 'rebels was being responded to' promptly' Mid' with interest. The wood was so dense that 'neither party could see even the flash of' 'the Lotherl n guns, and with nothing butt the szirolce rising above the trees to 'guide the 'fire, : it' was, of course, all guess work and -only an accidental shot could lie - effective. 'And now' itieerned as if the elements were-about to jOin'in the fight. The-most:'fearful storiv'T' have ever witieSsedsuddenly arose;'the OT , :iur guns `ints sitir6elj-:besid: Ulx) 4 7 :04 franktin ilq3esitrirg, 014ambersburg, pa. thunder, the lighipingriitts vivid and laces sant-andthe.rain fell in - perfect torrents. It beeoiaie' dark as midnight, and as we had no infantry, The , cavalry powerless on account of the nature of the ground and our light battery unable to silence the heavy ginis of the enemy, it was determined by the commanding officer that we should return,- while the rain continued, without any of- _Abe : evidences ore retreat, but 'coolly arid - iystez. matically;`~vith every officer and:nitin in his place. We turned about and started back nev-, or riding- Out of a walk,- but all the time •of faring every inducement for the Rebs tQ come out of their earthworks and 'capture us. They "couldn't see it,"- and-took good care not to follow us up. Before leaving Jack son, I ; with some - others, took occasion to stop at the hotel and eat the 'supper which had been setout for Gen. Ransom and • staff. , It was plain fare—corn • bread, biscuits and tea,'but was very acceptable to hungry Men, who had been in -the saddle in a drenching rain for almosttwenty-fotir hours.. ,We biv ouacked that night - a few nags east of Jack son,' tend being completely Warn saddled:my horse, and laid doWn in the mud. The horse soon followed my- example, and we had quite a comfortable, though damp nap, side by side. - In - the morning my horse - and bridle had vamdsed. -Some of the men had, I suppose, lost a horse in the fight, and thought mine would do as well - Ai another to replace him. steted'my unfortunate case to some of•. the boys,'andias they did not desire •to see ; me walk, and having a • slight recollection that several horses had been taken frdm Franklin county farmers by the rebs, they thoughtit but right that the rebs should fur'nish one -for me, - and in a•-very few moments two were brouefit, in for my use. I chose the best looking, and soon found I had one of the most rapid _travelers in the `command. ' At 8 A. M. we again, started, and tried another road to Weldon, but found a bridge burned and the road impassable, so we headed • for Minfreboro again, and Passed. through the town about 6 P. M. Alas for-the vera city 'of the noble North Carolinian who• had told us the Seminary was uninhabited. We bad captured a mail, and found , among the letters several from the " Institute," address ed to "My Darling Charles,.'k "My Dear Pa," ".My Own etc., evidently written 'by the.young lady boarders. ,Capt. 8., whoa is a great ladies' man, accompanied by my self, Who am not so - much so, rode to the Seminary, which was about a mile from the' town, andmiqing ourselves known, spent a half-hour very pleasantly ; finding the ladies good looking, inquisitive about the Yankee soldiers, and altog,ther agreeable. After -telling them to be careful that their future love-letters did not fall into the hands of the enemy, ,and receiving an, invitation 'to calf again when the war is over, we took leave of the blare; and rejoined the command just as they Were encamping near the town. Ano er ,in the mud and another aide on Thurs through a drenching rain, and we reached Wynten, where: we separated from the