eloling. 1863. 1 ( • . - 1863. 1 pLOTHING-.EMPORIUM VV FRANKLIN 1.107.E.t RUILDING.GORNER W .6ST ii &DK ET - STREET And the DIAMOND, CliAtf. 13E1198131W. Pa. JOHN T lIOSKINSON, Proprietor. 1 1 • The undersigned gives - notice to his legion of generou Ratrons and to the public generally, that he has now en ihand,'afol offers to purchasers, for cash, the largest and most attrattive stdck of READY-MADE CLOTHING, for the Spring and Snmtnee seasons, ever presented in this place His long established character for selling Clothing. unsurpassed in Style, Finish and Durability. he Is determined to maintain. and making his purchases in the pastern Cities this season. at the propitious time, enables him, to offer his patrons garments at prices ,t ica p,r th in, the cheapest. , [remakes these statements in no boasting or vain spirit, but asks a discriminating public to give him a call and ileciaellir themselves who. in the trade in this section. offers the best inducements purchavers. The material of every garment sold by him is pnreltitied from first-class Houses in the princi pal cities, and the manufacturing is done under his own supervision in this place; by workmen of acknowledged ability. With his stock of ItEADY-4ADE CLOTHING, he invites attention to a large Land splendid sassortmont 4 Gentlemen's FURNISHING GOODS, • which ho warrants to snit the most ,fastidious taste or he most cennomical pocket. Keep ili9 plalo in remembrance and glie him a call. - .5nne17,'133. JOHN T. KOSKI ELLIOTT, CLOTHIER, South . west Onmer of the DIAMOND, next door to the auk, COAMBERSBURG, hos just returned from the City with a lame. stock of superior and seasonable Goods, such a& CLOTH:... CASSINIERES, SATINETTS, JEAN , ' CI lit DS, Stm, for Coati and VELVETS, SATINS. 31 ARSFALLES, and other Testi:up; Also=a very fine selection of READY-MADE CLOTHING, which he le prep iced to roll at the.very lowest market prices. CUSTOMER WORK.—As he employs a first-rate cut ter, he is propare4l to make up all kinds of Garments, fi.r Melt and Boys, to order, in 'the best styles. Satis faction will he guaranteed. , A large assortment of GENTLEMIN'S Fncrstsnrea-Gooras, such as shirts. Drawers. Collars, Handkerchiefs, Sus. render's, C 4.1 pet Bags ' Umbrellas, &c., &c., always on hand, • (live him a call and save money. [June 17,'63. 44-i- J. WHITE, MERCHANT TAILOR, • ANn DEALER INRE4DI:MADE CLOTH 1, "U;—( MADE)— . _ i Ci. TR& 4. CAS.SIMERES, - VE TING.- 4 , G.E.^;;TLEW EN'S j 1 IT P...NISITING GOODS, i bridal OVERCOATS; lIIIIIRELLAS. SreP Piece Goods sold by the yard, and no charge for Cutting. oartnents sold' to persons who wish them made ;at _ !mine. Machine Silk. Chalk. and inch measures sold. Thine doors Em th of Eytter's Dry Goods St6re, Chambeis burg..Pa. p- pane 17, isfial Matta. WONDERFUL SCIENTIKC DISCOVERY.—At the present time thoughtful minds everywhere are looking for the revelation of new and important discoveries in science, and when a theory is presented claiming to have discovered new light and to have removed the veil of obscurity &Om a saliject of thu highest importance, upon which much liar been written. it is proper that the claims of this theory' be presented and carefully examined and tested, which. is destined to transcend In importance to suffering human ity. all other diseneries. the lightningrod and telegraph not excepted. We hold that the human system is but a galvanic arrangeinent. with its acids and alkalies, con= etituting the positive and ri4eitiv - e forces, and that every mental and physical maidiet , tation. either voluntaryi or involuntary, is the result of Phis antagonism; that diges tion. circulation, secretion andrexcretion are wholly at tributable to the law of electrical influences; that the nerves are the conductorscif ELECTRICITY, and that there is a polar action established through the nervous system which connects with every mutt of the body. establishing and preserving a proper balance of the electric element, which. constitutes health, and a disturbance of which causes disease; that there are strictly but two cons thins A• disease—the one positive. the other negative;and as' litzeraterry possesses these, two inherent 0 - inciples; it will, if applied according to the electric .polarities and requirements of ‘tlitr, system, arrest, or, in other words. neutrolize the, disease by the restoration of prope polar act ioe., We also assert that all drugs taken into the ste ternliflt strictly upon electrical principles; that feorn decomposition the intent electricity is set flee, and that. though the elebtrical polarities of the nervous system. all chinges are produced either for good or for evil ; that in the incipient stage ofdisease it may tend to equalize the forces, end restore harmony: bat filer the case has become refractory, paralyzing thd nervous communioe- Cons- and changing the conileituents - of the fluids, and arresting the digestive action of the stomach and its power of approbation, no internal process of_Medication - ever has, or ever can, succeed in removing the cause of - the disease, its only tentiehey being to niultiplyaid plicate the symptoms. On the.centniryi ELECTRICITY being the vita element upon which life depends'. eau be directed to :toy part of the body, and even after the vital functions seem para lyzed. possesses the powernf arousing the: dormant 'en ergies, equalizing the.circillation, and the system tb self sußt.lining system. Orie very important featurd of - this treatment he, that no thne is lost in experimenting with disease. By means or electrical test an accurate diagnosis is given at once.'determining the locality and character of the disease. and indicating the treatment to ho peaNneil The curients are "perfNtly under the duti trot of the'eperator, and can be r'egulated to suit the delicate nerves of a child without any Unpleasant sensa tion. All those who have ion. suffered (mm painful and obstinate disease—Acute, Chronic,.lnflammatory; Or ,L'aralytie—are invited to minted consult. -CONSULTATION FREE, DR. BROWN & PROF. WALK t 1 FMB in. Franklin Wett Market Street, 4.th door from the corner of the Diamond, qhumberalgtrii; Pa. June 17, '133-tf ECONOMY IS WSN - LTH! CURE YOUR COCO LI FOR TihRTEEN The Best and" elbeope.qt Household Reined' the World. - 314 DAME ZADOC PORTER'S G,REAT COUGH REMEDY Madame Zadoc Porter's Curative Balsa, is warranted if*ed according to the directions. toy fu all Cases, Cough... Colds. Whooping Cough, As. and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. Madame Zadoc Portfr's Balsam Is prepared with all the requisite care and skill, coma •ombination of t he best remedies the ye cetable kinkdcan affords. Its remedial qualities are based on Its Power to itssiet the healthy and vigorous circulation 44 the blood, through the lungs. It is not tr' violent renriedy, but emollient, warming. searching and effective; can be taken by the oldest per SOLI or youngest child. I • • .211adame Zadoc Porter's. Balsam , has been fused by the public for over 1$ years and has acquired itspre.ient salebshap.y q being recohmended by those who hare wed it, to their afflictellrieuds and others. MOST IMPORTANT: Madame Zulge Porter's Curative , Ilthiam Is said at a price which brings it lu the rut It of every one to kyep it convenient to use. The timely use of a single butte will pruve to be worth DO times its NOTICE. • '- , save your money Do not be persuaded to pur'chase articles at de. to $l, which do not contain the virdaet 01 a 13 ct Bottle if Madame Porter's - Curative Balaton, the cost of manufacturing which is as ,great as that ;of al rnast any other medicine; and the very low price at which It is sold, makes the profit to the sellerappitrent ty small, and'unprinclpled &Oen will sometimes re commend ether medicines on which their proile i are larger, unless the customers insist upon Lavin g ame ;Porter's audnonoother. Ask forkladam. Porter's Ca .-Native Balsam, price 13 eta., and in large bottles' jat 25 eta., and take, no other. If you can not get it at one store you can at'ittiother. 1 f OrSOhl by all Druggists and storekeepers at 13 eta. and in larger bottles at 25' etc. • . LULL .t HIICICEL, Proprieto: •jan - New Y rk. sm,For Sale b y & Hei3sheylnd Jacob S.Nixon, Charnbersburg. • .1 HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA; For the Belief of the Sick aria Dianna; aifiicteci faith viruient and Chronic Disease. and especially ...Or the Carit of Diseases of the &Mira Organs MEDICAL' ADVICE given gratis, by the Acti4 Bar eon. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoom,lor Serninvi Sireakness. and other Diseases of the Sexuat 01 gm*. and on the N1;14 REMEDIES employed in tile Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter istr4l opes, free of charge. Two or three stamps for p tage will be acceptable. Address. DR. J. SKILLTN HOUOIITON, Actin Sur 300n, Howard - Assoelation, No .2 South Ninth treet, irhiladelphia, Pa. Sept. 3 '6 ty Brugo, filtebicincO, rc. NIXON'S -COLUMN. - 11 At no time since the commenement of Nix- on's Drug Store, has there been so, FULL AND COMPLETE _ STOCK of Fresh and PERFECTLY RELIABLR3sEEDICINES To offer to those Who are so unfortunate as to he compelled to indulge . in such luxuries. The' . fact ia, that uriless there are large and rapid sales, no establishment can supply its customers with strictly fresh and re liable remedies, in the shape of Drugs and Chemicals. Time affects with much -More ' rapidity many more arti oles in medicine than in any -,'i ' other merchandise,hencethenQ cessity of rapid change of stock Ito ' secure to the purchaser just what is wanted. NIXON is able. by rapid changes in stock, always pi - present the very best to his customers. lle deilres to keep the above facts be- fore the community, and to solicit a continuance of favors. In . connectiou,with his full DRUGS A'ND CHEMICALS, be offers a full assortment of PATENT MEDICINES OF STANDARD CHAR- Such as Yne's Fatally Medicines, Ayer's Pectoral, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ayers Pills, lielinbold's Preparations. lloitetter's Bitters, Drake's Bitters, German Bitters, Wishart's Pine Tree Cordial, Tarrant's Aperient. Kennedy's Discovery. Hunt's Liniment,l Blair's Hypoplisphites, Mi I4obe'psack's Wright's Pills, ' Morse's Pills, , Dio,ndreth's Pills, Leidy's Pills, Townsemrs Pills, , Perry Davis's Pain Killer. I Fahnestoek's Vermifuge. Worm-,don4tetions, Worm Candy, Plasters, Ointments, . Washes, Lotions. With many other articles in this line. all of which are sold only on the representatio, of the makers of the articles. BIZITS, LUBIN'S, EDRIIII'S and other CHOICE PERFUMERY AND (SOAPS Hair Dyes, Pomades, and - other.artieles for the Hair, among which is NIXON'S BROIL TRIf7H-OS; HAIR FOOD, One of the best and most cleanly articles for the Hair, containing no grect4e, yet rendering • _ the Hair soft and glossy, and preventingit from prematurely falling off. NIXON'S GLYCERINE LOTION, Which is just the article needed for the retq l ov al of ,Dandrtiff from the Scalp, and learifig thh hair soft and glossy. In presenting these two articles for the Hair, the Proprietor has the satisfaction of knowing' that they do all •• that is reprented. TETTER OINTMENT - 'continues as much a 1' favorite as ever and it can • and (I , le* perform remarkable enre.a ' of Skin Diseases, and is guaranteed in all cases to act as represented. HQRSE AN'D CATTLE. POWDER In less than one -• • • - year and a half OVER TIVEK4 - ri-FIVE 'HUNDRED PACKS HAVEi REPS , SOLD, and the sales are on the increase. It is the powder for The Horse, The Cow, The Hog. It is neatly put up' and full directions go with each pack. Hundreds of testimonials could be pfesented, but the pro pnetor deems it ' best . to let it travel on its own merits. cure , i 1 ma, RAPER CROUP SYRUP Is made only at Nixon's for this County, and has host of friends who ean'teStify to its merits. Nixon is able to offer &large stock of TrtEees, Shoulder Braces,.. Soprihfters. Combs,_ BRishes, ' Toilet Powders, • Perfam es, ‘, . Shaving Soaps, , • Toilet Soaps, Pocket Books, Purses, Indelible Ink, Tooth Powder, ' Tooth Washes, ' • Tooth Brushes,_:_ Sponges, Flesh Brushes, • Pure Spices, Starch, Indigo, • ~ ~ Stove• Black, • - Saponifier, ' • Rat-and Roach Destroyer. In conchi - sion, Nixon begs leave to say that his st, o 4 will always be kept up to the very • best point, and will include • every-thing cal- - cala- • • - • tedfogivehealth - and comfort to the afflicted, besides such articles as taste requires. • The Important lever in business ismoney, and as all meichtmdise can be had at lower rates _ - for cash than time, NIXON desires to make "--HIS-BUSINESS STRICTLY CASH. June 17,1863. Pt flipositort), OrMgmberoyri,l-Pa,- stook of ACTER. : lii The Sheep, Bandage! also *anterr, 'Ammo; &c. QADDLERY! SADDLERY I-Bad dlek Bridles, Harness, Collars, Trunts, Valises, ke. Sign_of the , HORSE COLLAR. JEREMIAILOYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement recoivel from them heretofore, and be - would invite them and the community generally, who may need any thing in his line, to give him a call at his OLD STAND, on the'East side of Main Street, Chazabersburg, five doors Suite' of Hither ,k Tolbert's Hardware Store, where he keeps con stantly on band ever3i variety of SADDLERY AND HARNESS of his own Manufacture, and ho is prerived to sell the same at terms that defy competition. Every article offered for sale is :warranted to be male of this best material and by competent wortminc - wliTch will be fully demonstrated on en examination tbercoa TRUNKS AD3D VALISES.—Iie . would also call the attenilorrof persons wanting a- good, neat, cheap and substanial Trunk or Valise, to his assortnieut. June 17,'63. SADDLE AND HARNESS MAN VFACTORY.—The undersigned would respectfully announce to his friends -and the public generally, that he has taken the SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP for merly carried on by Matthew Gillen, deed, on WEST MARKET STREET. near the Cirrlncocheagite Creel; lit the Borough of Ommbersburg, where he manufactures Saddles, Bridles and Harness. and has constantly on harid an excellent assortment of Collars, Whips, &c.• • lle frllPlo3's none but the best'of Workmen. and con structs ail work from tho best material. TRUNK'. and VALNES constantly on all of which will be sold ss cheap as the cheapest. A con t*natve of the former pa tronage of the shop is most respectfully solicited. • June 17, 63 - JAMES -13. GILLAN. WHIPS' WHIPS ! WHIPS.''- WlwA i SHILLITO & SON, corner of Main and iVashingts, Chambereburg, Pa., menuricturers of all kinds o HIPS, such as Wagon. Carriage and Riding Whips of various sizes and of superior qtialitY, _which they offer to the public, either by Wholesale Or Retail, at very moderate prices. LASHES of all lengths kept constantly on hand and forsale by the dozen. very. cheap. They also manufacture superior .1101iSH COL LARS, to which they Invite attention. Orders from a distance solicited and promptly attend ed to. , .1n nix 17, S ADDLES, Harness, Gears, Bridle's, Halters. Callers, Whips, Stirrups. liitts,SpUrs fil- Avapron hand. nt our Shops. DEI TIL & GORDON, OUR STOCK OF SADDLES AND Bridles is very superior, and the prices will suit every body. Come and see. - DEIHL & GoRDoN; (NUR WORK IS WARRANTE)) ky and we believe cannot be beat. We employ all journeyman. Duni a: 'GORDON AnARN ESS OF E VERY DESCRIP -1111 Broad Gears, PloW Genre, Collars, hand constantly, of our own make. DP:1111. GOR DOIV WET SE NONE BT_TT THE BEST Leather. and keep none but the beet made 'goOds. and sell at reasonable prices. DEHIL & GORDON.' (goal, 'Lumber, ' G. A. DEITZ. TENCH NI'DOWELL D ELTZ & 3I'DOWELL WILL, PAY THE ReGITEST PRICE IN CASH FOR FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN,, OATS, . CLOVER SEED, TIMOTHY SEED, And all kinds of P RODIT CE A LL:)IKIIsIDS OF SALT, COAL, L UMBER, CEMEN7 PLASTER, 9 AND SAND, FOR SALE, C. A - P FOR CAS DEITZ 4. .31-DOWELL'S ..i:REHOfTSE AND COAL YARD, Near the Railroad Depot, C HAM BERSBURG, AND On North Carlisle Street, GREEYTASTLE, June 17.'63 E W FIR !-COAL I COAIL - I LIMBER! LUMBERI—Lr.O. EBERT d: 'SON, awing purchased the Coal and Lumber Ya'rd of George A. Betz. will c ,ntinue to car on the annertistness, and will always Levee's hand a large supply bf Lumber and Coal. They will be prepared to 'till all orders at the shortest notice. They respectlufly solicit the patron age of the late firm and We public' generally, and All who may desire 70. it and 4nmber to give them a call, feeling assured that no means will be spared to accom modate those on the most reastinnblo terms. June 17, '&3-tf. LEO. EBERT A SON. 1388 to anti ,Sboeo. NEW SHOE STORE.—The Sub scriber takes this method of informing the citi zens of Chambersburg and vicinity, that he has lust returned from Philadelphia with an ENTIRELY NEW -STOCK of Boots and Shoes, of every variety, 'style and pattern, and of the best manufactures. Ile has no oks Shopkeepers on hand. lifa whole stock is new. Give — film a call—you . can easily suit yourself. Ile invites the Ladies, especially, to call, as be will take 'pleasure in showing his goods. Store in the room for merly occupied by Frederick Smith, Esq., as a Law Office, and snore recently used for the purpose by George Eys; ter, Esq., two doors North of Fieher'aßotel, Main St! eet; Chambersburg, Pa. Ills large and well selected stock; he being 4 practical Shoemaker, consists of Ladles' Gaiters, Boots, Slippers and Buskins; Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes; Gentlemen's Gaiters, Slippers, Bobts and Brogans. Do not forgot the place. No trouble to show Goods at the NEW STORE, two doors North of Fisher's. Hotel Main Streeet, Chambersburg, Juno 17.1862. PETER FELDMAN. CALL AND SEE !-THE UNDER SIGNED announces to his numerous friends and customers, that he continues to manufacture to order, and keeps on hand a complete, assortment of various qualities and styles'of SHOES and GAITERS, for Ladles, Misses and Children. His assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, At', for Men and Boys' wear Is com plete, to which he respectfulliinvites attention. Work of all kinds made to order, in,a neat and durable Man ner, and at short notice. - Call and gee before purchasing elsewhere. and he will sailsfy purchasers that he Sells at very Small profits for Cash. Don't forget the place— nearly opposite Hutz At Reefer's Store, Chasebersburg, Pa. GEORGE LERNER. June 17, 1863. ittelittaL HELAITIOLD'S GENITINg, PRE PARATION., HIGHLY CONSENTRATED, CO-X -PO.TYND PLUM,: EXTRACT BITCHIA.__ • • A. positive and specific remedy • for Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and • • - • - DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. , This medicine increases.theyower of Diinstion and excites the abserbents,mto healthy Action, by' which the Watery or Calcareous Dpspositions,,cind all Unnata ral Enlargeiments are reduced. as well as Pain ,and Inthunmation, - and is GOOD FOB, . I M-FiN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. .14EL4:13 OLD'S EXTRACT• 13IICHIJ, / For Weaknesses arising}from MESSES, HABITS OP DISSIPATION, / ~ , / EARLY INDISCRETIONS, /' OR ASUSE. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLOWING ETHPTO3I9: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Memory, • i 1 , . Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease,, Dimness of Vision. - • ~., --, Hot Hands,— , . • Pallid untenance, . k. 4. Dryness Of the Skin, Univetsal Lassitude of the Mus.oular System, - Litss of Power. Difficulty of Breathing, - - I,! Trembling. - . . . - Wakefulness, • , Pain in the Back, , ' - • Flushing of the Body. - - 'Eruptions on the Face. These symittoms if allowed to go on, which the , • medicine invariably removes, 1, " soon - follow • IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, I In one of which the patient may expire. , ‘Vhd , can lay that they are not frequently followed by those direful diseases, "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." - Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none will confess. VIE RECORDS- OF TEE -INSANE . ASYLUM„ '-and the melancholy deaths by Consump tion beau• ample witness to the truth of the . assertion, THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS. Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and...in vigorate the system, which. • - HE LMBOL D'S EXTRACT BUCHU , Invariahly does. A trial will convince the most slteptical FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES. • Old or young, single, married. or contem- Plating marriage. • In many affections peculiar to Females the Extract Bimini is unequalled by any other remedy, as Chlarosia or Retention, Irregularity, Pain fulness., or Suppression of Customary Evacuatian, Ulcerated or Schirrous - • state of the Uterus, Leueorrhea or Whitet, Sterility. and for ' all complaints incident to the Sex. whether ari • Sing from Indis-\ • cretion, Habits of Dissipation: or in the . lIECLItiA OE CHANGE 01 LIFE. (ben Symptom's above.) NO RIIIILY SHOULD BE wiTHorr IT. Take no more Balsam. Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Aanger , gerous Diseases. , HELIIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU • and - • lIELMBOLD'S UNPROVED ROSE WATER,: cures . , 13er S R•ET D S AS ES, . In all their Stages; • - Little or no change in Diet; Agittle Expense; No Inconvenience; AND NO EXPOSURE. - It causes a frecident 'desire and, gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Pbstructions. Pre venting and Caring Strictures of the Ure "the, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this class of diseases, • and expelling all Poisonous, dis eased and worn out Matter. ' THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS • Who hare - been the victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time. \ have found they were deceived, and that • the Poison has, by the use of Powerful As tritouts, been dried up in the system . ; to break 'o N ut in an aggravated form, perhaps after banal/GE. HELMBOLD'S for all AffeationsfindDisease:g of THE URINARY ORGANS, ..whether existing in_ • 11, MALE 'OR FEMALE, FROM WHATEVEE. CAUSE ORIGINATING AND NO MAT- - TER HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a Diuretic. 11E.1,31BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC And it is certain to have the desired effect on Disca - beS for which it is recommended. EVIDENCE OF THE MOST RELIA.- *JE AND RESPONSIBLE CHARACTER will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES. OF CURES OF ID'S , EASES OF FROM EIGHT TO TWEN TY YEARS STANDING, milfitwames known to science and fame. , !kirkgclA - Ns" PLEASE - we make no secret of Ingredients. LIEL-11.BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHE Is composed of Buchu, Cubebs,Juniper Berries, selected with great care by a competent d rug gist. Prepared in vacuo, by IL T. HELMBULD. Practical and - Ana lytical Lin:mist, and sole Manufacturer of lIELMBOLD'S GENUINE .PREPARATIO."!;;S. • AFFIDAVIT. • Personally appeared before me art Alderman of the City of - Philadelphia, H. T. 111 , 1LMBOLD, who Lining duly sworn, doth say his preparations 'contain no narcotie, o mercury, or other injurious drugs, but arc purely veg- • etable. _ • H. T. , HELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me this Zld day of November, Mt - • WILLIAM P. Alderman, Ninth et., ab. Race, Phila. PIIYI - CLANS IN ATTENDANCE FROM 3 A. M. TILL BP. M. pRfpE $1 PER BOTTLE oi SIX ron $5. ps_tlivered to any address , securely packed . ----- from observation. Address let- . - tern for information in confidence to H. fr: HELMBOLD, CHEMIST Depat.lo4 SOUTH TENTH STREET, Below Chestnut, Philadelphia, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINI, CIPLED ; DEALERS, who endealor to dispose of their own and other ar ticles on the reputationlittained by lIELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HelmbolNs Genuine Extract Buchu; Relmbold's Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla: Relmbold's Genuine Improved Rose Wash. Sold by Druggists'Eterywhere. ASK- FOR ITELMBOLD'a-TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out the tuivertisementand send for it, and avoid , imposition and exposure. Describe symptoms in all corn munications. . CIIEES GUARANTEED, ADVICE GRATIS.' Sept, 10. '62-17 MEI , of ;OW. PENNSYLVANIA. BAIL ROAD ! J SUSMER TINE TABLE. :Five Trains Decay to ;and frons Philadelphia, on arid after ; MONDAY, APRIL 20th,1863. - - 1 L • The Passenger Tralni of the Pennsylvania Teals:ad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows: . EASTWARD. ' . - THDHIGH EXPRESS TRAIN 1 leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.00 A. 11., and arrives at West Philadelphia at G.lO A'. IL. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 5.45 A. M., and arrives at West 1 hilitoelphia at 9.55 A.ar. Passengers take breakfast at i taixaster. ' - WAY ACLAYSIMODATION, via :Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7:00 A.m., and arrives at West Philadel lphla it 12.25 P. az. FAST mArt. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg, daily (except 3unday) at 1.00,. Y., mid arrives at West Philadelphia At 5.00 P. st. I.IS.IIPASIMR4 ACCOXIXIODATEIN TRAIN,. via Co lumbia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 p. X., and - arrives at 'West Philadelphia at 9.30 P. is. _ WESTWARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS Tllllsi leaves Harrisburg daily (except Mondliy) at 2.00 A. at.; Altoona, 7.15 A. take breakfast. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon. PHILADELPHIA. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris -org daily at 3.00 A.,'t.; Altimia lat 8.00 A. at., take veakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P;3l. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15- P. at., take apper, and arrives atl'ittsbnrg at 12.30 A.M. .FAST ,LINE; leaves Bartisburg at 3.50 P. 2.14 Altoona 8.35 P. 31., and arrives at Pittsburg' at 1.00 A. at. lIA.IIIIISBURtI 'ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves hiladelphia at 2.30 e. Is., and arrives at Harrisburg at WAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves .Philadeliihia v., 4.001. st., and arrives at Harrisburg 'at 9.40 P. If. his train' rutui via Mt. Joy. SAMtini D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Div. Pentru June 17,1863.4 f. ,VORTHERN CENTRAL R.AJL-- WAYI—SUMMER.TIME TABLE. Three trains daily to and Iron Baltimore and Wash ,ngton City. Connections made with trains oa Pennsylvania Bail oad, to and fromPitthburg and the West. TWO MAINS DAILY to and from the North and 'YestB3ranch Susquehanna, Elmln4 and all of Northern 'law York. ' , On and after Monday, Apra 2014, 1863, the Passenger 'rains of the NortheraCentral Railway will arrive at nd depart from Ilatrisburg and 'Baltimore as follows, SOUTHWARD MAIL TRA.11 , ,l leaves Sui Airy daily (etc' epr 4 Sunday) . 10,10 A. M. 6 • leaves Harrisburg ' '1.15 P. 31 6 - arrives at Baltimore' 6.35 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN ;eaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday).., 11.07 P. M. tt leaves Harrisburg (except - , - Mosaday) 2.00 A. If, " am s at Baltimore daily, _, e pt Monday) • 6.15 a. r. EIARRISBII 0 ACCOMMODATION leaves ' ' Harfaburg - 820 A. Y. -. I , " NORTHWARD. -- MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore.Zaily (ex- ,- " cept Sunday) ' '9.15 A. IS. " leaves Harrisbn i g 1.15 P.M. \ - arrives at Sunbury 4.05 PM. EXPRESS TRAIN laaves Baltimore daily... 9.15 P. M. • arrives at Harrisburg 1.35 A. 3- •. \ leaves lEarrisbnrg daily (ex. \ cept Monday) 3.00 A if! \ arrives at Sunbury 5.58 A. M. 11ARIOSBU1t0 ACCON.MODATION leaves , - Baltimore daily (except Sun- ',- . day) -2 55 P.m. `F , arrives at Harrisburg , 7.30 P.M. For:farther information apply at. tho Office, in Penn sylvaida Railroad Depot, Harrisburg. J. N. DuBARRY, Gen Supt. • June 17, '63.-tf. 1 , STEW AIR DINE ROUTE.—Three TrainiDway to New York and l'hiladelpkia. On and after Monday, April 20th, 1863, the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, at Ilairisburg, for New York and Philadelphia,ns follows, viz: EASTWARD EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrliburg at 2.15 A. ar., on irrival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 9.30 A. M.. and Phila delphia at 8.20 A. 31. ' A sleeping Car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. M., arriving in New York at 6.3 u P. M., and Philadelphia at 1.50 P. M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg ;at 2.00 P. m„ arriving in New York at 10.25 P. m., and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. ar. WESTWARD FAST LINE leaves New York at 13.00,1,.. m., and. Phila ielphia at 8.15 A. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. x SIAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12,00 noon, and Philadelphia at 2.30 lc; arriving at Harrisburg . at 8.20 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New lork at 7-00 P. 3L., ar riving. at Harrisburg at 2.10 A. I.l.:and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleep ing car is also attached tci - this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania. Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railrbads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Potts ville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, &c. .- Baggage checked through. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, $5 15 ; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $3 35 in No. 1 cars, and $3 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to i J. J: CLYDE, Tune 17,'53. tf. General Agent, Harrisburg . 1862 I 1863. I ,V INTER ARRANGEMENT CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RA ILROADB. CHANGE OF 110trltS.—On and after Monday, No. ',ember 17,1862, Passenger Trains will run daily, as fellows, (Sundays excepted): i - FOR, CHAMB.titSBITAG AND HAR RISBURG : A. M. P. M. • Leave Hagerstown J 7.00 2.45} •° Greencastle I 7.37 ' 3.35 { Arrive 8.17 4.29 Chambersbrwg Leave at - 8.30 12.55 • _ 9.00 ". 1.28 Leaves Shipperobtrrg Newville 9.32 2.00 Carlisle 10.10 2.42 Mechanicsburg ' 10 42 3.12 trrive at Harrisburg 11.15 3.40 FOR CHAMBERSBURGAND HAGERS , TOWN. A. M. P. M. 8.05 135 9.47 , 2.15 9.27 .2.55 ' 10.02 3.29 Leaves larrisbnrg...... - Mechanicsburg . 4 Carlisle " Newvitte Shlppensburg Irrive at Charnlkersburg Leave Clmbersburg.... Greencastle .trrive at liarrisbnrg 12.35 - 0.10 ' tso- Making close connections at. Harrisburg with ...txtitis for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg; and with trains for all points West ' 1 Supt, R. R. Office, ClialiThersburg. Nbv. 17, 1862. ' 1863 DIIitADELPHIA:I AND ERIE RAILROAD.—This great line traverses the ;North cm and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city ,f Brie, on Lake Brio. - It has been leased by the ,Pennsylvania Railroad Cbmparty, and under their anSpiceti is being rapidly , pened-throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business mom 'Harrisburg to Driftwood, (2d Fork.) (177' miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles,) en the Western Division, TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT lIARRIERURG.. MAIL TRAIN leaves North 1.16 A, m. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Nortli 8.00.A.z Cars ran through WITHOUT citizen both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be• tween Baltimore and Lock Haydn. . _ -Elegant Sleeping Carson the Express train both ways. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. Corner 11th and Minket streets, Philadelphia. And for Fieight business of the Company's Agents S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. Unhand Market stis.,Philada. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. M. Drill, Agent N.C. It. R. Baltimore, Md. IL 11. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. LEWIS L. HOITPT, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, • • Jane 17,,G3] Geeeral Mapager, Willianisport. _ p P ARENTS of Soldiers in the Ser vice, or in Hospitals, can ,?nrnish them with the • uOSITORY threemonths fora& cents; six mouths for 50tents. or one year for $1.00 : - BROTHERS of Scildiersin the Ser vice, or in Hospitals. can furnish them with the itspOSIDAY three months kir 2freentic six months fur 60 cents, or one yearfoiSt.(p.i , TO ALENCIIA.NTS . .—The way to secure profitable crostomi.is to•enexesitte in the FItANXL::; • READING 11AIII MER ARithsaG EMS:NT. GREAT TRUNK .L 1 NR from the North and North west for Philadelphia. New York. Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, itc., Se: - Trains leave liarrisburg for. Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, aroi all intermediate stations, at 8.00 6.11 and 2.00 P. M. ',Coy. -York Express leaves 11errfsburg. at 2.15 A. 14., arriving at New York at 9.15 the same morning.. - Fares from liarristierg: To New York $5.15: to Phila.- delphia 53.35 nod S ~80. Ilaggatie checked through. Returning, leave N..a. York at 6 A.. 7it.,12 Noon, and 7P: at., (Pitisho* Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8.15 A. u.,and 3.30 r.-sr. Sleeping cars in the Now York Express Trains through to and from Pittsburg without change-. • . Passengers by th, Eatawbisa Railroad leave Tamaquo at &WA. as., gld 2. b r as., for Philadelphia, Now - York, and all Way Points.. , - . Trains leave Pottsville at' 9.15 and 2.30 P. at., for Philadelphia, Flarrixinitz. and New York. An Accommodati..n Passenger train leaves Reading at 6.00 A. u, and returns front Philadelphia at 5.00 P. at. All the above tiains rtin daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sunday train lsaves Pottsville at 7.30 A. at., and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. x. - - Commutation, 141ileace. Season, and Excursion Tickets at reduced rates to and from all points. G. A. NIOCOLVI. • , General Superintendent. Jun 817,18610: parbtuare, eutlerp, &c. HARDWA B E ! J. FRED. BMMEL. i axes. RICHAILIVON The undersigned w.,oldwectfully call the attention of COUNTRY HERA:HAN - to their large and well se lected stock of H A RD WA R El Having madespec. ii arrangements for the .1;I:ff1 Trade, we flatter ourselve...e c..n offer inducements to pur chasers ihat LAI! r.-nunerate the trouble of exam ining.our stock. unt a trial, Ato convince the 'January Trade, tlua ue are prepared to. sell low and accommodate. !, • Our stock of Table. and .Pockrt Cuaery to unusually largo,oelected witL cal autliucluding &variety ofetylco that connotbut snit 111-triteo. - ' We have constant un, hand a large , assortmen; of Building Hardware - . Tools, Cutlery. I . ... nes, 1001-I:nxea. awl Chests, Saddlers, - and Shoemakers Tools; Screws, -Naifs, everything In short. pert.ining to afirst alaitTardware Store. • - Particular attenti.•u paid to Country orders. It is our aim to secure the cefirrerex of our customers, and to this end we are particuln r. in filling orders, to give the best and as cheap as though the customers were frig in person. (live us ati iui. _ .10.rEararess.—J. ti. r. sq.; A. B. McClure, L. B. Eyster,Chambersburir, 5,'68-tf N L. HARDWARE §TORE.- . - _ B. EYSTER - • .. would respectfully iiillum his filen and the Platt , • generally, that in connextion with KEROSENE OIL AND -LAM STORE, ,he has commenced the If A.RDWARE business, at his ' new Store room, one door north of , 01. Huber's Grocery: His stock consists in the tAlowitts attic-km-via ; , ' Building Hardware, . , House Furnishing Go , ds, • Table and P.,ck•-t Cutlery, . , Meehan ics"fols o, -_,. Nails h) the small or keg, Farming 'Utensils, such as , 'Shoves, et:lades, .. Fo:t.c., Also, Glass, Paints, Penz.;e. . Linseed, Kero,ene Ind Lubricating 011 s; Lamps of all discriptions, - - Chan , ' Hers for Gas and Kerosene PettitJars, best quality, &c., &t: &W. Agent for Sale s f EVANS & WATSON'S If Ire Proof Safes• , Dilly 29 , 'SL _ . IFE ARDWARE A..ND CUTLERY W. W. KNIGHT & SON, Importer" snd Dealers in AMERICAN, lENI:LISH AND GERMAN HARDWARE, 509 CwitmereC Street, Between sth and , rliand Market and Arch Ste Philadelphia. aug. 5, '63-tt SHOEMAKERS ATTENTION.- We have always on'hand. Shoe Thread, Lasts, Beet trees, Leathers, Shoe Irons ,&a, Lc. June 17, '63. - , MYERS & BRAND. • M - YERS-& BRAND are COHStantlY receiving - fresh Hardware, to which they invite the attention of the public. Wo have a large_ stock of Nails cad-Iron, which we offer at reduced prices. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF 111.1ThDING MATPRIALS, each as Hinges, Bolts, tierews, Locke, Glass, Putty, &a OTT,S AND PAINTS—Best Midi. Bead, White Lead, Linseed Oil, and all kinds o colors, at the lowest oash prices. &MRS & BRAND. A LARGE STOCK OF CEDAR weßt, Tubs, Buckets, Chum, Baskets, Water Dane, &c. 'MYERS & BRAND. GUM PACKING AND BELTING, 3lannla Rope, 34, 5 , 6 x, % and I Inch._ MYERS & BRAND. FRANKLIN INSURANCE COM PANY .OF 'PNILADELPiIIA, No. 435 and 451 tan:stunt Street. Capital Perpetual Premiums; tneapired Temporary Premiums. Surplus. \ lilit ~ . Total \' $2,392,218 33 Statement of the Agnate of to Company otrJannsty I, 1863. , .. First Mortgages, amply secured. $1;993,931 46 Real Estate, (present value $138,322.47,) cost 128,970 7 . 7 Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral Secu rities - 84,625.99 ...... .30.33 4.00 4 11.00 4.30 .11.10 4.40 .1 ...... ...11.55 - 5.30,, Stocks, (present va1ne.599,366 16,) cost 134,901 50 Notes and Bills receilible 1,549 50 Cash 76,312 03 $2,369,391 e 3 Advance in valtie of Rial Estate over cost, 9,851. 70 Advent.° In value of StoCks over coat 13,473 60 „ . Toial • $2,892,116 3 Sir. The only Profits from Premitims which this Com pany can:divide by law, are from Risks which have been determined. . r. ,-1868 Extract from the Charter of the Company. ' But the moneys received as premiums upon risks which remaln - lindetermlned, and aro ontstandingat the time of declaring each Dividend, shall not be considered. as part of the profits of said Corporation, or divided as emir _ PERPETUAL or LIMITED INSURANCES made on every description of property, in Town and Country, for Owners, Mortgagee. Orou.nd, _Landlords, lie; Ac. Rates as low as are consistent with security. Since their Incorporation, a period of thirty years, they have paid ever HOUR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS LOSSES BY FIRE, 'thereby affording evidence of the advantages: of Insurance, as well as the 'ability and dis position to meet with. promptness all liabilities. LOSSES BY VIRE Loma paid during tho year 1862 ZAB. W. M'Atimrza, Sec'y pro tem. tar Application Made to Dann Omni. of Chambe:s burg, who ie an authorized Agent for the Company either personally or by letter, will meet with attention March 4,1803. OUR AGENT.--313. JonN GRovE i of Chamborsburg, is the General Agent of the F ra nkli n County Mutual Insurance Company. June117,433.j - - WM. McLELLAN. DIED BASKETS, Bathltibe. • Fountains, _ - Cale fish Bone,— • - • , Canary - Hemp, . Haps! and May Seed; • iittri__ , of-Erabei. SHIM & RICHARDSON, 611 Market St., Philadelphia. . SMITH & RICHARDSON, .ill Market St.. Philadelphia EZEI lIIIIIM MYIIRS & BRAND iinouranre. DIRECTORS. • ' Charles N. Backer, David S. Sitrovnh - Tobias Wagner, Isaac Lea, Runnel Grant. - Edward C. Dale, Jacob R. Smith, George Fales, George W. Richards Alfred Fitter. .CIIAILI:F.8 N. RANCHER, President EDWARD C. DA - LE, Vice President. El kUttittl Liftete, Scythc4l, etc., etc $400,000 0 1 ) „. 895,824 .63 171,525 65 924,765 11 $69,798 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers