The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, August 26, 1863, Image 1

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trantlin ftpoittag.
• vitt e have already imblished. SCV etai artic(es
in the
,Thrtrosrrony since Vallandigham's ta
ttoo declaration that he "met .not a man,
:;-t 4 vt.Oraan or child who was
. not resolved to
,! , perish rather than yield to the pressure of
even in the most - desperate 'extrem- :
pity!' Following closely on the heels of - Val's
unbluslig falsehood, some 01,000 rebels at;
H-17icksbtfg; 7,000 at Port Hudson; 10,000 ,
`Gettysburg; ysb rg; 4,500' at Tullahoma; and
. 4 '
- dea l
13-,000 at Helena, didn't "perish rather than
yield to the pressure Of arms," but; dece:ntly'
' - H7sn.r.rendcred themselves as prisoners of war,
snd half of . thein tools advantage - of their - pa-;
.:1•ole,to-desert finally from the - rtehel service.
' :vs', must revise his proclamation, for nearly,
e.Tery' rebel journal mourns and agonize 4
ov6r the tendency to - "submission", iimongs
the southern. people, and stamps , him as a‘
.petty triclatering traitor aid a :sbamelesi
• The - Moline News of the 3d. inst., seems to
ragnrdlhe peciple of Alabama and Mississippi
asitopelessly estranged froni the bogus eon r ,
federacy, and its patience tkas,beconte entire:.
lv exhausted with their conduct. It sags—
• .FIVe have a multitudtt.of reports - terribly
drstrimental to the character and patriotism
of the people of many places of Alabama
*nil Mississippi. Many of them are. too
• grueeftel.tO publish. A portion, of our people
... Anse ;gone stark „ They arc- bastard
Anitherners and -ecreani - Contederates." -
A. very important movement is on foot in
Mississippi. looking to t]ie bringing back of
that State intotheUnion. Some of thblieSt
and most. influential citizens are in the move_
meat. Mr. Montague, of Lake Providence,
-.a• native of Louisiana, and a Union Man of
-the strongest kind, but who enjoys the &rid-
donee of many of the , planters who are oh
• the fence, asserts that. the Union feeling is
• growing s wonderfully in that State ;, this
is but one of a"dolen different sources frora
which comes intelligence of the existence et
this feeling. It has its origin in _the -general
,IrapressiOn that is obtaining ground that the
Onnfederab_ is aliansted. Gen.:'Grant him
- self - believes this revulsion of feeling inlayer
- Of - the - Utica to be very extensive; There is
great destitution among the planters' for
_tWenti,-thirty, and forty miles around Viel;s-_,
burg; and demands upon_ the - commissary Of
(kraut's army, to furnish them_ subsistencets
more lhan can be met with-justice to our own
forces. - of niliny wealthy per.?
-sons are literally in a starting condition.
Rebel Confederate paper. is almost worth-
less in rebeldum. It now requires froire'four
teen to &tem; dollars of it to buy one 'dollar
of gold, and it reqUires half that 'amount :to
..purchase a Virginia bank-note or a green
back. The Richmond Enquirer of the 6th
.inst. has become furious on tare cupidity of
• rebel financiers, and says s•
"A practice`ashumiliating to good citizens
A& it is disgraceful - to those who encourageiti
has lately become, one of the most eager yas
ionslof lucre-loving, men in. our
midst. No Yankee can escape them ; they
actually scent their prey when it is a hundred
-miles away, and the depot by which it fir
rivL is besieged accordingly._ Yesterday
Morning,upon the arrival of .the Central':
ears, :bringing over seven hundred Yankees:,
soinecten or fifteen of these traders met them
at t4e depot and begged - for 'green-backs' in
exchange for Confederate notes, giving as
*ix dollars in the latter for one in the former! .
ffiuch men deserve to„ bd hung. They are
*orse than traitors, meaner- than cowards,
' baser than -brutes. Every man who trades,•
at all in these so-called green-backs' should,
- be tried as an enemy to his country. It is
clearly a violation of patriotic duty and of
;national usage, and deserves commensurate
tAnishment at the hands of the governmeat" ,
r -
' t Accotints from Lees army' represent them ,
lia j tev'e - ry denurralized condition. The North.
Ciriilina, iississippi and, Tenne,eise troops'
are said to be very much dissatisfied, and! al
most in astate of open mutiny. Troops from
the South-western Statesgenerally share this
feeling ; and since the fall of Vicksburg Ftnd
_Port Hudson they consider their cause htpe
..lesanind are clamorouslo go home and give
up the contest, as they consider it of no: use
' t continue the war any' longer. The mat-.
est apathy prevails among both officers fsrad
men in Lee's army, and it, ishelieved he is
unwilling to risk another battle With Ittehde,
• and indeed it appears as much as he cad ac
complish to keep his army froin falling to'
:pieces. These reports are obtained ,through
various chancels, refugees and others who
have arrived within a few, days, con
' tittered reliable. Stirring events may bri
'pected within thd next two or - three weeks, ,
as the affairs of the bogus "Confederacy' are
in such a critical condition that a collapse
may occur at Any moment and thebubble
burst: Lee's' army is now only kept together
- --by-threats and promises, and its disintegra
tion may take place any day when once a
,beginning is made by, the,withdrawal# the
' troops of one or more of the' ,States raen 7
r '
The report of dissaiiiifaction in Zen's army
seems to have further confirmation in the
itory of Mr. Marks; 'a gentleman;!fernaerly
a. resident in Wasligigton, bht now living , in n ,
Lexington, Virginia, • M. Marks'arrived at
~ Washington on Sattfrday evening, having
been five days on thk. way from Lexington,
aid he states that the demoralization of Lee's
.torps amounts almost - to open mutiny.. A
flpr days before he left, sevel'al,,Tegi
• Mississippi regiments Started for bro;ne; find
were pursued by Stuart's CitialrY-;44th'whom
they, had a fight at or near - Sniekersville.—
The cavalry were too much for-the mutineers
and they were compelled to return to the
rebel camps. Great gloom and despondency
have fallen upon the men since the capture
of Vicksburg and Port Hudson. They feel
that the cause -of the rebellion_ is waninc , ;
that it has received fatal blows. and that but
little hope is held out to "encourage them in
their mad efforts to resist the, advance of the
Union arms, and the restoration of the na
tional authority over the Southern, States.
The mountains are said to be full of de
serters from Lee's army., Among the rebels
it was currently reported , and generally be
lieved that Lee bad tendered his resignation
as commander, but Davis - ,refuied to accept
North 'Carolina seemsabout to take.formal
steps to throw off the rebel yoke: The Ra
leigh Standard openly advocates submission
or reconstruction, and the legislature is ar
'rayed squarely against the Jeff Davis . usur
pation: Indeed °Veil-tiling now points to
the formal restoration of North Carolina,
Alabama, Mississippi and - Lbuisianiti to the'
Union within ninety days. So narrows from
day to day the limits of treason. _
We commend' to the prayerful considera
tion of our Fra4iin '•C?unty, Copperheads,
who are ever denouneing the government
for restricting the liberties of the sneaking
traitors-in -the North, the following on
'the Knoxville Register. As the Democratic
COunty Convention meets here ina few days
we suggest that by way, of keeping up a
semblance of opposition to Jeff. Davis's des
potism, they pass one hearty resolution
against rebel usurpation. Hear the rebel
plan of disposing of croakers. It says :
"There are some Lincolnites among the
.residents of this place. -They should at once
be arrested and sent beyond our lines. The
game course should be pursued everywhere.
We have no use for such persons. While
they are permitted to remain among us.
Lincoln will have a plenty of spies and in
formers. Itr is no use to . cherish and treat
kindly vipers that will bite us if they
- tat opportunity. Thom parties suspected of
Lincolnisin should have been driverelrom
our,midat long ago. - Itis not too late to take
action now. It is but a simple act of justice
to ourselves to pursue such a course, and in
justice to ourselves We. ought to pursue , it.
No sane man should for a moment allow 'a
cut=throat and a robber to be atJarge if he
knew it. Why then - 4llow Lincolnites to re
side unmolested at the South, watching,_
they are, to do us harm whenever a chance
.offers-1 -- - NOnian iy - he - known to favor
Lincoln - ism, in the least, should he allowed
to xeside unmolested at the South."
- In an article on Gen. Pemberton; The
Mobile Advertiser saywof the paroled 'cricks
burg garrison : ‘The resras and .Louisiana,
reghnents ')•e.a the .litsSissippi river
and are lost to this army, and of those on
this side, nearly all, have gone home, with or
without furloughs." Lieut.-G-en.
who-succeeds Gen;Temberton,' is nole at the
head of Johnston's troops on Strong river,
and the Vickeplirg. garrison is included in
his command.
The Chattanooga Rebel owns up that Char
leston must full. - It says : •
"We look for bhe worst at Charleston. It
will never be taken as it stands, however. It
would be mined and blown frOm its founda
tion first. , We do not anticipate any very
encouraging news from that quarter. The
jotirnals of the city may put the hest face on
the matter from motives of patriotism ; but
we had as well be preptirea fur "hay emergen
The rebellier(4 ) rice has resigned his cont
mission. in the army and returned from ser
=—The'notorious rebel leader,,William L.
Yancey, is dead. He was a inembei of the
Confederate Senate from Alabama at the time
of his death. ,
We are permitted to make the following
'extracts from a •piivate .lettei, dated Vicks=
tirg," August F, 1863, , written by a gentle
man ,over sixty years of age, and one's resi
dent Pf-thambersburg : '
We are at peace at present, and now gar
risoned here, but it is intensely hot, and sick
iaess is fast making its appearance in our ar
my. I have escaped so far, but know not
how long it may be so. We have just
tbrned from Jackson, where We drove John
son from hiS stronghold, and partly laid the
capitol in ruins,- There were thousands of
,his army gave themselves up, took the oath,
of allegiance r and",said they would fight no
more against God, and their country, Such
.an army as ours it is useless to contend against.
fled the pleasure of seeing six hundred of
them, with an escort, coine in a fEkvrdays
ago, and among them a great many poor de
luded, GOd-forsakenitissourians; they look
ed like the last of pea time, and were return
ing to their allegiance and their deserted
gad we been in Pennsylvania, Lee never
would have re-crossed the Potomac; we have
that confidence in 'our army, that we could
drive the rebels before us from Maine to the
Gulf of Mexico, and the mean, sneaking
Northern Copperheads and traitors with
them. - There is strong talk that Gen. Grant
is to suPercede Meade, but we are iVividu
ally and collectively opposed to it; unless he
takes us with him. Then farewell to the
boasted iirmy of Northern Virginia. have .
escaped -so-.far unharmed, through all the
hard fought battles of the South. At, the
siege of Vicksburg, I had the lower tip of
My right ear cutoff a little by a minnie-ball,
— r it was close shaving, but not pleasant mu
sic. lum of the opinfon.that this "cruel
war" will be over by next spring. They are
recruiting,here out of all the regiments for
the regular seriice;. , ta - go' to Salt Lake and
other out posts, for three years.!'
Ma EDwdnD EvEnzrr, in a letter to Rev.
Dr. Eliot, of kit. Louis, in relation to a ser
thon of the latter on the ordinance of Eman
cipation passed by:the Missouri Convention,
haN;e myself no - doubt that, like the
apprenticeship system in the British colonies,
the ordinance will, at the 'instance of the
slavebolders themselves, long before 1870,,
give way to another- of immediate emanci
pation. But whether it does or not, Mis
souri is, from this time forward, substantially
a Free State, and will I doubt not, enter
upOn. that career of. prosperity for which her
magnificent position,and unsurpassed resour
ces so admirably fit her: '
"When . I look back to the controversy
which grew out of the attempted restriction
on the admission of Missouri into the Union
in 1820, and on the folly which dictated the
repeal of the Missouri Compromise in 1854,
and then consider that the people of Missou
ri, assembled in convention in 1863, have
decreed that after, 1870, all slaves .then in
Missouri shell be free, I am awe-struck with
the visible tokens of an overruling and an
interposing Providence."_ •
. .
Tat Gernaan,Refoinvi Messenger, of this
place, thus discourses on the Rebellion t
"Foremost - among- abounding _
must - we place the Rebellion itself. This is
the great iniquity of the times in this coun
try. because it is a deliberate attempt to set
aside the dilAne authority 'of the civil gov
ernment, and- thus - it is a - rebellion , against
God as well ns against . the _Government.
With the masses of the South it is doubtless,
to a large extent, the result of ignorance and
excitement, but with the leaders it has been
a crime of cool calculation. The immense
suffering which they have broughtupon them
selVes, as well as upon the whole land, has
shown that the authority of civil government
is not a thing- to be resisted without incurring
the penalties pronounced against all such
offenders in God's word: "They that, resist
shall receive to themselves damnation." Let
Churches 'take warning. The war, on, the
part of the Government, is a-necessity. We
must mantain the laws, even with life and
treasure. .But let men see to it, that, while
thdy. give life and treasure they loose not also
their souls."
Ax immense meeting of W Democrats
was held at Indianapolis On-the 10th instant.
All parts of the State were fully repsesented."
Gen. Nathan Kimball presided, and Major
General John MeClernand, 'Gen. Dumont
and Hon. Henry Secrist were among the
Letters were Teceiveefrom Hon. Lewis
Cass, Gen. Logan and Daniel S. Dickinson,
all of Whom vpre3sed their sympathy - with
the objects of the_ convention. • " .
ltdsoltitio'na were adopted favoring a Vigo
'rous prosecution of the war, sustaining the
Administration in 111 its efforts to but down
the rebellion, denopncino• the State agent.
Auditor and Treasurer of the State, for their
willingness to repudiate the public debt and
sacrifice the honor , and credit of the State
for partisan purposes.
Tay Presbyterian' Banner, in an article
on the nominations made by the late Union
Convention says: "Governor Curtin is now
a tried man. He has proved himself to be
adequate to the demands of the times, truly
a:patriot, most prompt,and energetic in the
raising of forces for the 'mar, conservative of
Pennsylvania's best interests; fearless in the
discharge of duty, and untiring inlis indus
try. ThOse Alio would urge the war effici
ently, to the preservation of the Union and
the enforcement of the laws, have good rea
son to confide in Governor Curtin:"
A Loot at' the Dairy pusinemi — The Nan
agentesit of the Gla n ce Orange
Connty-Dutter —A at the Bad.
. sou.
Corresio adence of the Frooklin Repository.
MADDLETOIri, N. Y„ Aug. 20,1863.
In connection -with your regular .corres
pondence, you may not object to - an " occa
sinal." no natterfrom what section_the mis
sive may be projected, provided it breaks . no
heads and smacks of the soil from whence it
comes.- This ought, then, to savor of rich
ness equal to your own valley; : as it goes from
Orange county,.New York, proverbial for
its agriculture. •
The great feature of this -country is its
milk and butter, which have obtained so great
a reputation in market , that, like many an
other good label, much' that , is spurious is
sold under the counterfeit of Orange
county. The supply of the ;lacteal iluia
for New Yorkers' - consumption, through
the avenue of the N. Y. and R:, aver
ages one hundred thousand gallons 'daily.
The freight on it yields an income from $6OO
to $9OO a .day. The milk train starts ev
ery,, evening from Otisville; a distance of
seventy-five miles from New York, and
along the entire line are milk stations, which
drain the country for, four or five' miles on
'either side of the "road,.' • The manifests - of the
present sitasonsehow an increase of the milk
trade over any previous year.
There is. s lusciousness in the article as
drank on a good 'dairy farii this county,
that one would scarcely apprehend,. even
from having before drank good milk, -and
never could dream of in the double-weakened
commodity vended in the streets of the ma
The mode of collecting the milk for mar
ket, is a novelty to the uninitiated. At early
noon the cows are-driven' into a yard, and
two, three, or four pair of stout hands are
put in'requisition ; the milk is then strained
into large cans, holdingAseveral gallons;
these cans are let doWn with a windlass, into
a large, deep well to keep cool, .until the
evening. In the afternoon the process is re
peated with the cows, the milk strained as
before, into cans, and cooled off, to about 60
Faretheit. The cans placed in, the well are
drawn up, and all s,ent off .to the station,
(where they must arrive at or before six P.
3i2, or thetwitl not be redeived,) to be in
readiness for the train. In the outset of the
Milk exportation, it was attended with much
: confusion apart from annoyance, the far
mers reaped loss rather than, profit, and to
Mr. Moore of. Middletown, they are indebt
ed for a consolidated system which works.
'admirably. The acknowledged superiority
of Orange County butter appears to be not
only in the sweetness and flavor of the article,
but it beers transportation, resists the action
,of a heated atmosphere in a better degree,
than any other brand. I hear it accounted
for upon the principle of, the. nature of the
grass on which the animals feed. The same
parties which - have the reputation of making
superior hurter on the farms where they have
been brought up in 'this county, find their
reputation impaired, their art gone, when
transplanted to other - sections of the country.
The manufacture of butter in this county,
decreases in.the rates that the, milk
exportation increases.
-The county.lies upon the west side of the
Hudson Riv'or, and covers an area of 760
square miles. A portion of it is rugged,
and mountainous, the valley which is - of an
undulating character; lies between theShaw
angunk, and: Warwick mountains ; both
spurs of thnllue. Ridge. “Sam's Point,"
the terminus of the Shawangunk is visited
by lovers of fine scenery. The southeast
portion is washed by the Hudson, Where
rise censpiCuous in its Highlands, Butter
Hill, Croneit, and Bear Mountains.
In the western extremity are the Navesink,
Delaware, and Mongaup rivers. The centre
is traversed by the Wallkill, and its tribu
taries. This stream rises in New Jersey,
andflows northerly into 'Ulster co., where it
empties at kingston into the Hudson. It is
justly celebrated for its beauty, which cul
rninatesjin a picturesque cascade at the the
village of Walden. The romantic character
of the river in that locality, has inspired the
pen of one., if unknown to extended fame,
is none theless- appreciated by an extensive
circle Of 4 aCquaintances. Goshen, and New
burg are both half shire towns of the coun
ty, the former identified with superior ag
ricultdre; thelatter noted for its 'magnificent
sit* and cultiyablon ; and both fraught with
historic: 4. -rest. In the latter, ;Washing
ton's- headquarters .are pointed out; in the
former the battle ground of Minisink. .
Middletown, trom which this letter dates,
is a beautiful enterprising place; on the Erie
Road, which winds Its tortuous folds around
the town, 'with an iron "grasp.: The dairy
farms in its vicinage are very
,superior, and
contribute largely to the supply of milk.
Tin4a are one or two factories for condensing
the fluid.
I shall make IL flying visit to Port Jervis
in It few days, frogs whence I will pelt you
with - another "occasional." ENIGMA.
_ .
The ltog4bsys in Washington—Strategy
to Capture Cobblers—The Milroy Court
of Inquiry—Washington Gazabiln tr•
Bells—The Army of the Pete gh no --
Charleston. , ,
correspondence Mille Franklin Repository.
WASHINGTON, D: C. Aug. 22,,1863
This has been a dulliweek of - news, very
dull ; even the diaftexeitementhas'died out.
Thank heaven the dog-days' fire also about
played out. I protest against there ever be- :
ing any more, dog-days like the',last. Why
one might as woll be in the' torrid zone in
Africa, right astride of the'f,lquator at once.
It would .gostil to see us bin t 4 "keep
cool ;" you should see the "sherry, cobbler "
mania. It can't be made fast enough ; bun.:
dreds of , extra bar-keepers have been set to.
work, still they can't keep up iti:thedemancl,
and to get near a bar requires as much "stra
tegy" as is generally : used 'by a Brigadier
General of the Army of the Potomac. They
and their junik oflicers hiving been used to
this kind of "strategy" for ,two, , years, are
continually fooling us poor civilians, so we
are often left outside waiting a " turn" for
hours. Next to them 'borne the ladies. It
- would do you good_ now to pasiup stairs . into .
a ladies' saloon- T beaven bless the dear crea
tures. There they sit like! "Yairies in loose
and Sowing robes," looking so cool and cam,
fortabla that t-soraetimes wish." was a wo
man: There they sit and sip their nirlf ju
leps, and ;o6aters; and ice cream from_morn
lug t,.? night, and from dark to daylight; and
after all having nothing to pay. Alas I we
-poor. men foot the bills and still ive can't
" keep cool ;" the heat increases,nad ',really
think thet•l'll noon be a huge " water cob
bler." To add to all this misery, we have,
0 heavens! mosquitoes large as horse-flies,
andin billions; and such "nippers" as they
have ! I really think they are therm] "yel
low nippers\' I used to .meet ert the Missis
sippi years ago. Weßit*ay,be Grant and
Banks have also banishedihamintheir, great
"cleaning out of that i valley.".. , lf so, I hope
they will soon come here, and in their clean
ing out of Virginia will who -include, these
pests. •-
• A court of inquir, is now, in leash:in invep . .
tigating• the grexit “tikedaddlv* of General
froni 'Winchester. 'General IMO
testifies, that it was byorder of Gen. Schenck;
and elsars ',Milroy of all 'cowardice and un
soldierly conduct; also that to kiep ths en
emy frpm knowing their intentions, it was
necessary to spike their guns and leave them.
Gen. Schenck will soon be, called as a wit
nes. It is likely from appearances that the
court will be in session a long time.
Washington city, it is' well known, is in.
fested with an extraordinary number of gam
bling-hells—some places occupying the up
per floors of nearly a whole block. They
are furnished in the most 'sumptuous style.
In many of them about 11' o'clock P. M., a
magnificent meal Of all the delicacies of the
season is served . up, with' champaigns and
other liquors free 'of charge to all the "guests.
The proprietors ply their' vocation with a
boldneis unparalleled by any other class, un
less it is brothel-keepers. They manage to
decoy to' these palaces, clerks, paymastersland
quartermasters tv,::o :generally fall willing
victims to , their schemes,_ and are often en
tirely l'ileeced." Colontl Baker has at last
taken these dens in hand; and notified the
proprietors to at once close their establish
ments, or he will close then for them---in
;which case he will destroy_ all their furni
ture and implements and commit the owners
to prison. It is now a week since this noti
fication took place, and they as yet haie not
dared to'open.
Very important movements have for some
time been going on in the Army of the Po
tomac. :What they are, ft would be' mitre- -
band to write. Some of them aro such, that
when known, will cause some "wonder."
No' doubtbut that they 'are to check-Mate
Lee on all sides. It is.believed that none of
Lee's army is nekr Culpepper but Hill's coin
mend. Longstreet and are at Fred
ericksburg, threatening our left. On an av
erage threellundred drafted men are arriving
here daily and Alit immediately forward.
This must rn a very short time. strengthen_
the army as much as it has recently been
weakened. At present the army is acting
entirely on the defensive, and it , may be that
Lee will have 'another opportunity to try his
hand'in Pennsylvania . ? Maryland- .
It is not thought here* in well informed
circles - that Charleston± will speedily fedi.
That it will fall is not doubted, but f tbat like
Vicksburg it will require time, gissit
and caution: . •
It is too "sweltering" to write more at
this time. Nonvat...
Speech of Gen. Rossean-He Adirbeateii
the Extermination COp o f Slavery-The
Cry . of.Northeeperheads
Eldon as It Was-T n he Colored Teethe
meat Off to Charleston-The Draft , -
e Eaton Primary Elections-The .
Cupp l i gn Openedt-Enlon State Nora..
mittee ltooms.
cony of
since - , -at-
litiott of
not exist in an .enlightened.Geirerriment.
'Slavary 'hid produced
,the and as' the
<perpetuity .of the Union with Slavery: wax
impossible, it, must he exterminated. The
'views oz Gen. Rosseau are fast 'becoming
those of all loyal Southerners. He , ls a" Ken
tuckian, and a large .slaVeholder, who' has
done good service in this war The North,
ern.Copperhead, he said was a more danger,.
ous and Contemptible individual' than the
Secessionist,' and he administered to tlier4 -a
terrible flagellation. The speech was heard
by an immensa - crowd, and was - 1064i np.-
plauded. ' • : '
'When slaveholders who underatand- the
cause of our present !difficulties, are t¢ill}ng
to strike at the root of them, although in, so
doing they suffer pecuniary loss, and blau,,
gurate to them an Untried -system' of labor,
the Northern Copperhead i? rendering him._
self ,ridiculous by insisting that Slavery,
with all its barbaritiCs and wrongs, shall be,
unharmed, and' the tnion be continued as it
was. The onion aSlt was' would bolt res.
toration of all our former Brack
inridge, Toombs & Co. wosild occnioy.seati in
the U. S. • Senate. Floyd, or seine 'kindred.
spirit, would occupy the War Deliartinpnt,
and steal all the public property. • Northern
sentiment would again be Made subservient
to Southern despotisin, and before the lapse
of a score of years, the bloody drama of Itho
last' two years would be re-enacted. Wt*t
ever'else may grow out 'of this • terrible,
test, I trust it will not produce . "the Union
as if was." Let tbe , Only disturbing pause
be removed, - and We. will have a •Unieri
withstand all the attacks_ of,fos t s
froni abroad, or traitors within. ,
The regikaent of colored troops,, whicli has
for some time been recruiting at 'Claelym
embarked a few days Since for CbarlestOn,
Where, it is not improbable, they have al
been engaged in the attack on the
fortifications of that doomed city. ,The
troops, when encamped near this city, ton
ducted themseldis with great' propriety ;!and
many. officers, who saw them drill, speak'
.favorably of I tbeir, soldierly qualificathins,
The prejudice against the negro, which:lo
- him •earlyin the war from
, taking
part in the contest, has disappeared entirely,
and the people haye concluded, ithat
the negro may as •well be shot at Its,the whits
tbp Wtrds where the sulije' been
disposed of,- the, exemptions from. the: Graft
him been tinexpeotedly large, The number
of men gingered hag the servicaltia beim sg_
small, that apprehemtionsaf another drafts
-VOL; 70,-IfTIOLLISO, 3,619.,,
felt in some quarters, but with the one hii?t'
dred thousand contrabands which Adintint
General Thomas eipects to have equipped*
autumn, this is not likelY to oecur,- in
of the waning proportions of the rel2ellign.
At the primary meeting of tlio x Wont
party, held in all the Wards of the cily s ote
Tuesday night last, the attendance vat
ger than at any previous peliteduary met
ings, within the memory of the oldest
habitants. Many of the substantial citizets
who never tile any active part, .in
affairs were there ; and many loyal D
, tta '-
cr at s freely participated in the proceedmgi
Rely upon it this city is right, and will 804
in thunder tones in October against
The political campaign WAS opened tlits
week by a Mass Meeting in the 18th Ward,
which was largely attended, and great - 44-
thus e iasm was manifeited. A general rat
cation meeting will 'be he'll at Penn Square,
on Wednesday evening next.
The State Committee are about to omit
their old quarters .in the Commonweal
Buildings, on Chestnut ' Street, wherein
1861), the Editor Of the Ibthosrrnwr, thrbui•
out a long and 'exciting campaign, presidad
with so rnuch credit to himself, and so ratielt,
advantage to the party. TusCAP.Olita ' •
7b Me Editor of the Repository:
Home again from. nay late tour to the .Hos
pitals in and near Annapolis, Md. The As
role Hospital is shout two miles froth' the
city and one from the railroad station. :like
situation of, the camp is not a desirable Kte,,
the groundis low and wet, the scenery any
thing but imposing. The convaleseent,mea
who are taken there feel' and lanient;Ote
change from the pleasant and elean hospitals
of Annapolis. li
The great majority of the men at (Imp
Parole are from ''Petinsylvania, Ohio;:iend
New York. Many from the Reystondso
jubilant over the news of the -re-nor:amides
of Gov: Curtin. test the feeling oCi..the
soldiers, the question •was asked who thexol
diora would - vote for?" !‘For Andy Our* !"
"Are you ell for Gov. Curtin ?" The prolttpt
rely" was, " not a Soldier in the camp would
vote for the - Copperhead candidate." Irtthe
entire camp not a man expressed himself:fa
vorably for George W. Woodward, but. all
avowedhim as a Southern synipathizerand
Copperhead:: One said that his own brother
was at home to vote, that he would not enter
the service, but if' God, spared him tot get
home, - he - would cripple that brother su.,,that
ho could not get- to the 'polls. The conslu-
Edon arrived, at was that,: this was' not d the
.place to present the name bf George. W.
,Woodward fts a emididato for Governor. f i.. 1 -
The next hospital visited was College-pH..
This is within the city limits, and beautAilly
situated Scenery Most imposing, site4igh
and airy, and every house and tent preseuted,
'an appearance of comfort ; theinmates cheer
ful, and looked di if pleased with themackes,
their - place and their, treatment. The ogcers
in charge ofthe , rmp wore polita - miautten- .
five ; gave entire satisfaetion to the questions
of inquiry propounded. The ladies fropit the
Sanitary department are ,like angels ,os. ex..;
riinds of merey, - moving. softly among ! the
wounded and bring cheer to all with whom
they converse, Among these was Miss Sall,.
whose smile and kind word Was apparent to.
the observer. Homy heart sickened as I
looked upon somany brave young meu c ytith
loss of limbs and constitution, left te,Vsigeir
out a life of pain.ang suffering, cheere - Aely
by the hope that 'something effectual Amid
yet put down this accursedslivehelder3 re
bellion. All this chapter. of sufferingAh the
North and South will be read in the doqm of
the slaveholders' retribution. As I,tpmned
away cheers went tip for.Giov. Curtin
rom - the bat-
a yew pighta
ted thd abo-
m that shatild
We passed on, to the Navy Hospitn l. l. Ia
this enclosure Item are
,one thousankthree
hundred and seventy-three, all more,,ot4esn-..,
wounded, many from. Libby Prison4tich
mond, all on parole, but in fine spirikswell
cared for,,happy, cheerful and content 4. I
never saw as many. in,
one leg—'_' urg
rom Vicksb, from Jacksmi tutd
elsewhere. There I found my lost end
who had seen all the horrors of Libby prison
and the terrible disease that infests that sink
of secesh pollution, the gangrene, now
recover,,ing as fast as good attention iz'
found medical skill, can warrant. /4e, as
. in the places abroad
. visited, are grevps of '
men reading the papers. The firsq saw
was the .Ncto Rolf one,*aling
aloud commenting with great eclat thatflov.
Curtin was re-nominated and sure to ko elec -
ted again Governor of Pennsylvania. ,721,e was
the - true friend of the wounded soldiy, as
well as the man in the field, alike, kind to
the man just out of the service in
bis pay, and aiding him in getting h?l,pe by.
transportation. Ana= to have said li a, word
in favor of Geo. W.
, Woodwarc. and against
Governor. Andy Curtin would be ftiund in
the unpleasant attitude of the Valle fkant's
"devil," with his "navy thick soledoots"
where all CoPpfAheada,„
dangling in the air
can breathe free of earth or heaven, aCapt.
Tell can write it on the "Telegraph" i or in
the "Bulletin." Among the manyTiounded
men i n nu the hospitals, of almost ten .thous
and, not one sympathiser or Copperhwi was
found, •nor one Pennsylvanian who „woult!
vote for the Democratic Cap' erheai ,candi
date for Governor. AznarPB.
to you ,isit,n young woman, ana you are,
A r = and alma is won, you villbotti bolone.
A * r 4
_... ,