Cavalry, they,cOntinuing their part of the movement its the direethi of Frank lin, the .infontry.,,and artillery coming to Newherri. SFe reachedOiere on Friday night, 114ving been on the move a week. Though rather tired and very muddy, I was well pleased, with my experience and the re sult of the, expedition. I stated at the outset that I didn't know the object of it ;- I may venture_the opinion that we accomplished all that was expected. , --,„IWe/don is, an important point, , and has an ,important railrolid bridge. , The place is :strongly fortified, and this fact is'zivell known. to the Union commanders: 'lt is of course desirable that Abe bridge should be destroyed. I think the object Of the movement was to ,liseertaitt eiknearly as possible the character of the.fortifiCatioes, their locatiolaandat the same time What force Would betedssary to make the destruction of the bride- a matter beyond peradventure,when the time arrived -todo it. That 901. Spear obtained this in fOrtruition, I am certain ; 'he is not the man to leave his work half done. The horses, cotton and negroes- hrought awayleaves the Confederacy poorer by several hundred thou sang' dollara than it was when we started, andi,the appearance of our troops in that part of 'theSta t te has convinced the people and authoritiqa there, that Col. Speai's command is, (in the language of a native, whose opinion of the Yankees was asked for) "a right smart cornpany." It 'Worthy of note that in every instance when charged upon ty oar advance guard, 'tic rebel squads 'ran or surrendered in the , . most cowardly toantler--IteVer firing a'shot. 's6rgeant Who with ten men was captured remarked to one of the boys in-coMpany D, thin he thought "there was no use of running 86 . 1 'stood up end `surrendered like a man." Such - a speech was enough to excite the indig nation of any soldier,• and the 1) man ex clainied--"surrendered like a »sun you covi • ardliikunk I why the d-1 didia't you order, your men to fire on us first. You might have emptied half a dozen saddles' and then - we should-have retipedted•yon as a prisoner and Yotri(cart to ride in. It's:no fun _to 'Cateh - sit* rebels' as you -and while,we - haul thWiest'ofiyoUr men, have to walk! Surrendered- like. a' man, did you? - It's a 'geed thing' for :the rebs that all their men - arctillike yeti, you infernal coward." ()lost 'of the prisoners were .mounted in captured carts in order that they could .be kept up with the cols nix.) Ahey-were the 'most ab- Sect hatiking Wretches I have ever seen. One, 'over years old who :could scarcely walk, 'had iritered the army as a substitute: Anoth er; tI dead with Scrofu la.: :Neaily,alr.weri , conscripts. It is- evi :dent that Jeff's triiMp cards are about played. Imi tiny travels ihroukly this Siato.l have not, seen -a single able-bodied. citizen.. I . was thUtre'diet . the 'tome* of artegro -servant of ono''sof the tichisl ~officera,' who said "when Yauliceir4xru* 4oWn 4e. rode dare swords a flyiy, roand.an' tclollerin' so like do debbil, chilnims,netiv about, scared to dell I.'3''tst, gut sione.blm. ci:ma` d fell down in de rodo",—tiico .t time wils,conin for Its: master vas -apparently in as . treat.fiibUyition. I Might fill a, page . with an account of other amusing incidents, - but this letter has already reached an unseemly length and I : will„c.lcse,with the ff hope that I map Soon 'again-aecirmpany gal-: laretrigidd ou`d tidy into rebtrldom. Sr ROEL OF THE YEARS. The years roll on, the ,years roll •im ; • . The shadows now stretch-o'er the lawn, Whereon the sunlight fell 'atinornz-- , • The morn of the mortal life';. And dusky hour to me have catne, Lifes landscape now looks drear rind dumb, And quench'd. the light• and ceased thelium, With which my way was iifo. I 'now; look blickyard on the poth • : Whereonr ve Yolked !mid wrong and wroth T — L look and see how much bath, • - Of-bitterness to tell; . : • , But life's hard lesson must be learned, -Fiygoading,carels wisdom earned; Then upward let the eye be -turned, 1 Aldan life'sscenes are well I. On roll the,years, the swift, still yeais ; And as theYfpass how feeling sears 1— - And,drieth up the fount of tears ! Emotion's fires grow dim; Thisipulse 'of -life not long can last'; ' And,,as the years go'hurrying past, The blooms of life are earthward east, ' Arid withered heart and limb.: . • The ieal.s, the years sublimely roll, • • - Unfurling like a fettered stroll! Look on, and garner in thy soul' ' The treasures of their lore: It is God's writing there we see - • ••• ' Oh, read with deep intensity 1 , It's truth shall' ith thy spirit be • When years, shall roll no more. BARKS AND 'GRANT AT VICKSBURG. The New.„.„OrlearuS Era gives an interesting account of ae visit of Gen. Banks and staff to Gen. Grant at Vickstirg. subjoin, the following -extract On Saturday morning we arrived atVicks burg. ' Every eye was strained with intense interest and curiosity as- the; spires •of that homely town of bluffs loomed up before us. Colonel Regan, of General Grant's staff, who has recently visited this department and who returned with our party; and Captain R. T. Dunham, of Gen. )3anks' staff, proceeded to the headquarters of• General Grant to inform him of the arrival of General Banks. Gen eral Grant, with some members of his staff, immediately came on board our vessel, and those of us who had never seen the hero of -Vicksburg now had an opportunity to do so. He is a quiet, unostentatious man; who looks na more .like the generality of published portraits than did Julius ()Tsar. It Was a sight-of - historical, interest, and one that deserves to be perpetuated in the most enduring colors of. art, when General Grant and General Banks,, the two • liberators of .thellississippi, shook hands on the deck of the Crescent, at the' foot 'Of th6se bind's that were - but'recently frowning with deadly guns, ready to hurl their destructive missiles at any vessels bearing the stars and-' stripes that would venture within their range. What greater Victories for peaceful com merce, for national unitY, , for human free dom and the ri.ghts of man, were ever achiev ed than these which enableq the Crescent to steam up to the wharf of Vicksburg?_ After a brief interview'between the gener als,_the party mounted their horses 'and rode out to examine the. works of 'Vicksburg. They are more extensive than those of Port Hudson, but (we were assured by good judg , -* es, and so it appeared to us) not so well con structed. Beyond is a range of hills along which a line of earth marked the position of our troops. Often-we found high positionr, which enabled our- artillery to. sweep the enemy's works.* The approaches were in several instances, partictilarly 'on General McPherson's part Of the line. brought up:to the very parapet, as ut Port Hudson. SITETERICA'NEAN HIDING PLACES. A curioui• feature in Vicksburg,' as it is now seen, is the subterranean hiding places, and even places. , o(business, formed by exca vations in the precipitous bluffs that rise so abruptly 011 41 sides as you pass alon g the streets. These have been Aug out withnar- . row and low entrances , leading.into narrow streets, passes and rooms;'reminding• one of the catacombs of Rome, wherelhe,relics of many generations are united in the,repose of the dead. Quite diffe,retit, howevet', was the use of these - extavationsrfor they were pla ces of safdty,for the inhabitants during those many fearful hours and days when our fleet was hurling ita missiles of,death and _destruc tion._ into • the dtionted - city. 'Yea _can still trace 'lmiizies.4 signs over some Of 'these en trances; over one we could rude read "barber's, shop," cut in' rude letters in the earth',-and not yet washed away by the rain's. How many frightened women and children and old men have hurried to these subterra nean, abodes, while the furious shell hissed through the air, and there listened with ter ror to thb fearful din of battle! MISSISSIPPI GIVEN UP MissiSsiPpi seems to have been - virtually abandoned by the rebels; except a few guer rilla bands, who commit depredations and burn cotton fforn " patriotic "- inotives. Tnere is, it is said,'a strong peace party; and a seneral disposition to take the oath of alle giance and come back into the Union on Uncle Stim's bwri term's; but we are inclined to think that this disposition is not as gener al as some suppose. There is no doubt, ° how ever, that the people are heartily tired of the war. ' _ , , ELOQUENT'APPEAL.—The following is,an extract from the address of Dr. Oliver Wen dell Holmes, before the Alumni of Harvard College : Yet again, 0 brothers ! this is not the,tiour for sorrow. " Moth after month, until-the months •beeaniOrears, we have cried to those who stood •upon • our Walls : •!. Watchmen, whtit of , the night?"- They haye answered again and again: ‘!The dawn is breaking,— it, will soon be day." 13ut 'the night - has gathered roundus darker - than before. •At last—Glory hp- to GOd in the highest !—at last, we ask no more tidings ()film watchmen, for over both horizons, East and West, burst forth in one overflowing tide of radiance, the rudder light of Victory ! “If-tinybodi dissatisfied with Federal •thohey, let him. go South and.get Confederate money.. If anybody is dissatisfied with Tint -tea States Taxes, let,hira gO South and pay SOuthern,taxes: If anybody is. dissatisfied' - with the UniteirStates enrollment,' bit him goSQuth and.enjoy• the benefits of the South :ern. consoription2 , So says ri• Kentucky Ij4lo4.paper”. . We eadersebim.L , etairs, s tabinet=lßare I 1:10.111$ - 3L 4 2t kElt TJNDERTA:: KER; SECOND,. BEET: BEtWEEN_ /Mg, ff.-o'. Y. 4 /VD Unitt; EAMBERSOURG, ' at: Aerahtict thii,tmein* in 11 its various branches. Ear tiritlAr attention paid: o Laying out, Dressingi, Having thee - advantagn o a large custom, and of buying hiti stock cheap for cash,,hie can furnish COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, at lower rates than any other establishment In town or county. He dues not as a Chair Maker offer his serviced, but as an Undertaker of fificen years' experience in the larsiness. - •Personsrequiring-the service°, oL an Under, taker for their families or friends, would find itmaterl. nllp to their advantage to give him a call. He is also prepared to preserve bodies during the tram- Mar Menths,'annetigth of time. Havrngpnrehasedtlie exclasive right to use Snider-'s Improved .211ethodof ,Coverini Coffins, he is therehy enabled to furnish a Bract Cevearn Correa' at'an exceedinglY low rate. And also having a now and elegant HHARri.E. 'Prepared to tarnish (....dfins.te any part of tbecounty desired. Raja Agent for , FISK'S PATENT NETALLIC BURIAL CASKS. Orders during his absence or.at night - should be left at his residence, West Market. Street,',opposite Millers Hotel. [Jundl.7, 1 863.• - ,r. MEW CABINET=WARE. ROOMS. The.aridersigneil respectful y announces ..to the citizens of Chambersburg and vicinity - , that lie baS taken the Rooms immediately adjoining the office of Dr. Seas ierott, on Main street, where ho intenile to manufacture every xliseMptiOn of : CABINET-WARE, Such as Sofas, Parlor Tables, reorritrien Barest'. WardroUes, _ 'BrtAktitht do. Dressing. do. new style; Dining •do. Salh4. Lounges, Book Cases, Wash Stands, • - IlocklngChalrs, Seetstaries, Iledsteade4d. Fino Par. do. Clothes linrso, new style. All work constructed by him is warranted, frBitt the 'neat Sots down to the most oonnnon work: ,COFFINS Partieitlai ittentionwill begiven to the intakjng of COMO!' of any desired style—Cloth, Walnut or Cherry. Rerneinbur, when,. you buy your 'Petniture frpm DAVID , W. 0 EtOBB3L4N, you are getting ,the-latest style and the best of work, Jane 17. 1863 DAVItr W. GROSSMAN VECAIR AND CABINEr MANIT- J.FACTORY.—The subscriber informs the public ,that he continues the manuficture of the varions agicles in his line, at his factory upon West Queen Street:a few duora'6om Main. Reim aiwußs on hand or is. prepared •to manufacture upon the shortest notice. Case Bottom and Windsor Chinn! ' with Plain and Curtain Bedsteads. Pier and Card Tables,'Bureaus, Waeh•Stands and Rook Cases. TURNING, In ill its mrleties. attended to with prompt ness . and deepatch. HOUSE PAINTING, in all its brancles.,exialuted by rompetent hands. ' "PAPER HANGlNG—Particular attention Wgi-b0 given to this, department, and satisfactitiu it/every in stance guaranteed. Having employed a sotAcient number of competent hande, the undersignedieele assured of being enabled to fill all orlere in a worlunanlike manner, and resi*Ttfully aolicits the same.: i June 17,1.863. CHEAP CHAIR AND CABINET WARk-R0031.8.--JOSTAH - SCHOPTECti..,(Stic cursor to John Orce.) HANTIFACTURER OP COMPS and '3ABltikr-WARE - , Alain, street; three done South of iluber k TolberVAljardware ed ore, eltainbernburg. ; FURNITURF. OF ALI: KINDS,; , Always on hand or trade to order, Nenitian Blinds manufactured as neatly and cheaply unity work.. . 11011. 4 8 and SION PUNTING and VA PER lIANOPNO done neatly, expedit.onaly and cheap, iu Sown or Country. ' - • Repairing of all lands:in their line of bushiest'. prb - 34ptly attended to, at moderate prices., ' Jima 1 ;1863 Maitto. $5O. - - - $l5O. A GENTS WANTED.—Liberal ducemente to Cinvassers fur the sale of the Cl LEBRATED COTTAG t $l2 SEWING 3IACIIINE. I wish to engage an active Agent In every County in the United States and Canaries. to travel and intraidee my NEW CIIZAP, FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This Mtchine possesses pore than ordinary inerit retjnat patented with valuable improvements, and acknowledg ed to be uneurpassedlor general ,utility. A limited number of responsible Agents are wanted to solicit or ders, to whom a salary from $3O TO 4150 PER MONTH AND EXPENSE'S will he paid. For eondltrhe rind fall particulars address with stamp for return politage. atrg 19-3 m AGENTS IVANTED.—The sub= scriber wishes to employ Agents to solicit orders, tor t rule Trees. Ac.. in this - and adjoining counties,. Any energetic liminess men out employment will find this an excellent opportunely to snake rmseotable wages.— For particulars apply at once to . D. L. RYDER, Proprietor. West Franklin Nurses les. London, Fninklin , c6,Pa. Ftefference as to character and business gnalific.atioust rebnirod. [angle :it ANTED.---$5OOO worth of OLD GOLD PLATES. Persons having' worn out Artificial Tei.th - monnted Upon Gold Plate, in Isrge or smell quantities, can obtain the highest price, either in cash or in exchange for Dentristry, b). calling upon ' Da. J. K. REM. Dentist, corner iirMaln - and Qnsen Streets, abort), Wni. Beyier7a DruOtore,-tihambersiairg. Pa. June IV, tia-Sui WANTED. -:-$6O a - Month !—We wont A gents at $.30 a month, expenses p: id, to aril nur Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and thirteen other new, tsefulaud cnrloua articles, Fif teen circulars sent free. Address May 13-3 m AV:ANTED, ERNE DIA TE LY BALED BA TOTJB poi TimOth* Hny in holes of 100 The, to 300 His. each. for which I will pay :Eighteen Dollars per Ton of 2,000 lbs., at - the Quarter. master's Warehouse. Chamberebarg, Pa. A. DENNY, hay riip s t.. and A. Q. 31.. U. S. V, . WANT E .. 'a Month want to bine Agents in every confluent $75 a month. expenses paid, to sell my new .cheap Famiiy Sewing Machines. Addreis • S' MADDOX, Mal 13.3 m ' Alfred, Maine. Mattlgo ant 3itneirti. SALISBURY BROS. & CO., • .A 10,31 DURBAN= VALET, and 67 WEYBOSSET PROVID&SCE,, A. Z., Proprietois of oneof ; the most extensive .1 .E W ELRF IItitaNXTFACTORIES Maio • 'Eastern States, ' Ref to cull the atteatfiod!of therommunity oitglo tht vent -- SURPRISING' CHEAP RATE At 'which they' are± offering their Gooclai' FAR , BUBPA.4ING Both Foreign And Domestic Manufactures' in' potnuot Elegance and Real Durability 100-:R For Farm( Doustna, we forward, ,nicaly carded and packed in good order. tho 1511bwing etiortnens ipsaritifl of Jewelry, equal in finish t i auy Plated Gold; tuadntit to be recognized Gold only by the trying of acids: 4 Set Enamel Vest Chains; 2 Plain Florentine Pins; 4 Ear Rings to match: 2 -Twist Wire Flair -4 Ear Kings to match; • 2 mi t , Fins; 4 Ear Rings to match; 25 Ladieif Rings, Double, 'Heart and ' a variety of patterns; 3o Union; Fon- • - bloms Scarf Pins. 1?lah1 and Imitation Coral : 2 Double- Glass Lockets, engine- .„ 6 Box' -- . - ~and - • Glass Pins for portrait or haii; 72Assorted Locket, • heart and Simi lChareas, aturti Oand Bra:* • lets.--all for Fifteen Dollars. A collection of this kind; When • placed in t4e_hrinds of any. ' • one bf'orainat telligance, • Ongbt to retail fur at least One hundred Dollars Catalog - nee, containing Ira inforniatioii and Pr/teed Goods, can obtained upda tibplicatiOn• full solicit Orden! V) , .1141, Telegrapb, or•LYtmese, risPeet° , y ed, ALISIIiNCY 111;09. k M, I • 37 once 67 Weybmtitet June 17, '6,36m. - iMostmFos, R. I IiArAN - VPAO r l i ttiltS'a ii'`tench a )arps chin of thrifty ileilert by7anTOrttipe fo thoKItANKLLK REPOSITORY. ; •••• WESTER/srIIOTEL, West Market- - . Bt., Areter the Bridge, Cbarabeasburg, The atibseriber would :respecifitily . in form s tile Travel. trig oliromunity, tbm but prOgbased TAM VOSSee ytion of this Ifotel. - z 110 hoyetita make it one of ths. moot -desirable places.foestnitigainand others to atop at that can beTound tunny eonntry town. HIS TABLE will at all times Go spread with hie lux. - twits and substantiate of the airmen. _ _HIS CHAMBERS aro large, tell ventilated; araffittod up in modern stTlo. - 1111 BAR lilt be wt,U srippßearivith selettion. of the'Very best hmiors..' ; • . 1113 allyttsa.. be provided with ,tood. wholetoroo provennen for stock, and attended . by earth oetterb. - . Nd nil will be spared 63 1 renfjer entire Satds.44inik 61. aH gilests; trial itedin, himsplf to endeaver tp Mets be solicits a libtral share of the public patronage. June 17,'63. JOHN MILL.F.U. ,TTNION Hotel situated ou the corner of &lain and Queen Street near the Diansoud.in theßorough of Charnbersburg,Pa.. _ undersigned respectfully annbunces tothetramel-1 ing public that this Hotel has besn remedied. It has been: raised •to THREE STORIES in - height. A AA. three story Back Building has been ridden to it, giving an immeuco anionnt of room Tor the accontinodution of the public - generally. The rooms are I,,rge and conifert humbering in all, thirty-five. - They are 'welt -furnished with- GOOD NEW PURN yeraoso stopping at this-Hotel can have, either double, or sinicle - counts, with or without fire in thole, The' Table is kJ leayabripplied with the BEaT IN TILE &i tRe,T, and will seat over 100 persons. ' The Bar is tilled with I'M) CGOICEST LI Ita ,Stable is twostorie's. of the most modern style, , pad tin Lest in the Borough' of ChamDeribarg: , , euue 11;433. JOG'S EISILEB,ProP4itor. FRANKLIN HOTEL--7 , ;Vest side of the Public Square,Chambersburg, Pa.. The subscriber woual respectiully inform the I:immunity that he has leaaed and taken pollsisi4ll of this Commodious Hotel. , Ile hopes to ula:co it one (S. the most desirable places, for stvtur,ers 'and ethers to stop that can be found in any-country town. , DIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the los. orl&.1i1Jel substentials of the season. - iiiS ITIAME ERB artilarge, well ventilated , and Sited up in modern style. Ills 13AP will be well supplied-oth a large and choir.. , selection of the very best Liquors. lii STABLE will always be proilded faith good. wholesome pretender for stock, and itDetaledify carefv.t ostlers. pains will ho spared tc•render entire satisfaction to all his guest; and pledging himself to endeavor to ple d *. all. he solicit= a liberal Share of the public Paley/we. • -„tune 17.'63. DANIEL TEDSTLY.. AXTILITE SWAN. ITOTEL; . Maw ber3burg, ra..— MICHAEL GROW., Proprietor. , timing purchased this ~well-Itnown el. (lop g knows tin Mahn's. and recently as %Vast 4 grove's) the ProprS. etnr pledges himself that no, pains shall ho spared to tulnister to the wants of his guests. ,'" - - • The ellaraeter heretofore sustained by the,finuse se 6 comfort Able flume for . the Sojourner, shall" het 'sutler in my haiuls If constant offurt to please tualoccoihniodans will sustain, it. Toe proprietor, therefore. solicits s. continuance of the liberal patronage Iteretd.fere Intend ed to the White ...Ivan." . . _ In aiblitlen to large Stabling. be ban T.WO . T,OTS' an 4 a pity of lien and STDCK SCALES for the accontn2otiall i m .of Drovei s lintebera. HAZLGET Jane 17. 11C3 = fIOVEIILY &Tel: 0-N 118 ,„ MK() become the .Proprietors the' Sr tTEi , 1-I , )lfi L. near the Hails - aid Depit'at ItARBIS.- 11GRG. Pe. Thie popular and -cuntmuillatts Hotel hes_ beeu newly refitted and furnished thrilugnont its par lors and Chambers; and fa -I/0w reacls4 - or the reception of guests. The travellin ‘,r. public will 'find the'll - nited States Hots) the most convenient, in all particulMs, of anyfletcl in the State Capital. on recount of its accesi to the rail road: being - immediately between'the twcnuest dets,te in thlecify [lisnltesmco, June 11 . ,763 : 4.1. gip. Waynesboro' Recnrcl. itercerabureJournal, - and- Greencastle Pal, copy 3m.. and - Charge Irepositoty. 1_ NDIAN - QUEEN HOTEL. 3fairt Sired. Chambers - burg, Pa. .1011 N W. TAYLOR, Yroprietor. Fine accommodations and low charges. • tco- Stack Yard's and &ale: flje Count ted with His premises fir the convenience of Drovers. Alaqi—lxtrr, 8013 gtribliax and yards for Horses atnYearriages. • Jitne 77, '63. .• MUSICAL INSTRUM:ENTS.- AVM. A. POND t Cti., MUSICAL 547 Broadway, Yew York. (Lab Malt POND & CO.) littnufacturers pfindlicalete in till kindspr , MUSICAL INST•RU3ILNTB AND ' MUSICAL MERCRANDISE,, Pabiis4ers and importers of Skeet itosici, • Mks-teal Works, (Cc., dc. r L. MALCOM, Box 2788, Boston Mass Metiers. W. A COND & CO. olio furnitth anything In the ,musical itue at the shortest inessiblb uotite,and,at pritatte that defy ruinpetinott. PIANG•FuItnaIS (N ew) f rom 5225 totSPO. - PLAN 0-FORTES (Second-band) from *75 tam*, aceor LI. ing to Niza and style of cane. ~ NLELOBEONS of all the celebrate 4 makers, at inannS.c turere' pricey. FLU t Es, from one to eight keys, and from bpe,.. t 0,5.1 %. in Price- _ , _ GtalIAN SILVER FIFES, in rase, 87 . 0 I. GUITARS, 13ANJOS, VIOLINb, V lOLONC,FALGf's DRUBS, ACCURDEONS. CONCERTINAS, ;. ind alt kinds of slnsical Instritmente. --- , A'net dour very best VIOLIN STRINGS, 75c ; UINTA R. 'STRINGIS,Bt ; BANJO STRINGS,- $1 ; tent ; by n Xii , l , - postage-paid. , _. . ~ , We publish • ne of the hugest and most valuatieCate tugnet, in America, and are daily adding ,to it,. tine for furnishing everything in this pat detain: de partment are UnltlrrED. Every pieettof Music published in the United 'fltatea Pre Bale. at wlielesale and retail. , We have constant ex changes with the European pdl•lisbets. and can Ahem fare supplyitny foreign music desired. - • ' CATAI.O(ILIES SENT GRATIS. ' SHAW 4c CLARK. Riddet)rd.Moind mrosit Sent byr Jtait , It. ingc Hz td, ctn . Receipt 'qf .4t Narled Piice. • • Dealers, Teatimes. and 'Seminaries. can, obi ain .thrir nuppites of Mimic by mail, at a postage of only 1,e4 Ceuta on each package of fonr (mucus. co . leee, and fi l sr: cents for &mit four ounces, or less. weight of books. IV3I. A. t'USU A CO., 547 Urea Iwny .. : 'New A/ASO/N. & lIAMLIN'S. 1.11 CA.OtNEr :ORGAN.% • AUTOMAiIe swEEL , DOUBLE: BELOW'S; IC,u -• AND COS.I.I3INATION VALVE. • - • isk,.Elrerry instf:ument Warranter/ for r rears. liat. : -.lo 2'he Cabinet Organ is the only inetntment which .combines the r,eqnisites, for church and parlor music for tlio sChockrOoni and the social teetotai gathering. pot While it possesses sufficient power fur ,the accompa niment-of a large chorus, it is, from Its capability of Cif shades of expression, and its wrinderful ertsci ado and diminuendo, most effective as a solo instrument. It is capable of orchestral .recta, and rapid music. as arPea'bts. etc. Eruni its sustained totieseit has a decided novantago over the Piame.furte. fur the'readec ing of many of the Choicest morceaux of the sautes's, infchas symphonies, quartettes, etc.", , - It. A. NeiciLll Ohambenilinrg . ..Pis. General Agent fur Pennsylvania. • N. $. The undetainned will sell and deliver, in seoNI condithati, Oshlast Organs anywhere_ in this state ; at factory prices. All inquiries by • letter promptly ar.. ; owered. , (Jane 17. '6l4f.] R. A. 310. INANOS ! ~- ..., : - . • R. A. 2d*CLtrflE > . sole-agent Tor the celebiatad - DECKER filltalln_S'ANEW YORE.) PIANO. Pianos delivered, and sit up in perfect condition, in any part of the State, at .FACTORY RETAIL PRICES_. All Instruments warranted for five years. • Pianos from other fac IL tor will be furnis E, hed, irdestred. A. ies IIIeCLUR ChamberibWig, Pa. -- A.RPET.INGS AND BEDDING. EHOVA L.- R. L. Rivrottr h' soli Dave reluoved from 201: 8. Second etreet, to 807 CHESTNUT Street, abave ifigbth, where they have opened a well selected stock of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND MAT- BoOdingAnd,Mattrasses of Every D.scripticur.i, • . ItUDT-MADE os SIADZ TO °ROM' PRA THER4 OF TAR 10 Us' Q Ord lEIS . nwers ei RAXD. - The - tarinaLtctereand sale of Bedding mill' Mao be eentirined - at,2132 8 - .4ecoe4ifFeet. , ; - "IttEV.E L. Kl , horfr. "Jtieitikr3-3ni. . • - HARTLE? SIITHET. MPLEM_ENTS.--Deitlers and - • ikkittirers of Agricultural and other IMplezaelea, v4ate, aclka large claaa of valuable rustoutera CeLz YKANKLIN ft.E.POSITOIqr. , P 0 4 153 . ,~~u~icaI: CUM WITH ONE OR TWO SETS OF REEDS, - - Containing the Palczs "'Rot $7O T0'5.450. Joao '6,1. 1 'Jilt Li Kgt, GRaV-£ U LCUI9bRf:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers